See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Principles of Solidiļ¬cation Article in Materials Today · October 2011 DOI: 10.1016/S1369-7021(11)70218-8 CITATIONS READS 4 5,485 1 author: Laurens Katgerman Delft University of Technology 287 PUBLICATIONS 6,475 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Spray forming View project DC Casting Aluminium Alloys View project All content following this page was uploaded by Laurens Katgerman on 27 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. BOOKS & MEDIA Principles of Solidification A comprehensive description of the liquid-solid transformation in casting, welding, and crystal growth processes; with topics including the liquid state, liquid-solid crystallization, solid-liquid interfaces, and rapid solidification, supported by detailed mathematical examples. Laurens Katgerman | Casting and solidification are most often used for making complex shapes that would be difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods, and remain among the most important commercial processes for many materials. Glickman, discussed here, follows the approach and logical structure of Chalmers original Principles of Solidification. The modern science of solidification started in the 1940s, when engineers and scientists began to use analytical mathematical models to describe solidification phenomena. The development of the criterion for constitutional supercooling by Chalmers and co-workers was a major step forward in our understanding of the instability of the solid-liquid interface and the evolution of as-cast microstructures. Based on the results of Chalmers early research, the first comprehensive textbook/ monograph with the original title of Principles of Solidification was published in 1964. Research on heat and solute transport during solidification continued over the following years, providing solidification science with a firm base. This resulted in subsequent textbooks: Solidification Processing by Flemings in 1974, and 10 years later, Kurz & Fisher’s book Fundamentals of Solidification, in which the equations of heat and solute transport including the inherent length scales were applied in a comprehensive way to describe microstructural developments during solidification. In Part I, crystals and melts, thermodynamics, thermal concepts in solidification, and the solidification of pure metals are described. Part II, Macrosegregation, covers solute mass balances, plane-front solidification, and compositional control and Part III, Solid-Liquid Interfaces, follows with crystal-melt interfaces, constitutional supercooling, linear morphological stability, nonlinear stability models, and nucleation analysis. In the 80s, the modeling of solidification and crystal growth processes really took off when powerful computers became available. Computational models on the (different) length scales of casting and solidification were successfully developed in parallel with the rapid improvement of algorithms for different numerical approaches, such as finite element, finite volume, and phase field methods. and Crystal Growth Concepts Although there have been a few dedicated books and conference proceedings published since the appearance of Flemings’ and Kurz & Fisher’s books, it is only recently that two new textbooks with a comprehensive presentation of the fundamentals, models, and computational approaches based on the results of solidification research up to the present day have been published: Dantzig & Rappaz’s Solidification (2009) and Glicksman’s Fundamentals of Solidification (2011). While the textbook by Dantzig & Rappaz more or less follows the approach by Kurz & Fisher, the book by Glicksman’s textbook is divided into five parts: Introductory Aspects, Macrosegregation, Solid-liquid interfaces, Microstructure Evolution, and Appendices. Part IV, Microstructural Evolution, covers dendritic growth, microsegregation, interface structure and growth kinetics, polyphase solidification, and rapid solidification processing and in Part V some selected topics are described in detail. The topic of this book is timely and the author is an acknowledged expert in the field who has made major research contributions. Martin Eden Glicksman Principles of Solidification: An Introduction to Modern Casting Springer • 2011 • 530 pp ISBN: 978-1-4419-7343-6 €79.95 Students and researchers in materials, metallurgy, chemistry, and mechanical engineering will find this to be a useful source on the subjects of solidification and crystal growth. Extensive figures, tables, and references enable readers to easily understand the content with minimal difficulty. Unfortunately the book has no worked examples and problems to help students to practice what they have learned. In summary, this book comprehensively covers the liquid-solid transformation in casting, welding, and crystal growth processes and will give students and scientists a firmer grasp of the field of solidification science. This book will no doubt prove to be useful as a reference book for graduate level materials, metallurgical, chemical, and mechanical engineering researchers. OCTOBER 2011 | VOLUME 14 | NUMBER 10 502 View publication stats Polymer-carbon nanotube composites: Preparation, properties and applications T McNally and P Pötschke (Eds) Woodhead Publishing • 2011 • 848 pp ISBN: 978-1-84569-761-7 £180.00/$305.00 While still relatively new materials, polymercarbon nanotube composites are becoming increasingly important, thanks to the range of applications that they may be used in. This contributed work covers all aspects of polymer-CNT composites, from their preparation and characterization, through to their use in a variety of systems. Produced by leading researchers in the field, the text will likely provide a useful reference to researchers working in this expanding area. Optics of Nanomaterials Vladimir Gavrilenko Pan Stanford Publishing • 2010 • 329 pp ISBN: 978-9-81424-109-0 £89.00/$139.95 Optics of Nanomaterials covers the optical properties of a range of nanomaterials and nanostructures in an introductory manner. With a strong emphasis on physics, the text covers the basic quantum mechanics of low-dimensional systems before moving on to examine specific examples, such as quantum dots and biological nanomaterials. Introduction to Dislocations D. Hull and D. J. Bacon Butterworth Heinemann • 2011 • 288 pp ISBN: 978-0-08-096672-4 $66.95 Crystal dislocations can play critical roles in the mechanical and electronic properties of materials, and so an understanding of these common defects is critical when considering the applications of metals, ceramics and semiconductors. After first being published in 1965, Introduction to Dislocations has become a well respected resource for students and experts alike. This latest edition builds on this solid foundation, but also takes advantage of the latest findings, providing a clear explanation of the behavior and effects of dislocations. Expert Graduate Undergraduate