BLOOD STATION ACTIVITY STATION 1 ABO-Rh Blood Typing (synthetic blood of course) Record the results of the test in the table below. Note when agglutination occurs put a “Y”, when it doesn’t place an “N”. Using Anti-serums A, B and Rh To Test For Blood Type Data Table Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Anti-A Anti-B Anti Rh Blood Type Blood Typing demo: Blood typing demo: Station 2 Blood Typing Application Manny and Janelle participate in a Red Cross blood drive. Both are first time donors, and as part of the screening process must be blood typed. Manny is typed as A+ and Janelle is AB+. Manny’s and Janelle’s donations are sent to a processing center where their blood cells are separated from their plasma. Both their separated cells and plasma are sent to a hospital. A blood researcher wishes to use Manny’s blood in an attempt to extract and identify the A antigen. Based on the information above, answer the questions below. 1. What antibody is found in Manny’s blood? _______________ 2. What antibody is found in Janelle’s blood? _______________ 3. Should the researcher extract Manny’s blood cells or plasma? Why? ____________________________________________________________ 4. Where would you find the antibodies in the blood? _________________________ Station 3 Blood Agglutination 1. What is agglutination? What causes it? _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________. 2. Which blood type will not agglutinate when given to most blood types? _______ (universal donor) 3. Which blood type can receive blood from any other blood type? __________ (universal recipient) Agglutination (I will show you this to draw) Station 4 Human Whole Blood Smear 1. What color is plasma? _____________________________ 2. What are 3 plasma proteins and what is their function? (Notes may help.) Plasma Protein Function 3. Why does blood taste salty? ___________________________________________ Station 5 Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells RBCs) 4. When erythrocytes become defective, what organs in the body dispose of them? _________________________. 5. What is the importance of hemoglobin? _________________________________ 6. Describe the shape of erythrocytes and how their structure is related to their function. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Erythrocyte Station 6 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) 1. What are the 5 different types of leukocytes? What is their function? Video on the different type of leukocytes: Station 6: Leukocytes (continued) Types of Leukocytes and Their Function (Notes may help.) Name of Leukocyte Function Station 7 Phagocytosis Watch this video on phagocytosis by leukocytes. 1. What are pseudopods and how do certain WBCs use them in phagocytosis? Draw phagocytosis. Station 8 Fibrin 1. What is the purpose of fibrin? _______________________________________ 2. Where is it found? _________________________________________________ 3. What causes it to be formed? ________________________________________ Station 9 Sickle Cell Anemia 1. What does “sickle cell” refer to? __________________________________ 2. How does a person get Sickle Cell? _________________________________ 3. How do the RBCs become sickled?__________________________________ 4. How does the shape of the damaged cells affect their flow? _______________ 5. What is the relationship between sickle cell anemia and malaria? _______________________________________________________________. Sickle Cell Anemia Station 10 Infected Blood Trypanosoma 1. 2. 3. 4. What type of pathogen is trypanosoma? _____________________ What disease does it cause? ____________________________ How does it enter our bodies? ___________________________ Once in our body, where does it go, what does it affect? ____________________ _______________________________________________________________. 5. Are we able to make antibodies against it? ___________