Uploaded by Holly Davis

Circle Constructions Task

What is a construction?
Circle Constructions Task
In geometry, there is a difference between drawing a diagram and constructing a diagram. In constructions, your tools
are limited to a pencil, a compass, and a straightedge (a ruler with no measurements), while a diagram can be drawn
with anything. Additionally, the steps for drawing a construction must be justifiable using geometric theorems or
axioms. The main ones are summarized from Hilbert’s axioms below:
1) There exists at least one point on a plane, segment, or line. (from undefined terms)
2) There exists only one line (or segment) through any two points on a plane. (from postulates 1-1 & 1-2)
3) A circle with a radius congruent to a given segment creates congruent segments. (from postulate 3-1)
I have made a few tutorials for these basic constructions and a couple more that you might need for this task listed
below. You can use either one of the digital apps to construct the necessary items or use a compass and straightedge.
(Geogebra / Robo Compass) Robocompass relies a bit more on the coordinate plane to place points than Geogebra does,
but it lets you construct first and animate later.
Basic Constructions Demos:
Copying a line segment
Copying an angle
Bisecting a line segment
Bisecting an angle
If you work with a group (of no more than 3), then each member of the group will pick a different construction from
each section so that all constructions are covered. Your grades will not be dependent on each other.
one of these:
Inscribe a circle in a triangle (Start with a triangle)
Circumscribe a circle around a triangle (Start with a triangle)
Construct a tangent line from a point outside a circle (Start with a circle and an external point)
AND, one of these:
★ Inscribe an equilateral triangle (Start with a circle)
★ Inscribe a square (Start with a circle)
★ Inscribe a regular hexagon (Start with a circle)
For EACH construction…
Create a screencast video of each construction you selected. Add the links to this document.
List the steps you took to complete your constructions and identify which axiom or property allowed you to
take that step. (see example below for the tutorials-- this is similar to a proof). If you summarize the steps
for copying and/or bisecting, then you can reference the tutorials instead of the axioms/properties of each one.
Copying a Segment
Draw a line segment AB and a point C not on AB.
Axioms 1 & 2 (“Given”)
2. Draw a circle centered at C with a radius equal to AB.
2. Axiom 2
3. Mark a point D on circle C
3. Axiom 1
4. Draw segment CD
4. Axiom 2
Copying an Angle
Draw an angle BAC and a ray/segment DE not
intersecting angle BAC.
Axioms 1 & 2
2. Mark a point F on segment AC.
2. Axiom 1
3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AF.
3. Axiom 3
4. Mark the intersection between circle A and segment AB
and label it point G.
4. Axiom 1
5. Draw a circle centered at E with a radius equal to AF.
5. Axiom 3
6. Mark the intersection between circle E and segment DE
and label it point H.
6. Axiom 1
7. Draw a circle centered at H with a radius equal to FG.
7. Axiom 3
8. Mark the intersection between circle H and circle E and
label it point I.
8. Axiom 1
9. Draw a segment/ray from E through I to create angle
9. Axiom 2
Bisecting a Segment
Draw a segment AB
2. Mark a point C over halfway between A and B
Axiom 2
2. Axiom 1
3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AC
3. Axiom 3
4. Draw a circle centered at B with a radius equal to AC
4. Axiom 3
5. Mark the intersections between circles A and B and label
them D and E.
5. Axiom 1
6. Draw a line through points D and E.
6. Axiom 2
Bisecting an Angle
Draw an angle BAC
Axioms 1 & 2
2. Mark a point D on segment AB
2. Axiom 1
3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AD.
3. Axiom 3
4. Mark the intersection between circle A and segment AC
and label it as E
4. Axiom 1
5. Draw a circle centered at E with a radius equal to DE
5. Axiom 3
6. Draw a circle centered at D with a radius equal to DE
6. Axiom 3
7. Mark the intersection between circles E and D in the
interior of angle BAC and label it as F
7. Axiom 1
8. Draw a line through points A and F to bisect the angle
8. Axiom 2