Uploaded by Gisselle Canales

Plant Diversity in Produce: Worksheet

1.How many species of flowering plants were present in the produce section? Remember that all
the plants in the produce section are flowering plants.
There were a total of 62 species of flowering plants in the produce section of H-Mart.
2.Paton et al. (2008) estimated that there are ca. 352,000 species of flowering plants. What
percentage of these species, are represented in the produce section? Show your work!
62 species(the total number in the H-mart produce section) / 325,000 species of flowering
plants = .000190769 x 100 = .01908%
.01908% of flowering plant species are represented in the produce section of H-Mart.
3.The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009) has determined that there are 415 families of
flowering plants. What percentage of these families is represented in the produce section? Show
your work!
30 families (the total number in the H-mart produce section) / 415 families of flowering
plants = .072289157 x 100 = 7.229%
7.229% of flowering plant families are represented in the produce section of H-Mart.
4.Which families were the most common in the produce section (top five)? Make sure that you
include numbers (%) to back up your claims.
The most common families in the produce section of H-mart are as followed:
5.Which two families of flowering plants provide protein for the majority of humans?
Poaceae and Fabaceae provide the protein for the majority of humans.
6.Were these two families well represented in the produce section?
From the data that I collected in the H-Mart produce section, these two families were not
well represented.
7.If not, why not?
Based on my data the family Fabaceae appeared in the species 4.8 percent of the time and
the family Poaceae only appeared in 1.6 percent of the species.
8.Did the majority of plants in the produce section originate in the New or Old World? Make
sure that you include numbers (%) to back up your claims.
The majority of the plants in the produce section of H-Mart origninated in the New world,
the percent of plants that originated in the new world was 84% of the plants I found in the
produce section.
9.What percentage of produce was represented by:
a.Stems 5%
b.Roots 13%
c.Leaves 37%
d.Flowers 3%
e.Fruit 31%
f.Seeds 11%
10.What is the most common plant part eaten?
The most common plant part eaten is the leaves.
Please email your answers to these questions, in complete sentences,to me as a Word fileby the
date assigned.
Also, email me your Excel spreadsheet.