7),1)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ,,B3DUW % )6&ROOHFWLRQV'LVEXUVHPHQWV 7),1 )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ,, 3DUW% SAP AG 2005 SAP AG©2006 mySAP ERP Core Component 6.0 2006/Q2 Material number 50080316 &RS\ULJKW &RS\ULJKW6$3$*$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG 1RSDUWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQPD\EHUHSURGXFHGRUWUDQVPLWWHGLQ DQ\IRUPRUIRUDQ\SXUSRVHZLWKRXWWKHH[SUHVVSHUPLVVLRQRI 6$3$* 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQPD\EHFKDQJHG ZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH SAP AG 2006 Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, OS/2, Parallel Sysplex, MVS/ESA, AIX, S/390, AS/400, OS/390, OS/400, iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, zSeries, z/OS, AFP, Intelligent Miner, WebSphere, Netfinity, Tivoli, and Informix are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. UNIX, X/Open, OSF/1, and Motif are registered trademarks of the Open Group. Citrix, ICA, Program Neighborhood, MetaFrame, WinFrame, VideoFrame, and MultiWin are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. HTML, XML, XHTML and W3C are trademarks or registered trademarks of W3C®, World Wide Web Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., used under license for technology invented and implemented by Netscape. MaxDB is a trademark of MySQL AB, Sweden. SAP, R/3, mySAP, mySAP.com, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. The information in this document is proprietary to SAP. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express prior written permission of SAP AG. This document is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. This document contains only intended strategies, developments, and functionalities of the SAP® product and is not intended to be binding upon SAP to any particular course of business, product strategy, and/or development. Please note that this document is subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time without notice. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. SAP does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within this material. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP shall have no liability for damages of any kind including without limitation direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from the use of these materials. This limitation shall not apply in cases of intent or gross negligence. The statutory liability for personal injury and defective products is not affected. SAP has no control over the information that you may access through the use of hot links contained in these materials and does not endorse your use of third-party Web pages nor provide any warranty whatsoever relating to third-party Web pages. &RXUVH3UHUHTXLVLWHV 5HTXLUHG z $FFRXQWLQJNQRZOHGJH z 7),1)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ, z 606ROXWLRQ0DQDJHU2YHUYLHZ SAP AG 2006 7DUJHW*URXS 3DUWLFLSDQWV z 6ROXWLRQFRQVXOWDQWVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJZLWKP\6$3 (53)LQDQFLDOV 'XUDWLRQ z GD\V SAP AG 2003 &RXUVH2EMHFWLYHV $IWHUWKHFRXUVHSDUWLFLSDQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR XQGHUVWDQGWKHORJLFRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ $IWHUWKHFRXUVHWKHSDUWLFLSDQWVZLOOEHDEOHWR DFWLYDWHFRQILJXUHDQGXVH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 These course materials are not suitable for self-learning. The information you will get from your course instructor is essential to completing the materials. In some cases, there may not be enough time to perform all the exercises during the course. The exercises provide additional examples that are covered during the course. You can also go through the exercises yourself after the course, to reinforce what you have learnt. &RXUVH&RQWHQW 3UHIDFH Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 ,QWURGXFWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ Unit 5 Unit 6 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ([HUFLVHVDQG6ROXWLRQV SAP AG 2003 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 1-1 ,QWURGXFWLRQ &RQWHQWV 7KLVXQLWVXPPDUL]HVWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWSURSHUWLHVDQG EHQHILWVRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLQDFRPSDFW RYHUYLHZ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 1-2 ,QWURGXFWLRQ2EMHFWLYHV $IWHUFRPSOHWLQJWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR 2XWOLQHWKHDGYDQWDJHVDQGEHQHILWVRI1HZ*HQHUDO /HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1DPHSRVVLEOHIXQFWLRQVRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 1-3 3RVVLELOLWLHVZLWK1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ /HJDODQG 0DQDJHPHQW5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUG(QKDQFHPHQW DQG([WHQVLELOLW\ 5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ &2 !), 6HJPHQW 5HSRUWLQJ (with custom fields) 1HZ*HQHUDO /HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ LQP\6$3(53 7UDQVSDUHQF\DQG &RQVLVWHQF\ $FFHOHUDWHG 3HULRG(QG&ORVLQJ )LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 8VLQJ$Q\&KDUDFWHULVWLFV (document splitting) 6LPSOH 5HSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI3DUDOOHO $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 1-4 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ2QH&RPSRQHQW± /RWVRI)XQFWLRQV 5(QWHUSULVH (Legal requirements) COS 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ /HGJHU (& (&3&$ (Management and Segment Reporting) 6SHFLDO3XUSRVH/HGJHU 1H /H Z G J *H HU Q H $ UD FF O RX QW LQ J ),&ODVVLF P\6$3(53 (Multidimensional; customizable) SAP AG 2006 Prior to mySAP ERP, SAP customers have to install and operate many different components to meet international (or industry-specific) requirements and standards as completely as possible. In fact, the situation is worsening because more and more service providers (in the public sector, insurance, and media sectors, for example) are demanding balance sheets based on additional criteria - such as grant, fund, or industry. Of course, the increasing importance of IAS/IFRS as accounting principles is also heightening the need for improved quality and modeling of segment reporting. Furthermore, a unified solution would undoubtedly also be a bonus for tackling issues such as )DVW &ORVHand 6DUEDQHV2[OH\. 2YHUYLHZof the WRWDOVWDEOHV when the FODVVLFFRPSRQHQWV are used: y Classic FI: GLT0 y Cost-of-sales ledgers: GLFUNCT y Reconciliation ledger: COFIT y EC-PCA / classic Profit Center Accounting: GLPCT © SAP AG TFIN52 1-5 %HQHILWVRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ² 2YHUYLHZ 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLQP\6$3(53 KDVWKHIROORZLQJ DGYDQWDJHV FRPSDUHGWRFODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ(such as in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he subsequent units will elaborate on these benefits. 6$31RWH also provides an overview of the benefits of New General Ledger Accounting. New General Ledger Accounting can be explained briefly as follows: New General Ledger Accounting contains functions that combine classic General Ledger Accounting with the 6SHFLDO 3XUSRVH/HGJHU component. Important: Despite all the new features, the "interfaces" for entering the data and making the postings are virtually identical to the interfaces in the previous release. © SAP AG TFIN52 1-6 ,QWURGXFWLRQ6XPPDU\ <RXVKRXOGQRZEHDEOHWR 'HVFULEHWKHIXQFWLRQVRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ %ULHIO\GHVFULEHWKHEHQHILWVRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 1-7 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-1 /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ &RQWHQWV $FWLYDWLQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ *HWWLQJWRNQRZWKHQHZWRWDOVWDEOH)$*/)/(;7 $VVLJQLQJVFHQDULRVDQGWKHLULPSRUWDQFH (QWU\YLHZDQGJHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZIRU)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJGRFXPHQWV 7KH6HJPHQWFKDUDFWHULVWLF 'HULYLQJWKHVHJPHQW SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-2 /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ8QLW2EMHFWLYHV $IWHUFRPSOHWLQJWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR $FWLYDWH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1DPHWKHQHZILHOGVLQWKHWRWDOVWDEOH 'HVFULEHWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIVFHQDULRV 7HOOWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHHQWU\YLHZDQGWKH JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ 'HILQHDQGGHULYHVHJPHQWV SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-3 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ :LWKP\6$3(53&HQWUDO&RPSRQHQWWKH6$3V\VWHPRIIHUVLQWKH )LQDQFLDOVDUHDDQLQWHUHVWLQJDOWHUQDWLYHLQ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ 1(:*(1(5$//('*(5$&&2817,1* &UXFLDOTXHVWLRQ'RFRPSDQLHVKDYHWRXVH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ? ,WZLOOEHRSWLRQDO IRUH[LVWLQJFXVWRPHUV <RXZLOOQRWEHREOLJHG WRDFWLYDWH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 'XULQJDUHOHDVH XSJUDGH(to mySAP ERP)FODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ XVLQJWRWDOVWDEOH*/7 UHPDLQVDFWLYHDWILUVW 2IFRXUVH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJKDVPDQ\ DGYDQWDJHV )RUQHZLQVWDOODWLRQV1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLVDFWLYH E\GHIDXOWLQP\6$3(53 SAP AG 2006 ,QIRUPDWLRQIRUH[LVWLQJFXVWRPHUV If the advantages presented in the course AC210 are important or even crucial for your company, you can implement New General Ledger Accounting in a separate migration project after upgrading to P\6$3(53. For more information, see the unit of 0LJUDWLRQ at the end of this course. ,QIRUPDWLRQIRUQHZFXVWRPHUV In the case of a new installation, see 6$31RWHon setting up the system for New General Ledger Accounting. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-4 $FWLYDWLQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 'LVSOD\,0* q?rh k g0h [ ats*uwv;W gxk m*W1^ WT]kTWUi [(nDe;\Hop] g0h e;[ !" #%$ %& ' (&)*( +( , , , , , , ,.- %'/%/ '$01 ( ! '%/ '$01 ( !)2$ (3%'%$45 ! 6 7%' 8509:); '$/<+!1/ /! 5 #%'=>?+( @A@ . 9LHZ$FWLYDWH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ QR !STU N $ /'O" P ' Activation of New General Ledger Accounting V*WXZYW[W1\]1^ _5W?`6a1W6\?bdcTc e*f6[(g4h [Taji kUb&c g0h l W BDCE FHG0CIJK LCJK M SAP AG 2006 If existing customers want to use New General Ledger Accounting, they first need to activate it using a Customizing transaction (=> )$*/B$&7,9$7,21). &DXWLRQ This transaction is performed at the start of the course to enable you to explore the new functions. In practice, executing this transaction (for existing customers) is one of the last activities performed during the migration project leading up to the implementation of New General Ledger Accounting. The DFWLYDWLRQLQGLFDWRULVVHWIRUHDFKFOLHQW. y Caution: Activating New General Ledger Accounting results in system-wide changes to application and Customizing paths. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-5 1HZ0HQX3DWKV$IWHU$FWLYDWLRQ 'LVSOD\,0* q?rh kTgh [ ats2uv;W gxk m;W1^ WT]kTWUi [(nDe;\Ho]g0h e;[ H 1 & /!" d#%$ %& ' (&)* +( , , , , , , ,:- '%/ '$06/ ! '%/ '$06/ !zy 8?09O{ '%/ '$06/ !S?' 2 / %!(Oy 8T9O{ <%+!(% )*$ 3%'$/' '%> OP 6 &#'=>?+ | & @U@ )2% '$<%+!?/ % %!dy 8T9O{ } ' % | ' ' S5% //O~ '' T$ '/ ! + OT / ! @A@, 1/ N / 7'%3$ *'%%+>1/T( &'4='3%$ S5'%;1/ /! 6///6// ( %! @@ 5 ($ $ ! " 74> } '%'!(%> @@ %0 SAP AG 2006 The SDWKVIRU1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ are DGGHG to the existing Customizing paths. To help you find your way around, the classic Financial Accounting paths will initially remain available in their present form. Once you have become familiar with the paths for New General Ledger Accounting, you can run program 5)$*/B6:$3B,0*B2/' to hide the classic Financial Accounting paths. Activating New General Ledger Accounting also makes several new nodes available in the application and the SAP Easy Access menu. &DXWLRQ The activation of New General Ledger Accounting not only affects the menu entries; a few classic functions / transactions can no longer be executed either. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-6 /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 6$3SURYLGHVWKHOHDGLQJOHGJHU/ DQGWRWDOVWDEOH)$*/)/(;7 ZLWK WKHVWDQGDUGV\VWHP. *Wn0h [ W_TW5`6a6W1\ k:h [YW6[ W1\]1^T_TW5`1a6W6\5bdc5c e*f?[g4h [Ta _6 _5WT`a?W1\*V*]5opW e6gH]^ kA;]6^ W ?_ _5W ]?`*h [5a.^ W5`6a?W\ bdYA_1_1q5O _5W ]5`*h [Ta %0% 7KHOHDGLQJOHGJHUJHWVPDQ\RILWVFRQWUROSDUDPHWHUV(as before) IURPWKHFRPSDQ\ FRGH ± ZHWULHGWRNHHSHYHU\WKLQJDVIDPLOLDUDVSRVVLEOH ± VSHFLILFDOO\ The leading ledger manages the (additional) ORFDOFXUUHQF\ FXUUHQFLHV that is (are) assigned to the company code. The leading ledger uses the ILVFDO\HDUYDULDQW that is assigned to the company code. The leading ledger uses the SRVWLQJSHULRGYDULDQW that is assigned to the company code. 6SHFLDOIHDWXUHV RIWKHOHDGLQJOHGJHU There is H[DFWO\RQH OHDGLQJOHGJHU! Only the YDOXHV from the leading ledger are SRVWHGWR&2in the standard system! SAP AG 2006 You define DGGLWLRQDOFXUUHQFLHV in Customizing under )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ *OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!/HGJHU!'HILQH&XUUHQFLHVRI/HDGLQJ/HGJHU. The assignment of the ILVFDO\HDUYDULDQW and the YDULDQWRISRVWLQJSHULRGV to the leading ledger is located in Customizing under: )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV !)LVFDO<HDUDQG3RVWLQJ3HULRGV In addition to the leading ledger, you can also define other, non-leading ledgers (=> also see the unit 3DUDOOHO $FFRXQWLQJ). y The non-leading ledgers can then be assigned currencies and/or fiscal year variants that differ from the leading ledger. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-7 7RWDOV7DEOH)$*/)/(;7 2QHORRNDWWKHGDWDEDVHWDEOHVPDNHVWKHSULPDU\VWDQGDUGH[WHQVLRQ RIWKHGDWD VWUXFWXUHYLVLEOHLPPHGLDWHO\ 1>;24>*>&2&p2&H; &2> w>O¡> £¢p¤>¢&>¥O¦ §¨ © ¨ª«D¬ ­6®­ ¯°±°5¬ © ° ²5© ¨z¯x¬ ¨© ³5´?µ Ç ¬ ¨T© ³ ¶ ¶ »6Û½ ÆÜ» ººº ¶ ¶ »6Æ&Ë>Ë;Á ¶ Ò6ÓÔ(Õ%Ö×(Ø×TÙ ¶ Ä;Å>Ñ>»§ ¶ »Ë&À1Á*» ¶ É »;ËÁ;» ¢> 2>TÚ> ;>1>2ÍÏ¡;O Ë2­?´«2½1© ¨¸¨ ®(« Ì >ÍÏÎ&Ð ¶ »2Ä;Å*§6Æ §2½6¾¿½À6Á ¶ ¶ ¶ Ì >O Ë2­?´«ËO¨®«x¨ ¹ É ¹H­5¯Ê¬ «ËO¨®«Ê¨ ¹ ¶ » Ç Æd»2½TÆ ¶ ÝÞ 0&>1ß2 ÇTÈ ®Tª«0¬ ­6®5° ©Æd¹x¨° ÂU>;Ã:0 §¨·1¸¨®«6¯H­1¹1§;¨(·6ºT»;¨ ¼ ­1¹ « ¶ à/áxá GF4â SAP AG 2006 The totals table of New General Ledger Accounting (=> )$*/)/(;7) updates more entities than was possible in the classic totals table (=> */7). Examples of the new standard fields include: y Cost Center y Profit Center y Segment Totals table )$*/)/(;7can be extended with additional fields – both predefined SAP fields and entirely new customer fields. To add customer fields to totals table )$*/)/(;7they first have to be added to the account assignment block (=> Function: (GLW$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW%ORFN). y &DXWLRQ: Please do QRWWHVWWKLVGXULQJWKHFRXUVH, because extending the account assignment block will lock out all other transactions (including for other course participants). © SAP AG TFIN52 2-8 6FHQDULRV± 'HILQLWLRQDQG$VVLJQPHQW :KDWLVDVFHQDULRGHILQLWLRQ" $VFHQDULRGHILQHVZKLFKILHOGVDUHXSGDWHGLQWKHOHGJHUV(in the general ledger view) GXULQJDSRVWLQJ(from other application components) 6FHQDULRVSURYLGHGE\6$3 Ì 2ÜO;O&Î*O;D ã ä (FIN_CCA) Update of the sender cost center and receiver cost center fields å >Î;O0/ æ0Üd;;d O1 d ã ä ä (FIN_GSBER) Update of the sender business area and receiver business area fields å 02æ Ü1O;Oz&Î;O ã ä ä ã (FIN_PCA) (FIN_SEGM) Update of the segment, partner segment, and PC fields Ì 2èD2æ4èx;> *Ü>/* ä _TWT]5`;h [Tat^ WT`1a6W1\ êH?_5ì V2e;[5éÊ^ W5]5`;h [Ta ^ W?`6a1W6\êDV>í%ì V2e;[5éÊ^ W5]5`;h [Ta ^ W?`6a1W6\êDV*ëì Update of profit center and partner PC fields Ý ;&Íç>/ d ã ;&OO î Update of consolidation transaction type and trading partner fields ÂOH*1ç24 ã (FIN_CONS) (FIN_UKV) Update of the sender functional area and receiver functional area fields SAP AG 2006 The fields that are updated by the scenarios can be used to model certain business circumstances – such as segment reporting. To display the available VFHQDULRV, goto &XVWRPL]LQJ for )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ , and choose )LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!)LHOGV!'LVSOD\6FHQDULRVIRU*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ. You FDQQRWGHILQH\RXURZQVFHQDULRV. The delivered VFHQDULRV DUHDVVLJQHGWRWKHOHGJHUV in Customizing for Financial Accounting (New) under Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Ledgers -> Ledger -> Assign Scenarios and Customer Fields to Ledgers. y ,PSRUWDQWQRWH$OHGJHU(=> the leading ledger in all cases) FDQEHDVVLJQHGRQHRUPRUHVFHQDULRVRU HYHQDOOVL[DWRQFH y The decision as to how many scenarios to assign depends solely on which "facts" / "business aspects" you want to model in the General Ledger Accounting. You do not necessarily have to define non-leading ledgers, which means scenarios do not have to be assigned to non-leading ledgers either. ,PSRUWDQW<RXGRQRWQHHGDOHGJHUIRUHDFKVFHQDULR Multiple/non-leading ledgers are useful for portraying accounting in accordance with different accounting principles. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-9 (QWU\9LHZDQG*HQHUDO/HGJHU9LHZ :KHQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLVDFWLYHD)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJGRFXPHQWDOZD\VKDVWZRYLHZV7KHHQWU\YLHZ DQGWKH JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ. Besides the leading ledger, you may also see the document in other, non-leading ledgers in the general ledger view. 'HILQLWLRQ (QWU\9LHZ 9LHZof KRZa document also appears in the VXEOHGJHUYLHZV / VXEOHGJHUV (AP / AR / AA / taxes)! *HQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ 9LHZ of KRZa document appears (only) LQ WKHJHQHUDOOHGJHU! SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-10 6FHQDULRV² $VVLJQPHQWDQG)XQFWLRQV, 0RGHOHGVLWXDWLRQ(QWU\YLHZ of an FI document !WKHYLHZZKHQSRVWLQJWKH GRFXPHQW without assignment of scenarios to a ledger. 'LVSOD\'RFXPHQW(QWU\9LHZ YW[W1\]1^ _5W?`6a?W1\%h WX ](r6Wk Document no. 1000000001 Doc. date: DD.MM.YYYY $# 1000 " ! ö Company code: 1000 Posting date: DD.MM.YYYY ûTú ö1ù ù5úDú ý þ 1I 1 40 417000 Purch. Services 50.00 EUR 2 50 100000 Petty Cash 55.00- EUR 3 40 154000 Input Tax 5.00 EUR Fiscal Year: YYYY Period: M õ6ö ø ù(öúxû ü ú û Aû ó(óôô ô%÷Tô(ô ÿô ôô ÿ÷ ô ö 1I ïðñDò SAP AG 2006 In general, you will notice that QRWKLQJKDVFKDQJHG regarding HQWU\ of the documents. The dependencies have also remained the same. For example: y Account 3XUFKDVHG6HUYLFHV(417000) is defined as a primary cost element in CO and therefore requires a CO-relevant account assignment during entry. y The CO object (such as cost center) is used to derive the profit center and functional area y New with ERP: A segment can now be derived from the profit center. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-11 6FHQDULRV² $VVLJQPHQWDQG)XQFWLRQV,, 0RGHOHGVLWXDWLRQ*HQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZof an FI document, ZLWKRXW DVVLJQPHQW RI VFHQDULRVWRWKHOHDGLQJOHGJHU/ 'LVSOD\'RFXPHQW*HQHUDO/HGJHU9LHZ 1]r6Wk q*[(g4\'&(d % h WX Doc. Number: 1000000001 Doc. Date: DD.MM.YYYY _ W?`6a6W6\)56_ $# 1000 " ! ö Company Code: 1000 Posting Date: DD.MM.YYYY Fiscal Year: YYYY Period: M 2ec?f?oUW6[ g*)1íT TT6í 1h k?cT]6^,+2W]1\).--/-/- 06W1\Dh e6`)21 ö1ù ûTú ù5úDú ý þ 1I 1 40 417000 Purch. Services 50,00 EUR 2 50 100000 Petty Cash 55,00- EUR 3 40 154000 Input Tax 5,00 EUR õ6ö ø ù(öúxû ü ú û Aû 1I ïðñDò SAP AG 2006 3 ,IWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJVFHQDULRVDUHQRWDVVLJQHGQRHQWLWLHVDUHLQKHULWHGWR*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ (=> neither to the leading ledger nor to one or more non-leading ledgers). y (IIHFWVRIDPLVVLQJVFHQDULRDVVLJQPHQW If you call up a balance sheet (and a profit & loss statement), you would indeed see the amount of ¼RQWKH3XUFKDVHG6HUYLFHV account. It would be impossible, however, to allocate the bookkeeping transaction to a business area, functional area, profit center, or any other entity. Accordingly, if you do not assign scenarios to a ledger (=>or to multiple ledgers, if necessary), segment balance sheets will not be possible. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-12 6FHQDULRV² $VVLJQPHQWDQG)XQFWLRQV,,, 0RGHOHGVLWXDWLRQ*HQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ of an FI document, ZLWK previous DVVLJQPHQW of VFHQDULRV $QQXDO5HSRUWDQG&RVW&HQWHU8SGDWH WRWKHOHDGLQJOHGJHU 'LVSOD\'RFXPHQW*HQHUDO/HGJHU9LHZ 1]r6Wk q*[(g4\'&(d % h WX Doc. No.: 1000000001 Doc. Date: DD.MM.YYYY _ W?`6a6W6\)56_ $# 1000 " ! ö Company Code: 1000 Posting Date: DD.MM.YYYY Fiscal Year: YYYY Period: M 2ec?f?oUW6[ g*)1íT TT6í 1h k?cT]6^,+2W]1\)+$++$+ 06W1\Dh e6`)21 ö1ù ûTú ù5úDú ý þ 1I 1 40 417000 Purch. Services 50.00 EUR 2 50 100000 Petty Cash 55.00- EUR 3 40 154000 Input Tax 5.00 EUR õ6ö ó(óôô ø ù(öúxû ü ú û Aû ÿô ôô 1I ïðñDò SAP AG 2006 3 Given that the scenarios &RVW&HQWHU8SGDWH and %XVLQHVV$UHD are assigned to the leading ledger 0L, these two entities are updated to General Ledger Accounting and displayed in the corresponding general ledger view. 3 The 6HJPHQW field, for example, is not updated or displayed in the general ledger view, however, because this scenario has not previously been assigned to the leading ledger. 3 Caution: Scenario assignment is not capable of effecting a "zero balance setting" for any given entity. y In terms of the business area (=> BA): It is not yet possible to create a correct BA balance sheet (for BA 9900, for example), because the BA was not inherited to posting items 2 and 3. y To use this function, document splitting must additionally be configured with active inheritance. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-13 8VHRIWKH(QWLW\6HJPHQW 7KH6HJPHQWILHOG LVRQHRIWKHVWDQGDUGDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQW REMHFWV DYDLODEOHLQP\6$3(53IRUUXQQLQJDQDO\VHVIRU REMHFWVEHORZWKHFRPSDQ\FRGHOHYHO 7KHREMHFWLYH LVWRJLYHDGHWDLOHGORRNDWWKHYDULRXVEXVLQHVV DFWLYLWLHV !PDUNHWVRUSURGXFWV± LQJHQHUDODFWLYLW\DUHDV DWD EURDGEDVHG HQWHUSULVH .H\ZRUGVHJPHQWUHSRUWLQJ $OWHUQDWLYHDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWVXVHGLQWKHSDVW 3URILW&HQWHU %XVLQHVV$UHD (Profitability segment) SAP AG 2006 3 Segments can be used to meet the requirements of international accounting principles (=> IAS / IFRS / U.S. GAAP) regarding "segment reporting". y Excerpt from IAS 14:… reporting is required for a business or geographical segment when the majority of its revenues stems from sales to external customers and segment revenues account for at least 10% of total internal and external revenues of all segments, segment income accounts for at least 10% of all segment income, or segment assets account for at least 10% of the assets of all segments. A segment can be reported separately even if it does not meet these size requirements. If the segments subject to reporting requirements account for less than 75% of total consolidated revenues or enterprise revenues, then other segments must be reported on separately, irrespective of the 10% limit, until at least this 75% is reached. … 3 3 The %XVLQHVV$UHD or 3URILW&HQWHU objects can be used as alternatives. The segment is provided in addition because the business area and/or profit center were frequently used for other purposes in the past and thereby to meet other requirements. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-14 'HULYLQJD6HJPHQW &KDQJH3URILW&HQWHU l =.?A hHI HnmVI on;Kp>@?oq; f ?A I gI C@hji ;>I kg :<;=.;>@?A/B$?.CD? Profit Center Controlling Area EF2FF EF.F.F Profit Center 1000 CO Europe G ?.HI JKB$?.CL? Person Responsible Department Hierarchy Area M$N$OQPRQSNTT*PVURW<X _`PVa$NU*T8ObPXTdc e Y[Z2\]^ Segment 46587*9 SAP AG 2006 The ERP system enables you to assign a segment in the master data of a profit center. Postings are automatically made to the segment when the profit center is posted to. y There is no "dummy segment posting", as in the profit center logic; if the profit center does not have a segment, there is no segment account assignment either. The default setting involves deriving the segment from the profit center, but customers can develop their own derivation solutions through a user exit (BAdI). y The definition name of the BAdI is: FAGL_DERIVE_SEGMENT. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-15 'LVSOD\LQJWKH6HJPHQW(QWLW\LQDQ), 'RFXPHQW _qr RVats Nuwv@e(PVX$x WU8y_zWt{|VO}PVXT~tdXTU*ue[r P Document No. 19000001538 Doc. Date: DD.MM.YYYY # " 1000 ! 1 31 öt.6ù2 1000 Company Code: 1000 Posting Date: DD.MM.YYYY û ú ö (1ù ù?úDú Vendor X 11000- EUR 10000 EUR 2 40 417000 Purch. Services 3 40 154000 Input Tax Fiscal Year: YYYY Period: M V ú 1ú2 .û ûú û û. 1000 1402 SEG A 1000 EUR ï0ð/ñDò §¨}©¨ª«*¬2­® ­$¯ °±/²¬/­®³´³Vµ ªV©¯ ­ °³$¨¶·¸¹²$® «ª² ºV¸²®«Dª´µ'®¼»t²½¿¾(²®²$ÀD­$¯Á² ³Vº²$À$Âz¶ ¶¨V·$®«*µL®º¬2°¨V·¼Ã ­ IJK«*¨ © ²$ÀŨVÀ8¸¿«8òÆŨt¯ ¯ ¨½µ ®ºª «²$© ª Ç B;/*I =I C*I k= E H J;=?>I k HJ;=.?>I k.2q/ / of the The has to be defined for the leading ledger (and for any other nonleading ledgers) – if it is not, the segment is only visible in the entry view. B;/*I =/; the segments. B;>DI /; the segments – The standard SAP system supports derivation from profit centers I ;A gKH/CL?C.H(2? >I ?=C I ;A g[H/CL?.C8H[>Lk.H p ?2J/Jk =C@H $/[2 ? I =C?I = the of the corresponding : The ./. /¡2 /.nand/or 2 g;*I =.;2g ¢,¢ ¢ ) must be as an "optional entry" * group / I ;A gKH/CL?C.H 2k HC*I =.¤;h ? I =C?I = the of the corresponding : The above statement also apples. * ?h2kC .[2 gkJ/on;=C$g$I HA ?h B I HA ?h the field using the ¦ (icon ) in the 2 2 £ 2¥ field (=> SAP AG 2006 7RPDLQWDLQWKHVFHQDULRV: In Customizing under )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!/HGJHU!$VVLJQ6FHQDULRVDQG&XVWRPHU)LHOGV WR/HGJHUV. 3 The 6HJPHQWfield (technical name: SEGMENT) appears in the standard version of the totals table in New General Ledger Accounting (=> )$*/)/(;7) in mySAP ERP. 3 'HILQLWLRQRIWKHVHJPHQWV In Customizing under (QWHUSULVH6WUXFWXUH!'HILQLWLRQ!)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ!'HILQH6HJPHQW 0DLQWDLQLQJDVHJPHQWLQDSURILWFHQWHUApplication Accounting -> Controlling -> Profit Center Accounting -> Master Data -> Profit Center -> Individual Processing -> Change 3 y Caution: If a customer does not use Profit Center Accounting, for example, a BAdI enables alternative derivation strategies to be used. 3 3 0DLQWDLQ the ILHOGVWDWXVYDULDQW the fastest method (since Release 4.6): Transaction code )%.3 or in Customizing under)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!)LHOGV!'HILQH)LHOG6WDWXV9DULDQWV 0DLQWDLQ the field status of the SRVWLQJNH\ - the fastest method (since Release 4.6): Transaction code )%.3 or in Customizing under)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO 6HWWLQJV 1HZ !'RFXPHQW!'HILQH3RVWLQJ.H\ * If the field status is not defined as described here, postings are still made to the 6HJPHQW table field, but this table field cannot be displayed or edited in the coding block. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-16 /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ6XPPDU\ <RXVKRXOGQRZEHDEOHWR $FWLYDWH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1DPHWKHQHZILHOGVLQWKHJHQHUDOOHGJHUWRWDOVWDEOH ([SODLQKRZVFHQDULRVDUHXVHG 'HVFULEHWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHHQWU\YLHZDQG WKHJHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ 'HILQHDQGGHULYHVHJPHQWV SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-17 ([HUFLVHV 8QLW/HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 7RSLF&RQILJXULQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to • Activate and configure New General Ledger Accounting. You will understand the scenarios of New General Ledger Accounting, how to create and derive segments, and how to tell the difference between the entry view and the general ledger view of a Financial Accounting document. 2-1 ([HUFLVHVIRUFRQILJXULQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 2-1-1 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Call up the DFWLYDWLRQLQGLFDWRU for New General Ledger Accounting and make sure New General Ledger Accounting has been activated! Which WUDQVDFWLRQFRGH can you use to call up the activation indicator? What does the acronym “FAGL” stand for? 2-1-2 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Check the Customizing settings to find out the ,' of the OHDGLQJOHGJHU, as well as the WRWDOVWDEOH where the values are saved. 2-1-3 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW,QDOOIXWXUHH[HUFLVHVWKHWZRKDVKNH\V ! VWDQGIRU\RXUWZRGLJLWJURXSQXPEHU Check the “QHZ´,0*SDWKV to find out , which ILVFDO\HDUYDULDQW your FRPSDQ\FRGH $$uses, and ZKLFKILHOGVWDWXVYDULDQW is assigned to your FRPSDQ\FRGH$$. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-18 2-1-4 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Which VFHQDULRV have been assigned (by the trainer) to the OHDGLQJOHGJHU, /? 2-1-5 &UHDWH a new VHJPHQW with ID 6(* and name it “ Segment Group ##”. 2-1-6 Now FUHDWH a SURILWFHQWHU with ID 3&. For a WHPSODWH, please use SURILWFHQWHU LQFRQWUROOLQJDUHD. 0DLQWDLQWKHIROORZLQJGDWD for the profit center $QDO\VLV7LPH)UDPH: to 1DPH: 3&*URXS /RQJ7H[W: 3URILW&HQWHU*URXS 3HUVRQ5HVSRQVLEOH: *URXS 'HSDUWPHQW: &RXUVH +LHUDUFK\$UHD: + (Course) 6HJPHQW: Your new 6HJPHQW6(* from the previous exercise. $FWLYDWH the new profit center. 2-1-7 Call FRVWFHQWHU 7)$ LQFKDQJHPRGH and make sure that the cost center is assigned to your company code $$. 5HSODFH the existing cost center with your QHZSURILWFHQWHU 3&. Answer any warning/information messages with “ Yes”. 6DYH your changes. 2-1-8 1RZFUHDWHYHQGRU in your company code $$ – leave the account group blank and choose 9HQGRU in &RPSDQ\&RGH as a WHPSODWH. )LOOLQDOOWKHUHTXLUHGILHOGV with the address data and VDYH your data. 2-1-9 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Before the first posting, QRZFKHFNwhether the FRVWFHQWHU, the SURILW FHQWHU, and the VHJPHQW DUHGHILQHGDV“ 2SWLRQDO´in the ILHOGVWDWXV JURXS of DFFRXQW (Purchased Services) / FRPSDQ\FRGH$$. 2-1-10 Now create a YHQGRULQYRLFH for the services you purchased ZLWKWKH IROORZLQJGDWD: &RPSDQ\&RGH: $$ 9HQGRU: ,QYRLFHDQGSRVWLQJGDWH: 7RGD\ $PRXQW: ¼ &DOFXODWH7D[LQGLFDWRU: 6HW 7D[&RGH: 91 7H[W 3RVWLQJ$& */$FFRXQW: $PRXQWLQGRFXPHQWFXUUHQF\: or just “ *” &25HOHYDQW$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW: Cost center 7)$ Simulate and VDYH the posting document! © SAP AG TFIN52 2-19 2-1-11 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW. &KDQJHWKHOD\RXWin the entry view such that the FRVWFHQWHU, SURILWFHQWHU, and VHJPHQW DUHGLVSOD\HG! 6DYHWKLVOD\RXW XVHUVSHFLILFDOO\ with QDPH/. If you want, you can also save your new layout as the default setting. If you do, layout / will be started automatically whenever you display the document. © SAP AG TFIN52 2-20 6ROXWLRQV 8QLW/HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 7RSLF&RQILJXULQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 2-1 ([HUFLVHVIRUFRQILJXULQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 2-1-1 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Call up the DFWLYDWLRQLQGLFDWRU for New General Ledger Accounting and make sure New General Ledger Accounting has been activated! &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJVo $FWLYDWH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ Which WUDQVDFWLRQFRGH can you use to call up the activation indicator? 7UDQVDFWLRQFRGH)$*/B$&7,9$7,21 What does the acronym “ FAGL” stand for? )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*HQHUDO/HGJHU 2-1-2 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Check the Customizing settings to find out the ,' of the OHDGLQJOHGJHU, as well as the WRWDOVWDEOH where the values are saved. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO 6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo/HGJHUo'HILQH/HGJHUVIRU*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ o7KH,'LV/ o7KHWRWDOVWDEOHQDPHLV)$*/)/(;7 © SAP AG TFIN52 2-21 2-1-3 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ ,PSRUWDQW,QDOOIXWXUHH[HUFLVHVWKHWZRKDVKNH\V ! VWDQGIRU\RXUWZRGLJLWJURXSQXPEHU Check the “ QHZ´,0*SDWKV to find out which ILVFDO\HDUYDULDQW your FRPSDQ\FRGH $$uses … &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO 6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo)LVFDO<HDUDQG3RVWLQJ3HULRGVo$VVLJQ &RPSDQ\&RGHWRD)LVFDO<HDU9DULDQW <RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$KDVILVFDO\HDUYDULDQW. ... and which ILHOGVWDWXVYDULDQW is assigned to your FRPSDQ\FRGH$$? &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO 6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo)LHOGVo$VVLJQ&RPSDQ\&RGHWR)LHOG6WDWXV 9DULDQWV <RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$KDVILHOGVWDWXVYDULDQW 2-1-4 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Which VFHQDULRV have been assigned (by the trainer) to the OHDGLQJOHGJHU, /? &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO 6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo/HGJHUo$VVLJQ6FHQDULRVDQG&XVWRPHU)LHOGVWR /HGJHUV 6HOHFWOHGJHU/GRXEOHFOLFNWRVHOHFWWKH6FHQDULRVHQWU\LQWKHGLDORJ VWUXFWXUH7KHIROORZLQJVFHQDULRVPD\EHYLVLEOH &RVW&HQWHU8SGDWH 3UHSDUDWLRQVIRU&RQVROLGDWLRQ %XVLQHVV$UHD 3URILW&HQWHU8SGDWH 6HJPHQWDWLRQ &RVWRI6DOHV$FFRXQWLQJ © SAP AG TFIN52 2-22 2-1-5 &UHDWH a new VHJPHQW with ID 6(* and name it “ Segment Group ##” . &XVWRPL]LQJ(QWHUSULVH6WUXFWXUHo'HILQLWLRQo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo 'HILQH6HJPHQW 0DLQWDLQWKHQHZHQWU\DVGHVFULEHGLQWKHH[HUFLVHWH[W 2-1-6 Now FUHDWH a SURILWFHQWHU with ID 3&. For a WHPSODWH, please use SURILWFHQWHU LQFRQWUROOLQJDUHD. 0DLQWDLQWKHIROORZLQJGDWD for the profit center $QDO\VLV7LPH)UDPH: to 1DPH: 3&*URXS /RQJ7H[W: 3URILW&HQWHU*URXS 3HUVRQ5HVSRQVLEOH: *URXS 'HSDUWPHQW: &RXUVH +LHUDUFK\$UHD: + (Course) 6HJPHQW: Your new 6HJPHQW6(* from the previous exercise. $FWLYDWH the new profit center. &XVWRPL]LQJ(QWHUSULVH6WUXFWXUHo'HILQLWLRQo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo 'HILQH3URILW&HQWHU ,QWKHGLVSOD\HGGLDORJER[FKRRVH(&3&$&UHDWHSURILWFHQWHU 0DLQWDLQWKHQHZHQWU\ZLWKWKHUHIHUHQFHSURILWFHQWHUDVGHVFULEHGLQWKH H[HUFLVHWH[W 2-1-7 Call FRVWFHQWHU 7)$ LQFKDQJHPRGH and make sure that the cost center is assigned to your company code $$. … 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQXo$FFRXQWLQJo&RQWUROOLQJo&RVW&HQWHU$FFRXQWLQJ o0DVWHU'DWDo&RVW&HQWHUo,QGLYLGXDO3URFHVVLQJo&KDQJH … 5HSODFH the existing profit center with your QHZSURILWFHQWHU 3&. Answer any warning/information messages with “ Yes” . 6DYH your changes. 2-1-8 1RZFUHDWHYHQGRU in your company code $$ – leave the account group blank and choose 9HQGRU in &RPSDQ\&RGH as a WHPSODWH. )LOOLQDOOWKHUHTXLUHGILHOGV with the address data and VDYH your data. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo9HQGRUVo 0DVWHU5HFRUGVo&UHDWH 0DLQWDLQWKHQHZHQWU\ZLWKWKHUHIHUHQFHDVGHVFULEHGLQWKHH[HUFLVHWH[W © SAP AG TFIN52 2-23 2-1-9 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Before the first posting, QRZFKHFNwhether the FRVWFHQWHU, the SURILW FHQWHU, and the VHJPHQW DUHGHILQHGDV“ 2SWLRQDO´in the ILHOGVWDWXV JURXS of DFFRXQW (Purchased Services) / FRPSDQ\FRGH$$. 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo*HQHUDO /HGJHUo0DVWHU5HFRUGVo*/$FFRXQWVo,QGLYLGXDO3URFHVVLQJo&HQWUDOO\ (QWHUDFFRXQWDQGFRPSDQ\FRGH$$ 'RXEOHFOLFNWKHWDE&UHDWHEDQNLQWHUHVW 'RXEOHFOLFNWKHHQWU\IRUWKH)LHOGVWDWXVJURXS !* 'RXEOHFOLFNRQWKH$GGLWLRQDODFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWVJURXS )LQGWKHDSSURSULDWHDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWVLQWKHGLVSOD\HGWDEOH<RXPD\ KDYHWRVFUROOGRZQWRVHHWKHVHJPHQW 2-1-10 Now create a YHQGRULQYRLFH for the services you purchased ZLWKWKH IROORZLQJGDWD: &RPSDQ\&RGH: $$ 9HQGRU: ,QYRLFHDQGSRVWLQJGDWH: 7RGD\ $PRXQW: ¼ &DOFXODWH7D[LQGLFDWRU: 6HW 7D[&RGH: 91 7H[W 3RVWLQJ$& */$FFRXQW: $PRXQWLQGRFXPHQWFXUUHQF\: or just “ *” &25HOHYDQW$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW: Cost center 7)$ Simulate and VDYH the posting document! 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo9HQGRUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH (QWHUWKHPLVVLQJGDWDDVGHVFULEHGLQWKHH[HUFLVHWH[W 2-1-11 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW.… 5HPDLQLQWKH(QWHU9HQGRU,QYRLFHVFUHHQDQGFKRRVHPHQXSDWK'RFXPHQWo 'LVSOD\ … &KDQJHWKHOD\RXWin the entry view such that the FRVWFHQWHU, SURILW FHQWHU, and VHJPHQW DUHGLVSOD\HG! … &KRRVH&KDQJH/D\RXWIURPWKHGURSGRZQOLVWXQGHUWKH6HOHFW/D\RXW SXVKEXWWRQ'LVSOD\WKHWKUHHGHVFULEHGILHOGV ... 6DYHWKLVOD\RXWXVHUVSHFLILFDOO\ with QDPH/. If you want, you can also save your new layout as the default setting. If you do, layout / will be started automatically whenever you display the document. &KRRVH6DYH/D\RXWIURPWKHGURSGRZQOLVWXQGHUWKH6HOHFW/D\RXW SXVKEXWWRQ © SAP AG TFIN52 2-24 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-1 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ &RQWHQWV z 0RWLYDWLRQIRUGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ z 'RFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJIXQFWLRQV z $FWLYDWLQJGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ z 'HILQLQJGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFV z ,QKHULWDQFHLQGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ z ([DPSOHSRVWLQJVZLWKGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-2 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 2EMHFWLYHV $WWKHFRQFOXVLRQRIWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR z ([SODLQWKHPRWLYDWLRQDQGWKHRU\EHKLQGGRFXPHQW VSOLWWLQJ z $FWLYDWHDQGXVHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ z 3HUIRUPH[DPSOHSRVWLQJVZLWKGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-3 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² 0RWLYDWLRQ $YDLODEOH IXQFWLRQV LQWKH6$3V\VWHP(Release SAP ERP Central Component 5.0 and later) WRFUHDWHVHJPHQWILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 7KH6HJPHQW ILHOG LVDVWDQGDUGILHOGLQWKHWRWDOVWDEOHIRU 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ )$*/)/(;7 1HZ),GULOOGRZQUHSRUWLQJIXQFWLRQV OHW\RXFUHDWHVHJPHQW ILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 5HTXLUHPHQW ([DPSOH3RVWLQJZGLIIVHJPHQWDVVLJQPHQW -/. 8 56 7 2 34 01 1000 , *+ 1 31 $$) " #$%'& (& 1000 Vendor X ! 11,000- EUR 2 40 417000 Purch. Services 4,000 EUR SEG A 3 40 417000 Purch. Services 6,000 EUR SEG B 4 40 154000 Input Tax 1,000 EUR 6ROXWLRQ 'RFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJRQOLQHVSOLW SAP AG 2006 The system requirements can be even more "simple" – there do not necessarily have to be different segment assignments in the expense lines. At the very least, the payables line (in the general ledger view) has to have a "segment assignment" line, for example, to create balanced segment financial statements at all. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-4 $VVXPSWLRQVIRU'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ $VVXPSWLRQVIRU'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ The RSHUDWLYHSURFHVV (of document entry) PXVWQRW EHGLVWXUEHG (changed) by the online split – VSHFLILFH[DPSOH When entering the following vendor invoice in the system ... 9;:=<?>@:?AB N :PO-Q-FSRUTPBGR KVA J >LK?DMAB CEDFGFIH Vendor X 11,600- EUR Purch. Services 4,000 EUR SEG A Purch. Services 6,000 EUR SEG B Input Tax 1,600 EUR …. the user RQO\ZDQWVWRHQWHUWKHYHQGRURQFH Later, of course, when segment financial statements are required (for segment A, for example), the payables (in the general ledger) should report the corresponding share (=> 4,640). When a YHQGRUOLQHLWHPOLVW is called (in the FI-AP subledger), of course, there should still RQO\EHRQHRSHQLWHP for the above invoice. Therefore: Document splitting is only relevant for the general ledger; it does not need to be visible from within the subledgers. SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-5 6WHSV,QYROYHGLQ'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 6LPSOLILHG\RXFDQGLYLGHWKHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ SURFHVVLQWRWKUHHVWHSV 3DVVLYHVSOLW 'XULQJFOHDULQJ(during a payment, for example), WKHDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWV RIWKHLWHPVWRFOHDUDUHLQKHULWHGWRWKHFOHDULQJOLQHLWHP>V@ (=> such as payables line item[s]). 7KLVVWHSFDQQRWEHFXVWRPL]HG $FWLYH UXOHEDVHG VSOLW 7KHV\VWHPVSOLWVGRFXPHQWVRQWKHEDVLVRI(delivered or custom ) GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJUXOHV 'RFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJUXOHVFDQEHFRQILJXUHG &OHDULQJOLQHV]HUREDODQFHIRUPDWLRQE\EDODQFLQJFKDU(and document) 7KHV\VWHPFUHDWHVFOHDULQJOLQHVDXWRPDWLFDOO\WRDFKLHYHDVSOLW <RXFDQFRQWUROWKLVSURFHVVZLWKWKH]HUREDODQFHLQGLFDWRU SAP AG 2006 In situations involving clearing, the SDVVLYHVSOLW not only ensures that the account itself is balanced, but also the additional dimensions. See the example in the next slides. The logic behind the rules for DFWLYHVSOLWV is explained in the following slides. &OHDULQJOLQHV are always formed when values have to be reposted between account assignment objects. For example: Transfer posting from profit center A to profit center B. y The clearing lines ensure that not only the document itself is balanced internally, but also the additional dimensions (=> such as business area, segment, or profit center). Between steps two and three, document splitting is supported by two things: LQKHULWDQFH and GHIDXOW DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQW. The system DOZD\V processes document splitting in the sequence shown in the slide. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-6 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV IURP), <RXILUVW KDYHWRGHILQHIRUZKLFK ), FKDUDFWHULVWLFVGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ LVSHUIRUPHG 7\SLFDOGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFV • %XVLQHVVDUHD • 3URILWFHQWHU • 6HJPHQW ,PSRUWDQW: User-defined entities can also be split N KWQWD=>X:WAPBWO?TWYZR B[B\RUA<]Q-^/_F`_=QB`:WFGR OBGR QOba'KMFc<:?AP:WF[_WYPY :-d-<:WFO )LHOG =HUR%DO PRCTR Profit Center 0DQG)OG « SEGMENT Segment e)f[gih SAP AG 2006 You define the document splitting characteristics in &XVWRPL]LQJunder )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !%XVLQHVV7UDQVDFWLRQV!'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ!'HILQH 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ&KDUDFWHULVWLFVIRU*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ y The system proposes logical document splitting characteristics based on the assigned scenarios. y If you elect to use additional document splitting characteristics, you should use these characteristics in at least one ledger. You should always set the =HUR%DODQFHLQGLFDWRU if you plan to use the characteristics to create financial statements. The balance of the involved entities is then always 0 for HYHU\SRVWLQJ, ensuring "entity balancing". The 0DQGDWRU\ILHOG has two meanings: y Firstly, it is an H[WHQVLRQRIWKHILHOGVWDWXV for accounts in which the characteristics cannot be "entered" during document entry, and/or for accounts that cannot be controlled using the field status. Example: Vendor lines should always include a profit center or a segment. y Secondly, it is a check as to whether a business process-equivalent business transaction variant was selected (which determines whether a splitting rule can be found). © SAP AG TFIN52 3-7 $FWLYDWLQJ'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJDQG,QKHULWDQFH 'RFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ LVILUVW DFWLYDWHGFOLHQWZLGH LQ&XVWRPL]LQJ ,QDIXUWKHUVWHS (in the dialog structure), \RXFDQXVHWKLVWUDQVDFWLRQWR DFWLYDWHGHDFWLYDWHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJIRUHDFKFRPSDQ\FRGH Activate Document Splitting Splitting Method Level of Detail Inheritance Standard A/C Assignment Splitting: Like 0000000002 …. Constant e)f[gih ,QKHULWDQFH PHDQVWKDWZKHQ\RXFUHDWHDFXVWRPHULQYRLFHIURPDUHYHQXH OLQHIRUH[DPSOHWKHHQWLWLHV(such as business area or segment) DUHSURMHFWHG LQKHULWHG WRWKHFXVWRPHUDQGWD[OLQHVLQWKHJHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ 7KHVWDQGDUG$&DVVLJQPHQW FDQEHXVHGWRUHSODFHDOODFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWV WKDWFRXOGQRWEHGHULYHGIURPWKHSRVWLQJZLWKDFRQVWDQWYDOXH SAP AG 2006 Document splitting is activated in Customizing for New General Ledger Accounting under)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !%XVLQHVV7UDQVDFWLRQV!'RFXPHQW 6SOLWWLQJ!$FWLYDWH'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ y Splitting method 0000000012 is the standard splitting method provided by SAP. There is no reason why you should not activate LQKHULWDQFH when document splitting is active. y If you were not to use inheritance, you would have to define "rules" for the business processes to ensure that the DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWVDUHSURMHFWHG, for example, to achieve a zero balance in order to post the document. y Activation of inheritance is practically the first step to enable documents to be posted when document splitting is active, without any other Customizing activities. y Inheritance is performed online and at the line item level. To use a default account assignment, you first have to define a constant, which you do in &XVWRPL]LQJunder)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !%XVLQHVV 7UDQVDFWLRQV!'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ!(GLW&RQVWDQWVIRU1RQDVVLJQHG3URFHVVHV © SAP AG TFIN52 3-8 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² $FWLYH6SOLW 0RGHOHGEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ x 9HQGRULQYRLFH with PXOWLSOHH[SHQVHOLQHLWHPV and different account assignments (ZLWKLQSXWWD[RI) Entry view: =. , *=+ $$i " t#t$%'& (t'& 1000 - uyv 11,000.00r EUR VN Advertising Costs 1,000.00 EUR VN 417000 Purch. Services 9,000.00 EUR VN 154000 Input Tax 1,000.00 EUR VN wllt - u%v 1 31 1000 Miller Inc. 2 40 477000 3 40 4 40 General ledger view / Ledger 0L: =. , *=+ $$i " t#t$%& (t'& 1000 wl 1 31 160000 Vendor Payable 1,100.00r EUR VN 2 40 477000 Advertising Costs 1,000.00 EUR VN 4 40 154000 Input Tax 100.00 EUR VN 1 31 160000 Vendor Payable 9,900.00r EUR VN 3 40 417000 Purch. Services 9,000.00 EUR VN 4 40 154000 Input Tax 900.00 EUR VN - * Ptl%t n)p%pp n)p%pp -jlk osniotp nIoypiq -jlk]m - n)ptpp osnIo%p * Ptl%t n)ptptp -jlk n)ptptp n)ptptp nIopq nIopq nIopq -jlkXm Layout sorted by segment in ascending order SAP AG 2006 The entities defined as document splitting characteristics are inherited in non-assigned posting items. As you can see in the slide, the individual posting components always balance to zero. In this rule-based split, the vendor and tax lines (items 1 and 4) in the general ledger view are split in accordance with the expense lines / base item category ([SHQVH (items 2 and 3; expense accounts 477000 and 417000). © SAP AG TFIN52 3-9 6LPXODWLQJWKH*HQHUDO/HGJHU9LHZ 6LPXODWH'RFXPHQW (Entry View): zW{ |}-~ tc\{ 6LPXODWH'RFXPHQW (General Ledger View): y~lyP-{ s~ { From the menu, choose 'RFXPHQW! 6LPXODWH*HQHUDO /HGJHU SAP AG 2006 )URP5HOHDVHP\6$3(53, you can VLPXODWHnot only the entry view but also the JHQHUDO OHGJHUYLHZ before the posting. In this way, you can analyze early any error that would lead to a termination (=> error message) of the posting. You can then use the expert mode to view the detailed data of document splitting. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-10 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² 6SOLW/RJLF$FWLYH6SOLW 6SOLWWLQJORJLF EDVHGRQWKHH[DPSOH RIDYHQGRULQYRLFH _POR QB:WF[>XOTWFSRUAPB':/dLRUAXWY _/Q-EM/KMY d => => /?=% ¡ Es¢/£P¤E¥Z§¦£=¨£E© ª/¨P¦« ª­¬¥U®P°¯? ¨Z£¥ y± 9TWYZR BBGRUA=<L:BI^/KWd P==PVt ³ DOWRZA/:PO=O _ APO/_=QPB\RZKMA ² F` ª/¦P¶·P´=¸/©ªtµ¹ ´P DPOWRZA/:OO ² F`_APO/ _/QBGR KMAº!_FIR _A/B ¶V[¹ M¨£ª=¦£=©`¦ N KQ-D->:WAB ² ÅWT=: ÇÉÈ 9!TWYZR BBGRUA/<¼»DWY :?½ ¾-¿]À B:->ÁQP_=B:/<?KMFIR :PO«B`KÂ:­OWTYR B ³ ¶·P¸-¹ ³ Pª/¦P´P© ¶Äc%=i¹ £¥Z®Ã£/¦¦/¦§_P¨O£s¢:R B`:->ÁQ_B:-<WKMF`Å ¾/¿ Æ ¶U//Pt¹ ¢ycªP±lP± Ê aa`:QB`ORZA­BS^/:§_TWTWYZR Q=_PBGR KMA ºw:A/dWKcFcd?KQ-D->X:AB Expense Expense Tax to vendor SAP AG 2006 (without any reference to an explicit document splitting characteristic) (entry view): 10 90 10 110 ºw:A=d?KcFMd?KWQ-D/>]:APB?OWTYR B Expense Tax to vendor Expense Tax to vendor ½ (general ledger view) ½ 10 1 11 90 9 99 A VSOLWWLQJPHWKRG, in brief, is the WRWDORIDOOVSOLWWLQJUXOHVRIDOOEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQV. As such, the splitting method defines how and under which circumstances document splitting is performed. In detail, this means that each splitting method defines how each item category is handled in the individual business transactions - for example, whether the account assignment of a customer item is copied from the revenue items to a customer invoice. (=> See rule-based split) y The EXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ is a general breakdown of actual business processes that SAP provides and that is assigned a wide variety of item categories. y The EXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQYDULDQW is a specific version of the predefined business transaction provided by SAP and the (technical) modeling of a real business process for document splitting. y An LWHPFDWHJRU\ is a (technical) map of the posted line items. It describes the items that appear within a document (business transaction). They are derived from, among other things, the account types of the G/L accounts. - In other words: The item category is the semantic description for the document split. y An individual VSOLWWLQJUXOH defines which item categories can/will be split (=> LWHPFDWHJRULHVWR EHVSOLW) and at the same time defines which base can be used (=> EDVHLWHPFDWHJRULHV). © SAP AG TFIN52 3-11 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ6SOLWWLQJ5XOH'HWDLO9LHZ Ë;ê=ë Ö Ì·Ì\Ö Î=ì«ø°ÚÌ\ù×-Ï ÑlÑÑÑlÑÑlÑPÑPÒyð Ë;ê/ë Ö ÌÌ\Ö ÎìVíî=ÖZï%Ú ÑÑÑÑÑlÑlÑPÑÑlðÙñ·ò ×ë ë ×óõô'ö=êÕP×PÔlÌ·Ô×WÎ/ë Ö ÎPÚP÷ Þ?ßtàá â%ã%à%à°äåæâàæçè'á é/â ÑlÝÑÑlÑ ØcÚ=ÎÏ/×Ð?ÛZÎÜP×Ö ÕlÚ Ó ÐÍ/ÎÔPÍÕÌ[Ö ×ÎÙØVÍ=Ð[Ö Í=ÎÌ ÑlÑÑ=Ò ËWÌÍ=ÎÏÍ=ÐÏ û Ô Ô-Ö ìÎÚÏbÛ ÌÚ=üþý;ÍÌÚPì/×Ð[Ö ÚÔ Ë;ê=ë Ö ÌÌ[Ö Îì@ú;ö=ë Ú Account Determination Zero Balance Posting Leading Item Category Û ÌÚPüþý;ÍÌÚì/×Ð[Ö ÚÔÌ×bÿPÚEËÉê=ë Ö Ì 000 03000 Standard Account for Zero Balance Vendor ÑlÝlÑlÑÑ ØcÚ=ÎÏ/×Ð ÑÒyÑÑ ØcÍ=ë ölÚPô û Ï-Ï/ÚlÏ Ó Í Splitting based on base items Base item with VAT indicator of the item to be split ÍsÔÚÛ ÌÚü ý ÍsÌÚlì×WÐ[Ö ÚsÔ ÑÒ%ÑlÑÑ Í=ë ÍÎPÕÚÙÔ/ùÚlÚlÌ/ÍPÕÕ×Wö=ÎPÌ ðlÑÑlÑÑ -êlÚ=ÎÔlÚ SAP AG 2006 The view shown above is displayed when you choose the SULQWHULFRQ for an explicit splitting rule: &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !%XVLQHVV 7UDQVDFWLRQV!'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ!([WHQGHG'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ!'HILQH6SOLWWLQJ5XOHV y You can also call the splitting rules with WUDQVDFWLRQFRGH*63B5' © SAP AG TFIN52 3-12 'RFXPHQW6LPXODWLRQ² ([SHUW0RGH, 6LPXODWH'RFXPHQW (General Ledger View): t=t'%~slsst{ s~ s{ l The H[SHUWPRGH provides LQIRUPDWLRQRQ all essential GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJSDUDPHWHUV (such as splitting method or business transaction) and GHVFULEHV KRZWKHVSOLWDPRXQWVDUH DFKLHYHG. ([DPSOH How does the system calculate the amount of SD\DEOHV (=> AP domestic) IRU SURILW See next FHQWHU (=> ¼)? slide SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-13 'RFXPHQW6LPXODWLRQ² ([SHUW0RGH,, &XVWRPL]LQJ 3DUDPHWHURI 'RFXPHQW 6SOLW ÑÑ = Base Line 0….04 / Expenseline (=> ÑÑÑ ) Base Line 0…. 05 / Tax out of Base Line 0….04 (=> PÑÑ ) SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-14 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² )ROORZ8S3URFHVV, 0RGHOHGEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ x The YHQGRULQYRLFH (see Example Figures II) LVQRZSDLG It is paid with a retention amount of FDVKGLVFRXQW – amount paid: . :KDWWRZDWFKIRU The selected GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFV now have to be LQKHULWHGWRWKH SRVWLQJOLQHVRIWKHSD\PHQWGRFXPHQW as well. The payment document is split on the basis of GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJUXOHV of the original expense posting / vendor invoice. Entry view: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 50 113100 Bank $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 10,670.00 EUR 2 50 276000 Discount rec. 30.00 EUR VN 3 50 276000 Discount rec. 270.00 EUR VN 4 25 1000 Miller Inc. 11,000.00 EUR 5 50 154000 Input Tax 30.00 EUR 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*% VN See overleaf for general ledger view SAP AG 2006 For more information on "cash discount received" lines, see the ,QWHJUDWLRQ unit, topic 2QOLQH 'LVWULEXWLRQRI)ROORZ8S&RVWV. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-15 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² )ROORZ8S3URFHVV,, General ledger view / Ledger 0L: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 50 113100 Bank 2 50 276000 Discount rec. 4 25 160000 Vendor Payable 5 50 154000 Input Tax $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 1,067.00 EUR 30.00 EUR 1,100.00 EUR 3.00 EUR (85 1000 1 50 113100 Bank 3 50 276000 Discount rec. 4 25 160000 Vendor Payable 5 50 154000 Input Tax VN VN (85 SEG A VN VN 9,900.00 EUR 27.00 EUR 6HJPHQW 6(*$ SEG B 9,603.00 EUR 270.00 EUR 3& 6(*% Layout sorted by segment in ascending order and with segment subtotals SAP AG 2006 In the line item display, the payment document and original invoice document appear as cleared items, as in prior releases. The GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJUXOHV for splitting the payment of a vendor invoice are provided in the VWDQGDUG SAP system. y The "payables lines" (=> account 160000) are created through passive document splitting. If we assume that the invoice were not to be paid in full and a UHVLGXDOLWHP of ¼ZHUHWR remain, this would create a new vendor line item; this residual item would in turn be split among the original expenses in the general ledger view for invoice entry. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-16 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QKHULWDQFH 0RGHOHGEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ x */DFFRXQWSRVWLQJV – Expense, taxes to petty cash / document type 6$ 6\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ x Scenarios 3URILW&HQWHU8SGDWH and 6HJPHQWDWLRQ are assigned x Document splitting activated – Doc. splitting chars 3URILW&HQWHU and 6HJPHQW are defined Entry view: &&G 1000 , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 1 40 476000 Office materials 50.00 EUR 2 50 100000 Petty Cash 58.00- EUR 3 40 154000 Input Tax 8.00 EUR ,QKHULWDQFHLQGLFDWRUQRW set! General ledger view / Ledger 0L: ,PSRUWDQW Missing columns are identical to the entry view. $PRXQW &&WU 50.00 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 58.008.00 7[ 3& &&WU VN VN 6HJPHQW 6(*$ ,QKHULWDQFHLQGLFDWRUVHW General ledger view / Ledger 0L: ,PSRUWDQW Missing columns are identical to the entry view. $PRXQW &&WU 50.00 58.008.00 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ Balancing field "Segment" is not filled in line item 002 SAP AG 2006 The ,QKHULWDQFH indicator ensures that the corresponding account assignment objects are projected to the petty cash and tax line items, even without corresponding splitting rules. This indicator also ensures a zero balance setting for entities selected for document splitting, without requiring you to define any other system settings. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-17 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² &UHDWLRQRI=HUR%DODQFH 0RGHOHGEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ x */DFFRXQWSRVWLQJ– Transfer posting within an account 6\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ x Scenarios 3URILW&HQWHU8SGDWH and 6HJPHQWDWLRQ are assigned x Document splitting activated – Doc splitting chars 3URILW&HQWHU and 6HJPHQW are defined Entry view: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 1000 1 40 113100 Bank 10,000.00 EUR 2 50 113100 Bank 10,000.00 EUR General ledger view / Ledger 0L: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 40 113100 Bank $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 10,000.00 EUR 3 50 194500 Clear. Seg. 10,000.00 EUR 2 50 113100 Bank 10,000.00 EUR 4 40 194500 Clear. Seg. 10,000.00 EUR 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*% 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*% Layout sorted by segment in ascending order SAP AG 2006 Reason for reposting: A vendor invoice was assigned to an incorrect segment and paid with this incorrect segment. y Both the expense and the vendor item obviously need to be corrected. Zero balance creation is only useful and necessary if you want to create a complete balance sheet for a specific characteristic. The above case is an example of clearing line formation. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-18 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ² 0RGHOLQJ 0RGHOHGEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ x */DFFRXQWSRVWLQJV – Multiple expense line items, taxes to petty cash 6\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ x Scenarios 3URILW&HQWHU8SGDWH and 6HJPHQWDWLRQ are assigned x Document splitting activated – Doc. splitting chars 3URILW&HQWHU and 6HJPHQW are defined Entry view: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 40 476000 Office materials $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 50.00 EUR VN 2 40 476000 Office materials 100.00 EUR VN 3 50 100000 Petty Cash 165.00- EUR 4 40 154000 Input Tax 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*% 15.00 EUR VN Balancing field "Segment" is not filled in line item 003 FB50 7KHVWDQGDUGVSOLWWLQJUXOHVGRQRWFRYHUWKLVW\SHRIEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ 7RSRVWWKHWUDQVDFWLRQ\RXKDYHWRHQKDQFHWKHH[LVWLQJVSOLWWLQJUXOHV SAP AG 2006 What are the reasons for the error message during the error message? y No base item category is assigned for item category &DVK$FFRXQW (nor for item category 9DOXH $GGHG7D[) in the corresponding combination of business transaction and business transaction variant that is assigned to the respective document type. y Moreover, “inheritance" of the segment is not possible because it is not unique. If you have to modify a rule, you should create your own splitting method and copy the assigned rules from the standard configuration. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-19 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 6XPPDU\ <RXFDQQRZ z ([SODLQWKHPRWLYDWLRQEHKLQGGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJDQG KRZLWZRUNV z $FWLYDWHDQGXVHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ z 3HUIRUPH[DPSOHSRVWLQJVZLWKWKHRQOLQHVSOLW GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ IXQFWLRQ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 3-20 ([HUFLVHV 8QLW'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 7RSLF3RVWLQJVZLWK2QOLQH'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to • Understand and configure document splitting. You will also be able to enter and analyze split documents. 3-1 ([HUFLVHVIRUFRQILJXULQJDQGGHPRQVWUDWLQJGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ 3-1-1 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ 3OHDVHFKHFN whether at least the 6HJPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLF is defined! The =HUR%DODQFHand 0DQGDWRU\)LHOG indicators have to be set for the segment. If this is not the case, please notify your course instructor. 3-1-2 When should you set the “zero balance” indicator for the splitting characteristics in general ledger accounting? 3-1-3 Does it make sense to also set the “mandatory indicator” for a balancing entity? 3-1-4 $FWLYDWHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJIRUyour FRPSDQ\FRGH $$. $VDOUHDG\ FRQILJXUHG, use VSOLWWLQJPHWKRG (splitting: like 0000000002 [follow-up costs online]) for your company code, and make sure LQKHULWDQFHLVDFWLYDWHG. You do not need to enter a constant for a default account assignment. 3-1-5 Now create a YHQGRULQYRLFH for the VSDUHSDUWV you purchased ZLWKWKH IROORZLQJGDWD: &RPSDQ\&RGH: AA## 9HQGRU: ,QYRLFHDQGSRVWLQJGDWH: Today $PRXQW: ¼ &DOFXODWHWD[LQGLFDWRU: 6HW 7D[&RGH: 91 7H[W Spare parts purchase group ## */$FFRXQW: $PRXQWLQGRFXPHQWFXUUHQF\: or just “*” &25HOHYDQW$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW: Cost center 7)$ Simulate and VDYH the posting document! © SAP AG TFIN52 3-21 3-1-6 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW. You can see in the entry view that your segment 6(* was derived. Now switch to the JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ: The VHJPHQW should now be LQKHULWHG in the payables and tax line items. ,PSRUWDQW: If your instructor has (also) defined the profit center (and/or business area) as a splitting characteristic, these entities will also be inherited in the payables and tax line items. 3-1-7 $FWLYHVSOLW You will now HQWHUDQDGGLWLRQDOVSDUHSDUWVLQYRLFH for YHQGRU. In contrast to the previous exercise, VRPHRIWKHVSDUHSDUWV should now be assigned to your defined VHJPHQW6(*, ZLWKWKHUHVW DVVLJQHGWRVHJPHQW6(*$! 3-1-7-1To make sure that the second part of the posted amount is really assigned to segment 6(*$, FKHFNthe settings for FRVWFHQWHU 7)% before you post: :KLFKSURILWFHQWHULVGHILQHGLQFRVWFHQWHU7)%" 3-1-7-2Which segment is defined in the corresponding profit center? Hopefully segment 6(*$ - The LQYRLFHWRWDOshould amount to ¼QHW. 6SOLWthe costs for the spare parts KRZHYHU\RXOLNH, as long as you assign VRPHSDUWV to FRVW FHQWHU7)$ DQGWKHRWKHUVto FRVWFHQWHU7)%. You can use DFFRXQWor as the H[SHQVHDFFRXQW. Use the data and control parameters from the previous exercise. 3-1-8 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW. You can already see in the entry view that the expense has been split – of course in the ratio you defined yourself in the posting. 1RZVZLWFKWRWKHJHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ You should now see 6 line items instead of the 4 posting line items. 3-1-9 To instantly see whether a zero balance has been reached for each segment, FKDQJHWKHOD\RXW of the document: Sort by segment and calculate a subtotal for the 6HJPHQW column. 3-1-10 You can VDYH this OD\RXW as user-specific layout /. 3-1-11 To demonstrate that the split is really only performed in the general ledger, and not in the subledgers, FDOODYHQGRUOLQHLWHPOLVWfor your vendor . You should see 3 open items. The last recorded document is displayed as RQH open item in the amount of EUR 11,600.00. To show the split by segment, you have to display the document from within the Open item list. © SAP AG TFIN52 3-22 6SOLWWLQJ6ROXWLRQV 8QLW'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 7RSLF3RVWLQJVZLWK2QOLQH'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 3-1 ([HUFLVHVIRUFRQILJXULQJDQGGHPRQVWUDWLQJGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJ 3-1-1 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ 3OHDVHFKHFN whether at least the 6HJPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLF is defined! The =HUR%DODQFHand 0DQGDWRU\)LHOG indicators have to be set for the segment. If this is not the case, please notify your course instructor. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o%XVLQHVV7UDQVDFWLRQVo'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJo'HILQH'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ &KDUDFWHULVWLFVIRU*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 3-1-2 When should you set the “ zero balance” indicator for the splitting characteristics in general ledger accounting? <RXKDYHWRVHWWKLVLQGLFDWRUZKHQHYHUWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFLQYROYHGLVD EDODQFLQJHQWLW\6HWWLQJWKH³]HUREDODQFH´LQGLFDWRUHQVXUHVWKDWWKH FKDUDFWHULVWLFZLOOKDYHD]HUREDODQFHLQWKHGRFXPHQW 6SHFLILFDOO\,IWKHLQGLFDWRULVVHWWKHV\VWHPFKHFNVZKHWKHUWKHEDODQFHRI WKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFLV]HURGXULQJSRVWLQJ,IWKLVLVQRWWKHFDVHWKHV\VWHP FUHDWHVDGGLWLRQDOFOHDULQJOLQHLWHPVLQWKHGRFXPHQWWRDFKLHYHWKH]HUR EDODQFH 3-1-3 Does it make sense to also set the “ mandatory indicator” for a balancing entity? <HVLQWKLVFDVHWKHV\VWHPQRWRQO\JHQHUDWHVWKHFOHDULQJOLQHLWHPVEXWDOVR FKHFNVZKHWKHUDOOWKHOLQHLWHPVLQWKHSRVWLQJDUHDVVLJQHGWRWKHDSSURSULDWH FKDUDFWHULVWLFDIWHUWKHVSOLW 3-1-4 $FWLYDWHGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJIRUyour FRPSDQ\FRGH $$. $VDOUHDG\ FRQILJXUHG, use VSOLWWLQJPHWKRG (splitting: like 0000000002 [follow-up costs online]) for your company code, and make sure LQKHULWDQFHLVDFWLYDWHG. You do not need to enter a constant for a default account assignment. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o%XVLQHVV7UDQVDFWLRQVo'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJo$FWLYDWH'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 7KHVHWWLQJVLQWKHILUVWVFUHHQVKRXOGDOUHDG\EHFRUUHFW 6ZLWFKWR'HDFWLYDWLRQSHU&RPSDQ\&RGHLQWKHGLDORJVWUXFWXUH)LQGWKHOLQH ZLWK\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$DQGGHOHWHWKHLQDFWLYHLQGLFDWRU © SAP AG TFIN52 3-23 3-1-5 Now create a YHQGRULQYRLFH for the VSDUHSDUWV you purchased ZLWKWKH IROORZLQJGDWD: &RPSDQ\&RGH: AA## 9HQGRU: ,QYRLFHDQGSRVWLQJGDWH: 7RGD\ $PRXQW: ¼ &DOFXODWHWD[LQGLFDWRU: 6HW 7D[&RGH: 91 7H[W Spare parts purchase group ## */$FFRXQW: $PRXQWLQGRFXPHQWFXUUHQF\: or just “ *” &25HOHYDQW$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW: Cost center 7)$ Simulate and VDYH the posting document! 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo9HQGRUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH (QWHUWKHUHTXLUHGGDWDDVGHVFULEHGLQWKHH[HUFLVHWH[W 3-1-6 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW. … 5HPDLQLQWKH(QWHU9HQGRU,QYRLFHVFUHHQDQGFKRRVHPHQXSDWK'RFXPHQWo 'LVSOD\ ... You can see in the entry view that your segment 6(* was derived. Now switch to the JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ: The VHJPHQW should now be LQKHULWHG in the payables and tax line items. ,PSRUWDQW: If your instructor has (also) defined the profit center (and/or business area) as a splitting characteristic, these entities will also be inherited in the payables and tax line items. 3-1-7 $FWLYHVSOLW You will now HQWHUDQDGGLWLRQDOVSDUHSDUWVLQYRLFH for YHQGRU. In contrast to the previous exercise, VRPHRIWKHVSDUHSDUWV should now be assigned to your defined VHJPHQW6(*, ZLWKWKHUHVW DVVLJQHGWRVHJPHQW6(*$! 3-1-7-1 To make sure that the second part of the posted amount is really assigned to segment 6(*$, FKHFNthe settings for FRVWFHQWHU 7 )% before you post: :KLFKSURILWFHQWHULVGHILQHGLQFRVW FHQWHU7)%" 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQXo$FFRXQWLQJo&RQWUROOLQJo&RVW&HQWHU$FFRXQWLQJ o0DVWHU'DWDo&RVW&HQWHUo,QGLYLGXDO3URFHVVLQJo'LVSOD\ 3URILWFHQWHULVGHILQHG © SAP AG TFIN52 3-24 3-1-7-2 :KLFKVHJPHQWLVGHILQHGLQWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJSURILWFHQWHU" Hopefully segment 6(*$ - 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQXo$FFRXQWLQJo&RQWUROOLQJo3URILW&HQWHU $FFRXQWLQJo0DVWHU'DWDo3URILW&HQWHUo,QGLYLGXDO3URFHVVLQJo'LVSOD\ (QWHUSURILWFHQWHUDQGGLVSOD\WKHPDVWHUGDWD,QSXWILHOG6HJPHQW DSSHDUVLQWKHORJLFDOILHOGJURXS%DVLF'DWD The LQYRLFHWRWDOshould amount to ¼QHW. 6SOLWthe costs for the spare parts KRZHYHU\RXOLNH, as long as you assign VRPHSDUWV to FRVW FHQWHU7)$ DQGWKHRWKHUVto FRVWFHQWHU7)%. You can use DFFRXQWor as the H[SHQVHDFFRXQW. Use the data and control parameters from the previous exercise. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo9HQGRUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH (QWHUWKHUHTXLUHGGDWDDVGHVFULEHGLQWKHH[HUFLVHWH[W 3-1-8 'LVSOD\WKHGRFXPHQW. … 5HPDLQLQWKH(QWHU9HQGRU,QYRLFHVFUHHQDQGFKRRVHPHQXSDWK'RFXPHQWo 'LVSOD\ ... You can already see in the entry view that the expense has been split – of course in the ratio you defined yourself in the posting. 1RZVZLWFKWRWKH JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ You should now see 6 line items instead of the 4 posting line items. 3-1-9 To instantly see whether a zero balance has been reached for each segment, FKDQJHWKHOD\RXW of the document: 6RUWE\VHJPHQWDQGFDOFXODWHD VXEWRWDOIRUWKH6HJPHQWFROXPQ 6HOHFWWKH6HJPHQWFROXPQLQWKHGLVSOD\GRFXPHQWDQGSUHVVWKH6RUW $VFHQGLQJEXWWRQ6HOHFWWKH$PRXQWFROXPQDQGSUHVVWKH7RWDOVEXWWRQ7KHQ VHOHFWWKH6HJPHQWFROXPQDJDLQDQGSUHVVWKH6XEWRWDOEXWWRQ 3-1-10 You can VDYH this OD\RXW as user-specific layout /. &KRRVH6DYH/D\RXWIURPWKHGURSGRZQOLVWXQGHUWKH6HOHFW/D\RXW SXVKEXWWRQ 3-1-11 To demonstrate that the split is really only performed in the general ledger, and not in the subledgers, FDOODYHQGRUOLQHLWHPOLVWfor your vendor . … 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo9HQGRUVo $FFRXQWo'LVSOD\&KDQJH/LQH,WHPV (QWHUYHQGRUDQGFRPSDQ\FRGH$$WKHQVWDUWWKHVHOHFWLRQRI\RXU RSHQLWHPVRSHQDVRIWRGD\ ... You should see 3 open items. The last recorded document is displayed as RQH open item in the amount of EUR 11,600.00. To show the split by segment, you have to display the document from within the Open item list. 'RXEOHFOLFNWKHGLVSOD\HGGRFXPHQWQXPEHU &KRRVHPHQXSDWK*RWRo'RFXPHQW2YHUYLHZ © SAP AG TFIN52 3-25 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-1 ,QWHJUDWLRQ &RQWHQWV z ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),6XEOHGJHUV z ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK&RQWUROOLQJ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-2 ,QWHJUDWLRQ 2EMHFWLYHV $IWHUFRPSOHWLQJWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR z (QWHUSRVWLQJVLQ$FFRXQWV3D\DEOHDQG$FFRXQWV 5HFHLYDEOH z (QWHUSRVWFDSLWDOL]DWLRQRIFDVKGLVFRXQWVIRUDVVHWV LQUHDOWLPH z 8QGHUVWDQGDQGFRQILJXUHWKHUHDOWLPH LQWHJUDWLRQ IURP&2WR), SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-3 7KH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU± ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWKWKHIROORZLQJFRPSRQHQWVLVUHOHYDQW ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),6XEOHGJHUV • ),$3 $FFRXQWV3D\DEOH • Covered in detail in the Document Splitting unit • ),$5 $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH • ),$$ $VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK&RQWUROOLQJ • &2!),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-4 7KH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU± ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWKWKHIROORZLQJFRPSRQHQWVLVUHOHYDQW ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),6XEOHGJHUV • ),$3 $FFRXQWV3D\DEOH • Covered in detail in the Document Splitting unit • ),$5 $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH • ),$$ $VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK&RQWUROOLQJ • &2!),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-5 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ² ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),$5 &XVWRPHUGRFXPHQWV DUHVXEMHFWWRWKHVDPHUXOHVDVLQ DFFRXQWVSD\DEOH 7KHDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWREMHFWV LQWKHUHYHQXHOLQHLWHPDUHLQKHULWHG WR WKHFXVWRPHUDQGWD[LWHPVLQWKHLQYRLFH You can see this in the general ledger view of the document display. 7KHFXVWRPHUDQGWD[OLQHLWHPVRIDFXVWRPHULQYRLFH ZLWKGLIIHUHQW DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWREMHFWVLQWKHUHYHQXHOLQHLWHPVDUHVSOLW RQOLQH LQSURSRUWLRQWRWKHDPRXQWVLQWKHUHYHQXHOLQHLWHPV You can also see this in the general ledger view of the document display. 7KHFXVWRPHUOLQHLWHPOLVW VWLOORQO\RXWSXWVRQHLWHP SHUGRFXPHQW :KHQSD\PHQWVDUHUHFHLYHGWKHEDQNDQGDQ\FDVKGLVFRXQWLWHPVDUH VSOLW DQDORJRXVWRWKHUHYHQXHOLQHVLQWKHRULJLQDOFXVWRPHULQYRLFH ± .H\ZRUG IROORZXSSURFHVV SAP AG 2006 You can see the inheritance of customer items clearly in transaction )% (=> Enter Customer Invoice). When you enter a customer invoice with different account assignments in the revenue line items, you see that nothing has changed compared to the prior releases: You have to enter the various revenue line items by hand for the different account assignment objects – the tax and customer line items are created automatically. y After posting, you can view the online split in the general ledger view of the document – The entry view shows the document as it was entered during posting. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-6 7KH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU± ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWKWKHIROORZLQJFRPSRQHQWVLVUHOHYDQW ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),6XEOHGJHUV • ),$3 $FFRXQWV3D\DEOH • Covered in detail in the Document Splitting unit • ),$5 $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH • ),$$ $VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK&RQWUROOLQJ • &2!),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-7 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ² ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),$$, $VVXPHGV\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ => Asset accounting is managed as a subledger with WZR GHSUHFLDWLRQDUHDV (=> Book [01] and Costing [20]). J]L$^.F$_ I6#6(F>>@ZYI:6*I.<>Y8 LB:#6`80:a6(F*9$J`F$:>6 the costing area. C$I(ZY9(The F*>[(L;costing-based E>@8 LB: \ => profit centers): (also) depreciation is passed on to CO in(or => 3DUDOOHODFFRXQWLQJLVQRWUHOHYDQW(yet). 9F:#FZYI$_b_ Dc^(FZd8 e(F*^ Both are M@ZYLaccount Jf>hg#FaI#6*assignment 6$8 9;:*F.^`ijNkelements LBPSRVF*<>6]8b:l >@g*FI6*6*F>;JKI#6*>FZZTF*<*LmZT^ (=> cost center or order) C"LKI.< >dW.I(_0_ DcI6#6"8 9m:cIU6.F.9$JKFm:> 5oZTFIKtu you have to activate 5A<(<L;W$:>$5=6#68 9B:.JXF:>mCD$E*Fl5o(or nBiqa prPC) I_bW(Ffor6`nmasset L6#>@8s:(transactions, 9 for Company Code: 1000 Depreciation Area: 01 for the corresponding CO object. Area 01 / Book Depreciation 5A<*<*L;W$:>$5=6#68 9B:.JXF:>BNQPSRYF#<>6 5A5 HI(JKFLM5A5ONQPSRTF*<> NUPRVF#<*> &(')*$+ "#$ % (21"34 , % -.0/ CCD ! ! CCDC$FG(> 5=<*<>@?5A66"8 9B:? CD$E*F 576.6$8 9;: ACSET SAP AG 2006 %XVLQHVVFRQWH[W: It should be possible to DFKLHYHWKHVSHFLILHG WDUJHWVFHQDULRLI you have DVVLJQHGWKHVHJPHQWDWLRQVFHQDULR(or profit center update) to the leading ledger. y In addition, the 6HJPHQWFKDUDFWHULVWLF (or PC or BA) must be a EDODQFLQJHQWLW\. The above example shows a typical configuration for Asset Accounting (component FI-AA) if the involved company does not have to apply any accounting principles other than the trade law governing book depreciation: y Area 01: Posts values to General Ledger Accounting in real time y Area 20: Only posts depreciation The QHZHQWLWLHVZLWKLQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ in mySAP ERP, such as segment or profit center, FDQQRWEHGHILQHGGLUHFWO\LQWKHDVVHWPDVWHUUHFRUG.The system derives these two objects from the cost center or order, which can be maintained in the "time-dependent data" for the asset. The DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWW\SHV are defined in &XVWRPL]LQJIRU$VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ under )LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !$VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ!,QWHJUDWLRQZLWKWKH*HQHUDO/HGJHU!$GGLWLRQDO $FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW2EMHFWV!6SHFLI\$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW7\SHVIRU$FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQW2EMHFWV y You can only maintain account assignment types for active account assignment objects. See also 6$31RWH © SAP AG TFIN52 4-8 1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ² ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),$$,, C$IZT9F#>([(LE#>Y8bLm: \{QL$^(F_I6#6.F#>(>@ZTI":6.I.<>h8 LB:6]8b:a6.F*9$JXF:>6 C;g#Fl6#F*9"JvF:#> (or profit centers): :*L.wxg*I6>VLyP*F`80:g*FZd8 >VF*^ M@ZYL$Jx>dg*FI6#6*F*>;8 >VF.Jz>@Lc>Yg(FUe.F:*^"LBZmI(:^c>VIGv8 >TF*J`6 (or PC) (or, if inbound is not integrated, to the clearing account line. 6ROXWLRQ Activate VSOLWWLQJZLWKLQKHULWDQFH nBL.6#>@80:.9]ZVF#6$W_ >mL*MBI:`80:>F(9mZVI>TF.^`I66*F*>mI*<#|mW"8 68 >Y8bLm:`}%C$i=L$^.FK~(Y#@\ General ledger view / Ledger 0L: &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 1000 1 31 160000 Vendor Payable 116,000.00 EUR VN 2 70 11000 00002002 0000 3 40 154000 Input Tax 100,000.00 EUR VN 16,000.00 EUR VN (85 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ Layout with totals formation for the “Amount” column. SAP AG 2006 Document splitting also works in the case of the segmentation of an asset acquisition that is posted for multiple assets (with different segment assignments). y Document types AA (or AN) are assigned the default business transaction 0000 (unspecified posting) and business transaction variant 0001 (standard) in the context of document splitting. y The reconciliation accounts (asset balance sheet accounts and value adjustment accounts) are already classified internally as item categories. y The item categories for the asset retirement accounts may still need to be defined. New FI drilldown reports let you create VHJPHQWRUSURILWFHQWHUILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVimmediately (=> TCode )*,)! y As a result, you no longer have to WUDQVIHUDVVHWVWR3URILW&HQWHU$FFRXQWLQJ(TCode .(,) for profit center financial statements. The cost center for the asset is not displayed in the entry view or the general ledger view by default. This means that the DVVHWEDODQFHVKHHWYDOXH is QRW forwarded to a &2DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWREMHFW by default! This corresponds to the wishes of the vast majority of SAP customers. y For information on how to circumvent the default setting so that the asset balance sheet values can be posted to a cost center (in CO), for example, see SAP Note 395762. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-9 3RVW&DSLWDOL]DWLRQRI&DVK'LVFRXQWIRU$VVHW I.JKFK8s:$8 >Y8 I$_6$8 >hW*I>d8 LB:$\ nmID(J`F$:#>mL(M28b:#e(LB8 <FlMVLBZBI6#6(F>wl8 >@g`^.F.^;W*<>@8 LB:cL(MB.<I6"gc^m8 6(<#LmW":#> C$I(ZY9(F*>[(L;E>@8 LB: \ (also) J]L$^.F$_ I6#6(F>>@ZYI:6*I.<>Y8 LB:#6`80:a6(F*9$J`F$:>6 (or profit centers): n2ZTL$<F6*680:(9]W":>@8s_#F_ FI*6*FK2[c:*>VF(ZhEZ8 6.F V} 80:.<._0W#6"8 e.F*@\ I*9(I"80:#6> #< I6$gK^B8 6<LBW":>ZVF.<#F8 e*F*^vI*<#<*LW$:> u? 2:>TFZ$>@g.FK80:#e(Lm8 <F with posting the F(:*F$ZTI_#_ F.^$9F$Z$e"8 F wk[".F*^$9F$ZBt \ &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 1000 1 50 113100 Bank 112,520.00 EUR 2 50 276000 Cash disc. rec. 3,000.00 EUR VN 3 25 160000 Vendor Payable 116,000.00 EUR 4 50 154000 Input Tax 480.00 EUR VN (85 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ Layout with totals formation for amount column. I#6#6*F#> eI$_0W#FcL.M.ut#t*bt*t*t(? t#t F#^;W.<>@8 LB: (L M$>dg*Fc<I6mg^"8 6.<#L;W:#>mI*JXLmW":#> \ The still has a>ISF*6vE_ I*<FXW6$80:.9 6*F*.<. L":^c6#>VFE from (? >Ithe Z> asset onlyEZ@L9BZVI.J 5on2mu$u a (periodic) SAP AG 2006 Of course, the above example with gross entry of the invoice document (=> capitalizing the asset without deducting the cash discount) and the subsequent payment with deduction of cash discount can also take place in the reverse order: Capitalization of the asset with deduction for cash discount and (delayed) payment of the invoice amount without deduction for cash discount. y In the reverse case as well, in R/3 Enterprise and earlier versions, the asset value is only corrected in a second step, with program SAPF181. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-10 3RVW&DSLWDOL]DWLRQRI&DVK'LVFRXQWIRU$VVHW,, I.JKFK8s:$8 >Y8 I$_6$8 >hW*I>d8 LB:$\ nmID(J`F$:#>mL(M28b:#e(LB8 <FlMVLBZBI6#6(F>wl8 >@g`^.F.^;W*<>@8 LB:cL(MB.<I6"gc^m8 6(<#LmW":#> n2ZTL$<F6.6$8b:(9]W#6m8b:.9K>dg*F`E*L6#6"8sP$8b_s8 >@8 F6KL(M2H2Fw F:*FZTI$_#.F#^$9$FZm5A<*<*L"Wm:#>Y8%:*9 \ I6.6*F> \ u? 2:>TFZ$>@g.FK80:#e(Lm8 <F referring to the F(:*F$ZTI_#_ F.^$9F$Z$e"8 F wk[".F*^$9F$ZBt \ &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 50 113100 Bank 2 75 011000 00002002 0000 3 25 160000 Vendor Payable 4 50 154000 Input Tax &XUU 7[ &&WU $PRXQW 112,520.00 EUR 3,000.00 EUR VN 116,000.00 EUR 480.00 EUR VN (85 3& 6HJPHQW 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ 6(*$ Layout with totals formation for amount column. s? F?S>dg*Fl I#6#6*F>g*I#6 I e*I$_sW.FlL.M(`.*btt.t ? >@ZVI$:#6*after I(<>@8 L;payment) :*6 \ >"<#L;:#68 6.>6KL.M$>waL (immediately (asset) Æ"Ç7¦ §-¥ Â%§S»ÂSÃSÄ¡ Â%§-¥¤ ¦ §7ÂÃÄ¡2¡´Å-¥ ·h¸ ¸ º ¸ ¸ ¸-» ¸ ¸ ·h¸¸ S% -¡£¢¤ ¤ ¥¤ ¦ §j¨b©ªA« ¬T­®¾½-²´³ ¿­¬(À ³.½­SÀ Á ²V¶ ¹-º ¸-¸¸-» ¸-¸£¼ ·h¸¸ S% -¡£¢¤ ¤ ¥¤ ¦ §j¨b©ªA« ¬T­®]¯*°£±®=²´³µ ¶ SAP AG 2006 The SRVWFDSLWDOL]DWLRQRIFDVKGLVFRXQWWRDVVHW is only possible if document splitting is active. y Important: You do not necessarily have to define document splitting characteristics, however. Path in Customizing)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !%XVLQHVV 7UDQVDFWLRQV!'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ!'HILQH3RVW&DSLWDOL]DWLRQRI&DVK'LVFRXQWWR$VVHWV The SRVWFDSLWDOL]DWLRQRIFDVKGLVFRXQWWRDVVHW only works if the function was already configured when the invoice was entered. It is not enough to simply activate the function before entering the payment. If you use the post-capitalization of cash discount to asset, you can eliminate the (periodic) run of program SAPF181. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-11 7KH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU± ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWKWKHIROORZLQJFRPSRQHQWVLVUHOHYDQW ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK),6XEOHGJHUV • ),$3 $FFRXQWV3D\DEOH • Covered in detail in the Document Splitting unit • ),$5 $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH • ),$$ $VVHW$FFRXQWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQZLWK&RQWUROOLQJ • &2!),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-12 5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ&2!), &RQWUROOLQJ )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 7UDQVDFWLRQ 3RVWLQJWRH[SHQVHDFFRXQW 6\VWHPDFWLYLW\ È Charge an FI account If account is defined as cost element ... 6\VWHPDFWLYLW\ 6\VWHPDFWLYLW\ ± 1HZLQP\6$3(53 7UDQVDFWLRQ 7UDQVIHUSRVWLQJLQ&2, e.g. to another cost center « «ZLWKDGLIIHUHQWFRPSDQ\FRGH EXVLQHVVDUHDSURILWFHQWHURURWKHU VHJPHQW« È Changes result in a UHDOWLPH È Charge a CO object, such as a cost center 1HZ UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ SRVWLQJ in FI for each CO document È <RXQRORQJHUKDYHWRPDQDJHWKH UHFRQFLOLDWLRQOHGJHU SAP AG 2006 The (real-time) integration from Financial Accounting (FI) to Controlling (CO) has been available in the SAP system for some time now. However, the RSSRVLWHGLUHFWLRQIURP&2WR),, was not previously possible in real time. 7KLV LQYROYHVFKDQJHVWRFKDUDFWHULVWLFVIRUH[DPSOHLQWKHIROORZLQJSURFHVVHVWUDQVDFWLRQV y Periodic allocations (assessment, distribution, transfer posting) y Manual transfer postings to CO [=> TCode .% 1 @ y Activity allocations [TCode .% 1 ] y Settlement from orders or projects [TCode .2 and &-] CO reconciliation with Financial Accounting always required the reconciliation ledger, which was maintained in Cost Element Accounting. y Periodic program runs carried out summary adjustment/reconciliation postings for each cost element/expense account: Transaction code .$/&. Transaction .$/& is no longer available (by default) after New General Ledger Accounting has been activated – an information message points out the new real-time integration between CO and FI. y With transaction .$/&it was not possible to reconcile the 6HJPHQW characteristic. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-13 9DULDQWVIRU&2!),5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ ÉrL;W<*I:vW#6*FIiÊW*6#>VL"Jy8 Ë*8s:(9ce*I(Z´8 I:*>$MTLBZZTFI_ Ì%>@8 JKF`80:#>F.9mZTI>h8 LB:l>VL]<#Lm:*M@8 9;WZVFa>dg*FUMTLB_b_ Lwl8b:(9v}F#G*I.J]E$_ F#6*d\ Í C;g*Fc<(Zd8 >VF(Zh8 I MTLBZZTF#I(_sÌ0>Y8bJKFv8b:#>VF.9"ZTI#>d8 LB: Í C;g*FI*<>@8 e.I#>Y8bLm:K^(I>TF MTLBZ">@g.F`ZF*I_ Ì%>@8 J`FX8s:>VF.9mZTI>d8 LB: prIZd8 I:#>6lMYLBZmijNÎÌÏX#rF#I_ ÌC;8 JvF`s:>TF#9;ZTI>d8 LB: Real-Time Int. Active .... .... Key Date: Active from: {l{[ j [ É2É2ÉÉ Acct. Determ. Active F_ F.<>d8 Lm:cL(M L$<W(JKF$:*>;$80:#F6lMTLmZBi=NÐÌÏ$$0:>YF*9mZTI#>@8 L;:m\ Ñ6*Flig*F#<*P.L(G.F6 .... Cross-company code Cross-business area Cross-functional area Cross-receivables Cross-profit center Cross-segment Cross-fund Trace Active SPRO SAP AG 2006 You GHILQHWKHYDULDQWV for CO->FI real-time integration in &XVWRPL]LQJunder )LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!5HDO7LPH ,QWHJUDWLRQRI&RQWUROOLQJZLWK)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ!'HILQH9DULDQWVIRU5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ In a further step, you assign the variant to your company code(s). To determine which characteristic changes will generate real-time FI line items, you can use the checkboxes, define Boolean rules, or implement a BAdI with your own program logic. y Note that it is not useful to select characteristics that you have not assigned to at least one ledger through the scenarios. The key date activation defines when (from which posting date of the CO document) CO-FI reconciliation is possible through real-time integration. y You could also create Financial Accounting documents for CO documents entered before New General Ledger Accounting was activated. To transfer VHFRQGDU\FRVWHOHPHQWV from CO to FI, you have to define an DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQW. You define account determination in &XVWRPL]LQJunder)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !/HGJHUV!5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQRI&RQWUROOLQJZLWK )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ!$FFRXQW'HWHUPLQDWLRQIRU5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ y It is also possible to transfer primary costs to FI through account determination; the original cost elements are generally used for this. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-14 5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ&2!),² ([DPSOH)LJXUHV ĦS´¥¤ §Ò A for wages/salaries ( ÓÔ account 420000) is in Õ ¦Sentered ´¥¡§-¥¡FI. ·h¸ ¸-¸ Ö §´¥¤ ¦§×£ ¡£r¸-Ø is¸¸ also » assigned and is used to derive nmI#D*I(P"_ F6 Ú tt(? t*t Ù #t#t#t.t Ú t#t(? t.t ), &2 D ã ¸ ¸-» ¸£¸ ÛS§¥V¤ ¦ §S×´¡-r¸ Ø ¸-¸SÜ ), &2 Õ ¦S´¥¡§-¥¡ ·h¸ ¸-¸ 420000 7KHIROORZLQJQRZRFFXUVLQUHDOWLPH E + 500.00 Çj§SS ×´¥%S§ Ö ¡Ä¦S´¥¤ §Òo¤ § Õ(Ý º Through a £¦´¥-¡S§-¥0¡(·£¸-¸ ¸ ¥%S§ Ö ¡for%¡£example, Þ7¥%¦=-¦S-¥ the value in is now -¡ § ¥%¡ØS·Ø¸ Ûßà(á#âи·¸ ¸ – but this cost center is assigned to Õ ¦S´¥ ¡§£¥¡(·¸¸-¸ Õ ¦S´¥#-¡§-¥¡ #Ø·´Ø ¸ 420000 + 500.00 420000 420000 - 500.00 0.00 Ù # tt#t.t Ú t#t.? t*t + 500.00 Ù #t#tt*t Ú t#t(? t.t Û§´¥¤ ¦§×£ ¡£r¸-Ø ¸¸Ü ã ¸ ¸ » ¸-¸ ¼ ã £¸ ¸» ¸¸ ¸-» ¸£¸£ä ÛS§´¥¤ ¦ §S ×£¡-r¸·h¸ ¸SÜ ã ¸-¸» ¸-¸ . SAP AG 2006 This slide demonstrates &2!),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQEDVHGRQWKHFKDUDFWHULVWLFHQWLW\ )XQFWLRQDO$UHD. y The characteristics 3URILW&HQWHU, 6HJPHQW, and %XVLQHVV$UHD have been omitted from the example for clarity’s sake. What do you see in the )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJGRFXPHQW !E ? y The posting is made in UHDOWLPH (for each CO document) – (periodic) reconciliation using the reconciliation ledger and transaction KALC is no longer required. y ,QWKLVFDVHWKH),IROORZRQGRFXPHQWKDVQRFOHDULQJDFFRXQWV. Clearing lines are only necessary if the activity in Management Accounting / CO (=> 2.) results in a change of a balancing entity. y You can navigate from the real-time follow-on Financial Accounting document to the Management Accounting document (=> 2./2a.) and vice versa – key word: Traceability of the accounting documents. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-15 5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ&2!),² 7UDFH/RJ 7UDQVDFWLRQ)$*/&2),75$&($'0,1 ,IQHFHVVDU\, the &2 !),UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQ can be ORJJHG with a trace. If the trace was active during a CO posting, you can analyze the real-time integration data again at any time – LQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJGDWD å The GRFXPHQWQXPEHU of the original &2GRFXPHQW å Whether it was a WUDQVIHU or a WHVWUXQ å The GRFXPHQWQXPEHURIWKHIROORZXSGRFXPHQWLQ), if a transfer to FI took place å The UHDVRQIRUWUDQVIHU, but also the UHDVRQIRUDIDLOHGWUDQVIHU å The SRVWLQJPRGH: RQOLQHSRVWLQJ or VXEVHTXHQWWUDQVIHU (subsequent posting / follow-up) å Posting date, posting time, and user å /LQHLWHPGDWD for the documents: æ $OOSRVWHGWRREMHFWVand SDUWQHUREMHFWV SAP AG 2006 You can DFWLYDWHWKHWUDFHLQWKHUHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQYDULDQW; it is then DFWLYHIRUDOOXVHUVDWDOO WLPHV. You cannot deactivate it subsequently. Note that this may result in a significant - potentially undesired - number of log entries. If the trace is not activated in the real-time integration variant, it can still be activated and deactivated user-specifically at any time. y The corresponding transaction code to enter (in the command field) is: )$*/&2),75$&($'0,1 If the Management Accounting activity (CO activity) does not change any FI characteristics (=> company code, segment, etc.), then no FI follow-on document is created. But if the trace is active, a trace entry is created anyway. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-16 5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ&2!),² 'RFXPHQW)ORZ çÊèbéê2ë0ì;íqîoïðçAñòóôöõ÷;ø ù ú(ûYü$ýÿþ û(ümû *ý +,@û-. ú(ûYü$ýÿüB•û< =">" ?A @ "!$B#$%&C`(þ:'*)D > /B> E/0 13 ü&2F4546,$7G =G$ ) H 8. IJ9:K , LN46M -./ ; • "!$# O:, ,P0 12:4545, 6$ ) 8.9:,/46-/ ; QR > üS(üTcüU BPVW YXZ>" Bmü [ú( > E >7\3E/E#üU@(/<]$^C$üE$@(ý_( `BWaZ>/ >/B b • One accounting document • One controlling document îÊì7ëë"órêqñUc=ø5dhì÷méBì2òøSè0ñ÷ ò;ñferõDg&h:iNjlk´çoèbé;êë%ìmínmogfpqÐç=ñòórô õ2÷;øsr t uU @û ?Wv Vw>CA ($û >( C(û=v 6VxE >_S WCy B( >$? C "!$#%&('*) +,-./ 0 1z9{,$46-.$%&'*) +,$-./0<132R4746,6$ ) 8 9:, 46-./$ ; • SAP AG 2006 You can navigate from the CO document to the FI [reconciliation] document generated in real time – and in the opposite direction. y This guarantees the WUDFHDELOLW\RIWKHDFFRXQWLQJGRFXPHQWV. This bidirectional navigation between documents is possible because the real-time CO-FI integration FUHDWHVDQ),IROORZRQGRFXPHQWIRUHDFKDFWLYLW\, and not just a totals posting at the end of the month. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-17 ,QWHJUDWLRQ 6XPPDU\ <RXDUHQRZDEOHWR z ([SODLQWKHLQWHJUDWLRQRIWKH),$3DQG),$5 VXEOHGJHUV ZLWKWKH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU z 3RVWFDSLWDOL]HDFDVKGLVFRXQWIRUDQDVVHWLQ UHDOWLPH z 8QGHUVWDQGDQGFRQILJXUHWKHUHDOWLPH LQWHJUDWLRQ IURP&2WR), SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 4-18 ([HUFLVHV 8QLW,QWHJUDWLRQ 7RSLF5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ%HWZHHQ&2DQG), At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to: • Configure the real-time integration between CO and FI This is clarified using a specific example. Real-time integration is a full replacement for the reconciliation ledger. 4-1 &2!),5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ 4-1-1 You will now configure and test the UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQEHWZHHQ&2 DQG),. To do this, GHILQH \RXURZQYDULDQWIRUUHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQwith the ,' 9. Your variant, 9 should have the IROORZLQJVHWWLQJV Variant for CO->FI Real-Time Integration: &KHFNER[5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ$FWLYH: 6HW .H\'DWH$FWLYHIURP &<>FXUUHQW\HDU@ &KHFNER[$FFRXQW'HWHUPLQDWLRQ$FWLYH6HW 'RFXPHQW7\SH: $% /HGJHU*URXS ), : / 7H[W: 9DULDQWIRUUHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQJURXS Selection of Document Lines for Real-Time Integration CO->FI: &KHFNER[ 8VH&KHFNER[HV: 6HW !6HOHFWDOOHQWLWLHV FRPSDQ\FRGHEXVLQHVVDUHDDQGVRRQ Technical Settings: &KHFNER[7UDFH$FWLYH: 6HW &DXWLRQ: You do not necessarily have to activate the trace in the variant; it can be activated as needed at any time. In fact, we recommend leaving the trace inactive by default in production systems, as the system may otherwise generate a huge number of log entries. You will activate the trace immediately, however, in this AC210 exercise. 4-1-2 Now DVVLJQ your new YDULDQW 9 WR\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$. 4-1-3 1RZYLHZthe ILUVWYHQGRULQYRLFHWKDW\RXSRVWHG(=> task 2-1-10) it should have the document number – if not, you need to search for the first document that you posted. You assigned ¼ 4,000.00 to cost center 7)$. You should now DVVXPH, WKDWthis DVVLJQPHQWZDVLQFRUUHFW you should DFWXDOO\have posted this cost to FRVWFHQWHU7)&. © SAP AG TFIN52 4-19 4-1-4 You will now therefore UHSRVWDOLQHLWHPLQ&RQWUROOLQJ. Call the corresponding transaction in the CO application and HQWHUWKHIROORZLQJ GDWD for the accounting document &DXWLRQIf the controlling area is requested, enter &RQWUROOLQJ$UHD 'RFXPHQWQXPEHU: (or the relevant number of the first document you posted) &RPSDQ\&RGH: $$ )LVFDO<HDU: &XUUHQW\HDU Delete any other selections (such as cost center) and then choose ([HFXWH In the results list, FKDQJH the account assignment (specifically: Account Assignment 1) from &RVW&HQWHU 7)$to &RVW&HQWHU 7)&. 6DYH your data. 4-1-5 6WDUWDFRVWFHQWHUDFWXDOSODQQHGYDULDQFHUHSRUW for FRVWFHQWHU 7 )&and check whether the costs (=> cost element 3XUFKDVHG6HUYLFHV) have arrived at the new cost center. *RWRWKH&2OLQHLWHPV and display the segment in the layout. You can see that segment 6(*$ was derived from the cost center through the profit center. But you originally posted the purchased services in the amount of ¼ 4,000.00 to segment 6(*! 7Rnow DYRLGKDYLQJDQLQFRQVLVWHQF\ between &RQWUROOLQJ DQG )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ, WKHV\VWHPPXVWKDYHJHQHUDWHG an DFFRXQWLQJ GRFXPHQW that maps the change of segment assignment: )LQGRXWfrom the CO line items, whether a corresponding DFFRXQWLQJ GRFXPHQWZDVJHQHUDWHGLQUHDOWLPHandWKHQMXPSWRLW 4-1-6 The HQWU\YLHZ of the ),IROORZXSGRFXPHQW already contains various assignments to the segments. The JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ then makes LWFOHDU ZKDWLWPHDQV that Customizing specifies that the segment characteristic must have a ³]HUREDODQFHVHWWLQJ´ FOHDULQJOLQHV are automatically FUHDWHG to achieve a zero balance for each segment. To make things even clearer, use your L2 layout to display the document in the general ledger view. 4-1-7 If the WUDFHis DFWLYH in the real-time integration, you can see whether realtime integration between CO and FI worked, which documents were created, and which entities were changed in WUDQVDFWLRQ )$*/&2),75$&($'0,1: Choose the EXWWRQ'LVSOD\7UDFH )UHH6HOHFWLRQ In the )LHOG6HOHFWLRQGLDORJER[ VHOHFW&RPSDQ\&RGH ), and then choose Continue (Enter) In the 'HWHUPLQH:RUN$UHD(QWU\ GLDORJER[ HQWHUyour FRPSDQ\FRGH $$ and choose Continue (Enter). The ORJVKRXOGnow VKRZWZRHQWULHV. You can double-click on the document number to display the detail data for the trace, which helps you DQVZHUWKHIROORZLQJTXHVWLRQV: :DVWKHGRFXPHQWWUDQVIHUUHG" :KLFKSRVWLQJPRGHZDVXVHG" 'RHVDIROORZXSGRFXPHQWH[LVWLQ)," :KLFKHQWLWLHVFKDUDFWHULVWLFVZHUHFKDQJHG" © SAP AG TFIN52 4-20 6ROXWLRQV 8QLW,QWHJUDWLRQ 7RSLF5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ%HWZHHQ&2DQG), 4-1 &2!),5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ 4-1-1 You will now configure and test the UHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQEHWZHHQ&2 DQG),. To do this, GHILQH \RXURZQYDULDQWIRUUHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQwith the ,' 9. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ *OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQRI&RQWUROOLQJ ZLWK)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo'HILQH9DULDQWVIRU5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ Your variant, 9 should have the IROORZLQJVHWWLQJV Variant for CO->FI Real-Time Integration: &KHFNER[5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ$FWLYH: 6HW .H\'DWH$FWLYHIURP &<>FXUUHQW\HDU@ &KHFNER[$FFRXQW'HWHUPLQDWLRQ$FWLYH6HW 'RFXPHQW7\SH: $% /HGJHU*URXS ), : / 7H[W: 9DULDQWIRUUHDOWLPHLQWHJUDWLRQJURXS Selection of Document Lines for Real-Time Integration CO->FI: &KHFNER[ 8VH&KHFNER[HV: 6HW !6HOHFWDOOHQWLWLHV FRPSDQ\FRGHEXVLQHVVDUHDDQGVRRQ Technical Settings: &KHFNER[7UDFH$FWLYH: 6HW &DXWLRQ: You do not necessarily have to activate the trace in the variant; it can be activated as needed at any time. In fact, we recommend leaving the trace inactive by default in production systems, as the system may otherwise generate a huge number of log entries. You will activate the trace immediately, however, in this AC210 exercise. 4-1-2 Now DVVLJQ your new YDULDQW 9 WR\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ *OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ o/HGJHUVo5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQRI&RQWUROOLQJ ZLWK)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo$VVLJQ9DULDQWVIRU5HDO7LPH,QWHJUDWLRQ WR&RPSDQ\&RGHV &OLFN1HZ(QWULHVWRDVVLJQ\RXUYDULDQW9WR\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH $$ © SAP AG TFIN52 4-21 4-1-3 1RZYLHZthe ILUVWYHQGRULQYRLFHWKDW\RXSRVWHG(=> Exercise 2-1-10) it should have the document number – if not, you need to search for the first document that you posted. 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQX$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo$FFRXQWV 3D\DEOHo'RFXPHQWo'LVSOD\ (QWHUWKHGRFXPHQWQXPEHU\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$DQGWKHFXUUHQW ILVFDO\HDUDQGSUHVV(QWHU You assigned ¼ 4,000.00 to cost center 7)$. You should now DVVXPH, WKDWthis DVVLJQPHQWZDVLQFRUUHFW you should DFWXDOO\have posted this cost to FRVWFHQWHU7)&. 4-1-4 You will now therefore UHSRVWDOLQHLWHPLQ&RQWUROOLQJ. Call the corresponding transaction in CO: 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQX$FFRXQWLQJo&RQWUROOLQJo&RVW&HQWHU $FFRXQWLQJo$FWXDO3RVWLQJVo5HSRVW/LQH,WHPVo(QWHU … and HQWHUWKHIROORZLQJGDWD for the accounting document &DXWLRQIf the controlling area is requested, enter &RQWUROOLQJ$UHD 'RFXPHQWQXPEHU: (or the relevant number of the first document you posted) &RPSDQ\&RGH: $$ )LVFDO<HDU: &XUUHQW\HDU Delete any other selections (such as cost center) and then choose ([HFXWH In the results list, FKDQJH the account assignment (specifically: Account Assignment 1) from &RVW&HQWHU 7)$to &RVW&HQWHU 7)&. 6DYH your data. 4-1-5 6WDUWDFRVWFHQWHUDFWXDOSODQQHGYDULDQFHUHSRUW for FRVWFHQWHU 7 )&and check whether the costs (=> cost element 3XUFKDVHG6HUYLFHV) have arrived at the new cost center. … 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQX$FFRXQWLQJo&RQWUROOLQJo&RVW&HQWHU $FFRXQWLQJo,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPo5HSRUWVIRU&RVW&HQWHU $FFRXQWLQJo3ODQ$FWXDO&RPSDULVRQVo&RVW&HQWHUV $FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH Go to the &2OLQHLWHPV... 'RXEOHFOLFNRQHRIWKHGLVSOD\HGFRVWHOHPHQWV,QWKH6HOHFW5HSRUW GLDORJZLQGRZGRXEOHFOLFNHQWU\&RVW&HQWHUV$FWXDO/LQH,WHPVWR VHOHFWLW ... and display the VHJPHQW with the /D\RXW function. 7RFKDQJHWKHOD\RXWFKRRVHPHQXSDWK6HWWLQJVo/D\RXWo&KDQJH &RS\WKHVHJPHQWWRWKH'LVSOD\HG&ROXPQV You can see that segment 6(*$ was derived from the cost center through the profit center. However, you originally posted the purchased services in the amount of ¼ 4,000.00 to segment 6(*. 7Rnow DYRLGKDYLQJDQLQFRQVLVWHQF\ between &RQWUROOLQJ DQG )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ, WKHV\VWHPPXVWKDYHJHQHUDWHG an DFFRXQWLQJ GRFXPHQW that maps the change of segment assignment: © SAP AG TFIN52 4-22 )LQGRXWfrom the CO line items, whether a corresponding DFFRXQWLQJ GRFXPHQWZDVJHQHUDWHGLQUHDOWLPHandWKHQMXPSWRLW 0HQXSDWK(QYLURQPHQWo$FFRXQWLQJ'RFXPHQWV&KRRVH$FFRXQWLQJ 'RFXPHQWLQWKH/LVWRI'RFXPHQWVLQ$FFRXQWLQJGLDORJER[ 4-1-6 The HQWU\YLHZ of the ),IROORZXSGRFXPHQW already contains various assignments to the segments. The JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ then makes LWFOHDU ZKDWLWPHDQV that Customizing specifies that the segment characteristic must have a ³]HUREDODQFHVHWWLQJ´ FOHDULQJOLQHV are automatically FUHDWHG to achieve a zero balance for each segment. To make things even clearer, use your L2 layout to display the document in the general ledger view. %XWWRQ6HOHFW/D\RXWo&OLFN/D\RXW/ 4-1-7 If the WUDFHis DFWLYH in the real-time integration, you can see whether realtime integration between CO and FI worked, which documents were created, and which entities were changed in WUDQVDFWLRQ )$*/&2),75$&($'0,1: (QWHUQIDJOFRILWUDFHDGPLQLQWKHFRPPDQGILHOG Choose the EXWWRQ'LVSOD\7UDFH )UHH6HOHFWLRQ In the )LHOG6HOHFWLRQGLDORJER[ VHOHFW&RPSDQ\&RGH ), and then choose Continue (Enter) In the 'HWHUPLQH:RUN$UHD(QWU\ GLDORJER[ HQWHUyour FRPSDQ\FRGH $$ and choose Continue (Enter). The ORJVKRXOGnow VKRZWZRHQWULHV. You can double-click on the document number to display the detail data for the trace, which helps you DQVZHUWKHIROORZLQJTXHVWLRQV: :DVWKHGRFXPHQWWUDQVIHUUHG" $QVZHU<(6 :KLFKSRVWLQJPRGHZDVXVHG" $QVZHU2QOLQHSRVWLQJ 'RHVDIROORZXSGRFXPHQWH[LVWLQ)," $QVZHU<(6 :KLFKHQWLWLHVFKDUDFWHULVWLFVZHUHFKDQJHG" $QVZHU7KHSURILWFHQWHUDQGWKHVHJPHQW © SAP AG TFIN52 4-23 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-1 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ &RQWHQWV z 5HGXFWLRQRI7&2ZLWK1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ z )RUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ(FAGL_FC_VALUATION) SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-2 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 2EMHFWLYHV $WWKHFRQFOXVLRQRIWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR z $QDO\]HZKLFKSHULRGLFWDVNVZLOOEHFRPHUHGXQGDQW ZKHQ\RXXVH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ z &RQILJXUHDQGUXQDIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-3 &ORVLQJ2SHUDWLRQV² 5HGXFWLRQLQ7&2 As you saw repeatedly in the "Integration" unit, XVLQJ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJFDQVDYH\RXIURP PDQ\SHULRGLFFORVLQJDQGUHFRQFLOLDWLRQRSHUDWLRQV, because the system has already performed them in real time. 7KLVOHDGVWRDQDFFHOHUDWLRQRISHULRGHQGDFWLYLWLHV 7RWDO&RVWRI2ZQHUVKLS 7&2 ([DPSOHVRIHOLPLQDWHGFORVLQJDFWLYLWLHV 0DLQWHQDQFHDQGXVHRIWKHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQOHGJHU (=> TCode .$/&) %DODQFHVKHHWDGMXVWPHQW(=> 6$3) – e.g. for creation of bus. area balance sheets) 3URILWDQGORVVDGMXVWPHQW(=> 6$3) – e.g. for post-capitalization of cash discount) 0DLQWHQDQFHDQGXVHRIWKHYDULRXV),6/OHGJHUV(=> 6$3)$ + TCode .(. – such as transferring values to Profit Center Accounting) Many tasks are also eliminated because WHFKQLFDOVXSSRUWIRUVHJPHQWUHSRUWLQJ is available 2WKHUSHULRGHQGFORVLQJDFWLYLWLHVDUHQRW HOLPLQDWHGand still have to be performed. But there are differences to previous releases due to the logic in New General Ledger Accounting. ,QWKH$&H[DPSOHVXVHIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ(of vendor line items) DQGWKHGHSUHFLDWLRQUXQLQ),$$ SAP AG 2006 Examples of periodic processing tasks that are not eliminated but that are changed slightly as a result of the ledger logic or that are based on new programs and that are not shown explicitly in AC210 are: y Balance carryforward (in FI) y Reclassification/sorting of receivables and payables y Flat-rate individual value adjustment © SAP AG TFIN52 5-4 )&9DOXDWLRQ² )$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21 ,QLWLDOVLWXDWLRQ: 9HQGRULQYRLFHLQIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\of – posted on 02/15/CFY with a ¼H[FKDQJHUDWHRI General ledger view / Ledger 0L / Document 19000...: &&G , 1000 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 1 31 160000 Vendor Payable 2 40 417000 Purch. Services 10.000,00 86' 10.000,00 86' &&WU 7[ V9 V9 1000 3& 6HJPHQW 1000 SEG A 1000 SEG A 86' 9HQGRU/,OLVW for above document DVRI NH\GDWH&)< 2 ' )*, ( ,1 .0/ )*, )- 19000… KR 02/15/TY )+ ( *)+ $&% ' # "! # "! 04/01/TY -32 If we DVVXPH that the HXURGROODUH[FKDQJHUDWHIDOOVWRSDULW\ as of the key date, 02/28/CFY, the SD\DEOHVZLOOEH¼KLJKHU than on the posting date. 7KHUHIRUH An H[SHQVHLQWKHDPRXQWRI¼ has to be entered – The IRUHLJQ FXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQUXQ takes care of it! SAP AG 2006 To start the correction posting, start SURJUDP)$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21 in mySAP ERP. y The old program, SAPF100, cannot be executed after you have activated New General Ledger Accounting. You will find the program in the SAP Easy Access menu for accounts payable/accounts receivable, under "Foreign Currency Valuation of Open Items (New)" The inheritance of the profit center and segment in the vendor and tax line items shows that GRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJLVDFWLYH for the posting shown in the example. y 7KHUHIRUH: The accounts selected by the correction posting must have been defined as LWHP FDWHJRULHV for document splitting. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-5 )&9DOXDWLRQ² )$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21,, 1HZ LQP\6$3 (53 3 $YDOXDWLRQUXQUHTXLUHVWKHHQWU\ RIDYDOXDWLRQDUHD IURP), 3 7KLVDUHDPXVW EHGHILQHGLQ&XVWRPL]LQJDQGEHDVVLJQHG DYDOXDWLRQPHWKRG ± <RXFDQ WGRLWGXULQJWKHUXQLWVHOI 3 The YDOXDWLRQPHWKRGGHILQHV DVEHIRUH KRZ³YDOXDWLRQLVUXQDQGZLWKZKLFK YDOXDWLRQDSSURDFK(VXFKDVWKHPD[LPXPYDOXHSULQFLSOHIRUSD\DEOHV). 3 Only for balance valuation / not line item valuation: In a further Customizing step, you combine the valuation area with an DFFRXQWLQJSULQFLSOH $3 . o The AP is also required if you want/have to work with multiple valuation approaches (for example, IAS and local) – more about that later! 9DOXDWLRQ DUHD $FFRXQWLQJ SULQFLSOHV 9DOXDWLRQ PHWKRG SAP AG 2006 The corresponding &XVWRPL]LQJSDWKV to the facts in the slide are found in &XVWRPL]LQJunder )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ9DOXDWH The valuation areas to be defined should not be confused with the depreciation areas in Asset Accounting (=> FI-AA). These are original FI valuation areas. You also use these valuation areas if you want to portray parallel accounting in the SAP system. If you only need the ORFDOYDOXDWLRQDSSURDFK, as is assumed in this unit, then you will only have to define one valuation area. You can select the ID and name freely. y Proposal: LO – local valuation area 2XWORRN: The "Parallel Accounting" unit of AC210 covers the modeling of multiple valuation approaches. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-6 )&9DOXDWLRQ² )$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21,,, $FFRXQWGHWHUPLQDWLRQ for transaction .') H[FKUDWHGLIIRSHQLWHPV*/DFFRXQW Chart of accounts: INT 9DOXDWLRQDUHD G/L account: 160000 (vendor payables) Valuation: Expense: 230010 (revaluations from currency valuation) Revenue: 280010 (revenue from currency valuation) FS correction: 161099 (correction account: vendor payables) )&YDOXDWLRQDWHQGRIPRQWK&)<9DOXDWLRQDUHD ;<± 3RVWLQJUHVXOWV General ledger view / Ledger 0L / Document 100... / Posting date: &)< &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 1000 1 40 230010 Expen. from Val. 2 50 161099 Corr. Vend.Pay. $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 2,000.00 (85 2,000.00 (85 3& 1000 SEG A 1000 SEG A DQGDOZD\V WKHVDPH± FRUUHFWLRQUHYHUVDOSRVWLQJ General ledger view / Ledger 0L / Document 100...21 / Posting date: 7< &&G , 3. $FFW 'HVFULSWLRQ $PRXQW &XUU 7[ &&WU 3& 1000 1 50 230010 Expen. from Val. 2 40 161099 Corr. Vend.Pay. 2,000.00 (85 2,000.00 (85 6HJPHQW 6HJPHQW 1000 SEG A 1000 SEG A SAP AG 2006 In order that a posting can be created, the H[SHQVHDQGFRUUHFWLRQDFFRXQWV have to be defined first in the system: &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ *HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ9DOXDWH)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQ3UHSDUH$XWRPDWLF3RVWLQJVIRU)RUHLJQ &XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQ=> 7UDQVDFWLRQ([FKDQJH5DWH'LIIHUHQFHRI2SHQ,WHPV*/$FFRXQW=> e.g. account 160000 y Although the foreign currency valuation program, FAGL_FC_VALUATION, requires a valuation area, valuation area "Blank" is sufficient in account maintenance – that is, you GHILQHWKH DFFRXQWVZLWKRXWDYDOXDWLRQDUHD 7KH),HQWLWLHVIURPWKHRULJLQDOYHQGRULQYRLFHRSHQLWHPVDUHLQKHULWHGLQWKHIRUHLJQ FXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQGRFXPHQWVLIGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJLVDFWLYH y ,IGRFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJLVQRWDFWLYH, the accounts are only supplied with the corresponding values; the FI entities DUHQRWLQKHULWHG in the correction posting. If the above example involved an original vendor invoice with various expense line items and different characteristic value assignments, the correction document would also be split if document splitting were active. For more information, see an example (based on a customer item) in the unit "Parallel Accounting". ,PSRUWDQW For the valuation of balances, you can decide whether the valuation is corrected again on the first of the next month or not. This will also be possible for open line items in the future. Currently, this is not yet possible (status: June 2006). Once available, this option will then be delivered via Support Packages. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-7 )&9DOXDWLRQ² )$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21,9 7KHFKHUU\RQWRS If you want, you can also post the UHYDOXDWLRQDPRXQWRQOLQH to the original CO object that was charged GLUHFWO\LQFRQWUROOLQJ. 3UHUHTXLVLWHV => 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ active => [expense, revenue, and correction accounts defined as item categories] => 'RFXPHQWVSOLWWLQJFKDUDFWHULVWLF ("Cost Center" in our example) defined for &2 => Revaluation account defined as (primary) FRVWHOHPHQW 5HVXOW You can navigate directly to a CO document from the respective foreign currency valuation documents. &RVW&HQWHUV3ODQ$FWXDO9DULDQFH Cost Center: FKDUJHGZLWK RULJLQDO &2« Reporting Period: to &)< &RVW(OHPHQWV $FWXDO ([SHQIURPYDOXDWLRQ 3XUFKDVHGVHUYLFHV &RVWV * 6,896.55 SAP AG 2006 3ODQ = $8,620.69 = original expense ,PSRUWDQW: The (system) prerequisites described in the slide must already be met when the vendor invoice is posted (in a foreign currency). International context: The revenue account from currency valuation can also be defined as a cost element. In this case, negative costs would be posted to the corresponding CO object after a currency-related reduction of the payable. If you ran the cost center report in February with the entire year as reporting period, cost element 230010 would not show any values. You can navigate from the line items of the CO report to the posted CO document, and from there back to the FI document. y In contrast to the document shown in the slide, the FI document would have cost center 1000 as an additional characteristic. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-8 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 6XPPDU\ <RXFDQQRZ z 'HVFULEHWKHSRWHQWLDOIRULPSURYLQJ7&2 z &RQILJXUHDQGXVHWKHQHZIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ SURJUDP SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-9 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-10 ([HUFLVHV 8QLW3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 7RSLF)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQ (of Customer Receivables) At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to: • Call company code or segment financial statements. You will not only be able to configure RFBILA00 properly; you will also be able to use the new FI drilldown reports. 5-1 © SAP AG ([HUFLVHIRUIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ (of customer receivables) 5-1-1 Create a FXVWRPHUin your FRPSDQ\FRGH $$. Choose 6ROG7R 3DUW\(entry at the very bottom) as the DFFRXQWJURXS. You can use FXVWRPHUin FRPSDQ\FRGH as a WHPSODWH. Fill in all the required-entry fields for the address data and save your data. 5-1-2 Now enter a FXVWRPHULQYRLFHLQ86GROODUV for your FXVWRPHU , in the DPRXQWRI. This means you are creating an invoice for a (major) international customer in their currency. Also assume that the H[FKDQJHUDWHZDV RQWKHSRVWLQJGDWH. This corresponds to a ¼H[FKDQJHUDWHRI Accordingly, the euro is strong compared to the dollar, or alternatively: The dollar is relatively weak. Enter the IROORZLQJGDWD in the posting transaction: &XVWRPHU ,QYRLFHGDWH: SUHYLRXV\HDU 5HIHUHQFH 3RVWLQJGDWH: SUHYLRXV\HDU ,QYRLFHDPRXQW &XUUHQF\ 86' &DOFXODWHWD[ 6HW the FKHFNER[. To simplify things, you can still enter the document ZLWKRXWWD[HV(=> tax code $). If you want to use taxes, please choose tax code $1. (QWHUWKHYDOXHVand VZLWFKWRWKH/RFDO&XUUHQF\ tab. Check the (current) H[FKDQJHUDWH(=> taken from table TCURR) and FKDQJH it manually to “”RU “”, in line with the assumptions. The entry is simple if you use the F4 help for the ([FKDQJH5DWH field. TFIN52 5-11 Important:<RXFDQSUHVV(QWHUWRVNLSDQ\warning messages GXHWRYDOXHVWKDWGLIIHUIURPWKHWDEOHH[FKDQJHUDWHDIWHU DOOWKDW¶VWKHREMHFWLYHRIWKLVH[HUFLVH Also important:,IWKH([FKDQJH5DWHILHOGLVQRW RUQRORQJHU UHDG\IRULQSXW\RXFDQVSHFLI\WKHHXURGHQRPLQDWHGDPRXQW RILQWKH/RFDO&XUUHQF\$PRXQWILHOGLQWKHVDPHWDE SDJH You are now missing the revenue account / FUHGLWLWHP for the posting: Enter */DFFRXQW in the entry screen and enter “ *” to copy the amount of $ 5,000.00. Because you also want/have to DVVLJQDVHJPHQWDFFRXQW for the posting, enter the SURILWFHQWHU you created, 3&, in the corresponding field. Simulate and VDYH the document. 5-1-3 'LVSOD\ WKHGRFXPHQW again from the posting transaction. The segment is inherited to the receivable line item in the JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ. You can press the 'LVSOD\&XUUHQF\ button to display the amounts in euros and U.S. dollars. 5-1-4 Now enter a VHFRQGLQYRLFH for the same customer. We QRZDVVXPH, however, that the invoice is posted later, at a time when the GROODU is relatively VWURQJ(compared to the euro) – use a ¼H[FKDQJHUDWHRI. This implies a (relatively strong) $ exchange rate of 1.25, as 1/0.8 = 1.25 Otherwise, the procedure is VLPLODUWRH[HUFLVH. 8VHWKHIROORZLQJ GDWD: &XVWRPHU ,QYRLFHGDWH: RIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU 5HIHUHQFH 3RVWLQJGDWH: RIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU ,QYRLFHDPRXQW &XUUHQF\ 86' &DOFXODWHWD[ 6HW the FKHFNER[. To simplify things, you can still enter the document ZLWKRXWWD[HV(=> tax code $). If you want to use taxes, please choose tax code $1. (QWHUWKHYDOXHVand VZLWFKWRWKH/RFDO&XUUHQF\ tab. &KDQJHthe displayed H[FKDQJHUDWH manually to “ ” RU “ ” , in line with the above assumption. The entry is simple if you use the F4 help for the ([FKDQJH5DWH field. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-12 Important:<RXFDQSUHVV(QWHUWRVNLSDQ\warning messagesGXH WRYDOXHVWKDWGLIIHUIURPWKHWDEOHH[FKDQJHUDWHDIWHUDOOWKDW¶V WKHREMHFWLYHRIWKLVH[HUFLVH Also important:,IWKH([FKDQJH5DWHILHOGLVQRWUHDG\IRULQSXW \RXFDQVSHFLI\WKHHXURGHQRPLQDWHGDPRXQWRILQWKH /RFDO&XUUHQF\$PRXQWILHOGLQWKHVDPHWDESDJH You are now missing the revenue account / FUHGLWLWHP for the posting: Enter */DFFRXQW in the entry screen and enter “ *” to copy the amount of $ 4.000. Because you also want/have to DVVLJQDVHJPHQW DFFRXQW for the posting, enter SURILWFHQWHU in the corresponding field. Simulate and VDYH the document. 5-1-5 Now start a FXVWRPHUOLQHLWHPOLVW for your FXVWRPHU to display the posted open customer invoices. 2SWLRQDO If you desire, you can change the layout (of the results list) to display the HIIHFWLYHH[FKDQJHUDWH(=> technical field name: 1-KURSE) and the UHIHUHQFHILHOG (=> technical field name: 1-XBLNR). Save your userspecific layout, /, with name /D\RXW*U. 5-1-6 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ You now have to configure the system for foreign currency valuation. You first maintain the accounts you want to post to. Start the appropriate Customizing transaction and perform the IROORZLQJDFWLYLWLHV: => Select 7UDQVDFWLRQ .') => Select &KDUWRI$FFRXQWV ,17 => 6elect JHQHUDOOHGJHUUHFRQFLOLDWLRQDFFRXQW (customer receivables) => Examine the logical field group 9DOXDWLRQ and FKHFN whether the following accounts are already defined ([SHQVHDFFRXQW: Account 5HYHQXHDFFRXQW Account %DODQFHVKHHWFRUUHFWLRQDFFRXQW Account ,PSRUWDQW: If you used different valuation areas for account determination in previous releases, you no longer have to in mySAP ERP. This applies even if you use different accounting principles (subsequently). If you had to valuate foreign currency payables as well, you would also assign expense, revenue, and correction accounts to the payables account (e.g. 160 000). © SAP AG TFIN52 5-13 5-1-7 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ Because document splitting has been activated for your FRPSDQ\FRGH, $$, the expense, revenue, and correction accounts have to be defined as item categories for the foreign currency valuation. Please check whether FKDUWRIDFFRXQWV ,17 already has the HQWULHV , , and ! If this is not the case, please notify your course instructor. 5-1-8 To start the foreign currency valuation run later (in the application), a valuation area PXVW be passed on in mySAP ERP – regardless of whether or not different valuation approaches are needed for parallel accounting. ,PSRUWDQW: The valuation area you define now has nothing to do with depreciation (valuation) areas in Asset Accounting; it is a valuation area that is defined in FI. &UHDWHDVHSDUDWHYDOXDWLRQDUHD in FI Customizing. The ,'of the new valuation area should have WZROHWWHUV. The first letter of every group is “ L” . The “ L” stands for “ Local” in this example. Select the VHFRQGOHWWHU for your group from the following table: *URXS /HWWHU $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ([DPSOHV: Group 1 uses the letter A => the ledger ID is /$ Group 5 uses the letter E => the ledger ID is /(…. 1 2 3 4 5 Enter the IROORZLQJGDWD for the new ledger: $UHD /(=> # stands for the second letter from the above table) 9DOXDWLRQPHWKRG: /HDYHEODQN IRUQRZ &XUUHQF\W\SH &RPSDQ\FRGHFXUUHQF\ $GGLWLRQDOFXUUHQF\W\SHV/HDYHEODQN %DODQFHVKHHWVWUXFWXUH/HDYHEODQN or ,17 /RQJWH[W /RFDOYDOXDWLRQDUHDJURXS 5-1-9 5-1-9 Also FUHDWHDYDOXDWLRQPHWKRG in Customizing. You will need it to define how to valuate a run. Name your new YDOXDWLRQPHWKRG / and define it with the IROORZLQJGDWD 'HVFULSWLRQ /RFDOYDOXDWLRQIRUDYHUDJHUDWHJURXS 9DOXDWLRQSURFHGXUH /RZHVWYDOXHSULQFLSOH 'RFXPHQW7\SH: 6$ ([FKDQJHUDWHW\SHIRUGHELWFUHGLWEDODQFH0IRUERWK 5-1-10 /LQNthe new YDOXDWLRQPHWKRG / with your new YDOXDWLRQDUHD / from exercise 5-1-8. ,PSRUWDQW: Prior to release mySAP ERP, the valuation method was not entered until the actual run in the application. This is no longer possible in New General Ledger Accounting. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-14 5-1-11 You have now configured DOOWKHVHWWLQJV for the actual IRUHLJQFXUUHQF\ YDOXDWLRQ, provided you only need to follow one set of accounting principles and only want to valuate open items (the assumptions in this set of exercises). 6WDUWWKHYDOXDWLRQUXQ in the Accounts Receivable application. As you will see in the SAP Easy Access menu, when New General Ledger Accounting is activated, you can no longer start the old valuation program SAPF100 (=> “ Foreign Currency Valuation of Open Items” ). You have to use the option “ Foreign Currency Valuation of Open Items (New)” . This is SURJUDP)$*/B)&B9$/8$7,21. You can start a WHVWUXQILUVW before you VWDUWWKHXSGDWHUXQ. Enter the IROORZLQJGDWD in the selection screen for the program: &RPSDQ\&RGH $$## 9DOXDWLRQNH\GDWH /DVWGD\RISUHYLRXVPRQWK ,PSRUWDQWIf your AC210 takes place in January, please use January 31 of this year as the key date. 9DOXDWLRQDUHD / &UHDWH3RVWLQJVLQGLFDWRU Do not set until after a test run, when you start the update run. You do not need to specify a IROGHUQDPH, as you will not use a folder. The program now needs to know which “ objects” will be processed, UHJDUGOHVV of whether this is a WHVWRUSURGXFWLRQUXQ. Open tab page 2SHQ,WHPV: 6HWWKH9DOXDWH&XVWRPHU2,FKHFNER[. 6WDUW the program. Starting in the results list, you can QDYLJDWH to the VLPXODWHGSRVWLQJV (=> after a test run) or to the DFWXDOSRVWLQJV(=> after a production run)! 1RZUHPDLQLQWKHUHVXOWVOLVW of the valuation run. 1RWH: Because this run is “ local” , using the lowest value principle, only the open item is valuated; as of the key date, it no longer has a value of ¼ 5,000.00, but instead ¼ 4,000.00. In the example, this should be the second item – the document entered in the current year. 5-1-12 When you examine the YDOXDWLRQ or FRUUHFWLRQGRFXPHQW after the update run, you will see that the VHJPHQW from the original customer invoice has been SDVVHGWKURXJK to the documents from the valuation run. In the example, this should be segment 6(*%. If your documents have a different segment, don’t worry – you probably entered a different cost center for your posting than described in the exercise -! A new valuation run DOZD\V creates a FRUUHFWLRQGRFXPHQW on the first of the following month. There is no way around this! © SAP AG TFIN52 5-15 © SAP AG TFIN52 5-16 8QLW3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 6ROXWLRQV 7RSLF)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQ (of Customer Receivables) 5-1 ([HUFLVHIRUIRUHLJQFXUUHQF\YDOXDWLRQ (of customer receivables) 5-1-1 Create a FXVWRPHUin your FRPSDQ\FRGH $$. … 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo&XVWRPHUV o0DVWHU5HFRUGVo&UHDWH Choose 6ROG7R3DUW\ (entry at the very bottom) as the DFFRXQWJURXS. You can use FXVWRPHUin FRPSDQ\FRGH as a WHPSODWH. Fill in all the required-entry fields for the address data and save your data. 5-1-2 Now enter a FXVWRPHULQYRLFHLQ86GROODUV for your FXVWRPHU , in the DPRXQWRI. This means you are creating an invoice for a (major) international customer in their currency. Also assume that the H[FKDQJHUDWHZDV RQWKHSRVWLQJGDWH. This corresponds to a ¼H[FKDQJHrate of 1.20: 1/1.20 = 0.8333. Accordingly, the euro is strong compared to the dollar, or alternatively: The dollar is relatively weak. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo&XVWRPHUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH ,PSRUWDQW You can press (QWHUto skip any ZDUQLQJPHVVDJHV due to values that differ from the table exchange rate; after all, that’s the objective of this exercise. Enter the IROORZLQJGDWD in the posting transaction: &XVWRPHU ,QYRLFHGDWH: SUHYLRXV\HDU 5HIHUHQFH 3RVWLQJGDWH: SUHYLRXV\HDU ,QYRLFHDPRXQW &XUUHQF\ 86' &DOFXODWHWD[ 6HW the FKHFNER[. To simplify things, you can still enter the document ZLWKRXWWD[HV(=> tax code $). If you want to use taxes, please choose tax code $1. (QWHUWKHYDOXHVand VZLWFKWRWKH/RFDO&XUUHQF\ tab. Check the (current) H[FKDQJHUDWH(=> taken from table TCURR) and FKDQJH it manually to “ ” RU “ ” , in line with the assumptions. The entry is simple if you use the F4 help for the ([FKDQJH5DWH field. ,PSRUWDQW If the ([FKDQJH5DWH field is not (or no longer) ready for input, you can specify the euro-denominated amount of 4,166.67 in the /RFDO&XUUHQF\$PRXQW field in the same tab page. You are now missing the revenue account / FUHGLWLWHP for the posting: Enter */DFFRXQW in the entry screen and enter “ *” to copy the © SAP AG TFIN52 5-17 amount of $ 5,000.00. Because you also want/have to DVVLJQDVHJPHQWDFFRXQW for the posting, enter the SURILWFHQWHU you created, 3&, in the corresponding field. Simulate and VDYH the document. 5-1-3 'LVSOD\ WKHGRFXPHQW again from the posting transaction. The segment is inherited to the receivable line item in the JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ. You can press the 'LVSOD\&XUUHQF\ button to display the amounts in euros and U.S. dollars. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo&XVWRPHUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH &KRRVHPHQXSDWK'RFXPHQWo'LVSOD\ 5-1-4 Now enter a VHFRQGLQYRLFH for the same customer. We QRZDVVXPH, however, that the invoice is posted later, at a time when the GROODU is relatively VWURQJ(compared to the euro) – use a ¼H[FKDQJHUDWHRI. This implies a (relatively strong) $ exchange rate of 1.25, as 1/0.8 = 1.25. Otherwise, the procedure is VLPLODUWRH[HUFLVH. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo&XVWRPHUVo 'RFXPHQW(QWU\o,QYRLFH 8VHWKHIROORZLQJGDWD: &XVWRPHU ,QYRLFHGDWH: RIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU 5HIHUHQFH 3RVWLQJGDWH: RIWKHFXUUHQW\HDU ,QYRLFHDPRXQW &XUUHQF\ 86' &DOFXODWHWD[ 6HW the FKHFNER[. To simplify things, you can still enter the document ZLWKRXWWD[HV(=> tax code $). If you want to use taxes, please choose tax code $1. (QWHUWKHYDOXHVand VZLWFKWRWKH/RFDO&XUUHQF\ tab. &KDQJHthe displayed H[FKDQJHUDWH manually to “ ” RU “ ” , in line with the above assumption. The entry is simple if you use the F4 help for the ([FKDQJH5DWH field. ,PSRUWDQW You can press (QWHUto skip any ZDUQLQJPHVVDJHV due to values that differ from the table exchange rate; after all, that’s the objective of this exercise. $OVRLPSRUWDQW If the ([FKDQJH5DWH field is not ready for input, you can specify the euro-denominated amount of 5,000 in the /RFDO &XUUHQF\$PRXQW field in the same tab page. You are now missing the revenue account / FUHGLWLWHP for the posting: Enter */DFFRXQW in the entry screen and enter “ *” to copy the amount of $ 4000. Because you also want/have to DVVLJQDVHJPHQW DFFRXQW for the posting, enter SURILWFHQWHU in the corresponding field. Simulate and VDYH the document. © SAP AG TFIN52 5-18 5-1-5 Now start a FXVWRPHUOLQHLWHPOLVW for your FXVWRPHU to display the posted open customer invoices. 6$3(DV\$FFHVV0HQXo$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo&XVWRPHUV o$FFRXQWo'LVSOD\&KDQJH/LQH,WHPV (QWHU\RXUFXVWRPHUDQG\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$DQGUXQWKH SURJUDPWRGLVSOD\WKHRSHQLWHPVDVRIWRGD\¶VGDWH0HQXSDWK3URJUDPo ([HFXWH 2SWLRQDO If you desire, you can change the layout (of the results list) to display the HIIHFWLYHH[FKDQJHUDWH(=> technical field name: 1-KURSE) and the UHIHUHQFHILHOG (=> technical field name: 1-XBLNR). Save your userspecific layout, /, with name /D\RXW*U. 3UHVVWKH&KDQJH/D\RXWEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKHILHOGV7RVDYHWKHFKDQJHVWR \RXUOD\RXWSUHVV6DYH/D\RXW 5-1-6 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ You now have to configure the system for foreign currency valuation. You first maintain the accounts you want to post to. Choose the appropriate transaction in Customizing ... &XVWRPL]LQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJo9DOXDWHo)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQo 3UHSDUH$XWRPDWLF3RVWLQJVIRU)RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\9DOXDWLRQ ... and perform the IROORZLQJDFWLYLWLHV: => Select 7UDQVDFWLRQ .') => Select &KDUWRI$FFRXQWV ,17 => 'RXEOHFOLFN to select JHQHUDOOHGJHUUHFRQFLOLDWLRQDFFRXQW (customer receivables) => Examine the logical field group 9DOXDWLRQ and FKHFN whether the following accounts are already defined ([SHQVHDFFRXQW: Account 5HYHQXHDFFRXQW Account %DODQFHVKHHWFRUUHFWLRQDFFRXQW Account ,PSRUWDQW: If you used different valuation areas for account determination in previous releases, you no longer have to in mySAP ERP. This applies even if you use different accounting principles (subsequently). If you had to valuate foreign currency payables as well, you would also assign expense, revenue, and correction accounts to the payables account (e.g. 160 000). © SAP AG TFIN52 5-19 5-1-7 &RQWUROH[HUFLVH±3OHDVHGRQRWFKDQJHWKHV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ Because document splitting has been activated for your FRPSDQ\FRGH, $$, the expense, revenue, and correction accounts have to be defined as item categories for the foreign currency valuation. Please check whether FKDUWRIDFFRXQWV ,17 already has the HQWULHV , , and If this is not the case, please notify your course instructor. &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o%XVLQHVV7UDQVDFWLRQVo'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJo&ODVVLI\*/$FFRXQWVIRU 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 5-1-8 To start the foreign currency valuation run later (in the application), a valuation area PXVW be passed on in mySAP ERP – regardless of whether or not different valuation approaches are needed for parallel accounting. ,PSRUWDQW: The valuation area you define now has nothing to do with depreciation (valuation) areas in Asset Accounting; it is a valuation area that is defined in FI. &UHDWHDVHSDUDWHYDOXDWLRQDUHD in FI Customizing. … &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJo9DOXDWHo'HILQH9DOXDWLRQ$UHDV *URXS /HWWHU $ % ... The ,'of the new valuation area should have WZROHWWHUV. 7KHILUVW OHWWHURIHYHU\JURXSLV³/´ The “ L” stands for “ Local” in this example. Select the VHFRQGOHWWHU for your group from the following table: & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ([DPSOHV: Group 1 uses the letter A => the ledger ID is /$ Group 5 uses the letter E => the ledger ID is /(…. 1 2 3 4 5 Enter the IROORZLQJGDWD for the new ledger: $UHD /(=> # stands for the second letter from the above table) 9DOXDWLRQPHWKRG: /HDYHEODQN IRUQRZ &XUUHQF\W\SH &RPSDQ\FRGHFXUUHQF\ $GGLWLRQDOFXUUHQF\W\SHV !column ³$GGW&7´ /HDYHEODQN %DODQFHVKHHWVWUXFWXUH ! column ³%DO6WU´ /HDYHEODQN or ,17 /RQJWH[W /RFDOYDOXDWLRQDUHDJURXS 5-1-9 Also FUHDWHDYDOXDWLRQPHWKRG in Customizing. You will need it to define how to valuate a run. … &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ o3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJo9DOXDWHo'HILQH9DOXDWLRQ0HWKRGV ... Name your new YDOXDWLRQPHWKRG / and define it with the IROORZLQJ GDWD 'HVFULSWLRQ /RFDOYDOXDWLRQIRUDYHUDJHUDWHJURXS 9DOXDWLRQSURFHGXUH /RZHVWYDOXHSULQFLSOH 'RFXPHQW7\SH: 6$ ([FKDQJHUDWHW\SHIRUGHELWFUHGLWEDODQFH0IRUERWK © SAP AG TFIN52 5-20 &RXUVH2YHUYLHZ 5HSRUWLQJ ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ 3HULRGLF3URFHVVLQJ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ /HGJHU'HILQLWLRQ 5HSRUWLQJ 5HSRUWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ 'RFXPHQW6SOLWWLQJ ,QWHJUDWLRQ ,QWHJUDWLRQ SAP AG 2003 © SAP AG TFIN52 6-1 5HSRUWLQJ &RQWHQWV z &RPSDULVRQRIGDWDLQFODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ DQG1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ z 8VHRI),GULOOGRZQUHSRUWLQJLQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ z /LQHLWHP DQGEDODQFH GLVSOD\ LQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 6-2 5HSRUWLQJ 2EMHFWLYHV $WWKHFRQFOXVLRQRIWKLVXQLW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWR z &RPSDUHYDOXHVLQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ DJDLQVWYDOXHVLQ&ODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ z 8VH5)%,/$IRUGLIIHUHQWOHGJHUVDQGIRUQHZ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV z 8VHWKHIOH[LELOLW\RI),GULOOGRZQUHSRUWLQJWRUHSRUW RQYDULRXVFKDUDFWHULVWLFV SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 6-3 5HSRUWLQJ 'DWD6RXUFH &KDQJH9LHZ8SGDWH5HDG&ODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 'HWDLOV Update / Read Classic General Ledger Accounting Write to Classic General Ledger Accounting (GLT0) Read from Classic General Ledger Accounting (GLT0) %\GHIDXOWDIWHUDFWLYDWLRQRI1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJWKH UHSRUWVRQO\WKHUHDGWKHWDEOHVIRU1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ ± 5HDGIURP&ODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLQGLFDWRULVQRWVHW,I\RXZDQWWRXSGDWHWKHWDEOHVIRUFODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ(=> table GLT0) DWILUVW(possibly for security reasons or for verification)\RXFDQVWLOO UHDGDQDO\]HGDWDIURPWKHVHWDEOHV 1RWHKRZHYHUWKDW\RXZLOORQO\EHDEOHWRXVHWKH³ROG´UHSRUWVLQWKLVFDVH/ SAP AG 2006 Any XSGDWHRIWKHWDEOHVLQFODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ should be GHDFWLYDWHGDIWHU\RX KDYHUXQDQGYHULILHGWKHILUVWSHULRGHQGFORVLQJ, at the latest. If, however, you were to update the tables of both classic and New General Ledger Accounting, you would generate many data records unnecessarily. &XVWRPL]LQJpath:)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ ! 7RROV!'HDFWLYDWH8SGDWHRI&ODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU */7 © SAP AG TFIN52 6-4 &RPSDULQJWKH'LIIHUHQW/HGJHUV 2XULQLWLDO XVHRIFODVVLF*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJZLOOOHWXV FRPSDUH FODVVLFDQGQHZIRUPVRI*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ Selection data for base ledger Ledger Version Company Code …… 0L (leading ledger) 1 1000 Selection data for comparison ledger Ledger Version 0 (G/L accounts transaction figures [GLT0]) 1 &&G $FFW 1000 11000 EUR 2005 1000 11010 EUR 2005 ….. ….. …. …. 1000 417000 EUR 2005 ….. ….. …. …. &XUU <HDU &RPS/HG 'LII 1,756,000.00 1,756,000.00 0.00 560,785.00 560,785.00 0.00 ……. …… … 22,345.89 22,345.89 0.00 ……. …… … %DVH/HGJHU SAP AG 2006 Path in &XVWRPL]LQJ)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ*OREDO6HWWLQJV 1HZ !7RROV!&RPSDUH/HGJHUV In contrast to CO, data is very frequently written to FI in version 1. You can also use this transaction to compare leading and non-leading ledgers. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-5 %DODQFH6KHHWDQG3URILW /RVV6WDWHPHQW (YHQZKHQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJLVDFWLYH\RXFDQVWLOO XVHWKHFODVVLF5)%,/$ WRFUHDWHWKHEDODQFHVKHHWDQGSURILW ORVVVWDWHPHQW±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e recommend saving frequently-used program variants to save time. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-6 )LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV² $Q$OWHUQDWLYH $QHZ),GULOOGRZQUHSRUW LVDYDLODEOHDVDQDOWHUQDWLYHWRWKHFRQYHQWLRQDO ILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 7KHQHZUHSRUWDSSHDUVGLUHFWO\DERYH5)%,/$LQWKH6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQX General Ledger Reports (New) => Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Statement/Cash Flow => General => Actual/Actual Comparisons => )LQ6WDWHPHQW$FWXDO$FWXDO &RPSDULVRQ $GYDQWDJHVRIGULOOGRZQUHSRUWLQJFRPSDUHGWR5)%,/$ $GULOOGRZQUHSRUWLVPXFKPRUHIOH[LEOH WKDQWKHROG$%$3SURJUDP(=> more later) 6HOHFWLRQE\VWDQGDUGFKDUDFWHULVWLFV(such as profit center, business area, functional area, and segment; as well as company code, account number, and partner objects) LVSRVVLEOHGLUHFWO\LQWKHHQWU\VFUHHQ SAP AG 2006 Defining suitable programming variants can save you lots of time in the drilldown reports. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-7 )LQ6WDWHPHQWV$FWXDO$FWXDO&RPSDULVRQ, &ODVVLFGULOOGRZQUHSRUW SAP AG 2006 In the selection screen for the drilldown report, you can specify whether you want to call the report in the classic or graphical layout. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-8 )LQ6WDWHPHQWV$FWXDO$FWXDO&RPSDULVRQ,, *UDSKLFDOUHSRUWRXWSXW SAP AG 2006 The result is, of course, identical in both types of display (provided that the same selections are made). ©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key word: segment reporting) RUDSURILWFHQWHUILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQW 1DYLJDWLRQLVDYDLODEOHLQERWKWKHFRQYHQWLRQDODQGJUDSKLFVEDVHGGULOOGRZQ UHSRUWV SAP AG 2006 The program’s flexibility lets you GULOOGRZQWRDQLQGLYLGXDOILQDQFLDODFFRXQWLQJGRFXPHQW: y In the results screen, call up the available report-report interface by pushbutton => Choose /LQH ,WHPV y Double-click one of the document numbers displayed to access the original FI document. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-10 1HZ),'ULOOGRZQ5HSRUWV ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHGULOOGRZQUHSRUWIRUFUHDWLQJILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVP\6$3(53 DOVRIHDWXUHVRWKHUQHZ),GULOOGRZQUHSRUWV $QH[FHOOHQWRYHUYLHZLVDYDLODEOHLQWUDQVDFWLRQ )*, SAP AG 2006 Transaction FGI0 displays a list of defined program variants, which you can then run instantly. Drilldown reporting is available in Financial Accounting in releases prior to mySAP ERP as well. To display an overview of FI drilldown reports that you can also use with classic General Ledger Accounting, start transaction )6,. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-11 ),'ULOOGRZQ7UDQVDFWLRQ)LJXUHV $FFRXQW %DODQFH 7KHGULOOGRZQUHSRUW7UDQVDFWLRQ)LJXUHV± $FFRXQW%DODQFHJLYHV\RXD IDVWHDV\*/DFFRXQWEDODQFHOLVW IRUDOODFFRXQWV let you display the per Options for SAP AG 2006 We recommend using FODVVLFGULOOGRZQUHSRUWLQJ to display the */DFFRXQWEDODQFHV. Of course, the graphical list also returns the correct results. You can also navigate from here to the originally posted documents. The actual G/L account balance display has also been reworked in mySAP ERP – TCode FAGLB03! © SAP AG TFIN52 6-12 */$FFRXQW%DODQFH'LVSOD\² 7&RGH)$*/% <RXQHHGWRNQRZWKUHH WKLQJVDERXW*/ DFFRXQWEDODQFH GLVSOD\ You can VHOHFWWKH GHVLUHGOHGJHU on the selection screen. In Customizing, you can GHILQHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV WREHDSSOLHGLQ G\QDPLFVHOHFWLRQV. You can use the dynamic selections to make a preselection in the selection screen. When you GRXEOHFOLFNa balance value, the OLQH LWHPGLVSOD\ (with the general ledger view) appears. !"$#&% ')(! *,+.-/"!"01.23"45!"0,67893:;3< '>=?9;0@2!"8485@"0A2 SAP AG 2006 &XVWRPL]LQJSDWKfor defining the FKDUDFWHULVWLFVWKDWFDQEHVHOHFWHGG\QDPLFDOO\ )LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !*HQHUDO/HGJHU$FFRXQWLQJ 1HZ !,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP!'HILQH%DODQFH 'LVSOD\ (DV\$FFHVVSDWK for FDOOLQJWKH*/DFFRXQWEDODQFHGLVSOD\ $FFRXQWLQJ!)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ!*HQHUDO/HGJHU!$FFRXQW!'LVSOD\%DODQFHV 1HZ © SAP AG TFIN52 6-13 */$FFRXQWV/LQH,WHP'LVSOD\² 7&RGH)$*// 6SHFLDOIHDWXUHVIRU/,GLVSOD\IRU*/DFFRXQWV The OLQHLWHPGLVSOD\can be started ZLWK information from the HQWU\YLHZ RU JHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ – you decide by choosing the corresponding button *HQHUDO/HGJHU9LHZ or (QWU\9LHZ in the selection screen of the program. The two views show different results for accounts that are managed on an open item basis and that are split in document splitting (=> additional line items are added during processing) – For example: bank accounts. 1RWH It is now also possible to call OLQHLWHPGLVSOD\ LQWKHJHQHUDO OHGJHUYLHZ for DFFRXQWV for which the /LQH,WHP'LVSOD\LQGLFDWRUis QRW VHW in the master record (=> typically reconciliation accounts [such as asset balance sheet accounts, payables/receivables accounts] )! If you opt for OLQHLWHPGLVSOD\ZLWKWKHJHQHUDOOHGJHUYLHZ, you can also choose the OHGJHUWREHVHOHFWHG (=> &KRRVH/HGJHU). Furthermore, you can use the FXVWRPVHOHFWLRQV (=> ) to include general ledger line items (such as 3URILW&HQWHU, 6HJPHQW)XQFWLRQDO$UHD&RVW&HQWHU). SAP AG 2006 You find the */DFFRXQWOLQHLWHPGLVSOD\ LQWKH6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQX under $FFRXQWLQJ! )LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ!*HQHUDO/HGJHU!$FFRXQW!'LVSOD\&KDQJH,WHPV 1HZ © SAP AG TFIN52 6-14 3D\DEOHV5HFHLYDEOHV8VLQJ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQW$VVLJQPHQWV You can call your (open) SD\DEOHVDQGUHFHLYDEOHVnot only using the OLQHLWHPGLVSOD\ in the subledgers (=> transactions )%/1 and )%/1), EXWDOVRusing (four) VWDQGDUGGULOOGRZQ UHSRUWV. The corresponding drilldown reports offer an easy way to classify your line items using the VXEOHGJHUDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWV DQG/or JHQHUDOOHGJHUDFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQWV (=> using characteristics 3URILW&HQWHU or 6HJPHQW). B!CED3F!G!H?DJIK.L.K,M@N?D8OQP!IRTSQU?V?HXWED;YHZDR[P&\$];DR[]V D,^ Payables: Profit Center For drilldowns by profit centers and other characteristics, see the next slide. SAP AG 2006 The general ledger account assignments of the standard drilldown are 3URILW&HQWHU and 6HJPHQW. The ledger is selected in the drilldown selection screen. The requirement for such a drilldown originates from (classic) Profit Center Accounting, where it is possible to use the report groups $ (=> Profit Center: Receivables) and $ (=> Profit Center: Payables) to structure the receivables or payables account by profit center once the values have been transferred successfully to Profit Center Accounting. _ You find these drilldown options in the6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQX under $FFRXQWLQJ!)LQDQFLDO $FFRXQWLQJ!*HQHUDO/HGJHU!,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHP!*HQHUDO/HGJHU5HSRUWV 1HZ !/LQH ,WHPV!2SHQ,WHPV! © SAP AG TFIN52 6-15 'ULOOGRZQ([DPSOHV² 3D\DEOHVE\*/$FFRXQW $VVLJQPHQWV 'ULOOGRZQE\9HQGRU 'ULOOGRZQE\3URILW&HQWHU 'ULOOGRZQE\ 9HQGRUVSHU 3URILW&HQWHU But `Qa&b@which c,dfeQg;hZi are "behind" the amount 25 300.00 , for example? SAP AG 2006 It is of course also possible at any time to select a single vendor and to drilldown by profit center. The screenshots show the classic display. See the next slide for the display of the documents that make up the individual amounts. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-16 2EMHFW/LVW You can QDYLJDWHvia the GRFXPHQW QXPEHU to the documents that are used to produce a selection result. Such an DQDO\VLVcan also be performed using the RXWSXWW\SH 2EMHFW/LVW. It shows the general ledger account assignments of the payable/receivable accounts for each document. The selection result is sorted and totaled by profit center and vendor. SAP AG 2006 _ You could also use the object list to process the results from the last two slides (such as 3D\DEOHV 6RUWHGE\3URILW&HQWHU or 3D\DEOHVSHU9HQGRU). _ In comparison to the other output types, the object list always provides a very large number of results because the values are always issued in combination with a document number. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-17 ),'ULOOGRZQ5HSRUWLQJ*/$FFRXQW%DODQFHV 7KHJUDSKLFDORXWSXWRIWKLVGULOOGRZQUHSRUWPDNHVLWHDV\IRU H[DPSOHWRFUHDWH DFRVWFHQWHUUHSRUW LQ), ),GULOOGRZQ UHSRUW ,QFRPSDULVRQ &2UHSRUW SAP AG 2006 As this slide shows, New General Ledger Accounting can also model "simple CO". Although the slide only shows primary processes, secondary cost processes - such as activity allocation between cost centers - are also shown in the FI drilldown report. - Prerequisites: y CO => FI real-time integration is active y The corresponding CO transaction (such as transaction RLK - actual activity allocation) must be assigned an FI account in account determination. It is also possible to use this drilldown report to portray the values posted at the SURILWFHQWHU level. Moreover, you can work with SURILWFHQWHUKLHUDUFKLHV at any time. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-18 ),'ULOOGRZQ5HSRUWLQJ*/$FFRXQW%DODQFHV,, (YHQEHWWHUIRUWKH³ZRZHIIHFW */DFFRXQWEDODQFHVZLWKFODVVLFGULOOGRZQUHSRUW jlk@monqp?rZr m7s/tvu nTwlxEsonzy { |~} nTwlxEsonzy { SAP AG 2006 The similarity with the CO report is achieved through the flexibility of drilldown reporting, which enables you to change the display format relatively simply. You can easily display or hide specific columns as well as change the characteristic display, for example. Customers with a BI (Business Integration Warehouse) are provided with InfoSources for extracting the data into the BI – such as InfoSource 0FI_GL_10. © SAP AG TFIN52 6-19 5HSRUWLQJ 6XPPDU\ <RXFDQQRZ z 8VHWKHVWDQGDUGSURJUDPVWRUXQYDULRXVDQDO\VHV RIWKHGDWDLQ1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU $FFRXQWLQJ SAP AG 2006 © SAP AG TFIN52 6-20 ([HUFLVHV 8QLW5HSRUWLQJ 7RSLF'LVSOD\LQJ9DULRXV)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to: • Call company code or segment financial statements. You will not only be able to configure RFBILA00 properly; you will also be able to use the new FI drilldown reports. 6-1 ([HUFLVHVIRU(YDOXDWLQJWKH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU 6-1-1 &DOOthe EDODQFHVKHHWSURILWDQGORVVUHSRUW 5)%,/$ and display the ILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRU\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$ and OHGJHU /. (QWHU WKHIROORZLQJGDWDon the selection screen &KDUWRIDFFRXQWV,17 &RPSDQ\FRGH$$ /HGJHU/orOHDYHHPSW\ )LQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWYHUVLRQ,17 5HSRUWLQJ\HDU&XUUHQW\HDU 5HSRUWLQJSHULRGVWR &RPSDULVRQ\HDU3UHYLRXV\HDU &RPSDULVRQSHULRGVWR /LVWRXWSXW$/97UHH&RQWUROIRUH[DPSOH If you want, you can VDYH\RXUVHOHFWLRQGDWDDVDUHSRUWYDULDQW. Save it as variant 9$5 with meaning (description) 9DULDQWIRUFRPSDQ\FRGH $$. 6-1-2 6WDUW5)%,/$ DJDLQwith the same parameters, but now try to RQO\ FUHDWHILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRU\RXUVHJPHQW 6(* © SAP AG TFIN52 6-21 5HSRUWLQJ6ROXWLRQV 8QLW5HSRUWLQJ 7RSLF'LVSOD\LQJ9DULRXV)LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWV 6-1 ([HUFLVHVIRU(YDOXDWLQJWKH1HZ*HQHUDO/HGJHU 6-1-1 &DOOthe EDODQFHVKHHWSURILWDQGORVVUHSRUW 5)%,/$ and display the ILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRU\RXUFRPSDQ\FRGH$$ and OHGJHU /. … 6$3(DV\$FFHVVPHQX$FFRXQWLQJo)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJo*HQHUDO/HGJHU o,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPo*HQHUDO/HGJHU5HSRUWV 1HZ o)LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQW&DVK)ORZo*HQHUDOo$FWXDO$FWXDO&RPSDULVRQVo)LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV … (QWHU WKHIROORZLQJGDWDon the selection screen &KDUWRIDFFRXQWV,17 &RPSDQ\FRGH$$ /HGJHU/orOHDYHHPSW\ )LQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWYHUVLRQ,17 5HSRUWLQJ\HDU&XUUHQW\HDU 5HSRUWLQJSHULRGVWR &RPSDULVRQ\HDU3UHYLRXV\HDU &RPSDULVRQSHULRGVWR /LVWRXWSXW$/97UHH&RQWUROIRUH[DPSOH If you want, you can VDYH\RXUVHOHFWLRQGDWDDVDUHSRUWYDULDQW. Save it as variant 9$5 with meaning (description) 9DULDQWIRUFRPSDQ\FRGH $$. *RIURPWKHILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVEDFNWRWKHVHOHFWLRQVFUHHQRIWKHSURJUDPDQG IURPWKHPHQXFKRRVH*RWRo9DULDQWVo6DYHDV9DULDQW« 6-1-2 6WDUW5)%,/$ DJDLQwith the same parameters, but now try to RQO\ FUHDWHILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVIRU\RXUVHJPHQW 6(* 2QWKHVHOHFWLRQVFUHHQIRU5)%,/$IURPWKHPHQXFKRRVH(GLWo'\QDPLF 6HOHFWLRQV $GGLWLRQDOLQSXWRSWLRQVDSSHDU6FUROOGRZQWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHVFUHHQDUHD WKDWDSSHDUV(QWHU\RXUVHJPHQW6(*LQWKH6HJPHQWILHOG 6WDUWWKHUHSRUWDJDLQ © SAP AG TFIN52 6-22