12 Week Workout Plan PROGRAM GUIDE WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM DISCLAIMER The information provided in this guide is provided "as is" and is intended to promote general health improvement through healthy eating and lifestyle habits. It is not intended as medical advice, and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. These guidelines were not created to suit any nutrient deficiencies, sensitivities, allergies or any other food related health problems or concerns. You should not use this guide as a substitute for the health advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified professional. Each individual will have their own specific needs and the information and recommendations contained in this guide are designed as a set of "generic guidelines" only. This guide does not consider any person's specific objectives, situations or individual requirements. Heather Robertson Health & Wellness Inc. makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information contained or referenced in this guide. The information is subject to professional differences of opinion, human error in preparing this information and unique differences in individuals' situations. Heather Robertson Health & Wellness Inc. is not liable for any loss, experience or injury resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on any of the information or material contained in this guide. If you use, or otherwise rely on, any of the information in this guide you are responsible for ensuring, by independent verification, its currency, accuracy, completeness, reliability and relevance to your own personal and individual circumstances. You should always obtain any appropriate professional health advice relevant to your particular circumstances. Copyright and all other intellectual property rights towards materials contained in this guide are owned by Heather Robertson Health & Wellness Inc. No intellectual property rights or other rights in, and to, the information and materials in this guide are transferred to any person who acquires, or may use, this guide. You may not adapt, reproduce, publish or distribute copies of any materials contained in this guide (including, but not limited to text, logos, graphics, photographs, video clips, trade marks or images) in any form including all electronic means. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 2 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Table of Contents PROGRAM GUIDE 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 21 Program Introduction Start Right. Now. Program Overview What You’ll Need A Note About Nutrition Macronutrients Recommended Foods Foods to Avoid & Moderate Eating Out & Alcohol Snack Ideas Supplements & Vitamins Pre & Post Workout Meal Plan: Sample Menus Meal Plan: Recipes Printable Progress Calendars WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 3 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Program Introduction Welcome to my free 12 week workout plan! I ’m so happy you’re here. I’ve spent nearly a year designing, filming, editing and testing out every workout included in this program. I’ve put my blood sweat and tears into this plan ok not my blood but definitely a lot of sweat and even a few tears too. So why give it away for free? Because I get it. I get what it feels like to be overwhelmed with the multitude of fitness programs available online. I get what it feels like to invest your hard earned money into a program and then feel like the value just wasn’t there. I get how expensive it can be to eat healthy, have a gym membership and pay for a personal trainer. And I get that life is busy. Investing in your health should never feel like a financial burden. I saw a need for a well designed, highly effective program that you could complete with minimal equipment in a short amount of time. By removing these time and cost barriers my hope is that people across the Globe are able to participate and experience the true value of healthy living. If even one person experiences a positive change in their physical and mental well-being throughout this program then it will have been 100% worth it to me. The only thing I request from you is that you do your best. Don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself and lean on others in this community when you feel weak. If you miss a day, pick up where you left off the following day. If you need to take a break - take one! Invite your friends and family to join you by sharing this program and join me in making this World a sweatier, healthier and happier place. Oh, one last thing - I’m not going to lie, this journey will be challenging my friend but I promise it will be worth it. Let’s get started! xo HR WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 4 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Start Right. Now. SHARE IT. DECLARE IT. If there is one single thing you can do to start this program right it is this: Share and declare your participation with your friends and family. Having the support of those around you is key and verbalizing your intent to others makes it real. GET CONNECTED If you’re not already – subscribe to my YouTube channel, and click the notification bell so you don’t miss any new posts. BE PREPARED Download and save this guide to your device. Print the workout calendars, or save them to your device. Schedule in your workouts for the week. Make sure you have all your equipment. Prepare your healthy meals ahead of time. SHARE YOUR PROGRESS Motivate yourself and inspire others by taking part in the support forum. Print or screen shot your progress calendars and add checkmarks or emojis as you complete each workout. Comment, like and share on YouTube as you make progress. Share your best gym selfies, post-workout pics, or favourite meals with the hashtag #HR12Week and tag me @heatherrobertsoncom WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 5 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Program Overview O ver the next twelve weeks you will gain access to five full length workouts every week. Each workout will take between 30-40 minutes to complete. These sessions can be spread out throughout the week as you wish but my recommendation would be to workout Monday to Friday and take Saturday as an active rest day. Active rest includes taking a yoga class, going for a hike, stretching and/or meditation. Then, take a full rest day on Sunday. If you know you have special events or busy days coming up plan ahead and move your rest days to accommodate your schedule. Of course, listen to your body and rest when you need it you do you! PHASE 1: WEEKS 1-4 We will kick things off with full body workouts and HIIT Cardio + Ab days designed to increase mobility, flexibility and endurance. PHASE 2: WEEKS 5 - 8 In this phase we will focus on increasing lean muscle, isolating muscle groups, and counting reps. We will alternate these strength days with some intense HIIT and Tabata sessions. PHASE 3: WEEKS 9 - 12 This final phase combines all the best parts of the previous phases - full body workouts, HIIT + Abs, Tabata + Booty for improved athletic performance and killer results. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 6 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN What You’ll Need EQUIPMENT: Two sets of dumbbells Stability ball Exercise mat WHICH WEIGHTS SHOULD YOU USE? I recommend having at least two sets of dumbbells one heavier and one lighter, but the more variety you have the better. During a weighted exercise you will want to choose a weight that feels challenging but that will allow you to complete the suggested amount or reps or work time without losing proper form. I personally use a set of 5lbs, 8lbs, 10lbs and one heavier set of 25lbs throughout the program. As you increase strength/endurance you may find you want to increase your weight. On the other hand if you are struggling with maintaining form I encourage you to go lighter with your weight or just use your own bodyweight and focus on technique. The size of stability ball you choose is typically based off your height. Each manufacturer should provide a sizing chart when making your purchase decision. I am 5’4” and use a 65cm ball. MODIFICATIONS + PROPER FORM: This is not a custom or one-size-fits all program. It is crucial that you listen to your body and do what feels right for you. Take longer breaks, decrease intensity or modify exercises as needed. Some modifications will be shown in the workout videos but sometimes it will be up to you to decided when and how you need to modify. This program is designed for those who have experience with working out and executing proper exercise form. Because minimal verbal cues regarding form are given in this program, it is extremely important that you educate yourself on proper exercise form to avoid injury and to get the most out of each exercise. If you are new to working out I highly recommend working in- person with a professional coach or certified trainer that can help you make any necessary adjustments and practice proper technique before attempting to workout on your own. Be sure to take time after each workout to cool down and stretch. Recommended stretching routines will be provided. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 7 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN A Note About Nutrition T his portion of the guide is designed to provide insight into a straightforward, intuitive approach towards eating. While there is no one-plan-fits-all way of eating, this guide will point you in the right direction when it comes to understanding nutrition, creating healthy habits, listening to your body and properly fueling your workouts. Personally, I don’t like to count calories – that includes calories in and calories out! I used to track calories in, calories burned, and macros. Tracking this information taught me a lot about my body – how portion sizes and different types of macronutrients affected my athletic performance. However, I found I became too focused with achieving specific numbers on a daily basis and trying to perform perfectly. Then came the feelings of guilt when I slipped up. This would send me on an emotional roller coaster, destined for failure. Years of experimenting, learning and personal growth lead me to wholeheartedly believe in and practice intuitive eating. Let’s be honest, in the absence of a diet culture - intuitive eating would just be called eating! When we are born, we have the ability to instinctively know what we need and when we need it; eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full. I will say this again because it’s very important – there is not one specific way that everyone on the planet should eat. Intuitive or instinctual eating may not be ideal for someone who is dealing with hormonal imbalances or a history of eating disorders. You need to be in a state where your body is metabolically regulated, you can trust your body and naturally be in tune with your hunger and fullness cues. It is important to recognize that intuitive eating is not a weight loss or fat loss diet trend. It is simply a way of honoring your health and your taste buds while feeling and performing your best - both physically and mentally. In the following pages of this guide you will find sample menus of what a day of intuitive eating may look like. All of the sample meals are intended to be created with real, nutrient rich ingredients that can be interchanged with foods and ingredients that you may prefer. My intent with these sample menus is to illustrate the importance that timing and macronutrient balance plays when planning your pre and post workout meals. While your goal may be to reach a certain weight, have a flatter stomach or thinner thighs, my main objective and wish for you throughout this program, and beyond, is that you learn to value the importance of becoming healthy, energetic and feeling amazing from the inside out. Remember that your self-worth and confidence level can not be measured by a number on a scale or a tag on your clothes. Prioritize your health and your happiness and the rest will fall into place. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 8 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Macronutrients T he sample menus found in this guide are comprised of real, wholesome foods and are complete with a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats which are referred to as macronutrients. Macronutrients are nutrients that your body requires in large amounts and when consumed will provide energy and aid in building and repairing muscle. PROTEINS Protein is found throughout the body—in muscle, bone, skin, hair, and virtually every other body part or tissue. Proteins are complex molecules that are made up of smaller units called amino acids and help your body to build and repair tissue. Protein is essential for exercise and anyone undertaking any kind of exercise routine is definitely going to need more protein than someone who doesn’t. Consuming protein can aid in speeding up recovery after a workout, building lean muscle, and preventing muscle loss. Protein is found in a wide variety of animal and plant based products including meat, seafood, tofu, eggs, nuts, beans and more. CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy used to support bodily functions and to fuel your workouts. Foods high in carbs are an important part of your daily meals and should never be fully eliminated. However, what’s more important than how many carbs you choose to eat, is the type of carbohydrate you choose to eat. Some sources are healthier and more beneficial than others - The healthiest sources of carbohydrates include unprocessed whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans. The carbs you want to avoid or limit are referred to as simple carbs and include white breads, pastries, sodas, and other highly processed or refined foods. FATS Don’t be scared of fats, they are essential to your health! It’s all about getting the right balance and the right types of fats in your diet. Dietary fats are essential to give your body energy, support cell growth, help your body absorb nutrients and produce important hormones. There are four major dietary fats in the foods we eat. The fats that you want to avoid in your diet are trans-fats and saturated fats while monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats should be consumed in moderation on a daily basis. On the following pages I list which foods contain these beneficial fats and which foods to limit or avoid. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 9 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Recommended Foods PROTEINS VEGETABLES CONDIMENTS organic free range chicken kale fresh herbs + spices ex. lean organic grass fed beef swiss chard raw honey organic free range turkey ex. lean organic grass fed bison free range eggs spinach bok choy arugula cottage cheese cabbage organic, non gmo tofu or tempeh asparagus wild salmon cauliflower wild sea bass celery wild shrimp, prawns or scallops cucumber greek or icelandic yogurt green beans seitan broccoli wild tilapia bell peppers wild cod zucchini wild tuna CARBOHYDRATES brown rice quinoa sweet potato/yams beans & legumes rice crackers almond or coconut flour oats: rolled, steel cut, gluten free sprouted grain or gluten free bread sprouted grain or gluten free wraps sprouted grain or gluten free pasta FATS extra virgin olive oil coconut oil avocado nuts & seeds natural nut butters tomatoes jalapeños onions egg plant brussel sprouts carrots peas beets squash mushrooms any other organic, dark colored nutrient dense vegetables FRUITS fresh berries lemons + limes oranges pure vanilla extract pure maple syrup Himalayan or sea salt stevia garlic hot sauce mustard ginger balsamic vinegar tamari low sodium soy sauce salsa hummus tzatziki tahini BEVERAGES filtered water sparkling water herbal tea coffee coconut water almond or cashew milk coconut milk oat milk hemp milk kombucha fresh pressed veggie juices fresh pressed fruit juices pineapple apples bananas grapefruit pomegranate WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 10 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Foods to Avoid or Moderate AVOID/MODERATE [ store bought mayonnaise [ margarine [ artificial sweeteners (saccharin sucralose, aspartame) [ store bought salad dressings* [ store bought bbq sauce* [ store bought jams and jellies* [ store bought ketchup & stir fry sauces* [ saturated fats [ trans fats [ hydrogenated oils [ white bread [ white pasta [ white flour [ cereal [ chips [ candies [ baked goods made with refined sugars. [ alcohol [ sodas [ fruit cocktails [ sugary or creamy cocktails [ specialty coffee drink [ diet beverages with artificial sweeteners [ pre-packaged deli-meats [ nitrates [ factory farmed meats [ gmo’s [ artificial flavors, preservatives + food colorings [ high fructose corn syrup [ MSG *OPT FOR HOME MADE VERSIONS OF CONDIMENTS WITH LESS ADDED SUGAR, SODIUM AND ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM TIP: WHEN BUYING CANNED GOODS CHECK THE LABELS AND AVOID EDTA, BPA, ADDED SUGAR/SALT AND PRESERVATIVES. 11 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Eating Out & Alcohol E xpecting that you will never eat out, attend a special event or ocassionally eat unhealthy foods is totally unrealistic, unsustainable and frankly no fun in my books! Here are a few quick tips on prioritizing your health while still having a social life and satisfying those taste buds. At restaurants I typically avoid menu items with these words in the description: deep fried, battered, creamy, breaded, crisp, sauced, or stuffed. Instead, opt for menu items that are described as: steamed, grilled, baked, fresh, local, organic or raw. When eating intuitively it is important to base decisions off healthy food guidelines. It’s also being aware of the foods we need vs. the foods we want. Choosing the latter from time to time is not the end of the world. Making room for “indulgences” may actually help increase leptin levels (a hormone produced by the fat cells in your body). Leptin’s main role is to regulate fat storage and how many calories you eat and burn.) With this in mind, you may choose to skip the oversized molten lava triple chocolate desert and have something sweet and equally satisfying at home like a sorbet or dark chocolate. That, or you may just ask your server for more than one spoon – I’m sure your company won’t mind sharing. Here’s the deal with alcohol; you will achieve better results, faster by cutting it out of your diet. Nobody loves her wine more than this girl - but you just can’t fight the science behind it! If you want to drink alcohol you need to know how it effects your body and how it will effect your health and physical results. This way you can make educated decisions and take any necessary actions to stay balanced and on track with your goals. Feeling empowered and in control of your health and your choices is the ultimate goal here! Alcohol is high in sugar and makes it harder for your body to absorb nutrients and burn fat. It can also slow down muscle growth by disrupting sleep patterns and the production of growth hormones, vital for building lean muscle. If you choose to consume alcohol from time to time practice moderation, choose lower sugar options and plan ahead so your workouts won’t suffer. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 12 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Snack Ideas Sweet Snack Ideas: Savory Snack Ideas Greek or icelandic yogurt with fresh berries or a drizzle of raw honey. Dark chocolate covered nuts(70% or higher). Peanut butter stuffed dates. Air popped popcorn drizzled with truffle oil + nutritional yeast. Hummus & veggies. Steamed edamame pods with sea salt. Chocolate Chia Pudding Fresh Tomato Salsa INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1/2 ripe banana 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1 tbsp chia seed 1 tbsp almond milk cinnamon, to taste DIRECTIONS: Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until well combined. If mixture is too thick add extra milk 1 tsp at a time until you reach your desired consistency. Transfer mixture to serving dish and chill in fridge for 20-30 minutes before serving. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 4 Roma tomatoes 1/2 red onion 1/2 cucumber 1/2 cup fresh cilantro 1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 tsp cumin juice from 1 small lime sea salt, to taste DIRECTIONS: Chop tomatoes, red onion and cucumber. I like my salsa a little chunky so I don’t chop them up too fine. Combine all veggies in a bowl and add cilantro, garlic, cumin, lime juice and salt. Stir to combine. Serve slightly chilled with baked pita chips, veggie chips or rice crackers. Store leftovers in the fridge in a sealed container. 13 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Supplements & Vitamins B y following a well balanced diet and eating a variety of nutrient dense foods, the majority of essential nutrients can be obtained. Certain circumstances–such as following an intense training program or adhering to a strict vegan meal plan–may make it necessary to take additional supplements that improve performance, recovery and provide additional benefits. Of course, speaking with your professional health care provider is essential in knowing what vitamins and supplements may or may not be suitable for you. Being proactive and working with a professional is highly recommended. The following are items that I personally use and recommend looking in to or asking about. PROTEIN POWDER: BCAA Look for a natural protein powder that is free of artificial sweeteners. There are plenty of gluten free, dairy free and vegan options available to suit your dietary needs. Branched-chain Amino Acids refers to three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Many protein sources, such as meat and eggs, already provide BCAAs. Supplementation is unnecessary for people with a sufficiently high protein intake. For people with low dietary protein intake, BCAA supplementation may promote muscle protein synthesis, prevent fatigue and increase muscle growth over time. One with a minimum of 20g of protein and less than 10g of carbs per scoop is ideal. CLA Studies show CLA can balance blood sugar and adrenal function which may lead to healthy weight loss and reduced abdominal fat by helping the body convert food more efficiently into energy. CLA is found in dairy and animal fats, such as beef, lamb, whole milk, and eggs, but cannot be produced by the human body. CLO/RBO (COD LIVER OIL/ROYAL BUTTER OIL) Cod liver oil provides naturally occurring amounts of Vitamin A and D which may do wonders for your skin, hair and nails! The butter oil blend provides Vitamin K2 which is known to help prevent cancer, blood clotting and improve bone strength. ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ONLY A RECOMMENDATION BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION. ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOU DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE INCORPORATING CERTAIN FOODS AND/OR SUPPLEMENTS INTO YOUR DIET OR BEFORE STARTING A NEW FITNESS OR NUTRITION PROGRAM. *ALWAYS FOLLOW DOSAGE RECOMMENDATIONS ON PRODUCT PACKAGING AND/OR AS RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL AS EACH BRAND MAY VARY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 14 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Supplements & Vitamins GLUTAMINE: Studies have shown that Glutamine can minimize breakdown of muscle, help metabolize body fat and support new muscle growth. Glutamine may also help provide fast repair and relief of sore muscles and may serve to boost your immune system. VITAMIN B12: This vitamin plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper functioning of your nervous system. B12 can’t be made by the body instead, it must be consumed through foods or supplements. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal foods, including meats, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. However, it can also be found in products fortified with B12, such as some varieties of bread and plant-based milk. MAGNESIUM: Magnesium is one of seven essential macrominerals. An adequate intake can help prevent problems with bones, the cardiovascular system, diabetes, and other functions. The best food sources of magnesium are nuts and seeds, dark green vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ONLY A RECOMMENDATION BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION. ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOU DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE INCORPORATING CERTAIN FOODS AND/OR SUPPLEMENTS INTO YOUR DIET OR BEFORE STARTING A NEW FITNESS OR NUTRITION PROGRAM. *ALWAYS FOLLOW DOSAGE RECOMMENDATIONS ON PRODUCT PACKAGING AND/OR AS RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL AS EACH BRAND MAY VARY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 15 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Pre & Post Workout Meals PRE WORKOUT Having a meal approximately one hour before your workout is recommended so that your body has time to properly digest, eliminating the possibility of cramps or nausea during your workout. This meal should be made of both protein and carbohydrates. Slow burning carbohydrates such as oats will keep you satiated while fast burning carbs like fruit will provide you with a natural boost of energy so you can power through that sweat sesh. In the following sample menus I show you how to plan your meals based on what time of day you workout. PRE- WORKOUT SNACK & MEAL IDEAS Yogurt, fruit + granola Rice cakes, peanut butter, sliced banana + drizzle of honey Apple slices + almond butter POST WORKOUT Protein is important post workout to help repair and rebuild muscle - but let’s not forget about those carbs. Consuming carbohydrates after a workout will help replace glycogen stores and elicit an insulin response that helps drive protein into the muscle and aid in faster recovery. Eating this meal within 30 minutes of finishing your workout or as soon as possible is ideal. POST WORKOUT SNACK & MEAL IDEAS Protein smoothie Buddha bowl with tofu, brown rice and veggies Rice cakes, hummus and sliced hardboiled eggs DURING Staying hydrated before, during and after your workout is a high priority. The more you sweat the more you need to replenish with fluids and electrolytes. I’m not a big fan of sports drinks and instead, prefer to whip up my own version using good ol’ filtered water, a pinch of salt and squeeze of lemon that I will sip on during my sweat sesh. ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ONLY A RECOMMENDATION BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION. ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOU DOCTOR OR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE INCORPORATING CERTAIN FOODS AND/OR SUPPLEMENTS INTO YOUR DIET OR BEFORE STARTING A NEW FITNESS OR NUTRITION PROGRAM. *ALWAYS FOLLOW DOSAGE RECOMMENDATIONS ON PRODUCT PACKAGING AND/OR AS RECOMMENDED BY YOUR DOCTOR OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL AS EACH BRAND MAY VARY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 16 12 WEEKPLAN WORKOUT PLAN 12 WEEK WORKOUT PageMeal Heading Sample Plan MORNING WORKOUT LUNCH TIME WORKOUT EVENING WORKOUT PRE-WORKOUT Green Power Smoothie BREAKFAST Breakfast Scramble 1 Slice Toast BREAKFAST Breakfast Scramble 1 Slice Toast BREAKFAST / POST-WORKOUT Breakfast Scramble 1 Slice Toast PRE-WORKOUT Green Power Smoothie LUNCH Power Salad LUNCH Buddha Bowl LUNCH / POST-WORKOUT Buddha Bowl PRE-WORKOUT Green Power Smoothie DINNER Power Salad DINNER Power Salad DINNER / POST-WORKOUT Buddha Bowl EVENING SNACK Veggies + Dip EVENING SNACK Chia Pudding EVENING SNACK Steamed Edamame Pods + Sea Salt WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 17 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Recipes Breakfast Scramble - Makes 1 Serving INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS 1/2 cup diced onion minced garlic 1/2 cup chopped peppers 1/2 cup egg whites OR 4oz extra firm tofu, drained + crumbled splash of milk - of choice 1 cup fresh spinach salt and pepper, to taste fresh tomato slices 1 green onion, diced 1/4 avocado, sliced 1. Heat a non-stick skillet over med-high heat. Add onion, garlic + peppers and cook until fragrant and soft, stirring frequently. 2. Whisk eggs (or mash tofu with a fork) in a small bowl with salt + pepper and a splash of milk 3. Add egg or tofu mixture to skillet and cook until dry (tofu should begin to brown) 4. Add fresh spinach and fold into egg mixture. Cover skillet with lid for 30-60s and let spinach wilt. 5. Transfer scramble to plate and top with avocado, fresh tomato and green onion. *Optional - top with feta or dairy free cheese + salsa! Green Power Smoothie - Makes 1 Serving INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS 1 cup fresh, baby spinach 1/2 cup almond milk or coconut water 1/4 cup plain Greek OR coconut yogurt 1/4 cup dessert tofu 1/4 cup of frozen strawberries 1 tbsp chia seeds 1. Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy! WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 18 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Recipes Power Salad - Makes 1 Serving INGREDIENTS BASE (1-2 CUPS): PROTEIN (CHOOSE ONE): 1-2 cups cup mixed greens, spinach, kale, arugula and/or romaine 3/4 cups chickpeas or cooked lentils, drained + rinsed VEGGIES + FRUITS: 4oz of grilled chicken breast, canned tuna, cooked shrimp, tofu or tempeh cucumber carrots beets peas alfalfa sprouts pea shoots cherry tomatoes celery 1/4 avocado NUTS +SEEDS (1 OZ) sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sliced almonds OR chopped walnuts 2 hardboiled eggs, sliced DRESSING: 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp dijon mustard 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp salt 1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper DIRECTIONS 1. Start by adding your choice of base to the bottom of a large serving bowl. 2. Add your choice of fresh veggies, fruits, nuts and/or seeds and your choice of protein 3. In a small jar or bowl mix together dressing ingredients until well combined. 4. Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy! Store leftover dressing in fridge. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 19 12 WEEK WORKOUT PLAN Recipes Buddha Bowl - Makes 1 Serving INGREDIENTS BASE: 1/4 cup cooked brown rice OR quinoa 1/4 cup kale or spinach TOPPINGS: bean sprouts green onion black sesame seeds ROASTED VEGGIES: broccoli onion sweet potato 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 tsp cumin salt + pepper, to taste PROTEIN (CHOOSE ONE): 4oz cooked shrimp, grilled chicken or tofu TAHINI DRESSING: 2 tbsp each tahini, water, + fresh lemon juice 1/2 tbsp honey or pure maple syrup 1/2 tsp. minced fresh garlic 1/8 tsp. ground cumin *Tip: Twice a week I like to cook up a variety of proteins that can be used in both the power salad and the buddha bowls to mix things up! ROASTED VEGGIES DIRECTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 400F. Chop broccoli, onion + sweet potato into bite size peices and place in a large mixing bowl. 2. Drizzle olive oil over veggie mixture and add garlic, cumin, salt + pepper. Toss until veggies are evenly coated. 3. Transfer veggies to a non-stick, or lined, baking sheet and spread evenly in a single layer. Place in oven and roast for 30-40 minutes or until veggies begin to crisp. 4. While veggies are roasting, prepare dressing by combining all ingredients into a bowl or jar and mix until well combined. 5. Once veggies are done remove from oven. In a large serving bowl layer grains, greens, veggies, protein of choice and additional toppings. Drizzle with dressing before serving. Store any leftover dressing in the fridge. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 20 12 WEEKPLAN WORKOUT PLAN CALENDAR 12 WEEK WORKOUT - PROGRESS Page Heading Phase 1: Week 1-4 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 PRINT OR SCREEN SHOT THIS CALENDAR AND PLACE A CHECKMARK/EMOJI IN EACH BOX AFTER YOU COMPLETE THE WORKOUT FOR THAT DAY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 21 12 WEEKPLAN WORKOUT PLAN CALENDAR 12 WEEK WORKOUT - PROGRESS Page Heading Phase 2: Week 5-8 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 PRINT OR SCREEN SHOT THIS CALENDAR AND PLACE A CHECKMARK/EMOJI IN EACH BOX AFTER YOU COMPLETE THE WORKOUT FOR THAT DAY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 22 12 WEEKPLAN WORKOUT PLAN CALENDAR 12 WEEK WORKOUT - PROGRESS Page Heading Phase 3: Week 9 - 12 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 11 WEEK 12 PRINT OR SCREEN SHOT THIS CALENDAR AND PLACE A CHECKMARK/EMOJI IN EACH BOX AFTER YOU COMPLETE THE WORKOUT FOR THAT DAY. WWW.HEATHER ROBERTSON.COM 23