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Grading Policies: Assignment & Assessment Guidelines

Grading Policies
As you will start grading students’ assignments in the next few days, I want to remind you the grading
policies and the standardization protocols we discussed and agreed upon during the orientation. We
said the following grading guidelines must be implemented in all classes:
1. Grading expectations for classes that meet 8 times per week:
a. At least 3 minor assignments (homework, quizzes, in-class assignments, journals, notebook
checks, participation grades) per week. Two of those assignments should be assessments
other than class participation, and none them should be graded for completion (meaning
students should not get marks for just doing the assignment).
b. At least one major assignment per month (tests, projects, presentations, essays, lab reports)
2. Grading expectations for classes that meet 5 times per week:
a. At least 2 minor assignments (homework, quizzes, in-class assignments, journals, notebook
checks, participation grades) per week. One of those assignments should be assessments
other than class participation, and none them should be graded for completion (meaning
students should not get marks for just doing the assignment).
b. At least one major assignment per month (tests, projects, presentations, essays, lab reports
midterm, and final exams)
3. Expectations for classes that meet 2 times a week:
c. At least 2 minor assignments (homework, quizzes, in-class assignments, journals, notebook
checks, participation grades) for every two weeks. One of those assignments should be
assessments other than class participation, and none them should be graded for completion
(meaning students should not get marks for just doing the assignment).
d. At least one major assignment per month (tests, projects, presentations, essays, lab reports)
4. It is important that we assign participation marks in order to encourage active learning and help
our students gain communication skills, but class participation should be only 10% of the total
grade. Please be clear how you will grade class participation, so students are not seeing things as
arbitrary. For example, coming to class on time, actively participating in class, and respecting the
teacher and classmates can worth one point each.
5. Assessments are divided into two categories—Formative assessments (on-going assessment
during course duration such homework, quizzes, in-class assignments, unit tests, essays and lab
reports) which should be 50% of the total grade and summative assessment (midterm exams,
final exams or final projects) which should also be 50% of the total grade. The final exam or the
final project should always be 30%, and the midterm is worth 20% of the final grade.
6. Parental involvement is crucial, so we will keep parents informed. The goal is to call each family
once every month.