Uploaded by Maleeha Anwar

Presentation Summaries: Decarbonization, AI, Digital Transformation

Maleeha Anwar 400149108
Commerce 4PA3, Core 10
Presentation 1: How to decarbonize the grid and electrify everything
Presented by John Doerr (engineer and investor) and Hal Harvey (climate policy expert)
This presentation aimed to outline methods of reducing the impact of climate change due to
greenhouse gases. The strategy presented to achieve this was to decarbonize the grid and replace
it by electrifying everything to realize a zero-carbon economy. Currently the technology needed
for this method is 70% there but cannot be fully achieved with the current alternatives, therefore
more resources need to be invested into R&D. However, we have seen countries take leaps
towards cleaner energy and realize success, such as China. In Shenzhen, China, they have over
420,000 electric busses in comparison to the US’s 600 due to their investment into infrastructure
such as parking spots available with electric charging. The implementation of policies that make
clean energy easier to access and more mainstream are the root of change. By implementing
legislation that benefits the environment and invests into clean energy, we will be able to realize
positive environmental change.
The presentation was intriguing and engaging. The way the information was presented in a
conversational setting from two different perspectives was an effective way of keeping the
audience engaged and addressed steps need to achieve zero carbon through economics and
policy. As an investor and proclaimed capitalist John Doerr presented the economic perspective
of how people may be concerned about cost yet in many cases such as coal plants it is cheaper to
tear them down and create a nuclear power plant. While Hal Harvey brought his expertise with
climate policy on how to approach this issue through changes in legislation and policy.
I believe this presentation is useful for the application to governments as climate change is a
growing issue that is of concern to citizens as well as there is more pressure to compete to
become a more environmentally friendly country. The method of approaching policy makers is
the right way to go, as individuals cannot be expected to create mass change on their own
without the help and intervention of governments. Some sources suggest that policy is not only
the most effective method but using policy tools such as imposing carbon taxes will achieve a
great impact. By reshaping tax systems, we can most effectively discourage carbon emissions.
This has already been proven to be effective in countries such as Britain that imposed a carbon
tax in 2013 and has since seen a large drop in the use of coal and a switch to cleaner energy.
Although Canada has already begun imposing carbon taxes at $15 per ton of carbon dioxide and
are aiming to increase this to $38 per ton by 2022, countries such as the US where carbon taxes
are not nationally imposed are still not experiencing a large enough shift away from greenhouse
gas emissions.
Emma_newburger. (2019, October 10). A carbon tax is 'single most powerful' way to combat climate change, IMF says. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Marr, B. (2019, May 13). How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful Real-World Examples That Show The Latest Advances. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.cifar.ca/ai/pan-canadian-artificial-intelligence-strategy
Maleeha Anwar 400149108
Commerce 4PA3, Core 10
Presentation 2: AI in Healthcare Innovation
Presented by Zakariya Muqtadi, Managing Partner at ZL Technovation
This presentation dealt with the application of artificial intelligence to innovate healthcare
procedures. The AI used must deep learning which is machine learning that allows the AI to
learn from previous results, as well as NLP which allows the analysis of text and speech to infer
meaning from the words. This technology is used in a variety of sectors including in electronic
health records, which is difficult as hospitals use different systems but the AI have data created
to allow from the access grouped information and understand it across platforms. More
impressively, AI aids in calling attention to areas that need to be reviewed in patient files, what
about the patients current state needs to be known, signals opportunities to intervene, and what
are the risks of future outcomes. AI can also help doctors to diagnose and mitigate costs by
reducing rates of readmission. The benefits of AI in healthcare include aiding in training, early
detection, treatment, diagnosis, decision making, end-of-life care and in recent events has been
used in COVID-19 cases. Future applications include using reinforcement learning to allow AI to
interact with their environment.
The topic of the presentation was interesting but was presented in a rather confusing manner.
Although I appreciated the explanation of how the AI works through the various machine
learning methods and the specific examples of how the AI processes information, I felt that more
time should have been allotted to the application of the specified AI to the industry. However, I
did enjoy the various diagrams placed on the slides to help visualize and walk through the
process of learning for the AI as it enhanced my ability to understand and follow the presenter.
I believe that AI is useful in accelerating the abilities of our current healthcare industry to allow
it to become more efficient. Especially during the current pandemic, AI has proven to be a
valuable asset that has taken some of the burden off of doctors. Beyond this, AI has assisted in
creating less invasive and have a 21% reduction in patient’s hospital stay with 5 times fewer
complications results from the surgeries. As nurses are incredibly busy during their shifts, AI has
helped by providing virtual nursing assistants that allow for more regular communication
between healthcare professional and patients and reduces the rates of readmission. AI allows for
the automation of many administrative tasks and the rapid analysis of medical imaging. The
benefits of all of these AI aided tasks are not only beneficial for healthcare professional, but they
reduce costs that benefits the government and the hospital. The investment into AI is overall
beneficial in reducing costs through automation and lower rates of readmission, but it also allows
for better patient care and more effective diagnosis and treatment methods.
Emma_newburger. (2019, October 10). A carbon tax is 'single most powerful' way to combat climate change, IMF says. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Marr, B. (2019, May 13). How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful Real-World Examples That Show The Latest Advances. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.cifar.ca/ai/pan-canadian-artificial-intelligence-strategy
Maleeha Anwar 400149108
Commerce 4PA3, Core 10
Presentation 3: Digital Transformation and its implications for Canada
Presented by Jim Balsillie, co-founder of the Balsillie School of International Affairs
This presentation discussed the shift to a data-driven economy that increasingly values intangible
assets. With a shift to knowledge-based economies companies turned their focus to strategically
generating valuable IP or data assets. Unfortunately, during the shift from a predominantly
tangible to intangible economy, Canada did not place value on generating and owning valuable
data and IP stock assets and therefore are a large IP importer. Human rights implications and
national security concerns must be considered in relation to Artificial Intelligence and increased
data-driven economies. Data governance is also one of the most important issues to discuss
today, especially when considering that data can be used and re-analyzed for purposes that are
unanticipated at the time of its collection. Therefore, we must consider how the exploitation of
data generates a new feedback that allows for the modification of behaviour and the economy
and justifies the notion of increased social media regulation. Prioritizing data governance is a
main factor in solving many other stemmed issues and should have precedence in the coming
years. The new policies presented to the Canadian government in regards to AI, do not show a
proper understanding of the technological field and its potentials and if not acted upon properly
could be another wasted opportunity.
Although I enjoyed the session and found it very informative, I had hoped there would be a
stronger relation of the topics to Canada. Many of the issues that were discussed as well as the
examples that accompanied them were in relation to China and the United States. His
presentation also included many models and graphs that were quickly mentioned but not truly
explained which left me feeling that his conclusions were less reliable, and parts may be
I believe this presentation was very useful and is a contemporary issue in Canada today. This
issue is very important for the government, as they will suffer from not seizing the opportunity to
invest in domestic research and development of AI by depending on importing AI technology
from further advanced nations. Canada has recently begun taking steps towards fostering AI
research and development in Canada through programs such as CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI
strategy. As mentioned in the presentation, Canada was slow to respond to the shift to a datadriven economy that values intangibles and costed them greatly. However, with the development
of AI Canada is clearly taking steps to remain ahead.
Emma_newburger. (2019, October 10). A carbon tax is 'single most powerful' way to combat climate change, IMF says. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Marr, B. (2019, May 13). How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful Real-World Examples That Show The Latest Advances. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.cifar.ca/ai/pan-canadian-artificial-intelligence-strategy
Maleeha Anwar 400149108
Commerce 4PA3, Core 10
Works Cited
Emma_newburger. (2019, October 10). A carbon tax is 'single most powerful' way to combat
climate change, IMF says. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Marr, B. (2019, May 13). How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful Real-World Examples
That Show The Latest Advances. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Emma_newburger. (2019, October 10). A carbon tax is 'single most powerful' way to combat climate change, IMF says. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Marr, B. (2019, May 13). How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful Real-World Examples That Show The Latest Advances. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from
Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from https://www.cifar.ca/ai/pan-canadian-artificial-intelligence-strategy