What is a construction? Circle Constructions Task In geometry, there is a difference between drawing a diagram and constructing a diagram. In constructions, your tools are limited to a pencil, a compass, and a straightedge (a ruler with no measurements), while a diagram can be drawn with anything. Additionally, the steps for drawing a construction must be justifiable using geometric theorems or axioms. The main ones are summarized from Hilbert’s axioms below: 1) There exists at least one point on a plane, segment, or line. (from undefined terms) 2) There exists only one line (or segment) through any two points on a plane. (from postulates 1-1 & 1-2) 3) A circle with a radius congruent to a given segment creates congruent segments. (from postulate 3-1) I have made a few tutorials for these basic constructions and a couple more that you might need for this task listed below. You can use either one of the digital apps to construct the necessary items or use a compass and straightedge. (Geogebra / Robo Compass) Robocompass relies a bit more on the coordinate plane to place points than Geogebra does, but it lets you construct first and animate later. Basic Constructions Demos: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ Copying a line segment Copying an angle Bisecting a line segment Bisecting an angle (Geogebra (Geogebra (Geogebra (Geogebra / / / / Robo Robo Robo Robo Compass) Compass) Compass) Compass) Directions If you work with a group (of no more than 3), then each member of the group will pick a different construction from each section so that all constructions are covered. Your grades will not be dependent on each other. Choose ★ ★ ★ one of these: Inscribe a circle in a triangle (Start with a triangle) Circumscribe a circle around a triangle (Start with a triangle) Construct a tangent line from a point outside a circle (Start with a circle and an external point) AND, one of these: ★ Inscribe an equilateral triangle (Start with a circle) ★ Inscribe a square (Start with a circle) ★ Inscribe a regular hexagon (Start with a circle) For EACH construction… Create a screencast video of each construction you selected. Add the links to this document. Constructions #1→ #2→ Links List the steps you took to complete your constructions and identify which axiom or property allowed you to take that step. (see example below for the tutorials-- this is similar to a proof). If you summarize the steps for copying and/or bisecting, then you can reference the tutorials instead of the axioms/properties of each one. Copying a Segment Steps 1. Justifications Draw a line segment AB and a point C not on AB. 1. Axioms 1 & 2 (“Given”) 2. Draw a circle centered at C with a radius equal to AB. 2. Axiom 2 3. Mark a point D on circle C 3. Axiom 1 4. Draw segment CD 4. Axiom 2 Copying an Angle Steps 1. Justifications Draw an angle BAC and a ray/segment DE not intersecting angle BAC. 1. Axioms 1 & 2 2. Mark a point F on segment AC. 2. Axiom 1 3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AF. 3. Axiom 3 4. Mark the intersection between circle A and segment AB and label it point G. 4. Axiom 1 5. Draw a circle centered at E with a radius equal to AF. 5. Axiom 3 6. Mark the intersection between circle E and segment DE and label it point H. 6. Axiom 1 7. Draw a circle centered at H with a radius equal to FG. 7. Axiom 3 8. Mark the intersection between circle H and circle E and label it point I. 8. Axiom 1 9. Draw a segment/ray from E through I to create angle DEI. 9. Axiom 2 Bisecting a Segment Steps 1. Justifications Draw a segment AB 2. Mark a point C over halfway between A and B 1. Axiom 2 2. Axiom 1 3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AC 3. Axiom 3 4. Draw a circle centered at B with a radius equal to AC 4. Axiom 3 5. Mark the intersections between circles A and B and label them D and E. 5. Axiom 1 6. Draw a line through points D and E. 6. Axiom 2 Bisecting an Angle Steps 1. Justifications Draw an angle BAC 1. Axioms 1 & 2 2. Mark a point D on segment AB 2. Axiom 1 3. Draw a circle centered at A with a radius equal to AD. 3. Axiom 3 4. Mark the intersection between circle A and segment AC and label it as E 4. Axiom 1 5. Draw a circle centered at E with a radius equal to DE 5. Axiom 3 6. Draw a circle centered at D with a radius equal to DE 6. Axiom 3 7. Mark the intersection between circles E and D in the interior of angle BAC and label it as F 7. Axiom 1 8. Draw a line through points A and F to bisect the angle 8. Axiom 2