Pathways Academic Campus High School Analytical Thinking w/ Mathematics DeMarko Thurman ( (734) 997-1237 ex 39229 Cell:(313)452-0049 Textbook: none Course Syllabus Course Information Analytical Thinking with Mathematics is a 1 term course where the student earns 0.5 credit. Teaching & Learning Philosophy Teaching and learning strategies at Pathways to Success are based on solid personal relationships, steeped in rigor, and relevant to the learners’ world. Such strategies are overwhelmingly represented in the experiences of the most successful students in high performing high schools. Pathways to Success will have five elements in common no matter what the topic or who the teacher/learning-facilitator may be. Each unit will: Establish Relevance Why does this matter to me, my community, and the world? Investigate & Reflect Where can I identify these skills outside of school? How can I use these mathematics skills to impact the world around me? Make Decisions What pathway can I follow to solve a problem? Act on Decisions & Communicate the Results to a Wide Audience Let me explain why I choose this method to solve the problem. Use Mastery Teaching and Learning Philosophies Mastery learning is a method of teaching and learning that assures that a student reaches a level of predetermined mastery on a unit of instruction. In a mastery learning setting, students are given specific feedback about their learning progress, as well as learning support as needed, at regular intervals throughout the instructional period. Mathematics is a subject that constantly builds on a students prior knowledge. When a student masters foundation skills in mathematics, she or he is more confident and is properly prepared to succeed at future math course work. Course Overview: Using analytical reasoning to solve problems will answer the question often asked by students throughout their math careers, “When are we ever going to uses this stuff?” During this course students will be introduced to logic problems, puzzles and relevant mathematical experiences, providing real world applications for the math foundations the students have built. Skills developed in this course will continue to be applied for years after receiving credit Learning Goals We will cover the following chapters/units: Week 1: Hashiwokakero (Bridges) Week 7: Nurikabe Week 13: Exploratory Math Week 2: Shikaku Week 8: Chess Week 14: Kakuro Week 3: Nonograms Week 9: Chess Week 15: Ken Ken Week 4: Sudoku Week 10: Chess Week 16: Ken Ken Week 5: Sudoku Week 11: Dominosa Week 17: Final Exam Review Week 6: Slither Link Week 12: Exploratory Math Week 18: Final Exam *These are subject to change where adjustmenta are necessary. Other activities: TED VIDEOS & FEEDBACK, AND Math Word Problem Activities Course Expectations & Policies Be prepared Be in class on time every day Bring all necessary materials Be respectful Be responsible Participate productively in class activities Monitor your graduation requirements Expect challenge Do your best Take pride in your work Classroom Procedures Essentially the procedures of the room center on the course expectations of being resposible and respectful to others and to myself. Grading Philosphy Students in this course are expected to master all unit assessments with a score of at least 70%. If a student scores below 70% on a unit assessment they will be given access to a review plan that is to be completed within two weeks. When mastery is demonstrated on a retest, then their new score will be changed to 70%. Furthermore, the above course expectations & policies will be used to determine classroom participation grades. Pathways Academic Campus Common Grading Scale Letter 4.0 C 73 - 77 2.00 GPA Scale C- 70 - 72 1.67 Percentage (%) Grade A 93 - 100 4.0 D+ 68 - 69 1.33 A- 90 - 92 3.67 D 63 - 67 1.00 B+ 88 - 89 3.33 D- 60 - 62 0.67 B 83 - 87 3.00 E Below 60 is failing 0.0 B- 80 - 82 2.67 C+ 78 79 2.33 Name: _________________ Period: ____ Grade Weights -Unit Quizzes and the final exam have a combined weight of 20%. The final Exam is half of the 20%, 10% of the overall grade. -All other work, including but not limited to classwork and projects have a combined weight of 80%. Absences from class will have no effect on the final grade, up to six absences. Starting on the seventh absense, the student will lose daily participation points. In addition, three tardies are equal to one absence and two tardies of more than 10 minutes are considered to be one absence. To avoid losing points, students with seven or more absences can make up time after school, during lunch or before school. Late Work Policy: - Late homework will be accepted at full value if due to an excused absence. - All unexcused late work can potentially be worth only 80% of its original value. ________________________________________________________________________ I have read and discussed the course requirements and late work policies with my son/daughter and understand the policies for this class. (Parent’s signature) (Parent’s e-mail address) (Date) (Phone) (Student name [Print]) (Student's signature) (Date) Please write anything that you would like me/us to know about your son/daughter?