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English Module: Defining a Term

Quarter 3 - Module 1
Defining a Term
of the Philippines
Table of Contents
What This Module is About.......................................................................................i
What I Need to Know................................................................................................ii
How to Learn from this Module................................................................................ ii
Icons of this Module.................................................................................................iii
What I Know............................................................................................................ iii
Lesson 1:
Parts and Patterns of Definitions..............................................................................1
What I Need to Know..........................................................................1
What I Know..……………………………………,……….
……………………… 1
What’s New ......................................................................................1
What Is It.............................................................................................2
What’s More .......................................................................................3
What I Have Learned..........................................................................4
What I Can Do....................................................................................4
Assessment………………………………………………….…………… 4
Activities………………………………………………………………….. 6
Lesson 2:
The Grammar of Definitions.....................................................................................7
What I Need to Know..........................................................................7
What I Know..……………………………………………………………. 7
What’s In…………………………………………………………………. 7
What’s New ......................................................................................7
What Is It.............................................................................................8
What’s More .......................................................................................8
What I Have Learned..........................................................................9
What I Can Do....................................................................................10
Assessment……………………………………………………………… 10
Additional Activities…………………………………………………….. 11
Lesson 3:
Technical vs. Operational definitions....................................................................... 12
What I Need to Know.......................................................................... 12
What I Know..……………………………………………………………. 12
What’s In…………………………………………………………………. 12
What’s New ...................................................................................... 13
What Is It............................................................................................. 13
What’s More ....................................................................................... 14
What I Have Learned.......................................................................... 14
What I Can Do.................................................................................... 14
Assessment……………………………………………………………… 15
Additional Activities............................................................................. 15
Lesson 4:
Writing Operational Definitions................................................................................. 16
What I Need to Know.......................................................................... 16
What I Know..……………………………………………………………. 16
What’s In…………………………………………………………………. 16
What’s New ...................................................................................... 17
What Is It............................................................................................. 17
What’s More ........................................................................................17
What I Have Learned...........................................................................18
What I Can Do.....................................................................................18
Assessment……………………………………………………….……… 19
Additional Activities...............................................................................19
Assessment: (Post-Test).....................................................................................…21
What This Module is About
This module intends to help learners gain mastery of two competencies in the
Second Quarter. This provides language tasks to equip learners with the necessary
skills to effectively define a term. There are four lessons which are sequenced as
Lesson 1: Parts and Patterns of Definitions
Lesson 2: The Grammar of Definitions
Lesson 3: Technical vs. Operational Definitions
Lesson 4: Writing Operational Definitions
As a tool for Alternative Delivery Mode, this module includes activities which
students can work on with very minimal teacher support. They are arranged in
increasing complexity to meet the varying needs of the learners.
Notes to the Teacher:
This module is designed for self-learning; however you have an important role
to play. You are the learner’s most reliable reference. It is you who knows which
among the learners need more scaffolding to do the tasks. By frequently monitoring
the learners’ progress, you can provide the needed intervention.
Notes to the Learner:
Be sure to religiously do the activities in this module. They are intended to
help you master the competency at your own pace. Answer keys are provided at the
end to help you self-check your own answers. Should you find that your answer is
wrong, think carefully and review. By doing so, your mistakes are not wasted
because you will learn from them. If you have other concerns, do not hesitate to ask
help from your teacher. You can also use other references to further enhance your
learning. Lastly, do not forget to have fun!
Note to Parents/Guardians:
Your main role is to make sure your child has a conducive place and enough
time to work on this module at home. To maximize learning, you can also help your
child if he/she encounters some difficulties but make sure it is really your child who
does all the required tasks. Finally, just feel free to contact your child’s English
teacher if needed.
What I Need to Know
In this module, you are expected to do the following:
1. Observe correct grammar in making definitions (EN10G-IIe-29)
a. Identify parts of a definition
b. Use sentence patterns in writing definitions
c. Shorten full definitions
2. Give technical and operational definitions (EN10V-IIa-13.9)
a. Distinguish technical from operational definitions
b. Write technical definitions
c. Write operational definitions
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
Answer all the given tests and exercises.
Icons of this Module
What I Need to
This part contains learning objectives that
are set for you to learn as you go along the
Module each day/lesson.
This is a pre-test assessment as to your level
knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
What I know
meant specifically to gauge prior related
This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.
What’s In
What’s New
An introduction of the new lesson through
various activities, before it will be presented
to you.
What is It
These are discussions of the activities as a
way to deepen your discovery and understanding of the concept.
What’s More
These are follow-up activities that are intended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.
What I Have
Activities designed to process what you
have learned from the lesson
What I can do
These are tasks that are designed to showcase your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.
What I Know
Read each item carefully and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which sentence is an operational definition of the term extensive reading?
A. Williams (1984, p. 10) defines extensive reading as “the relatively rapid
reading of long texts…”
B. Extensive reading refers to the reading program wherein a learner reads at
least ten books every week for comprehension.
C. Extensive reading is defined as reading large quantities of easy language
materials for comprehension without performing any tasks after reading.
D. Extensive reading is reading of a large quantities of material or long texts, for
global or general understanding, with intention of obtaining pleasure from the
text” which is important for language learning.
2. Which is a technical definition?
A. The most recent survey on financial capability in the Philippines was conducted by
the WB in 2015.
B. Financial capability, according to World Bank (2013a), is “an internal capacity
to act in one’s best financial interest, given socio-economic environmental
C. Respondents’ financial wellness refers to their average score on a 12-item
Likert-scale survey questions concerning overall satisfaction with the financial
D. Colmar Brunton (2009) survey measured financial knowledge, goal setting,
financial planning, budgeting, debt management, saving, investing, and
managing risk.
3. Which is the general class in the definition below?
Chemistry is a science that deals with the properties of matter
4. Which of the following sentences is a definition?
A. Man’s needs include goods ranging from basic necessities to luxuries and
B. Economists study how man’s material needs are supplied, or how scarce
resources are utilized.
C. Economists divide much of their subject into how goods and services are
produced and how they are distributed.
D. Economics is the social science concerned with analysis of production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
5. Which of the following sentences provides a definition?
A. Formally, Swan (2005) defines “grammar” as “…a set of devices
needed especially to express certain kinds of necessary meaning.”
B. Brown (2000) says that studies of error correction have not yet
reached a consensus regarding the most effective method for error
C. Nelson (2014) claims grammar Nazis seem to receive more negative
perceptions as compared to those showing other skills such as at
D. According to Cook (2001), in the context of language teaching,
whether grammar should be explained to the students has been a
classical debate.
Choose the correct expression to complete each definition.
6. Abortion _______ the termination of pregnancy
A. defines
B. defined
C. is defined
D. is defined as
7. Mammals _______ backbones are called vertebrates.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. having
8. Any act _______ painless death to end the suffering of patients who have no
chance of recovery is called euthanasia.
A. cause
B. caused
C. that causes
D. that is caused
9. Success is a goal _______ by service granted.
A. that measure B. that measures C. that measured D. that is measured
10. Dialysis is a medical process ________ to treat patients with kidney disease.
A. used
B. using
C. that used
D. that uses
For 11-12, form a definition out of the given phrases in the box. Just choose the best
1. capital punishment
4. the death penalty
2. imposed on persons
5. is called
3. found guilty of major crimes against persons and property.
A. 1-5-4-3-2
C. 1-4-5-3-2
B. 4-1-2-3-5
D. 4-2-3-5-1
1. any act
2. that
3. can be defined as
4. terrorism
5. uses force, violence, or threat to demoralize or intimidate
A. 1-2-3-4-5
B. 4-3-1-2-5
C. 3-2-1-5-4
D. 5-4-3-1-2
Write A if the definition is Technical and B if it is Operational.
13. Pulse is the regular expansion and contraction of an artery, caused by the heart
pumping blood through the body.
14. Weight refers to the numbers that appear when an object is placed on a weighing
15. Working women are women engaged in full time paid employment, working at
least 40 hours or more per week.
Parts and Patterns of
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, you will learn to observe correct grammar in making
definitions. Specifically, you are expected to
a. identify parts of a definition; and
b. use sentence patterns in writing definitions.
What I Know
A. Write FD if the sentence is a full definition and ND if
A lyric poem which is composed of fourteen lines is called a sonnet.
The Internet makes communication much faster and easier.
A capella refers to a performance without musical accompaniment.
An analog computer is a device designed to solve scientific problems.
Life is not always as easy as you think.
For 6-8, study the sentence below. Write only the letter of your answer.
A ballad is a poem intended to be sung.
6. Which part is the term defined?
7. Which part is the general class?
8. Which part is the distinguishing characteristic?
it is not a
What’s New
Read the selection in the box and find out how the author defines
anti-life acts.
Anti-life acts are measures that seek to terminate life wilfully and
consciously. Today, there are four generally recognized anti-life acts which bear
scrutiny: abortion, euthanasia, terrorism, and capital punishment. Abortion is
referred to as the termination of pregnancy before the fetus reaches 20 weeks of
gestation. Euthanasia connotes the act of causing death painlessly so as to end
the suffering of patients who have no chance of recovery. Meanwhile, the act of
using force, violence, or threat to demoralize, intimidate, or subjugate others is
known as terrorism. Lastly, capital punishment is defined as the death penalty
imposed on persons found guilty of major crimes against persons and properties.
How does the author define the following terms? Provide a one-sentence definition
for each term.
 Anti-life acts
Capital punishment
What Is It
In defining a term, you actually answer the question “What is A?”
Definitions are commonly used in expository writing such as researches, scientific
and legal texts. It is also used in essays and other text types in order to make ideas
and concepts clearer.
Full definitions are composed of a term to define, the general class to which the
term belongs and a distinguishing characteristic which separates the term from
the other members of the same class. A definition uses one of these two patterns.
Pattern 1:
Term =
is defined as
refers to
distinguishing characteristics
of v+ing/N…
by which…
Freedom is the ability to do what is right.
Family is a group of people who are bound together by love.
Biology is a branch of science dealing with the study of life.
Pattern 2:
of V+ing/N
by which…
is/are called
is/are known
The ability to do what is right is freedom.
A group of people who are bound together by love is called family.
A branch of science dealing with the study of life is biology.
Note: An article (The, A, An) may or may not be added at the beginning of each
sentence. V on the structure refers to Verb.
Now, you’re ready for more tasks.
What’s More
A. Go back to the definitions of anti-life acts. Fill out the chart below with the parts of each definition.
Distinguishing Characteristic
B. Write D if the sentence is a definition and ND if it is not a definition. If you
answer D (definition), circle the term defined, box the class, and underline the
distinguishing characteristic.
1. A square is a polygon that has four equal sides.
2. A microscope is needed to conduct experiments with microorganisms. _______
3. Scientists work with clearly defined objectives.
4. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food.
5. Understanding human genetics is important in medical sciences.
6. Her father is a well-known surgeon working in a huge hospital.
7. Abortion is illegal in the Philippines.
8. Mammals that have backbones are called vertebrates.
9. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
10. Compounds are chemical substances formed by combining elements. _______
C. Write a full definition from each given set of terms to define, generalizing the
class, and distinguishing the characteristics below. Give two sentences following the
patterns you have learned.
triangle – polygon- three sides
Pattern 1:
A triangle is a polygon that has three sides.
Pattern 2:
A polygon that has three sides is called a triangle.
1. chair – furniture – used for sitting
Pattern 1: ________________________________________________
Pattern 2: ________________________________________________
2. haiku – a poem – composed of seventeen syllables in three line
Pattern 1: ________________________________________________
Pattern 2: ________________________________________________
3. semantics – the science – deals with meaning in language
Pattern 1: ________________________________________________
Pattern 2: ________________________________________________
4. thermometer – an instrument – used to measure temperature
Pattern 1: ________________________________________________
Pattern 2: ________________________________________________
5. playwright – a person – writes plays
Pattern 1: ________________________________________________
Pattern 2: ________________________________________________
What I Have Learned
1. What are the three main parts of a definition?
A. ___________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________
2. What are the two patterns in writing full definitions?
A. ___________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________
What I Can Do
Love, Humility, Wisdom, Faith, or Perseverance?
Choose the virtue which you think is the most important. Using the
table, provide the class to where it belongs and a distinguishing characteristic
that separates it from the rest. Then, write a definition of the word using the
two patterns.
Distinguishing characteristic
Full Definition
Pattern 1:
Pattern 2:
Read each item carefully and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following sentences is a definition?
A. The people are warned against going out despite the relaxed quarantine
B. Antibodies are primary forms of immune response to disease caused by
viruses or bacteria.
C. Rapid tests are done to find out if a specific antibody is found in a
suspected or probable COVID-19 case.
D. As of the moment, there is still no available COVID-19 vaccine but many
countries are already working for it.
For 2 & 3,
Economics is the social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis
of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is the study of
how man’s material needs are supplied, or how scarce resources are utilized.
These needs may include goods ranging from necessities (home, food and
clothing) to luxuries (color TV, electric razor) and services (medical care,
transportation, and dry cleaning).
Economists or specialists in economics divide much of their subject into how
goods and services are produced and how they are distributed.
2. Which paragraph gives the definition of economics?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. none
3. Based on its definition, to what general class does economics belong?
A. earth science
B. natural science
C. political science
D. social science
For number 4-6, study this definition.
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
4. Which part is the term defined?
A. I
5. Which part is the class?
A. I
6. Which part is the distinguishing characteristic?
A. I
For 7-10, form a definition out of the given phrases inside the box. Choose the best
1. is defined as
4. endangers persons or property
2. in a manner that
5. the operation of motor vehicle
3. aggressive driving
A. 3-1-2-4-5
B. 3-1-5-2-4
C. 5-1-3-2-4
D. 5-1-2-4-3
1. a square
4. with
A. 1-2-3-4-5
C. 2-3-1-5-4
2. a polygon
5. four sides
3. is called
B. 1-3-2-5-4
D. 2-4-5-3-1
1. carbohydrate
2. a compound
4. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
A. 1-2-3-5-4
C. 2-1-3-5-4
3. is
5. composed of
B. 1-3-2-5-4
D. 2-3-5-1-4
1. metamorphosis
2. a physical transformation
3. undergone by various animals
4.is called
5. during development after the embryonic stage
A. 1-4-3-2-5
C. 3-5-2-4-1
B. 2-3-5-4-1
D. 5-3-2-4-1
Additional Activities
Match Column A (term and class) with Column B (distinguishing
characteristics) to form a definition. Write the letter only.
Column A
____ 1. Transpiration is the process
____ 2. A novelist is a person
____ 3. A sonnet is a lyric poem
____ 4. A capella is a choral music
____ 5. A concert is a composition
____ 6. Photosynthesis is a process
____ 7. Energy is the capacity
Column B
a. sung without musical accompaniment.
b. by which water evaporates from the
c. to do work
d. by which plants manufacture food
e. concerned with organization and
f. that has 14 lines
g. composed of carbon, hydrogen, and
h. who writes novels
____ 8. Bureaucracy is a group of
____ 9. A carbohydrate is a compound i. of laws and methods of physics to the
of biological processes
____ 10. Biophysics is the study
k. for a solo instrument with orchestra
Congratulations! You have successfully finished one lesson. Now, brace yourself for
Lesson 2.
The Grammar of Definitions
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, you will learn to observe correct grammar in making
definitions. Specifically, you are expected to
a. identify parts of a definition; and
b. use sentence patterns in writing definitions.
What I Know
Write the word CORRECT if the underlined part of the definition is
grammatically correct. If it is it wrong, give the correct form.
1. An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of
eye diseases.
2. Psychology is a science deals with human mind, mental states, and human
3. A drug is medicinal substance that is intend to treat or prevent diseases or
lessen pain.
4. Gene is a basic unit of heredity capable of transmitting characteristics from
one generation to the next.
5. Protein is a complex compound composing of amino acids.
What’s In
In the previous lesson, you have learned to write definitions by following
two sentence patterns. Give the two patterns of writing a definition.
Pattern 1:
Pattern 2:
What’s New
Study the two definitions of one term. Answer the questions that follow.
Circle the letter only.
I. Anti-life acts are measures that are intended to terminate life wilfully and
II. Anti-life acts are measures intended to terminate life wilfully and consciously.
1. What part of the definition is the underlined words?
A. class
B. distinguishing characteristics
C. term
2. Which definition uses a relative clause?
A. Sentence I
B. Sentence II
3. Which sentence uses a participial phrase?
A. Sentence I
B. Sentence II
4. Which is the shortened form?
A. Sentence I
B. Sentence II
What Is It
An important skill to develop in order to make grammatically correct definitions is the
use of relation pronouns as well as participial and prepositional phrases in stating the
distinguishing characteristic of the term defined.
Study these examples:
A. Anti-life acts are measures which are intended to terminate life wilfully and
B. Anti-life acts are measures intended to terminate life wilfully and consciously.
In the examples above, the distinguishing characteristics are underlined. In
Example A, the distinguishing characteristic is a relative clause beginning with that (a
relative pronoun).
These are the relative pronouns which you can use.
 that
 which
 who
 when
 where
 wherein
 whereby
 by which
On the other hand, the distinguishing characteristic of the term defined in
Example B is a participial phrase beginning with seeking (a present participle). Here
are the types of phrases which you can use.
 Present participial phrase (beginning with +ing form of the verb)
 Past participial phrase (beginning with the +ed/d/en form of the verb
 Prepositional phrase (beginning with a preposition such as for, to, etc.)
Now, you are ready for more activities.
What’s More
A. Combine the two sentences in each item to come up with a full
definition. Change the second sentence into a clause that begins
with which, who, or that.
Chemistry is a science.
Chemistry deals with the study of the composition and properties of
Combined sentence:
Chemistry is a science that deals with the study of the composition and
properties of substances.
1. A computer is an electronic system
A computer is designed to manipulate and store data.
2. A printer is a computer hardware.
A printer is used to produce printed output.
3. Internet is a global computer network.
Internet connects users with service networks such as the World Wide Web.
4. A modem is a device.
A modem connects computers via a telephone line.
5. A software is a program, routine and symbolic language.
A software is essential to the operation and maintenance of a computer.
A. Full definitions can be shortened by changing the relative clause into a
participial phrase. Shorten the full definitions below by removing the relative
pronoun (which, that, who) and by changing the verb into its -ing or –ed (-en)
form or by removing which/that/who is.
Pragmatics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of
language use rather than structure.
Pragmatics is the branch of linguistics dealing with the study of
language use rather than structure.
6. Atmosphere is a mixture of gases that surrounds the earth.
7. Dialysis is a medical process that is used to treat patients with kidney disease.
8. Ultrasound is a technique that uses high-frequency sound waves for medical
9. An antidote is a substance that counteracts the effects of a toxin.
10. A probiotic is a substance that contains beneficial microorganisms.
What I Have Learned
To sum up what you have learned in this lesson, complete the sentences.
1. The distinguishing characteristic of a term defined usually begins with
2. Distinguishing characteristics in full definitions begin with ___________________
3. Distinguishing
What I Can Do
Go back to the definition you have formulated in Lesson 1 (What
I Can Do). Still using the two patterns in defining a term, write a
shortened version if you have written the full definition or write the full
version if you have written the shortened form.
Pattern 1:
Pattern 2:
Choose the correct expression to complete each definition. Circle the
letter of the correct answer.
1. Self-respect is a quality of character ______ one’s own weaknesses and
strengths with dignity.
A. recognize
B. recognized
C. which recognizes
D. which is recognized
2. Strength of character is a trait ______ by a person’s will power, self-restraint, and
A. reveal
B. revealed
C. which reveals
D. which revealed
3. A leader refers to one _______ competence in management, rapport with his
followers and innate ability to adjust and act to varied situations.
A. exhibit
B. exhibited
C. who exhibits
D. who exhibited
4. Anger is a negative emotion ________ a person’s ability to think logically.
A. paralyze
B. paralyzing
C. paralyzes
D. paralyzed
5. Courtesy is a positive trait ________ personal interaction very pleasant.
A. that make
B. that makes
C. that made
D. that is made
6. Success is a goal _______ by service granted.
A. that measure B. that measures C. that measured D. that is measured
7. Dialysis is a medical process ________ to treat patients with kidney disease.
A. used
B. using
C. that used
D. that uses
8. Psychology is a science _________with human mind, mental states, and human
A. deal
B. dealing
C. deals
D. dealt
9. A printer is a computer hardware ________ to produce a hard copy of an output.
A. use
B. using
C. that is used
D. that uses
10. A probiotic is a substance ________ beneficial microorganisms.
A. contain
B. contained
C. that is contained
D. that contains
Additional Activities
The parts of each definition are mixed up. Write the definition by putting the
parts in their proper places.
1. a friend - whom we like and who likes us – is someone
2. which needs to be cultivated – is a special relationship – friendship
3. digestion – of breaking down food for use of the body – is the process
is a series of events - photosynthesis - in which carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen combine to form a carbohydrate
5. where hydrogen combines with carbon and oxygen – carbon-dioxide fixation
- is the phase of photosynthesis
Good job! You have successfully finished another lesson.
Technical vs. Operational
What I Need to Know
This lesson will prepare you to give technical and operational
definitions. Specifically, you are expected to
a. distinguish technical from operational definitions; and
b. write technical definitions.
What I Know
Tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. A technical definition gives observable and measurable descriptions. ________
2. A technical definition is given by an expert in the field which can be cited as a
3. A technical definition tells you what to do.
4. An operational definition gives concrete and clear descriptions.
5. An operational definition is usually theoretical and conceptual.
What’s In
Before you proceed to the next lesson, study the definition below and
answer the questions that follow. Write the letter only.
A family is a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption.
1. What is the term defined?
2. To what general class does the term belong?
3. What is distinguishing characteristic is given to the term?
4. Which is the verb?
5. Which is the correct shortened form of the definition?
A. Family – group of people – closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption
B. A family is a group of people closely related by birth, marriage, or
C. A family is a group of people closely relates by birth, marriage, or
D. A family is a group of people closely relating by birth, marriage, or
6. In writing a definition, you can use another sentence pattern. Which is the correct
way of doing it?
A. A group of closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption a family.
B. A group of people is family closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption.
C. A group of people is called family who are closely related by birth, marriage,
or adoption.
D. A group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption is
called a family.
What’s New
Study these definitions of the term weight. Then, answer the
by writing the letter of your choice on the space provided.
A. Weight refers to a measurement of gravitational force acting on an object.
B. Weight refers to the numbers that appear when an object is placed on a
weighing scale.
Which definition provides an abstract definition of the term weight?
Which one gives a more concrete definition which can be easily observed and
Which do you think is the technical definition?
Which one is the operational definition?
What Is It
What is a technical definition?
A technical definition is a definition in technical communication describing or
explaining technical terminology. Technical definition is used to introduce the
vocabulary which makes communication in a particular field concise and clear. It
tells you what the concept or term means. It tends to be abstract, conceptual or
theoretical. It is usually provided by experts in the field; so, if you need to write a
technical definition of a concept, you can always look for what experts say about it.
Financial capability, according to World Bank (2013a), is:
[…] an internal capacity to act in one’s best financial interest, given socioeconomic environmental conditions. It encompasses the knowledge (literacy),
attitudes, skills, and behaviors of consumers with regard to managing their
resources, and understanding, selecting, and making use of financial services
that fit their needs (WB, 2013a).
What is an operational definition?
An operational definition is a statement that describes how a particular
variable is to be measured, or how an object or condition is to be recognized.
Operational definitions tell you what to do or what to observe. The word “operational”
means “describing what to do” in a certain context. Operational definitions need to be
concrete, clear and precise so that a reader knows exactly what to observe or
The fastest ball is the one that crosses the finish line before all the other balls.
The financial capability of the respondents refers to their average score on a
12-item Likert-scale.
Now, try to check your understanding on the two types of definition. Write TD
if the description refers to Technical Definition and OD if it refers to Operational
1. Tells you what to do and what to observe
2. Tells you what the term theoretically means
3. Tends to be abstract, conceptual and theoretical
4. Provides concrete and clear definition
5. Usually provided by experts
6. Based in context
What’s More
Write TD if the definition is technical and OD if it is
1. Substances that cause the litmus paper to turn pink are acids.
2. A compound that can donate a proton or accept a pair of electrons to form a
covalent bond with a base is an acid.
3. Pulse refers to the number of beats on a person’s wrist counted in 1 minute.
4. Pulse is the regular expansion and contraction of an artery, caused by the heart
pumping blood through the body.
5. Weight refers to a measurement of gravitational force acting on an object.______
6. Weight refers to the numbers that appear when an object is placed on a weighing
7. Working women are women engaged in full time paid employment, working at
least 40 hours or more per week.
8. Heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood around the body, in humans,
situated in the center of the chest with its apex directed to the left.
9. Krondl (1990) states that convenience foods are those foods that have service
added to basic ingredients to reduce the amount of preparation time required in
the home.
10. Extensive reading is program wherein a learner reads at least 10 books every
week for comprehension.
What I Have Learned
To concretize your understanding on the differences of technical and
operational definitions, complete the sentences below.
1. A technical definition tells you ___________________________. It is usually
___________________________________________. When you write technical
definitions, you can _______________________________________________.
2. An operational definition tells you ____________________________. It is usually
What I Can Do
Give a technical definition of the term child abuse. You may use the
Internet or your books for the definition. Be sure to include the source.
Term to define
Child abuse
Technical Definition
Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.
A technical definition tells you what to do.
A technical definition gives concrete and clear descriptions.
A technical definition is usually given by experts in the field which can cited as
a source.
4. An operational definition is usually theoretical and conceptual.
5. An operational definition gives observable and measurable descriptions.
B. Write TD if the definition is technical and OD if it is operational.
6. Intelligence is the person’s score on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test.
7. Thirst is a distressful feeling after twenty-four hours or more without access to
8. A virus is a submicroscopic parasitic particle of a nucleic acid surrounded by
protein that can only replicate within a host cell.
9. Guilt refers to the score on a self-reported guilt on a scale of 1-10.
10. Staab (1990) defines a successful whole-language teacher as “an individual
who creates an exciting print environment and allows children to engage in
meaningful literacy experiences”.
Additional Activities
Give technical definitions of the following terms. You may use the
Internet or your books for the definitions. Be sure to include the source.
Term to define
against women
Technical Definition
Congratulations! You have just completed this lesson.
Writing Operational Definitions
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, you will learn to give operational definition of terms.
What I Know
Write O if the definition is operational and NO if it is not operational.
1. Self-supporting students are students who work three or more hours a day to
provide their own needs.
2. Thirst is a distressful feeling caused by a desire or need for water.
3. Guilt refers to the painful feeling of self-reproach.
4. Academic performance refers to the students score in the post-test.
5 People in the middle class are those whose monthly incomes range from
20,000-100,000 pesos.
What’s In
Study this passage and answer the questions that follow.
As defined in Republic Act 7610, child abuse refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual
or not, of the child which includes any of the following:
(1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual abuse, and emotional
(2) Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades, or demeans the intrinsic
worth and dignity of a child as a human being;
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival, such as food and shelter;
(4) Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting in
serious impairment of his growth and development or in his permanent incapacity
or death.
1. What term is defined in the text?
2. Is the definition technical or operational?
3. What is the source of the definition?
What’s New
Suppose you and your group are tasked to distribute food packs to the
needy people in your community. To make the distribution fast, you have decided to
form five smaller groups. How would you make sure all of you will not be confused
as to who will be given or not? Can you suggest an operational definition of the term
needy people?
Your suggested operational definition:
What Is It
How to Write an Operational Definition
An operational definition gives easily communicated meaning to a concept by
specifying how the concept is measured and applied within a particular set of
circumstances (Deming, 2001).
This definition highlights two important things about an operational definition:
 It gives a precise meaning to the spoken or written word, forming a
"common language" between two or more people.
 It defines how a word or phrase is used when it is applied in a specific
context. This implies that words may have different meanings when
used in different situations.
Context is important in giving operational definition. For example, a clean
table is operationally defined in different ways in different contexts.
For an office worker:
For a waiter:
A clean table is one that is free of clutter.
A clean table is one that has been treated with a
mild detergent.
For a medical practitioner:
A clean table is one that has been treated with an
antiseptic to prevent the spread of infection.
When you write an operational definition, ask yourself, “Does this definition
describe what to do or what to observe?”
What’s More
Write an operational definition for each underlined idea in the
space provided. Questions are given after each situation to guide
1. Only the poorest of the poor received the cash assistance from the government.
Who are the poorest of the poor?
The term poorest of the poor refers to families ___________________________
2. Students who are good readers are assigned to tutor their peers.
What observable characteristics do good readers have?
Good readers are learners ___________________________________________
3. You can be protected from infectious diseases by washing your hands
What does washing your hands thoroughly mean? What materials are used and
how long is the washing done?
Washing your hands thoroughly means _________________________________
4. Chronically absent learners usually have low performance in math.
When do we call a student a chronically absent learner? How many days in a
month are they absent?
The term chronically absent learners refer to those who ___________________
What is a performance in math? How is it measured?
Performance in math refers to ________________________________________
5. Students who show outstanding academic performance will be given a
What does an outstanding performance mean? What is the basis?
Outstanding scholastic performance means having _______________________
What I Have Learned
Complete the sentence:
A well-written operational definition ____________________________
What I Can Do
In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think your community
should be under total lockdown, Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), Modified
ECQ, General Community Quarantine (GCQ), or Modified GCQ? Justify your answer
and be sure to provide an operational definition for the classification that suits your
community. Write your answer below.
Write O if the definition is operational and NO if it is not operational.
1. A suspected COVID-19 case refers to a patient with symptoms of
the disease and has travel history or exposure to a COVID-19 positive patient.
Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand from experience.
Being friendly means voluntarily helping at least five people a day.
A frustration reader is one whose score in the reading comprehension test is
below 75%.
Punishment is a harsh or injurious treatment for an offense.
Additional Activities
Operationally define each level of the learners’ proficiency in a
subject using the information provided in the table. The first one is
done for you.
Proficiency level
Approaching Proficiency
Grading Scale
Below 75
1. Advanced level
2. Proficient level
3. Approaching proficiency level
4. Developing level
5. Beginning level
Congratulations! You have successfully finished the last lesson in this module.
In this module, you have learned to observe correct grammar in defining a
term. A formal definition is composed of a term defined, a verb, a general class to
which the term belongs, and a characteristic that distinguishes the term defined from
other terms belonging to the same class. A definition can be written by following the
suggested sentence pattern. Complete definitions can also be shortened
grammatically by changing the relative clause into a phrase.
You also learn to write technical and operational definitions. A technical
definition tells the readers what the concept or term means. It tends to be abstract,
conceptual or theoretical. If you need to write a technical definition of a concept, you
can always look for what experts say about it. On the other hand, an operational
definition describes how a particular variable is to be measured, or how an object or
condition is to be recognized. It needs to be concrete, clear and precise so that a
reader knows exactly what to observe or measure.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Read each item carefully and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following sentences is a definition?
A. Man’s needs include goods ranging from basic necessities to luxuries and
B. Economists study how man’s material needs are supplied, or how scarce
resources are utilized.
C. Economists divide much of their subject into how goods and services are
produced and how they are distributed.
D. Economics is the social science concerned with analysis of production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
2. Which of the following senten
3. ces provides a definition?
A. Formally, Swan (2005) defines “grammar” as “…a set of devices
needed especially to express certain kinds of necessary meaning.”
B. Brown (2000) says that studies of error correction have not yet
reached a consensus regarding the most effective method for error
C. Nelson (2014) claims grammar Nazis seem to receive more negative
perceptions as compared to those showing other skills such as at
D. According to Cook (2001), in the context of language teaching,
whether grammar should be explained to the students has been a
classical debate.
4. Which is the general class in the definition below?
Chemistry is a science that deals with the properties of matter
For 4-5, form a definition out of the given phrases in the box. Just choose the best
1. capital punishment
4. the death penalty
2. imposed on persons
5. is called
3. found guilty of major crimes against persons and property.
A. 1-5-4-3-2
C. 1-4-5-3-2
B. 4-1-2-3-5
D. 4-2-3-5-1
1. any act
2. that
3. can be defined as
4. terrorism
5. uses force, violence, or threat to demoralize or intimidate
A. 1-2-3-4-5
B. 4-3-1-2-5
C. 3-2-1-5-4
D. 5-4-3-1-2
7. Which sentence is an operational definition of the term extensive reading?
A. Williams (1984, p. 10) defines extensive reading as “the relatively rapid
reading of long texts…”
B. Extensive reading refers to the reading program wherein a learner reads at
least ten books every week for comprehension.
C. Extensive reading is defined as reading large quantities of easy language
materials for comprehension without performing any tasks after reading.
D. Extensive reading is reading of large quantities of material or long texts, for
global or general understanding, with intention of obtaining pleasure from the
text” which is important for language learning.
8. Which is a technical definition?
A. The WB conducted the most recent survey on financial capability in the
Philippines in 2015.
B. Financial capability, according to World Bank (2013a), is “an internal capacity
to act in one’s best financial interest, given socio-economic environmental
C. Respondents’ financial wellness refers to their average score on a 12-item
Likert-scale survey questions concerning overall satisfaction with the financial
D. Colmar Brunton (2009) survey measured financial knowledge, goal setting,
financial planning, budgeting, debt management, saving, investing, a nd managing
Choose the correct expression to complete each definition.
9. Abortion _______ the termination of pregnancy
A. defines
B. defined
C. is defined
D. is defined as
10. Mammals _______ backbones are called vertebrates.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. having
11. Any act _______ painless death to end the suffering of patients who have no
chance of recovery is called euthanasia.
A. cause
B. caused
C. that causes
D. that is caused
11. Success is a goal _______ by service granted.
A. that measure B. that measures C. that measured D. that is measured
12. Dialysis is a medical process ________ to treat patients with kidney disease.
A. used
B. using
C. that used
D. that uses
Write A if the definition is Technical and B if it is Operational.
13. Pulse is the regular expansion and contraction of an artery, caused by the heart
pumping blood through the body.
14. Weight refers to the numbers that appear when an object is placed on a weighing
15. Working women are women engaged in full time paid employment, working at
least 40 hours or more per week.
Great job! Congratulations for completing this module!
Key to Answers
What I Know
Lesson 1
What I Know,
What’s New
What’s More
C. Sample answers only
What I Have Learned
Additional Activities
Lesson 2
What I Know
What’s New
What’s More, page 9 (Answers may slightly vary.)
What I Have Learned
Additional Activities
Lesson 3
What’s In
What I Know
What I Know
What Is It
What’s More
What I Have Learned
Lesson 4
What’s In
What I Know
What’s More (Sample answers only)
Additional Activities
Assessment (Post-test)
Almonte, Liza et al. Celebrating Diversity through World Literature: English G10
Learner’s Material. Pasay City: Department of Education, 2016.
Deming, W.E. Out of the Crisis. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2001.
Ladera, Helen et al. New Horizons in English III. Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc.,
Tayao, Ma. Lourdes, et al. Meeting My Needs for English. Manila: Rex Book Store,
Inc., 2000.
Ugwuja, Chiamaka. “How to Write Operational Definition of Terms?” Editage
Insights, April 2, 2019. https://www.editage.com/insights/how-to-writeoperational-definition-of-terms.