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Subway Sandwich Artist Training Outline

SANDWICH ARTIST® Position Training Outline
Skill Area: Welcome to SUBWAY®; Three-Second Rule
RESOURCES: SUBWAY Welcome Book or Employee Handbook
Operations Manual, Chapter 8
University of SUBWAY courses
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position
(Skill Area: Welcome to SUBWAY; Three Second Rule)
TIME FRAME: ¦ 90 minutes check and date items when training completed
______Orientation conducted on the first day, check completed items
Introduce new employee to the team, complete all necessary paperwork, review all policies and
procedures, and give uniform. Trainee signs acknowledgement page.
Set up a new employee file. Most areas require employers to keep records on everything—from
employee hours to business taxes. As a result, it is important that you start an employee off correctly by
keeping an accurate, complete and confidential file.
A plain letter size folder with at least 1/2 inch capacity will be sufficient. Label it with the employee’s
name and file alphabetically. Since these files are confidential, keep them in a locked cabinet. Limit
access to management and owners.
Have, at a minimum, the following items in an employee’s file:
Original application
Original resume (if supplied)
W-4 form (U.S.)
Tax forms
I-9 form (U.S.)
Working papers (if required of minor employees in your area)
Reference checklist (if used during evaluation of candidate)
Emergency information (if not included on the application)
Signed Acknowledgment of receipt from Employee Handbook
Contact your local labor commission for a listing of any additional requirements you may need to meet.
Throughout the employee’s career, add the following to the file:
Performance reviews
Written warnings
Any commendations, awards or compliment letters received
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 65 minutes to be completed on the first day, check and date items when completed
______The SUBWAY Way (10 minutes)
______Creating a Professional Atmosphere (10 minutes)
______External Customer Service (45 minutes)
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
Page 1
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide: Sandwich Artist Position
Operations Manual, Chapters 8 and 16
TIME FRAME: ¦ 60 minutes to be completed on the 1st day, check and date items when training completed
Trainer conducts a tour of store and provides new Sandwich Artist with information about the
chain and reviews proper customer service techniques. Use the In-Store Trainer’s Guide to
complement the University of SUBWAY courses. Demonstrate procedures for the trainee.
Show corresponding in-store job aids and Operations Manual as needed.
______ The SUBWAY Way
ƒ Explain company history and structure
ƒ Explain restaurant’s community involvement
______ Creating a Professional Atmosphere
ƒ Uniforms/grooming
ƒ Customer Service
ƒ Scheduling Policies
ƒ Performance Standards
ƒ Review local restaurant policies; for example:
(Equal Opportunity Employer, Anti Harassment, Alcohol / Drugs, Confidentiality, Proper use of company
property and time, etc.)
______ External Customer Service
ƒ Review Essential skills needed to complete a customer transaction (e.g., “Welcome to
Subway,” product knowledge, promotional knowledge, effective listening, confirm orders,
suggestive selling, closing a transaction)
ƒ 3 Step method for counting back change
ƒ Handling Customer Complaints
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 10 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Welcome to SUBWAY; Three Second Rule)
Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Welcome Book _____________________________________________________________________________
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
Page 2
Skill Area: Food & Sandwich Prep, Procedures & Formulas
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 4 hours, 15 minutes to be completed, check and date items when completed
______Baking Great Bread (45 minutes)
______Baking Other Products (45 minutes)
______Food Preparation (45 minutes)
______Handling Deliveries (30 minutes)
______How the Front Line Operates (30 minutes)
______How to Build (60 minutes)
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position
(Skill Area: Food & Sandwich Preparation, Procedures and Formulas)
Operations Manual, Chapters 10 and 19
TIME FRAME: ¦ 2 hours to be completed; check and date items when training completed
Trainer explains the importance of fresh baked bread to the success of SUBWAY restaurants
Trainer conducts a tour of the front line, describes the different types of equipment used in
sandwich making and teaches the new employee how to make sandwiches. Identify equipment
used in the front section and how each piece is used in delivering product to customers. Use the
In-Store Trainer’s Guide to complement the University of SUBWAY courses. Demonstrate
procedures for the trainee. Show corresponding in-store job aids and Operations Manual as
______ Baking Great Bread
ƒ Review the steps for baking footlong bread
ƒ Review bread-related equipment (e.g., bread forms, Giant Sub bread forms, bread pans,
scoring knife, spray bottle for water, oven mitt, proofing template, retarding cabinet, proofer,
ƒ Bread Preparation Chart
ƒ “Perfect Bread Everytime” chart
ƒ Proofing Template
ƒ Accounting for burnt or discarded bread
ƒ Gourmet Bread Baking Steps
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
Page 3
______ Baking Other Products
ƒ Review the steps for baking Giant Subs
ƒ Braiding bread
ƒ Build and wrap a Giant Sub
ƒ Review the steps for baking cookies
ƒ Cookie Platters
______ Food Preparation
ƒ Vegetable Preparation
ƒ Hot Meats
ƒ Tuna
ƒ Other items (e.g., lettuce, pre-prepared items)
ƒ Condiments and sauces
ƒ Completing the Food Prep list
______ Handling Deliveries
ƒ Overview – Time Demands of Deliveries
ƒ Review the Delivery Process
ƒ Accepting / Rejecting Deliveries
ƒ Signing Process
______ How the Front Line Operates
ƒ Overview of front line
ƒ Identifying ingredients involved in sandwich making
ƒ Wrapping products
ƒ Assisting customer decisions
______ How To Build
ƒ Hinge Cut
ƒ Placing Meat and Cheese
ƒ Microwaving and Toasting Sandwiches
ƒ Placing Vegetables
ƒ Wraps and Salads
ƒ Sauces and Seasonings
ƒ Wrapping and Bagging
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 15 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Food & Sandwich Preparation, Procedures
& Formulas)
Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Operations Manual ___________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
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Skill Area: Thru-Put
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 90 minutes to be completed; check and date items when completed
______Thru-Put Preview (30 minutes)
______Thru-Put Hands On (60 minutes)
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position (Skill Area: Thru-Put)
Operations Manual, Chapters 8 and 11
TIME FRAME: ¦ 2 hours to be completed, check and date items when training completed
Trainer teaches new Sandwich Artist techniques on how to prepare food quickly during peak
periods. Use the In-Store Trainer’s Guide to complement the University of SUBWAY courses.
Demonstrate procedures for the trainee. Show corresponding in-store job aids and Operations
Manual as needed.
______ Thru-Put Overview
ƒ Review concept of assembly line during peak periods
______ Thru-Put Hands-On
ƒ Overview of front line
ƒ Show and explain Thru-Put service charts (e.g., Sandwich Artist Positioning Chart, Service
Counter Marketing Prompts Chart, etc.)
ƒ Show and explain Thru-Put prep charts (e.g., Peak Readiness Checklist, “Build To” Food
Prep Chart, etc.)
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 15 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Thru-Put) Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
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Skill Area: Safety Standards and Practices
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 1 hour to be completed, check and date items when completed
______Front Line Food Safety (30 minutes)
______Store Security and Safety Procedures (30 minutes)
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position (Skill Area: Safety Standards and
Operations Manual, Chapter 13
IPC Preventive Maintenance Guide
TIME FRAME: ¦ 1 hour to be completed; check and date items when training completed
Trainer conducts a tour of the front counter area and provides new Sandwich Artist with
information about preventing Foodborne illness. Basic store security and safety procedures are
reviewed. Use the In-Store Trainer’s Guide to complement the University of SUBWAY courses.
Demonstrate procedures for the trainee. Show corresponding in-store job aids and Operations
Manual as needed.
______ Front Line Food Safety
ƒ Review Handwashing and Glove procedures
ƒ Cross Contamination
ƒ 3-step cleaning process
ƒ Time and Temperature Principal
ƒ Taking Product Temperatures
______ Store Security and Safety Procedures
ƒ Tour and Explain general safety procedures
ƒ Review Back Door procedures
ƒ Opening and Closing procedures
ƒ Review other security features of your restaurant (e.g., surveillance or alarm system, etc.).
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 15 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Safety Standards & Practices)
Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
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Skill Area: Maintenance
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 30 minutes to be completed, check and date items when completed
______Cleaning the Customer Area and Restrooms (30 minutes)
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position (Skill Area: Maintenance)
Operations Manual, Chapter 10
TIME FRAME: ¦ 3 hours to be completed; check and date items when training completed
Trainer explains why having a clean restaurant is important. Use the In-Store Trainer’s Guide to
complement the University of SUBWAY courses. Demonstrate procedures for the trainee.
Show corresponding in-store job aids and Operations Manual as needed.
______ Cleaning the Customer Area and Restrooms
ƒ Review how to clean the components in the restrooms (e.g., ceilings, wall coverings,
dispensers, sinks/toilets, trash receptacles, doors and floors)
ƒ Review how to clean the components in the customer area (e.g., ceiling, wall, lighting and
seating components).
ƒ Emptying the garbage
ƒ Cleaning floors
ƒ Handwashing after cleaning assignments
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 15 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Maintenance)
Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
Page 7
Skill Area: Equipment
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 30 minutes to be completed, check and date items when completed
______Back of Restaurant Equipment Area Overview (15 minutes)
______Service and Customer Area Equipment Overview (15 minutes)
RESOURCES: Floor Time with SUBWAY Trainer
In-Store Trainer’s Guide SANDWICH ARTIST Position (Skill Area: Equipment)
Operations Manual, Chapter 10
TIME FRAME: ¦ 1 hour to be completed; check and date items when training completed
Trainer reviews the layout of the restaurant as well as the different types of equipment used in
sandwich making. Use the In-Store Trainer’s Guide to complement the University of SUBWAY
courses. Demonstrate procedures for the trainee. Show corresponding in-store job aids and
Operations Manual as needed.
______ Back of Restaurant Equipment Area Overview
Walk the employee through the restaurant explaining the food preparation area, and the
backroom. Also point out items such as the telephone(s), daily prep charts, in-store job aids,
cleaning schedule/chart, work schedule chart, fire extinguishers, entrances and exits, locks, first
aid kit and the location of emergency telephone numbers.
______ Service and Customer Area Equipment Overview
Walk the employee through the restaurant explaining the customer area and the sandwich
preparation/service area. Also point out items such as the restrooms, drink dispenser, bottled
beverage cooler, Bread oven/proofer, bread cabinet, speed oven, microwave, sandwich unit (cold
section and hot well), refrigerated back counter, safe, and POS system.
TIME FRAME:  ¦ 15 minutes Trainer and Trainee Review Skill Area (Equipment)
Evaluate / Reinforce / Document
Training Modules ____________________________________________________________________________
Hands-On Training __________________________________________________________________________
Training Conducted by _______________________________________________________________________
This form is a sample only. It is intended as a template for our franchisee use, and
they are solely responsible as independent owners and operators for the content of their own tool.
© 2010 Doctor’s Associates Inc.
Version 09/2010
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