Name: Joshua Johnson. Date: January 3, 2022. Subject: Language Arts. Title: Fast food and obesity Eating too much fast foods can lead to obesity and diabetes.Fast food restaurants are many peoples go to places where they get food when they are hungry,fast foods are very unhealthy .Fast foods are foods that are(as implied in there name) are cooked in a hurry, today I will be stating 3 things to prove my point, they are :what it can lead to, the dangers of eating too much fast foods and the healthier alternatives to fast foods. First and foremost, an addiction to fast food can be deadly as fast foods are loaded with calories and low in nutrients. Meaning if you where to eat it everyday you could (and more than likely will) become obese and develop diabetes which can end fatally. Obesity is when your body is collecting more calories than it can it can burn and diabetes is a cardiovascular disease that has different stages. Both of these can help reach closer to deaths door or send you to the Hospital. Those are the side effects to eating too much junk/fast foods. Secondly, let’s talk about what are the dangers of eating too much fast foods. As I have stated before, eating too much fast foods can lead too obesity and diabetes, but what makes it even more dangerous is something I stated before, low nutrients. Due to lots of fatty oils and grease, there is less nutrients, meaning that your body is not getting enough nutrients. This can end fatally or leave you malnourished. This is why many people die everyday or are in the Hospital. Lastly,fast foods are unhealthy, that’s why I will be stating some alternatives to fast foods. Vegetables and fruits are two healthy alternatives as they both give your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients to you keep alive and help lower the chases for you to get obese and become diabetic. These things can also help strengthen your immune system. Those are the alternatives to fast foods. As can clearly be seen. I have stated what eating too much fast foods can lead to, the dangers of eating too much and some healthier alternatives. Many people eat fast foods and die because of over dose. These are 3 reasons why fast food is bad for you.