The goals of teacher The Grammar Translation method Direct Method The Audio Lingual Method fundamental purpose of learning a language is to be able to read literature written in the target language. To do this, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language. intend that students learn how to communicate in the target language. In order to do this successfully, students should learn to think in the target language. Teachers want their students to be able to use the target language communicatively. the roles of the teacher The Grammar Translation method Direct Method The Audio Lingual Method The roles are very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. The students do as she says so they can learn what she knows. the teacher directs the class activities, the student role is less passive than in the Grammar-Translation Method. The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching–learning process. The teacher is like an orchestra leader, directing and controlling the language behaviour of her students. characteristics of the teaching The Grammar Translation method Direct Method The Audio Lingual Method Students study grammar deductively; that is, they are given the grammar rules and examples, are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to other examples. demonstrates its meaning through the use of realia, pictures, or pantomime; he never translates it into the students‘ native language. Students speak in the target language a great deal and communicate as if they were in real situations. In fact, the syllabus used in the Direct Method is based upon situations (such as geography, money). New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogues. The dialogues are learned through imitation and repetition. Drills (such as repetition, backward build-up, chain,) are conducted based upon the patterns present in the dialogue. Students‘ successful responses are positively reinforced. Reviewing the Techniques The Grammar Translation method Direct Method 1. Translation of a Literary Passage 2. Reading Comprehension Questions 3. Antonyms/Synonyms 4. Cognates 5. Deductive Application of Rules 6. Fill-in-the-blanks Exercise 7. Memorization 8. Composition 1. Reading Aloud 2. Question and Answer Exercise 3. Getting Students to Self-correct 4. Conversation Practice 5. Dictation The Audio Lingual Method 1. Dialogue Memorization 2. Backward Build-up (Expansion) Drill 3. Repetition Drill 4. Chain Drill 5. Single-slot Substitution. 6. Multiple-slot Substitution Drill 7. Transformation Drill 8. Question-and-answer Drill