Uploaded by Ahmed El-Attar

Teacher Job Description

Job Status:
Direct Supervisor:
Direct Manager:
Full Time
Subject Specialization Department
Division Principal
Job Objectives:
● Teaches the ***** approved curriculum following the school’s policies and
philosophy using a variety of techniques and materials.
● Maintains all required students and administration records.
● Communicates regularly with students, school administrators and parents
regarding student academic progress.
● Supports all ***** academic and behavioral policies.
Managerial Authority:
▪ Employees Managed:
▪ Signature Authority:
▪ Budget Authority:
▪ Operational Authority:
Main Job Tasks
Operational Focus
● Handles classroom set-up, preparation of materials, and structures
classroom space to facilitate the program’s learning goals.
● Interacts with students in all class activities through engaged play, facilitating
peer interactions and uses appropriate classroom management techniques.
● Attends staff meetings, department meetings and meets with other teachers
regularly for planning and reflection.
● Assists with program responsibilities such as newsletters, making materials,
progress reports, conferences, and other such special events.
● Serves on committees, as required.
● Observes students' performance, and records relevant data to assess
● Conducts "peer observation" class visits as per the school policy.
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● Presents subject matter to students under the direction and guidance of
HODs, using lectures, discussions, or activity-based methods.
● Plans, prepares, and develops various teaching aids and uses computers,
audio-visual aids, and other equipment and materials to supplement
● Participates in teacher-parent conferences regarding students' progress or
● Grades homework and tests, and computes and records results, using
answer sheets or electronic marking devices.
● Assists students with hardware and software use on their individual
● Prepares lesson outlines and weekly plans in assigned subject areas and
submits outlines to HODs for review.
● Implements yearly syllabus for assigned subjects based on identified longterm goals and specific objectives by the CD/HoDs.
● Develops classroom culture of fairness and support which fosters academic
achievement, sound work habits and positive attitudes.
● Supervises co-teacher in his/her interactions with students, families, and
staff. Involves him/her in the formative evaluation process. (Where
● Conducts parent conferences as/if needed and required.
● Communicates with families through digital messaging, email, conferences,
and reports about student development to create a cooperative relationship
to support the student in the school.
● Facilitates student Orientation Program at the beginning of the school year.
● Attends morning lines, bus and gate duty, and other supervisory tasks as
assigned by principal / director.
● Attends after school / Saturday classes as directed by the school director.
● Creates and uploads instructional material and lesson plans onto the BLB as
requested by the HoD.
● Facilitates programming of special classes (art, music and PE) when needed
and coordinates with them to promote curriculum planning that correlates
with the program philosophy.
● Attends morning lines, bus and gate duty, and other supervisory tasks as
assigned by principal / director.
● Takes class attendance on the BLB (ES to be assisted by the Co-Teachers).
● Submits weekly plans to HOD.
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● Communicates with students and parents through BLB messaging, email,
and parents conferences to report developments and maintain a cooperative
● Performs any other related tasks when required.
Academic Focus
● Instructs and monitors students in the use and care of equipment and
materials to prevent injuries and damage.
● Prepares lesson materials, bulletin board displays, exhibits, equipment, and
● Organizes and labels material and displays students' work in a manner
appropriate for their eye levels and perceptual skills.
● Maintains positive, cooperative, and mutually supportive relationships with
students, staff, parents and any other third parties
● Observes student behavior and consults with HODs in strategies for
improving progress
● Discusses assigned duties with HODs to coordinate instructional efforts
● Tutors and assists children individually or in small groups to help them attain
mastery of the concepts being taught.
● Writes periodic student progress reports, when needed.
● Conducts in class and online instruction for students according to the
provided schedule.
Provide HoDs with constant feedback concerning long/medium term plans in
terms of applicability, used resources and pace.
● Construct meaningful assignments/ projects in adherence to the learning
objectives as needed.
● Construct diversified question banks for BLB in adherence with the objectives
taught throughout the term, as needed. Make suggestions of all possible
cross curricular links to HoDs and reflect them in the lesson plans.
● Assists students on a one-to-one basis or in small groups to help them attain
mastery of the concepts being taught.
● Performs any other related tasks when required.
Managerial Focus
● Assists with classroom curriculum that follows the direction of program
philosophy, through implementation and evaluation.
● Enforces administration policies and rules governing students.
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● Provides extra assistance to students when needed.
● Adheres to all organization policies, procedures and codes of ethics and
ensures proper communication and implementation within the team.
● Promotes and maintains commitment to the organization’s culture and spirit.
● Nurtures a healthy work environment.
● Maintains effective communication paths.
● Performs any other related tasks when required.
● Helps in the selection and hiring of similar employees.
● Writes a thorough report for “at risk students” and sends it to the Principal
with the HoD and AD in CC.
Essential Skills and Attitudes:
● Good track record of self-progress and development.
● Good understanding of
educational and
academic dynamics and
● Ability to interact and cooperate with all organization employees.
● Ability and willingness to abide by the policies and procedures set by the
● Ability to take initiative and responsibility for own actions and their
● Strong interpersonal skills.
● Has a keen awareness of all ***** policies and actively implements and
upholds them with accountability and fidelity.
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