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Hematopoiesis Peripheral Organs Methodical Recommendation

Department of histology, cytology and embryology
for medical faculty
Topic: «Peripheral organs of hematopoiesis.»
Approved on the methodical meeting of department
«11» June 2020, protocol № 20
Head of Department, Associate Professor ____ Tiron O.I.
The spleen. The construction and functions: stroma and parenchyma, white and red pulp. T- and Bzones of the white pulp. The particularities of blood supply. The structure and function of the spleen venous
sinuses . The possibilities of the spleen regeneration.
The lymphatic nodes. The construction and functions: stroma and parenchyma, cortex and medulla.
T- and B-zones. Paracortical zone. The system sinuses. Histophysiology of the lymphatic nodes.
Hemolymphatic nodes. The particularities of the construction and importance.
United immune system of mucousa: lymphatic nodules in wall of the respiratory ways, alimentary
canal and other organs.
Control questions.
1. Cortex of lymph node. Structure, functional meaning.
2. Paracortical zone of lymph node. Structure, functional meaning.
3. Medulla of lymph node. Structure, functional meaning.
4. Sinuses of lymph node. Structure, functional meaning.
5. White pulp of spleen. Structure, functional meaning.
6. Red pulp of spleen. Structure, functional meaning.
7. Blood supply of spleen.
Questions for IWS
1. General characteristic of peripheral hemopoietic organs and immune protection.
2. Sources of lymph nodes development.
3. General plkan of lymph node constitution.
4. General plkan of spleen constitution.
5. Sources of spleen development.
6. Palatinae tonsil. Structure, functional meaning.
7. Hemolymphatic nodes. Structure, function, localization.
8. Age changes and regeneration of central organs hemopoiesis.
Histological preparations.
1. Spleen. St.: H.& E.
2. Lymph node. St.: H.& E.
3. Palatinae tonsil. H.& E.
Electron microphotographs.
1. Dendtitic cell and lymphocytes of lymph nbode.
1. Bobrysheva I. V. Histology, cytology, embryology / I. V. Bobrysheva, S. A. Kashchenko. – Lugansk. :
“Knoledge”, 2011. – 437 p..
2. Arnautova L.V. Histology f course of lectures / L. V. Arnautova, O. A. Ulyantseva. – Odessa. : The
Odessa National Medical University, 2011. – 216 p.
3. Ross, Michael H. Histology: a text and atlas. – 5th ed. Philadelphia, 2011.
4. Inderbir Singh. Textbook of human histology (with colour atlas). – 4th ed. New Delhi.2000.
5. T.W. Sadler. Medical embryology. – 7th ed. Baltimore,1995.
6.V. Eroshenko. Atlas of histology. – 7th ed. Philadelphia. 1993.
7. Larry r. Cochard. Netter’s Atlas of human embryology., New Jersy. 2000
1. The patient who has gone in
hematological department, complained of a pain in
a liver and spleen, increased temperature, giddiness.
The hemolytic anemia is diagnosed and the removal
spleen - splenectomy is recommended. The
excluding of which spleen functions will result in
improvement of a patient state?
А. Synthesis of substances suppressing
В. Storage of blood in venous sine
С. Elimination of damaged and obsolescent
D. Protective reaction from endogenous antigens
Е. Аg-dependent differentiation and proliferation
of lymphocytes
2. In histological specimen of an
experimental animal lymph node after antigen
stimulation in medullary cords the plenty of cells
with the following morphological attributes is
excentrically located nucleus with spoke wheelfigured chromatin. Electron microscopy shoun
plenty of rough endoplasmic reticulum network and
developed Golgi complex. What are cells?
А. Plasma cells
В. Macrophages
С. Fibroblasts
D. Adipocytes
E. Must cells
3. In biopsy material of lymph node the
centers increased plasma cells genesis found out in
medullary cords. Аg-dependent stimulation of
which immunocompetent cells has caused their
А. B-lymphocytes
В. Т-lymphocytes
С. Macrophages
D. Dendritic cells
Е. Interdigitating cells
4. An examination has revealed activization
of immune reactions in a patient organism
following by spleen enlargement. In which
structures of the given organ does Аg-dependent
differentiation of Т-lymphocytes occur?
А. Periarterial zone of white pulp
В. Central zone of white pulp
С. Mantle zone of white pulp
D. Marginal zone of white pulp
Е. Red pulp
5. In histological specimen the section of
bean-shaped organ is represented. Its peripheral
portion is intensively basophilic and contains
nodules of the lymphatic tissue with diameter 0,5-1
mm. Central portion is light? Lymphoid tissue
forms it cords. Which organ is represented in a
А. Lymph node
В. Kidney
С. Thymus
D. Adrenal gland
Е. Spleen
6. In histological specimen of an organ the
stroma is represented by reticular tissue,
erythrocytes and platelets are situated not only
within blood vessels, but outside in the stroma.
Which organ is represented in a specimen?
А. Spleen
В. Lymph node
С. Palatine tonsil
D. Red bone marrow
Е. Thymus
7. A thymectomy at newborn animal results
in formation of expressed morphological changes of
peripheral lymphoide organs. Which zones of
spleen most clearly react to the given operation?
А. Periarterial
В. Mantle
С. Germinal center
D. Marginal
Е. Pulpar cords
8. A thymectomy at newborn animal results
in formation of expressed morphological changes of
peripheral lymphoide organs. Which zones of
lymph nodes most clearly react to the given
B. Paracortical
C. Medullary
D. Portal
Е. Area of sines
9. An inflammatory process in organism
activates the protective function of spleen. How this
condition will be reflected on white pulp?
А. The area of white pulp increases
В. The area of white pulp decreases
С. The diameter central artery increases
D. Marginal zone is increases
Е. There are no changes
10. To an animal twice, through the certain
interval of time injected the same antigen. Thus
secondary immune response developed much faster
and was more intensive. Which cells provide such
fast responce?
А. Т- and B- memory cells and immunoblasts
В. Plasma cell
С. Cells of germinalcenter
D. Reticular-like dendritic cells
Е. Memory cell of B- type
11. Lymph nodes are interposed in the
pathway of the lymphatic vessels and are supplied
with special structural elements for lymph passing
through node - the sinuses. Topographically
distinguish some kinds of sinuses. Were the cortical
sinus is situated?
A. Between capsule and follicles
B. Between follicles and trabeculae
C. Between follicles and paracortical zone
D. Between trabeculae and medullary cords
Е. At the hilum of node
12. Lymph nodes are interposed in the
pathway of the lymphatic vessels and are supplied
with special structural elements for lymph passing
through node the sinuses. Topographically
distinguish some kinds of sinuses. Were the
intermediate cortical sinus is situated?
A. Between capsule and follicles
B. Between follicles and trabeculae
C. Between follicles and paracortical zone
D. Between trabeculae and medullary cords
Е. At the hilum of node
13. Lymph nodes are interposed in the
pathway of the lymphatic vessels and are supplied
with special structural elements for lymph passing
through node - the sinuses. Topographically
distinguish some kinds of sinuses. Were the
intermediate medullary sinus is situated?
A. Between capsule and follicles
B. Between follicles and trabeculae
C. Between follicles and paracortical zone
D. Between trabeculae and medullary cords
Е. At the hilum of node
14. Lymph nodes are interposed in the
pathway of the lymphatic vessels and are supplied
with special structural elements for lymph passing
through node the sinuses. Topographically
distinguish some kinds of sinuses. Were the gate
sinus is situated?
A. Between capsule and follicles
B. Between follicles and trabeculae
C. Between follicles and paracortical zone
D. Between trabeculae and medullary cords
Е. At the hilum of node
15. Lymph nodes are interposed in the
pathway of the lymphatic vessels and are supplied
with special structural elements for lymph passing
through node the sinuses. Topographically
distinguish some kinds of sinuses. Were the
perinodullar sinus is situated?
A. Between capsule and follicles
B. Between follicles and trabeculae
C. Between follicles and paracortical zone
D. Between trabeculae and medullary cords
Е. At the hilum of node
16. For confirmation of the lymphoma
diagnosis the punctate of lymph node is
investigated. Which cells in norm can not be found
out in given histological specimen?
А. Lymphocytes
В. Prolymphocytes
С. Lymphoblasts
D. Plasma cells
Е. Megacariocytes
17. Immune system provides the defense of
organism from plenty pathogenous factors. What is
not characteristic for peripheral immune system
А. Т- and B- zones
В. Ag-representing cells
С. Plenty macrophages
D. Plenty granulocytes
Е. Capillaries of a sinusoid type
18. Spleen is the important hemopoietic
organ, which provides blood formed elements
replenishment and immune homeostasis. Which
function is not peculiar for this organ?
А. Storage of blood
В. Lymphocytopoiesis
С. Thrombocytopoiesis
D. Elimination of damaged and obsolescent
Е. Elimination of damaged and obsolescent
22. Lymphatic tissue in human organism is
richly represented due to the very important
function of immunogenesis. The formation of
lymphatic nodules is characteristic of it. Name the
organ, in which lymphatic tissue forms Peyer’s
А. Red bone marrow
В. Thymus
С. Spleen
D. Lymph node
Е. Mucous layer of intestine
19. An examination revealed the deficiency
of humoral immunity at the 38–year-old patient
suffering by often infectious diseases. The decrease
of antibodys production can be caused by
infringement of process of plasma cells genesis,
which occurs mainly in the certain zone of lymph
nodes. Specify this zone:
А. Lymphoid follicles
В. Medullary cords
С. Paracortical
D. Reticular tissue of sinuses
Е. Trabeculae
23. Lymphatic tissue in human organism is
richly represented due to the very important
function of immunogenesis. The formation of
lymphatic nodules is characteristic of it. Name the
organ, in which lymphatic nodules are absent.
А. Palatine tonsil
В. Thymus
С. Spleen
D. Lymph node
Е. Mucous layer of intestine
20. An examination revealed the deficiency
of humoral immunity at the 38–year-old patient
suffering by often infectious diseases. The decrease
of antibodys production can be caused by
infringement of process of plasma cells genesis,
which occurs mainly in the certain zone of spleen.
Specify this zone.
А. Periarterial
В. Pulpar cords
С. Central
D. Mantle
Е. Marginal
21. Lymphatic tissue in human organism is
richly represented due to the very important
function of immunogenesis. The formation of
different in shape accumulations is characteristic of
it. Name the organ, in which lymphatic tissue forms
periarterial sheaths.
А. Red bone marrow
В. Thymus
С. Spleen
D. Lymph node
Е. Mucous layer of intestine
24. It is known that monocyte is the unique
kind of the blood formed element which has not
reached final maturity, but circulating in peripheral
blood. Specify a place of it differentiation in
А. White pulp of spleen
В. Red pulp of spleen
С. Cortical zone of lymph node
D. Medullary zone of lymph node
Е. Thymus
25. To the patient, received the major
burning injury, the grafting of a skin from the donor
was made. However, transplant a bit later has
undergone graft-versus-host reaction. Specify a
place of primary Аg-independent maturing of
lymphocytes, responsible for antitransplantation
А. Cortical substance of thymus
В. Medullary substance of thymus
С. Cortical zone of lymph node
D. Paracortical zone of lymph node
Е. Pulpar cords of spleen
26. To the patient, received the major
burning injury, the grafting of a skin from the donor
was made. However, transplant a bit later has
undergone graft-versus-host reaction. Specify a
place of primary Аg-dependent maturing of
lymphocytes, responsible for antitransplantation
А. Cortical substance of thymus
В. Medullary substance of thymus
С. Cortical zone of lymph node
D. Paracortical zone of lymph node
Е. Pulpar cords of spleen
27. An involution of the lymph nodes is
observing in senile age. Which morphological
features are not characteristic of lymph nodes in this
А. Thickening of capsule
В. Increase of trabeculae number
С. Easing of macrophages phagocytotic activity
D. Increase of adipous cells amount
Е. Increase of follicles amount
28. For the lymphatic tissue of human
organism the plenty macrophages is characteristic,
distinguishable by a variety of form, functions and
specificity for the certain zones. Specify
localization so-called "coastal macrophages ":
А. Surface of lymph node follicle
В. Surface of white pulp of spleen
С. Germinal center of lymph nodulles
D. Subcapsular zone of thymus
Е. Surface of pulpar cords of spleen
29. During Аg-dependent differentiation of
lymphocytes in peripheral immune organs the
significant role is played by Ag-presenting cells of a
macrophages nature. Specify primary localization of
dendritic cells.
А. Mantle zone of white pulp of spleen
В. Marginal zone of white pulp of spleen
С. Medullary substance of thymus
D. Paracortical zone of lymph node
Е. Cortical zone of lymph node
30. During Аg-dependent differentiation of
lymphocytes in peripheral immune organs the
significant role is played by Ag-presenting cells of a
macrophages nature. Specify primary localization of
interdigitating cells.
А. Mantle zone of white pulp of spleen
В. Marginal zone of white pulp of spleen
С. Medullary substance of thymus
D. Paracortical zone of lymph node
Е. Cortical zone of lymph node
*31. In a histological specimen an organ
parehhyma is represented by lymphoid tissue which
forms lymph nodules. These nodules are diffusely
arranged and have a central artery. What organ has
such structure?
A. Thymus.
B. Tonsil.
C. Lymph node.
D. Spleen.
E. Red bone marrow.
*32. Responding to the same antigen on
reccuring exposure specific antibodies are produced
by lymphatic system cells. With the function of
what cells is this phenomenon connected?
A. B-memory cells.
B. T-killers.
C. T-supressors.
D. Macrophages.
E. Dendritic cells.
*33.In a microscopic specimen is a beanshaped organ which has cortical and medullar
substance. Cortical substance is represented by
separate spherical nodules 0,5 – 1 mm in diameter,
medullar substance – by medullary cords. What
organ is this?
A. Thymus.
B. Kidney.
C. Lymph node.
D. Adrenal gland.
E. Spleen.
*34. In a specimen of lymph node histological
section the enlargement of its paracortical zone is
observed. The proliferation of which lymph node
cells causes this process?
A. Macrophages.
B. Waterside macrophages.
C. Plasma cells.
D. T-lymphocytes.
E. Reticulocytes.
*35. In a microscopic specimen spherical
structures of lymphocytes are detected. In the
middle of the structures there is a central artery.
Name this organ.
A. Spleen.
B. Kidney.
C. Thymus.
D. Bone marrow.
E. Lymph node.
*36. A student has two histological
specimens; both contain organs with lymph
nodules. In the first specimen follicles contain
eccentrically located artery, in the second one there
are follicles without arteries. What organs are these?
A. The first – red bone marrow, the second –
B. The first – spleen, the second – lymph node.
C. The first – thymus, the second – spleen.
D. The first – liver, the second – lymph node.
E. The first – liver, the second – spleen.
*37. A plasma cell produces specific
antibodies to a certain antigen. Due to what blood
cells does the quantity of plasma cells increase
during immune response?
A. T-lymphocytes.
B. B-lymphocytes.
C. Monocytes.
D. Basophils.
E. Eosinophils.
*38. In a ciurse of an experiment a vital
coloring agent was introduced into a lymph node
afferent vessels of an animal. In what cells of the
lymph node will it be possible to detect it?
A. Typical and waterside macrophages.
B. Reticular endotheliocytes.
C. B-lymphocytes.
D. Plasma cells.
E. T-lymphocytes.
*39. In lymph node boipsy material in
medullary cords the focus of increased
plasmocytogenesis is detected. Antigen-dependent
stimulation of what cells caused the formation of
this center?
A. B-lymphocytes.
B. T-lymphocytes.
C. Macrophages.
D. Dendritic cells.
E. Interdigitative cells.
*40. In a palatine tonsil histological
specimen crypts are detected. Their epithelium is
infiltrated by leukocytes. What epithelium is a part
of this structure?
A. Stratified cuboidal.
B. Simple columnar.
C. Stratified squamous non-keratinized.
D. Stratified squamous keratinized.
E. Pseudostratified ciliated.
Main literature
1. Histology, cytology. embryology. / Ed. Units Lutsyk, Y.B. Tchaikovsky //
Pidruchnik.Vinnitsa "New book", - 2018. - 591 p.
2. Afanasyev Yu.I. Histology / Ed. Yu.I. Afanasyeva, N.A. Yurina // M .:
Medicine, -1983,1989,1999, 2012.
3. Bykov V.L. Cytology and general histology / V.L. Bykov // - St. Petersburg 1999.
4. Barinov EF Cytology and general embryology. / Ed. E.F.Barinova,
Yu.B. Tchaikovsky // Textbook. Kiev, VSV "Medicine", - 2010. - 216 p.
5. Volkov KS Ultrastructure of cells and tissues / K.S. Volkov, N. Pasechko //
Atlas. Ternopil. Ukrmedkniga, -1997.- 93 p.
6. Lutsik A. D. Human histology // A. D. Lutsik. Lutsik, A.I. Ivanova, K.S.
Kabak, Y.B. Tchaikovsky // Textbook. Kiev "Book-plus", - 2010. - 582 p.
7. Tchaikovsky Yu.B. Histology, cytology and embryology / Yu.B. Tchaikovsky,
L.M. Sokurenko // Atlas for students' independent work. Lutsk - 2006. - 152 p.
8. Histology / Ed. Yu.I. Afanasyeva, N.A. Yurinoi. M: Medicine, 1989, pp. 171186.
Аdditional literature
1. Laboratory studies in the course of histology, cytology and embryology / Under.
Ed. Yu.I. Afanasyeva. M: High school. 1990.
2. Napkhanyuk V.K., Servetsky K.L. Workshop on cytology, general histology
and embryology. Tutorial. Odessa, 1999.
3. Workshop on histology, cytology and embryology / Under. Ed. N.A. Yurinoi,
A.I. Radostinoi. M: Publishing house of UDN. 1989.
4. Almazov IV, Sutulov L.S. Atlas of Histology and Embryology. M .: Medicine,
5. Napkhanyuk V.K. Fundamentals of cytology, general histology and
embryology (course of lectures). Odessa. 1999.