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German Exam Information: Dates, Requirements, Safety

Dear valued students,
We hope that all is well with you and your families.
The German Language Final Exams will start on the 26th of June 2021.
The exam seats are announced on the student’s portal.
Exam Locations and Assigned Exam Slot:
Check your exam schedule your students portal.
You have only one exam seat.
The exam with its both parts will take place on the computer. After you open
the exam link you might choose whether to start with the structure,
communicative situations, reading and listening part or the text writing and
dialogue part. You have for both exams all together 90 min. as indicated on
your exam schedule.
After you have logged in, the Supervisor will announce the exam start
and the exam end.
As the lab capacity and room capacity due to safety restrictions is tight, kindly
note that it will not possible to enter any other exam slot than the one
assigned to you on your portal.
Exam Type:
 computerized exam including writing, reading and listening parts.
 The duration of the whole exam is 90 min.
Exam requirements:
 Bring along your wired headphones for PC use (no ear
pods or earphone or Bluetooth or USB-C nor Lightning) for the listening
part. For safety and hygiene matters we shall not provide students with
headphones. So bring your own wired headphones to ensure your safety.
© German Centre
Safety and Precautionary measures:
Please note that the following safety measures will be implemented as
precautionary steps during the examination period. Your cooperation is essential
to ensure a safe environment for all involved.
Students must wear facemasks to enter the university and to enter the
lab. So kindly bring your facemasks. You will also need to bring gloves as
you will be using the computer and keyboard.
You will enter the lab only with your ID and your headphones. So kindly
leave your belongings (mobiles, bags etc. in your car or any other place)
You are encouraged to bring your own hand sanitizer.
Kindly follow the social distancing rules while on campus and while
entering the lab.
You are strongly advised to leave the campus as soon as you finish the
Additional time is required at the start of each exam for health
screening. Accordingly, you are requested to arrive at least 30 minutes
before start time of the exam.
All labs are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the start of each
exam session.
Invigilation staff will wear facemasks. Temperature screening will take
place before any member is allowed into the university.
Wishing you successful exams
Your German Centre Team
© German Centre