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International Law Course Program 2021-2022

Programme International Law 2021-2022 | IFA 1.3 and IFAS 3.3.
1. Introduction
This quarter we will be going over some aspects of international law. Questions like, which court of
law has jurisdiction when a dispute arise when the opposing parties live in different countries, what
happens if I close an international sales contract, what do I do when the other party doesn’t deliver?
An important source of international law is the European Union. We will a.o. explore how the
institutions of the EU function, how the EU influences national law, how the EU tries to ensure free
movement of people, goods services and capital.
At the end of this quarter you will have a general overview of the main topics of international law.
Goal is to ensure that you will recognize the themes that we will encounter in this quarter in your
professional practice, and have the knowledge to know how to encounter any legal issues regarding
international law. Whether it means you have the answer yourself or you’re able to determine that a
legal professional is needed.
2. Lectures:
Every week there will be two lectures (1,5 hour). The first lecture of the week will be used to go over
the theory scheduled for that week (see paragraph 5, literature per week). Make sure that every
week before you come to class that you’re prepared by reading the chapters of the book as indicated
in paragraph 5 and any other reading material that may be added via Blackboard during the course.
The second lecture in that week we will use to apply the knowledge we have gained earlier that
week. Therefore a number of cases, assigmanents and exercises have to be prepared by the student
and presented in class. There also will be time for discussion on the different subjects.
Every week there will be sheets, which will help us to navigate through the different subjects of the
course. The sheets will be published on Blackboard and will be part of the obligatory literature for
the exam.
At the end of this quarter the course international law will be concluded with a written exam.
A basic guide to international business law (5th edition), H. Wevers LLM (ISBN 9789001899783)
Contents of the lectures
Other study material that may be provides during the course of this quarter
4. Goals of the course:
At the end of the course international law, the student:
International Law (introduction)
knows the rules about International law.
knows the rules which refer to national civil law and can apply them.
Contract law
knows the juridical consequences of a purchase contract.
knows the juridical consequences of default (non-fulfillment).
recognizes situations of non-fulfillment and can give solutions.
has knowledge about the way how compensation can be allowed.
knows the working of force majeure.
has knowledge about the way how compensation can be allowed.
can recognize the difference between default an unlawful act.
knows the consequences of the unlawful act in a case.
knows the incoterms
can recognize the consequences of these incoterms
▪ knows which law is appropriate.
▪ knows how a claimant can summon an opponent.
▪ knows how a procedure goes.
▪ can describe where you have to go to court.
European law
▪ knows what European law means
▪ knows the European institutions.
▪ has knowledge about the European internal market
▪ knows the four free movements
▪ recognizes situations of the internal market.
▪ knows the juridical procedure of the European court in Luxemburg.
▪ knowledge about the competition rules in the EU
▪ knows the meaning of cartel legislation
▪ knows what an abuse of a dominant position means
▪ can solve a case about the competition rules
5. Literature per week
Introduction international law
Chapter 1
Exercises and assignments *1
▪ Exercise 1.1 and 1.2
▪ Cases Costa Enel
▪ Van Gend & Loos
▪ Francovich
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
Chapter 3 and 4
Contract law
Chapter 2 and 5
Contract law
Chapter 2,5 and 8
European law
Chapter 6 and 7
European law
Chapter 6 and 7
European law
Chapter 6 and 7
Preparation for exam
All of the above
*1: during the quarter other exercises or assignments may be added. They will be announced in the
lectures and/or via Blackboard.