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Alcohol Use Disorder Patient Interview Results

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Focused Exam: Alcohol Use Disorder Results | Completed
Mental Health Concepts in Nursing - January 2022, nur3525-ku_pem_nur3525d1101102022
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Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 51 (98.0%)
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Education & Empathy
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Student Survey
Experts selected these topics as essential components
of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.
A combination of open and closed questions will yie
better patient data. The following details are facts o
patient's case.
Chief Complaint
Established chief complaint and reason for
Reports car accident
Reports injury
Reports passive suicidal ideation
History of Present Illness
Followed up on details of car accident
Reports loss of consciousness
Reports being unsure of how the accident
Reports wearing seatbelt
Reports being the driver - no other passengers in
Reports was told she would get a ticket for DUI
Followed up on alcohol use just prior to car
Reports drinking before accident
Reports being unsure of how many drinks - "at
least 5"
Reports was drinking with friends at a party
Reports left party to drive home because she wa
mad at her girlfriend and could not take any more
Asked about driving impaired
Reports knew she was driving under the influenc
but did not care
Reports have driven in past after drinking, but thi
time she did not care if she injured herself
Followed up on impaired driving - risk for self
Reports has had enough of life and did not care i
she got hurt/died
Reports had not thought about self harm before
Reports since accident, not sure what to think
about what she did
Asked about onset and duration of pain
Reports pain started immediately after accident
Reports accident was last night
Reports accident was at 10 pm
Asked about location of pain
Asked about aggravating factors of pain
Reports pain is in right wrist
Reports increased pain when bending or twisting
(R) wrist
Reports increased pain when trying to lift items,
even small ones such as a hairbrush
Asked about treatment and relieving factors of
Reports rest improves pain
Reports ibuprofen has significantly reduced pain
Reports wearing sling helps
Asked about characteristics of pain
Reports pain is aching
Denies sharp or shooting pain
Asked about severity of pain
Reports current pain level is 2/10
Reports pain without medication was 8/10
Past Medical History
Asked about existing health conditions
Asked about history of mental health
Reports no known health problems
Denies previous history of mental illness
Denies past depression
Reports feeling anxious over the past six months
has not sought treatment/counseling
Reports can not deal with stress of school and lif
in general
Reports that she does not care what happens to
her anymore (passive suicidal ideation)
Followed up on stress issues
Reports stress over parental relationships
Reports stress over school
Reports stress over grades
Followed up on self harm
Reports no active suicidal thoughts prior to
Denies past suicide attempts
Followed up on confusion about life/death
Reports feeling it may be better if she "does not
have to put up with the stress of life anymore"
Reports not caring that she put herself at risk for
injury/death by drinking and driving
Reports feeling like it would be better if she had
died in car accident
Followed up on passive suicidal ideation
Reports feels unsure of future
Reports tired of mother being so critical of her
Reports fear of failure and disappointing others
Reports low self esteem
Asked about allergies
Reports peanut allergy
Denies environmental allergies
Denies latex allergy
Asked about previous hospitalizations
Denies previous hospitalizations
Asked specifically about medication allergies
Denies medication allergies
Followed up on peanut allergy
Reports reaction is itchy mouth and throat
Reports avoiding peanuts
Home Medications
Asked about home medications
Reports occasional ibuprofen for menstrual
Reports taking oral contraceptive
Denies taking vitamins
Denies taking herbal supplements
Followed up on ibuprofen
Reports taking ibuprofen
Reports ibuprofen dosage: 200 mg
Reports ibuprofen number of pills: 2 at a time
Reports ibuprofen frequency: monthly, for
menstrual cramps
Denies ibuprofen side effects
Followed up on oral contraceptive
Reports taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
Reports Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo frequency: 1 pill per
Denies skipping pills
Reports taking pill in the morning
Denies Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo side effects
Family History
Asked about relevant family history
Reports mother has anxiety disorder
Reports father has no major medical issues
Reports maternal grandfather had a history of
Social History
Asked about education
Currently a college student
Is a junior
Reports being a good student
Reports majoring in physics
Asked about work
Denies having a job outside of school
Asked about family and support system
Describes relationship with parents as "decent"
Reports arguing with her mother more frequently
as of late
Reports mother is very judgemental and has high
Reports interacts minimally with mother and turns
to father for support
Reports has one sibling (brother) who lives out of
state - sees him on holidays
Reports feeling like she has few close friends at
Asked about living situation
Reports living in a dorm
Reports living with one roommate
Asked about exercise
Reports exercising 3 - 4 days a week
Prefers running
Occasionally goes to the gym to workout
Asked about diet
Reports typically skipping breakfast
Reports fruit or salad for typical lunch
Reports a small dinner, typically a sandwich
Asked about appetite
Reports loss of appetite
Asked about last menstrual period
Reports LMP was 2 weeks ago
Asked about sexual activity
Reports not currently sexually active
Reports last sexual activity was 3 months ago
Reports being single
Reports is on birth control pills and practices safe
Denies STDs, tested 3 months ago when getting
new prescription for birth control pills
Denies any past pregnancies or ABs
Asked about substance use
Reports alcohol use
Denies illicit drug use
Denies use of tobacco and nicotine products
Followed up about alcohol use
Reports frequent alcohol use
Reports drinking beer or wine coolers
Followed up on frequency of alcohol use
Reports drinking 3 - 4 nights a week
Reports drinking up to 5 drinks at a time
Reports usually drinks with others, may drink
Followed up on passing out from drinking
Reports occasionally passing out from drinking
Reports passing out twice in the last month
Reports has little to no memory of events prior to
passing out
Reports no significant injuries (prior to car
accident) when passed out from drinking
Followed up on frequency of hangovers
Reports feeling hungover most of the time when
she drinks
Asked about cutting down on drinking
Reports that she has not tried to cut down on
CAGE Assessment
Reports when she drinks she tends to eat less
Asked about others perceptions of drinking
Reports that since she mostly drinks with friends
no one cares about her drinking
Reports that she rarely drinks in front of parents so they do not know how much she drinks
Asked about feelings around drinking
Reports that she drinks to feel better or to feel
Reports her drinking does not hurt anyone, so sh
does not feel bad or guilty for drinking
Asked about drinking first thing in the morning
Denies drinking first thing in the morning
Asked about general symptoms
Denies fever
Review of Systems
Denies chills
Denies night sweats
Reports occasional fatigue
Asked about review of systems for HEENT
Denies impaired vision
Denies impaired hearing
Asked about review of systems for respiratory
Denies cough
Denies shortness of breath
Denies dyspnea on exertion
Denies wheezing
Asked about review of systems for cardiovascular
Denies chest pain
Denies palpitations
Denies edema
Denies claudication
Asked about review of systems for skin, hair, and
Denies changes in hair
Denies changes in skin
Denies changes in nails
Denies rashes
Denies pruritus or easy bruising
Denies pigmentation changes
Asked about review of systems for
Reports no abdominal pain
Reports no nausea
Denies difficulty swallowing
Denies vomiting
Denies constipation
Denies diarrhea
Denies changes in stool or bowel patterns
Asked about review of systems for
Reports recent injury - sprained (R) wrist
Denies joint pain
Denies erythema
Denies edema of joints prior to wrist injury
Asked about review of systems for neurological
Denies weakness
Denies frequent headaches
Reports slight tingling in fingers on right hand
Denies syncope, dizziness, fainting, or vertigo
Denies changes in coordination
Denies changes in memory
Denies recent falls
If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here.
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