RICHMOND READERS 6XSHUFRPSXWHUPDQ Supercomputerman is very intelligent, but he has a problem. ‘I understand many things in the world. Mathematics is very easy. Chemistry and Physics are no problem for me. But there is one thing I don’t understand.What is it? You, people.’ Why can’t Supercomputerman understand people? .................................................... Jeremy Taylor is a writer and a teacher. He lives in the Czech Republic. ............................................................................ S TA R T E R L E V E L ............................................................................ C HAPTER O NE :KRDP,":KDWDP," I am a ‘supercomputer’. That is a very special, very intelligent computer. Today I exist for the first time. Who am I? That is a good question. But you must ask, ‘what am I?’ I am a ‘supercomputer’. That is a very special, very intelligent computer. I am the first of the new supercomputers. A lot of old computers can do many things. They can calculate millions of numbers in no time. They can play many games. They can drive a car. But I am very special. I have something different. It is something very important. I can think. 5 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Look at me. Do you think I am a man? I have got two arms, two legs and a head. My head has got eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth. But in my head there is a supercomputer. I am a very intelligent supercomputer. I want to know everything. I like to study but I don’t study at school. I know all the information in three million books. But I want to know more. I want to understand everything. I want to be perfect. I understand many things in the world. Mathematics is very easy. Chemistry and Physics are no problem for me. But there is one thing I don’t understand. What is it? You, people. What is it? You, people. ■ ■ 6 ■ C H A P T E R 1 ........................................................................................... C HAPTER T WO 0LFKDHODQG3HWHU Animals are easy to understand. Most animals are very simple. They eat, drink, sleep, make babies . Okay, people eat, drink, sleep and make babies too. But you people do many more things. I have many examples of things I don’t understand. I have a very interesting video here. I would like you to watch it. ★ Good evening, Michael. It is good to see you again. 7 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Peter: Michael: Peter: Michael: Peter: Michael: Peter: Michael: Peter: Good evening, Michael. It is good to see you again. It is good to see you too, Peter. How are you? I’m fine. And how is your beautiful wife? She’s fine thank you, Michael. And how are your children? They are fine. Simon is at school now. Susan is with her mother. So, are you ready for business? You know me, Peter. I am always ready for business. Okay, look at this photograph. The two men look at the photograph. There is a tank in a field. 8 M I C H A E L A N D P E T E R ........................................................................................... Michael: Very nice, but I don’t to buy a tank. I want something more ... Peter: Now look at this photograph. The two men look at the second photograph. It is the same field but now there is no tank ... Michael: Wow! Super! Peter: Now look at this photograph. The two men look at another photograph. It is a photograph of a missile. 9 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... This is a British anti-tank missile. They are very popular. Michael: I am not surprised. Peter: Okay, Michael. I can give you more photographs and videos of everything you buy. I know your clients like photographs and videos. Michael: You are right, Peter. These photographs are fantastic. Peter: Thanks, Michael. So this is what you want. Peter: Twenty-five Russian tanks, four aeroplanes … 10 M I C H A E L A N D P E T E R ........................................................................................... Michael: Twenty-five Russian tanks, four aeroplanes from China and ten British anti-tank missiles.Yes, that is everything. My clients are going to be very happy. Peter: I like happy people. Now, Michael, have you got the money? Michael: Here it is, in this bag. Would you like to see it? Peter: No, no, Michael. I know you. I know all the money is there. Michael: Thank you, Peter. It is always good to do business with you. Peter: It is good to do business with you, too, Michael. Goodbye. Michael: Goodbye. Who is Peter? Who is Michael? I know that. I know where they live. I know where they work. Michael and Peter are very rich men. They buy and sell tanks and missiles. They buy from anyone. They sell to anyone - well, to anyone who has the money. I don’t understand it. I am a computer. I can think and I have morals. I know a lot of things. I can do many bad things. But I don’t do bad things. Why not? Because they are bad. It is very simple for me. Some things are good. Some things are bad. People (and Supercomputers) with morals do good things. Selling military equipment to anyone 11 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... is a bad thing. So why do Michael and Peter do this? Perhaps they have no morals. But all people have morals. Am I wrong? I know people are stupid , but have they got morals? ★ I know people are stupid, but have they got morals? ■ ■ 12 ■ J U L I E A N D RO S E ........................................................................................... C HAPTER T HREE -XOLHDQG5RVH Okay, it is time for another video. Watch this! Two girls are at school. Some boys are playing a game of football. Julie: Hey, you - what’s your name? Rose: Me? Rose Long. Julie: Well, Rose Long, I am Julie Snow and I have a question. What are you doing? Rose: Nothing. 13 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Julie: Yes you are.You are looking at me. Rose: No I’m not. Julie: Yes you are. I don’t like it - and I don’t like you. Rose: I’m not looking at you. I’m looking at the football game over there. I’m looking at the boys. Julie: Football is stupid. Rose: No it isn’t. Some football players are very intelligent. Julie: Do you think I’m intelligent? Rose: Maybe, I don’t know. Julie: Only maybe? Julie takes some of Rose’s hair. She pulls it hard. 14 J U L I E A N D RO S E ........................................................................................... ★ Rose: Yes. Ow! That hurts . Stop it! Okay, okay, I think you’re intelligent. Julie: Good girl, Rose. Hey, you’re wearing new trainers ! Rose: And? Julie: I want them. Give them to me! Rose: No! Julie: No? Are you stupid? ★ Julie takes Rose’s hair again. Rose: No, ow! Yes, yes, I’m stupid. I’m very stupid. Julie: Okay, Rose Long, give me your trainers. Rose: No. They are mine. I ... Julie: GIVE ME YOUR TRAINERS! NOW! 15 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Julie takes Rose’s arm. She pushes it hard. No, ow, my arm! You are breaking my arm! So, give me your trainers. Okay, okay, here they are. Good girl, Rose. Here, you can have my old trainers. One more thing. Don’t say anything to the teachers, or ... Rose: You are a horrible girl. Julie: What? Rose: Julie: Rose: Julie: Julie takes Rose’s arm again. Rose: Julie: Rose: Julie: Rose: Julie: You are ... ow! MY ARM! Am I horrible? No, no. So, what am I? You are ... good. Only good? 16 J U L I E A N D RO S E ........................................................................................... Julie takes Rose’s ear. She pulls it. Rose: Julie: Rose: Julie: Ow! That hurts! Okay, you are great. And intelligent? Yes, you are very intelligent. And beautiful? Julie takes Rose’s ear again. Rose: Ow! Yes, you are very beautiful.You are a supermodel! Julie: Good girl, Rose. Good girl. 17 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... That is a very sad situation. Poor girl. Rose Long is only seven years old. The other girl, Julie Snow, is eight years old. Julie is not good, she is not intelligent and she is not beautiful. Julie is a bully . There are thousands, maybe millions of bullies in the world. But why? Supercomputers never hurt anyone. Julie wants Rose’s trainers. But Julie has got money. She can buy new trainers. Why does she bully poor Rose? I don’t understand it. ★ Okay, supercomputers are very intelligent and people are stupid. But people have got morals. So why are some people bullies? I don’t understand people. Computers are perfect. But people? Sometimes you are very, very bad.You must learn a lot of things. ■ ■ 18 ■ DAV I D A N D H E L E N ........................................................................................... C HAPTER F OUR 'DYLGDQG+HOHQ Okay, here is the last video. Please watch this. Helen, I want to talk to you. David: Helen, I want to talk to you. Helen: Okay, David, what do you want to talk about? David: I want to talk about you and me. Helen: Me and you? Is there a problem? David: Well, yes and no. Helen: So what is it? David: I love you. Helen: Is that a problem? 19 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... ★ David: I love you and I want to marry you. Helen: Well, David, I love you and I want to marry you, too. I can’t see any problem. Helen, you are rich, your family is rich and I am not. David: But, Helen, you are rich, your family is rich and I am not.Your father doesn’t like me.Your mother doesn’t like me.Your ... Helen: That is not true. My mother likes you. She thinks you are very intelligent. David: But you live in a big house.Your father drives a Mercedes.Your mother drives a Porsche. I have got an old bicycle. Helen: My father drives an old Mercedes. My mother drives a very old Porsche. Listen to me, David, money is not important. I love you, not money. David: You say that today, but think about tomorrow. Think about next year. Helen: David, I am always going to love you. David: Oh, Helen.You are very good to me. 20 DAV I D A N D H E L E N ........................................................................................... Helen: That is because I love you.You are very important to me. But ... David: What is it? Helen: I have a problem. David: You have a problem? What is it? Helen: I am twenty-five years old. David: And? Helen: And you are only nineteen. David: But that is not important. I love you, Helen. Love is the only thing that is important. Helen: But I am an old woman. But I am an old woman. David: That is not true.You are young and you are beautiful. Helen: Do you think so? David: Oh, yes I do. 21 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Helen: David: Helen: David: Helen: David: Oh, David, I love you. I love you too, Helen. But... What is it, David? There is another problem. Another problem? What is it? I ... Oh, David, I love you. And that is only part of the video. People! You are so stupid. Love! What is love? It is a very bad idea. You don’t need love to live. Love is not important. Love is a very big problem. Why? Because when people are in love, they do not think. Thinking is very important. Crazy Helen says money is not important. She thinks love is important. Poor Helen, you are wrong. David only has an old bicycle. Do you know why he only has a bicycle? Because he buys flowers and chocolates for Helen every week. Sometimes David can’t sleep because he is in love with Helen. ★ 22 DAV I D A N D H E L E N ........................................................................................... Supercomputers don’t have this problem. People must learn.You don’t need love. Love is not important. Love is not logical. Perfect Supercomputers live without love. People in love are simply stupid. People in love are simply stupid. I think you understand now. Supercomputers are very intelligent. People are very stupid. Some people have no morals. Do you remember Michael and Peter? Supercomputers have morals. We only do good things. Some people are bullies. Remember Julie Snow and poor little Rose Long? Supercomputers are never bullies. We never hurt anyone or anything. Computers do not need love. Remember David and Helen? They talk and talk and talk about love. They are crazy. Supercomputers are perfect. ■ ■ 23 ■ S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... C HAPTER F IVE $UHVXSHUFRPSXWHUVSHUIHFW" Okay, that is all for today. I want to go for a walk. I must buy some new batteries. There is a shop two kilometres, eight hundred and fifty-four metres, sixty-two centimetres from here. I can walk there in twenty-six minutes and fourteen seconds. I can go there now. I must walk along this street and then ... Oh, look! Look at that woman! She is ... beautiful! I feel ... different. I don’t understand. I want to see her. I want to talk to her. Where is she? I must find her. Look at that woman! She is ... beautiful! 24 ARE SUPERCOMPUTERS PERFECT? ........................................................................................... Four hours later ... I know all the information from three million books ... but where is that beautiful woman? I don’t know! I want to see her again. I don’t understand it, but I must see her again. I can’t find her but I must find her. I ... What’s this? A light from my batteries. There is a problem with my batteries! I need new batteries now! I need new batteries now! Quick! I must run. No, I have only got six minutes. I haven’t got time to run. I must go in a car. I can drive to the shop very quickly. I need a car! Quickly! Ah, there’s a woman by a car. 25 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Supercomputerman: Help me! I need to buy some batteries. Woman: Okay, there is a shop in the centre of town about three kilometres ... Supercomputerman: Two kilometres, eight hundred and fifty-four metres, sixtytwo centimetres. I know, but I must buy some batteries now! I have only got five and a half minutes! Woman: No, no, the shop is open for another hour. Supercomputerman: You don’t understand.You are only a person, a stupid person. Woman: What? Supercomputerman takes the keys. 26 ARE SUPERCOMPUTERS PERFECT? ........................................................................................... Woman: Hey stop it! What are you doing? Hey, those are my keys! That’s my car! Stop! STOP! COME BACK! Supercomputerman: What a stupid woman! I must have my batteries. Now, I’ve only got five minutes! Come on, come on. People, you are so stupid.You drive very slowly. Look at me. I can drive very ... Ahhhhh! Supercomputerman crashes. 27 S U P E R C O M P U T E R M A N ........................................................................................... Supercomputerman: Oh no, and here is a man. He is coming in my direction. He doesn’t look very happy. Man: Are you crazy? What do you think you are doing? Supercomputerman: I’m sorry. I’m going to the shop. I need new batteries. I must have new batteries! Man: You are crazy.You must pay me for a new car door. Look at my door! Supercomputerman: No, I must go to the shop. I must ... Man: Pay me the money or ... Supercomputerman takes the man’s arm. He pushes it hard. 28 ARE SUPERCOMPUTERS PERFECT? ........................................................................................... Ow! Ow! That’s my arm! Ow! You’re breaking my arm! Supercomputerman: Don’t stop me. I must go to the shop. I must have batteries. Man: You are crazy. Supercomputerman: No, I am not crazy. I am a supercomputer. I am not a person. But I must have ... new ... batteries ... Without batteries ... my ... superintelligence ... I ... people ... stupid ... supercomputer ... perfect ... stupid ... I ... perfect ... stupid ... Ahhhhhhh! Man: I am not crazy. I am a supercomputer. ■ ■ 29 ■ .................................................................................................................... E X E R C I S E S A Comprehension Chapter 1 1 Why is Supercomputerman special? Chapter 2 2 What do Michael and Peter do? 3 What does Michael give Peter? Chapter 3 4 What is Rose Long doing? 5 What does Julie Snow want? Chapter 4 6 What is David’s problem? 7 What is Helen’s problem? Chapter 5 8 Why does Supercomputerman need to go to the shop? 9 Why is Supercomputerman late? 10 What happens to Supercomputerman at the end of the story? B Working with Language Complete the sentences with these words bully money poor football new rich sell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Supercomputerman is very very .............. . Michael and Peter buy and ............. tanks. Michael gives Peter ........... in a bag. Rose Long is watching .............. . Julie Snow is a ........... . Helen is very ........... . David is very ............ . Supercomputerman needs ............. batteries. 30 intelligent .................................................................................................................... C Activities 1 What do you think is going to happen to Supercomputerman now? Write a different ending for the story. 2 There are many things Supercomputerman does not understand. Write a dialogue about what happens when Supercomputerman meets one of the people in the video. C H A P T E R 1 . ..... . ....... . ..... . . ..... . ...... . ..... . . ..... . ...... . ..... . ....... . ...... . ..... . ...... . ..... . . ..... . ...... . ..... . ....... . ...... . ..... . ...... . ..... . . ..... . ...... . ..... . G L O S S A RY babies plural of baby, very small child bully someone who is bad when s/he wants something from other people, for example, hitting them crazy not normal hurt feel bad marry be husband and wife stupid not intelligent trainers shoes for sport 31 Radio Boy ................................... JOHN ESCOTT Richmond P U BL I S HING C HAPTER O NE ▼ The Girl on the Beach ‘Good morning! You’re listening to Roundbay Radio, your favourite local radio station! It’s Saturday morning and this is Tara Mason.The time is nine o’clock. Hi, everyone.’ Steve opens his eyes. ‘Hi, Tara,’ he says to the radio. Then he sits up in bed. He always listens to Tara Mason on Saturday mornings. She is his favourite person on Roundbay Radio. ‘Well, let’s have some music ... .’ 34 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... ‘Good idea,’ Steve says. His mother calls from the kitchen. ‘Steve? Are you getting up?’ she says. Steve does not answer. He does not want to get up. He closes his eyes again. ‘Steve!’ his mother calls again. ‘You must go to the shop for me after breakfast! Are you getting up?’ ‘OK, OK!’ Steve stays. ‘Soon.’ ‘Not soon - now!’ his mother says. ‘I’m making your breakfast.’ ‘OK,’ Steve says. He opens his eyes. ‘I’m getting up now.’ After a moment, he gets out of bed and walks across to his window. He can see Roundbay beach across the road. It is not raining, but the sky is grey. There are one or two people on the beach. A man and a small boy walking, and a woman with a dog. And a girl ... . ‘What’s she doing?’ Steve thinks. He watches the girl for a minute or two. The girl has short brown hair, and she is wearing jeans and a yellow shirt. She puts something into a bag, then walks on. A moment later, she stops 35 T H E G I R L O N T H E B E AC H ........................................................................................... Steve can see Roundbay beach from his window. 36 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... Anna is looking for interesting things – for pebbles and shells. 37 T H E G I R L O N T H E B E AC H ........................................................................................... again. She looks at something on the beach. She takes it and puts it in her bag. ‘What is it?’ Steve thinks. ‘It’s something red.’ He watches her for another minute or two, then he puts on his clothes. ■ ■ ■ Anna walks along the beach. She is looking for interesting things - for pebbles and shells. She sees something red. ‘What’s that?’ she says. ‘A red ... bottle? There’s some writing on it, but I can’t read it. It’s not in English. Is it Russian?’ She sees something red. 38 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... She puts the bottle in her bag with the pebbles and shells. She looks at the grey sky. ‘It’s going to rain again soon,’ she thinks. ‘Another five minutes, and then I must go home.’ She sees a man and a small boy walking by the sea, and a woman walking with her dog. Then the woman with the dog stops and looks at something on the beach. The woman calls the man and the boy. Now the three of them are looking at ... what? Anna doesn’t know. The man says to the boy, ‘Don’t go near it, Tom.’ ‘What is it?’ Anna thinks. ‘What are they looking at?’ It begins to rain and she walks quickly up to the road. It is time to go home. ■ ■ ■ Steve sits in the kitchen. He eats his breakfast and listens to the music on the radio. ‘I need some shopping,’ his mother says. ‘OK,’ Steve says. ‘Can you go to the shop now, please?’ his mother says. ‘OK,’ Steve says again. ‘Here are the things we need.’ She gives him a list. 39 T H E G I R L O N T H E B E AC H ........................................................................................... Steve’s mother gives him a list. 40 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... ‘Can I listen to Tara Mason before I go?’ Steve says. ‘She finishes at eleven o’clock.’ ‘I need those things before eleven, Steve,’ his mother says. ‘OK - er, all right,’ Steve says. ‘I can take my personal stereo with me.’ ‘You can listen to Tara Mason later,’ his mother says. ‘Why don’t you find something to do? You can help me.You can wash the car or do some work in the garden. Don’t sit and listen to the radio all morning.’ ‘OK,’ Steve says. But he doesn’t mean it. He likes the radio and he likes Tara Mason. Steve finishes his breakfast. Then he gets his personal stereo and puts the headphones on. His mother gives him some money. ‘Don’t be long,’ she says. Steve doesn’t hear her. He has music in his ears. 41 C H A P T E R 1 ........................................................................................... C HAPTER T WO ▼ The Red Bottle Anna takes her bag to her room and sits on the bed. She can hear her young brother, Andy, watching a television programme in his room. Andy is five years old. He likes to watch children’s television on Saturday mornings. Anna puts the shells, pebbles and other things from the beach on her table. ‘Shall I draw the pebbles first?’ she thinks. ‘Or a shell? Or the red bottle?’ She looks at a big shell. ‘That’s beautiful,’ she says. She sits down and draws the shell on some paper. She sits down and draws the shell on some paper. 42 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... She looks at it. She is not happy with it. She looks for some more paper to do it again, but she cannot find any. ‘Andy! Where’s my paper?’ Anna calls. No answer. Anna goes into her brother’s room. Andy does not look at her. He is sitting on his bed and watching television. ‘Where’s my paper?’ Anna says. ‘I want to draw.’ ‘I don’t know,’ Andy says. ‘That’s not true!’ Anna says. ‘Yes, it is!’ Andy says. Anna’s father comes into the room. ‘What’s the matter?’ he says. ‘Please be quiet. I’m trying to work.’ Anna’s father is a writer. He writes books and works on a computer in one of the other rooms of the house. ‘Andy has all my paper,’ Anna says. ‘Have you, Andy?’ her father asks. Andy does not answer for a moment. Then he says, ‘Maybe.’ ‘That means “yes”!’ Anna says. ‘I can’t draw the things from the beach, and- ’ 43 T H E R E D B OT T L E ........................................................................................... ‘Please be quiet. I’m trying to work.’ 44 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... ‘All right, all right!’ her father says. ‘Be quiet, both of you! I haven’t got any drawing paper, Anna, but here’s some money. Go and buy some from the shop in West Street. Get some for Andy, too.’ He gives Anna some money. ‘Thanks,’ Anna says. Her father goes to his room and Anna puts on her coat. ■ ■ ■ Steve walks along the street. The shopping is in a bag in his hand. It is not raining now and there is some blue in the sky. ‘Maybe the sun is going to come out,’ Steve thinks. ‘I can wash the car, then go for a walk on the beach later.’ He is in South Street. He doesn’t need to walk home along this street. But the Roundbay Radio building is in South Street and Steve likes to walk past it. He wears his headphones and he listens to the music. He looks at the windows of Roundbay Radio Station. ‘Tara’s in there,’ he thinks. ‘Maybe only twenty or thirty metres away from me! Hi, Tara!’ At that moment, the music stops and Tara Mason begins to say something in his ear. 45 T H E R E D B OT T L E ........................................................................................... The Roundbay Radio building is in South Street and Steve likes to walk past it. 46 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... ‘That’s Cloud Nine. And now .... Oh, wait a minute. Some news is coming in ... and we must go over to Mike Quinn in the newsroom. What’s the news, Mike?’ ‘Some important information from the police,Tara.The police are looking for red bottles along the beach. People must not open these red bottles.They must call the police.’ ‘What’s in the bottles, Mike?’ ‘The police aren’t saying at the moment, but it’s something bad. Something to make you ill.’ ‘OK ... thanks, Mike. Now for some music ... .’ 47 T H E R E D B OT T L E ........................................................................................... Steve stops in the middle of the road. On the beach ... something red ... . ‘The girl in the yellow shirt!’ he thinks. A car goes by and the driver calls to Steve. ‘Get out of the road!’ ‘Get out of the road,’ the driver calls. 48 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... Steve walks quickly on. ‘I must do something,’ he thinks. ‘I must go to the police. Maybe the girl doesn’t know the news. Maybe she’s going to open the bottle and- ’ He stops and looks at the windows of the radio station. And he has an idea. ■ ■ ■ Andy goes into his sister’s room. ‘These things are from the beach,’ he thinks. ‘Anything interesting? Anything for me to play with?’ Anna is at the shops. Their father is in his room. The house is quiet. Andy goes across to the table near the window. He sees the pebbles and the shells. And then he sees the red bottle. ‘What’s in this?’ he thinks. He looks at it. ‘Can I open it?’ 49 T H E R E D B OT T L E ........................................................................................... ‘Anything for me to play with?’ 50 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... C HAPTER T HREE ▼ ‘Stop! Don’t Break It!’ Anna gives some money to the woman in the shop. The woman puts the paper into a bag. ‘There you are, Anna,’ the woman says. ‘Thank you, Mrs Clark,’ Anna says. Mrs Clark puts the paper into a bag. 51 ‘ S TO P ! D O N ’ T B R E A K I T ! ’ ........................................................................................... ‘You’re always buying paper,’ Mrs Clark says. ‘I’m always drawing,’ Anna says. ‘What are you going to draw today?’ Mrs Clark asks. ‘Some shells and pebbles, and a bottle from the beach,’ Anna says. ‘I got them this morning. Now I must go. Dad is working and Andy is watching television. It’s a good time to do some drawing. Bye, Mrs Clark.’ ‘Bye, Anna,’ Mrs Clark says. Mrs Clark goes into the room behind her shop. There is a radio on the table near the window. Then she hears the words ‘red bottle’ and she sits down to listen. She hears the words ‘red bottle’ and she sits down to listen. 52 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... ‘... a girl with a red bottle on the beach, Steve? Is that right?’ ‘Something red, Tara. Maybe a bottle.’ ‘What is she wearing?’ ‘Jeans and a yellow shirt. And she has short brown hair.’ ‘Thanks, Steve.Well, the police know about this now and they are looking for this girl. But do you know her, listeners? Then call her quickly. ‘And now for some music.’ Mrs Clark does not wait to hear the music. She runs out of the shop into the street. ‘Anna!’ she calls. ‘Anna, wait!’ Anna is thirty metres along the road, but she stops. ‘What’s the matter, Mrs Clark?’ she says. ■ ■ ■ Andy is angry. He wants to open the red bottle, but it is very difficult. His little hands are not very strong. He likes red. It is his favourite colour. ‘Maybe it’s a nice drink,’ he thinks. ‘I’m going to take the bottle out into the garden and break it!’ 53 ‘ S TO P ! D O N ’ T B R E A K I T ! ’ ........................................................................................... ‘Anna!’ she calls. ‘Anna, wait!’ 54 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... He goes out into the garden with the bottle and begins to hit it with one of Anna’s big pebbles. ‘One ... two ... three ...,’ he says. It is a very strong bottle and Andy is angry. ‘One … two … three …’ 55 ‘ S TO P ! D O N ’ T B R E A K I T ! ’ ........................................................................................... He stops. Someone is calling him. ‘Andy! Andy! Where are you?’ It is Anna. She runs down the garden. Andy has the big pebble in one hand and the bottle in the other. ‘Stop!’ Anna calls. ‘Don’t break it!’ She runs and takes the bottle out of his hands. ‘OK, OK!’ he says. ‘What’s the matter? It’s only an old bottle!’ ‘Oh no it isn’t,’ Anna says. And she goes into the house and calls the police. ■ ■ ■ Anna goes into the house and calls the police. 56 R A D I O B OY ........................................................................................... It is eleven o’clock at Roundbay Radio Station. Tara Mason puts down the phone and looks at Steve.‘That’s good news,’ she says. ‘The police are talking to the girl now.’ ‘They’ve got the red bottle,’Tara says. ‘Thanks to you.’ 57 ‘ S TO P ! D O N ’ T B R E A K I T ! ’ ........................................................................................... ‘And the bottle?’ Steve says. ‘Have they got it?’ ‘Yes, they’ve got that, too,’ Tara says. ‘Thanks to you.’ Steve feels happy. ‘Me, on the radio!’ he says. ‘Now I’m famous!’ ‘Yes. Do you like it?’ she asks. ‘It’s great!’ Steve says. ‘I want to work on radio one day.’ ‘It’s not always this exciting!’ Tara says. 58 .................................................................................................................... E X E R C I S E S A Comprehension Chapter 1 Write answers to these questions. 1 What does Steve’s mother need? 2 Why can’t Anna read the words on the red bottle? 3 How can Steve listen to Tara Mason and go shopping? Who says or thinks these words? 4 ‘I’m making your breakfast.’ 5 ‘What are they looking at?’ 6 ‘Can I listen to Tara Mason before I go?’ Chapter 2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Andy is ten years old. 2 Anna’s father writes books and works on a computer. 3 Roundbay Radio Station is in West Street. Who says or thinks these words? 4 ‘Where’s my paper?’ 5 ‘Be quiet, both of you!’ 6 ‘The police are looking for red bottles along the beach.’ 7 ‘The girl in the yellow shirt!’ 8 ‘These things are from the beach.’ Chapter 3 Who in this chapter ... 1 ... sells paper to Anna? 2 ... likes the colour red? 3 ... wants to work on radio one day? Find answers to these questions. 4 Where is Mrs Clark’s radio? 5 Mrs Clark runs after Anna. How far from the shop is Anna? 6 Andy cannot open the red bottle. What does he do? 59 .................................................................................................................... B Working with language 1 Use these words to join the sentences together. and then and or but a It is not raining. The sky is grey. b You can wash the car. Do some work in the garden. c A car goes by. The driver calls to Steve. d He watches her for another minute or two. He puts on his clothes. 2 Draw two boxes. Write beach below one box and radio below the other. Write the words in the correct boxes. station pebble shell headphones newsroom sea 3 Answer these questions with full sentences. Chapter 1 Steve sees four people and an animal on the beach. Who or what are they? Chapter 2 Anna’s father gives her some money. What is it for? Chapter 3 Anna tells Mrs Clark, ’It’s a good time to do some drawing?’ Why is it? C Activities 1 Write about your favourite radio programme. 2 Anna calls the police. She tells them about the red bottle. Imagine their conversation, and write it. 60