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Hesiodic Greek Bibliography: Editions, Commentaries, Studies

Grec hésiodique
Athanassakis, A.N., 1983. Hesiod : Theogony, Works and Days, Shield, Baltimore.
Flach, H., éd., 1876. Glossen und Scholien zur hesiodischen Theogonie.Leipzig.
Di Gregorio, L., éd., 1975. Scholia vetera in Hesiodi Theogoniam, Milan.
Hofinger, H., 1985. Lexicon Hesiodeum cum indice inverso. Leiden.
Lombardo, S., 1993. Hesiod : Works and Days and Theogony, Indianapolis.
Mazon, P., 1914. Hésiode, Les Travaux et les Jours, Paris.
Merkelbach, R., West, M.L., 1967. Fragmenta Hesiodea. Oxford.
Nicolai, W., 1964. Hesiods Erga, Heidelberg.
Paulson, J., 1890. Index Hesiodeus. Lund. (réimpr. 1962).
Pertusi, A., éd., 1955. Scholia Vetera in Hesiodi Opera et Dies, Milan.
Rzach, A., 1902. Hesiodi carmina. Leipzig.
von Schirnding, A., 1991. Hesiod : Theogonie, Werke und Tage, Munich.
Solmsen, F., éd., 1990. Hesiodi Theogonia ; Opera et Dies ; Scutum3, Oxford.
Tandy, D.W., Neale, W.C., 1996. Hesiod’s Works and Days : A Translation and Commentary for the Social Sciences, Berkeley.
Verdenius, W.J., 1985. A Commentary on Hesiod, Works and Days, vv. 1-382. Mnemosyne suppl. 86, Leiden.
West, M. L., 1966. Hesiod. Theogony, Oxford.
West, M.L., 1978. Hesiod. Works and Days, Oxford.
Angier, C., 1964. Verbal Patterns in Hesiod’s Theogony, HSCP, 68, 329-344.
Arrighetti, G., éd., 1975. Esiodo : letture critiche, Milan.
Benardete, S., 1967. Hesiod’s Works and Days : A First Reading, ΑGΩΝ, 1, 150-174.
Beye, C.R., 1972. The Rhythm of Hesiod’s Works and Days, HSCP,76, 23-43.
Blusch, J., 1970. Formen und Inhalt Hesiods individuellen Denkens, Bonn.
Bona Quaglia, L., 1973. Gli “Erga” di Esiodo, Turin.
Colonna, A., 1967. Le Opere e i giorni di Esiodo, Milan.
Diller, H., 1966. Die dichterische Form von Hesiods Erga, in E. Heitsch, éd., 1966 : 239-274.
Edwards, G. P., 1971. The Language of Hesiod in its Traditional Context, Oxford.
Erbse, H., 1993. Die Funktion des Rechtsgedankens in Hesiods Erga, Hermes, 121, 12-28.
Fernández Delgado, J. A., 1982. Sobre forma y contenido de Los Trabajos y los Días, in Estudios de Forma y Contenido sobre los Generos Literarios
Griegos, Caceres, 9-29.
Frazer, R. M., 1983. The Poems of Hesiod, Norman.
Hamilton, R., 1989. The Architecture of Hesiodic Poetry, Baltimore.
Hays, H.B., 1918. Notes on the Works and Days of Hesiod, Chicago.
Heath, M., 1985. Hesiod’s Didactic Poetry, CQ, 35, 245-263.
Heitsch, E., éd., 1966. Hesiod, Darmstadt.
Hoekstra, A., 1957. Hésiode et la Tradition orale, Mnemosyne, 10, 193-225.
Hofinger, M., 1981. Études sur le vocabulaire du grec archaïque, Leiden.
De Hoz, J., 1994. Hésiodo en sociedad, in La Epica griega y su influencia en la literatura española : aspectos literarios, sociales y educativos, Madrid,
Janko, R., 1982. Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns : Diachronic Development in Epic Diction, Cambridge.
Jensen, M.S., 1966. Tradition and Individuality in Hesiod’s Works and Days, CM, 27, 1-27.
Kirk, G.S., 1960. The Structure and Aim of the Theogony, Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique VII : Hésiode et son influence, Genève.
Krafft, Fritz, Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Homer und Hesiod (Göttingen, 1963).
Kumaniecki, K., 1963. The Structure of Hesiod’s Works and Days, BICS, 10, 79-96.
Lamberton, R., 1988. Hesiod, New Haven.
Lattimore, R., 1959. Hesiod, Ann Arbor.
Leclerc, M.-Ch., 1993. La parole chez Hésiode, Paris.
Leclerc, M.-Ch., 1994. Facettes du temps dans les Travaux et les jours d’Hésiode, RP, 68, 147-163.
Lincoln, R., 1997. Competing Discourses : Rethinking the Prehistory of Mythos and Logos, Arethusa, 30, 341-367.
Marsilio, M., 2000. Farming and Poetry in Hesiod’s Works and Days, Lanham, MD.
Martin, R.P., 1992. Hesiod’s Metanastic Poetics, Ramus, 21, 11-33.
Meier-Brügger, M., 1990. Zu Hesiods Namen, Glotta,68, 62-67.
Most, G.W., 1993. Hesiod and the Textualization of Personal Temporality, in G. Arrighetti, F. Montanari (éd.), La Componente autobiografica nella poesia
greca e Latina fra realtà e artificio letterario : Atti del Convegno Pisa, 16-17 maggio 1991,
Most, G.W., 2007. Hesiod : The Shield, Catalogue of Women, Other Fragments. Harvard.
Nagy, G., 1996. Autorité et auteur dans la Théogonie hésiodique, Métier, 41-52.
Neitzel, H., 1975. Homer-Rezeption bei Hesiod, Bonn.
Paley, F. A., 1883. The Epics of Hesiod 2, London.
Peabody, B., 1975. The Winged Word : A Study in the Technique of Ancient Greek Oral Composition as Seen Principally through Hesiod’s Works and Days,
Penglase, C., 1994. Greek Myths and Mesopotamia : Parallels and Influences in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, London, New York.
Pucci, P., 1977. Hesiod and the Language of Poetry, Baltimore.
Schwabl, H., 1970. Hesiod, RE Suppl. 12, 434-486.
Sheehan, D., 1976. Hesiod’s Works and Days : An Introduction, Arion, 3, 452-482.
Sinclair, T. A., 1932. Hesiod Works and Days, London, réimpr. Hildesheim, 1966.
Solmsen, F., 1982. The earliest stages in the history of Hesiod’s text, HSCP, 86, 1-31.
Solmsen, F., 1989. The Two Near Eastern Sources of Hesiod, Hermes, 117, 413-‘22.
Strauss Clay, J., 2003. Hesiod’s Cosmos.
Stoddard, K.B., 2004, The Narrative Voice in the Theogony of Hesiod (Mnemosyne Suppl. 255) 2004.
Teggart, F. J., 19447. The Argument of Hesiod’s Works and Days, JHI, 8, 45-77.
Troxler, H., 1964. Sprache und Wortschatz Hesiods, Zürich.
Verdenius, W.J., 1960. L’association des idées comme principe de composition dans Homère, Hésiode, Théognis, REG, 72, 34-61.
Verdenius, W. J., 1962. Aufbau und Absicht der Erga, Hésiode et son Influence, Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique VII, Genève, 109-59.
Walcot, P., 1961. The Composition of the Works and Days, REG, 74, 1-19.
Walcot, P., 1966. Hesiod and the Near East, Cardiff.
Waltz, P., 1906. Hésiode et son moral poème, Paris.
West, M.L., 1997. The East Face of Helicon : West Asianic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth, Oxford.