Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: The Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator is the Research and the Planning arm of the Municipality of TUNGA, Leyte. This Office absorbs the devolved functions of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) in terms of Zoning and Land Use Planning, and Processing of Subdivision Approvals. Vision Statement: Mission Statement: ” A dynamic and responsive organization with ” To provide an effective and efficient responsible, committed, pro-active and innovative mechanism that promote better quality staff equipped with new capabilities to generate services through the utilization of accurate, and utilize a vast array of information and well-processed quality information and technology to evolve socio-economic, physical, technology that will enhance pro-active, cultural and environmental development responsive and accountable decision-making frameworks and policies and able to work and local governance. “ harmoniously with other local government functionaries to support the local government achieve its development goals.” SERVICES OFFERED CLIENTS 2. Securing Zoning Clearance for Building Permit 3. Securing Zoning Permit Purposes 4. Securing Approval for Simple Subdivision either for sale among heirs and/or co-owners 5. Securing preliminary approval and Locational Clearance (PALC) for project under BP 220 6. Securing development permit for project under BP 220 7. Securing preliminary approval and Location Clearance for Project 8. Securing development permit for Project under PD 957 9. Issuance of Zoning Certifications 10. Processing of Subdivision Approval 11. Review of GAD Plan & Budget and Annual Investment Plan (AIP) 12. Provision of Socio-Economic and other relevant data & information of the Municipality of Tunga, Leyte Applicants of Locational Clearance (LC) for building permit, electrical permit or business permit purposes. Anybody who wishes to apply for building permit must secure first a Zoning/Locational Clearance. Any person who would like to secure a Zoning Certification on a property within the Municipality of Tunga, Leyte. (refer to separate application requirements) Simple Subdivision Project: Shall mean a subdivision project less than one hectare in area covered by a simple subdivision plan where no street or passageway is delineated on the plan, provided that in the event piece-meal or partial submission of project plans are made, the same shall be considered in its entirety and when applicable the provisions of PD 1216 on open spaces shall be observed. Projects under BP 220 are socialized and economic housing subdivisions, which are considered complex in nature. Projects under BP 220 are socialized and economic housing subdivisions which are considered complex in nature PD 957 is the revised rules and regulations implementing the Subdivision and Condominium Buyer’s Protective Decree and other related laws applicable to open market and medium cost subdivision and condominium projects. PD 957 is the revised rules and regulations implementing the Subdivision and Condominium Buyer’s Protective Decree and other related laws applicable to open market and medium cost subdivision and condominium projects. General Public/Interested Individual Applicants/Representative of Subdivision among heirs or for sale All barangays of Tunga, Leyte General Public 1 Issuance of Locational Clearance (LC) Page 1. Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: A. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE PREPARATION OF BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT PLANS Service Description : Technical assistance provided to the different barangays in the preparation of development and investment plans in accordance to the applicable policies and issuances. Clients : Barangay Officials and Personnel Requirements : Barangay Resolution/Letter Request Schedule & Time Availability : Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees : None Total Processing Time : 60 minutes APPLICANT/CLIENT 1 States purpose of visit to the office 2 Secure one set of forms for Barangay Investment Plan 3 Undergoes orientation/briefing Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary Issues one set of forms for barangay Investment Plan Orient client in accomplishing the forms based on standard policies and guidelines (provided by national issuances) b. 5 Submits duly approved copies of Barangay Development and Investment Plan Conduct initial evaluation and review of submitted documents a. 6 b. PERSON-INCHARGE 2 minutes MPDO Staff 5 minutes MPDO Staff 30 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 20 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 3 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC Prepares and endorses for approval and adoption the Barangay Development Council. Approves and adopts the barangay development and investment plan through the Sangguniang Barangay 4 a. RESPONSE TIME Receives documents, refines and resubmit documents, and/or Waits for the process up to approval of the Sangguniang Bayan b. If documents have some corrections, returns to client for refinement, and/or If documents are in order, endorses to the Municipal Budget and for the preliminary review by the Municipal Finance Committee 2 a. OFFICE ACTIVITY Page STEP Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Page 3 B. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE PREPARATION OF BARANGAY GAD PLAN AND BUDGET (GPB) Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: C. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF BARANGAY BUDGET – ANNUAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM (AIP): Service Description : The Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) caters to all barangays of Tunga, Leyte for both the Annual and Supplemental Investment Programs as major component in the Barangay Budget and reviews the same after the mandatory requirements have been complied with. The preparation of the Annual Investment Program (AIP) of every LGU is mandated under Section 109(a) (2) of the Local Government Code of 1991. The preparation of the AIP should be in accordance with the steps, procedures, processes and forms indicated in the following legal bases, to wit: The Annual Investment Program (AIP) is a major component of the Barangay Budget, thus it is necessary that the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) conduct a comprehensive review. Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2015-01, dated July 23, 2015: “Revised Guidelines for Tagging/Tracking Climate Change Expenditures in the Local Budget (Amending JMC 2014-01, dated August 07, 2014;” Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2017-1, dated February 22, 2017: “Updated Guidelines on the Appropriation and Utilization of the 20% of the Annual IRA for Development Projects”; Local Budget Memorandum (LBM) No. 82, dated June 14, 2021: “INDICATIVE FY 2022 NATIONAL TAX ALLOTMENT (NTA) SHARES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUs) AND GUIDELINES ON THE PREPARATION OF THE FY 2022 ANNUAL BUDGETS OF LGUs” Clients : Barangay Officials and Personnel Requirements : (in “Bold” letters are mandatory) Page Transmittal letter signed by the Punong Barangay; AIP Cover Page; AIP Message by the Punong Barangay; Executive Summary; Funding Requirements; Sangguniang Barangay (SB) Resolution Adoption of the Barangay Development Council (BDC) Resolution of Approval of AIP; 7. Barangay Development Council (BDC) Resolution Approval of AIP 8. List of Priority PPA’s to be Funded by 20% Development Fund; 9. List of Priority PPA’s to be funded by External Sources; 10. AIP Attachments required for Budget Year 2022: a) Indicative Annual Procurement Plan b) MLGOO-Endorsed GAD Plan & Budget; c) MDRRMC-Reviewed BDRRM Plan d) List of PPA’s for Senior Citizens & PWD’s e) List of PPA’s Combatting AIDS 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees : None Total Processing Time : 2 days, 2 hours and 7 minutes STEP APPLICANT/CLIENT 1 States purpose of visit to the office 2 Submit the Annual Investment Program (AIP) 3 Waits for the process OFFICE ACTIVITY Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary Receive the Annual and Supplemental AIP’s from the Barangay Secretary as the head of BDC Secretariat a) Review on the documentary requirements, general limitations and consistency of the Annual and Supplemental AIP with the attachments including the mathematical computations. b) Inform the concerned barangay secretary for noncompliance with documentary requirements and limitations. c) Requesting to revise if the mandatory requirements and limitations are not complied with through text messages or cellular calls. a) 4 a) Receives documents, refines and resubmit documents, and/or b) Waits for the process up to endorsement to the Municipal Budget Officer or to the other members of Local Finance Committee LBR Form No. 1A (Revised) b) c) d) If documents have some corrections, returns to client for refinement, and/or If documents are in order, endorses to the Municipal Budget Officer and for the preliminary review by the Local Finance Committee Approve the Technical Review. The Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) signs the review action and/or certification RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE 2 minutes MPDO Staff 5 minutes MPDO Staff 2 days MPDC 2 hours MPDC Page Schedule & Time Availability : 5 f) List of PPA’s of Local Councils for the Protection of Children g) List of PPA’s for Local Nutrition Action Plan h) Devolution and Transition Plan (DTP) 11. Attendance of Meeting of Barangay Development Council (BDC) for AIP Formulation & Approval; 12. Accomplishment Report and Utilization of 20% Development Fund of Previous and Current Year 13. Updated Barangay Profile/BDP Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Gen. Fund: a. Transmittal Letter b. Budget Message c. Appropriation Ordinance Barangay Budget Forms (1-7) 1. Budget Expenditures & Sources of Funding; 2. Program Appropriation by PPA’s, Expense Class, Object of Expenditures; 2A. List of PPA’s Charge Against 20% D.F.; 3. Plantilla of Personnel; 4. Mandates, Vision/Mission, Major Final Output, Performance Indicator& Targets; 5. Actual & Estimated Output; 6. Statement of Statutory and Contractual & Budgeting Requirements; 7. Statement of Fund Allocation d. Annual Investment Program to include Annexes: Indicative Annual Procurement Plan MLGOO Endorsed GAD Plan & Budget MDRRMC-Reviewed BDRRM Plan List of PPA’s for Senior Citizens & PWD’s List of PPA’s Combatting AIDS List of PPA’s of Local Council for the protection of Children List of PPA’s for Local Nutrition Action Plan Priority PPA’s to be funded by 20% D.F. Priority PPA’s to be funded by external sources Attendance of meeting of BDC for AIP formulation and approval BDC Resolution approving the Annual Investment Program Devolotion Transition Plan CapDev Requirement e. Sanggunian Barangay Resolution approving the Annual Investment Program f. Veto message, if any g. Sanggunian’s action on veto, if any Signatory Secretary Sanggunian LCE/PB Remarks to the Secretary to the Sanggunian Presiding Officer LCE/PB LCE/PB Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Secretary to the Sanggunian Presiding Officer LCE/PB Secretary to the Sanggunian Presiding Officer ______________________________ LFC Member/Reviewing Officer 6 Check each item Page Date Received: BLGU: Title: CHECKLIST ON DOCUMENTARY AND SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET (BARANGAY) Deadline: Class: Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: LBR Form No. 1B (Revised) CHECKLIST ON DOCUMENTARY AND SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET (BARANGAY) Date Received: BLGU: Title: Deadline: Class: General Fund: Check each item Signatory a. Transmittal Letter Secretary to the Sanggunian b. Appropriation Ordinance Secretary to the Sanggunian Presiding Officer LCE/PB c. Funds Actually Available: Certified Statement of Additional Realized Income Certification of Savings Remarks Local Treasurer and Local Accountant Local Treasurer and Local Accountant d. New Revenue Measures: Certified Statement of Income from New Revenue Measures Copy of duly enacted Tax Ordinance which imposes new local taxes, charges, fees, fines or penalties or which raises existing local taxes, charges, fees, fines or fines; and Local Treasurer and Local Accountant Copy of communication stating that the BLGU is a recipient of new or higher remittances, contributions, subsidies or grants in aid from the National Government or from government corporations and private entities e. Realignment of Appropriations in Times of Public Calamity g. Sanggunian’s action on veto, if any Local Accountant LCE/PB LCE/PB Secretary to the Sanggunian Presiding Officer ______________________________ LFC Member/Reviewing Officer 7 f. Veto message, if any Local Treasurer Page Certificate of Source of Funds Available for Appropriations Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: LBR Form No. 2 (Revised) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDED REVIEW ACTIONS General FundBudget Year: IRA-Budget Year: Regular Sources- Budget Year: Regular SourceNext Presiding Year (________): _____________________ ________________ _____________ ________________________ PARTICULARS BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS 1. MLGOO-endorsed Gender and Development Plan and Budget 5% of the General Fund – Budget Year 2. MDRRMO-reviewed Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan ≥5% of Regular Sources – Budget Year (PhP) FINDINGS REVIEW ACTIONS Not more than 45% or 55% of the Regular Source – Next Preceding Fiscal Year 3. Personal Services (PS) 4. 20% Development Projects ≥20% of IRA – Budget Year 5. 1% Protection of Children 1% of IRA – Budget Year 6. ______________________________ LFC Member/Reviewing Officer 8 10% of the General Fund -Budget Year Page Sanggunian Kabataan Fund - Youth Development & Empowerment Programs & Projects Others: APPROPRIA TIONS Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: D. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN (SK) BUDGET – CBYDP & ABYIP Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan & Annual Barangay Youth Investment Plan Service Description : The Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) caters also to all barangays of Tunga, Leyte for both the Annual and Supplemental CBYD & ABYIP as major component in the SK Budget and reviews the same after the mandatory requirements have been complied with. The preparation of the CBYDP & ABYIP of every BLGU-SK is mandated under Section 8. (a)., Rule II of RRI R.A. No. 10742 otherwise known as the “Sangguniang kabataan Reform Act of 2015”. The preparation of the CBYDP & ABYIP should be in accordance with the steps, procedures, processes and forms indicated in the following legal bases, to wit: Clients : Requirements : Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1, s. 2019 dated January 23, 2019: “Guidelines on Appropriation, Release, Planning and Budgeting Process for the SK Funds” SK Barangay Officials and Personnel Transmittal letter signed by the SK Chairperson; CBYDP/ABYIP Cover Page; CBYDP/ABYIP Message by the SK Chairperson; Executive Summary; Funding Requirements; Sangguniang Barangay (SB) Resolution Adoption of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Resolution of Approval & Endorsement of CBYDP/ABYIP; 7. Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Resolution of Approval & Endorsement of CBYDP/ABYIP; 8. SK Approved CBYDP and ABYIP for the ensuing year 9. Sangguniang Barangay Treasurer Certification of SK Estimated 10% of the General Fund of the Barangay for the ensuing fiscal year supported by a Certification of Income of the Barangay from the Municipal Treasurer; 10. Attendance of Meeting of SK & Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) for CBYDP Formulation & Approval. Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees : None Total Processing Time : 2 days, 2 hours and 7 minutes Page Schedule & Time Availability : 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office APPLICANT/CLIENT OFFICE ACTIVITY RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE 1 States purpose of visit to the office Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary 2 minutes MPDO Staff 2 Submit the CBYDP & ABYIP Receive the CBYDP & ABYIP from the SK Secretary as the head secretariat of KK 5 minutes MPDO Staff 2 days MPDC 2 hours MPDC 3 4 a) Review on the documentary requirements, general limitations and consistency of the CBYDP & ABYIP with the attachments including the mathematical computations. b) Inform the concerned barangay secretary for noncompliance with documentary requirements and limitations. Waits for the process c) Receives documents, refines and resubmit documents, and/or d) Waits for the process up to endorsement to the Municipal Budget Officer or to the other members of Local Finance Committee c) Requesting to revise if the mandatory requirements and limitations are not complied with through text messages or cellular calls. a) If documents have some corrections, returns to client for refinement, and/or b) If documents are in order, endorses to the Municipal Budget Officer and for the preliminary review by the Local Finance Committee c) Approve the Technical Review. d) The Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) signs the review action and/or certification Page STEP 10 Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Date Received: BLGU: Title: CHECKLIST ON DOCUMENTARY AND SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN (SK) BUDGET Deadline: Class: Gen. Fund: Check each item Signatory a. Transmittal Letter b. Budget Message Secretary to the SK SK Chairperson c. Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Resolution Approval of SK Budget d. SK Budget Secretary to the SK SK Chairperson SK Kagawads e. Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan (CBYDP) and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Plan (ABYIP): LCE/PB Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Remarks Sangguniang Barangay (SB) Resolution Adoption of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Resolution of Approval & Endorsement of CBYDP/ABYIP; Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Resolution of Approval & Endorsement of CBYDP/ABYIP; SK Approved CBYDP and ABYIP for the ensuing year; Sangguniang Barangay Treasurer Certification of SK Estimated 10% of the General Fund of the Barangay for the ensuing fiscal year supported by a Certification of Income of the Barangay from the Municipal Treasurer; Attendance of Meeting of SK & Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) for CBYDP Formulation & Approval Page 11 ______________________________ LFC Member/Reviewing Officer Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDED REVIEW ACTIONS Barangay LGU General FundBudget Year: Sangguniang Kabaataan (SK) Budget: (10% of the General Fund -Budget Year) _____________________ ____________________ PARTICULARS BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS A. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATING EXPENDITURES B. SK YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS 1. Equitable Access to Quality Education 2. Environmental Protection 3. Climate Change Adaptation 4. Disaster Risk Reduction and Resiliency 5. Youth Employment and Livelihood 6. Health, including Health Services and Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health 7. Anti-Drug Abuse 8. Gender Sensitivity 9. Sports Development APPROPRIATIONS (PhP) FINDINGS REVIEW ACTIONS 10. Capability Building which Emphasizes Leadership Training Page ______________________________ LFC Member/Reviewing Officer 12 Others: Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: E. PROVISION OF STATISTICAL/TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Service Description : Technical assistance provided to any individual and/or agency needing information that the office has access to. Clients : Barangay Officials and Personnel, Researchers & Students Requirements : Any valid ID and letter request Schedule & Time Availability : Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees Based on Sec. 4A.01, Article A, Chapter IV of Mun. Ordinance No.05, series of 2019 of Tunga, Leyte: a. b. c. d. e. f. : For every page or fraction thereof typewritten (not including the certificate and notation. For each certificate of correctness (with seal of Office) written on the copy or attached thereto. Photocopy or any other copy produced by copying machine per page. . . Certified photocopy of records from any office. . . . . . Verification Fee . . . . . . . . Documentary Stamp. . . . . . . . . . P100.00 . P100.00 . P2.00 . P150.00 . P100.00 . P30.00 Total Processing Time: 25 minutes 2 F. OFFICE ACTIVITY RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE States purpose of visit to the office Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary 2 minutes MPDO Staff Undergoes brief interview and waits for further instructions Interviews client. When client wants to have document be printed/reproduced, advices clients to pay prescribed fees at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office 10 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC Revenue Collection Clerk available at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office 3 Pays prescribed fees 4 Presents proof of payment or O.R. Prepares requested documents 10 minutes for 5-page documents MPDO Staff/ MPDC 5 Claims requested document Records and releases requested document 3 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC PREPARATION OF MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (MDC) RESOLUTION: 13 1 APPLICANT/CLIENT Page STEP Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Clients : Requirements : The Municipal Development Council endorses resolutions from the different barangays to the different agencies/offices whom the original request is addressed to. Only projects that are incorporated in either the Municipal or Barangay Investment Plan is supported with “endorsement resolution”. Resolutions from the different organizations within the different barangays should be endorsed first by the Sangguniang Barangay before the MDC’s action. Municipal and Barangay Officials, NGO/PO/Association Representatives a) Basic Resolution (Barangay Resolution for barangays); b) Barangay Resolution endorsing the NGO/PO/Association Resolution for NGO’s/PO’s/Associations Schedule & Time Availability : Fees Total Processing Time STEP Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) None 2 hours & 47 minutes to 3 hours and 47 minutes Within the scheduled day of MDC meeting : : APPLICANT/CLIENT 1 States purpose of visit to the office 2 Presents/Submits required documents 3 Waits for the process OFFICE ACTIVITY Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary Evaluates submitted documents and verifies if proposed project is incorporated in the Municipal/Barangay Investment Plan: If proposed project is included in the AIP, notes the resolution and includes in the agenda for the next MDC meeting; If proposed project is not within the Municipal/barangay AIP, returns resolution to client for appropriate action. a. Consolidates all resolutions for inclusion in the agenda b. Presents to the MDC for deliberation and appropriate action Takes minutes of the proceedings of the MDC meeting Prepares resolution based on the result of the deliberation for signature by the members and for approval by the Municipal Mayor Records and forwards endorsement resolution to concerned office/agency; or Records and releases endorsement resolution c. d. a. 4 b. Receives file copy of endorsement Resolution; or Receives and hand carries endorsement resolution to concerned office/agency G. ISSUANCE OF ZONING CERTIFICATE: a. b. RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE 2 minutes MPDO Staff 15 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 5 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 2 to 3 hours within the scheduled day of MDC meeting MPDO Staff/ MPDC 20 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 5 minutes MPDC Staff 14 : Page Service Description Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Service Description : Zoning Certificate is issued to individuals or agencies wanting to know what Land Use Classification their property belongs to base on the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Map of the Municipality of Tunga. Clients : Individuals or agencies needing the document and whose property/ies is/are located within the Municipality of Tunga. Requirements : 1. Vicinity Map indicating clearly and specifically the exact location of the proposed site and the existing land uses and/or landmarks within a radius of at least 500 meters and duly signed by a Geodetic/Civil Engineer or Architect; 2. Lot Plan duly signed by a Licensed Geodetic Engineer; 3. Photocopy of TCT/OCT or any proof of ownership, or right over the property and latest tax declaration; Schedule & Time Availability : Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees : Based on Sec. 4A.01, Article A, Chapter IV of Municipal Ordinance No.05, s.2019 of Tunga, Leyte & Based on Revised Schedule of Fees approved by HLURB Thru Board Resolution No. 912, series of 2013 Approving the 2013 Revised Schedule of Fees 44 minutes (inside office transaction only) APPLICANT/CLIENT OFFICE ACTIVITY RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE 1 States purpose of visit to the office Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary 2 minutes MPDO Staff 2 Secures Application Form Issues application form and explains the required documents 2 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 3 Files duly accomplished and subscribed application form with complete requirements 5 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 25 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 5 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC a) Evaluates and reviews submitted documents b) Verifies Land Use Classification of the subject property with the assistance of Tax Mapping Section of the Municipal Assessor’s Office c) 4 Pays prescribed fee/s at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office 5 Presents Official Receipt and waits for the issuance of the requested document Computes applicable fees, prepares Order of Payment and sends client to pay at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office Revenue Collection Clerk available at the MTO Prepares, records and issues duly signed Certificate 5 minutes H. ISSUANCE OF LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE/CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE: MPDC 15 STEP : Page Total Processing Time Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: Service Description : Locational Clearance/Certificate of Zoning Compliance is required in applying for Building Permit, Sign Permit (for billboards) and Cell Sites within the Municipality of Tunga. Clients : Applicants for Building Permit, Sign Permit (Billboard), and Cell Sites located within the Municipality of Tunga. Requirements : Please see attached sheet Schedule & Time Availability : Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. (No noon break) Fees : Based on Revised Schedule of Fees approved by HLURB Thru Board Resolution No. 912, series of 2013 Approving the 2013 Revised Schedule of Fees Total Processing Time : 44 minutes (inside office transaction only) APPLICANT/CLIENT OFFICE ACTIVITY RESPONSE TIME PERSON-INCHARGE 1 States purpose of visit to the office Asks what the client needs and directs him/her to the concerned personnel if necessary 2 minutes MPDO Staff 2 Secures Application Form Issues application form and explains the required documents 2 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC 3 Files duly accomplished and subscribed application form with complete requirements a. Evaluates and reviews submitted documents 5 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC b. Verifies Land Use Classification of the subject property with the assistance of Tax Mapping Section of the Municipal Assessor’s Office 25 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC Computes applicable fees, prepares Order of Payment and sends client to pay at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office 5 minutes MPDO Staff/ MPDC c. Pays prescribed fee/s at the Municipal Treasurer’s Office 5 Presents Official Receipt and waits for the issuance of the requested document Revenue Collection Clerk available at the MTO Prepares, records and issues duly signed Certificate APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 5 minutes MPDC 16 4 Page STEP Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: FOR LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE/CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE A. FOR BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES FOR RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PURPOSES: BASIC REQUIREMENTS (two copies per document) Name of Project Project Owner : _________________________________________________ Project Cost: ____________________ : _________________________________________________ Location: ________________________ REQUIREMENTS 1. 1. 2. b. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (NS) NOT SUBMITTED/ (L) LACKING REMARKS Duly accomplished and notarized Application Form. Any of the following requirements relative to right over land: a. 3. (S) SUBMITTED/ (O) OK Photocopy of the certificate of title, in case registered in the name of the applicant; In the absence of any existing certificate of title in the applicant, Submit: a. Certified true copy of the latest declaration. b. Pro-forma affidavit to the effect that: the applicant is the owner of the property subject of the application; that reasons why the property is not yet to titled; that the property is situated within alienable and disposable lands and outside lands reserved for the public domain; that the property is free from aliens and encumbrances of the property; that the property is tenanted. In case the property is not registered in the name of the applicant, submit a photocopy of owner`s certificate of title or in the absence of title, the tax declaration and pro-forma affidavit as described in item “b.” and any of the following: Duly notarized deed of sale or deed of donation; Contract of lease Authorization to use land/Memorandum of Undertaking; whichever is applicable VICINITY MAP showing the existing land uses within the minimum of 100 meters and 1-kilometer radius from the lot boundary of the project site local and national significance, respectively. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN showing the project site lot area boundaries and proposed layout of improvement therein. Endorsement/recommendation from the Department of Agrarian Reform for the conversion of Agricultural Lands into other uses if the Project is to be situated in agricultural lands Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) / Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) Bill of Materials and Cost of Estimates Locational Clearance Fees Authorization of person allowed to follow-up the clearance duly notarized Page ENGR. MARLON B. ARINTOC Mun. Planning & Dev’t. Coordinator Date: _______________________ 17 Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Checked & Verified by: Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: B. FOR BASE STATIONS OF CELLULAR MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE, PAGING SERVICE, TRUNKLINE SERVICE, WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP SERVICE AND OTHER WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SERVICE: 1. Vicinity Map – Drawn to scale 1:1,000 showing the exact location of the proposed base station and major land marks within a radius of 200 meters; 2. Site Plan – Drawn to a minimum scale of 1:500 indicating the following features: a) Layout of proposed project showing all structures b) Area and boundaries of lot (property line) 3. Requirements relative to RIGHT OVER LAND; 4. Certified true copy of National Telecommunication Commission’s Provisional Authority (PA). In the absence of the foregoing, Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) or Certificate of Registration to Provide telecommunications services which may operate Wireless Communication will do; 5. Conversion Order from the DAR if the project is located within an agricultural zone; 6. Radiation Protection Evaluation Report from radiation Health Service of the Department of Health; 7. Written Consent: a) Buildings: o If base station shall be constructed on top of an unoccupied building, consent from the owner/developer o If base station shall be constructed on top of an occupied building, the following shall be obtained: Consent/Affidavit of non-objection from owner/developer unless he has divested himself from all interest in the building and turned over ownership of common areas to the condominium or building association; Approval of the governing board/body off the duly constituted condominium association or building association including all tenants occupying the top most floor directly below the base station and in addition, the consent of the owner and majority of tenants of the adjoining buildings. C. OTHER TYPE OF OCCUPANCY/PROJECT: 1. For LGU`s that have assumed HLURB devolved functions: Zoning certification issued by the HLURB Regional Officer indicating that the project site is within the area zoned as non-agricultural per approved/rarified CLUPs and ZOs. 2. For Manufacturing projects: DESCRIPTION OF INDUSTRY citing among others the following: a. Type and volume of raw materials/chemicals used; b. Products manufactured or stored; c. Average production output/capacity per day/week/month; d. Industrial waste and plans for pollution control; e. Description of process flow or manufacturing processes; f. Manpower Requirements 3. Bill of Materials and Cost of Equipment (where applicable) 4. For application filed by authorized representative: Sworn Special Power of Attorney for the representative to file/follow up application and claim decision on the application. 5. Other additional documents as may be needed for projects of national significance, which require a more comprehensive evaluation 18 Barangay Council Resolution endorsing the base station; Bill of Materials and Cost of Estimates Locational Clearance Fees Authorization of person allowed to follow-up the clearance duly notarized Page 8. 9. 10. 11. Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF TUNGA Barangay San Antonio, Tunga, Leyte -oOo- Municipal Planning and Development Office Mobile Nos.: 09472187931; e-mail add.: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: CATALINA F. AGDA MUNICIPAL MAYOR ENGR. MARLON B. ARINTOC MUNICIPAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR DRAFSMAN 1 ___________________ ADMIN. STAFF/JO 19 _____________________ Page I.