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Sine/Cosine Graphing Worksheet: Sun & Moon Phases

Sine/Cosine Common Uses
Graph of the Sun/Moon
Objective: See how the sun and moon have phases and compare them to sine and cosine
graphs. Interpret graphs for their key features. Due Monday, March 4, 2019
1. Select one of the options to research and graph over time. You will need 12-14 data
points regardless of what you pick.
a. Time of the sunrise (year-round)
b. Time of the sunset (year-round)
c. Number of minutes of daylight (year-round)
d. % of the moon visible (1 month)
e. start of low tide (1 month)
2. Use your laptop to determine the time of your event for different data points. Below are
some suggestions.
a. For sun related things, start on the 15th or 21st of a month and add 30 days for
each next data point
b. For moon related things (d and e), pick any day this month and increment by 2
c. For anything time related, watch out for November/March. Think about why and
if it will change anything in your graph.
3. Make a graph of your data points. The x-axis should be your date, but the y-axis can vary
based on what you choose. Do not try to graph before you have all of your data!
If you make just a sketch first, it would be really nice to have a final copy on colored
paper for the walls.
4. Based on your graph, try to form an equation for your data. Here are things you may
need to find first.
Is it closer to sine or cosine?
What is the amplitude?
What is the period?
Based on the period, what is the frequency?
Has it shifted up/down/left/right from the normal curve?
Once you have answered these, you have enough information to write the equation.
5. Use your equation or graph to predict some things!
a. What will be the time of the sunrise/event on February 26th?
b. What will be the time of your event on June 20th?
c. When will your entire bus/car ride to school be light out?
d. Will Mr. Atadan ever wake up to the sun/low tide (4:30am)?
Sine/Cosine Common Uses
Graph of the Sun/Moon
How this will be graded. It’s a summative since it is project-like. It is due Monday of next
week (Match 4th), and you will have all day today and tomorrow (Thursday).
12 – 14 data points are collected and graphed.
(15 points)
Specifics of the November/March strangeness are mentioned and handled
(5 points)
Graphs are labeled in the x-axis and y-axis sensibly
(10 points)
Key features are found for the graph
(5 points)
An equation is found for the graph from the key features
(5 points)
5 predictions are made from your equation or graph. You may use mine listed or come up with
your own. Ex. longest day/shortest day
(10 points)
Up to 5 bonus points for style beyond style.
(0-5 points)
Total possible
Scored out of 50
50-55 points