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B684 - Causes-Effects-Solutions

There is a general increase in anti-social behaviors and lack of
respect for others.
What are the causes and solutions?
+ antisocial behaviours => misbehaviours
+ disrespectful conduct <= lack of respect for others
[ code of conduct ]
Along with the proliferation of technology and the Internet, our
society has constantly raised multiple issues, and misbehaviours and
disrespectful conduct are among them.
Personally, I believe that there are some reasons behind the
tendency as well as viable//practical measures to address//iron out.
Body 1: CAUSES
(1) Education
+ first educators
( dysfunctional families)
( double-income families)
+ teachers & schools
the shortage of moral lessons
academic subjects are given priority over moral classes
(2) External factors//elements
+ peer pressure ( be vulnerable => mimic wrongdoings =>
ex: play truant …)
+ social media: get exposed to toxic media content (ex:
brutal games//films)
(Topic sentence) To commence with, disobedience and disrespect
among the young generation these days are attributed to education
and external elements. (1) As a matter of fact, it is the increasing
number of double-income families that leads to the lack of accurate
orientation. Having little time spent with offspring means that
fathers and mothers would not be able to impart important moral
values, resulting in misleading perception of derogating others’
dignity for instance. There is, simultaneously, a shortage of moral
training in schools where students are supposed to focus more on
academic subjects. What is more, due to easy access to social media,
youngsters are more likely to consume toxic sources of information
which also influences their behaviour shaping. One of the stark
examples might be brutal games that attract a great proportion of
young people, which triggers their violent behaviours towards
surrounding others.
Several methods can be taken into account to alleviate//mitigate its
detrimental influences. Fundamentally, there should be effective
coordination between families and schools in terms of shaping
young people’s characteristics. The former need to be aware of their
key role to allocate more time talking and sharing how to behave
properly with others. The latter should combine lessons related to
social code of conduct, by adding extra-curricular activities such as
visiting nursing homes or orphan centres. This is not to mention the
stringent regulations of the regimes toward social media. For
example, imposing age limitation toward barbaric games would be
Enact// impose// introduce
To recapitulate, anti-social behaviors and lack of politeness for
others stem from many noticeable reasons. I suppose that the pivotal
roles of both caretakers and schools should be implemented and
highlighted to tackle this phenomenon.
Phạm Trường Giang to Everyone (18:58) 6.0To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. In terms of education, children are influenced by their
first educators. By way of illustration, children living in doubleincome families can misbehave and do not respect other people, in
particular, both of their parents have to go out to earn money,
thereby not having enough time to share with their children and
also educate them to behave respectfully. By the same, those who
are in dysfunctional families usually have to observe their parents
argue and even swear each other, in that way, they are
contaminated. Continuing with external elements, children also
have anti-social behaviors because of their school. In fact, there is a
shortage of moral education in school, since some academic
subjects such as Math or English are prioritised over moral classes.
This, lead to the fact that children do not have enough chance to
study about behaviors and respect others.
hùng to Me (Direct Message) (18:58) 5.5+
In schools, ethics classes are often replaced by others subject.
Moreover, at home, parents do not share and teach their children
about morality, but most of them entrust it to the school. External
factors are also the reasonS for disrespect among the young
generation. YoungsterS can be affected by their friends or the bad
habitat, the consequence of this is wrongdoings. Social media and
cultural products what have brutal tag will become the mold of the
world and behavior in their head .
Nguyễn Hà My to Everyone (19:02) 6.5To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. Regarding of the former, the first educators of youngsters
are family, the ones who influence children future a lot.
Dysfunctional and double-income families are the main cause.
Parents who have an affair or a busy job tend to forget and abandon
their children. In consequence, the children’s emotions and
thoughts would be badly affected. Furthermore, the shortage of
moral lessons at school might be another reason. Academic subjects
are given priority over moral classes in most schools, HENCE
accumulate not enough moral knowledge would lead to a wrong
attitude among young people. In terms of the latter, vulnerable
teenagers are prone to be pressured by their peers, such as
mimicking wrongdoings like playing truant or affray.
Tuấn Hùng to Everyone (19:02) 6.0To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. First of all, education is a direct cause, which mainly
comes from first educators and teachers as well as school. It can be
clearly seen that in order to face up with a hustle and bustle
lifestyle, there are a number of double-income families raising day
by day. As a result, parents would have less time to care about their
offspring and let them freely grow up with the lack of accurate
orientation. Regarding to teachers and schools simultaneously, the
shortage of moral lessons as academic subjects are given over them
is also a missing things where standard manners are taught.
Furthermore, peer pressure, which is a familiar status in every
single generation, might make youngsters be more vulnerable and
mimic wrongdoings. One of the stark examples can be students who
usually compare themselves to others and feel dispirited to keep
An escalating living expense
Phương ANh to Everyone (19:02) 5.5+
To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. First, some children are born and raised in a
dysfunctional family, so in the process of development, they will
take their parents as an example and learn from their parents'
statements and gestures. Not only that/BESIDES, in some families
with double incomes, children do not receive the love and care of
their parents, but having to stay with a nanny all day will also make
them lonely and lack education. Secondly, the learning and training
at school also clearly shows the lack of social knowledge. Most
schools and teachers ignore and teach very little about ethics and
society while always focusing on the core subjects. In addition to
factors about education, social background is also a factor that
causes disorders in children's development. And it is not excluded
that in today's developed society, children are exposed to social
networks very early, so they may follow bad and
meaningless content online. This can slowly and slowly cause your
child to lose his mind and turn into a bad person
Anh Tú to Everyone (19:03) 5.5
To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the younger
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. First, the disobedience and disrespect of today's younger
generation is attributed to upbringing and external factors. In some
cases, the cause is a lack of parental guidance. As parents become
more and more busy with their work, they may tend to take care the
education of their children. When there is no one to help children
distinguish what is good and what is bad, inappropriate attitudes
can arise and develop among them unchecked. Thereby education
at school and teachers is another cases. They don't teach the
necessary lessons like how to be polite to adults. Besides it, social
media is also the cause of youngers's disrespect. They spend most of
their time on it. Therefore, they don't have any real communication
as they are only engaged in messaging. Even if someone tries to
advise them, then they show very less respect towards them.
Hoàng Dương to Everyone (19:03) 6.5
In general, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation is ascribed to education and external elements.
Regarding education, it is parents who are the key role in shaping
their children’s behaviors, hence the wrongdoings performed by
parents can be mimicked by their kids. In addition, lack of parental
care leads to these behaviors too since there are no parental
supervisors to prevent when their children get wrong. In terms of
external elements, due to social media, children nowadays may
approach a lot of toxic contents such as violence. For example,
there are many brutal games that attract young people, which cause
the children’s negative behaviors toward surrounding people.
Thu Hoai to Everyone (19:04)6.0To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements.In some cases, the lack of parental guidance that is to
blame. In particular, parents in double- income families who is
always busy with their work round the clock so that they have little
time to teach their children about moral values . In some other
cases, people may hold an anti-social attitude because of external
factors. For example, peer pressure make students be vulnerable
that lead to mimic wrongdoings like play truant or negative things.
In addition, due to social media, youngster are influenced on their
behavior shaping. One of the stark example might be violent video
on youtube that attract a million of view, which cause misbehavior
in them.
The Anh to Everyone (19:05) 5.5+
To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. In education, family is a important part in educate
children since they tend to mimic their parents. If the child have a
double-income family, it will have little time with the parents; which
means the parents would not be able to teach their child about
moral. What is more, youngsters nowadays are more likely to get
exposed to toxic media content such as brutal games or brutal films,
which are based for their negative behavior to surrounding people.
Bảo Minh to Everyone (19:06) 6.0To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these day are attributed to education and external
elements. First of all, the full weight of education is one of the big
influences on the younger generation. Primarily, their families are
regarded as their first educators, making a bad or good foundation
for their behaviors. Take double-income families as an example.
Parents have heavy burden in daily life. That is why they are
unable to adequately care for their children.It is designed to
facilitate wrongdoing. In addition, in modern times, children must
spend their time in school studying. In many countries, the
education system tends to focus on academic subjects, which is
given priority over moral classes, which impart important moral
values. resulting in a misleading perception of derogating others’
dignity. What is more, youngsters can easily get exposed to toxic
media content. Therefore, children are increasingly prone to being
affected by this content and become have a bad beha
Mạnh Hưng Bùi to Everyone (19:08) 6.0To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. First of all, it is the lack of social skills guidance that is
worth-noticing. As parents are increasingly busy with their jobs,
especially in double-income families, there may be no one to help
their children distinguish the right and the wrong. Besides, at
school, there is the shortage of moral lessons for students as
academic subjects are normally given priority over moral classes. As
a result, the young may hold an anti-social attitude and disrespect
others. Moreover, as it is easy for children, who are very vulnerable,
and have the tendency to imitate what they feel interesting including
bad doings to consume toxic contents on the Internet, their
behaviors may be negatively affected. For example, youngsters tend
to be attracted by brutal games and films, which may trigger their
violence behavior toward others.
Ngọc châu to Everyone (19:14) 6.0-The first reason to consider is that the first educators have a clear
impact when engaging in antisocial conduct. For example, we may
witness dysfunctional households in which children witness their
parents fighting or arguing and are able to imitate them or are
psychologically and physically impacted as a result. Stimulatingly,
schools as well as teachers have limited the subjects of ethics and
academic subjects are given priority over moral classes.
Furthermore, young people are frequently the most quickly and
profoundly affected by social media. One striking example could be
the violent games that attract a large number of young people and
trigger their violent behavior.
Khánh Linh to Everyone (19:15) 7.0
To commence with, disobedience and disrespect among the young
generation these days are attributed to education and external
elements. Firstly, this tendency may stem from the irresponsibility of
families - the very first educators of every child. To illustrate, if a
kid has constantly observed its parents being in conflicts or acting
violently, it may mimic that behavior. In addition, busy working
parents may be careless and spend a little amount of daytime being
with their children, causing rebelling for grabbing attention in the
child. Secondly, it is the educational system to blame as these days
academic subjects are given priority over moral classes. Regarding
some external reasons, there is a growing number of toxic contents
such as brutal films and games on social media nowadays. Hence, it
is easy for children to be exposed to them, ending up behaving
negatively and lacking respect for others.