ENOVIA Live Collaboration™ V6R2011x Installation Guide Copyright and Trademark Information © Dassault Systèmes, 1994 - 2010 All rights reserved. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE: This documentation is proprietary property of Dassault Systèmes and its subsidiaries. This documentation shall be treated as confidential information and may only be used by employees or contractors with the Customer in accordance with the applicable Software License Agreement. Adaplet®, Compliance Connect®, DesignSync®, ENOVIA®, MatrixOne®, ProjectSync®, Synchronicity®, and Team Central® are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes. ENOVIA Live Collaboration, ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services, ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform, ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit, ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit, ENOVIA 3D Live, ENOVIA Engineering Central, ENOVIA Library Central, ENOVIA Materials Compliance Central, ENOVIA Program Central, ENOVIA Sourcing Central, ENOVIA Specification Central, ENOVIA Supplier Central, ENOVIA Designer Central, ENOVIA Collaborative Interference Management, ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for Team Compliance, ENOVIA Aerospace and Defense Accelerator for Program Management, ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Design and Development, ENOVIA X-BOM Cost Analytics, ENOVIA X-BOM Manufacturing, ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central, ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager, IconMail, ImageIcon and Star Browser are trademarks of Dassault Systèmes. Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California. DB2, AIX, and WebSphere are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. WebLogic is a registered trademark of BEA Systems, Inc. Solaris, UltraSPARC, Java, JavaServer Pages, JDBC, and J2EE are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Windows XP and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of HP. All other product names and services identified throughout this book are recognized as trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective companies. The documentation that accompanies ENOVIA products describes the applications as delivered by Dassault Systèmes. This documentation includes readme files, online help, user guides, and administrator guides. If changes are made to an application or to the underlying framework, Dassault Systèmes cannot ensure the accuracy of this documentation. These changes include but are not limited to: changing onscreen text, adding or removing fields on a page, making changes to the administrative objects in the schema, adding new JSPs or changing existing JSPs, changing trigger programs, changing the installation or login process, or changing the values in any properties file. For instructions on customizing the provided documentation, see the Business Process Services Administrator’s Guide. Dassault Systèmes Enovia Corp. 900 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851 Telephone 978.442.2500 Email: enovia.info@3ds.com http://www.3ds.com Additional Components This product also includes additional components copyrighted by other third parties. The sections that follow provide license and copyright notices of these software components. Apache Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Apache Ant ========================================================================= NOTICE file corresponding to the section 4 d of the Apache License, Version 2.0, in this case for the Apache Ant distribution. ========================================================================= This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). This product includes also software developed by : - the W3C consortium (http://www.w3c.org) , - the SAX project (http://www.saxproject.org) Please read the different LICENSE files present in the root directory of this distribution. [BELOW] This license came from: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software-19980720 W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE Copyright © 1994-2001 World Wide Web Consortium, <a href="http://www.w3.org/">World Wide Web Consortium</a>, (<a href= "http://www.lcs.mit.edu/">Massachusetts Institute of Technology</a>, <a href="http://www.inria.fr/">Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique</ a>, <a href= "http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio University</a>). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ This W3C work (including software, documents, or other related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make: The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, a short notice of the following form (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) should be used within the body of any redistributed or derivative code: "Copyright © 1999-2004 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/" Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. This license came from: http://www.megginson.com/SAX/copying.html. However please note future versions of SAX may be covered under http://saxproject.org/?selected=pd This page is now out of date -- see the new SAX site at http://www.saxproject.org/ for more up-to-date releases and other information. Please change your bookmarks. SAX2 is Free! I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for XML), and release all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and documentation contained in this distribution into the Public Domain. SAX comes with NO WARRANTY or guarantee of fitness for any purpose. David Megginson, david@megginson.com Apache Axis ========================================================================= NOTICE file corresponding to section 4(d) of the Apache License, Version 2.0, in this case for the Apache Axis distribution. ========================================================================= This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Apache Tomcat [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] Apache Servlet-API [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] FTP Copyright (c) 1983, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAYOUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (c) 1997-1999 The Stanford SRP Authentication Project All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL STANFORD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Export of this software from the United States of America may require a specific license from the United States Government. It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to obtain such a license before exporting. WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Getline Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 by Chris Thewalt (thewalt@ce.berkeley.edu) Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. GifEncoder GifEncoder - write out an image as a GIF Transparency handling and variable bit size courtesy of Jack Palevich. Copyright (C)1996,1998 by Jef Poskanzer <jef@acme.com>. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ImageEncoder ImageEncoder - abstract class for writing out an image Copyright (C) 1996 by Jef Poskanzer <jef@acme.com>. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. JavaMail Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code License Agreement READ THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY PROVIDED SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS (COLLECTIVELY "AGREEMENT") CAREFULLY BEFORE OPENING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA PACKAGE. BY OPENING THE SOFTWARE MEDIA PACKAGE, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE ACCESSING THE SOFTWARE ELECTRONICALLY, INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS BY SELECTING THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON AT THE END OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL THESE TERMS, PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNUSED SOFTWARE TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A REFUND OR, IF THE SOFTWARE IS ACCESSED ELECTRONICALLY, SELECT THE "DECLINE" BUTTON AT THE END OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. LICENSE TO USE. Sun grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license for the internal use only of the accompanying software and documentation and any error corrections provided by Sun (collectively "Software"), by the number of users and the class of computer hardware for which the corresponding fee has been paid. 2. RESTRICTIONS. Software is confidential and copyrighted. Title to Software and all associated intellectual property rights is retained by Sun and/or its licensors. Except as specifically authorized in any Supplemental License Terms, you may not make copies of Software, other than a single copy of Software for archival purposes. Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not modify, decompile, or reverse engineer Software. You acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. Sun disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses. No right, title or interest in or to any trademark, service mark, logo or trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted under this Agreement. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY. Sun warrants to you that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt, the media on which Software is furnished (if any) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Except for the foregoing, Software is provided "AS IS". Your exclusive remedy and Sun's entire liability under this limited warranty will be at Sun's option to replace Software media or refund the fee paid for Software. 4. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. UNLESS SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THESE DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event will Sun's liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the amount paid by you for Software under this Agreement. The foregoing limitations will apply even if the above stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. 6. Termination. This Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of Software. This Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Sun if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon Termination, you must destroy all copies of Software. 7. Export Regulations. All Software and technical data delivered under this Agreement are subject to US export control laws and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. You agree to comply strictly with all such laws and regulations and acknowledge that you have the responsibility to obtain such licenses to export, re-export, or import as may be required after delivery to you. 8. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government or by a U.S. Government prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier), then the Government's rights in Software and accompanying documentation will be only as set forth in this Agreement; this is in accordance with 48 CFR 227.7201 through 227.7202-4 (for Department of Defense (DOD) acquisitions) and with 48 CFR 2.101 and 12.212 (for non-DOD acquisitions). 9. Governing Law. Any action related to this Agreement will be governed by California law and controlling U.S. federal law. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will apply. 10. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, this Agreement will remain in effect with the provision omitted, unless omission would frustrate the intent of the parties, in which case this Agreement will immediately terminate. 11. Integration. This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Sun relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or other communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement will be binding, unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. JAVAMAILTM, VERSION 1.3.1 SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS These supplemental license terms ("Supplemental Terms") add to or modify the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement (collectively, the "Agreement"). Capitalized terms not defined in these Supplemental Terms shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. These Supplemental Terms shall supersede any inconsistent or conflicting terms in the Agreement, or in any license contained within the Software. 1. Software Internal Use and Development License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Section 3 (Java(TM) Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce internally and use internally the binary form of the Software, complete and unmodified, for the sole purpose of designing, developing and testing your Java applets and applications ("Programs"). 2. License to Distribute Software.* Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to Section 3 (Java (TM) Technology Restrictions) of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the Software in binary code form only, provided that (i) you distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of, and for the sole purpose of running, your Java applets or applications ("Programs"), (ii) the Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Software, (iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the Software, (iv) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in the Software, (v) you only distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, and (vi) you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software. 3. Java Technology Restrictions.* You may not modify the Java Platform Interface ("JPI", identified as classes contained within the "java" package or any subpackages of the "java" package), by creating additional classes within the JPI or otherwise causing the addition to or modification of the classes in the JPI. In the event that you create an additional class and associated API(s) which (i) extends the functionality of the Java platform, and (ii) is exposed to third party software developers for the purpose of developing additional software which invokes such additional API, you must promptly publish broadly an accurate specification for such API for free use by all developers. You may not create, or authorize your licensees to create additional classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as "java", "javax", "sun" or similar convention as specified by Sun in any naming convention designation. 4. Trademarks and Logos. You acknowledge and agree as between you and Sun that Sun owns the SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, STAROFFICE, STARPORTAL and iPLANET trademarks and all SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, STAROFFICE, STARPORTAL and iPLANET-related trademarks, service marks, logos and other brand designations ("Sun Marks"), and you agree to comply with the Sun Trademark and Logo Usage Requirements currently located at http://www.sun.com/policies/trademarks. Any use you make of the Sun Marks inures to Sun's benefit. 5. Source Code. Software may contain source code that is provided solely for reference purposes pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Source code may not be redistributed unless expressly provided for in this Agreement. 6. Termination for Infringement. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately should any Software become, or in either party's opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of any intellectual property right. For inquiries please contact: Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A /(LFI#132726/Form ID#011801)/ Jakarta POI [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] JDK Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code License Agreement for the JAVA 2 PLATFORM STANDARD EDITION DEVELOPMENT KIT 5.0 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE IDENTIFIED BELOW TO YOU ONLY UPON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THIS BINARY CODE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS (COLLECTIVELY "AGREEMENT"). PLEASE READ THE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT. INDICATE ACCEPTANCE BY SELECTING THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS, SELECT THE "DECLINE" BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THE AGREEMENT AND THE DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL PROCESS WILL NOT CONTINUE. 1. DEFINITIONS. "Software" means the identified above in binary form, any other machine readable materials (including, but not limited to, libraries, source files, header files, and data files), any updates or error corrections provided by Sun, and any user manuals, programming guides and other documentation provided to you by Sun under this Agreement. "Programs" mean Java applets and applications intended to run on the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE platform) platform on Java-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers. 2. LICENSE TO USE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but not limited to the Java Technology Restrictions of the Supplemental License Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without license fees to reproduce and use internally Software complete and unmodified for the sole purpose of running Programs. Additional licenses for developers and/or publishers are granted in the Supplemental License Terms. 3. RESTRICTIONS. Software is confidential and copyrighted. Title to Software and all associated intellectual property rights is retained by Sun and/or its licensors. Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not modify, decompile, or reverse engineer Software. You acknowledge that Licensed Software is not designed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. Sun Microsystems, Inc. disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses. No right, title or interest in or to any trademark, service mark, logo or trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted under this Agreement. Additional restrictions for developers and/or publishers licenses are set forth in the Supplemental License Terms. 4. LIMITED WARRANTY. Sun warrants to you that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt, the media on which Software is furnished (if any) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Except for the foregoing, Software is provided "AS IS". Your exclusive remedy and Sun's entire liability under this limited warranty will be at Sun's option to replace Software media or refund the fee paid for Software. Any implied warranties on the Software are limited to 90 days. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state to state. 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. UNLESS SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THESE DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event will Sun's liability to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the amount paid by you for Software under this Agreement. The foregoing limitations will apply even if the above stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so some of the terms above may not be applicable to you. 7. TERMINATION. This Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of Software. This Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Sun if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately should any Software become, or in either party's opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of any intellectual property right. Upon Termination, you must destroy all copies of Software. 8. EXPORT REGULATIONS. All Software and technical data delivered under this Agreement are subject to US export control laws and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. You agree to comply strictly with all such laws and regulations and acknowledge that you have the responsibility to obtain such licenses to export, re-export, or import as may be required after delivery to you. 9. TRADEMARKS AND LOGOS. You acknowledge and agree as between you and Sun that Sun owns the SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, and iPLANET trademarks and all SUN, SOLARIS, JAVA, JINI, FORTE, and iPLANET-related trademarks, service marks, logos and other brand designations ("Sun Marks"), and you agree to comply with the Sun Trademark and Logo Usage Requirements currently located at http://www.sun.com/policies/trademarks. Any use you make of the Sun Marks inures to Sun's benefit. 10. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. If Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government or by a U.S. Government prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier), then the Government's rights in Software and accompanying documentation will be only as set forth in this Agreement; this is in accordance with 48 CFR 227.7201 through 227.7202-4 (for Department of Defense (DOD) acquisitions) and with 48 CFR 2.101 and 12.212 (for non-DOD acquisitions). 11. GOVERNING LAW. Any action related to this Agreement will be governed by California law and controlling U.S. federal law. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will apply. 12. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable, this Agreement will remain in effect with the provision omitted, unless omission would frustrate the intent of the parties, in which case this Agreement will immediately terminate. 13. INTEGRATION. This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and Sun relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or other communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement will be binding, unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party. SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS These Supplemental License Terms add to or modify the terms of the Binary Code License Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined in these Supplemental Terms shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Binary Code License Agreement . These Supplemental Terms shall supersede any inconsistent or conflicting terms in the Binary Code License Agreement, or in any license contained within the Software. A. Software Internal Use and Development License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Software "README" file, including, but not limited to the Java Technology Restrictions of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without fees to reproduce internally and use internally the Software complete and unmodified for the purpose of designing, developing, and testing your Programs. B. License to Distribute Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Software README file, including, but not limited to the Java Technology Restrictions of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute the Software, provided that (i) you distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of, and for the sole purpose of running, your Programs, (ii) the Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Software, (iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the Software, (iv) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in the Software, (v) you only distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, and (vi) you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software. C. License to Distribute Redistributables. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the Software README file, including but not limited to the Java Technology Restrictions of these Supplemental Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute those files specifically identified as redistributable in the Software "README" file ("Redistributables") provided that: (i) you distribute the Redistributables complete and unmodified, and only bundled as part of Programs, (ii) the Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Redistributables, (iii) you do not distribute additional software intended to supersede any component(s) of the Redistributables (unless otherwise specified in the applicable README file), (iv) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the Redistributables, (v) you only distribute the Redistributables pursuant to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in the Agreement, (vi) you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software. D. Java Technology Restrictions. You may not create, modify, or change the behavior of, or authorize your licensees to create, modify, or change the behavior of, classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as "java", "javax", "sun" or similar convention as specified by Sun in any naming convention designation. E. Distribution by Publishers. This section pertains to your distribution of the Software with your printed book or magazine (as those terms are commonly used in the industry) relating to Java technology ("Publication"). Subject to and conditioned upon your compliance with the restrictions and obligations contained in the Agreement, in addition to the license granted in Paragraph 1 above, Sun hereby grants to you a non-exclusive, nontransferable limited right to reproduce complete and unmodified copies of the Software on electronic media (the "Media") for the sole purpose of inclusion and distribution with your Publication(s), subject to the following terms: (i) You may not distribute the Software on a stand-alone basis; it must be distributed with your Publication(s); (ii) You are responsible for downloading the Software from the applicable Sun web site; (iii) You must refer to the Software as JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition Development Kit 5.0; (iv) The Software must be reproduced in its entirety and without any modification whatsoever (including, without limitation, the Binary Code License and Supplemental License Terms accompanying the Software and proprietary rights notices contained in the Software); (v) The Media label shall include the following information: Copyright 2004, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Solaris, Java, the Java Coffee Cup logo, J2SE , and all trademarks and logos based on Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. This information must be placed on the Media label in such a manner as to only apply to the Sun Software; (vi) You must clearly identify the Software as Sun's product on the Media holder or Media label, and you may not state or imply that Sun is responsible for any third-party software contained on the Media; (vii) You may not include any third party software on the Media which is intended to be a replacement or substitute for the Software; (viii) You shall indemnify Sun for all damages arising from your failure to comply with the requirements of this Agreement. In addition, you shall defend, at your expense, any and all claims brought against Sun by third parties, and shall pay all damages awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, or such settlement amount negotiated by you, arising out of or in connection with your use, reproduction or distribution of the Software and/or the Publication. Your obligation to provide indemnification under this section shall arise provided that Sun: (i) provides you prompt notice of the claim; (ii) gives you sole control of the defense and settlement of the claim; (iii) provides you, at your expense, with all available information, assistance and authority to defend; and (iv) has not compromised or settled such claim without your prior written consent; and (ix) You shall provide Sun with a written notice for each Publication; such notice shall include the following information: (1) title of Publication, (2) author(s), (3) date of Publication, and (4) ISBN or ISSN numbers. Such notice shall be sent to Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, M/S USCA12-110, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A , Attention: Contracts Administration. F. Source Code. Software may contain source code that, unless expressly licensed for other purposes, is provided solely for reference purposes pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Source code may not be redistributed unless expressly provided for in this Agreement. G. Third Party Code. Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt file. In addition to any terms and conditions of any third party opensource/freeware license identified in the THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt file, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provisions in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Binary Code License Agreement shall apply to all Software in this distribution. For inquiries please contact: Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. (LFI#141623/Form ID#011801) DO NOT TRANSLATE OR LOCALIZE. The following software may be included in this product: CS CodeViewer v1.0; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Copyright 1999 by CoolServlets.com. Any errors or suggested improvements to this class can be reported as instructed on CoolServlets.com. We hope you enjoy this program... your comments will encourage further development! This software is distributed under the terms of the BSD License. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither name of CoolServlets.com nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY COOLSERVLETS.COM AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." The following software may be included in this product: Crimson v1.1.1 ; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Crimson" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==================================================================== This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <http://www.apache.org/>. The following software may be included in this product: Xalan J2; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The following software may be included in this product: NSIS 1.0j; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Nullsoft, Inc. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.Justin Frankel justin@nullsoft.com" Some Portions licensed from IBM are available at: http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu4j/ Portions Copyright Eastman Kodak Company 1992 Lucida is a registered trademark or trademark of Bigelow & Holmes in the U.S. and other countries. Portions licensed from Taligent, Inc. The following software may be included in this product:IAIK PKCS Wrapper; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Copyright (c) 2002 Graz University of Technology. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by IAIK of Graz University of Technology." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Graz University of Technology" and "IAIK of Graz University of Technology" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "IAIK PKCS Wrapper", nor may "IAIK" appear in their name, without prior written permission of Graz University of Technology. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The following software may be included in this product: Document Object Model (DOM) v. Level 3; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: W3Cýý SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 This work (and included software, documentation such as READMEs, or other related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications: 1.The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. 2.Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, the W3C Software Short Notice should be included (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) within the body of any redistributed or derivative code. 3.Notice of any changes or modifications to the files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on December 31 2002. This version removes the copyright ownership notice such that this license can be used with materials other than those owned by the W3C, reflects that ERCIM is now a host of the W3C, includes references to this specific dated version of the license, and removes the ambiguous grant of "use". Otherwise, this version is the same as the previous version and is written so as to preserve the Free Software Foundation's assessment of GPL compatibility and OSI's certification under the Open Source Definition. Please see our Copyright FAQ for common questions about using materials from our site, including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, and Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to site-policy@w3.org. The following software may be included in this product: Xalan, Xerces; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==================================================================== This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <http://www.apache.org/>. The following software may be included in this product: W3C XML Conformance Test Suites v. 20020606; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: W3Cýý SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE Copyright ýý 1994-2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ This W3C work (including software, documents, or other related items) is being provided by the copyright holders under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the software and documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make: 1. The full text of this NOTICE in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work. 2. Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, a short notice of the following form (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) should be used within the body of any redistributed or derivative code: "Copyright ýý [$date-of-software] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/" 3. Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on August 14 1998 so as to improve compatibility with GPL. This version ensures that W3C software licensing terms are no more restrictive than GPL and consequently W3C software may be distributed in GPL packages. See the older formulation for the policy prior to this date. Please see our Copyright FAQ for common questions about using materials from our site, including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, and Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to site-policy@w3.org. The following software may be included in this product: W3C XML Schema Test Collection v. 1.16.2; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: W3Cýýýý DOCUMENT NOTICE AND LICENSE Copyright ýýýý 1994-2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ Public documents on the W3C site are provided by the copyright holders under the following license. The software or Document Type Definitions (DTDs) associated with W3C specifications are governed by the Software Notice. By using and/or copying this document, or the W3C document from which this statement is linked, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions: Permission to use, copy, and distribute the contents of this document, or the W3C document from which this statement is linked, in any medium for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on ALL copies of the document, or portions thereof, that you use: 1. A link or URL to the original W3C document. 2. The pre-existing copyright notice of the original author, or if it doesn't exist, a notice of the form: "Copyright ýýýý [$date-of-document] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/" (Hypertext is preferred, but a textual representation is permitted.) 3. If it exists, the STATUS of the W3C document. When space permits, inclusion of the full text of this NOTICE should be provided. We request that authorship attribution be provided in any software, documents, or other items or products that you create pursuant to the implementation of the contents of this document, or any portion thereof. No right to create modifications or derivatives of W3C documents is granted pursuant to this license. However, if additional requirements (documented in the Copyright FAQ) are satisfied, the right to create modifications or derivatives is sometimes granted by the W3C to individuals complying with those requirements. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR TITLE; THAT THE CONTENTS OF THE DOCUMENT ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE; NOR THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH CONTENTS WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE DOCUMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTENTS THEREOF. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this document or its contents without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this document will at all times remain with copyright holders. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------This formulation of W3C's notice and license became active on April 05 1999 so as to account for the treatment of DTDs, schema's and bindings. See the older formulation for the policy prior to this date. Please see our Copyright FAQ for common questions about using materials from our site, including specific terms and conditions for packages like libwww, Amaya, and Jigsaw. Other questions about this notice can be directed to site-policy@w3.org. webmaster (last updated by reagle on 1999/04/99.) The following software may be included in this product: Mesa 3-D graphics library v. 5; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: core Mesa code include/GL/gl.h GLX driver include/GL/glx.h Ext registry include/GL/glext.h Brian Paul Brian Paul SGI Mesa Mesa SGI Free B include/GL/glxext.h Mesa license: The Mesa distribution consists of several components. Different copyrights and licenses apply to different components. For example, GLUT is copyrighted by Mark Kilgard, some demo programs are copyrighted by SGI, some of the Mesa device drivers are copyrighted by their authors. See below for a list of Mesa's components and the copyright/license for each. The core Mesa library is licensed according to the terms of the XFree86 copyright (an MIT-style license). This allows integration with the XFree86/DRI project. Unless otherwise stated, the Mesa source code and documentation is licensed as follows: Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SGI Free Software Licence B: , or is under common control with Recipient. For purposes of this definition, "control" of an entity means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to direct or manage such entity, or (b) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity. 1.12."Recipient Patents" means patent claims Licensable by a Recipient that are infringed by the use or sale of Original Code or any Modifications provided by SGI, or any combination thereof. 1.13."SGI" means Silicon Graphics, Inc. 1.14."SGI Patents" means patent claims Licensable by SGI other than the Licensed Patents. 2.License Grant and Restrictions. 2.1.SGI License Grant. Subject to the terms of this License and any third party intellectual property claims, for the duration of intellectual property protections inherent in the Original Code, SGI hereby grants Recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, to do the following: (i) under copyrights Licensable by SGI, to reproduce, distribute, create derivative The following software may be included in this product: Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) v. 5; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Apache Software License The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" and "Apache BCEL" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", "Apache BCEL", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <http://www.apache.org/>. The following software may be included in this product: Regexp, Regular Expression Package v. 1.2; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" and "Apache Turbine" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", "Apache Turbine", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see http://www.apache.org. The following software may be included in this product: JLex: A Lexical Analyzer Generator for Java v. 1.2.5; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: JLEX COPYRIGHT NOTICE, LICENSE AND DISCLAIMER. Copyright 1996-2003 by Elliot Joel Berk and C. Scott Ananian Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the authors or their employers not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. The authors and their employers disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the authors or their employers be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. References to the Java programming language in relation to JLex are not meant to imply that Sun endorses this product. The following software may be included in this product: SAX v. 2.0.1; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Copyright Status SAX is free! In fact, it's not possible to own a license to SAX, since it's been placed in the public domain. No Warranty Because SAX is released to the public domain, there is no warranty for the design or for the software implementation, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide SAX "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of SAX is with you. Should SAX prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute SAX, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use SAX (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the SAX to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Copyright Disclaimers This page includes statements to that effect by David Megginson, who would have been able to claim copyright for the original work. SAX 1.0 Version 1.0 of the Simple API for XML (SAX), created collectively by the membership of the XML-DEV mailing list, is hereby released into the public domain. No one owns SAX: you may use it freely in both commercial and non-commercial applications, bundle it with your software distribution, include it on a CD-ROM, list the source code in a book, mirror the documentation at your own web site, or use it in any other way you see fit. David Megginson, sax@megginson.com 1998-05-11 SAX 2.0 I hereby abandon any property rights to SAX 2.0 (the Simple API for XML), and release all of the SAX 2.0 source code, compiled code, and documentation contained in this distribution into the Public Domain. SAX comes with NO WARRANTY or guarantee of fitness for any purpose. David Megginson, david@megginson.com 2000-05-05 The following software may be included in this product: Cryptix; Use of any of this software is governed by the terms of the license below: Cryptix General License Copyright © 1995-2003 The Cryptix Foundation Limited. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1.Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CRYPTIX FOUNDATION LIMITED OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. EXERPT FROM JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition Development Kit 5.0 README You can freely redistribute the J2SE Runtime Environment with your application, according to the terms of the Runtime Environment's license. Once you have developed your application using the JDK, you can ship it with the Runtime Environment so your end-users will have a Java platform on which to run your software. Redistribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE - The license for this software does not allow the redistribution of beta and other pre-release versions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Subject to the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement and the obligations, restrictions, and exceptions set forth below, You may reproduce and distribute the Software (and also portions of Software identified below as Redistributable), provided that: you distribute the Software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of Your applets and applications ("Programs"), your Programs add significant and primary functionality to the Software, your Programs are only intended to run on Java-enabled general purpose desktop computers and servers, you distribute Software for the sole purpose of running your Programs, you do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the Software, you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the Software, you only distribute the Software subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this Agreement, and you agree to defend and indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all Programs and/or Software. The term "vendors" used here refers to licensees, developers, and independent software vendors (ISVs) who license and distribute the J2SE Development Kit with their programs. Vendors must follow the terms of the J2SE Development Kit Binary Code License agreement. Required vs. Optional Files The files that make up the J2SE Development Kit are divided into two categories: required and optional. Optional files may be excluded from redistributions of the JDK at the vendor's discretion. The following section contains a list of the files and directories that may optionally be omitted from redistributions of the JDK. All files not in these lists of optional files must be included in redistributions of the JDK. Optional Files and Directories The following files may be optionally excluded from redistributions. These files are located in the jdk1.5.0_<version> directory, where <version> is the update version number. Solaris and Linux filenames and separators are shown. Windows executables have the ".exe" suffix. Corresponding files with _g in name can also be excluded. jre/lib/charsets.jar Character conversion classes jre/lib/ext/ sunjce_provider.jar - the SunJCE provider for Java Cryptography APIs localedata.jar - contains many of the resources needed for non US English locales ldapsec.jar - contains security features supported by the LDAP service provider dnsns.jar - for the InetAddress wrapper of JNDI DNS provider bin/rmid and jre/bin/rmid Java RMI Activation System Daemon bin/rmiregistry and jre/bin/rmiregistry Java Remote Object Registry bin/tnameserv and jre/bin/tnameserv Java IDL Name Server bin/keytool and jre/bin/keytool Key and Certificate Management Tool bin/kinit and jre/bin/kinit Used to obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets bin/klist and jre/bin/klist Kerberos display entries in credentials cache and keytab bin/ktab and jre/bin/ktab Kerberos key table manager bin/policytool and jre/bin/policytool Policy File Creation and Management Tool bin/orbd and jre/bin/orbd Object Request Broker Daemon bin/servertool and jre/bin/servertool Java IDL Server Tool bin/javaws, jre/bin/javaws, jre/lib/javaws/ and jre/lib/javaws.jar Java Web Start src.zip Archive of source files Redistributable JDK Files The limited set of files from the JDK listed below may be included in vendor redistributions of the J2SE Runtime Environment. They cannot be redistributed separately, and must accompany a JRE distribution. All paths are relative to the top-level directory of the JDK. jre/lib/cmm/PYCC.pf Color profile. This file is required only if one wishes to convert between the PYCC color space and another color space. All .ttf font files in the jre/lib/fonts directory. Note that the LucidaSansRegular.ttf font is already contained in the J2SE Runtime Environment, so there is no need to bring that file over from the JDK. jre/lib/audio/soundbank.gm This MIDI soundbank is present in the JDK, but it has been removed from the J2SE Runtime Environment in order to reduce the size of the Runtime Environment's download bundle. However, a soundbank file is necessary for MIDI playback, and therefore the JDK's soundbank.gm file may be included in redistributions of the Runtime Environment at the vendor's discretion. Several versions of enhanced MIDI soundbanks are available from the Java Sound web site: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/sound/. These alternative soundbanks may be included in redistributions of the J2SE Runtime Environment. The javac bytecode compiler, consisting of the following files: bin/javac [Solaris(TM) Operating System and Linux] bin/sparcv9/javac [Solaris Operating System (SPARC(R) Platform Edition)] bin/amd64/javac [Solaris Operating System (AMD)] bin/javac.exe [Microsoft Windows] lib/tools.jar [All platforms] The Annotation Processing Tool, consisting of the following files: bin/apt [Solaris(TM) Operating System and Linux] bin/sparcv9/apt [Solaris Operating System (SPARC(R) Platform Edition)] bin/amd64/apt [Solaris Operating System (AMD)] bin/apt.exe [Microsoft Windows] jre\bin\server\ On Microsoft Windows platforms, the JDK includes both the Java HotSpot Server VM and Java HotSpot Client VM. However, the J2SE Runtime Environment for Microsoft Windows platforms includes only the Java HotSpot Client VM. Those wishing to use the Java HotSpot Server VM with the J2SE Runtime Environment may copy the JDK's jre\bin\server folder to a bin\server directory in the J2SE Runtime Environment. Software vendors may redistribute the Java HotSpot Server VM with their redistributions of the J2SE Runtime Environment. Unlimited Strength Java Cryptography Extension Due to import control restrictions for some countries, the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy files shipped with the J2SE Development Kit and the J2SE Runtime Environment allow strong but limited cryptography to be used. These files are located at <java-home>/lib/security/local_policy.jar <java-home>/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar where <java-home> is the jre directory of the JDK or the top-level directory of the J2SE Runtime Environment. An unlimited strength version of these files indicating no restrictions on cryptographic strengths is available on the JDK web site for those living in eligible countries. Those living in eligible countries may download the unlimited strength version and replace the strong cryptography jar files with the unlimited strength files. jconsole jconsole.jar jconsole may be redistributed outside the JDK but only with Sun's JRE. Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism An endorsed standard is a Java API defined through a standards process other than the Java Community ProcessSM (JCPSM). Because endorsed standards are defined outside the JCP, it is anticipated that such standards will be revised between releases of the Java 2 Platform. In order to take advantage of new revisions to endorsed standards, developers and software vendors may use the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism to provide newer versions of an endorsed standard than those included in the Java 2 Platform as released by Sun Microsystems. For more information on the Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism, including the list of platform packages that it may be used to override, see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/standards/ Classes in the packages listed on that web page may be replaced only by classes implementing a more recent version of the API as defined by the appropriate standards body. In addition to the packages listed in the document at the above URL, which are part of the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SETM) specification, redistributors of Sun's J2SE Reference Implementation are allowed to override classes whose sole purpose is to implement the functionality provided by public APIs defined in these Endorsed Standards packages. Redistributors may also override classes in the org.w3c.dom.* packages, or other classes whose sole purpose is to implement these APIs. The cacerts Certificates File Root CA certificates may be added to or removed from the J2SE certificate file located at <java-home>/lib/security/cacerts. For more information, see The cacerts Certificates File section in the keytool documentation. Web Pages For additional information, refer to these Sun Microsystems pages on the World Wide Web: http://java.sun.com/ The Java Software web site, with the latest information on Java technology, product information, news, and features. http://java.sun.com/docs Java Platform Documentation provides access to white papers, the Java Tutorial and other documents. http://developer.java.sun.com Developer Services web site. (Free registration required.) Additional technical information, news, and features; user forums; support information, and much more. http://java.sun.com/products/ Java Technology Products & API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The J2SE Development Kit is a product of Sun MicrosystemsTM, Inc. Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. JDOM Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the disclaimer that follows these conditions in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name "JDOM" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact <request_AT_jdom_DOT_org>. 4. Products derived from this software may not be called "JDOM", nor may "JDOM" appear in their name, without prior written permission from the JDOM Project Management <request_AT_jdom_DOT_org>. In addition, we request (but do not require) that you include in the end-user documentation provided with the redistribution and/or in the software itself an acknowledgement equivalent to the following: "This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (http://www.jdom.org/)." Alternatively, the acknowledgment may be graphical using the logos available at http://www.jdom.org/images/logos. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE JDOM AUTHORS OR THE PROJECT CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the JDOM Project and was originally created by Jason Hunter <jhunter_AT_jdom_DOT_org> and Brett McLaughlin <brett_AT_jdom_DOT_org>. For more information on the JDOM Project, please see <http:// www.jdom.org/>. Krypto Copyright (c) 1997 Stanford University Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL STANFORD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young (eay@mincom.oz.au) All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young (eay@mincom.oz.au). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@mincom.oz.au). Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@mincom.oz.au)" The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the routines from the library being used are not cryptographic related . 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@mincom.oz.au)" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licence.] OpenLDAP Public License for 2.3.34 The OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.8, 17 August 2003 Redistribution and use of this software and associated documentation ("Software"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions in source form must retain copyright statements and notices, 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce applicable copyright statements and notices, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution, and 3. Redistributions must contain a verbatim copy of this document. The OpenLDAP Foundation may revise this license from time to time. Each revision is distinguished by a version number. You may use this Software under terms of this license revision or under the terms of any subsequent revision of the license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPENLDAP FOUNDATION, ITS CONTRIBUTORS, OR THE AUTHOR(S) OR OWNER(S) OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The names of the authors and copyright holders must not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealing in this Software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this Software shall at all times remain with copyright holders. OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document is granted. OpenSSL License The OpenSSL toolkit stays under a dual license, i.e. both the conditions of the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay license apply to the toolkit. See below for the actual license texts. Actually both licenses are BSD-style Open Source licenses. In case of any license issues related to OpenSSL please contact openssl-core@openssl.org. OpenSSL License Copyright (c) 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)" 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact openssl-core@openssl.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project. 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). Original SSLeay License Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) All rights reserved. This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed. If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used. This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)" The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not cryptographic related :-). 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The license and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution license [including the GNU Public License.] Oracle ***************************************************************** Oracle Instant client End user license agreement ("Agreement") ***************************************************************** MatrixOne Inc., ("MatrixOne") as licensor, has been given the right by Oracle Corporation (Oracle") to distribute the Oracle Instant Client software ("Program(s)") to you, an end user. Each end user hereby agrees: (1) to restrict its use of the Programs to its internal business operations; (2) that it is prohibited from (a) assigning, giving, or transferring the Programs or an interest in them to another individual or entity (and if it grants a security interest in the Programs, the secured party has no right to use or transfer the Programs); (b) making the Programs available in any manner to any third party for use in the third party's business operations (unless such access is expressly permitted for the specific program license or materials from the services acquired); and (3) that title to the Programs does not pass to the end user or any other party; (4) that reverse engineering is prohibited (unless required by law for interoperability), (5) disassembly or decompilation of the Programs are prohibited; (6) duplication of the Programs is prohibited except for a sufficient number of copies of each Program for the end user's licensed use and one copy of each Program media; (7) that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, liability of Oracle and MatrixOne for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential, arising from the use of the Programs is disclaimed; (8) at the termination of the Agreement, to discontinue use and destroy or return to MatrixOne all copies of the Programs and documentation; (9) not to publish any results of benchmark tests run on the Programs; (10) to comply fully with all relevant export laws and regulations of the United States and other applicable export and import laws to assure that neither the Programs, nor any direct product thereof, are exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of applicable laws and are not used for any purpose prohibited by these laws including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons proliferation; (11) that Oracle is not required to perform any obligations or incur any liability not previously agreed to; (12) to permit MatrixOne to audit its use of the Programs or to assign such audit right to Oracle; (13) that Oracle is a third party beneficiary of this end user license agreement; (14) that the application of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act is excluded. Disclaimer of Warranty and Exclusive Remedies THE PROGRAMS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MATRIXONE AND ORACLE FURTHER DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATRIXONE OR ORACLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA OR DATA USE, INCURRED BY YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT, EVEN IF MATRIXONE OR ORACLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. MATRIXONE'S AND ORACLE'S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES HEREUNDER SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (U.S. $1,000). No Technical Support Oracle and MatrixOne technical support organizations will not provide technical support, phone support, or updates to end users for the Programs licensed under this agreement. Restricted Rights For United States government end users, the Programs, including documentation, shall be considered commercial computer software and the following applies: NOTICE OF RESTRICTED RIGHTS "Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065." End of Agreement The end user may terminate this Agreement by destroying all copies of the Programs. MatrixOne and Oracle each have the right to terminate the end user's right to use the Programs if the end user fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement, in which case the end user shall destroy all copies of the Programs. Relationship Between the Parties The relationship between the end user and MatrixOne and Oracle is that the end user is licensee, MatrixOne is distributor/licensor and Oracle is licensor. No party will represent that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of any other party, nor to represent the other party as agent, employee, franchisee, or in any other capacity. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit any party's right to independently develop or distribute software that is functionally similar to the other party's products, so long as proprietary information of the other party is not included in such software. Open Source "Open Source" software - software available without charge for use, modification and distribution - is often licensed under terms that require the user to make the user's modifications to the Open Source software or any software that the user 'combines' with the Open Source software freely available in source code form. If you as end user use Open Source software in conjunction with the Programs, you must ensure that your use does not: (i) create, or purport to create, obligations of MatrixOne or Oracle with respect to the Oracle Programs; or (ii) grant, or purport to grant, to any third party any rights to or immunities under intellectual property or proprietary rights in the Oracle Programs. For example, you may not develop a software program using an Oracle Program and an Open Source program where such use results in a program file(s) that contains code from both the Oracle Program and the Open Source program (including without limitation libraries) if the Open Source program is licensed under a license that requires any "modifications" be made freely available. You also may not combine the Oracle Program with programs licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") in any manner that could cause, or could be interpreted or asserted to cause, the Oracle Program or any modifications thereto to become subject to the terms of the GPL. SSLUtils The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and 4. The names "SOAP" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact apache@apache.org. 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OFUSE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUTOF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was originally based on software copyright (c) 2000, International Business Machines, Inc., http://www.apache.org. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see <http://www.apache.org/>. Sun RPC Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or program developed by the user. SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, modification or enhancement. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC OR ANY PART THEREOF. In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, California 94043 Tcl This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Scriptics Corporation, and other parties. The following terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files. The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause 252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the terms specified in this license. Xalan [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] Xerces [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] Xerces2 [under Apache License, Version 2.0 above] Table of Contents Chapter 1. Overview.............................................................................................. 21 Overview of ENOVIA Live Collaboration ................................................................. 21 What Needs to be Installed? ............................................................................ 23 Tcl Support....................................................................................................... 25 Chapter 2. Language Support.............................................................................. 27 Overview of Language ............................................................................................ 27 Supported Language Configurations ............................................................... 28 Multiple Language Support .............................................................................. 30 Chapter 3. Installing an Oracle Database............................................................ 31 Installing the Database Software ............................................................................ 31 Installing the Oracle Server..................................................................................... 32 Configuring the Oracle Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration ................ 33 Designing the Database ......................................................................................... 34 Control Files..................................................................................................... 34 Redo Logs........................................................................................................ 34 Tablespaces and Datafiles ............................................................................... 35 Rollback Segments .......................................................................................... 36 Indexing............................................................................................................ 37 Oracle Parameter File: init<SID>.ora ............................................................... 38 Creating the Database ..................................................................................... 43 Oracle 10G....................................................................................................... 47 Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages ..................................................... 49 Disk Layout Suggestions ........................................................................................ 52 4 to 7 Disk System ........................................................................................... 53 RAID Technology ............................................................................................. 54 Other Disk Solutions ........................................................................................ 57 Reconfiguring Oracle .............................................................................................. 58 Rebuilding the Control File............................................................................... 58 Rebuilding Redo Logs...................................................................................... 59 Tuning and Statistics ............................................................................................... 61 Oracle Initialization Parameters ....................................................................... 61 A note about scalability and performance ........................................................ 69 Chapter 4. Installing a DB2 Database.................................................................. 71 Installing the Database Software ............................................................................ 71 Installing the DB2 Server ........................................................................................ 72 Code Set and Language Settings ........................................................................... 73 DB2 Database Client Configuration ................................................................. 73 Using DB2 with ENOVIA Products.......................................................................... 74 DB2 and ENOVIA Products ............................................................................. 74 Configuring DB2 ..................................................................................................... 78 Currently Committed Mode .............................................................................. 78 Table of Contents 11 Configuration Parameters ................................................................................ 79 CLOB Datatypes .............................................................................................. 81 Additional Performance Related Tasks ................................................................... 82 SQL0429N LOB locator limit ............................................................................ 82 AIX Environment .............................................................................................. 83 Sample DB2 Database Creation Script................................................................... 84 Chapter 5. Installing an SQL Server Database ................................................... 89 Installing the Database Software ............................................................................ 89 Installing SQL Server .............................................................................................. 90 Setting up SQL Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration ............................ 91 Configuring SQL Server.......................................................................................... 97 Minimizing Deadlock Potential.......................................................................... 97 Using Indexes with SQL Server ....................................................................... 97 Case Sensitivity................................................................................................ 97 Maintaining the Database ................................................................................ 97 Configuring Disk Layout .......................................................................................... 99 Selecting and Formatting Drives ...................................................................... 99 Performance and Scalability............................................................................. 99 General Index Recommendations......................................................................... 100 Configuring Table Statistics ............................................................................ 100 Limiting Physical I/O....................................................................................... 100 SQL Server Limitations with ENOVIA Live Collaboration...................................... 101 SQL Server concurrency................................................................................ 101 Localization Support ............................................................................................. 102 Chapter 6. Installing a MySQL Database........................................................... 103 Installing the Database Software .......................................................................... 103 Installing MySQL Server ....................................................................................... 104 Setting up MySQL Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration ..................... 105 Windows Configuration .................................................................................. 105 Linux Configuration ........................................................................................ 106 Configuring MySQL Server ................................................................................... 108 Important MySQL Server Parameters ............................................................ 108 MySQL Server with Linux Environments........................................................ 108 Maintaining the Database .............................................................................. 108 Case Sensitivity.............................................................................................. 108 Configuring Disk Layout ........................................................................................ 109 Selecting and Formatting Drives .................................................................... 109 MySQL Server Limitations with ENOVIA Live Collaboration................................. 110 Difference in Configuration............................................................................. 110 Localization Support ............................................................................................. 111 Chapter 7. Installing the Studio Modeling Platform ......................................... 113 Overview ............................................................................................................... 113 Installing ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux ................................ 114 Installing ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on Windows.................................... 129 Exiting Setup......................................................................................................... 142 Installing a New Version of Studio Modeling Platform........................................... 143 Using Lower Version Software after Upgrading the Database ....................... 143 12 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Upgrade Analysis ........................................................................................... 143 Oracle Configuration ...................................................................................... 145 Running the Upgrade ..................................................................................... 146 After the Upgrade........................................................................................... 147 Uninstalling ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux............................ 148 Uninstalling ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on Windows ............................... 148 Chapter 8. Installing the Live Collaboration Server......................................... 149 Overview ............................................................................................................... 149 Web or Application Server ............................................................................. 149 Live Collaboration Kernel ............................................................................... 150 Java/RMI Server ............................................................................................ 150 RIP: RMI In-process....................................................................................... 151 RMI Gateway ................................................................................................. 151 Installing a Web or Application Server .................................................................. 153 Java Development Kit .................................................................................... 154 Installing a WebLogic Server ......................................................................... 156 Installing WebSphere ..................................................................................... 157 Installing the Sun Java System Application Server ........................................ 158 Installing Tomcat ............................................................................................ 159 Optional Static Content Server ...................................................................... 160 Using a UNIX or Linux Live Collaboration Server without a Monitor..................... 161 Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server .................................. 162 General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server ........................... 162 Before Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server...................................... 163 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux................................ 164 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows ................................... 186 Installing a Live Collaboration Server Service Pack.............................................. 206 Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server.............................................. 212 Reconfiguring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Windows Service ...... 212 Reconfiguring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX..................... 215 Reconfiguring ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Port Numbers .................. 216 Implementing the Security Wrapper on RMI Gateway ................................... 217 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Environment Settings .................................... 219 Optional Settings............................................................................................ 220 Time Zones through ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server ............................... 222 UTF-8 Settings...................................................................................................... 223 Automated UTF-8 Settings............................................................................. 223 Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings ................................................................. 225 Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings for AIX ..................................................... 226 File Collaboration Server ...................................................................................... 229 Setting Up the FCS Synchronization Server.................................................. 229 Running the FCS Synchronization Server ..................................................... 234 Validating and Debugging an FCS ................................................................. 236 Installing Multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers (RIP only)........................ 237 Interface for Downstream Installers, E4All, and other Automated Installers ......... 238 Internal Directory Structure Defined in enovia.install ..................................... 238 Example enovia.install Files........................................................................... 238 Matrix.ini and eMatrix.ini File Dependency Removed .................................... 239 Studio Version of MQL Command Removed ................................................. 239 Table of Contents 13 Uninstalling ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux............................ 239 Uninstalling ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows ............................... 240 Chapter 9. Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration ........................................ 241 Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration................................................................ 241 Command Line Options ................................................................................. 242 The Initialization File/Startup Scripts.............................................................. 242 Setting Personal Preferences......................................................................... 245 MatrixIniDefaults ............................................................................................ 245 Matrix System Defaults Program.................................................................... 246 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Settings ..................................................................... 251 Typical Environment Variables ....................................................................... 251 Optional Variables .......................................................................................... 254 Dynamically Updated Variables...................................................................... 261 Configuring Help ............................................................................................ 263 Font and Color Variables................................................................................ 263 LDAP Variables .............................................................................................. 264 Configuring Date and Time Formats..................................................................... 265 Localizing ENOVIA Live Collaboration .................................................................. 270 Studio Modeling Platform ............................................................................... 271 ENOVIA applications...................................................................................... 272 Web Navigator................................................................................................ 273 Chapter 10. Deploying J2EE................................................................................. 275 J2EE Deployment Overview ................................................................................. 275 Modifying J2EE Settings ....................................................................................... 283 Web.xml ......................................................................................................... 283 ematrix.xml..................................................................................................... 294 Framework.properties .................................................................................... 295 Application Server Files ................................................................................. 295 Building the J2EE Archive File .............................................................................. 297 Running the WAR Utility on UNIX or Linux .................................................... 297 Running the WAR utility on Windows ............................................................. 297 Deploying the J2EE Archive File ........................................................................... 299 Deploying on WebSphere .............................................................................. 299 Deploying on WebLogic ................................................................................. 300 Deploying on Sun Java System Application Server ....................................... 301 Deploying on Tomcat...................................................................................... 302 Starting the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server.................................................... 303 Chapter 11. Installing the Documentation .......................................................... 305 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Documentation.......................................................... 305 Installing the PDF Files .................................................................................. 305 Uninstalling the Online Help Files .................................................................. 306 Customizing Help .................................................................................................. 307 Adding Custom Help Files.............................................................................. 308 Chapter 12. Installing Matrix Web Navigator ...................................................... 309 Web Navigator Installation .................................................................................... 309 Installing Web Navigator on UNIX.................................................................. 309 14 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing Web Navigator on Windows............................................................ 310 Setting up for Web Navigator Access ................................................................... 311 Configuring for download of Sun JVM............................................................ 311 Installing the Public Security Key ................................................................... 312 Configuring Web Navigator ............................................................................ 312 Defining Default Fonts on the Web ................................................................ 315 User Startup.......................................................................................................... 317 Removing Web Navigator ..................................................................................... 318 The Server’s Directory Structure .......................................................................... 319 Chapter 13. Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools ........... 321 Internal vs. External Authentication ...................................................................... 321 Login Behavior When External Authentication is Used.................................. 322 Enabling External Authentication ................................................................... 323 Using the Authentication Classes .................................................................. 324 Using LDAP with ENOVIA Live Collaboration ....................................................... 327 Limitations ...................................................................................................... 327 Behaviors to Note........................................................................................... 327 LDAP Integration Works for both Types of Authentication.............................. 327 Information Retrieved from LDAP .................................................................. 328 Overview of LDAP Connection Process......................................................... 330 Types of Binding............................................................................................. 331 Integrating ENOVIA Live Collaboration with LDAP ........................................ 332 Support for TLS/SSL...................................................................................... 339 Encrypting the Bind Password ....................................................................... 339 Using Password Triggers with LDAP .............................................................. 339 Retrieving LDAP Data Using Selects ............................................................. 340 LDAP Sample Settings................................................................................... 340 Tomcat LDAP Authentication ................................................................................ 346 Changes to server.xml ................................................................................... 346 Changes to web.xml....................................................................................... 346 Additions to enovia.ini .................................................................................... 347 Changes to WEB-INF\classes ....................................................................... 347 Chapter 14. Installing Business Process Services™ ........................................ 349 Overview ............................................................................................................... 349 Important Installation Considerations............................................................. 350 Preparing to Install to a Production Environment........................................... 350 Reviewing Changes that an Installation Makes.............................................. 351 Before Installing ............................................................................................. 352 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services ....................... 354 Installing Business Process Services on UNIX.............................................. 354 Installing Business Process Services on Windows........................................ 356 Adding Sample Users .................................................................................... 357 Schema Installer ................................................................................................... 358 Schema XML Files ......................................................................................... 358 Adding Custom Schema ................................................................................ 359 Installing Schema with the Schema Installer ................................................. 363 Installing to Large Databases ............................................................................... 368 About the Script ............................................................................................. 368 Before Running the Script .............................................................................. 369 Table of Contents 15 Running the Script.......................................................................................... 370 Database Considerations ............................................................................... 371 The Installation Process........................................................................................ 373 Installing to a Populated Database (Released Versions Only) ....................... 373 MatrixIniDefaults Program.............................................................................. 373 Business Process Services Version Must Be Correct for Applications .......... 374 Preventing Custom Pages from Being Overwritten During Upgrades ............ 374 How the Installation Manages Previous Versions........................................... 376 How the Installation Handles Schema Similarities ......................................... 378 Installation Log File ........................................................................................ 380 Directory Structure ......................................................................................... 383 J2EE Implementation ..................................................................................... 385 File Naming Conventions ............................................................................... 386 Chapter 15. Installing the 3DVIA Viewer.............................................................. 389 Overview ............................................................................................................... 389 3DVIA Viewer Live Collaboration Server Installation............................................. 391 Prerequisites for Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on the Live Collaboration Server... 391 Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on Windows ....................................................... 392 Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on UNIX ............................................................. 392 Upgrading the 3DVIA Viewer.......................................................................... 393 Chapter 16. Installing ENOVIA Products............................................................. 395 Overview ............................................................................................................... 395 Before Installing the applications.................................................................... 395 Installing a Service Pack ................................................................................ 396 Installing an Application on UNIX................................................................... 396 Installing an Application on Windows ............................................................ 398 Upgrading ENOVIA Products ................................................................................ 402 Installation Troubleshooting................................................................................... 403 User Access to ENOVIA products......................................................................... 405 Compile JSPs and JPOs................................................................................ 405 File Text Searches.......................................................................................... 405 Time/Date Format .......................................................................................... 405 Configuring File Download for Multi-Byte Filenames on IE ............................ 405 Browser Screen Resolution and DPI settings ................................................ 406 Accessing ENOVIA products.......................................................................... 406 Installing the ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerators ............................................. 407 Installing DesignSync Central ........................................................................ 407 Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator........................................... 412 Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator ............................ 416 Installing the IP Management Accelerator ..................................................... 423 Uninstalling an Application, Service Pack or Hot Fix ............................................ 429 Uninstalling an Application using Uninstall Program ...................................... 429 Uninstalling an Application using the Add or Remove Programs Option on Windows......................................................................................................... 430 Tracking Customizations ................................................................................ 430 Chapter 17. Installing the ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit........................... 431 ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit Installation ...................................................... 431 16 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide lnstalling the Studio Federation Toolkit on UNIX ............................................ 431 Installing the Studio Federation Toolkit on Windows ...................................... 432 Installation Results................................................................................................ 433 Chapter 18. Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit ................................... 435 Studio Customization Toolkit Installation............................................................... 435 Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit on UNIX ...................................... 435 Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit on Windows ................................ 436 The Server’s Directory Structure .......................................................................... 438 Chapter 19. Configuring a Japanese Web Environment.................................... 439 Overview ............................................................................................................... 439 Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server for use in Japanese.............. 440 On UNIX......................................................................................................... 440 On Windows................................................................................................... 441 Tomcat Language Settings ............................................................................ 442 Configuring Additional Settings for Japanese ....................................................... 443 Displaying Japanese using KavaChart .......................................................... 443 Creating EBOM Markups ............................................................................... 443 NLS_LANG setting in the Matrix client........................................................... 444 Configuring the Application Server for use in Japanese ....................................... 445 WebLogic Servers.......................................................................................... 445 WebSphere Servers....................................................................................... 446 Modifying J2EE Settings for the Japanese Language .......................................... 447 In web.xml ...................................................................................................... 447 Content Type Setting...................................................................................... 447 Style Sheet Settings....................................................................................... 447 Building the J2EE Archive File in Japanese ......................................................... 449 Running the war utility on UNIX ..................................................................... 449 Running the WAR utility on Windows............................................................. 449 Deploying the J2EE Archive File in Japanese ...................................................... 450 Deploying on WebLogic ................................................................................. 450 Deploying on WebSphere .............................................................................. 451 Deploying on Tomcat...................................................................................... 451 Chapter 20. Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration................................. 453 Troubleshooting Topics ......................................................................................... 453 Server Startup Configuration Checker .................................................................. 454 mxAudit.log File.............................................................................................. 455 Evaluation Details .......................................................................................... 457 Additional ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Configuration Troubleshooting...... 469 Checking Disk Space ..................................................................................... 470 Checking Memory Usage............................................................................... 470 Checking for Other Running Processes......................................................... 471 Reviewing Other Configuration Issues ........................................................... 471 Collecting Logs and Core Files ...................................................................... 475 Java Activation Error on the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server ................... 476 mx_err_pid.log for Windows........................................................................... 476 ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Stability Troubleshooting ............................... 478 Stack Traces................................................................................................... 478 Table of Contents 17 Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Tracing ................................................... 478 Memory Pools ................................................................................................ 478 Memory Management .................................................................................... 479 Memory Troubleshooting Procedures ............................................................ 479 Implementation Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 482 Web Navigator Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 483 Set Context Problems .................................................................................... 483 Installation on UNIX ....................................................................................... 483 Look and Feel................................................................................................. 483 ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Troubleshooting ............................................. 485 Accessing Remote File Systems.................................................................... 485 Crash on Checkin........................................................................................... 485 Errors during Administration........................................................................... 486 Installation on UNIX ....................................................................................... 486 Localized Character display ........................................................................... 486 Localized Decimal Character Settings ........................................................... 487 .Rollback Segment Error ................................................................................ 488 Color Mapping................................................................................................ 489 Launching Applications in Windows ............................................................... 490 Miscellaneous Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 491 FTP Connection Timeouts ............................................................................. 491 Laptop Performance....................................................................................... 492 Session Timed Out Error................................................................................ 492 Tar Error When Unpacking Distributions ........................................................ 492 Problems with JSP Path for ENOVIA products............................................... 492 Chapter 21. Server Diagnostics ........................................................................... 493 Overview ............................................................................................................... 493 Monitoring the Live Collaboration Server using the Monitoring Agent .................. 494 Setting up the Monitoring Agent..................................................................... 494 Creating a keystore File ................................................................................. 494 Configuring and Starting the Monitoring Agent .............................................. 495 Starting and Stopping the Monitoring Agent .................................................. 497 Description of Event Objects .......................................................................... 497 Monitoring Agent Events ................................................................................ 498 DS License Server Events ............................................................................. 499 MCS Events ................................................................................................... 500 Tracing Types ........................................................................................................ 505 Configuring Server Diagnostics with .ini File......................................................... 507 Considerations ............................................................................................... 508 Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Facility................................................. 511 Enabling the Studio Customization Toolkit Client ........................................... 511 Enabling the Web/Application Server............................................................. 512 Enabling the Live Collaboration Kernel .......................................................... 512 Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Output .......................................... 513 Memory Management ........................................................................................... 515 Configuring Memory Manager ....................................................................... 515 Load Runner Example ................................................................................... 517 Error and Log Messages................................................................................ 519 Gateway Debug Trace........................................................................................... 521 18 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Index ............................................................................................................................ 523 Table of Contents 19 20 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 1 Overview Overview of ENOVIA Live Collaboration ENOVIA Live Collaboration™ is a standards-based, open and scalable system able to support the largest, most complex, product lifecycle management deployments. It provides the flexibility to easily configure business processes, user interfaces, and infrastructure options to ensure that they meet your organization’s needs. The system enables you to continually drive business process improvements to operate more efficiently using pre-built metrics reports, while virtual workplace capabilities enable ad-hoc collaboration for cross-functional and geographically dispersed teams to securely share product content. All product development content can be routed for review and managed in repeatable workflow business process. ENOVIA Live Collaboration (CPF) provides the backbone for product lifecycle management activies within a workgroup, enterprise, or extended enterprise, depending on the organization’s needs. ENOVIA Live Collaboration is the underlying support for all ENOVIA products and other Dassault Systèmes products for Product Lifecycle Management, which include products from CATIA, 3DLive, SIMULIA, and DELMIA product lines. It is comprised of the following end-user software components: • ENOVIA Matrix Navigator, which is the tool for searching the data objects based on the data model. This application, or its Web-based version (MXW), is required to administer triggers and other configuration objects for pre-V6 legacy clients. Both the Rich client and Web version Navigator products are included with CPF. The rich client is installed as part of the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients 21 distribution for ease of installation. The CPF license entitles your use of this component of ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform only. The rich client or the Web version of Matrix Navigator can be installed from CD 1: ENOVIA Live Collaboration - Navigator and Administrative Clients. • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, which is a Java/RMI-based business object server. The MQL command line executable is included with the server for the purpose of system installation and data/file storage setup functions only. If any other schema configurations are needed, ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform (DTE) must be licensed. Note that if distributed file stores are created with Sites and Locations, one or more ENOVIA File Collaboration Server licenses may also be needed. This is installed from CD 2: ENOVIA Live Collaboration - Web Server. • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services, include the capabilities from the Application Exchange Framework, Common Components, Team Central, and Business Process Metrics applications. This is installed from CD 3: ENOVIA Live Collaboration - Business Process Services. The following administrative add-ons are also available: • • 22 ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform (DTE) provides the development tools for a company to define and test configurations that are needed in their production ENOVIA system. While ENOVIA offers PLM products that cover many product development business processes, the need for companies to tailor or extend ENOVIA products to meet their specific needs is inevitable, since a company's competitive advantage often requires a unique product development process compared to how other companies execute. Therefore, in order to deploy the ENOVIA system, companies may need to set up an environment that allows them to develop changes to the standard ENOVIA products and test them in conditions that duplicate the actual or projected network and server performance. ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform is required in order to tailor and configure the production ENOVIA system. The users of ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform must be valid licensees of the products that are configured and tested. However, a user's production license can also be used with the system installed for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform. The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform includes the following primary tools: • MQL - the command line interface tool for executing commands and scripts. • System Administration - the tool for managing and configuring data and file storage vaults. • Business Modeler - the tool for managing the data model and its associated business processes including types, attributes, relationships, and the web user interface design. • Matrix Navigator - the tool for searching the data objects based on the data model. This application is required to administer triggers and other configuration objects.While the Matrix Navigator is installed as part of ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform for ease of installation, this application license is included in both CPF and DTE. For legacy customers that are still based on thick client deployments vs. Web, the CPF license entitles users to use Matrix Navigator. ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit (ADT), which provides documentation and examples for writing custom programs that use the Adaplet libraries available in ENOVIA Live Collaboration.The ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit must be licensed for each ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform environment that requires development of custom connectors with the Adaplet APIs. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide What Needs to be Installed? • ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit (ADV), which provides documentation and examples for writing custom programs and support web services client development. The ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit must be licensed for each ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform environment that requires development of custom programming to change or extend standard ENOVIA capabilities. • ENOVIA File Collaboration Server (FCS), which enables administrators to distribute file data across the enterprise for optimal upload and download performance. A system license is required for each physical site that requires remote file storage. There is no limit to the number of users that can use the ENOVIA File Collaboration Server at a given licensed site, however, all of these users must be licensed to use ENOVIA Live Collaboration, which is the prerequisite. Depending on the options you purchased, you can: • Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration components and prerequisites separately. This option allows flexibility in choice of third party database and application server. For enterprise and extended enterprise level use, you should evaluate the supported database and application server choices and install the ones that best suit your needs. The following table lists the order in which the components should be installed for the primary architectures and lists the section of this guide that describes each installation. Before beginning any installation, make sure you check its requirements in this chapter. This architecture Needs these components installed in this order For instructions, see: Client/server (desktop or thick client) 1. A supported database server on database server machine, as listed in the “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release. Chapter 3, Installing an Oracle Database, Chapter 4, Installing a DB2 Database, Chapter 5, Installing an SQL Server Database, or Chapter 6, Installing a MySQL Database 2. ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on each supported client machine, including a connection (bootstrap) file. Chapter 7, Installing the Studio Modeling Platform If required due to resource availability, the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software may be installed before the database software, but it will not run until the database installations are complete. Chapter 1: Overview 23 This architecture Needs these components installed in this order For instructions, see: Any Web Access 1. The components listed for the client/server architecture Application server installation guides 2. A supported Web or application server, such as WebLogic or WebSphere, as shown in “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release The Dassault Systemes License Server Installation and Configuration Guide 3. The Dassault Systemes License Server 4. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. For production use, it is recommended that this is not installed on the same machine as the database server. A JDK is required for the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 5. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services 6. An application that end users will use to connect to the database. Chapter 8, Installing the Live Collaboration Server Chapter 14, Installing Business Process Services™ Chapter 12, Installing Matrix Web Navigator Chapter 16, Installing ENOVIA Products Application Administration Guides Integration Administration Guides Before You Begin You should review the Program Directory. Each version of ENOVIA Live Collaboration comes with media that includes the program directory for that release. The program directory is a website that organizes all the release information for all Dassault Systèmes products for a given release. It contains information about prerequisites, installation, licensing, product enhancements, general issues, open issues, documentation addenda, and closed issues. Conventions When the UNIX installation procedure asks for input, it provides the default value in brackets []. Default values for directory paths are based on the environment, so the examples in this book show empty brackets. To use the default, simply press Enter. Throughout this guide, certain words appear in capital letters, which indicates that you need to enter specific information for your environment. Below is a description of some of the abbreviations that are used in this manner. • 24 INSTALL_PATH: directory in which to install the software. Once installed, this may be referred to as one of: • ENOVIAHOME (UNIX) or ENOVIA_INSTALL (Windows) for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform • SERVERHOME (UNIX) or SERVER_INSTALL (Windows) for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server • PLATFORM: local platform architecture. Must be from the appropriate list in “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release. • HOSTNAME: name of the machine that applies to the current question. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Published examples in this document, including but not limited to scripts, programs, and related items, are intended to provide some assistance to customers by example. They are for demonstration purposes only. It does not imply an obligation for ENOVIA to provide examples for every published platform, or for every potential permutation of platforms/ products/versions/etc. Directory Naming Conventions For ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services installation, the name of the directory containing mql.exe CANNOT include any spaces. For ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform and Live Collaboration server installation, you can use spaces in the name of the directory containing the JDK. Tcl Support The Tcl 8.5.7 library is installed and configured as the default version of Tcl with installation of the desktop applications. On Windows, in order to load the tk libraries, it is necessary to modify the system “path” environment variable to point to the path containing the tk85.dll library, which will be under SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\code\bin\). To Configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration for use with Tk 8.5.7 1. Install ENOVIA Live Collaboration. 2. In Control Panel, System, Environment Variables (on XP it’s on the Advanced Tab), add the tcl directory to the end of the Path variable. For example: e:\enoviav6r2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin 3. Save the setting and close Control Panel. The Tcl/Tk 8.0 and 8.3.3 libraries are also included for cases where an implementation requires the older version. If you have used Tcl 8.0 (the default before version 10.x) and use locale specific tcl commands, such as those dealing with number formats, the default ENOVIA Live Collaboration setup will behave differently. For example, in tcl mode of MQL, if you enter the following on a machine set up with a European locale such as de_DE: format "%f" 3,45 With tcl 8.0, the returned value is: 3,450000 But with tcl 8.3.3, the value is: 3,45 You may need to rewrite code that depends on the 8.0 format. Until you have the time to rewrite all applicable code, you can reconfigure ENOVIA Live Collaboration to use Tcl 8.0 as described below. The configuration is done via .ini files, so older version software will not run with new .ini files, unless updates are made. The MX_TCL_SHLIB variable sets the path to the TCL library you want to use, and defaults to the 8.5.7 directory structure, so you’ll need to add this setting in order to use the version 8.0 files. You must also reset the default TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY settings to the paths of the initialization files. Make these changes in the .ini files for Windows, Studio Modeling Platform startup files for UNIX desktop, and mxEnv.sh for the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX. Chapter 1: Overview 25 If implementations rely on TCL_LIBRARY or TK_LIBRARY settings to find files under that directory, you will need to move those files to the Tcl 8.5.7 directory structure. For example, the Solutions Library depends on these entries being set in the environment to find files under a sub-directory called mxTclDev. Floating Point Calculations The out of the box Tcl 8.5.7 performs floating point calculations at a higher precision than the previously incorporated Tcl 8.3.3 which defaulted to precision=12. This can affect some floating point calculations using 'expr'. For example: % expr 1.23 + 4.56 5.789999999999999 If this is a problem, the workaround is to add the following line to <installdir>/tcl85/lib/ tcl8.5/init.tcl: set tcl_precision 12 Adding this line will give you the same results as in Tcl 8.3.3: % expr 1.23 + 4.56 5.79 Default Clock Command Output When using Tcl 8.5.7 or Tcl 8.3.3, the “millis” subcommand should be used with the clock command. The “clicks” subcommand is unreliable and should not be used. Incorrect Syntax in the Catch Command Please be aware that in Tcl versions before Tcl 8.5.7, Tcl was more lenient with the syntax used in the catch command. The correct syntax is “catch BLOCK1 BLOCK2,” where BLOCK1 and BLOCK2 are bracketed with “{}” and not “[].” The “[]” brackets force evaluation prior to entering the catch command, which makes the command useless. Tcl 8.5.7 will enforce the use of “{}.” 26 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 2 Language Support Overview of Language The following languages are provided and supported on ENOVIA Live Collaboration-supported Windows and UNIX (including Linux) platforms for both Studio Modeling Platform and Web Navigator client menus, errors, and dialogs: • English • French • German • Italian • Japanese The Studio Modeling Platform and Web Navigator are also provided and supported in the following languages on ENOVIA Live Collaboration-supported Windows platforms only. (Web Navigator is supported in these languages on correctly configured ENOVIA Live Collaboration-supported Windows servers): • Korean • Traditional Chinese • Simplified Chinese 27 For other ENOVIA products, with the server appropriately configured, the following languages are provided and supported on ENOVIA Live Collaboration supported Windows and UNIX (including Linux) platforms: • English • French • German • Italian • Japanese The appropriate configurations are shown in the tables below. Supported Language Configurations Note that the database and Application servers must be correctly configured to handle UTF8 encoding. French Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = FR Windows/UNIX Web Navigator LANG = C if supporting more than 2 non-English languages Or LANG = FR Windows/UNIX ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications LANG = C with OS-level Parameter UTF-8 Windows/UNIX Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = IT Windows/UNIX Web Navigator LANG = C if supporting more than 2 non-English languages Or LANG = IT Windows/UNIX ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications LANG = C with OS-level Parameter UTF-8 Windows/UNIX Italian 28 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide German Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = DE Windows/UNIX Web Navigator LANG = C if supporting more than 2 non-English languages Or LANG = DE Windows/UNIX ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications LANG = C with OS-level Parameter UTF-8 Windows/UNIX Japanese Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = JA Windows/UNIX Web Navigator LANG = C if supporting more than 2 non-English languages Or LANG = JA Windows/UNIX ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications LANG = C with OS-level Parameter Shift_JIS on Windows and UTF-8/EUC on UNIX Before you configure and deploy the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in Japanese, please see Windows/UNIX Configuring a Japanese Web Environment in Chapter 19. Korean Chapter 2: Language Support Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = KO Windows Web Navigator LANG = C Windows ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications Not Supported Not Supported 29 Simplified Chinese Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = ZH_CN Windows Web Navigator LANG = C Windows ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications Not Supported Not Supported Component Live Collaboration Kernel Lang Setting Platform Studio Modeling Platform LANG = ZH_TW Windows Web Navigator LANG = C Windows ENOVIA I-PLM Business Process applications Not Supported Not Supported Traditional Chinese Multiple Language Support If you must support more than 2 non-English languages, you must use the LANG=C setting. In addition, your database (Oracle or DB2) and application/collaboration server must be configured for UTF8. If your data will be in multiple languages, your browser must have the appropriate language support. Refer to Localizing ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 for additional information. 30 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 3 Installing an Oracle Database Installing the Database Software This chapter describes setup requirements and guidelines for configuring Oracle for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. You have three choices when installing Oracle and ENOVIA Live Collaboration, you can install: • As a stand-alone system, where the client and server machines are the same. In this case, the Oracle server software is installed. • In a networked environment, with a database server and multiple clients. You must install the Oracle server software on the central server, if its a networked installation. • In a distributed environment, with multiple database servers accessed by clients in several locations. The Oracle server software may be installed on multiple servers in this configuration. OracleInstantClient is included when ENOVIA Live Collaboration or the Live Collaboration server are installed. If you are upgrading from a prior version of ENOVIA Live Collaboration, refer to Installing a New Version of Studio Modeling Platform in Chapter 7 for details. Oracle settings may require temporary adjustments while upgrading the schema. 31 Installing the Oracle Server Before installing the Oracle Enterprise server software, read this chapter in its entirety. Then use the guidelines provided here in conjunction with the instructions provided by Oracle. Supported platforms and software versions are shown in the Program Directory for the given release. Since Oracle is a very complex product, do NOT attempt to install it without the appropriate installation guides, which are available from Oracle. In UNIX environments in particular, variations in hardware and software require different approaches to be taken, and these caveats have been the topic of many Oracle documents. However, some important configuration guidelines are included in this chapter, some of which are not platform specific. Also, for UNIX servers that must support non-English languages, localization tips are provided in the section, Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages. Setup procedures for installations that will require support for non-English languages must be executed during initial installation. 32 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring the Oracle Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration Once the Oracle Server software is installed, the database must be created and configured to run effectively with ENOVIA Live Collaboration software. Since every installation is different, it is difficult to provide an exhaustive list of specific changes that must be made. We recommend that you consult an Oracle-trained DBA who has experience in Oracle tuning to properly configure and tune large databases. However, certain adjustments are universal and some of these adjustments are listed in the sections that follow. An overview of creating an Oracle database for ENOVIA Live Collaboration purposes involves: 1. Deciding which files go on which disk, and configuring the init<SID>.ora file accordingly. Refer to Disk Layout Suggestions for recommendations. 2. Creating the base database using the settings in init<SID>.ora, defining a character set, and establishing realistic values for MAXDATAFILES and MAXLOGFILES. 3. Creating a default rollback segment which belongs to the system tablespace. 4. Creating the system/sys database views and tables. 5. Creating tablespaces and rollback segments. 6. Creating the user with appropriate rights. Configuration procedures are provided in the sections that follow. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 33 Designing the Database ENOVIA Live Collaboration is a client of an Oracle database. The “ENOVIA database” is a set of tables, constraints, indexes and database links owned by one Oracle user only. This may also be referred to as the “ENOVIA Schema.” First, create a very simple Oracle database comprised of a system tablespace, control files, and redo logs. The control file holds the database limits, and so these must be established when the database is first defined. So, before you create the ENOVIA database you must decide the following: • The location and size of the system datafile. • The character set. This is covered in Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages. • The location of the control files. • The location, number, and size of the redo logs. Redo logs are created with the database, but may easily be dropped and recreated as required. Refer to Rebuilding Redo Logs Once the base database is established, you can configure, create and make adjustments to tablespaces, datafiles, redo logs and rollback segments. Control Files Control files are created when the database is defined. These files control the physical structure and status of the database. The CONTROL_FILES parameter in the init<SID>.ora file establishes their location. Control files are like a master index of all the redo logs and datafiles with status information. Each control file is a replica of the other(s), providing crucial data redundancy in the event of disk failure. Configure a minimum of three control files on separate disks, if disk mirroring is not being used. Redo Logs Redo logs record all transactions made to the database for recovery purposes. They are essentially a transactional history log of all actions taken. The maxlogfiles setting determines the maximum number of redo log files (or groups, if redundancy is used) that may be defined. Redo logs are updated sequentially, with 3 to 5 typically existing at one time. For example, first the system writes to log1, then to log2, log3... and then to log1 again. If archive logging is enabled, (recommended) the redo log file is copied off as an “archive log” once it has reached its maximum size, or if some other event triggers a log switch. This lets you restore a database from the last full backup to the present, essentially “replaying” all the database transactions that have occurred. Redo logs are not tablespaces, but rather are separate O/S level log files. Redo log files may be duplicated on separate disks for data redundancy. The original and all copies are known as a logfile group. The number of redo logs in a group is defined with the maxlogmembers value which defaults to 2 during database creation. Most DBAs will set 3 members to each group (each on a different disk if possible) for safety. However, O/S and RAID mirroring may be used instead. Refer to the Oracle Server Administrator’s Guide and the Oracle DBA Handbook for more information. The maxlogfiles and maxlogmembers values must be set during database creation. However the actual number of log files is determined by the log_files setting in the init<SID>.ora file. If this setting exceeds the maximum value, only the specified 34 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide maximum number are allocated. If it becomes necessary to increase the maximum values, the control file must be rebuilt. Refer to Rebuilding the Control File for more information. If many transactions are to be performed, such as during dataloading, the size of the redo logs should be adjusted. A default size might be10 MB, but this should be increased to 250 MB for certain circumstances which demand aggressive Oracle transactional activities, such as when upgrading very large (1,000,000 object) databases. The rate of switching between the redo logs can determine how much space to allocate for them. If switching is very frequent the size should be increased so that they don’t switch more than every 20 to 30 minutes. Refer to Installing a New Version of Studio Modeling Platform in Chapter 7 for upgrade recommendations and procedures. Tablespaces and Datafiles Oracle stores data in tables that are allocated to tablespaces. Each tablespace contains at least one datafile. Several tablespaces are part of an ENOVIA Live Collaboration/Oracle database: • SYSTEM - When Oracle is installed, this tablespace is created. It contains the catalog information for all the schemas (or Users) within the database. The size of this tablespace depends on if Oracle is used solely for ENOVIA, or if other applications are also using the instance. To allow for upgrades to Oracle we suggest a size of 75 MB. • TEMP - Oracle requires a temporary workspace tablespace for performing functions such as re-indexing a vault and performing certain queries. Also, Oracle sorts or joins make use of this tablespace. ENOVIA Live Collaboration may perform joins, if a foreign vault is in place (utilizing an Adaplet to another database). • ENOVIA - When the Enovia user is created, a tablespace is assigned to hold the schema definitions defined by the Business Administrator. This is the tablespace assigned to the Administration vault. • ROLLBACK - A tablespace that is dedicated to holding rollback segments should be created. • VAULTS - Two tablespaces may be assigned during creation of each vault—one to hold the index information and one to hold the data tables. If the tablespaces are not specified in the definition, the user’s default tablespace is used. We recommend that unique data and index tablespaces are assigned. These datafiles should be on separate disk spindles, if in a non-raid system. While large vaults should have tablespaces defined specifically for them, smaller vaults may share tablespaces with other smaller vaults, but keeping the index and data of each vault separate. Tablespaces are configured using SQL or Storage Manager with parameters that include the initial size and the size to which they can grow. Datafile Sizing To determine datafile sizes for the vault tablespaces, consider the following: • How many business objects will this vault contain within one year? two years? • For the most commonly-used type, how may attributes, how large a description field, and how much history will be retained per business object? After large scale data loading, data to index size ratios are 1 to 1.5, but a vault re-index will most likely make this ratio more of the order of 1 to 1. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 35 With this in mind, our example scripts (shown in step 5 of the Creating the Database procedure) presume that vault Vault1, which uses vault1-ts for data and vault1-Its for index, will have 300,000 business objects after two years of dataload/ production usage. Assume the average business object takes 2 KB of data and 3 KB of index space, so data files are created of size 600 MB for data and 900 MB for index. Tablespace Extent Sizing When ENOVIA Live Collaboration schema is first created, MX tables are created in Oracle. MX tables derive their default storage size settings from the tablespace values. Once in production, these tables probably will not grow large in size. Depending on the number of program objects, and the complexity of the schema, the default ENOVIA Live Collaboration User tablespace is not likely to exceed 60 MB. When a vault is created, LX tables are created and their default storage values are also derived from the tablespace values. Theses vault tables may experience dramatic growth. You can run the validate upgrade command to determine how many of each type of table exists in any version. It will output a list of all tables. Oracle Corporation’s Tuning white papers offer some suggestions concerning extent sizings: 1. Use initial and next size of 160k, 5120k, or 160m. 2. Use pct-increase of 0. 3. Ideally, no tables should have a very large number of extents. One recommendation is that there should never be more than 10 extents per table. So, initial = next = 160k is set for all tablespaces. However, examination of the LX tables indicates that certain tables, such as LXOID (the master index of all vault OIDS), LXBO (business object definition table), LXSTRING (string attributes), LXHIST (history table), and possibly LXDESC, LXRO, LXFILE (description, relationship, and attached file reference tables) experience growth. So for vaults which anticipate more than 10,000 business objects, ENOVIA suggests a next extent size of 5120k. If a database has hundreds or thousands of extents per table, performance will be slow. An Oracle export followed by a database re-creation (import) will help. Contact ENOVIA Technical Support or the ENOVIA Infrastructure Team for advice. Rollback Segments Rollback segments allow transactions to fail in such a manner that the database can be restored to a condition it was in before the transaction was attempted. When a transaction fails, the data contained in the rollback segment is re-inserted back into the database, thus restoring its integrity. Once the transaction is “committed” or restored, the rollback segment is flushed clean. Rollback segments are created in a tablespace dedicated for them. Since most ENOVIA Live Collaboration transactions are small, a segment size of 64 k will cover most of them. The recommended extent size is 128k with a minimum of 10 extents. However, there are some conditions, such as during ENOVIA Live Collaboration upgrades or a business definition modification that is widely referenced, that may require a large rollback segment. 36 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide A rule of thumb is that there should be one rollback segment for every ten concurrent users. Either the “Storage Manager” or “SQL*Plus” may be used for this purpose. Once created, all new rollback segments must be identified in init<SID>.ora, as described below. For large scale concurrent systems (500+processes) rollback segments might be spread across multiple tablespaces on different spindles. This is known as striping the rollback segments. Indexing The section contains general information about Oracle indexing in an ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment. B-Tree Indexes ENOVIA Live Collaboration only uses B-tree indexes, which ensure that read performance does not degrade as the base table grows. B-tree indexes expand and balance very well over time, although deletions result in “browning” the index. To maintain B-tree indexes: • Keep nesting levels to a minimum. • Perform regular maintenance operations to keep the indexes performing optimally. Index Monitoring Using the dynamic schema model feature, ENOVIA Live Collaboration has many indexes for all possible schema configurations. Too many indexes will degrade write performance. A better solution is to only operate with the actual indexes that are used. To activate an index, use: Alter index XXXX MONITORING USAGE To de-activate an index, use: Alter index XXXX NOMONITORING USAGE To see whether the index has been used (selected in a parse tree) since the last ALTER INDEX ... MONITORING USAGE statement was issued, query the USED column of the V$OBJECT_USAGE dynamic performance view, for example: select used from v$object_usage; The exp/imp utility with the “indexfile” feature can be used to generate the entire index schema DDL. Indexes can then be dropped, if they are not required and only recreated for actual upgrades. Index Rebuilding To rebuild an index from an index, use the following dynamic SQL script. It can be safely completed using the “online” option; any failures will not invalidate the existing index: select 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name||' rebuild tablespace'||tablespace_name||' online ;' from dba_indexes where owner = 'MATRIX_SCHEMA‘ Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 37 Oracle Parameter File: init<SID>.ora The parameter file is a small text file that defines the Oracle instance. It contains a list of Oracle instance configuration parameters, including database and instance defaults, database limits, and the size of the System Global Area (SGA). The init<SID>.ora file also specifies control files, archived log files, and trace files settings. The parameter file is only read during instance startup, and the database does not write to it. If the file is modified, the instance must be shut down and restarted to make the new version of the parameter file effective. Several initial settings in the Oracle init<SID>.ora file must be adjusted. The file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. ORACLE_HOME is the path where Oracle was installed, and <SID> is the server instance IDentification. For example, for a SID named “orcl.” it would be called initorcl.ora. Notice that several options are provided for many settings, with all but one “commented out” with a pound sign, “#.” The sections that follow describe recommended settings. A sample file is shown at the end of these sections. If making changes using the Windows Instance Manager, be sure to right-click and choose Export to File from the Stored Configurations menu or changes may not be written to the O/S level file. System Global Area The System Global Area (SGA) is defined by three settings in the init<SID>.ora file: • DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS • SHARED_POOL_SIZE • LOG_BUFFERS The SGA should be configured to use no more than 40% of the available RAM on a server that is dedicated to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration/Oracle instance.The first setting is the most important for ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The DB_BUFFER area, defined by the product of DB_BLOCK_SIZE and DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS is the key memory buffering cache for database transaction activity. If you specify too small a value it will impact performance. The Oracle default of 200 is inadequate. A larger cache reduces the number of disk writes of modified data. DB_BLOCK_SIZE should be set to match the system’s O/S block size value. Considerable performance improvements have been noted when, for instance, Solaris machines used 8k instead of 2k, and AIX used a DB_BLOCK_SIZE size of 4k to match the O/S default of 4k. Oracle should never use swap, otherwise performance will degrade. Too large a DB_BLOCK_BUFFER value could induce memory paging or swapping. SHARED_POOL_SIZE is the data dictionary library cache. A value of 9000000 is suggested, but larger databases may want to use 15m. So, for example, if a server for a large database had 256k of RAM, you could configure it as follows: db_block_buffers = 20000 (20000 x 4k = 80mb. Note that this is assuming a block size of 4k at database creation.) 38 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide shared_pool_size = 9000000 log_buffers = 16384000 If this server will also run the Live Collaboration server, use a smaller SGA, reducing the size of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS only. Identifying Rollback segments All new rollback segments should be identified with the rollback_segments setting. For example: rollback_segments = r01, r02, r03, r04 (and so on...) Rollback segments must first be created with the “Storage Manager” or SQL*Plus applications. You may also need to specify the maximum transactions per rollback segment. For Oracle Version 10.x, use the following parameter: transactions_per_rollback_segment = 32 (at a maximum) Configuring for Concurrent Users Adjustments should be made to the number of processes, open cursors, and dml locks based on the number of concurrent users. Use these formulas as a guide for configuring: processes= should be 5 times the number of concurrent users. open_cursors sets the number of open cursors per process. 200 is suggested, but may be scaled up as necessary. dml_locks = should be 10 times the number of concurrent users The number of threads in the Live Collaboration server should be included in the “concurrent user” count for all settings. Increasing the number of processes may require more semaphores to be created on some UNIX servers. Refer to the Oracle installation guides for system configuration requirements. If Adaplets will used, the open_cursors setting should be 12 times the number of concurrent users. Configuring for Adaplets When using an adaplet with a Live Collaboration server, the Oracle instance needs to be able to support more sessions than the connection pool size. The following Oracle parameters should be set in init<SID>.ora as follows: sessions=200 processes=250 These values should be considered guidelines, but both should be set greater than the value of MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE, which is set in the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server. The default value for MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE is determined by the Java heap size selected during installation of the Live Collaboration server (on UNIX that is small = 10, medium = 20, large = 30). Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 39 Also note that when adaplets will be used, the open_cursors setting should be 12 times the number of concurrent users. Refer to the Studio Federation Toolkit Adaplet Programming Guide for details. Log Settings LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL is defined as: Redo Log Size ------------------------------------O/S block size 1 × -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of Checkpoints desired per redo log So, for a 10m redo log, an O/S block size of 2k, and 2 checkpoints per redo log, we have: 10240000 1 log_checkpoint_interval = ------------------------ × --- = 2500 2 2048 Given that the redo is really used for recovery, Oracle increments a Sequence Change Number (SCN) with each checkpoint write. So, if you need to recover a database, having multiple SCNs per redo log permits recovery to any SCN. For dataload or upgrade conditions, consider setting the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL to a large number (such as 4096000), essentially disabling the SCN write and tuning the database for performance. The log buffers writes to the redo every 3 seconds or at 33 percent fill of the log buffer. It is essential that the sum of the sizes of the redo logs exceeds the log buffer size. This means that a 16mb log buffer demands redo logs larger than the Oracle defaults of 500k / 1m. A redo log switch rate of 20 to 30 minutes is recommended for a production system. Archive Logging Although not documented in our sample init<SID>.ora file below (which is shown for creation purposes) in production mode, archive logging is highly recommended. The following settings may be added to the initialization file: log_archive_start = true log_archive_dest = directory path for Archive logs log_archive_format = arch%S.arc (for example) Refer to the Oracle Server Administrator’s Guide for discussion of these and other settings. For instance, to enhance archiving performance consider setting: log_archive_buffers = 2 However, for writes to disk or fast tape, try a larger value. Oracle documentation provides many more details. Oracle Setup for ENOVIA Live Collaboration with Case-sensitive Off If you plan to work with ENOVIA Live Collaboration in a case-insensitive environment, the Oracle database must be configured to use a function-based index by adding the following to init<SID>.ora: QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED=TRUE 40 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY=TRUSTED optimizer_mode = choose If you have done some Oracle tuning, the optimizer may be in “Choose” mode. This is acceptable as long as you calculate statistics regularly, since the system will use cost-based optimizing if statistics are available. Refer to Oracle documentation for more information on optimizer modes. Refer to the MQL Guide for more information on the ENOVIA Live Collaboration casesensitive setting and recalculating statistics. Sample init<SID>.ora file A sample init<SID>.ora file is shown below, configured for 10 users. db_name=GBOHTD01 instance_name=GBOHTD01 db_domain = world service_names = GBOHTD01.world db_block_size = 8192 # processes = 50 # processes = 100 # processes = 200 processes = 50 # SMALL # MEDIUM # LARGE # ENOVIA Collaboration Platform 5 x concurrent open_cursors = 220 cpu_count = 4 dml_locks = 100 # ENOVIA Collaboration Platform 10 x concurrent control_files = ('D:\oracle\oradata\GBOHTD01\control01.ctl', 'D:\oracle\oradata\GBOHTD01\control02.ctl', 'D:\oracle\oradata\GBOHTD01\control03.ctl') # Define directories to store trace and alert files background_dump_dest=E:\oracle\admin\GBOHTD01\bdump user_dump_dest=E:\oracle\admin\GBOHTD01\udump core_dump_dest=E:\oracle\admin\GBOHTD01\cdump # # # # # Uncommenting the line below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG. log_archive_start = true log_archive_dest = %ORACLE_HOME%\database\archive log_archive_format = "LOG%s_%t.ARC" # ------------------------------------------------------------# db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database # SMALL 8x8 = 64 41 # db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16 # db_file_multiblock_read_count = 32 db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # db_files # db_files # db_files db_files = = 80 = 400 = 1000 300 # SMALL # MEDIUM # LARGE # INITIAL db_cache_size= 25165824 # shared_pool_size # shared_pool_size # shared_pool_size shared_pool_size = # ENOVIA Collaboration Platform = 11534336 = 3500000 = 5000000 50000000 # # # # ENOVIA Platform log_checkpoint_interval = 10000000 # log_buffer # log_buffer # log_buffer log_buffer = # MEDIUM 4x16 = 64 # LARGE 2x32 = 64 # INITIAL = 8192 = 32768 = 163840 163840 # audit_trail = true timed_statistics = true max_dump_file_size = 10240 LARGE SMALL MEDIUM 50 percent memory # ENOVIA Platform 100000x512 # SMALL # MEDIUM # LARGE # ENOVIA Collaboration Platform # if you want auditing # if you want timed statistics # limit trace file size to 5 Meg each # If using public rollback segments, define how many # rollback segments each instance will pick up, using the formula # # of rollback segments = transactions \ transactions_per_rollback_segment # In this example each instance will grab 40\10 = 4: # transactions = 40 # transactions_per_rollback_segment = 10 transactions_per_rollback_segment = 32 # ENOVIA Collaboration Platform # Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to global_names = TRUE # # # # # Edit and uncomment the following line to provide the suffix that will be appended to the db_name parameter (separated with a dot) and stored as the global database name when a database is created. If your site uses Internet Domain names for e-mail, then the part of your e-mail address after the '@' is a good candidate for this parameter value. # db_domain = us.acme.com # global database name is db_name.db_domain # # # # 42 Uncomment the following line if you wish to enable the Oracle Trace product to trace server activity. This enables scheduling of server collections from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. Also, if the oracle_trace_collection_name parameter is non-null, ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide # every session will write to the named collection, as well as enabling you # to schedule future collections from the console. # oracle_trace_enable = TRUE remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive # # When installing the starter database, we can't have # snapshot_refresh_processes or job_queue_processes set, since the # 'alter database oracle character set ...' statements in createdb.sql will # fail. # # job_queue_processes = 2 # The following parameters are needed for the Advanced Replication Option # open_links = 4 # Optimizer tuning compatible = '' cursor_space_for_time = true session_cached_cursors = 12 hash_join_enabled = true star_transformation_enabled = FALSE java_pool_size = 0 large_pool_size = 0 query_rewrite_enabled = FALSE # Disc/memory tuning fast_start_mttr_target = 300 pga_aggregate_target = 52428800 # UNDO Tablespace undo_management='AUTO' undo_retention=1800 undo_tablespace='UNDO' _b_tree_bitmap_plans=FALSE Creating the Database Sample scripts for Version 9: --- CREATE THE DATABASE (GBOHTD01) -create database GBOHTD01 maxinstances 1 maxlogfiles 32 maxlogmembers 3 Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 43 maxdatafiles 150 character set AL32UTF8 datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\SYSTEM01.DBF' size 150M logfile group 1 ('D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO01a.rdo', 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO01b.rdo') size 5M, group 2 ('D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO02a.rdo', 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO02b.rdo') size 5M, group 3 ('D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO03a.rdo', 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO03b.rdo') size 5M, group 4 ('D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO04a.rdo', 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO04b.rdo') size 5M, group 5 ('D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO05a.rdo', 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\REDO\REDO05b.rdo') size 5M undo tablespace UNDO datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\undo01.dbf' size 200M ; --- SET THE CORRECT ORACLE HOME HERE --@E:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin\catalog.sql @E:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin\catproc.sql connect system/manager @E:\oracle\ora92\sqlplus\admin\pupbld.sql --- GENERAL TABLESPACES -create temporary tablespace TEMP tempfile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\TEMP01.DBF' size 100M extent management local ; --- ENOVIA Collaboration Platform SCHEMA TABLESPACES -create tablespace ITTEST datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\ITTEST_DATA01.DBF' size 160M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace ITTEST_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\ITTEST_IDX01.DBF' size 160M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; --- BAT SCHEMA TABLESPACES -create tablespace GSP_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\GSP_DATA01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto 44 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ; create tablespace GSP_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\GSP_IDX01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace BEG_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\BEG_DATA01.DBF' size 150M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace BEG_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\BEG_IDX01.DBF' size 150M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace CLARITY_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\CLARITY_DATA01.DBF' size 200M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace CLARITY_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\CLARITY_IDX01.DBF' size 200M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace SAM_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\SAM_DATA01.DBF' size 250M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace SAM_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\SAM_IDX01.DBF' size 250M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace UM_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\UM_DATA01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace UM_IDX Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 45 datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\UM_IDX01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace WMS_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\WMS_DATA01.DBF' size 170M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace WMS_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\WMS_IDX01.DBF' size 170M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace PRODSPEC_DATA datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\PRODSPEC_DATA01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; create tablespace PRODSPEC_IDX datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\PRODSPEC_IDX01.DBF' size 100M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M extent management local segment space management auto ; -- create tablespace COPYEDCTEST -- datafile 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\GBOHTD01\COPYEDCTEST01.DBF' size 160M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M -- extent management local -- ; --- CREATE THE ENOVIA Collaboration Platform USER -create user ITTEST identified by MATRIX default tablespace ITTEST temporary tablespace TEMP ; grant connect, resource to ITTEST ; alter user ITTEST default role all ; create user EJSADMIN identified by EJSADMIN default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace TEMP ; grant connect, resource to EJSADMIN ; 46 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide alter user EJSADMIN default role all ; connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba ; grant select on sys.v_$session to ITTEST ; --- AMEND DBA USERS -alter user sys temporary tablespace TEMP ; alter user system default tablespace SYSTEM temporary tablespace TEMP ; connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba startup mount pfile=E:\oracle\admin\GBOHTD01\pfile\initGBOHTD01.ora alter database archivelog; alter database open; alter system switch logfile; drop rollback segment rb0; shutdown; startup set pages 0 set feedback off spool c:/temp/rebuild.sql --- REDISTRIBUTE THE MATRIX SCHEMA INDEXES -select 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name||' rebuild tablespace MATRIX_INDEX ;' from dba_indexes where tablespace_name = 'MATRIX_DATA' and owner = 'MATRIX' ; spool off @c:/temp/rebuild.sql exit Oracle 10G On Oracle 10G, the Automatic Statistics Gathering feature is enabled by default. The Automatic Statistics Gathering feature allows Oracle to automatically gather statistics on all database objects and maintains those statistics in a regularly-scheduled maintenance job. This feature eliminates many of the manual tasks associated with managing the query optimizer, and reduces the chances of getting poor execution plans because of missing or stale statistics. Also on Oracle 10g security has been tightened. The Connect role had some default privileges deprecated. In order to create db links, you must specifically give the following privileges to the Connect Role. GRANT CREATE DATABASE LINK TO CONNECT; GRANT CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK TO CONNECT; Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 47 Also, you should grant the following: GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO ${USERNAME}; 48 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages ENOVIA Live Collaboration/Oracle users located across the globe that access a common database need the ability to view and edit data using their preferred language and territorial requirements. The setup for both Oracle servers and ENOVIA Live Collaboration/SQL clients must be properly configured to meet these goals. This section provides instructions for setting up ENOVIA Live Collaboration and Oracle to properly display any character set. Oracle uses an integrated national language architecture that supports national languages and character encoding. More than one language can be used to view and update a single database accessed by a broad spectrum of multilingual users. Language-dependent features can be customized for a specific application, user, or organization. Since a mixed environment of computer platforms may use different character-encoding schemes, character data passed between the client and server must be converted. Some ENOVIA Live Collaboration configuration may be required for use of decimal characters other than a period. Refer to Localized Decimal Character Settings in Chapter 20 for more information. Choosing a Character Set for the Oracle Server The Oracle install program supplies a value for the NLS_LANG parameter based on the language selected for using the Oracle applications. The NLS_LANG setting is used to determine how to display the text for both the server and client software. Oracle clients may access a database specifying different character sets in their NLS_LANG setting, as long as the database character set is equivalent to, or a superset of, these character sets. The NLS_LANG variable uses the following format: NLS_LANG = LANGUAGE_TERRITORY.CHARACTER_SET Where: LANGUAGE—Specifies the language and conventions for displaying of messages, day name and month name. TERRITORY—Specifies the territory and conventions for calculating week and day numbers. CHARACTER_SET—Controls the character set used for displaying text. This setting during database creation controls the character set used for data storage. It is important to differentiate between the character set used for storage and the one used for display. • When the database is created, if you don’t specify a character set for the database, it uses the one from NLS_LANG, and all character data stored will use this character set. Once the database is created, the character set cannot be changed without re-creating the database. Currently, multiple languages can be supported in each of the following ways: • ENOVIA Live Collaboration/Oracle supported operating systems in any language (including double-byte languages) can handle the native language and English at one time, using the database character set that supports their native language. • English and Western European operating systems can concurrently support multiple non-English, single-byte languages, using WE8ISO8859P15 for the database character set. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 49 • Only an English operating system may be used to concurrently support more than one double-byte language, or one double-byte language and another non-English language, using UTF-8 (or also AL32UTF8 and AL32UTF16) for the database character set. In any of these scenarios, clients then set their NLS variables to handle the conversion for their language and territory. Establishing the Character Set for the Server and Client The default language setting of Oracle is American English. If you accept the default language on Windows, NLS_LANG is set to: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1 While this character set, WE8ISO8859P1,does support both English and Western European characters, it does not support the Euro symbol. The character set that does support the Euro is WE8ISO8859P15.This should be used for all English and Western European server’s and clients. You can select other languages for viewing the software by clicking Product Languages from the Available Product Components page. Choose the languages needed for the DBA. Establishing the Character Set for the Database After Oracle products are installed, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database (user) must be created with the language parameters defined properly. After the server is installed, the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant is used to create the database. If you choose Custom for the type of database, you can change the character set on the page where you set the DB name and SID. For English and Western European operating systems that support it, you should use UTF-8, AL32UTF8, or AL32UTF16). You can also use a script to create the database. For example: create database MATRIX datafile 'd:\oradata\matrix\sys1matrix.ora' logfile 'd:\oradata\matrix\log1matrix.ora' 'd:\oradata\matrix\log2matrix.ora' 'd:\oradata\matrix\log3matrix.ora' maxdatafiles 255 noarchivelog character set UTF8; size size size size 60M 2M, 2M, 2M Once the database has been created with a character set other than the default, the Oracle owner’s server startup file must have the environment set as follows: ORA_NL32 = $ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data NLS_LANGUAGE = German (optional) NLS_TERRITORY = Germany (optional) NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY are optional. They should be set to the language preferences required by the System Administrator responsible for the Oracle server, and only need to be set if different from the settings in the database. LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/dt/lib: ORACLE_HOME = ORACLE_SID = 50 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ORACLE_TERM = vt100 (supported Oracle terminal windows are listed in the Oracle installation manuals for specific platforms.) If possible, match the ORACLE_TERM to the UNIX shell window defined in the user’s .cshrc or .profile. Many display errors are due to new shells being created without using the appropriate Oracle startup parameter file. As with all UNIX environment variables, be sure to export them. For example: $ export NLS_LANGUAGE, NLS_TERRITIORY, ORA_NL32, NLS_LANG, LANG, LC_ALL, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_TERM, SCRHOME, TERM, PATH Loading Language Message Libraries on UNIX Additionally for UNIX servers, you have the option of loading all available language message libraries during installation.UNIX platforms rely on message libraries compiled for specific UNIX platforms to display Oracle messages for all Oracle products. Loading all languages will load all compiled font message files for that specific UNIX platform during installation. Select all languages when installing, if adequate space is available. If an additional language message file is required after the UNIX server has already been installed, Oracle must be completely reinstalled and configured since the message files for each Oracle product are located in the product itself. Also, note that the last message file library loaded will be the default language for viewing. Selecting “all languages” upon installation is a recommended because if an additional language message file is later required, Oracle must be completely reinstalled and configured. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 51 Disk Layout Suggestions There are two ways to look at disk layout vis-à-vis optimizing the Oracle database and the ENOVIA Live Collaboration for I/O performance and availability: • Method #1: Multiple disks, multiple disk spindles. • Method #2: Multiple disks plus Raid Arrays. • Method #3: Advanced Storage devices using large scale write buffer caches. There are multiple Oracle processes that involve writing to disk: 1. DBWR—writes data from the database buffer cache to the database datafiles; that is, to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration user datafile, to the data, and index datafiles. 2. DBWR—will also write rollback data to the rollback datafile, also any temp/system datafile updates. 3. LGWR—writes data from the log buffer to the redo log files (possibly mirrored). 4. ARCH—if enabled, will copy off redo logs at redo log switch time only. In addition, ENOVIA Live Collaboration may involve a write to local disk for FTP/NFS file transfer as part of file checkin/checkout transactions, if stores are locally configured. So, for a fully-used production system, as transaction updates are made continuously by a large pool of people, or during dataload, parallel writes to disk for vault datafile, index datafile, redo log and rollback datafile occurs. Temp datafile updates may also occur. The diagram below shows all possible write transactions. 52 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4 to 7 Disk System In the past, Oracle/ENOVIA Live Collaboration would have requested a 4-7 disk system with multiple drive spindles to optimize a large scale production database. Datafiles might have been configured as follows across multiple disks: • Disk1: OS/Oracle/ENOVIA Live Collaboration installation—init files, system, temp, rollback datafiles • Disk 2: Data datafiles, control file1, ENOVIA Live Collaboration user default tablespace datafile • Disk 3: Index datafiles, control file 2 • Disk 4: Redo logs • Disk 5: Mirror of redo logs, control file 3 • Disk 6: Archive log files, backup data disk • Disk 7: Captured store data (ftp/nfs checked-in data referenced by Oracle metadata) This is still a very valid and optimal solution, assuming a capable backup strategy. The problem is there is vulnerability to single disk failure. Note that the most important choice is to choose multiple disks and multiple spindles rather than one large disk. Disk Layout Example (Vault Sizing) This example shows: • How to size the Oracle datafiles for projected ENOVIA Live Collaboration growth • How to optimize the disk layout for optimal Disk I/O performance and really how to minimize contention of hot disk read and write needs of the application’s hot table indexes and tables. This example assumes a projected migration of 2TB of attached File Store data might translate down to something at upwards of 4,000,000 business objects in this database. This estimate presumes an average file size of 500K. The average business object sizes range from 2k - 20k depending on six independent variables but a good guide is to presume that production systems should plan for an average business object size of 10k. This leads to the suggestion that the production system could be sized between 60-75g. The Development System will not reach this size, but the database could be installed with these initial tablespace structures: Name Description Value MATRIX_TS Admin Tables (Lesser) Vault Tables 500m MATRIX_ITS Admin Indexes (Lesser) Vault Indexes 500m DB45_TS- DB45 (Major Vault) Tables 4g DB45_ITS DB45 (Major Vault) Indexes 4g Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 53 The Production and Test systems may need specialized growth tuning considerations including ‘large and hot’ object datafile isolation with further tablespaces: Name Description Value DB45_STRING_DATA DB45 String Tables 10g DB45_STRING_INDEX DB45 String Indexes 10g DB45_RO_DATA DB45 Relationship Tables 2g DB45_RO_INDEX DB45 Relationship Indexes 2g DB45_HIST_DATA DB45 History Table 10g DB45_HIST_INDEX DB45 History Indexes 10g DB45_BO_DATA DB45 Bus. Object Tables 2g DB45_BO_INDEX DB45 Bus. Object Indexes 2g Factor in an additional 10-15g for large Undo Tablespaces (imports and dataloads which tend to stretch Undo) For Development, however, assume that additional \large specialized tablespace structures for uniquely large and hot objects are not required. So plan for the initial set of application specific tablespaces and presume subsequent Oracle tuning will occur before any large scale dataloading. RAID Technology 54 RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) devices might be used to contain the database and index tablespace data files to provide protection against disk failure. Hot-swapable RAID 0+1 or perhaps a RAID 5 device with large buffer cache are recommended for the best combination of the write performance and downtime prevention. Read performance will not usually be affected by RAID, as the database should reside almost entirely within the server's memory (System Global Area). Redo logs and Archived logs are accessed sequentially (usually for writes) and therefore are not ideally suited for being placed on a RAID-5 device. Also, datafiles which belong to temporary tablespaces and rollback segments should not be placed on a RAID-5 device. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Fault Tolerance and Data Availability with RAID The following chart is designed to reflect the various RAID configurations and weigh the benefits on a scale of 1-5 (5 being least desirable) Independent Disks RAID 0 RAID 1 RAID 0+1 RAID 3 RAID 5 Random Read Access 2 1 2 1 5 1 Random Write Access 1 1 2 1 5 5 Sequential Performance 4 1 5 1 2 3 Data Protection 4 5 1 1 2 2 Cost of Redundancy 1 1 3 5 2 2 Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 55 The benefits and drawbacks of each RAID configuration are spelled out in the table that follows. Description of RAID arrays RAID supplies fault tolerance and improves data availability RAID 0 RAID 1 RAID 0+1 RAID 2 RAID 3 RAID 4 RAID 5 Striped disks (speed) Mirrored disks (reliable redundancy) Striping plus Mirroring Provides check disks with data 'bit-striped' across data and check disks Parallel data transfer Block or sector striping is done on the data disks, allows for multiple unrelated sectors to be read simultaneously. Distributed data and parity • • • • • • Used for transaction processing systems • • Write operations can become a bottleneck Allows for multiple read and write operations simultaneo usly • Can have poor random write performanc e • Transfer rate and read transaction rate scale with the number of drives • • Excellent sequentia l transfer rate performa nce and very good transactio n rate performa nce No redundan cy Low cost • • Fully redundan t copy of data on a second disk Doubles the cost of storage Both drives can be used for reads to improve performa nce • • Excellent random write and transfer rate performa nce Suitable for all-aroun d performa nce and reliability Expensive, d ata is completel y duplicate d • Detects and corrects single bit errors, detects double bit errors Check disks consume 30% of the total disk array, complex to impleme nt • A parity disk is used for a group of drives, the data written to the disk array is bit-stripe d across the data disks Reduces overhead for check disk, consumes 20% of the total array space Common RAID selections • RAID 0+1 for best protection and high transaction rates, most expensive. • RAID 5 for excellent protection, but willing to sacrifice possible loss in write performance, has excellent read performance. So, with a RAID system the Oracle/ENOVIA Live Collaboration configuration solution may be as follows: 56 • Raid 0+1: Data/Index datafiles, ENOVIA Live Collaboration User datafile, System datafiles, control files, Oracle/ENOVIA Live Collaboration installation, Rollback datafile • Raid 1: Redo Logs, Temp tablespace ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Other Disk Solutions • Raid 1: Captured store data • External Disk: Backup disk, archive logs EMC, IBM, and Sun have been exploring alternate disk storage solutions at the high end for some time. Some newer lower cost solutions have come to market recently that some customers have explored including Auspex fileservers, Solaris NFS storage devices, Network Appliances storage devices, and Oracle's Raw Iron solution to name but a few. These solutions typically have a very large write cache or minimal OS overhead, ensuring extremely fast writes and disk failure handling capacity. For large scale captured data storage, these solutions perform extremely well in tandem with Oracle Windows and UNIX systems. In addition to fast read/write access, high availability of disk, they also provide new and very fast techniques for data backup, frequently without requiring downtime. Most of these solutions will directly support an Oracle installation. We recommend you download white papers from the vendors' Websites for more detailed information on each solution. Note this area is in transition—it is unclear at this time if one solution maintains a distinct advantage over any other. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 57 Reconfiguring Oracle Many settings may be adjusted in the init<SID>.ora file. This file and certain settings are discussed in Oracle Parameter File: init<SID>.ora. But for more complete information, refer to Oracle documentation. The section provides guidelines for common Oracle reconfiguring tasks, which should be performed only after fully understanding what the task is accomplishing. Rebuilding the Control File Most adjustments to an Oracle configuration can be made by editing a value in the init<SID>.ora, and then stopping and restarting the DB so that the value is incorporated. However, certain settings can only be modified by recreating the database or by recreating the control files. These settings include maxdatafiles, maxlogfiles, character_set, db_block_size, and maxlogmembers. The settings for maxlogfiles and maxdatafiles are upper limit values. However, actual values may be adjusted on the fly in init<SID>.ora using db_files or max_log_members, but they are clamped by the upper limit set at controlfile/ database-creation time. Before rebuilding the control file, generating a complete backup of the entire system is highly recommended. Also, be sure all users are logged off before proceeding. For background and more complete information, refer to the Oracle Server Administrator’s Guide and the Oracle DBA Handbook. To reconfigure a control file: 1. Open SVRMGR, SQL*Plus, or SQL Worksheet and log in as Oracle dba (e.g. system/ manager). 2. Generate the list of current controlfile parameters using the following command: alter database DBNAME backup controlfile to trace; where DBNAME is the name in the init<SID>.ora file. For example: alter database MATRIX backup controlfile to trace; This results in the most current .trc file in the \orant\rdbms73\trace directory being updated with the exact commands you will need to run. Open this file in a text editor. 3. Select the section that starts with STARTUP (NO)MOUNT and ends with the “;” after the last datafile name. Copy and paste to a text file, adding a “;” after the STARTUP MOUNT. (Oracle left it out). 4. You may modify any of the MAX parameters, for example, MAXDATAFILES. You may also add lines for character_set or db_block_size. Save the file. Example of modified file: STARTUP NOMOUNT; CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE “ORACLE” NORESETLOGS NOARCHIVELOG MAXLOGFILES 32 MAXLOGMEMBERS 3 MAXDATAFILES 200 58 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MAXINSTANCES 16 MAXLOGHISTORY 1600 LOGFILE GROUP 1 ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\LOG2ORCL.ORA’ SIZE 10M, GROUP 2 ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\LOG1ORCL.ORA’ SIZE 10M DATAFILE ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\SYS1ORCL.ORA’, ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\USR1ORCL.ORA’, ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\RBS1ORCL.ORA’, ‘E:\ORANT\DATABASE\TMP1ORCL.ORA’, ‘E:\ORCLTEST\MATRIX\ORCL1MX.DBF’, ‘E:\ORCLTEST\MXDEMO\ORCL1MXD.DBF’, ‘E:\ORCLTEST\CUSTTEST\ORCL1MXC.DBF’, ‘E:\ORCLTEST\MXJUNK\ORCL1MXJ.DBF’ 5. In server manager (MS DOS Command Prompt, svrmgr23) connect as the dba and do a shutdown immediately. Last Chance: At the OS level make sure you have backups of everything! 6. At the OS level delete your control file(s) as referenced in the initialization file. 7. In server manager, run the text file you modified and saved by typing: @bldcontrol.sql 8. Once “statement processed” comes up, type: alter database open; 9. Rerun the alter database backup controlfile command and verify the latest trc has any new settings. Changed settings will be the last entry in the latest trc. The old entries are there also, so be sure to look towards the end of the file. 10. Test connecting to Oracle with ENOVIA Live Collaboration and verify functionality is restored. Rebuilding Redo Logs Once you start tuning you may have to modify the size of and append redo logs. In the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/SID/bdump/alert_SID.log file, the rate of switching of redo logs should ideally be every 20-30 minutes. If at dataload time, you notice a switch rate of 30 secs/1minute, Oracle is poorly tuned. The solution is to increase the size (and possibly number) of your redo logs. However you cannot resize a redo log, you may only drop and recreate the log. Remember one redo log may have 2 or more members spread across multiple disks. A user with DBA privileges can perform these steps. To drop and add a redo log: 1. Log into SQL*Plus as system or sys. Select your redo logs to determine how many, which are current, etc. by typing: "select * from v$log;" and "select * from v$logfile;" You cannot alter the current redo log. Note whether you have one or more than one logmembers per redo log. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 59 It is always suggested that you have at least 2 valid redo logs at all times. If you have only 2 redo logs, you should construct a new one before deleting one. 2. To drop a redo log, use a command similar to the following: alter database drop logfile member 'c:\orant\database\log3orcl.ora'; alter database drop logfile 'c:\orant\database\log4orcl.ora'; alter database drop logfile member 'c:\orant\database\log2orcl.ora'; Note that the logfile is listed by path and filename, and the exact specification will likely vary. 3. To add a redo log and/or member of a redo log, use something like: alter database oracle add logfile group 1 'g:\orant\database\redolog01.log' size 10M reuse; alter database oracle add logfile group 3 'g:\orant\database\redolog03.log' size 10M reuse; alter database oracle add logfile group 4 'g:\orant\database\redolog04.log' size 10M reuse; Note you must name the database (oracle), the group number, the log location and size. 4. Now cycle through all the redo logs to make sure all are functional as follows: alter system switch logfile; select * from v$log; select * from v$logfile; alter system switch logfile; ..... If multiple log members exist in a group, they must be dropped and added as well. 60 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Tuning and Statistics After installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration, you should consider the following tuning recommendations in order to achieve optimum performance: • In the init<SID>.ora file, increase the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS setting to the size appropriate for the Oracle server system. Refer to the Designing the Database topic in this chapter, in particular the Oracle Parameter File: init<SID>.ora section. • Set the Oracle optimizer mode to “choose” by adding the following line to the init<SID>.ora file: optimizer_mode = CHOOSE Choose mode allows Oracle to decide between rule-based or cost-based optimizing depending on whether or not statistics are calculated on the tables used. With this setting in place, you should calculate statistics regularly. (Statistics are required and used for cost-based optimizing.) Ensure that other optimizer settings are also correct. Refer to optimizer_index_caching and optimizer_index_cost_adj. Refer to Oracle documentation for more information on optimizer modes. • Calculate statistics on all ENOVIA Live Collaboration tables by executing the following MQL command: <mql> validate level 4; This forces the mode to be cost-based, since statistics will be available for every table, and in most cases, performance is optimal. However, the validate level 4 command should be run after any substantial data load operation, and periodically thereafter, in order to update the statistics. Depending on the nature the data, some large databases perform better using the rule-based optimizer. If performance degradation is noticed after performing the above tuning, try removing all Oracle table statistics by running an MQL validate level 2 command, which forces the use of the rule-based optimizer. Once you are running with the rule-based optimizer, you should not calculate statistics again. Oracle Initialization Parameters This section describes common Oracle initialization parameters and their recommended settings in a ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment. The initialization parameters are found in the init.ora file. _b_tree_bitmap_plans This hidden parameter should be set to False. In Version 8i, this is False by default. In Version 9i, this must be set to False. compatible Check and set this parameter to indicate the correct RDBMS version to ensure optimal query plan performance. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 61 cpu_count Set this to reflect the correct number of available CPUs for this instance. Hyper-threading on Windows can incorrectly define this parameter. It is important to correctly set this parameter since many settings are derived from it. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. cursor_space_for_time This parameter lets you use more memory to get faster execution. It ensures maximum reuse of SQL cursors. Sufficient memory must exist to enable this parameter to be set to true. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. db_block_checking Make sure that this setting is set to false to prevent the 1-10% block verification overhead occurring. This should only be set to true if data block corruption is suspected. Block checking for the system table space is always on. This is available in Versions 8.1.7, 9.x, and 10.x. db_block_size The value for this parameter can be 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, or 32K. Because the ENOVIA applications are OLTP systems, they achieve better performance with an 8K block size. Smaller sizes tend to incur additional IO overheads. Larger values incur extra intra-block locking (hot blocks). The only size recommended by ENOVIA is 8K. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. db_cache_advice This parameter defines the primary database block buffer cache. Size this while monitoring and maintaining a 95% hit ratio, thereby ensuring valuable real memory is not wasted. The following script determines the buffer cache hit ratio: SELECT ROUND ((1 - (phy.VALUE - LOB.VALUE - dir.VALUE) / ses.VALUE) * 100,2) “CUMULATIVE CACHE HIT RATIO” FROM $sysstat ses, $sysstat LOB, $sysstat dir, $sysstat phy WHERE ses.NAME = ‘session logical reads’ AND dir.NAME = ‘physical reads direct’ AND LOB.NAME = ‘physical reads direct (lob)’ AND phy.name = ‘physical reads’; db_cache_advice is a new setting available in Version 8.1.7, 9.x, and 10.x. This is an internal parameter so be careful when setting. 62 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide db_cache_size This sets the size of the default buffer pool for standard block size buffers. Set this at least between 500-750m, and perhaps more depending on the size of the physical RAM. This is a setting available in Version 9i and above. db_file_multiblock_read_count This parameter is determined by the maximum disc IO transfer value of the underlying operating system. If this value is not known, a good estimate for the transfer value would be 64K. With a transfer value of 64K, this parameter would be set to 8 based on the 8K block size to ensure that Oracle generates optimum query plans. Incorrectly setting this parameter could potentially cause non-optimal query plans to be generated (i.e. full table scans instead of index look ups). Normally this parameter should be set between 8 - 16. It should be set higher only if you are rebuilding indexes or performing bulk loading. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. Setting this value too large will have the effect of lowering the sort costs, permitting Oracle to perform more sort merge joins. This is dependent on whether the underlying OS can manage the IO transfer, which in most cases it cannot. db_files This parameter should correctly reflect the number of database files being used by the Oracle instance. The default is 200, which should be more than adequate for an ENOVIA Live Collaboration installation. This value should be looked into before designing the database. Setting this value too high will waste space in the data blocks. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. db_writer_processes This parameter should not be modified from the default value 1 without prior detailed analysis. Only very intensive write applications should consider modifying this from the default. More contention occurs with more writer processes, which can then impact on overall write performance. This is available in Versions 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. dml_locks The setting should be based on 10 locks per concurrent user, so the formula is: dml_locks = concurrent ENOVIA Live Collaboration users X 10. This parameter applies for all applications within the instance. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 63 enqueue_resources This setting should be allowed to derive from the “sessions” parameter. fast_start_mttr_target The default setting of zero will incur extra overhead while the system attempts to ensure the instance is immediately recoverable. A more conservative estimate of 1800 (30 minutes) is a better value since it balances recoverability (Mean Time To Recover) with the risks and likelihood of an associated instance crash. This is available in Versions 9.2, and 10.x. global_names This parameter should always be set to False to ensure that multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server entries are possible. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. hash_join_enable This should be set to False for queries that involve certain “Parts” operations using Version 9i and Matrix Version 10 and greater (this includes ENOVIA Live Collaboration V6R2011x). large_pool_size This parameter sets the size in bytes of the large allocation pool. Use the default value. This can be set to zero to prevent wasting valuable memory. This is available in Versions 8.0.6, 9.x, and 10.x. java_pool_size Since ENOVIA Live Collaboration does not use the Oracle JVM, reduce this parameter to the minimum setting (default 24M) and allow the memory to be used by other components. The recommendation would be to set this to: If SGA < 128M: 4m granule If SGA > 128M: 16m granule This is available in Versions 8.1.x, 9.x, and 10.x. log_archive_max_processes This parameter sets the maximum number of active archive processes. It should be left at the default value, which is normally sufficient for most ENOVIA products. You should only modify this parameter if the archive log configuration is insufficient to meet the system throughput demands. This is available in Versions 8.1.x, 9.x, and 10.x. 64 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide log_archive_start This parameter starts the archival process on SGA initialization. Always set this to true for a production environment. This will ensure that recoverability is possible after a system crash. Archive log mode incurs additional overhead, and the performance baseline should not be set too high initially by not setting this parameter from the onset. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. log_buffer This parameter sets the redo buffer size. Set it to 256K. This is sufficient for most applications provided redo log production does not become a bottleneck. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x open_cursors This parameters sets the maximum number of cursors per session. Set this parameter to 220. In reality the number of open cursors per user is significantly less, but the additional overhead of the setting is minimal and sometimes needed by applications other than ENOVIA Live Collaboration. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x open_links This parameters sets the maximum number of open links per session. Use the default value 4. This allows remote vaults/foreign adaplet vaults to be configured without errors. This is available in Versions 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x optimizer_dynamic_sampling Listed below are typical values and their affects: 0 Dynamic sampling will not be done. 1 Dynamic sampling will be done, provided that: 2 - 10 • more that one table is involved in the query • some tables have not been analyzed and have no indexes Perform more aggressive sampling while ignoring the above rule. It is important to always ensure that Oracle statistic generation is complete. This means there should not be any tables without statistics; therefore, set this value to 0. Options 2-10 cannot be recommended without first benchmarking the application. This is available in Versions 9.2.x, and 10.x Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 65 optimizer_features_enable This parameter should always be set to the current release unless other database interaction warrants disabled features. This is unlikely in ENOVIA Live Collaboration implementations. This is available in Versions 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x optimizer_index_caching This parameter should be set to 99. Setting this parameter to 99 influences the optimizer to assume index blocks will be found in the buffer cache 99% of the time. This parameter should direct Oracle to favor indexes over full table scans. This is available in Versions 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x optimizer_index_cost_adj This parameter should be set to 1. Setting this parameter to 1 would influence the optimizer to effectively value index scans as 1% of their original cost. This parameter should direct Oracle to favor indexes over full table scans. This is available in Versions 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x optimizer_max_permutations Use the default value. Monitor this if you have hard parse counts. Since hard parse counts account for high CPU usage on short-running queries, reducing this parameter can help resolve bottlenecks. Hard parse is very expensive in both terms of CPU used and in the number of latch gets performed. An example of hard parse: If a new SQL statement is issued that does not exist in the shared pool then it has to be parsed fully. Oracle has to allocate memory for the statement from the shared pool, and check the statement syntactically and semantically. If a session issues a SQL statement that is already in the shared pool and it can use an existing version of that statement, this is known as a “soft parse”. The application has asked to parse the statement. optimizer_mode This value should be “choose”. However, benchmark this parameter with all options against an ENOVIA product (choose, all_rows, first_rows, first_n_rows). All these options differ slightly in terms of generated query plans and it is impossible to predict which will perform better for the entire application. Other applications operating within this instance will also be effected by this parameter change. This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x pga_aggregate_target This parameter sets the Target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance. Use this parameter to ensure that more control is established over PGA memory. A starting setting would be 1GB. Using the SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter has difficulties 66 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide when considering large numbers of users. The actual setting depends on the operating system but should be considerably less than the available real memory to avoid memory swapping. This is a new setting available in Version 9i and above. processes This setting is the number of user processes allowed. This setting should be based on 5 sessions per concurrent user, as follows: processes = concurrent ENOVIA Live Collaboration users X 5. This parameter applies to all applications within the instance. This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x session_cached_cursors This setting is the number of cursors to save in the session cursor cache. If sufficient memory exists, use this parameter with a start point of 12. This parameter works with cursor_space_for_time. The cursor hit ratio can be measured by: select to_char(100 * sess / calls, '999999999990.00') || ‘%’ cursor_cache_hits, to_char(100 * (calls - sess - hard) / calls, '999990.00') || ‘%’ soft_parses, to_char(100 * hard / calls, ‘999990.00’) || ‘%’ hard_parses from (select value calls from v$sysstat where name = ‘parse count (total)’), (select value hard from v$sysstat where name = ‘parse count (hard)’), (select value sess from v$sysstat where name = ‘session cursor cache hits’) This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x sga_max_size This parameter defines the maximum size of memory available to the SGA (buffer pool, large pool, shared_pool, etc.). The individual components are then allowed to grow within this available constraint. At least 1GB of physical RAM should be available after deciding upon the SGA values. sga_max_size may either be derived from other settings or may be explicitly set. If set, it would represent the upper limit of memory space up to which db_cache_size, shared_pool_size and variable size contributors add up to. This is a new setting available in Version 9i and above. shared_pool_reserved_size This parameter should be left to the default value of the shared_pool_size (5%). This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 67 shared_pool_size This parameter defines the area for SQL use. Size this area while monitoring and maintaining a high hit ratio thus ensuring valuable memory is not wasted. The following script will determine the shared pool hit ratio. An approximate starting point would be 15M per user, with a suggested size of 150M in Version 9i and above. Do not size too large and waste memory This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x. select namespace, gets, gethits, rethitratio from v$librarycache timed_statistics This parameter should always be set to true to ensure that whenever statistic analysis is required it can be enabled without requiring an instance restart. The overheard associated with this parameter is minimal. This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x trace_enabled This parameter can be set to false on a production system to avoid tracing overhead. It should only be set when insufficient information is being produced during a debugging exercise. This is an internal Oracle parameter. This is available in Versions 7.3.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x undo_management Use UNDO management as opposed to rollback segments. This is enabled by setting this parameter to AUTO. This method is far more efficient in managing “rollback” information. Large rollback assignment is no longer an issue as this is now handled through undo quotas (default unlimited). This is a new setting available in Version 9i and above. undo_retention This parameter is only useful if the undo tablespace is sufficient to hold all active transactions. If so, the default value of 15 seconds is normally sufficient. The amount of undo available for use is determined by the size of the undo tablespace and not this parameter. An approximate starting point for the UNDO tablespace would be 200M. This is a new setting available in Version 9i and above. 68 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide workarea_size_policy This setting is a policy used to size SQL working areas (MANUAL/AUTO). It should be allowed to default and be derived from the pga_aggregate_target parameter. This is available in Versions 9.x, and 10.x. A note about scalability and performance The issue of scalability comes down to the specific schema and functionality of the implementation. An implementation may be able to support 4,000 concurrent users on a certain hardware/software configuration, but on that same configuration they might not be able to support another custom application with 500 concurrent users. Use of Web Navigator means that the schema, the triggers, etc. are all custom and will scale at a different rate than any other ENOVIA product implementation. The approach to take is to find out what in the specific application uses a lot of resource and re-architect it to be either more efficient, or offload it to a background process on another server. If 500 users are utilizing 100% of the CPU, then either more CPU is needed or the application needs to be more scalable. Inefficient use of APIs, complex triggers that need to be executed frequently, and inefficient data modeling are common sources of scalability issues. Database tuning including adding additional indices, is an effective technique to improve performance and scalability simultaneously. Code and design review specifically with an eye toward scalability is the recommended approach. Chapter 3: Installing an Oracle Database 69 70 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4 Installing a DB2 Database Installing the Database Software This chapter describes DB2 setup requirements and guidelines for configuring DB2 for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. DB2 and ENOVIA Live Collaboration may be installed: • As a stand-alone system, where the client and server machines are the same. In this case, DB2 server software is installed, and there is no need to install additional database client software, since it is a subset of the server software. • In a networked environment, with a database server and multiple clients. In a networked installation, you must install the DB2 server software on the central server, as well as the DB2 client software on each machine that will be running ENOVIA Live Collaboration. A corollary of this is the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, which is really just another DB2 client. Web clients will then access data via the Web from the server, without requiring further DB2 client software at the end user’s machine. If you are upgrading from a prior version of ENOVIA Live Collaboration, refer to Installing a New Version of Studio Modeling Platform in Chapter 7 for upgrade procedures. DB2 settings may require temporary adjustments while upgrading the schema. 71 Installing the DB2 Server Before installing the DB2 Enterprise Edition software, read this chapter in its entirety. Then use the guidelines provided here in conjunction with the instructions provided by IBM. Supported platforms and software versions are shown in the Program Directory for the given release. Since DB2 is a very complex product, do NOT attempt to install it without the appropriate installation guides, which are available from IBM. For a white paper on DB2 ESE Windows installation, send a request to idsicc@fr.ibm.com Once the DB2 software has been installed, you must create a database suitable for enterprise use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. While the following sections provide guidance on some settings, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a DB2 DBA. 72 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Code Set and Language Settings The DB2 database must use the UTF-8 code set. This means that the default IBM-1252 code set must be changed during database creation. You cannot modify the code set on an existing database. To determine what code set is in use, enter the following command from the DB2 command line: db2 get database configuration for DBNAME You can then set the LANG environment variable to control the display of characters on the server including decimal/comma separators in date and amount formats. On AIX, use the setenv command to set the language for DB2. For example, setenv LANG de_DE will set the language in DB2 to German/Germany. DB2 Database Client Configuration Any Live Collaboration Server that is run with MX_CHARSET=UTF8 must also set db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1208, which corresponds to UTF8. The db2set command should only be run on machines that are running the Live Collaboration Server. The db2set command is a DB2 registry command which sets the UTF-8 code set for all DB2 clients. If you do not run this command, UTF-8 will be set as an environment variable for ENOVIA Live Collaboration only. This command should not be run for thick clients. Thick clients should use the default operating system character setting. Query re-optimization The following query re-optimization variable should always be set. This variable allows real values to be queried when bind values are used in dynamic SQL statements. The following is a prerequisite command that must be launched on the database: db2 db2 Set cli db2 Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database bind db2clipk.bnd collection NULLIDR1 bind db2clipk.bnd collection NULLIDRA Query reoptimization to ALWAYS (SQL_ATTR_REOPT=4) with db cfg: update cli cfg for section SAMPLE using SQL_ATTR_REOPT 4 73 Using DB2 with ENOVIA Products DB2 and ENOVIA Products Before using DB2 with ENOVIA products, it is useful to understand the following terms: • Table: the primary data structure in the database consisting of rows and columns. ENOVIA products uses three kinds of tables: MX tables for General Administration data, LX for vault data (see below), and IX tables for indexed attributes. • Index: the data structure in the database for accelerating access to data via indexing columns on commonly accessed tables. • Vault: is an ENOVIA Live Collaboration specific organization of data. By default, there are three Governance vaults called eService Production, eService Admin, and eService Sample, and one VPM vault called vplm. • Tablespace: the physical storage area for database tables and indexes on the storage bay or disk drive. For optimal performance, tables and indexes should be in separate tablespaces. File system caching should, in general, be disabled to avoid double caching of data on both the file system cache by the operating system and in the bufferpool by DB2. • LONG and LONG RAW (also referred to as CLOBS and BLOBS): are special data types in databases of large string or binary values. DB2 with ENOVIA products uses CLOBS for comment fields and other very long strings. These objects are never cached in the bufferpool so a dedicated tablespace should be used with file system caching enabled. • Bufferpool: is the area in system memory where the database stores data that is pulled in from tablespaces. Tablespaces are assigned bufferpools for caching data in system memory. For performance reasons, frequently used data should be stored in the bufferpool. An undersized or oversized bufferpool can have a negative impact on performance. ENOVIA Live Collaboration must remain case-sensitive when using DB2 databases. To use DB2 with ENOVIA products Be sure the following are done before attempting to use DB2 with ENOVIA products: 1. Create a DB2 database suitable for enterprise use. Refer to DB2 documentation and Configuring DB2. It is highly recommended that you use automatic storage: CREATE DATABASE NAME AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES ON /FS1/NAME/1,/FS2/ NAME/2,/FS3/NAME/3,/FS4/NAME/4 DBPATH ON /FS5/NAME USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY US PAGESIZE 32768; Where Name is the name of the DB2 database you are creating. Directories must exist BEFORE the database is created. 2. Run the following command (as the DB2 instance owner) to grant necessary privileges to the USER-ID specified at bootstrap creation. You can alternatively create and run a script to combine the commands in step 3, 4 and 5: #PLMADMIN refers to the USER-ID provided at bootstrap creation. Change the schema name and user name if necessary to match this USER-ID db2 “GRANT CREATEIN, DROPIN, ALTERIN ON SCHEMA PLMADMIN TO USER PLMADMIN WITH GRANT OPTION” 74 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 3. When DB2 is used with ENOVIA products, the administrative and schema information (c-data) are stored in a default tablespace. An option is not provided to choose an alternate tablespace. If you would like to store this information in a tablespace other than the default, you must restrict the USE access of the USER-ID provided at bootstrap creation to the default tablespace. When USE access is denied to the default tablespace, DB2 will find an alternative tablespace to which the USER-ID has USE access. This must be done before connecting to the DB2 database. To revoke USE access to default tablespace: REVOKE USE OF TABLESPACE USERSPACE1 FROM PUBLIC 4. Create specific bufferpools: Bufferpool size is expressed in units of page size. For example, the values for the USERTEMPBP bufferpool below mean 5000 pages at 32768 bytes per page or 156 MB. AUTOMATIC means the bufferpool is sized automatically but at a minimum, it can be the specified page size. CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPOOL BUFFERPOOL USERTEMPBP SIZE 5000 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768; TEMPBP SIZE 5000 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768; MXBP SIZE 500 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768; LXBP SIZE 35000 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE LX_DATA PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL LXBP INITIALSIZE 5 G INCREASESIZE 5 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32 NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE LX_INDEX PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL LXBP INITIALSIZE 6 G INCREASESIZE 5 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32 NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE LX_DATA TO USER PLMADMIN WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE LX_INDEX TO USER PLMADMIN WITH GRANT OPTION The USERTEMPBP bufferpool is used for the USERTEMP tablespace. This tablespace is used as overflow for large queries that do not fit in memory and need to be temporarily stored to disk. TEMPBP is used for the system TEMPSPACE1 tablespace. MXBP id used for the MX tablespaces. LXBP is used for the LX tablespaces. The size of the LXBP bufferpool in the example should be reviewed and increased or decreased according to available system memory and tablespace size. 5. Create a user temporary tablespace. Use the following: CREATE USER TEMPORARY TABLESPACE USERTEMP IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMDEFAULTGROUP PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY SYSTEM USING ('/FS1/NAME/1/tmp5', '/FS2/NAME/2tmp5', '/FS3/NAME/3/tmp5', '/FS4/NAME/4/tmp5') EXTENTSIZE 32 Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 75 PREFETCHSIZE 32 BUFFERPOOL USERTEMPBP OVERHEAD 7.500000 TRANSFERRATE 0.060000 NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY OFF; a ) Set a dedicated buffer pool for the temporary tablespace: ALTER TABLESPACE TEMPSPACE1 BUFFERPOOL TEMPBP; b ) Grant user rights: GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE USERTEMP TO USER PLMADMIN WITH GRANT OPTION; 6. Set DB2 registry variables: DB2_USE_ALTERNATE_PAGE_CLEANING=ON DB2_DIRECT_IO= DB2_INLIST_TO_NLJN=NO DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED=ON DB2_SKIPDELETED=ON DB2_SKIPINSERTED=ON DB2MAXFSCRSEARCH=1 DB2ASSUMEUPDATE=OFF DB2_CORRELATED_PREDICATES DB2_HASH_JOIN= DB2ENVLIST=EXTSHM DB2_MMAP_WRITE=OFF DB2_MMAP_READ=OFF DB2_PARALLEL_IO=* 7. Install the Studio Modeling Platform and generate the connection file (MATRIX-R file), which connects ENOVIA products to the database. 8. Restart DB2 in order for the new settings to take affect. 9. Install the Live Collaboration Server. For details, see Chapter 8, Installing the Live Collaboration Server. 10. Install Business Process Services. This creates the three Governance vaults: eService Production, eService Admin, and eService Sample. If the tablespaces for Data and Index were specified during the setup program, these will be used for the eService Production vault. The eService Admin and eService Sample vaults are rarely used but their data and indexes will always be in the USERSPACE1 tablespace. This location is not optimal because indexes and data are combined. but this should not impact performance because the vaults are rarely used. 11. Install any ENOVIA products you are using, for example ENOVIA Engineering Central. This populates the LX Tables. The vplm vault is created when the ENOVIA VPM Multi-Discipline Collaboration Platform is installed. An IX table is created on each vault for the indexes enabled via the MXINDEX table. If a tablespace was specified during setup, the vault is placed there. An IX table is created on each vault for the indexes enabled via the MXINDEX table. 76 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The following tables for the eService Production and/or vplm vaults are usually large enough that the data and indexes should be put in separate tablespaces: MXPROPERTY, LXBO, LXBOOL, LXINT, LXHIST, LXOID, LXREAL, LXRO, LXSTATE, LXSTRING. Vplm and eService Production vault tables are placed in the LX_DATA tablespace but the indexes are also placed here which is not optimal. The indexes should be created in the index tablespace or the LX_INDEX tablespace. The IX indexed column must be first in the QuerySpec for the IX table to be used. Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 77 Configuring DB2 This section contains suggestions for improving the performance of DB2 running ENOVIA Live Collaboration. These suggestions are based on results from ENOVIA QA labs. Your results may vary depending on your platform configuration. Currently Committed Mode When Currently Committed (CC) mode is enabled, writers will no longer block readers. CC mode greatly improves concurrency. By default, CC mode is enabled (cur_commit is set to 2) in new DB2 9.7 databases and disabled (cur_commit set to 0) in databases created using version DB2 9.5 or earlier. It is highly recommended that CC mode is either enabled or allowed in DB 9.7 databases. CC mode is enabled by setting cur_commit to 2 and allowed by setting cur_commit to 1. When upgrading to DB2 9.7 from a previous version, you must manually enable or allow CC mode.The DB2_SKIPINSERT and DB2_SKIPDELETED settings are obsolete in DB2 9.7. When using DB2 9.5, DB2_SKIPINSERT and DB2_SKIPDELETED are set by default. Disk and I/O Management You should have separate storage for each of the following locations: DB2 Database Storage For optimal performance, automatic storage should be specified on the CREATE DATABASE statement, which will spread data evenly over the specified data paths. Automatic storage is implemented via the ON /path-1, … , /path-n clause shown below. Use the following example as a guideline: CREATE DATABASE <database name> ON /path-1, …,/path-n USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY US PAGESIZE 32768; Data will be spread equally across all paths specified. Each path should be a file system backed by separate storage disks, which spreads all data equally across all storage disks. Database directory files will be placed on the first path in the list. DB2 Logs Location This is where DB2 logs all changes made to objects and their contents. The logfiles record all completed (committed work) and any uncommitted work which has been written to disk (this allows uncommitted work written to disk to be removed if a transaction rollback occurs). If there is a failure in a transaction, DB2 uses these files to rollback the changes. If DB2 crashes, DB2 will verify consistency using the log files. The default logfiles location is in the <DB2 Datafile Location>, but you can change the location by issuing an update database configuration for the variable NEWLOGPATH. It is highly recommended that DB2 log files are placed on a file system dedicated to the log, and backed by disk spindles dedicated to this file system. For example: UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING NEWLOGPATH /db2log For AIX environments, logging performance will be further enhanced by mounting the logging file system with the CIO attribute. For example: 78 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide mount -o cio /db2log Configuration Parameters DB2 Database Manager (DBM) level configuration parameters Database Manager configuration parameters affect the entire instance (all databases running in that instance). The default parameters provide a reasonable starting point. They can be changed if necessary via the DB2 command: UPDATE DBM CFG USING parm_name parm_value The DBM parameter settings can be viewed by the command: GET DBM CFG Alternatively, they can be viewed and changed in the Control Center. Right click on the correct DB2 database in the left navigation pane and select “Configure Parameters.” The following DBM configuration parameters are recommended for maximum performance on industrial databases with millions of business objects: Recommended DBM Parameter DB2 Default Setting More Information update dbm cfg using NUMDB 5 8 NUMDB: The maximum number of concurrent databases running on the instance should be 1 in the production environment. DFT_MON_BUFPOOL ON OFF All Monitors should be set to ON. SORT Monitoring can be set to OFF in very specific cases if it is causing overhead during large sort operations. DFT_MON_LOCK ON OFF DFT_MON_SORT ON OFF DFT_MON_STMT ON OFF DFT_MON_TABLE ON OFF DFT_MON_UOW ON OFF BACKBUFSZ 10240 1024 RESTBUFSZ 10240 1024 ASLHEAPSZ 64 15 ASLHEAPSZ is the buffer between the application and agent. It should be set to handle the majority of the requests in a single send-and-receive pair. QUERY_HEAP_SZ 10000 1000 Only allocated when needed or on demand. The setting should be increased to avoid issues with complex queries. Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database BACKBUFSZ, RESTBUFSZ: should be set to large values because they are only allocated at backup and restore time. They should fit in UTIL_HEAP_SZ. 79 DB2 Database (DB) level configuration parameters Database configuration parameters are specific to each database. Most default values represent a reasonable starting point, but unlike the DBM level parameters, some tuning of these parameters may be expected. • By default, the Self Tuning Memory Manager (STMM) is enabled. The master DB STMM configuration parameter SELF_TUNING_MEM is set to ON, and all subsidiary DB STMM configuration parameters are set to AUTOMATIC. This results in DB2 dynamically managing it's memory pools based on workload. If self tuning memory is not desired, then issue: UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING SELF_TUNING_MEM OFF. If this is done, then manual tuning of the subsidiary memory parameters will be required. • By default, several other non-memory parameters are also set to AUTOMATIC. DB2 sets values for these based on the hardware/OS environment, or otherwise selecting what it thinks are reasonable values. • The following default values are typically not optimal and should be changed. Following are suggested values, but may need to be tuned further: UPDATE DB CFG USING LOGBUFSZ 2048 UPDATE DB CFG USING NUM_IOSERVERS 225 UPDATE DB CFG USING LOGFILSIZ 25000 UPDATE DB CFG USING LOGPRIMARY 30 UPDATE DB CFG USING LOGSECOND 10 The DB level configuration parameter settings can be viewed by the command: GET DB CFG FOR dbname Alternatively, they can be viewed and changed in the Control Center. Right click on the correct DB2 database in the left navigation pane and select “Configure Parameters” The following DM configuration parameters are recommended for maximum performance on industrial databases with millions of business objects: Recommended DM Parameter update 80 DB2 Default Setting More Information db cfg for SAMPLE using SHEAPTHRES_SHR 5000 AUTOMATIC SORTHEAP 5000 AUTOMATIC CATALOGCACHE_SZ 6000 -1 Depends on the number of database objects. UTIL_HEAP_SZ 15000 5000 UTIL_HEAP_SZ is used by backup, restore, load, and runstats operations. It can be set to a large value because it is only used when required. DFT_QUERYOPT 3 5 DFT_QUERYOPT 3: gives better results than the default value of 5. Should be set to a fixed value on test environments to avoid decreasing STMM during “sleep time.” This parameter can be set to AUTOMATC on production environments where loading is almost constant. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Recommended DM Parameter DB2 Default Setting More Information AUTO_MAINT OFF ON Should be set to OFF in test environments to avoid having it impact performance measurements. It can be set in production environments. CLOB Datatypes You should separate Catalog objects and Application objects into separate buffer pools. Review the IBM documentation on how to create and manage buffer pools effectively. ENOVIA Live Collaboration makes extensive use of CLOB datatypes. These CLOB columns are typically defined as having a maximum size of 2m. LOBS and Buffer Pools LOB datatypes do not flow through buffer pools. Since DB2 performs direct reads, DB2 buffering and memory pooling do not apply to these objects. LOBS and Table Spaces Currently, ENOVIA Live Collaboration stores CLOB data and non-CLOB data for a table in the same tablespace. After installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration you might want to alter (unload, drop, recreate and reload) the tables that contain CLOBs for performance reasons. DB2 tablespaces can either utilize OS file caching or bypass OS (Operating System) file caching. Since all data, except for LOB and LONG VARCHAR, is cached in DB2 buffer pools, it is generally recommended to avoid OS file system caching, since this results in double memory buffering of data. By default, DB2 tablespaces (except temporary tablespaces) do not use OS file system caching. However, since LOB and LONG VARCHAR data do not pass through DB2 bufferpools, there may be a performance advantage to allowing the OS to file cache this data. To implement file caching for LOB and LONG VARCHAR data: 1. Create a tablespace which uses OS file system caching. For example: CREATE TABLESPACE CACHETS FILE SYSTEM CACHING CACHETS is the name of the tablespace. 2. For tables which have LOB or LONG VARCHAR columns, edit the schema DDL to indicate that LONG data (LOB/LONG VARCHAR) should be placed in a separate tablespace. Specify a tablespace which uses OS file system caching. For example: CREATE TABLE ……. LONG IN CACHETS 3. Tables for which this change is done will have to be unloaded, dropped, recreated, and reloaded. Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 81 Additional Performance Related Tasks • DB2 requires accurate statistics, obtained by invoking the RUNSTATS utility, to make the proper access path decisions. By default, RUNSTATS is automatically invoked periodically against highly active tables. Although, after initial database population, it is recommended that statistics for all tables be updated with the following command: REORGCHK • UPDATE STATISTICS ON TABLE ALL Some tables/indexes may benefit from a periodic reorganization. Run the following command to see which tables/indexes should be considered for reorganization. The last column in the report will have one or more asterisk (*) instead of all dashes (-) if a reorganization is suggested REORGCHK UPDATE STATISTICS ON TABLE ALL A reorganization can be done via command line or via the control center (right click on the desired table and select “Reorganize” or “Reorganize Indexes.“ • The SQL statements with the longest total execution time (average execution time per statement * number of executions of this statement) should be periodically examined to ensure they have optimal access plans. Executing the following SQL statement will show the top 10 SQL statements with the longest elapsed time: To show the top 10 SQL statements with the longest elapsed time 1. Run the following script as the instance owner to enable monitoring, and if necessary, change “db2inst1” below to the actual instance owner: db2 attach to db2inst1 db2 update dbm cfg using dft_mon_stmt on db2 detach 2. Run the workload for a period of time. 3. Execute the following query - increase the value 100 as needed to capture the entire text of the statements “select average_execution_time_s * num_executions as total_exec_time, substr(stmt_text,1,100) as stmt from sysibmadm.top_dynamic_sql order by total_exec_time desc fetch first 10 rows only”. The Visual EXPLAIN tool can display the access paths for these statements as follows: Using the Control Center, right click on the database> select Explain Query; then paste one of the SQL statements obtained from the preceding query into the window and press OK. 4. Run the following script as the instance owner to disable monitoring, and if necessary, change “db2inst1” below to the actual instance owner: db2 attach to db2inst1 db2 update dbm cfg using dft_mon_stmt off db2 detach SQL0429N LOB locator limit If you exceed the SQL0429N limit of concurrent LOB locators, the following error is seen in mxtrace.log: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0429N The maximum number of concurrent LOB locators has been exceeded. SQLSTATE=54028 82 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Use the CLI patch to remove the problem: Set the DB2 client parameter PATCH2=50: For system wide change: set PATCH2=50 in db2cli.ini For session wide change: db2 update cli cfg for section <session name> using PATCH2 50 AIX Environment If the DB2 server and the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server are running on the same AIX system, you may receive the following error: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1224N A database agent could not be started to service a request, or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force command. SQLSTATE=55032 Severity:3 ErrorCode:1 To remove the problem: Catalog the local node as remote and catalog the database to remote node. Or Set the AIX environment variable EXTSHM=ON To use EXTSHM with DB2 1. In client sessions, export EXTSHM=ON 2. When starting the DB2 server: export EXTSHM=ON db2set DB2ENVLIST=EXTSHM db2start Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 83 Sample DB2 Database Creation Script In the following script is a sample and is meant to be used as an example. -- bpj Modif substitute LX to MATRIX & PATH & subst 32K to 32768 set to OFF & logarchmeth1 -- bpj 20090114 Remove NOT EXTENDED STORAGE & Add NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING & switch USERTEMP to SMS & Modify BUFFERPOOL NAME -- Minimum of 5 GB free disk space on $DatabasePath -- Tablespaces for MX and LX tables segmented by DATA, INDEX, LONG -- Separate Tablespace for MXPROPERTY (MXPROP and MXPROP_I for indexes) as this table often contains >100k rows DatabasePath=/Data/DB2/V6R2010 DatabaseName=V6R2010 DatabaseSchema=enovadm6 DatabaseBinariesPath=/opt/IBM/DB2/V9.5 CREATE DATABASE $DatabaseName AUTOMATIC STORAGE YES ON $DatabasePath/ 1,$DatabasePath/2,$DatabasePath/3,$DatabasePath/4 DBPATH ON $DatabasePath/DBPATH USING CODESET UTF-8 TERRITORY US COLLATE USING SYSTEM PAGESIZE 32768; CONNECT TO $DatabaseName; -- Smaller buffer pools all start at 200MB; large buffer pool for vaults starts at 2 GB -- To calculate size : SIZE * 32768 / 1024 / 1024 in MB -- Alternatives: Separate bufferpools for large LX tables, for the MXPROP tablespace, etc. CREATE BUFFERPOOL USRTMPBP SIZE 6400 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768 ; CREATE BUFFERPOOL TEMPBP SIZE 6400 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768 ; CREATE BUFFERPOOL MXBP SIZE 6400 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768 ; CREATE BUFFERPOOL LXBP SIZE 64000 AUTOMATIC PAGESIZE 32768 ; DISCONNECT current ; CONNECT TO $DatabaseName; ALTER TABLESPACE TEMPSPACE1 BUFFERPOOL TEMPBP; DISCONNECT current ; 84 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide CONNECT TO $DatabaseName; CREATE USER TEMPORARY TABLESPACE USERTEMP IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMDEFAULTGROUP PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY SYSTEM USING ('$DatabasePath/tmp1','$DatabasePath/tmp2','$DatabasePath/ tmp3','$DatabasePath/tmp4') EXTENTSIZE 32 PREFETCHSIZE 32 BUFFERPOOL USRTMPBP OVERHEAD 7.500000 TRANSFERRATE 0.060000 DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY OFF; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE MX_DATA PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL MXBP INITIALSIZE 100 M INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE MX_INDEX PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL MXBP INITIALSIZE 100 M INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE MX_LONG PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL MXBP INITIALSIZE 100 M INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32 FILE SYSTEM CACHING; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE MXPROP PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL MXBP INITIALSIZE 100 M INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE MXPROP_I PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL MXBP INITIALSIZE 100 M INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 85 PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE LX_DATA PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL LXBP INITIALSIZE 1 G INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE LX_INDEX PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL LXBP INITIALSIZE 1 G INCREASESIZE 20 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32; CREATE LARGE TABLESPACE LX_LONG PAGESIZE 32768 MANAGED BY AUTOMATIC STORAGE BUFFERPOOL LXBP INITIALSIZE 1 G INCREASESIZE 5 PERCENT PREFETCHSIZE 32 FILE SYSTEM CACHING; update db cfg for $DatabaseName using SHEAPTHRES_SHR AUTOMATIC SORTHEAP AUTOMATIC MAXAPPLS AUTOMATIC APPLHEAPSZ AUTOMATIC STMTHEAP AUTOMATIC DBHEAP AUTOMATIC CATALOGCACHE_SZ 6000 LOGBUFSZ 2048 UTIL_HEAP_SZ 15000 STAT_HEAP_SZ AUTOMATIC LOGFILSIZ 25000 LOGPRIMARY 30 LOGSECOND 10 logarchmeth1 OFF logarchmeth2 OFF newlogpath $DatabasePath/DBLOG PCKCACHESZ AUTOMATIC 86 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide SELF_TUNING_MEM ON LOCKLIST AUTOMATIC MAXLOCKS AUTOMATIC NUM_IOSERVERS 255 LOCKTIMEOUT -1 DFT_QUERYOPT 3 AUTO_MAINT OFF DFT_DEGREE 1 MAXFILOP 32768 APPL_MEMORY AUTOMATIC; update dbm cfg using NUMDB 5 DIAGLEVEL 3 NOTIFYLEVEL 3 DFT_MON_BUFPOOL ON DFT_MON_LOCK ON DFT_MON_SORT ON DFT_MON_STMT ON DFT_MON_TABLE ON DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP ON DFT_MON_UOW ON HEALTH_MON OFF MON_HEAP_SZ 2048 JAVA_HEAP_SZ 2048 AUDIT_BUF_SZ 0 INSTANCE_MEMORY AUTOMATIC BACKBUFSZ 10240 RESTBUFSZ 10240 SHEAPTHRES 0 ASLHEAPSZ 64 RQRIOBLK 32767 QUERY_HEAP_SZ 10000 MAX_CONNECTIONS AUTOMATIC NUM_INITAGENTS 0 KEEPFENCED YES Chapter 4: Installing a DB2 Database 87 SPM_NAME '' MAX_QUERYDEGREE ANY INTRA_PARALLEL NO NUM_POOLAGENTS AUTOMATIC FENCED_POOL AUTOMATIC; GRANT DBADM,CREATETAB,BINDADD,CONNECT,CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE,IMPLICIT_SCHEMA,LOAD,CR EATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE,QUIESCE_CONNECT ON DATABASE TO USER $DatabaseSchema; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE USERSPACE1 TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE USERTEMP TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE MX_DATA TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE MX_INDEX TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE MXPROP TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE MXPROP_I TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE MX_LONG TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE LX_DATA TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE LX_INDEX TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT USE OF TABLESPACE LX_LONG TO USER $DatabaseSchema WITH GRANT OPTION; bind $DatabaseBinaries/bnd/db2clipk.bnd collection NULLIDRA; update cli cfg for section $DatabaseName using SQL_ATTR_REOPT 4; DISCONNECT current ; terminate; 88 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 5 Installing an SQL Server Database Installing the Database Software This chapter describes Microsoft SQL Server setup requirements and guidelines for configuring SQL Server for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. SQL Server and ENOVIA Live Collaboration may be installed: • As a stand-alone system, where the client and server machines are the same. In this case, SQL Server software is installed, and there is no need to install additional database client software, since it is a subset of the server software. • In a networked environment, with a database server and multiple clients. In a networked installation, you must install the SQL Server software on the central server, as well as the SQL Server client software on each machine that will be running ENOVIA Live Collaboration. A corollary of this is the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, which is really just another SQL Server client. Web clients will then access data via the Web from the server, without requiring further SQL Server client software at the end user’s machine. 89 Installing SQL Server You can install the Standard or the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. Before installing the software, read this chapter in its entirety. Then use the guidelines provided here in conjunction with the instructions provided by Microsoft. Supported platforms and software versions are shown in the Program Directory for the given release. Do NOT attempt to install SQL Server without the appropriate installation guides, which are available from Microsoft. SQL Server cannot be used with the Studio Modeling Platform on double-byte language operating systems. This limitation is due to the SQL Server requirement that characters be converted to Unicode before they can be stored in the database, and would require the following settings: MX_CHARSET=UTF8 and LANG=C. However, the Studio Modeling Platform requires characters to be mapped according to the operating system language setting, and so LANG must be set to the appropriate language (e.g. SJIS) rather LANG=C for Studio Modeling. 90 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setting up SQL Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration After you have installed SQL Server, you need to create an ODBC data source for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The data source should be created on the client machine where ENOVIA Live Collaboration is running. ENOVIA Live Collaboration software version V6R2011x supports SQL Server 2008 SP1 (build 10.0.2531). This version of SQL Server does not require the SQL Native Client. Before configuring the ODBC driver for the very first time, update the SQL Server instance using the SQL Server Management Studio to enable SQL Server and Windows authentication. A database must be created before you can create an ODBC data source for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. To create a database (database engine) The following source provides general information on how to create a database: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175198.aspx The following source provides information specific to SQL Server Management Studio: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186312.aspx This topic describes how to create a database by using SQL Server Management Studio. 1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance. For example: Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 91 2. Right-click Databases, and then click New Database. 3. In the New Database dialog, enter a database name. 4. To create the database by accepting all default values, click OK; otherwise, continue with the following steps. 5. To change the owner name, click (...) to select another owner. The “Use the full-text indexing” option is always checked and dimmed because, beginning with SQL Server 2008, all user databases are full-text enabled. For more information, see Configuring Full-Text Catalogs and Indexes for a Database (http://technet.microsoft.com/ en-us/library/cc879299.aspx). 6. To change the default values of the primary data and transaction log files, in the Database files grid, click the appropriate cell and enter the new value. For more information, see How to: Add Data or Log Files to a Database (SQL Server Management Studio) (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189253.aspx). 7. To change the collation of the database, select the Options page, and then select a collation from the list. 8. To change the recovery model, select the Options page, and then select a recovery model from the list. 9. To change database options, select the Options page, and then modify the database options. For a description of each option, see Setting Database Options (http:// technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190249.aspx). 10. To add a new file group, click the File groups page. Click Add, and then enter the values for the file group. 11. To add an extended property to the database, select the Extended Properties page: a ) In the Name column, enter a name for the extended property. b ) In the Value column, enter the extended property text (for example, one or more statements that describe the database). 12. Click OK to create the database. 92 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To create an ODBC data source (and alias to ENOVIA Team Server database) This topic describes how to create an ODBC data source (em1sql) alias to the ENOVIA Team Server database, which will be used during ENOVIA Team Server installation. Before you begin: Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator panel using one of the following methods: • For 32-bit Windows, open a command window and issue the command: > C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcad32.exe • For 64-bit Windows, including 32-bit media on 64-bit machines, open a command window and issue the command: > C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe 1. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator panel, click the System DSN tab, and then click Add. Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 93 2. In the Create New DataSource page, select SQL Server Native Client 10.0 for the driver, and then click Finish. 3. In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server panel: a ) Provide the name of the data source that the ENOVIA Team Server installation will use (in this example, em1sql). b ) Provide a description of the data source. c ) Select the server (in this example, <workstation_name>\MSSQL). Click Next. 4. Specify the Login ID and the password. 94 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The login ID and password you enter here correspond to the SQL Server Administrator (in this example, sa). Click Next. 5. Select the default database from the database drop-down list. This is the name of the database created in the MSSQL Server (in this example, EnoviaDB). Click Next. Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 95 6. Uncheck the Perform translation for character data option. Click Finish. 7. Click Test Data Source... to test the connectivity with the database. Testing the connectivity ensures that the data source is able to talk to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database on the SQL Server instance. If the test fails, you will need to close out this administrator session and create a new data source. 8. Click OK to exit the ODBC Data Source Administrator. ENOVIA Live Collaboration can now use the data source you have created to talk to the database. 96 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring SQL Server Minimizing Deadlock Potential The READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option should be ON in your SQL Server database. This option is similar to the locking model used by Oracle and prevents readers from blocking writers, and writers from blocking readers. This option increases through-put while minimizing deadlock potential: ALTER DATABASE DATABASE_NAME SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON Using Indexes with SQL Server When enabling ENOVIA Live Collaboration indexes on SQL Server, the operation should be performed within a transaction using MQL. For example: start transaction; enable index MXINDEX; commit transaction; Case Sensitivity System Administrators can configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration for either case-insensitive mode or case-sensitive mode when using an SQL Server database. The underlying database must be configured to support the desired sensitivity. By default, SQL Server is supported as case-insensitive. For information on configuring the case-sensitivity, see “Case-Sensitive Mode” in the MQL Guide. In general, case sensitivity does not have an impact on ENOVIA Live Collaboration performance. An exception may be queries using case-insensitive comparison operators on a case-sensitive database. Maintaining the Database It is recommended to use the maintenance wizard to create a job to update statistics and run DBCC checkdb regularly. Additionally, the main database log should be backed up or truncated at an interval that is based on the log size, bandwidth and the maximum allowable window of vulnerability. Shrinking and Maintaining the Transaction Log If the transaction log is not truncated correctly or its maintenance job is failing, the log will grow larger and larger and eventually eat the disk. If your transaction log has grown too large, follow these steps to shrink it down to a reasonable size: USE TestDB GO -- View Size of Database and file names sp_helpdb TestDB GO -- set recovery to simple, makes shrinking easier ALTER DATABASE TestDB SET RECOVERY SIMPLE Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 97 -- shrink to 1GB DBCC SHRINKFILE (TestDB_log, 1024) -- set recovery to full ALTER DATABASE TestDB SET RECOVERY FULL GO -- View Size of Database and file names sp_helpdb TestDB GO -- BACKUP the database now After the log is shrunk, it is important to verify that its maintenance job is running correctly. If the maintenance job for the transaction log is not working correctly, the log will not be truncated or backed up. When you configure the maintenance job for the transaction log, make sure the option to “Create a backup file for every database” is checked as well as the option to “Create a sub-directory for each database.” Additionally you should monitor all your maintenance jobs by checking the Job log and looking for files with a time stamp of the current day. 98 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring Disk Layout For optimal I/O performance, it is highly recommended that different database files be separated onto separate disk drives with each disk drive having its own disk controller. Separating database files minimizes the impact of physical I/O contention at the server level. The following components should be placed on separate disk drives/arrays: • Application data (such as tables and indexes) • Database log files • Database temporary space (TempDB) used for sort and join operations Database log files should be placed on a separate drive from data files, OS files, and SQL Server binary files. This is due to the fact that transaction log files are written serially and using a dedicated disk controller allows the disk heads to stay in place for the next write operation. You should use the fastest disks available for your log files. The sizing of the log file should be mitigated frequently by transaction log backups to minimize the file size. Additionally, transaction log backups should be part of the backup process so your database can be restored to a point in time. TempDB should be configured on a separate disk from the operating system and data files. All the files in TempDB should be identical in size since SQL Server uses a proportional fill algorithm. Sizing of TempDB should be performed after a series of exhaustive tests so that it has had a chance to grow to a meaningful size. Selecting and Formatting Drives In addition to separating the different database files onto separate disk drives, the types of drives used and their formatting is very important for performance. The following recommendations should be used when selecting and formatting your drives: • Log activity is very write intensive operation which means the RAID format selection for the drive holding the log files is very important. RAID0, RAID1, RAID0+1, or RAID1+0 should be used for this drive. RAID5 should NOT be used. • RAID5 should NOT be used for the drive holding TempDB. • RAID5 can be used for application data. For more information on RAID, see RAID Technology. Performance and Scalability The Performance Monitor feature and the SQL Profiler should be used to take targeted traces on the production server. The SQL Profiler should be run on a separate machine from the machine with the server so profiling does not impact production. The traces taken should be very targeted and as short as necessary. Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 99 General Index Recommendations In general, all tables in your database should have a clustered index. A clustered index stores the data in a table on the disk in a physically sorted order and all data resides in the leaf pages of the index structure. In general, clustered indexes perform better than tables that are stored as heaps (no clustered index). Configuring Table Statistics Tables statistics are used by SQL Server to determine which algorithm to use to process a query. The AUTO CREATE and AUTO UPDATE statistics options should be on. Table statistics should be kept up-to-date. Limiting Physical I/ O Usually the slowest part of any database system is the disk I/O sub-system and any techniques that minimize the number of pages to be read from disk should be used. 100 • You should not duplicate the clustering key in a non-clustered index since the clustering key is automatically added to each non-clustered index row. Adding another key increases the storage needed by the non-clustered index. • When you are designing the clustering key, data access patterns must be taken into account. For example if a table contains a surrogate key (for example, an IDENTITY column) but you never query based on that key, but do range based queries on a date column, it is more appropriate to cluster on the date column since all rows that satisfy the query will be on the same or nearby data pages. • When examining STATISTIC IO results, or query execution plans, you should attempt to limit the number of physical reads that must occur to satisfy the query. For example, if you do not have a covering index for a query you will increase the number of reads to satisfy the request. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide SQL Server Limitations with ENOVIA Live Collaboration Some uncommonly used features are not supported on databases other than Oracle. Limitations are noted within the context of the feature documentation. Some limitations are listed below. SQL Server concurrency In a SQL Server environment with many users accessing the same data, you may receive the following error, when 2 users are creating new objects or relationships at the same time: Message:Cannot commit transaction Severity:3 ErrorCode:1500101 Message:State 40001: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID XXX) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. Severity:3 If this concurrency issue is noticed regularly, you should generate the deadlock graph in SQL Server Profiler and evaluate it to see if the LXRO table and the mxOID table are the conflicting tables. If this is found to be the case, you can change the vault indexes from non-clustered to clustered to resolve the issue. To change object vault tables to use clustered indices in SQL Server 1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and login to the server. 2. Expand Database list. 3. Find and expand the Matrix database. 4. Expand Tables of Matrix database. 5. Find and expand the first lxRO_XXX table, where XXX is a vault ID. 6. Expand Indexes of the lxRO_XXX table. 7. Double click the lxRO_XXX_lxOID_Index. 8. In the dialog that opens, use the dropbox to change non-clustered to clustered. 9. A dialog pops up asking if you want to rebuild the indexes. Click Yes to continue. 10. Click OK. 11. Repeat steps 5 through 10 for each lxRO_XXX table. Chapter 5: Installing an SQL Server Database 101 Localization Support Since SQL Server uses the Unicode character set, ENOVIA Live Collaboration must convert all data to Unicode before storing it in the SQL Server database. Therefore, when installing the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, select UTF-8 support and ensure that any additional manual UTF-8 configuration is also performed. Refer to Automated UTF-8 Settings and Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings in Chapter 8 for details. For the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform, you need to manually add the following setting to client enovia.ini files: MX_CHARSET = UTF8 The MQL command set system decimal CHARACTER; is not supported for use with databases other than Oracle. In these cases, the data is always stored with “.” but displayed based on the desktop client’s MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL setting, or in Web-based implementations, the locale of the browser. 102 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 6 Installing a MySQL Database Installing the Database Software This chapter describes setup requirements and guidelines for configuring MySQL Server for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. MySQL Server and ENOVIA Live Collaboration may be installed: • As a stand-alone system, where the client and server machines are the same. In this case, MySQL Server software is installed, and there is no need to install additional database client software since it is a subset of the server software. • In a networked environment, with a database server and multiple clients. In a networked installation, you must install the MySQL Server software on the central server, as well as the MySQL Server client software on each machine that will be running ENOVIA Live Collaboration. A corollary of this is the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, which is really just another MySQL Server client. Web clients will then access data via the Web from the server, without requiring further MySQL Server client software at the end user’s machine. 103 Installing MySQL Server Before installing the MySQL Server software, read this chapter in its entirety. Then use the guidelines provided here in conjunction with the instructions provided by MySQL. Supported platforms and software versions are shown in the Program Directory for the given release. MySQL Server installation guides are available at http://www.mysql.com/. 104 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setting up MySQL Server for Use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration After you have installed the MySQL Server, you need to install the MySQL Server clients or MySQL Connector/ODBC on all ENOVIA Live Collaboration client machines. For information on installing the MySQL Connector/ODBC, see http://www.mysql.com/ products/connector/odbc/. After you have installed the necessary MySQL Server clients, you need to create an ODBC data source for use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The data source should be created on the client machine where ENOVIA Live Collaboration is running. Use the procedures below to create the data source. The unixODBC package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux must be installed. You can select this option when installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Windows Configuration To Create an ODBC Data Source to use with ENOVIA Live Collaboration 1. Select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). 2. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator panel, click the System DSN tab. 3. Click Add. 4. In the Create New DataSource page, select MySQL OBDC 5.16 Driver for the driver. 5. Click Finish. 6. In the Connector/ODBC - Add Data Source Name page, provide the name of the data source that ENOVIA Live Collaboration will use. This name will become the connect string in the bootstrap file and should correspond to the name of the MySQL database. 7. Provide a description of the data source. 8. Select the server with which ENOVIA Live Collaboration will communicate. 9. Specify the Login ID and the password. The username and password you enter here should be the username and password in the bootstrap file. They are set in MySQL Server when you create the database. 10. Select the default database from the drop down list for Database. This is the name of the database created in the MySQL Server. 11. Click Test to test the connectivity with the database. This is an optional but highly recommended step. Test the connectivity to make sure that the data source is able to talk to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database on the MySQL Server instance. If the test fails, you will need to close out this administrator session and create a new data source. 12. Click OK to exit the administrator. Chapter 6: Installing a MySQL Database 105 A data source has now been created. ENOVIA Live Collaboration can use this data source to talk to the database. Linux Configuration To configure MySQL Server on Linux: 1. Use the MySQL Server distributed sample configuration file “my-large.cnf” as a template to create my.cnf and make the following changes: • Enable all InnoDB settings. ENOVIA Live Collaboration requires InnoDB as the MySQL Server storage engine. • Add or modify the following settings as shown below: default-storage-engine=INNODB lower-case-table-names = 1 default-character-set = utf8 max_allowed_packet = 4G 2. Restart the MySQL Server. 3. Create a datasource for ENOVIA Live Collaboration to use: a ) Open the odbc.ini file in /etc. Create the file if it is not there. Add the following lines: myodbc5 = MyODBC 5.16 Driver DSN [myodbc5] Driver = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so Description = Connector/ODBC 5.16 Driver DSN SERVER = localhost PORT = USER = root Password = Database = test OPTION = 5 SOCKET = b ) Create the datasource by adding a datasource section to the file similar to the following. [mxdb] Description = MySQL ENOVIA Collaboration Platform database Driver = MySQL Server = localhost Port = 3306 Database = mxdb 4. After you have created the datasource, create a MySQL user who has unlimited access to the database you created. To create a MySQL user: a ) From MYSQL_HOME log into bin\mysql as: Bin\mysql --user=root (to login without a root password) 106 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Bin\mysql --user=root -p (to login with a password) b ) To grant unlimited access to the user from his local machine, add the following: grant all privileges on *.* to <user>@localhost identified by ‘<pass>’ with grant option; In the following example, user Test is granted all privileges as a MySQL User. grant all privileges on *.* to test@localhost identified by 'test' with grant option; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) To grant unlimited access to the user from a remote client, add the following: grant all privileges on *.* to <user>@'%' identified by ‘<pass>’ with grant option; 5. Open the odbcinst.ini file located in /etc. Create the odbcinst.ini if it is not there. Add the following lines. [MySQL] Description = ODBC for MySQL Driver = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so Setup = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so Threading = 0 FileUsage = 0 6. Use the ODBC SQL utility to test that you can connect to the database using the ODBC datasource. For example: isql mxdb ENOVIA_USER ENOVIA_PASS where: ENOVIA_USER is the MySQL ENOVIA Live Collaboration user ENOVIA_PASS is the MySQL ENOVIA Live Collaboration user password 7. Create the bootstrap file where: user is the MySQL ENOVIA Live Collaboration user password is the MySQL ENOVIA Live Collaboration user password connectstring is the name you gave to the MySQL ENOVIA Live Collaboration in your odbc.ini file. In this example it is mxdb. Databasedriver is MySQL/ODBC. Chapter 6: Installing a MySQL Database 107 Configuring MySQL Server Important MySQL Server Parameters It is recommended that the following parameters use these minimum settings: query_cache_size=8M innodb_buffer_pool_size=500M innodb_log_file_size=150M innodb_log_buffer_size=4M The default settings are listed when the following command is run in the MySQL Shell: Shell>mysqld --verbose --help See MySQL Server documentation for more details. MySQL Server with Linux Environments The TRADITIONAL parameter should be set when using MySQL Server with a Linux environment. This parameter issues an error message when object names exceed 127 bytes. When this parameter is not set, objects with names that exceed 127 bytes can be created without the error message. Additional characters from these names are then removed at random. Set the TRADITIONAL parameter in my.cnf: sql_mode = 'TRADITIONAL' Maintaining the Database It is recommended to use the maintenance wizard to create a job to update statistics and run DBCC checkdb regularly. Additionally, the main database log should be backed up or truncated at an interval that is based on the log size, bandwidth and the maximum allowable window of vulnerability. Case Sensitivity System Administrators can configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration for either case-insensitive mode or case-sensitive mode when using an MySQL Server database. The underlying database must be configured to support the desired sensitivity. By default, MySQL Server is supported as case-insensitive. For information on configuring the case-sensitivity, see “Case-Sensitive Mode” in the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform MQL Guide. In general, case sensitivity does not have an impact on ENOVIA Live Collaboration performance. An exception may be queries using case-insensitive comparison operators on a case-sensitive database. 108 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring Disk Layout For optimal I/O performance, it is highly recommended that different database files be separated onto separate disk drives with each disk drive having its own disk controller. Separating database files minimizes the impact of physical I/O contention at the server level. The following components should be placed on separate disk drives/arrays: • Application data (such as tables and indexes) • Database log files • Database temporary space (TempDB) used for sort and join operations Database log files should be placed on a separate drive from data files, OS files, and MySQL Server binary files. This is due to the fact that transaction log files are written serially and using a dedicated disk controller allows the disk heads to stay in place for the next write operation. You should use the fastest disks available for your log files. The sizing of the log file should be mitigated frequently by transaction log backups to minimize the file size. Additionally, transaction log backups should be part of the backup process so your database can be restored to a point in time. TempDB should be configured on a separate disk from the operating system and data files. All the files in TempDB should be identical in size since MySQL Server uses a proportional fill algorithm. Sizing of TempDB should be performed after a series of exhaustive tests so that it has had a chance to grow to a meaningful size. Selecting and Formatting Drives In addition to separating the different database files onto separate disk drives, the types of drives used and their formatting is very important for performance. The following recommendations should be used when selecting and formatting your drives: • Log activity is very write intensive operation which means the RAID format selection for the drive holding the log files is very important. RAID0, RAID1, RAID0+1, or RAID1+0 should be used for this drive. RAID5 should NOT be used. • RAID5 should NOT be used for the drive holding TempDB. • RAID5 can be used for application data. For more information on RAID, see RAID Technology. Chapter 6: Installing a MySQL Database 109 MySQL Server Limitations with ENOVIA Live Collaboration Some uncommonly used features are not supported on databases other than Oracle. Limitations are noted within the context of the feature documentation. Some limitations are listed below. Difference in Configuration MySQL tables do not work exactly like tablespaces in other databases. You have two configuration options: you can store all the data/indexes in one file (the default) or you can store all the data/indexes in one file in its own table. These are storage configuration options, not a DDL configuration option. Therefore, if a tablespace is specified when creating an ENOVIA Live Collaboration vault with MySQL, it is ignored. The configuration option set in MySQL is used. To store all the data/indexes in one file per table, add the following to the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) in the [mysqld] section: innodb_file_per_table. 110 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Localization Support In order to support multiple languages, you must configure the ENOVIA Collaboration Server for UTF-8. In addition, you must use the default setting for the system decimal character. All floating point numbers are stored in MySQL with “.” as the decimal character, and are displayed based on the user’s operating system’s locale setting. Chapter 6: Installing a MySQL Database 111 112 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 7 Installing the Studio Modeling Platform Overview This chapter describes procedures for installing ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients software. 113 Installing ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux In order to install the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX platforms, you must perform the appropriate setup options from the Primary Setup Menu. If you are upgrading from a prior version of Studio Modeling Platform, refer to the Program Directory for additional instructions on installing the platform and upgrading the schema. If you want JPO support, you must first install Java (JRE, JDK, SDK). You should use the same version as is used to write the JPOs. Mounting the CD If you are installing from CD, you must mount the CD drive so that the operating system software can access the files contained on the disk. To mount the CD-ROM 1. Insert the ENOVIA Live Collaboration CD-ROM for your platform into a local CD-ROM drive. If a local drive is not available, consult your operating system administrator's guide. 2. Create a “mount point” directory for the CD-ROM drive: mkdir /cdrom 3. Mount the CD-ROM. Below are examples of the commands: Installing the Software on UNIX/ Linux Hardware Example of Command SPARCstation mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d4s0 /cdrom IBM RS6000 mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom You can install the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform as the root user. If you are not root user on AIX 5.1, you must install to a directory that does not have the sticky bit set. Only root is permitted to turn the sticky bit on or off. The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients Setup program can be run in one of three modes—graphical, console, or silent: 114 • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in graphical mode, see page 115. • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in console mode, see page 123. • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in silent mode, page 127. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in graphical mode 1. Copy the <media_name>.tar.gz file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformRichClients-V6R2011x.RHEL64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. 2. Mount the CD-ROM drive. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 3. Untar the <media_name>.tar.gz file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in graphical mode as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartGUI.sh The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform graphical Setup program starts. Setup first allows you to enter the directory where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software will be installed. On UNIX, the default installation path is empty. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 115 Click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. After specifying the directory, click Next. 116 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Setup then lists the components that are packaged in the media. If multiple products are shown, you can choose the ones you want to install, or All. As the DMP media contains only a single product (ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients), you can ignore this step and go directly to the next panel by clicking Next. 5. Next, you must choose the specific Studio Modeling Platform components you wish to install. The choices are: • Business—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by Business Administrators. • Matrix—This component should be installed by all users who want to use Matrix Navigator. • System—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by System Administrators. • MQL—This component may be useful to most users, but certainly should be installed on Business and System Administrators' machines. A white check box indicates that an item is selected. All items are selected by default. If you want to deselect any item, click inside its check box. Click Next. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 117 6. Setup then asks you to enter the Java Home path. This is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK) Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. If you want to select a directory other than the default, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. 118 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Click Next. 7. Setup than asks you to choose a database type. Only those database types that are supported on your particular platform are displayed. Depending on the OS, the available database options could be any of the following: • Oracle, DB2, and MySQL • Oracle and DB2 • Oracle only If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. A white check box means that an item is selected. Select the desired database type. Click Next. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 119 8. If you selected Oracle, Setup asks for the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory, which contains the tnsnames.ora file. This file contains the client-side network configuration parameters required for Oracle. You can copy a tnsnames file from the Oracle server and put it in the location specified here after the installation completes. Setup cannot detect the correct Oracle path on UNIX. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. To install to a different location than the displayed default, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. 120 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Click Next. 9. If you selected Oracle, Setup then asks you to read and accept Oracle’s client license agreement. Read the agreement, then click the “I have read and accept the license terms” radio button. The Next button becomes active once you click this option. Again, a white check box means that an item is selected. Click Next. 10. If you selected a different database type than Oracle, Setup displays a different set of questions: • For DB2, you are asked to enter the DB2 product directory and the DB2 Instance Name (the default on UNIX is "db2inst1"). • For MySQL, you are asked to enter the directory where the ODBC initialization files reside. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 121 11. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. 12. The next panel displays the installation summary, including the DMP installation directory, selected product(s), components to be installed, Java Home path, database type, TNS_ADMIN directory, and finally the location of your MATRIX-R connection file. Review the contents and if you want to make any changes, click Back and make the desired corrections. When you are satisfied with the information displayed, click Install to start the installation. 122 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setup displays the current state of progress of the installation. 13. Once the installation is complete, Setup informs you that the “DMP - ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients” component has been successfully installed. Click End to end the Setup program and dismiss the window. To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in console mode 1. Copy the <media_name>.tar.gz file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformRichClients-V6R2011x.RHEL64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. 2. Mount the CD-ROM drive. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 3. Untar the <media_name>.tar.gz file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in console mode as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartTUI.sh Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 123 The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform console-based Setup program starts. 4. Setup displays the directory in which the software will be installed. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Choose Destination Location***** Setup will install V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform in the following directory: Default []: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. Change the destination location if desired then press Enter, or simply press Enter to accept the default and continue. 5. Setup asks you to select the software you want to install: • Click 1, or press Enter, to install the DMP—ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients software to the specified directory. • Click 2 to end selection and exit Setup. The following is an example of the text that appears on the screen: *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Select Software***** Click to select the components you want to install in directory /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio. You can choose not to install V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform by clicking Cancel to exit setup. Space available: 26996065 Kb Space required: 110641 Kb -2 End selection -1 [X] All DMP - ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients Enter selection (default: Next) : 6. Setup then asks you to select the components you wish to install: Business Modeler, Matrix, System Manager, and MQL. You can optionally install ENOVIA Live Collaboration Matrix Navigator at the same time as ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform. Most clients have only Matrix Navigator and possibly MQL installed. Business Administrators typically have all applications except System Manager, while System Administrators have all but Business Modeler. To ensure database integrity, the System Manager application should be installed in a secure environment for the System Administrator’s use only. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Choose Components***** Select the components that you wish to install. If the check box is unchecked, that component will not be installed. Click Next to continue the installation. -2 End selection 1 [X] Business 2 [X] Matrix 124 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 3 [X] System 4 [X] MQL Enter selection (default: Next) : Setup creates the application script files for the selected Studio Modeling Platform components in the application directory (i.e., Business, Matrix, System, or MQL). These script files set up the environment before calling up the application executable. In order to allow access to all the application script files created in this step, the permissions of each file are changed to allow the owner rwx, the group rx, and others rx. The executable binaries themselves are set to the permissions you specified. 7. Setup then asks you to select the Java Home path. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Select Java Home***** Please enter Java Home path Default [/usr/java]: /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19 Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. The next panel asks you to choose the type of database you want to use. Depending on the OS, the available database options could be any of the following: • Oracle, DB2, and MySQL • Oracle and DB2 • Oracle only If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. Select the desired database type. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Database selection***** Choose the database type: -2 End selection 1 (*) Oracle Enter selection (default Next): • If you select Oracle, proceed as follows: a )Setup asks for the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory, which contains the tnsnames.ora file. This file contains the client side network configuration parameters required for Oracle. The directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located is automatically filled with the path from the ORACLE_HOME environment variable if it is set. For example: /home/data/or11g/network/admin You can copy a tnsnames file from the Oracle server and put it in the location you specify after the installation completes. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Oracle Server Connection Parameters***** TNS_ADMIN directory Default [/home/data/ora11g/network/admin]: /app/oracle/ product/11.2.0/network/admin Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 125 Setup cannot detect the correct Oracle path on UNIX. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. b )The Oracle license agreement is presented. Read the license agreement and when you reach the end, respond to these prompts: *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Oracle Instant Client License***** Be sure to carefully read and understand all the rights and restrictions described in the license terms. You must accept the license terms before you can install the software 1 [ ] I have read and accept the license terms 2 [ ] I do not accept the license terms Enter your choice 1 or 2( if you choose 2, the installer will end): 1 1 [X] I have read and accept the license terms 2 [ ] I do not accept the license terms You must accept the Oracle license agreement to continue with the installation. • If your platform supports a database other than Oracle and you select DB2, proceed as follows: Enter the DB2 product directory [ ]? Enter the DB2 Instance Name [db2inst1]? You must enter the directory where DB2 is installed and the name of your DB2 instance. (The default instance name on UNIX is db2inst1, which you can change.) • If your platform supports a database other than Oracle and you select MySQL, proceed as follows: Enter the directory where the ODBC initialization files reside [ ]? 8. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection (MATRIX-R) file. Before using the Studio Modeling Platform, the system must have a connection (bootstrap) file in the ENOVIAHOME directory. This file contains the information necessary for ENOVIA Live Collaboration to locate and open the database. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Choose MatrixHome Location***** Please enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). Default [/qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio]: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x Moving logs from "/tmp/InstallData/log/CODE/solaris_a64/ ENOVIA_DMP.media-2010_08_12-104344/" to "/qausr/ Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio/InstallData/log/CODE/solaris_a64/ ENOVIA_DMP.media-2010_08_12-104344/" If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. 126 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 9. Setup is now ready to start copying the program files. If you want to change any settings, type the letter 'b' (for Back) and press Enter, then make the desired corrections. When you are satisfied with the displayed settings, press Enter to start the installation. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Start Copying Files***** Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to begin copying files. Files will be installed in the following directory: /qausr/ Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio Selected products: All Components to install: Business, Matrix, System, MQL DSYInsControler.JavaPath.Resume(/usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19) Database type: Oracle TNS_ADMIN directory: /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/network/admin MatrixHome Location: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Studio Enter your choice (default Install): CODE/solaris_a64/InsStudioOnly (589 b) .............................. 10. Once the installation is complete, Setup informs you that “DMP—ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients” has been successfully installed. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Setup Complete***** Setup has finished installing V6R2011x ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on your computer. DMP - ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients: installed. -2 End selection Enter selection (default: Next) : To install the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux in silent mode Silent mode requires completion of installation of Studio Modeling Platform in one of the other two modes (graphical or console). After installation, the files needed for silent mode are created under ENOVIAHOME/InstallData/. In this directory, there is a file called UserIntentions.xml. If you want to allow the installer to run on a non-empty directory, you must manually modify the TARGET_PATH variable in the UserIntentions.xml and InstallData.xml files, both of which are located in the InstallData subdirectory of the ENOVIAHOME directory. 1. Open a console window. 2. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in silent mode as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartTUI.sh --silent <full_path>/UserIntentions.xml Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 127 where <full_path> is the path to the InstallData/ subdirectory under the ENOVIAHOME directory. 128 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on Windows The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Client is installed on Windows systems by following the prompts displayed by the installation program, which is referred to in these instructions as “Setup.” Use the guidelines below for assistance. If you are upgrading from a prior version of Studio Modeling Platform, refer to the Program Directory for additional instructions on installing the platform and upgrading the schema. If you want JPO support, you must first install Java (JRE, JDK, SDK). You should use the same version as is used to write the JPOs. Installing the Software on Windows ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform client software is distributed on one CD-ROM or may be downloaded from the ENOVIA website as a tar file. The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients Setup program can be run in one of three modes—graphical, console, or silent: • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in graphical mode, see page 129. • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in console mode, see page 135. • To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in silent mode, see page 141. To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in graphical mode 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the <media_name>.zip file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformRichClients-V6R2011x.Windows64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring .zip files from the internet, executable files may silently be excluded when unzipping due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, then click Unblock. 3. Unzip the <media_name>.zip file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>\1\ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in graphical mode as follows: > cd \<media_name>\1 > setupV6 The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform graphical Setup program starts. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 129 4. Setup displays the directory where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software will be installed. The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio. If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. 5. Setup then lists the products that are packaged in the media. If multiple products are shown, you can choose the ones you want to install, or all. As the DMP media contains only a single product (ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients), you can ignore this step and go directly to the next panel by clicking Next. 6. Next, you must choose the specific Studio Modeling Platform components you wish to install. The choices are: 130 • Business—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by Business Administrators. • Matrix—This component should be installed by all users who want to use Matrix Navigator. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • System—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by System Administrators. • MQL—This component may be useful to most users, but certainly should be installed on Business and System Administrators' machines. Check the items you want to install. Click Next. 7. Setup then asks for the Java Home path. If you want to select a directory other than the default, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 131 The next panel asks you to choose the type of database you want to use. The options are Oracle and Others. If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. If you want to use a different type of database than Oracle, select Others and then select the desired database type. Click Next. 8. If you selected Oracle, Setup asks for the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory, which contains the tnsnames.ora file. This file contains the client side network configuration parameters required for Oracle. You can copy a tnsnames file from the Oracle server and put it in the location you specify after the installation completes. The default is c:\oracle\product\10g\NETWORK\ADMIN. To install to a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. 132 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 9. If you selected Oracle, you are asked to accept Oracle’s client license agreement. Read the agreement, then click the “I have read and accept the license terms” radio button. The Next button becomes active once you click this option. Click Next. The following value is written to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Oracle registry key: • TNS_ADMIN—location of your tnsnames.ora file 10. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio. If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. 11. The next panel displays the installation summary, including the DMP installation directory, selected product(s), components to be installed, Java Home path, database type, TNS_ADMIN directory, and finally the location of your MATRIX-R connection file. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 133 Review the contents and if you want to make any changes, click Back and make the desired corrections. When you are satisfied with the information displayed, click Install to start the installation. The window displays the current state of progress of the installation. 134 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Once the installation is complete, Setup informs you that the “DMP - ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients” component has been successfully installed. Setup also creates program shortcuts under the "Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x" program folder on the Start menu. To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in console mode 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the <media_name>.zip file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformRichClients-V6R2011x.Windows64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Please note that when transferring .zip files from the internet, executable files may silently be excluded when unzipping due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, then click Unblock. 3. Unzip the <media_name>.zip file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>\1\ subdirectory, and then run the Setup script in console mode as follows: > cd \<media_name>\1 > StartTUI.bat The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform text-based Setup program starts. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 135 4. Setup opens a console window and displays the directory where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software will be installed. The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. If you want to choose a different destination location, type in the desired path. Press Enter. 5. Setup then asks you to confirm that you want to install ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients software. Press Enter to continue with the installation. 6. Next, you must choose the specific Studio Modeling Platform components you wish to install. The choices are: 136 • 1 for Business—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by Business Administrators. • 2 for Matrix—This component should be installed by all users who want to use Matrix Navigator. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • 3 for System—This component should be installed only on machines to be used by System Administrators. • 4 for MQL—This component may be useful to most users, but certainly should be installed on Business and System Administrators' machines. All items are selected by default. If you want to install all items, simply press Enter. If you want to choose three or fewer items, enter the number(s) of the item(s) you want to install separated by spaces, then press Enter. Setup redisplays the list with an X next to each item that you have selected. Press Enter to confirm your selection. 7. Setup then asks for the Java Home path. If you want to select a directory other than the default, type in the path. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. Press Enter. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 137 8. The next panel asks you to choose the type of database you want to use. The Windows options are Oracle and Others. Oracle is the default. If you want to use a different type of database than Oracle, select Others and then select the desired database type. Press Enter. 9. If you selected Oracle, Setup asks for the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory, which contains the tnsnames.ora file. This file contains the client side network configuration parameters required for Oracle. You can copy a tnsnames file from the Oracle server and put it in the location you specify after the installation completes. The default is c:\oracle\product\10g\NETWORK\ADMIN\. If you want to install to a different location, type in the path. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Press Enter. 10. If you selected Oracle, you are asked to read and accept Oracle’s client license agreement. Read the agreement, then enter one of the following: 138 • Type '1' if you accept the license terms • Type '2' if you do not accept the license terms. Setup will end if you choose this option. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Press Enter. The following value is written to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Oracle registry key: TNS_ADMIN-location of your tnsnames.ora file 11. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio. If you want to choose a different location, type in the path. Press Enter. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 139 12. The next panel displays the installation summary, including the DMP installation directory, selected product(s), components to be installed, Java Home path, database type, TNS_ADMIN directory, and finally the location of your MATRIX-R connection file. Press Enter to start the installation. The console window displays the current state of progress of the installation. 140 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 13. Once the installation is complete, Setup informs you that “DMP - ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Rich Clients” has been successfully installed. Press Enter to exit the Setup program and dismiss the console window. To install the Studio Modeling Platform on Windows in silent mode Silent mode requires completion of installation of Studio Modeling Platform in one of the other two modes (graphical or console). After installation, the files needed for silent mode are created under SERVER_INSTALL\InstallData\. In this directory, there is a file called UserIntentions.xml. If you want to allow the installer to run on a non-empty directory, you must manually modify the TARGET_PATH variable in the UserIntentions.xml and InstallData.xml files, both of which are located in the InstallData\ subdirectory of the ENOVIA_INSTALL directory. 1. Log into Windows as a user with administrative privileges. 2. Open a console window. 3. Change to the <media_name>\1\ subdirectory and then run the Setup script as follows: > cd \<media_name>\1 > StartTUI.bat --silent <full_path>\UserIntentions.xml where <full_path> is the path to the InstallData\ subdirectory under the ENOVIA_INSTALL directory. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 141 Exiting Setup The application script path, ENOVIAHOME/scripts/ should be in your path (on UNIX). The script files may be customized for personal preferences of fonts and colors. Refer to Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 for more information. Use the following commands to start ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform applications: % % % % 142 matrix[cr] Starts the Matrix application. business[cr] Starts the Business Modeler application. mql[cr] Starts the MQL application. system[cr] Starts the System Manager application. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing a New Version of Studio Modeling Platform When you want to install a new version of the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform, it may or may not require a database (schema) upgrade. Refer to the Program Directory for the given release for details. If no upgrade is necessary, proceed with installing the new software on all client machines. If a database upgrade is required, the following factors should be evaluated to determine the scope of the upgrade project: • The type of upgrade. You can perform an Upgrade Analysis to determine what changes will be made to the database when the upgrade is performed. When extensive changes will be made during an upgrade and you are using Oracle, some Oracle Configuration may be required before a successful upgrade can be accomplished. The Program Directory may also provide insight as to the extent of an upgrade. • The size of the database. Very large databases generally require database tuning before an upgrade is performed. When a database is linked to another database via a loose coupling, you should remove the remote (LCD) vault before running upgrade or you will receive an error. Once upgrade is complete, you can restore the remote vaults. When an upgrade is required, always refer to specific procedures provided in the Program Directory for the new ENOVIA Live Collaboration release. Using Lower Version Software after Upgrading the Database When there are a very large number of users, it may be difficult to accomplish the installation of the new software for every client before performing an upgrade. For less involved upgrades, when the extent of the schema change is the addition of new database tables, ENOVIA Live Collaboration lets users connect to a higher revision database with the lower revision Live Collaboration software. This lets System Administrators install the new software on some clients, those that perhaps need access to the new features it provides, then upgrade the database, and complete the software installation on the remaining clients when there is time. However, if existing tables are modified and their version number is changed, users are not allowed to connect to the higher revision database with the lower revision Live Collaboration software. The user receives a warning that they must install new software and the application shuts down. Refer to the current Program Directory or perform an Upgrade Analysis to find out the extent of the schema change the upgrade will perform. Upgrade Analysis You can use the validate upgrade command to report the actions that will be taken by an upgrade without actually performing the upgrade. This allows System Administrators to assess the scope and impact of the upgrade and determine what Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 143 preparatory actions might be appropriate, regarding scheduling and system resource allocation. You first install the new version of MQL that points to the existing database, and then run the validate upgrade command against the old database. Tables are processed for validate upgrade in the same order as they would be processed by the actual upgrade: first the administration tables, then the vault/store tables. A header is output to separate the administration upgrade steps from the vaults/stores upgrade steps. The MQL command is: validate [level N] upgrade; Where N is either 0 or 1, indicating the level of detail required: • level 0 lists all tables indicating which are changing and which are not, with old and new version numbers. For example: MQL<3>validate level 0 upgrade; Administration tables Unchanged: mxSchema version 1 Unchanged: mxLicense version 1 Unchanged: mxOid version 1 Unchanged: mxIcon version 1 Unchanged: mxDesc version 1 Upgrade: mxLattice version 1 -> 2 Unchanged: mxStore version 1 Upgrade: mxUser version 6 -> 9 ... Tables for vaults and stores Unchanged: lxOid_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxImg_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxDesc_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxBO_%s version 7 Upgrade: lxRO_%s version 5 -> 8 Unchanged: lxString_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxReal_%s version 1 ... • level 1 provides level 0 output but also includes the SQL command(s) that will be run to perform each upgrade step. This is the default if the level clause is not included. For example: MQL<2>validate upgrade; Administration tables Unchanged: mxReportField version 1 Unchanged: mxForm version 1 Upgrade: mxField version 1 -> 2 update mxField set mxValue=null,mxLabel=null where mxType=12 Unchanged: mxTTable version 1 Unchanged: mxQuery version 1 Unchanged: mxCue version 6 Unchanged: mxMail version 1 144 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Upgrade: mxMailRcp version 1 -> 2 create index mxMailRcp_mxTo_Index on mxMailRcp(mxTo) Upgrade: mxSet version 5 -> 6 update mxSet set mxKind=0 where mxKind is null Unchanged: mxSetObj version 1 Unchanged: mxVer6 version 1 Upgrade: mxServer version 1 -> 7 alter table mxServer add mxTZ varchar2(64) update mxMail set mxDate=mxDate-(-300/1440) update lxBO_d1ff63d2 set lxCrDate=lxCrDate-(-300/1440) update lxBO_d1ff63d2 set lxModDate=lxModDate-(-300/1440) update lxBO_d2001d35 set lxCrDate=lxCrDate-(-300/1440) ... Tables for vaults and stores Unchanged: lxOid_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxImg_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxDesc_%s version 1 Unchanged: lxBO_%s version 7 Upgrade: lxRO_%s version 5 -> 8 update lxRO_d1ff63d2 set lxRelRul=1 where lxRelRul is null update lxRO_d2001d35 set lxRelRul=1 where lxRelRul is null No change to lxRO_d1ff63d2 No change to lxRO_d2001d35 create index lxRO_d1ff63d2_lxType_Index on lxRO_d1ff63d2(lxType) create index lxRO_d2001d35_lxType_Index on lxRO_d2001d35(lxType) ... These examples are from running validate upgrade with Matrix 8.0.2 software against a version 6.0.1 database—a major upgrade. Oracle Configuration ENOVIA Live Collaboration is a client to the database. For Oracle environments, all upgrades involve adding or deleting tables, indexes, and constraints of one Oracle user only. Sometimes the upgrade adds a column to a table or modifies the field contents of a column. Each of these actions is bounded by a transaction across all vaults. Adding or deleting tables does not require a lot of system resources. However, applying indexes and constraints impact rollback segments, redo logs, and the Temp tablespace. And modifying field content data can impact rollback segments and redo logs very significantly. When upgrading all databases, always follow these generic rules: • Always have a complete backup before upgrading. Always run upgrade with sql tracing on. Use the following: trace type sql filename sqlupgrade.log; • For upgrades that involve major data modifications, use the following additional guidelines. When upgrading a small database (less than 25,000 business objects) observing these rules should be sufficient: • Assign 3 large, online rollback segments and ensure that rollback tablespaces can auto-extend, also ensuring that sufficient disk space is available. Turn off all other rollback segments except system. Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 145 • Ensure that Temp tablespace and datafiles can auto-extend. • Always use a minimum of 4 redo logs with a minimum of 10MB per redo log. • Modify init<SID>.ora, setting the Log_buffer to at least 16MB and log_checkpoint_interval to a very large number (suggestion: 4096000) for the upgrade only. • It is recommended that you first upgrade a test database in order to benchmark success and elapsed time. For major upgrades of large databases, also follow additional procedures provided in the Program Directory included with the new ENOVIA Live Collaboration release. Running the Upgrade Upgrades should only be performed when required. Higher version software will work against a database that has not been upgraded. However, if a new feature requires a new table, it may not be usable. Also, when new features of the higher version software are used, the upgrade command may affect this data. Refer to the Program Directory for specifics. To verify that the upgrade was successful, make sure no errors resulted in running the upgrade command. To see a complete list of tables, run validate upgrade after the upgrade is complete. To upgrade the database 1. Install the new Studio Modeling Platform software on all client machines. New software clients will be able to run against older version databases. mql< > 2. Modify the command line that starts MQL so that an error log is generated. For example, on Windows, change the shortcut for MQL as follows: ENOVIA_INSTALL\Mql.exe –stdout:c:\temp\upgrade.txt -stderr:c:\temp\upgrade.err. On UNIX, use this MQL command syntax to generate an error log: mql INPUTFILE 2> LOGFILE 3. Set context to a System Administrator user (for example, creator). Enter the following commands: mql< > verbose on; mql< > upgrade; Older version clients will no longer be able to connect to the upgraded database. 4. Be sure the Live Collaboration server and Matrix Web Navigator software are upgraded as well. Upgrade Warnings Upgrade may encounter errors on existing tables due to rollbacks (such as tablespace and other admin related issues). While it is difficult to catch all possible errors and roll back up to the last successful sql command, upgrade can look for certain expected error messages that need to be ignored (and does so). If the error is one of the following, upgrade issues warnings (and does not error) and updates the mxSchema table: 146 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 1. ORACLE • ORA-00955 (Name is already used by an existing object) • ORA-00275 (Such a referential constraint already exists) • ORA-02260 (Table can have only one primary key) 2. DB2 • SQLSTATE=42710 (Object already exists) • SQLSTATE=01550 (Index already exists) • SQLSTATE=42889 (Cannot have more than one primary key) However, if the error is something other than these valid error messages, upgrade will error and the mxSchema will not get updated. The DBA needs to correct it on his/her own and then re-run upgrade. After the Upgrade The upgrade command for V6R2011x creates tsee if there are duplicate objects in your system, you can run: If you found duplicates but don’t want to allow it, fix the objects (that is, rename so all are unique) before running upgrade TNR. To m: upgrade TNR [notglobal] [tablespace DBTABLE] [indexspace DBINDEX]; Only use notglobal if you found duplicate objects in the database and want to allow duplicate TNRs in different vaults. Include tablespace and indexspace if you want a separate space for the mxTNR table and its indices. This is recommended. upgrade TNR may take an hour or more to finish. Index analysis Once the database has been fully upgraded, runvalidate index; this is a time-consuming operation (approximately 30 mins per 10 million objects), but can be interrupted (killed) and restarted to pick up from where it left off. If not run, these ids are generated upon request, so VPM integrations won’t fail, but running the command now could improve performance of all VPM operations. Physical and logical IDs are not required for other collaborative business process products. If you do choose to run this command, you should use a separate tablespace and indexspace for the new MxIdent table. For example: set system tablespace DBTABLESPACE; set system indexspace DBINDEXSPACE; upgrade physicalid; Chapter 7: Installing the Studio Modeling Platform 147 Uninstalling ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX/Linux To uninstall the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software on UNIX/Linux 1. Delete the ENOVIAHOME directory. Uninstalling ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform on Windows To uninstall the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform software on Windows 1. Remove the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform-related shortcuts from the Start > All Programs > Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x menu. 2. Delete the ENOVIA_INSTALL directory. 148 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 8 Installing the Live Collaboration Server Overview The Live Collaboration Server tier includes: • A third party Web or Application Server • The Live Collaboration Kernel • The mid-tier RMI Live Collaboration Server The Full Text Search Server with Autonomy has its own installer. Refer to “Installing Advanced Search” under Unified Live Collaboration > Live Collaboration Platform > Full Text Search Server with Autonomy in the ENOVIA online documentation for details. Web or Application Server Initially, the term “Web server” was used to mean an HTTP server that simply managed Web page requests from the browser and delivered HTML documents, or Web pages, in response. As the technology progressed, Web servers began to be used for server-side processing in the form of CGI scripts and Active Server Pages (ASPs), which provided functions such as database searching. The next-generation, Java-based Web servers of today use Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) to perform the processing, but also support CGI and ASPs. JSP and servlet-enabled Web servers are sometimes referred to as Application Servers. 149 The term Application Server has also evolved. In a client/server environment, an Application Server could have been added to perform business logic in a middle tier. Today, the term Application Server is used to mean the server that sits along with or between the Web server and the databases and legacy applications, enabling a browser-based application to link to multiple sources of information via servlets, JSPs, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). Many Application Servers are also Web servers; however, in large sites, separate Application Servers may be linked to one or more Web servers to provide load balancing and fault tolerance for high-volume traffic. For smaller Web sites, the Application Server may be used as the Web server. When running MQL from CGI, you must add the HOME parameter to the MQL scripts. The value for the HOME parameter should be the home directory of the user running this session. It can be any valid path. For example, enovia HOME/. Live Collaboration Kernel The Live Collaboration Kernel includes: • dynamic modeling • business information services (lifecycle, workflow, association, replication, content management, etc.) • FlashDB, providing the high performance method of moving data from the storage tier into the mid-tier, while maintaining a flat memory profile • Adaplets, for managing connected systems • stores, for connecting to various file servers The kernel is packaged as a shared library (on UNIX) or .dll (on Windows) and provided when the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed. Java/RMI Server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is a Java/RMI server program that provides communication services between Web Application Servers and ENOVIA Live Collaboration. In fact, Business Process Services becomes available inside of these Internet servers, via the Live Collaboration kernel. When the Collaboration Server is installed, the following are available to the Application Server: • Live Collaboration kernel (library file) • web.xml file • ENOVIA Live Collaboration servlets (in eMatrixServletRMI.jar) • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Studio Customization Toolkit classes (in eMatrixServletRMI.jar) • the standard RMI required classes (in eMatrixServletRMI.jar) • MQL is included. When the Web server receives an XML packet, it uses the ENOVIA XML servlet to communicate with the mid-tier server. HTML applications can use JavaServer Pages that include Java code which can in turn call the servlets. Both the servlets and the JSPs use the Studio Customization Toolkit classes to communicate with the server and therefore the Live Collaboration kernel. 150 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The web.xml file is configured to let the server know the class paths for the servlets as well as other configuration settings. It is installed with the server and is used by the servlets. Refer to Web.xml in Chapter 10 for more information. In the sections that follow, more information on the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is provided, as well as installation instructions. Refer also to the Program Directory for the given release before installing. RIP: RMI In-process RMI In-process (RIP) is the default installation option for the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server that allows RMI to run within the ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel. The recommended configuration for RMI is RIP mode. RMI In-process uses the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server implementation classes, but instead of going through a registry and invoking a separate process, the server classes are loaded directly into the client’s address space. Instead of communicating with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, ENOVIA Live Collaboration actually links with it, removing the RMI marshalling/unmarshalling and the need for the additional RMI (daemon) process. Database communication is directly between the ENOVIA client and the database. This should be notably more efficient in situations that involve processing an extremely large number of transactions. The other configuration option, RMI Gateway provides load balancing by using multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server processes to handle requests. Since RIP does not use multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers, load balancing can be accomplished by running multiple Application Servers for each CPU. The key to a successful deployment is access to the classes and properties required. For RMI RIP mode, this is easily handled by the J2EE archive file since the Application Server, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, and the Live Collaboration kernel all share a JVM. For non-RIP RMI, the correct classpath is defined at runtime by rmireg, using ComputedClassPath. Refer to the description of MX_CLASSPATH in Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 for details. During J2EE deployment with non-RIP RMI, all of the jars in the war file are copied to SERVERHOME/<platform>/ docs/javaserver/ (UNIX) or SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\docs\javaserver\ (Windows). The framework.properties file is copied to SERVERHOME/managed/ properties/ (UNIX) or SERVER_INSTALL\managed\properties\ (Windows). This is to ensure that JPOs have access to them. RMI Gateway RMI Gateway is an option that offers load balancing by using multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server processes to handle requests. In the simplest case, there is a single instance of the RMI Gateway, and at least two instances of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, eMatrixServletRMI.jar. The RMI Gateway and ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers each run inside a Java2 activation daemon and have access to their own Live Collaboration kernel. For example, you can set up the Gateway and two (or more) servers with the RMI Gateway evenly distributing requests to the other processes. In this case, once the request is passed, the client deals directly with the secondary server, reducing the load on the Gateway. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 151 Optionally, instead of using a round-robin algorithm, one server may handle all requests for a certain amount of time or for a certain number of operations. It would then perform an implied quiesce function (that is, finish up currently running threads, complete RMI garbage collection, and then shut itself down). At the same time, the other server begins to handle new requests, providing uninterrupted, seamless request handling. The client’s host URL should reference the port where the RMI Gateway is registered, the default being 1099. The default configuration of RMI Gateway distributes requests between servers in a round-robin fashion. To configure the Gateway to use the quiesce function, refer to Configuring the Gateway for Quiesce on Windows. 152 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing a Web or Application Server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server uses J2EE/RMI technology and works in conjunction with a Web Application Server. For more information including configuration details, refer to: • For WebLogic http://edocs.bea.com/common/docs100/install/index.html • For WebSphere http://www-3.ibm.com/software/info1/websphere/index.jsp • For Sun Java Server http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3657 • For Tomcat http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/index.html ENOVIA supports only those Application Server versions listed in “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for a given release. If a newer version is available that is not explicitly stated as qualified for ENOVIA Live Collaboration, it is highly recommended NOT to use it unless otherwise stated for that specific platform. If a qualified version includes a patch level (fix level, MP, etc.), it is highly recommended to use this patch level although it is possible to use a higher patch level than the qualified level. A patch level older than the level qualified should NOT be used. Higher patch levels can be used since exact patch levels may not be available at the time of deployment. Higher patch levels can improve security and/or performance and may be beneficial. While most patch levels do not impact the functionality or stability of the system, it is possible for a higher patch level to cause interoperability issues. If this is the case, ENOVIA may recommend installing a higher patch level or reverting back to the qualified patch level. After every type of system change, such as a JVM patch or Application Server service pack installation, it is highly recommended to check all configuration files (such as jvm.cfg, rmireg.sh, etc.) to ensure that no important settings were changed. There are different levels of servers that may be used for internet access, and each may be used with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server as follows: 1. Simple Web server When using the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, a simple Web server may be used for custom Java client applications written with the Studio Customization Toolkit that are not JSP-based. One or several simple Web servers may also be used to front-end an enterprise’s Website. Refer to Optional Static Content Server for more information. 2. A JSP/servlet-enabled Web or Application Server When servlets and JSP applications will be used, the Web server must be JSP- and servlet- enabled. All ENOVIA products require at least this level of Web server. ENOVIA-specific configuration is required. This section describes how to set up and configure the qualified Application Servers required for level 2 use. The main tasks involved in installing and configuring a Web or Application Server are: 1. Install a supported Web server using its installation guide and the guidance provided below. Most supported Application Servers include a Java Development Kit, which can be used by ENOVIA Live Collaboration as well, but in some cases you’ll need to install it. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 153 2. Configure the Application Server as required. 3. Make sure the Application Server is operational before installing the Live Collaboration Server. 4. After confirming that the Application Server is operational, you can install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server by following the instructions in Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Since FCS and PDF rendering functions require access to Live Collaboration native code libraries, you must install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on each Application Server that will be used for ENOVIA Live Collaboration access. Tuning Pool Sizes When many (i.e., 20 or more) users try to check in files simultaneously, FCS errors can occur. To avoid this, be sure to tune pool sizes (e.g., for JDBC connections, Stateless Session EJBs, and MDBs) to maximize concurrency for the expected thread utilization. Sun Java System Application Server. Refer to http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/ 819-3681/abefm?l=En&a=view. Tomcat. Refer to http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/executor.html. WebLogic. Refer to the following sources: • For WebLogic Server releases 9.0 and higher—A server instance uses a self-tuned thread pool. The best way to determine the appropriate pool size is to monitor the pool’s current size, shrink counts, grow counts, and wait counts. See Thread Management in the WebLogic documentation. Tuning MDBs are a special case. See Chapter 11, Tuning Message-Driven Beans, in the WebLogic documentation. • For releases prior to WebLogic Server 9.0—In general, the number of connections should equal the number of threads that are expected to be required to process the requests handled by the pool. The most effective way to ensure the right pool size is to monitor it, and to make sure it does not shrink and grow. See How to Enable the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model in the WebLogic documentation. WebSphere. Refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v5r1// index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.base.doc/info/aes/ae/uejb_rthrd.html. Java Development Kit A version of the JDK is required for use with JPOs, qualified Application Servers, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, and the Studio Customization Toolkit. For complete details, see the Program Directory for the given release. Do not install the JDK to a directory with spaces in the name, or you will be unable to install Live Collaboration software. You can test the Java installation by opening the JDK_INSTALL\demo\applets\nervoustextexample1.html. If the text is “dancing” in a Web browser window, the installation is OK. 154 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Java options When the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed, recommended Java options are set by default. Refer to JVM Options for details. JDK notes A version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) is required for use with JPOs, qualified Application Servers, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, and the Studio Customization Toolkit. Each UNIX O/S vendor has their own version of the JDK, and Sun and IBM, as well as BEA have JDKs for Windows. WebLogic, WebSphere, and the Sun Java Live Collaboration Server all include a JDK when they are installed. In most cases, Sun’s JDK should be used. The exceptions are as follows: • The JDK embedded with the WebSphere Application Server (on AIX and Windows, IBM's JDK is included, on Solaris, Sun's JDK is included) can only be used to run ENOVIA (CBP and VPM) applications deployed by this Application Server. This JDK cannot be used to run other non-Application Server based ENOVIA tools/ applications (MQL command line, etc.). To support this requirement, you must specify the operating system level JDK (and not the JDK embedded with WebSphere) during ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. This JDK will be used to run non-Application Server based applications while the JDK embedded with WebSphere will be used to run the applications deployed by it. The operating system JDK you specify must be supported by ENOVIA and correspond to the JDK requirement listed in “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release. • When using WebLogic on AIX, use IBM’s JDK. • When using WebLogic on Windows the embedded JDK is JRockit. This means if you are also running a stand-alone Live Collaboration Server, you must configure that Live Collaboration Server to use the JRockit JDK and not the Sun JDK. Sun’s JDK should be used with all other Application Servers. • If the Live Collaboration Server’s first connection to the database fails, you should be suspicious of the JDK version. Use the java -version command and if it indicates a JDK mismatch, install and point to the correct vendor’s JDK. • Programs (JPOs or custom applications) that will be run through the Live Collaboration Server must be written with the same (or lower) version of the JDK as the Application Server uses. Ideally in a production environment, all components (application and Live Collaboration Server, as well as Studio Modeling Platform clients) will use the same version of the JDK. • When using the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in RIP mode, the same instance of Java used by the Application Server is used by the Live Collaboration Server. Use the path to this Java during Live Collaboration Server installation). If, however, you are using RMI Gateway configuration, you can optionally install and use a separate JDK instance. You may want to do so if your JPOs, beans, or custom JSPs rely on a newer version of the JDK. You must also install the JDK if you are installing and using a Tomcat server, since one is not bundled with it. Supported Application Servers and JDKs listed are for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 155 Installing a WebLogic Server WebLogic Server and WebLogic Express, from BEA Systems, are both supported for use with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server as outlined in the Program Directory for the given release. BEA’s WebLogic Server implements the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE™) platform specification, including Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB™), Java Messaging Services (JMS), and other platform services. Additionally, you can deploy certain ENOVIA components as J2EE-compliant using WebLogic. For more information about J2EE deployment and ENOVIA, see Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE. Install WebLogic as documented in WebLogic’s installation guide, available online at http://e-docs.bea.com/. Follow one of the procedures for installation, as well as for System Administration. If installing on Windows, you can choose to install as a service. The Application Server’s embedded JDK must be 64-bit in order to run with 64-bit ENOVIA software. Changing the server’s port number By default, WebLogic listens for HTTP requests on port 7001. To change this default, change the following setting in the WebLogic startup script (startWebLogic.cmd for Windows or startWebLogic.sh for UNIX): -Dweblogic.system.listenPort=NEW_PORT_NUMBER NEW_PORT_NUMBER should be the port you wish to use. Java setting: -XX:MaxPermSize This setting is the amount of memory set aside for loading all necessary classes that are needed by an application. If using the Live Collaboration Server in RIP mode on Windows with WebLogic, you will need to set MaxPermSize=120M (at least). Otherwise you may see java.lang.OutOfMemoryError after about 2 hours of run time. If the problem persists, increase the setting to 256m. Configuring for large FCS synchronization operations If WebLogic is used with an FCS performing large synchronization operations of 1500 files or more, the following configuration is requred: 1. From the admin console, navigate to Server > Protocols and select the http tab where you can configure http servlets attributes. 2. Verify that the Max Post Size attribute is set to at least 5mb (5242880 bytes). You can choose to leave the default value of -1 (unlimited). 3. Verify that the HTPP Max Message Size advanced attribute is set to 1 (unlimited) since there is no limit on the data stream size created or exchanged by ENOVIA applications. 4. Save any changes. 156 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing WebSphere WebSphere can be used with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server as outlined in the Program Directory for the given release. When you install Websphere you can also install the IBM HTTP Web server, or use a proxy server as a front end. IBM’s JDK is also silently installed on AIX and Windows. Follow the installation instructions found at http:// publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/index.jsp for your version and platform. IBM’s WebSphere Application Server implements the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE™) platform specification, including Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB™), Java Messaging Services (JMS), and other platform services. Additionally, you can deploy certain ENOVIA components as J2EE-compliant using WebSphere. For more information about J2EE deployment and ENOVIA, see Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE. Web Navigator checkins with WebSphere and its http server When using WebSphere with its http webserver (on port 80 vs. connecting directly to the Application Server on port 9080), errors may occur when checking in medium sized files (12m) with Web Navigator. (“Socket write error” or “413 Request Entity Too Large” errors). These errors indicate that you must configure the PostSizeLimit to -1 in the plugin-cfg.xml file. You must then regenerate the plugin and restart the appserver. For more information see: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/weahelp/index.jsp?topic=/ com.ibm.websphere.wea.doc/cfg_post_limit.html FCS file transfer timeout On WebSphere if checkin/checkout to FCS takes longer than the timeout configured on the MCS (Main Collaboration Server) Application Server, the operation may result in a timeout error and the checkin will not be successful. ENOVIA tests show that files up to 1GB (a fairly large file) can be checked in/out in less than fifteen minutes to an FCS server accessible on the same LAN network as the client, so this is unlikely to be a problem with a typical session timeout of 20-30 minutes. To calculate the relationship between the file size, file transfer rate, and session timeout, the following calculation can be used: Total File Transfer Time = FileTransferRate * FileSize In order for Total File Transfer Time to be less than the Session Timeout, it is necessary for: SessionTimeout > Transfer Rate * FileSize Therefore, for a given SessionTimeout, the largest FileSize that could be transferred would be: FileSize = SessionTimeout/FileTransferRate. Configuring for large FCS synchronization operations If WebSphere is used with an FCS performing large synchronization operations of 1500 files or more, the PostSizeLimitParameter attribute for the node(s) that host the FCS must be -1 (unlimited) or at least 5mb (5242880 bytes). WebSphere is usually deployed behind one or more web servers (such as Apache) and is connected through HTTP transport Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 157 plugins. The HTTP transport plugins configuration file, plugin-cfg.xml, contains the PostSizeLimitParameter attribute for each server cluster node. Promoting tasks in ENOVIA applications On AIX with Websphere, the -Xmso1152k variable must be added to the JVM configuration for Websphere to prevent it from possibly crashing when certain tasks are promoted. This variable can be added through the WebSphere server console or directly to the server.xml file. The full JVM argument should look like this: "-Xmso1152k -Xss1024k -Xms640m -Xmx640m -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Ddefault.client.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" UTF-8 settings are included in this argument. If you are not using UTF-8, these settings are not required. Installing the Sun Java System Application Server The Sun Java System Application Server (previously Sun ONE/iPlanet) is available for use with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server as outlined in the Program Directory for the given release. To install the Sun Java System Application Server, see the appropriate Sun documentation at http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-3657. StackSize After installing, increase the StackSize. For Version 9, edit .../SUNWappserver/ domains/domain1/config/domain.xml to include the stack size as shown below. <jvm-options>-Xmx512m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-Xms512m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-XX:NewSize=256m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-XX:MaxNewSize=256m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-XX:SurvivorRatio=2</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-XX:MaxPermSize=128m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-XX:PermSize=32m</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-Xss1024k</jvm-options> <jvm-options>-Dfile.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8</jvm-options> RIP settings If you are using RIP, the following permissions need to be provided in .../ SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/config/server.policy: // Basic set of required permissions granted to grant { permission java.lang.RuntimePermission permission java.lang.RuntimePermission permission java.net.SocketPermission permission java.io.FilePermission "read,write,delete,execute"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission 158 all remaining code "loadLibrary.*"; "queuePrintJob"; "*", "connect"; "<<ALL FILES>>", "*", "read,write"; ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide permission permission permission permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader"; java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader"; java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup"; java.lang.RuntimePermission "setIO"; }; LD_LIBRARY_PATH update The following change is required in the asadmin startup script before you can start the Live Collaboration Server and deploy the .war file with Sun Java System 9.1: Change: LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$AS_NSS":"$AS_INSTALL/ lib":"$AS_ICU_LIB":"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH";export LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_ENOVIA_PATH To: LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$AS_NSS":"$AS_INSTALL/ lib":"$AS_ICU_LIB":LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_ ENOVIA_PATH Installing Tomcat To install the Tomcat Application Server, see the appropriate Tomcat documentation. For instructions about integrating Tomcat with Apache, see http://www.serverwatch.com/ tutorials/article.php/10825_2203891_2. Tomcat does not include a JDK, so you must install it before installing Tomcat. ENOVIA supports Tomcat on the platforms and with the JDK as outlined in the Program Directory for the given release. Tomcat 5.5 initializes via the Tomcat service even if you run it from the start command. This means that the Server Startup Configuration Checker will give Critical warnings on Java settings, that may not be real issues, as described in mxAudit.log File. Use the Tomcat log to verify these settings are correct and disregard the warnings. On AIX, before starting Tomcat you need to edit the file setclasspath.sh in the bin directory of Tomcat, by commenting out (or deleting) the following 2 lines (the first and the third, leave the CLASSPATH line): #if [ "$1" = "debug" -o "$1" = "javac" ] ; then CLASSPATH="$JAVA_HOME"/lib/tools.jar #fi Configuring for large FCS synchronization operations If Tomcat is used with an FCS performing large synchronization operations of 1500 files or more, you must add or modify the maxPostSize attribute value to at least 5mb (5242880 bytes). Add or modify the attribute in the <Connector> section of the server.xml file (located in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml) for the FCS: <Connector port="9090" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8445" maxPostSize="5242880" /> Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 159 Optional Static Content Server It is recommended that a static content server (a “reverse hosting server”) is implemented for a production instance of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. This is a simple Web server front end (using products such as Apache or IIS) that is configured to serve all static content and then pass any dynamic requests on to the Application Server. This is especially crucial if there is WAN access to the ENOVIA products. The importance of a front-end web reverse hosting server can be shown by breaking down the requests from frequently used application pages. For example, when logging into an ENOVIA product from emxLogin.jsp, there are about 11 requests for static content (depending on the version used) and only 1 request for dynamic content generated. Loading or refreshing the primary (content) page of the application (emxNavigator.jsp) results in approximately 7 HTTP requests for dynamic content and the actual number of requests for static content depends upon the browser configuration for browser caching: • “Automatic” browser caching generates about 10 requests • “Automatic” browser caching on startup generates about 52 requests • “Every page” browser caching generates about 164 requests The default is Automatic, however, previous versions of ENOVIA products recommended “Every page” to ensure that the newest version of any page was used. The Automatic setting is the recommendation for Version 10.7 and higher. Refer to Using a Web server in addition to an application server for more information. 160 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Using a UNIX or Linux Live Collaboration Server without a Monitor If you want to run the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX or Linux on a system that does not have a display, at a minimum you need to install an X-Windows server to simulate a display. You may also need to install X-Windows if you're using a proxy server and get the following errors: java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Some “headless” systems don’t even have a graphics card; in this case, you would need an X virtual frame buffer (Xvfb), which is an X server that does not rely on any display hardware or input devices for the simulation. It is an included component of X11R6, but not in earlier X releases. Be sure to use a version of X server that includes Xvfb. If you want to use Image Caching in ENOVIA products or custom applications with X-Windows only (not Xvbf, and you have a graphics card but no monitor), you’ll need to set the -headless java option in mxEnv.sh and rmireg.sh files as follows: 1. Add the “-Djava.awt.headless=true” option to MX_JAVA_OPTIONS in the mxEnv.sh file. For example: MX_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xss512k [-Xmso768k (IBM JDK on AIX)] -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -Djava.awt.headless=true" 2. Add the “-Djava.awt.headless=true” option to RMID_JAVA_OPTIONS in the rmireg.sh file. For example: RMID_JAVA_OPTIONS="-C-Xss512k -C-Xms1024m -C-Xmx1024m -C-Djava.awt.headless=true" These options take care of settings for ENOVIA Live Collaboration, but if needed, you must ensure that the Application Server makes use of these settings; that is, some additional configuration may be necessary for your Application Server. However, if you want to use KavaCharts in Program Central, you should NOT set the headless java option, just be sure to have X-Windows, or if needed, Xvfb installed. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 161 Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server provides another access mechanism to the data that already exists in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database. Therefore, you must first have an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database set up before installing a Live Collaboration Server. Generally, the version of Studio Modeling Platform should match the version of the Live Collaboration Server, but refer to the Program Directory if it appears that a new version of Studio Modeling Platform or the Live Collaboration Server is released without the other. Also required is a machine with one of the configurations shown in What Needs to be Installed?. You can upgrade the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and Studio Modeling Platform components without upgrading Business Process Services or other ENOVIA products. The RAM requirements listed in “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release are guidelines only, since they vary greatly depending on the number of users, functions performed, etc. Other factors such as the number of processors and other hardware variations must also be considered. A Web or Application Server must be installed and operational before installing a Live Collaboration Server. Refer to Installing a Web or Application Server for details. Since FCS and PDF rendering functions require access to ENOVIA Live Collaboration native code libraries, you must install a Live Collaboration Server on each Application Server that will be used for ENOVIA Live Collaboration access. There are two kinds of Live Collaboration Server installation routines: • Major installation, which installs all Live Collaboration Server components and modifies startup scripts and property files. Instructions for performing major installations are described in the sections Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux and Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows. Once the J2EE Live Collaboration Server is installed, configuration adjustments can be made. Some are optional and some are required. Perform the installation in the order indicated below. General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server 1. Install the DS License Server. The Dassault Systèmes License Server or DS License Server is a prerequisite of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and is responsible for installing and making your company’s user licenses available for use. For more information, see the Dassault Systèmes License Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 2. Install the Live Collaboration Server as described in this section. 3. Follow the instructions for obtaining and assigning your user licenses in the Dassault Systèmes Licensing Essentials Guide. 162 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Install all necessary ENOVIA products as described in Installing Matrix Web Navigator, Installing Business Process Services™ and/or Installing ENOVIA Products. 5. If necessary, adjust the server configuration as required, including the recommended UTF-8 configuration as described in UTF-8 Settings. Refer also to Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Environment Settings. If you are using a Japanese environment, follow the instructions found in Configuring a Japanese Web Environment for this step and steps 5 through 8 below. 6. Optionally adjust J2EE settings in the Web.xml or ematrix.xml file as described in Modifying J2EE Settings. 7. Build the Web archive file as described in Building the J2EE Archive File. 8. Follow the instructions for Deploying the J2EE Archive File. 9. Optionally install an additional server as described in Installing Multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers (RIP only). Before Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server The Live Collaboration Server machine must have access to an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database. This means the following are prerequisites: • Database client software: For Oracle, refer to the Program Directory for the given release for supported versions and Chapter 3, Installing an Oracle Database for installation guidelines. Some settings in the Oracle server configuration file (init<SID>.ora) may need to be adjusted when a Live Collaboration Server is in use. Refer to Oracle Parameter File: init<SID>.ora in Chapter 3 for more information. For DB2, refer to the Program Directory for the given release for supported versions and Chapter 4, Installing a DB2 Database for installation guidelines. For SQL Server, refer to the Program Directory for the given release for supported versions and Chapter 5, Installing an SQL Server Database for installation guidelines. For MySQL, refer to the Program Directory for the given release for supported versions and Chapter 6, Installing a MySQL Database for installation guidelines. • Optionally, ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform to assist with troubleshooting. However, it is not recommended that the Live Collaboration Server machine be used frequently as a Studio Modeling Platform client. (MQL is included with the Live Collaboration Server on both Windows and UNIX). • A connection (bootstrap) file that points to an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database. You can use the included MQL executable to create a bootstrap after installation if necessary. Since the Live Collaboration Server can provide global access to an ENOVIA Live Collaboration database, potentially handling a much greater number of users, be sure you have the appropriate number and types of user licenses in your License Agreement. Users defined as “Full” can access the database through the Live Collaboration Server, as well as the Studio Modeling Platform applications. On the other hand, “Application” users will be allowed access only through MQL or applications that use the Live Collaboration Server. Refer to the Business Modeler Guide for information on the types of ENOVIA Live Collaboration users. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 163 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux Before installing any Live Collaboration Server software on UNIX from a CD-ROM you must: • Create an ENOVIA user and group. • Mount the CD so the operating system software can access the files contained on the disk. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 for examples of mount commands for each platform. • Remove any old versions of ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. • Make sure you know: • • For Oracle, the path where your tnsnames.ora file is located • For DB2, the path where DB2 is installed and the DB2 instance name • For MySQL, the path where the ODBC initialization files reside • The path where the Application Server is installed, and the name of the startup script • The path for the JDK Follow your OS instructions for automatic startup of mxrmirc services. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Setup program can be run in one of three modes—graphical, console, or silent: • To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in graphical mode, see page 164. • To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in console mode, see page 177. • To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in silent mode, see page 186. To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in graphical mode 1. Copy the <media_name>.tar.gz file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer-V6R2011x.RHEL64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. 2. Mount the CD-ROM drive. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 3. Untar the <media_name>.tar.gz file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup script as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartGUI.sh The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server graphical Setup program starts. 164 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Setup prompts for the installation directory. The default installation path is empty. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. Click Browse to select a different location than the default. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 165 5. Click Next to continue. 6. Setup then displays the components available to be installed in the specified directory, in this case, CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Click Cancel if you want to end the installation, or click Next to continue. 7. Setup then asks you to enter the Java Home path. This is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK). Click Browse to select a different location than the default. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. 166 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Click Next to continue. 8. Setup then asks you to choose a database type. Only those database types that are supported on your particular platform are displayed. Depending on the OS, the available database options could be any of the following: • Oracle, DB2, and MySQL • Oracle and DB2 • Oracle only If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. A white check box means that an item is selected. Select the desired database type. Click Next. 9. If you selected Oracle, Setup then asks you to enter the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located. Click Browse to select a different location than the default. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 167 Setup cannot detect the correct Oracle path on UNIX. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Click Next to continue. 10. Setup then asks you to read and accept the terms in the Oracle Instant Client License agreement. Again, a white check box next to an item indicates that the item is selected. Leave the upper check box selected (the default) and click Next. 168 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 11. Setup then asks you to enter the location of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). Click Browse to select a different location than the default. Click Next to continue. If the MATRIX-R file does not yet exist, you must copy a valid bootstrap file to the specified directory. Click OK to continue.. Installation can continue without a valid bootstrap file, but the Live Collaboration Server will not operate without a valid connection file. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 169 12. Setup then asks you to select a deployment option. The available options are: • J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives)—Select this option for all supported J2EE Application Servers. This option is required if you intend to install Advanced Search on a dedicated machine. This is the default. See also Running the WAR Utility on UNIX or Linux in Chapter 10. • None (Collaboration Kernel only)—Select this option if you intend to use custom Studio Customization Toolkit applets or applications that do not use servlets. In this case, an Application Server is not required, but you must configure the Live Collaboration Server for RIP mode. See step 16. 13. Setup then asks you to select a Java heap size. This setting affects the options for Java memory allocation. Select a Java heap size based on what your system will support. Java Heap Size For 32-Bit Systems For 64-Bit Systems Small: 256m 256m Medium: 640m 960m 1024m 2048m Large: Software version V6R2011x supports only the 64-bit version of Live Collaboration Server on both Windows and UNIX. The 32-bit version of Live Collaboration Server for Windows is supported only for non-production use. 170 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 14. Setup then asks you to select the character encoding. The available options are: • UTF8—This option is the default, and is recommended for all implementations besides Japanese, whether you support multiple non-English languages or only English. When this option is selected, UTF-8 settings are added in your environment, as described in Automated UTF-8 Settings. However, to finish enabling UTF-8, refer to Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings. • Not UTF8—Select this option if your implementation must support Japanese. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 171 15. Setup then asks you where the Application server is installed. This is the location of the startup script for applications. Below the following figure are some examples. Application Server Location of Startup Script WebLogic: WebSphere: /app/weblogic/user_projects/ domains/base_domain /app/WebSphere/AppServer/bin Sun Java System Application Server: /app/SUNWappserver7/bin Tomcat: /app/tomcat/bin The following are some examples of Application Server startup script names: Application Server Startup Script Name WebLogic: startWebLogic.sh WebSphere: startServer.sh Sun Java System Application Server: asadmin Tomcat: startup.sh 16. Setup then asks whether you want to install the kernel in RIP mode. The available options are: 172 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • Yes—RIP mode is the recommended configuration (and the default). This option runs the kernel in the same process space as the Application Server. If you are using the Sun Java Application Server and want to use RIP mode, be sure to configure the Application Server as described in Installing the Sun Java System Application Server. • No—Select this option to set up the standard RMID mode. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 173 a ) If you select no to RIP mode, Setup asks whether you want to install the RMI Gateway. The default is No (single RMI server). b ) If you want to use multiple RMI servers, click the button (white means selected). Then click Next. 174 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide c ) If you chose yes to using multiple RMI servers, you must also specify the RMI port number. The default is 1099. 17. Setup then asks you to enter the number of additional server processes to use for the RMI Gateway. The minimum (and default) is 2. Setup will assign sequential port numbers to each secondary server process used. For example, if you accept the default of 2 for additional RMI processes, the RMI port number entered above (e.g., 1099) will be for the Gateway, and the other processes will use the next two ports (e.g., 1100 and 1101). Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 175 18. Setup now has enough information to begin copying the program files. 19. Setup displays the status of the installation while it is in progress. 176 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 20. When Setup is finished installing the software, it displays the following message. 21. Continue with next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Be sure to place a working bootstrap file in the location specified in step 11 on page 169. To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in console mode 1. Copy the <media_name>.tar.gz file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer-V6R2011x.RHEL64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. 2. Mount the CD-ROM drive. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 3. Untar the <media_name>.tar.gz file to a temporary directory. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup script in console mode as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartTUI.sh The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server console-based Setup program starts. 4. The Setup program displays the default installation directory. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Choose Destination Location***** Setup will install V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in the following directory: Default []: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Server If you want to change the location, type in the new installation directory path. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. Press Enter to continue. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 177 5. Setup then asks you to select the components you want to install in the specified directory, in this case tthe component is CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Select Software***** Click to select the components you want to install in directory /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Server. You can choose not to install V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server by clicking Cancel to exit setup. Space available: 26268940 Kb Space required: 158057 Kb -2 End selection -1 [X] All CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Enter selection (default: Next) : If you want to cancel the installation, type 2 . Press Enter to continue. 6. Setup then asks you to enter the Java Home path. The is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK). *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Select Java Home***** Please enter Java Home path Default [/usr/java]: /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19 You can use the JDK installed by the Application Server or a higher version, if your custom Java programs require it. There cannot be any spaces in the directory name or the install will fail, as this will cause problems during deployment. The JDK you specify is used to configure Java for applications deployed by your Application Server (except the WebSphere Application Server) and non-Application Server based applications. If you are using WebSphere, please see JDK notes before specifying your JDK. If using RIP mode, enter the path to Java used by the Application Server. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. Change the Java Home path, if desired. Press Enter to continue. 7. Setup then asks you to choose a database type. Only those database types that are supported on your particular platform are displayed. Depending on the OS, the available database options could be any of the following: • Oracle, DB2, and MySQL • Oracle and DB2 • Oracle only For example: *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Database selection***** Choose the database type: 178 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide -2 End selection 1 (*) Oracle Enter selection (default Next): If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. Select the desired database type. Press Enter. 8. If you selected Oracle, Setup then asks for the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory, which contains the tnsnames.ora file. This file contains the client-side network configuration parameters required for Oracle. You can copy a tnsnames file from the Oracle server and put it in the location specified here after the installation completes. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Oracle Server Connection Parameters***** TNS_ADMIN directory Default [/home/data/ora11g/network/admin]: /app/oracle/product/ 11.2.0/network/admin Setup cannot detect the correct Oracle path on UNIX. Incorrect Oracle path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Change the TNS_ADMIN directory, if desired. Press Enter to continue. 9. Setup then asks you to read and accept the terms in the Oracle Instant Client License agreement. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Oracle Instant Client License***** Be sure to carefully read and understand all the rights and restrictions described in the license terms. You must accept the license terms before you can install the software 1 [ ] 2 [ ] Enter end): 1 [X] 2 [ ] I have read and accept the license terms I do not accept the license terms your choice 1 or 2( if you choose 2, the installer will 1 I have read and accept the license terms I do not accept the license terms Type 1 (the default) or simply press Enter to accept the license terms and continue installation. 10. If you selected a different database type, Setup displays a different set of questions: • For DB2, respond to these prompts: Enter the DB2 product directory [ ]? Enter the DB2 Instance Name [db2inst1]? You must enter the directory where DB2 is installed and the name of your DB2 instance. (The default instance name on UNIX is db2inst1, which you can change.) • For MySQL, enter the directory where the ODBC files reside: Enter the directory where the ODBC initialization files reside [ ]? Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 179 11. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). This file contains the information necessary for the server to locate and open the Platform root database. This should be set to the server’s installation directory. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Choose MatrixHome Location***** Please enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). Default [/qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Server]: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x If you want to choose a different location than the default, type in the path. Press Enter. Setup checks for the existence of the MATRIX-R file in the specified directory. If the file exists in the specified directory, you receive a confirmation message: Matrix bootstrap exists. If the bootstrap does not exist in the specified directory, you instead get a warning: Stdout of child process: Info: bootstrap does not exist Stderr of child process: Exit process with return code: 1 -------------------------------------Warning Matrix bootstrap does not exist. Please copy a valid bootstrap to /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x. Error stack: Error code: Owner: 30a Actions: [1] OK -------------------------------------Please choose an action: 1 Installation can continue, but the Live Collaboration Server will not operate without a valid connection file. 12. Setup then asks you to select a deployment option: *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Select Deployment Option***** Please select deployment option Click Next to continue the installation. -2 End selection 1 (*) J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives) 2 ( ) None (Collaboration Kernel only) Enter selection (default Next): Type 1 (the default), or simply press Enter, for all supported J2EE Application Servers. If you intend to install Advanced Search on a dedicated machine, this option is required. See also Running the WAR Utility on UNIX or Linux in Chapter 10. 180 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Select 2 if you will only use custom Studio Customization Toolkit applets or applications that do not use the servlets. In this case an Application Server is not required, but you must configure the Live Collaboration Server for RIP mode. 13. Setup then asks you to select a Java heap size. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Java Heap Size***** Please select Java heap size. This setting affects the options for Java memory allocation. Click Next to continue the installation. -2 End selection 1 ( ) Small - Java heap 2 (*) Medium - Java heap 3 ( ) Large - Java heap Enter selection (default size 256m size 640m size 1024m Next): Select a Java heap size based on what your system will support. Java Heap Size For 32-Bit Systems For 64-Bit Systems Small: 256m 256m Medium: 640m 960m 1024m 2048m Large: Software version V6R2011x supports only the 64-bit version of Live Collaboration Server on both Windows and UNIX. The 32-bit version of Live Collaboration Server for Windows is supported only for non-production use. 14. Setup then asks you to select a type of character encoding. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Select Character Encoding***** Please select server character encoding. Check UTF8 if this server needs to support multiple non-English languages. If selecting UTF8, please ensure that your database character set is also UTF8. See the Installation Guide for more details. Click Next to continue. -2 End selection 1 (*) UTF8 2 ( ) Not UTF8 Enter selection (default Next): The options are: • UTF8—Type 1 (the default) if the server needs to support multiple non-English languages. In this case, ensure that your database character set is also UTF8. • Not UTF8—Type 2 if the server does not need to support multiple non-English languages. Press Enter to continue. 15. Setup then asks you for the location of your Application Server’s startup script. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 181 *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Application Server Path***** Where is the Application Server installed (location of start up script)? Must be a valid directory Default [./]: /app/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/bin The following are some examples of Application Server startup script locations: Application Server Location of Startup Script WebLogic: WebSphere: /app/weblogic/user_projects/ domains/base_domain /app/WebSphere/AppServer/bin Sun Java System Application Server: /app/SUNWappserver7/bin Tomcat: /app/tomcat/bin 16. Setup then asks you to end the name of the Application Server startup script. The following are some examples of Application Server startup script names: Application Server Startup Script Name WebLogic: startWebLogic.sh WebSphere: startServer.sh Sun Java System Application Server: asadmin Tomcat: startup.sh • If you press Enter without entering any script name (the default), Setup will take this to mean that you are not configuring the Application Server. • If you do enter a script name, Setup invokes it to start the Application Server process and verify that the path and script name are valid. Default []: startup.sh Start Process: "/usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19/bin/java -cp ./inst/solaris_a64/install/ installerutil/installerUtil.jar installer.util.check.FileCheck /app/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/bin startup.sh" Arguments: "/usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19/bin/java" "-cp" "./inst/solaris_a64/install/installerutil/installerUtil.jar" "installer.util.check.FileCheck" "/app/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/bin" "startup.sh" End of arguments Waiting for pid 25619 Stdout of child process: Stderr of child process: Exit process with return code: 0 17. Setup then asks if you want to install the kernal in RIP mode (see RIP: RMI In-process). 182 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Matrix RMI In Process (RIP)***** Do you want to install the kernel in RIP mode? Install RIP mode to run the kernel in the same process space as the application server. Select No to setup the standard RMI. Once you have made your selection, click to continue the installation. -2 End selection 1 (*) Yes (RIP mode) 2 ( ) No (RMID mode) Enter selection (default Next): Moving logs from "/tmp/InstallData/log/CODE/solaris_a64/ ENOVIA_CSR.media-2010_08_12-111607/" to "/qausr/ Enovia_V6R2011x/Server/InstallData/log/CODE/solaris_a64/ ENOVIA_CSR.media-2010_08_12-111607/" • If you want to install the kernel in RIP mode, type 1 for Yes (RIP mode). In this mode, the kernel runs in the same process space as the Application Server. This is the default and the recommended configuration. See RIP: RMI In-process for details. • If you want to set up the standard RMI mode, type 2 for No (RMID mode). See RMI Gateway for details. a ) If you select no to RIP mode, Setup then asks if you will use the RMI Gateway, or multiple RMI servers. b1 ) If you select yes (Multiple RMI servers), Setup asks how many additional server processes will be used. The default (and minimum allowed) is 2. c1 ) Enter the number of additional server processes you want to use for the RMI Gateway. b2 ) If you select no (Single RMI Server), or RMI Gateway, you must specify the RMI port number. If you are configuring the Gateway, Setup will assign sequential port numbers to each secondary server process used. For example, if you accepted the default of 2 for additional RMI processes, the RMI port number entered here (such as 1099) will be for the Gateway, and the other processes will use the next 2 ports (that is, 1100 and 1101). c2 ) Enter the RMI port number, then press Enter. 18. Setup now has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to change any settings, type the letter 'b' (for Back) and press Enter, then make the desired corrections. When you are satisfied with the displayed settings, press Enter to start the installation. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Start Copying Files***** Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to begin copying files. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 183 Files will be installed in the following directory: /qausr/ Enovia_V6R2011x/Server Selected products: All DSYInsControler.JavaPath.Resume(/usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_19) Database type: Oracle TNS_ADMIN directory: /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/network/admin MatrixHome Location: /qausr/Enovia_V6R2011x/Server Deployment option: J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives) Java heap size: Medium - Java heap size 640m Character encoding: UTF8 Application Server Path: /app/apache-tomcat-6.0.26/bin Startup Script: startup.sh Kernel in RIP mode: Yes (RIP mode) Enter your choice (default Install): CODE/solaris_a64/InsServerOnly (960 b) .............................. CODE/solaris_a64/InsOracleClient_PRFX-Common (147 Mb) .............................. CODE/solaris_a64/ENODataBaseAbstract (14 Kb) .............................. . . . Setup displays the status of the installation while it is in progress. 19. Setup informs you when the Live Collaboration Server installation is finished. *****V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Setup Complete***** Setup has finished installing V6R2011x ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on your computer. CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server: installed. -2 End selection Enter selection (default: Next) : Press Enter to exit Setup and close the console window. Be sure to place a working bootstrap file in the location specified in step 11 on page 180. To install the Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux in silent mode Silent mode requires completion of the Live Collaboration Server installation in one of the other two modes (graphical or console). After installation, the files needed for silent mode are created under SERVERHOME/InstallData/. In this directory, there is a file called UserIntentions.xml. If you want to allow the installer to run on a non-empty directory, you must manually modify the TARGET_PATH variable in the UserIntentions.xml and InstallData.xml files, both of which are located in the InstallData subdirectory of the SERVERHOME directory. 1. Open a console window. 184 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 2. Change to the <media_name>/1/ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in silent mode as follows: % cd /<media_name>/1 % ./StartTUI.bat --silent <full_path>/UserIntentions.xml where <full_path> is the path to the InstallData/ subdirectory under the SERVERHOME directory. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 185 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows Before installing the Live Collaboration Server on Windows you must: • Remove any old versions of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers. • Install a qualified Application Server (or other Web server, if you will not be using the servlets or will only be setting up Web Navigator) and ensure that it is operational. • Make sure you know: • The path where the Application server is installed and the name of the startup script • The path for the HTTP server’s document root directory • The path for the JDK The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Setup program can be run in one of three modes—graphical, console, or silent: • To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in graphical mode, see page 186. • To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in console mode, see page 196. • To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in silent mode, see page 205. To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in graphical mode Live Collaboration Server installation on Windows may optionally be executed multiple times when more than one database will be accessed via one WebLogic server. The MQL executable is installed together with the Live Collaboration Server on Windows. 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the <media_name>.zip file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer-V6R2011x.Windows64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring .zip files from the internet, executable files may silently be excluded when unzipping due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, then click Unblock. 3. Unzip the <media_name>.zip file to a temporary directory. Change to the ENOVIA_CSR.media\1\ subdirectory, and then run the Setup program in graphical mode as follows: > cd \ENOVIA_CSR.media\1 > setupV6 The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Studio graphical Setup program starts. 186 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Setup displays the directory where the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server software will be installed. The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server. If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. 5. Setup then asks you to select the components you want to install in the specified directory. CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is selected by default. If you want to cancel the installation at this point, click Cancel. Otherwise, click Next. 6. Enter (or Browse to) the location of your Java Home path. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 187 Click Next. 7. Setup then asks you to choose the database type: • Select Oracle if you want to be connected to an Oracle database. This selection installs the Oracle Instant Client 10g, which is distributed with the Platform software. This means that the Oracle client software no longer needs to be installed separately. • Select Others if you want to be connected to any other type of database. If your platform supports multiple types of databases, Oracle is the default. Select the desired database type. Click Next. 188 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 8. If you select Oracle, enter the location of the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located. The default is c:\oracle\product\10g\NETWORK\ADMIN. To install to a different location, click Browse and select another directory, or type it in. Click Next. 9. Setup then asks you to read and accept the terms in the Oracle Instant Client License agreement. Read the agreement and select the I have read and accept the license terms radio button. Click Next. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 189 10. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server. If you want to choose a different location, click Browse and navigate to the desired directory or type in the path. Click Next. 11. Setup then asks you to select one of the following deployment options. Select one of these options based on the Application Server you are using: • J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives)—Select this option to use any of the supported Application Servers. If you intend to install advanced search on a dedicated machine, this option is required. See also Running the WAR utility on Windows in Chapter 10. • None (Collaboration Kernel only)—Select this option if you will use only custom Studio Customization Toolkit applications that do not use the Servlets. In this case, an Application Server is not required. Click Next. 12. Setup then asks you to select a Java heap size. This setting affects the options for Java memory allocation. 190 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Select a Java heap size based on what your system will support. Java Heap Size For 32-Bit Systems For 64-Bit Systems Small: 256m 256m Medium: 640m 960m 1024m 2048m Large: Software version V6R2011x supports only the 64-bit version of Live Collaboration Server on both Windows and UNIX. The 32-bit version of Live Collaboration Server for Windows is supported only for non-production use. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 191 13. Setup then asks you to select the server character encoding. Choose one of the following options: • UTF8—Select this option if the server needs to support multiple non-English languages. In this case, ensure that your database character set is also UTF8. • Not UTF8—Select this option if the server does not need to support multiple non-English languages. Click Next. 14. Setup then asks whether you want to install the kernel in RIP mode. • 192 If you want to install the kernel in RIP mode, select Yes (RIP mode). In this mode, the kernel runs in the same process space as the Application Server. This is the default and the recommended configuration. See RIP: RMI In-process for details. Click Next. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • If you want to set up the standard RMI mode, select No (RMID mode). See RMI Gateway for details. a ) If you select no to RIP mode, Setup then asks if you will use the RMI Gateway, or multiple RMI servers. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 193 b1 ) If you select yes (Multiple RMI servers), Setup then asks how many additional server processes will be used. The default (and minimum allowed) is 2. c1 ) Enter the number of additional server processes you want to use for the RMI Gateway, then click Next. b2 ) If you select no (Single RMI Server), or RMI Gateway, you must specify the RMI port number. If you are configuring the Gateway, Setup will assign sequential port numbers to each secondary server process used. For example, if you accepted the default of 2 for additional RMI processes, the RMI port number entered here (such as 1099) will be for the Gateway, and the other processes will use the next 2 ports (that is, 1100 and 1101). c2 ) Enter the RMI port number, then click Next. 194 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 15. Setup now has enough information to start copying the program files. It asks you to review all the settings you have made, and gives you the opportunity to make changes by selecting Back and re-entering the information. Once you have approved all the settings, click Next to complete the setup and install the Live Collaboration Server. Setup displays the status of the installation while it is in progress. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 195 16. Once the installation is complete, Setup informs you that the "CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server" has been successfully installed. Click End to close the setup dialog. Setup also creates program shortcuts under the "Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x" program folder on the Start menu. 17. Reboot your Windows system. 18. Continue with next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Be sure to place a working bootstrap file in the location specified in step 10 on page 190. To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in console mode Live Collaboration Server installation on Windows may optionally be executed multiple times when more than one database will be accessed via one WebLogic server. The MQL executable is installed together with the Live Collaboration Server on Windows. 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the <media_name>.zip file, where <media_name> is the name of the media for your platform (for example, ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer-V6R2011x.Windows64), from the CD or ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. 196 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Please note that when transferring .zip files from the internet, executable files may silently be excluded when unzipping due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, then click Unblock. 3. Unzip the <media_name>.zip file to a temporary directory. Change to the ENOVIA_CSR.media\1\ subdirectory, and then run the Setup script in console mode as follows: > cd \ENOVIA_CSR.media\1 > StartTUI.bat The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server text-based Setup program starts. In the console window, Setup first displays the directory where the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server software will be installed. The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server. Setup does not check for the existence of a previous version. The software must be installed to a new location, and the installation directory may not include any spaces. The installation directory must also be different from the distribution directory. 4. Specify the installation directory and then press Enter, or simply press Enter to accept the default. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 197 Setup then asks you to select the components you want to install in the specified directory. CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is the only available option. 5. Select one of the following options: • Type 2 if you want to end your selection, then press Enter. • Type 1 or simply press Enter to select CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Setup then asks you to enter the Java Home path. Incorrect Java home path selection may abort the installation without a message indicating the reason for the failure. Failing to provide a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit install will also cause the installation to abort. 6. Change the location, if desired, or press Enter to accept the default path. Press Enter to continue. 198 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setup then asks you to choose the database type. 7. Select one of the following options: • Type 1 or simply press Enter to select Oracle (the default). This option installs Oracle Instant Client 10g, which is distributed with the Live Collaboration Server software. The Oracle client software does not need to be installed separately. • Type 2 to select Others, then press Enter. If you select this option, Setup displays a different set of questions: • For DB2, you are asked to enter the DB2 product directory and the DB2 Instance Name. • For MSQL, you are asked to enter the directory where the ODBC initialization files reside. If you selected Oracle, Setup then asks you to enter the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located. The default is c:\oracle\product\10g\NETWORK\ADMIN\. 8. Change the TNS_ADMIN directory, if desired, or press Enter to accept the default. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 199 Setup then asks you to read and accept the terms in the Oracle Instant Client License agreement. 9. Read the Oracle Instant Client License agreement, then select one of these options: • Type 1 to confirm that you have read and accept the license terms. • Type 2 if you do not accept the license terms. If you choose this option, Setup will end. Press Enter to continue. Setup then asks you to enter the directory of your connection file (MATRIX-R file). The default is C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server. If you want to choose a different location, type in the path. Click Next. 10. Change the location, if desired, or simply press Enter to accept the default. If a Matrix bootstrap file does not exist in the specified directory, Setup displays a warning message instructing you to copy a valid bootstrap file to that location. You must type 1 and then press Enter to continue. 200 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setup then asks you to select a deployment option. 11. Select one of the following options based on the Application Server you are using: • J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives)—Type 1 or simply press Enter to use any of the supported Application Servers. If you intend to install Advanced Search on a dedicated machine, this option is required. See also Running the WAR utility on Windows in Chapter 10. • None (Collaboration Kernel only)—Type 2 if you will use only custom Studio Customization Toolkit applications that do not use the Servlets. In this case, an Application Server is not required. Press Enter. Setup then asks you to select a Java heap size. This setting affects the options for Java memory allocation. 12. Select a Java heap size based on what your system will support: Java Heap Size For 32-Bit Systems For 64-Bit Systems Small: 256m 256m Medium: 640m 960m 1024m 2048m Large: Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 201 • Type 1 for a Small Java heap size. Then press Enter. • Type 2 or simply press Enter for a Medium Java heap size (the default). • Type 3 for a Large Java heap size. Then press Enter. Software version V6R2011x supports only the 64-bit version of Live Collaboration Server on both Windows and UNIX. The 32-bit version of Live Collaboration Server for Windows is supported only for non-production use. Setup then asks you to choose the server character encoding. 13. Select one of the following options: • UTF8—Type 1 or simply press Enter to select this option if the server needs to support multiple non-English languages (the default). In this case, ensure that your database character set is also UTF8. • Not UTF8—Type 2 to select this option if the server does not need to support multiple non-English languages. Then press Enter. Setup then asks whether you want to install the kernel in RIP mode. 14. Select one of the following options: 202 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • RIP mode—Type 1 or simply press Enter if you want to install the kernel in RIP mode (the default). In this mode, the kernel runs in the same process space as the Application Server. This is the recommended configuration. See RIP: RMI In-process for details. • RMID mode—Type 2 if you want to set up the standard RMI mode. Then press Enter. See RMI Gateway for details. a ) If you select no to RIP mode, Setup then asks if you will use the RMI Gateway, or multiple RMI servers. b1 )If you select yes (Multiple RMI servers), Setup then asks how many additional server processes will be used. The default (and minimum allowed) is 2. c1 )Enter the number of additional server processes you want to use for the RMI Gateway. Then press Enter. b2 )If you select no (Single RMI Server), or RMI Gateway, you must specify the RMI port number. If you are configuring the Gateway, Setup will assign sequential port numbers to each secondary server process used. For example, if you accepted the default of 2 for additional RMI processes, the RMI port number entered here (such as 1099) will be for the Gateway, and the other processes will use the next 2 ports (that is, 1100 and 1101). c2 )Enter the RMI port number. Then press Enter. Setup now has enough information to start copying the program files. It asks you to review all the settings you have made, and gives you the opportunity to make changes. 15. Review the settings, then press Enter to complete the setup and install the Live Collaboration Server. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 203 Setup displays the status of the installation while it is in progress. Setup informs you when the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation is finished. 16. Press Enter to end Setup and close the console window. 17. Reboot your Windows system. 18. Continue with next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Be sure to place a working bootstrap file in the location specified in step 10 on page 200. 204 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To install the Live Collaboration Server on Windows in silent mode Live Collaboration Server installation on Windows may optionally be executed multiple times when more than one database will be accessed via one WebLogic server. The MQL executable is installed together with the Live Collaboration Server on Windows. Silent mode requires completion of the Live Collaboration Server installation in one of the other two modes (graphical or console). After installation, the files needed for silent mode are created under SERVER_INSTALL\InstallData\. In this directory, there is a file called UserIntentions.xml. If you want to allow the installer to run on a non-empty directory, you must manually modify the TARGET_PATH variable in the UserIntentions.xml and InstallData.xml files, both of which are located in the InstallData subdirectory of the Live Collaboration Server installation. 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Change to the ENOVIA_CSR.media\1\ subdirectory, and then run the Setup script in silent mode as follows: > cd \ENOVIA_CSR.media\1 > StartTUI.bat --silent <full_path>\UserIntentions.xml where <full_path> is the path to the InstallData\ subdirectory under the SERVER_INSTALL directory. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 205 Installing a Live Collaboration Server Service Pack Service pack installation installs only the Live Collaboration server components, without modifying startup scripts and property files. Service pack installation does not make any UTF-8 changes to files in your environment. It is recommended that you check your UTF-8 settings, as described in UTF-8 Settings. Prerequisite: Prior successful installation of a Live Collaboration Server major release. Service pack installation is intended only for upgrading from a major release to a maintenance release. For example, from V6R2011x to V6R2011x.HF1, but not from a pre-V6R2011x release or any release to V6R2011x. If you are performing a new installation of ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server or upgrading from a prior major release, follow the instructions for full installation (Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux or Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows). To install a service pack in graphical mode 1. Run the Setup program in graphical mode: • UNIX: ./StartGUI.sh • Windows: setupV6.exe 2. Setup prompts for the installation directory. UNIX: The installation directory must be the location of your existing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. 206 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Windows: Click Next to continue. 3. Setup has enough information to begin copying the program files. Unix: Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 207 Windows: Click Install. 4. Setup informs you when the service pack installation is finished. Unix: 208 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Windows: Click Close or press Enter to exit Setup. 5. After the installation completes, you must run the WAR Utility and then deploy the archive file, as described in Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE. To install a service pack in console mode 1. Run the Setup program in console mode: • UNIX: ./StartTUI.sh • Windows: StartTUI.bat 2. Setup prompts for the installation directory. Unix: *****V6R2011x.HF1 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Choose Destination Location***** Setup will upgrade ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server to V6R2011x.HF1 in the following directory: Default []: /qausr/Enovia_v6R2011x/Server Windows: The installation directory must be the location of your existing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. Press Enter to continue. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 209 3. Setup now has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to change any settings, type the letter 'b' (for Back) and press Enter, then make the desired corrections. When you are satisfied with the displayed settings, press Enter to start the installation. Unix: *****V6R2011x.HF1 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Start Copying Files***** Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to begin copying files. Files will be installed in the following directory: /qausr/ Enovia_v6R2011x/Server Enter your choice (default Install): Windows: 4. Setup informs you when the service pack installation is finished. Unix: *****V6R2011x.HF1 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Setup Complete***** Setup has finished installing V6R2011x.HF1 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on your computer. CSR - ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server: installed. -2 End selection Enter selection (default: Next) : 210 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Windows: 5. Press Enter to exit Setup. 6. After the installation completes, you must run the WAR Utility and then deploy the archive file, as described in Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 211 Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server may be configured in several ways: • Using RIP mode, which is the default and recommended configuration. • As a single process server. • As an RMI Gateway • Installing Multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers (RIP only) to point to different databases. • As a File Collaboration Server The default installation handles RIP mode. Optionally, the installation program may configure the single process server or the RMI Gateway with its default configuration. For installation procedures, refer to the Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. The sections that follow provide information on re-configuring the Live Collaboration Server. When the Live Collaboration Server is installed, a server configuration audit tool is run to evaluate system and java resources and settings. These configuration settings can be crucial to a successful deployment and are discussed in Server Startup Configuration Checker in Chapter 20. Reconfiguring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Windows Service By default, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is configured in RIP mode, and therefore does not need to be configured as a service (it is available to the Application Server whenever it needs to be). On Windows, when the standalone or RMI gateway ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed, it is installed as a Service, called RMIService.exe, which is configured during installation with the following command line arguments: Arguments Description -inidir INIDIR INIDIR is the directory that holds the enovia.ini (previously ematrix.ini) file for the Live Collaboration Server. For example: RMIService.exe -config "ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server" -inidir c:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin -javahome JDKDIR JDKDIR is the directory that holds the installed Java Development Kit. -matrixhome BOOTFILEPATH BOOTFILEPATH represents the bootstrap location for this server or gateway. The entry in the enovia.ini file takes precedence over this specification, so you should remove it from there if you will use a different location. -matrixinstall INSTALLDIR INSTALLDIR represents the location where the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server was installed. -bootfile BOOTFILENAME Name of the connection file. Defaults to MATRIX-R. 212 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Arguments Description -bosroot The root location for the Live Collaboration kernel. -logdir The location of the Matrix log files. -port PORT PORT is the RMI port number for this instance. Could be RMI Single server or Gateway port. Default is 1099. -minheap The minimum heap size (in megabytes) passed to the Java Virtual Machine. -maxheap The maximum heap size (in megabytes) passed to the Java Virtual Machine. -javaoptions Used to specify any of the standard Java options settings that will be sent to the Java virtual machine, such as minheap, maxheap, Java stack size, etc. For example, the following sets the stack size to 256k: rmiservice -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -javaoptions "-C-Xss256k" -servers SERVERS Used only if the RMI Gateway is configured. SERVERS is a list of secondary server hosts, including port numbers, separated by commas, but no spaces. For example: -servers //HOST:1100,//HOST:1101,//HOST:1102 By default, HOST is always localhost. HOST can be the same or different machine names for each server process. -flashdir Used to specify the location for flash cache files or more specifically, to set the MX_FLASH_CACHE variable for the server. For gateway configurations (where -servers has been specified), -flashdir may be configured with comma separated directories to be used as flash cache directory for each respective server. The number of flash directories specified should match the number of servers, but if less flash directories are specified than servers, the last flash directory specified will be used for all remaining servers. -setenv Used to set or delete environment variables in the format: -setenv variable=[string]. In cases where there are multiple RMI services with different environment variable settings, you should delete the environment variable setting from enovia.ini, which takes precedence, and create the environment variable settings on the RMI service level. There can be several -setenv parameters on a command line that modify several environment variables, for example: rmiservice -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -setenv MX_MQL_TRACE=TRUE -setenv MX_SQL_TRACE= The above command will update MX_MQL_TRACE in the registry with a TRUE value and delete MX_SQL_TRACE. If you need to configure an environment variable with spaces in its value, you should enclose the value in double quotes. Once the server is installed, these parameters are stored in the Windows registry for future reference by the service when it actually runs. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 213 When modifications are required, you may run RMIService.exe from the command line, setting or resetting arguments. When running from the command line you must set the “mode” for the command using one of the following flags: Argument Description -install NAME Used to install a new RMI service with the NAME specified. When run by the setup program, NAME is ENOVIA RMI Server. -config NAME Used to modify the existing named RMI service. -remove NAME Used to remove the existing named RMI service. Before executing in this mode, you must stop the service. -query NAME Used to query the current service settings. -help NAME Used to print help on the service. When NAME includes spaces, as is the case with the default, you must enclose it with quotes. When installing a new service with the -install flag, you must include ALL required arguments (that is, those in the first table above). Configuring the Gateway for Quiesce on Windows The arguments listed below are for use with the RMI Gateway, and are unset upon installation. These arguments are mutually exclusive—exactly one or none of them may be set at a time. Setting any of them makes use of the Quiesce function. Argument Description -ops OPS OPS is the number of operations to perform before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. -hours HOURS HOURS is the number of hours to wait before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. -days DAYS DAYS is the number of days to wait before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. -minutes MINUTES MINUTES is the number of minutes to wait before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. To modify the RMI Service on Windows 1. From the Start menu, choose Run. 2. Enter the command with the required changes in the Open: text box. For example: RMIService.exe -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -port 7200 -servers localhost:7201,localhost:7202,localhost:7203 -days 1 214 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Assigning a port number for the RMID RMI server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server associated with the RMID (in a standalone or gateway configuration; that is, non-RIP) is typically “exported” on an anonymous (random) port. This is the port on which the The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is listening for connections. With a firewall in place, you need to be able to specify a port number for the The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server (as opposed to the RMID) that is open on the firewall. You can assign the listening port for an The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server to allow the The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server connections to traverse a firewall by adding the following argument to the The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server command line in the rmireg.sh or rmireg.bat file: -port <port#> The port number specified must be a valid port that is not used by another process. Below are example entries in rmireg.sh, which specify the port numbers for two The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers (RMI gateway configuration): ${JAVA_PATH}/java $JAVA_SECURITY -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:$CODEBASE -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1100 com.matrixone.jdl.eMatrix // localhost:1100 -port 2000 & ${JAVA_PATH}/java $JAVA_SECURITY -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:$CODEBASE -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1101 com.matrixone.jdl.eMatrix // localhost:1101 -port 3001 & Reconfiguring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX When installed on UNIX, the configuration is set by environment variables. To change the configuration after the initial installation, modify the rmireg.sh shell script. The following environment variables may be modified: Environment Variable Description JAVA_PATH JDKDIR JDKDIR is the directory that holds the installed Java Development Kit. MATRIXHOME BOOTFILEPATH BOOTFILEPATH represents the bootstrap location for this server or gateway. Portions of the section of the rmireg.sh script that sets environment variables are shown below. You can reconfigure the lines that are shown in bold. # rmireg.sh -- Bourne shell script for eMatrixServletRMI # Registry # # Usage:- rmireg.sh # ############################################################### # # Set up Matrix Environment Variables # MATRIXHOME=/acme1/ematrixRMI export MATRIXHOME CLASSPATH=/acme1/weblogic/myserver/servletclasses/ eMatrixServletRMI.jar Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 215 export CLASSPATH MX_ARCH=solarisb64 export MX_ARCH JAVA_OPTIONS JAVA_PATH JAVA_LIB JAVA_SECURITY Confifuring the Gateway for Quiesce on UNIX The variables listed below are for use with the RMI Gateway, and are unset upon installation. These arguments are mutually exclusive—exactly one or none of them may be set at a time. Setting any of them makes use of the Quiesce function. Reconfiguring ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Port Numbers RMI Gateway Variable Description OPS #_OF_OPS The number of operations to perform before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. HOURS #_OF_HOURS The number of hours to wait before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. DAYS #_OF_DAYS The number of days to wait before switching to another server when the RMI Gateway is in use. If you want to change port numbers, you must change them in a few different places in the rmireg.sh file. The default setup initiates a log file that uses the port number in the file name. The easiest way to change the port numbers consistently is to search on the number itself, knowing which new number will replace the originally configured port. For example, assume the original installation took the default ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server port number and installed the Gateway with the default number of server processes. Now you want to change the ports to use 2000, 2001, and 2002. You could search for 1099 and change all occurrences to 2000, then find 1100 and change all to 2001, and finally all 1101 and change to 2002. Below is a sample portion of the rmireg.sh file that would require editing to reconfigure the server’s ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server port number(s): echo "Starting RMI Daemons" echo $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1099 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1099 & $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1099 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1099 & echo $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1100 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1100 & $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1100 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1100 & echo $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1101 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1101 & $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1101 -log /acme1/ematrixRMI/logs/RMI1101 & echo "Starting RMI Gateway" 216 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide $JAVA_PATH/java $JAVA_SECURITY -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:$CLASSPATH -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1099 com.matrixone.jdl.eMatrix -servers //localhost:1100,//localhost:1101 //localhost:1099& echo "Starting Secondary RMI Servers" $JAVA_PATH/java $JAVA_SECURITY -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:$CLASSPATH -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1100 com.matrixone.jdl.eMatrix // localhost:1100 & $JAVA_PATH/java $JAVA_SECURITY -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:$CLASSPATH -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1101 com.matrixone.jdl.eMatrix // localhost:1101 & Implementing the Security Wrapper on RMI Gateway The security wrapper is a wrapper class for the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server that provides the ability to restrict which IP addresses are allowed to connect to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. The RMI gateway can be configured to allow only trusted hosts to be connected. A file contains a list of the host IP addresses that are either accepted or denied. The new Java classes that implement the security wrapper are built into the eMatrixServletRMI.jar file, which is part of the Live Collaboration installation. To enable the security wrapper 1. Create a trusted host list file.The host list file contains a list of the host IP addresses that are trusted or denied by the RMI gateway. A typical way is to define a list of trusted host addresses and let all others be denied access. The host file name and location are user-created, but it is recommended you create the file in the SERVER_INSTALL\java\properties\ directory. You can create the file using any ASCII text editor. Note the following rules: • The list contains either trusted or denied host IP addresses, but not both. A list of trusted hosts will deny access to any host not listed. A list of denied hosts will allow access to any host not in the denied list. • There should be a line break after each line. • The # character can be used to indicate a comment. • The * character can be used to indicate all trusted hosts, but cannot be used to indicate denied hosts. • For a list of denied IP addresses, the word deny must be in lowercase. • Only numerical IP addresses are accepted. For example, a file containing trusted machines named,, and would look like this: # Trusted hosts Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 217 Conversely, to deny access from hosts, the file would contain the keyword “deny” and then list the denied IP addresses. Below is an example where hosts and are denied: # Deny hosts deny In the example above, any host except and would be granted access. Whenever you make a change to the host list file, you must restart the Live Collaboration Server. 2. Specify the path to the host list file, by adding the system property com.matrixone.rmi.hostList, which defines the full path to the host list file. In UNIX, this setting is preferably set in the JAVA_OPTIONS in the rmireg.sh file. For example, it would look like: JAVA_OPTIONS="-C-Xss256k -C-Xms256m -C-Xmx256m -C-Dcom.matrixone.rmi.hostList=/usr/rmi/java/properties/ hosts.txt" Make sure to change the JAVA_OPTIONS for the appropriate operating system in the rmireg.sh file. For Windows, the command would look something like: C:\>rmiservice -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -JAVAOPTIONS "-C-Dcom.matrixone.rmi.hostList=c:/rmi/java/properties/ hosts.txt -C-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" 3. Verify the Configuration by inverting the list of trusted hosts to be a list of denied hosts as follows: a ) Add the keyword deny in the host list file. b ) Restart the Live Collaboration Server. c ) Start Matrix Navigator or the ENOVIA product you use to access the database, and log into the system. You should be denied access. You can also check that any Studio Customization Toolkit clients are not able to connect d ) Open the web server log file and search for a RemoteException. The RemoteException will describe the denied access, for example: Mon Dec 16 20:08:25 EST 2002:<I> <ServletContext-General> servlet/login: init java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: Host is not authorized to connect to the server 218 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Environment Settings When the Live Collaboration Server is installed, the environment is set with the same variables as needed for other ENOVIA Live Collaboration clients (as discussed in Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9). In addition, the following are added for Live Collaboration Server: MX_NUL_COURTESY_MSG. When a user attempts to use the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server without an appropriate product assigned, a CPF product will automatically be assigned to that user as a courtesy. When this variable is set to true (by default), a message will also be sent to mxtrace.log indicating that a CPF product has been assigned to the user as a courtesy. MX_BOS_ALLOW_SHARED_CONTEXT may be set to TRUE in order to allow processing of a session that is shared by multiple threads. When this occurs, a message stating “Session [SESSION ID] in use by multiple threads” is written to the mxtrace.log file. This message is only a warning and the threads will continue processing. By default, MX_BOS_ALLOW_SHARED_CONTEXT is set to false, which means a session cannot be shared by multiple threads. The same message, “Session [SESSION ID] in use by multiple threads,” is written to the mxtrace.log file but this time, the second thread using the shared session ID will stop processing. For an explanation of context object problems, see the “Context Object User Access” topic in the Creating a Login Page chapter of the Programming Guide. MX_BOS_ROOT is the same as the WWW document root directory. MX_BOS_WORKSPACE is the directory below $MX_BOS_ROOT that is created by the Live Collaboration Server installation. The directory is used as a location for file access for all logged on users. Subdirectories are created for users as they log into the server, and automatically removed when they log out. The value is matrix/ workspace. MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE dictates how many database connections are pre-initialized. This helps in cases where a multi-threaded Studio Customization Toolkit application tries to initiate multiple contexts at the same time. Without the pre-initialized database connections configured, connect failures may occur if the network or database are slow to respond. The default value is determined by the Java heap size selected during installation of the Live Collaboration Server (on UNIX that is small = 10, medium = 20, large = 30). For more information on this setting, see System Scaling in Chapter 20. MX_TRACE_FILE_PATH sets the location where the mxtrace.log file is generated. Defaults to $SERVER_INSTALL\logs. MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION is set to True. Refer to Optional Variables for the description of this setting. On UNIX these settings are added as environment variables in the Live Collaboration Server startup script. On Windows, an enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server is created (or updated) with the settings shown above. A typical Windows enovia.ini file is shown below: [MATRIX] MX_BOS_ROOT=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\ MX_BOS_WORKSPACE=workspace Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 219 MX_TRACE_FILE_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\logs MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION=true MX_SESSION_TIMEOUT=60 MX_BOS_ALLOW_SHARED_CONTEXT=false MATRIXHOME=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\ MATRIXINSTALL=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\ MX_FLASH_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\mxcache PIXMAPPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\pixmaps\app\ COLORPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\lib MATRIXPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin MX_TCL_SHLIB= TCL_LIBRARY=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\tcl85\lib\tcl8.5 TK_LIBRARY=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\tcl85\lib\tk8.5 TMPDIR=C:\DOCUME~1\<user>\LOCALS~1\Temp MX_DEFAULT_KERNEL= MX_JVM_DIR=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\jre\bin\client\ MX_JDK_DIR=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\ MX_JAVAC=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\bin\javac.exe MX_CLASSPATH=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\lib;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\ managed\properties;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\java common;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\javaserver;C:\eno viaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\custom; MX_CHARSET=UTF8 LANG=C NLS_LANG=_UTF8 MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE=20 MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT=640m Refer to Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 for information on Matrix-specific variables. Optional Settings In addition, the following variables are available: MX_BOS_BLOCKSIZE sets the size of the data blocks that are transferred between the server and the client. This setting is in bytes and defaults to 65536 (64k). It can be adjusted to a maximum of 131072 (128k). MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT can be set to a positive integer value. When set, browsers in Indented and Star modes display that number of connections in each direction at a maximum. The default is to show all connections. The following is added to the environment by default; however, notice it is commented out: # MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT=500 Refer to the Programming Guide for use of limits in Studio Customization Toolkit programs. MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT can be set to a positive integer value. When set, find operations load no more than that number of found objects. Users can override this number by using the Limit field in the Find dialog box. The default is to load all objects that meet the search criteria. The following is added to the environment by default; however, notice that it is commented out: # MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT=500 220 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Refer to the Programming Guide for use of limits in Studio Customization Toolkit programs. MX_MAX_THREAD may be set in the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini) only to indicate the maximum number of threads allowed to run inside the Live Collaboration kernel at one time. Default is 200. MX_SITE_PREFERENCE can be set to establish the preferred site for file checkin and checkout in a distributed database that makes use of replicated stores. This adjustment overrides the setting in the Person or Group definition for the site preference. This ensures that all Web clients will use the site preference of the Live Collaboration Server, providing optimum performance. MX_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT sets the time interval in seconds after which idle transactions started through the Live Collaboration Server are subject to being cleaned up. A transaction is considered “idle” if the Studio Customization Toolkit call has completed (for example, verbose parameter tracing would show “dispatch complete”), but the session that originated the Studio Customization Toolkit call is still holding the Database connection open. This could happen due to improperly handled transaction boundaries (a “start transaction” without “commit” or “abort”), or if there is a large amount of work being performed by the session, but outside of the Live Collaboration kernel (such as JSP code that is performing operations over a large return set of objects). Note that a JPO is executed in the Live Collaboration kernel, so a session executing a JPO will not be considered “idle” while the JPO is executing. This does not mean that the transaction abort and cleanup is performed immediately when the time expires, but rather means that the transaction becomes subject to being aborted after that time. The actual transaction abort and cleanup occurs only when a session accesses the same server as follows: When any session enters the Live Collaboration kernel, one of the first things it does is look for transactions idle for more than the MX_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT time. If such an idle transaction is detected, then the transaction will be aborted and the database connection released. So, the cleanup mechanism relies on the fact that other client sessions are trying to access the Live Collaboration kernel, meaning that this variable is only useful in multi-server environments such as the Live Collaboration Server. If the original session was actually performing a long running operation, when it tries to access the database connection a “transaction not started” error will be thrown. A suggested setting is 300 (5 minutes). If not set (or set to 0), no transaction timeout is in place. This setting is completely independent of existing session timeout methods available in the xml/http version of the Studio Customization Toolkit. These settings can be added to the enovia.ini file for both UNIX and Windows: • On Windows, this file exists in the SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\code\bin\ directory, where it is created during installation. • On UNIX, typical settings are in the default startup scripts. Optional settings can be set in one of the following ways: • • UNIX start up shell scripts can be modified to include optional settings as environment variables (startup scripts call mxEnv.sh). The settings can be added to the enovia.ini initialization file. This file exists in the SERVERHOME/<platform>/code/bin/ directory, where it is created during installation. If a setting is in both the startup shell script and the .ini file, the value in the shell script is used. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 221 Most of the Optional Variables, Date/Time Format variables, and server diagnostic variables of the enovia.ini file used for the Studio Modeling Platform or desktop applications, can also be used in the enovia.ini for the Live Collaboration Server. The variables that are NOT used by the Live Collaboration Server are: • those that are listed in Dynamically Updated Variables and are updated via Session/ Preferences; • those that are used for dialog placement and shown in Application Sections; • those that used for Customizing Help; • Font and Color Variables; • those that are user specific or have to do with the Graphical User Interface, as listed below: • USER and MX_HOME_VAULT are user-specific and would not be desirable for all Web clients. • FIND_LIMIT—server uses MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT instead. • MQLWINDOWDISPLAY and MX_BACKGROUND_OPEN are used for debugging programs, which shouldn’t be done on the Web. • MX_BACKGROUND_OPEN and MX_WIN_MIN_ON_LAUNCH have to do with launching applications, which is a completely different mechanism on the Web. • MX_EXPAND_ALL is not used—by default, formats are not expanded to show files checked in when the Formats dialog box is displayed. • MX_RESTRICT_EXPAND—server uses MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT instead. Refer to Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 for more information. Time Zones through ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server ENOVIA Live Collaboration stores times in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and performs a run time conversion to display them in the client’s local time zone. However, times displayed on Web clients (Web Navigator users as well as users of other programs that connect via a Live Collaboration Server) will be in the time zone available to the server, and not necessarily in the time zone of the Web client. For example, if a user in California connects to a Live Collaboration Server in Connecticut that uses eastern time, times displayed for that user will be in eastern time. Also, if that same user creates objects, the create time will be stored in the database based on the eastern time converted to GMT. The Live Collaboration Server gets its time zone in the same manner as other ENOVIA Live Collaboration clients, and passes time information to a Web client in the time zone it knows about. 222 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide UTF-8 Settings UTF-8 encoding is recommended for supporting any language(s)—multiple non-English languages or English-only. In addition, the database layer must use a character set (that is, “content type”) that is a superset of all character requirements. Refer to Chapter 3, Installing an Oracle Database for database configuration recommendations. In order to support multiple languages, it is recommended that UTF-8 encoding is used on all tiers. Therefore, even if you currently have no requirements to support other languages, new implementations should establish a UTF-8 environment so that future flexibility is simplified. If you are working in a legacy environment with a different content type (such as csWindows31j), UTF-8 may be used on the top tiers but stored in the legacy character set. However, in this scenario, you will not be able to support data content in other non-English languages. Data migration to UTF-8 is possible via database tools; however, for large databases the task is not trivial. Contact your database vendor for more information. You select UTF-8 support during Live Collaboration Server installation, which automatically creates UTF-8 settings in your environment. For a description of these settings see Automated UTF-8 Settings. To finish enabling UTF-8, you must make additional changes to your configuration, as described in Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings. Automated UTF-8 Settings This section describes the changes that automatically occur when UTF-8 support is selected in Live Collaboration Server installations. Changes for all J2EE application servers • The startup scripts for the Application Servers set the following: MX_CHARSET=UTF8 LANG=C NLS_LANG=_UTF8 On UNIX, these settings are made in mxEnv.sh and are exported as required. The Application Server startup script runs this file. On Windows, these variables are set in the enovia.ini file. • The following setting is added to web.xml: ematrix.encoding=UTF8 RMI Standalone (non-RIP) changes • Both the rmid startup script as well as the RMIService set the following: LANG=C MX_CHARSET=UTF8 On UNIX the settings are exported as required. On Windows these variables are set in the enovia.ini file. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 223 WebLogic changes The following lines in weblogic.xml are uncommented: <charset-params> <input-charset> <resource-path>/*</resource-path> <java-charset-name>UTF8</java-charset-name> </input-charset> </charset-params> WebSphere changes In ibm-web-ext.xmi, which is located in SERVERHOME/ematrixwarutil/, the autoRequestEncoding and autoResponseEncoding settings are enabled in <webappext>. For example: <webappext:WebAppExtension xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http:// www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:webappext="webappext.xmi" xmlns:webapplication="webapplication.xmi" xmlns:xsi="http:// www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmi:id="WebApp_1_Ext" reloadInterval="60" reloadingEnabled="false" fileServingEnabled="true" directoryBrowsingEnabled="false" serveServletsByClassnameEnabled="false" autoRequestEncoding="true" autoResponseEncoding="true"> Sun Java System Application Server changes The sun-web.xml file has the following entries added: <sun-web-app> <locale-charset-info default-locale="en_US"> <locale-charset-map locale="en" charset="ISO-8859-1"/> <locale-charset-map locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1"/> <locale-charset-map locale="ja" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="ja_JP" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="fr" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="fr_FR" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="de" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="de_DE" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="it" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="it_IT" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="ko" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="ko_KR" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="ko_KP" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="zh" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="zh_CN" charset="UTF-8"/> <locale-charset-map locale="zh_TW" charset="UTF-8"/> </locale-charset-info> </sun-web-app> 224 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings This section describes changes you must make to your Application Server environment after selecting UTF-8 support during Live Collaboration Server installation. These changes are for all platforms besides AIX. For AIX changes, see Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings for AIX. Manual changes are required for all application. To make manual changes for WebLogic Edit the startWebLogic.sh/startWLS.sh (UNIX) or startWebLogic.cmd/startWLS.cmd (Windows) file, located in the WebLogic installation directory. In $JAVA_OPTIONS or the line that starts up the Java process add the following after the classpath: -Dfile.encoding=ENCODING WHERE: ENCODING is the character encoding that the JVM will run in. This needs to be equal to UTF-8. For example, the line should read: $JAVA $JAVA_OPTIONS -ms128m -mx128m -classpath $JAVACLASSPATH -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ...weblogic.Server Java accepts both “UTF-8” or “UTF8”. To make manual changes for WebSphere 1. Open the WebSphere admin console (http://machinename:9090/admin) and log in. 2. Click Servers in the left-side tree. 3. Click Application Servers under Servers. 4. Click the server name in the right-side frame. 5. Scroll down and click the Process Definition link in the right-side frame. 6. Click the Java Virtual Machine link in the right-side frame. 7. Scroll down to the Generic JVM arguments field and add the following: -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Ddefault.client.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 For AIX you also need: -Xmso1152k -Xss1024k 8. Click OK and then click the Save link at the top of the page. 9. Stop and restart the server. To manual changes for Sun Java System Application Server Using the Sun Java System Application Server Administrator’s console, add the following JVM options on the JVM settings tab: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 To make manual changes for Tomcat 1. In TOMCATINSTALLDIR/bin/startup.sh, add the following setting in startup.sh CATALINA_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server" Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 225 2. In TOMCATINSTALLDIR/webapps/enovia/WEB-INF/web.xml, uncomment the Tomcat UTF-8 settings: <!-- TomCat UTF-8 settings <filter> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.SetCharacterEncodingFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> --> 3. In TOMCATINSTALLDIR/conf/server.xml, add the URIEncoding parameter to the connector as shown below in bold: <Connector acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" port="8080" redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"> </Connector> Additional Manual UTF-8 Settings for AIX This section describes changes you must make to your Application Server environment after selecting UTF-8 support during Live Collaboration Server installation with an AIX platform. To make manual changes for WebLogic 1. Edit the web.xml file located in SERVERHOME/distrib/enovia/WEB-INF/ by adding the following lines under ContextParam 11: <context-param id="ContextParam_12"> <param-name>weblogic.httpd.inputCharset./*</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </context-param> 2. Add the following without quotes to the startWebLogic.sh/startWLS.sh (UNIX) or startWebLogic.cmd/startWLS.cmd (Windows) file located in the WebLogic installation directory: MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xss1024k -XX:NewSize=80m -XX:MaxNewSize=80m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m:-Xnocl assgc -XX:+DisableExplicitGC" On Windows, you must add “set” (without quotes) in front of MEM_ARGS. 226 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To make manual changes for WebSphere 1. Open the WebSphere admin console (http://machinename:9060/ibm/console and log in. 2. Click Servers in the left-side tree. 3. Click Application Servers under Servers. 4. Click the server name in the right-side frame to open the configuration page. 5. Click Java and Process Management under Server Infrastructure. 6. Click Process Definition. 7. Click Java Virtual Machine under Additional Properties. 8. Scroll down to the Generic JVM arguments field and add the following: -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Ddefault.client.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 For AIX you also need: -Xmso1152k -Xss1024k 9. Click Apply and then click the Save link at the top of the page. 10. Stop and restart the server. To make manual changes for Sun Java System Application Server Using the Sun Java System Application Server Administrator’s console, add the following JVM options on the JVM settings tab: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 To make manual changes for Tomcat 1. In TOMCATINSTALLDIR/webapps/enovia/WEB-INF/web.xml, uncomment the Tomcat UTF-8 settings: <!-- TomCat UTF-8 settings <filter> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.SetCharacterEncodingFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> --> Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 227 2. Add the following without quotes to catalina.sh or .bat on Windows located in TOMCATINSTALLDIR/bin: CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss1024k -XX:NewSize=230m -XX:MaxNewSize=230m -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server" On Windows, you must add “set” (without quotes) in front of CATALINA_OPTS. 228 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide File Collaboration Server The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server may be installed on the same host or a host in the same LAN as those used for your file stores. When installed in this way, it acts as a File Collaboration Server (FCS) to provide better performance for file operations to remote sites. File Collaboration Servers require an Application Server and JDK. Your stores and locations should reference the URL to their closest FCS server. Refer to the System Manager Guide and the Application Development Guide for more information on FCS. Setting Up the FCS Synchronization Server The File Collaboration Server (FCS) Synchronization Server is an ENOVIA V6 administration tool used to monitor and plan replicated store synchronization, and facilitate production data management. For customers deploying the ENOVIA V6 server with a multi-site configuration, this tool makes location synchronization easy and efficient. It is a centralized administration server for multi-site deployment. A few definitions File Collaboration Server (FCS) The File Collaboration Server (FCS) is the ENOVIA V6 server component in charge of file storage. Store A store is a logical view of a storage location for checked-in files. A store typically comprises, among other features, an FCS URL and a storage path (which can be considered to be the default location). Location A location references alternate FCSs to be used by a store when distributing and replicating files. The location specifies the URL of an FCS and a storage path. Site A site is an administrative object referencing one or more locations. The site is then added to the definition of a group or person, to reference FCSs that are physically located closest to persons concerned. Sites are created by System Administrators, and are needed primarily when using multiple, distributed FCSs for performance purposes, leading to a need for replication. Replicated store Stores can be distributed using asynchronous replication. Data is duplicated to all mirrored locations only when commands are executed instructing the database to do so. Therefore, when files are checked in, they are written to the location for the store that is also part of the user's preferred site, or if no match is found, to the store's default location. They are not replicated to alternate locations until specifically instructed to do so. Store replication makes sense when an ENOVIA V6 deployment spans through network links with low bandwidth and/or high latency. Multi-site Installation A multi-site installation is an ENOVIA V6 deployment containing at least two sites and two locations with replicated stores. Overview of FCS Synchronization Server functionality The FCS Synchronization Server performs synchronization between two locations of the same store or a location and its store based on customer-defined synchronization rules. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 229 The FCS Synchronization Server monitors the progression of these synchronization rules and returns information on the amount of synchronized data and the locations concerned. FCS Synchronization Server deployment The FCS Synchronization Server is deployed as a daemon program, running on the central site, connected to the database. How the FCS Synchronization Server components work The FCS Synchronization Server daemon is a multi-threaded stand-alone process in charge of selecting and executing the synchronization rules. Its activity is traced in three rotating log files. The synchronization server periodically sends HTTP FCS “ping” requests to the FCS servers managing locations involved in synchronization rules. Supported synchronization rules All rules perform synchronization between two locations of the same store or a location and its store. • Rules executed periodically: the specific parameter for this rule is the time interval between two executions. For example, synchronize two locations every two hours, means that two hours must elapse between two executions of this rule. • Rules executed daily, weekly, monthly: the specific parameter for those rules is a date. • Rules executed when the amount of non up-to-date data files between two locations or a location and store reaches a fixed value: for example, synchronize a store and one of its location when the size of non up-to-date data files is above 100m. These synchronization rules can also contain compression, concurrency, and business object list definitions. Configuring Synchronization Server daemon parameters Configure as follows: • Rules check frequency: the synchronization server daemon periodically checks for rules to be executed. This parameter defines the frequency of those checks. • Max-retry: the synchronization server daemon counts the number of times a business object file synchronization fails. When this count reaches max-retry, the bus will be excluded from all synchronization rule execution. In this case, the bus is listed on the log. • Rule declaration: synchronization rules are declared in the <syncrules> section of Synchronization Server xml rule file. Here is the DTD of the syncrules section: <!ELEMENT syncrules ( syncrule+ ) > <!ELEMENT syncrule ( store , source , dest , daily | weekly | monthly | size | delay ) > <!ATTLIST syncrules locale CDATA > <!ATTLIST syncrule name CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT daily ( synctime ), zip? | concurrency? | buslist? > 230 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide <!ELEMENT weekly ( synctime ), zip? | concurrency? | buslist? > <!ELEMENT monthly ( synctime), zip? | concurrency? | buslist? > <!ELEMENT size ( syncsize ), zip? | concurrency? > <!ELEMENT delay ( syncdelay ), zip? | concurrency? | buslist? > <!ELEMENT synctime (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT syncsize (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT syncdelay (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT zip> <!ELEMENT concurrency (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT buslist (class , param+ )> <!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT param (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST param name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> Here is a sample <syncrules> section: <?xml version="1.0"?> <syncrules locale="en_US"> <syncrule name="rule1"> <store>plmx</store> <source>dali4dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <daily> <synctime>16:00</synctime> </daily> <zip/> <concurrency>4</concurrency> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule2"> <store>plmx</store> <source>dali4dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <weekly> <synctime>Monday 11:00</synctime> </weekly> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule3"> <store>plmx</store> <source>dali4dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <monthly> <synctime>13 16:00</synctime> </monthly> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule4"> Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 231 <store>plmx</store> <source>dali4dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <size> <syncsize>150</syncsize> </size> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule5"> <store>plmx</store> <source>plmx</source> <dest>gagny2dsy</dest> <delay> <syncdelay>05:00</syncdelay> </delay> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule6"> <store>plmx</store> <source>gagny2dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <delay> <syncdelay>03 12:00</syncdelay> </delay> </syncrule> <syncrule name="rule7"> <store>plmx</store> <source>gagny2dsy</source> <dest>plmx</dest> <daily> <synctime>11:00</synctime> </daily> <buslist> <class>com.dassault_systemes.fcs.syncserver.FileBus ListTNRIterator</class> <param name="path" value="E:\path_to_buslist_file\ buslist.txt" /> </buslist> </syncrule> </syncrules> In the above sample: 232 • Rule “rule1” will be launched at 16:00 (tea time) every day and executed on four concurrent threads. The file synchronization streams generated by the rule will be compressed. • Rule “rule2” will be launched at 11:00 AM every Monday. • Rule “rule3” will be launched at 16:00 (tea time) every 13th of the month. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • Rule “rule4” will be launched when the amount of data to synchronize reaches 150 MB. • Rule “rule5” will be launched 5 hours after the last “rule5” run finished. • Rule “rule6” will be launched 3 days and 12 hours after the last “rule6” run finished. • Rule “rule7” will be launched at 11:00 AM every day and synchronize only the files of the business objects listed in buslist.txt. The locale attribute of the <syncrules> node defines the locale in which time and dates is expressed in the rule definition file. This locale attribute is optional. If not provided, the synchronization server hosting system's locale is used for date and time parsing. Accepted values for the locale attribute follow the pattern “aa_BB”: • “aa” expresses language encoded by two lowercase letters using the ISO-639 code • “BB” expresses country with two upper case letters using the ISO-3166 code. Samples: “fr_FR” French locale and France, “en_UK” English locale for the United Kingdom. Time and date values in rule definitions All time values are locale dependant, using jvm default local. For daily rules <daily>, accepted sync time is “HH:mm” in 24h. As usual, “H” stands for an hour digit, “m” stands for a minute digit, and “s” for a second digit. For weekly rules <weekly>, accepted sync time format is “EEEE HH:mm” where “E” stands for day-in-week letter. For example, with the German locale, “di 14:30” stands for “Dienstag, 14:30”. Writing “dienstag 14:30” is recommended. Using the French locale, to create a weekly rule starting every Friday a 8:30 PM, you can set synctime value to “vendredi 20:30”. For monthly rules <monthly>, accepted sync time format is “dd HH:mm”, where “d” stands for a day-in-month digit. For delay rules <delay>, accepted sync delay formats are “dd HH:mm” and “HH:mm”. For size rules <size>, a positive non-zero integer is expected, ranging from 1 to 2 147 483 648. This size is implicitly expressed in megabytes (m). Size rules cannot contain business object list definitions. WARNING: A size below 100m might impair MCS performance. Compression definitions The zip flag <zip/> can be used in any rule to compress the file synchronization streams generated by the rule. Compressed synchronization should only be used in a WAN environment (the underlying network should have more than 1ms of latency) and when the files involved are not already in a compressed format (for example, zip, jpg, gif, gz, etc.). Concurrency definitions The concurrency flag <concurrency> can be used in any rule to execute the rule on more than one thread. Executing a rule on multiple threads increases synchronization Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 233 performance in WAN environments by using more bandwidth for file synchronization. The FCS Synchronization Server uses a smart dispatcher to prevent dead-locks and to distribute the file synchronization operations evenly across the available threads. It is recommended that no more than six threads be used to execute a rule. Concurrency should only be used in a WAN environment. Business object list definitions The business object list flag <buslist> can be used in any rule except size rules to restrict file synchronization to only the files of the business objects listed in a text file. The public sync server interface, com.dassault_systemes.fcs.syncserver.BusTNRIterator, is used to implement this restrictive list. This interface is found in FCSSyncServer.jar. The text file containing the list of business objects should contain a line for each business object. Each line must contain a type, name, and revision separated by the pipe character (type|name|revision). The type, name, and revision combination should uniquely identify the business object. For example: VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Fermoir Long_CENTRAL1806Representation87|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Maintien court_CENTRAL1806Representation88|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Maintien long_CENTRAL1806Representation89|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Fermoir_CENTRAL1806Representation90|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|CouronneRonde_CENTRAL1806Representation91|--VPLMtyp/MaterialDomainDS|CENTRAL1806_Aluminium_MATERIAL_4MATERIAL|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|CENTRAL1806Representation47|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Aiguilles_CENTRAL1806Representation94|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Verre Saphir_CENTRAL1806Representation96|--VPLMtyp/PLMRepresentationDS|Corps_CENTRAL1806Representation97|--- Running the FCS Synchronization Server The synchronization server daemon is launched via the VPMSyncDaemon.bat and VPMSyncDaemon.sh scripts. This script starts a Java process running. Process behaviour is defined by the XML rule file passed (among other arguments) to the starting shell. The FCS synchronization server daemon process should run in a server environment as it needs to access the MATRIX-R bootstrap file. You can monitor synchronization server daemon activity in the generated logs. See the -logPath and -logSize arguments below. EV6 system administrator privileges are required to run the FCS Synchronization Server. To run the FCS Synchronization Server on Windows 1. Go the installation folder: SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\VPMMultiDiscipline\V6R2011x\bin\winnt\ 2. Run the following command with the appropriate command-line parameters: VPMSyncDaemon.bat To run the FCS Synchronization Server on AIX 1. Go the installation folder: SERVERHOME/Apps/VPMMultiDiscipline/V6R2011x/scripts/ 2. Run the following command with the appropriate command-line parameters: VPMSyncDaemon.sh 234 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Command-line parameters This is the full list of command-line parameters: Parameter Mandatory (M)/ Optional (O) Description -url MATRIXURL M URL of the ENOVIA V6 server or MCS Server, http://host:port/ root-uri/ -user USER M ENOVIA V6 connection user with system privileges -password PASSWORD M Password of the ENOVIA V6 connection user, no scrambling. -role ROLE M Role of the ENOVIA V6 connection user -ruleFiles FILE1 [FILE2 [...]] M Sync Server configuration rules file, full path required [-maxRetries NNN] O If a business object file synchronization fails more than NNN times it will be discarded from further sync operations. Traces of this issue are in the log file, with the ID of the failing business object. So the VPLM system administrator should look (using MQL) at business object history to see which file operation went wrong, or apply the checker. Default: 5. [-maxSyncRunner Threads NNN] O Maximum number of threads used by the SyncRunner. [-rulesCheckSecond Elapse NNN] O Seconds elapsed between two checks of sync rule execution. Daily, weekly, monthly rule execution time must not exceed <synctime> value + 2*NNN. Default: 300. [-logPath path_of_the_log_ files] O A directory path. This directory will contain log files of the SyncDaemon. Logs are written to three log files, fcssyncd0.out, fcssync1.out and fcssyncd3.out. These logs are rotating logs, only one is active at a time. [-logSize logfile_max_size_ in_megabytes default 5] O Maximum size of an fcssyncX.out file. [-proxyHost] O Host name of a proxy server [-proxyPort] O Port number of a proxy server [-nonProxyHosts] O Indicates the hosts which should be connected to directly and not through the proxy server. The value can be a list of hosts, each separated by a |, and in addition a wildcard character (*) can be used for matching. For example: -nonProxyHosts="*.foo.com|localhost". [-h] [-help] O Displays command line options help. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 235 Validating and Debugging an FCS System Administrators can validate an FCS installation by accessing the FCS About page. The FCS About page shows important information about the FCS and is useful in debugging operations. Additionally, accessing this page triggers the FCS to re-calibrate any time differences that may exist between it and the MCS. A time is recorded for an FCS and when the time is changed for a time change event like daylight savings time, this recorded value is no longer correct and needs to be re-calibrated. To access the FCS About page, run the following command from a web browser: http://FCShost:Port/enovia/servlet/fcs/about FCShost is the IP address or hostname of the machine on which the FCS is installed. Port is the port where the FCS is located. For example: http://localhost:8089/enovia/servlet/fcs/ about. 236 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing Multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers (RIP only) If you wish to provide access to more than one database via the same Web server host, you need to install multiple instances of your Application Server, each with an RMI (RIP) Live Collaboration Server pointing to a different ENOVIA schema. Refer to the following for each instance: • Installing a Web or Application Server • Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server • Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server • Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE Use of one host machine for Web Access to multiple ENOVIA databases is supported by the RIP Live Collaboration Server only. Keep in mind for backup and maintenance purposes, that all servers must come down prior to the database server. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 237 Interface for Downstream Installers, E4All, and other Automated Installers For downstream installers to be able to add their files into a previously installed ENOVIA kernel installation, both the Live Collaboration Server and Studio Modeling Platform Setup programs deposit a file named enovia.install into the top-level directory of the respective installation to describe where various categories of files are to be found. Internal Directory Structure Defined in enovia.install Downstream installers must deposit their files in the correct locations. In order to do this, they must do all of the following: • Request the kernel install directory as part of their installation process. • Use the directories specified in the enovia.install file, which can be found in the top-level kernel installation directory: • • SERVERHOME on UNIXor SERVER_INSTALL on Windows (Live Collaboration Server) • ENOVIAHOME on UNIX or ENOVIA_INSTALL on Windows (Studio Modeling Platform) Construct the file target location based on the retrieved entries. The following are some key paths that may need to be updated: Old path (hard-coded) New path (dynamically generated) MQL Command server\bin\winnt\mql.exe <MQL_COMMAND> Java Properties Path server\java\properties\ <MANAGED_PATH>\properties\ Managed Path server\managed\ <MANAGED_PATH>\ Staging Path server\STAGING\ematrix\ <STAGING_PATH>\ Jar Path server\java\lib\ Either: <JAVA_COMMON_PATH>\ or <JAVA_SERVER_PATH>\ Apps Path studio\Apps\ <APP_INSTALL_PATH>\ The enovia.install file provides both necessary file names and absolute paths. Example enovia.install Files 238 The following is an example of a typical Server enovia.install file (on Windows): ENOVIA_INI=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin\enovia.ini MQL_COMMAND=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin\mql.exe BIN_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin LIB_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin JAVA_COMMON_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\javacommon JAVA_SERVER_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\javaserver JAVA_CLIENT_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\java JAVA_CUSTOM_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\custom ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MANAGED_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\managed DISTRIB_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\distrib STAGING_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\STAGING\ematrix APP_INSTALL_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\Apps JAVA_CLASSPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\javacommon; C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\javaserver;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\docs\custom JDK_PATH=C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19 The Apps directory has been moved from ENOVIA_INSTALL\Apps\ (studio install tree) to SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\ (server install tree). The following is an example of a typical Studio enovia.install file (on Windows): ENOVIA_INI=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin\enovia.ini BIN_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin LIB_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin JAVA_COMMON_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\javacommon JAVA_SERVER_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\javaserver JAVA_CLIENT_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\java JAVA_CUSTOM_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\custom MANAGED_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\managed Matrix.ini and eMatrix.ini File Dependency Removed Both the Matrix.ini and eMatrix.ini files (formerly located in C:\WINDOWS\) have been eliminated in ENOVIA sofware version V6R2011x. Rather than depending on these file to determine the default ENOVIA core installation root path, downstream installers should pop up a question and explicitly prompt the user to enter the core installation root path. Studio Version of MQL Command Removed Rather than using MQL from the Studio Modeling Platform installation (ENOVIA_INSTALL on Windows or ENOVIAHOME on UNIX), downstream installers should use MQL from the Live Collaboration Server installation (SERVER_INSTALL on Windows or SERVERHOME on UNIX) in order to perform schema installation. Uninstalling ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on UNIX/Linux To uninstall the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server software on UNIX/Linux 1. Back up the SERVERHOME\scripts\mxEnv.sh file and the SERVERHOME\STAGING\ directory, if needed. 2. Remove the following ENOVIA server settings from the application server startup script: # MatrixOne ... # MatrixOne 3. Delete the SERVERHOME directory. Chapter 8: Installing the Live Collaboration Server 239 Uninstalling ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on Windows To uninstall the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server software on Windows 1. Back up the SERVER_INSTALL\<platform>\code\bin\enovia.ini file and the SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ directory, if needed. 2. Stop the ENOVIA Server by clicking Start > All Programs > Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x > Stop ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 3. Remove the RMI window service as follows: a ) Open a command prompt window. b ) Enter the command: > SERVER_INSTALL\<platform>\code\bin\RMIService.exe -remove “ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server” 4. Remove the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server-related shortcuts from the Start > All Programs > Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x menu. 5. Remove “SERVER_INSTALL\<platform>\code\bin” from the PATH environment variable. 6. Delete the SERVER_INSTALL directory. 240 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 9 Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration ENOVIA Live Collaboration can be configured for each user’s environment. Environment variables can be set in several ways: 1. By adding options to the command line of the application executable files. 2. By editing the initialization file in use (enovia.ini). 3. By editing the UNIX startup scripts that contain the variable settings for locating the database and setting up the environment. 4. By adding personal properties to a person object. 5. By creating a program object called MatrixIniDefaults, which is designed to set optional settings not set elsewhere. 6. By creating a program object called MatrixSystemDefaults, which is designed to set those variables that must be set consistently between all users. When ENOVIA Live Collaboration needs to read the value for a variable (with the exception of the variables needed before a connection to the database is made), it checks if the variable is allowed to be set locally (as described in Overriding Settings, below). If it can be, it looks until it finds the setting in the following places: 241 • first for properties on the current context person object, if it can be stored there (refer to Setting Personal Preferences). If the person has a property of the same name as the desired environment variable, its value is set. • next for the variable in the appropriate .ini file (enovia.ini) or shell script. If found, its value is set. • next for a program in the database named MatrixIniDefaults. If it exists and sets a value for the desired environment variable, its value is set. • in the case of a site preference, for the site on the group object. If it cannot be locally set, its value is looked for in the Matrix System Defaults Program. If not found there it uses the default value. Wherever they are set, variables must be spelled correctly and set to appropriate values or they are ignored. Command Line Options You can append options to the command lines that run Studio Modeling Platform applications. For example, MQL has a -v option that causes MQL to operate in verbose mode. To use this option with Windows, create a shortcut for MQL and then bring up its properties. The Properties window box shows the target path for the shortcut. For example: c:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin\mql.exe Change the command line as follows: c:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin\mql.exe -v Save your changes by clicking OK. All Studio Modeling Platform command line options can be set in this way. For a list of the command line options available, use the -help option. For example: c:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin\mql.exe -help To see the command line options for the other desktop applications include a filename. For example: c:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin\matrix.exe -help -stdout FILENAME The file named FILENAME is written to the ENOVIA_INSTALL directory. The Initialization File/Startup Scripts Most software products that run under Windows use an .ini file to set environment variables. UNIX uses startup scripts and sometimes ini files. Windows In Windows environments, Studio Modeling Platform applications read the enovia.ini file upon startup to determine the location of the database and to set up the program environment. During Studio Modeling Platform installation on Windows, the enovia.ini file is placed in ENOVIA_INSTALL\studio\intel_a\code\bin\. The applications then access the enovia.ini file as needed during the session. For example, the pixmappath setting is read when the Studio Modeling Platform needs to display a .gif image for the first time. When preferences or the size and location of a window are altered, the changes are written to the enovia.ini file, and it is saved when the session is closed. 242 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide A typical Windows version of the enovia.ini file is as follows: [MATRIX] MATRIXHOME=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\ MATRIXINSTALL=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\ MX_FLASH_PATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\mxcache PIXMAPPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\pixmaps\app\ COLORPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\lib MATRIXPATH=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\code\bin MX_TCL_SHLIB= TCL_LIBRARY=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\tcl85\lib\tcl8.5 TK_LIBRARY=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\tcl85\lib\tk8.5 TMPDIR=C:\DOCUME~1\ay8\LOCALS~1\Temp MX_DEFAULT_KERNEL= MX_JVM_DIR=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\jre\bin\client\ MX_JDK_DIR=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\ MX_JAVAC=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\bin\javac.exe MX_CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\lib;C:\ enoviaV6R2011x\studio\managed\properties;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\ intel_a\docs\javacommon;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\java server;C:\enoviaV6R2011x\studio\intel_a\docs\custom; LANG=C UNIX On UNIX, startup scripts are used to set up the program environment and establish the location of the database. For the Live Collaboration Server, the variables are in mxEnv.sh. The .ini file is created on UNIX upon closing the Studio Modeling Platform for the first time. It is used to store optional settings, preferences, and changes to window size and location. The file is stored in the user’s home directory, where it is referred to for subsequent Studio Modeling Platform sessions. As on Windows, when preferences or the size and location of a window are altered, the changes are written to the file, and it is saved when the session is closed. Live Collaboration Server Environment When installing the Live Collaboration server to provide access to ENOVIA Live Collaboration via Matrix Web Navigator or other Web-based applications, it must be set up as any other ENOVIA Live Collaboration client. This means that it must not only have a connection file (MATRIX-R file) and a database alias established, but it also requires an initialization file on Windows. A separate file, also called enovia.ini is created and installed when the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed on Windows platforms. During Live Collaboration Server installation, the enovia.ini file is placed in SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\code\bin\ (previously C:\WINDOWS\). The server’s enovia.ini file can (and should) contain most of the settings that have been added to the enovia.ini file for your Studio Modeling Platform clients. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 243 On UNIX, “typical” settings are part of the default start up scripts for the server (rmireg.sh, startweblogic.sh) in the same way as other ENOVIA Live Collaboration clients. Likewise, “optional” variables may be set in the other configuration vehicles available to every UNIX client: start up shell scripts, .ini file, or MatrixIniDefaults program. Keep in mind that these settings on the server will be used for all Web users. Refer to ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Environment Settings in Chapter 8 for more information on variables that apply only to the servers. Setting the Location of the enovia.ini File on Windows In Windows environments, it is highly recommended that the enovia.ini file (previously matrix.ini) for the Studio Modeling Platform and the enovia.ini file (previously ematrix.ini) for the Live Collaboration Server not be located in the Windows installation directory or C:\WINDOWS. You can choose to put these files in any directory, however enhanced Windows security does not permit applications to modify files in this directory. Also, it is important to note that the enovia.ini file installed with the Studio Modeling Platform and the enovia.ini file installed with the Live Collaboration Server are not interchangeable and should not be placed in the same directory. An enovia.ini file directory can be set in any of the following ways: • Appending the -inidir option to the command lines that run the Studio Modeling Platform applications. For example: mql.exe -inidir c:\enovia For details on appending options, see Command Line Options. • When installing the Live Collaboration Server as a Windows service, the directory can be set with the RMIService.exe config option. For example: RMIService.exe -config "ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server" -inidir c:\enovia For details, see Reconfiguring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Windows Service. • Setting the Windows environment variable, ENOVIAINIDIR. For details, see Typical Environment Variables. • Setting the enovia.inidir variable in the web.xml file. For details, see Web.xml. • When developing a custom Studio Customization Toolkit application, you can call the static method, MatrixSession.setIniDirPath(PathToIni), to set the directory. This must be done before any other Studio Customization Toolkit call is made. • When running a custom Studio Customization Toolkit application based on eMatrixServletRMI or when using any Java based application server (e.g. Tomcat), you can set the directory using the JAVA_OPTS: “-Denovia.inidir=PathToIniDir.” For example: java.exe -Denovia.inidir=c:\enovia myApp The JAVA_OPTS must also be applied to the matrix.util.ComputedClassPath. If you are running the RMI service in a command window (rmireg.bat), the JAVA_OPTS must be applied to rmid.exe using “-C-Denovia.inidir=PathToIniDir.” Since copies of the enovia.ini files can exist in more than one location on the same machine, the system uses a lookup order to determine which files to use. This lookup order is used to determine which file to use. It is not used to determine which values in that file to use. 244 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The table below lists the lookup order used. The system will attempt to use the directory defined by the first method on the list. If no directory is defined, it moves on to the next method down to the default directory, C:\WINDOWS. If the directory defined by a method does not exist, the system will NOT move to the next method. ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Applications Web Server ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Studio Customization Toolkit Application Set directly to MatrixSession -inidir Argument. Java Options For Windows Service: RMIService.exe config (-inidir). For Rmireg.bat: Java Options enovia.inidir Java Options enovia.inidir. web.xml file Environment Variable Environment Variable Environment Variable Environment Variable Executable Location eMatrix.jni.dll or eMatrix.net.dll location eMatrix.jni.dll location eMatrix.jni.dll or eMatrix.net.dll location C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS Setting Personal Preferences For .ini settings that are intended to express a personal preference, properties can be added on person objects for Web users to override values set for the server. Only a few environment variables are appropriate to set as person properties for Web Navigator users, as well as users of other ENOVIA products. They are: MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL MX_SITE_PREFERENCE MX_ALIASNAME_PREFERENCE MX_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE Language aliases are not supported for use with ENOVIA applications. Translations of schema are handled via Java resource bundles. Therefore, MX_ALIASNAME_PREFERENCE and MX_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE should not be set in the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server. Refer to the Business Modeler or MQL Guide for more information on adding properties to persons. MatrixIniDefaults Administrators can write a program called MatrixIniDefaults, that is designed to set system-wide variables that should not be set elsewhere. The MatrixIniDefaults program can be created in MQL or Business Modeler, to hold variable values using the same syntax as the .ini file. No other logic is required. The settings in the program are used if the variables are not set on either the current context object as a personal preference, or in the applicable .ini file. For example, a MatrixIniDefaults program might include the following code: MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT=moy/dom/yr4 h12:min:sec mer Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 245 Since the MatrixIniDefaults program is in the database, it is shared by all users of the system, regardless of the ini file they are referencing on their desktop or to which server location they connect. This makes it a convenient place in which to manage settings which should be in force for all users. Generally, only a very few (but crucial) variables are set in this manner. If the same variables are set locally (via .ini file) and globally (via MatrixIniDefaults), local values override global values. This allows variables to be set locally as required for administrative tasks such as running batch jobs, development tests, or diagnostics. However, in most cases, there should be no duplication of settings between configuration vehicles. Certain settings are not suitable for MatrixIniDefaults, because they are required during system startup, when no database connections exists. The following settings CANNOT be set with MatrixIniDefaults and must be set through either the environment or the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini): Matrix System Defaults Program 246 bootfile MX_MEMORY_KEEP_LIMIT COLORPATH MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT MATRIXHOME MX_MEMORY_TRACE MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT MX_SESSION_SILENT_TIMEOUT MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT MX_SESSION_TIMEOUT MX_BOS_ROOT MX_SQL_TRACE MX_BOS_WORKSPACE MX_TRACE_FILE_PATH MX_CHARSET MX_VERBOSE_TRACE MX_CLASSPATH root MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE workspace MX_MAX_THREAD . MatrixSystemDefaults program is designed to allow administrators to centrally control MX_ settings in a manner that cannot be overridden by local environment/ini-file settings. This program is read as soon as a database connection is obtained, and used to initialize the MX_ variables it contains. If this program exists, any variables not set in it, or not allowed to be overridden use their default values. If no MatrixSystemDefaults program exists, the system functions as described above. The diagram below describes the logic used for setting variables. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Similar to the MatrixIniDefaults program, the format of the code section of the program object named MatrixSystemDefaults must be identical to an ini file with one NAME=VALUE per line. Comments can be indicated with ‘#’. However, the MatrixSystemDefaults program can include any number of local sections so that servers or groups of users can be pointed at specific configurations for each of them, by including the name of the local section they need in their environment. The system defaults program can also include a list of variables that are allowed to be overridden locally, using a variable called MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED. The sections that follow describe these novelties of the MatrixSystemDefaults program. Global and Local Sections You can include section markers in square brackets to split the file into global settings, which will apply to all users connecting to the database, and any number of local sections. A section marked in brackets by something other than “Global” is considered to define a set of local settings whose name is the set of characters in the brackets. Users connecting Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 247 with the variable MATRIX_LOCAL_SETTINGS set (in the operating system environment or the ini file) to text included in square brackets in the MatrixSystemDefaults program, will use the settings in that section. If a setting is in both the [Global] and [Local] sections, the value in the Local section will override the value in the Global section. It is not necessary to explicitly label a section as Global, but the Global section must always be first. If the MatrixSystemDefaults program starts with lines of the form NAME=VALUE that precede any section heading, they will be considered to constitute the global settings. This section will terminate with the first section heading. If there is more than one section with the same name, all but the first is ignored. Overriding Settings All variables with names beginning with “MX_” can be set somewhere other than in the MatrixSystemDefaults program only if they are explicitly allowed by the MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED variable. This variable, which can only be set in the global or activated local section of the MatrixSystemDefaults program, should be set to a comma-delimited list of MX_ variable names. In this list, you can use the “*” wildcard to match any number of characters. Other than variables that must be read before the database can be started (see Initialization Settings), if there is a MatrixSystemDefaults program, only those MX_ variables matching those in this list can be set in any way other than through this program. If the MatrixSystemDefaults program exists, any variables not set in it, or not allowed to be overridden use their default values. In a Live Collaboration server environment, be sure to include MX_CLASSPATH in the list of variables in MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED in MatrixSystemDefaults program object. MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED is only valid when set in the MatrixSystemDefaults program. If set elsewhere, it is ignored. Note that in a typical developer environment, when work is done against a development or test version of the database, you may want to remove the MatrixSystemDefaults program to allow the developers significant local control. Initialization Settings The following MX_ settings are read before the database is initialized and therefore cannot be set in MatrixSystemDefaults: MX_CHARSET MX_MAX_THREAD MX_MEMORY_KEEP_LIMIT MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT MX_MEMORY_TRACE MX_SESSION_SILENT_TIMEOUT MX_SESSION_TIMEOUT In addition, MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE must be read to create initial connections, but could be overridden in MatrixSystemDefaults for subsequent connections. 248 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Sample Program The following is a commented version of a sample MatrixSystemDefaults program object: [Global] # # This lists the variables that may be overridden by OS environment or ini file settings MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED= MX_CLASSPATH,*TRACE*,MX_EDITOR*,MX_TCL* # # These settings will be enforced for all users MX_RESTORE_CONTEXT=FALSE MX_RESTORE_TRIGGERS=TRUE MX_NESTED_TRIGGER_MACROS=TRUE MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE=10 # # These settings will be enforced for users who connect to an # executable that was started with the variable # MATRIX_LOCAL_SETTINGS=Paris (set in environment or ini file) [Paris] MX_LDAP_HOST=mxs1am MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=xxx MX_LDAP_BIND_DN=xxx MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=xxx … # These settings will be enforced for users who connect to an # executable that was started with the variable # MATRIX_LOCAL_SETTINGS=Boston (set in environment or ini file) [Boston] MX_LDAP_HOST=mxmlsun1 MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=xxx MX_LDAP_BIND_DN=xxx MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD=xxx … Protecting Against Locking All Users out It is possible for a situation to develop in which no user can login. For example, consider the case where an LDAP server is in use and the MatrixSystemDefaults program is set up in such a way that users are not permitted to override the LDAP settings in their own ini file or environment. In this case, the LDAP settings will be in the MatrixSystemDefaults file, either in the global or a local section. Now consider what might happen if the LDAP settings need to be modified, say, because the server is now on another machine. If the settings have not been changed in the MatrixSystemDefaults program, LDAP will not work and no further logins will be possible, including for System Administrators. To protect against such problems, it is recommended to have a local settings section for use by system administrators that allow any MX_ variables to be set. You will want to make sure that no one other than system administrators know the name of this section. In this regard, it is important to remember that if a program is set to hidden, the MQL command print program will not print out the code of the program except for business administrators who have program administrative access. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 249 If for some reason you are stuck and even administrators cannot login to fix the system, a last resort is to change the name of the program in the database using a database tool such as sqlplus to modify the database. The sql needed to accomplish this task is: update mxProgram set mxName='MatrixSystemDefaults-bak' where mxName='MatrixSystemDefaults'; Once the MatrixSystemDefaults program no longer exists, all users can set any MX_* variables in their ini file or environment. An administrator can then login and fix the MatrixSystemDefaults-bak program and rename it back to original name so that it controls the appropriate settings. 250 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ENOVIA Live Collaboration Settings By adding or changing entries to the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform, certain settings can be adjusted or added in order for ENOVIA Live Collaboration to perform properly in your environment. Other changes enhance the appearance of the Studio Modeling Platform. All changes to the enovia.ini file must be done on each machine requiring the specific modifications. The variables are described below. ini/script settings can be up to be 4096 bytes long. However in Windows, the cmd shell limitation on command line length is 2048 bytes. Refer to MX_CLASSPATH for an explanation of the ComputedClassPath, which also must not exceed 2048 bytes in Windows. Refer to ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Environment Settings in Chapter 8 for details on which variables apply to the server. Typical Environment Variables The following are some of the variables specified in the [matrix] section of enovia.ini: MATRIXHOME specifies the location of the connection file (MATRIX-R file). After the installation is complete and Matrix is operational, the connection file manages where the database resides. MATRIXINSTALL is the root installation directory for Studio Modeling Platform or Live Collaboration Server, as defined in the installation procedure. For example, C:\enoviav6r2011x\studio\ or C:\enoviav6r2011\server\. ENOVIAINIDIR is a Windows environment variable that specifies the location of the enovia.ini file. For example: ENOVIAINIDIR=C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server\intel_a\code\bin. For details, see Setting the Location of the enovia.ini File on Windows. PIXMAPPATH is where Matrix looks for icons as images. If you have a library of icons to use with Matrix, you can append the location of your icons to this value. COLORPATH is the path to the RGB.txt file which defines the color mixtures to the system. MATRIXPATH is the execution directory, as defined in the installation procedure. For example, <MATRIXINSTALL>\<platform>\code\bin\. TCL_LIBRARY sets the path to the Tcl script, init.tcl, which initializes Tcl for use with MQL. TK_LIBRARY sets the path to the Tcl script tk.tcl, which initializes Tk for use with MQL. TMPDIR is a directory that ENOVIA Live Collaboration will use for temporary files. Because each operating system also has its own environment setting for this use, you should set TMPDIR to the same value as the TMP operating system variable for predictable results. Once a transaction is completed, the files are removed from this directory. If space is limited on the disk where ENOVIA Live Collaboration is installed, you may want to change this to point to a disk with more free space. On Windows, if TMPDIR is not set, it defaults to the value of the TEMP environment variable setting. If one does not exist or is invalid, TMPDIR is set to the same directory as MATRIXINSTALL. On UNIX, there is no default setting for TMPDIR but the Live Collaboration kernel uses /usr/tmp/ if the variable is not set. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 251 MX_JVM_DIR specifies specifies the location of the Java Virtual Machine. MX_JDK_DIR specifies specifies the location of the Java Development Kit. MX_JAVAC specifies the location of the javac compiler. MX_CLASSPATH contains the path to the Java compiler that is specified during the ENOVIA Live Collaboration installation. It is used by the Studio Modeling Platform and the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server service when starting the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for both compiling and executing JPOs. With the Studio Modeling Platform, if you are running JPOs that are provided with ENOVIA Businss Process Services or other ENOVIA products, MX_CLASSPATH must include the path to the Business Process Services jar files. ComputedClassPath is a routine called by rmireg in RMI non-RIP setups that builds the classpath by combining the environment classpath + MX_CLASSPATH + all .jar files and all .zip files in each directory listed in MX_CLASSPATH. On Windows, if the Computed Class Path exceeds 2048 bytes, errors will occur in the application server or ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server service. If classpath errors occur due to this Windows limitation, you should remove any references to unnecessary jar or zip files in MX_CLASSPATH. MX_ARCH specifies the Dassault Systèmes-defined architecture value (one of intel_a, win_b64, aix_a64, linux_a64, linux_b64, solaris_a64, or solaris_b64). This variable was previously named ARCH. It is automatically set in the rmireg.sh script. FlashDB variables FlashDB is a next generation caching technology that improves the stability and scalability of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. It replaces the c-tree engine (“Turbocache”) used in Matrix since Version 7 with a more modern design. Stability improvements are achieved limiting in-process memory use for caching database information and using an embedded database on disk for working with large data sets that require more memory. Also, FlashDB uses background threads for database reads and writes, taking advantage of multi/hyper threaded machines, thereby improving scalability. The following variables are used to configure FlashDB. MX_FLASH_PATH sets the directory that KeyDB uses to store its temporary files. Installation programs for the Live Collaboration server set this to SERVER_HOME/ mxcache and for Studio Modeling Platform to MATRIXHOME/mxcache. Subdirectories beginning with “flash” (followed by 20 hex digits) are created to hold each KeyDB instance, one for each session. A KeyDB instance is just a set of flat files, so the depth of the directory tree is the depth of MX_FLASH_PATH + 1. On UNIX servers, the mxcache directory is given 770 permissions (drwxrwx---) by default. For the Studio Modeling Platform on UNIX, the permissions are set to 777 (drwxrwxrwx). Permissions can be adjusted as appropriate for your environment. For the Studio Modeling Platform, this directory is cleaned up automatically when the client exits. For the Live Collaboration server, the files are typically left behind when the server exits. A purge of this directory should be implemented at regular intervals to avoid waste of excessive disk space. Each application server should have a separate setting for MX_FLASH_PATH to allow these temporary files to be cleaned up as part of server startup and/or server maintenance, similar to how log files are maintained on multiple servers. 252 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide For the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, there must be ample disk space available at this directory location for these temporary files. The requirement will vary, but a good starting point is to assume you will need 10% of the diskspace used by the database tablespaces. MX_HYPER_THREADED may be set to false in a server environment to turn off the use of a background thread for communication to the database server. The default is true. The default allows Flash to take advantage of multi-cpu’s during the processing of a single transaction. This setting is ignored by the Studio Modeling Platform, but is always false. By following best practices (especially in the definition of queries and expands) you should be able to avoid the need for the server to handle result sets so large that they need to use disk I/O for most interactive operations. Any interactive operation that has high memory requirements should be reviewed to reduce the size of the data set. However, recognizing that there are use cases (such as report generation) that must process extremely large datasets, FlashDB provides some controls on how much memory should be used to cache database rows to process requests. If these limits are exceeded, FlashDB will use local disk files for temporary storage of such data, so correctly setting these limits can be important to prevent two serious consequences of excessive memory consumption: • If memory usage reaches the MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will start to produce “insufficient memory” errors and abort transactions. See “Memory variables” below. • If the memory usage reaches the operating system limit, the process will shutdown. By default, FlashDB does not use disk space for caching. Memory variables The following memory settings should be configured for your environment based on installed server memory. Thread limits should be emphasized over system limits so only long running operations are affected. As a best practice to increase server stability, data should be paged to disk. Paging reduces in-process memory usage for large datasets. If you periodically see “insufficient memory” errors in your mxtrace log, you need to re-adjusted these settings to support larger in-process memory usage. MX_CACHE_SYSTEM_LIMIT sets a threshhold on memory consumption for all threads, before using KeyDB. If the number of bytes of in-process memory being used by all active sessions exceeds this setting, FlashDB will start paging the database rows for all sessions to disk. The default is 0, meaning unlimited, so no paging will occur. MX_CACHE_SYSTEM_LIMIT should be set to no more than 80% of MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT, in order to force paging to disk to occur BEFORE the system memory limit is reached. MX_CACHE_THREAD_LIMIT applies to a single thread only. If the number of bytes of in-process memory being used by a single session exceeds this setting, FlashDB will start paging the database rows for that single session to disk. No other threads are affected. The default is 0, meaning unlimited, so no paging will occur. MX_CACHE_THREAD_LIMIT should be set somewhat lower than MX_CACHE_SYSTEM_LIMIT to minimize the likelihood that a single thread, processing a large request, will affect the performance of other threads by consuming all the memory. Use of this setting means that greedy threads will page data to disk, Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 253 thereby slowing their processing, but also leaving more memory available for other threads to use. A reasonable setting is 50% of the value of MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT. MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT is meant to be the high water mark of allowable memory allocation for the native Live Collaboration kernel. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration memory manager tracks the number of bytes allocated and will issue warnings for every allocation over the MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT. There are several areas in the Live Collaboration kernel that will also look for allocations over the MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT and abort the transaction. These checks are places in functional areas that are known to be memory intensive (database rowset loading, queries, expands and history lookups). The goal is to have the Live Collaboration kernel abort the transaction that is consuming large amounts of memory while allowing the other threads to continue working. MX_MEMORY_THREAD_LIMIT sets the maximum amount of memory that may be used for a single ENOVIA Live Collaboration thread. The default is 1GB. Should allocation attempts be made beyond this size, warning messages will be written to the server log that identify the program file name and line number. Optional Variables The following variables are not required to be set in order for ENOVIA Live Collaboration to function. When the variable is not explicitly set in the environment, ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses the default values. If required, these values should be added to the [matrix] section of the .ini file (or for UNIX, the startup script). USER can be used with another optional variable, MX_HOME_VAULT, to let you set a default context for ENOVIA Live Collaboration for Windows. USER is the default user name and MX_HOME_VAULT is your default vault. If you are using Windows, when a Studio Modeling Platform application is opened, the context window comes up with the user name as it appears in SYSTEM.INI, unless the USER variable is set here. HOME is your default home directory. FINDLIMIT sets the default limit field in ENOVIA Live Collaboration Find window. Defaults to 0 or no limit. Does not affect MQL queries. The results of some queries will load faster in the details view if a limit is specified. Setting FINDLIMIT allows you to establish a default value to optimize performance in case no limit is set in the query. When limits are set in the query, this value is ignored, and the new value does not change this setting. To optimize performance, but still find all objects that meet the criteria, you may want to make this value very large, for example, FINDLIMIT=100000. MQLWINDOWDISPLAY when set to true, displays an MQL window when running eMatrixMQL/MQLIO that may be used to diagnose and debug these programs and applications. The default is false, which means that the MQL session appears as a button on the Windows task bar for eMatrixMQL/MQLIO, matrix -wizard, matrix -c, mql -c -d, and openedit, but cannot be opened. (Note: use of mql -c without '-d' does display the window). MX_ANNOTATION_TYPE sets the non-English word used for Annotations. A business object type of the name specified here must be defined in order for the Annotation function to operate properly when used in a non-English setting. The default is Annotation. 254 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MX_ATTACHMENT_TYPE sets the non-English word used for Attachments. A business object type of the name specified here must be defined in order for the Attachment function to operate properly when used in a non-English setting. The default is Attachment. MX_REPORT_TYPE sets the non-English word used for Reports. A business object type of the name specified here must be defined in order for the Report function to operate properly when used in a non-English setting. The default is Report. MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION, when set to TRUE, tells a top-level program to abort any uncommitted transactions upon exiting, as long as the transaction was not already open when the program was started. This prevents transactions from being left hanging, with its table locks intact, until the Live Collaboration server or Studio Modeling Platform application is shut down and restarted. On the Live Collaboration server, this is set to TRUE by the default installations. MX_ACCESS_LOG may be enabled by setting this variable to true. Access logging provides auditing of all access right grants and denials. UNIX systems make use of the UNIX syslog(3) interface to log, write, or forward messages to designated files or users; on Windows systems, the Application Event Log is used. The default is false, meaning logging of access is off. Refer to the MQL Guide for more information on access logging. MX_BACKGROUND_OPEN allows background processes to be launched (for example, Open for Edit or View) while still allowing the Studio Modeling Platform to operate. The default is true, but may be disabled by setting this value to false. You may wish to set this to false while debugging Open for Edit or View programs. MX_CHARSET is set to enable multiple double-byte languages through the same ENOVIA Live Collaboration instance on a server machine with an English O/S. When needed, set to UTF8. At this time, if you want to run two or more languages other than English concurrently you need to run an on an English O/S. (Other language O/S’s can run English and that language.) For applications that display Japanese characters with a WebLogic server, set this to either MS932 for Windows applications or csWindows31j for UNIX applications. MX_CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAMES may be set to false to prevent ENOVIA Live Collaboration from checking all vaults for name collisions, which will improve performance. Even when set to false, objects of the same type, name, and revision may not exist within the same vault. Default is true, preventing duplicate names throughout all vaults. This setting should not be changed if your company does not use auto naming techniques for all objects that have a name uniqueness requirement. Turning off name uniqueness checking allows objects to be migrated to ENOVIA Live Collaboration via a change vault command when an Adaplet is in migrate mode. Changing to false may also be advantageous in an exchange environment, such as Sourcing Central, where each Company is assigned their own vault. If applications try to create objects with duplicate type, name, and revision and this setting is true, an Oracle constraint violation error occurs instead of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration error. MX_JAVA_DEBUG when set to true allows the thick client to attach to a JPDA-enabled Java IDE, such as NetBeans or Eclipse. When true, this sets JAVAC_FLAGS=G, which will compile Java classes with debug information. When true, the libjdwp.so file needs to be in the path specified in the library path variable for the specific platform, as given below: Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 255 Solaris - LD_LIBRARY_PATH AIX - LIBPATH Windows - PATH For example, on Solaris: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/lwp;/usr/java/lib/sparc. MX_JAVAC_FLAGS allows the passing of extra flags to the Java compiler. For example, when set to “G”, Java classes are compiled with debug information. MX_JAVA_OPTIONS sets Java options for desktop use of JPOs. For example: MX_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xss512k [-Xmso768k (IBM JDK on AIX)] -Xmx256m -Xms256m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=3" When the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed, recommended Java options are set by default. Refer to JVM Options for details. MX_JIT_TRIGGER_MACROS should be set to true if you want environment variables looked up dynamically (Just In Time) as needed in triggers. The default is false, which means that macros are static, defined before any trigger program is executed, and the same values are passed into all trigger types (check override action). Refer to the Macros appendix in the Application Development Guide for more information. MX_NESTED_TRIGGER_MACROS is set to true to enable programs to save their local RPE settings (that is, trigger macros) when they start, and restore them when they exit. The default is false in order to leave user-defined RPE variable definitions alone, and thereby minimizing the impact on legacy programs. MX_NESTED_TRIGGER_MACROS is intended to be used in concert with the environment variable MX_JIT_TRIGGER_MACRO; for optimum performance of trigger programs, both values must be set to true. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration trigger manager relies on the true setting to dramatically improve application performance. MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL is used to set the user’s preference for displaying the decimal symbol. For example, with the database configured with a “.” decimal character and the user’s MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL set to “,”, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will always display numbers to that user with a comma and always write them to the database with a period, regardless of how the user enters the number. The same is true for the reverse; if the database is set to a comma and the user’s preference is set to a period, numbers are displayed with a period but saved with a comma. The default value is a period (.). For more information, refer to Localized Decimal Character Settings in Chapter 20. Setup for supporting the viewing of multiple languages and cultural symbol conventions is also discussed in Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages in Chapter 3. MX_TCL_ANSI_NUMERIC may be set to true on desktop systems only when ENOVIA Live Collaboration should override the LC_NUMERIC setting during execution of Tcl programs to establish a period (.) as the decimal setting. This causes operating system utilities to return floating point values in a form that is suitable for performing arithmetic using the Tcl “expr” procedure. Values obtained from ENOVIA Live Collaboration MQL commands will continue to be returned using the character defined as MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL. If set to false, (the default) the setting for LC_NUMERIC is used and Tcl calls to the operating system will return floating point values according to this setting. 256 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide This setting is designed for use in a thick client tcl environment only. Do not use this setting in the Live Collaboration server environment, as it changes the process locale across all threads. For more information, refer to Localized Decimal Character Settings in Chapter 20. Set up for supporting the viewing of multiple languages and cultural symbol conventions is also discussed in Configuring Oracle for Non-English Languages in Chapter 3. MX_TCL_STRIP_NEWLINE allows the user to change the default behavior for MQL commands issued from within Tcl. By default, output requested from MQL does not have a carriage return at the end of the output string. Setting this variable to false adds a carriage return at the end of the output for MQL commands called from Tcl mode only. The default setting is true, which means that a new line is not generated. MX_TCL_SHLIB is set to reflect the tcl path and library file name (without the extension), when a non default tcl version is used. For example, for Windows: MX_TCL_SHLIB=ENOVIA_INSTALL\intel_a\code\bin\tcl85 For UNIX: MX_TCL_SHLIB=ENOVIAHOME/<platform>/code/bin/tcl85 When setting this variable, you must also reset the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY settings to reflect the path to the new library versions. MX_EXPAND_ALL when set to true, displays checked in files beneath formats when the Formats browser is displayed. If many files are typically checked in, this may be set to false to improve performance. The default is true. MX_EDITOR code can be entered into the Code tab of the program object using the ENOVIA Live Collaboration user interface, or it can be written in an external editor and automatically imported into the program object. The button text is the value of MX_EDITOR. MX_EDITOR=Notepad MX_EDITOR_PATH the external editor button is included on the Code tab only when the MX_EDITOR and MX_EDITOR_PATH variables are set in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration initialization (.ini) file. MX_EDITOR_PATH=c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe When specifying WordPad, use wordpad.exe instead of write.exe. MX_FCS_ENABLED when set to TRUE enables the Studio Customization Toolkit to use FCS for checkin/checkout without using Matrix Web Navigator. When set to FALSE, the FCS is not used by the Studio Customization Toolkit without Matrix Web Navigator. MX_FULL_TEXT_LIMIT sets the limit on the number of files to find in a full text search. This value is passed to the index server and used by the search engine. The default is 0 or no limit. MX_FULL_TEXT_MODE sets the search mode of full text search. This value is passed to the index server and used by the search engine. MX_FULL_TEXT_MINSCORE sets the minscore for full text search. This value is passed to the index server and is used by the search engine. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 257 MX_ALIASNAME_PREFERENCE determines the alias to use. An alias refers to the different names that can be given to the same administrative objects according to the audience. These are defined via MQL. This setting must match the alias name. The alias preference takes precedence over the language preference if both are specified. Refer to the MQL Guide for information on defining aliases. MX_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE determines the language to use. A language applies to all words presented to the user through a GUI: buttons, labels, messages, etc. It will also refer to an alternate language for schema, if an alias of this name exists. Schema aliases are defined via MQL. Refer to the MQL Guide for more information. MX_LCD_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION when set to true, tells ENOVIA Live Collaboration not to attempt to verify the user’s password before accessing objects in a remote vault. The default is false, which enables a more secure environment. MX_PROGRAM_POOL_SIZE sets the initial size of the interpreter pool used by Tcl programs. This setting is also used to extend the pool size when all the interpreters in the pool are allocated and another is requested. The default is 10. MX_NFS_MAX_DATA specifies the amount of data transferred in one packet on the network. The default value is set at 1024 on PC’s, 8192 on UNIX. These numbers reflect the differences in the TCP/IP products for each platform. If you have a network interface that supports large datagrams, you can achieve modest performance improvements on PCs by increasing this value up to a maximum of 8192. In the majority of installations, there is little or no benefit in altering this value. MX_NFS_UID is used to change the user ID setting. The default is 100. This setting applies to PCs only. MX_NFS_GID is used to change the group ID setting. The default is 99. This setting applies to PCs only. MX_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE may be set to enable system-wide streaming of queries and expands and sets the number of objects per page of returned items. The data is returned when the first page is available, resulting in improvement in performance and potentially in memory consumption as well. Streaming can be enabled for all queries and expands through this environment variable, through classes in the Studio Customization Toolkit, or at runtime by using the size clause in MQL temporary query or expand business object commands. Some operations, such as expression evaluation operations, use the expand operation internally and the only way to enable streaming for these operations is though this environment variable. You can override any value set for streaming in temporary queries and expands by using the size clause. Enabling streaming through the Java classes usually provides the greatest improvement in performance and memory consumption. See “Streaming Query and Expand” in the Application Development Guide. When processing selectables in a streaming query, memory consumption is not necessarily reduced versus not using streaming. Although paging is used when the selectables are processed, the entire result set is still buffered in memory. For example: temp query bus T N R size 1000 select to.from; This retrieves business objects 1000 at a time, and only 1000 will ever be held in memory at one time. However, the evaluation of to.from for ALL of the found objects will be held in memory until the query has completed. 258 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MX_REMOTE_TIMEOUT defines the length of time, in seconds, that ENOVIA Live Collaboration will persist in attempting to perform a file operation (e.g., checkin, checkout, delete) in an NFS store. The default is 60 seconds. The code performs the check every 5 seconds. MX_RESTORE_CONTEXT is used to disable the security mechanism that ensures that if context is changed during program execution, it is restored to the original setting when finished. The default is true, which enables the security mechanism, but may be set to false if required. MX_RESTORE_TRIGGERS defaults to false. However, when set to true, whenever a program is finished executing, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will set triggers on. This provides protection in case of failure in a program that turns triggers off before terminating. MX_RESTRICT_EXPAND by default is set to true. If users attempt a full expand on an object in an indented browser (shift+click with no filters on to or from) an error message is generated. This is because full expands in both directions are extremely time consuming, and it will often seem as if the system has stopped responding. However, full expands may be enabled and the error suppressed by setting this variable to false. MX_SESSION_SILENT_TIMEOUT sets the time interval in minutes for allowed inactivity for a session of Matrix Navigator or Business Modeler, before the connection to the database is terminated. Once the user begins to work again, the system will reconnect and attempt to continue from where it left off, without requiring reauthentication. The default setting is 30 with a minimum setting of 5. If an invalid value is specified (such as 3 or a negative number), the minimum will be enforced. MX_SESSION_TIMEOUT sets the time interval in minutes for allowed inactivity for a session of Matrix Navigator or Business Modeler, before the connection to the database is terminated, and the user is forced to login again to resume Matrix operations. Once reconnected, the system will attempt to continue from where it left off. The minimum setting is 5. If an invalid value is specified (such as 3 or a negative number), the minimum will be enforced. If not set, no session time out is place. Timeout settings may be used alone or together, and are not used in MQL, System or Matrix operating in MQL or Wizard mode. In Web Navigator and other ENOVIA environments, session timeouts are handled by application server settings. MX_SERVER_DST is used to tell ENOVIA Live Collaboration to override its current algorithm for converting times to GMT. You should set this value to true if you are using GMT or a GMT offset value in your server’s timezone setting, and your Oracle server takes DST into account when determining the current time. Set this to false for those rare Oracle servers that do not take DST into account. When this setting is not in place at all, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will use the default algorithm that uses the timezone setting in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database to determine whether or not the times provided by the Oracle server take DST into account. MX_SET_SORT_KEY sets any number of basic select items (type, name, revision, owner, locker, originated, modified, current, and policy) by which objects in sets will be presented. By default the value is type|name|revision. You can specify ascending or descending order by prefixing the select with + or - (ascending (+) is the default.) To disable sorting, you can set this variable to a single '|' character. Disabling sorting improves response time of loading the first page of a set. Can be disabled in conjunction with programming techniques to improve performance. Refer to the Programming Guide for more information. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 259 MX_SHOW_HIDDEN_TYPE_OBJECTS sets the behavior preference for the display of objects and connections whose business type or relationship is marked hidden. The default is FALSE, which means that hidden objects and connections are not displayed in query or expand results in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration or Web Navigator, and are not returned by Studio Customization Toolkit query/expand methods. When set to TRUE, objects with hidden business types and connections of hidden relationships are displayed when found or navigated to, and they are returned by the original Studio Customization Toolkit query/expand methods. Additional expand methods are also available to override this system setting and retrieve all objects/relationships, including those whose type is marked hidden. In MQL, regardless of this setting, hidden type objects and connections are always listed. MX_SMTP_HOST must be specified on each client (UNIX or PC), including the Live Collaboration server, in order to send e-mail via ENOVIA Live Collaboration from all machines. The named host must be setup as an SMTP server (not POP). This setting is important for use with the ENOVIA Business Process Services and other ENOVIA products, in order for business process notifications to be sent. MX_SMTP_TIMEOUT sets the time allowed for connecting to the SMTP server when sending e-mail. The default is 60 seconds. MX_CHECK_MAIL specifies (for Matrix Navigator only) how often Matrix Navigator checks for new IconMail in order to effect the new mail indicator. The value is in minutes, and defaults to every 15 minutes. You can set the value to 0 to disable the new mail indicator for Matrix Navigator users, as well as to disable the sending of IconMail. When disabled, mail sent via Matrix Navigator, MQL, Web Navigator, Studio Customization Toolkit IconMail, or other ENOVIA products will be sent as email to those recipients with email enabled, but NO IconMail will be created, sent, or stored in the database. MX_SMTP_CONTINUE is used to tell ENOVIA Live Collaboration how to establish communication with the SMTP server. The default is true, which means ENOVIA Live Collaboration checks for a continuation character, “-”, in the current line, allowing multiline messages. If set to false, no check for a continuation character is done, which means that the current line is assumed to be the only line in the message. MX_TRACE_FILE_PATH is the location of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration error log file. If this variable is not set, the default location is the ENOVIAHOME directory. MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_DETECTION is used to specify the type of test the system should employ to check for recursion of trigger programs. Most recursion is not a single program calling itself (indirectly through triggers firing) but more of a ping pong effect where a program calls another program, which calls back to the original eventually (again, through the firing of triggers). The default is “name”, which means that the system does not allow a program to be executed if it is already executing. The variable may also be set to “signature”, which checks for the uniqueness of five properties of the program: Program Name, Input arguments, Trigger event, Trigger type, and Target object ID; or “none” to turn off detection altogether. You must use “signature” when configuring for use with ENOVIA products. This setting is used in conjunction with MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_LIMIT. MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_LIMIT is set to an integer to indicate the maximum number of trigger programs that can be placed on the trigger stack, helping to avoid server crashes due to the host system running out of stack space. The default value is 30. When the limit is reached, a warning is added to the trigger trace file, and 260 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide the trigger stack is unwound. The limit is used in conjunction with MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_DETECTION, no matter what its value is, but it is particularly important to set an appropriate limit for your server when trigger recursion is disabled with the “none” setting. MX_USE_SCHEMA_NAMES when set to true, improves performance when multiple Live Collaboration servers are defined that point to different schemas in the same Oracle Instance (that is, different Oracle Users.) Default is false. MX_WHERE_MAX_COUNT controls how complex a where clause can be. This setting approximately corresponds to the number of operands allowed in any where clause. ENOVIA Live Collaboration produces an error if it reaches the limit specified. The default is 512, which shouldn’t need changing in a server environment, since it is comparable to the stack size used by the server's JVM. However, when using the Studio Modeling Platform to run JPOs, which use the default JVM setting for stack size, you may want to lower the value of MX_WHERE_MAX_COUNT (to correspond with the JVM size) if very complex where clauses are used on the Studio Modeling Platform system. MX_WIN_APP_WAIT controls how long the Studio Modeling Platform waits for the launched application’s primary window to appear. The value assigned is the number of seconds to wait. The default value is zero. MX_WIN_MIN_ON_LAUNCH is used to minimize all Studio Modeling Platform windows during the execution of a launched application. The default is false. When set to true, the Studio Modeling Platform windows are minimized, and when the launched application terminates, the Studio Modeling Platform windows are restored. MX_LEGACY_RELRULE=FALSE to revert to pre V6R2009 rule behavior on relationships, set to true. Windows Desktop File Associations You can specify how Studio Modeling Platform Windows clients should open edit or open view a file. In the absence of a format program, the Studio Modeling Platform will read the enovia.ini file for the following settings. Then, if nothing is in the ini file, Windows file associations are used. This is not supported on UNIX. Depending on the action—edit, view or print—the Studio Modeling Platform looks in the [EditExtensions], [ViewExtensions], or [PrintExtensions] section for a line that starts with the extension of the file that the client is respectively editing, viewing, or printing. For example, if a Windows client were to open edit a file called changes.txt, and the Studio Modeling Platform had the following enovia.ini setting: [EditExtensions] txt=notepad.exe ^.txt The Studio Modeling Platform would try to launch “notepad.exe” as the command line to the open edit function. Everything after the ^character is ignored. Dynamically Updated Variables The following variables may be set in the Session>Preferences menu of Matrix Navigator, as well as by manually editing the [matrix] section of the .ini file. Any changes made during a Navigator session (with the preferences option) will be reflected in these settings. Any changes made to session preferences with Matrix Web Navigator are reflected in the matrix.properties file for the Web client machine. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 261 BROWSEBY may be set to Icons or Details, and indicates what mode the Matrix browser uses when first displayed. The default is Icons. CHECKINAPPEND is a toggle switch for the checkin options, append or replace. The default is false, which means that existing files are replaced by newly checked-in files. CHECKINCONFIRM is a toggle switch for the appearance of a confirmation window when the replace button is selected on checkin. The default is false, meaning that no warning is presented. CHECKINDELETE is a toggle switch for the checkin option, delete files after checkin. The default is false. CHECKINUNLOCK tells Matrix if objects should be unlocked after files are checked into it. The default is false. CHECKOUTCONFIRM is a toggle switch for the appearance of a warning screen when a checkout would overwrite a file with the same name. The default is false, which means the warning does not appear. CHECKOUTLOCK tells Matrix if objects should be locked after files are checked out of it. The default is false. CHECKOUTOVERWRITE is a toggle switch for the checkout option overwrite existing files. The default is false. CONNECTBAR is a toggle switch for displaying the relationship listbox in a Navigator browser for use with the drop connect feature. The default is false. DROPRELATION specifies the relationship to use for the drop connect feature. It may be set to any valid relationship name. FILEPATH is the default path for both checkin and checkout. The default is the path defined as HOME in the ini file. FILTERBAR may be displayed or not based on this setting. The default is true. NAVIGATEBY may be set to Star, Indented, or Details, and indicates what mode the Navigator browser uses when displayed. The default is Star. OPEN sets the behavior of the double-click action on an object. The default is Edit and can alternatively be set to View. ROLEBAR may be displayed or not based on this setting. The role bar let the user use visuals for one of the roles that they are assigned. The default is true, which displays the role bar. REVISIONWARN is a toggle switch for the appearance of a notification of a later revision. The default is true, which means the warning appears when an object for which there is a higher revision is opened or printed, or a checkin or checkout is attempted. VIEWBY sets the appearance of objects in Matrix, with Icon being the default. Other options are Image or Name. Application Sections Sections for each Studio Modeling Platform application are added to the enovia.ini file whenever one of the Studio Modeling Platform programs (except MQL) are closed. When Matrix Web Navigator is used, they are saved in the matrix.properties file. The settings indicate the geometry of all windows that were displayed in the session. For example: 262 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide [MatrixApplication] SplashDialog=576,432,352,296 MainApplicationDialog=949,895,210,97 ContextDialog=680,288,300,368 FindObjectsDialog=900,693,234,198 AttributesDialog=800,260,282,362 The numbers indicate the width, height, and x and y coordinates respectively. In this way, any resizing or replacing is “remembered” by ENOVIA Live Collaboration, so that adjustments need not be made for every session. However, even if no resizing or replacement is done, all windows (with the exception of the SplashWindow), will “cascade” down and to the right each time they are opened, adding 10 to the X coordinate and 20 to the Y coordinate. The last-used coordinates are then saved to the .ini file and incremented for the next display. If a user uses both Matrix Navigator and Matrix Web Navigator, these settings are not persistent between the two. Configuring Help Administrators may configure the options available under the Help menu by setting several environment variables in the .ini file. In this way, administrators may add their own help files, providing the ability to deliver pertinent information specific to their implementation to users. Refer to Installing the Documentation in Chapter 11 for more information. Font and Color Variables When color and font choices are not entered in the .ini file (or set as environment variables on the command line), ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses the operating system settings for fonts and colors. Since O/S settings tend to be optimum, it may be best not to set any of these environment variables. If different colors or fonts are desired, the variables listed below may be used to override the system settings. This is helpful, for example, to differentiate two databases. The list of color options on Windows is contained in ENOVIA_INSTALL\studio\intel_a\code\lib\rgb.txt. Font variables Foreground variables Background variables font foreground background dialogfont dialogforeground dialogbackground menubarfont menubarforeground menubarbackground iconbarfont iconbarforeground iconbarbackground labelfont labelforeground labelbackground fieldfont fieldforeground fieldbackground buttonfont buttonforeground buttonbackground browserfont browserforeground browserbackground Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 263 Font variables Foreground variables Background variables browserlinecolor browserhighlightforeground browserhighlightbackground For example: browserfont=times-bold-14 browserbackground=yellow LDAP Variables 264 You integrate ENOVIA Live Collaboration with an LDAP server by setting environment variables. Refer to Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools in Chapter 13 for more information. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring Date and Time Formats ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses dates and times in a variety of places: history, originated and modified Basic values, for scheduling and tracking actual dates of state changes, and as date attributes. The display, as well as the required entry elements, of dates and times may be configured. This lets two users have different presentations of the same date and time value. In addition, users see all dates and times in their own local time zone. Internally, dates and times are stored in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) independently of the display format selected. Then, when dates are displayed, a runtime conversion is performed so users see all date and time information in their own local time zone. For example, assume a company has users in San Jose, Boston, and Bonn. A user in San Jose promotes an object on December 11, 1998, 4:45 pm pacific time. Clients in Boston will read the Actual Date in eastern time (December 11, 1998, 7:45 pm) and clients in Bonn will read it in German local time (December 12, 1998, 1:45 am). This is assuming that each location logs onto a local database server with a correctly-configured time zone setting. Refer to the System Manager Guide for information on creating servers and establishing a time zone. Matrix provides six different variables that define formats for the display and entry of dates and times. The six formats with their meanings and default settings are described below:. Variable (format) Meaning/Usage Default Tokens MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT Normal (long) date/time. Used for displaying all dates. Also, the system first attempts to parse entered dates using this pattern. +day mon dom+, +yr4 h12:min:sec +mer +tz MX_NORMAL_DATE_FORMAT Normal (long) date only. Used for displaying date-only entries, like date attributes. +day mon dom+, +yr4 MX_NORMAL_TIME_FORMAT Normal (long) time only. Currently not used. h12:min:sec +mer +tz MX_TERSE_DATETIME_FORMAT Terse (short) date/time. Provides additional format for date/time input. moy/dom-/-yr2 h12:min-:-sec +mer MX_TERSE_DATE_FORMAT Terse (short) date only. Provides additional format for date input. moy/dom-/-yr2 MX_TERSE_TIME_FORMAT Terse (short) time only. Currently not used. hr12:min-:-sec +mer Note that “day”, “yr4”, “mer” and “tz” by default are normally displayed in date/time strings, but are not required input when entering a date (as denoted by the “+” preceding these tokens). Also, “yr2” and “sec” are required as input in the terse formats, but are not displayed in corresponding formatted strings. These formats are used for both displaying dates in Studio Modeling Platform applications and Matrix Web Navigator and for parsing dates input to the system. (These formats do not affect the format of displayed dates/times in ENOVIA products.) The “normal” formats are used for displaying and/or entering dates and times, while the “terse” formats may optionally be used for input. In other words, when a date/time is entered, the system Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 265 attempts to parse it with the “normal” format first. If that doesn’t work, the system tries the “terse” format. When using ENOVIA products, the normal and terse datetime formats are set in the MatrixIniDefaults program, which is installed with the framework. These settings must be in sync with properties in emxSystem.properties. Do not adjust these settings in the server's .ini file because they will override the setting in the MatrixIniDefaults program. For more information about configuring date/time formats for ENOVIA products, refer to the “Setting Date Management Properties” section of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator's Guide. Date formats may be made up of any combination of the following tokens: 266 Token Meaning day day of the week (mon, tue, wed,...) DAY day of the week, not abbreviated mon month (jan, feb, mar,...) MON month, not abbreviated tz time zone (edt, cdt, pdt,...) TZ time zone, not abbreviated mer time meridian (am, pm, or blank for 24 hour time) sec seconds, 0 - 59 min minutes, 0 - 59 h12 hour in 12 hour format, “mer” will be non-blank H12 hour in 12 hour format, “mer” will be non-blank. Always outputs 2 digits, for example, 05. h24 hour in 24 hour format, “mer” will be blank H24 hour in 24 hour format, “mer” will be blank. Always outputs 2 digits, for example, 05. yr2 abbreviated year (98, 99, 00...) yr4 full year (1998, 1999, 2000..) dom day of month (1, 2, 3,..., 31) DOM day of month (1, 2, 3,..., 31). Always outputs 2 digits, for example, 04. doy day of year (1, 2, 3,..., 365) ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Token Meaning DOY day of year (1, 2, 3,..., 365). Always outputs 3 digits, for example, January 3 would be 003. moy month of year (1, 2, 3,..., 12) MOY month of year (1, 2, 3,..., 12). Always outputs 2 digits, for example, 04. To configure date/time formats 1. Write out a format that includes all the tokens from the table above that you would want to include in display or input of dates and times. Include any embedded punctuation (spaces, commas, colons, etc.). For example: day, dom/mon/yr4 might translate to: Monday, 4/Jan/2000 By default, each token is both displayed and required as input to the date/time parser. 2. In front of each token and punctuation mark that is not required by the input processor, add a plus symbol (‘+’). This signifies that the specified field is displayed in formatted output, but does not have to be input by a user when entering a date/time. For example: +day+, dom/mon/yr4 means that 4/Jan/2000 is acceptable input but this date would be displayed as Monday, 4/Jan/2000. 3. In front of each token that is not desired in the display of dates and times, add a hyphen (minus symbol, “-’). This signifies that the specified field is not displayed in formatted date/time strings, but is required to be input by the user when specifying a date/time field. For example: +day+, -dom-/mon/yr4 means that 4/Jan/2000 could be entered, but this date would be displayed as Monday, Jan/2000. If you wish to use a hyphen as a separator for date fields (for example, to display something like 2000-11-22), on Windows, use two hyphens: yr4--moy--dom For use in the mql shell script, the setting requires the use of 3 hyphens. For example: MX_TERSE_DATETIME_FORMAT="yr4---moy---dom h24:min-:-sec" export MX_TERSE_DATETIME_FORMAT MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT="yr4--moy--dom h24:min-:-sec" export MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT 4. Add the appropriate lines to the configuration vehicle (ini file, startup script, or MatrixIniDefaults program). Any variables not set will use the default values as shown in the table above. For example, you may want to add the following lines: Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 267 MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT= +day+, MON dom, yr4 h24:min:sec TZ MX_TERSE_DATETIME_FORMAT = moy/dom/yr4 These settings allow the date to be entered in either of the following ways: January 4, 2000 or 1/4/2000 Note that the TIME elements of a DATETIME default to 12:00 AM, if not entered. Also note that currently, the TIME only formats are not used by ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Date Attributes with Ranges All dates, including date attributes, are displayed in the format specified in the MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT variable. Because of this, if date attributes with range values are used, EVERY user must use the same setting for this variable. Otherwise, when a user creates a business object of the Type that has a date attribute with a default range specified in a different format, the default value for that date cannot be displayed for your business object, and so ENOVIA Live Collaboration cannot load attributes during the creation, and you will receive the following error message: Date format for the DateAttribute is invalid. The correct format is: [Gives your formats]. The same is true if you just try to bring up attributes of an object that has the date attribute set in a different format than that specified in the local .ini file. It may be easiest to use the default setting for these variables, when date attributes with ranges will be used. Dates in Web Applications The Live Collaboration server gets its time zone in the same manner as other ENOVIA Live Collaboration clients and passes time information to a Web client in the time zone it knows about. This means that dates and times displayed on Web clients (including Matrix Web Navigator users and users of other programs that connect via the Live Collaboration server) will be in the time zone available to the Live Collaboration server, and not necessarily in the time zone of the Web client. For example, if a user in California connects to a Live Collaboration server in Connecticut that uses eastern time, times displayed for that user will be in eastern time. Also, if the California user creates objects, the create time will be stored in the database based on the eastern time converted to GMT. Summary So, in summary, all dates in ENOVIA Live Collaboration: 268 • Are stored in the database in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); • When displayed, are converted at runtime to the user’s local time zone as specified in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Object to which they are logged on, or by the client machine’s operating system (in a non-distributed environment); • Are displayed with the tokens specified in the MX_NORMAL date variables for Studio Modeling Platform and Web Navigator. Display of dates in ENOVIA products are determined by the browser language setting and by properties in emxSystem.properties. The NORMAL and TERSE formats must still be defined when running ENOVIA products but they are specified in the MatrixIniDefaults program instead of the ini file. • May be entered in the format specified in either the TERSE or the NORMAL format variables. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • If range values for date attributes are used, all users must use the same settings for MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT and the attribute range values must adhere to this specification. • Web applications display dates in the time zone that is known to the Live Collaboration server, not necessarily the time zone of the Web client. For information on setting time zones in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, and other date/time issues, refer to the System Manager Guide. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 269 Localizing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Language support is outlined in Language Support in Chapter 2. UTF8 configuration for the application servers is mostly done by default with a few steps requiring that they be done manually, as described in UTF-8 Settings in Chapter 8. This section describes how each layer of the stack is translated. The table below shows the files used to localize each part of ENOVIA Live Collaboration: Studio Modeling Platform Web Navigator Other ENOVIA products User Interface menus, dialogs, tips matrix.txt, matrix.vr Java class files that get compiled with Matrix Web Navigator (no changes in field) emxAPPNAMEStringResource_LANG.properties emxComponentsStringResource_LANG.properties Java class files that get compiled with applets (such as checkin applet, Gantt Chart applet, etc.) (no changes in field) Schema objects Language Aliases Language Aliases emxFrameworkStringResource_LANG.properties Lower level schema objects (policy states, attribute ranges) one language only (administration definition) one language only (administration definition) emxFrameworkStringResource_LANG.properties Error messages from the Live Collaboration Server matrix.txt, matrix.vr (file on the client) matrix.txt, matrix.vr (file on the server) matrix.txt, matrix.vr (file on the server) APPNAME is the name of the application; LANG is the 2-digit ISO code. ENOVIA products default to English if the translated string cannot be found. This can occur for several reasons. The most obvious is when the Web browser is configured for a language that is not provided. Also, MQL keywords are not localizable, and so these are always shown in English. In some cases, most strings appear localized, with a few showing up in English. This will occur when text is added late in the software release cycle, and you can assume that they will be updated in a future release. However, in other cases, the English word is preferred by the ENOVIA translation reviewer, and so will remain untranslated. If this is the case, and you have another preference for the string, you can modify the provided file(s). The one exception to this is for Web Navigator. The localization is handled by Java files that must be compiled with the source code. Note that the database and Application servers must be correctly configured to handle UTF8 encoding. 270 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Filenames In a UTF8 environment, strings are not processed in the kernel. The Live Collaboration Server just passes them to the database as received. However, one exception is for file checkin through the server using the workspace directory (standard checkin, not FCS). ENOVIA Live Collaboration hashes file names on checkout in the workspace directory, but does not hash file names on checkin. So, an English server configured for UTF8 treats a UTF8 encoded file with double-byte characters in the name being checked in as consisting of extended ASCII characters and succeeds in creating a file in the workspace directory. But the database expects UTF8 bytes and so produces an error on checkin. However, the sequence of bytes in the file name are the same on the native and English operating systems. Also, the file content is encoded correctly. The workaround is to use FCS for all file checkins through a Live Collaboration server. Studio Modeling Platform The Studio Modeling Platform may be used in alternative languages for menus and messages. The software is shipped with a language file, an ASCII file which enables you to alter or translate the names of various menus, dialog boxes, and error messages. This file, called matrix.txt, is located in the ETC directory under the $MATRIXINSTALL/ <platform>/ directory and contains all messages used by the Matrix Navigator, Business Modeler, and System Manager applications. Changes to matrix.txt are for the Studio Modeling Platform only and do not affect PowerWeb. To translate schema definitions for the Studio Modeling Platform, you may use language aliases, as described in the MQL Guide. Localization files are provided already translated to various languages in the appropriate directory beneath the ETC directory. For example, the $MATRIXINSTALL/ <platform>/etc/japanese directory contains both a matrix.txt and a matrix.vr file for the Kanji language. By moving the .vr file to $MATRIXHOME, the software is displayed in the new language. The $MATRIXINSTALL and $MATRIXHOME directories could be different. Of course, the language’s operating system and character set must also be loaded for proper display. In addition, Oracle has localization requirements, as outlined in Chapter 3, Installing an Oracle Database. If refinements to the translated text are required, the matrix.txt file may be edited and a new .vr file created as described in the System Manager Guide. Software programs run via the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server receive error messages and strings in the language known to the Server. If no .vr file is available to the server, that language is English. Note that a server may be configured with no more than 1 .vr file. Tcl with Asian characters Tcl 8.5.7 is the default configuration and is required for use in Asian languages. Refer to Tcl Support for details. Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 271 ENOVIA applications ENOVIA applications use resource files to display translated pages. These files are installed in the ematrix/properties directory on the server. Each application relies on 3 base files, which are always in English: • emxFrameworkStringResource.properties • emxComponentsStringResource.properties • emxAPPLICATION_NAMEStringResource.properties (For example, Engineering Central uses emxEngineeringCentralStringResource.properties) When these files are translated, the translators work with the files in their native encoding, so that all special characters are displayed correctly. However, in order for the Java-based Live Collaboration server to present the strings correctly, the files must be encoded in ASCII, and the filename must include the standard abbreviation for the language (as defined by ISO-639). This is true for all non-English languages, both double-byte and latin-based. For each translated file, ENOVIA provides both the native and the ASCII version, easily identified by the filename. For example, the files provided by BPS for use in German are: • emxTeamCentralStringResource_de.properties • emxFrameworkStringResource_de.properties • emxComponentsStringResource_de.properties • emxMetricsStringResource_de.properties • emxTeamCentralStringResource_deNative.properties • emxFrameworkStringResource_deNative.properties • emxComponentsStringResource_deNative.properties • emxMetricsStringResource_deNative.properties You only need the Native files if you want to make modifications to the out of the box translations. When you are done with the changes, you will need to run the native files through the native2ascii converter provided with the JDK. Refer to JDK documentation or the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for more information. ENOVIA products receive error messages and strings in the language known to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. If no .vr file is available to the server, that language is English. Note that a server may be configured with no more than 1 .vr file. JavaScript Errors JavaScript messages that are part of the error checking of the JSP or JPO are translated as part of emxFrameworkStringResource.properties files. However, if the error condition is not expected by the code, the error comes from the JDK itself. This means that the error is displayed in the language of the operating system. Application Applets The applications may provide some functionality, such as checkin and Gantt charting, via applets. Applet translations come from within the .cab or .jar file, and therefore they may not be modified in the field. 272 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Web Navigator The “Start Matrix”pages provide access to Matrix Web Navigator, and can be configured as required by adding parameters to the page. The Language parameter controls which Java resource bundle translation is used to display the menus, windows, and errors of the applet. It is also used to display schema definitions in another language, if the setting matches a defined language alias. The provided pages use the following syntax: props.put("PARAMNAME", "VALUE"); If you will use custom applets, your pages may use one of the following: <PARAM name="NAME" value="VALUE"> document.writeln("<param name='NAME' value='VALUE'>"); This setting overrides the language set in the client’s native locale. For example, when using the following on the Web Navigator start page: props.put("Language", "fr"); the applet’s windows are displayed in French, and the fr aliases for administrative objects are displayed for all clients. The Language parameter (and defined alias) must be a valid ISO Language Code. These codes are the lower-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as: http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt Valid values are: en (for English), fr (for French), de (for German), it (for Italian), ja (for Japanese), tw (for traditional Chinese), cn (for simplified Chinese) and ko (for Korean). These abbreviations must be lowercase. Java translations are provided only for the languages listed above. Matrix Web Navigator receives error messages from the Live Collaboration Server in the language known to thes erver. If no .vr file is available to the server, that language is English. Note that a server may be configured with no more than 1 .vr file. If you set the language parameter to an ISO value for which there is no java resource bundle translation (such as sv for Swedish), Matrix Web Navigator will be displayed in English, but the administrative objects will be displayed in the language specified, assuming these aliases exist. Setting the language value to something other than an ISO value is not supported through the server (such as if you have schema aliases for manufacturing vs. engineering). Chapter 9: Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration 273 274 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 10 Deploying J2EE J2EE Deployment Overview After you’ve installed and configured the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and all ENOVIA products you will use, you then deploy the J2EE application by completing steps 4 through 6 of the General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server: • First Modifying J2EE Settings • Then, Building the J2EE Archive File • and finally, Deploying the J2EE Archive File ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server install descriptor files that are used to configure the ENOVIA web application. You can make modifications to these files based on your requirements. Also installed is the WAR Utility, which is used to create EAR (Enterprise Archive) or WAR (Web Archive) files based on the configured descriptor files. The J2EE archive file is then deployed by the application server. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers are generally deployed with the WAR file, using the application server’s administrative tools to complete the configuration. However, since the EAR file contains all information needed for deployment (including the web application name and context root) system administrators of an ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server may deploy the EAR file instead, so that the context root is already configured. The context root is the relative path to the server root for a particular web application; for example, /ematrix. 275 Directory Structure When you install Live Collaboration Server, the following directory structure is created: Live Collaboration Server Install Dir | ...... distrib | | ...... ematrixwarutil | | ...... STAGING The Live Collaboration Server installation directory (SERVER_INSTALL on Windows or SERVERHOME on Unix) has the name you assigned during the installation. It contains the following three subdirectories (as well as several others): • distrib—Built when you run the WAR Utility (from the ematrixwarutil directory), the distrib directory contains the EAR and/or WAR files as well as the expanded contents of the files. • ematrixwarutil—Built when you install the Live Collaboration Server, this directory contains the WAR Utility, as well as the web.xml and ematrix.xml files you can use to adjust your J2EE settings. • STAGING—Built when you install the Live Collaboration Server, and added to with each ENOVIA product, this directory contains the files necessary to run the ENOVIA products. These become part of the EAR and/or WAR files when the WAR Utility is run. Supporting HTTPS/SSL Deployment The ENOVIA V6 architecture implies http (https) communications between the Live Collaboration Server and any FCS, as well as between two FCSs. Prerequisites • Java 1.5 and above is installed. • Java is added to the PATH variable. • The path <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/ is added to the CLASSPATH variable. • The application server used is Apache Tomcat or WebLogic. • Apache Tomcat 6.0.16/6.0.18/6.0.20 or WebLogic is installed. • If Apache Tomcat is used, the environment variable CATALINA_HOME is set to the appropriate Catalina Home directory. To configure SSL with a Tomcat Server on Windows 1. Open a command prompt. On certain operating systems, because of OS security, you must run the command prompt as an Administrator. To do this, change to the <OS_install_drive>:/Windows/ system32/ folder, locate cmd.exe, right-click on cmd.exe, and then select Run as Administrator. 2. Issue the following command to generate a certificate: 276 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 360 -dname “CN=<SERVERNAME>,o=3DPLM,ou=Platform,1=Pune,s=MH,c=IN” -keystore <CATALINA_HOME>\.keystore The “keytool” executable is located in the <JAVA_HOME>\bin\ folder. If you experience any issues, ensure that: - JAVA_HOME is correctly set. - JAVA is added to the PATH variable as mentioned in the Prerequisites section. - Correct values are specified for the following: • <SERVERNAME>—This is the full computer name of the machine on which the application server is running. • <CATALINA_HOME>—This is the application server (Apache Tomcat) home folder. 3. When prompted, specify a password (for example, “v6r2011x”), and note it. Keep the store password and the key password the same. 4. On successful execution of the above command, a file named .keystore is created in the <CATALINA_HOME>\ directory. Verify that the .keystore file has been created in the <CATALINA_HOME>\ directory. 5. Change to the <CATALINA_HOME>\conf\ folder. Open the server.xml file in a text editor, and then search for the string scheme=”https”. Uncomment the definition of the SSL connect on port 8443 that has “scheme=https” as an attribute. Update the definition as follows: <Connector protocol=”org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol” port=”8443” minSpareThreads=”5” maxSpareThreads=”75” enableLookups=”true” disableUploadTimeout=”true” acceptCount=”100” maxThreads=”200 scheme=”https” secure=”true” SSLEnabled=”true” sslProtocol=”TLS” keystoreFile=”<CATALINA_HOME>\.keystore” keystorePass=”v6r2011x” clientAuth=”false”/> The value of keystorePass in the above descriptor should be the value for the password specified in Step 3., above. 6. Run the Tomcat server. 7. Access the link https://<SERVERNAME>:8443/. If the setup is fine, then you should be able to view the Tomcat home page. In the above URL, <SERVERNAME> should be the full computer name of the machine on which the application server is running. Settings to be configured on the FCS server If the FCS URL is the same as the MCS URL, then the following settings should be done on the MCS server. 1. Start the instance of the application server in which the MCS application is deployed. 2. Note the path of JAVA_HOME to which the application server in which the FCS application is deployed is referring. Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 277 3. Copy the following InstallCert.java program to the <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\ folder: /* * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Sun Microsystems nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import java.io.*; import java.net.URL; import java.security.*; import java.security.cert.*; import javax.net.ssl.*; public class InstallCert { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String host; int port; char[] passphrase; if ((args.length == 1) || (args.length == 2)) { String[] c = args[0].split(":"); host = c[0]; port = (c.length == 1) ? 443 : Integer.parseInt(c[1]); String p = (args.length == 1) ? "changeit" : args[1]; passphrase = p.toCharArray(); } else { System.out.println("Usage: java InstallCert <host>[:port] [passphrase]"); return; } 278 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide File file = new File("jssecacerts"); if (file.isFile() == false) { char SEP = File.separatorChar; File dir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + SEP + "lib" + SEP + "security"); file = new File(dir, "jssecacerts"); if (file.isFile() == false) { file = new File(dir, "cacerts"); } } System.out.println("Loading KeyStore " + file + "..."); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); ks.load(in, passphrase); in.close(); SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultA lgorithm()); tmf.init(ks); X509TrustManager defaultTrustManager = (X509TrustManager)tmf.getTrustManagers()[0]; SavingTrustManager tm = new SavingTrustManager(defaultTrustManager); context.init(null, new TrustManager[] {tm}, null); SSLSocketFactory factory = context.getSocketFactory(); System.out.println("Opening connection to " + host + ":" + port + "..."); SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(host, port); socket.setSoTimeout(10000); try { System.out.println("Starting SSL handshake..."); socket.startHandshake(); socket.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("No errors, certificate is already trusted"); } catch (SSLException e) { System.out.println(); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } X509Certificate[] chain = tm.chain; if (chain == null) { System.out.println("Could not obtain server certificate chain"); Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 279 return; } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Server sent " + chain.length + " certificate(s):"); System.out.println(); MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) { X509Certificate cert = chain[i]; System.out.println (" " + (i + 1) + " Subject " + cert.getSubjectDN()); System.out.println(" Issuer " + cert.getIssuerDN()); sha1.update(cert.getEncoded()); System.out.println(" sha1 " + toHexString(sha1.digest())); md5.update(cert.getEncoded()); System.out.println(" md5 " + toHexString(md5.digest())); System.out.println(); } System.out.println("Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore or 'q' to quit: [1]"); String line = reader.readLine().trim(); int k; try { k = (line.length() == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(line) 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("KeyStore not changed"); return; } X509Certificate cert = chain[k]; String alias = host + "-" + (k + 1); ks.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("jssecacerts"); ks.store(out, passphrase); out.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(cert); System.out.println(); System.out.println 280 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ("Added certificate to keystore 'jssecacerts' using alias '" + alias + "'"); } private static final char[] HEXDIGITS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray(); private static String toHexString(byte[] bytes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 3); for (int b : bytes) { b &= 0xff; sb.append(HEXDIGITS[b >> 4]); sb.append(HEXDIGITS[b & 15]); sb.append(' '); } return sb.toString(); } private static class SavingTrustManager implements X509TrustManager { private final X509TrustManager tm; private X509Certificate[] chain; SavingTrustManager(X509TrustManager tm) { this.tm = tm; } public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { this.chain = chain; tm.checkServerTrusted(chain, authType); } } } 4. Open a command prompt. Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 281 On certain operating systems, because of OS security, you must run the command prompt as an Administrator. To do this, change to the <OS_install_drive>:/Windows/ system32/ folder, locate cmd.exe, right-click on cmd.exe, and then select Run as Administrator. 5. Change to the <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\ folder. 6. Run the following command: > javac InstallCert.java The “javac” executable is located in the <JAVA_HOME>\bin\ folder. If you experience any issues, ensure that: - JAVA_HOME is correctly set. - JAVA is added to the PATH variable as mentioned in the Prerequisites section. - Go to the <JAVA_HOME>\bin\ folder and execute the above command, specifying the complete path of InstallCert.java (that is, <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\InstallCert.java). After successful execution of the above command, two files are created: InstallCert.class and InstallCert$SavingTrustManager.class. 7. Ensure that the current directory is <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\, and then run the following command: > java InstallCert <SERVERNAME>:<HTTPS_PORT> The “java” executable is located in the <JAVA_HOME>\bin\ folder. If you experience any issues, ensure that: - JAVA_HOME is correctly set. - JAVA is added to the PATH variable as mentioned in the Prerequisites section. - Go to the <JAVA_HOME>\bin\ folder and execute the above command, specifying the complete path of InstallCert.java (i.e., <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\InstallCert.java). 8. When prompted, add the certificate to the trusted keystore by pressing the Enter key. The following message should be displayed: “Added certificate to keystore 'jssecacerts' using alias <SERVERNAME>-1” 9. Run the command in Step 7. again: > java InstallCert <SERVERNAME>:<HTTPS_PORT> 10. The following message should be displayed: “No errors, certificate is already trusted.” To import certificates served by the Live Collaboration Server as trusted To fully support https/SSL deployment, the certificates served by the Live Collaboration Server must be imported as trusted certificates in each J2EE-deployed ENOVIA V6 server (CSR/FCS/SyncServer). This should be done using the keytool program found in the JRE of your J2EE server. The syntax is as follows: > keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -keystore <JREE_SERVER_JRE_PATH>\lib\security\cacerts 282 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Modifying J2EE Settings Before you run the WAR Utility, you can modify Web.xml or ematrix.xml to configure the web environment for your J2EE web application. For example, you can modify web.xml to add a servlet or any framework properties. When modifying web.xml or ematrix.xml, it is important that you use the .xml file contained in the ematrixwarutil directory. Also keep in mind that other copies of the files may be overwritten by the WAR Utility. Web.xml The Live Collaboration Server installations include both the framework.properties file that has always been used to configure ENOVIA products, and the web.xml file used in more recent J2EE implementations. The web.xml file tells the server to look to the installation directory for framework.properties, but it can itself include the very same property settings as parameters. In order to remove the dependency of the J2EE archive files on this external file, you should add all settings to web.xml instead of framework.properties. If a property is set in both framework.properties and web.xml, the value in web.xml is used. Refer to Framework.properties for more information on its default settings. As installed with the Live Collaboration Server, the web.xml file is configured for use with ENOVIA products and contains the properties and values shown below. Additional parameters may be added. Each of these properties, along with parameters that can be added to the file, are described in the following sections. This is not the complete web.xml file — only the parameter and servlet definitions are shown. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd"> <web-app id="WebApp_1"> <display-name>ematrix</display-name> <context-param id="ContextParam_1"> <param-name>properties</param-name> <param-value>@installDir@/managed/properties/ framework.properties</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_2"> <param-name>ematrix.server.host</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_3"> <param-name>ematrix.login.page</param-name> <param-value>/emxLogin.jsp</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_4"> <param-name>ematrix.login.failure.page</param-name> <param-value>/emxLogin.jsp</param-value> </context-param> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 283 <context-param id="ContextParam_5"> <param-name>ematrix.web.app</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_6"> <param-name>emxLogin.FormAction</param-name> <param-value>/@webAppName@/servlet/login</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_7"> <param-name>emxLogin.FrameworkTarget</param-name> <param-value>common/emxNavigator.jsp</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_8"> <param-name>ematrix.page.path</param-name> <param-value>/@webAppName@</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_9"> <param-name>ematrix.home.page</param-name> <param-value>/common/emxNavigator.jsp</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_10"> <param-name>ematrix.load.program</param-name> <param-value>eServiceListSchemaNames.tcl</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_11"> <param-name>ematrix.encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF8</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_12"> <param-name>ematrix.audit.log</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <!-- legacy servlet properties <context-param id="ContextParam_13"> <param-name>ematrix.servlet.ui</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_15"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.agent</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_16"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.agent.key</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_17"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.interval</param-name> <param-value>21600</param-value> </context-param> 284 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide <context-param id="ContextParam_18"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.command</param-name> <param-value>execute program emxProjectSpace -method performTaskEscalation</param-value> --><!-- Define our servlets --> <servlet id="Servlet_1"> <servlet-name>Framework</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.Framework</ servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_2"> <servlet-name>LogoutServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.LogoutServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_4"> <servlet-name>MatrixXMLServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.MatrixXMLServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_7"> <servlet-name>MatrixExchangeServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.MatrixExchangeServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_12"> <servlet-name>LoginServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.LoginServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_15"> <servlet-name>FrameworkServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.FrameworkServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_17"> <servlet-name>WorkspaceServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.WorkspaceServlet</ servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_18"> <servlet-name>fcs</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.fcs.fcs.FcsServlet</ servlet-class> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 285 </servlet> <servlet id="Servlet_19"> <servlet-name>audit</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.matrixone.servlet.AuditServlet</ servlet-class> <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup> </servlet> This section describes the properties you can define in web.xml. When adding properties or servlets, be sure that each has a unique id. For example, servlet id=“Servlet_20” or context-param id= “ContextParam_30” enovia.ini Directory Parameter enovia.inidir specifies the directory that holds the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server. For example: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>enovia.inidir</param-name> <param-value>c:\enovia</param-value> </context-param> For details on setting the directory of the ini file, see Setting the Location of the enovia.ini File on Windows. Connection Parameters ematrix.server.host specifies the name and port # of the machine where the Live Collaboration Server is running. For example: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.server.host</param-name> <param-value>//MYHOST:1099</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.proxy.server can be added to specify the URL for the proxy server, including the host name for the server, port, and directory. For example, the parameter could be: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.proxy.server</param-name> <param-value>http://proxyserv:8088/teamcentral</ param-value> </context-param> When a proxy server is used, the URL for accessing an ENOVIA product contains the value for the enovia.proxy.server property instead of the host name and port for the Web server. For example, suppose the URL for accessing ENOVIA products without the proxy server is: http://webserv:7001/enovia/emxLogin.jsp If the enovia.proxy.server property is set using the example shown above, the URL for accessing the application with the proxy server would be: http://proxyserv:8088/engineeringcentral/enovia/emxLogin.jsp 286 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Specifying Pages to Use Several parameters define specific pages within the application: the login page, logout page, home page, and login failure page. There are two main uses for these parameters: • If a servlet calls one of these four pages, it will forward to the page specified in the corresponding property. For example, the LoginServlet automatically forwards users who are not logged in to the page specified in the ematrix.login.page property. • You can reference these pages using methods in the servlet classes. For example, the FrameworkServlet has getHomePage, getLoginPage, getLogoutPage, and getLoginFailurePage methods that retrieve the pages defined in these parameters. Similarly, the LoginServlet has redirectToHomePage, redirectToLoginPage, and redirectToLoginFailurePage methods that redirect to these pages. ematrix.login.page Specifies the login page. If a servlet requires the user to be logged in and they haven’t yet been authenticated, the page specified in this property is presented. When installed, the property is set to the ENOVIA product login page: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.login.page</param-name> <param-value>/emxLogin.jsp</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.home.page Specifies the page to present after the user has logged in if no target “next” page is specified in the JSP. When installed, the property is set to the Applet page. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.home.page</param-name> <param-value>/common/emxNavigator.jsp</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.logout.page Specifies the page to display when the user logs out. ENOVIA products don’t use this property but a custom application could. For example: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.logout.page</param-name> <param-value>/emxLogout.jsp</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.login.failure.page Defines the URL for the page to present if the login has failed. If no failure page is specified, sessions that fail to login are forwarded to the home page. ENOVIA products don’t use this property but a custom application could. Authentication Parameters When external authentication is set up for use with ENOVIA products, the standard login and logout pages, emxLogin.jsp and emxLogout.jsp, are by-passed. Use one of the following properties to define the alternative login/logout page. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.sso.logout.url</param-name> <param-value>URL_FOR_NEW_LOGOUT_PAGE</param-value> </context-param> OR <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.sso.absolute.logout.url</param-name> <param-value>URL_FOR_NEW_LOGOUT_PAGE</param-value> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 287 </context-param> Use the first property to specify a relative path to the URL, use the second to specify an absolute path. Only enter a value for one of these properties. If you enter a value for ematrix.sso.logout.url, that value is used. The ematrix.sso.absolute.logout.url property is only used if the first property is not set. For more information on using external authentication with ENOVIA products, see Chapter 13, Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools as well as the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. To use SSO with Tomcat In order to make SSO work properly with the way the Apache/Tomcat server handles iconmail attachments and page history, use the following setting in the web.xml file: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.server.domain</param-name> <param-value>DOMAIN_NAME</param-value> </context-param> This setting is required only for the Tomcat/SSO environment. To use SSO with ClearTrust When using Cleartrust SSO, add the following parameter to web.xml: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.server.mcs.host</param-name> <param-value>http://PROXY_SERVER_URL</param-value> </context-param> For example: <context-param id="ContextParam_22"> <param-name>ematrix.server.mcs.host</param-name> <param-value>http://cleartrust.3ds.net:8002</param-value> </context-param> FCS Parameters To view and download .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx files using Internet Explorer (IE) When you view a .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx file using the View icon in IE, the file is opened inside the browser window. If this window remains open, you will not be able to view or download any other files because IE will bring you back to the window that is already open. This is a limitation in IE and the work-around is to change the mime type field in the web.xml file for each file type. For example, for .xls files, change: <mime-mapping id="MimeMapping_2"> <extension>xls</extension> <mime-type>application/vnd.ms-excel</mime-type> </mime-mapping> To: <mime-mapping id="MimeMapping_2"> <extension>xls</extension> <mime-type>application/octet-stream</mime-type> </mime-mapping> 288 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To configure ticket and receipt FCS settings This section describes FCS settings in the web.xml file that allow you to configure ticket and receipt cleanup and ticket expiration. Values are based on your usage patterns. If required, you can also change the URL used for communication between FCS and the MCS, and you can enable FCS to operate in two different domains with SSO. To set expiration for a ticket To set how long a ticket is valid (i.e. the length of time between when a ticket is issued and when it reaches the FCS server), add the following setting on your FCS server: <context-param id="ContextParam_19"> <param-name>ematrix.max_ticket_age</param-name> <param-value>600</param-value> </context-param> For ticket expiration time-stamping, the receiver has the actual clock value of the sender. Prior to evaluating the validity of the ticket, the time-stamp on the receiver’s end is adjusted to the sender’s time, thus making time-stamping impervious to differences in time zones between a receiver and sender. Default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). You should increase this time only if your network is very slow. To set cleanup for tickets To set the number of tickets to process on your FCS server before deleting tickets from RAM: <context-param id="ContextParam_19"> <param-name>ematrix.ticket_cleanup_count</param-name> <param-value>1000</param-value> </context-param> Default is 1000. If your server is not very busy (e.g. processing approximately 100 documents per/hour), you might decrease this number. To set cleanup for receipts To set the number of receipts to process on your MCS before deleting receipts from RAM: <context-param id="ContextParam_19"> <param-name>ematrix.receipt_cleanup_count</param-name> <param-value>1000</param-value> </context-param> Default is 1000. If your server is not very busy (e.g. approximately 100 documents per/ hour), you might decrease this number. To change the URL for the MCS MCS uses its own URL (which is used to request the JSP page producing the ticket) to compute the connect string for an FCS to communicate with the MCS. To change the URL for the MCS, for example, when an FCS needs to communicate with the MCS on a different port or with a different protocol (https vs. http): <context-param id="ContextParam_19"> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 289 <param-name>ematrix.mcs.contextConnect</param-name> <param-value>URL</param-value> </context-param> This URL value overrides the MCS URL. To enable FCS in two different domains with SSO The following setting allows a cookie to be sent containing the login credential between two different domains in an FCS environment using SSO: <context-param id="ContextParam_19"> <param-name>ematrix.mcs.packageCookies</param-name> <param-value>TRUE</param-value> </context-param> To configure image caching The following parameters can be set to configure use of image caching in ENOVIA products. ematrix.maxImageCookieLength can be added to increase the total allowable cookie size, setting the threshold for when the system must use the MCS for delivering images instead of the faster FCS. For example, the parameter could be: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.maxImageCookieLength</param-name> <param-value>1960</param-value> </context-param> BACKGROUND: The image URL encodes various information about the image, including any cookies that were presented by the browser to the MCS. If the session cookie-string is too large, the resulting image URL exceeds the maximum URL length supported by the browser (2048 byte limit on Internet Explorer). This is most likely to occur when a configuration involves many cookies for the session (SSO, web server proxies, etc.). If the total length of the cookie string exceeds this property value, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will generate a URL that is addressed to the MCS for image delivery (omitting the cookies) rather than generate an image URL that exceeds 2048 bytes. You can increase the total allowable cookie size by adding this setting to web.xml on the MCS server. By default the maximum cookie length is 1960. With this setting in place, the system will send the image request to the MCS if the total length of all cookies is larger than1960. The default should be fine in most circumstances, but you may want to increase it if you are in an environment that may have many cookies and Mozilla is the browser standard. ematrix.isContentDispositionEnabledForImages can be added for WebLogic implementations to allow image files to be saved in the browser. For example, the parameter could be: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.isContentDispositionEnabledForImages</ param-name> <param-value>True</param-value> </context-param> BACKGROUND: By default, the image service sets both Cache-Control and Content-Disposition in its headers. The Cache-Control header is set to allow the browser to cache the image. The Context-Disposition header is set to allow the browser to save the image with the file name of the original file. WebLogic considers it an error to set both headers. Setting ematrix.isContentDispositionEnabledForImages to false on the FCS 290 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide server suppresses the setting of the Content-Disposition header, which means that image files that are saved will be named “DynamicImage”. Timer Servlet The Timer servlet allows a command to be executed at a specified interval. It uses the following properties in the web.xml file: ematrix.timer.agent The user name for the context that executes the command. User privileges can be handled internally in the program. ematrix.timer.agent.keyThe password for the user. User privileges can be handled internally in the program. ematrix.timer.interval The elapsed time, in seconds, between execution of the command. ematrix.timer.command The command to run. If you are using BPS, use the command shown in the example below. By default, the above parameters are commented-out in the web.xml file. To use one or more of the properties, you must un-comment them before you run the WAR Utility. The following is an example of the properties with sample values: <context-param id="ContextParam_15"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.agent</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_16"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.agent.key</param-name> <param-value></param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_17"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.interval</param-name> <param-value>21600</param-value> </context-param> <context-param id="ContextParam_18"> <param-name>ematrix.timer.command</param-name> <param-value>execute program emxProjectSpace -method performTaskEscalation</param-value> </context-param> To configure static browser content cache Web pages typically reference a lot of fairly static content files such as images and Javascripts, which change infrequently if ever. Web browsers are able to cache such static content, but they conservatively keep going back to the server to check whether their cached copy of the content is still valid. They do this by sending requests with the If-Modified-Since: header. If the resource has been modified since it was last transferred, it is transferred again, otherwise the browser uses the cached copy that it has. This protocol saves having to transfer content that has not changed, but it still involves a round trip to the server. Across a high-latency network, all these round trips to the server result in significant degradation in user interface responsiveness. These round trip requests can be reduced or eliminated by setting an expiration time on content sent by the server. The server does this by adding the header Expires: or Cache-Control: to the response. Both tell the browser that it may cache and not Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 291 re-check the validity of the content for a specific amount of time. When the cached content expires, the browser once again sends an If-Modified-Since: request, receives a new expiration time, and the cycle repeats. The following example is the configuration provided out of the box to cache specified static browser content for a period of 7 days. The browser will cache and not re-check the validity of the content for a 7days. The following example is the configuration provided out of the box to cache specified static browser content for a period of 7 days. The browser will cache and not re-check the validity of the content for a 7days. <filter> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.StaticContentCaching</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.cache-control.ResourceLifetime</param-name> <param-value>7d</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.html</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.js</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.css</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.xsl</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.gif</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>StaticContentCaching</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.jpg</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> You can modify, add, and remove filter-mapping entries in this configuration. Each entry enables the cache control for a specific file type. ematrix.cache-control.ResourceLifetime sets the amount of time to cache static browser content in the configuration. For example, the parameter could be: <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.cache-control.ResourceLifetime</param-name> <param-value>7d</param-value> </init-param> 292 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The default is 7d. Select a number followed by a single character, s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), or d (days). A value of zero turns off the filter and no cache control is enabled. A value of 0s means expire immediatly or after zero seconds. Wizard Parameters Use these parameters when running wizards using the Wizard servlet. (In the future, they may also be used to run Forms using a servlet.) ematrix.frame.font.width Controls the width of text field widgets in wizards by determining the number of columns wide each widget will be. The parameter accepts any integer and the default value is 9. The number of columns is determined by dividing the number of pixels specified for the width of each widget (in the wizard definition) by the number entered for this parameter. For example, suppose a widget is defined with a pixel width of 100 and the default value of 9 is used for the font.width parameter. 100 divided by 9 is 11, so the widget would be 11 columns wide. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.frame.font.width</param-name> <param-value>9</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.frame.font.height Works the same way as the font.width parameter except this parameter controls the height of widgets and affects multiline text fields and listboxes. The default value is 16. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.frame.font.height</param-name> <param-value>16</param-value> </context-param> ematrix.frame.warn.unsupported When set to true, the Wizard servlet displays a warning when a wizard uses an unsupported command, such as an MQL dialog scripting command. When set to false, the default, the Wizard servlet ignores unsupported commands and gives no feedback. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.frame.warn.unsupported</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </context-param> Western European languages If you are having problems with displaying accent marks in any ENOVIA product, add the following to web.xml in the properties section: <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>com.matrixone.servlet.MimeType1</ param-name> <param-value>txt,text/plain; charset=UTF-8</ param-value> </context-param> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 293 Language Parameter ematrix.encoding This parameter specifies the character set encoding and should be set to UTF-8. <context-param id="ContextParam_#"> <param-name>ematrix.encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </context-param> </context-param> ematrix.xml When you run the WAR Utility, by default a SERVER_INSTALL\distrib\ directory is created on the server that contains the following: Ear Ear War War file directory file directory However, most configurations do not require all four artifacts. The ematrix.xml file is used by the WAR Utility as the ANT build script and can be configured to indicate what will be needed. Three properties control what is needed: <property name="createstaticzip" value="true"/> <property name="createearfile" value="true"/> <property name="staticcontentinwar" value="true"/> These properties can be set to either “true” or “false” (case sensitive). If removed or commented out, the value is false. Using a Web server in addition to an application server Many enterprise environments use a WWW server fronting the application server. This is the default topology in WebSphere. In this environment, ideally the WWW server should handle all of the static content and the WAR file shouldn't even contain the static content. You can remove the “staticcontentinwar” property (setting to false does not disable it), keeping “createstaticzip” set to true, and the static content will be separated from the WAR file. You will also need to update your application server setting for file serving prior to running the WAR Utility. To move static content out of the war file 1. In ematrix.xml remove, comment out, or set to “false”, the staticcontentinwar property. For example: <!-- <property name="staticcontentinwar" value="true"/> --> 2. Disable file serving in the application server. For WebSphere, this is disabled in ibm-web-ext.xmi by resetting: fileServingEnabled="true" to: fileServingEnabled="false" This change affects what is placed in plugin-cfg.xml, which governs which requests the WWW server handles and which ones the application server handles. 3. Run the WAR Utility, as described in Building the J2EE Archive File. 294 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Application servers using the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server without a Web server If you are not using a WWW server to front your application server, there is no need to create a static zip file or an ear file. You can remove the properties “createstaticzip” and “createearfile” from ematrix.xml to create only a war directory (and a war file). This will reduce the time to run the WAR Utility and the disk space used. To create a war file only 1. Remove or comment out the properties “createstaticzip” and “createearfile” from ematrix.xml. For example: <!-- <property name="createstaticzip" value="true"/> --> <!-- <property name="createearfile" value="true"/> --> 2. Run the WAR Utility, as described in Building the J2EE Archive File. You will be prompted for the context root. Framework.properties By default, the framework.properties file includes only the following entries, to be used for program debugging: # # # # ematrix.origin.trace=false ematrix.debug=false ematrix.ftp.debug=false ematrix.fcs.debug=false Servlet definitions have been removed from this file and are now defined in web.xml. ematrix.origin.trace Set to true to trace all servlets, jsps, and JPOs executed on the server. This enables tracing globally for all context objects created. Be sure the path to framework.properties is in your classpath, (which should already be the case for the Live Collaboration Server). ematrix.debug Set to true to turn on debugging output from the ENOVIA Live Collaboration servlets. The output will be written to a log file that captures stdout. The default is false. ematrix.ftp.debug Set to true to turn on debugging output from FTP. The output will be written to the server’s stdout. The default is false. ematrix.fcs.debug Set to true to turn on debugging output from FCS. The output will be written to the server’s stdout. The default is false. Application Server Files When the Live Collaboration Server is installed with WebLogic, the following lines are added to weblogic.xml: <jsp-descriptor> <jsp-param> <param-name>workingDir</param-name> <param-value>WEBAPPNAME/generated</param-value> </jsp-param> </jsp-descriptor> Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 295 The workingDir parameter is the directory used to store compiled JSPs. This change allows multiple webapps to be deployed and guarantee that name conflicts do not occur between them. Consult your application server’s documentation for other parameters that you may want to change before running the WAR Utility. 296 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Building the J2EE Archive File This section describes how to run the WAR Utility on the UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms. The WAR Utility may take several minutes to run, depending on your machine’s processor and the size of the staging directory. The dos window no longer appears during the WAR Utility run and remains hidden. Running the WAR Utility on UNIX or Linux If adding an application or re-running the WAR Utility for any reason, delete the contents of the SERVERHOME/distrib/ directory before starting. To run the WAR Utility for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installations on UNIX or Linux 1. Stop the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server processes. 2. Change directory to SERVERHOME/ematrixwarutil/. 3. Run ./war_setup. 4. Enter the SERVERHOME directory path. This is the path where you installed the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 5. Enter the name of your web application. This is the web application name known to your J2EE server. 6. Enter the directory where the Java Development Kit is installed. You see a message that the system is copying files. When finished, EAR and WAR files are created in the distrib/ subdirectory of the SERVERHOME directory. Running the WAR utility on Windows If you selected "J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives)" as the deployment option when installing the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, the WAR utility is installed under the SERVER_INSTALL\ematrixwarutil\ directory, and a Start ENOVIA Live Collaboration WAR Utility shortcut is created in the Dassault Systemes Software V6R2011x program folder on the Start menu to launch the WAR Utility script. To run the ENOVIA Live Collaboration WAR utility 1. Select the Start ENOVIA Live Collaboration WAR Utility shortcut from the Start > Programs menu. Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 297 An interactive console appears presenting three prompts, each with its own default value. For example: • Enter Collaboration Server installation directory path [C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server]? • Enter the name of your web application [enovia]? • Enter the directory where the Java Development Kit has been installed [C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_19]? 2. To change any item, type the desired information at the respective prompt. To accept the default value, simply press Enter without typing any letter. The WAR Utility creates the EAR AND WAR files are created in the distrib\ subdirectory of the SERVER_INSTALL directory. 298 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Deploying the J2EE Archive File After you run the WAR Utility to create the J2EE archive files, you use the J2EE application server to deploy it. Choose the deployment procedure below for your J2EE server and platform. An application server can only deploy one ENOVIA .war file (ematrix.war for example). You can install as many ENOVIA applications as you would like before you run the WAR Utility to create the .war file. If you decide to install a second set of ENOVIA applications, you cannot use this application server to deploy this second .war file. In order to deploy this second .war file, you must install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server (with an application server) again and use this second application server to deploy it. Other non-ENOVIA .war files can be deployed by an application server that has already deployed an ENOVIA .war file. Deploying on WebSphere To deploy using WebSphere (UNIX and Windows) 1. Start your WebSphere server. For example: ../IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start ../IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/startServer.sh server1 2. Start a browser and access http://SERVER_NAME:9060/ibm/console Login so that the changes you make are attributed to you. 3. Expand Applications and click Install New Application. If you have previously deployed the ENOVIA application and need to update it, click Enterprise Applications and then click ematrix in the list of installed applications. 4. If your browser is on the server machine, select Local File System. Otherwise, select Remote File System. Click the Browse button next to your selection and browse to the path for your ear file. Select the ear file and click Open. 5. Once the page has updated select Show me all installation options and parameters and click Next. 6. Continue clicking Next until you get to Step 2: Map modules to servers. 7. On Step 2, select the module (such as ematrix) and continue to click Next until you reach Step 6: Map virtual hosts for Web Modules. 8. On Step 6, select the (such as ematrix) and continue to click Next until you reach the summary page. Then click Finish. 9. When the process finishes, you see a message stating “Application ematrix installed successfully.” For first time deployment click the Manage Applications link to continue editing. If you are updating your deployment click “Save to Master Configuration” link. 10. If not already on the page for Enterprise Applications > ematrix, click Enterprise Applications and then click ematrix in the list of applications. 11. Scroll down and click on the Class Loading and update detection link under the Detailed Properties section. 12. Scroll down to WAR Classloader Policy. Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 299 13. Select Class loader for each WAR file in application (if not already selected). Click the Apply button. 14. When the next page is displayed, click the Save link at the top of the page and then click the Save button. 15. Expand Servers then click on Web Server. Select your web server and click on Propagate Plug-in. This will generate the plugin-cfg.xml file and the new web application description will be part of the file. 16. For first time deployment, start the application by clicking Enterprise Applications, selecting the checkbox in front of ematrix, and clicking the Start button. 17. If using Matrix Web Navigator, open the httpd.conf file in IBMHttpServer/ conf and comment out the following lines, as shown below: #AfpaEnable #AfpaCache on #AfpaLogFile "C:\IBMHttpServer/logs/afpalog" V-ECLF 18. Move static pages to the web server by copying the WEBAPPNAME_static.zip file from the SERVERHOME/distrib/ directory to the doc root of your web server. For example: ematrix_static.zip 19. Unzip WEBAPPNAME_static.zip in the doc root. The /ematrix directory is created. 20. Add an entry for the new directories in plugin-cfg.xml in WEBSPHEREHOME\AppServer\config\cells\ . For example: <default_host_server1_host_Cluster_URIs"> <Uri Name="/ematrix/*/*.jsp"/> <Uri Name="/ematrix/servlet/*"/> <Uri Name="/ematrix/common/*"/> <Uri Name="/ematrix/*"/> Add this entry under <UriGroup Name=>. 21. Stop and restart the server. Deploying on WebLogic To deploy using WebLogic (UNIX and Windows) 1. Start your WebLogic server. 2. Launch a supported browser and go to: http://HOSTNAME:7001/console 3. Type your Username and Password, then click Log In. 4. On the main screen, click Configure applications under Information and Resources. 5. If Install is grayed out, click Lock & Edit on the Summary of Deployments page. 6. Click Install under Deployments. 7. Navigate to the location of the EAR file. Select ematrix.ear and click Next. 8. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next. 9. Click Next in the Optional Settings screen. 300 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 10. Select No, I will review the configuration later under Additional configuration, then click Finish. 11. When you return to the Summary of Deployments, click Activate Changes. 12. Once the changes have been saved, select the checkbox for ematrix. Choose Servicing all requests under Start, then click Yes to continue. 13. Logout of the WebLogic administration console. Deploying on Sun Java System Application Server The Sun Java System Application Server deployment is only for UNIX platform. On Sun Java System Application Server, the enovia.war file is your web application’s war file. If you re-deploy the enovia.war file, you should first remove the existing war file. To deploy using Sun Java System Application Server (UNIX only) 1. Change the directory to /app/SUNWappserver7/bin. 2. Type asadmin. 3. Stop the server by typing stop-appserv. 4. Deploy the ear file by typing: deploy --user admin_user --password admin_password /app/ RMI_INSTALL/distrib/ematrix.ear 5. Restart the Sun Java System Application Server server by typing start-appserv. To remove the enovia.war file 1. On the UNIX command line, type the following: undeploy --user admin_user --password admin_password WEB_APP_NAME For example, the WEB_APP_NAME might be ematrix. 2. Stop and restart the Sun Java System Application Server. Tips for using Sun Java System Application Server Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE • The Sun Java System Application Server can be started and stopped using the following commands: start-appserv stop-appserv • Log files are located in /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/server1/logs and /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/admin-server/logs • To connect from a browser, use the following URL: http://HOSTNAME:PORT/enovia/common/emxNavigator.jsp 301 Deploying on Tomcat Tomcat does not require a deployment process. Instead, you only need to copy the .war file to the web application directory. To deploy using Tomcat • Copy enovia.war from /SERVERHOME/distrib/ to /app/<Jakarta-TomCat>/webapps/. To startup/shutdown Tomcat • To startup Tomcat, use startup.sh, which is found in the /app/tomcat/bin directory. • To shutdown Tomcat, use shutdown.sh, which is found in the /app/tomcat/ bin directory. To view Tomcat log files View the catalina.out file under /app/tomcat/logs. To undeploy using Tomcat To undeploy, you delete the web application directory (e.g., ematrix) found under the /app/tomcat_install/webapps directory. 1. Stop Tomcat by using shutdown.sh. 2. Delete the web application directory under the /app/tomcat_install/ webapps directory. This is usually called ematrix. 302 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Starting the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server When the Server is configured for RIP, just start the application server and ENOVIA Live Collaboration is available as needed. When the RMI daemon (standalone) or gateway is installed, use rmireg.bat on Windows or rmireg.sh on UNIX to start the server. You can stop the server on UNIX by running rmireg.sh -stop. Note that before the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is started, you must start the database, HTTP server, and application server. Chapter 10: Deploying J2EE 303 304 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 11 Installing the Documentation ENOVIA Live Collaboration Documentation The user’s guides for ENOVIA Live Collaboration are installed in PDF format and delivered in the ENOVIALiveCollaborationDocumentation-VERSION zip file. The administrator’s guides are delivered with the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform product in the ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformDocumentation-VERSION zip file. Both zip files are delivered as a Windows distribution only and can be installed on a Windows machine and then copied to a UNIX machine. Installing the PDF Files The following guides are installed with each zip file: ENOVIA Live Collaboration: • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Application Exchange Framework User’s Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Metrics User’s Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Common Components User’s Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Matrix Navigator Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Team User’s Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • ENOVIA 3DVIA Viewer User’s Guide 305 ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform: • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Application Development Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Matrix Navigator Guide • ENOVIA Live Collaboration Schema Reference Guide • ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Business Modeler Guide • ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform MQL Guide • ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Programming Guide • ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform System Manager Guide To install the online help files on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip files from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. 3. Unzip the first file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome screen, click Next. 5. Enter a Destination Folder for the online help files. You can accept the default folder or choose a different folder. The default folder for the Studio Modeling Platform documentation is StudioModelingPlatformHelp. The default folder for the Live Collaboration documentation is LiveCollaborationHelp. Click Next. 6. Choose a Program Folder. Click Next. The online help files are installed. 7. Click Finish to exit setup. 8. If required, install the second zip file using the same procedure. After you install the PDFs, you can choose to make them available online by manually changing settings in the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform. Refer to Customizing Help for more information. Uninstalling the Online Help Files The PDFs can be entirely removed by using the Add or Remove Programs option from the Control Panel. To uninstall online help files 1. From the Control Panel, navigate to the Add or Remove Programs option. 2. Locate the ENOVIA documentation you wish to uninstall and click Remove. The documentation is uninstalled. 306 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Customizing Help Administrators may customize the options available under the Help menu of the thick client applications by setting several environment variables in the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform (previously matrix.ini). These variables are grouped by their usage. Application help variables specify what documents are to be available from each application. Document help variables specify for each document what will appear in the application’s Help menu, the name of the file to open, and optionally, what viewer application to use to read the file. Administrators may also add their own help files, providing pertinent information to users that is specific to their implementation. Application Help Variables The first group of variables stand for the thick client applications: Matrix Navigator, Business Modeler, System Manager, and MQL. These variables list the document help variables which are to be included as menu items in the various applications. Document help variables are also defined in the enovia.ini file. MX_HELP_MATRIX=MX_HELP_MATRIX_USER MX_HELP_BUSINESS=MX_HELP_BUSINESS_USER,MX_HELP_MQL_USER MX_HELP_SYSTEM=MX_HELP_SYSTEM_USER,MX_HELP_INSTALLATION,MX_HELP_MQL_USER MX_HELP_MQL=MX_HELP_MQL_USER Document Help Variables The variables referenced above are then defined with the text which is to appear in the Help menu followed by the fully qualified help file name. Windows platforms take advantage of file associations, so executable information is not necessary. Adobe Acrobat is required to view PDFs. MX_HELP_MATRIX_USER=On Matrix,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIALiveCollaborationMatrixNavigatorGuide-{VERSION}.pdf MX_HELP_BUSINESS_USER=On Business,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformBusinessModelerGuide-{VERSION}. pdf MX_HELP_SYSTEM_USER=On System,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformSystemManagerGuide-{VERSION}.pdf MX_HELP_MQL_USER= On MQL,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformMQLGuide-{VERSION}.pdf MX_HELP_INSTALLATION=On Installation,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIALiveCollaborationInstallationGuide-{VERSION}.pdf Note that a comma but no space separates the menu text from the file launching information. If provided, there must be a space (but no comma) between the executable and file name. Directories and file names may NOT contain spaces. If only the Matrix Navigator Help is appearing, the DOC_INSTALL_DIR may be pointing to the Live Collaboration documentation. Modify the directory to point to the Studio Modeling Platform documentation. For example, if you added the following entries to the ini file: MX_HELP_MATRIX=MX_HELP_MATRIX_USER,MX_HELP_BUSINESS_USER,MX_HELP_SYSTEM_USER,MX_H ELP_MQL_USER,MX_HELP_INSTALLATION Chapter 11: Installing the Documentation 307 MX_HELP_MATRIX_USER=On Matrix,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIALiveCollaborationMatrixNavigatorGuide-{VERSION }.pdf MX_HELP_BUSINESS_USER=On Business,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformBusinessModelerGuide-{ VERSION}.pdf MX_HELP_SYSTEM_USER=On System,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformSystemManagerGuide-{VERS ION}.pdf MX_HELP_MQL_USER= On MQL,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIAStudioModelingPlatformMQLGuide-{VERSION}.pdf MX_HELP_INSTALLATION=On Installation,{DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\PDF\ENOVIALiveCollaborationInstallationGuide-{VERS ION}.pdf You would see this in the Matrix Navigator help menu: Specifying the Help Viewer Application If you want to specify the application to use to view the files, the full path and file name of the executable must be put before the help file path, with a space between the two. There should be no space before the viewer information, just a comma. For example: MX_HELP_MATRIX_USER=On Matrix,c:\acrobat\AcroRd32.exe {DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\pdf\ENOVIALiveCollaborationMatrixNavigatorGuide-V6R2011.pdf Adding Custom Help Files If you want to add custom help files to any of the menus, create new variables and then reference them in the applicable application’s variable. For example, to add an attribute description file named attribute.htm to the Business Modeler help menu, use: MX_HELP_BUSINESS=MX_HELP_BUSINESS_USER,MX_HELP_MQL_USER,MX_HELP_ATTRIBS MX_HELP_ATTRIBS=On Attributes, {DOC_INSTALL_DIR}\attributes.htm Of course, the additional file will have to be placed in the directory specified as DOC_INSTALL_DIR. 308 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 12 Installing Matrix Web Navigator Web Navigator Installation Matrix Web Navigator provides access to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database using popular Web browsers. Its user interface is nearly identical to that of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Matrix Navigator application. Before installing the Java applet, be sure the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is operational. When installing Web Navigator, the archived class files (.cab and .jar) are first installed on the Web server. Users may then access the application with the a supported browser. Before using a new version of Web Navigator, you should remove old versions completely as described in Removing Web Navigator. Installing Web Navigator on UNIX Use the procedure below to install Web Navigator on a UNIX server. Before installing the software make sure you know: • The path for the Web server document root directory • The port number for the server To install Web Navigator on UNIX 1. Remove any previously-installed versions of Web Navigator. Refer to Removing Web Navigator for more information. 309 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup The following menu is displayed: Primary Setup Menu for PLATFORM on HOSTNAME as username 1. Setup Web Navigator Software 2. Remove Web Navigator Installation 9. Exit Setup 3. Select Option 1 to perform automatic setup of Web Navigator. 4. Setup prompts for the distribution path: Enter distribution directory path []? 5. Setup asks for the path where you installed the Live Collaboration server: J2EE deployment - Enter eMatrixServletRMI installation directory path. 6. Make sure you did not receive any error messages during the install. Installing Web Navigator on Windows Use the procedure below to install Web Navigator on a Windows Web server. Before installing the software, make sure you know: • The path for the Web server document root directory • The port number for the server Installing Web Navigator on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome screen, click Next. 5. Next specify the directory where you have installed the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 6. Now Setup asks you to review the settings you have made and gives you the opportunity to make any changes by selecting Back and re-entering the information. Click Next to begin copying files. 310 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setting up for Web Navigator Access After installation of Web Navigator, the following Web pages are available: • MatrixAppletXML.jsp page displays a Start Matrix button, which starts the Java applet for Web Navigator. When users connect for the first time, the supported version of Sun’s JVM (if needed), as well the ENOVIA applet, are downloaded to the client machine and saved. The JVM caches the code so, for subsequent connections, the applet is only downloaded when the jar file is updated (no special plugin is needed). If a new plugin is required, (either wrong version or none at all), users are redirected to Sun’s site, which asks the user if they would like to update the Java plugin. This is required before using Web Navigator. • MatrixAppletWizardXML.jsp page uses a parameter that specifies a wizard name, causing the wizard to launch automatically when the html page is loaded. The wizard may be optionally embedded within the page, instead of popping the wizard frames outside of the page. Embedded wizards provide a similar look and feel to a Web program, and may therefore seem more familiar to users than a wizard that is spawned from the page. To embed a wizard within a page, add the following parameters to the Web page that launches the wizard: • The Wizard parameter’s value must be set to the name of the wizard to execute. • The ShowWindow parameter must be set to false to have the wizard embedded in the page. Removing the parameter from the html page causes the wizard to execute in a separate window. • Optionally, set the AutoStart parameter is true to set context using the User and Password parameters. If AutoStart is set to false, the session context dialog box appears. If a user gets to the MatrixAppletWizardXML.jsp page after already logging in using the mxLogin.jsp and the login servlet, the Password parameter need not be set. • The parameters for size must have values large enough to hold the wizard frames. Width and height values are in pixels. If the size is not sufficient for the wizard, vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars are be provided. If you set up your Web server just for Web Navigator, choose one of these pages as the default (index) page. Otherwise, add links to these pages as needed, from any of the Web pages currently on your server. Access these files from: http:// <hostname>:<portnumber>/<webappname>/WebClient/ For example, to start Web Navigator you might go to: http://acmeserver:7001/matrix/WebClient/MatrixAppletXML.jsp. You can customize these pages by adding parameters. For example, you could change the protocol to https: (secure http) on any of the pages. For a complete list of parameters that you can add, refer to Configuring Web Navigator, below. Configuring for download of Sun JVM If Sun’s JVM is not installed, by default your users need internet access and must be able to download files through any proxy servers that may be in place. If your users will not Chapter 12: Installing Matrix Web Navigator 311 have access to the internet, you can override the URL for redirection by using any of the following settings in web.xml: ematrix.win.plugin ematrix.sunos.plugin ematrix.hp-ux.plugin ematrix.mac.plugin ematrix.aix.plugin Refer to Web.xml in Chapter 10 for details. Also make sure your Sun JVM cache size is large enough to make the downloadable jar somewhat persistent, otherwise unnecessary reloads may effect performance when accessing the page. Installing the Public Security Key A public key is available from CustomerLink that is supported by Web Navigator, as well as other applets delivered via applications or integrations by ENOVIA. When this in place, the security certificate warning window will not be displayed. This key needs to be installed on all client machines or the security window will be displayed. Refer to User Startup for details. Configuring Web Navigator The pages used to start Web Navigator can be customized as required, by adding parameters. All parameters that can be passed to the Live Collaboration server are described below. The provided pages use javascript to generate pages and parameters use the following syntax: props.put("PARAMNAME", "VALUE"); If you will use custom applets, your pages may use one of the following formats: <PARAM name="NAME" value="VALUE"> document.writeln("<param name='NAME' value='VALUE'>"); Complete Parameter List Parameter Name Description/Value ADKTrace When set to true, Web Navigator will generate a stacktrace that is passed as a parameter whenever the applet calls into the kernel. This allows the information to be logged in order to troubleshoot problematic code. Refer to Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Facility in Chapter 21 for details. Autostart Automatically starts the applet (or wizard) without having to press the start button (no start button is displayed). The applet autostarts if this parameter is found on the page—its value (true or false) is ignored. If the user and password parameters are also included, the applet or wizard uses them to set context. Otherwise, the set context dialog box is displayed. 312 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Parameter Name Description/Value CacheFormsOnTypes When set to true, Web Navigator will more efficiently handle the list of forms associated with a type and keep it for the duration of the applet session. The default is false, which means a separate server call is made EACH time you use the right-mouse button on any object. You should set CacheMethodsOnTypes to the same value as this. CacheMethodsOnTypes When set to true, Web Navigator will more efficiently handle the list of methods associated with a type and keep it for the duration of the applet session. The default is false, which means a separate server call is made EACH time you use the right-mouse button on any object. You should set CacheFormsOnTypes to the same value as this. CheckinAppend A toggle switch for the checkin options, append or replace. The default is false, which means that existing files are replaced by newly checked-in files. This setting overrides the setting in the Preferences dialog. CheckinUnlock Tells Web Navigator if objects should be unlocked after files are checked into it. The default is false. This setting overrides the setting in the Preferences dialog. CheckoutLock Tells Web Navigator if objects should be locked after files are checked out of it. The default is false. This setting overrides the setting in the Preferences dialog. defaultwizardfont Used to define the font used for wizard widgets that have no font defined. Refer to Defining Default Fonts on the Web for more information. DisableMultipleWizards Prevents multiple wizards from running concurrently in the same Web Navigator session. When set to “true,” only one wizard can execute at a time. If the user attempts to execute a second wizard, the following message displays: Multiple concurrent Wizards have been disabled. If set to “false” or if the parameter is not present, multiple wizards can be run concurrently. EnableEnhancedFCS If set to true, FCS is enabled for Web Navigator. The default is false. Refer to the System Manager Guide for more information. ForceFileModes If set to true, Users will not be able to override the settings of CheckinAppend, CheckinUnlock, or CheckoutLock in either the checkin/checkout or preferences dialogs. The default is false. Host Value is localhost for Windows or the actual hostname for UNIX Web servers. LAF Sets the look and feel of the applet. Valid values are windows, metal, or CDE/Motif. If not set, Windows platforms use windows, UNIX uses CDE/Motif. Chapter 12: Installing Matrix Web Navigator 313 Parameter Name Description/Value Language Controls which java resource bundle translation is used to display the menus, windows, and errors of the applet. It is also used to display schema definitions in another language, if the setting matches a defined language alias. This setting overrides the language set in the client’s native locale. For example, when using the following on the Start Matrix page: <PARAM name="Language" value="fr"> the applet’s windows are displayed in French, and the fr aliases for administrative objects will be displayed for all clients. Valid values are: en (for English), fr (for French), de (for German), it (for Italian), ja (for Japanese), tw (for traditional Chinese), cn (for simplified Chinese) and ko (for Korean). These abbreviations must be lowercase. Translations are provided only for the languages listed above. The language parameter (and defined alias) must be a valid ISO Language Code. These codes are the lower-case two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as: http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt If you set the language parameter to an ISO value for which there is no java resource bundle translation (such as sv for Swedish), Web Navigator will be displayed in English, but the administrative objects will be displayed in the language specified, assuming these aliases exist. To enable a non-ISO alias (such as if you have schema aliases for manufacturing vs. engineering), set MX_ALIASNAME_PREFERENCE property on each user that requires it. MinTableCellHeight Sets the maximum height of a table cell in number of lines. The default value depends on the view mode of the table, as indicated below: MinTableCellHeight default values of View Modes View Mode Default Value view by name 1 line (always uses 1 line, no matter what value is set) view by icon 3 lines (1 each for type name and revision) view by image as large as required. If MinTableCellHeight is set to too small a value, such as if set to 2 and the view mode is by icon, the default value is used. MultiFileCheckinEnabled 314 Allows multiple files to be checked in in one operation. The default is false, which means that multiple file checkin is not allowed. When enabled, a different File Chooser is launched from the Browse.... button on the Checkin Dialog. This file chooser allows the selection of multiple files. However, the alternate file chooser has two minor limitations: • file details/icons buttons do not work - you cannot show file dates. • only default file icons are shown, rather than icons associated with file types. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Parameter Name Description/Value Password Password may optionally be provided for login purposes. Used in conjunction with the User parameter. Protocol Set to http or https. Server Value defaults to bos. If more than one server is running on a single server, they may be named, and this parameter should be set accordingly. ShowWindow Determines whether the wizard is embedded into the html page (in which case, value is false) or if a separate window is displayed. Defaults to true, which displays a separate wizard window. If you want to change the value back to the default of true, remove the parameter from the page entirely. StartLabel May be set to anything to let the user specify the text for the Start Matrix button, if a button is displayed. TableRowChunkSize Sets the number of Oracle table rows (each row corresponding to one business object) to be retrieved in each data chunk when expanding in details mode.After all the chunks have been loaded, Web Navigator displays the business objects in the indented table. The default is 100. Increasing the value may improve performance of expands in details mode. User User may be passed for login purposes. If not passed, the Set Context dialog box displays. Wizard Value must be changed to the name of the wizard to be launched. Additional information on passing parameters via an HTML page is available in the Programming Guide. Defining Default Fonts on the Web Optionally, fonts may be specified in wizards and cues. When these are displayed on the Web, by default they are mapped to their closest font “family.” For those wizard components that are defined with no font specified, an HTML parameter may be added to a page that lets a default font be defined for all Web clients. The DefaultWizardFont parameter can be added to the Web page with on of the following values: • FONTFAMILY-STYLE-POINTSIZE • FONTFAMILY-POINTSIZE • FONTFAMILY-STYLE • FONTFAMILY WHERE: FONTFAMILY is the virtual font name used by Java in the font.properties file to map to a physical font. Its value may be: dialog, dialoginput, serif, sanserif,or monospaced. STYLE may be one of the following:PLAIN, BOLD, BOLDITALIC, or ITALIC. The default is PLAIN. POINTSIZE is a decimal representation of the font point size. The default is 12. For example, the following can be added to the ematrixapplet.jsp page: <PARAM name="DefaultWizardFont" value="dialog-italic-8"> Chapter 12: Installing Matrix Web Navigator 315 If this parameter is not added to the page, wizard components defined with no font are displayed using the dialog font family. font.properties File Java fonts are defined in one of the font.properties files located in /System32/ lib for Internet Explorer. There may be several versions of the font file (such as font.properties.ja for Japanese) in support of the various character sets used across the world. The appropriate file is loaded based on the machine’s locale the first time Java is launched by the browser. The font.properties file contains definitions of the five FONTFAMILY variables, each with five font options specified. A portion of the default font.properties file is shown below: dialog.0=Arial,ANSI_CHARSET dialog.1=Bitstream Cyberbit, DEFAULT_CHARSET dialog.2=MS Gothic,SHIFTJIS_CHARSET dialog.3=WingDings,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED dialog.4=Symbol,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED dialoginput.0=Courier New,ANSI_CHARSET dialoginput.1=Bitstream Cyberbit,DEFAULT_CHARSET dialoginput.2=MS Gothic,SHIFTJIS_CHARSET dialoginput.3=WingDings,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED dialoginput.4=Symbol,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED serif.0=Times New Roman,ANSI_CHARSET serif.1=Bitstream Cyberbit,DEFAULT_CHARSET serif.2=MS Gothic,SHIFTJIS_CHARSET serif.3=WingDings,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED serif.4=Symbol,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED sansserif.0=Arial,ANSI_CHARSET sansserif.1=Bitstream Cyberbit,DEFAULT_CHARSET sansserif.2=MS Gothic,SHIFTJIS_CHARSET sansserif.3=WingDings,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED sansserif.4=Symbol,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED monospaced.0=Courier New,ANSI_CHARSET monospaced.1=Bitstream Cyberbit,DEFAULT_CHARSET monospaced.2=MS Gothic,SHIFTJIS_CHARSET monospaced.3=WingDings,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED monospaced.4=Symbol,SYMBOL_CHARSET,NEED_CONVERTED The browser attempts to use the font specified as option 0 first, and if it is unavailable proceeds on to option 1, and so on until option 4. The font settings in this file can be changed, however, changes affect ALL Java programs. For a more complete explanation of the font.properties files, see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/intl/ fontprop.html. 316 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide User Startup Once the Web server, Live Collaboration server, and Web Navigator are installed, Web users should be notified of the URL for the page that contains the Start Matrix button. For example: http://acmeserver:7001/enovia/WebClient/MatrixAppletXML.jsp. Clients can then begin working with the database over the Internet. When users load Web Navigator (that is, click Start Matrix) for the first time, the Web browser first attempts to download the correct version of Sun’s Java Runtime Environment if needed. Users are asked to confirm that they wish to install the JRE, and then to accept the License agreement. When the JRE install finishes, users must restart the browser. On Internet Explorer you are not prompted for a restart. Once you restart and return to the URL, before the Start button becomes available a security warning is displayed. Web browsers only allow special Java “signed” programs to have read or write access to a user’s hard disk. Selecting Yes allows Web Navigator to be run. You can avoid this warning by installing the public key that is available from CustomerLink. This key is supported by Web Navigator, as well as other applets delivered via applications or integrations by ENOVIA. When this in place, the security certificate warning window will not be displayed. To install the public key on Windows 1. Download the MatrixOne.csr file from Customerlink. 2. From the Windows Control Panel, double click Java Plugin. 3. From the Certificates tab, with Signed Applet selected, click Import and browse to select the MatrixOne.csr file. Click Open. 4. Click Apply. 5. Restart the browser and ENOVIA Applets will no longer display the security warning window. Chapter 12: Installing Matrix Web Navigator 317 Removing Web Navigator Before using a new version of Web Navigator, you should remove old versions completely. Removing Web Navigator components from Web clients 1. Remove Swing from each client Swing was installed on using one of the methods below: • Deinstall Swing via the Add/Remove Programs option in the Control Panel. • From the System icon of Control Panel, use the Environment tab to delete any reference to swingall.jar in CLASSPATH, if any. If there is a reference, search for and delete the swingall.jar file. Version 10.5 does not include Swing classes. 2. Remove previous versions of MQLTCL from each client mqltcl was installed on using one of the methods below: • Deinstall MQLTCL via the Add/Remove Programs option in the Control Panel. • Search for wish80.exe. If it exists, and is located in the mqltcl install directory, remove the entire directory. • From the System icon of Control Panel use the Environment tab to delete the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY environment variables. MQLTcl is no longer supported or packaged with the LiveCollaborationWebNavigator tarkit. The “MQLTcl83 Extension for Matrix Web Navigator” link is removed from the web client. 3. Clear disk and memory caches via the respective browser's cache clearing menu picks on all clients that used previous versions of Web Navigator. 4. Search all drives for *.jar and *.cab. Delete any cab or jar versions of matrix, mxplugin, or swing which are in ENOVIA_INSTALL or browser cache directories. 5. Reboot before starting the new install. If the Studio Customization Toolkit is installed on this machine and you remove Web Navigator, you will need to re-install the Studio Customization Toolkit. 318 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The Server’s Directory Structure When we add Web Navigator to the server, the following structure is created: Server Install directory | - - - staging | - - - ematrix | - - WebClient | - - - doc | - - -user | - - -pdf | - - - gif | - - - java | - - - classes J2EE staging directory Web application name Client directory Documentation Web page images Java classes for Web Navigator Archived class files for Web Navigator Chapter 12: Installing Matrix Web Navigator 319 320 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 13 Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools Internal vs. External Authentication Internal authentication of users occurs when ENOVIA Live Collaboration authenticates a user by matching the person’s username and password to a person defined in the database. For example, if a user attempts to access an ENOVIA product, such as Engineering Central, and the user has not been authenticated externally, the application presents the ENOVIA product login page. The surname and password entered by the user must match a person defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. ENOVIA Live Collaboration authenticates internally by default so if this is the authentication you want to use, it requires no special setup. External authentication (also referred to as Single Signon or SSO) occurs when the application server or some other tool authenticates a user. The requirements for external authentication differ depending on the tool and configuration used. For example, the requirement could be a certificate ID entered from a security fob, or a surname and password stored in a repository or database (such as an LDAP server). To authenticate externally, the user enters the required information at the login dialog or Web browser page presented by the authentication tool. ENOVIA Live Collaboration receives the information that the user has been authenticated. ENOVIA Live Collaboration supports LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) products that are compliant with the LDAPv3 protocol and is qualified with the following LDAP servers: • openLDAP 321 • iPlanet Directory Server (IDS) In addition, ENOVIA Live Collaboration has a standard way to interface with SSO products that has proven successful with the limited products we have tested. There is no way to qualify all products or even all capabilities within each product; nor can ENOVIA restrict you from using your preferred product, since generally the choice of vendor is a company-wide initiative. Extra “hooks” are provided to allow the flexibility needed to interoperate with most any SSO product you choose. Login Behavior When External Authentication is Used ENOVIA Live Collaboration provides Single Signon when external authentication is used. This means when a user attempts to access ENOVIA Live Collaboration (by logging into an ENOVIA product) after having been authenticated externally, ENOVIA Live Collaboration gives the user access and does not present a separate prompt for login information. If the user is not already defined as a person in the database, ENOVIA Live Collaboration automatically creates a person administrative object to represent the user. ENOVIA Live Collaboration does not attempt to match the surname or password to its database. For example, the user’s password in ENOVIA Live Collaboration may be different from the password set up externally. But if authentication is external, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration password is not used and the password stored with the external authenticator is used instead. Persons created automatically in this way are created as Full, Application users and have all standard person accesses (Read, Modify, Delete, etc.). A restricted password is defined for them using a random hashed value. But this password is not used for authentication. Note that the automatic creation of a person administrative object is not sufficient to successfully access ENOVIA products. These applications require that an identically-named person business object (type Person) also be created and be in an Active state. The Person business object must be connected to an Active company business object with the Employee relationship. Trigger programs can automatically create the necessary business objects and relationships. For information on the exact requirements for logging into the ENOVIA products, see the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide and the Administrator’s Guide for the application. The Application Exchange Framework supports RSA token authentication. When set up, users must enter a secure ID from a security fob to log in. For information, see the Application Exchange Framework User’s Guide. Behaviors to Note Be aware of the following behaviors when using external authentication. 322 • If a user starts the Web version of Matrix Navigator after having been authenticated externally, the user can be re-authenticated internally by using the Set Context option. • If a user starts the Web version of Matrix Navigator after having been authenticated externally, the user can access the Change Password option. The password being changed is the one in ENOVIA Live Collaboration and not the one used for authentication, so it has no effect on authentication. In most cases, the user won't know the ENOVIA Live Collaboration password, which is generated by the system, and therefore cannot make the change. (When using LDAP with external authentication, the system does not allow users to change their password through ENOVIA Live Collaboration client applications.) ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Enabling External Authentication To enable external authentication, the following environment variables are set in enovia.ini for the Live Collaboration Server (or mxEnv.sh or other startup script on UNIX): • MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS— is set to the Java class or JPO to invoke to perform the authentication. If using a JPO for authentication, the class specification should use the ${CLASS:XXX} convention for identifying a Java class stored as a program object. In order to support FDA approvals in an ENOVIA product, you must use the authentication JPO. See the procedures below. The Studio Customization Toolkit contains the following five authentication classes. When creating a custom authentication method, these classes can be used as a starting point. • matrix.util.SingleSignOnAuthentication • matrix.util.BasicAuthentication (Web browser authentication) • matrix.util.ServletAuthentication • matrix.util.PDUserAuthentication • matrix.util.JSSOAuthentication For example, to specify the Java class for basic authentication by the Web browser, you would use this setting: MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS=matrix.util.BasicAuthentication • MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_ARG—An additional parameter to pass to the authentication function, if required. MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_ARG=ARG MX_PAM settings should be enabled for SSO logins only. If the MX_PAM settings are enabled and a user attempts to log in using a non-SSO URL, the login will fail. When SSO is configured, you should remove the emxLogin.jsp page and use the common/ emxNavigator.jsp page to start ENOVIA products. In cases where a user is set up for external authentication but not set up in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database, a splash page will appear stating that they need to contact their administrator to establish their ENOVIA Live Collaboration account. This splash screen is defined by the following parameter in the emxSystem.properties file: emxFramework.ExternalAuthentication.MatrixUserNotFound.Targe tJSP = /common/emxSSONoMatrixUser.jsp If another splash screen is substituted, it must be referenced by the above parameter. The following is a general procedure for integrating with most tools. To enable external authentication with a tool 1. Install and configure the external authentication tool you will be using according to that tool’s documentation. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 323 2. Update your enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini) or startup script, to include the environment variables as listed in the table below. For integrations with: Use this(these) setting(s): Basic authentication by the Web browser MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS=matrix.util.BasicAuthentication Any servlet authentication MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS=matrix.util.ServletAuthentication Other tools MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS=authentication_class MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_ARG=ARG 3. Make sure any jar files used by the external authentication tool are in your CLASSPATH. 4. If you are using an ENOVIA product, you must by-pass the standard login and logout pages, emxLogin.jsp and emxLogout.jsp. Use the following property to define the alternative login/logout page. For more information on using external authentication with ENOVIA Live Collaboration, see the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. ematrix.sso.logout.url=URL_FOR_ALTERNATE_LOGOUT_PAGE Using the Authentication Classes The authentication classes used with ENOVIA Live Collaboration follow all conventions of JPO programming. There must be a constructor with the signature “<init>(Context context, String[] args)” and at least one additional method with the signature “authenticate(Context context, String[] args)”. The constructor is actually called with an empty argument list. The authenticate method will be called with 0 or 1 arguments, depending on whether MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_ARG is set or not. The authenticate method can be used to retrieve the Web client credentials (contained in a java.util.Map) using the call: Map map = context.getCredentials(); The credential map contains all the http headers and cookies received from the client/ server connection at the time authentication is requested. The authenticator may proceed to do its work by either setting context directly with a derived username/password, or by simply returning a username as a string. When a username is returned, the Live Collaboration Server assumes the user has been fully authenticated and sets the database context to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration user of the same name. If the user does not exist in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database, a new user is added to the database (with a randomized initial password setting). Authentication methods can also throw exceptions, and any exception results in a failed login. 324 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The following table lists those elements of the map that will always be set by the Application Exchange Framework: Map Element Set in this way by the framework: HttpServletRequest.remoteUser If available, string containing the username of the requesting user. Either defined on the remote host or defined by the web / application server. HttpServletRequest.authType String containing the authentication credentials. HttpServletRequest.Method String containing the request method (GET, POST, …). HttpServletRequest.URI String containing the complete URI up to the Query_String separator “?”. HttpServletRequest.Protocol String containing the requested protocol HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0, etc. HttpServletRequest.pathInfo String containing the Path_Info, which is extended path information after a Servlet, JSP, or CGI program e.g. /Servlet/checkout/abc.doc where / abc.doc is the Path_Info. HttpServletRequest.contentLength String containing the Content-Length of the request. HttpServletRequest.contentType String containing the Content-Type of the request. HttpServletRequest.serverName Strings contains the name the server has been configured for. HttpServletRequest.serverPort String contains the current port the application server is listening on. HttpServletRequest.remoteAddr If available, this string will contain the IP address of the requesting remote host. HttpServletRequest.remoteHost If available, this string will contain the resolved canonical name of the requesting remote host. HttpServletRequest.Scheme String containing either HTTP or HTTPS. The following is an example of “basic” authentication (actually the source for matrix.util.BasicAuthentication): // BasicAuthentication.java // // Copyright (c) 2002 Dassault Systemes Inc. // All Rights Reserved // This program contains proprietary and trade secret information of // Dassault Systemes, Inc. Copyright notice is precautionary only and does // not evidence any actual or intended publication of such program. // // $Log: BasicAuthentication.java,v $ // // package matrix.util; import java.util.Map; Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 325 import matrix.db.Context; public class BasicAuthentication { public BasicAuthentication(Context context, String[] args) { } public void authenticate(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception { Map map = context.getCredentials(); if (map == null) throw new Exception("no credentials"); String header = (String)map.get("Authorization"); if (header == null) throw new Exception("no authorization header"); String encoded = header.substring(6); byte[] decoded = Mime64.decode(encoded); String decodedString = new String(decoded); int idx = decodedString.indexOf(":"); if (idx <= 0) throw new Exception("malformed header"); String user = decodedString.substring(0, idx); String pass = decodedString.substring(idx+1); context.resetContext(user, pass, ""); } } 326 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Using LDAP with ENOVIA Live Collaboration ENOVIA Live Collaboration integrates with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) services, so you can use an LDAP server as a repository to store information about users. The two LDAP servers tested with ENOVIA Live Collaboration are openLDAP and iPlanet Directory Server (IDS). LDAP is a set of protocols for accessing information directories. The protocols are based on the X.500 standard, but are simpler and support TCP/IP. The LDAP standards are open and therefore any kind of server can host the directories. ENOVIA Live Collaboration integration uses a toolkit from openldap.org (http:// www.openldap.org/) for the underlying access protocols and is compliant with LDAPv3. The integration lets you authenticate users based on the users defined in the LDAP database. The integration also lets you retrieve user information from the LDAP server, including: address, comment, email address, fax, fullname, groups, password, phone, and roles. Limitations Be aware of the following limitations related to the LDAP integration: • External authentication using LDAP integration is not supported for loosely-coupled databases. • LDAP integration is not supported on SGI IRIX or Compaq True 64 operating systems. • The integration works with LDAP version 2 servers, but version 3 features, such as TLS/SSL, will not work when running on a version 2 server. ENOVIA recommends using version 3 servers. • LDAP usernames and passwords can contain special characters, but do not use the following: “ , ‘ * (that is, double quote, comma, single quote, asterisk), since they are used within ENOVIA Live Collaboration as delimiters. The local operating system of the LDAP directory may have further character restrictions. Behaviors to Note • For people who are defined in LDAP, the system uses the LDAP password for authentication. The person’s ENOVIA Live Collaboration password might differ and is not used for authentication. Users who have a DN in LDAP cannot change their ENOVIA Live Collaboration password through any ENOVIA Live Collaboration client application user interface or through the Studio Customization Toolkit. Business Administrators can change ENOVIA Live Collaboration passwords using Business Modeler or MQL but if the person is defined in LDAP, the person will not be able to log in using that password because it’s not the password in the LDAP directory. The person could log in using the LDAP password. LDAP Integration Works for both Types of Authentication You can configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration to integrate with your LDAP server regardless of the type of authentication you are using: either internal or external authentication. LDAP refers to where and how the user information is stored, not the tool that performs the authentication. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 327 LDAP with internal authentication Person defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration? Person defined in LDAP? Person is authenticated? Yes Yes Yes, through LDAP DN Yes No Yes, through ENOVIA Live Collaboration No Yes Configurable using MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE. If TRUE, the system automatically creates the person administration object in ENOVIA Live Collaboration and the person is authenticated. If FALSE, authentication fails. For more information, see Creating person administrator objects. No No No LDAP with external authentication Person defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration? Person defined in LDAP? Person is authenticated? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes The system automatically creates the person administrator object in ENOVIA Live Collaboration and the person is authenticated. (This happens automatically and is not dependent on a variable.) No No No Information Retrieved from LDAP When you configure the integration with LDAP, you specify the information you want to retrieve from the LDAP server. The information falls into three categories: passwords, user information (such as email address, comment, address, fax, etc.), and groups and roles. Each category is handled a little differently, as described below. User passwords If your integration with LDAP includes passwords, users must log in using the password specified in LDAP. This is true for both internal and external authentication and even if the user is defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration with a different or no password. When configuring the integration, you can specify the default cipher used to validate passwords. User information If your integration includes standard user information, such as email address or name, ENOVIA Live Collaboration retrieves the specified user information from LDAP whenever the information is requested (for example, with a print person MQL command). If the information isn’t in the LDAP server, ENOVIA Live Collaboration 328 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide retrieves the information from the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database as usual. ENOVIA Live Collaboration retrieves user information that is not configured to be part of the integration from the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database. For example, suppose your integration includes email address only. If a ENOVIA Live Collaboration application needs to send an email to a person, it gets the email address from LDAP. If LDAP doesn’t have an email address for the person, the application retrieves it from ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If the application needs to get the person’s name, an attribute that’s not part of the integration, it gets it from ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Groups and Roles Mapping roles from LDAP to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration security model lets LDAP provide the associations between persons, groups, and roles, but maintains the lifecycle-based access rights in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If your integration includes groups and/or roles and ENOVIA Live Collaboration needs to retrieve a user’s group/role assignments, it looks for the user’s group/role assignments in the LDAP server. If the user has no assignments in LDAP, ENOVIA Live Collaboration looks for the user’s assignments in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. ENOVIA Live Collaboration grants the person the access rights defined for the group/role in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If the LDAP server assigns a user to a group/role that does not exist in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, ENOVIA Live Collaboration discards the assignment. Using the Group of Names and Group of Unique Names features in LDAP v3, you can assign groups within groups, or roles within roles, in addition to individual users in groups or roles. When configured as described in Retrieving group/role assignments, ENOVIA Live Collaboration recognizes a person as belonging to a higher level group or role if the person is assigned to a group or role within that higher level group or role. For example, suppose an LDAP directory is set up with these groups and user: When configured properly, ENOVIA Live Collaboration will recognize Joe User as belonging to Group1 and Group2 but not Group3. The groups need to be defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration but the hierarchy need only be defined in the LDAP server. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 329 Overview of LDAP Connection Process The ENOVIA Live Collaboration integration with LDAP includes a number of configuration options that let you control how users are authenticated. The main steps performed when a user logs into an ENOVIA Live Collaboration application that is integrated with LDAP are listed below, along with the configuration options available. When MX_LDAP_TRACE =TRUE is included in the ini file/startup scripts, all of these steps are reflected in the trace log. Trace logs for sample configuration are shown in LDAP Sample Settings. For details on the variables listed in this overview, see Integrating ENOVIA Live Collaboration with LDAP. Steps performed when a user logs in or changes context using a password 1. Connect to an LDAP server. ENOVIA Live Collaboration attempts to open a connection to the first host defined in MX_LDAP_HOST variable. If the server does not respond, ENOVIA Live Collaboration attempts to connect to the second host and so on until it successfully connects. If an attempt to connect fails because the settings are not correct for a particular server, the entire bind attempt fails. 2. Initial bind to LDAP. Before the system can search for the user in the LDAP directory, it must make an initial bind. This initial bind can either be anonymous or as a privileged user and is configured using MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, and MX_LDAP_BIND_USER. 3. Search LDAP for the user’s fully qualified Distinguished Name (DN). The search (directory, node, and location within the node) is defined using the values specified for the MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN and MX_LDAP_SEARCH variables. The username entered by the user is substituted for the ${USER} macro in the MX_LDAP_SEARCH variable. There are three types of search results: • If the search finds one DN that contains the username, ENOVIA Live Collaboration stores the DN in the context object for future reference and proceeds to the next step. • If the search finds more than one DN that contains the username (for example, the system administrator accidentally used the same username for two DNs), authentication fails. ENOVIA Live Collaboration notifies the user with an error messages and writes an entry to the error and access logs. • If no DN is found in LDAP and the system is set up for internal authentication, the system looks for the person in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If the person is in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, continue to the next step. If the person is not in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, login fails. When using external authentication, login fails whenever the person is not defined in LDAP. 4. Unbind. 5. Rebind and authenticate user. The MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR variable determines how ENOVIA Live Collaboration performs all subsequent binds (whether the bind is as the named user or using the same method used for initial bind: privileged or anonymous user) and determines how the user is authenticated. If the variable is TRUE, ENOVIA Live Collaboration rebinds using the DN stored in the context object and the password entered by the user. If the variable is FALSE, ENOVIA Live Collaboration rebinds using the values in the MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, 330 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide and MX_LDAP_BIND_USER variables, just as it did for the initial bind. ENOVIA Live Collaboration authenticates the user by validating the user’s LDAP password against the password the user entered. 6. Determine if authenticated user is in ENOVIA Live Collaboration and respond as configured. If the user has a person administrator object that is not Inactive, authentication is complete. If the user does not have a person administrator object in ENOVIA Live Collaboration and the system is set up for internal authentication, MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE determines if ENOVIA Live Collaboration creates a person object. If the variable is true, ENOVIA Live Collaboration creates a person administrator object with the entered username. If the variable is false, authentication fails. When using external authentication, the system always creates a person administrator object. Types of Binding As described in Information Retrieved from LDAP, there are two main stages of binding: an initial binding and rebindings for all subsequent LDAP operations—such as re-authenticating the user, querying LDAP for more information about the user (for example, group information), or getting information about a different user (for example, the user executes a print command for another user). The initial binding can be either as a privileged user or anonymous user and the rebindings can use the same method as the initial binding or can use the named user. MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR determines the rebind method. This table summarizes the methods that can be used for initial binding and rebinding. If Initial Bind Method is: The Rebind Method can be: By defining the initial bind variables as described in Initial bindings to LDAP and setting MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR to: Anonymous User Named User TRUE Anonymous User FALSE Named User TRUE Privileged User FALSE Privileged User Each of the bind methods as they apply to rebinding is described below. • Named User binding—Named user binding means the system performs all rebinds with the DN associated with the entered username and with the entered password. Use this method for rebindings if your LDAP server or security needs require that the user be authenticated directly against the LDAP directory server. • Privileged User binding—Binding as a privileged user means using the DN and password for a specific user for all bindings. This user is usually an administrator who has the ability to access all the attributes of the users or a subset of users who are designated as ENOVIA Live Collaboration users. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 331 • Integrating ENOVIA Live Collaboration with LDAP Anonymous User binding—You might want to configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration to bind as an anonymous user if users are being authenticated externally and you do not want to implement a privileged user just for the purpose of looking up user attributes that are publicly available from the LDAP directory. iPlanet Directory Server (IDS) requires the bind user to have administrative privileges and have access to passwords. Since the anonymous user does not have this access, binding as anonymous user does not work when using IDS. You integrate ENOVIA Live Collaboration with an LDAP server by setting environment variables. Use these variables regardless of the type of authentication you are using (internal or external). On Windows, these variables are set in the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini); on UNIX they are set and exported in the startup scripts. Many of the variables accept macros, such as ${USER} and ${DN}. The descriptions in the following sections list which macros are accepted by each variable and show examples of how to use macros with the variables. The examples are for Windows. On UNIX, add a backslash before macro (\${USER}). If you are using external authentication but you don’t want to integrate with LDAP (you don’t want to retrieve any user information from LDAP, including groups and roles), do not add these variables. This section divides the LDAP variables into these categories: • Connecting to an LDAP server • Using multiple LDAP servers • Initial bindings to LDAP • Subsequent bindings to LDAP (rebinding) • Creating person administrator objects • Searching LDAP • Retrieving person information • Advanced person variables • Retrieving group/role assignments • Generating error and message logs Connecting to an LDAP server MX_LDAP_HOST—the host or hosts running the LDAP server (slapd, nds). You can include the port number with the host name by separating them with a colon. When the port number is included with the host variable, ENOVIA Live Collaboration ignores the MX_LDAP_PORT variable. MX_LDAP_HOST=hostname1:789 If ENOVIA Live Collaboration connects to a server with MX_LDAP_HOST defined as shown above, the resulting trace log would look like: 16:16:22.229 LDAP t@2092 LDAP: init(hostname1,789) As described below in Using multiple LDAP servers, you can specify multiple hosts. Do this by separating the host/port pairs with a space. For example: 332 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MX_LDAP_HOST=hostname1:789 hostname2:389 MX_LDAP_PORT—the port on which the LDAP server is running. If this variable is not included and no port is specified for MX_LDAP_HOST, the default port of 389 is used. MX_LDAP_PORT=789 Using multiple LDAP servers If you have a backup LDAP server available, you can configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration to use check multiple LDAP servers by specifying the hosts in MX_LDAP_HOST. When attempting to bind and multiple host servers are specified: • The system attempts to bind with the first server specified in MX_LDAP_HOST. If the server does not respond (for example, its slapd process is down), the system attempts to bind with the next server and so on until it is able to attempt to authenticate. • If authentication fails for the first server, the system does not attempt to authenticate through the second server and bind fails. If you want to configure referrals, refer to Subsequent bindings to LDAP (rebinding). Initial bindings to LDAP MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, and MX_LDAP_BIND_USER control how the system binds initially to LDAP. These three variables are also used for binding under these conditions: • all subsequent rebinds when MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=FALSE • context changes by a Business Administrator who does not use a password • rebinds when MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE but the system cannot access the DN (for example, the user is defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration only) or password to rebind with the logged in user’s credentials When MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE, these variables are used only for the cases listed in the last two bullets above. For all other logins, the system rebinds as the named user who is logging in (user’s DN and the entered password). Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 333 This table summarizes the methods for binding to LDAP and authenticating. User Operation Initial Bind Password Validation Rebind User who is defined in LDAP logs in or changes context with password Anonymous user or privileged user based on “bind variables”: If MX_LDAP_AUTHENT ICATOR=TRUE, validate user DN and entered password against LDAP directory. If FALSE, validate entered password against password for DN. If MX_LDAP_AUTHEN TICATOR=TRUE, rebind with user DN and entered password. If FALSE, same as initial bind. Business Administrator changes context without password Anonymous user or privileged user based on bind variables. N/A No validation takes place. Same as initial bind. User who is defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration only logs in Anonymous user or privileged user based on “bind variables”: Same as initial bind. Same as initial bind. MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWOR D, MX_LDAP_BIND_USER MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWOR D, MX_LDAP_BIND_USER MX_LDAP_BIND_DN—the Distinguish Name used to bind to the LDAP server. Supports the ${USER} macro. If you are using iPlanet Directory Server (IDS), this name must be an administrative user in IDS. IDS restricts access to the password field on person objects, so ENOVIA Live Collaboration must authenticate to the LDAP directory as an administrator user to access passwords. The specified IDS user must also have access to the organization specified for the search DN. MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD—the password associated with the name entered for MX_LDAP_BIND_DN (or for MX_LDAP_BIND_USER if BIND_DN has the ${USER} macro). The default is null. When a value is specified for this variable, the bind is privileged user and not anonymous. If you specify a password, encrypt it first. When the LDAP trace is enabled, the trace log lists the password as XXXX. See Encrypting the Bind Password. MX_LDAP_BIND_USER—Used only when MX_LDAP_BIND_DN has the ${USER} macro. Specify the name that should be substituted for the macro when using a privileged user binding. You can configure these three variables so when they are used for binding, the bindings are either anonymous or as a privileged user. To bind as an anonymous user • Don’t specify a value for MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="uid=${USER},ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD= MX_LDAP_BIND_USER= When a person attempts to log in, the resulting trace log would look something like this: 20:59:28.208 LDAP t@1796 bind('uid=anonymous,ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net','XXXX',128) 334 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide If you will be using anonymous user for the rebind method as well, keep in mind that the DN defines where in the tree ENOVIA Live Collaboration can search. If you want ENOVIA Live Collaboration to be able to search at the top of the LDAP hierarchy, define the DN with a high point, for example: MX_LDAP_BIND_DN=o=foobar.com This allows ENOVIA Live Collaboration to search the entire tree. If you want to constrain the search, specify a DN that is bound further down in the tree, for example: MX_LDAP_BIND_DN=ou=People,o=foobar.com IDS does not allow anonymous user binds. To bind using a privileged user 1. Specify the DN for the user in the MX_LDAP_BIND_DN. 2. Define the user’s password in MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD. The user needs Read access to the LDAP database but does not require Write access. This user must be able to access the passwords of those users designated as ENOVIA Live Collaboration users. A typical configuration would be as follows: MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=Directory Manager,dc=matrix-one,dc=com" MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD==usIVNfm2 MX_LDAP_BIND_USER= When a person attempts to log in, the resulting trace log would look like this: 16:16:22.229 LDAP t@2092 bind('cn=Directory Manager,dc=matrix-one,dc=com','XXXX',128) MX_LDAP_BIND_USER is only used to specify a name to substitute for a ${USER} macro in MX_LDAP_BIND_DN. For example: MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=${USER},dc=matrix-one,dc=com" MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD==usIVNfm2 MX_LDAP_BIND_USER=Directory Manager Subsequent bindings to LDAP (rebinding) You can configure the integration so the bindings that follow the initial binding are all named, using the credentials of the logged in user, or are the same as the initial bind method (privileged user or anonymous user). For details about the different types of bindings, see Types of Binding. MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR—determines how ENOVIA Live Collaboration performs all rebinds (whether the bind is as the named user, the same privileged user used for the initial bind, or the anonymous user used for the initial bind) and determines how users are authenticated. If the variable is: • TRUE—ENOVIA Live Collaboration rebinds using the DN stored in the context object and the password entered by the user. In this case, LDAP performs the authentication. If the bind is successful, meaning the password matches the password specified for the DN, the user is authenticated and the system proceeds to the next step. If a person’s DN is not defined (for example, the person is defined in ENOVIA Live Collaboration but not defined in LDAP) or the password is empty and the person is a Business Administrator (a password is required to bind successfully for non-Business Administrators), the three ini variables (MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 335 MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, and MX_LDAP_BIND_USER) are used to bind. If the bind is unsuccessful, authentication fails and ENOVIA Live Collaboration makes no further attempts to authenticate. • FALSE—ENOVIA Live Collaboration rebinds using the values in the MX_LDAP_BIND_DN, MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD, and MX_LDAP_BIND_USER variables, just as it did for the initial bind. In this case, ENOVIA Live Collaboration performs the authentication. It searches for the DN matching the entered username and then gets the attributes for the person. ENOVIA Live Collaboration validates the user’s LDAP password against the password the user entered. If the passwords match, the user is authenticated and the system proceeds to the next step. If the passwords don’t match, authentication fails. MX_LDAP_REFERRAL — can be enabled to cause ENOVIA Live Collaboration to make the additional calls that will retrieve the correct LDAP server to complete user authentication. when the initial server issues a referral. If MX_LDAP_REFERRAL=false (the default) only users who are defined in one of the servers specified with MX_LDAP_HOST will be able to bind. If MX_LDAP_REFERRAL=true, all users will be able to bind, whether they are defined in one of the MX_LDAP_HOST servers, or whether they are a referral. The default is false, because it is only necessary in the case where your LDAP hosts are configured to follow referrals, and since it does require additional calls. Creating person administrator objects If the person logging in is authenticated through LDAP but has no matching person admin object in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, you can configure the system to create a person object using MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE. This applies to internal authentication. If you have external authentication, the person admin objects are created automatically and this variable is not needed. MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE—Determines if ENOVIA Live Collaboration creates a person admin object for users who are authenticated in LDAP but do not exist in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If the variable is: • false—Authentication fails and the user is notified with an error message. • true—ENOVIA Live Collaboration creates a person admin object with the entered username and a randomly-generated password. This password is not used for authentication and the person must log in with the LDAP password. The person admin object’s email flag is enabled and IconMail is disabled. The person admin object is only created when the user logs into an ENOVIA Live Collaboration client application, such as MQL, Matrix Navigator for the Web, or an ENOVIA Live Collaboration application. The person admin object is not created when the person logs into Business Modeler or System. Use password triggers to update the newly created person object or create a new person business object as needed. See Using Password Triggers with LDAP. MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE can be used to have the system automatically create person admin objects for any internal authentication implementation, not just LDAP. For example, it could be used in conjunction with password triggers. Searching LDAP These variables define the search commands ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses to query the LDAP directory. 336 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN—the Distinguished Name used to search the server. Defaults to the name specified for MX_LDAP_BIND_DN. If you are using IDS, this name should be the top of the IDS search tree. For OpenLDAP, the default should be used. MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN="dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_SEARCH—the LDAP attribute query string. The string can include the ${USER} macro. For example, the following search string takes the username and passes it in the LDAP ‘uid’ field (Windows): MX_LDAP_SEARCH="(&(objectclass=person)(uid=${USER}))" For example, suppose your search variables are defined with the values shown above for the two variables. When a person with the username “JoeUser” logs in, the resulting search would look like this (this is how the search is logged in the trace log): 20:59:28.224 LDAP t@1796 search('dc=enovia,dc=net','(&(objectclass=person)(uid=JoeUser)) ','*',2) Retrieving person information The following settings specify how ENOVIA Live Collaboration should use LDAP data. If not specified or if the requested person parameter is not populated for a given user in LDAP, the information for that field is retrieved from the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database as if LDAP were not in use. MX_LDAP_COMMENT—attribute or macro for person’s comment. MX_LDAP_PASSWORD—attribute or macro for person’s password. MX_LDAP_PASSWORD2—attribute or macro for person’s secondary password. MX_LDAP_EMAIL—attribute or macro for person’s email. MX_LDAP_FULLNAME—attribute or macro for person’s fullname. MX_LDAP_ADDRESS—attribute or macro for person’s address. MX_LDAP_PHONE—attribute or macro for person’s phone number. MX_LDAP_FAX—attribute or macro for person’s fax number. Advanced person variables MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES—list of LDAP attributes to retrieve for macro expansion. Person attributes, such as “FULLNAME,” are either specified as a single LDAP attribute name or as a macro made up of multiple LDAP attributes. Use the MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES variable to specify which LDAP attributes can be used in macro substitution. The default value is “*”, which makes all LDAP variables available for substitution. In standard LDAP schemas, there's no reason to change this. In a custom LDAP schema, MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTE can be used to limit the amount of information retrieved from LDAP. MX_LDAP_CIPHER—sets the default cipher used to decrypt/validate the data stream coming from LDAP. To secure passwords, you must setup secure protocol for LDAP which means setting up LDAP to use TLS/SSL. Support for TLS/SSL is described below. The supported ciphers are CRYPT, MD5, SHA, SMD5,and SSHA. If this variable is not set, the data stream, including passwords, coming from LDAP are assumed to be clear-text. This setting may be overridden by a prefix stored with passwords in an LDAP directory Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 337 that denotes which cipher should be used for that specific entry. For example, a password entry of “{MD5}vbsaaskaer” means that the encoded password ‘vbsaaskaer’ is to be validated using the MD5 algorithm. Retrieving group/role assignments Groups and roles specified in LDAP must exist (with the same names) in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. If they do not, ENOVIA Live Collaboration cannot use the assignments to control accesses. However, you can maintain the list of persons assigned to the groups and roles only in LDAP, if desired. If a person is assigned to a group in IDS, that person receives all accesses assigned to the group in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. However, if you print or view the group from MQL or Business Modeler, the person will not be listed as belonging to the group. If you print or view the person, the group is listed as one of the person’s assignments. IDS recognizes groups, but not roles. MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH—the query string to use to search for assigned groups. To substitute the person’s LDAP DN when searching for assigned groups, include the ${DN} macro. To substitute the persons username (uid), use the ${USER} macro. For example: MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH="(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(unique member=${DN}))" MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH="(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(unique member=uid=${USER},ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net))" If your LDAP system has group hierarchies, with groups assigned to other groups, and you want ENOVIA Live Collaboration to search all higher level groups when checking group assignments for a person, use the ${DN} macro in MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH. If the ${USER} macro is used instead, ENOVIA Live Collaboration searches only the specified group and does not consider higher-level groups unless the group hierarchy is modeled in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. For example, suppose an LDAP directory has a Group1, which contains Group2. Joe User is assigned to Group2. When MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH is defined using the ${DN} macro, like the first example above, and a user executes this MQL command: print person “Joe User” select isassigned[Group1] The resulting output is TRUE. If a user requests Joe User’s group assignments, only Group2, and not Group1, is listed. Using the same scenario but with MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH defined using the ${USER} macro instead of ${DN}, the resulting output for the isassigned command would be FALSE (unless the group hierarchy is also modeled in ENOVIA Live Collaboration). MX_LDAP_GROUP—group name attribute. MX_LDAP_ROLE_SEARCH—the query string to use to search for assigned roles. Like the group search, role search supports the ${DN} and ${USER} macros. MX_LDAP_ROLE—role name attribute. 338 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Generating error and message logs When first integrating with LDAP, it may be helpful to set the following variable to make debugging information available: MX_LDAP_TRACE can be set to TRUE when debugging LDAP integration so trace output is routed to the console. MX_ACCESS_LOG can be set to TRUE to log errors to the Event Viewer in Windows and the system.log in UNIX. Support for TLS/ SSL The ENOVIA Live Collaboration integration with LDAP services supports the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) LDAP v3 protocols. These protocols will not work when running an LDAP v2 server. To use the TLS/SSL protocols, add this environment variable to your ini file or startup script: MX_LDAP_SSL = TRUE ldaps:// syntax and connectivity is not supported. Encrypting the Bind Password For security, encrypt the password stored for MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD as described below. ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses the same algorithm used for encrypting the bootstrap file password. The system unencrypts the password before passing it to LDAP. To encrypt the LDAP bind password 1. Log into MQL as a user who has System Admin access. 2. Enter the command: encrypt password PASSWORD_STRING For example, to encrypt the password “secret”, enter: encrypt password secret MQL outputs the encrypted string. 3. Copy the encrypted string to the ini file or startup script. Using Password Triggers with LDAP If you want to use password triggers with LDAP, you'll need to: • write a custom JPO for the trigger. • add MX_PASSWORD_TRIGGERS=TRUE to enable the password trigger. • add MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true, if you will be authenticating users not currently in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database. • configure the password trigger to launch the JPO as appropriate (see the list of program object names below) • set the classpath to the appropriate classes used in the JPO (use CLASSPATH variable on UNIX, MX_CLASSPATH on Windows). Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 339 When MX_PASSWORD_TRIGGERS is set to true, triggers configured to fire on set context and/or change password events are enabled. Once enabled, ENOVIA Live Collaboration executes program objects with the following names when a set context event occurs: • ValidatePasswordCheck • ValidatePasswordOverride • ValidatePasswordAction When a change password event occurs with password triggers enabled, ENOVIA Live Collaboration executes programs named: • SetPasswordCheck • SetPasswordOverride • SetPasswordAction To use password triggers, create one or more of these programs as appropriate. Retrieving LDAP Data Using Selects You can retrieve LDAP data using MQL select statements. The select command uses the ldap keyword and the LDAP attribute name. For example, with these environment variables defined: MX_LDAP_EMAIL=mail MX_LDAP_FULLNAME=${sn},${givenName} MX_LDAP_ADDRESS=postalAddress MX_LDAP_PHONE=telephoneNumber MX_LDAP_FAX=facsimileTelephoneNumber MX_LDAP_GROUP=cn The following select statements could be used: MQL<3>print person Peter select ldap[mail]; person Peter ldap[mail] = Peter@3ds.com MQL<4>print person Peter select ldap[telephoneNumber]; person Peter ldap[telephoneNumber] = 978-320-4500 MQL<5>print person Peter select ldap[cn]; person Peter ldap[cn] = Peter Mason LDAP Sample Settings This section contains samples of LDAP variables set up for various configurations. Except for the backslash needed for UNIX when specifying macros, the settings are the same for both UNIX and Windows. Single Server with initial bind using ${USER} macro and 340 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide anonymous user, rebinds are as named user This sample includes only the variables that control the connection, binding, authentication, and search. Variables for retrieving user information are not included. Because the bind password is not defined, the initial bind is as anonymous user. Subsequent binds are as the named user because the AUTHENTICATOR variable is TRUE. MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE MX_LDAP_TRACE=TRUE MX_LDAP_HOST=qechnt2 MX_LDAP_PORT=389 MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="uid=${USER},ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_BIND_USER= MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD= MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN="dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_SEARCH="(&(objectclass=person)(uid=${USER}))" . . . This is how the trace log might look for a system configured with the variables listed above and when a person with username Test Everything and password Test logs in. The steps listed on the left side correspond to the steps described in Information Retrieved from LDAP. MQL<1>set context user “Test Everything” password Test; 1. Connection to LDAP server 2. Initial bind as anonymous 3. Search for user’s DN; DN found and stored in Context object 4. Unbind 5. Rebind as named user and authenticate 21:12:58.505 LDAP t@1796 LDAP: init(qechnt2,389) 21:12:58.505 LDAP t@1796 bind('uid=anonymous,ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net','XXXX',128) 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 search('dc=enovia,dc=net','(&(objectclass=person)(uid=Test Everything))','*',2) 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 dn: ='uid=Test Everything,cn=QE,ou=Groups, dc=enovia,dc=net' 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 unbind() 21:12:58.536 LDAP t@1796 LDAP: init(qechnt2,389) 21:12:58.536 LDAP t@1796 bind('uid=Test Everything,cn=QE,ou=Groups, dc=enovia,dc=net','Test',128) Multiple Server with initial bind and rebind using privileged user This set of variables configures a system with two LDAP servers. The initial bind has a password and specific user so it will be as a privileged user. Because the AUTHENTICATOR variable is FALSE, the subsequent binds are as the privileged user also. This sample does not include variables for retrieving user information. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 341 MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=FALSE MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true MX_LDAP_HOST=HOSTNAME1:789 HOSTNAME2:389 MX_LDAP_PORT= MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=Directory Manager,ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD==y8ssla MX_LDAP_PASSWORD=userPassword MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN=”dc=enovia, dc=net” MX_LDAP_SEARCH=(&(objectClass=person)(uid=${USER})) . . . This is how the trace log might look for a system configured with the variables listed above and when a person with username Test Everything attempts to log in. In this case, the uNser logs in with password Test but the user’s password stored in LDAP is Secret, so authentication fails. Notice that because the system is rebinding as the privileged user, the user’s password is not authenticated until the system retrieves the user’s information, after rebinding. In the previous example, in which the system rebinds as the named user, authentication takes place as part of the rebind. The steps listed on the left side correspond to the steps described in Information Retrieved from LDAP. 342 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MQL<1>set context user "Test Everything" password Test; 1. Connection to LDAP servers 21:12:58.505 LDAP t@1796 LDAP: init(HOSTNAME1:789 HOSTNAME2:389,389) 2. Initial bind as privileged user 21:12:58.505 LDAP t@1796 bind('cn=Directory Manager,ou=people,dc=enovia,dc=net','XXXX',128) 3. Search for user’s DN; DN found and stored in Context object 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 search('dc=enovia,dc=net','(&(objectclass=person)(uid=Test Everything))','*',2) 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 dn: ='uid=Test Everything,cn=QE,ou=Groups, dc=enovia,dc=net' 4. Unbind 21:12:58.521 LDAP t@1796 unbind() 21:12:58.536 LDAP t@1796 LDAP: init(HOSTNAME1:789 HOSTNAME2:389,389) 5. Rebind as privileged user 21:12:58.536 LDAP t@1796 bind('cn=Directory Manager,ou=people,dc=enovia,dc=net','XXXX',128) 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 search('dc=enovia,dc=com','(&(objectclass=person)(uid=Test Everything))','*',2) 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: mail='test@matrix-one.com' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: uid='Test Everything' Retrieve user’s password and compare to entered password 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: userPassword='Secret' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: objectClass='top' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: objectClass='person' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: objectClass='organizationalPerson' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: objectClass='inetOrgPerson' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: sn='Test Everything' 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 result: cn='Test Everything' Authentication fails due to password mismatch 16:16:22.338 LDAP t@2092 password unbind()Error: #1500037: Invalid Sample for IDS LDAP server The following is a sample of the ini variables needed to establish an integration with ENOVIA Live Collaboration and an LDAP server. The sample includes some IDS specific notes. For most variables, there is no difference between how you define them in IDS versus OpenLDAP. # information for connecting to LDAP server running on the # machine “qeserver5”. # initial bind using admin account 'admin' created during installation of IDS; # this account has access to the domain “matrix-one.com” # note: On IDS, an administrator account is required to retrieve # the userpassword attribute # subsequent binds using named user Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 343 MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true MX_LDAP_HOST=qeserver5 MX_LDAP_PORT= MX_LDAP_BIND_DN=’uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagem ent,o=NetscapeRoot’ MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD==Y7d8ss ### Person information # person to pull from LDAP: password, comment, fullname, and email # USER in search string will be populated with ENOVIA # Collaboration Platform person name. For # Windows, remove the backslash (\) before the $ # note use of macros in MX_LDAP_FULLNAME # setting MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES to * makes all LDAP attributes # available for macro substitution # any field can be populated from multiple LDAP values # IDS returns cipher type in encoded password string; no need to specify it here MX_LDAP_SEARCH_DN=’o=matrix-one.com’ MX_LDAP_SEARCH=”(uid=\${USER})” MX_LDAP_CIPHER= MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES=* MX_LDAP_PASSWORD=userpassword MX_LDAP_COMMENT=comment MX_LDAP_FULLNAME=${sn}, ${givenname} MX_LDAP_EMAIL=mail ### Group/role assignment variables # assignments to be pulled from LDAP. USER in search string will # be filled with ENOVIA Collaboration Platform Person name; for # Windows, remove the backslash # note there is no macro substitution applied to the # MX_LDAP_GROUP attribute # also note that IDS has no concept of “roles” MX_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH=”(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(unique member=uid=\${USER},ou=People,o=matrix-one.com))” MX_LDAP_GROUP=cn ### Error Log MX_LDAP_TRACE=true One-to-One mappings to attributes When configuring LDAP attribute settings, you can provide a one-to-one mapping from LDAP attributes to ENOVIA Live Collaboration user attributes or you can use macro syntax. The following example shows a sample configuration for OpenLDAP that contains only one-to-one mappings for attributes. MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true MX_LDAP_HOST=hplight MX_LDAP_PORT= MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="uid=${USER},ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD= MX_LDAP_SEARCH=(uid=\${USER}) MX_LDAP_CIPHER=CRYPT MX_LDAP_PASSWORD=userPassword 344 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide MX_LDAP_COMMENT=comment MX_LDAP_EMAIL=mail MX_LDAP_FULLNAME=cn MX_LDAP_TRACE=true In the above sample, the LDAP server is running on the host ‘hplight’ on the default port. ENOVIA Live Collaboration will bind initially to the server as an anonymous user because no BIND_PASSWORD is defined. Then the system binds as the named user. The search string is formed by taking the username and passing it in the LDAP ‘uid’ field. Passwords are assumed to be stored in UNIX crypt() format. Password, comment, email, and fullname are being read from LDAP; all other person parameters will be read from ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Macros for attributes To use macros for LDAP attribute settings, set the variable MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES to the list of all LDAP attributes that can be retrieved for a user. You can then specify the individual ENOVIA Live Collaboration attribute settings, such as MX_LDAP_ADDRESS, using macro syntax, ${name}. The advantage of this option is that multiple LDAP attributes can be mapped into a single ENOVIA Live Collaboration user attribute. This is common for such things as “address”, where city, state, and ZipCode may each be separate LDAP fields. Here is an example of the same setup as shown in the previous example except it uses macros for attributes: MX_LDAP_AUTHENTICATOR=TRUE MX_PAM_PERSON_CREATE=true MX_LDAP_HOST=hplight MX_LDAP_PORT= MX_LDAP_BIND_DN="uid=${USER},ou=People,dc=enovia,dc=net" MX_LDAP_SEARCH=(uid=${USER}) MX_LDAP_CIPHER=CRYPT MX_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES=userpassword,comment,mail,cn,city,state,zip MX_LDAP_PASSWORD=${userpassword} MX_LDAP_COMMENT=${comment} MX_LDAP_EMAIL=${mail} MX_LDAP_FULLNAME=${cn} MX_LDAP_ADDRESS=${city}, ${state} ${zip} MX_LDAP_TRACE=true Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 345 Tomcat LDAP Authentication Every context change, including push-pop, results in a request to the repository for authentication. This section describes setup procedures that allow Tomcat to authenticate users against an LDAP/Active-Directory repository as a means of reducing the total traffic between the DS ENOVIA kernel and the LDAP repository. Changes to server.xml Enter the following Realm template in the Engine container. The connectionName is the DN of the BIND user, which is the same as MX_LDAP_BIND_DN. The connectionPassword is the same as MX_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD. <Realm className=”org.apache.catalina.real.CombinedRealm” > <Realm className=”org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm” resourceName=”UserDatabase”/> <Realm className=”org.apache.cataline.realm.JNDIRealm” debug=”99” connectionName=”kdyer@matrixone” connectionPassword=”........” connectionURL=”ldap://matrixone.net:3268” alternateURL=”ldap://matrixone.net:3268 referrals=”follow” userBase=”DC=matrixone,DC=net” userSearch=”(sAMAccountName={0})” userSubtree=”true” userRoleName=”memberOf”/> <Realm/> This configuration uses the CombinedRealm of Tomcat 6.0, which allows you to store the test userNames in the tomcat-users.xml file. You can centralize this file per machine by properly setting the pathName. This configuration also assumes that the default Global Naming Resource is in place in the server.xml file. The passwords in this file may be stored encrypted (digested). Please refer to the tomcat-6.0-documentation for realm-howto. Changes to web.xml Add the following changes to the end of the web.xml file. These security constraints configure the web application to use the new LDAP login JSP and protect the Servlets, JSPs, Workspace, and Services resources. <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>/common/emxNavigator.jsp</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> <!-- Insert the following after welcome-file-list container --> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>SecurePages</web-resource-name> <description>Security constraint for resources in the secure directory</description> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern> <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern> 346 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide <url-pattern>/workspace/*</url-pattern> <url-pattern./services/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <description>General Access</description> <role-name>*</role-name> </auth-constraint> <user-data-constraint> <description>SSL not required</description> <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint> <login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <form-login-config> <form-login-page>/emxLogin_LDAP.jsp</form-login-page> <form-error-page>/emxLogin_LDAP.jsp</form-error-page> </form-login-config> </login-config> <security-role> <description>General Access</description> <role-name>*</role-name> </security-role> Additions to enovia.ini Add the following line to the C:\WINDOWS\enovia.ini file (previously ematrix.ini): MX_PAM_AUTHENTICATE_CLASS=${CLASS:mxCommonRUAuthentication} In addition, you must also import the two Java programs and compile them into the database as Java program objects. Changes to WEB-INF\classes The zip archive includes a new emxLogin.properties file (in ematrix/properties/), which contains several new entries for the LDAP login page. Back up the existing emxLogin.properties file, and then replace it with this one. Chapter 13: Integrating with LDAP and External Authentication Tools 347 348 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 14 Installing Business Process Services™ Overview ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services includes these components: • Application Exchange Framework™ (AEF)—Contains the underlying schema and user interface for ENOVIA products. • Common Components—Contains features used by multiple ENOVIA applications, such as Discussions and Subscriptions. • ENOVIA Team Central—Provides a secure, structured, virtual workplace that enables ad-hoc collaboration for cross-functional and geographically dispersed teams. • ENOVIA Business Metrics Module—Generates metric reports based on your business processes. Before installing any of these products, you must install the BPS version that supports the version of the application you are installing. The BPS installation installs the user interface components and then allows you to launch a separate installation program to add only the schema required for the applications you will use. You can later use the schema installer by itself to add more ENOVIA or custom application schema. Refer to the Program Directory for the given version of Business Process Services for installation instructions and requirements specific to that version. 349 For more information on Business Process Services, refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. Important Installation Considerations ENOVIA products are not simple executables that can be installed and then uninstalled like PC software productivity tools. Instead, these applications require regimented backup and testing procedures like any other enterprise system. It is important to understand that database schema and business object instance data is installed with all ENOVIA products, including BPS. Because of this, it is important to back up the system to which they are being installed. This backup should include the file system, as well as the database itself. It is STRONGLY recommended that a System Test environment is in place that is an exact duplicate of the Production environment where the software will ultimately be operated. This System Test environment is where the software should first be loaded and tested. The purpose of testing is to make sure the application can be installed without errors and that, once installed, it functions as expected. Often, customers and/or ENOVIA Professional Services modify an application in order to satisfy specific needs of the user community. To facilitate this, the schema installer looks at a custom directory for your modification XML files and merges the files accordingly. Refer to Adding Custom Schema for more information. If you are doing upgrades or installing a new application, you can expect to take 4 to 12 hours to test and validate the installation scripts for the schema and document any changes you had to make (or what changes the installation scripts made). The amount of time decreases as you install to the next environment (Development, Test, Production) and depends on the amount of customizations made to the schema and JSPs. You’ll need to allow for additional time to perform standard system regression tests. The amount of time for system regression tests depends on the amount of changes made to JSPs and custom triggers. Don’t assume that because everything is fine in one environment, it will be fine in the next environment. In some cases, an environment may have gone through one or two upgrades before promoting it to the next environment. This is why an exact copy of Production environment (and backups!) are so important. Preparing to Install to a Production Environment The following procedure describes the main steps needed before an ENOVIA product is installed to a Production environment. Note that some sites may have an additional Development environment that is installed to prior to the Test environment. To install ENOVIA products in a Production environment 1. Install an application (including BPS) into an empty, play database. The purpose of this step is to get familiar with the functionality and perform a gap analysis for what needs to be configured. 2. Save off the application staging area that contains the database scripts that install the application and its schema. This staging area can usually be found below the SERVER_INSTALL directory, in the Apps\APP_NAME\<version>\ subdirectory. This subdirectory contains an installAPP_NAMEAPP_VERSION.tcl file. This file can be run from within MQL to install the application schema. 3. Make the System Test environment a copy of the Production environment. 350 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Install the BPS and/or application to the Test environment, review the changes the installation makes, and customize the XML files as needed. For more information about how to review the installation changes and what to look for, see Reviewing Changes that an Installation Makes. Refer to Adding Custom Schema for customizing information. 5. After making changes to the installation, restore the Test environment so it is again an exact copy of the Production environment. Apply the new installation (with your changes) to the Test environment. Test the installation and make additional changes to the install scripts as needed. Repeat the above process until you are satisfied the installation has not adversely affected your system and all of the errors have been fixed in the customized schema. 6. Perform the necessary testing in the System Test environment until there is an acceptable level of reliability and performance. 7. Now that the scripts are solid and you know what to expect when they are run against the Production environment, you can plan the upgrade to the Production system. Always back up a Production system before making any schema changes. The installations for both BPS and ENOVIA products make schema changes. Reviewing Changes that an Installation Makes When performing an installation, you need some way of determining the changes the installation is making to the schema, business object data, and JSPs. One way of tracking the schema changes is to create an XML export file prior to running the installation. After installing, you can use the XML compare utility from MQL to review the changes to the schema. You can also use the log file created for each installation in SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\APP_NAME\<version>\ to track changes to schema and business objects. For more information on the log file, see Installation Log File. When reviewing the changes that have been made, look for changes that may conflict or that are not needed because of customizations that you have made. Some changes to watch for are listed below. Keep in mind, however, that the install scripts make changes to support the business processes within each application. You need to decide if these changes are consistent with your business process and if they are needed based on the existing customizations you have made. For example, suppose the installation for ENOVIA Engineering Central adds an extra notification or signature to the ECR Standard policy. This change is made because the Product Engineer needs to approve the ECR before it goes to a full Change Board review. Your business process, however, requires approval from a Project Engineer instead of the Product Engineer. You have triggers that already handle this, thus making the newly-added Engineering Central notification unnecessary (or unwanted). Alternatively, if you are using out-of-the-box Engineering Central, this notification is crucial and if removed, ECRs will get hung up at a particular state because no one was notified to do anything with it. Installation changes that you may need to review • Event triggers—If you are NOT using emxTriggerManager and are NOT using the naming conventions recommended by BPS documentation, then there is a good chance that your trigger will be overwritten. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 351 If you do not have a trigger on a given event, there is a chance one might be added. If you do not want a particular trigger to run, you can deactivate the trigger by demoting the corresponding eService Trigger Program Parameters object to the Inactive state. Note that business objects are not captured in an XML compare. This is currently a manual process. It might be a good idea to create a backup of all eService Trigger Program Parameters objects. Before Installing 352 • Access privileges—BPS or application installation may add or remove some access privileges. • Properties files—New installations typically add new properties that let you configure features and that contain string resources for onscreen text display and internationalization. All properties files are stored in ematrix/properties. When BPS or any application is installed, the installation copies all files in ematrix/properties to ematrix/properties.sav and then overwrites files in ematrix/properties. The properties.sav directory is overwritten with each new install so make sure you make a backup of this directory if you want to save it. Properties files are intended to be configured so any changes that you make need to be merged back into the newly installed properties files using any file comparison tool. The comparison should be between the newly installed properties file (located in ematrix/properties) and the “old” properties file (located in ematrix/properties.sav). • New administrative objects—If you use the Studio Modeling Platform, you may want/need to “hide” types that are not used so the type chooser is not cluttered. Take care not to hide types that are used by any ENOVIA products that you are using. You may want to consider subtyping as an alternative. • You may see new attributes added to a type or relationship. • Administrative (schema) properties—Most installations add schema properties. • Any customized UI component. Make sure you perform the following steps before installing an ENOVIA product for either platform: • Back up all application directories and the database. Before installing to a system that has an ENOVIA application installed, make backup copies of the MX_BOS_ROOT/Apps/framework directory. Also back up the database instance. If you have customized properties files, you must back up the files before you upgrade the software to prevent them from being overwritten. Each product has properties files for configuring settings and for onscreen text. For example, BPS has emxSystem.properties, emxLogin.properties, and emxFrameworkStringResource*.properties. All properties files are located in ematrix/properties. • Have a staging area. A staging area must exist in order for the backup to work. Make sure there is a STAGING directory under the Live Collaboration server installation directory. If not, then extract enovia.war into MX_BOS_ROOT/STAGING. • Have a valid bootstrap file. The installation program requires there be a valid bootstrap file that points to the database you are using. For UNIX, the bootstrap file must be called MATRIX-R (all caps). For Windows, the bootstrap can have any name. Both the UNIX and Windows setup programs ask for the location of the bootstrap file during installation. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • Turn off system-wide password settings. Make sure all system-wide password restrictions are turned off (unchecked), such as the setting that requires passwords to be a minimum number of characters. To access system-wide password settings, choose Settings>Password from Business Modeler. You can turn the settings back on after you install the applications. • Be sure that MQL is not in escape mode. Run the following MQL command to determine if escaping is enabled (you must log in as a business administrator to do so): MQL<> print escape; If the system indicates that escape mode is on, turn it off before running the install with: MQL<> set escape off; Refer to “Working with Workspace Objects” in the MQL Guide for details. • Oracle tuning may be required. Be aware that the database tuning required for BPS installation may be different than the tuning required for a normal production operation. • Refer to the installation instructions for your platform: Installing Business Process Services on UNIX or Installing Business Process Services on Windows. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 353 Installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration Business Process Services Installing Business Process Services on UNIX Before installing BPS on UNIX you must: • Log in as a user who has the privileges to install BPS (install on the database, run MQL, etc.). • If installing from a CD, mount the CD so the operating system software can access the files contained on the disk. Refer to To mount the CD-ROM in Chapter 7 for examples of mount commands for each platform. • Make sure you know the path where mql is located. • Make sure you know the username and password for the super user (user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator). To install Business Process Services on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can't handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.BusinessProcessServices 3. Choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Scripts Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter install directory path for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform []? Enter install directory path for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server []? Enter directory path for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform scripts [/usr/bin]? The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform installation. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. The ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform scripts directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. 4. Tell the setup program the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter Administrator user for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform? [creator]? 354 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Enter Administrator password for ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform? [NONE]? 5. Tell the setup program where the Schema Customization directory is located. Enter custom schema directory path [ ]? 6. At the next prompts, enter the names of the Data and Index table spaces for the eService Production vault. For non-Oracle databases, the values must be the same. Specify database storage details for eService Production vault’s table data and indexes ----------------------------------------------Enter Data Table Space? [NONE]? Enter Index Table Space? [NONE]? The eService Production vault is the vault that will be used for production data. Consult your Database Administrator for information about the table space names used. If you do not specify a table space name, the tables and indexes for the product vault will be created in the database’s default tablespace, which may not be sized appropriately for production data storage. For Oracle, if you specify only an Index Table Space, the Data Table Space will default. 7. You are then asked what schema to install: Schema to support the Business Process Services product will be installed automatically. Schema to support ENOVIA products may be selected below. -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install All Applications <Required for ENOVIA products> Schema [No]? All Applications option includes schema for all ENOVIA products. The schema for BPS is automatically installed whether or not you install the application schema. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 8. You are then asked to confirm your schema choices: Installing following schema Business Process Services All Applications Do you want to continue [yOrN]? 9. The schema installer then creates the selected schema. If errors are encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will undo all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed due to name collisions. 10. After the schema installer has created the schema, Business Process Services are installed. 11. Setup then indicates that BPS installed successfully. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 355 12. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 13. Continue with next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Installing Business Process Services on Windows To install Business Process Services on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 6. The schema installer then requests the directory where custom schema files exist. If needed, specify the directory. Click Next. 7. At the next frame, specify database storage details for eService Production vault's table data and indexes. For non-Oracle databases, the values must be the same. The eService Production vault is the vault that will be used for production data. Consult your Database Administrator for information about the table space names used. If you do not specify table space names, the tables and indexes for the product vault will be created in the database's default storage area. Click Next. 8. Specify the Schema to install by checking the boxes of the options you want. All Applications option includes schema for all ENOVIA products. The schema for BPS is automatically installed whether or not you install the application schema. Click Next. 9. You are asked to review your choices. Click Yes to install or No to Cancel. If you clicked Yes, the Setup program: 356 • Copies install scripts to the selected directory. While the files are copied, a progress meter displays the current files being copied and the percent completed. Files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log are created in the SchemaInstall directory.VERSION is the software version number, such as 10-0-0-0. (If you used the Advanced install option and chose not to run the install scripts, the setup performs this step only and the remaining steps are not performed.) • Launches MQL in the background and adds the schema. • Displays a progress meter, which shows the current files being run and the percent completed. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide It may take several minutes to run the SchemaInstaller. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 10. A Business Process Services setup is complete message displays. Click OK. 11. When complete, you receive a message telling you either the setup encountered errors or the setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you used the Advanced install and chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as WordPad, check the log and error file names of all the products installed. a ) Start with the installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. b ) Go through the remaining log and error files in the order the products were installed. c ) Check also the SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log file. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed due to name collisions. 12. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 13. Continue with next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Refer to the application administrator’s guides for any application specific setup issues. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration and ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform documentation sets for FCS setup, deployment settings, and server setup and diagnostics. Adding Sample Users A program named emxCommonAddSampleUsers.tcl script adds sample users for each role that exists in the database. The program can be run as many times as necessary. To add sample users 1. From MQL, set context to a Business Administrator user that is allowed to create all kinds of users. 2. Run the program as follows: exec program emxCommonAddSampleUsers.tcl USERS_PER_ROLE; Where USERS_PER_ROLE defaults to 3 and indicates the number of times the program will loop through the commands. The program creates as many users as specified for each role in the database. This not only includes the administrative person objects, but also the business object person objects and connections that the applications require. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 357 Schema Installer You can add schema after installing the framework using the schema installer. There may be two schemaInstaller directories as follows: • If you chose not to install any schema at the time you installed the framework, the schemaInstaller setup program is in Apps/framework/<version>/ SchemaInstaller. This is the only SchemaInstaller directory you will see until this setup program is run either manually or via the framework install routine. • Once you have installed some schema with the schema installer, you can install out of the box schema not previously installed, or custom schema that is defined in xml files as described in Adding Custom Schema. After successful installation of selected schema, it is registered in the database. SchemaInstaller adds the property appSchema<SCHEMA_NAME> to the eServiceSystemInformation.tcl program. The value of this property indicates the version of schema. In addition, the eServiceSystemInformation.tcl program’s code, which is basically an install log, is appended with the same information. This includes custom schema as well. For example, if Engineering Central schema is installed with SchemaInstaller 10-6, the system information program has the appSchemaEngineeringCentral property with a value of 10-6, as well as the following entry appended to the program code: SchemaEngieneringCentral 10-6 04-30-2005 11:37 AM SCHEMA Schema XML Files Once the SchemaInstaller setup program has been run (either from within the BPS installation program or manually from SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\SchemaInstaller\), the following directory structure is in place: SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\SchemaInstaller\ | Common\ (common routines used at time of install and uninstall) | Conversions\ (includes conversion manifest files and conversion programs) | InstallUtility\ (JPOs used to install schema) | SchemaDefinition\ (includes SDF XML files defining each administration object) | SchemaManifest\ (includes SchemaManifest files and Schema-Mapping file) | Uninstall\ | CustomSchema\ (staging area for customizing schema or adding custom apps) | SchemaDefinition\ | SchemaManifest\ Schema installer is driven by four kinds of xml files, placed within this directory structure as follows: 1. Schema Definition Files (SDF) 358 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide These files are found in the SchemaDefinition directory. There is one schema definition file (SDF) in XML format for every administrative object. The name of the XML file is the symbolic name of the administrative object. For example, the SDF for policy “RTS Cancelled” is named policy_RTSCancelled.xml. Each file includes everything needed to create or update the definition in the ENOVIA product to the newest version. Since some administrative objects rely on other administrative objects (such as types requiring attributes, etc.), all MQL commands are parsed to be sure that prerequisites exist. If a required object is missing, the schema installer will not attempt to add it to a definition. 2. Schema Manifest Files (SMF) These files are found in the SchemaManifest directory. There is one manifest file in XML format per application schema. Each manifest file lists symbolic names of the administrative objects required by its respective application. 3. Schema Mapping File This is a single file called SchemaMapping.xml found in the SchemaManifest directory. This file keeps information about all the available application schemas, their order, and prerequisite details. There is a section for each schema category that includes the application name, SMF file name, display details (show/hide and order), Conversion Manifest File (CMF) file, if any, and prerequisite schema. 4. Conversion Manifest Files (CMF) These files are found in the Conversions directory. Conversions directory will also have all the conversion programs that need to be run. Generally there is no need to work with these files. These four kinds of files are overwritten intentionally whenever a new version is installed. This is the out of the box xml file area. You should use the customschema directory for any changes you want to implement. Adding Custom Schema To install custom schema, you should first create a staging area by running the Schema installer, choosing the advanced setup option, and then choosing to Install to Staging area only. This way you will get with all the necessary files and directories for customizing in the CustomSchema directory which has two subdirectories: • SchemaDefinition to hold custom SDFs. • SchemaManifest to hold custom SMFs and SchemaMapping.xml file. During installation, the schema installer parses all the files in these directories looking for any customization. Custom Schema Manifest Files Custom SMF files should only contain changes from the out-of-the-box SMF file; that is, they should not include all the administrative objects again. Use the Add or Exclude sub-nodes for each administrative type. For example: - <SchemaManifest> <ApplicationName>Custom Application</ApplicationName> - <attribute> <Add> attribute_PartType attribute_PartNature Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 359 </Add> <Exclude> attribute_PartClass attribute_PartSubclass </Exclude> </attribute> ... In the above example, two attributes are added to the Custom Application, and two attributes (which already existed or were to be added by a different XML manifest file) are excluded (will not be installed). For each add item you need a Schema Definition File. Items that are excluded are prevented from being installed. However if they already exist in the database, they are not removed. The <ApplicationName> node value from the Schema Manifest file must have a matching <Name> entry in the SchemaMapping.xml file. Custom Schema Manifest File -<SchemaManifest> <ApplicationName>Custom Application</ApplicationName> . . . Custom Schema Mapping File -<SchemaMapping> -<SchemaManifest> <Name>Custom Application</Name> . . . Custom SchemaMapping File If you want to add custom schema or change the order or prerequisites of the schema, you need a custom SchemaMapping file (named SchemaMapping.xml and located in the CustomSchema/SchemaManifest directory). This file will have a SchemaManifest node for each application that has a corresponding Custom SMF file, or a node for each out-of-the-box SMF file that you want to customize. The custom SchemaMapping.xml file must follow the same syntax as the out-of-the-box SchemaMapping.xml file. For example, this SchemaManifest node is for a new Custom Application to be installed: <SchemaManifest> <Name>Custom Application</Name> <FileName>SchemaManifest_CustomApplication.xml</FileName> <Order>2</Order> <Display>Yes</Display> <Conversions /> <PreRequisiteSchema /> </SchemaManifest> In this node 360 • the Custom Application must be defined in the SchemaManifest file named SchemaManifest_CustomApplication.xml, which must be in the /CustomSchema/ SchemaManifest directory • Custom Application will be the second schema choice listed in the schema chooser. • no conversions need to be run to support the schema. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • the schema does not have an prerequisites. The next node example modifies Application Common schema, so that it is now a choice to be installed. This schema is normally automatically installed when BPS schema is installed without being a choice in the schema list. <SchemaManifest> <Name>Application Common</Name> <FileName>SchemaManifest_AppsCommon.xml</FileName> <Order>3</Order> <Display>Yes</Display> <Conversions /> <PreRequisiteSchema>Business Process Services</ PreRequisiteSchema> </SchemaManifest> In this node • the SchemaManifest_AppsCommon.xml file is in the /SchemaManifest directory (not the CustomSchema/SchemaManifest directory). • Applications Common will be the third schema choice in the schema installer. • no conversions need to be run to support the schema. • Business Process Serivces schema selected for installation (if not, the Applications Common schema will not display in the schema list). The last node is an example of removing out-of-the-box schema. The flag Remove = “Yes” indicates that the specified schema needs to be removed from the install list: <SchemaManifest Remove=”Yes”> <Name>All Applications</Name> <FileName>SchemaManifest_BusProcApps.xml</FileName> <Order>4</Order> <Display>Yes</Display> <Conversions>BusProcAppsConversion.xml</Conversions> <PreRequisiteSchema>Business Process Services</ PreRequisiteSchema> </SchemaManifest> You may want to remove a schema manifest to make sure it will not be installed. In the above example, the “All Applications” prompt (UNIX install) or checkbox (Windows install) will not display, so the person installing the software cannot accidentally install it. When the SchemaInstaller is run, it merges the schema listed in the out-of-the-box SchemaMapping.xml file (in the SchemaInstaller/SchemaManifest directory) with those listed in the custom SchemaMapping.xml file (in the CustomSchema/SchemaManifest directory) to build the list of schema choices for installation. Using the above example nodes as the custom schema manifest, the SchemaInstaller shows this list of schemas: • Business Process Services • Custom Application • Application Common Business Process Serivces is defined in the out-of-the-box SchemaMapping file, “All Applications” was removed by the custom mapping file, Custom Application was added by the custom mapping file, and Application Common, which is normally installed but not displayed in the list, is displayed based on the custom mapping file. Note that the <Order> node must be unique. If more than one node has the same order number only one of the options will be presented during installation. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 361 Custom Schema Definition Files For new schema to be added, the custom SDF files use the exact same format as the out-of-the-box files. However, if you want to modify existing schema you only need to include the changes. For example: <SchemaDefinition> <AdminType>type</AdminType> <OriginalName>Part</OriginalName> <SymbolicName>type_Part</SymbolicName> <VersionHistory Version=”9-2-0-0” Skip=”Yes”> <CommandInfo> <Command Type=”MQL”> <![CDATA[ modify type “<SYM>type_Part</SYM> add trigger changeowner action emxTriggerManager input “TypePartChangeOwnerAction” ]] </Command> </CommandInfo> </VersionHistory> </SchemaDefinition> When custom SDF files are in place, the schema installer merges the changes with the out of the box definition giving the custom file first priority: • If custom SDF has a skip flag set the whole version install is skipped. • If both SDF files have VersionHistory nodes for same version, the section from the custom SDF file is used. • If custom SDF file has additional VersionHistory it is processed. When the installer builds the list of SDF files to install, it uses the out-of-the-box and the custom schema manifest and schema mapping files to determine which SDFs will be in the list. For example, the installer builds a list of what to install based on the SchemaMapping.xml and SchemaManifest files in the SchemaManifest directory. Then, the installer looks at the custom SchemaMapping.xml file, which includes this node: <SchemaManifest> <Name>Custom Application</Name> <Filename>SchemaManifest_CustomApplication.xml</Filename> . . . </SchemaManifest> The installer then looks in the SchemaManifest_CustomApplication.xml file (in the CustomSchema/SchemaManifest directory). That manifest file must have the <ApplicationName> node defined as “Custom Application”. The custom schema manifest file contains these attribute nodes: - <SchemaManifest> <ApplicationName>Custom Application</ApplicationName> - <attribute> <Add> attribute_PartType attribute_PartNature </Add> <Exclude> attribute_PartClass 362 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide attribute_PartSubclass </Exclude> </attribute> ... The installer then adds the schema definition files for the Part Type and Part Nature attributes (custom attributes to be added must have SDF files in the CustomSchema/ SchemaDefinition directory). The installer then removes the Part Class and Part Subclass attributes from the list, which were in the list as defined by another schema manifest file. Installing Schema with the Schema Installer To install schema with stand-alone schema installer on UNIX 1. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory you used when you first installed the framework. Run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.SchemaInstaller 2. Choose the Installation Type from the following menu: -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts in step 6. 3. Choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter distribution directory path []? Enter build script directory path []? Enter eMatrixServlet(RMI) installation directory path []? The distribution directory defaults to the directory above the current directory and you should be able to accept the default by typing enter (or type in a new path as required). The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The RMI installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA collaboration server installation. 4. Tell the setup program where the Schema Customization directory is located. Enter custom schema directory path [/Apps/SchemaInstaller/ CustomSchema]? 5. Tell the setup program where MQL is (application scripts) and the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Matrix Administration Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 363 Enter bin]? Enter Enter directory path for Matrix application scripts [/usr/ /app/mx10 Administrator user for Matrix Business ? [creator]? Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced option in step 2, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don't update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole Framework transaction in case of failure [yes]? Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—The default is no, which means after you complete the installation, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the build script directory only and run the installation scripts later, enter yes. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, use MQL to run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—The default is yes. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing problems into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. You should only change this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 7. At the next prompts, enter the names of the Data and Index table spaces for the eService Production vault. For non-Oracle databases, the values must be the same. Specify Table Space for eService Production vault ----------------------------------------------Enter Data Table Space? [NONE]? Enter Index Table Space? [NONE]? The eService Production vault is the vault that will be used for production data. Consult your Database Administrator for information about the table space names used. If you do not specify a table space name, the tables and indexes for the product vault will be created in the database’s default tablespace, which may not be sized appropriately for production data storage. For Oracle, if you specify only an Index Table Space, the Data Table Space will default. 8. You are asked to confirm your choices and click 1 to continue, 2 to Cancel. If you continue with the installation, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.tcl is created in the directory you specified for the build scripts. VERSION is the software version number, such as V6R2011x. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts (unless you chose not to update the database in the Advanced setup). 364 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 9. You are then asked what schema to install: Schema Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install All Application schema [yes]? All Applications option includes schema for all ENOVIA products. The schema for BPS is automatically installed whether or not you install the application schema. The list may also include applications defined in a custom SchemaManifest.xml file, and may have removed one or more of the default schema (not recommended). If you are upgrading a database from previous releases, you must choose to install all application schema. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 10. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed due to name collisions. 11. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. To install the with stand-alone schema installer on Windows 1. Run setup.exe from apps\Framework\VERSION\SchemaInstaller. 2. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 3. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area. Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See step 9) Click Next. 4. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is MATRIXHOME\framework, where MATRIXHOME is the directory where ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is installed. You can select a different location using the Browse button. The MATRIXHOME directory contains the connection file that points to your database. After specifying the directory, click Next. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 365 5. Enter the directory (or use Browse button) where any custom schema exists. Click Next. 6. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 7. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in the ENOVIAHOME directory. When you are done, click Next. 8. At the next frame, enter the names of the Data and Index table spaces for the eService Production vault. For non-Oracle databases, the values must be the same. The eService Production vault is the vault that will be used for production data. Consult your Database Administrator for information about the table space names used. If you do not specify table space names, the tables and indexes for the product vault will be created in the Oracle user’s default tablespace, which may not be sized appropriately for production data storage. Click Next. 9. If you chose the Advanced option in step 4, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 10. Enter the location of the Java Development Kit (JDK) directory. You can click Browse to select the directory, then click Next. 11. Specify the Schema to install by checking the boxes of the options you want. All Applications option includes schema for all ENOVIA products. The schema for BPS is automatically installed whether or not you install the application schema. The list may also include applications defined in a custom SchemaManifest.xml file, and may have removed one or more of the default schema (not recommended). If you are upgrading a database from previous releases, you must choose to install all application schema. Click Next. 12. You are asked to confirm your choices. Click Yes to continue, No to cancel. If you clicked Yes to install the schema, the Setup program: 366 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • Copies install scripts to the selected directory. While the files are copied, a progress meter displays the current files being copied and the percent completed. Files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log are created in the SchemaInstall directory.VERSION is the software version number, such as 10-6. (If you used the Advanced install option and chose not to run the install scripts, the setup performs this step only and the remaining steps are not performed.) • Launches MQL in the background and runs the install scripts. • Displays a progress meter, which shows you the files being run and the percent completed. If you do not see the progress meter, the installation is not working correctly. Cancel the installation and re-run it, making sure you specify a valid bootstrap file name. If you clicked No, the Setup program displays a message. See step 13.It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 13. When complete, you receive a message telling you either the setup encountered errors or the setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you used the Advanced install and chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as WordPad, check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed due to name collisions. 14. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. Refer to the application administrator’s guides for any application specific setup issues. Refer to the Studio Modeling Platform documentation set for FCS setup, deployment settings, and server setup and diagnostics. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 367 Installing to Large Databases The BPS installation routines are capable of upgrading from any previous BPS version to the current version being installed. During this install process, transaction boundaries are placed around each version upgrade so that if any problems are encountered during the upgrade, the database is left in a consistent and known state (i.e. at some predefined version). During some of the version upgrades, the transactions can become very large and take a long time to complete. In addition, these large transaction boundaries consume resources when attributes are added to existing types that already have a large number of instantiated objects. These and other related database operations are capable of consuming so many system resources that the BPS installation routines fail to complete or, at a minimum, take an unacceptably long time to complete. To solve this issue, you can run a preprocessing script that enables the more resource intensive operations to be performed individually and outside of large database transactions. This script is included with the BPS installation, in the framework/Common directory. You should run the script before updating the database so use the Advanced install option and choose to install to the staging area only. Then after running the script, update the database by running the install script manually. The number of instantiated objects that is considered large is tens of millions. However, any type or relationship with over 100,000 instantiations will benefit significantly from running this preprocessing script. This section contains the following topics. Make sure you review all sections before running the script: About the Script Before Running the Script Running the Script Database Considerations About the Script These are the database operations that can consume large amounts of system resources and that are run in the preprocessing script: • Mod Type Add Attr: Adding an attribute to a type that has a large number of instantiated objects. • Mod Type Remove Attr: Removing an attribute from a type that has a large number of instantiated objects. • Mod Rel Add Attr: Adding an attribute to a relationship that has a large number of instantiated objects. • Mod Rel Remove Attr: Removing an attribute from a relationship that has a large number of instantiated objects. By default, the preprocessing script addresses all of these items with modification statements. You can comment out specific statements that you do not want to run or you can run them in batches. The script contains all the modify type and relationship MQL commands that adds attributes to them from 8-0-0-0 to the latest version to be installed. 368 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 1. For each MQL command in the script: a ) If attribute to be added doesn't exists then i. Add attribute ii. Register Attribute with admin property name iii. Stamp attribute version to the version of Framework at which Attribute is added iv. Stamp application property to FrameworkFuture b ) End if c ) Modify Type Or Relationship with Attribute. d ) End if 2. End For Before Running the Script The LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl script performs the lengthy database operations outside the normal installation transactions. You can run this script prior to installing BPS in whole or in part depending on your system availability restrictions. The script is written in such a way that you can run upgrade commands for specific versions and commands. Prerequisite steps to perform before running the script 1. As always before upgrading, make sure your database is backed up and you have a good recovery. To keep the user base off during the upgrade, change the “MATRIX” schema password to something new, create a new bootstrap with the new password, and then do the upgrade from there. 2. Make sure you have upgraded to the Matrix10 or higher Platform according to the instructions in the Program Directory. 3. To get the script, run the BPS installation in the Advanced mode and choose to copy to the staging area only. The script installs to SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\Common\. 4. In consultation with your Oracle Database Administrator and/or ENOVIA Customer Support, make temporary changes to database settings to accommodate the large transactions. Some areas that you may want to change are listed below. For more details and examples, see Database Considerations. • Disable redo logs at the tablespace level or create more and much larger logs because they will fill up quickly. • Disable LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL and LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT. • Disable ARCHIVE LOG operations. • To avoid sorting to disk, increase Sort_Area_Size substantially and increase the TEMP tablespace accordingly. • Set DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS (Oracle 8i), DB_CACHE_SIZE (Oracle 9i), and SHARED_POOL_SIZE (8i and 9i) high depending on system RAM and size of database. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 369 • In Oracle 8i, set OFFLINE all production rollback segments and create a unique, large rollback segment tablespace with very large extent sizes (200m). Within that new tablespace, create at least 2 very large rollback segments with initial=next=200MB, min=5. • Make sure this large rollback segment tablespace has several large data files. • In Oracle 9i, use the undo tablespace and auto undo segments as an alternative to the rollback segment concept. Set undo_retention=10800 and increase the initialization file. If you do not want to run all commands for all versions at once • Open LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl in a text editor and use the following guidelines to comment out or remove the commands you do not want to execute during this run of the install script. BPS installs this script in SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\Common\. The only reason not to run the entire script at once is if you have limited time to run them and want to run them incrementally. At some point, the commands for all versions must be run. • To run upgrade commands for specific BPS versions only, comment out the line that executes the command for the versions you do not want to execute for this run of the script. Comment out a line by adding a # to the beginning of the line. The lines for each version are at the end of the Tcl file and begin with “set mqlret”. For example, if you do not want to run the commands for version 8-0-0-1, comment out the set mqlret line for that version line as follows: # executing modify commands for 8-0-0-1 # set mqlret [emxExecCommands ${lCmd8-0-0-1}] Note that you don’t need to comment out upgrade commands for versions that have already been run. For example, if you are installing v10.0.1.0 over a 9-5-5-0 version, the routines will detect that upgrade commands for versions prior to 9-5-5-0 have been run and they will not run again, even if they are not commented out. • If you do not want to run a specific modify command for a specific type or relationship, make a backup copy of the script. Then in the original version of the script, delete that type or relationship from the build list for that version. For example, suppose you don’t want to run the version 10-0-0-0 modify command for the Person type. Delete the line highlighted in blue below: # building list of modify commands for 10-0-0-0 set lCmd10-0-0-0 [list \ $type_ProjectSpace1 \ $type_ProjectConcept1 \ $type_ProjectTemplate1 \ $type_Person1 \ Running the Script Do not run the script until you complete the steps in Before Running the Script. You can run LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl through MQL or through the command line on Unix or Windows. When using MQL, log messages appear in the MQL window. When using the log file, log messages can be saved to a log file. Both procedures are listed below, where: • 370 SUPER_USER = User who has all access. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • SUPER_USER_PASSWORD = Password of super user. • MQL_PATH = Path where MQL exists. • LOG_FILE = Name of log file including full path. • ERROR_FILE = Name of error file including full path. To run the script using MQL 1. Start MQL. 2. Set the context to a Super User. For example: Set context user <SUPER_USER> password <SUPER_USER_PASSWORD>; 3. Execute the script using the command: run <SCRIPT_PATH>/ LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl; All log messages display in the MQL window. As the V6 installers use the MQL executable delivered in the Live Collaboration Server (server) directory to perform their needed installation steps, they no longer require a Studio Modeling Platform (studio) installation to be present, and therefore do not update the studio environment. If the studio installation is to be used to perform operations that depend on server-delivered jars, those jars must be copied from the server directories to the corresponding studio directories. To run the script using the command line and store log messages in a log file • If using Windows, start the Command Prompt and enter: <MQL_PATH>\mql -c "set context user <SUPER_USER> password <SUPER_USER_PASSWORD>; run <SCRIPT_PATH>\ LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl" -stdout:<LOG_FILE> -stderr:<ERROR_FILE> • If using Unix, start the Command Tool and enter: <MQL_PATH>/mql -c "set context user <SUPER_USER> password <SUPER_USER_PASSWORD>; run <SCRIPT_PATH>/ LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl" 1><LOG_FILE> 2><ERROR_FILE> After running the script 1. If you did not run the entire script, uncomment or add back the commands that you did not run. Re-run the script until all commands for all versions are run. There is no harm in leaving in a command that has already been run. The script will skip a command if the modification has already been made. 2. When you are finished running the script, reset any changed database settings back to production values. 3. After you have run all the commands, install new version of BPS. Installing after running this script might generate Skipping/Syncing warning messages in the log for attributes added in the script. Database Considerations This section contains specific examples of database settings you may want change before running the LargeDBSchemaUpdate.tcl script. The appropriate settings depends on your database size and configuration and system resources so consult with ENOVIA Customer Support and your Database Administrator for the changes appropriate for your system. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 371 These changes are temporary and needed only when running commands with large scale transaction boundaries. They should be changed back after running the script. Redo Logs Disable logging at the tablespace level and then turn them back on after running the script. Alternatively, create more and larger logs because they will fill up quickly. Should an existing database have four 10m redo logs, you could drop them one by one, replacing each one with a 200m redo log. Then create two additional logs. More on Redo Log Activity Increase the log_buffer size, but always keep the log_buffer size to be no more than 5% in size of the sum of the redo logs. So for 5 * 200m redo logs, set log_buffer = 50m. Disable LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL and LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT. For example, set them to a very high number such as 18000000 or 10000000 respectively. Disable ARCHIVE LOG operations. Sort_Area_Size and the TEMP tablespace The goal is to avoid sorting to disk. An installation with a sort_area_size set to 2097152 or 2m might change it to 200m, depending on how much RAM is available on the box. For the TEMP tablespace, the extent sizing calculation is usually: N*sort_area_size + db_block_size For a 2048k (2097152) sort_area_size and an 8k db_block_size, the extent setting would be 2056k. So before running the tcl script, the TEMP extent should be changed to 200m+8k or 204808k. Buffer, Cache, and Pool Size Oracle 8i: DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS Oracle 9i: DB_CACHE_SIZE Oracle 8i and 9i: SHARED_POOL_SIZE Set both values high. For a single Oracle instance on a database server, then assign up to 50% physical memory. If database server has more than one instance or other applications, assign largest amount of physical memory without causing system to go to swap. Settings of 1GB and higher for Oracle 32bit software and higher for Oracle 64 bit software have been noted at large installations for such large operations. This is entirely dependent on system RAM and size of the database. 372 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The Installation Process This section describes the installation process for Business Process Services and other ENOVIA products. It includes a high level description of the files used during installation; the procedures that are called during installation, including how the system handles name collisions and updates to existing objects; file naming conventions; and the directory structure for installed files. This information is especially important to know if you plan on configuring the installation process. For information on the prerequisites for installing the system and for instructions on how to install the various components, see the Program Directory for the given version of your ENOVIA product. Installing to a Populated Database (Released Versions Only) Business Process Services must be installed before installing other ENOVIA products. BPS adds most of the administrative objects used in the applications, including all types, attributes, policies, relationships, roles, groups, persons, vaults, and stores. The installation process also manages issues that may occur when installing over a populated database, such as: • Identifying previous versions of administrative objects that need to be updated. • Identifying previous versions of administrative objects that should not be updated because they have been modified (updating might override modifications). The above check for whether objects have been modified is not available for this release. • Preventing naming conflicts by renaming objects in the framework that have the same name as an existing object (not the same symbolic name though). The installation renames the framework object using the format eService[version number]~[original name]. • Identifying existing administration objects with the same symbolic name as an installing object. If the installation is attempting to add the object, it skips the add command. • Backing up program, administration, business object, and UI components • Schema Changes.mql. Only RELEASED versions of the framework support the upgrade process listed above. Customers who receive PRE-RELEASED software as part of a Beta and/or Customer Sponsorship program are given the pre-released software for evaluation purposes only. The installation program will not automatically upgrade databases from a Beta version to a released version. Installing pre-released versions of the framework requires that the database be empty. MatrixIniDefaults Program The MatrixIniDefaults program contains Matrix ini settings that apply to the entire system. The BPS installs this program to implement settings that it requires. If you install the framework and the database already contains a MatrixIniDefaults program (from a previous framework version or because the administrator created one to implement system settings), the installation copies the existing program to a program called MatrixIniDefaults_VERSION, for example MatrixIniDefaults_10-0-0-0, before it installs Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 373 its own copy of the program. You should compare the copy with the new version and copy over any settings that you had in the existing program. If you make changes to the date/time settings, make sure they are in sync with the corresponding framework properties as described in “Data/Time Format Properties” in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. Business Process Services Version Must Be Correct for Applications It is critical that ENOVIA products use the correct Business Process Services and schema version, as specified in the Program Directory for the given release. Having the correct installation is key to getting the applications to work correctly and for future upgrades to work right. Preventing Custom Pages from Being Overwritten During Upgrades The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server contains a filter class that allows requests from ENOVIA products to check for a prefixed file name so that you can store custom resources (JSP, HTML, and image files) with alternate filenames to prevent them from being overwritten on subsequent application installs. In version 10.6.1, the ability to have multiple prefixes defined was added. This allows you to keep various customization, accelerator, or integration files easy to identify. You can also implement a custom directory to store custom files; however, when using custom directories, there are certain jsp directives that will result in run-time (vs. compile time) errors if the relative pathing isn't correct. Therefore, it is recommended that custom prefixes are used instead of a custom directory. In Version 10.7, use of a custom directory is not supported by default — web.xml configuration is required. The naming convention prefix(es) are contained in the web.xml file for the application server. If the custom JSP filter is enabled, the filter first looks for a page having a name that is the concatenation of any of the defined prefixes and the name of the file requested. If no prefix is set or the page is not found, it looks for the originally requested page. For example, the filter first looks for an Engineering Central file with all specified prefixes under /engineeringcentral/.If not found it looks for the originally requested file name in /engineeringcentral/. Implementing the custom JSP filter involves simple changes to the web.xml file for your application server’s WAR file. To enable the custom JSP filter Open the web.xml file, and in the custom filter section, remove the two multiline comments and make them single line comments. You can do this by deleting the two lines having only --> and pasting the --> at the end of the comment’s first line. The custom filter section should look similar to the following, with the modified single line comment lines shown in boldface. The following shows defined prefixes which are not defined in the web.xml as installed: <!-- Custom filter --> <!-- Custom filter class --> <filter> <filter-name>CustomFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.CustomFilter</ filter-class> 374 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide </filter> <!-- Custom filter definitions --> <filter> <filter-name>CustomFilter1</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.CustomFilter</ filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.customFilePrefix</param-name> <param-value>emxLib_</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter> <filter-name>CustomFilter2</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.CustomFilter</ filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.customFilePrefix</param-name> <param-value>emxFDA_</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter> <filter-name>CustomFilter3</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.CustomFilter</ filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.customFilePrefix</param-name> <param-value>emxUCCnet_</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <!-- Custom filter mappings --> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CustomFilter1</filter-name> <url-pattern>/common/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CustomFilter2</filter-name> <url-pattern>/common/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CustomFilter2</filter-name> <url-pattern>/engineeringcentral/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CustomFilter3</filter-name> <url-pattern>/common/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CustomFilter3</filter-name> <url-pattern>/teamcentral/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 375 The above web.xml defines 3 filters (CustomFilter1, CustomFilter2, and CustomFilter3). Each of these filters has its own prefix and mappings defined. All three filters will potentially intercept requests for pages with /common/… in the URL. The request will first be processed for CustomFilter1 and if no alternate page exists, CustomFilter2 is used, and so on until all have been checked. If no alternate page exists for any of the defined customFilePrefixes, the originally requested resource is supplied. If an alternate page is found with any of the prefixes, that resource is supplied and the checking is stopped. Therefore, the order the prefixes are defined dictates the precedence of the filters. That is, in the example above, CustomFilter1 (emxLib_ ) is first, CustomFilter2 (emxFDA_) is second, CustomFilter3 (emxUCCnet_) is third and the originally requested resource is fourth for any resource requested in the /common directory. To use a custom directory for custom JSP pages It is recommended that if you will be creating your own custom JSP pages, that you use the custom prefix approach described above. However, if you need to use a custom directory for backward compatibility, you can add the following bolded lines into the custom filter section of the Web.xml file: <filter> <filter-name>CustomFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.CustomFilter</ filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>ematrix.customDirName</param-name> <param-value>/custom</param-value> </init-param> </filter> When using custom dirs, there are certain jsp directives that will result in run-time (vs. compile time) errors if the relative pathing isn't correct. Therefore, it is recommended that custom prefixes are used instead of a custom directory. How the Installation Manages Previous Versions The framework installation handles versions named with any string, including version names with more than 4 digits (for example, and names with letters (for example, 9.4.acmecorp). It also handles patches that are inserted into the version sequence after subsequent versions have been released. Each framework version installs a file called AppInfo.rul, which is located in SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\Schema\. The VERSION_LIST section of this file contains a list of all the framework versions in sequence. The last version is the latest version of the framework. All install files and routines refer to this file to get the latest version and version list. When each framework and application version is installed, the install routines record the application name, version, and installation date in a Version Log. This log is stored in the code section of eServiceSystemInformation.tcl. For more information on this program, see “Programs” in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. The installation routines that handle version comparison and tracking work as follows: 1. Get versions in sequence from the VERSION_LIST section of AppInfo.rul file. 2. Check if framework is installed. 376 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 3. If framework is not installed, start installing from first version of framework in the VERSION_LIST section of AppInfo.rul. After successful completion of each version, make an entry in the Version Log (eServiceSystemInformation.tcl). For example, the log for a new installation might look like this: Framework 8-0-1-0 05-01-2002 09:41 AM Framework 8-0-2-0 05-01-2002 09:42 AM Framework 9-0-0-0 05-01-2002 09:43 AM Framework 9-0-0-1 05-01-2002 09:43 AM Framework 9-0-1-0 05-01-2002 09:44 AM . . . Framework 9-5-1-2 05-01-2002 09:50 AM PartStructure 9-5-0-0 05-01-2002 10:15 AM PartDefinition 9-5-0-0 05-01-2002 10:16 AM ProfileManagement 9-5-0-0 05-01-2002 10:16 AM EngineeringChange 9-5-0-0 05-01-2002 10:44 AM 4. If a previous version of the framework is installed, then: a ) Get the version of the installed framework and list it in the Version Log. For the date, enter UNKNOWN (because the new version has no way of knowing when the installed version was installed). For example: Framework 9-0-0-0 Framework 9-0-1-2 Framework 9-0-2-0 Framework 9-0-2-1 EngineeringChange EngineeringChange UNKNOWN 04-29-2002 11:23 AM 04-29-2002 11:24 AM 04-29-2002 11:24 AM 9-0-3-0 UNKNOWN 9-1-0-0 05-29-2002 11:24 AM b ) Check if the installed version of the framework is in the VERSION_LIST section of AppInfo.rul for the version being installed. This is a check to see if the version being installed knows about the installed version. For example, the version being installed might not know about a patch for a previous version that was released after the installing version was released. Suppose a patch for version, called, is released after version is released. Versions and will not know about the patch. If the installed version is in the installing version’s VERSION_LIST (the installing version does know about the installed version), start installing the framework from the very next version. After successful completion of each version, make an entry in the Version Log. If the installed version is not in the installing version’s VERSION_LIST (the installing version does not know about the installed version), get the latest version from the Version Log that is in the installing version’s VERSION_LIST (get the latest version that the installing version does know about). Start installing from the very next version. Using the example versions described above, suppose you are installing over the patch, which the version doesn’t know about. The installing version checks the VersionLog and finds that the latest version that is in its VERSION_LIST is So it will begin installing with version, leaving all the changes made by the patch intact. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 377 How the Installation Handles Schema Similarities At the highest level, there are two ways an existing administration object might be similar to an object being installed: • the administration object names are the same but their symbolic names are not; see Name Collisions • the administration object symbolic names are the same; see Symbolic Name Matches Name Collisions A simple name collision is when a framework administration object has the same name as a custom administration object in the database (an object that was never installed as part of the framework). In this case, the symbolic names of the objects are not the same: either the existing object has no symbolic name or its symbolic name is different from the framework object’s. When the framework install program finds a name collision, it renames the administration object it is installing using the format “eService[version number]~[original name]”. For example, suppose your database contains a Widget type and you are installing version of the framework, which also contains a Widget type. When the framework installs, it renames its Widget type to “eService9000~Widget”. It does not change the type’s symbolic name. After installing the framework, you can find any name collisions by looking at the installation log file (see Installation Log File). For recommendations on resolving collisions, see “Resolving Schema Similarities Between the Framework and Custom Schema” in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. Symbolic Name Matches When the framework installation encounters an existing object that has the same symbolic name as an object it is adding or modifying, it checks to see if the MQL command for the object is an add or modify command. If it’s an add command, the installation skips the command and logs the skip action in the log file. If the MQL command is a modify command, the installation checks the existing object’s Application property to determine if it’s a FrameworkFuture object. How the installation proceeds depends on the value for this property and how the version number compares to the version of the object being installed. There are two types of values for the Application property: • 378 Framework or anything other than FrameworkFuture—The object was installed by the framework or is a custom object. • If the Version property on the existing object is less than the version for the object to be installed (existing object is older than installing object), the installation modifies the object. • If the Version property on the existing object is equal to or greater than the version to be installed (existing object is same as or newer than installing object), the installation skips the modify command. • If a new manifest file has been selected, the installation may modify the object. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • FrameworkFuture—This is a special case in which the schema was flagged as a future part of the framework. This only occurs when a customer works closely with ENOVIA Engineering to add new schema. When schema is flagged as FrameworkFuture, the Version property is also updated with the framework version number the new or modified schema will appear in. • If the Version property on the existing object is less than the version for the installing object (existing object older than the installing object), the installation executes the modify command. • If the Version property on the existing object is the same as the installing object’s version, the installation skips the modify command and changes the Application property from FrameworkFuture to Framework to identify it as a framework object. It then logs a message to the log file to indicate that the object has been synced and the modify command skipped. • If the Version property on the existing object is higher than the installing object’s version (existing object is newer than installing), the installation skips the modify command and indicates the skipped command in the log file. • If a new manifest file has been selected, the installation may modify the object. This table summarizes how the system handles symbolic name matches. MQL command Application property on existing object is: Existing object’s Version property is less, equal, or greater than installing version? Framework installation: add ANY ANY skips the add command because the object already exists log a message about the command being skipped may add if new manifest file has been selected. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 379 MQL command Application property on existing object is: Existing object’s Version property is less, equal, or greater than installing version? Framework installation: modify Framework or any value other than FrameworkFuture (indicating a custom object) less (existing object is older) executes the modify command equal skips the command may modify if new manifest file has been selected. greater (existing object is newer) skips the command may modify if new manifest file has been selected. less (existing object is older) executes the modify command equal skips the modify command, changes the Application property to Framework, and logs the object syncing and command skip in the log file may modify if new manifest file has been selected. greater (existing object is newer) skips the command and enters the skip in the log file may modify if new manifest file has been selected. FrameworkFuture Installation Log File After installing the framework and schema, you can review these log files: • install[Framework or application][version number].log • installSchemaInstaller[version number].log • SchemaChangessMQL[version number].log Framework\Application Installation Log File A log file is created every time the installation file is run for the framework or for a application. The file is called install[Framework or application name][version number].log and is installed by default in SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\. For example, the log file for the V6R2011x framework is called installFrameworkV6R2011x.log. The file lists all the administrative objects added or modified during installation, objects renamed due to name collisions, MQL commands skipped due to symbolic name collisions, and error conditions. The log file shows messages generated for each installation script that runs during installation. You can determine which program generated the message by looking above the message until you find the line that lists the program that was running. 380 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide This table describes the messages that can appear in the file. Log Message Condition Action Performed by Installation Currently Installed Applications >None Installed No application is installed in the database. Install application for first time. Currently Installed Applications >Application : A1 V1 >Application : A1 V2 Applications A1 of version V1 and A2 of version V2 are already installed. If application to be installed is same as A1 or A2 then update installed application objects for latest version, else add new application. Now Installing >Application : A1 V1 — Start installing application A1 of version V1. Adding : program P1 V1 Program P1 is not present in the database. Add program to database. Modifying : program P1 V1 Program P1 with earlier version already exists. Modify program in the database to update it to new version. Exists : program P1 Program P1 with same or newer version is already present in the database. Do nothing. Adding : adminType A1 V1 Administration object A1 is not present in the database. Add administration object to the database. Renaming : adminType A1 Administration object with same name as A1 is already present in the database. Object is created by customer and not installed by installation scripts. Don’t change the administration object present in the database. Instead install object with the name formed by prefixing previous name by string eService + version_name. Same Version: adminType A1 V1 Administration object A1 with same version is present in the database. Do nothing. Modifying : adminType A1 V1 Administration object A1 is installed by earlier version. Update existing administration object to make it compatible with new version. Adding : itemDesc V1 Administration bus object not present in the database. Add administration object to the database. Modifying : itemDesc V1 Administration bus object is already installed by earlier installation script. Update administration object by modifying it for latest version. Adding : Method T1 M1 Method M1 not present on type T1. Add a new method. Exists : Method T1 M1 Method M1 already exists on type T1. Do nothing. Removing : Method T1 M1 Method M1 is defined on type T1. Remove method . Adding : user U1 Sample user U1 not present in the database. Add a person. Exists : user U1 Sample user U1 already present in the database. Do nothing. Adding : itemDesc Sample bus object not present in the database. Add sample object to the database. Adding : workspace R1 — Sets workspace for role R1. Adding : workspace itemDesc V1 Toolset is not defined in current operating workspace. Add toolset in the operating workspace for version V1. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 381 Log Message Condition Action Performed by Installation Modifying : workspace itemDesc V1 Toolset is defined in current operating workspace. Modify toolset in the operating workspace for version V1. Cannot create type xxx not unique type This message should not appear after version 9550. There is an existing, custom administration object with the same symbolic name as an object being installed. Condition causes the installation to roll back and creates many additional errors. You need to unregister the existing administration object. Only for pre-9550 installations. Cannot rename xxx as object already exists with new name There is an existing, custom administration object with the same name as the new name we are trying to use. Condition causes the installation to roll back and creates many additional errors. You need to unregister the existing administration object. Skipping mql command for type T version 9-0-0-0 Following command is skipped mql add type T There is an existing framework administration object with the same symbolic name as the object being installed. Add command is skipped. type T already exists. Following mql command skipped mql add type T There is an existing custom administration object with the same symbolic name as the object being added. Add command is skipped. Skipping mql command for type T version 9-0-0-0 Following command is skipped mql modify type T There is an existing framework object whose version is equal or greater to the installing object’s. Modify command is skipped Syncing type T at version 9-0-0-0 There is an administration object with the same symbolic name, Application property of FrameworkFuture, and the same Version property as installing object. Application property is changed to Framework and modify or add command is not executed Schema Installation Log File A log file is created every time the schema installer is run. The file is called installSchemaInstaller[version number].log and is installed by default in the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\<version>\SchemaInstaller\ directory. The file contains a section for each version of each schema installed (AEF, Team Central, all other ENOVIA products, and any custom schema). You may see Modifying messages for a version earlier than your currently installed version. For example, your installed version is, but you see a modifying message for version This situation may occur if a prior conversion executed, but for some reason did not update the version number for the object. The message here indicates that the version has been modified, not that the conversion was run again. 382 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide This table describes the messages that can appear in the file. . Log Message Description Currently Installed Applications Lists the applictions that have already been installed Now Installing >Application : SchemaInstaller Running SchemaInstallerPrograms.tcl The Schema Installer is running. Adding : program P1 V1 Schema for the program/verion added. Running SchemaInstallerCustomPrograms.tcl The schema for custom programs (defined by the custom SDF, SMF, and mapping files) is being installed >Upgrading [version] [application] Section for each application/version containing the schema changes > Adding : adminType P1 V1 Adding administrative objections for the program/version P1/V1 >Modifying : admingType P1/V1 Modifying administrative objections for the program/version P1/V1 >Modifying : workspace itemDesc V1 Toolset is defined in current operating workspace. MQL Schema Changes Log File A schema changes log file is created every time the schema installer is run. The file is called SchemaChangesMQL[version number].log and is installed by default in the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\<version>\SchemaInstaller\ directory. The file contains the MQL code corresponding to the entries listed in the Schema Installer log file. Directory Structure Build scripts The BPS installation program adds the following directories to the location specified as the directory for placing the build scripts, usually the installation directory for ENOVIA Live Collaboration. SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\ | Common\ (All trigger programs common to all applications; includes their utility programs) | Common UI\ (Program and image files needed for the user interface. Applet jar files are also located there.) | Doc\ (User’s guides and online help for the Application Exchange Framework and the applications. Online help for each application is located in a subdirectory with the name of the application. The user’s guide for the apps and the framework are located in the pdf directory. The common directory contains VCP help. The javadoc directory contains javadoc from the framework classes. | Pixmaps\ (Graphics, .gif, files for icons and other Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 383 images) (Tcl file that add administrative objects owned by each application; also includes programs used by the framework, such as the trigger manager, atuomatic object creation program, and the scheman variable mapping program) | Store\ (Test store directory used for checking in files; empty upon installation) | UserInterface\ | Uninstall\ | UI\ | Backup\ \ ematrix\ (Any modified files are copied here using the same directory structure as exists under the staging directory.) | Schema\ The installation program for each ENOVIA product adds a subdirectory under the framework directory. Each application subdirectory contains the program files needed to build the application. For example, the directory structure would look like this if the Engineering Central application is installed. SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\EngineeringCentral\<version>\ | AppsCommon\ (Program files for the Common Components application) | Common\ | Doc\ | EngineeringCentral\ (Program files for the Engineering Central application) | Uninstall\ | UI\ | Backup\ | ematrix\ (Any modified files are copied here using the same directory structure as exists under the staging directory.) Application Server directories When Web Interface is chosen during the framework installation, the installation program creates a directory called “ematrix” under the staging directory of the Collaboration server installation directory. The installation installs some files to this directory and creates subdirectories for other files. When you install an ENOVIA product, the installation program creates a directory under the ematrix directory using the name of the application. All application-specific files for the application are copied to the directory. Directories for the online help and user guide are also created. The following lists the directory structure under the ematrix\ directory. SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ | ematrix\ (JSP, JavaScript, and style sheet files related to the Login, Logout, and Home pages. All other component files are in the common subdirectory.) | classes\ (.jar files needed for the applications) | common\ (All JSP files that belong to AEF and the dynamic user interface components used for the applications. Only BPS installs to the common 384 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide | | | | | J2EE Implementation directory and its subdirectories. Individual applications use files from the directory but don’t install to it.) | scripts\ (All .js files that belong to BPS; used for the applications) | styles\ (All style sheet (.css) files that belong to BPS; used for the applications) | images\ (All image, .gif, files that belong to BPS; used for the applications. All the icon files for the object types are in this directory. For example, it contains images for object type Part and administration types like role and person.) components\ (Program and image files for common components; installed as part of Business Process Services) doc\ (Contains a subdirectory for each installed application’s help systems, and a pdf directory for user’s guides. Within each application’s help subdirectory, there is a subdirectory for each language, named using the standard abbreviation for the language, i.e., en for English, fr for French, etc.. The javadoc directory contains javadoc from the framework classes.) properties\ (All property files, including the String Resource files and system property files that let you configure features. APPS_DIR\ (Each application, such as Engineering Central and Supplier Central, has its own directory. The application subdirectories have the same name as the application, with no spaces, such as EngineeringCentral and SupplierCentral. The following types, which belong to the applications, are in this directory: - JSP, .jsp, files - JavaScript, .js, files - style sheet, .css, files - all component files) | images\ (All image, .gif, files that belong to the corresponding applications) Web-Inf\ (Contains the emxUtil.tld and framework.tld files, which are custom tag libraries) When installing ENOVIA products, all files are installed to the staging directory of the Collaboration server installation directory. After installing all applications, you must run the war utility to create archive files in the distrib directory. Then deploy the EAR file using your J2EE application server. For more information on supported application servers, the directory structures, and instructions for running the war utility and deploying the archive file, see Deploying J2EE in Chapter 10. Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 385 Keep these important points in mind when making changes to framework and application files, including changes to emxSystem.properties, emxLogin.properties, any StringResource file, and any changes or additions to the JSPs: File Naming Conventions • Always make changes to the files within the staging directory and not to the corresponding file in the archive files. If you make changes within the archive file itself, you risk overwriting these changes the next time you run the war utility. • Remember to rerun the war utility and redeploy the archive file every time you make changes to files in the staging directory. Restart the application server after deploying the archive file. The naming conventions for the files installed with Business Process Services and applications ensure that all ENOVIA programs correctly refer to each other and are distinguished from custom programs. The naming conventions also make it easy to identify the purpose of the file and the application it belongs to. The below table shows the conventions used for directories and files in the framework and for some applications. Do not change the name of ENOVIA product programs and do not create new programs that use any of the prefixes listed below. Doing either may cause programs to fail. Directory Name File Prefix Example File Name (various directories with Tcl and JSP files) eService emx eServiceInstallAdmin.tcl emxTeamAddBusinessUnit.jsp Common\ common emxcommon eServicecommon commonCheckRelativeState.tcl eServicecommonCompleteTask.tcl emxcommonPushPopShadowAgent.java SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\pixmaps\app\ — The files in the pixmaps directory are GIF image files. Since they aren’t added to the database, there is no naming convention for these files. SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\<version>\ Schema\ — The files in the Schema directory are for installation and are not added to the database so there is no naming convention used for them. SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\ematrix\ directory and application subdirectories emx[ABBREVIATION FOR APPLICATION] emxTeamAddBusinessUnit.jsp emxbomCopyEBOMdialog.jsp Other prefixes that are used include: 386 • banner • bar • button • datapopulate • logo ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide • menu • populate • softmgmt • splash • UserInterface • util Naming conventions for image files Category of Image Description File name format Example File Names Object types like Part, ECR etc Small image / Icon iconSmall<Object Name>.gif iconSmallPart.gif iconSmallECR.gif Large Image / Icon iconLarge< Object Name>.gif iconLargePart.gif iconLargeECR.gif Small image / Icon iconSmall<Admin Type Name>.gif iconSmallPerson.gif iconSmallRole.gif Large image / Icon iconLarge<Admin Type Name>.gif iconLargePerson.gif iconLargeRole.gif Generic action based images Used in forms and Menus button<Action Name>.gif buttonDone.gif buttonCancel.gif buttonLogout.gif buttonHelpAbout.gif buttonInboxTask.gif All Feature specific images, buttons, and icons Icons icon<FeatureKey><Name>.gif iconSearchPerson.gif iconProfilePerson.gif iconBOMView.gif Buttons button<FeatureKey><Name>.gif buttonBOMCopy.gif buttonBOMView.gif Utility and other Images util<FeatureKey><Name>.gif utilLoginBackground.gif utilEngineeringTop.gif utilPlus.gif utilNavArrow.gif utilSpacer.gif Logos logo<Name>.gif logoEngineeringCentral.gif logoSupplierCentral.gif Administration types like Role, Person etc Logo images for products / companies Chapter 14: Installing Business Process Services™ 387 388 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 15 Installing the 3DVIA Viewer Overview The 3DVIA Viewer is a webtop visualization component used to view 3D and 2D images (CGM, CGR or 3DXML files) associated with parts and CAD models. The 3DVIA Viewer also allows you to view TIFF files (files with an extension of .tif or .tiff) in 3DLive quality, a higher precision than is generally available with the viewer integrated into Windows. The 3DVIA Viewer is launched initially in File mode, which means that you cannot do any markup, redlining, or taking of measurements. Document objects should conform to the CDM (Common Document Model) for storing TIFF files. You can invoke the 3DVIA Viewer by: • Clicking the 3DVIA Viewer button in the BOM PowerView page for parts in Engineering Central. • Clicking the 3DVIA Viewer button in the Navigator page for MCAD models in Designer Central. • Viewing 3D or 2D images in the Image Manager page for objects in Common Components. The Image Manager must be configured for the object. For details, see “Configuring Images for Objects” in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. The first time you invoke the 3DVIA Viewer from your machine, you are asked if you would like to install it. If you choose to install it, the 3DVIA Viewer is downloaded from 389 the Live Collaboration Server and installed on your machine. The next time you invoke it, the 3DVIA Viewer already installed on your machine is used. The 3DVIA Viewer is supported on both Windows 32- and 64-bit clients. You can invoke the viewer from Internet Explorer on both 32- and 64-bit clients, and from Firefox on 32-bit clients. 390 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 3DVIA Viewer Live Collaboration Server Installation The 3DVIA Viewer is not required to be installed on the Live Collaboration Server. Instead the Live Collaboration Server acts as a storage place for the 3DVIA Viewer installation files. The 3DVIA Viewer is installed one time on a user's machine based on need (i.e. if it's not already installed or if the existing version is older than the version stored on the Live Collaboration Server). Users initiate the installation process by invoking the 3DVIA Viewer from the locations listed above. Even though the 3DVIA Viewer is only supported on Windows 32 and 64-bit clients, the installation files need to be stored on all Live Collaboration Server installations (Windows, UNIX, etc.). There are two separate tarkits that must be stored: • One for Windows 32-bit (3DVIAViewer.Windows_package) • One for Windows 64-bit (3DVIAViewer.Windows64_package) Both tarkits must be stored so the 3DVIA Viewer can be installed on both Windows 32 and 64-bit clients. Prerequisites for Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on the Live Collaboration Server Before you launch the 3DVIA Viewer installation, the following are prerequisites: • The Live Collaboration Server and at least Business Process Services must be installed. ENOVIA applications can be installed before or after installing the 3DVIA Viewer tarkits. • The MSXML Parser must be in the STAGING directory. Both the 32 and 64-bit versions must be installed. To download the MSXML Parser, an Administrator must download both the msxml6_x86.msi and msxml6_x64.msi files from the Microsoft website: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ details.aspx?FamilyID=d21c292c-368b-4ce1-9dab-3e9827b70604&DisplayLang=en Both files must be placed in the STAGING directory. For example, msxml6_x86.msi should be copied in ENOVIAHOME/server/STAGING/components/x86/ msi/ and msxml6_x64.msi should be copied in ENOVIAHOME/server/ STAGING/components/x64/msi/. After all the ENOVIA applications you are using are installed, run the war utility. For details, see Building the J2EE Archive File. • The web services required for the 3DVIA Viewer must be published. To publish these web services, do the following: a ) Set the following variables in the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform and the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server: MX_SERVICE_PATH = <server path>\ distrib\enovia\WEB-INF\classes This variable should be set to the directory where the service stubs and deployment files will be written when service JPOs are compiled in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration. MX_SERVICE_ADMIN = <application server url> This variable should specify the administration URL of the Axis Web application. Chapter 15: Installing the 3DVIA Viewer 391 b ) Force compile all the JPOs by running the following commands in MQL. The application server above should be running when you compile: set context user creator; compile program * force; c ) Restart the Live Collaboration Server. d ) Access the following URL to verify the web services are published: <application server url>/services Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on Windows To install the 3DVIA Viewer on Windows Live Collaboration Servers 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. 3. Unzip the zip file and run ENOVIUSetup.bat. The command prompt window opens. 4. Enter the path to your Live Collaboration Server installation, for example, C:\enoviaV6R2011x\server. Click Enter. The setup then copies the entire contents of the .tar file to SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ematrix\components\x86\ (for the 32-bit version). 5. Repeat the steps above for the tarkit for the 64-bit version. 6. Run the war utility (war_setup.bat) after installing all applications. See Building the J2EE Archive File. 7. Deploy the generated web application using the J2EE application server. See Deploying the J2EE Archive File. 8. Restart the application server. Installing the 3DVIA Viewer on UNIX To install the 3DVIA Viewer on UNIX Live Collaboration Servers 1. Log in as a user who has the privileges to install the 3DVIA Viewer (copy files to the Web server root directory, install on the database, run MQL.exe, etc.). 2. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 3. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./ENOVIUSetup 4. Enter the path to your Live Collaboration Server installation, for example: /home/enovia/V6R2011x/server The setup then copies the entire contents of the .tar file to SERVERHOME/ STAGING/enovia/components/x86/ (for the 32-bit version). 5. Repeat the steps above for the tarkit for the 64-bit version. 6. Run the war utility setup file after installing all applications. See Building the J2EE Archive File. 392 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 7. Deploy the generated web application using the J2EE application server. See Deploying the J2EE Archive File. 8. Restart the application server. Upgrading the 3DVIA Viewer To upgrade the version of the 3DVIA Viewer installation files stored on the Live Collaboration Server, follow the installation instructions above for your platform. Chapter 15: Installing the 3DVIA Viewer 393 394 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 16 Installing ENOVIA Products Overview All ENOVIA products require that you first install all components of ENOVIA Live Collaboration as outlined in What Needs to be Installed? Then follow the installation procedure appropriate for your platform: Before Installing the applications • Installing an Application on UNIX • Installing an Application on Windows If installing many ENOVIA products on the same system, the default setting for open files may be too small in a RIP environment (single process). In this case, ENOVIA Live Collaboration requires about 1k for open files. For example, on Solaris use the following setting in the /etc/system file: set rlim_fd_cur=1024 ; soft limit (per process) If your application server is configured for use with other applications besides ENOVIA’s, you should refer to your application server’s tuning recommendations. For WebLogic on Solaris, the recommendation is 8192 as shown in their documentation at: http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs70/perform/HWTuning.html. 395 Installing a Service Pack Service pack installations (VERSION.SPX.Partial) are available for selected ENOVIA product versions. A service pack can be installed only over the version of the same name. For example, EngineeringCentral.10.5.SP2.Partial can be installed over Engineering Central version 10.5 or 10.5.SP1. A full upgrade (VERSION.SPX.Full) can be installed over any previous release. Service pack installation follows the same procedure as the full release installation, but includes only modified files. It is recommended for sites that have customized pages. Installing an Application on UNIX Before installing an application on UNIX you must: • Log in as a user who has the privileges to install the application (copy files to the Web server root directory, install on the database, run MQL.exe, etc.). • If installing from a CD, mount the CD so the operating system software can access the files contained on the disk. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 for examples of mount commands for each platform. • Make sure you know the path where mql.exe is located. To install ENOVIA products on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can’t handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.APPNAME (for example, ./setup.ProgramCentral) 3. First you must choose the Installation Type from the following menu: Installing APPLICATION_NAME -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? 1 Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts shown in Step 6. 4. Next, you must choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter distribution directory path []? Enter build script directory path []? Enter Collaboration Platform Server installation directory path []? The distribution directory defaults to the directory above the current directory and you should be able to accept the default by typing enter (or type in a new path as required). 396 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The Collaboration Platform Server installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. 5. Next you must tell the setup program where MQL is (Matrix application scripts) and the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter directory path for Modeling Studio scripts [/usr/bin]? /app/mx10 Enter Administrator user for Modeling Studio ? [creator]? Enter Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced option in Step 3, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don’t update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole Framework transaction in case of failure [yes]? Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—The default is no, which means after you complete the installation, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the build script directory only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, use MQL to run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—The default is yes. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing problems into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only change this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 7. The system checks to see if there is a version of the application already installed. You will receive one of the following messages. • If there is no previous installation: No version of APPLICATION is installed. All application/ common files (JSPs, JPOs, Tcl Program Objects and JAR Files) and schema (types, attributes, menus, commands, application business objects, etc.) will be installed. Do you want to continue [y n] • If there is an older version installed: An older version of APPLICATION is installed. All older application/common files (JSPs, JPOs, Tcl Program Objects and JAR Files) and schema (types, attributes, menus, Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 397 commands, application business objects, etc.) will be updated. Do you want to continue [y n] • If the same version is installed: The same version of APPLICATION is installed. All older application/common files (JSPs, JPOs, Tcl Program Objects and JAR Files) will be updated. Do you want to continue [y n] • If a newer version is installed: A newer version of APPLICATION is installed. You cannot replace it with an older version. <Press return to continue> 8. When you decide to continue, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installAPPNAME_VERSION.tcl is created in Apps/APP_NAME/VERSION. VERSION is the software version number, such as 10-5. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, check the files named installAPPNAME_VERSION.log and installAPPNAME_VERSION.err in your installation script directory to verify that the setup is complete, to get details about errors, to see exactly what items were added and/or modified, and to see if any items were renamed due to name collisions. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. 9. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 10. Continue with the next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Installing an Application on Windows To install an ENOVIA product on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: 398 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area, but does not install sample data. Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See Step 10.) Click Next. 6. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\APP_NAME\<version>\, where SERVER_INSTALL is the directory where ENOVIA Live Collaboration is installed. You can select a different location, if desired, using the Browse button. The SERVER_INSTALL directory should contain the bootstrap file that points to your database. After specifying the directory, click Next. 7. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 8. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in the ENOVIA_INSTALL directory. When you are done, click Next. 9. At the next frame, enter the names of the Data and Index table spaces for the eService Production vault. The eService Production vault is the vault that will be used for production data. Consult your Database Administrator for information about the table space names used. If you do not specify table space names, the tables and indexes for the product vault will be created in the Oracle user’s default tablespace, which may not be sized appropriately for production data storage. Click Next. 10. If you chose the Advanced install option, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. If you chose a Standard install, skip to Step 16. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 399 11. The system checks to see if there is a version of the application already installed. If not, the program asks if you want to continue installing the application. To continue installing, click Yes. Choosing No will exit setup and you’ll have to run setup again to install. If the install program detects an existing version of the application, you will receive one of the following messages based on whether the existing version is older or newer than the installing version. If the existing application version is: This message displays: Available Actions: older than the installing version An older version of APPLICATION is installed. All older application/common files (JSPs, JPOs, Tcl Program Objects and JAR Files) and schema (types, attributes, menus, commands, application business objects, etc.) will be updated. To not install any schema or programs, click No. To install updated schema and programs, click Yes. Common component schema is installed only if it is newer than the existing common components. Common component programs are installed only if they are the same version or newer than the existing common components. (The existing common component version might be different than the existing application version.) the same as the installing version The same version of APPLICATION is installed. All older application/common files (JSPs, JPOs, Tcl Program Objects and JAR Files) will be updated. To not install any schema or programs, click No. To install updated schema and programs, click Yes. Common component schema is installed only if it is newer than the existing common components. Common component programs are installed only if they are the same version or newer than the existing common components. (The existing common component version might be different than the existing application version.) newer than the installing version A newer version of APPLICATION is installed. You cannot replace it with an older version. Click OK. No schema or programs are installed. If you clicked Yes to install the application, the Setup program: • Copies installation scripts to the selected directory. While the files are copied, a progress meter displays the current files being copied and the percent completed. When the copy is complete, a file named installAPPNAME_VERSION.tcl is created in the application’s directory. VERSION is the software version number for the application, such as 10-6. • Launches MQL in the background and runs the install scripts. • Displays a progress meter, which shows you the files being run and the percent completed. If you don’t see the progress meter, the installation isn’t working correctly. Cancel the installation and rerun it, making sure you specify a valid bootstrap file name. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 400 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide When complete, using a text editor such as WordPad, check the files named installAPPNAME_VERSION.log and installAPPNAME_VERSION.err in your installation directory to verify that the setup is complete, to get details about errors, and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you chose not to undo the transactions). 12. If you have backups of customized properties files, you’ll need to compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 13. Continue with the next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 401 Upgrading ENOVIA Products The installation programs for ENOVIA products recognize previously-installed versions and make the necessary updates to upgrade the application to the new version. Refer to the Program Directory for the given release for additional information on upgrading. To install a new version of BPS or application over a previous version 1. Back up all files and the database. a ) Back up the SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ematrix\ directory. It is especially important to back up properties files to which you have made changes. b ) Back up the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\Framework\ directory. c ) Back up the database instance. 2. If you want to install sample data for BPS, and have sample data installed from a previous version of BPS, be aware that the installation scripts for sample data will not overwrite business objects of the same name. This means that older version sample data will not be updated, if changes were made in the newer revision. 3. Follow the instructions for Installing Business Process Services™ and Overview. See the Program Directory for the specific version that you are installing for additional instructions. 4. If you customized properties files, you’ll need to compare the backup copies of your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 5. Continue with the next step in General Installation for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 402 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installation Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Remedy Errors during application login from the emxLogin page such as. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.Exception: Message:Compile error: /usr/tmp/851aa48/ emxPropertyUtil_mxJPOHXUH8QAAAAEA AAAB.java:21: cannot access java.lang.Object bad class file: /usr/jdk1.5.0_02/jre/lib/ rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class) class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0 This exception usually this means that the JPO's were compiled on a higher version of the JDK and the class files are attempting to be used by a lower version of jdk. All JPOs and JSPs should be compiled with the same version of the JDK as the Application server will use. If you use the BPS Admin tool to run the MQL compile command, this will ensure that the same JDK is used. Also make sure that the MX_CLASSPATH and PATH information in mxEnv.sh file are pointing to the correct JDK, and verify that the Application server is indeed picking up this JDK when running in RIP mode. Also check the JAVA_HOME in your environment. Problems accessing the login or home page Make sure web.xml has the correct login and home page properties, which by default are as follows: ematrix.login.page=/ematrix/emxLogin.jsp ematrix.home.page=/ematrix/emxHome.jsp On the application pages, you see tags for strings instead of appropriate onscreen text Make sure all StringResource.properties files are in STAGING/ematrix/ properties and that the classpath statements are correct for the Web server (see the next remedy below). Install error: #0 System Error #1900014 Cannot open file 'c:matrixVERCoreAppsFrameworkCommonC ommonCompatibilityCheck.tcl' Be sure that MQL is not in “escape” mode. Run the following MQL command to determine if escaping is enabled (you must log in as a business administrator to do so): MQL<> print escape; If the system indicates that escape mode is on, turn it off before running the install with: MQL<> set escape off; Refer to “Working with Workspace Objects” in the MQL Guide. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 403 Symptom Possible Remedy Install errors that indicate an administration object couldn't be installed because it was not unique or an administration object couldn't be renamed because an object already exists with that name. A custom administration object may have been registered with the same symbolic name as an object being installed/renamed. For example, you may have registered administrative objects that you expect to be included in the framework or you may have registered an object that coincidentally has the same properties as a framework object. To correct the problem so the installation proceeds correctly, you need to unregister the added schema that is causing the collisions. To unregister schema, use the eService Change Administration Property wizard, as described in the Application Exchange Framework User’s Guide. Note that there is no need to unregister added schema if it is not causing a collision with installing schema. After installing the framework, you can either use the framework’s object or your custom object. Either way, you’ll probably have to make changes to the one you use to include code and other characteristics from the one you don't use. For considerations on which object to use and instructions, see the “When There are Similarities Between the Framework and Your Database” section of the Application Exchange Framework User’s Guide. Do not register schema that you anticipate to be in an upcoming release of the framework without explicit permission from ENOVIA Framework Engineering. They must provide you with the registration information. Web server errors regarding problems finding classes 404 The application server startup scripts that need matrix .jar files don’t refer to .jar files directly. Instead they call ComputedClassPath. This only requires that you have a valid bootstrap in place and that all the directories that contain the .jar files you need are listed in MX_CLASSPATH. You should only need to configure this if you have custom apps or custom JPOs with non-Matrix dependencies. For more information, see MX_CLASSPATH in Optional Variables in Chapter 9. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide User Access to ENOVIA products Refer to “Prerequisites” in the Program Directory for the given release for client-side requirements. Compile JSPs and JPOs When an application page (JSP) is first accessed it is compiled by the JVM in the application server. In order to improve performance for the first user you should pre-compile all the pages, as well as all the JPOs in the database. Use the table below to determine how to precompile the JSPs with your application server. Application Server Precompile Command Information Websphere http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/ index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/ rweb_jspbchtl.html Weblogic http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs70/jsp/reference.html#57794 tomcat http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/ jasper-howto.html#Web%20Application%20Compilation Sun http://docs.sun.com/source/817-2172/dwjsp.html#49427 All JPOs and JSPs should be compiled with the same version of the JDK as the Application server will use. If you use the BPS Admin tool to run the MQL compile command, this will ensure that the same JDK is used. To compile JPOs use the following MQL command: <mql> compile prog * force update; File Text Searches Some ENOVIA products allow you to search on text of a checked in file. To enable the full text search functionality, you must select the Advanced Search option when installing ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Time/Date Format For more information about configuring date/time formats for the framework and ENOVIA products, refer to the “Setting Date Management Properties” section of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide. Configuring File Download for Multi-Byte Filenames on IE To configure Internet Explorer to save files with filenames that have characters from any language, you set the option that sends URLs as UTF-8. To enable Internet Explorer to send URLs as UTF-8 1. In Internet Explorer, choose Tools > Internet Options. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 405 2. Select the Advanced tab. 3. Under the Browsing section, check Always send URLs as UTF-8. 4. Click OK. 5. Restart the browser. Browser Screen Resolution and DPI settings It is recommended that your browser machine uses a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 with Small (or Normal) Font on the display settings. This ensures the display of large calendar and table views. In addition, most Windows/Linux systems are shipped with the display DPI set to 96. Certain machines set to 120 have reported issues where some information is being cut-off from their display. If you experience truncation (partial menus, etc.) in the Matrix UI and have the resolution set to 120 DPI, it needs to be reset back to 96. Accessing ENOVIA products To access ENOVIA products 1. Start the Application server. If using WebLogic, start it from a console at the server, not from Telnet or other remote service. 2. Start your Web browser. 3. Go to the http://HOSTNAME:[PORTNUMBER]/enovia/emxLogin.jsp. The port number is only needed if you are using WebLogic. 4. At the login page, enter a User Name, such as the sample user, “Test Everything”, and click Login. For instructions on using the ENOVIA product, click the help button on any page. 406 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installing the ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerators There are 4 ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerators designed for the semiconductor industry: • ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Central- is an bundle that includes DesignSync Data Manager and the Team Collaboration overlay. This application requires only ENOVIA Live Collaboration (including Business Process Services) and ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data manager. • ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for Design to Manufacture - is an “overlay” component that requires ENOVIA Engineering Central and ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central. • ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for Enterprise Project Management - is a “bridge” component between ENOVIA Program Central and ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager and as such requires both DesignSync and Program Central. • ENOVIA Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management - is an “overlay” component and requires ENOVIA Library Central. An optional integration to Synchronicity DesignSync is included, but you can use the IP classification piece without DesignSync. In addition, a Library Central taxonomy based on the VSIA standard is also available. This is the same classification taxonomy implemented in Synchronicity IP Gear; it is created by a script that must be run manually, as described in the ENOVIA Library Central Administrator's Guide. A toolkit that provides partial automation to enable migration of data/metadata from Synchronicity IP Gear is also provided. All of the accelerators can be enabled to interface with ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager and publish DesignSync files/folders as IP. If you want to use HTTPS to communicate between DesignSync and the ENOVIA Live Collaboration server, you must configure SSL on your DesignSync server and install the digital certificate onto the ENOVIA Live Collaboration server. For more information, see "DesignSync File Access" in the Application Development Guide. Refer to the Program Directory for the given release for additional requirements. Installing DesignSync Central Installation involves the following steps 1. Installing Prerequisites in the correct order. 2. Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on UNIX or Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on Windows. 3. Enabling source control access if you use Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The war utility only needs to be run one time after the last Accelerator you plan to use is installed. It does not need to be run after each Accelerator is installed. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 407 Prerequisites You should install the SAME VERSION (such as V6R2011x) of the prerequisites in the following order: 1. Live Collaboration, with its requirements of a supported application server and a supported database. Be sure to include the schema for the application(s) you are using when installing the Business Process Services component of the platform. 2. DesignSync on a different host machine than ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on UNIX The Team Collaboration Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on Windows platforms, see Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on Windows. To install the Accelerator on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can’t handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.TeamCollaboration 3. First you must choose the Installation Type from the following menu Installing Team Collaboration -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? 1 Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts shown. 4. Next, choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Scripts Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter build script directory path [<current_dir>]? Enter Collaboration Platform Server installation directory path? The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The default value is the current working directory. The installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. The default value is the current working directory. 408 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 5. Next you must tell the setup program where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform and where the Schema Installer are, as well as the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter directory path for Modeling Studio scripts [/usr/bin]? Schema Installer Path -----------------------------------------------------------Enter where schema installer exists [SERVERHOME/Apps/ Framework/<version>/SchemaInstaller]? Enter Administrator user for Modeling Studio? [creator]? Enter Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced install option, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don’t update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole TeamCollaboration transaction in case of failure [yes]? Refer to Step 6. in the Installing ENOVIA products procedure for details on the options. 7. The system checks to see if there is a previous version of the Team Collaboration accelerator already installed. You will receive a message asking you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you say yes, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installDesigntoSyncCentral_<VERSION>.tcl is created in Apps/TeamCollaboration/ <VERSION>. <VERSION> is the software version number, such as V6R2009x. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. Check the files named installTeamCollaboration_VERSION.log and installTeamCollaboration_VERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly which items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log file to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. 8. The schema installer then creates the selected schema. If errors are encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will undo all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 409 about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 9. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 10. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on Windows The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on UNIX platforms, see Installing the Team Collaboration Accelerator on UNIX. To install the Accelerator on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area, but does not install sample data. Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See Step 11.) Click Next. 6. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\TeamCollaboration\<version>\ directory. You can select a different location, if desired, using the Browse button. After specifying the directory, click Next. 7. On the JDK directory frame, enter the path to the JDK. Click Next. 410 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 8. On the Schema installer frame, enter the path to the schema installer. 9. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password for a user who has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 10. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in installation directory where Supplier Central suite is installed. When you are done, click Next. 11. If you chose the Advanced install option, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 12. DesignSync Central is installed. When the schema portion of the install is reached, you are asked if you want to continue. You must install the schema in order for the accelerator to work. Click Yes to continue, No to cancel. 13. Next you are asked where custom schema files exist. Enter the path to your custom schema directory. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as WordPad, check the files named installTeamCollaboration_VERSION.log and installTeamCollaboration_VERSION.err in your installation directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. 14. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 15. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 411 Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration When you install DesignSync Central, you should enable DesignSync file access (DSFA). This entails the following: Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator • Obtaining and installing a DSFA license key for each ENOVIA Live Collaboration user that will use the DesignSync store. Refer to the DesignSync document, INSTALL_LICENSE.txt for details. • Creating a DesignSync store. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for details. Installation involves the following steps 1. Installing Prerequisites in the correct order. 2. Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on UNIX or Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on Windows. 3. Enabling source control access if you use Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The war utility only needs to be run one time after the last Accelerator you plan to use is installed. It does not need to be run after each Accelerator is installed. Prerequisites You should install the SAME VERSION (such as V6R2011x) of the prerequisites in the following order: 1. ENOVIA Live Collaboration, with its requirements of a supported application server and a supported database. Be sure to include the schema for the application(s) you are using when installing the Business Process Services component of the platform. 2. Engineering Central. 3. Variant Configuration Central. See Before Installing the applications for information on installing ENOVIA products. You may install Engineering Central and Variant Configuration Central in either order, but you must install Live Collaboration first, and all three applications must be installed before installing the Accelerator. Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on UNIX The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on Windows platforms, see Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on Windows. 412 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To install the Accelerator on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can’t handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.DesigntoManufacture 3. First you must choose the Installation Type from the following menu Installing Design to Manufacture -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? 1 Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts. 4. Next, choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Scripts Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter build script directory path [<current_dir>]? Enter Collaboration Platform Server installation directory path [<current_dir>]? The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The default value is the current working directory. The installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. The default value is the current working directory. 5. Next you must tell the setup program where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform and where the Schema Installer are, as well as the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter directory path for Modeling Studio scripts [/usr/bin]? Schema Installer Path -----------------------------------------------------------Enter where schema installer exists [SERVERHOME/Apps/ Framework/<version>/SchemaInstaller]? Enter Administrator user for Modeling Studio? [creator]? Enter Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced install option, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 413 -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don’t update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole Semiconductor Accelerator for Design to Manufacture transaction in case of failure [yes]? Refer to Step 6. in the Installing ENOVIA products procedure for details on the options. 7. The system checks to see if there is a version of the accelerator already installed. You will receive a message asking you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you say yes, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installDesigntoManfacture_<VERSION>.tcl is created in Apps/DesigntoManufacture/<VERSION>. <VERSION> is the software version number, such as V6R2009x. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. Check the files named installDesigntoManufacture_VERSION.log and installDesigntoManufacture_VERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly which items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log file to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. 8. The schema installer then creates the selected schema. If errors are encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will undo all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 9. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 10. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on Windows The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on UNIX platforms, see Installing the Design to Manufacture Accelerator on UNIX. 414 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide To install the Accelerator on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area, but does not install sample data. Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See Step 11.) Click Next. 6. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\DesigntoManufacture\<version> directory. You can select a different location, if desired, using the Browse button. After specifying the directory, click Next. 7. On the JDK directory frame, enter the path to the JDK. Click Next. 8. On the Schema installer frame, enter the path to the schema installer. 9. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password for a user who has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 10. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in installation directory where Supplier Central suite is installed. When you are done, click Next. 11. If you chose the Advanced install option, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 415 Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 12. The accelerator files are installed. When the schema portion of the install is reached, you are asked if you want to continue. You must install the schema in order for the accelerator to work. Click Yes to continue, No to cancel. 13. Next you are asked where custom schema files exist. Enter the path to your custom schema directory. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as WordPad, check the files named installDesigntoManufacture_VERSION.log and installDesigntoManufacture_VERSION.err in your installation directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. 14. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 15. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration When you install the Semiconductor Accelerator for Design to Manufacture, you can optionally enable DesignSync file access (DSFA). This entails the following: Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator • Obtaining and installing a DSFA license key for each ENOVIA Live Collaboration user that will use the Designsync store. Refer to the DesignSync document, INSTALL_LICENSE.txt for details. • Creating a DesignSync store. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for details. Installation involves the following steps 1. Installing Prerequisites in the correct order. 2. Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator on UNIX or Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator on Windows. 3. Configuring EPM. 416 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 4. Enabling source control access if you use Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The war utility only needs to be run one time after the last Accelerator you plan to use is installed. It does not need to be run after each Accelerator is installed. You must run the war utility a second time after the Web Service is compiled/generated. Refer to Configuring EPM for details. Prerequisites You should install the SAME VERSION (such as V6R2011x) of the prerequisites in the following order: 1. Live Collaboration, with its requirements of a supported application server and a supported database. Be sure to include the schema for the application(s) you are using when installing the Business Process Services component of the platform. 2. Program Central. 3. DesignSync on a different host machine than ENOVIA Live Collaboration. You must install Live Collaboration before Program Central, but you may install DesignSync at any time before configuring the accelerator. Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator on UNIX To install the Accelerator on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can’t handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.EnterpriseProjectManagement 3. First you must choose the Installation Type from the following menu: Installing Enterprise Project Management -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? 1 Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts. 4. Next, choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Scripts Directories ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 417 Enter build script directory path [<current_dir>]? Enter Collaboration Platform Server installation directory path [<current_dir>]? The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The default value is the current working directory. The installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. The default value is the current working directory. 5. Next you must tell the setup program where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform and where the Schema Installer are, as well as the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter directory path for Modeling Studio scripts [/usr/bin]? Schema Installer Path -----------------------------------------------------------Enter where schema installer exists [SERVERHOME/Apps/ Framework/<version>/SchemaInstaller]? Enter Administrator user for Modeling Studio? [creator]? Enter Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced install option, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don’t update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole Semiconductor Accelerator for Enterprise Project Management transaction in case of failure [yes]? Refer to Step 6. in the Installing ENOVIA products procedure for details on the options. 7. The system checks to see if there is a version of the accelerator already installed. You will receive a message asking you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you say yes, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installEnterpriseProjectManagement_<VERSION>.tcl is created in Apps/EnterpriseProjectManagement/<VERSION>. <VERSION> is the software version number, such as V6R2009x. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. Check the files named installEnterpriseProjectManagement_VERSION.log and installEnterpriseProjectManagement_VERSION.err in your installation script 418 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide directory to get details about errors and to see exactly which items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log file to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. 8. The schema installer then creates the selected schema. If errors are encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will undo all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 9. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 10. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. After the EPM Web Server is compiled/generated, run the war utility again to update the application. For more information, see Configuring EPM. Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator on Windows The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on UNIX platforms, see Installing the Enterprise Project Management Accelerator on UNIX. To install the Accelerator on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area, but does not install sample data. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 419 Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See Step 11.) Click Next. 6. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\EnterpriseProjectManagement\<version>\ directory. You can select a different location, if desired, using the Browse button. After specifying the directory, click Next. 7. On the JDK directory frame, enter the path to the JDK. Click Next. 8. On the Schema installer frame, enter the path to the schema installer. 9. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password for a user who has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 10. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in installation directory where Supplier Central suite is installed. When you are done, click Next. 11. If you chose the Advanced install option, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 12. The accelerator files are installed. When the schema portion of the install is reached, you are asked if you want to continue. You must install the schema in order for the accelerator to work. Click Yes to continue, No to cancel. 13. Next you are asked where custom schema files exist. Enter the path to your custom schema directory. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as 420 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide WordPad, check the files named installEnterprisePerformanceManagement_VERSION.log and installEnterprisePerformanceManagement_VERSION.err in your installation directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. 14. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 15. Run the war utility and deploy the application. If you installed Enterprise Project Management, you must deploy in exploded .war file format for this first deployment. You will deploy again after the Web Service is compiled/generated, and at that time you can generate a .war or .ear file if you prefer. Refer to Configuring EPM for additional steps. Configuring EPM Once you have installed Enterprise Project Management and deployed the application in exploded format, some configuration of the application, the application server, as well as the DesignSync server, is required as described below. To Generate the Webservice and Deploy EPM as a .war or .ear file 1. Set the MX_SERVICE_PATH and MX_SERVICE_ADMIN variables in the enovia.ini files for the Live Collaboration Server and Studio Modeling Platform (previously ematrix.ini and matrix.ini) (on Windows) or in mxEnv.sh, as well as desktop startup scripts for MQL, Matrix, Business, and System (on UNIX): For WebLogic on Windows: MX_SERVICE_PATH=C:\RMIINSTALL\enovia\WEB-INF\classes MX_SERVICE_ADMIN=http://HOST:PORT#/enovia For WebLogic on UNIX: MX_SERVICE_PATH=/EMATRIXRMI/distrib/enovia/WEB-INF/classes export MX_SERVICE_PATH MX_SERVICE_ADMIN=http://HOST:PORT#/enovia export MX_SERVICE_ADMIN For WebSphere on Windows: MX_SERVICE_PATH=C:\WEBSPHEREINSTALL\AppServer\installedApps\ HOSTNAME\enovia\ematrix.ear\ematrix.war\WEB-INF\classes MX_SERVICE_ADMIN=http://HOST:PORT#/enovia For WebSphere on UNIX: MX_SERVICE_PATH=/WEBSPHEREINSTALL/AppServer/installedApps/ HOSTNAME/enovia/STAGING/WEB-INF/classes export MX_SERVICE_PATH MX_SERVICE_ADMIN=http://HOST:PORT#/enovia export MX_SERVICE_ADMIN For Tomcat on Linux: MX_SERVICE_PATH /app/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/enovia/WEB-INF/ classes export MX_SERVICE_PATH MX_SERVICE_ADMIN=http://HOST:PORT#/enovia export MX_SERVICE_ADMIN Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 421 2. Copy the MX_CLASSPATH setting from the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini) into the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform (previously matrix.ini). (That is, overwrite the MX_CLASSPATH setting in the enovia.ini file for the Studio Modeling Platform with the MX_CLASSPATH setting from the enovia.ini file for the Live Collaboration Server.) 3. Login into Business Modeler as someone with privileges to modify Programs. Edit the program named “emxICDocumentBase” to include the correct SyncServer user name and password (the same as is used for accessing DesignSyncServer) in getICUserCredentials: String UserId = “YOURUSERNAME”; String Pwd = “YOURPASSWORD”; Also modify the variable MCS_ClientURI as appropriate for this server, such as: http(s)://hostname:port#/enovia Save the program. Do NOT set the user/password in triggerICDeleteCheck (icUserID, icUserPassword); these should be kept as empty strings. 4. Login into MQL and compile all JPOs (compile prog * force update). After successful compilation, check that the .wsdl extension file was created in the MX_SERVICE_PATH specified in the ini files/shell scripts. HINT: You can log into the application as a user defined with the Administration Manager role to run MQL commands, as described in the AEF User’s Guide. 5. Run the war utility and deploy the application. 6. When properly configured, the communication service responds by returning a greeting when the following URL is submitted from a web browser: http[s]://hostname:port#/ematrix/services/ EmxProgramCentralServices ENOVIA Live Collaboration Configuration for EPM 1. Login into the application as someone with Person access. Create a person in “Company Name” (or Your Company) for the SyncServer user with User Name and Password the same as you added to the program in Step 3 above. 2. In Business Modeler, open the SyncServer person you added above. Add the “Global User” Role to the person and save. 3. Back in the application, choose Reload Cache. DesignSync Server Configuration for EPM 1. Enable RC note generation for tagging. Bring up the Administer Server panel, either via SyncAdmin& or the Server->Administer Server link from ProjectSync. Select Server Settings, check Tag, and hit Apply. 2. Bridge user account. Using ProjectSync, create a user with username and password that matches the syncuser and syncpassword established in ENOVIA Live Collaboration. 3. SyncServer URLs and SSL support 422 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Objects in ENOVIA Live Collaboration are linked to files checked into the DesignSync Server via the bridge. The link is established in ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server by providing an explicit URL (IC URL or Project IC URL) that points to the SyncServer object. These URLs must be of the form sync:// hostname:port/Projects. Note that the format shown assumes non-secure communication over a cleartext port. In order to utilize secure communication over an SSL port, you must do the following: a ) Configure both a cleartext and an SSL port during installation of your SyncServer. b ) Specify the secure sync protocol (syncs) and the SSL port in your IC or Project IC URL, e.g., syncs://hostname:SSLport/Projects. You cannot simply specify the cleartext port and depend on SSL redirection. c ) Also configure ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server on an SSL port; communication should be secure in both directions. 4. Establish the link from the DesignSync object back to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration object. When an IC File is created in EPM, the absolute or relative IC URL points to a file that is or will be checked into DesignSync. At that time, a Policy is chosen for the object, defining a state sequence. The object starts in the initial state of that policy lifecycle. In the DesignSync server, that file must be checked in if it is not already. To establish the bridge connection, the correct version of that file should be tagged in DesignSync with one of the state names in the policy. After that, either side of the bridge may advance the state of the object, either with a Lifecycle Promote in Program Central or by manually tagging it in DesignSync with the next state. When promoting the object in Program Central from state A to state B, the user is telling the system to apply the B tag to the set of files currently tagged as A. Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration When you install any of the Semiconductor Accelerator components you can optionally enable DesignSync file access (DSFA). This entails the following: Installing the IP Management Accelerator • Obtaining and installing a DSFA license key for each ENOVIA Live Collaboration user that will use the DesignSync store. Refer to the DesignSync document, INSTALL_LICENSE.txt for details. • Creating a DesignSync store. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for details. • If you have used the EPM component prior to version 10.7, you need to run a migration script to convert the access of DesignSync files from a URL to the store/ server model. Refer to the Schema Reference Guide, Appendix A for details. Installation involves the following steps 1. Installing Prerequisites in the correct order. 2. Installing the IP Management Accelerator on UNIX or Installing the IP Management Accelerator on Windows. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 423 3. Enabling source control access if you use Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration. The war utility only needs to be run one time after the last Accelerator you plan to use is installed. It does not need to be run after each Accelerator is installed. Prerequisites You should install the SAME VERSION (such as V6R2011x) of the prerequisites in the following order: 1. Live Collaboration, with its requirements of a supported application server and a supported database. Be sure to include the schema for the application(s) you are using when installing the Business Process Services component of the platform. 2. Library Central. Installing the IP Management Accelerator on UNIX The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on Windows platforms, see Installing the IP Management Accelerator on Windows. To install the Accelerator on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD if necessary. Use the -i option of the tar command to avoid errors caused by long path names in the distribution that some versions of tar can’t handle properly. 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup.IPManagement 3. First you must choose the Installation Type from the following menu Installing IP Management -----------------------------------------------------------Choose Installation Type -----------------------------------------------------------1. Standard (Recommended) 2. Advanced Select option (1-2) [1]? 1 Choose option 1 for the recommended Standard installation. Choose option 2 to change the default settings for the prompts. 4. Next, choose the directories for the installation to use. Choose Scripts Directories -----------------------------------------------------------Enter build script directory path [<current_dir>]? Enter Collaboration Platform Server installation directory path [<current_dir>]? 424 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The build script directory is the path where the scripts that build the application in the database are placed. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the setup program will create the directory. The default value is the current working directory. The installation directory is the path that contains the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation. The default value is the current working directory. 5. Next you must tell the setup program where the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform and where the Schema Installer are, as well as the user name and password for a user that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, accept the default. Specify Administration Parameters -----------------------------------------------------------Enter directory path for Modeling Studio scripts [/usr/bin]? Schema Installer Path -----------------------------------------------------------Enter where schema installer exists [SERVERHOME/Apps/ Framework/<version>/SchemaInstaller]? Enter Administrator user for Modeling Studio? [creator]? Enter Administrator password ? [NONE]? 6. If you selected the Advanced install option, you are prompted for the following. The Standard option accepts the defaults: Advanced Install -----------------------------------------------------------Do you wish to install to staging area only & Don’t update database ? [no]? Do you wish to undo the whole Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management transaction in case of failure [yes]? Refer to Step 6. in the Installing ENOVIA products procedure for details on the options. 7. The system checks to see if there is a version of the accelerator already installed. You will receive a message asking you to confirm that you want to proceed. If you say yes, the system creates installation directories, copies files to the directories, and builds the script files. A file named installIPManagement_<VERSION>.tcl is created in Apps/ IPManagement/<VERSION>. <VERSION> is the software version number, such as V6R2009x. Then the setup program runs the installation scripts. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will have undone all changes. Check the files named installIPManagement_VERSION.log and installIPManagemente_VERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly which items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log file to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 425 8. The schema installer then creates the selected schema. If errors are encountered and you chose to undo transactions in case of errors, the setup will undo all changes. Check the files named installSchemaInstallerVERSION.log and SchemaChangesMQLVERSION.log, as well as installFrameworkVERSION.log and installFrameworkVERSION.err in your installation script directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. If there are no errors, you may still want to review the log files to see if any items were renamed to avoid name collisions. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. 9. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 10. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Installing the IP Management Accelerator on Windows The Accelerator is supported for both UNIX and Windows platforms. To install the Accelerator on UNIX platforms, see Installing the IP Management Accelerator on UNIX. To install the Accelerator on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a user with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. At the Installation Type prompt, check the type of install you want to perform: Standard (Recommended)—Use this option for all standard installations. When you choose this option, the installation will undo all transactions if it encounters problems. You can still use the log files to find out what transactions were attempted and to diagnose the errors. The standard installation also automatically runs the installation scripts after copying files to the staging area, but does not install sample data. Advanced—Choose this option only if you want to allow the installation to proceed even if errors occur or if you only want to copy files to the staging area now and run the installation scripts later. If you choose this option, an Advanced Options prompt displays at the end of the installation wizard, allowing you to change these options from their default. (See Step 11.) Click Next. 6. The Script Path frame asks where to put the scripts that build the application in the database. The default is the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\IPManagement\<version>\ directory. 426 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide You can select a different location, if desired, using the Browse button. After specifying the directory, click Next. 7. On the JDK directory frame, enter the path to the JDK. Click Next. 8. On the Schema installer frame, enter the path to the schema installer. 9. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password for a user who has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. 10. Enter the name of the bootstrap file that points to the database in which you want to install the schema. This bootstrap file must already exist in installation directory where Supplier Central suite is installed. When you are done, click Next. 11. If you chose the Advanced install option, the Advanced Options prompt opens. Choose the options you want based on the descriptions below. Install to staging area only. Don’t update database—This option is unchecked by default, which means after you complete the installation wizard, the installation copies all files to the staging area and runs the installation scripts to update the database. If you want to copy files to the staging area only and run the installation scripts later, check this option. When you’re ready to run the installation scripts, run the installFrameworkVERSION.tcl file, located in the framework directory. To create log and error files, use the -stderr and -stdout MQL options. Undo whole transaction in failures—This option is checked by default. Undoing all transactions makes it easier for you to correct problems with the new installation without introducing errors into your existing setup. The log file for the framework lists all transactions even if they are undone. If the transactions are undone, you can use the log file to identify the error and then re-run setup after correcting the problem. You should only uncheck this option, allowing transactions to proceed even when there are errors, if you know how to correct the error or if you are just installing for testing purposes. 12. The accelerator files are installed. When the schema portion of the install is reached, you are asked if you want to continue. You must install the schema in order for the accelerator to work. Click Yes to continue, No to cancel. 13. Next you are asked where custom schema files exist. Enter the path to your custom schema directory. It may take several minutes to run all the scripts. If you have an extensive database in place, it could take much longer. When complete, you receive a message telling you if the setup encountered errors or if setup is complete. If errors were encountered, the setup will have undone all changes (unless you chose not to undo the transactions). Using a text editor such as WordPad, check the files named installIPManagement_VERSION.log and installIPManagement_VERSION.err in your installation directory to get details about errors and to see exactly what items were added and/or modified. 14. If you have backups of customized properties files, compare your customized files with the new files from the updated version. Either update the new files with your customizations or update your customized files with any new settings. 15. Run the war utility and deploy the application. For information on deploying an application, see Deploying the J2EE Archive File. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 427 Using ENOVIA Synchronicity DesignSync Data Manager with ENOVIA Live Collaboration When you install the Semiconductor Accelerator for IP Management, you can optionally enable DesignSync file access (DSFA). This entails the following: 428 • Obtaining and installing a DSFA license key for each ENOVIA Live Collaboration user that will use the Designsync store. Refer to the DesignSync document, INSTALL_LICENSE.txt for details. • Creating a DesignSync store. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for details. • Enable the copy from DesignSync function. Refer to the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Administrator’s Guide for details. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Uninstalling an Application, Service Pack or Hot Fix If required, full application builds, service packs and hot fixes can be entirely removed by using the Uninstall program or the Add or Remove Programs option on Windows. During installation of a full application build, service pack or hot fix, old application files and administration data are automatically backed up so they can be used at the time of the uninstall. Saved code is always available in the backup area for customized applications or if something is not working. For example, if you upgrade from Business Process Services version V6R2011 to V6R2011x and then uninstall Business Process Services, the program will return the database and the SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ directory to V6R2011. You will need to run the war utility again. Applications and service packs must be uninstalled in the reverse order of how they were installed. This ensures that all the application data and files are recovered from the backup area in the proper order. For example, if you install Business Process Services, then Engineering Central and then Program Central, you cannot uninstall Engineering Central without first uninstalling Program Central. An error message will be generated. Hot fixes can be uninstalled in any order. Hot fixes that are included in an installed service pack cannot be uninstalled individually even if you previously installed the hot fixes separately, since some code in the service pack could be dependent on a hot fix. They can be uninstalled only by uninstalling the service pack. The programs (JPO, tcl), UI components (commands, menus, forms, inquiries and tables) and Web files (jsp, jar, inc, tld, gif, jpg) can be uninstalled by using the procedure described below, only if they are using Business Process Services provided tcl routines. Schema changes can only be uninstalled manually. The framework install generates a document, SchemasChanges.mql, that lists all the MQL commands that were executed to add/modify schema. This file can be used as a reference if you want to undo any schema changes. After you uninstall an application, UnInst.err and UnInst.log files are added to the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\APPNAME\<version>\Common\UnInstall\ directory. These files contain any errors that may have occured when recovering the database from the backup area. Uninstalling an Application using Uninstall Program To uninstall an application, service pack or hot fix using the uninstall program 1. Go to the Uninstall directory under the component you want to uninstall. For example, if you are uninstalling the Engineering Central application, change to the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\EngineeringCentral\<version>\UnInstall\ directory. 2. From the appropriate UnInstall directory, type the following command: For Windows: UnInst.cmd For UNIX: UnInst.sh When you uninstall an application on UNIX, you will not be asked for the super username or password. The program uses the username and password used when the application was installed. Chapter 16: Installing ENOVIA Products 429 Uninstalling an Application using the Add or Remove Programs Option on Windows To uninstall an application, service pack or hot fix on Windows 1. From the Control Panel, navigate to the Add or Remove Programs option. 2. Locate the ENOVIA application you wish to uninstall and click Remove. 3. At the Super User/Password frame, enter the User and Password that has Business and System Administrator privileges, such as creator. If the user has no password, leave the Password box blank. Click Next. When you uninstall an application using the Add or Remove Programs option in the Control Panel, the following items will be removed: the Programs folder containing TCL scripts, the application specific JPOs, and the application specific web pages located in the STAGING/enovia folder. The following items will REMAIN: the application’s installation directory, log files, and the Install folders under the Modules folder. Tracking Customizations During installation, when a file is modified, a backup of that file is stored in the SERVER_INSTALL\Apps\APP_NAME\<version>\UI\Backup\ directory. During uninstall, all of the backed-up directory is copied to web root. This makes web root look the same as it was before the application was installed. Service pack and hot fix distributions don’t include whole jar files with all the class files. It includes only classes that were changed from the last major release. So during service pack or hot fix installation, the classes in the distribution jar files are inserted into the jar file under web root. This ensures that customized class files are not affected. Before inserting classes, old class files are backed up and they are inserted during uninstall, making the jar file the same as the original. Backing up only changes class files and not the whole jar file. 430 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 17 Installing the ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit Installation The ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit is an additional option available for creating Adaplets that can be used to model data from virtually any source as a collection of ENOVIA objects. Once these Adaplets are in place, other ENOVIA products may be used to access, create, and modify all the data in their enterprise, extended enterprise, or supply chain. When the toolkit is installed, the standard C++ Adaplet is provided. The standard Adaplet may be configured in your database as-is to connect an alternate data source. Also included is a zip file containing all the files you’ll need to write a Web service adaplet. Refer to the Studio Federation Toolkit Adaplet Programming Guide and the Studio Federation Toolkit Web Service Adaplet Programming Guide for more information. The C++ ANSI compiler must be used when developing custom adaplets with the mxff toolkit. lnstalling the Studio Federation Toolkit on UNIX To mount the CD-ROM and install the software 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 431 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “api/ install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/api/install % ./setup The following Menu is displayed: Primary Setup Menu for PLATFORM on HOSTNAME as username 1. Setup ENOVIA Platform Adaplet Toolkit Installation 2. Remove ENOVIA Platform Adaplet Toolkit Installation 9. Exit Setup 3. Select Option 2 to perform the automatic setup of the Studio Federation Toolkit. 4. Setup prompts for the installation and distribution path: Enter distribution directory path [ ]? Enter directory for Installation [ ]? 5. The API directory structure is created in the installation directory, and then the Studio Federation Toolkit files are copied into the appropriate directory. The toolkit should now be successfully installed. Refer to the Studio Federation Toolkit Adaplet Programming Guide for more information on the toolkit. Installing the Studio Federation Toolkit on Windows To install the Studio Federation Toolkit on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. Setup first looks for an existing installation. If one is found, it asks if you wish to install to a new location. The path may be modified as required. 5. Setup then creates the directory structure for the toolkit. Refer to Installation Results for an understanding of the structure of the Studio Federation Toolkit. 6. The setup application then copies the interface and header files into the appropriate directories. The Studio Federation Toolkit should now be successfully installed. Refer to the Studio Federation Toolkit Adaplet Programming Guide for more information. 432 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Installation Results When the ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit is installed on Windows, the following directories are added: SERVER_INSTALL | ..... API | .......lib Contains mxff runtime requirements. This directory | is also installed with the Studio Modeling Platform | applications and the Live Collaboration server. | .......mxff Contains all the .h, .c, sample map, and .gif files. | .......ETC | .......service_mxff.zip Contains the WebService adaplet files. A similar structure is created on UNIX. Chapter 17: Installing the ENOVIA Studio Federation Toolkit 433 434 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 18 Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit Studio Customization Toolkit Installation The Studio Customization Toolkit can be used for creating client-side “power” Java applications that are downloaded to a client machine at runtime, as well as server-side Java programs such as servlets or JSP applications. Studio Customization Toolkit programs are compiled against the Live Collaboration Server’s jar file, so a Live Collaboration server is required for both using the Studio Customization Toolkit and running the programs you create. Application development may not require Studio Customization Toolkit/Java programming. You may be able to meet your requirements by using the ENOVIA Business Process Services’ configurable components. Refer to the Application Development Guide for more information. The Studio Customization Toolkit provides documentation on the java classes, source code and sample files. Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit on UNIX To install the Studio Customization Toolkits on UNIX 1. Copy the tar.gz file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to the distribution directory. Refer to Mounting the CD in Chapter 7 if necessary. 435 2. Unzip the tar.gz file to the distribution directory. Change to the directory named “install” under the distribution directory and run the setup script as follows: % cd /DISTRIB_DIR/install % ./setup The following Menu is displayed: Primary Setup Menu for PLATFORM on HOSTNAME as username 1. Setup ENOVIA Collaboration Platform ADK 2. Remove ENOVIA Collaboration Platform ADK 9. Return to Primary Setup Menu 3. Select Option 1 to perform the automatic setup of the Studio Customization Toolkit directory structure. 4. Setup prompts for the distribution and installation paths. Perform automatic setup of ENOVIA Collaboration Platform ADK for PLATFORM on HOST as username ----------------------------------------------Enter distribution directory path [ ]? Enter installation directory path [ ]? 5. A \enovia directory is now created under the directory entered above. The Studio Customization Toolkit directory structure is created within this directory. Refer to The Server’s Directory Structure for an understanding of the structure of the Studio Customization Toolkit. 6. The setup application then copies the Studio Customization Toolkit files into the appropriate directories. The Studio Customization Toolkit should now be successfully installed. Refer to the online Studio Customization Toolkit Programmer’s Reference and the Application Development Guide for more information on the Studio Customization Toolkit. Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit on Windows To install the Studio Customization Toolkit on Windows 1. Log into Windows as a person with Administrator privileges. 2. Copy the .zip file from the CD or the ENOVIA Download page to a temporary directory. Please note that when transferring the .zip file from the internet, executable files may be silently excluded when unzipping the file due to Windows security behaviour. To prevent this from happening, before unzipping the file, right click in the file, select Properties, and click Unblock. 3. Unzip the zip file and run setup.exe. 4. At the Welcome frame, click Next. 5. Setup asks you to choose the options that you would like to install. Check either or both of the following: • Java ADK files • C++ ADK files 6. Setup then asks for the Studio Customization Toolkit install directory. You can accept the default directory or click the Browse button to choose another directory. 436 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 7. Now Setup asks you to review all the settings you have made, and gives you the opportunity to make any changes by selecting Back and re-entering the information. The Studio Customization Toolkit directory structure is created within the specified directory. Refer to The Server’s Directory Structure for an understanding of the structure of the Studio Customization Toolkit. The setup application then copies the files into the appropriate directories. The Studio Customization Toolkit should now be successfully installed. Refer to the online Studio Customization Toolkit Programmer’s Reference and the Application Development Guide for more information on the Studio Customization Toolkit. Chapter 18: Installing the Studio Customization Toolkit 437 The Server’s Directory Structure When the Studio Customization Toolkit is installed on Windows, the following directories are added to the Live Collaboration server installation directory: • SERVER_INSTALL\Matrix\cxx\ which contains the C++ Studio Customization Toolkit files (ematrixmql). • SERVER_INSTALL\Matrix\java\ which contains the Java docs. A similar structure is created on UNIX. 438 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 19 Configuring a Japanese Web Environment Overview The procedures and information in this chapter should be used to configure and deploy the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in Japanese. Other similar instructions found throughout this guide should not be used in place of the specific information given in this chapter. You will need to use the rest of this guide for other functions not described in this chapter, as well as for valuable reference information on the settings and procedures described in this chapter. Before you can configure and deploy the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in Japanese, install the server and it’s prerequisites and requirements as described in Preparing to Install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in Chapter 8. In addition to configuring and deploying the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, see Configuring Additional Settings for Japanese for other important settings that need to be configured for Japanese. The procedures and instructions in this chapter are intended only for Shift_JIS environments on Japanese operating systems. 439 Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server for use in Japanese After you install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, the environment is set with the same variables as needed for other ENOVIA Live Collaboration clients. Use the instructions to configure the settings described below. See Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in Chapter 8 to set additional variables not described here. These settings apply to Shift_JIS environments on Japanese operating systems. On UNIX Language Settings To configure your system to use the Japanese language 1. Modify the LANG setting for the operating system. For Solaris use: ja_JP.PCK For RHEL/SuSE use: ja_JP.SJIS On UNIX, the NLS_LANG value is set in the mxEnv.sh file in SERVERHOME/scripts/. 2. In the mxEnv.sh file, change the line: NLS_LANG=_UTF8 to: NLS_LANG=JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS 3. Next, set the character set to Shift_JIS: MX_CHARSET=Shift_JIS 4. Finally, add the following lines: <mxEnv.sh> LANG=ja_JP.PCK export LANG LC_TIME=C export LC_TIME Date and Time Format Settings To configure the date and time format for your system for use in Japanese 1. Add the following lines to mxEnv.sh in the SERVERHOME/scripts/ directory: <mxEnv.sh> MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT="moy/dom/yr4 h12:min:sec +mer" export MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT For more information on how the date and time format settings affect your system, see Configuring Date and Time Formats. 440 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide TCL Settings To configure TCL settings for use in Japanese 1. Create the links for libtcl8.5.so and libtk8.5.so libraries in SERVERHOME/ <platform>/code/lib/ (LD_LIBRARY_PATH): % cd /SERVERHOME/<platform>/code/lib % ln -s/SERVERHOME/<platform>/code/bin/libtcl8.5.so libtcl8.5.so % ln -s/SERVERHOME/<platform>/code/bin/libtk8.5.so libtk8.5.so The Tcl 8.5.7 library is installed and configured as the default version of Tcl with installation of the desktop applications. For more information on TCL support, see Tcl Support. Additional Server Settings 1. Verify that the following lines are in mxEnv.sh in the SERVERHOME/scripts/ directory: <mxEnv.sh> MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_DETECTION=SIGNATURE export MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_DETECTION MX_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_COMPILATION=true export MX_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_COMPILATION On Windows Language Settings On Windows, you do not need to configure language settings since Japanese is the default setting in a Shift_JIS environment. However, you should verify that the NLS_LANG value is set to JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS in the Windows Registry, in case the value was previously modified to use a different language. The registry key to verify is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Oracle/NLS_LANG. Date and Time Format Settings To configure the date and time format for your system for use in Japanese 1. Add the following lines to enovia.ini (previously ematrix.ini) in the SERVER_INSTALL\<platform>\code\bin\ directory: <enovia.ini> MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT=moy/dom/yr4 h12:min:sec +mer The intel_a platform is used for 32-bit Windows installations, while the win_b64 platform is used for 64-bit Windows installations. For more information on how the date and time format settings affect your system, see Configuring Date and Time Formats. Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 441 Additional Server Settings 1. Verify that the following is in enovia.ini (previously ematrix.ini) in the SERVER_INSTALL\<platform>\code\bin\ directory: <enovia.ini> MX_TRIGGER_RECURSION_DETECTION=SIGNATURE MX_ALLOW_DYNAMIC_COMPILATION=true 2. Verify that the folder specified for TMPDIR=C:\temp in enovia.ini (previously ematrix.ini) exists. If not, create the folder or change the destination path of “TMPDIR.” Tomcat Language Settings To configure Tomcat for use in Japanese 1. Set csWindows31J for contentType of JSP in emxContentTypeInclude.inc. D:\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ematrix\emxContentTypeInclude.inc <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=csWindows31J"%> 2. Add the following parameters in web.xml: D:\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ematrix\WEB-INF\web.xml <!-- TomCat csWindows31J setting --> <filter> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <filter-class>com.matrixone.servlet.SetCharacterEncodingFilter< /filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>encoding</param-name> <param-value>csWindows31J</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <!-- TomCat csWindows31J filter mapping --> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> 3. Add the attribute useBodyEncodingForURI=”true” to Connector element in server.xml. D:\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml <Connector port="7070" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" useBodyEncodingForURI="true" UIREncoding=”Shift_JIS” /> 442 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring Additional Settings for Japanese The settings described in this section should be configured for Japanese environments. Displaying Japanese using KavaChart To display Japanese contents using KavaChart, make the following modifications to emxProgramCentral.properties: On UNIX 1. In the emxProgramCentral.properties file in SERVERHOME/managed/ properties/, change: <emxProgramCentral.properties> #Kava Chart Fonts. eServiceProgramCentral.kcTitleFont = Monospaced eServiceProgramCentral.kcLavelFont = Monospaced eServiceProgramCentral.kcLegendFont = Monospaced On Windows 1. In the emxProgramCentral.properties file in SERVER_INSTALL\managed\properties\, change: <emxProgramCentral.properties> #Kava Chart Fonts. eServiceProgramCentral.kcTitleFont = \uff2d\uff33 \u30b4\u30b7\u30c3\u30af eServiceProgramCentral.kcLavelFont = \uff2d\uff33 \u30b4\u30b7\u30c3\u30af eServiceProgramCentral.kcLegendFont = \uff2d\uff33 \u30b4\u30b7\u30c3\u30af Creating EBOM Markups To create EBOM markups using parts with names in Japanese, you must set the browser language to “ja” (Japanese). 1. In emxEngineeringCentral.properties, change: emxEngineeringCentral.ebomMarkUpCharset=UTF-8 to: emxEngineeringCentral.ebomMarkUpCharset=Shift_JIS 2. Then change: emxEngineeringCentral.EBOMMarkup.Run_Conversion_Code = false to: emxEngineeringCentral.EBOMMarkup.Run_Conversion_Code = true Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 443 NLS_LANG setting in the Matrix client To display Japanese in the Matrix client on UNIX Change the NLS_LANG setting in SERVERHOME/scripts/mxEnv.sh from: NLS_LANG=_UTF8 to: NLS_LANG=JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS To display Japanese in the Matrix client on Windows Set the NLS_LANG property to Japanese using one of the following procedures: 444 • In the Windows Registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE, set NLS_LANG=JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS. • Set the language to Japanese as a system environment variable by setting the NLS_LANG variable to JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS in the system environment. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Configuring the Application Server for use in Japanese Before you can use your application server to deploy the J2EE application, you must configure the application server for the Japanese language. The settings listed in this section apply to supported WebLogic and Websphere application servers. WebLogic Servers Language Settings The Japanese language setting configured in Configuring the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server for use in Japanese is used. Date and Time Format Settings To configure the date and time format for your application server for use in Japanese 1. Verify that the following are in the emxSystem.properties file in SERVERHOME/ STAGING/ematrix/properties (UNIX), or SERVER_INSTALL\STAGING\ematrix\properties\ (Windows): <emxSystem.properties> eServiceSuites.eMatrixDateFormat = MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a eServiceSuites.eMatrixInputDateFormat = MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a Additionally, after you build the J2EE archive file, you should verify the contents of your emxSystem.properties file again. Weblogic.xml Settings Before building the J2EE archive file, you must define each JSP parameter (such as inputCharset) in the weblogic.xml file located in SERVER_INSTALL\ematrixwarutil\. For example: <charset-params> <input-charset> <resource-path> /* </resource-path> <java-charset-name> csWindows31J </java-charset-name> </input-charset> </charset-params> For more information on configuring the weblogic.xml file, see: http://edocs.beasys.co.jp/ e-docs/wls61/webapp/weblogic_xml.html Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 445 WebSphere Servers Language Settings To configure your application server to use the Japanese language 1. From the admin console, navigate to Server > Application Server > Select Server > Process Definition and click Java Virtual Machine. 2. Add the following parameters for the JVM arguments: -Dfile.encoding=csWindows31J -Ddefault.client.encoding=csWindows31J To activate your changes, save them in the master configuration and restart the server. 446 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Modifying J2EE Settings for the Japanese Language Before you run the war utility, you can modify the Web.xml or ematrix.xml files to configure the web environment for your J2EE web application. For details, see Web.xml in Chapter 10 or ematrix.xml in Chapter 10. You must configure the following settings before running the war utility in Japanese. In web.xml Add the following lines before creating J2EE archive files in the web.xml file located in SERVER_INSTALL\ematrixwarutil\: <context-param id="ContextParam_11"> <param-name>ematrix.encoding</param-name> <param-value> csWindows31J</param-value> </context-param> Content Type Setting The following changes are required for the content type setting: 1. In the emxContentTypeInclude.inc file in SERVERHOME/STAGING/ematrix/, change: <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%> to <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=csWindows31J"%> This is required for JSPs. 2. In the emxUICore.js file in SERVERHOME/STAGING/ematrix/common/ scripts/, replace all occurrences of UTF-8 with csWindows31J. 3. In all XSL files, replace UTF-8 with csWindows31J. For example, change: <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no"/> to: <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="csWindows31J" indent="no"/> Style Sheet Settings Make the following changes in SERVERHOME/STAGING/ematrix/common/ scripts/: emxCreateBody.xsl emxCreateFooter.xsl emxCreateHeader.xsl emxCreatePage.xsl emxFreezePaneCSV.xsl emxFreezePaneExcelHTML.xsl emxFreezePaneHeader.xsl emxFreezePaneJustRows.xsl Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 447 emxFreezePaneLayout.xsl emxFreezePaneTable.xsl emxFreezePanePrinterFriendly.xsl emxFreezePaneRowsWithRoot.xsl emxFreezePaneSorter.xsl emxFreezePaneTableBody.xsl emxFreezePaneTableFragment.xsl emxFreezePaneTree.xsl emxFreezePaneTreeBody.xsl emxFreezePaneTreeFragment.xsl emxSearchSetFormArray.xsl emxSearchSetParams.xsl emxUITypeChooserTree.xsl emxUITypeChooserType.xsl emxUITypeChooserTypeChildren.xsl Change: <xsl:output method="html" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="XXX"/>> to: <xsl:output method="html" version="1.0" encoding="csWindows31J" indent="XXX"/> 448 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Building the J2EE Archive File in Japanese This section describes how to run the war utility on a UNIX and Windows platform using Japanese. For additional reference information, see Chapter 10, Deploying J2EE. Running the war utility on UNIX To run the war utility for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installations on UNIX 1. Stop the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server processes. 2. Change directory to SERVERHOME/ematrixwarutil/. 3. Run ./war_setup. 4. Enter the distribution directory path. This is usually the ematrixwarutil directory. 5. Enter the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installation directory path. This is the path where you installed the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. 6. Enter the name of your web application. This is the web application name known to your J2EE server. 7. Enter the directory where the Java Development Kit is installed. You should see a message that the system is copying files. When finished, an EAR file is created and saved under the SERVERHOME/ distrib/ directory. Running the WAR utility on Windows To run the WAR utility for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server installations on Windows 1. Stop the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server processes. 2. Change directory to SERVER_INSTALL\ematrixwarutil\. 3. Run war_setup.bat. 4. On the first screen, change the installation directory or press Enter to accept the default. 5. Type your Web Application Name, or press Enter to accept the default (“enovia”). 6. Change the directory where your Java Development Kit is installed, or press Enter to accept the default. You should see a message stating that the system is generating enovia.ear and enovia.war files. When the process is finished, you see another message stating that EAR and WAR files have been created in the SERVER_INSTALL\distrib\ directory. 7. Press any key to end the setup process and dismiss the console window. Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 449 Deploying the J2EE Archive File in Japanese After you run the war utility to create the J2EE archive files, you use the J2EE application server to deploy it. Choose the deployment procedure below for your J2EE server and platform. An application server can only deploy one ENOVIA .war file (ematrix.war for example). You can install as many ENOVIA applications as you would like before you run the war utility to create the .war file. If you decide to install a second set of ENOVIA applications, you cannot use this application server to deploy this second .war file. In order to deploy this second .war file, you must install the ENOVIA Live Collaboration server (with an application server) again and use this second application server to deploy it. Other non-ENOVIA .war files can be deployed by an application server that has already deployed an ENOVIA .war file. Deploying on WebLogic To deploy using WebLogic (UNIX and Windows) 1. Start your WebLogic server. 2. Start a browser and access http://SERVERNAME:PORTNUMBER/console to open the admin console. 3. Type your Username and Password, then click Log In. 4. On the main screen, click Lock & Edit > Deployments and then click Install under the Control tab. 5. Click the link for your machine name. 6. Next, click on the folder. On the next screen, navigate to the location of the EAR file. Select the web application (.ear file) to deploy and click Next. 7. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next. 8. Verify the default settings and click Next. 9. Verify the deployment status and click Finish. 10. When the deployment is finished, the registered web application is displayed. Click Save. A message is shown stating “Settings updated successfully.” 11. Next, click Activate Changes. A message is shown stating “All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary.” 12. Click Deployments under Domain Structure. 13. In the Control tab, select the checkbox for the web application and click Start. 14. Select Servicing all requests from the drop-down list and click Yes to continue. A message is shown stating “Start requests have been sent to the selected Deployments.” 15. Click Release Configuration. The Lock & Edit button is enabled. This is the default setting of the button. 450 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 16. Finally, access http://HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER/enovia/emxLogin.jsp. If the web application has been successfully deployed, the Login window appears. Deploying on WebSphere To deploy using WebSphere (UNIX and Windows) 1. Start your WebSphere server. The shell command for starting WebSphere is stored in: ../IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ 2. Start a browser and access http://SERVERNAME:PORTNAME/ibm/console to open the admin console. Login so that the changes you make are attributed to you. 3. Click Applications > Install New Application. 4. Select the web application (.ear file) to deploy and click Next. 5. Verify all the settings shown and continue to click Next until you reach the summary page. Then click Finish. The registration process begins. 6. When the process is finished, a message stating “Application <name> was successfully installed” is displayed. Click Save in Directly Save to Master Configuration. 7. Click Enterprise Applications and select the web application. Click Start. The registered web application starts 8. Finally, access http://HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER/enovia/emxLogin.jsp. If the web application has been successfully deployed, the Login window appears. Deploying on Tomcat There are multiple procedures for deploying the .war file on Tomcat. One of those procedures is given below. To deploy using Tomcat on UNIX 1. Stop any Tomcat processes. 2. If a previous version is installed, delete the ematrix folder including the ematrix.war file from the /app/tomcat_install/webapps directory. 3. Clean up the cache by deleting the ematrix folder from /app/tomcat_install/ work/Catalina/localhost. 4. Copy the new ematrix.war file to /app/tomcat_install/webapps. 5. Login as root at DOS window and run ./startup.sh. 6. Finally, a notification appears when the deployment successfully completes. To deploy using Tomcat on Windows 1. Stop any Tomcat processes. 2. If a previous version is installed, delete the ematrix folder including the ematrix.war file from the /app/tomcat_install/webapps directory. Chapter 19: Configuring a Japanese Web Environment 451 3. Clean up the cache by deleting the ematrix folder from /app/tomcat_install/ work/Catalina/localhost. 4. Copy the new ematrix.war file to /app/tomcat_install/webapps. 5. Double click startup.bat located in app/tomcat_install/bin. The notification “INFO: Deploying web application archive ematrix.war” appears in the DOS window. 6. Finally, the notification “INFO: Server startup in xxx ms” appears when the deployment successfully completes. 452 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 20 Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration Troubleshooting Topics This chapter contains topics about troubleshooting the following areas: • Server Configuration—using the automated server configuration checker and, if necessary, performing additional configuration troubleshooting • Implementation • Applications • Web Navigator • Desktop • Miscellaneous The Server Startup Configuration Checker section describes diagnostics that the automated configuration checker performs when a kernel is started. It provides error messaging that can help you troubleshoot your server environment. If after running the configuration checker you still experience performance or server shutdown problems, refer to the Additional ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Configuration Troubleshooting section. Other sections discuss various topics for troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration implementations and miscellaneous issues. 453 Server Startup Configuration Checker An automated configuration checker reports on common ENOVIA Live Collaboration configuration problems that can cause severe performance degradation or server shutdowns. The checker writes diagnostic information to an mxAudit.log file. Users can also view diagnostic information via the MQL print config command. Refer to the MQL Guide for details. In a typical ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment a Live Collaboration server can consist of one or more ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernels. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel acts like a server engine. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel encapsulates session level information and provides database independent access among other tasks. The Live Collaboration server can be set up for different modes of operation: • RMI mode—where one or more Live Collaboration kernels (RMI servers) are running in their own Java process and the application server talks to the server(s) via the RMI protocol. This is generally a more fault-tolerant mode; the installation script will prompt for the number of ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers required (gateway setup). • RIP mode—where the Live Collaboration kernel is running in the same process space as the application server and communication is made using direct calls. This is faster than RMI mode since all code is within the same process; however, because of this, RIP mode is not as fault-tolerant as RMI mode. • Gateway— If there is more than one ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, an RMI gateway is used to distribute tasks to each server. The server(s) do not need to be on the same machine as the application server because the RMI protocol itself runs over TCP/IP, and therefore the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers can be running remotely. For more information about these ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server modes, refer to Chapter 8, Installing the Live Collaboration Server. When each kernel loads, its initialize function calls the configuration checker, which evaluates the settings listed below. Topics or headings in the following table have a link to the section that describes it later in this chapter. Setting Checked Category Error Range -Xms Critical !=Xmx -Xmx Critical <256M -Xss Critical <384K -XX:NewSize Warning >0.45*Xmx || <0.50*Xmx -XX:MaxNewSize Warning !=NewSize JVM Settings for Application Server * On Windows platforms running non-RIP RMI, application server JVM settings are not audited. Use your application server console to check and set recommended JVM settings. -XX settings apply to Sun’s JVM only. These warnings should be ignored when using WebSphere’s JVM. 454 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Setting Checked Category Error Range -XX:SurvivorRatio Warning !=2 Other Java Settings Obsolete versions of eMatrixServletXXX.jar Critical JVM Mode Critical !=Server Mode Java Version Critical <1.3.1 MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE Critical ==1 MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE Warning <10 MX_PROGRAM_POOL_SIZE Warning <10 MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT Warning not set MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT Warning not set MX_MAX_THREAD Warning <200 MX_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT Warning not set MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION Critical !=TRUE MX_MEMORY_SYSTEM_LIMIT Critical not set Trace Settings Warning Key ENOVIA Live Collaboration Environment Variables * On Windows platforms running non-RIP RMI, application server JVM settings are not audited. Use your application server console to check and set recommended JVM settings. -XX settings apply to Sun’s JVM only. These warnings should be ignored when using WebSphere’s JVM. Each setting is evaluated by the configuration checker, which reports diagnostic information using the following categories: • Informational—information-only messages that might be useful when tracking down performance issues and minor problems • Warning—messages indicating that a setting could cause a problem and should be corrected • Critical—messages alerting that a setting will cause a problem and must be changed These messages can be viewed using the mxAudit.log file or the MQL print config command. mxAudit.log File The mxAudit.log file contains the following message types: • Warning • Critical Informational messages generated from the application server kernel only are also written to mxAudit.log. Informational messages from all other servers are not written to the log file but can be viewed using the MQL print config command. The mxAudit.log file can be found in the mxtrace file path, for example: Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 455 E:\enovia\server\logs\mxAudit.log Below is an example of messages written to a sample mxAudit.log file. The log starts by listing header information, identifying the process ID (in this case, 1870) and the command line used to start the process being audited. 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM RMI server Process Id: 1870 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****Begin Kernel Audit check**** 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_06/jre/bin/i386/native_threads/java -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1101 -Djava.security.policy=/app/rmi1010/java/security/ rmid.policy -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:/app/rmi1010/java/lib/ eMatrixServletRMI.jar -Xss512k -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Djava.library.path=/app/rmi1010/bin/ linux sun.rmi.server.ActivationGroupInit 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** JVM mode is not in server mode, add -Server to the java command line 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** eMatrix jar version is current version is 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** Warning trace option set: MX_VERBOSE_TRACE=verbose.log 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_ABORT_DANGLING_TRANSACTION environment variable should set 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_MAX_THREAD environment variable should set to at least 200 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_BOS_FIND_LIMIT environment variable should set 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_BOS_EXPAND_LIMIT environment variable should set 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT environment variable should set 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_PROGRAM_POOL_SIZE environment variable should not be less than 10 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****CRIT**** MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE environment variable cannot be default (1) 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE environment should be at least ten 1870 10/2/2003 4:44:41 PM ****WARN**** Class garbage collection should be enabled (remove -Xnoclassgc) The above log content shows several warning and critical messages to which you should respond. For information about any of the settings, see Evaluation Details. On the Sun Java System Application Server platform, mxAudit.log does not report the JVM command line that Sun Java System Application Server is running. When running the following platforms, MxAudit.log reports invalid output: • Any application server running on Windows as a service in RIP mode and uses an executable to launch rather than the command line (such as launching WebLogic using “beasvc”). • Sun Java System Application Server (a.k.a. SunONE) on Solaris The workaround is while configuring and testing, don’t enable the service as the startup mechanism, so that the process is started by a call to Java and so mxAudit will report the correct results. Once any problems are resolved you can turn off the audit log and switch to the service startup. 456 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Disabling the Audit Log Once you are up and running you may want to turn off the Audit log so it doesn’t run every time you restart the server. To turn off the Live Collaboration Server Audit 1. Add the following to the enovia.ini for the Live Collaboration Server (previously ematrix.ini) (Windows) or mxEnv.sh or startup script (UNIX): MX_DISABLE_AUDIT=true export MX_DISABLE_AUDIT You only need to export the setting on UNIX. 2. In the web.xml file set the following to false, for example: <context-param id="ContextParam_12"> <param-name>ematrix.audit.log</param-name> <param-value>false</param-value> </context-param> Evaluation Details This section describes the configuration settings that are evaluated by the automated configuration checker. It describes why certain settings are preferable in a ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment. You should consult this section if you want information about a setting, especially if you need to change a setting based on a warning or critical message. Note that the introduction to the Server Startup Configuration Checker section contains a table that lists configuration settings with links to topics in this section. JVM Options Java Virtual Machine options are one of the most important groups of settings. They are passed on the command line to the JVM at run time and affect both the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers and application servers running with the ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Each server mode has its own set of options; the list of options for the application server in RMI mode are a subset of the settings for the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and for the application server in RIP mode. JVM options can affect both server stability and performance and therefore are considered critical. Note that in ENOVIA Live Collaboration, objects generally have a relatively short lifecycle, which accounts for some JVM option recommendations. If a JVM option in the tables is not set, the JVM will assume a default that will not be correct. JVM defaults are intended for a small number of objects having a long lifespan, which is the opposite of what ENOVIA Live Collaboration requires. Java options that are not supported on AIX will not be present in the mxEnv.sh or rmireg.sh files for the AIX platform. -Xms -Xms (minimum heap size) should match the maximum heap size value. Since the JVM will begin by allocating the minimum heap size and grow from there, it will spend time requesting memory from the system once it crosses the minimum memory boundary. Setting both the maximum and minimum heap sizes to the same value allows the JVM to Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 457 allocate the maximum amount up front and not request any more from the system. This also shields the JVM from other processes in the system taking all the available memory and starving the JVM. -Xmx -Xmx is the maximum heap size. Since a large number of objects can be temporarily cached by the server, this parameter should not be left at its default size (64M). A value of 256M is recommended even for the smallest installations. As a rule, if there are hundreds of users, this value should be doubled, and tripled if there are thousands. This setting is platform-dependent, but should never exceed 1.5G. For more information about determining the value of -Xmx, see Calculating Maximum Heap Size (-Xmx JVM option). -Xss -Xss sets the maximum stack size to be used by threads. Every thread that is spawned during the execution of the program passed to Java has this value as its stack size. Therefore, this setting sets the stack size of threads running in the Live Collaboration server. If this option is omitted, the JVM will select values for some operating systems and for others it will use the operating system's default thread size. This system value is different depending on the operating system used (i.e. on Windows 2000 it's 1M, but on some Unix versions it can be as low as 64K). It's important to use this option to guarantee that the Live Collaboration server has enough stack space to function correctly. For Sun Java System Application Server, increase the StackSize setting in /var/opt/ SUNWappservere7/ domains/domain1/server1/config/init.conf to at least 512 KB, particularly if you are running RMI in process (RIP). Refer to Sun documentation for tuning recommendations. The default setting is 130 KB, which is not large enough, and if not set correctly, will cause certain operations in ENOVIA products to fail. -XX:NewSize This setting governs the size of the eden memory pool allocated (i.e. the amount of memory allocated for new objects versus the amount of memory allocated for keeping older objects). This should be calculated as between .45 to .50 of the maximum heap size value. Newer objects are transferred by the JVM's “garbage collection” system to the older pool. Keeping the NewSize relatively high (compared to the maximum heap size) benefits ENOVIA Live Collaboration processing because ENOVIA Live Collaboration objects are not expected to persist for a long time-most not long enough to be transferred to the old pool. -XX:MaxNewSize This is set to the same size as the NewSize to save time allocating more memory for the eden pool. -XX:+DisableExplicitGC This option prevents Java code executing within the Java process from forcing garbage collections by calling, for example, system.gc(). This setting is no longer checked by the configuration checker. In general, explicit garbage collection should be enabled; that is, this setting should not be used. Use of this setting has been found to delay fullGC from occurring and thus remote objects with c++ references might be kept active longer than necessary. -XX:SurvivorRatio 458 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide This is the ratio of the eden space (the memory pool allocated for newer objects that have been created) versus the pool for older objects. The Sun JVM default is 25, but ENOVIA recommends a value of 2 since most objects have a short lifespan. -XX:MaxPermSize This setting is the amount of memory set aside for loading all necessary classes that are needed by an application. This setting may need adjustments, particularly in a WebLogic 7/RMI RIP configuration. Refer to Installing a WebLogic Server in Chapter 8 for details. -XX settings are for use with Sun’s JVM only. JVM Options for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers For ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers, JVM settings can usually be retrieved from either the rmireg.sh file (on Unix/Linux) or the rmireg.bat file (on Windows). An exception is when the ENOVIA Live Collaboration RMI service is used. A service called rmiservice will be running at machine startup; each ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server is spawned by this service and the JVM options are kept in the registry. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers are spawned by the rmid (also known as the RMI daemon), which is a process shipped with the Java Development Kit (JDK). The rmireg.bat, rmireg.sh, or the rmiservice will spawn this process and pass it a list of the JVM options. Each option is prefixed by "-C". For example, the initial heap size option would typically be -C-Xms256m. The rmid must know that this is a JVM option in order to be passed to any ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers it creates. On Windows, open the rmireg.bat file and find the rmid start line. (Unix is the same except from the "start "RMI Daemon 1099" /min" line is at the beginning.). Then using the JVM Settings for Application Server table, verify that the JVM options are at least the minimum value. Following is a sample rmireg.sh file: JAVA_OPTIONS="-C-Xss512k -C-Xms256m -C-Xmx256m -C-XX:NewSize=128m -C-XX:MaxNewSize=128m -C-XX:SurvivorRatio=2" JAVA_SECURITY=-Djava.security.policy=/matrix/rmi1100_EPC/<platform>/docs/ security/rmid.policy ${JAVA_PATH}/rmid $1 $JAVA_OPTIONS -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1100 -XX settings are for use with Sun’s JVM only. JVM Options for ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers on Windows For rmiservice, the JVM options are kept in the registry and can be viewed by running regedit. Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\SOME_CONTROL_SET\Services path is a list of all installed services. The rmiservice settings are in a key called "eMatrix RMI Server". The registry editor shown below displays a typical list of parameters for the RMI service. The JAVAOPTIONS value that is highlighted contains a list of the options the rmid will pass to the spawned ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. By double-clicking on the value Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 459 the list may be modified. Once again, verify the JVM options against the JVM Settings for Application Server table. JVM Options for Application Servers If the application server is setup for RIP mode, the JVM options for the application server's own JVM must also be verified. Finding the command line information that created the JVM varies among the application servers. The table below contains a list of default file names and command lines that start the application server JVM: Application Server Default files to find JVM options WebSphere (All versions) INSTALL-DIR\AppServer\config\cells\HOST\nodes\HOST\servers\server1\server.xml. These can be set via the WebSphere Administrative Console. Refer to WebSphere JVM Options. WebLogic version 7.x INSTALL-DIR/user_projects/yourDomain/startWeblogic.sh Tomcat 4.1x INSTALL-DIR/bin/Catalina.sh Sun Java System Application Server version 7.x INSTALL-DIR/domains/yourDomain/yourServer/config/server.xml With the exception of the Sun Java System Application Server and WebSphere servers, all other files are startup scripts or batch files. For all servers (except for Sun Java System Application Server) edit the startup file and locate the Java command line. Following is an example from the tomcat.sh file: 460 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide $JAVACMD $TOMCAT_OPTS -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy==${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/tomcat.policy -Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME} org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat "$@" & Note the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable, which can be used to pass in JVM options. It is necessary to check both the command line itself and the TOMCAT_OPTS environment variable to verify the JVM options in use. Below is an example from the WebLogic 7 default startWeblogic.bat file: %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %DB_JVMARGS% -Xmx256m -classpath %WLISERVERCP% -Dweblogic.servlet.ClasspathServlet.disableStrictCheck=true -Dwli.bpm.server.evaluator.supportsNull=false -Dweblogic.management.username= -Dweblogic.management.password= -Dweblogic.Name=codonnell -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=%WLI_DOMAIN_HOME% -Djava.security.policy=%WL_HOME%\lib\weblogic.policy -Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE% weblogic.Server Note the JAVA_VM variable allows JVM options to be specified from the environment. Additionally, WebLogic sets a default heap size of 256M (the -Xmx256m in the command line). Because it is in the command line after the JAVA_VM environment variable, it will probably override any value set by JAVA_VM. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 461 If you are using the Sun Java System Application Server, the administrative console must be used, as shown below. Using the console, JVM options for each configured server may be added, deleted, or modified. Check all options in the JVM Settings for Application Server table. If any of the options do not exist or are wrong, you can change them using the JVM Settings panel shown above. For all Application servers or ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers using the Sun JVM: Note that IBM JVMs are derived from Sun's JVM, so the following tip may also work for those JVMs. Below is a quick way to check the parameters used to load the JVM: SET _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG=1 On Unix, enter the following before running the server: export _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG The JVM will send each option it parses to stdout, usually the console of the window running the JVM. This will show the complete list of options passed to the JVM and directly allow verification of the options. Remember to switch this off after verifying the values, even though it is only a startup diagnostic and will not affect server operation other than having the server load a little slower. WebSphere JVM Options 462 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide JVM options in WebSphere can be found using the WebSphere Administrative Console, as shown below. To see the JVM settings panel shown above, select Nodes > YOUR DOMAIN > Application Servers > YOUR SERVER NAME > Process Definition > JVM Settings. Verify that the Initial Heap Size field does not have a value less than the minimum value for the -Xms parameter listed in the JVM Settings for Application Server table. Then verify the Maximum Heap Size value, which corresponds to the -Xmx option. The Generic Command Line Arguments field should contain all other options found in the JVM Settings for Application Server table. For example, for a maximum heap size of 256M running in RIP mode, the Generic Command Line Arguments might contain: <jvmEntries xmi:id=’JavaVirtualMachine_1’ verboseModeClass=’false’ verboseModeGarbageCollection=’false’ verboseModeJNI=’false’ initialHeapSize=’0’ maximumHeapSize=’256’ runHProf=’false’ hprofArguments=’’ debugMode=’false’ debugArgs=’-Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777’ genericJvmArguments=’’> <classpath></classpath> <bootClasspath></bootClasspath> </jvmEntries> For more information, refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r1/ index.jsp. Calculating Maximum Heap Size (-Xmx JVM option) A simple way to calculate the value for the -Xmx option is to use the figure for half the available memory on the system and divide that among the number of JVMs that both the application server and ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server (if used) are running. Using system commands described in previous sections, the number of JVMs can be counted manually; however, you should know how to calculate the number of Java processes (JVMs) that should be running since this could help track down any unwanted Java processes during troubleshooting. Reading the installation guide that comes with your Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 463 application server is highly recommended since it should include details of features, such as load balancing, that may add more JVMs than would normally be expected. Because these extra JVMs will consume memory, they should be subtracted from the total available memory. One such JVM is the so-called nanny process, which is described below. Starting with no applications running on the system, use the methods described in Checking Memory Usage to find the current amount of available memory. If a high degree of accuracy is required, take readings over several days, and calculate an average value. If the machine runs a backup program, find the amount of memory used by the backup program and subtract it from the amount of available memory. Now you will have determined the actual amount of available memory for the application and Live Collaboration servers. Calculating the maximum heap size involves a simple formula that requires knowing the number and type of JVMs that will run on the machine. This number depends first on the whether RMI or RIP mode is used. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers may or may not be running on the same server; if they are not, the number of JVMs will equal the number of JVMs running in the application server. The number of Java processes in the application server depends on whether the server has one or more nanny processes. For example, WebSphere and WebLogic both have a nanny process, which is a monitoring process that requires at least 128M. Refer to your application server guide for information about nanny processes and whether they are used. The number of application server JVMs denotes the number of Java processes configured to support the ENOVIA Live Collaboration domain. If a second domain is running on the application server, the amount of available memory will be affected by the memory consumed to run that domain and therefore should be subtracted from the current amount of memory to become the available memory figure used in the formulas below. If a nanny process is used, subtract 128m from the available memory before applying any of the formulas below. Following are the formulas for maximum heap size: RMI mode where the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers are not running on the same machine: server JVM memory = available memory - 128m maximum heap size = server JVM memory / number of application server JVMs / 2 The number of application server JVMs is typically one per application server domain running on the machine. RMI mode where ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers are running on the same machine: If there is more than one ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, the RMI gateway is used. This is similar to an application server nanny process but is used to monitor and distribute the load for multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers. It requires 128M. RMI mode with one ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server: server JVM memory = available memory - 128m per process memory = server JVM memory / (number of application server JVMs + 1) maximum heap size = per process memory / 2 464 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide RMI mode with more than one ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server: server JVM memory = available memory - 128m per process memory = server JVM memory / (number of ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers + number of application server JVMs) maximum heap size = per process memory / 2 RIP mode: server JVM memory = available memory - 128m per process memory = server JVM memory / (number of application server JVMs) maximum heap size = per process memory / 2 In RIP mode, the Live Collaboration Server kernel shares the same process as the application server. The Java Process Command Line This section provides a quick way for finding JVM options for application and ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers running on Unix. It involves using the ps command to retrieve the Java process command line, as described in Checking for Other Running Processes. For example, checking the JVM options for a particular server can be done simply by looking at the command line of the server's Java process. Application server startup scripts typically pass their home directory as a property on the command line to their Java processes. Java properties are prefixed with a -D and are a means of passing a parameter to any Java code running in the process, such as the application server's own code or the Live Collaboration server running in RIP mode. For example, if the Java command line contains -Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME} then the Java process is a Tomcat application server and its home directory can be found in the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable. This is the home directory for the application server and can be used to locate startup scripts and configuration files, as required in Collecting Logs and Core Files. The following table shows a list of properties that can be used to locate a Java process.: Process Identifier java.rmi.activation.port ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server catalina.home Tomcat version 4 Server weblogic.home WebLogic Server com.sun.aas.installRoot Sun ONE Server server.root WebSphere Server The java.rmi.activation.port property is in the following format: -Djava.rmi.activation.port=1099 Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 465 It shows the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server port, which is useful when using the RMI Gateway with multiple ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers running on different ports. When running in RMI mode, a process called rmid is loaded and used to start ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server(s) on demand. Its command line includes the JVM options that will be passed to any ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server it creates and the port on which the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server will be listening. Process Limitations Most of the Java options described above relate to settings that control memory allocation. Keep in mind that there are other factors that may limit the resources available to a process and thereby constrain a process beyond the memory settings discussed above. Examples of such factors are: • Limit settings in the environment, such as ulimit (sh) or limit (csh) on Unix • The binary itself. For example, AIX defines the addressable memory in the executable. (See TechTip 11237.) • The data parameter for ulimit should be set to “unlimited” for AIX. Other Java Settings The startup configuration checker evaluates these other key Java settings: • Obsolete versions of eMatrixServletXXX.jar • JVM Mode • Java Version All settings may be retrieved using the startup files listed in the Application Server table. For all application servers, except for Sun Java System Application Server, edit the startup script and find the JAVA_HOME variable in the file. This will point to the java.exe (it may be in a bin or jre directory beneath this path). Run this java.exe from a command line with the -version argument to retrieve the Java version, and use the value in the above table to verify that the number is not less than the minimum value. The configuration checker checks for obsolete versions of eMatrixServletXXX.jar by comparing Java and native versions of eMatrixServletXXX.jar. Any obsolete versions will generate a Critical error. The JVM mode may not be obvious since most application servers leave it at the default value. The available modes for the Sun JVM can be, for example, classic, client or server. Server mode must be the mode used for all configurations. There are two ways to set the JVM mode: 1. Make the first parameter in the Java command line -server. 2. Edit the jvm.cfg file pointed to by the JAVA_HOME variable and make -server the first line after the comments in the file. If your platform does not have jvm.cfg, refer to your JVM documentation for the location of -server. Using the second method avoids a problem in which you cannot add -server to the RMI daemon command line in the rmireg.sh file since it fails. It can be assumed that if the Java version is correct then the JVM version should also be compatible. However, on Windows particularly, care must be taken to ensure that there are no other jvm.dlls in the Windows or Windows system directories that could cause a JVM mismatch and shut down the JVM. 466 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide The JVM version and mode is actually displayed in the startup messages for the Sun Java System Application Server. WebLogic also displays a list of the Java system properties on load, which also contains the JVM version and mode. If the JVM is controlled by the application server, the configuration checker may not be able to detect the presence of -server and it will generate an error. If this situation occurs, verify that your application server does set -server and ignore the error in mxAudit.log. Key ENOVIA Live Collaboration Environment Variables The configuration checker evaluates key ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment variables that can be easily overlooked. Setting them appropriately for system-wide use can improve performance dramatically. These variables may have been set originally by an ENOVIA engineer, but during upgrades of an application server the variables may be lost because a new application server startup script is used. For RIP mode, check the application server's startup script (see the Application Server table) for the environment variables or for a script that gets executed that may set them externally. A good tip for checking what is being set is to locate the line in the script files that starts the JVM (usually it's near the end and will begin with java-install-path/bin/java) and insert a line that pipes the environment to a file. Example for Unix: env > env.fil and for Windows: set > env.fil Start the application server and edit the env.fil file. Search for the environment variables listed in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment variable table. The MATRIXHOME environment variable should be noted since most traces and scripts are found using this path. This method should be used if using ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers. In this mode ENOVIA Live Collaboration Servers are started using rmireg.sh (Unix) or rmireg.bat (Windows). A good practice to ensure that the environment variables are set is to create a script or batch file that contains them and call the script from the application server startup script or from rmireg directly. In Windows, environment variables are checked as follows: the enovia.ini file is checked first; if the variable does not exist then the environment is checked. If still not found, internal defaults are used. When using the RMI service, environment variables may be also set in the registry. In the Windows Registry Editor a registry key called "Env" can exist under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Services\eMatrix Rmi Service\Parameters This key can contain ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment variables as registry values. When the RMI service starts it will add these to its environment. These variables can be changed or added directly using regedit or by using the rmiservice with some parameters, for example: Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 467 rmiservice -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -javaoptions "-C-Xss256k" or rmiservice -config "eMatrix RMI Server" -setenv LANG=C -setenv NLS_LANG= American_America.UTF8 -setenv MX_CHARSET=UTF8 Note that "eMatrix Rmi Server" is the default RMI registry key name. For more information about each ENOVIA Live Collaboration environment variable, see Configuring ENOVIA Live Collaboration in Chapter 9 and Installing the Live Collaboration Server in Chapter 8. System Scaling To properly scale your system to meet loads for the maximum number of concurrent users, you need to correctly set the MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE and your Oracle Sessions. The default value setting depends on the Java Heap size entered during installation. However, you should monitor the ENOVIA Live Collaboration instance in the database under typical production usage levels over a period of time and observe the number of sessions opened. This will provide a good indication of the value to use for your MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE. If more connections are required, you could increase this value by 10 or more to the value that works for your implementation under typical production usage levels. You may also need a larger MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE value if numerous errors like the following are thrown: Error #4000045 Creating new database connection, pool size insufficient This message is generated when the server needs to open a new connection. If this happens on a regular basis, the current MX_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE value is too low. Additionally, you should consider the Java heap sizes. -Xms (minimum heap size) should be at least 768m for large systems. -Xmx (maximum heap size) is platform-dependent, but should never exceed 1.5g. Note that when determining the Java heap size, you need to consider that a similar amount of memory is also needed by the ENOVIA Live Collaboration C++ kernel, which runs in the same process as the JVM but in a separate memory space, and which is not controlled by the Java heap size setting. Trace Settings Traces that are accidentally left switched on can greatly affect server performance. When you encounter performance problems, a check for these is advised. Refer to Overview in Chapter 21 for details. 468 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Additional ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Configuration Troubleshooting If performance problems or server shutdown persist after changing settings resulting from the server startup configuration checker, there are other areas you can check. Performance problems and server shutdown can be caused by improper configuration settings resulting in insufficient memory. Problems can occur if memory requirements that change due to objects cached in memory grow to exceed the amount of allocated memory within a Java Virtual Machine or even the entire system. Other problems may contribute, such as lack of disk space or inadequate memory for a machine's current load. It is sometimes difficult to determine the source of these problems. Environments vary in type of application server, platforms, server machine specifications, and operating system versions—to name some of the obvious configuration components. When problems occur after you have diagnosed your system with the configuration checker, you should check your system for these potential problem areas: • Checking Disk Space • Checking Memory Usage • Checking for Other Running Processes • Reviewing Other Configuration Issues • Collecting Logs and Core Files Collecting logs and cores file is optional and needs to be performed only if the problem has not been resolved using the previous procedures. Tables in this section may contain a column entitled "Category". Settings in these tables fall into one of three categories: • Critical • Warning • Information The category refers to the level of priority that should be given to the particular setting. For example, if a setting is referred to as Critical, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server should not be run if the setting either does not exist where it should appear or it is outside the minimum range specified in the table. Settings that are Warnings should be set within the minimum range of values in the table. Information settings have the lowest priority but have been known to cause problems. In other words, they may not be a problem in a particular environment, but they should not be ignored. The guidelines described in this section are intended to provide basic methods for investigating and resolving performance and quality-of-services issues. Recommended settings may not always result in better performance and may require further tuning. The following sections describe each troubleshooting procedure in detail. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 469 Checking Disk Space The table below shows how to check for available disk space on each platform. Platform Command Examples Windows chkdsk or dir dir c:\ Solaris df -Pk df -k /tmp AIX df -Pk df -k /tmp In a production environment, the database should not be on the same machine as the application server. Any disks in use should have more than ten percent free space. In particular, the drive pointed to by the workspace environment variable MX_BOS_WORKSPACE should have enough space. The workspace is a space where files can be stored temporarily during file checkouts and other operations; as a rule, it should be as large as the largest file that would be checked out, multiplied by the number of users on the system. For Unix users, the /tmp directory should be relatively free too. Checking Memory Usage For some versions of Unix, the "top" utility is a very powerful tool. It usually comes installed on the machine and can give live CPU and memory stats on a configurable refresh time. For Windows, the Task Manager is very useful. On Unix platforms, you can also use the vmstat command to check available memory: Platform Command Solaris vmstat AIX vmstat svmon -g Note that when using "top" or vmstat, the figures for process memory usage can be artificially inflated because some Unix versions of the memory manager do not always show freed memory returned to the system "pool". If the system has enough free memory to satisfy its current needs, memory freed by a process will not automatically be shown as freed. Therefore, utilities such as "top" tend to show the peak amount (or "high water mark") of memory that a process has allocated rather than what the process is currently using. If "top" is not available, on Solaris use prstat, or on AIX, use topas. On Solaris, another useful command is prtconf, which shows the system configuration. Also on Solaris, the /usr/proc/bin/pmap -x PID will print the details of memory used by a process and indicate which PID is taking up the memory. It's a good idea to monitor the amount of swap in use. The system should not swap, and all processes should be in physical memory. Use a utility, such as "top" or vmstat, to determine swap activity. You should also note the process path (the path where the process was loaded from) and its command line. Since there usually are multiple Java processes running at the same time, the command line should give a clue as to whether a particular process is an application server or an ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server. Since "top" does not typically show the process path, you should note the process id (PID) of the larger processes from top's PID column. You can get the process path and command line using the "ps -ef" command and using the PID to find the process in the resulting list. 470 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Checking for Other Running Processes Other processes can cause problems; for example, you might have unnecessary processes still running. You should check for orphaned Java processes or executables, which may be consuming available memory. Use the ps command as shown in the table below and check the command line parameters. Platform Command Description Solaris, AIX ps -ef | more Lists all processes. ps -ef | grep java Lists all processors using Java. ps -u <username> Use the userid of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration installation user to see the process for that user. Because the ps command can truncate the command line, you might check whether your ps command supports the "auxwww" argument, which provides a listing with the full command line for each process. You should use the UCB version of the ps command, if installed. It is usually found in the /usr/ucb/bin directory. A Java process's command line provides quick access to a lot of information required while checking your configuration. The next section shows how the command line can help you determine whether a Java process is ENOVIA Live Collaboration-related (i.e. related to an application server or a Live Collaboration server) or related to some other application. Reviewing Other Configuration Issues This section describes configuration settings you should check that pertain to your application server, kernel and device driver settings, and your operating system patch level. Application Server Settings Most application servers have some performance tuning parameters available, some of which are highly recommended. For example, WebLogic has an execute thread count that is used when trying to ensure that a pool of threads is available to process servlet requests as the overhead of creating new threads within the application server can be expensive. Config.xml has: Server ExternalDNSName="acme.net" ListenAddress="acme.net" Machine="MyMachine" Name="myserver" ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64" WeblogicPluginEnabled="true" XMLEntityCache="XMLCacheMBean_myserver"> <COM Name="myserver"/> <ExecuteQueue Name="default" ThreadCount="15"/> Other application servers have an equivalent to this setting. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 471 Settings are viewed or changed using the WebLogic Administration Console, as shown below. The console requires an administrator userid/password to log on. To view and change WebLogic settings: Use the WebLogic Server Console, as shown above. 1. Select Servers from the left pane. 2. Select the Live Collaboration server from the left pane. 3. Select the Configuration tab from the right pane. 4. Select the Tuning tab from the right pane. On WebLogic 7.x the Accept Backlog parameter is found on the Tuning tab from the Connections tab. WebSphere Settings WebSphere typically uses the IBM HTTP Web server, which is Apache-based and has the equivalent of WebLogic's acceptBacklog parameter, which is the MaxConnectBacklog 472 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide parameter. The parameter can be configured using the Administrative Console, as shown below: Choose Nodes > YOUR DOMAIN > Application Servers > YOUR SERVER > Web Container > HTTP Transports > YOUR PORT. From this panel the MaxConnectBacklog parameter can be modified. However, the default of 511 is usually sufficient. If WebSphere is running on Windows with Microsoft's IIS server as its Web server, the equivalent of WebLogic's acceptBacklog parameter is ListenBackLog, which has a default value of 25. IIS reads this value from the registry entry, which is shown below: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters\ ListenBackLog The value should be changed to 250, and IIS must be restarted. Additionally, if the settings listed below appear on your Administrative Console, check that their values are at least equal to the minimum values. If not found on your console, ignore them. WebSphere Settings from IBM HTTP Server's httpd.conf Category Minimum Value ListenBackLog Warning >= 511 (default) MaxClients (Unix Only) Critical >= 150 (default) ThreadPerChild (Windows only) Critical >= 50 (default) Maximum Pool size Critical >= 30 (default) Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 473 Operating System Patches Bugs in operating systems can take a long time to diagnose. Therefore, a check for patch levels is highly recommended. The table below shows a list of commands that retrieve the operating system patches on supported Unix platforms. On Windows, simply type winver at a command prompt. Piping the output from the Unix patch list to a file is advisable since this can be sent to ENOVIA Support for further diagnosis. Unix Platform Category AIX istfix; smit (Use smit only if patches were originally installed using smit; if not, use istfix.) Solaris showrev -p Kernel and Device Driver Settings As described in Collecting Logs and Core Files, kernel settings can be extremely important. File descriptors are another problem source, though typically for earlier versions of Solaris since most Unix platforms have fairly large default values. Windows does not have this problem (except when portable code uses file descriptors for winsock IO). To find the maximum number of file descriptors available: • in ksh use "ulimit -n" • in csh use "limit descriptors" Some parameters have an affect on performance, including TCP settings on Solaris, as shown below. Solaris TCP Parameter Description Suggested Value tcp_close_wait_interval On high connection rates if netstat shows many sockets in CLOSE_WAIT or FIN_WAIT_2 state 60000 tcp_fin_wait_2_flush_interval Checks the fin wait interval (some versions of solaris can be 10 times the normal value) 67500 Use the following command to get a parameter from the table: ndd -get /dev/tcp parameter Use the following command to set a parameter in a table: ndd -set /dev/tcp parameter 474 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Symbolic Links Previous versions of the Live Collaboration server created symbolic links to /usr/lib for a library in the installation directory. If not removed, these links frequently caused problems with mismatching library versions. Use "ls -l /usr/lib" to verify library versions. Depending on the operating system, ENOVIA Live Collaboration libraries are only loaded through appropriate settings of LD_LIBRARY_PATH or SHLIB_PATH. Other methods of configuring the operating system loader, such as /etc/ld.so.conf, should not be used for ENOVIA Live Collaboration. Collecting Logs and Core Files If checking the configuration yields no errors, then all useful log files should be collected for further investigation. This section lists a minimum set of logs that should be gathered. Logs and Files to Collect Stack traces Cores Application server logs Any trace logs Java stack trace logs (hs_err_pid*.log) access.log (application server) Rmireg.sh (Unix) or rmireg.bat (Windows) or the registry if rmid is running as a service mxtrace.log Custom logs (redirected stdout and stderr) Use the following table as a quick reference for stack trace commands. Sometimes it's useful to generate a stack trace from a core and save it to a file. Platform Stack Trace Command Solaris pstack core > core.txt AIX use dbx Refer to the Tech Tip, “About Core Dumps”, for using the pstack command; also see the Tech Tip named “How To Analyze Core Dumps using GDB.” For more information about the dbx command, contact ENOVIA Support. The Live Collaboration server will log error messages to the mxtrace.log and other log files, as described in Chapter 21, Server Diagnostics. The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server uses a set of log files to maintain state information. These log files can be found by checking the rmireg.sh or rmireg.bat files, and locating the rmid daemon load line with the -log option, as shown below: $JAVA_PATH/rmid $JAVA_OPTIONS $JAVA_LIB -J$JAVA_SECURITY -port 1099 -log /opt/eMatrixRMI9052/logs/RMI1099 & Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 475 These log files are not useful for diagnostic purposes, and you should delete all files from this directory. If there are multiple rmid processes started from the startup script (i.e. the RMI gateway is in use) then each set of logs should be deleted. If a shutdown occurs, a file called the Java stack dump log is created. It is named hs_err_pidxxxx.log, where xxxx is the process id number of the process that shut down. These logs can be found in the same directory from which the ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel loads, usually the SERVER_INSTALL path under intel_a\code\bin\. These logs are critical for reporting a shutdown-related problem to ENOVIA Live Collaboration, especially if no core is found. If the System has produced a core file for the shutdown (Unix-only and the file is simply called core), this file will usually appear in the directory from which the Live Collaboration kernel was loaded. Missing Core Dumps Shutdowns on Unix almost always cause the system to dump a core file, usually in the directory from which the process initially loaded. If no core dump file is generated, you might need to enable core files, as described below: Enabling Core Files Java Activation Error on the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server Solaris in the /etc/system file, set sys:coredumpsize = (maxsize of core dump file) AIX Use ulimit -c unlimited and chdev -l sys0 -a fullcore=true When running on the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server in non-RIP mode, an activation exception may occur, which may look like the following: java.rmi.activation.ActivateFailedException: failed to activate object; nested exception is: java.rmi.activation.ActivationException: unable to create activation group; nested exception is: java.io.IOException: The pipe is being closed" The solution is to choose the proper configuration for your installation based on available memory. Choose your Java heap settings as recommended in Calculating Maximum Heap Size (-Xmx JVM option). mx_err_pid.log for Windows 476 When the Java Virtual Machine initializes itself, it installs a handler which gains control when segmentation violations and other unexpected signals/events occur. From this handler, the hs_err_pid.log file is generated. On Windows, an MX handler has been chained to this process to catch these events, create a ENOVIA Live Collaboration specific error log, and then pass control back to the JVM’s handler. Since tracing may not have been enabled, this means that the events don’t need to be recreated to begin troubleshooting. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide When the MX handler is called on Windows, a file called mx_err_pidID#.log (where ID# is the process number of the failing process) is created in the same directory as the JVM creates the hs_err_pid123.log file (that is, the directory in which the server or MQL was started, generally SERVER_INSTALL\intel_a\code\bin\). The mx_err_pid.log file includes the same information as monitor server output as well as a hex dump at the end of the file. Administrators can use this file for the monitor server output; the rest of the file is meant for diagnosis by ENOVIA and should be included with details of the problem to ENOVIA Customer Support. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 477 ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Stability Troubleshooting This section describes troubleshooting considerations for the ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform, including stack traces, Studio Customization Toolkit origin tracing, and memory management. Stack Traces In the event of a core dump, it is advisable to generate stack traces from the core dump and send the traces to ENOVIA support. 1. Generate stack traces from the core dump. This will provide information about where all running threads were in the code at the time of the crash. 2. Be sure to examine the core file on the system that generated it. • On Solaris 8, you can run pstack. 3. Examine the stack trace. The first thread in the stack trace output will be the one that caused the crash. Normally, there is an entry that reads "sighdlr" and the entry just after it is the one that caused the "signal" (usually SIGSEGV) and the crash. 4. Send the stack trace to ENOVIA support. Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Tracing Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Tracing supplements verbose tracing by adding an origin stack trace for each Studio Customization Toolkit call made, thus enabling an engineer to determine the exact line in the JSP, applet, bean, or application code where a problematic call was made. You enable Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Tracing on the server. Refer to Studio Customization Toolkit Origin Trace Facility in Chapter 21. Memory Pools To troubleshoot memory bottlenecks it is important to understand ENOVIA Live Collaboration architecture and the various memory pools in use. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server can be configured in two different ways: • • 478 Two-tier (ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server): The ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel lives in its own process as an ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server and has its own memory space. In this case three memory pools are relevant: • The C++ memory of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server, which is used to cache data and evaluate server operations. • The Java heap in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server used to temporarily store data for requests, until the request is completed. • The Java heap in the application server, used to store all Java objects of the application, like sessions, beans, properties and temporary objects. Single tier (RIP). The ENOVIA Live Collaboration kernel is part of the application server and shares the same address space. The memory pools in C++ memory and the Java heap in the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server (listed above) are relevant in this configuration. ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Memory Management In contrast to typical memory managers, the ENOVIA Live Collaboration’s memory manager is suited for long running server processes. The system allocates memory in multiples of 16 bytes. Instead of freeing memory blocks under 512 bytes, the system maintains its own free list. This free list is subdivided into buckets, for holding blocks of the same size. The maximum amount of memory held by this list is controlled by the parameter MX_MEMORY_KEEP_LIMIT, which has a default value of 256m. This algorithm ensures fast allocation and prevents memory fragmentation. Furthermore, ENOVIA Live Collaboration’s memory manager contains the following trace parameters, which can be used to resolve memory related problems. MX_MEMORY_TRACE MX_VERBOSE_MEMORY_TRACE For more information on the above parameters, see Configuring Memory Manager in Chapter 21. Memory Troubleshooting Procedures Tool Selection Depending on where the memory problem is, different tools are needed to diagnose it. An ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server configuration and a growth of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server process suggest a problem in the C++ core. Growth of the application server process or Java OutOfMemoryExceptions indicate a problem with the Java heap. There may be no clear initial indication of a memory problem in a RIP environment. In this case, run the application server JVM with -verbose:gc and graph the heap over time. If this indicates a Java side leak, use a profiler or similar tool to find the problem. See Java Memory Problem below for details Java Memory Problem The first step is to run the application server JVM with the option "-verbose:gc" and capture the output in a file. This will print verbose garbage collection records, which look similar to the following: [GC [GC [GC [GC 137851K->122823K(260160K), 139015K->123987K(260160K), 140179K->125151K(260160K), 141343K->126313K(260160K), 0.0128460 0.0126110 0.0128070 0.0131270 secs] secs] secs] secs] Then use a tool like gcviewer from www.tagtraum.com or GC Portal from SUN Microsystems to visualize the output. In the following example a JSP was supposed to print a record of the last ten requests, but instead of saving data for the ten most recent requests, it saved all requests. The code looks like the following: <%! static Vector vClients=new Vector(100); class clsRow { Date _dTime=null; String _sSession=null; String _sHost=null; public clsRow(String sSession, String sHost) { _dTime=new Date(); _sSession=sSession; _sHost=sHost; } Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 479 public String toString() { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(_dTime.toString()); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(_sSession); sb.append("</td><td>"); sb.append(_sHost); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); return( sb.toString() ); } }; %> <% vClients.add(0, new clsRow(session.getId(), request.getRemoteHost()) ); %> The JSP ran in a Tomcat 4 application server and was requested by five jmeter threads about 150000 times. The verbose garbage collection log was visualized with gcviewer. Note the blue line, which shows the total heap used, the amount of memory recovered with each garbage collection and a clear upslope. The upslope indicates a Java memory leak. Finding the leak is the much more difficult part. One method is to run the JVM with the built-in profiler, which is available in the JVM from SUN Microsystems. For the example above, the application server JVM was run with the option "-Xrunhprof:heap=sites,depth=10,thread=y". This will not currently work with a WebLogic server because it monitors heap usage itself and interferes with this setting; only Tomcat has been successfully used with -Xrunhprof. Use of the option generates a 480 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide very large file java.hprof.txt and also has a significant performance impact. The generated file could be reviewed manually or with a tool like Hpjmeter from www.hp.com. It is preferable to perform such an investigation in a controlled environment. A repetitive test should be used and executed by a load-generating tool, like LoadRunner, grinder, or jmeter. Also after the test has completed, the test instance should be left idle until all active sessions have timed out. For our example we used Hpjmeter and displayed the Metric "Residual Objects (Count)", which produced the list below. There are obviously many system objects, making it difficult to identify the culprit. However, upon closer inspection, tst_jsp$clsRow stands out. It is a class from the example, of which about 51000 instances exist, but only 10 should exist. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 481 Implementation Troubleshooting The design of the ENOVIA Live Collaboration allows customers to build their own applications to interface with it. When building applications, users may unknowingly employ coding practices that are detrimental to system stability. This section summarizes implementation best practices and provides references to other ENOVIA Live Collaboration documentation that explains these practices more fully. Queries A major cause of performance problems are poorly structured queries. Query performance problems can be broken down into two categories: memory issues and time taken to complete the query. With memory issues, the result of the query is so large that the computer system cannot handle the result. In the time issue, the processing time of the query is much longer than needed. ENOVIA has identified some strategies to prevent query problems, which are described in detail in the “Working with Workspace Objects” chapter in the MQL Guide. Tcl Statements Additionally, users may write MQL programs that contain Tcl statements. Some of the more common problems with Tcl statements are related to Tcl syntax. The Tcl executable has strict rules regarding syntax. For a description of common Tcl syntax errors, see “Tcl Syntax Troubleshooting” in the MQL Language chapter in the MQL Guide. JSP Development User-created JSP pages may access variables in a non-thread-safe way. A solution to this problem is discussed in the “Using the Context Object” topic in the Creating a Login Page chapter of the Programming Guide. Other common problems that occur when developing JSPs are discussed in the “Programming Notes” topic in the Programming Guide. 482 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Web Navigator Troubleshooting This section contains information to help users address problems that they may encounter with the Web Navigator. To have a successful install, you must completely remove all references to the old version. Refer to Removing Web Navigator in Chapter 12 for details. Set Context Problems The table below shows possible causes and solutions to typical errors starting up a Web client. Symptom Possible Causes Solution Server throws a General Protection Fault (GPF) or “Dr. Watson” error when setting context No connection file was found. Confirm that the connection file(MATRIX-R file) is located in MATRIXHOME, as defined in the enovia.ini file, and that a defined Oracle database alias matches the connect string entry in the connection file. Installation on UNIX Database alias not defined. Connect string in connection file doesn’t match database alias. Problem After installing an ENOVIA Live Collaboration client (either the Studio Modeling Platform or the Live Collaboration Server), when you attempt to connect to an Oracle database you receive the following error: ORA-07268: szguns: getpwuid error Solution Open the passwd file from the /etc directory and append a plus sign followed by a colon (+:). This allows both NIS and local users. Look and Feel Problem Web Navigator appears with the metal look and feel instead of the Windows or motif look and feel. Solution If the Web client has installed applications that include a JDK, the PATH and CLASSPATH variables may be set for use with the other application. Check your PATH and CLASSPATH to ensure that they do NOT refer to other JDKs like Symantic Visual Cafe 3.0. If they do, you can either remove these entries from the PATH and CLASSPATH values on the client, OR you can add the following parameter to the HTML page on the server that contains Web Navigator: <param name="LAF" value="windows"> Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 483 The value may also be “motif”. Refer to Configuring Web Navigator in Chapter 12 for more information on this and other parameters. 484 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform Troubleshooting This section discusses issues users must be aware of when using the Studio Modeling Platform. Some of these are platform-specific and others apply to all installations. Accessing Remote File Systems Problem When accessing or storing files on a remote host machine, you receive the following message: Storage Manager: Cannot create or open file hostname: /path/filename(Permission denied) (100101) This occurs if you are attempting to access a remote captured store and the host machine is not currently allowing you access. Solution 1 ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses NFS or FTP to access remote captured stores. In order for FTP to work appropriately, the remote system must be set up as an FTP server. If NFS is in use, check that the remote machine’s file system is exported to the NFS clients. Ask your System Administrator to export the necessary file systems. This is controlled by appropriate entries in the remote system’s /export file. All machines that contain ENOVIA Live Collaboration captured stores that will be accessed via NFS must be running: • the RPC portmapper daemon • NFS • mountd daemons The mounted daemons must be started with the appropriate options so unreserved ports may be used for NFS mounts. Failure to do this will result in access only being allowed when users are logged in as root. The options for various platforms are described below. Sun Solaris platforms default to the “-n” option on startup of the rpc.mountd daemon. However, on IBM RS6000 the rpc.mountd daemon must be manually started with the “-n” option. On IBM RS6000 this is typically done by running the following command at the root: chssys -s rpc.mountd -a -n Crash on Checkin Problem ENOVIA Live Collaboration crashes when the network connection goes down while checking in a file. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 485 Reason If ENOVIA Live Collaboration cannot commit or abort a transaction, an error dialog explains that a non-recoverable error has occurred. When the dialog is dismissed, ENOVIA Live Collaboration gracefully exits. The application is not crashing. Errors during Administration Problem Attempts to add a new type or perform other administrative functions fail with errors similar to: Error #1200060 Can't create new derived from for the type ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name Solution For administrative work done in the Business, System, or MQL applications, all server objects are accessed. For this reason, machines used for these functions must have an Oracle database alias configured for each server object. For example, for a system with two servers with connectstring values of “SanDiego” and “SanJose”, administrator's machines must have two Oracle database aliases configured named “SanDiego” and “SanJose”. Installation on UNIX Problem After installing an ENOVIA Live Collaboration client (either Studio Modeling Platform or the Live Collaboration server), when you attempt to connect to the database you receive the following error: ORA-07268: szguns: getpwuid error Solution Open the passwd file from the /etc directory and append a plus sign followed by a colon (+:). This allows both NIS and local users. Localized Character display Problem German umlauts or other European characters are not displayed correctly on Windows. Solution In some cases, Oracle Instant Client may not find the proper NLS registry settings. To override the registry settings, set NLS_LANG as an environment variable. For example: NLS_LANG=GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8ISO8859P15 486 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Localized Decimal Character Settings Problem When the database and localization files are setup to use European character sets with a comma as the decimal character, the following Oracle error message may be generated: ORA-01722 invalid number ... Solution The system decimal symbol must be synchronized with the character implied by the Oracle database setting for NLS_LANG. The System Administrator can use the following MQL command to set the system decimal symbol: <mql> set system decimal .; Refer to the MQL Guide for more information about the “set system decimal” command. Overriding defaults in NLS_LANG NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS specifies the decimal character (the character that separates the integer and decimal parts of a number) as well as the group separator (the character that separates integer groups, i.e. thousands, millions, etc.), overriding the defaults established by the territory defined in either NLS_LANG or NLS_TERRITORY, whichever is in use. The characters are specified in the following format: NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = “[DEC_CHAR][GROUP_SEP]” The two characters specified must be single-byte, and different from each other. The characters CANNOT be any numeric character, plus (+), hyphen (-), less than sign (<), or greater than sign (>), but either MAY BE a space. For example, to set the decimal character to a comma and the group separator to a period, the parameter should be set in the Oracle initialization file (init<SID>.ora) as follows: NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = “,.” Using alternate decimal characters with SQL When the decimal character is not a period (.) or when a group separator is specified, numbers appearing in SQL statements must be enclosed in quotes. For example, with the value of NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS as set above, the following SQL statement requires quotation marks around the numeric literals: INSERT INTO SIZES (ITEMID, WIDTH, QUANTITY) VALUES (618, '45,5', TO_NUMBER('1.234','9G999')); Using alternate decimal characters with Tcl Tcl 8.0 does not tolerate anything but a period as a decimal separator. The problem exhibits itself if you try to use the tcl 'expr' command as follows: set retVal [expr 8,5 + 4,2] If MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL is set to comma(,) (Oracle only) all real numbers from the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database will be converted to have comma as a decimal separator before being output. If you must perform Tcl arithmetic, and you have any users that have MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL set to comma(,), you should incorporate the following program into the users’ Tcl library, and call it in place of the Tcl “expr” procedure to evaluate decimal numbers. ############################################################# # File Name: mxExpr.tcl # Description: Workaround for tcl-proc \"expr\" working with \",\" Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 487 ############################################################# proc Expr { args } { if { [ regsub -all \",\" $args \".\" args ] } { set sRet [ expr $args ] regsub \\\\\\. $sRet \",\" sRet } else { set sRet [ expr $args ] } return $sRet } ############################################################# If you must perform O/S arithmetic with Tcl, such as working with file sizes or other real numbers from the O/S, and LANG is set to define comma as decimal separators, you may need to use the Expr function defined above to handle those calculations. ENOVIA Live Collaboration supports a deprecated environment setting (MX_TCL_ANSI_NUMERIC) to force the decimal separator to be period(.) when tcl programs run, but this is only suitable for use in single-threaded (Studio Modeling Platform) environments, since it modifies the system LOCALE setting which affects all other threads in the process. The behavior of a multi-threaded server running with this setting is unpredictable, and is not supported. When used in a desktop environment, the behavior is as follows: .Rollback Segment Error • if MX_TCL_ANSI_NUMERIC=true, ENOVIA Live Collaboration overrides the LC_NUMERIC setting during execution of Tcl programs to establish a period (.) as the decimal setting. This causes operating system utilities to return floating point values in a form that is suitable for performing arithmetic using the Tcl "expr" procedure. Values obtained from MQL commands will continue to be returned using the character set as MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL. • if MX_TCL_ANSI_NUMERIC=false, (the default) the setting for LC_NUMERIC is used and Tcl calls to the operating system will return floating point values according to the LOCALE settings in the OS. An error similar to the following may occur if Oracle rollback segments are not large enough: System Error: #1: ORA-01562: failed to extend rollback segment number 2 ORA-01650: unable to extend rollback segment R01 by 64 in tablespace RBS This means that the rollback segment being used needs to be enlarged. Generally this occurs in the following circumstances: • Deleting lots of IconMail; • Data loading using explicit transaction boundaries; • Upgrading the database • Clearing vaults or the entire database (clear all;) • Any customization that uses large transaction boundaries; The storage manager or sqlplus may be used to increase the size of the “next extent” for the rollback segment to accommodate the size of the transaction. Typically, there is a 488 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide maximum of 121 rollback segments, so the product of the next extent and 120 must exceed the total size of all files being accessed within this one transaction. Refer to Oracle documentation on Storage Manager for information on performing this task. Color Mapping Problem • When entering the Studio Modeling Platform, the colors are incorrect or unavailable after other external applications have exhausted the color resources. The Studio Modeling Platform colors display incorrectly or you receive the error message “xalloc color cells.” • After exiting the desktop, colors for the desktop are incorrect. Reason The problem occurs because the desktop works best when sharing the default colormap as originally defined by MIT’s X11 standard. However, ENOVIA Live Collaboration, requires large amounts of color. Solution 1 (UNIX) Run the X standard colormap utility to define the standard colormap properties. This utility, xstdcmap, is provided in the <INSTALL_PATH>/etc/<PLATFORM>/ directory. Executing the following will correct the color mapping problem by automatically loading the default color mapping: <INSTALL_PATH>/ etc/<PLATFORM>/ xstdcmap -delete default <INSTALL_PATH>/ etc/<PLATFORM>/ xstdcmap -default The default colormap should generally be loaded after the X server is started and before the desktop (and the Window Manager), can allocate color cells. This can be accomplished through methods that vary with each platform, and are described as follows: SPARCstations (Solaris) Edit the .xinitrc file in the user’s home directory and put the xstdcmap commands at the beginning of the file. If there is no .xinitrc file in the user's home directory, copy the default file from the /usr/openwin/lib/Xinitrc. IBM RS6000 (AIX) Edit the .xinitrc file in the user’s home directory and put the xstdcmap commands at the beginning of the file. If there is no .xinitrc file in the user's home directory, copy the default file from /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xinitrc. Solution 2 (UNIX and WINDOWS) There are two flags available that can be passed to the desktop that will regulate colormap usage. The flags may be added to the command line or setup scripts as follows: -standardcolormax <DECIMAL> -sharedcolormax <DECIMAL> Where <DECIMAL> represents a real number between 0 and 1. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 489 The standard flag represents the fraction of the standard colormap that ENOVIA Live Collaboration will control. The default is .75, which should be adjusted to ensure that appropriate colors are available to other desktops. Setting this flag to zero will cause no standard colors to be allocated. The shared flag represents the fraction of the shared colormap (that is, the Windows or X default colormap) that is allocated for ENOVIA Live Collaboration. This defaults to 1, which means that ENOVIA Live Collaboration has access to the entire colormap for custom colors. Setting this value to zero means that ENOVIA Live Collaboration will use a private colormap. When the private color map is used, the active desktop window will look fine, but the inactive windows may give up their colors until they become active. This may appear as “flashes” when switching between desktop applications. If both of the above solutions are used in unison and the problem still occurs, the colormapping of the other applications should be examined. Launching Applications in Windows Problem On all Windows platforms, Studio Modeling Platform windows are not repainted while the launched desktop is executing. This causes no harm, but can be visually unappealing. Solution By setting a preference called MX_WIN_MIN_ON_LAUNCH, a user can cause all Studio Modeling Platform windows to be minimized during the execution of the launched desktop. When the launched desktop terminates, the Studio Modeling Platform windows are restored. The value assigned to this preference is True or False. When set to True, the Studio Modeling Platform windows are minimized. The default is False. This preference is read from the enovia.ini file prior to each launching. 490 ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide Miscellaneous Troubleshooting This section contains troubleshooting issues that are either common to several areas or belong to an area separate from server configuration, Web Navigator, or Studio Modeling Platform. FTP Connection Timeouts All supported operating systems provide a TCP KeepAlive socket feature which ENOVIA Live Collaboration uses for all FTP connections. When ENOVIA Live Collaboration creates a socket for use in a FTP transfer (that is, for checkin/checkout operations with FTP stores or with FCS), the socket utilizes the TCP SO_KEEPALIVE option. If ENOVIA Live Collaboration is unable to set the SO_KEEPALIVE option on the socket(s), it will print a warning. With the proper OS TCP stack configuration, large file transfer attempts through firewalls and other intermediary network devices, including proxies, no longer fail due to the FTP control connection time outs and termination. Below are guidelines for enabling and configuring TCP KeepAlives on the various platforms. Platform Relevant parameters Command to check Command to change AIX tcp_keepidle tcp_keepintvl no –o tcp_keepidle no –o tcp_keepintvl no –po tcp_keepidle=14400 no –po tcp_keepintvl=240 LINUX tcp_keepalive_time tcp_keepalive_intvl tcp_keepalive_probes cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ tcp_keepalive_time cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ tcp_keepalive_intvl cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ tcp_keepalive_probes In /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9 #sysctl -p Solaris tcp_keepalive_interval ndd /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 290000 Windows HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSe t\Services\Tcpip\Parameters KeepAliveInterval KeepAliveTime regedit Regedit or .reg file Changing the keepalive interval is a server wide and not per connection / process setting. Before making changes to the TCP stack in a production system these changes must be qualified in a comparable test environment. If you find you have long data transfers (replication) between stores on separate sides of a firewall that is configured to time out TCP connections that remain idle for a given interval, then you will want to configure your operating system’s TCP stack to send KeepAlives at an interval smaller than the interval at which the firewall times out idle TCP connections. You should contact your IT infrastructure staff to determine what is the maximum time the infrastructure hardware will allow a connection to remain active. An industry standard is 300 seconds (5 minutes). You would be safe to set the keepalive interval to 290 seconds. If the hardware is not dedicated to ENOVIA Live Collaboration, then you must determine the impact of lowering the keepalive interval for any other application on the server. Chapter 20: Troubleshooting ENOVIA Live Collaboration 491 Laptop Performance Problem From a laptop computer, opening ENOVIA Web pages, setting context and performing finds seem to take longer than should be necessary. Solution Check the following: 1. Set your browser default page to a local file instead of the browser’s default homepage of www.microsoft.com or www.mozilla.org. Browser initialization and host name resolution as well as anything using TCP/IP will all perform faster. 2. Check that the hostname for the DNS settings is set to the machine’s network name. Open the Network option from the Control Panel. Click the Protocols tab and choose TCP/IP protocol properties. Click the DNS tab and make sure the host field specifies the correct machine network name. 3. Open the \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Make sure your machine IP and name are listed. This helps resolve the host name more quickly. Session Timed Out Error Problem The following error is received when performing any operation: java.lang.Exception: Session timed out Solution Timeout limits are set and enforced in the Web or application server. If a period of inactivity occurs that is greater than the limit set, for security reasons, users are forced to login again. Consult your Web server's documentation for information on setting this limit. Tar Error When Unpacking Distributions If you receive LongLink error(s) when attempting to untar an ENOVIA distribution file such as ENOVIALiveCollaborationServer-VERSION.tar, install GNU tar 1.14 or higher and unpack with “gtar”. The original POSIX format can only handle 100 characters for link names. Problems with JSP Path for ENOVIA products If you have problems with the path for the JSPs when using an ENOVIA product, make sure the following settings are defined as follows in the web.xml file. 492 ematrix.login.page=/ematrix/emxLogin.jsp ematrix.home.page=/ematrix/emxHome.jsp ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide 21 Server Diagnostics Overview You can use the following server diagnostic tools for the Live Collaboration Server: • The Monitoring Agent tool which periodically gathers information on a Live Collaboration Server instance and maps it to standard IBM CBE (Common Base Event) monitoring log format. For details, see Monitoring the Live Collaboration Server using the Monitoring Agent. • Tracing tools which send trace information to either a file or a standard output. For details, see Tracing Types. 493 Monitoring the Live Collaboration Server using the Monitoring Agent The ENOVIA Live Collaboration Server can be monitored using a tool called the Monitoring Agent. The monitoring agent is delivered with the Live Collaboration Server and can be used to monitor availability, performance, security, and usage throughout the different layers of ENOVIA Live Collaboration and other ENOVIA components like the DS License Server. These layers include the kernel, VPM and ENOVIA applications. The monitoring agent is a standalone process launched from a command-line. After the agent is configured to monitor a Live Collaboration Server instance (the agent can only monitor one server instance at a time) it will periodically gather monitoring information on the server, map it to standard IBM CBE (Common Base Event) monitoring log format, and save it to the local machine where it runs. The monitoring agent can either run on the same machine as the Live Collaboration Server or on different machine to reduce its impact on Live Collaboration Server performance. Setting up the Monitoring Agent Setting up the monitoring agent involves creating a keystore file and initially starting the agent with your configuration options. A keystore file only needs to be created if the agent is monitoring a component that requires authentication. For example, the Live Collaboration Server requires authentication but the DS License Server does not. This means if the agent will only be monitoring a DS License Server, a keystore file is not needed. Creating a keystore File For security reasons, you cannot start the monitoring agent by entering a username and password directly in the command-line. Instead, the agent must be started using a keystore file that conceals the username and password. The username and password used to create the keystore file must be licensed to use the Live Collaboration Server. No specific roles or access are required for this username and password. A