Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP) Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester No. of Hours/Semester: Prerequisites (if needed): Core Subject Title: Media and Information Literacy Core Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to the basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies. It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information. Culminating Performance Standard: The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information. What to Teach? Content Content Standards Most Essential Topics Performance Standards Complete Why Teach? How to Assess? Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess KUD Classification Most Essential KUD Classification RBT Level K describe the different dimensions of text information and media K Understanding K analyze how the different media text are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated U evaluate a creative multimedia (text) form (living museum, electronic portfolio, others) U Flexible Assessment Activities (FAA) Performance Checks How to Teach? Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Enabling General Strategy Flexible Learning Strategies (FLS) ___2nd___ QUARTER Text Information and Media The learner demonstrates an understanding of different resources of media and information, their design principle and elements, and selection criteria. Text Information and Media The learner creates a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their / his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information. describe the different dimensions of text information and media comprehend how text information and media is/are formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated evaluate the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/ their sources using selection criteria U Representation EFAA 2: Thumbnail Analyzing Context Analysis Communicatio n Module for online learning modality (LMS) Reflection Writing Evaluating Module for offline learning modality Reasoning and Proof produces and evaluates a creative text based presentation using design principle and elements D produce a creative text based presentation using design principle and elements D Creating Problem Solving Performance Task: The United Nations has started its 17 Sustainable Development Goal agenda, which will help set the tone and direction of the organization in the next 15 years. These goals will continue to focus on ending poverty, addressing unsustainable consumption patterns and production, and protecting environmental resources. As a catalyst and advocate of one of these goals, your production team is tasked to produce a multimedia output, which will be uploaded on a chosen social media platform. This output should significantly stir awareness among social media viewers and provide ways to contribute to the cause, particularly the youth that comprises the highest population on the web. The output will be rated based on: sources selection and citation, use of symbols, and technicalities delivered in producing the advocacy media output (use different effective design elements and principles) To learn more information about the United Nations Sustainable Goals, please click on the link below: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/