Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? Devin M. Kearns ABSTR ACT University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA Programs for teaching English reading, especially for students with dyslexia, and educational practice standards often recommend instruction on dividing polysyllabic words into syllables. Syllable division is effort intensive and could inhibit fluency when reading in text. The division strategies might still be useful if they work so consistently that they will help students decode most unfamiliar polysyllabic words. No study of the English lexicon has confirmed that the pattern is highly consistent. This study addresses this gap in the literature. The utility of the two most frequently taught patterns was examined in a corpus analysis of 14,844 words from texts used in grades 1–8. The VC|CV pattern involves a single vowel (V), two consonants (CC), and another vowel. According to the expected pattern, the first vowel should have a short (lax) sound, such as the a in rabbit. This was true of 70.6% of instances in VCCV words in the corpus. For the V|CV pattern, the first vowel is expected have a long (tense) sound, such as the a in mason. This was true in 30.5% of instances in VCV words in the corpus. The patterns were more consistent for bisyllabic words than longer words (78.8% vs. 62.5% for VCCV words and 47.3% vs. 18.8% for VCV words, respectively). When comparing only short- and long-vowel pronunciations (ignoring other sounds such as schwa), the first vowel followed the expected pattern in 94.3% instances of VCCV words and 53.3% of VCV words. The unreliability of VCV may not justify the effort required to use the strategy. There are implications for the debate about the science of reading. R Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) pp. S145–S160 | doi:10.1002/rrq.342 © 2020 International Literacy Association. eading polysyllabic English words is important because these words make up the majority of those encountered in text (Kearns, Steacy, et al., 2016; Nagy & Anderson, 1984; Zeno, Ivens, Millard, & Duvvuri, 1995) and convey important academic concepts (Bryant, Ugel, Thompson, & Hamff, 1999). It is also difficult because polysyllabic words have greater variability and ambiguity in the pronunciation of their graphemes (Cummins & Port, 1998; Venezky, 1999). Especially unpredictable are the pronunciations of the single-vowel graphemes a, e, i, o, and u (and y when representing a vowel phoneme). For example, the vowel a has a different pronunciation in mason, mantel, and manila. Readers will constantly encounter these single vowels (occurring in over 80% of polysyllabic words) and must resolve the pronunciation ambiguities. To address the issue of ambiguous pronunciation of single vowels, many educators teach students special strategies for reading words that contain single vowels. One frequently taught strategy to identify the correct pronunciation for a vowel is syllable division. The strategy is a prominent feature of the widely used Orton–Gillingham approach (Gillingham & Stillman, 2014) and many other programs for teaching S145 students with dyslexia word recognition skills. Resources for educators frequently include the recommendation to use syllable division (Hook & Jones, 2002; KnightMcKenna, 2008; Moats, 2000; O’Connor, 2014; Toste, Williams, & Capin, 2016; cf. Kearns & Whaley, 2019). The strategy is contained in educational practice standards for educators across the United States (i.e., the Common Core State Standards; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officials, 2010), in individual states (e.g., Texas Education Agency, 2017), and for teaching students with dyslexia (International Dyslexia Association, 2018). Despite the frequent recommendation to teach students to use these patterns, there has been no study to determine whether the recommended patterns work consistently. Nearly half a century ago, Groff (1971) suggested that “information on phonics generalizations based on dictionary syllabication must be gathered again” (p. 116) to determine the value of syllable division patterns. No such study on these patterns has been conducted even though educators are often encouraged to teach them. Thus, I designed this study to end that unfortunate streak. My goal was to determine how frequently English words follow the two most common syllable division patterns described in these multiple sources. nunciation of the vowel, read the syllable, and go on to read the word. In this article, I address the two most common VC structures—VCV and VCCV (see Table 1 for a list of all structures)—and their associated syllable division patterns, VC|CV and V|CV. When readers use the VC|CV pattern to identify the first vowel in a VCCV word, they divide the word between the consonants. The first-syllable VC ends with a consonant. Readers know that a syllable ending with a consonant is a closed syllable, where the vowel has a lax, or short, sound (see Table 2 for a list of the letters and sounds). For rabbit, the word is divided into rab and bit. The rab is a closed syllable, so the vowel a has the short sound /æ/. When readers use the V|CV pattern to identify the first vowel in a VCV word, they divide the word after the first vowel. The first-syllable V ends with a vowel. Readers know that a syllable ending with a vowel is an open syllable, where the vowel has its tense, or long, sound. For tiger, the word is divided into ti and ger. The ti is an open syllable, so the vowel i has the long sound /ɑɪ/. See Figure 1 for a complete description of the VCCV and VCV patterns. (See Appendix A for extensive details about the pronunciation, history, and idiosyncrasies of syllable types and divisions.) The VC|CV and V|CV patterns can be taught to distinguish the pronunciations of the first vowels in cases such as batter/hater, better/meter, dinner/diner, collar/molar, and fussy/music. An Explanation of Syllable Division Patterns Determining the Utility of Teaching Syllable Division Patterns Syllable division patterns address the pronunciation of a single vowel (V) when it precedes one or more consonants (C) and another vowel, such as the a in rabbit and the i in tiger. With the syllable division strategy, readers can identify a word’s VC structure, divide the word using an associated syllable division pattern, identify the pro-­­ Applying the VC|CV and V|CV patterns will produce the correct pronunciation for the a in hatter and hater, but this requires considerable conscious effort. An illustration of the necessary effort comes from a wall chart that explains the V|CV pattern in a reading program: TABLE 1 Vowel-Consonant Structures for Va Single Vowels in the Corpus Frequency Percentage of Va cases Percentage of all cross-syllabic structuresa tiger 6,270 48.0 24.6 VaCCVb rabbit 4,535 34.7 17.8 V aV b lion 1,104 8.4 4.3 VaCCCVb wildcat 1,095 8.4 4.3 VaCCCCVb bullfrog 64 0.5 0.3 VaCCCCCVb offspring 1 <0.1 <0.1 Type Example VaCVb Note. C = consonant; V = vowel; Va = the first vowel in a pair of vowels; Vb = the second vowel in a pair of vowels. The percentages of Va cases do not total 100 because of rounding. For VaCVb, Va is the i in tiger or either i in citizen. These totals are for occurrences, so words with three or more syllables could include multiple instances of single vowels. For example, respecting has two occurrences, espe and ecti, and both are counted toward the VCCV total. a The percentage of all cross-syllable structures, including those without a single vowel, Va. Other types of vowels before a consonant include digraphs, such as the ea in meadow, and r-controlled vowels, such as the or in forest. S146 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) TABLE 2 Phonological Types of Single Vowels Tense/long type Lax/short type Vowel Phoneme Example(s) Phoneme Example(s) a /eɪ/a or /ɑː/ mason, father /æ/ matter e /iː/ helix /ɛ/ message i or y /aɪ/ minus, bygone /ɪ/ mitten, syllable o /oʊ/ molar /ɑ/c collar u /juː/a or /uː/ music, futon /ʌ/,b /ʊ/ mutter, put Note. These pronunciations are given for General American English. Tense vowels can be pronounced at the end of a word without trailing final consonants. In the context of a spoken word, tense vowels are sometimes described as free. Lax vowels are usually followed by a consonant at the end of a word. They may be syllable-final in a spoken polysyllabic word. In the context of a spoken word, lax vowels are sometimes described as free. This analysis is based on 14,844 words present in The Educator’s Word Frequency Guide (Zeno et al., 1995) for grades 1–8. a This pronunciation of the vowel letter is conventionally described as long. b/ɑ/ is sometimes considered a tense vowel (Venezky, 1999). cThis pronunciation of the vowel letter is conventionally described as short. FIGURE 1 Explanation of VC|CV and V|CV Syllable Division Patterns Note. C or cons. = consonant; optional cons. = the vowel can be preceded by a consonant, as in rabbit and tiger, but could begin with a vowel, as in asset and ivy; V = vowel; Va = the first vowel in a pair of vowels; Vb = the second vowel in a pair of vowels. Column A describes the VC structure to which the pattern is applied, with examples of both. It is important that Va is a single letter. The u in cougar is not an example of Va because the u is part of the grapheme ou associated with the diphthong /æw/. Column B shows how the division pattern is applied to the VC structure. Column C shows how the reader determines the pronunciation of the Va using knowledge of syllable types (closed or open). Column D shows the pronunciation of the vowel for each syllable type. Column E shows how the vowel is used to pronounce the syllables in the examples. 1. Underline talking vowels and mark them with a [V]. 2. Swoop between the vowels and pull down the consonants between the vowels [marking them accordingly]. 3. Cut the word according to the pattern [VC|CV, V|CV, or one of seven others]. 4. Check the position of the vowel in each syllable and mark the vowel [with a breve (˘) for a short vowel or a macron (¯) for a long vowel]. 5. Read the word a syllable at a time and blend the syllables together. (Greene, 2017, pp. S6–S7) Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S147 This is a particularly detailed approach to syllable division. Approaches vary in the level of detail; the Common Core simply recommends dividing the word before the consonant but does not provide a specific procedure. Whatever the amount of detail, all such strategies take attention from text meaning and might decrease ­fluency enough to impair comprehension (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974). The justification for providing instruction on a strategy that could (momentarily) impair comprehension must be that the strategy is very useful. In other words, if syllable division patterns lead to correct pronunciations most of the time, readers might benefit from learning the patterns even if they reduce fluency. Dolch (1945) suggested as much in describing ways students learned to pronounce unknown words. He argued that syllable division rules (his term) provide students with a tool to pronounce words until recognition of syllabic units becomes automatic. Dolch, like many others, also thought the patterns are consistent. It is easy to see why this is: There are many obvious examples of words that follow the pattern. Several of the 100 most frequent words follow the patterns, such as into and after for VC|CV and over for V|CV. However, violations are also easy to find. Among the top 100 words, the o in the VCCV word only is long but should be short, and the a in the VCV word many has a short e but should have a long a. Further anecdotal evidence against the consistency of the patterns comes from the fact that English speakers across the world differ in whether they pronounce words by rule: • The VCV word basil follows the V|CV rule in the United States with a long a sound (rhymes with nasal) but not in the United Kingdom, where speakers use a short a (rhymes with dazzle; Izzard, 1999). • The VCV word process follows the V|CV rule in Canada with a long o but not in the United States, where speakers use a short o. • The VCCV word zebra follows the VC|CV rule in South Africa (rhymes with Debra) but not in the United States (rhymes Libra; Noah, 2012). There are also intranational differences: In the United States, the pronunciation of the a in the V|CV ato in potato and tomato has been apparently so contentious that Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers could only agree to “call the whole thing off,” apparently without resolution in Shall We Dance (Gershwin & Gershwin, 1937). In short, there is such great ambiguity concerning the pronunciations of vowels in VCCV and VCV words that it is reasonable to ask whether there is a useful pattern for dividing words into syllables (see Appendix A for discussion of the reasons for this inconsistency). In this article, then, the question of interest is whether cases that run counter to S148 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) the VC|CV and V|CV patterns indicate general inconsistency or whether contradictory cases are perhaps salient but actually infrequent. The Present Study This study was an examination of English words commonly encountered in texts for students in grades 1–8 and was designed to determine how often VCV letter strings follow the V|CV pattern and how often VCCV letter strings follow the VC|CV pattern. Specifically, the pronunciation of the single-vowel Va in VaCVb or VaCCVb letter strings was identified and coded whether it followed the presumed pattern (the long sound for VCV letter strings and the short sound for VCCV letter strings). My hypothesis was that the patterns would be highly consistent because the many recommendations to use them from many constituencies likely reflects a kind of pattern crowdsourcing that has elucidated a consistent feature of the English language. The alternative hypothesis was that the putative patterns do not capture features of the English orthographic system and that the many recommendations to use them likely reflect an untest­ed conventional wisdom about their utility. Method To determine whether English words containing single vowels follow the VC|CV and V|CV patterns, I examined a corpus of English words present in texts for students in grades 1–8. I counted the occurrences of the patterns and cataloged the different Va pronunciations for all instances of the VaCCVb and VaCVb structures. Data Source The database of English words used for this analysis was the Unisyn database (Fitt, 2001), which contains 117,625 English words and their pronunciations. The analysis concerned only words contained in The Educator’s Word Frequency Guide (Zeno et al., 1995) at least once in its grades 1–8 corpus. I limited the word set to these words to focus only on the population of words that occur in texts for school-age readers. This decision reflected the idea that the patterns should apply to words that beginning readers with or without dyslexia might encounter. The analyzed corpus contained 14,844 words. Data Analysis I constructed a database containing words coded in General American English (thought to be the most widely spoken U.S. dialect; Van Riper, 1986), which is also called Standard American English. This article does not concern other dialects within the United States or across the globe. However, all dialects have the same ambiguities as General American English, and the same long, short, and reduced vowel categories. The phonology of the Unisyn words was coded using an accent-free system, and a Perl script was provided to produce the pronunciations in the General American English accent, written in X-SAMPA (Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet). The resulting Unisyn database contained two columns, one with the printed word and the other with the pronunciation of that word in General American English. One adjustment to the Unisyn coding was that the /ɑ/ and /ɔ/ were counted as the same phoneme because they are similarly articulated in General American English, which was described earlier. Next, I constructed a program to match the graphemes in each word with each phoneme in its pronunciation. This program operated using two data sources: One was the Unisyn database described earlier. The other was a master list of grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs), containing every possible GPC that might be used to read a word, based on those (a) taught in reading programs, (b) contained in Venezky’s (1999) comprehensive analysis of English orthography, or (c) that logically completed a pattern. The GPC program systematically determined the pronunciation of each letter in a given word and created a database of GPCs for every word (see Appendix B for further details). I then queried the database to find instances of VaC|CVb and VaCVb. Va had to be a single vowel (a, e, i, o, u, or y), but Vb could have multiple letters. For both VaCCVb and VaCVb words, those with a silent Vb (e.g., cake) were excluded because the VC|CV and V|CV patterns require pronounceable vowels before and after the consonants. Words with Va followed by the consonants r (e.g., forest), w (e.g., however), and y (e.g., foyer) were also excluded because these trailing consonants often form other graphemes or grapheme combinations. The pronunciations of Va were then cataloged and placed in one of four categories: (1) short-vowel sounds (e.g., batter, better, bitter, potter, butter), (2) long-vowel sounds (e.g., rater, meter, pilot, total, music), (3) reduced vowels with the schwa /ə/ or /ɨ/, or (4) other pronunciations that did not fit the first three categories. Examples for the letter a in each category are, respectively, (1) statue (short), (2) mason (long), (3) adopt (reduced), and (4) any (other). For y, /ɪ/ was coded as short, /ɑɪ/ as long, and /i/ as another vowel sound. Occurrences were calculated for each letter string—meaning that some words were used more than once—one for each instance of a pattern. For example, inconsiderate contains the VCCV structures inco and onsi, so the pronunciations of the i and o were examined. Citizenship contains the VCV structures iti and ize, so the pronunciation of each i was examined. Table 3 provides examples. The last step was to calculate the consistency of the pattern, namely, the percentage of cases in which Va in VaCCVb words had the short sound, and Va in VaCVb words had the long sound. Consistency was calculated separately for bisyllabic words and words with more syllables. My rationale for examining bisyllabic words first was the possibility that claims about syllable division patterns could reflect an accurate observation that the VC|CV and V|CV patterns are consistent in bisyllabic words even if the patterns are not as consistent in longer words. Consistency was calculated as the percentage of words containing the expected pattern versus all other pronunciations. For VaC|CVb, the calculation for the consistency of the pattern was the percentage of short-vowel pronunciations for Va as a proportion of all pronunciations. For Va|CVb, it was the percentage of long-vowel pronunciations as a proportion of all pronunciations. Consistency was also calculated TABLE 3 Categories for Syllable Division Consistency Calculations With Letter A Examples Category Subcategory Bisyllabic words Description Example(s) Consistency calculated for the single vowel in the first syllable V1C|CV2 A single vowel followed by one consonant and another vowel with a spoken pronunciation cancel V1|CV2 A single vowel followed by one consonant and another vowel with a spoken pronunciation label Words with three or more syllables Consistency calculated for single vowels in words with more than two syllables: A given single vowel could occur in any location in a word, not just the first syllable. VaCCVb A single vowel followed by one consonant and another vowel with a spoken pronunciation cassette, fantastic VaCVb A single vowel followed by one consonant and another vowel with a spoken pronunciation basinet, abacus Note. V1 = the first vowel in a word; V 2 = the second vowel in a word; Va = the first vowel in a pair of vowels; Vb = the second vowel in a pair of vowels. The underlined a shows an instance of the given pattern for the letter a. Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S149 when comparing the short and long pronunciations only, ignoring reduced and other vowels. This allowed examination of the critical idea that syllable division patterns allow readers to determine if a vowel is long or short. Results The results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 2. VCCV Words For the VC|CV pattern in bisyllabic words, Va had the ­ attern-following short sound in 78.8% of all VaCCVb p cases, most consistent for i (94.9%) and least consistent for y (68.8%). Comparing only short- and long-vowel cases, Va had the short sound in 93.5% of cases, most consistent for u (98.5%) and least consistent for y (68.7%). In examining words with more than two syllables, Va had the short TABLE 4 Percentages of Pronunciations for Words With Single Va Vowels in the Corpus Group V1 in V1CV2 bisyllabic words only (n = 1,381) Va in VaCVb words with three or more syllables (n = 3,505) V1 in V1CCV2 bisyllabic words only (n = 2,260) Va in VaCCVb words with three or more syllables (n = 2,291) Vowel Short Long Reduced Other Long (vs. short) Total cases a 27.9 49.1 17.7 5.2 63.8 401 e 21.2 18.0 59.9 0.9 45.9 334 i 32.9 60.5 1.2 5.3 64.8 243 o 25.1 53.0 7.3 14.6 67.9 287 u 10.0 84.0 1.0 5.0 89.4 100 y 18.8 81.3 0.0 0.0 81.2 16 All 25.2 47.3 21.4 6.1 65.3 1,381 a 30.9 23.5 38.5 7.2 43.2 797 e 36.9 9.1 53.6 0.4 19.8 839 i 40.7 11.4 45.0 2.9 21.9 972 o 25.1 25.4 43.6 6.0 50.3 638 u 10.0 53.4 5.9 30.6 84.2 219 y 35.0 12.5 7.5 45.0 26.3 40 All 32.7 18.8 42.5 60.6 36.5 3,505 a 73.8 5.5 12.0 8.7 6.9 652 e 77.9 3.6 18.0 0.5 4.4 412 i 94.9 4.9 0.0 0.2 4.9 488 o 63.5 10.2 19.8 6.6 13.8 394 u 85.6 1.3 5.7 7.4 1.5 298 y 68.8 31.3 0.0 0.0 31.3 16 All 78.8 5.5 10.9 4.8 6.5 2,260 a 54.6 2.3 37.2 5.9 4.0 573 e 59.0 2.1 38.9 0.0 3.4 622 i 88.2 4.7 6.9 0.2 5.1 465 o 41.1 2.2 49.2 7.6 5.1 370 u 73.8 3.1 22.7 0.4 4.0 229 y 65.6 28.1 6.3 0.0 30.0 32 All 62.5 3.2 31.6 2.8 4.8 2,291 Note. C = consonant; V1 = the first vowel in a word; V 2 = the second vowel in a word; Va = the first vowel in a pair of vowels; Vb = the second vowel in a pair of vowels. This analysis is based on 14,844 words present in The Educator’s Word Frequency Guide (Zeno et al., 1995) for grades 1–8. Totals do not sum to 14,844 because the full database includes monosyllabic words and because Va cases could occur in more than one location in words with three or more syllables (i.e., a word could contain more than one Va case). S150 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) FIGURE 2 Proportion of Pronunciations for V1 for a, e, i, o, u, and y for (a) VCV Bisyllabic and (b) Longer VCV Words and for (c) VCCV Bisyllabic and (d) Longer VCCV Words (continued) Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S151 FIGURE 2 Proportion of Pronunciations for V1 for a, e, i, o, u, and y for (a) VCV Bisyllabic and (b) Longer VCV Words and for (c) VCCV Bisyllabic and (d) Longer VCCV Words (continued) Note. C = consonant; V = vowel; V1 = the first vowel in a word; V 2 = the second vowel in a word. S152 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) sound in 62.5% of cases overall, most consistent for i (88.2%) and least consistent for o (41.1%). Comparing only short- and long-vowel cases in words with more than two syllables, Va had the short sound in 95.2% of cases, most consistent for u (96.1%) and least consistent for y (71.8%). VCV Words For the V|CV pattern in bisyllabic words, Va had the pattern-following long sound in 47.3% of cases, most consistent for u (84.0%) and least consistent for e (18.0%). Comparing only short- and long-vowel cases, Va had the pattern-following long sound in 65.3% of cases, most consistent for u (89.4%) and least consistent for e (45.9%). For words with more than two syllables, Va had the long sound in 32.7% of words, most consistent for u (53.4%) and least consistent for e (9.1%). Comparing only shortand long-vowel cases, Va had the long sound in 36.5% of cases, most consistent for u (84.2%) and least consistent for e (19.8%). Summary of Results The four key findings from this analysis are these: 1. VCCV words appear to follow the VC|CV pattern quite frequently, especially for bisyllabic words and when ignoring reduced and other vowels. 2. Bisyllabic VCV words follow the V|CV pattern approximately half the time but two thirds of the time when ignoring reduced and other vowels. 3. For longer VCV words, Va has the short sound more often than the long sound in contradiction to the presumed pattern. 4. Unstressed vowel sounds in the Va explain much of the low reliability of the patterns overall, especially for words with more than two syllables and words with the vowel e. Discussion Utility of Syllable Division Patterns The results do not augur well for the idea of teaching readers to use syllable division patterns. When reading text, application of this effort-intensive strategy requires a time-consuming departure from the text itself. If the patterns were highly consistent, it would mitigate the negative effect of the effort and time needed to apply them. They are not consistent, so the time required does not have a strong justification. If these patterns are so inconsistent, why are syllable division strategies still so widely taught? Inferences From Exemplars First, if one is looking for evidence, many examples fit the pattern. The data show that the patterns work if the circumstances are right. The V|CV pattern works 84% of the time if the reader only focuses on bisyllabic VCV words with u. The VC|CV pattern works 98% of the time for bisyllabic VCCV words with u. Nonexamples can be ex­­ cused as exceptions. This is reified for educators who learn about syllable division from colleagues, authors, and reading program publishers that provide many examples illustrating the expected consistency. Another reason the pattern makes sense is that some features of spoken English seem to support the idea, such as the phonological constraint that a vowel sound at the end of a word is usually long/ tense (see Appendix A for details). The obvious problem is that the data indicate that the exceptions to the expected V|CV pattern are more the rule. The broader issue is that syllable division patterns are the product of an attempt to impose order on a quasiregular orthography (Seidenberg, Cooper Borkenhagen, & Kearns, 2020, this issue; Siegelman, Kearns, & Rueckl, 2020). English lacks the orderly grapheme–phoneme consistency of languages such as Greek. Although human intuition is to find the signal in the noise, there is not always adequate signal to make it useful to define and apply a pattern. The V|CV pattern is such a case. When the pattern works well only under very limited circumstances, the pattern adds little value in understanding the letter–sound features of the language. In principle, this problem can be corrected by adding a VC|V pattern because it makes the first syllable closed and the Va short. For example, habit is divided as hab|it with a short a in hab. This backup strategy is a feature of several reading programs (and mentioned in the Common Core). How­ ever, adding this alternative does not really help because it does not get readers closer to determining the identity of the Va. Having a second pattern is an admission that the V|CV pattern is unreliable. The data suggest that there is really no V|CV division pattern at all. Help for Reading Long Words Second, syllable division patterns are widely taught because educators are looking for ways to help readers minimize the complexities of reading words such as minimize and complexities. Syllable division might provide readers with a starting point for reading a long word without going grapheme by grapheme or guessing. Even if the strategy does not produce exactly the right pronunciation, readers will no doubt be closer than by guessing based on a few letters. This was the rationale given by Dolch (1945) for teaching a syllable division strategy. Syllable division is especially appealing because it seems to bring order to Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S153 one of the most inconsistent aspects of English reading: how to pronounce single vowels in polysyllabic words. These data suggest that syllable division is the wrong kind of help. The inconsistency of the V|CV rule is itself a strong argument against teaching syllable division. The level of attention and use of multiple memory systems required to do syllable division makes the argument stronger (Martin, 2016; Sawi & Rueckl, 2019). Applying conscious attention to word recognition will likely degrade the quality of the readers’ text representation. This may be especially true for students with word-reading difficulty, many of whom have comorbid executive function and attention allocation difficulties (Kendeou, van den Broek, Helder, & Karlsson, 2014). Any level of conscious attention will make comprehension harder, and syllable division requires readers to access procedural memory for several steps and declarative memory for the types of patterns and definitions of syllable types (Sawi & Rueckl, 2019). The level of attention required probably rivals that for using context for word recognition. Context-based strategies for pronouncing words have been controversial because some have argued that they are effortful and unreliable (Landi, Perfetti, Bolger, Dunlap, & Foorman, 2006; Martin-Chang & Levesque, 2013; Seidenberg, 2017); syllable division seems no better. If these data are convincing that syllable division patterns are not a helpful characterization of polysyllabic words in the lexicon, educators should not teach about the patterns. However, students still need strategies to help them read long words. The good news is that there are other options that have been tested successfully in experimental studies (see, e.g., Kearns & Whaley, 2019). Educators can provide extensive practice in dividing the words up without a rule about how to do so (Bhattacharya & Ehri, 2004). Educators could provide some explicit strategy information in addition to practice. One specific strategy is to break words apart with the principle that every syllable has at least one vowel (O’Connor, Beach, Sanchez, Bocian, & Flynn, 2015). Another strategy is to apply knowledge that single vowels have alternative pronunciations by trying one or the other for any single vowel. The long and short sounds have been the focus in prior studies (Lovett et al., 2000; Shefelbine, 1990), but students could also learn about reduced vowels and a few frequent other pronunciations, such as /ɑ/ for a and /i/ for i (cf. Venezky, 1999). Teaching students to locate morphological units and use them to read words has also resulted in success for students across the elementary and middle school grades (see Goodwin & Ahn, 2013). Another strategy relates to the fact that readers frequently make subtle errors when trying to sound out unfamiliar written words. This is particularly true of polysyllabic words, every one of which has a reduced vowel that does not make the long or short sound. The recoding process appears to involve a flip point where S154 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) readers link a recoded approximation to the word in the spoken lexicon (Kearns, Rogers, Koriakin, & Al Ghanem, 2016; Steacy et al., 2019), a semantic and phonological ability to adjust recoding sometimes called set for variability (Gibson, 1965) or set for diversity (Venezky, 1999). Incipient data suggest that students might benefit if they practice correcting mispronunciations (e.g., Dyson, Best, Solity, & Hulme, 2017; Savage, Georgiou, Parrila, & Maiorino, 2018). In this, it is especially helpful that the consonants are far more consistent than the vowels. If readers can identify the pronunciations of all the consonants in a word, it is frequently quite easy to find a known word in the phonological lexicon. For example, habit has an ambiguous a and i but highly consistent h, b, and t. The only relatively common English words with /h/ + some vowel + /b/ + some vowel + /t/ are habit and hobbit, and one is far more common than the other. Learning to correct mispronunciations also highlights the importance of meaning in word recognition, even when readers are only asked to pronounce words (Harm & Seidenberg, 2004; Kearns & Al Ghanem, 2019; Taylor, Duff, Woollams, Monaghan, & Ricketts, 2015). The mispronunciation correction strategy only works if readers’ phonological lexicon contains an entry for the correct spoken word. This underscores that acquisition of language and word recognition skills have a reciprocal facilitative relation. It also highlights the value of teaching word recognition with proximal application to text reading. In summary, there are various strategies for helping students read long words that do not involve syllable division patterns. These strategies have supporting evidence and avoid the issues of utility and cognitive load raised by syllable division. Syllable Division and the Science of Reading Whether to teach syllable division has links to the long-term reading wars and the current debates about the science of reading. The recent “science of reading” debate emerged partly from the concern that many students do not receive enough phonics instruction and that a lack of phonics is related to the difficulties of students with dyslexia (Hanford, 2017). In the early debates, Goodman (1967) claimed that phonics instruction was mostly unnecessary (for context, see Castles, Rastle, & Nation, 2018), but the data favoring phonics are simply too strong to make that claim today (e.g., Ehri, Nunes, Stahl, & Willows, 2001; National Reading Panel, 2000; Stuebing, Barth, Cirino, Francis, & Fletcher, 2008; Torgerson, Brooks, & Hall, 2006). One critical issue that spans the old and new debates concerns the amount of phonics instruction that students receive and, consequently, whether teaching syllable division patterns makes the cut. More than 30 years after Goodman’s (1967) strong argument against phonics, Abbott (2000) remarked that “from legislators to educators, the use, nonuse, and/or misuse of generalizations continues to be a topic of debate” (p. 233). Now, 20 more years on, there is still debate about how much to teach about the quasiregular English orthographic system (see Paris, 2005; Phillips, Norris, & Steffler, 2007; Rayner, Foorman, Perfetti, Peset­ sky, & Seidenberg, 2001; Seidenberg et al., 2020). This is also part of the “science of reading” discussion. One claim with­­in the “science of reading” oeuvre is that science favors extensive phonics instruction. Scientific data across neuroscience, psychology, and education partly align with this. The data strongly support the argument that readers must acquire information about how letters and sounds connect. However, the data are not about the scope of instruction or the types of patterns to teach. For example, an enduring scientific theory of reading is the parallel distributed processing connectionist account (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989). In that model, readers’ ability to read real words and decode nonsense words depends on knowledge that simultaneously spans all letters and links them to all possible sounds through a single network that contains no specific letter–sound units (e.g., Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996). Data strongly support this account; put simply, reading skill is very likely acquired through a network that does not include specific letter–sound correspondences. This idea is critical to the science of reading. By definition, this concept does not support any claims about the types of patterns that educators should teach nor the extent of phonics instruction that will lead to the best reading outcomes. Phonics instruction is doubtlessly important to allow readers to acquire letter–sound knowledge, but the question about the extent remains important because the science of reading does not offer clarity about it. The data in this article suggest that syllable division patterns are beyond the limit of helpful sound–spelling patterns to teach. Yet, where should the limit be set? There are no data to guide the decision about where to stop teaching GPCs (or other such units). One implication from this study is that examining the lexicon can be helpful. These data shed light on why it is problematic to try to impose order on the language in places where it does not have especially orderly characteristics. Further examination of the letter–sound relations in the lexicon can lead to better decisions about what to teach and when. Limitations My goal in this study was to determine whether syllable division patterns can be used to eliminate the ambiguity in the pronunciation of single vowel letters in polysyllabic words. An important limitation is that VCV and VCCV structures do not comprise the universe of cross-syllabic structures that readers encounter. Table 1 shows that the included patterns comprise 42.4% of all cross-syllable contexts. However, VCV and VCCV structures comprise a large majority of cases (82.7%) when considering only single vowel letters, so these data cover a large orthographic domain. Another limitation is that the analyses do not consider other systematic features of the language that affect pronunciation. For example, a is pronounced as /ɑ/ when preceded by w in most cases, but cases where the Va a is pronounced as /ɑ/ are treated as other pronunciations rather than long or short. Another example concerns the -ic ending. In the 650 words with a VaCic pattern, the Va has a short sound in 607 of them (93.4%).1 English has other pockets of consistency that I did not consider in this study given my analytic approach. Whether these other consistencies would be worth teaching is another topic for a subsequent study, an important extension of this work and of Vousden, Ellefson, Solity, and Chater’s (2011). This speaks to a broader limitation that the program’s search mechanism involved only left-to-right matching. If the searches had been done differently, the set of letter– sound matches identified for each word might have been different and possibly impacted the consistency calculations but would not likely have led to a dramatic change in the findings. I argue that these limitations do not obviate the value of this study as a helpful step in addressing Groff ’s (1971) concern that the evidence about the utility of syllable division patterns has not been collected. A final obvious but important limitation is that this article does not include data about students’ reading. It is unclear whether students might develop sensitivity to the contexts in which syllable division patterns apply even if only somewhat consistently. In a connectionist account, readers will develop tacit knowledge about any features of words that increase reading accuracy, so patterns with even limited consistency are likely to be learned. This learning occurs even if readers are not consciously aware of the pattern, so this is still not an argument for teaching syllable division. However, it suggests that reading performance might be enhanced by teaching reading using words that contain some context-dependent consistencies in the V|CV and VC|CV patterns. That possibility cannot be addressed with these data because they do not involve examination of readers’ performance. Conclusion English is an alphabetic language in which print is a cipher for speech (Gough, Juel, & Griffith, 1992), and readers must acquire the ability to connect letters with sounds, a skill that requires some form of systematic phonics instruction for students’ reading success. Helping students acquire this skill is particularly challenging for polysyllabic words because they frequently contain single vowels that have ambiguous pronunciations. Syllable division strategies are designed to help, predicated on the idea that English has consistent syllable division patterns. The data in this study suggest that the consistency is overestimated and that the Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S155 patterns’ low consistency militates against the idea of teaching this effortful strategy for identifying vowel pronunciations. Moreover, there are empirically supported instructional alternatives to teaching these patterns, with evidence of improving student outcomes. However, a challenge to moving education in this direction is that instruction on syllable division patterns has a long history as a strategy for helping students with dyslexia, and many educators consider it very important. Many of the same educators and associated researchers think it fits with a broader focus on systematic phonics instruction related to the science of reading. The science of reading does not address and cannot support many claims about what to teach, including syllable division. This point should not be construed as an argument against teaching phonics, but I suggest that the field should collectively discuss and conduct further research on the extent (how many and which units should be taught) and manner (how patterns are described and practiced) of instruction. The “science of reading” debate might provide an opportunity to have that discussion if all stakeholders are willing to entertain changes to their thinking.2 Whatever the outcome of that ongoing discussion, I hope these data can have an impact on instruction, that this examination of the lexicon will lead researchers to endorse and educators to use polysyllabic word-reading strategies that do not involve syllable division. In addition, I hope this exploration of the orthographic and phonological characteristics of the language, in the tradition of the pioneering work of Vousden et al. (2011) and others, will result in more studies to identify features of the English language that may be used to improve reading instruction. NOTES his example is credited to an anonymous reviewer of an earlier draft T of this article with appreciation. 2 As a teacher of students with dyslexia, I taught syllable division. As a teacher educator, I recommended this instruction to others. I found many exceptions to the patterns, and I began to question whether the patterns really worked. As a researcher, I used a scientific approach to answer that question and write this article. I entertained changes to my original thinking, and the data changed my views. I provide this personal example to illustrate my own commitment to do what I am recommending to others. 3 In linguistic terms, four of the five long-vowel sounds (i.e., /i/ is probably not one) are diphthongs, or two vowel sounds pronounced within the same syllable. In education, these diphthongs are typically regarded as single sounds and are distinguished from short vowels because these long vowels represent the names of the letters (except y). 4 Free vowels can occur before a consonant in monosyllabic words but are usually represented by a digraph (e.g., ai in main, ea in meat, oa in moat) or with a trailing silent e marker. 1 REFERENCES Abbott, M. (2000). 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KEARNS is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and a research scientist in the Center for Behavioral Education and Research at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, and a research scientist for Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; email He researches reading disability and focuses on designing and testing reading interventions and studying how educational practice, cognitive science, and neuroscience can be linked. APPE NDI X A A Detailed Explanation of Syllable Division Patterns The idea of syllable division has its origin in English phonology, in which vowel length often determines whether a vowel phoneme can occur at the end of a monosyllabic word. Shortened (lax) vowels do not occur at the end of a spoken word. They are almost always followed by a consonant, making them checked vowels. Longer (tense) vowels can occur at the ends of spoken words and are called free vowels in that context (Akmajian, Demers, Farmer, & Harnish, 2001). These vowel length differences have led to the use of the term short for the checked vowels and long for the free vowels,3 a shorthand that remains a part of elementary school reading instruction (see Table 2 for a list of these vowels). The short- and long-vowel phonemes are paired with one of the six single-vowel letters,(a, e, i, o, u, or y). Each vowel can refer to a long or short sound. In polysyllabic words, a vowel can also represent the reduced vowel phoneme /ə/ (schwa). For example, a is pronounced differently in mason, master, and manila, reflecting the possibility that the vowel could be pronounced /ei/, /æ/, or /ə/, respectively. When readers encounter unfamiliar words with single vowels, the words always have multiple possible pronunciations, so readers must rely on other information. For monosyllabic words, pronunciations are somewhat predictable because the vowels generally reflect what is possible in phonology. Short-vowel sounds are checked and do not occur at the ends of words, so a single vowel in the middle of a monosyllabic word is likely to make a S158 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1) short sound.4 Long vowel sounds are free and can occur at the ends of words, so a single vowel at the end of a monosyllabic word is likely to make a long sound. This allows readers to pronounce nonwords, such as spron and spro, unambiguously. For polysyllabic words, the checked/free phonotactic constraint still applies and extends from words to syllables, including nonfinal ones (e.g., both e and o in hello and veto). Syllables are given names that reflect the checked/free distinction. Those with a checked vowel are called closed syllables, and those with a free vowel are called open syllables. This distinction appears to be reflected in the English orthography in that vowels in closed syllables appear to be followed by two consonant letters (e.g., the underlined letters in anvil, enter, midway, cotton, and hundred), and vowels in open syllables seem to be followed by one consonant letter (e.g., the underlined letters in major, meter, minor, motion, and music). These patterns relate to the concept of syllable division patterns. In some cases, it appears that the number of consonants following a vowel indicates its checked or free status (and thus long or short pronunciation; i.e., two consonants = closed; one consonant = open). This leads to the idea that the number of consonant letters after a vowel indicates whether the vowel is long or short. If there are two consonant letters between the vowels (VCCV), the first vowel likely has a short sound. As illustrated in this article, that belief is generally well founded (although complicated by vowel reduction). This has its origins in Middle English, a scribal spelling convention of doubling consonants following a short vowel to identify its sound (Venezky, 1999). The other idea is that a VCV structure has a division after the first consonant (V|CV), making the first syllable open and the vowel long. However, the data presented here also indicate that the VCV structure follows the expected pattern with little consistency. Some aspects of this ambiguity are explainable. Reasons for the Idiosyncratic Nature of the V|CV Pattern English has an Anglo-Saxon core vocabulary but has also borrowed word spellings from languages such as French (e.g., baton) and idiosyncratically transliterated other foreign words (e.g., canoe, the French manere was adjusted to manner). English also has some seemingly arbitrary conventions with obscure historical roots that affect the reliability; for example, the letter v is almost never doubled, as in cavern (McArthur, 2003), except in abbreviated words such as divvy (from dividend in the late 19th century; “Divvy,” 2015) and revving (from revolution in the early 20th century; “Rev,” 2015). The result is that many words do not seem to follow the V|CV pattern. Part of the challenge is that phonotactics allow short vowels to occur at the end of a spoken nonfinal syllable. In speech, English follows CV phonology, meaning that consonant phonemes are stacked at the beginning of syllables (e.g., cr in decree, /dɨ ˈkɹi/), as long as phonotactic constraints permit it (e.g., /n/ and /v/ in anvil cannot be in the same syllable; Clements & Keyser, 1983; Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2010). For abacus, the spoken syllables are segmented as /ˈæ bə kəs/, with a short vowel in the first syllable and two reduced vowels after it. Using the orthographic V|CV pattern, the division a|ba|cus should result in long-vowel pronunciations for each a. This would produce /eɪ beɪ kʌs/, eigh-bay-kus, which little resembles the intended pronunciation. The abacus example also highlights a second issue, vowel reduction. English is a stressed-timed language, meaning that polysyllabic words contain syllables shortened temporally by reducing one or more of its vowels. For example, if lapel is divided using the V|CV pattern, the word would be /ˈleɪ pəl/, laypul, but the first syllable is reduced, /lə ˈpɛl/. English words are thought to have a tendency toward trochaic stress (i.e., stress on the first syllable; Rastle & Coltheart, 2000; Ševa, Monaghan, & Arciuli, 2009), but lapel types of examples do not appear to be rare (e.g., about, banana, repeat). APPE NDI X B Description of the Word-Decoding Program The program operated by trying every GPC in the master list against every letter and sound in each word. For example, for the word get, coded /gEt/ in X-SAMPA, the program would examine the letters, moving from left to right, so g first. Then, the program would try to find a GPC that contains a g letter and try to locate one that contains one of the sounds in /gEt/. The program would locate g = /g/ and code those together. This process was repeated for the remaining letters. The program was designed to do this for GPCs with multiple letters (e.g., tch = /C/) and multiple phonemes (e.g., x = /ks/). The program decoded all 117,625 words in the Unisyn database, including the 14,844 words in this study. To check the accuracy of the program’s output, subsets of 200 words were selected at random to check for accuracy and determine whether the database contains GPC errors. Some of these checks led to changes in the GPC system, the coding process, or both. One change to the program concerned empty letters, those that did not represent a phoneme (e.g., e = // in gauze). The program would overuse these when a word contains complex GPCs, so a process was included to inhibit the use of empty letters. Words were given a score for every empty letter that they contain, and the program would attempt to decode the word a different way when this score was greater than zero. After development and subset analyses were completed, a research associate with a master’s d ­ egree in linguistics checked more subsets and made f­urther corrections. By the end, every subset contained fewer than one error per 100 words, and we stopped conducting checks. A few additional errors were encountered during data analysis and were corrected at that time. In total, there were fewer than 300 corrections to individual words. Example of Matching Letters and Sounds for Get The Unisyn database contains words (N = 14,844) and their pronunciations coded in X-SAMPA. Each wordi contains lettersim and phonemesik where m and k are ≥1i. The GPC database contains GPCs. Each GPCa has one graphemea and all phonemes1 that are possible pronunciations of grapheme a where x ≥ 1, because graphemes can be associated with multiple phonemes. Does English Have Useful Syllable Division Patterns? | S159 The program evaluates each word i and iterates over graphemes 1–A in the GPC database to identify which GPC a matches the leftmost letter(s) in word i. Within grapheme set a, the program searches GPCs with the most letters first. When grapheme a matches the leftmost letters in word i, the program examines the leftmost phoneme in word i, iterates over the phonemes 1–x for grapheme a in the GPC database, and tests whether a given phoneme x occurs in wordi. If phoneme x matches the leftmost phonemek in word i, this is identified as a match. When a match is found, it is identified as GPCim in word i. The program iterates over word i until all of its letters and phonemes have been matched to graphemes and phonemes in the GPC database and creates the set of GPCs ij for that word. Figure B1 provides an example. FIGURE B1 Example of the Operation of the Grapheme–Phoneme Correspondences (GPC) Program for the Word Get Found in the Unisyn Database Note. The first letter, g, is located in the GPC database (➊). That database includes three phonemes for g: /ʤ/ in gem, /g/ in get, and /ʒ/ in genre, coded as dZ, g, and Z, respectively, in X-SAMPA. The program iterates over these phonemes. It begins with dZ (➋) and searches for dZ in the phonemes for get in the Unisyn database (➌). The code dZ is not present, so the program tries the phoneme g from the GPC database (➍). A match is found (➎), so the GPC match g = /g/ is then added to the output GPC database for the entry get. Having created a GPC for g, the program then iterates over e and t. S160 | Reading Research Quarterly, 55(S1)