Waves Test Study Guide

Name: _________________________________________________________
Period: ___________
Waves Test Study Guide
Daily Warm Up Question:
If you could choose to see the world in any of the Electromagnetic Waves Frequencies, what would you pick?
Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Exit Ticket
Doctors use X-Rays to take pictures of your bones. Do you think it would be possible to use other types of
Electromagnetic Radiation waves to do the same? Why or why not? _________________________________
Level 2 Questions
Please write the definition for each of the following words:
 Medium ____________________________________________________________________________
 Frequency __________________________________________________________________________
 Reflection ___________________________________________________________________________
 Wavelength __________________________________________________________________________
 Mechanical Wave ____________________________________________________________________
 Electromagnetic Wave _________________________________________________________________
 Compression ________________________________________________________________________
 Rarefaction __________________________________________________________________________
Please answer the following questions:
What are two examples for reflection? __________________________________________________________
How would you explain refraction in your own words? _____________________________________________
List three examples of waves absorption. ________________________________________________________
What is the difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves? ______________________________
How would we see the world differently if we had infrared vision? ____________________________________
What can a mechanical wave travel though? What can it not travel through? Why? ______________________
What is a crest? What about a trough? __________________________________________________________________
What are the four things that can happen to a sound wave when it goes through a barrier? ________________________
List the following from lowest to highest energy levels – visible light, X-Rays and radio waves. Explain. _______
Level 3 Questions
Why is an echo classified as an example for reflection? _____________________________________________
List six ways in which you interact with different types of waves daily _________________________________
What are THREE ways in which you see reflection and refraction in your everyday life? Please explain. _______
Your friend is sitting across the room from you when they clap. Do you see them clap first, or do you hear
them? Why is that? _________________________________________________________________________
A sound wave’s frequency is 4 Hz and its wavelength is 8 m. What is its speed? Show your work. ____________________
What is the purpose of using panels on the walls of some concert halls? _______________________________________
What would happen if you tried to play a drum set in space? Explain your answer. _______________________________
Why do you think a walk in the park is quieter when there is snow on the ground? _______________________________
What do X-Rays do? How are they helpful in the medical field? Please explain. __________________________
What is the connection between sunscreen and ultraviolet radiation? _________________________________