LEARNER’S COPY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: There are errors that were identified in the existing module in General Chemistry 1 Quarter 3 Week 2- 3 - Atomic Structure and Formulas and Names of Compounds. Please use the information below as your guide in accomplishing the module. Happy learning! I. CORRECTION/S PART OF PAGE LOCATION THE SLM OF ERROR What I Know Page 2 ERRORS CORRECTION/REMARKS You are required to accomplish this activity to check your prior knowledge. Self-check this part to know how well you know the topic. Refer to the answer key at the back part of the module. Here are the following corrections: In item no. 2, choice A. 27 Al 3+ In item no. 2, choice A is 27 Al 3+ 13 13 choice B. 35 Al 17 In item no. 3, choice A is Al 28 What’s In Introduction Page 4 What’s More Page 8-9 Assessment Page 10 choice B is 35 Cl 17 In item no. 3, choice A is O 28 In the previous module you have learn… It should be, learned You may opt to answer this activity, but you are not required to pass your answer to this activity. You are required to answer this part of the module. Pass your answer sheet to your teacher. This is a self-assessment, and you may refer to the key to correction to check how well you understood the lesson after reading the module. Here are the corrections: In item no. 5, deuterium is 2 H 1 tritium is 3 H 1 In item no. 5, deuterium is 2 H 1 tritium is 3 H 1 1 In item no. 7, choice B is 32 Si In item no. 7, choice B is 32 Si 16 16 In item no. 8, the symbol is 252 Cf In item no. 8, the symbol is 252 Cf 98 98 In item 8, choice C is 98 protons, 98 electrons and 153 neutrons. It should be 154 neutrons In item 8, choice C is 98 protons, 98 electrons and 154 neutrons. II. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - PERFORMANCE TASK (1 PRODUCT) PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners should be able to design using multimedia, demonstrations, or models, a representation or simulation of the atomic structure of common radioactive isotopes. SITUATION: The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute is holding a multimedia arts contest with the theme “A Beaming Future with Radioactive Isotopes”. Your teacher asks you to present a multimedia arts presentation featuring 5 radioactive isotopes, their uses, basic information such as atomic number, number of protons, electrons, neutrons, and mass number. GOAL: Create a multimedia arts presentation featuring 5 radioactive isotopes, their uses, basic information such as atomic number, number of protons, electrons, neutrons, and mass number. ROLE: You are one of the contestants. AUDIENCE: Judges in the contest STANDARDS: You are going to be assessed using the following criteria: content, focus, organization, graphics/visual impact, uniqueness/creativity and timeliness. PERFORMANCE TASK ANALYTIC RUBRIC CRITERIA Focus Content Organization Graphics/ Visual Impact OUTSTANDING 4 The presentation is directly focused on the topic and is easy to understand. The content is clear, contains complete information and attractive to the audience. Parts are sequenced in a logical and well organized. The output is catchy and uses graphics and visual effects. SATISFACTORY 3 The presentation is directly focused on the topic. DEVELOPING 2 The presentation is focused but with misleading details. BEGINNING 1 There is no focus of the story. The content is clear and complete. The content is inconsistent in some parts. The content is vague. Parts are sequenced in a logical order. Parts are sequenced in a confusing way. The output uses minimal visual effects. Parts show no order. The output uses graphics and visual effects. RATING The output does not use any graphics and visual effects. 2 Uniqueness and Originality The output is unique, originally created and not duplicated. Timeliness The output is passed before and on the due date. The output is unique, original but copied from internet source and not duplicated. The output is passed 1 day after the due date. Two to three outputs are the same. More than 4 outputs are the same The output is passed 2-3 days after the due date. The output is passed 4 or more days after the due date. TOTAL Enhanced by: Quality Assured by: PRECIOUSA F. RAMOS Teacher II - INNHS ELIZABETH H. DOMINGO MTII – QA Team FLENIE A. GALICINAO EPS – QA Team 3