© Silvio John Camilleri UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Department of Banking & Finance BKF 3041: International Banking 1 Course Outline Dr. Silvio John Camilleri Course Objectives: The course aims at offering an understanding of the international banking environment, with a particular emphasis on the main business activities, the structure of the industry and regulatory policy issues. These topics of current interest are combined with relevant theoretical explanations. The main areas are as follows: • Market Structure • International Banking Activities • International Financial Crises • Regulation of International Banks Main Texts: Stephen Valdez and Philip Molyneux, An Introduction to Global Financial Markets, Palgrave, 2013. A.W. Mullineux and V. Murinde, Handbook of International Banking, Edward Elgar, 2003. J.E. Hughes & S.B. Macdonald, International Banking, Addison-Wesley, 2002. Other internet links and/or journal articles will be made available via VLE. Assessment: Assessment shall be on the basis of an exam and an assignment. The respective weightings are shown on Esims. The assignment instructions and a past paper will be made available on VLE. © Silvio John Camilleri OUTLINE SYLLABUS The main topics are as follows: 1. Domestic and International Banking 2. The Euromarkets 3. Expansion of International Banking Networks and Financial Centres 4. Financial Innovation (and Competition) 5. Global Asset Management 6. Trade finance, International lending and Country Risk 7. International Financial Institutions / International Bank Regulation 8. International Banking Crises 9. Bank Risks and Capital Adequacy 1 © Silvio John Camilleri MAIN COURSE READINGS (Further supplementary readings / links may be uploaded on VLE). 1. Domestic and International Banking Mullineux & Murinde (2003), chs.1 and 2. Valdez and Molyneux (2013), chs.4 and 5. Hughes & Macdonald (2002), chs.1 and 2. 2. The Euromarkets Valdez and Molyneux (2013), Ch.7, (especially pages183-199) 3. Expansion of International Banking Networks and Financial Centres Hughes & Macdonald (2002), chs.4-7. 4. Financial Innovation (and Competition) Lerner, J. and P. Tufano, 2011, The Consequences of Financial Innovation: A Counterfactual Research Agenda, NBER Working Paper No. 16780. Mullineux & Murinde (2003), ch.3. 5. Global Asset Management Bank for International Settlements, CGFs Papers, No. 27, ‘Institutional investors, global savings and asset allocation’, February 2007. 6. Trade finance, International lending and Country Risk Mullineux & Murinde (2003), chs.11 and 13. Hughes & Macdonald, ch.14 (pp.368-380). 7. International Financial Institutions / International Bank Regulation Mullineux & Murinde (2003), ch.24. 2 © Silvio John Camilleri 8. International Banking Crises Hyman P. Minsky, 1993, The Financial-Instability Hypothesis, in: Handbook of Radical Political Economy, edited by Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer, Edward Elgar: Aldershot. Frederic S. Mishkin, 1997, "The Causes and Propagation of Financial Instability: Lessons for Policymakers", Maintaining Financial Stability in a Global Economy (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO., 1997): 55-96. Hughes & Macdonald (2002), ch.14 (pp. 380 – 416). Mullineux & Murinde (2003), ch.15. Gough, L, 2011, “An Overview of the Financial Crisis”, in How the Stock Market really Works, Prentice Hall / Financial Times, ISBN: 978-0-273-74355-2. 9. Lessons from Bank Failures and Recent Financial Crises Basel Committee on Bank Supervision, 2010-11, Basel 3: A Global Regulatory Framework for more Resilient Banks and Banking Systems. Mullineux & Murinde (2003), ch.14 and 16. Bugeja, G.C., 2012, Universal Banking and the Return of ‘Glass-Steagall’, ELSA Malta Law Review, Vol 2, pp. 94-120. Valdez and Molyneux (2013), chs.6, 10 and 17. 3