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2020 Human Physiology DEFERRED Online Test 1

SEPTEMBER 25TH TIME:13:00- 13:40
Choose the most appropriate answer
The skeletal muscles
Contain pacemaker cells
Contract when Ca2+ is taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Contraction strength is related to the initial length
Contract when actin and myosin filaments shorten
The nerve impulse:
Maximum conduction is approximately as the speed of light
Requires energy
Is not delayed at the synapses before transmission
Can travel in one direction only
Is conducted by the same speed in different axons
Myelin sheath
Present in the myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers.
Formed of lipoprotein complex and acts as electric insulator.
It is formed of successive wrappings of the membrane of Schwann cells.
It is the cause of decreased conduction of nerve impulse.
In the motor end plate, all the following is true except:
The acetylcholine receptors are similar to those in smooth muscle
The nerve ending contains many vesicles and mitochondria
Lack of Ca2+ diminishes the release of acetylcholine
There is a high concentration of the cholinesterase enzyme
There is a delay of neuromuscular transmission of 0.5-0.7 millisecond
All of the following are effects of denervation of skeletal muscles except:
Muscle fibrillations
Hypersensitivity to circulating acetylcholine
Atrophy of muscles
Muscle fasciculations
The absolute refractory period (ARP) of a nerve fibre:
Occurs mainly during repolarization
Has a duration about 10 msec and is longer than that of cardiac muscle
Occurs during the time of increased permeability of the membrane to Na+
Follows the relative refractory period
Last throughout the action potential
In the action potential, all the following is true except:
The firing level is the level at which the spike potential begins
The rapid repolarization is due to increased K+ permeability
The duration of the isoelectric interval ( latent period) is inversely proportional to the
speed of conduction
Decreasing the external Na+ concentration reduces the size of the action potential
The absolute refractory period is the period from the firing level until repolarization is
The Treppe (stair case) phenomenon is characterized by:
It is related to the muscle length
It does not occur in the cardiac muscle
It has no relation to the availability of Ca2+
It is produced by a series of maximal stimuli below the tetanizing frequency
Concerning the oxygen debt mechanism:
It involves the oxygen consumed during muscular exercise
It is used for supply of the basal oxygen consumption
Athletes develop a greater O2 debt during a given exercise than sedentary people
It is used to remove excess lactic acid and to replenish the ATP and CP stores
In skeletal muscles:
The initiation of contraction occurs by binding of Ca2+ to tropomyosin
Fatigue has no relation to the adequacy of the blood supply
The action potential follows the work done
Fatigue sets in after fatigue occurs in the nerves
The one way conduction at the M.E.P is due to location of the chemical mediator (
acetylcholine) in the nerve terminals
In skeletal muscles, the tranverse tubules and adjacent cisterns constitute:
A triad
A myofibril
The sarcolemma
The sarcomere
A muscle fibre
About the types of nerve fibres, all the following is true except:
The preganflionic autonomic nerves belong to type B
The type A fibres have the largest diameter and most rapid conduction velocity
The type A fibres have a spike duration longer than that of type B fibres
The type C fibres have the smallest diameter and lowest conduction velocity
The postganglionic autonomic nerves belong to type C
Decreasing the Na+ concentration around a nerve:
Increases the overshoot
Decreases the resting potential
Increases the chronaxie
Decreases the action potential
Pale (fast) fiber:
contains much blood capillaries.
doesn't show fatigue.
contains low concentration of myoglobin.
depends on aerobic oxidation.
The absolute refractory period:
Follows the negative afterpotential
Is due to hyperpolarization
Is prolonged when K+ efflux is delayed
Refers to a normal or increased excitability state
Is equal in skeletal and cardiac muscles
The resting membrane potential in nerve fibres is:
A passive process
Normally about -10 mV
Due to diffusion of intracellular protein to outside the nerve fibres
Due to K+ diffusion from outside to inside the nerve fibres
None of the options
During nerve cell excitation, the peak of K+ efflux occurs:
Before the spike
Before the peak of Na+ influx
Coincide with the peak of Na+ influx
After both the spike and peak of Na+ influx
In the after-depolarization phase of action potential
Unmyelinated nerves differ from myelinated nerves in that they:
Are more excitable
Conduct impulses by saltatory conduction
Have no nodes of Ranvier
Are not capable of regeneration
Have no neurolemma (Schwann cells)
Which of the following occurs in plain muscles but not in skeletal muscles:
The sliding mechanism of contraction
Cholinergic innervation
Action potential
Breakdown of ATP
Myogenic rhythmicity
In skeletal muscles, all the following is true except:
Tropomyosin is found in the thin filaments
Myosin is found in the thick filaments
The lateral sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are rich in Ca2+
Troponin C molecules bind Ca2+
Energy from ATP is not required for muscle relaxation
The fast type of muscles is characterized by all of the following except:
Innervation by large motor neurons
Specialization for posture maintenance
High ATPase activity in the mitochondria
Absence of myoglobin
Rapid fatigue
The resting heat production in skeletal muscles:
Occurs during contraction
Occurs during recovery following exercise
Is called the initial heat
Is the external manifestation of basal metabolic processes
The following characteristics are present in both skeletal and smooth muscles:
Both can be affected by hormones and chemicals equally
Both contain actin and myosin and show tonic (partial) contractions at rest
Both initiate spontaneous rhythmic contractions
The myofibrils in both have Z membranes
The local response in a single nerve fibre:
Can produce an action potential if the membrane potential reaches -55 mV
Is associated with increased K+ permeability
Is not dependent on the intensity of stimulus
Is produced by a cathodal current of the threshold intensity
About the action potential, all of the following is true except:
It is initiated by reduction of the membrane potential to a critical value
It is the result of a transient increase in Na+ permeability followed by a prolonged
increase in K+ permeability
It is associated with reduction of the electrical resistance of the nerve membrane
It has varying amplitudes when produced by stimuli of varying intensities
Which of the following statements is wrong?
The Na+/K+ pump requires energy from ATP and is essential to keep the normal
distribution of ions around the nerve fibre.
The electrogenic pump couples Na+ and K+ pump with a ratio of 1:1
The resting membrane potential is the potential difference between the inside and
outside of the resting membrane
During the nerve action potential, the firing level is reached when the membrane
potential reaches -55 mV
The nerve cell membrane:
Is highly permeable to K+ ions
Is moderately permeable to Na+
Maintains a potential difference across it.
Has excitability properties that vary in different conditions
All options are correct
During muscle contraction:
The H zones become wider
The Z lines move further apart
The I bands are elongated
The A bands remain constant
The tropomyosin molecules remain in place
During muscle contraction, all the following is true except:
The transverse tubules become filled with intracellular fluid
The binding sites at the actin filaments are activated by Ca2+
The walk along theory of the contraction assumes that sliding of actin continues as
long as Ca2+is attached to troponin C
The detachment of myosin heads from actin needs binding of an ATP molecule
A series of stimuli that cause summations of contractions leads to:
Continuous conduction:
is relatively slow 0.5-2.0 meter / second.
occurs by jumping of charges from one node of Ranvier to another.
occurs in the neuro-muscular junction.
occurs in myelinated nerve fibers.
Saltatory conduction:
occurs in unmyelinated nerve fibers.
occurs by jumping from one neuron to another.
may reach up to 120 meter / second.
decreases gradually with distance till it disappears.
In the nerve, the action potential:
Has a magnitude dependent on the stimulus strength
Is accompanied by hyperpolarization of the membrane
Travels in one direction only
Has a velocity that is reduced with demyelination
Has a velocity that increases with decreased fibre diameter
The chronaxie
Is the time needed to excite a nerve by a current strength equal to the rheobase
Is the threshold stimulus
Can be used as a measure of excitability
Is twice the rheobase
The all or none law states that a threshold stimulus produces an impulse which:
Is not different from that produced by a stronger stimulus
Is weaker than that produced by a stronger stimulus
Is propagated only partially along the cell membrane
Does not need any energy
Among the steps of skeletal muscle relaxation:
Inward spread of the depolarization wave along the transverse tubules
Release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Binding of Ca2+ to troponin C
Pumping of Ca2+ back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
About electrotonus, all the following are true except:
It results from stimulation of the nerve by a subthreshold galvanic current
Catelectrotonus is accompanied by increased excitability of the nerve
A strong catelectrotonus can cause nerve block
Catelectrotonus may be followed by the local response
Both catelectrotonus and anelectrotonus are passive changes in the nerve membrane
In plain muscles (e.g. in the intestine)
Catecholamines cause muscle contraction
Ca2+ is involved in the initiation of contraction
Epinephrine decreases the membrane potential and increases the frequency of spikes
The resting potential is high
The contraction is dependent on the nerve supply
In all or non rule:
A minimal stimulus produces a maximal response.
The nerve trunk either respond maximally or not respond at all.
The response in a single nerve fiber increases with increase intensity of stimulus.
Minimal stimulus produces minimal response.
Concerning the sodium pump, it:
Is independent of K+ influx
Is pumping of sodium ions from outside to inside the cell
Is independent of the intracellular Na+ concentration
Requires high energy phosphate bonds
Is explained by facilitated diffusion
About nerve impulses, all the following is true except:
They can travel in both directions when axon is stimulated at its middle.
They travel in one direction only across a synapse and in the M.E.P
They have a duration which corresponds approximately to the ARP of the nerve
They are conducted at a faster rate in type C nerve fibres than in type B fibres
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SEPTEMBER 25TH TIME:13:00- 13:40
Prolonged stimulation of a motor nerve is likely to cause
Slowing of conduction of the
action potential along the
Diminished acetylcholine
secretion in the motor end
Diminution of transmission
at the neuromuscular
Fatigue of the nerve fibres
with impaired conduction
During activation of the nerve cell membrane
Sodium flows inward
Potassium flows inward
The membrane potential is
Magnesium flows outward
During muscle contraction, marked changes occur in the:
H zones
I bands
A bands
Troponin C
Is the binding site for the
myosin cross bridges
Interacts with tropomyosin
Is a Ca2+ binding protein
Inhibits the ATPase enzyme
The ions that are actively transported out of neurons include:
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