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MAPEH 7 Health Summative Test: Stress & Mental Health

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Southeast Butuan District-1
Alviola Village, Baan Km. 3, Butuan City
School I.D No. 317517
S.Y. 2021 - 2022
NAME: _______________________________ YEAR & SEC: ________________
DATE: _________ SCORE: ______
DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully and write the answer of your choice in
your yellow paper.
1. What is reflected by the World Health Organization’s Ottawa Charter for
Health Promotion when it said, “Health is a resource for everyday
life, not the objective of living.”?
a. This means that health is the main source for every individual to
function normally in all the things to do.
b. This means that health is the main objective of every individual.
c. This means that health is wealth.
d. This mean we don’t need jobs if we have health.
2. What is the BEST way to promote the WHO’s promotional theme: “Health is
a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living.”?
a. Showing videos to my classmates about health.
b. By creating events and activities like symposiums and workshops that
relate to the theme and hold them on the community.
c. Hosting a talent show.
d. Feeding program.
3. What is a psychological and emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change or disruption in one’s life?
a. Stress
b. Anxiety
c. Depression
d. Joy
4. What does it mean when one says that stress is normal and inevitable?
a. It means you cannot stop stress.
b. It means you will be forever in stress.
c. It means that every person can experience stress in any time.
d. It means that you create your own stress.
5. Which of the following experiences is showing eustress?
a. After being expelled a students cried a lot.
b. After a long hour of doing the modules and learning activity sheets, the
student enjoyed answering the questions and felt fulfillment from the
outputs created.
c. After a few paper works the employee resigned.
d. After an examination, the student was not able to sleep
6. Which of the following is the BEST way to eustress?
a. getting a failing mark
c. arguing with classmates
b. losing money
d. attending a party
For the items 7-9. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
A teenager has been experiencing a lot in high school. Recently, his mother left the
country to work abroad. This has brought him extreme sadness. To keep himself
busy, the teenager learned to read a lot of books. And as he promised to his Nanay,
he will do good in his studies so Nanay’s hard work and sacrifice will be worthy. In
the last quarterly exam, the teenage scored the highest in Mathematics and Araling
Panlipunan. This made him and his mother very happy.
7. How did the teenager do in response to the stressor he experienced?
a. He let the stressor defeat him and failed his academics.
b. He chooses to response positively towards the stressor.
c. He kept repeating the stressor he experienced.
d. He did not response at all.
8. What can you infer on the personality of the teenager towards the stressor
he experienced?
a. He is a weak person.
c. He is really good in managing stress.
b. He lacks positivity.
d. He is a smart person.
9. Which type of stress response is shown in the passage?
a. Distress
b. Anxiety
c. Depression
d. Eustress
10.Which medical problem and concern is NOT linked with negative stress?
a. Anxiety
b. Allergies
c. Asthma
d. Fever
11.When the fire broke out, a person may feel very alarmed. His/her energy
suddenly raised up. He/she begins to carry heavy objects in the
house towards outside. What phase of the General Adaptation
Syndrome is reflected on this situation?
a. Alarm Stage
c. Exhaustion Phase
b. Resistance Stage
d. End Phase
12. How important is the General Adaptation Syndrome in every individual
experiencing stress?
a. It has no importance.
b. It will help the person to ignore the stress.
c. It will help in quick responses during unexpected events.
d. It will draw out more stress.
13. Why an individual under stress need to ask support from others?
a. Because other people have experienced stress and they can give good
b. Because other people are good in handling stress.
c. Because other people are careless.
d. Because other people likes stress.
14. When under a stressful event which is the BEST person/people you should
approach for support?
a. The cause of the stress.
c. Family and friends.
b. A doctor.
d. Self
15. Emma was having a problem on his performance tasks which is due to the
next day. He couldn’t finish the output because he lacks idea. He’s
cramming the project and got tired. He decided to not submit the
project. Is Emma did the right decision?
a. Absolutely, yes!
b. No.
c. Yes, indeed.
d. Maybe.
16. What are the disorders that disrupt thinking, feelings, moods, and behaviors
and impair daily functioning?
a. Reframing
c. Triggers
b. Depressive disorder
d. Mental illnesses
17. What are events, conditions or situations that may “activate” a person’s
tendency to experience symptoms of mental disorders?
a. Reframing
c. Triggers
b. Depressive disorder
d. Mental illnesses
18. When you have been experiencing Sadness and frustration because of
stressful situation, start finding the positive side of things. You start
thinking happy thoughts. What will you do when you want to change
your ideas into something that makes you happy?
a. Reframing
c. Triggers
b. Depressive disorder
d. Mental illnesses
For items 19-21. Read the passage below and answer the following questions.
The stress and worries in life are like the glass of water. If you think
about them for a while, nothing happens. Think about them for longer,
they will start hurting. Think about them for even longer, you will feel
stress and be paralyzed.
It is important to think about the problems in the life. But, you should
not carry the stress long enough that it begins to ache and paralyze
your life. It is important to let go of your stresses. Don’t carry your
stress all day and always remember to put the glass down before you
go to bed!
19. What does it the line, “Think about them for even longer, you will feel stress
and paralyzed.” mean?
a. It means that you should not think about the stress too much it will only
paralyze you.
b. It means that you should keep on thinking.
c. It means that you need to think about the stress.
d. It means that if you think then you will get stress.
20. Why you should think about the problems in life?
a. So that you will be stressed.
b. So that you will looking for solution and good decisions.
c. It will help you defeat stress.
d. It will increase your grades.
21. Did the passage tells a positive outcome or not?
a. No, it didn’t. b. Not at all.
c. Maybe.
D. Yes, indeed!
22. “Grief does not change you. It heals you.” Is the statement true?
a. No, it can’t be.
b. Somehow.
c. Yes, it is.
d. Never
23. What is an emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster, or misfortune?
a. Loss
b. Grief
c. Sadness
d. Reframing
24. Other than focusing on doing something about the cause of stress and
focusing on keeping the boy healthy, what can you add on the
different skill in stress management?
a. Always pray and keep faith that everything has a reason.
b. Just go with the flow and don’t fight the stress so hard.
c. Always have faith in yourself, and that you know you can continue living.
d. All of the above.
25. A teenage has been battling anxiety since he was in high school. He’s been
trying to change his habits and routine just to make sure that he will
be relieved from the anxiety/stress. What skill in stress management
is used by the teenager?
a. Focuses on doing something about the cause of stress.
b. Focuses on keeping the body healthy and relieving anxiety.
c. Focuses on asking for guidance and assistance.
d. Asking support from others.
For item 26-30. Create a slogan that promotes Mental Health Awareness. Use the
theme “Tools2Thrive” as reference. Below is a rubric for scoring.
The slogan fits with the given theme. It catches attention.
It is not misleading. Comprehensive.
The slogan somehow fits with the given theme.
Slightly catches attention. It is not misleading.
The slogan slightly fits with the given theme.
Somehow catchy. Somehow comprehensive.
The slogan doesn’t fit with the given theme but still goes
with the topic. It is not appealing. It is still comprehensive.
The slogan doesn’t fit with the given theme but still goes
with the topic. Messy. Poor choice of words.
No slogan was written.
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