Hydrogen LATEST SYLLABUS Learning Outcomes: - Key Concepts/ Concerns of hydrogen of describe the preparation electrolysis Om water Introduction ntroduction to to tr terms electrode, electrolyte, electrolysis- detailed process not required. - hydrogen from. tom electrolys of water; prepare hydrogen in the lab. using zinc aand hydrogond and uses of Teparation ot hydrogen in the laboratory d e s c r i b e properties reasons).| correlate concepts ot oxtddo a erenene ot zinc as the metal to be used [with reasons e used lot Choice ot of dilute acids acids r e m o v a l ot oxygen or [other than dil. nitric aciaj Ce dition and bosch s process. Properties & uses of hydrogen. of hydrogen. Oxidation & Reduction. A.INTRODUCTION Element Symbol HYDROGEN en Euuction with removal 3nhad o Discovery, occurrenCe Molecular formula ( H2 H Atom of hydrogen Atomic No. P proton le electron On= neutron of an equal vol. of a th as heavy as the average weight I t is the most abundant element in the universe & constitutes about Uo or the universe Igitest element in the universe, 1. DISCOVERY Of hydrogen Scientist Robert Boyle Year 1672 Discover Established the elementary character of hydrogen Scientist Henry Cavendish Year 1776 Discovery- Stated that hydrogen burnt in air producing water. Scientist Year Antoine Lavoisier - Antoine Lavoisier 1783 Discovery-amed the gas hydrogen' meaning water produ Greek word - Hyaro = water, gen = prOducer 2. OCCURRENCE-Of hydrogen IN THE FREE STATE: occurs in very minute traces in the earth's crust and and in volcanic gases. In & around the sun: The interior of the sun consists mainly of hydrogen is converted to energy released as heat and -In - traces: Hydrogen atmosphern light. whicn IN THE COMBINED STATE: Water: About 1/9th by mass of water is hydrogen. Acids: Hydrogen forms an important constituent of acids e.g. HCI. Organic compounas: Organic compounds contain carbon, hydrogen and oxyEen the main elements. e.g. proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and Plants & animals: Tissues of plants & animals are made up of compounds 72 nitrogc of hyuu