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DeFi Challenges: Hacking, Scalability, and Stablecoin Risks

Challenges Facing Decentralized Finance
Decentralized finance involves the use of public block chains in the monetary systems. It is a
new fiscal scheme thus has a lot of hot debates surrounding it. the term public is fundamental in
therein. It is relatable to that of the Ethereum public block chain. A public blockchain has no
room for centralized authority.
The need for decentralized finance comes due to the fact that not everyone around the world can
accces financial services. They are not available to up to 1.7 billion people in the world.
Financial institutions are also unable to set the essential infrastructure that would make people
access more money. The current infrastructure is massive but it is inadequate in ensuring that it
reaches everyone out there.
With decentralization, the current failures on insfrastructure are as good as over. It eliminates the
failure spot and ensures that it is possible to store and share records among different joints across
the network. There is excess dependency on the centralized system for the current infrastructuire
to function.
Overview of the decentralized finance
Without the givernance, regulations and the rules that comes with it, implementation in some
areas becomes difficult. That is common in places whre generation and distribution of wealth is
either little or insufficient.
Besides, centralized authority has the power to get rid of accounts or block them if it deems
appropriate. In some cases, the restrictions may be critical. However, in most scenarios, it is
suppressive and cause suffereing to the users.
Another crucial feature of the decentralized finance is the dApps short for decentrazed apps.
Throug them, the financial institutiions can develop functional apps on the public blockchain.
They also allows anyone to work together with them with less cost per interaction.
Comparison of the traditional and decentralized finance
The main difference between the traditional and the decentralized finance is the mode of work.
Traditional financial systems uses centralization and leads to ineffectiveness and insecurity.
Security risks are tenacious in the current conventional financial system.
there is also an increase in cybercrime due to lack of upgrades in the technologies used by
financial institutions. There is a risk of hacking for most transactions. They all leads to data and
fiscal risks.
On the other hand, decentralizes finance ensures there is a solution to a certain extent. Due to the
utilization of public blockchain, there is no reliance on a centralized system. Decentralized
system can function without requiring proper infrastructutre. In simple terms, it decentralizes the
economy and provides viability of the economic activity to everyone in the world.
There things that the decentralized system brings there improvements.
Public blockchain wont require permission from anyone else so as to access and interact. It is
thus a top choice for implementation in the world. It also ensures ficxing of the inequality
Since there is no central authority, data storage occurs amongst the differents joints in a network.
There is transparency in public block chain.
However, the growth and proponents of the decentralized system faces several challenges that
would entirely affect its adoption.
Challenges that face decentralized finance.
1. Hacking of smart contract
Decentralized finance projects depend on smart contracts that run on Ethereum. The code for the
programs is usually public and anyone with sufficient knowledge can examine and interact with
it. Blockchain networks that that run on the smart contracts are attractive to hackers. There was a
scenario in 2016 when a hack resulted to the loss of 3.6m ETH. The value was approximately 70
million USD. The hack was around 10 percent of the total supply of ETH at that time. The
hacker could not access the funds for 28 days. During that period, the Ethereum group managed
to reverse the transaction. However, there is high likelihood that a similar solution may fail to
work ever again.
2. Manipulation of oracles
The decentralized finance ecosystem depends on data providers known as oracles for distribution
of market data that resolves fiscal smart contracts. Oracles are also essential to Maker’s smart
contracts in knowing the current price of ETH that determines whether there is adherence to the
collateralization ratio.
Decentralized finance applications uses price data as the most common type of data provider.
The oracle responds to queries such as “What is the price of token Y at the moment”? What
happens if there is a manipulation of the information that an oracle provides? An oracle error on
24th June 2019 led to wrong price data thus causing an irregular performance on the Sythentix
protocol. The malfunction allowed KRW holders to buy ETH at a discount.
3. Ethereum non- scalability
Decentralized finance is essentially a movement based on Ethereum. Innovation and liquidity
largely focuses on them. There is launch of new projects all the time that aims to lure new users
either with better returns and/or more effective token assortment management.
Although there is little on the front-end, the Ethereum public blockchain is carrying out a lot of
heavy lifting behind the scenes. There is dependence on the collaborative building network of the
separate nodes.
Due to the challenges facing its scalability, Ethereum either fails or becomes too expensive to
work together with dapps. In several occasions, there has been network congestion. The best
solution to the scalability challenges would be a major upgrade in the network. Already it is
happening already, it will take time for its benefits to materialize completely.
4. Stablecoin Failure
Maker is a project on Ethereum and started operations in 2014. In 2017, it came up with a stable
coin DAI which pegs softly to the US dollar. It is possible for anyone to create DAI using ETH,
BAT and USDC as the security, while maintaining a minimum ratio of 1:5:1 and 1:25:1 for the
USDC. If for example you have 200 USD in ETH, you can create 100 USD in DAI. At the
moment, DAI is the most extensively utilized stablecoin in decentralized finance. In case of a
hack on the Maker’s smart contracts and the criminal access the user’s security, DAI becomes
worthless. Such a move would affect the entire decentralized finance space.
5. Overcollaterization
Due to lack of guarantee in volatile markets, lenders usually seeks for a higher secutity for their
loans. it reaches a point where most of the lenders and borrowers will only work when there is a
significant amount of asset as a collateral. The situation undermines the important function of
borrowing and thus fails to satisfy one of the main ideas of decentralized finance which is to
reach those without access to the banks. Besides, it leads to significant slash in the profits from
leverage trading.
6. Composability
Composability is among the most marketed elements of decentralized systems. It relates to hoe
they can flawlessly integrate, enabling rapid growth, service complexity and even completely
new financial products. However, composability creates essential dependencies between
decentralized finance protocols that could develop into systemic risks.
1. Accessibility of the users’ tokens
In decentralized finance, tokens are under the management of smart contracts which are nonliving bits of programming codes. It is a non-custodial finance service that is in contrary to the
centralized system that uses humans. Custodial services calls for heavy regulations. however,
when the project is non-custodial, the team save a lot of cash by dodging burdensome
Admin keys helps the developers behind the decentralized finance project to have control over
the smart contracts that handle user funds. The weakness is lack of transparency on who possess
the keys. There is possibility that one individual could have access to all of them.
Although most people have internet connections, there is little public awareness on decentralized
finance. Very few people knows about it which can affect its use rate. Besides, the fact that it is
still in its infant stage means there are relatively high risks in using it.
there is dire need to solve most of its challenges so as to increase its viability to different
administrations and organizations. Decentralized finance focuses on creating financial services
that are distinct from the traditional fiscal and political system. It has the potential to prevent
instances of censorship, discrimination across the world and allow for a more transparent
financial system.