Uploaded by Ben Dorr

Wood Putty Lesson Plan: Cabinetmaking Grades 10-12

Lesson Plan
Name of Lesson: Wood Putty
Prepared by: Ben Dorr
Subject: Cabinetmaking
Date: 12/4/21
Grade Level: 10-12
Content and Task Decisions
Rationale: Overview & Purpose
(What will be learned and why it is useful.)
Content Standards: Common Core/Iowa Core
Applied Sciences/Cabinetmaking 1.1 Know solutions to
common problems in cabinetmaking and wood products.
Students will learn that there is a large variety of products to fix
wood gaps, cracks, dents, ext. They will gain an understanding of 21st Century Standards 21.9-12ES.1 Process information
pros. and cons of some of these common products. This will help in order to make an informed decision.
students rectify a common problem with cabinetmaking and
woodworking. They will also learn how to compare products
using an unbiased method in order to make an informed decision.
Learning Target/Objective “I can” use a scientific approach to understanding the best product to use for fixing common
wood problems in cabinetmaking and woodworking.
Materials: List materials here including links (URL address). Attach any handouts and slides to the end of the lesson plan.
Multiple wood fillers (putty)
Wood with fillers applied and dried
Wood for applying fillers
Sand paper and blocks
Academic Vocabulary & Definitions
Wood fillers (putty) - A product that is used to fill gaps, cracks, dents, and other problem areas in woodworking.
Workability - The ease of a product when it comes to shaping and manipulating to achieve a desired result.
Formative Assessment (checking for understanding)
Open: Q&A
Body: Allow time for students to ask questions over different fillers.
Before moving out to the lab thumbs up or thumbs down over understanding the lab directions.
Differentiation: 1 student on an IEP - more checks for understanding and breaks if needed.
Lesson Plan
This old house video over fillers.
Group conversation over video. - What types of fillers have you used and why? What did you like or
not like about them? Was there anything in the video you found interesting or surprising?
Time: 8 min.
Body/Lesson Procedures
● Explanation for why choosing the right filler is important.
● Explanation on what fillers we will be using today and why I choose them.
● Directions on the lab.
● Transition to the shop.
● Students will go through each of the steps on their handout and record their data.
● Clean-up
● Transition back into classroom
Time: 30 min
Close/Closure We will tally the data on the whiteboard. We will then have a class discussion and
possibly vote for the wood filler that best suits our project.
5 min
Student Grouping:
Each student will
be working
Reflections on Design before you teach your lesson. There is such a wide variety of products on the market that it can
become daunting to choose one for any given project. I think people then just choose very randomly. Hoping this lesson will
clear some of it up. I am also concerned that this lesson could be boring to students, due to them not finding fillers all that
important. When thinking about that I am hoping I can get it across to them that this is a crucial step that should not be
taken to lightly.
Reflections on Instruction after you teach your lesson.