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Engineering Communication: Presentation Skills

Engineering Communication
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Basic Steps Involved in the Solution of Engineering
4.3 Homework Presentation.
4.4 Progress Report and Executive Summary.
4.5 Technical Report.
4.6 Oral Communication and Presentation
4.7 PowerPoint Presentation.
4.8 Engineering Graphical Communication.
4.1 Introduction
Presentations are an integral part of any
engineering project.
Depending on the size of the project, the
presentations might be:
frequent, and
may follow a certain format requiring
calculations, graphs, charts, engineering
drawings, etc.
Communication Skills and Presentation of
Engineering Work
As an engineering student, you need to develop good written and
oral communication skills.
During the next four or five years, you will learn how to express
your thoughts, present a concept for a product and an
engineering analysis of a problem and its solution, or show your
findings from experimental work.
Starting right now, it is important to understand that the ability to
communicate your solution to a problem is as important as the
solution itself.
Communication Skills and Presentation of
Engineering Work
You may spend months on a project, but if you cannot
effectively communicate to others, the results of all your
efforts may not be understood and appreciated.
Most engineers are required to write reports. These reports
might be lengthy, detailed, technical reports containing charts,
graphs, and engineering drawings, or they may take the form
of a brief memorandum or executive summary.
4.2 Basic Steps Involved in the Solution
of Engineering Problems
1) Defining the Problem:
• You must first thoroughly understand the problem itself
• What is known? and what is to be found?
2) Simplifying the Problem:
• Making some reasonable and logical assumptions.
• Understanding the physical laws and the fundamental concepts
3) Performing the Solution or Analysis:
• Proceed with obtaining an appropriate solution.
• Set up the problem in parametric form (variables).
4) Verifying the Results:
• Do the results make sense.?
• A good engineer must always find out way to check results
• Actual physical experiment must be carried our to verify one’s finding
4.3 Homework Presentation
• Engineering paper is specially formatted for use by engineers and
engineering students.
• The paper has three cells on the “Top” that may be used to convey
such information as course number, assignment due date, and your
• A given problem may be divided into a “Given” section, a “Find”
section, and a “Solution” section.
• It is a good practice to draw horizontal lines to separate the known
information (Given section) from the information that is to be found
(Find section) and the analysis (Solution section), as shown in Figure
and example in next pages.
4.4 Progress Report and Executive Summary
1) Progress Report: are means of communication to others in the
organization or to the sponsors of the a project how much progress
has been made and which of the main objectives of the project have
been achieved to date.
2) Executive Summary: are means of communicating to people in top
management positions the findings of a detailed study or a
proposal. It must be brief and concise. It is generally no more than a
few pages long.
3) Short Memos: are yet another way of conveying information in a
brief way to interested individuals . Generally, short memos are
under two pages in length. The header of the memo contains
information such as the date, who the memo is from, to whom it is
being sent, and a subject line. This followed by the main body of the
Date: September 15, 2011
From: Khalid Ali
Member of Project X
Re: Budget Request
-------------------------------------------------Main Text
4.5 Technical Report
1) Title: The title of a report should be brief informative description of
the report contents.
2) Abstract: In the abstract. In complete but concise sentences you state
the precise objective, emphasize significant findings, and present
conclusions and/or recommendations.
3) Objectives: To state what is to be investigated through the
performance of the experiment. Be sure to list your objectives
explicitly (e.g., 1.,2.,….,etc.).
4) Theory and Analysis: The purposes of the theory & analysis are
To state pertinent principles, laws, and equations.
To present analytical models that will be used in the experiments.
To define any unfamiliar terms or symbols; and
To list important assumptions association with the experimental design.
4.5 Technical Report-Cont.
5) Apparatus and Experimental Procedures: Two main purposes
To present a list of apparatus and instrumentation to be used, including the
instrument ranges, least count, and Identification numbers.
To describe how you performed the experiment. The procedure should be
itemized (step1., step 2., etc.) and a schematic or diagram of the instrument setup
should be included.
6) Data and Results: The purpose of this section is to present the
results of the experiments, as described in the stated objective, in a
tabular and/or graphical form.
7) Discussion of the results: The purpose of the results section is to
emphasis and explain to the reader the important results of the
experiment and point out their significance
4.5 Technical Report-Cont.
8) Conclusions and Recommendations: The conclusions and
recommendations section compares your objectives with your
experimental results.
9) Appendix: The appendix serves several purposes
To provide the reader with copies of all original data sheets, diagram, and
supplementary notes.
To display sample calculations used in processing the data.
10) References: A list of references that have been numbered in the
text must be included in the report. Use the following example:
For Book: Author, title, publisher, place of publication, date (year), and pages.
4.6 Oral Communication and Presentation
• Your oral presentation may show the results of all your effort
regarding a project that you may have spent months or year to
develop. If the listener cannot follow how a product was designed, or
how the analysis was performed, then all your effort become
insignificant. It is very important that all information be conveyed in
a manner easily understood by the listener.
• The oral technical presentation in many ways is similar to a written
one. You need to be well organized and have an outline of your
presentation ready, similar to the format for a written report. It may
be a good idea to write down what you are planning to present.
• Rehearse your presentation before you deliver it to a live audience.
4.6 Oral Communication and Presentation
• Present the information in a way that is easily understood by your audience.
• Try to keep your talk to about half an hour or less because the attention span
of most people is about 20-30 minutes.
• Maintain eye contact with all of your audience, not just one or two people.
• Do not ever have your back to the audience for too long.
• Use good visual Aids. When possible, incorporate charts, graphs, short
videos, or model.
• Use presentation software such as Power Point to prepare your talk.
• You may also want to have copies of the outline, along with notes on the
important concepts and findings, ready to hand out to interested audience
4.7 PowerPoint Presentation
In this course, we will introduce you to a Microsoft Power
Point presentation, a tool that is commonly used to give an
attractive and effective presentation.
Power point for your assignments shall be prepared by the
all member of each group and submitted no later than the
12 weeks.
4.8 Engineering Graphical Communication
• Engineers use special kind of drawings, called engineering drawings,
to convey their ideas and design information about products.
• These drawings portray vital information, such as shape of the
product, its size, type of material used, and assembly steps.
• Moreover, machinists use the information provided by engineers or
drafts persons, on the engineering drawings, to make the parts.
• For complicated systems make of various parts, the drawings also
serve as a how-to-assemble guide, showing how the various parts fit