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Graphic Organizers: Types & Uses

Graphic Organizers that show relationships:
1. Problem-Solution: This type of Graphic Organizer
is used to help students identify the problem and
come up with possible solutions. It illustrates the
problem-solving process.
2. Fishbone: Analyzing the ways in which different
aspects of a problem or issue are related. Can be
used to organize the main topics to subtopics, or to
analyze the causes of something.
Graphic Organizers that organize information:
into Categories
1. Concept Maps: Used to brainstorm concepts and
identify how they relate to each other with the use
of labeled cells/bubbles.
2. Idea Web: his type of graphic organizer is used
primarily for brainstorming and generating ideas for
planning or writing purposes.
Graphic Organizers that compare and
1. Venn Diagram: To identify the differences and
similarities between two or three ideas/concepts. It
consists two or three overlapping circles.
2. T-Charts: To list the pros and the cons of an
Graphic Organizers that show sequence,
order or the development
1. Flow Chart: Visual display of the sequence of a
list of ideas. Various symbols can be used to
illustrate things such as direction of the flow or
central points.
2. Chain: It depicts a chain of events, timeline.
3. Story Map: presents the elements of a book or
story. By identifying story characters, plot, setting,
problem and solution, students read carefully to
learn the details. There are many different types of
story map graphic organizers.
4. Cycle: Used to indicate how concepts relate to
each other when there is no beginning or end.
Graphic organizers come in many
different forms, each one best
suited to organizing a particular
type of information. The following
examples are merely a sampling
of the different types and uses of
graphic organizers.
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