Uploaded by Decery Bardenas

Dee Exotic Spices Case Study

In partial fulfillment of the requirements to this subject BA 321-Strategic
A Case Study
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Ms. Ma. Theresa R. Pineda, MBA
I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 1
II. Background of the Study………………………………………………… 3
III. Statement of the Problem……………………………………………… 5
IV. Objectives…………………………………………………………………….. 6
V. SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………….. 7
VI. Alternative Courses of Action…………………………………………… 14
VII. Action Plan…………………………………………………………………… 15
VIII. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………. 16
IX. Recommendations………………………………………………………….. 18
Businesses are means by which we get most of goods and services that we as
consumers want and need. Almost everything that you see in your everyday life
was produced by a businesses and sold by another. It is by which people get their
jobs. It is extremely important to a country’s economy because it provide both
goods, services and jobs opportunities.
Business goals are to make profit, to grow or expand, to survive, to enlarge its
capacity. As business are formed by meeting these goals, there end up giving a
lot of advantages to the economy in which they are operating.
As times goes by, many business rapidly appear in different part of the world.
And it can’t be happened that there are some who make and do similar business,
or offer the same products and services, and etc. Thus, putting up a business will
require you a lot of things to put first before anything else like for example the
cost and quality of the product. Business owners will also encounter competition
that is normal in the field of business, and the only way to manage and cope up
with this is making a strategy and of course a good plan.
Dee Exotic Spices offers high quality spices that is perfect for making flavorful
dishes. It will be the first ever company that will offer different kind of exotic
spices within and from the different countries. But, there are certain country
wherein some spices are banned and considered as illegal. And regarding with
my business wherein we are going to collect, import, export, and sell exotic
spices, there are some countries that a variety of spice can’t grow due to
weather and temperature, and there are also seasonal spices which only grow in
a specific time or season.
So this study aims to know how to cope up with this certain issues and
problems that a company or business will able to encounter in the long run. And
this study will also give knowledge to those future businesses that will encounter
the same problem as they grow worldwide.
This case study won’t be easy for it need time, a thorough research and need
some detailed information for me to end up finding a solution in this certain
issues and problems. But I know this struggle in finding out the solution will be
soon paid off if others will find it helpful and worth reading.
Sleepless nights and a lot of efforts has been contributed to this case study, so
I hope that this will be a big help to those who are finding a solution on how to
cope up with the problems that will be tackled and and will be given a solution at
the end of this study.
Dee Exotic Spices offers high quality spices that is perfect for making flavorful
dishes. It will be the first ever company that will offer different kind of exotic
spices from different countries. We will collect, import, export, and sell different
kind of exotic spices from all over the countries around the globe.
We will do the import and export as we run our business. This is the other
way to circulate all kinds of spices around the world because their are some that
are not cultivated in certain country due to some circumstances. Just for
example, the Asafoetida that is widely used in India are not cultivated within
their country, so they need to import tons and tons of Asafoetida from Iran and
Afghanistan. For now, scientist are still experimenting in growing Asafoetida in
India because the first time they did it, there is no published result of the same.
Our products will be made by combination of both human and machine
power. Spices are process as soon as it has been harvested. The area where we
will thoroughly process the spices will surely be neat and clean for we are
handling something that is added to food. So we must be careful and ensure that
our products won’t give any harm to our dearest customers just because of dirt
and germs. Our spices are cleanly processed, packed and well preserved so that
the users or consumers of our products are safe every time they use it.
Our products will be made by combination of both human and machine
power. Spices are process as soon as it has been harvested. The area where we
will thoroughly process the spices will surely be neat and clean for we are
handling something that is added to food. So we must be careful and ensure that
our products won’t give any harm to our dearest customers just because of dirt
and germs. Our spices are cleanly processed, packed and well preserved so that
the users or consumers of our products are safe every time they use it.
When cooking global dishes, you may run into different kinds of spices, and
we all know that the secret of every flavorful foods are in the spices that has
been used or added. Lots of countries are fan of using spices, this means that
there is also a higher demand for the supply of spices which trigger me to put up
this business. Lot of people crave and are willing to pay even a teary eyed
amount of money just to taste something new. And this makes me awaken that
aside from I can earn higher profit, I can also explore the world of ingredients.
Dee Exotic Spices will offer spices that are widely known and used around the
I, Decery Bardenas is the CEO of my very exotic spices business. The main
location of our business will be in Kerala, India. Kerala is the safest place in India
and also known as the spice capital in the said country. India is known as the
largest producer, consumer, and exporter of spices so it will be the best place to
put up a business like exotic spices. And I will have some several branches here
in the Philippines specifically in Manila where lot of restaurants serve spicy
As we go along, I would like to find out the solution in problems that my
business will face off. This study intends to find out different questions.
Specifically, this study would like to answer the following problems;
1. How can my company cope up with the banning of some spices in a certain
2. What are we going to do in certain country where some varieties of spice
can’t grow?
3. What are we going to do for us to maintain the production of seasonal spices?
Dee Exotic Spices offers a wide variety of spices wherein some are quite well
known and some are not. Company will offer spices as long as it can be used in
any different ways. This study will help me to cope up with different conflicts
that may affect the entire flow of my business around the globe.
I want this company to as successful as how successful those famous company
are. If other can be successful then I also want my company to be successful as
they are. I want this company to be known in every part of the world as the best
company who offers the best products at a most affordable price.
Dee Exotic Spices will be the leading name in the field of spice businesses.
I want this study to achieve a great contribution to all business owners in coping
up and dealing with some certain problem that they are about to face especially
when they are in the business field.
This case study will give idea to everyone on what problem will about to face
them when they enter the business world.
The objective of this study is to;
 Give idea to business owners and future business owners.
 Give idea on what problems might face ones business and how to cope up or
manage them.
 Serve as reference
1. Quality of products
1. Lack of ingredients
2. Variety of spices
2. Seasonal spices
3. Price of products
3. Seasonal shortage
4. Production
5. Land to cultivate
6. Company name
7. Customer service
8. Convenience
1. Demand for spices
1. Competitors
2. Partnership with local
2. Blockaded entry barrier
3. Failures of competitors
3. Local business
4. Substitutes
1. Quality of products
Dee Exotic Spices offers high quality products in which we consider it as
the best edge against our competitors. Dee Exotic Spices products are made up
from high quality primary source that is why it is produced with high quality
compare to other brands and products. High quality product is something that
our company can be proud of.
2. Variety of spices
Dee Exotic Spices has a large variety of spices offered to our dearest
customers. This is to satisfy their needs in using different variety of spices in
making pastries, cooking, and in anything that they want to use spices.
Everything they need and every variety they are finding can be found and buy in
Dee Exotic Spices.
3. Price of products
Aside from high quality products, Dee Exotic Spices is also known for its
very affordable price. Compare to our competitors, we offer high quality
products at a lowest price in which it is very convenient to all our dearest
customers. They can buy a lot of spices since all our products are very affordable
and budget friendly.
4. Production
Production of spices are fast and unending. It is very important that ones
business is fast in producing their high quality products in order for it to provide
the needs of spice of every customers all the time. That is one of our company
strength wherein Dee Exotic Spices harvest and produce spices faster so the all
the customer’s need will be catered.
5. Land to cultivate
Dee Exotic Spices owns a land wherein we cultivate our products and
ingredients to ensure its freshness. That is also the reason why we can offer our
products at a lower price for we spend less in production cost. It is very
convenient to own a land to cultivate and harvest spices because right from the
very start we already ensure the freshness and we preserved how organic it is
right after its harvest time.
6. High profile
Dee Exotic Spices is a well known company name since it is not common
and its product makes its name louder in the business industry. When we say
Dee Exotic Spices other would think about its high quality products and
affordable cost. Dee Exotic Spices is well known for it is the only business
company that don’t disappoint their customers, it is also known for it owns
several branches located in different part of the world.
7. Customer service
Dee Exotic Spices always put customers first before profit. The company
ensure that all customers are satisfied and that is also the reason why we owe
lot of loyal customers. Customer service is highly valued for us to earn their trust
and loyalty, and luckily through the use of some strategy we already acquired it.
8. Convenience
Dee Exotic Spices is very convenient in all aspect. We offer high quality
products at a very affordable price, and we always choose what’s the best for
every customer. We also make it more convenient to all our customers by
making and providing the easiest way to manage their purchases.
1. Lack of ingredients
There is always a time that not all ingredients are not available due to
some instances. It’s either we are lacking some ingredients or item to due large
sales or because of shortage. We always find a way to manage this because it will
be inconvenient to both us and customers.
2. Seasonal spices
Seasonal spices grow only on their preferred season and it is very hard to
reproduce them if its out or not their season. Seasonal spices can result shortage
unless we have lot of stocks of the said variety. This is one of the problem that
most spice business encounter and consider it as a business weakness.
3. Seasonal shortage
Due to seasonal spices that grow only on specific season, seasonal
shortage will be the result. Having seasonal shortage can affect the business of
Dee Exotic Spices because if we are out of stock it will be inconvenient for both
company and customers. Seasonal shortage is one of its weakness since it can
not produce a specific variety during that season and there will be nothing to sell
if it’s out of stock.
1. Demand for spices
Higher demand of spices around the globe means a lot of opportunity to
make business and gain profit. The higher the demand of the spices the higher
the profit that will enter to the company’s account. Lot of countries especially
those who are fan of using spices has a higher demand and it is a great
opportunity to make business within their country.
2. Partnership with local
Partnership with local is also a great opportunity for Dee Exotic Spices to
make business. Having a partnership with a local business that is well known will
be a great help in making business and in earning a profit. Partnering with local
business will also be an opportunity to help Dee Exotic Spices especially in
dealing with the locals.
3. Failures of competitors
It will be a good opportunity to Dee Exotic Spices when its competitors did
a failure. This will be a great opportunity to attract customers and gain their trust
and loyalty. Giving them the service where competitors failed at will surely bring
a higher number of customers. And for Dee Exotic Spices, the failure of others
will be an opportunity to make business.
1. Competitors
In many aspects and in any fields, competitors are always the threats.
Competitors can steal the customers that is the source of income of every
business that is why they are considered as the number one threat. Competitors
can also make someones business bag down. Dee Exotic Spices consider
competitors as the biggest threats for it can negatively affect our business.
2. Blockaded entry barrier
This are barriers that are too hard for business to enter. Business can
barely enter due to strictness, and it is very hard for Dee Exotic Spices to deal
with this kind of barriers.
3. Local businesses
For Dee Exotic Spices, local business are threats for it is hard to compete
with. The local sometimes prefer what they know and buy where they are used
to. Local business earn lot of customers for they are already known within that
locality. It is hard for the locals to let go where they are used to and barely try
the new ones or the foreign ones.
4. Substitutes
Substitutes can also negatively affect Dee Exotic Spices. Instead of using
original ingredients other prefer to use some substitution for them to spend less
and to save money.
1. In terms of spice banning from other countries, we will know first what are
those spices that the certain country consider as an illegal. We will then stop
importing and selling that specific spice within their country and focus only on
the spice that is highly demanded in their place. We will also implement the
policy of banning a variety in which their local residents believes its illegal to use.
2. In the country where some varieties of spices can’t grow, we will just do the
import and export. We will export from the country where we have a lot of
production and import it to the country where it can’t grow. We will grow
enough variety of seasonal spices so that there will be enough stock even if we
export large numbers of spices to different branches located in different
3. In the case of seasonal spices, we will grow lot and lot of numbers of the said
variety so that at the end of its season there will be an enough supply to use
until its growing season come again. We will also implement the no waste of
spices policy for it can prevent spice shortage if we stored enough numbers on
its non seasonal grow
area Business will successfully
where business will be operate.
put up.
under To sustain the smooth
still flow of the business.
finding out a way to
improve more.
world will be put up.
the All
successfully operate.
All business are under Maintain and sustain the
entire business.
This study makes me realized a lot of things, but above all, the most important
thing that I have learned is that whatever problems will came up there’s always
an alternative solution. It makes me realize that making a case study is a little bit
hard and of course it takes time to complete. Lot of sleepless nights and lot of
effort has been exerted just to finish this study. It also require me to brainstorm
my all my ideas. But after I completed this study I feel relief knowing that some
of the problems that I may face someday, I have already an alternative solution
to solve it. Though it takes time to make and finish this study, it gives me a
different level of satisfaction since I made it myself and I used all my ideas in
making this study.
Through this case study, I realized that if I exerted efforts, I would definitely
find satisfaction after it is done or finished. It is just I am very happy that I made
it myself and knowing that others can also benefit from it.
About my company, I realized that even how perfect it is the way I look at it, it
was not far to encounter problems and conflicts that can give a huge impact
both to my company and its operation. And I hope that through this case study,
both my company and its entire operation can surpass all those hindrances. I am
looking forward to a smooth flow of business operation since I already know the
possible conflicts and how to handle it.
I also realize that using different strategy and policy will be a great help in
solving a business problem. Proper planning and a lot of efforts will do if I want
my business to be as successful as I want. A businesses are like human beings
wherein they also need attention and care for them to grow and operate well.
This case study is about problems or issues that a business might encounter in
the long run. This study includes on how to cope up and manage those problems
in case it came up. This study was made not just for the benefits of myself but for
the benefits of everyone.
As to the proponents of this study, may this case study help and serve as your
guide in doing your own study. And may you found this work informative or full
of information that might be helpful to you and to others. You can also use this
study as a reference or and RRL.
As to those who also want to make a case study, take your time researching
and learning new things. You must include all necessary information that is
related to your specific chosen topic. Case study requires time to finished yet it is
very fulfilling when it’s done. Then choose a topic or a company that is not too
wide so that it won’t be hard for you to make a case study.
Companies or businesses are like human beings, they are not perfect and they
are also prone to problems. But every problem has its own solution, you only
need to find and and work on it. Find the main cause of a problem and fixed it
immediately so it won’t get worst and worst.