Before I get started, I want to clarify one thing if pro is the opposite of con then is progress the opposite of congress. Somebody tell me after the speech please. Good evening class of 2018, parents and teacher thank you for coming out today to celebrate one of the most important days of our lives. I would like thank my family, my relatives and my friends for getting to where I am today. Trends have come and gone, old friends have left and new friends have come, but through this whole journey we’ve always been loyal. It all began in grade 2 when I was seven years old, putting on my uniform forgetting my old friends and playing with lego, i walked in and felt out of place. The only other memory I have is about the zoo and seeing a giraffe,as well as being constipated that one time. Then came the third grade. I was only just starting to get used to the school when grade three hit. This was a struggle for many but also a time I made great memories. At this time I made new friends which have followed me throughout the years also some who left but will always be remembered. If i never met the broskis I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. As you all know grade 3 is the first year of EQAO. This was the reason that i had double the amount of homework and half the amount of sleep. Then i was back to 12 hours a day in grade 4. Grade 4 was like the force awakens, it was pretty good. Minecraft and me those were the good days until the introduction of exams. This was a one pump to the head. Grade 5 rolled around, new friends were made, I learned this grade no matter how hard life hits you keep on going. Another great thing about grade 5 was the spectacular trips. Ottawa and Great Wolf lodge were the best field trips of my life. I remember at great wolf lodge one of my friends didn’t get the memo and stayed in the water park for an four hours, and my parents told me to eat healthy bt on that trip I was on a straight diet of ice cream. In grade 6 was like the star wars prequels it was not great. EQAO hit hard like the hydro bills. At the end however it was all worth it as this class stuck with me until grade 8. Also the seventh star wars movie came out in grade 6 Grade 7 was better than grade 6 but was not exactly the best time either. Then came grade 8 and with it came applications and tests. These of course being for high school. Grade 8 probably felt like one of the longer years of my schooling experience just because of all the waiting you had to do you waited for applications to be processed and you waited for the trips at the end of the year. Grade 8 is also a very sad year because we all go our separate ways and maybe never see each other again this is an amazing thing I finally get a break from all of you na na I’m just joking for most of you I’m kidding I’m kidding. All I want to say is that I know that all of you will be very happy and successful. I hope that I can play a part in your lives in the future and hope that you will play a part in mine. I would like to say thank you to all of you for paying attention to me except for the kids in the back who are playing tag.