2. Clean up your work area before you leave. 2. Be respectful. 3. SAVE all unfinished work to a cloud drive or jump drive. MARIELLE CELINE T. LUIS GRADE 7- PEACE MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING OF HAND TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT AND A HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT MAINTAINING HAND TOOLS, EQUIPMENTS AND PARAPHERNALIA 5. Use 1. Make it a habit to procedures. agents prescribed and follow cleaning 2. Wear loose clothing cleaning and remove watch and jewelry. clean the tools after 6. Tighten loose parts 3. of the gripping tools computer them with a dust free then apply lubricants performing service. rag and check any to reduce friction. use and storing before them. Wipe Turn off the before signs of damage. 2. Store tools properly. 7. Complicated tools 4. Cover sharp edges and equipment that inside is beyond repair the computer case with tape. must be brought to 3. Lubricate the moving of 5. Learn how to use a service center. parts to decrease the chance authorized fire extinguisher. rust developing. SAFETY GUIDELINES WHILE REPAIRING COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 4. Wear gloves, masks, and goggles cleaning tools. when 1. Keep working area 1. Keep working area clean. clean. MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT 1. No drinks foods and in the computer desk.