CITIES Downtown= casco viejo City centre Main street Outskirts= en las afueras de la ciudad Suburbs= residential área in the outskirts Residential area Commercial area Industrial area Financial district Greenspace Theatre district City limits Neighborhood Midtown= business area of the town One-way street Skyscraper Skyline of a city= the shape of the city when you look at it from the outside Conveniences= taxi, uber, underground Bypass = beltway = carretera de circunvalación Landmark = something that is unique to that city Bike path / bike lane MONEY Currency= the type of money that a country uses Bills = facture Coins Savings= ahorros Allowance = concesión Winnings= ganancias Inherit = heredar Broke= no money left Bankrupt Credit card Check= cheque Budget=presupuesto ATM/bank machine To withdraw money= take money out of your bank account To deposit money To borrow money= you have no money Expensive Cheap Afford= permitirse comprar algo Loan= prestamo Mortgage=loan specifically for buying a house Down payment Debt= you owe money to someone Rich/wealthy poor wallet= cartera payday= the day that you receive the money for your work interest rate FIXING AND REPAIRING to fix to repair to mend= arreglar ropa quick fix damaged gave up the ghost= something that is not fixable keeps crashing= when the computer give rror home improvements do it yourself handy= good at doing thing with tools Handyman/handyperson = manitas Hammer= martillo Nail Screwdriver= destornillador Duct tape= cinta americana Wrenches= llaves Swiss army knife String= cuerda Needle &thread= aguja e hilo Sewing machine= maquina para coser EVERYDAY ITEMS Pants(USA)=Trousers(UK) A long-sleeved shirt Sweat pants Sun hat Winter hat Sandals Flip-folps Rain boots High-heeld shoes=high heels Underwear Bra Seeds=semilas Soil=tierra Birds are chirping Fever Take the temperature To book a doctor appointment The doctor prescribed me antibiotics Cavity= carie I have food poisoning My nose is running My head hurts I can´t think straight when my room is messy TECHNOLOGY I rely on my smartphone a little too much Smart watch Game console Charging port Headphone jack Earbuds Screen protector Phone case Keyboard Mouse pad Speakers=altavoces Remote= mando TRAVEL EXPRESSIONS Where would you like to go? I have never been to To book= to purchase or reserve Spur-of-the-moment: I hate making plans. Let’s just do some spur-of-the moment Wherever the wind blows us I need to make a reservation Audio guide Do you accept cash or credit card? What are the hours for the museum? What should I pack for? = I want to know what activities are going to be held in order to prepare myself Where are you headed? = when you look really lost someone can ask you that question Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the metro station? Excuse me, how far is it to the airport? Which way to the bus stop? Where is the closest ATM? Is there a grocery store nearby? When is the next train? Will the departure be on time? You can drop me here= you can leave me here When will the plane begin boarding? Are you travelling for business or pleasure? Hello, I have a reservation for Ciprian Hello, checking in for Ciprian Can I get some more towels/ blankets? Can I get a queen/double/two twin beds? What time is breakfast served? Have you ever been to…? What was your favorite thing about Paris?