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Nursing Leadership & Management: Styles, Power, Process

A. Nursing Leadership
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1. Analyze the concepts pertaining to nursing leadership
2. Explain the best leadership style to be used in different situation
3. Differentiate the various styles of leadership
 Is a social influence or a person's ability to move other people to act
 It is leaving a mark in terms of actions which has spurred other people to do.
 It is initiating and guiding and the result is change.
 The product of which is a new character or direction never happen otherwise for an
organization or situation that would
 A process by which one inspires others to work together for the achievement of a common
mission and goal, a social transaction,
 Leaders through their ideas and actions, show others the way (Manning and Curtis, 2012)
Leadership includes:
 Influence processes involving determination of the group's or organization's objectives
 Motivating task behavior in pursuit of the objectives
 influence group maintenance and culture
 The most significant person is the Leader
The Leader should possess the following traits:
 L-lead, love, learn
 E-enthusiastic, energetic
 A-assertive, achiever
 D-dedicated, desirous
 E-effective, efficient
 R-responsible, respectful
Nursing Leadership
Is the process where the nurse influences one or more persons to achieve specific goals in the
provision of nursing care of one or more patients. It is a multi-dimensional process. (Gardner)
Dimensions of Leadership
Leadership is initiated by the LEADER whose FOLLOWERS do as the leader directs and responds
to a SITUATION that faces them and address it to make it better for everyone else
Five interwoven aspects of Leadership:
1. Leader-interpersonal, emotional and social intelligence skills contributes to an effective leadership :
2. Follower- accept or reject a leader and determine the leaders personal power
3. Situation-elements such as work demands, control systems, amount of tasks, structure, degree of
interactions, amount of time available for decision making and external environment shape the
differences among the situations
4. Communication Process- is basic to the process of influencing and to leadership through followers
communication the leader's vision and message are received by the
5. Goals- the basis for implementation
Basic Styles of Leadership:
1. Autocratic
2. Democratic
3. Laissez-faire
Autocratic Leader- does not seek input from the group but sets the goals, plans, makes the decision and
evaluates the action taken.
Democratic Leader-seeks input from the group. The responsibilities for the action are shared between
leader and the group.
Laissez-faire leaders- the input and control of group are minimal, permitting each individual to set
independent group.
Types of Followers:
Alienated -are independent and critical yet passive in their behavior resulting in psychological
and emotional distance with their leaders. Are potentially disruptive and a threat to the health of the
Sheep-are dependent and uncritical. They simply do as they are told
Yes People - are dependent or uncritical but very active in their behavior
- They uncritically reinforce the thinking and ideas of their leaders with enthusiasm, never
questioning or challenging the leader's ideas or proposals
- Most dangerous to a leader because they are most likely to give a false positive reaction and
give no warning of potential pitfalls
Survivors -are least disruptive and lowest risk followers
- They perpetually sample the wind and their motto is "better be safe than sorry
Effective Followers -are self-leaders and do not require close supervision They recognize that to
be an effective leader one needs good followers.
- Leaders cannot exist without good followers
- Essential Qualities are
 Self-management
 Commitment
 Competence and focus
 Courage
Elements of Leadership
Provides direction to the influence process
Is used as a major leadership tool in enlisting its members towards the defined objectives
and focused on the constructive role of the organization within its environment
Effective vision should:
 Appear as a simple yet vibrant image in the mind of the leader
 Describe a future state, credible and preferable to the present state
 Act as a bridge between the current state and a future optimum state.
 Appear desirable enough to energize followers
 Succeed in speaking to followers an at emotional or spiritual level
Critical Components to make vision work:
 The leader or the head of the organization
 The members of the organization or staff
 The environment in which they function or the community
1. Communication
- poor communication may lead to poor influence.
2. Recognition
- when the group vests power on the leader because of what they perceive to be his significant
contribution to the well-being of the group that greatly influence the group member's performance
3. Influence
- any attempt by an individual to change the behavior of others.
- one sends direct messages to the others and is able to stand uo for their own rights without
violating those of others
-where an individual makes another feel important or good before making a request where the
person acts humbly or friendly before the request is made
-involves convincing someone of the merits of a detailed plan, which is supported by
information, reasoning or logic.
-hostile form of influence where an individual achieves the goal with a threat of or actual act of
cutting off from communication or interaction the people intended to be influenced.
- collective form of influence where a person gets several others to back him up when making a
request to show strong support or solidarity
-is hinged on the promise of punishment in the case of non-cooperation and reward in case of
acquiescence or cooperation. Is behavior based.
- involves offering a favor or a personal sacrifice as an incentive for the performance of the
The ability to efficiently and effectively exercise authority and control through personal
organizational, and social strength.
It is the ability to impose the will of one person or group to being about certain behaviors in
groups or persons.
Capacity of "A" to influence the behavior of "B" so that "B" does things or not otherwise do
A. Influence
B. Behavior
Sources of Power that a leader may possess:
-bestowed upon a leader by a given position in the hierarchy of an organization and
sanctioned by titles. It is the obvious and most important kind of power.
- derived from the manager's ability to give rewards to subordinates for compliance with
orders or requests. Refers to the degree to which the individual compensate the subordinates through
means such as benefits, time off, desired gifts, promotions or increase in pay or responsibility.
- based on the leader's ability to punish subordinates for non-compliance with the
directives. Refer to the ability to withhold rewards
-derived from special abilities or skills unique to the leader. It is the ability to influence
others through the possession of knowledge and skills that are useful. Information- derived to being
well-informed and up to date.
-based on relationships and connections and also called as networking.
Is the right to decide
Represents the right to expect or secure compliance
Is backed by legitimacy
Forms of Authority:
Line Authority- direct supervisory authority from superior to subordinate Authority-direct
Staff Authority- is based on expertise and involves advising line managers.
Team Authority- granted to committees or work teams involved in the organization's daily
- It’s the corresponding obligation and accountability answers for all actions done.
- The authority granted must equal the assigned responsibility
Categories of Responsibility:
- Individual responsibilities
- Organizational responsibilities
- When a nurse answers to the result of one's actions or omissions
- It is a form of reckoning, where one accepts the consequences of their decisions, good or
- Also establishes reasons, motives and importance for actions in the eyes of managers and
employers' alike
II. Key points
 Types of leaders: Formal or Informal
 Behavior of leaders: Passive or non- assertive, aggressive, assertive
 Styles of leaderships: autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, Laissez-Faire
 Leadership is a social influence
 Line authority chain:
 Chain of command- defines the chain and the formal decision making
 Unity of command-states that each person in the organization should take orders from and
reports to only one person.
 Span of control- refers to the number of employees that should be placed under the
decision of one leader manager
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1.Discuss the principles and concepts in nursing management
2.Describe the nursing management process
3.Apply the concepts learned in the nursing practice
Introduction to Management
-uses delegated authority within a formed organization to organize, direct and control
subordinates so that nursing services are coordinated.
- Refers to middle and lower levels of hierarchy and is often the implementing body.
- It is a process of getting things done through people
- It supervises people and uses resources in doing the tasks.
- Is responsible for initiating steps by which organizational goals and objectives are accomplished.
- Exerts influence over its subordinates
Managerial Leadership
- Is the process of directing and influencing a task related activity of group members
- Involves people and unequal distribution of power among leaders and group of people
- Involves influencing subordinates in variety of ways
Nursing Management
- Is the process of working through staff members to be able to provide comprehensive care to
the patient
- This includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling
Nursing Management Process
- Defined as a systematic, rational method of planning and providing individualized nursing care
- The nursing management processes support the nursing process
Purpose of Nursing Management Process:
- To achieve scientifically based, holistic, individualized care or the patient
- To achieve the opportunity to work collaboratively with patients and others
- To achieve continuity of care
Characteristic of the Nursing Management Process
1. Systematic
- it has an ordered sequence of activities and each activity depends on the accuracy of
the activity that precedes it and influences the activity following it
2. Dynamic
- has a great interaction and overlapping among the activities and each activity is fluid
and flows into the next activity
3. Interpersonal
- ensures that nurses are patient-centered rather than task-centered and encourages
them to work with other members of the health team to help patients use their strengths to meet their
own personal needs.
4. Goal-Directed
- it is a means for nurses and patients to work together to identify specific goals related
to wellness promotion, disease and illness prevention, health restoration, coping and altered functioning
which are most important to the patient and to match them with appropriate nursing actions.
5. Universally Applicable
- allows nurses to practice nursing with well or ill person, young or old and in any type of
practice setting
System of Nursing Management Process
- Shows the relationship of system components of the nursing management process
- Managing successful requires the understanding of the concepts in management such as the
difference between vision and goals and organization and administration, mission, objectives as
well as philosophy
- Is the higher level of hierarchy
- It is the policy making body that sets the policy for the organization
- Determines the aims and objectives of the organization that fully utilizes man, money, time
power, facilities in attaining goals and objectives
- Concept that is integral to management
- The Administrators who occupy the highest position in an organization are referred to as
executive officers
- Designates the authority, responsibility and accountability in the organization
Role of a Health Manager:
1. Interpersonal
2. Informational
3. Decisional
C. Difference between Leadership and Management
 The terms leadership and management refer to the functions and relationships while leaders
and managers refer to the actor or agent of leadership and management
 Situational Differences: e.g. A nurse can hold a management position but fail to realize that this
position does not define his leadership abilities nor does it translate to having leadership
 One might have the necessary requirements to qualify for the management position but lacks
the understanding of what a leader truly is.
 On the other hand, one might be a good leader but not a good manager
 Or maybe a good manager but not a good leader, e.g. a nurse manager who can deliver the
work from the nursing unit he manages but cannot inspire the staff to do more.
 Leadership is doing the right thing while management is doing things right
May or may not have an official
appointment to the position
Vested with power and authority within
the group
Influence others towards goal setting
Interested in risk taking and exploring new
Relates to people personally
Feels rewarded by personal achievement
May or may not be as successful as
Officially appointed
Vested with power and authority by
Implements predetermined goals. Policies,
rules and regulations
Measures the risks to be taken in line with
the expected results, hence an orderly,
controlled performance must be carried
Relates to people according to their roles
Feels rewarded when accomplishing
organizational missions or goals
Are mangers as long as the appointment
Key Points
 The leader is followed, the manager rules
 Leaders inspire, managers apply
 The mark of a good nurse-manager leader is the ability to motivate, initiate and innovate
 Real leaders may be distinguished from mere managers based on their ability to motivate their
 Management is a function that must be performed in any organization, while leadership is a
relationship between leader and followers that can give life to an organization.
 An excellent nurse must both be a leader and a manager, the two qualities that must be cultivated
by every nurse who provides care to their patients
 There is leadership gap when the growing demand of rising population for the delivery of cost
effective and quality patient outcomes in healthcare is not met by a strong nursing leadership.
 It is the process of determining the objectives of administrative effort and devising the means
calculated to achieve them. -Millet
 Is a comprehensive term that involves choosing a course of action from all available options for
accomplishing the desired results which are economical and certain.
 It is a continuous process that begins with the setting of goals and objectives and then setting
out a plan of action to achieve them, put them into play, review the process and the outcomes,
provide feedbacks to the personnel and staff, and modify it as needed.
Nursing Unit / Ward
 A ward is that area of the hospital where all amenities- physical, social and especially medical
care are made accessible to facilitate patient's treatment and make the patients feel at home
until the time that they are discharged.
 A nursing unit is an area in a hospital or other health care delivery setting where all patients
with similar needs are grouped together to facilitate the provision of care by health care
professionals who are trained in that specialty.
 Head Nurse / Nurse Manager / Assistant Nurse Supervisor - typically are the ones in charge of
the unit.
Principles of Planning Health Services:
 Planning must focus on purposes.
 It should always be based on clearly defined objectives
 Continuity and flexibility should be maintained in planning cycle
 It should be simple and there should be provision for proper analysis and classification of
 There should be good harmony with organization and environment
 It is hierarchical in nature and must have an organizational identification
 It should cover the entire setup, all connected departments, and different levels of
administration, and it should be balanced
It should be realistic in its scope and pinpoints the expected results
Provision should be made to use available recourses
Planning should always be documented
Planning of the Nursing Unit:
 There is an implementation of the overall plan for the nursing department
 It provides for the establishment of a number of units or departments,
 Each unit is charged with the responsibility of accomplishing some portion of the plan
 Involves the Head nurse/Assistant nurse supervisor
 Who is in charge of a small individual nursing unit.
 He/ She is responsible to the director of the nursing service either directly or through
a supervisor.
 While the director of the nursing service is to the director of the hospital for
competent management of their departments
 There are three other groups in the line of responsibility all of which are directly responsible to
the head nurse:
 General staff nurses
 student nurses who gives bedside care to the patients
 Nonprofessional workers (nurse aids, orderlies, and clerks)
 Housekeeping personnel
 Staff nurses at their level take part in the process of planning (e.g., daily planning related to
patient care including history taking, assessment, and nursing diagnosis).
Points to keep in mind in the unit planning:
 Matching people jobs
- e.g., patient assignment, special assignment distribution among nurses
 Developing policies and procedures specific to the client's cared for
- e.g., procedure manual
 Identifying training needs
- e.g., regular ACLS classes
 Preparing and conducting training programs
 Coordinating all patient care activities by coordinated making of duty roaster, patient
assignment and class arrangements.
 Meeting needs of the patients
 Supervising personnel
- i.e., nursing as well as non-professional workers under her Proper maintenance of
records and reports of patients
 Evaluating the planning process and its results
Steps in Planning for the Nursing Unit:
A. Objective formulation and goals;
Objectives are the short statements of outcome or what must be done
As a guide of action, objectives must be specific, informative, and clear enough to
indicate what is to be done
Outlines the purpose of the agency, purpose of the hospital or organization that provides
health care
It identifies who the clients are
Is embodied by the organization's kind of service
Allows everyone to understand why an organization exists
The history, values and expectations of the organization are detailed
Is the soul of an organization
Outlines the organization's future role and functions
Gives the agency something to strive for
Helps focus attention on what is important, motivates health personnel and increases the
sense of shared responsibility for good health
- Describes the vision of the organization
- It is a statement of beliefs and values that direct the organization's life or practice
- It explains beliefs and gives direction to how the mission or purpose is achieved
- Are specific and concrete in terms of results to be achieved
- It is the backbone of the organization's goals and philosophy
- Are action commitments through which its mission and philosophy will be achieved
B. List the activities to be performed:
- It will be of great assistance if this is done according to the functional areas of work.
There are three functional areas of work, and may be defined as follows:
Nursing care: this embraces all activities necessary to supply total nursing care.
Organization: these are the activities concerned with the management of the ward work and
the personnel involved.
Domestic: these are the activities concerned with the cleanliness of the ward.
List the activities to be performed:
1. Nursing care:
This may be considered under three main groups:
1.Concerned with the comfort and well-being of every patient
2. Those which are concerned with the carrying-out of medical treatment
- Review of equipment to determine completeness, availability for use, cleanliness, safety,
and convenience in placement
- Staff orientation to operation, purpose, and aftercare of them
- Quantities of supplies on hand
- Supervision to assure specific and intended use of equipment.
- Convenient and easy access of them
- Provision for ordering on an emergency basis
3. Those which are concerned with education
- The head nurse in a hospital where student nurse receives their education has
responsibilities in addition to the other administrative duties
- orientation program for new nursing staff, student nurse and domestic staff
- Participation in ward teaching
- In-service education of nursing personnel
- Assignment of duties
- Keeping her knowledge up-to-date
- Supervision
- Ensuring good quality nursing care
II. Organization:
These are the activities concerned with the management of the ward work and the personnel
- Clear and accurate orders, reports, and records
- Periodical check of all stocks and supplies.
- Availability of adequate staff in each shift
- Changing the staff of a ward.
- leaves or clinical offs
- Celebrations in ward
III. Domestic:
These are the activities concerned with the cleanliness of the ward. e.g., to see the safety and
general cleanliness of the department:
 Fumigation
Washing of the sanitary annexes (slippers in OT, sputum mugs, hand basins, cupboards etc)
Disposal of biohazards
C. Assessment of resources and investigation
Once the objective is clear, there is need to assess the resources available to reach the goal.
The factors which the head nurse has to consider are:
 The rate of turnover of the patient
 The total number of patients to be nursed
 The physical dependency of the patient
 The total nursing needs of the patients
 Patient assignment method
 The physical facilities, equipment, and supplies in hand and needed
 The amount of experience and teaching that staff has receives
Assessment of resources and investigation
 This can be achieved by conducting routine ward rounds and conducting clinical rounds with
 With these factors thoroughly investigated, the head nurse is in a position to estimate the
demands, in terms of ward personnel and material required for their efficient working
D. Records and Reports
Intradepartmental reports
All preoperative and post-operative patients
All admissions, discharges, transfers and deaths
All acutely ill patients
All patients on critical list
All emergencies
All depressed and suicidal patients
Interdepartmental reports
 Daily census report
 Medication, special equipment and supply register
 Patient's list
E. Establishment of planning premises
Premises refer to the factors in the environment that affect the achievement of goals.
They are assumptions about the future or understanding of the expected situation
o Emergency treatments
o Disaster planning
o Undue delays
F. Securing participation
 For the effective implementation of the program, the subordinates' participation has been
found to be extremely essential
 Plans must be communicated for increasing their understanding of the proposed action and for
enlisting their cooperation in the proper implementation of plan
G. Write up formulated plan
o This is done to avoid confusions and help in planning evaluation
o Writing the staff register (Monthly or weekly duty roaster, days of indents, list of fumigation
days in a given year)
o Maintaining the stock register
o Formulating the protocols
H. Programming and implementation
 Programming and implementation are the key steps in the planning process.
 The special attention is needed to the use of strategy
 Strategy means a set of decisions taken to achieve the objectives
I. Follow up of proposed course of action
Since all pertinent facts are not available in most planning activities and since some guess work
is inevitable, there should be a prior provision for following up the proposed program when it is put into
 Regular feedback both the way of written records and reports and by direct observation
 Regular and surprised Supervision of patient care and staff as well
 Investigate complaints if any
J. Evaluation and re-planning
 Evaluation is measuring what has been done what has been planned to do.
 Any deviation and lacunae have to be explained and necessary action has to be initiated to
correct deviations
Head Nursing Responsibilities:
1. Maintain and provide update to all medical records:
 Administer all routine tests and examinations for patients
 Supervise efficient working of staff and coordinate with nursing director to develop all clinical
2. Manage all patients in units and provide
 Recommend most cost-effective methods
 Assist in physicians to conduct all everyday rounds
 Participate in periodic performance
 Evaluate performance improvement plans.
3. Oversee work of nursing department
 Supervise all medical and laboratory services as per resident requirement
 Manage recruitment of staff
 Provide required training for same.
4. Administer all nursing services provided and ensure compliance to all joint commission guidelines and
 Participate in various committees and
 Manage all communication with staff and associate ancillary departments.
5. Organize and schedule all committee meetings and
 Maintain efficient schedule for all nursing activities and
 Ensure achievement of all facility and resident requirements.
6. Prepare schedule for all shifts
 Ensure no overlapping
 Oversee all nursing facility according to hospital policies
 Manage all resources for same.
7. Monitor all patient care activities and
 Ensure adherence to all hospital policies to satisfy all patient requirement
 Evaluate all assignments for members of shifts and
 Maintain all policies and procedures for nursing unit.
8. Develop quality assurance program for all nursing activities
 Maintain control standards on all work to prepare required reports and participate in meetings
 Assist to resolve all issues in nursing departments.
9. Coordinate with shift head nurse to organize all nursing staff meetings
 Prepare reports for same
 Ensure compliance to all objectives.
10. Provide orientation to all new employees and prepare training program for same as per requirement
 implement all changes on systems and
 Evaluate all continuous quality improvement programs
HEAD NURSING (Planning of the Nursing Unit)
Preparation before the procedure
 Establishes rapport with subordinates
 Able to involve patients in plan of care.
 Punctual and prompt in all activities
 Able to maintain stability under pressure.
 Gathers data using interview, observation, records review and reports
 Formulates appropriate nursing care plan
 Wears complete prescribed RLE uniform
Performing the procedure
 Carries out assigned tasks based on criteria of distribution of assignments
 Follows principles of time management
 Equipped with required paraphernalia for RLE
 Observes channels of communication Checks out staff's plan of care, including: Bedside care
 Administration of medications
 Administration of treatments ( nebulization, IVF)
 Shows initiative in performing tasks
 Accomplishes delegated tasks within prescribed time frame
 Provides psychological and spiritual support to patients
 Accepts supervision and criticisms
 Applies appropriate theory as basis for decision making
 Knowledge in communication, clarification and interpretation of existing problems with staff
and nursing responsibilities
 Inform the staff of the likely causes of errors defects and waste.
 Suggest in which risk, errors, quality of problems maybe reduce
 Neat and well groomed. Adheres to dress code
 Punctual in reporting for duty
 Complies with the code of ethics of the. implements school rules
 Assist in training staff in particular by nursing profession and upholds and setting a good
 Promotion of professional responsibility, accountability and behavior.
 Provide leadership in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of
comprehensive school health program
 Responds to student/ staff medical emergencies
 Instruct subordinates in appropriate method and procedure in providing care
 Initiate and facilitate any steps necessary to improve methods, equipment, materials and
condition in the work area for which they are responsible
 Checks, records and interprets accurately the vital signs of assigned patients
 Demonstrates skill in providing comprehensive nursing care
 Performs nursing procedures with maximum result with minimum time, effort and materials at
his/her level
 Implements nursing care according to priorities
 Coordinates with other members of the health team with regards to patient's condition
 Ability to transcribe doctor's orders.
- Determine what task are to be done, who is to do these, how the tasks are to be grouped, who
reports to whom and what decisions are to be made.
- It is a form of identifying roles and relationships of each staff on order to delineate specific tasks
or functions that will carry out organizational plan s and objectives.
- Process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating
responsibility and authority and establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling the
people to work more effectively together in accomplishing objectives.
As a process, it refers to the building of a structure that will provide for the separation of
activities to be performed and for the arrangement of these activities in a framework which
indicates their hierarchal importance and functional association.
Organizing Process Includes
1. Identifying and defining basic tasks.
2. Delegation of authority and assigning responsibility
3. Establishing relationships
Leadership and Management Rotation 1 Quiz
1.When setting goals for an activity, which of the following is not to be considered? *
1 point
A. Specific
B. Measurable
C. Realistic
D. Resistive
2.Goals are usually specified before the leader begins a planned activity. Which of the following
statement is a goal? *
1 point
A. To ensure common understanding
B. To provide safe and quality care to a patient
C. To prevent error in medication
D. To allow verbalization of feelings
3.For the full realization of management goals, the following are to be considered, except; *
1 point
A. Money
B. Machine
C. Membership
D. Materials
4.Is interconnected with other factors and is at the center of the process *
1 point
A. Management
B. Leadership
C. Time management
D. Goal
5.It involves techniques by which a notable group of people that directs the services needed *
1 point
A. Management
B. Leadership
C. Goal setting
D. Time management
6.Which of the following statements is not true of management? *
1 point
A. It is the art of getting things done through people
B. Managers are also considered leaders
C. The role of a manager is simple than a leader
D. Managers are vested with power and authority
7.Are the desired conditions towards which one is willing to work *
1 point
A. Money
B. Goals
C. Resources
D. Goal setting
8.Which of the following best describes a democratic leader? *
1 point
A. is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group
B. expand their horizon in order to attain the ultimate in life
C. permitting each individual to set independent group goal
D. The responsibilities for the action are shared between leader and the group
9.Is a process by which a cooperative group directs actions towards common goals. *
1 point
A. Leadership
B. Management
C. Nurse managers
D. Nurse leaders
10.It is a powerful process for thinking about the future and for motivating oneself, the group or the
organization to turn the vision of the future into reality. *
1 point
A. Leadership
B. Management
C. Time management
D. Goal setting
11. The director of the hospital explains to everyone the reason for it’s existence. Which of the
following is to be considered in this situation? *
1 point
A. Mission
B. Vision
C. Philosophy
D. Objectives
12. Which of the following time management skill is needed to be able to meet the needs of the
assigned clients and responsibilities associated with the position? *
1 point
A. Meeting all of the client’s needs during the shift
B. Anticipating possible interruption and considering priorities
C. Doing individual patient care
D. Leaving each day with unfinished task
13. The goal of the unit manager is to develop her staff nurses professionally. Continuing education
program was provided to the staff. Which of the following are associated with the program? *
1 point
A. Enhance the skill of the staff
B. Conducted within the institution
C. A formal training which lasts for months or years
D. Shouldered by the institution
14. It describes the vision of an organization that states their beliefs and values to direct the
organization’s practice. *
1 point
A. Objectives
B. Mission
C. Vision
D. Philosophy
15. It is a line linking the parts of an organization. *
1 point
A. Time management
B. Organizational chart
C. Management chain of command
D. Philosophy
16.It is known as the arrangement of people and resources working in a planned manner toward
specified strategic goals. *
1 point
A. Time management
B. Organizational chart
C. Organization
D. Management
17. Is a process of influencing a task related activity of group members. *
1 point
A. Nursing management
B. Nursing leadership
C. Managerial leadership
D. Administration
18. Under the nursing management process, which of the following is considered as input data? *
1 point
A. Outcomes of processing data
B. Interviewing employee to process data
C. Upgrade Skill levels through professional aspirations
D. Data from employee personal files
19. Which of the following can make employees feel free to express their ideas? *
1 point
A. Listening attentively to what each member has to say
B. Giving members the chance to give their suggestion
C. Judging the contribution of each member
D. Giving considerations to the needs and wants of each member
20. Which of the following is true of participative management? *
1 point
A. Uplifts the morale of the staff
B. Fosters professional upliftment
C. Increase camaraderie among staff
D. Allows staff to work independently