PCMM People Capability Maturity Model 1 PCMM- Agenda 2 • What is PCMM • Structure of PCMM • Sample Process Area ML-2: Performance Management • P-CMM Assessment Process • Sample Process Area ML-3: Competency Development • ML-2 PAs, Goals and Practices • ML-3 PAs, Goals and Practices • Digital Tool (People Capability Maturity Model® (P-CMM®) is a Copyright 2001 by Carnegie Mellon University and the same is published for Unlimited distribution subject to the copyright) What is PCMM 3 Roadmap for implementing human resource practices that continually improve capability of an organization’s HR. 4 5 Structure of the People CMM 6 7 Total ML wise - Process Area, Goals and Practices ML PA Goal Com mit Ability Imp Meas Verify Total Practice ure ML-2 6 24 13 22 70 13 12 130 ML-3 7 28 16 36 77 16 16 161 ML-4 6 23 13 32 66 12 16 139 ML-5 3 12 6 16 34 6 7 69 Total 22 87 48 106 247 47 51 Practice Total - 499 8 One Sample Process Area Performance Management ML-2 Components of Process Area 1. Purpose 2. Description 3. Goals 4. Practices • • • • • Commitment to Perform Ability to Perform Practices Performed - Specific to Process Area Measurement and Analysis Verifying Implementation 9 Performance Management (PM) 10 (refer – page 179 of Model) The purpose of Performance Management is; - to establish objectives related to committed work against which unit and individual performance can be measured, - to discuss performance against these objectives and to continuously enhance performance. PM Description (refer – page 179 of Model) Performance Appraisal Commitment Quality Cost control Team work Efficiency Discipline 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 Overall rating 1 2 3 4 5 Focus Individual evaluation Ongoing discussion of work, Skills, processes, resources Focus Continuing improvement of work 11 What Does ‘Manage’ Mean? ‘Manage’ in the dictionary: Manage: V To be in overall control or charge, to deal with something or handle ‘Manage’ in the people Man .age – To accept stewardship of a resource; to develop; optimize the conditions affecting success. 12 PM Goals 13 (refer – page 180 of Model) 1. Unit and individual performance objectives related to committed work are documented. 2. The performance of committed work is regularly discussed to identify actions that can improve it. 3. Performance problems are managed. 4. Outstanding performances is recognized or rewarded. 5. Performance Management practices are institutionalized to ensure they are performed as managed processes. 14 PM Commitment to Perform – Practices (refer – page 181 of Model) Commitment 1 The organization establishes and maintains a documented policy for conducting its PM activities. Commitment 2 An organizational role(s) is assigned responsibility for assisting and advising units on PM activities. PM Ability to Perform – Practices 15 (refer – page 184 of Model) Ability 1 Within each unit, an individual(s) is assigned responsibility and authority for ensuring that PM activities are performed. Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for performing PM activities. Ability 3 Individuals conducting PM activities receive the preparation needed to perform their responsibilities. Ability 4 Individuals who participate in PM activities receive appropriate orientation in PM practices. 16 Performance Management Practices Performed (HR Practices) (refer – page 188 and 676 of Model) Practice to Goal Mapping PM Goal 1 - Objectives Goal 1 17 Unit and individual performance objectives related to committed work are documented PROBLEMS Confusing direction Subjective evaluation Outdated objectives SOLUTION Unit objectives Measurable objectives Periodic review PM - Objectives - Practices Practice 1 Measurable performance objectives based on committed work are established for each unit Unit objectives New sales Practice 2 The unit’s performance objectives are periodically reviewed as business conditions or work commitments change and if necessary they are revised Personal objectives Mile stones Quality Training Personal objectives Mile stones Defects Volume Personal objectives New sales 18 Practice 4 Performance objectives based on committed work are documented for each individual on a periodic or event driven basis. Practice 5 Performance objectives for each individual are reviewed on a periodic are event driven basis and if necessary revised. 19 PM Goal 2 – Work improvements Goal 2 The performance of committed work is regularly discussed to identify actions that can improve it. PROBLEMS SOLUTION Lack of credibility Focus on work, not individual traits Evaluation fever Improvement operation Inaccuracy Continual awareness 20 PM-Work Improvements- Practices (Discussion) Practice 6 Those responsible for performance management activities maintain ongoing communication about the performance of committed work with those whose performance they manage. Practice 7 Those responsible for managing the performance of others maintain an awareness of accomplishment against performance objectives for each of the individuals whose performance they manage. Matched to situation: Frequency? Method? Topics? Practice 8 Potential improvement in process, tools or resources, which could enhance an individual’s performance of committed work are identified and actions are taken to provide them. The goal of evaluation is improvement not rating 21 PM -Work Improvements-Practices (Management) Practice 3 Those accountable for the accomplishment of unit performance objectives track and manage unit performance. Practice 9 The accomplishment of individuals against their performance objectives are documented and discussed on a periodic or event driven basis according to a documented procedure. Personal objectives •Milestones •Costs •Quality •Training Feedback Procedures •1 on 1with Mgr •Poor evaluation •3600review •Expert panel •etc Unit objectives •Milestones •Sales •Budget •Quality •Customer •satisfaction Training & Development Compensation Topics •Accomplishments •Capabilities •Observations •Disagreements •Development needs •etc Performance Mgt .. Goal 3 22 PM Goal 3 - Problems Goal 3 Performance problems are managed PROBLEMS Avoidance Legal liability Fairness SOLUTION Management Opportunity Process PM – Problems-Practices (Management) 23 Practice 10 If performance problem occurs they are discussed with appropriate individual(s). Practice 11 Performance improvement plans are developed for resolving persistent performance. Problems according to a documented procedure. Performance Improvement plan Practice 12 Performance against a documented performance improvement plans is periodically evaluated, discussed and documented. •Problems •Actions •Expected results •Reviews •Criteria •Minimum changes •Consequence •alternatives 24 PM Goal 4 – Recognition Goal 4 Outstanding performances is recognized or rewarded. PROBLEMS SOLUTION Lack of appreciation Recognition and reward Delayed appreciation Separate from compensation Inconsistent application Guidelines PM – Recognition - Practices Practice 13 Guidelines for recognizing or rewarding outstanding Performance are developed and communicated. 25 Guidelines •Purposes •Eligibility •Types of recognition •Level of rewards •Consistency •Responsibilities •Process Sky is the limit Practice 14 Recognition or rewards are made on an appropriate basis as events occur that justify special attention. 26 PM Measurement and Analysis – Practices (refer – page 204 of Model) Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine the status and performance of PM activities. Measurement 2 Unit measures of PM activities are collected and maintained. PM Verifying Implementation– Practices 27 (refer – page 205 of Model) Verification 1 A responsible individual(s) verifies that the PM activities are conducted according to organization’s documented policies, practices, procedures, and, where appropriate, plans; and addresses noncompliance. Verification 2 Executive management periodically reviews the PM activities, status, and results; and resolves issues. ML-2 Managed - Process Area, Goals and Practices PA Goals Commit Ability Imp Practice Measure Verify Total STF 5 2 4 18 2 2 28 CC 4 3 3 11 2 2 21 WE 3 2 4 8 2 2 18 PM 5 2 4 14 2 2 24 TD 3 2 4 8 2 2 18 COMP 4 2 3 11 3 2 21 Total 24 13 22 70 13 12 Practice Total - 130 ML- 3 Defined - Process Area, Goals and Practices PA Goals CA 4 Comm Abili Imp Measu Verif Total it ty Practice re y 2 4 9 2 3 20 WP CD CRD CBP 4 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 5 11 8 8 14 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 22 21 21 25 WGD PC total 5 4 28 3 3 16 5 5 36 15 12 77 3 2 16 2 2 16 28 24 Practice Total - 161 Why Adopt People CMM ? Intellectual Assets 30 Why Adopt People CMM ? 31 Procedures and methods defining the relationship of tasks B A D C PROCESS People with skills, training, and motivation Tools and equipment Why Adopt People CMM ? Human Res Mgt •Process domain •Best practices •Goals & benefits Total Quality Mgt. Process & performance Quantitative management Continuous improvement Org. Change & Dev. Culture & maturity Assess & improve Change Management 32 33 Empowered Work Group Concepts Level 1 Management Coordination Level 2 Interpersonal Coordination Level 3 Process Coordination Level 4 Empowerment People CMM Assessment Phases 34 35 Preparing Phase P1-Identify assessment scope P2-Define Infrastructure Needed P3-Plan Assessment Tasks P4-Train Assessment Team P5-Arrange Assessment Logistics Surveying Phase 36 S1-Select Survey Sample S2-Prepare Survey Logistics S3-Administer and Score Survey S4-Analyze Survey Results 37 Assessing Phase A1-Organize Assessment Team A2-Analyze Survey Results A3-Review Documents A4-Interview Process Owners A5-Consolidate Process Owner’s Data 38 Assessing Phase A6-Perform follow-up Interviews A7-Interview managers A8-Consolidate Manager Data A9-Conduct Workforce Discussions A10-Consolidate Workforce Data 39 R1-Report Findings and rate maturity Reporting Phase R2-Prepare final findings & recommendations R3- Assessment Members Present final findings R4- Board Decision to next level R5-Roadmap for next level R6-Complete final assessment report R7- Roadmap with Report to Repository Undertake Gap Analysis of HR practices 45 The Gap Analysis is conducted by involving; 1) Process Owners (PO) 2) Managers (Mgr) implementing the HR practices in their respective areas 3) Indivuals (Emp) being one of the interested party to HR practices • Random Sampling Methodology shall be adopted in selecting samples. • Ratio of 1:5:11 = 17 (PO:Mgr:Emp) if only for ML 2. • Ratio of 1:4:8 = 13 (PO:Mgr:Emp) for ML 3 and above. • Minimum sample size for attribute data is 100. • The proposed sample size becomes for; ML 2 is 6*17 = 102 ML 3 is 13*13 = 169 ML 4 is 19*13 = 247 46 The Maturity Level shall be determined as per the mapping exercise. The following table is the basis for level determination ML PA *Goal **PR 2 6 24 130 3 7 28 161 4 6 23 139 5 3 12 69 Total 22 87 499 Remarks The Organization shall be declared as Maturity Level 2 Once these 24 goals are satisfied. If any one of the Goals are not satisfied the organization is declared as ML 1 The Organization shall be declared as Maturity Level 3 Once these 28+24 = 52 Goals are satisfied including ML 2 The Organization shall be declared as Maturity Level 4 Once these 23+28+24 = 75 Goals are satisfied including ML 3 and 2 The Organization shall be declared as Maturity Level 5 Once these all 87 Goals are satisfied including ML 4, 3 and 2 * is a must to satisfy ** is desirable to satisfy 47 Recommendation whether to go for up-gradation & suggesting timelines Determined ML Proposed Recommendation Initial (ML1) The Organization implement the Goals that are not satisfied in Maturity Level 2 The Organization implement the Goals that are not satisfied in Maturity Level 3 The Organization implement the Goals that are not satisfied in Maturity Level 4 Managed (ML 2) Defined (ML3) Predictable (ML4) The Organization implement the Goals that are not satisfied in Maturity Level 5 Optimizing (ML 5) Make Process Robust to ensure Stability and Consistency. Regular Measurement and Verification. Suggested Timelines 3 Months 6 Months (Cumulative 9) 12 Months (Cumulative 18 in case of ML 2 or 21 in case of ML 1) 6 Months (Cumulative 18 in case of ML 3 or 24 in case of ML 2 or 27 in case of ML 1) 48 Inform recommendations for addressing key findings. Recommendations for addressing key findings at; Process area wise Goals level Process area wise Implementation Practices Process area wise Institutionalization Practices Recommendations would include policies, procedures, practices, guidelines for Implementation and institutionalization of HR Practices. 49 One Sample Process Area Competency Development ML-3 purpose The purpose of Competency Development is to constantly enhance the capability of the workforce to perform their assigned tasks and responsibilities. Competency Development Concepts Workforce Competency Profile Sales Workforce Competency Profile Field Service Training And Development Workforce Competency Profile Software Engineer Knowledge Skills Process abilities Application domain procedural design Cobol & assembler numerical analysis machine architecture etc Competency Development Recruitment analysis System design Coding Debugging Documenting etc Integrated team design Change control Fagan Inspections Test procedures etc Unit Focus Workforce Competencies Organization Focus CD Goal 1 – Opportunities Goal 1 The organization provides opportunities for individuals to develop their capabilities in its workforce competencies PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS No growth Development opportunities One course fits all Graduated activities Lack of awareness Communication CD Goal 1 – Practices Practice 2 Practice 1 Competency development activities are based on the competency development plans within each workforce competency. Graduated training and development activities are established for developing capability in each of the organization’s workforce competencies. Practice 3 The organization makes available descriptions of workforce competencies and information about development opportunities related to them. CD Goal 2 – Initiative Goal 2 Individuals develop their knowledge skills and process abilities in the organization’s workforce competencies. PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS Paternalism Individual initiative Random development Competency based development Development guesswork Facilitation CD Goal 2 - Practices Practice 5 Individuals are actively involved in identifying and pursuing learning opportunities to enhance their capabilities in the organization’s workforce competencies. Practice 4 Competency based training and development activities are identified for each individual to support their development objectives Senior opportunities Software Engineering Courses: • Languages • Operating systems • Design methods Mentors Degree programs Certifications Guided self study CD Goal 3 – Experience Base Goal 2 The organization uses the capabilities of the workforce as resources for developing the workforce competencies of others. PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS No follow-up Mentors Informal network Competency community Organizational amnesia Shared learning CD Goal 3 – Practices Practice 6 Practice 7 Capable individuals within a competency community are used to mentor those with less capability in the competency. The organization supports communication among those comprising a competency community. Repository Practice 8 Competency based experience and information is captured and made available to those within a competency community. How to advice Lesson learned software STAFFING Level 2 - Managed 57 The purpose of Staffing is to establish a formal process by which; - committed work is matched to unit resources and - qualified individuals are recruited, selected, and transitioned into assignments. COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION The purpose of Communication and Coordination is to ensure; - timely communication across the organization and - that the people have the skills to share information and coordinate their activities efficiently. Level 2 - Managed 58 WORK ENVIRONMENT The purpose of Work Environment is to establish and maintain; - physical working conditions and - to provide resources that allow individuals and workgroups to perform their tasks efficiently without unnecessary distractions. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The purpose of Performance Management is to establish objectives related to committed work against which unit and individual performance can be measured, to discuss performance against these objectives and to continuously enhance performance. Level 2 - Managed TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Training and Development is to ensure that; - all individuals have the skills required to perform their assignments and - are provided relevant development opportunities. COMPENSATION Compensation is to provide all individuals with; -remuneration and benefits based on their contribution and values to the organization 59 Level 3 Defined COMPETENCY ANALYSIS 60 The purpose of Competency Analysis is; - to identify the knowledge, skills, and process abilities required to perform the organization's business activities so that they may be developed and used as a basis for workforce practices. WORKFORCE PLANNING The purpose of Workforce Planning is; - to co-ordinate workforce activities with current and future business needs at both the organizational and unit levels. Level 3 - Defined COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Competency Development is; - to constantly enhance the capability of the workforce to perform their assigned tasks and responsibilities. CAREER DEVELOPMENT Ensure that all individuals are; -motivated and are provided opportunities to develop new skills that enhance their ability to achieve career objectives 61 62 Level 3 - Defined COMPETENCY BASED PRACTICES The purpose of Competency based practices is to ensure; - that all workforce practices are based in part on developing the competencies of the workforce WORKGROUP DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Workgroup Development is; - to organize work around competency-based process abilities 63 Level 3 - Defined PARTICIPATORY CULTURE The purpose of Participatory Culture is; - to allow an organization to exploit the full capability of its workforce for making decisions that affect the performance business activities 64 ध यवाद Thank you chandra@maclead.com - 9810070169