STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. NINTH EDITION ~E J M;...:..,.IA EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION , INC. 25 NORTH BROADWAY, TARRYTOWN , NY 10591 RICHARD C. BYRNE , SECRETARY TEL: 914-332-0040 FAX: 914-332-1541 E-MAIL: ejma@ejma .org STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. FOREWO RD Since 1958. when the Expans10n J0 ll11 Manu lacturcr" s Assoc iation (EJMATM ) first publi shed these Standards. continuing technologica l improvemen ts in the application and design of Expansion Joi nts have been reported through the cooperat ive e fforts of its assoc iation members by expanding the scope and con tClH of Ihis pub lication . founded three years earlier in 1955.lhc Expansion Jo illl Manufac turer's Association began wim a group of companies ex perienced inlhc application. design. and fabrication of Expansion Joints. T he firs t EJMATM Standard edit ion was. of necessity. somewhat brief a nd covered only applications in vo lving ax ial movement. But as research and extensive tcsti ng res uhs werc catalogued. more detailed design data has been included in thc EJMA T\I Sta ndard. Thc EJMA ™ Standards are intcnded for application to mctallic bellows expansion jo ints h:lVi ng only thc convolution shapes s hown in thc S tandards and ha ving convolution welds onl y in the meridional direction with the exception of the bellows anach ment welds. The EJMATM Technical Committee is ded icated to continuously improving the utility and tec hnical content of the Standards. Suggest ions an d comments fro m industry uscrs are welcomed and s hou ld he forwarded to the Secretary of this Association in w riting. It is imponant to note that the EJMATM Standard is a trade association document containing recommendations for application of expansion joint products and in-depth tcchnical infonnation for usc in design ing expans ion join t products. It is not a manufacturing standard or a q uality ass urance document. The type of non-destructive examinat ion and the extent ofqua li ry assurance test ing to be applied to given prod uct sho uld be addressed by o ther documents such as the ASME 8 3 1.3 Piping Code. the ASME Pressure Vessel Code or another user provided s peci fication . The Standard docs not limit or dictate thc manufacturing process to be lIscd for cons truc tio n of expansion joints. no r docs it estab lis h spccific engi neering requ irements deemed necessary for the !wfe application. design and manufacture of Expansion Joints. If there is a strong preference for a eenain type o f manufacturing process. the user s hould provide this infonnation. Industry users arc cautioned that these Standards s hould not be considered as a design handbook. and must not replace sound enginceringjudgment. educat ion and experience. As o f this writing, the EJMA ™ Standard thoroughly covers the design of expa nsion joint bellows elements. However. the Standard docs nOi cover the design of hardware associated w ith res tra int of pressure thrust. Press ure thrust restraint hardware is as imponant as the bellows element in the design and fabrication of an ex pansion joint assembly. Users a re strongly advised to ob tain doc umented design res ults for bellows clemen ts and pressure thrust restraint hardware for any cri tical application. NO WA RRANT Y EXPR ESSE D O R IM PLI E D The engi neering Standards herein are recommendcd by the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. to assist u scrs. engineers. architects and others who spec ify. design and install Expansion Joints in piping sys t e m ~ to obtai n the most efficient service (rom Expansion Joint installations. T hese Standards are based upon sound engineering principles. research and field experiencc in thc ma nufacture. design. installat ion and use of Expansion Joint s. Th ese Standards may be s ubject to revision as funher investigation o r experience may s how is necessary o r desirable. Utilizati on of th ese Standards remains em ircJy optional. Nothi ng herein sha ll constitute a warranty of any ki nd. expressed or implied . Accordingly. all warrnnties o fwha lever nature. cxpressed or implicd. arc herewi th s pec ifically di sclaimed and di sa vowed. Co pyright 1958, 1962, 1969, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1985, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2U05, 20U8 EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATlON.INC. All ri ghts reserved. This book or any pan thereof may not be reproduced in any fonn without wri tten penn ISS ion of the Expa nsion Joint ManufaclUrers Assoc iation. Inc. The speci fi cation sheets constituting Append ix A arc not covered by any copyright restrictions and may be freel y reproduced tlnd utilized by purchascrs of this Standards manual. " , Expansion Joinl Manufacturers Associ3lion. Inc. wwv. STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. MEMBERSlllP LIST EXPANSION JOINT ~lANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. American BOA. Inc. - Cumming. GA Badger Industries. Inc. - Zelienople. PA Ex pansion Joint Systems. Inc. - Santee. CA Flexider S.LI.- Torino, Italy Hyspan Precision Products. Inc.- Chula Vista. CA Idrosapi ens, S.r.1 - Leini (Torin o), Italy Microflex - Ormond Beach. FL Senior Flexonics. Inc .. Pathway Di vision - New Braunfels. TX SFZ - Lyon. France U.S. Bellows. Inc. - Houston. TX WahlcoMetroflex. Inc.- Lewiston. ME Witzenmann. GmbH - Pforzheim. Gennany CU RRENT TECHN I CAL COMM ITTEE M E~ IB ERS EXPANS ION JOINT MANm' ACTU RERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Patrick Vainio - American BOA, Inc. Jack Hanna - Badger Industries, Inc. Mike Cabrera - Expansion loint Systems. Inc . Mario Nh-oli - Flexider S.r.I.- Torino. Ital y Scott Stelmar - Hyspan Precision Products. Inc . Arulio Pietrafesa - Idrosapiens. S.r.1 Jeff DePiero - Microtlex Bob Broyles - Senior Flexonics. Inc .. Pathway DiviSIOn M., Micheni - SFZ Roy Felkner - U.S. Bellows. Inc . Rick Marcotte- WahlcoMerrotlex. Inc . Peter Berger - Witzenmann. GmbH w .... w _cJmu_org l Expansion JOInI Manufaclurers ASSOCiation. Inc. 111 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PANSION JOI NT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIATION. INC. This page intcl1Iionall y blank. ,v 0.. ' Expansion Joint ManufaclUrers Association. lnc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. CONTENTS Pa ge Sectio n Foreword 1\lembenhip of [J IA. ........................................................................................................................ ................... ...... Current Technical Conlnlittec ~ I embers ......... ,......................................................................... ................... .............. ii iii iii SECT ION 1 - SCO I) E. DEFINITIOi'\'S, AND NOMENCLATURE 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sco pe ...............................................................................................................................................................•.... Definition s............................................ ............................. .................................................................................... Nomt"nclaturt" ...................................................................................................................................................... I- I I-I 1-6 SECT ION 2 -S ELEcrIO~ AND APPLICATIONS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2A 2.5 2.6 St" It"Clioll of Expansion Joints ............................................................................................................................. Seit"clion for Axial j\'iovement .............................................................................................................. .............. 2- 1 2-2 Selection for Ltter!ll Oenec:tion. Ang ular Ro tation. & Co mbined Mon! m ents ............................................. 2~5 Applic.alions Us ing S ingle Ex pansion Joints ..................................................................................................... Applications Usin g Uni" ersal Expansion Joints ...................................... ......................................................... Applic:ltions Usi ng Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints ................................................................................ 2.7 Applications Using Hinged Expa nsion Joints ................................................................................................... 2.8 Ca lculation of Angular H.otat ion in a 3 Hinge Piping Systt"111 ......................................................................... 2.9 Applicatio ns t;sing G imba l Expansion Joints .................................................................................................. 2.10 Anchor. G uide, and S upport Requirements ..................................................................................................... 2~6 2-8 2~12 2~15 2-20 2~22 2-23 SECTION 3 - SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS FO R PIPII'G SYSTE~IS CONTA INI"IG BELLOWS EXPANS ION JOINTS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3A 3.5 3.6 3.7 Des ig n Specification .............................................................................................. .............................................. Ex pa nsion Joint Design ...................................................................................................................................... Expansion J oint J\'l anufacturing QuaJi~ .......................................................................................................... Installation ........................................................................................................................................................... Post InstaU:llion In spection Prior to System Press ure Test .................................. .......................................... Inspection During and Immediatel) Afler S) stem Pressurt" Tt"sls ................................................................. Period ic In~Ser\·ice Inspection ........................................................................................................................... 3-1 3~3 3-3 3-3 3-' 3-' 3~5 SECTION 4 - C IRCULAR EXPANSION JOINT DESIGN -1.1 -1.1 4.3 -IA -1.5 -1.6 -1.7 4.8 WW\\ l\lo\emenf Equations........................................................................................................................................... Conlbilling l\lo\'elllt"nts ....................................................................................................................................... l\ l o\'elnent Range ................................................................................................................................................ Uni\ersal Circ ular Expansion Joint l\ lo\'ements ............................................................................................. Cold Springing of Circular Expansion Joints .............................................................................................. .... -1.5.1 Forct" Reduction ...................................................................................................................................... -1.5.1 Slabi li ~ .................................................................................................................................................... -1.5.3 COlllllonenl C learanct"s ........................................................................................................................... Forces and l\lonlt"llts .......................................................................................................................................... -1.6.1 Force a nd l\loment Calculation ............................................................................................................. ~ Iuimum A\ial Co mpression Based On Instabilil) ....................................................................................... Expansion Joint Flange Loading Co nsiderations ................................................................................ ............. i..' Expall:.ion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. -I-I -1-2 -1-3 4~5 -I~5 -1-5 -I~5 -1-6 4-6 4-6 -I~IO -I~IO SECT ION 4 - C IRCULAR EXPANS ION JOINT D ES ICN (co ntinu e d) 4.9 4. 10 4.11 -' . 12 -'. 13 4. 1-' -'. 15 Vi bral ion .................... .......................................................................................................................................... -1.9. 1 Singl(' BclIO\\ s .......... ...... ............................... ................. ... .. .... ............ .................. .. .......... .. ..................... -'.9.2 Du a l Bellows (U niversa l Ex pa ns ion J oinl ) ............................................................................................ I nlernal Slcc\'es - C ircular Ex pa nsion J oinlS ............................ .. ....... ..................................... ......................... 4.10. 1 C riteria for Determinin g the Need for IlIl ernal SieHl'S .............................. ......................................... 4.10.2 Design Rcco mme nda tions for Internal Slee\'es ..................................................................................... Externa l Covers - C ircu lar Expa nsion Joints.. .................................................................................................. Bello\\$ Oesign ............................. ........................................................................................... ............................. -' .12.1 Pa r a mete rs and C ril'eria J\ fffi:ling Bellows Des ign .............................................................................. 4.12. 1. 1 Un reinforced Bel lows ....................................................................................................................... 4.12. 1.2 Reinforced Bellows ........................................................................................................................... 4.12. 1.3 Internal Press ure Ca pacity ................................ .............................................................................. -1 .12.1.4 Den eclion Stress ................ .......... .......... ....... ...... ........................................... ................................... -' .12.1.5 Fatigue Life Expec l a n c~r .................................................................................................................. 4.12. 1.6 Bellows Stabi lit·~ ................................................................................ ............................................... Bello\\ SSllri ng Ra il' ..................................................................... .................................................... 4.12 .1.8 Correla l.ion Testi n::! ........................................................................................................................... 4. 12.1.9 Bellows 1-l eal Trea lnlcnl ................................................................... .................... ........................... Oesign Eq ua tio ns ...................... ................................................ ............... ...................... ...................................... 4.13.1 Design Eq uat io ns for Ullrei nfo r ced Bellows ......................................................................................... 4. 13.2 Des ign Eq uatio ns for Reinfo r ced Bellows ......................... .................................................................... 4. 13.3 lles ign'[<lual'itHI$ fo r Toroid a l Bellows ................................................................... ...... ........................ -'. 13.4 Be llows Torsion - Unreinfor ced / Reinforced Be llows ........................................................................... Be nchmark Calculat io ns ..................................................................................................................................... [ffecl of Ex lerna l Preltsu r e .......................................... ................. ...................................................................... 4- 11 4· 11 4· 13 "-14 "- 14 4· 16 -'· 17 "-18 4· 19 -'· 19 4· 19 4· 20 4·20 4-2 1 4-23 4-26 "·27 4-27 4· 28 4-28 4· 30 4-32 4-33 -'-34 4-42 SECTI ON 5 - RECTANGU LA R EX PANS ION JOI NT DES IGN 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 I\ l o\'e nlent Equations .......................................................................................................................................... C ombi ning I\'IOVCIII('IIIS ............................ ..................................... ...... ...... ................... ......... ........ ...................... l\ IUVl' llll'nt Rangl' .... ...................... ................... .. .. ..... ..... ............. ................... .. ................................................. Forc{' a nd l\ lomenl C a lcu lal io ns ........................................................................................ ........................... ..... O{'s ign Equations SECTION 6 - Q UALITY ASSURANCE AN D BELLOWS 6. 1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6. 10 6. 11 (,. 12 6.1 3 6. 1-' 6.15 " FOR~IING METHODS Ge n{'ra l ................................................................................................................................................................. AUl hnrilY an d Respo lisibili ly ........................................... ............ ....................................................................... Qu a li l~' Assurance O r ganizat ion ............ .......... .. ................................................................................................ Dra wings. Desig n Calcu lations. a nd Spfi: ilicalio n Co nlrol ........................................ ......................... ...... ...... l\'lal('rials a nd l\'late rials CO lll rol ... .. ..... ........................... ............... ................. ..................... .............................. l\'la nufa{'tur ing Process COlllrol ......................................................................................................................... In- Process Inspection a nd Examina tion Program ............................................................................................ I\leusurin :; a nd Test Equipm ent Conrrol ........................................................................................................... l\'l a te ria l Non-confornl 3ncc Co nlrol .................................................................................................................. Cor rccli \'C Action (Sup pli{'s a nd Sen 'it'es) ........................................................................................................ \Ve lding ........................................ .................................... ......... ...... .... ........... .. ........... ......................................... U{'a l Trealment ................................................................................................................................................... Packaging. Presernl tion . Sh ippin g a nd Stor age ...................................................... .............................. ........... C ustoiller Q ualilY Assurance Audits ... .............................................................................................................. Record.s Relenl.ion ....................... ..................... .......... ......................................................................................... c Expansion Joint Manufacturers Assoc iation. Inc. 5-1 5·4 5·4 5-5 5-6 WW,,"' 6- 1 6- 1 6- 1 6- 1 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 ejma org STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SECTION 6 - Q UA LITY ASSU RANCE AND BELLOWS FORMING METHODS (co ntinued) 6. 16 l\INhods of Forming l\ l etal Bellon s .................................................................................................................. 6. 16. 1 Elastonleric Fornling .... ................................................................................. .............. ........................... 6. 16.2 Expansion (Expanding l\landrel) Forming ............ ............................................................................... 6.16.3 t-Iydraulic Fornling ... _.................. ............................................................................ ............................... 6. 16.4 Pneumatic Tube Fo rlning ......................... .............................................................................................. 6. 16.5 Rolled Co n'·oluted S heet ........................................................................................................................ 6. 16.6 Ro ll Fornling .........•.........•........•.............................................................................................................. 6. 16.7 Rolled Rin g .............................................................................................................................................. 6.1 6.8 Press- Brake Fornling .............................................................................................................................. 6. 16.9 Co mbined Forming ......... ....................... ....... ............ ....... .................. ..................................................... 6.17 Fabrication Tolerances ......... .............................................................................................................................. SECTION 7 7. 1 7.2 7.3 EXA~JJNA nON AND TESTING No n-destructi" e Exanlinal.ion ...................................................................................................................... . 7. 1.1 Radiographic Exa nlination .................................................................................................................... 7. 1.2 l.iquid Penetra nt Exami na tion .................................................. .. ......................... ..... ............................ 7. 1.3 Fluorescent Pe nt'tra nt Examin a tion ...................................................................................................... 7.1--' l\'l agnetic Partic le Exa mination .................................................................. ............................... ............ 7. 1.5 Ultrasonic E).anlination ............................... ............... ............................................................................ 7. 1.6 Ha logen Leak Exa nlin at ion .................................................................................................................... 7. 1.7 J\lassSpcclronleter Exalni nlltioll........................................................................................................... 7. 1.8 AirJct Leak Examination ...................................................................................................................... Non-destru cti\'c TeST ing .................................................................................................. ............................... 7.2. 1 rress ure Testi ng ...................................................................................................................................... Destructive Testi ng ........................................................................................................................................ 7.3.1 Fatigue Life Testing ................................................................................ ................................................ 7.3.2 SCluirrn TeST ing ........................................................................................................................................ 7.3.3 I\ lcridional Yield-Ru pture Testing ................................................................................................. ... .... SECTION 8 - SHIPPI NC AND 7- 1 7-1 7- 1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7.... 7.... 7.-4 7-5 I~STALLATION 8.1 8.2 8.3 8A 8.5 S hipping Tags ....................................................................................................... .. ............................................. Shipping De\jces ................................ ................................................................................................................. In sta llation ........................................................................................................................................................... Caskets ................................................................................................................................................................. Recontllu' nded Instnllation Instructions ........................................................................................................... W'\-'\ C 6-' 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-8 6-8 6-9 Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-3 VII SECTION 9- FEATURES. ACCESSO RI ES. AND MATE RI ALS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 I\lulli- I' ly Bellows ................................................................................ .. .... .............. ............................................ 9- 1 9. 1.1 f\ lulti-Ply Construction \\ ilh the Sa me Total T hick ncss as a Sin gle Ply CO lIslruclion ...................... 9. 1. 1. 1 Press ure Capac ity .................................................................. _.......................... ................................ Fatigup L.irt> ........................ .................................................. ............................................................. Forces ....................................................................... ... .......................................................... 9. 1. 1.4 Bellows Stability ............................................................................................................................... 9.1 .2 l\ lulti-PI~' Construction with t he Same Thickness ror Each Ply as a Single PI~' Construction ......... 9.1.2. 1 Pressure Capacity ........................................................ ................................................................ ..... 9.1 .2.2 Fatigue Lire ........................................................................ ............................................................... 9. 1.2.3 S pring Forces ............................................................... ........ ............................................................. 9. 1.2.4 Bellows Stabilit y ............................................. ............. ........... ............................................. ............. 9. 1.3 Multi-Ply Construction wil h G rea ter T hi ckness ror Each Ply Than for Single Ply Const ruc tion ... 9. 1.3. 1 Pressure Capacity ............................................................................................................................. 9. 1.3.2 Fatigue Lire ........................... .... .............. ........................... .. ...................... .................. ........ ............. Spri ng Forces ......... .......... ....................... ........................... .......................................... ..................... 9. 1.3.4 Bellows Stabili ty ............................................................................................................................... 9.1.4 l\l ultiple l\lateria l Usage .......... ............................................................................................................... 9.1.5 Redundant Ply Const ru ction with the Sa me T hickness for Eac h PI~' as a Si ngle Ply Construction 9.1.5. 1 Pressure Cu pacity ........................................................................................................ ..................... 9. 1.5. 2 F:ltigue Lire ....................................................................................................................................... 9. 1.5.3 Spring Forces ................... ....... ........................................... ............................................................... 9. 1.5.4 Bellon'S S ta bility ............................................................................................................................... 9. 1.5.5 l\'l o nitored Ply " cllows ..................................................................................................................... Tie Rods, Hinges and Sinlil a r Accessories .......................... ............................................................................... 9.2. 1 Forces and Loads ..................................................................................................................................... 9.2.2 l\let hods or Attachme nt ........................................................................................................................... 9.2_1 I>esig n Considerat ion .............................................................................................................................. 9.2.3. 1 Tie Rods. t-linges. and G ....................................................................................................... 9.2.3. 2 AUachnlcnls til I'iring ............................ ........ .................................................................................. Compon ent Des ig n S tress Linlits ................................................................................................ .... References ...................... .................................................... ............................................................... Flanges .......................................................................................................... ........................................................ Co rrosion ..... .................................................................................................. ........................................... ............ 9-1 9- 1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-2 9-2 9·2 9-2 9-2 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-4 9-4 9-4 9-4 9-4 9-5 9-5 9- 12 9· 13 9- 14 [" Expansion Joinl Manuf.1cluref'l A<;<;Q( ialion. tnc www.ejma.o rg STANDARDS OF THE EXPA SION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEND ICES Append ix A Appendix 8 Appendix C Appendix 0 Appendix £ Appendh F Appendix C Appendix II Appendix I Standard Expansion Joint Specification Sheets Ke~' to Sy mbols Used Circular and Rectangular 1\lo\'f'lIJent. Force a nd J\)omcnt Equations Conl"l'rsion Facton and References Preparation ofTechnical lnqui ri('s 8('1I0\\ s Fatigue T('st Requin'ments 8ellows High Temperature Cycl(' Uf(' Angular Rotation About Om' End Tab ulated Values for Cp • C, . Cd' BI' B~. and BJ Appendix J Examples Round Ex pa nsion Joints. Forces. and J\l ovelne nts....................................................................................... I Si ngle Expansion Joint subjected 10 axial mo\ (,OH' nl ............................................................................... 2 S ingle [xpnnsion Joint s ubj('ct('d to axial and I:Hcralmo\ ement ............................................................ 3 Si ng le Expansion Join t with tie rods subjected to axial and lateral movement ...................................... 4 Tied Unil'ersa l Expansion Joinl subject('d to lateralmo"(, IlI('nt in two planes....................................... 5 Univ('r sal pressure balanced Expansion J oint located betwee n two pieces of equipment wilh move ment s at end points ........................................................................ 6 Single Expansion Joint. attached to vessel nonle. s ubjected to uia l a nd latcralmo,'e menl ............... 7 Cn lculatioll of Angular ROlation in a 3 hinge piping s~·stellJ.................................................................... 8 T hree (3) hinge [:\ pans ion Joint s~ste nl ................................................................................................... 9 8ello\\s [quhalent I\ lo\,emcnl per COli' olulion ....................................................................................... 10 R('ctangular Expans ion Join t J\IO\enlents .... ..................................... ................... .........................:......... II Calculation for a Stra ight Run of Pil)e Contain ing an A:\ ial Expa nsion Joint ..................................... J-I J-2 J-I J -7 J -IO J-14 J - 19 J -B J-25 J-28 J-31 J-35 TABLES Table I Table II Table III Table IV Table \' w\\ \\ Recommended Identification Data Required for Bellows subjected 10 OeslructiH Test.s... .... .......... Conlpollent Design Stress limits ........................................................................................................... Shape Factors ................................................................................... .................................................. ..... Thermal Expansion of Pipe in Inches p('r 100 Feet .............•................•............................................... Moduli of Elastici~ of Common I) Used Bello\\s Materials ................................................................ "!,' E. . p:msion Joint Manufac turers Assoc iation. Inc. 7-6 9-6 9-8 0-12 O-I~ IX Thi s page intentionall y blank. c: Expansion Joint Manuf..clUrer<; As...ociali(ln . Inc STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT IO . INC. SECTION I - SCOPE, DEFINITIONS, AND NOMENCLATURE 1.1 SCOPE The EJMATM Standards are only intended for application to metallic bellows expansion joints. 1.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS The Expansion Joint Manufacrurers Association. Inc. has adopted the following definitions of Expansion 10int components and related equipment. ANGULAR ROTATION The disp lacement of the longitudinal axis of the Expansion Joint from its initial straight line position into a circular arc. Angular rotation is occasionally referred to as "rotational movement." Thi s is not torsional rotation wh ich is described further in this secti on. AXIAL COMPRESS ION The dimensional shortening of an Expansion Joint along its longitudinal axis. Axial compression has been referred to as axial movement. traverse or compression. A . XlAL . EXTENSION The d imensional lengthening of an Expansion Joint along its longitudinal axis . Axial extension has been referred to as axial movemenl. traverse, elongation or extens ion. BELLOWS The flexible element of an Expansion Joint consisting of one or more convolutions and the end tangents with LI> / D" :5; 3, with no more tban five plies. CONTROL RODS Devices, usually in the fonn of rods or bars. attached to the Expansion Joint assembly whose primary function is to distribute the movement between the two bellows of a universal Expansion Joint. Control rods are not designed to restrain bellows pressure thrust. CONVOLUTION The smallest fle xible unit of a bellows. The total movement capac ity of a bellows is proportional to the number ofconvolutions. COVER A device used to provide limited protection of the exterior surface of the bellows of an expansion joint from foreign objects or mechanical damage. A cover is sometimes referred to as a sh roud. DIRECTIONAL ANCHOR A directional or sliding anchor is one which is designed to absorb loading in one direction while pemljning motion in another. It may be either a main or intemlediate anchor. depending upon the application involved. When designed for the purpose. a directional anchor may also function as a pipe alignment guide. [n the design ofa directional anchor. an effort shou ld be made to minimize the friction between its moving or sliding parts, since this will reduce the loading on the piping and equipment and insure proper functioning of the anchor. w",,-..\ (' Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. I-I STAN DARD S OF THE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACT URERS ASSOCIATION. INC. DOUBL E EXPANSION JOINT A double Expansion Join! consis ts of two bellows joined by a common connecto r wh ich is anchored to some rigid part of the insta ll ation by mean s cfan an chor base. The anchor base may be atlached to the comm on connector e ither at installation or at time of manufacrure. Eac h bellows acts as a single Expan sion Joi nt and absorbs the movement or th e pipe section ill wh ich it is installed independentl y of the other bellows. Double Ex pansion Joints should not be confused with uni versal Expansion Joi nts. EQUALIZI NG AN D REINFO RC I NG RINGS Devices used on some ex pans ion join ts fittin g snugl y in the roOlS of the convoluti ons. The primary purpose of these devices is re in fo rce the bell ows against intemal pressure. Equali zing rings are made of cast iron. stee l. stainless stee l or other suitable alloys and are approx imately "T" shaped in cross secti on. Re inforcing or rOOI rings arc fabricated fro m tubing or solid round bars of carbon stee l, stainl ess steel or o th er suitable a ll oys. to EXPANS ION JOIN T S A ny dev ice contain ing o ne or more bellows used to absorb dimensional changes. such as those caused by thermal expansio n or contraction or a pipeline;duct o r vessel. FLANGED ENDS The ends of an ex pans ion j oint equi pped with flanges for the purpose of bo lting the expansio n joint to the m al in~ fl anges of adjacent eq uipment or piping (See Sectio n 9.3). G IMBAL EXPANS ION JOI NT A gimba l Expansion Joint is des igned to pemlit angular rotation in any plane by th e use of two pai rs of hinges affixed to a comlllon fl oating gimbal ring. The gimbal ring. hinges and pins must be designed 10 restrain the thrust of the Expansion Joint due to internal pressure and extraneous fo rces, where app li cab le. HING ED EXPANSION JO~'1 T A hinged Ex pansion Joint contains one bellows and is designed to permit angu lar rotation in one plane only by the use of a pair of pin s through hinge plates attached to the Expansion Joint ends. The hinges and hinge pins must be designed to restrai n the thrust of th e Expa nsion Joint due to intema l pressure and extraneous forces. where app li cable. Hi nged Expans ion Joints shou ld be used in sets of two or three to fu nction properly. I N-LI NE PRESSU RE BA L ANCE D EX PANS ION JOI NT An in-li ne pressure ba lan ced Expan sio n Joint is des igned to absorb ax ial movement and/or lateral defl ection wh il e restraining the press ure thrust by means of tie devices interconnecti ng the li ne bellows with ou tboard co mpensating bellows also subjected to line pressure. Each bellows set is designed to absorb the axial movement and usually the line be llows will absorb the lateral defl ection . This type of Expansion Jo int is used in a straight run of piping. INTERMEDIATE ANCHOR A n intermediate anchor is one whi ch must \vithstand the bellows thrust due to fl ow. spring forces. and all other piping loads. but nO( the thrust due [0 pressure. An illtennediate anchor base for connection to the anchor structure can be fu mi shed as an integral part of a single o r doub le Expansion Joint, if desired . The Expansion Joi nt manufacturer must be advised of the magninlde and direc tion of a ll forces and moments which w ill be imposed upon the ~tI1 (; hor base, so that it can be adequate ly des igned to suit the specific application. 1-2 tt'" Expansio n Joint ~.'Ianufaclun:rs Association. Inc. www STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MA NU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. INTE RNAL SLEEVE A device which minimizes contact between the inner surface of Ihe bellows of an expansion joint a nd the fluid !lowing through it (Sec Section ..1.9 for application). These devices have also been referred to as liners or baffles. INTERNAL LY GUIDED EXPANS IO N JOINT All internall y-gu ided Expansion Jo int is designed to provide ax ial guiding within the Expansion Join! by incorpofaling a heavy interna l guide sleeve. with or without [he use of bearing ring s. The use of such Expansion Joints will assure installation w ithout initial lateral or angular misalignment and can be mstalled in pipelines where reverse flow wi ll be encountered . The use cfan internallyg uided Expansion Joint does not eli minate the necessity of using adequate external pipe guides in accordance with the instructi ons given in Section 2.10. liS use will not prevent bellows in stabili ty. LA TERAL DEFLECT ION The rel ati ve disp lacemenl of the two ends of an Expansion Jo int perpendicular to its longitud inal axis. This has been referred to as lateral offset lateral move ment, parallel mi sa lignment, direct shear. or transverse movement. LIMIT RODS Devices. usua lly in the fornl of rods or bars, attached to the ex pansion joinr assembly w hose primary function is to restrict the be ll ows movement range (axial, lateral and angular) during normal operation. In th e event of a main anchor fa ilure, they are desi!,rned to prevent bellows overextension or over-compression while restraining the full pressure loading and dynamic forces generated by the anchor fai lure. MAlN ANCHOR A main anchor is one which must withstand the full bell ows thrust due to pressure. fl ow. spring forces. and all other piping loads. A main anchor base for connect ion to Ihe anchor structure can be furnished as an in tegral pan ofa single or double Expans ion Joi nt. if desired. The Expansion Joint manufacturer must be advised of the magnitude and direction of all forces and moments wh ich will be imposed upon the anchor base, so that it can be adequately designed to su it the spec ifi c applicalion. MOTION LNDICATORS Devices attached to an Expansion Joinl for the purpose of indicating the movemelll of the Expansion Joint. These devices are useful in determining if the piping system is behaving as planned and if the actual movements being imposed upon the bellows are within the limits of the original design criteria. An example of motion indicators used on hinge or gimbal hardware is an indicator attached to the hinge pin with an angular sca le attached to the hinge aml. This allows one to quickJy detemline the ex lent of angular offset. Another common example of motion indicators is found on sloned hinge assemblies. Wi th the hinge pin used as an indicator. pemlanent marks are scribed upon the hinge hardware to record the o riginal co ld position. The relative distance between the pin and the cold position mark can then be used to deternline the movements imposed upon [he bellows. \\ w\\ r Expansion Joint Manufacturer.> As!.ociation. Inc. 1-3 STANDARDS OF THE EX PANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. PANTOGRA PH LINKAGES A st.:issurs-l ikt: lkvice. A spt.."Cial form of comrol rod attached 10 the ex pansion joim assembly whose primary function is to positively distribute the move menl equa lly between the two be ll ows of the universal join! throughout its full range of movement. Pantograph linkages. like control rods. are not designed to restrain pressure thrust. PIPE ALIGNMENT GUI DE A pipe al ignment gu ide is a foml offramcwork fastened to some rigid pan of the installati on which pennits the pipe line to move freely only along the axi s of the pipe. For further infomlalion. see the definition of planar pipe guide below. PIPE SECTION A pipe section is that porti on ofa pipeline between two anchors . Al l dimensional changes in a pipe section mUSt be absorbed between these two anc hors. PLANA R PIP E GU ID E A planar pipe guide penn its transverse movement a nd/or bcnding of Ihe pipeline in one plane. It is commonly used in applications involving lateral deflection or angular rotation resulting from "L" or "Z" sha ped piping configurations. PRESS RE BALANCE D EXPANSION JOI 'T A pressure ba lanced Expansion Joint is designed to absorb axial movement and/or la teral de fl ect ion wh ile restrain ing the pressure thrust by means of tie devices inter-connecting the fl ow be ll ows wi th an opposed bellows also subjected ro line pressure. PURGE CO 'NECTIONS Purge connections. where required, are usually installed al the sealed end of each imernal s leeve of an expansion joint for the purpose of injecting a liquid or gas between the bellows and the in ternal sleeve to keep the area clear of erosive and corrosive media and/or so lids that cou ld pack the convo lut ions. Purging may be co ntinuous, intenn inent or just on sta rt -up or shut down , as required . These are sometimes lcd aeration connections. RATED MOV EMENT The maximum amount of movement (ax ial extension. axia l compression. latera l deflec tion . angu lar rotarion. or a ny combinati on thereat) which an Expansion Joint is capable of absorbing. This rating may be different for each size. type and make of Ex pans ion Join! and is established by the manufacturer. SHIPPI NG DEVI CES Rigid support devices installed on an expansion joi nt to maintain the overall length of the assembly for shipment. These devices may also be used to precompress. pre-extend or laterall y offset thc bellows. See Section 8.2. They should not be used to resist pressure thmst durin g testing. SING L E EXPANS I ON JOI NT The si mplest foml of Expansion Joint. of single be llows construction. for the purpose of absorb ing a ny combi nation of the three basic movements of the pipe section in which it is installed. 1-4 ~ E.xpanslOn Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SLOTTED I·II NGES Devices insta ll ed as diametri call y opposed pairs on an Expansion Jo int pemlitting axial and one plane angular movement. Sloned hinges can be designed to perfonn as control devices. distributing movements between two bellows of a universal Expansion Jo int but do not restrain pressure thru st. They Jllay also be designed as limiting devices that restrict the be ll ows movement range and restrain the full pressure load ing and dynamic forces generated by an anchor failure. These devices can be lIsc,d to transmit extraneous loads and forces such as system dead weight. wind loads. and se ismi c loads that are transverse to the Expansion Jo int ax is. STABILIZER A device, internall y or externally attached to the Expansion Joint assembl y. whose primary function is to increase the stability ofa universal Expansion Joint assembly. SWI NG EXPANSION JOII\'T A swi ng Expansion Joint is one containi ng two bellows joined by a common connector designed to absorb lateral deflection and/or angular rotation in one plane. Pressure thrust and extraneous forces are restrai ned by the use of a pair of swing bars, each of which is pi nned to the Expansion Joint ends. TANGENT REINFORCEMENT A rei nforc ing member located around the ci rcumference of the be llows tangent for the purpose of reducing excessive pressure stresses which cou ld lead to circumferential yieldi ng. TANGENTS The straight un-convoluted portions at the end of the bellows. TIE RODS Devices. usually in the fornl of rods or bars, attached to the expansion joint assembly whose primary funct ion is to continuously restrain the full bellows pressure thrust during nonnal operation whi le pennitting on ly lateral deflection . Angu lar rotation can be accommodated only if two tie rods are used and located 90° opposed to the direction of rotation. TORSIONAL ROTATION The twisting of one end of the Expansion Joint with respect to the other end about its longitudinal axis. This twisting generally produces extremely high shear stresses in the bellows. For this reason it is extremely important that special hardware be used to limit the amount of torsional shear stress in the bellows. The equations in Section 5.6 may be used as a guide in calculating this stress. UN IVERSAL EXPANSION JOINT A universal Expansion Joint is one containing two bellows joined by a common connector for the purpose of absorbing any comb ination of the three basic movements: axial move ment, lateral deflection and angular rotation. Universal Expansion Joints are usually furnished with control rods to distribute the movement between the two bellows of the Expansion Joint and stab ili ze the common connector. This definition does not imply that only a universal Expansion Joint can absorb combined movement. WELD ENDS The ends of an expansion joint equipped with pipe suitably beveled for welding to adjacent equipment or piping. WW\\ , (" Expansion Joint Manuracturers Association. Inc 1-5 STANDARDS OFTHE EX PANSIO JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 1.3 NOM ENC LATU RE AI = Cross sectional metal area of one bellows convolu tion (in. ~ ). = [2;r(1~)+2 [~ -2(1~ )J + [h"- 2(r. )1' } 1'1I [ 21f(r. ) + 2 J ~ - 2(/". ) + [h" - 2(/". ll' } for round bellows for rectangular bellows A,. = Bellows effect ive area . corresponding to the mea n diameter of th e convo lutions of the Expansion Joi nt (in. 2 ). If(DJ' 4 = Cross sectional mcmi area of one reinforcement fastener (in. 2). A" = Internal area of pipe (in. ~ ). AI Ar - C ru!:os st:l.:liunal metal area of o ne bellows reinforc ing member (in. ~ ). AI(' = Cross sect ional mctal area of one langent collar (in. 1 ), 8, Factor used in specific design calculations to rela te toroida l bellows convolut ion segment behavior 10 a simpl e strip bea m. B) = Facto r used in spec ific design ca lculations to re late toroida l bellows convolution segmenl behavior 10 a simp le strip beam. Factor used in specific design calculations to rela te toroidal bellows convol ution segment 8J behavior to a simpl e strip beam. Cu = 2.0 when tange nt is full y supp0rled against the pressure. 1.5 when tange nt is not fu ll y supported aga insl lhe pressure . C,. = Factor used to account for curvature of tangent co llar. = - 0.2431 + 0.016811, + 0.302411; CII = Factor used in spec ific des ign calcul at ions to re late U-shaped be ll ows convol ution segment behavior to a simple strip beam. = Factor used in specific design calculations to relate U-shaped bellows convolut ion segment behavior lO a simple stri p beam. Cm = Material strength factor at temperatures below the creep range. = 1.5 for bellows in the annealed conditi on (without cold work ). = 1.5 Y.m( 1.5 mi n., 3.0 max .) for be ll ows in the as- fo nned condi tion (w ith cold work) . e, Cp = Factor used in spec ific design calcul ations to re late U-shaped be ll ows convo lution segment be hav ior to a simple strip beam. Cr = Convo lution height factor. 03- ( C., C,I' 1-6 100 0.6P '~ )' + 320 Stress concentration factor derived from manufacturer's fatigue test results. It is a function of comer configuration and weld joint efficiency. Stress concentrati on factor deri ved from manufacturer's fatigue test results. It is a function of the effect of app! i~d pressure. . C Expansion Joinl !\·Ianufaclurers Association. Inc. Ww\\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. c" = Co Long itudinal weldjoillt efficiency factor from applicable code. Subscripts b. c, f . p and rdenote the bellows. reinforce ment co llar. fastener. pipe. and reinforc ing ring material, respectively. Column instability press ure reduct ion factor based on initial angular rotation . 0.1 157°" if 110 concurrent lateral deflection is present. 1 if concurrent lateral deflect ion is present. Dh = D( Inside diameter of cylindrical tangent and bellows convoluti ons (in.). Mean diameter of bellows tangent reinforcing co ll ar (in.). D,. + 2m + I ,. 0; Pipe inside diameter (in.). Mean diameter of bellows convolutions (i n.). DIo +U'+11f for"U'·profile . Dm Dr = Mean diameter of reinforcing ring (in.). E = Modulus of Elasticity at design temperature, unless otherwise specified, for material (psi.). Subscripts b, c. f, p and r denote the bellows, reinforcement collar, fastener, pipe and rt:i nfun.: illg ring lIIalt:l-iai , n::!:Ipt:clivdy. F = Axia l force req uired Fu = F<: =' 10 move a single convo lution axially the amount of e, (Ibs.). Axial force at the end oflhe convo luted lengt h of an Expansion Joint resulting from axial deflection x (lbs.). Ax ial force per tangent collar gusset (Ibs.). _1- [0.25;r(D", 1 ", _ Dn ~ )p + e,./". ] below the creep range. 0.25lfP(Dm-' D,,-, ).111 tle I creep range. 11~ G H Modulus of Rigidity at design temperature for material (psi). Resultant total internal pressure force acting on the bellows and reinforcement (Ibs.). PD,,// H, = Hold time at temperature between cycles (hours). / = Moment of inertia of rectangular bellows convoluted cross-section (in ~ ). N 1(2".-'1)' [ 1(U'-2,. N III [ 1" K2 = ~8 .] + 0.4'11(".- 0.2'1)- for "U" profile. )' ,j4(u·-2,. )'+ ('1- 4 ,.)' 12 '" WI +1.61"1(11"-0.71" m 'J r for "V" profile. III Moment of inertia of pipe cross section (in. ~). Inplane instability factor. S. P \\ \\ \\ ( ExpanSIOn Joint Manufacture.,. Association. Inc '·7 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOlNT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO , INC K4 = (nplane instabi lity factor. ~~[:J K, = Fomling method factor. 1 fo r expanding mandrel o r roll faml ing. 0.6 for hydraulic. elaslOmeri c. o r pneumatic tube fo rmi ng. Kr = C ircumferential stress factor. The g reater of th e fo ll owing but not less tha n 1.0. e K 2(q+e )+--"-+e .• ' - - -- --'-:!"'--- where e..a nd e .. are based on ax ia l extens ion concurrent wilh pressure P. 2q e 2(q-eA)+ :. +e, ----~~,,'--- where e.r and e" are based on ax ial com press ion concurrent with pressure P. 2q Shape facto r for cross section (see Table III ). NU'[ /(H' - 2r )J4(H'-2r )' +(q-4r )' ] • - +3.14161' /( ... -0.72681' ) for rectangular bell ows 21 ~ ~. K = Overall bellows spri ng ra le (lh.lin.). .V = J, N KI/ = Factor es tablishi ng relatio nship between eq uivalent axia l displace ment per convo luti on due 10 latera l deflect io n and the rati o Lu 1(2L,,). Kllm = Factor fo r detemlining the mo ment reaction fo r a un iversal ex pansio n j o int with angu lar rota ti on about O ll i! end . 00 958R . 123+1 ' " """ 2.9359 + Ru 115~~ K"o Factor for detcmlin ing the moment and equivalen l axial movement for a un iversal expansion joint with angular rotation about onc end. -0.6042 + 2R 1.15911 ." 039 14+R . . Kin' = "S911 Factor fo r detennini ng the lateral force for a universa l ex pansion joint with angular rotation aOOUi one end. , 0.7713(1.2876)' R. ''''''' K tl Angular rotation internal pressure effect factor. e(lCp e.C" +0.15'1;; = I if Co = I 1-" if Co < I .c: Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. LJ, = Be ll ows convo luted length (in.). Nq L, Be llows tangent collar length (in.), L" = LCJl!!th frolll attachment we ld to the center of the first convo lution (in.). L/ = Lf = Mean length of long side of rectangular bellows (in.). Effecti ve length of on e reinforci ng ring fastener (in.). long inside length ..l- convo lution hei ght. L ml = Effective leng th of long side (in.). !:L(3L, + L, ) L nl• = 3 L, +L, Effecti ve length of short side (in.). ~( 3L, + 3 L,.) L, +L, L, Mean length ofsho11 side ofrecrangu Jar bellows (in.) sho rt inside length + convo lution height. L, = Bellows tangen t leng"l (in.). L" = Distance between o ulemlOSI ends of the convo luti ons in a universal Expansion Joint (i n.). Alu = Moment at [he ends of the convol uted length of an Expansio n Joint resuhing from lateral deflection )" , parallel to the long side (i n. Ibs.). M L, = Moment at rhe ends of the convolu ted length of an Expans ion Joint resulting from lateral deflection. )", parallel to the short side (in. Ibs.). M, = Moment at the ends of the convoluted length of an Expansion Joint resulting from lateral deflection , y, (in. Ibs.). M0 Moment at the ends of the convo luted length of an Expansion Joint resulting from angular AI I:f rotation, B, (in. Ibs.). Moment at the ends of the convoluted length of an Expansion Joint resulting from angular rotation. 8, . of tile long side (ill. Ibs.). M IA = Moment at the ends of the convoluted length of an Expansion Joint resulting from angular rutatiun,8, . ur till;:: N ~hort !:tide (in. Ibs.). = Number of convo lutions in one bellows. Nt = Fatigue life. number of cycles to failure (cycles). P = Pressure (psig.). P,I = Design pressure based on the mosl severe conditions. whether operational or test (psig.). P" = Limiting internal design pressure based on column instability (psig.). P" = Limiting design pressure based on inplane instability and local plasticity (psig.). P, = Test pressure (psig.). \NW\~ l Expansion Joint Manufacturers Associal ion. Inc. 1-9 STA DARDS OF THE EX PANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO . I C. R = Ratio of the internal pressure force resisted by the bellows to the internal pressure force resisted by the reinforcement. Use RI or . ., . R~ as designated in the eq uation s. A E, = R, for mtc!!ral remlorc1I1g members = - ' - A,. Er ~ (~+ ~) RJ for reinforcing members joined by fasteners = A, E" D", Al E, RII = ArE, ~ 2L, S., = Allowable materia l stress at design temperature, unless otherwise spec ifi ed. from th e applicable code (ps i.), Subscripts b, c. f. p and,. denotes bellows, reinforcement co llar, fastener. pipe. reinforcing member material. S. = Allowable stress of pipeIvesse I material at test temperature (psi.). S" Allowable stress of pipe/vessel material at design temperature (psi.), 51 = Yield strength al design temperature. unless otherwise determined. of the actua l bellows material after completion of bell ows fo mling and any applicable heat treatment (ps i.). O.67C.. S,.... S,-Ir = S" S lY' S,h S'R! T in.•,. Tm,u. Tmill• VL/ = = VI.>' = Yield strength at room temperature of the be ll ows materia l in the annea led condition from the applicab le code or standard reference (psi). Yi e ld strength at design temperature of the bellows material in the annea led condition from the appl icable code or standard reference (psi). Yield strength at room temperature of the actual bellows material in the annealed condition from the certified test report (psi). Installation temperature (OF). Maximum design temperature (OF). Minimum design temperature (OF). Latera l force at the ends of the convoluted length of the Expansion Joint resulting fro m lateral deflection , ."/ . in a direction pantllel to the long side (Ibs.). Lateral fo rce at the ends of the convoluted length of the Expansion Joint res ulting fro m lateral deflectio n. Y. , in a directio n parallel to the short side (Ibs.). VI = Lateral forc e at the ends of the convoluted length of the Expansion Joint resulting from lateral deflect ion , y (Ibs.). W('~ Total dead weight of the center spoo l including pipe, refractory. insu lation. attachments, and media (Ibs.) ..\'. Y.Z Lengths in coordinate directions. }'<m Yield strength multipli er = I + 9.94·1 O-'(Kr Er) - 7.59· 1O~(K, til' - 2.4 · I0"'(Kr Er)' + 2.21 · 1O-'(K, E,)' for austeniti c stainless steel I + 6.S·IO-'(K, Er) - 9. 11·1 O~(Kr G{)' + 9.73·1 O"( K r EI)' - 6.43·1 O-'(K, G,)' fo r nickel alloys = I for other matenals. HIgher val ues may be used if supported by test data. Z, Scction modulus of langem co llar about the neutral axis in the lateral direction (in. J) . l~ Expansion Joint rvlanufa.cluren. A:losocmtlOn. lne. ww~ .cj STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. e = Total equ iva lent axial movement per convolution (in.). e, Equi\'alcnt axial compression per convolution (in.). Equivalent axial extension per cOll vol ution (in.). Axial movement per convolution resulting from imposed axial movement. x. This e er t• movement may be measured as compression or extension (in.). e , = Axial movement e,-I = Axial movement deflection. )'. in en = Axial movement deflection. )'. in e t} per convo lution resulting from imposed lateral deflection. y (in.), per convo lution for a rectangular bellows resulting from im posed lateral a direction parallel with the long side (in.). per convolution for a rectangular bellows resulting from imposed lateral a direction parallel with rhe shall side (in.). = Axial movement per convolution resulting from imposed angular rDiarion. {} (in.) e ll} Axial movement per convolution for a rectangular bellows resulting from imposed angular eo, = rotation. e. in a direction parallel with the long side (in.). Axial movement per convolution for a rectangular bellows resulting from imposed angular II = J~, rotation. e. in a direction parallel with [he short side (in.). Bellows theoretical initial axial elastic spring rare per convo lution (lb '/in. of movement per convolution). Subscripts 11.1",1 denote unreinforced. reinforced. and toroidal be llows respectively. Bellows working spring rate (lb./ in. of movement per convolution). = f, for 51:::; I.SS, ~ O.67j; for 5, > 1.55, = Acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft. / sec.:! ). k = A facror which considers the stiffening effect of the attachment weld and the end convolution g n I1g q ,. rill I, on the pressure capacity of the bellows tangent. L ;.;:;-: If k ~ I . use k ~ I 1.5"'1/ D"I = Number of bellows material plies of thickness. ,. = Number of equally spaced gussets per tangent collar. Convolution pitch. the distance between corresponding points of any two adjacent convoluiions in a bellows (in.). Mean radius of toroidal bellows convolution (in.). = Mean radius of bellows convolution (in.). Bellows nomin'al material thickness of one ply (in.). Bellows tangent reinforcing collar material thickness (in.). I . . O.778t ( NQ+2LI )' Note: . If tangent IS fully supported against the pressure. sel L, = 0 Nw 1 p ~ Bellows material thickness for one ply. corrected for thinning during fonning (in.). jf, 1 - D. For rectangular expansion join! rails. Velocity of media flow (ft .lsec.). Convolution heighl (see Figure 4.19 and 5.9) (in.). Applied axial movement in compression or extension (in.) . 1 \' = = U' x = \\ \\ ...: Expansion Jomt ManufaclUre~ Association. Inc. I-II STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC . \. = Applied later31 deflection (in.). Bellows bea m mode deflection due to pressure at the center of long span and mid-point of bellows li ve length (in.). .1'''",." = Be llows beam mode deflection due to pressure at the center of short span and mi d-point of bellows li ve length (in.). .1" = App lied lateral deflection in a direction parallel wi th the long side (in.) . ) ' ~ Appli ed lateral deflection in a direction parallel with the short side (in.). a illpiane instability stress interaction factor. 1+20' +(1- 20' + 40')'·' )'b",' = .. o Inplane instability stress ratio. K, 3K, e( = Be llows fonning strain (%). For bellows fonned from tubes wi th an inside diameter of D" e e, e, e., e. e" App li ed angular rotation per individual bell ows (radians). Ang le ofrotatioll for an unrestra ined center spool (radian s). App lied angular rotation per indi vidual bellows in a planc paraUel with the lo ng side (radians ). Maximum angu lar rotation from straight posil ion (radians). Applied angular rotation per individual bellows in a pl ane parallel with the short side (radians). Angle of the uni versal ex pansion joil]( centerline with respect 10 horizontal (radians). Ratio of design pressure to critical pressure. PN 2 q -'-'-'-"- for unrcinforced bell ows. O.764lfi.. PN' q O.675lfj:, for reinforced bellows PN'r 11 for toroidal bellows. O.338;rj;, Poisson ' s Ratio. ~ Expansion Joi nt Manufact urers ASSOCiatIOn. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. SECTION 2- SELECT IO ' AND AP PLICATIONS 2.1 SELECTION OF EXPANS I ON JOI NTS The first step in the selection of Expansion Joints is to choose rcmative locations for the pipe anchors. Any piping system, regardless of its complexity. can be divided into a number of individual expanding pipe sections having relatively simple configurations (ie: straight runs. ttL" shaped bends. "Z" shaped bends and other means). by means of anchors. The number of pipe anchors selected. as well as their locations. will depend upon the piping configuration. the amounr of expansion which can be accommodated by a single Expansion Joint. the availability of structural members suitable for lise as anchors. the local ion of various pipe fittings. the location of connected equipment. the location of branch connections and other considerations. The major pieces of connec ted equipment such as turbines. pumps. compressors. heat exchangers, reactors. and similar devices can be considered as anchors in most application s. It is usually necessary to supplement these equipment anchor points by locating additional anchors at valves. at changes in the direction of the pipe. at blind ends of pipe and at major branch connections. It is generally advisable to start out with the assumption that the use of single and double Ex pansion Joints in straight axial movement wi ll provide the sim plest and most economical layout. unless there are obvio us advantages to be gained from another approach. After the anchor points have been tentativel y located. the resulting pipe configurations should be reviewed to detennine whether they conform 10 the standard pipe sections shown in Sections 2.2 and 2.10. At this point. cons ideration shou ld be given to the relative merits of systems utilizing si ngle and double Expansion Joints for axial movement only. as opposed to those.utilizing universal. pressure balanced. hinged and gimbal Expansion Joints. A final decision on anchor locations and the types of Expansion Joints to be used can only be made after a comparison of various alternative solutions. Cost. the ability 10 comp ly w ith cyclic life and force req uirements. space restrictions, and similar items should be considered. The next step is to calcu late the actual change in length of each leg of each individual pipe sect ion due to temperature changes. The minimum and installation temperatures are assumed to be 70° F unless otherwise specified. An allowance, added by the system designer. should then be included in the actual calculated movements to account for the following possibilities: (a) The minimum and/or installation temperatures used in the design calculations may have been based on the erroneous assumption that the metal temperature of the pipe is the sa me as the ambient temperature. (b) During erection of the piping. it may be necessary to relocate some of the anchor points because of construction problems encountered at the job si te. (e) During operation the system may be subject to 3 different temperature range than the designer anticipated. panicularly during stan-up. Refer 10 Appendix J Example J 1 for a sample calculation. (' Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Inc. 2-1 STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC 2.2 SELECT IO N FOR AX IA L MO V EM ENT ON LY (For an explanation of the symbols used in the diagrams. refer to Appendix 8.) MA ~IDIF:~:~-G~:G~~--l MA GI G2 e FIGURE 2.1 Figure 2.1 typifies good prac tice in the use of a single Expansion Joint to absorb ax ial pipe li ne expansion. Note rhe use of one Expansion 10int between two mai n anchors (MA), the neamess of the Expans ion Joint to an anchor, the closeness orthe fi rst al ignment guide (G 1), the spac ing between the firsl alignment guide and the second a lignment guide (G2). and the spacing ofintenned iate gu ides (G) along the ba lance of the line. See Figures 2.30 and 2.31 , and/or eq uation (2-7). MA - -- -- -G G2 G GI IA -- -- -- -GI G2 G G MA FIGURE 2.2 Figure 2.2 typ ifies good practice in the use ofa double Ex pansion Joim to absorb axial pipe line expansion. ote the addition of the intemlediate anchor (IA) which, in conjunction with the two main anchors. divides the pipe line into individual expanding sections, so that there is only one Expansion Joint between any two anchors. Note also the closeness of the first alignment guide (G I ) to each Expansion Joint, the spacing between the first a li gnment guide and the second alignment guide (G2) and the spacing of inrennediare guides (G) along the balance of each pipe section. Sec Figures 2.30 and 2.31 and/or eq uation (2 -7). 2-2 ~, Expansion Joint Manufacturers ASSociation. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 1 " IG' 1 1GI - MA G G G2 -GI GI G2 G G MA FIGURE 2.3 FIgure 2.3 typifies good practice in th e use of Expansion 10 int s to absorb axial pipe line expansion in a pipe line with a branch connection. The anchor al the j unction, which in this case is a tee. is a main anchor (MA) designed to absorb the thrust fro m the Expansion Joint in the branch line. Note the nearness of each Expansion 10int to an anchor. the closeness of each first alignment guide (G I). the spac ing between the first alignment guide and the second alignment guide (G2) and the spacing of intermediate guides (G) along the balance of each pipe section. See Figures 1.30 and 2.3 1 and/or equat ion (2-7). MA -- -- -G G2 GI MA -- -- -GI G2 MA G FIGURE 2.4 Figure 2.4 typIfies good practice in the use of Expansion Joint s to absorb axial pipe line expansion in a pipe line containing a reducer. The anchor at the reducer is a main anchor (MA) designed to absorb the difference III the thrusts of the Expansion J01l1ts on each side of the reducer. l'ote the nearness of each ExpanSIOn JOlllt to an anchor. the closeness of each first alignment guide (G I). the spacing between the first align ment guide and the second alignment guide (G2) and the spacing of intennediate guides (G) along (he balance of each pipe section. See Figures 2.30 and 2.31 and:or equation (2-7). \\ \\ \\ , ( Expansion Joint ManufllclUrer.. Association. Inc STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSIO, JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. I C. M' G G ~: - 2> - '" -;:,..:: G F -G1 Gl "' FIGURE 2.5 Figure 2.5 shows the application ofa sing le Expansion Joi nt to a pipe line containing an offset. It shou ld be noted that app li cations of thi s type arc not usuall y recolllmended and will pcrfonn sati sfactoril y only within certain lim its. As in Figure 2.1. the line is provi ded wi th main anchors at eac h end to absorb the pressure. movement loading, and guide fri ction. Where the line conta ins an offset. thi s load must first be transmitted through the offset leg. resu hing in a moment on the piping. Where the line size is smai L the offset appreciable, or where the pressure and movemen t fo rces are relatively high, this configurati on may result in over-stressing, or distortion of the piping and gu ides. Note the nearness of the Expan sion Joint to an anchor (MA). the closeness of the first alignment gu ide (G I). the spacing between the first alignment gu id e and the second alignment guide (G2) and the spacing of intermediate guides (G) along the balance of the line. Guides should be installed near both ends of the offset leg to minimi ze the effects of the bending moment on the system. For spacing of other guides, see guide chart Figure 2.3 i , an(Vor equati on (2-7). IA FIGURE 2.6 Figure 2.6 typifies good practice in the use of a pressure balanced Expans ion Joinl to absorb axial pipe line expansion. ote that the Expansion Joint is located at a change in direction of the piping and that the elbow and the end of the pipe line are sec ured by internledi ate anchors. Since the pressure thrust is absorbed by the Expansion J01l11 itself, and only the forces required to deflect the Expansion Joim are imposed 011 the pipi ng. a minimum of guiding is required. Frequently, directional gu iding adjacent to the Ex pansion Joint . as shown. may suffice. in long. small-diameter pipe lines, add itiona l gu iding may be necessary. (. expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Ill":. WW\\ ...:jula.ul g STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. -~x I' G - §liIlaa - G }I G - ~-3G \_U J' FI GURE 2.7 Fi gure 2.7 shows the use of an in-line pressure ba lanced Expansion Joints to absorb axial pipe li ne movements in a long. straight piping run. By utilizing this arrangement the two anchors s hown Hre relieveci of pressure loading and are rle!o>igned as intennedia le anchors . Since the piping is rel ieved of compressi ve pressure loading. a mi nimu m of guiding is req uired. primarily to direct the thenna! expansion of the piping into the Expansion Joints in an ax ial direction. MA C INE I --+-IA I FI GU RE 2.8 Figure 1.8 typifies good practice in the use of a pressure balanced Expansion Joint to absorb the thennal expansion of equipment such as nlrbines, pumps, compressors. etc. Tbe primary fu nction of the Expansion Joint is [0 minimize loading upon the equipment casing. Note that only an intennediate anchor is required at the change of piping direction and that, if the Expansion Joint is located immediately adjacent to the machine. no guiding is required. Care should be taken to provide suffic ient flexibility in both the flow be ll ows and the balancing bellows, so that the forces required to compress the Expansion Joint do not exceed loading limits for the equipment as es tablished by the equipmem manufacturer. See Section 2.6 for further infomlation. 2.3 SE LE CTION FOR LATERAL DEFLECTION, ANGULAR ROTATION AND COMBINED MOVEMENTS The selection and proper app li cation of Expansion Joints for late ra! deflection. angular rotation and combined movements. invol ves the evaluat ion of a number of va riables. These can include the piping configuration, the operating conditions. desired cyclic life. load limitations upon piping and equipment, and available su pponing structure. In some cases, two or more types of Expansion Joints may be suitable for a particular application. The selection then becomes purely an economic one. More frequently one or the other of the available designs possesses ul1Ique characteristics which make il particularly suitab le for a given application. ~ E.\pansion Joint Manufacturers Associalion. Inc. :!-5 STAN DARDS O F THE EXPA SIO ' JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO , I C. 2.4 APPLI C ATIONS US ING SINGLE EXPANS ION JO IN T S '" ~ -- - OM' Gl G2 G G MA G FI GU RE 2.9 The single Ex pansion Joint is usua ll y considered first for any application because it offers the lowest Expansion Joint cost. Figure 2.9 shows a typica l application of a single Expansion Joint absorbing combined ax ial movement and lateral deneclion . The system closely resembles the arra ngements shown for axia l movement on ly in the preceding section. The Expansion Joint is located at one end of the long piping leg with main anchors a l each end and guides properl y spaced for both move ment control and protection of the pipin g against buckl ing. The anchor al the len end oftbe line is a direct ional main anchor (DMA ) which. while absorbing the ma in anchor loading in the direction of the Expansion Joint axi s, permits the rhemlal expansion of th e short piping leg to act upon the Ex pansion Joint as latera l defl ection. Beca use the main anchor load ing exists onl y in the piping segmcnI containing the expansion joint. the anchor al the end of the shorter piping leg is an intennediate a nchor. 2-6 (" Expansion Joint M!lIlUfadUl'cl 1> A:.1>rn:ialiun. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. FIGURE 2.10 Figure 2.10 shows an alternate arrangemcm in which the Expansion Joint is installed in the shon piping leg and the principal expansion is absorbed as lateral deflection. The longer piping leg is free of compressive pressure loading and requires only an intemlcdiate anchor and direclional guiding. The functions of the directional main anchor imd the pipe guide may be combined in a single device . , m ~ IA , POSITION FIGURE 2.1 I \\ "'''\ c Expans ion Joint Manufacturers Assoc iation. Inc. STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS AS OCIATION.INC. IA COLD POS it iON CENTERLINE [COLD SPRING J HOT POSITION CENTERLINE ""' NEUTRAL POSITION CENTERLINE FIGURE 2.12 Fi gures 2.1 1 and 2.12 represent modifications of Figure 2.10 in which the main anchors at either end of th e Expansion Joi nt are replaced by ti e rods. Where the piping confi guration penniLS, the use af tie rods adj usted to prevent ax ial movemen t freq uently simplifies and reduces the cost of the insta llation. Because of these tie rods, the Expansion Jo int is not capable of absorbing any axial movement other than its own th emlal expansion. The thermal expansion of the pipi ng in the shorter leg is. as a result. imposed as de fl ection on the longer piping leg. Where the longer piping leg is not suffic ientl y fl exib le and where the di mension of the shorter leg is suitabl e. tie rods may be installed spann ing the entire short leg so that no deflecti on is imposed on the longer run from th is source. Where apprec iable amounts of lateral deflecti on are Imposed upon the Ex pansion Joint. some shortening of the Expansio n Joint resul ts from the di splacement of the tie rods as shown in Figure 2.1 1. Care should be taken to insure that sufficient piping flexibility ex ists to absorb this deflection and tha t adeq uate clearances are provided in the guide to permi t deflection of the piping. The amo unt of thi s deflection can be minimized by cold springing the Expansion Jo int in the latera l direction as shown in Figure 2. 12. The principal restri ction upon the usc of single Expansio n Joints for lateral deflection or combined axia l movement and lateral defl ection is the lim ited amount of lateral deflection whi ch such an Ex pansion Joint can absorb. The allowa ble lateral de flection is direct ly proportiona l to the ratio of convo luted length to diameter which. in turn. is restricted by considerations of stabili ty and manufacturing li mitations. While eminently suitable fo r applications such as Figure 1.9 where the principal mOvement is axial. the re lative ly sma ll avai lable laleral movement severely li mits the type of appl icati on illustrated in Figures 2.10. 2. 11 and 2.12. Where operating pressures and tempeT3tures arc high. or where avail ability of suitable structures precludes the use of main anchors and multiple g uides. the applicat ion shown in Fi gure 2.9 m~y no! be fe~sible and another type of Expansion Joint may result in far morc economical installation. 2.5 APPL I CATI ONS US I NG UNI VE RSAL EXPANSI ON J O I NTS The uni versal Expansion Joint is particularly we ll adapted to the absorption of lateral de flection. In additio n. thi s design may be used to absorb ax ial movement, angu lar rotation or any combination of the three. A common app li cation of the universal Expansion Joint is its usc as a tied Expansion Joint in a 90 degree piping offset with the tie rods adjusted to prevent external axia l movement. Two slich applications are shown in Figures 2. 13 and 2. 14. 2-8 1'1 Expansion Joim Manufacturer:. A:,sUl:i:.tliuli. 1m'. STANDARDS OFT HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. ,. PG -E$(~1- PG ,. FIGURE 2.13 Figure 2.13 shows a tied universal Expansion Joint used to absorb lateral deflection in a single plane "Z" bend. Where dimensionally feasible, the Expansion Joint should be designed to filllhe entire offset leg so that its expansion is absorbed within the tie rods as axial movement. The tie rod should be extended to the e lbow cenler line when practical. The thermal movement of the horizomallines is absorbed as latera l deflection by the Expansion Joint. Both anchors are intemlcdiarc anchors since the pressure loading is absorbed by the lie rods. Only directional guiding is required since the compress ive load on the pipe consists only oflhe force necessary to deflect the Expansion Joint. Any themlal expansion of the offset leg external to the tie rods. such as that of the elbows at either end. must be absorbed by bending of the horizontal pipe legs. Provision should be made in the design of the guides to allow for both this deflection and the reduced length of the Expansion joint in its deflected position. In addition, particularly in tbe case oflong universal Expansion Joints under high pressure, additional allowance may be necessary to compensate for stretching of the tie rods under load. The Expansion Joint manufacturer shou ld be consu hed for recommended minimum guide clearances. \\'\1, \\ (; Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 2·9 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. INC. FIGURE 2. 14 Fi gure 2.14 shows <l typical applicat ion of a tied universal Expansion Joint in a three-plane "Z" bend. Since the uni versal Expansion Joint can absorb lateral deflection in any direction. the two horizontal piping legs may lie at any angle in the horizontal plane. T PROCESS VESSEL PROCESS VESSEL I FIGURE2.IS In cases where a universal Expansion loint must absorb axial movement other than its own themlal growth. il cannot function as a tied Expansion Juint and mllst be used in comb inati on with main anchors to absorb pressure loading . :,t-IO .'f' Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. !nc. WW\\ . ..:jlll:.i.urg STAN DARDS OF T HE EXPAN SION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC One slIch case is shown in Figure 1. 15. The relati ve expans ion between the two vessels results in bo th axial movement and lateral defl ection on the Ex pan sion Joint. Both vesse ls must be designed to absorb main anchor loading. Control rods or pantographic linkages may be used to distribute the movement between the be ll ows and cont rol their movements. Numerous variati ons are possible in the des ign of uni versa l Expansion Joims. Rods. pantographic linkages. sloned hinges or extcmal structural members may be used in a horizontal install ation. fo r exampl e. where il is desirable to support the center pipe section of tile Expansion Joint independently of the be llows. In a single pl ane system. the rods may be replaced by I\VO bars with pinned connections at either end ofthc Expansion Joint. This construction is so common ly used that it has been given the standard nomencl ature of "Swing Fx pan ~ i o n Joint"_ In some cases I\vo sets of short control rods. each set spanni ng one of the I\vO bell ows in the universa l Expan sion Joint are used instead of thc overall rods shown in m ost of the illustra tions. This arrangement is frequentl y used where the Expansion Joint must absorb ax ial movemel1l and wh ere the control rods are used for conrrol and stability and not fo r absorpti on of pressure loading. This can result when the uni versa l Expansion Joint is very long in re lation to its diameter, or a large number of convoluri ons are used al each be llows of th e Expansion Joint. or where the Expan sion Joint is subject to ex ternal forces. FIGLRE 2.16A FIGURE 2.168 It may be desirable to incorporate control devices in the Expansion Joint to pre\'cnt excessive displacement of the be ll O\vs and the relatively free pipe section between them. Figures 2.16A and 2.168 show 1\\'0 torms of conlro ls which may be used for thiS purpose. In Figure 2.16A. short rods are used spanning each of rhe bellows in the Expansion Joint. Stops are provided on the rods so that. once the Expansion Joint has reached irs rated lateral deflec tion. the stops will be engaged by members rigidly fastened to the pipe ponions of the Expansion Joint. Figure 2.168 shows a similar device adapted to an Expansion Joint with overall rods. The rod stops are engaged by a plate or lug attached to the center pipe portion and movemenl of (hi s part beyond its de sign deflection is restrained. in order to obtain maximum control from these devices. the stops are usually oriented to lie in the plane of resultant movement of the Expansion Joint. affording maximum leverage as well as greater sensitivity to small movement. Devices of W-", ( E-..:pansion Joint Manufacturers AsS()Ciation. Inc. 2-1 1 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC this nature are usually furnished by the manufacturer dependent upon the design characteristics of the Expansion Joint. Despite the versat ili ty of tile uni versal Expansion Joint, its use is sometimes precluded by the configuration of the piping. the operating conditions or even by manufacturing and transportation limitations. It may be undesirable or impossible to fabricate, sh ip to the job site and install a unive rsal Expans ion Joint which would span the full length of the offsct where. for example. the length of the offset leg in a "Z" bend is extremely long. When the Expansion Joint is very long in relat'ion to its diameter. the nexibility of overall rods may reduce the effectiveness of the control so that the. center pipe sec tion becomes unstable. Other types of Expansion Joints may ofTer a more desirable solution when such limits are encountered. 2. 6 APPLICATI ONS US I NG PRESS URE BALANCE D EXPANSI ON JOI NT S The pressure balanced Expansion Joint is used most frequent ly in applications similar to those shown for the si ng le Expansion Joint. but where pressure loading upon piping or equipment is considered excessive or objectionab le. The major adva ntage of the pressure balanced design is its ability to absorb externally imposed axia l movement without imposing pressure loading on the system. The force resulting from the bellows spring rate is not eliminated. In fact. it is usua lly increased over that ofa single Expansion Joi nt. since both the flow bellows and the balancing bellows must be compressed or elongated and the combined axial force acts upon the piping or equipment. Since the forces to move the bellows are generally of a low order of magnitude, these are usually not objectionable. except in cases involving extre mely light equipment with c lose clearance moving part s which might be affected by small force s. G 14 TURBINE 14 FIGURE 2.17 Figure 2.17 shows a typ ical application of a pressure balanced Expansion Joint for combined axia l movement and lateral deflection. Both the anchor at the end of the piping run and thai on the turbine are intenllcd iate anchors and only directional guiding is required. By proper design. the guide directly above the turbine can be made to absorb the axial movement forces of the Expansion Joint witho ut imposing these on the turbine. The only force Imposed on the turbine is thai which is required to deflect the Expansion Joint laterali y. 2- 12 t Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Inc. WW\\ .t:jm:L.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA TION, INC. IA ----- * --,TURBINE A FIGURE 2.18 Figure 2.18 shows another turbine application but. in this case. the anchor point of the turbine is located some distance from (he Expansion Joint and the expansion of the tu rbine between its anchor and the Expansion Joint is absorbed as lateral deflection. An intermediate anchor is used at the cenler fitt ing of the Expansion Joint. Since the Expansion Joinl is located close to the turbine. guiding be'"...een the turbine and Expansion Joint is not required. -E-)IA.( G FIGURE 2.19 Figure 2.19 shows that a pressure balanced Expansion Joint can be used at changes in direction other than 90 degrees. In this case, the growth of the longer piping run is absorbed as axial movement on the Expansion Joint. while the thennal expansion of the offset piping run Introduces both axial and lateral components or deflection on the Expansion Joint. Only intemlediate anchors are required at the ends of the lines and directional guiding is used. The guide on the offset run may be used to absorb the axial mo\ement forces of the Expansion Join!. iflhe plpmg is not sufficiently stiff to transmit this directly 10 the intennediate anchor. \\ V. \\ .I! (, E:<pansion Joint Manufacturers AssociatIOn. Inc. 1·13 STAN DA RD S OF TH E EXPANSION JOI T MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. FIGURE 2.20 Figure 2.20 shows a common application for wh ich a pressure balanced Expansion Joint is well su ited. Under vari ous process conditions, the vessel and the vertical pipe may expand at differen t rates. By installing a pressure ba lanced Expansion Joint as shown. the differential verti cal movement is absorbed as ax ial movement on the Expansion Joint and the thermal ex pansion from th e center line of the process vessel to the piping is absorbed as lateral defl ection . The piping may then be secured by an in tenncd iate anchor at the bottom and furnished with a direct ional guide adj acent to the Expansion Joint. In many cases. no external structure is avai labl e at the upper elevation of the process vessel and the guide must be connected to the vessel itse lf. Using thi s alT3ngement may result in some bending load upon the pipi ng. especiall y where the vessel is mil and is subject to wind loading de fl ection or similar effects. Where the guide is attached to a rigid external structure. the Expansion Joint must be designed to absorb wind loadin g deflection. and ot ber similar load ing. as latera l deflecti on. FIGURe 2.2 1 Where large amounts of lateral deflection are Invo lved. a pressure balanced universal Expansion Joint must be used. In this design. two bellows are used in the flow end of the Expansion Joint and a single bellows in th e balancing end. Nonna lly. as shown in Figure 2.2 1, the balancing :! 14 .c E:l:punsion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. w,. . \\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. bellows will be s ubjected on ly to axial movement if the tie rods are properly designed to rOlate or pivot at theiT attachment points. In order for a pressure ba lanced Expansion Joint to function properly_ the pressure thrust restrained by the tie rods must exceed the axialmovcmcnt forces of the Expansion Joint. In a large diameter. low pressure applicarion. it may be impossible to utilize the pressure balanced Expansion Joint 10 eliminate the pressure loading or. at best. the effect may be uncertain. In such cases. some other Expansion Joint design must be considered. Pressure balanced Expansion Joints are not recommended for use in services where the pressure equalizing connection between the fl ow bellows and the balancing bellows may become plugged or blocked by the flowing medium or by contaminants _ Where flow considerations pemliL rhis problem may be overcome by the use of a tee as a center fitting of the Expansion Joint. rather than an e lbow. In some cases. the pressure for the balancing end of the Expansion Joint has been introduced from a separate pressure source. but thi s is considered somewhat hazardous. A control failure or even a slow control response mighl result in partial or full pressure loading being imposed upon the piping or equipment, thus overcoming the initia l reason for using the pressure balanced Expansion Joint. The pressure balanced Expansion Joint is used to relieve loads on equipment such as pumps, compressors and turbines. In many cases, the cost of the pressure balanced Expansion Joint will be negligible when compared to the cost of additional equipment. piping and building space which would be necessary for safe functioning of the equipment without the Expansion Joint. 2.7 APPLICATIONS US ING I·IINGED EXPANSION JOINTS Hinged Expansion Joints are usua lly used in sets of two or three. to absorb lateral deflection in one or more directions in a single plane piping system. Each individual Expansion Joint in such a system is restric ted to pure angular rotation by its hinges. Each pair of hinged Expansion Joints. separated by a segmen t of piping, will act in unison to absorb latei'dl deflection in much the same manner as a swing or universal Expansion Joint in a single plane application. For a given angular rotation of the individual Expansion Joints. the amount oflateral deflection which a pair of hinged Expansion Joints can absorb is directly proportional (Q the distance between their hinge pins. In order to utilize the Expansion Joints most efficiently, thi s distance should be made as large as possible. Expansion Joint hinges are nonnally designed to absorb the full pressure thrust of the Expansion Joint and may be designed to support the weight of piping and equipment. wind loads or similar externally applied forces. Where such external forces are anticipated. their direction and magnitude must be indicated to the Expansion Joint manufacturer so that the hinges can be adequately designed to withstand these forces. wv.,\\ C Expansion Joint ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. 2·15 STANDARDS DF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC. FIGURE 2.22 Figure 2.22 illustrates the use of a two-hinge system to absorb the major themlal expan sions in a single-plane "Z" bend. Since the pressure thrust is absorbed by the hinges 011 the Expansi on 10ints. only intermed iate anchors arc required at each end of the piping syste m. The thennal expa nsion of the offset section containing the Expansion 10ints must be absorbed by bending of the piping legs perpendicular to that segment, si nce the Expansion 10ints are restTicted to pure angu lar rotation by their hinges and ca nnot ex tend or compress. The amount of bend ing deflection imposed on each of the two long piping legs may be controll ed by proper design of guides and supports. Where one long leg is sufficiently flexibl e to absorb the fu ll thennal growth of the offsct leg, the other long leg may bc controlled to pemlit longitudinal movement only. The planar guides shown at the ends of the long piping runs near the e lbows are intended to maintain the plane of the piping system only and mu st allow for the bending deflections of the long piping legs. In calc ulating guide clearances, consideration shall be given to the fact that the themlal expans ion of the offset piping leg containing the Expansion Joints will be partially offset by the reduction in length resulting from the displacement of the center pipe sect ion. The latter effect may be neglected only where the distance between hinge pins is very large and the lateral displacement small. This effect can be minimi zed by cold springing the Expansion Joints 50% of the full rated deflection. Because of the ability of the hinges to transmit loads, support ofa hinged piping system can frequent ly be simplifi ed. Assuming that Figure 2.22 is an elevation view and that the upper piping leg is su fficiently flexible to absorb the total expansion of the vertical leg, it would be possib le to use s liding supports on the lower horizontal run to support its weight and restrict it to longitudinal movemen t only. By utilizing the rigidi ty of the hinges. a substantial portion of the weight of the upper horizolltalleg may also be carried 0 11 these lower supports. It should be noted that the slid ing supports nearest the vertical leg must be desib'11ed to resist the forc e required to deflect the piping. Spring su pports must be lIsed throughout the length of the upper horizontal leg w here bending occurs. Beyond that point, s liding supports may be used . 2- 16 C' Expansion Joint Manufac turers Associalion. Inc. STANDA RDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATIO .INC. \ \ \ \ \ \ PG \ \ \ \\ \ pROCESS = \ \. FIGURE 2.23 In locating hinged Expansion Joints for more efficient use. it should be noted that the hinges need not be co-linear in order to function properly. Figure 2.23 illustrates a two-hinge Expansion Joint system similar 10 the pressure balanced Expansion Joint application of Figure 2.20. In this case, the Expansion Joi11ls will absorb only the differential vertical growth between the vessel and pipe riser. Any horizontal movement due to piping expansion. vibration and wind loads will be absorbed by bending of the vertical pipe leg. A planar guide may be installed near the top of the vessel to protect the hinged Expansion Joints from wind loads at right angles 10 the plane of the piping. The anchor shown at the bottom of the riser is an intennediate anchor only. since the pressure load is absorbed by the Expansion Join! binges. This anchor must be capable of withstanding the forces created by bending of the riser. Depending upon the dimensions and weight of the piping system, complete support may be obtained from the process vessel and from the intemlediate anchor. If additional supports are required, spring type supports should be used. The vertical piping may be cold spru ng to reduce bending stresses. utilizing the hinges to withstand the cold spring force. Where the piping in a sing le plane system is not sufficiently flexible to absorb the bending deflections ilwolved in a two hinge system. or where the loads resulting from such bending exceed the allowable limits for connected equipmenl. a system of three hinged Expansion Joints may be used. Figure 2.2-t illustrates a system of three hinged Expansion Joints in a single plane "Z" bend. The thennal expansion of the offset piping section is absorbed by tbe action of Expansion Joints Band C. It is therefore evident that Expansion Joint B must be capable of absorbing the total of the rotations of Expansion Joints A and C. \\ \\ \\ ( Expansion Joint Manuraclurer:s Association. Inc. 2-17 STANDARDS OF T H E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. INC. © ® ~';~~~'E» CIA FI GU RE 2.24 As in the previolls cases. the anchors al the ends of the piping system are in lemlcdialc anchors only_ In this case. a ll de flection is absorbed by the Expansion Joints and negligible pipe bending loads will be imposed upon these anchors. Where the distance between the anchor at the left and the fi rst hi nged Expansion Joint C is large. a pipe guide should be insta ll ed adjacen t to the Ex pansion 10int. as shown in Fi gure 2.24. This pipe guide w ill min imi ze bending of the pipe section between Expansion 10i nt C and the left hand anchor which might otherwise result fro m the momen t required to r Olate the Expansion Joint. One or morc add itiona l guides may be used to maintain the plane 'Of the piping system and re li eve th e hinges of bending forces which may be crea ted by externa l loads. Support of the piping system may be accom pli shed in various ways. utili zing availab le support ing structures w ith greatcst effic iency. It is cssen tial that spring supports be used to pen11it free move men t of the pipi ng between the Expansion Joints. FI GU RE 2.25 Figure 2.25 illustrates the principle that systems of hinged Expansion Join ts may be used in other than 90° bends. Only intermediate anchors and pl anar guides are required . . Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. . .1t:rl~n.n------- ------ ~fb,.\j_--------- EQUIPMENT FIGURE 2.26 A hinged Expansion Joint system may be used effectively in applications involving movement other than the pure thenna! growth of piping. Figure 2.26 illusrratcs an applica ti on combining the thermal expansion of a piping system with the single plane movements of a piece of connected equipment So long as all movements are restricted to a single plane, the behavior of the Expansion Joint system is quite similar to that of the system shown in Figure 1.24. An intenncdiate anchor is required alone end of the piping, while the equipment serves as an intcnnediate anchor at the opposite end. The displacements of the equipment arc added to those of tile piping to evalua te the movements of the Expansion Joims. Planar guide clearances in the plane of the piping must be adequate to allow for the equipment movement as well as the piping rotations. Some advantages of hinged Expansion Joints are com pact size and structural rigidity. By the use of these individual units, it is frequently possible to compensate for the thermal expansion of irregular and complex piping configurations which might preclude the use of other types of Expansion Joints. Because of the ability of the hinge structure to transmit loads. piping systems containmg hinged Expansion Joints impose minimum forces on the pipe anchors. Such systems may be su pported at \irtually any poim which does not interfere with the free movement of the system. ( E.'o;pansion Jomt Munufilcturer.; Association. lnc. 2-19 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PA NSION JOINT MAN UFACTU RERS ASSOCIATI ON, INC 2,8, CALCU LATION OF ANG L A R ROTA T I O N IN A 3 HUIIGE PIPI NG SYSTEM The appl icati on ora 3 hinge pip ing system is described in Section 2. 7. Thi s secti on provides a standard method to calcul ate the angul ar mo vements in each of the three hi nge joints. Refer to Appendix J for a sampl e problem to illustrate the ca lculati ons. Diagram the piping system as shown bel ow. All length s of pipe outside of poi nts A and C shoul d be added algebraically to compute the thennal growth from A - AI and C - c! . (» ACTUAL SYSTEM " SIMPLIFIED SYST EM " Co> ~ .. ® FIGURE 2.27 G IVEN LI = ________ IIl. Lto = ________ 111. J = ______ io.lil1. fJ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ deg, L, = _ _ __ _ _ _ In , L, = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 111 , L, = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in, 4 = _______ In , Ls.= LIO = _ _ _ _ ____ 111 . m. = Tahillated \'{lIlies from Table I 1200 MO V EMENT CALCUL A T IONS = _ _ _ __ 10 , L" =(L, )+(L,)-(L,,) _ _ _ __ In , L" = (L ,,)(o) _ _ _ _ _ in L, = (L, )(Sl N 0) 2-20 ~ L, =( L,l(COS O) _ _ __ _ In , L,,=( L, )+(L,)+(4) _ _ _ _ _ _ 111. L,,-(L, ,)(o) _ _ _ _ _ _ 10, Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc, W\\,\\ .ejnm.vrg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. A' AI£I = LII +L -~.l _ _ _ _ _ _ 111. £'C' = L, - 1." in. ,. '/'C'=[(A'£')'+(£'C')'J - = _ _ _ _ _ _ in. ,/ ' =rAN"[(£'C')] ('/'E') A'D' = (L,)(I +0) _ _ _ _ _ _ In. 0 '8' =(L.)(I+o) _ _ _ _ _ _ In . A'8' [ = (,I'D')' ,' +(D'8')'J - _ _ _ _ _ In. A' =r'/N',[(D'8')] (,I'D') = 8'C' =(L,)(I+o) 8' = COS" [(A'8')'( 8'C')' -( A'C' (2)(,/' 8 ')( 8 'C') C' = COS·' [(A'C')'(8'C')' -(A' 8' (2)(A'C')( 8'C') .i = _ _ _ _ _ _ In . )']= )']= ISoo-B'-C I 1: = CALCULATED ANGULAR MOVEMENTS "'A = IA' -90' "'8=ISO'-I8' "'C=IC' _90' "'8="'''+'''C (Check) _ _ _ _ deg. _ _ _ _ deg. _ _ _ _ deg. _ _ _ _ deg. Refer to Appendix J Example 7 for a sample calculation. \\ V. \\ l Expansion Joint M,tnufaclurc~ A)OSocl3lion. Inc. Ani!Jes 8' C' STA NDARDS OF TH E EX PANSION JOINT M ANU FACTURERS A SSOCIA T ION, INC. 2,9 AP PLI CATIONS SI NG G I MBAL EXPANSION JO Il"TS FIGUR E 2.2 8 Just as hinged Expan sion Joinls may offer great ad vantages in single pl ane appli cat ions, g imbal Expan sion Jo ints are des igned 10 offer simil ar advantages in m ult i. pl anc systems. The ab ili ty the gimbal Expan sion Joint to absorb angular rotation in any plan e is most frequently appli ed by utili zing two such units 10 abso rb lateral de fl ection . An app lication of thi s type is shown in Figure 2.28. Since the pressure loading is absorbed by the g imbal structure . intermedia te anchors only are req uired. Pl anar guides are provided to restrict th e movement of each piping leg. As in the case of hinged Ex pansion Joints. the locatio n of pi pe supports is simp li fi ed by the load carrying abi lity o f the g imbal structure. Since. in a two gi mba l system. the growth of the vertic.. 1 pipe leg w ill be abso rbed by bendi ng of the long legs. spring supports (SS) may be req ui red on either or bo th of these. G uides must be desig ned to a ll ow for the thermal expansion of the leg containing the Expansion Jo ints and for the shorte ning of thi s leg due to defl ec tion. or Where it is impossible or undesirable for the piping to abso rb the g rowth of the o ffset leg. a system cons isting of two g imbal and o ne hinged Expansion Jo int may be used as shown in Figure 2.29. Tbe g imbal i:.xpan sion Joi nts fun ction in unison to absorb the combined movements of the upper and lower legs. while the hinged Ex pansio n Jo int and the upper g imbal Ex pansio n Joint act in combinatio n to absorb deflect ion of the offset leg. Since th e expansion o f the offset leg takes place in one plane only. the use o f the simpler hinged Expan sion Jo in t is j usti fi ed. 212 C<'lOslon Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. ww\\ .ejmu.urB STAN DA RDS OF T HE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTU RER S ASSOCIATI O '. INC. . . . . . . :>-..,\ ~~i)J • 1"1 .....,u'j! .... I I I I FIGURE 2.29 The advantages of using gimbal Expansion Joint systems are similar to those previously mentioned for systems conlaining hinged Expansion Jo ints. Greater flexibility of usage is possible since gimbal Expansion Joints arc not restricted to single plane systems. 2. 10 ANC HOR. GUIDE AN D SU PPORT REQ UIR EMENTS 2.10.1 PIPE A NCHORS It is the purpose orany pipe anchor to divide a pipe line into individual expanding sections. Since thennal growth ca nnot be restrained, it then becomes the funclion of pipe anchors to limit and contro l the amount of movement which Expansion Joints. localed between these anchors. must absorb. Major pieces of connected equipment such as turbines. pumps, compressors. heal exchangers, and reactors may function as anchors. The design of such equipment must anticipate this loading. Additional pipe anchors are usually located at valves. at changes in the direction of the pipe, at blind ends of pipe, and at major branch connections. Expansion Join ts must be provided in each of the individual pipe sections to provide adequate n~xibility. See Section 2.2 aDd 2.3 for typical Expansion Joint applications. DO NOT INSTALL MOR.E THAN ONE "SINGLE" EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN THE TWO ADJACENT ANCHORS IN ANY STRAIGHT PIPE SECTIO '. Where expansion loops are used in the sa me line with an Expansion Joint. the section of pipe containing the loop must be isolated from the section containing the Expansion Joint by means of anchors. Pipe anchors. their anachment. and the structures to which they are attached must be designed to withstand the forces acting upon them . Methods are given in the following paragraphs for determining the major forces to which anchors are subjected. and it is on the basis of these major forces that anchors are classified as intemlediate or main anchors. The system designer must realize that additional indetemlinate forces can be imposed on both intennediate and main anchors. All components of the anchor should be designed to a conservative stress level. \\ \,,\ .eJma,org (" Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIAT ION, I C. Delemlil13tion of the magnitude of the major forces act ing on anchors as SCI forth in the following paragraphs are forces acting ax ially. Consideration should also be given to possible Ialcral force s in arriving at a su itable anchor design. The difference in cost of an adequately and inadequately designed anchor is nominal at installation. Anchor fa ilure can cause damage which is far more costly than that orlhe more conservative design. 2.10. 1.1 INTE RM EDI ATE PIP E ANC HORS An intermed iate pipe anchor must be designed to withstand the forces and moments imposed upon it by each of the pipe sections to which it is attached. These consist of the force s and/or mo men ts required to deflect the Expansion Jo int o r Joints the full ra ted move ment and the fric ti ona l forces due to pipe alignment guides, direct io nal anc hors and supports. Note that an intermediate ancho r is not intended to w it hstand the pressure thrust. Th is force is absorbed by other anchors, by devices on the Ex pans ion Joints such as lie rods, sw ing bars, hinges. g imbals. and other hardware, or. as in the case of a double Expansion Joint, is balanced by an equal pressure force acting in the opposite direction. In certain appli cations. it may be necessary to consider th e weight of the pipe, linings. insu lation and flowing medium. as well as va rious other forces and momen ts such as those resulting from wind load ing or bend ing of one or more pipe sections. The net loadi ng on the anchor can be calcu lated by a su mmation of the moments about the anchor point and by the vector add ition ora ll forces ac ting upon it. 2. 10. 1.1.1 CALCULAT ION OF INT ERM E DI ATE ANC HOR LOADS FOR APP LI CATIONS INVOLV I NG STRAIGHT PIP E SECT IONS ONLY (Sec Figure 2.2) The force Fm requi red to extend or compress the Expa nsion Joint its fu ll rated movement is a function of each manu fac turer's design and is affected by the material , shape. depth and thickn ess of the be ll ows convol utions. This va lue should be obtained fro m the manufac turer of the Expa nsion Joint under considerat ion. The frict ional force Fg due to pipe align ment guides is a fu nc tion of the design and num ber of a li gn ment guides used in each pipe sec tion and should be obtained from the manufacturer of the pipe alignment g uides under consideration. 2·24 't."l Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Assumi ng that the weight of the pipe line and it s contents is carri ed by support s. the total force acting on the illlcnnediate anchor is then given by the fonnula: (2-1 ) F/., Where: The force required to extend or compress the Expansion Joi nt located immediate ly to the right of ihe intermediate anchor in Figure 2.2 ( Ibs.). F.~I The frictional force in the pipe alignment guides installed on the pipe section 10 the right of the intemlcdiate an chor in Figure 2.2 (Ibs.). Fm~ = The force required to extend or compress the Expansion Joint located immediately to the left of the intemlcdiate anchor in Figure 2.2 (Ibs.). F g! = The frictional force in the pipe alignment guides installed on the pipe section to the left of the intennediate anchor in Figure 2.2 (Ibs.). If the pipe is the same diameter on both sides of the intermediate anchor. and if the guides on both pipe sections are similar in number and design , Fm'! and F ml F~~ will be equa l to F,,,1 and F!:.l respectively. but oppos ite in sign. Thus. F,,, will be equal 10 zero. Howeve r, it is possible that the pipe line may heat up b'Tadually from one end, thereby causing one of the pipe sections to expand before the other. It is, Lherefore. considered good pract ice to design the intennediale anchor 10 resisl the forces exerted by one of the two pipe sec tions (F,,, =F,.,l +F.t"l)· CALCULATION OF INTERMEDIATE ANCHOR LOADS FOR APPLICATIONS INVOLVING LATERAL DEFLECTION AND ANGULAR ROTATION When late ral deflection and angular rotation are present the loads imposed on an intemlediate anchor will vary with each individual application. since they are dependent upon the piping con figuration. the number and type of supports. the lengths of the various pipe legs. the types of Expansion Jo ints used. the weight of the pipe. fittings . insulation and flowing medium, and the magnitude of extraneous forces imposed by wind loading, bending of the piping. etc. Because of the large number of variables involved. it is not practical to establi sh formulas for calculating the loading of these anchors. Section 4.6 describes the methods used in calculating [he forces and rnomems required lO move Expansion Joints in lateral deflection or angular rotation and Section 2.2.1 gives a general description of the forces and moments which will be imposed on the anchors for certam typical Expansion Joint applications . Us ing this infortnation as a gu ide. one can calcu late the various forces and moments acting on any piping system. regardless of its complexity. The net load on the anchor can then be calculated by a summation of the moments about the anchor point and by the vector addition of all forces acting upon it. \\' i.- Expansion Joinl Manufacturers AssociallOn. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JO INT MA NUFACTU RER S ASSOC IA TlO N. INC. 2.1 0.1.2 MAIN PIPE ANC HORS A main anchor is one wh ich is installed at any of the following locations in a piping system con tain ing one or more unrestrained Expansion Joi nts: (a) at a change in direction of flow. (b) ben.veen nvo Expan sion Joints of different size in sta lled in the same strai ght run. (c) at the ent rance ofa side branch contain ing an unrestrained Expansio n Joint inlo the main li ne. (d) where a shut-off or pre.ssurc reducing val ve is installed in a pipe run between two Expansion Joints. and (e) at a blind end af pipe. A main pipe anchor must be des igned to with stand the forces and moments imposed upon it by eac h of the pipe sections to whi ch it is attached. In the case of a pipe sect ion coma ining one or more Expan sion 10il1l s. these wi ll cons ist of the full line thrust due to pressure and fl ow, the forces and/or momen ts required to defl ect the Expansion 10int or 10ints the full ra ted movement, and the frictional fo rces due to pipe a lignment guides. directiona l anc hors and supports. In certa in appli cations, it may be necessary to cons ider the weight of the pipe, fittings. in sulati on and fl owi ng med ium. as we ll as vari olls ot her forces and momcnts resulting from wind load ing. bend ing of one or more pipe sections. etc. The nct loading on the anchor can be ca lculated by a summation of the moments about the anchor point and by the vector addit ion of a ll forces ac ting upon it. CALCULATION OF MA IN ANC HOR LOADS FOR APPLICAT IONS INVO L VING STRA IG IH PIP E SECTIONS CONTA INING A BRANC H LINE (Sec center anc hor in Figure 2.3) p, (2-2) where: Fs = Th e stati c thrust due to intemal pressure in th e Expansion l oint (Ibs.). The forces Fm and Fg may be ca lculated as ou tlined before fo r an intermed iate anchor. T hen. assuming that the weight of lhe pipe li ne and its contents is carri ed by supports; the tota l force imposed on the main anchor Filii, by anyone pipe section will be: FIIl(l = Fs + Fill + FJ; = A,P " + Fm+Fg (2 -3) To detemlin e the net load on the anchor, it is necessary to add vectoria lly the forces imposed upon it by each of the three pipe sections to whi ch it is attached. CA LC ULATION OF tAIN ANC HOR LOADS FOR APPL ICATIONS INVOLV ING STRAIG HT P IP E SECTIONS CONTA ININ G EXPANS ION JOINTS OF DIFFERE NT DI AMETE RS (See center a nch or in Figu,'c 2.4) (2-4) F:I = (A"I - A,_! )F:, where: Ad = Bellows effective area ofl arge pipe section (in. ! ). A,: = Be ll ows effecti ve area of small pipe section (in. ~ ). 2-26 f' Expansion Joint Manufacturers Associmion . Inc. www . ~j m a. Ufg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. Here again, we must consider the difference in the forces required 10 extend or com press tbe Expansion Joints and rhe differen ce in tbe frictiona l forces due to pipe alignmcm guides and supports. The total force on the main anchor will be: (2-5) (Ad - A,.,)(~,) + (F., - where: F ml F,",) + F" - F" The force required 10 extend or compress the Expansion Joint in the large pipe sec tion (Ibs.). The force required to extend or compress the Expan sion Join! in the s mall pipe section (Ibs.). Fm'!. The frictio nal force in the pipe alignment gui des 011 the large pipe section (Ibs.). Fg:. = The frictional force in the pipe alignment guides on the small pipe section ( Jbs.). F gl CALCULATION OF MAl ' ANCHOR LOADS FOR A PPLI CA TlON S IN VOLV ING ANCHORS AT PI PE BENDS AND EL BOWS (Sec Figure 2.1) In the case of an anchor located at a pipe bend or elbow. it is necessary to consider the forces imposed by the pipe sections on both sides of the anchor. Assuming that each sec tion contains an Expansion Joint , the line thrust due to pressure (F.. = A, PJ ) and the force s. F", and Fg , explained previously. become biaxial components and must be added vectoria ll y. In addition. the effect of the centrifugal thrust at the elbow, F,. due to flow must be considered. F, 24A Pl" " B Sin-1... (lbs.) g 2 8" =A ngle of pipe bend (degrees). (2-6) P = Density of fluid (Ibs./in. ' ) The constant (24) includes a units convers ion factor of 12 . 2.10.2 PIPE GUIDES AND GUIDING Correct aii&'llmel1t of the adjoining pipe is of vi tal importance in the proper functioning of an Expansion Joint. Although Expansion Joints are designed and built for long and sat isfactory life. maximum service will be obtained only when the pipe line has the recommended number of guides and is anchored and supported in accordance ,,,'1m good engineering practice. Proper supporting of the pipe line is required not only 10 support tile live and dead loads imposed on the line but also to provide suppon for the Expansion Joint at each of its anachments. Pipe guides are necessary to insure proper application of movement (0 the Expansion Joint and to preven t buckling of the line. Buckling may be caused by a combination of two condilions: (I) the flexibility of Ihe Expansion Joint. and (2) the internal pressure loading on the pipe which causes it to act like a column loaded by Ihe pressure thrust of the Expansion Joint. A typ ical application for pipe guiding is shown in Figure 2. J. \\ \\ \\ (". Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 2-27 STAN DARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JO INT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATIO . INC. App lication of planar pipe guides is shown in Figures 2. 11 through 2. 14. These guides allow the piping to defl ect in order to compensate for the change in length of the Expansion Joint in its deflected position. while direct ing the thennal growth into the Expansionjoint. These guides do not restrain the Expansion Joint ends against rotation in any plane. Th is restraint is a cri terion fo r stab ility ofmos! sing le and uni versal ti ed joints when subject to internal press ure. In gene ral. if the torsional and/or bending flex ibility of the auached piping is such thaI the pipe end attached to the Expansion Joint will bend or rolate more than 1.5 degrees when subjected 10 a forc e equal to 10% of the full press ure end load of the be ll ows app lied perpendicular to the pipe cen terline in any direction. consideration should be g iven to the use of further guiding to restrain bending andlor torsional rotation in the pipe. Proper design of both pipe a lignm ent guides (G) and planar pipe guides ( r G) should contain suffi cient clearance between the fixed and moving parts of the a li gnment guide to insure proper gu iding witho ut introducing excessive frict ional forces. The first two alignment guides immediately adjacent to each side of the Expansion Join t shou ld be circumferential to the pipe. Most commercia ll y avai lable ali gnment guides are acceptable. though some designs requ ire installation procedures that. un less fo ll owed with extreme care , destroy the intended guiding fearures of the unit. Alignment guides made from ro ller supports may be used when a minimum of three (3) ro llers equally spaced around the c ircumference of the pipe are provided: four (4) rollers at 90° intervals are preferable. Planar pipe gui des must be designed with additi onal cleara nce in one direction to pemlit the intended latera l denection andlor bend ing of the pipe to take pla ce. A U-bolt. pi pe hanger, or sing le-ro ll er suppor!. which on ly supports the weight of the line , mu st no t be considered as a substitute for either a proper pipe alignment guide o r a planar guide. Mate rials from which pipe a li gnment gu ides and planar pipe guides are made must provide strength and rigidity under design operat ing conditions and be sufficient ly resistant to corrosion and wear to prevent eventua l malfunction of the guide. Test dala has shown that the first and second pipe alignmen t guides nearest the Expansion Joint can be subj ected to lateral forces averaging 7%, and as high as 15% . of the total force exerted on the main anchor F" ",. The la teral force was deve loped with consideration for the un knowns assoc iated with ael'lla l field in stallation bu t primaril y reflects an accentuation of thc ori gina l allowable pipe bow betw een supports. A lthough field bolti ng of pipe a lignment and planar pipe guides to the ri g id parts of the installation is preferable. fi e ld we lding is acceptable provided inaccuracies or excessive weld sllri nkage do not destroy the effectiveness of these guides. Since properly spaced alignmen t guides wi ll be considerably distant from the Expansion Jo int. it is impractical 10 require that the guides all be fixed to the same rigid structure. but design of the tota l system mu st assure that no relative shifting ofal ignmcnt guides and Ex pansion Joint will occur fro m ground settlement or other environmental conditi ons. Suitab le pIpe ali gnment and planar pipe gu ides may be obta ined from reliable manufacturers of th is ty pe of equ ipment. It should be noted that the e ffecti veness of pipe al ignment and planar pipe g uides can be destroyed by improper installatio n. Consequent ly, care must be taken to insure proper alignment of the guide itself. In applicatioll!:! in voh ing axial movement only, tbe use of a single pipe ali gnment guide should be avoided since it may act as a fulcrum imposing lateral deflection or angular rotation on an Expansion Jo int. However. in certa in appl icat ions invo lving lateral defl ection or angu lar rota tion. a sing le pipe g uide may be adequate . For further info nnati on see Sectio n 2. 3. (' ~ Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. tile. \\ w\\ . ..:j llJa.ur b STANDARDS DFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. In locating the pipe al ignment guides for applications involving axial movemen! only. it is genera ll y recommended thai the Expansion Joint be located close to an anchor and Ihal the first pipe guide be located a maximum distance of four pipe diameters from the end of the bellows. This arrangement will provide proper movement guiding as well as proper support for each end of the Expans ion Joint. The distance between the first pipe guide and the second must be a maximum offauneen (I~) pipe diameters. The recommended maximum spac ing of iorcnncdialc pipe guides along the balance of a standard weight carbon steel pipe line is detennined from Figure 2.31. For any known pressure and pipe size. the recommended maximum guide spacing cun be detemlined by using the following procedure: Firsl.locate the specitied pressure ~ al the boltom of the chari and follow this pressure line vertically upwards to its intersec tion with the diagonal line representing the speci fied pipe size. Next. move horizontally to the guide spacing co lum n on the side oflhe chart and select the recommended maxim um spacing. As an example. the recommended maximum spacing ofinlemlediale pipe alignment guides along the balance ofa 6 inch pipe line contain ing an Expansion Joint under a pressure of 122 psig. is 43 feel. The first guide would be located a maximum distance of2 feet from the Expansion Joint and the second guide wou ld be located a maximum distance of7 feet from the first guide. See Section 2.3 for recommendations regarding guiding of pipe lines subjected to lateral deflection and angular rOlation. Maximum intennediate guide spacing for any pipe material or thickness shall be calculated using tbe following formula: E,'" L, =0. 131./----'.--",,~A. (1-7) (fl.) ±.f,e Note: When bellows is compressed in operation, use (+)I.f,e, I: when extended. use Hlf,e,[ Guide s paCl11g for standard wall carbon steel pipe may also be calculated in lieu of using Figure 2.31. Caulton: This figure is based on average spring rate and bellows effective area with bellows inside diameters that equal pipe outside diameters. The fomlUla is based on one half the crilicallength of a pinned-pinned Euler column. \\ \\ \\ C E.'pam.lon Joim Manuf'lclurer. A)osociallon. Inc STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. ~L " t Gi iotA I- -0' '- FIGURE 2.30 ole: The recommendations given for pipe anchors and guides represent the min imum requirements for controlling pipelines wh ich contain expansion joints and are intended to protect the ex pan sion joint and pipe system from abu se and failure. However. additional pipe supports are often required between the pipe guides in accordance with accepted pipi ng practices. 2. 10.3 PIPE SU PPORTS A pipe support is any device which pennits free movement of the piping and carries the Iota I weight of in line equipment such as valves, meters. Expansio n Joints. and the weight of the contained fluid. Pipe supports cannot be substi tuted for pipe a lignment guides or pl~nar pipe guides. Pipe rings, U·bohs. ro ll er support s. and spring hangers are some exam ples or conventional pipe supports. These devices cannot control the direction of pipe line movement as does a pipe alignment guide or a planar pipe guide. The recommendations given previously for pipe anchors and guides represent the minimum requirements for controlling pipe lines containi ng Ex pansion Joints and are intended to protect the Expansion Joints and pip ing from abuse and possible damage. Additi onal pipe support s are usua ll y required between guides in accordance w ith st"andard piping practice. 2 30 C· Expansion Joint Manufat.·turcrs Association, Inc, www.ejm! STANDARDS OF T HE EX PANS ION JO INT MANU FACTU RERS ASSOC IA TI ON. INC. Recommended maximum spm:ing ofinleml(.'d iale pipe guides for ilpplicmions invol\ ing axial movement onl~ ofbello,,"s Expansion Joinls. Values based on standard weight carbon sleel pipe. see equation (2-7) fo r o ther lypeS of pipe. Applicable for bello\\:. inside diameter less or equal 10 pipe outside diameter. Tho;:' first pipe guide must be located \\ Llhin a distance of four pipe diameters from the cnd of the bellows and the second guide musl be located within a distance of louneen pipe diameters from the first twide. 'lJO I I I 1 I , -, I " " lS 0 I I I I" " , I lOO 0 " ~ ~ I'00 " 160 1- ~ P": I--':: }-- r-..•, r-- --..... 100 V V 90 0 ...... 0 60 I-'"" , ...... 0 30 , 0 " V::::--- --- j....--" ~ V-- - V V - ---- A,1.' ::...::- ~--- V ------ 1-- '" -- ~ ~ --- ---, V ~ r-- l--V , = ----. . . --::::=:---::::: - ..---:: ~ I-- ... -:-;:- • I--"" ~ ...-::;: V V ..--::: V- _ \ 4- "":: \ :... l- \0" V :--r-" -----.,0· }-- \ %___ \ b" ---- j..--- !-" !=--j...---"' I-~ V ---- --,:--- r---_____ ~A%· - --- ~ r:--::: •oF- ,;:.. ,:::'" ffJ~\ '" r.---!-':' ,,' 0 w --' ...-:: 14 0 1- .. ~ 0 1- ---- ::...-: V ~ j...---"" --- ------ --:::::-- ---- ...... - 43 ~ - --- ," - ' f-"" ,0 ,• , 6 , ..lOU I I HO I I " )00 I" " !~O I 1 I I I I II 1 200 150 122 MAX PRESSURE - PSIG 1 100 I I '0 FIGURE 2.31 V. \\ \\ { Expansion Join! Manufacturers Associallon. Inc. 2-31 STANDA RDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MA UFACTU RERS ASSOCIATION. lNC. Thi s page iOientionally blank. tt, Expansion Joint Manufacturers Associa!ion. Inc . \ \ w\\ . .:j ma.uJ'g STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC SECTI ON 3 - SAFETY RECOMMEN DATIONS FOR PIPI NG SYST EMS CONTAIN ING BE LLOWS EXPANS ION JO INTS Bellows Expansion Joints are employed in piping systems to absorb differential thennul expansion while containing (he system pressure. They are being successfully utilized in refineries. chemical plants. fossil and nuclear power systems. heating and coo ling systems. and cryogenic plants. Typica l service conditions have pressures ranging from full vacuu m to 1000 psig and temperatures from -420 of to 1800 OF. Such Expansion loints fall into the category of a highly engineered product The system operating characterist ics, the Expansion Joint des ign and manufacruring qua li ty. and the installation. test and operating procedures must all be considered for all Expansion Joim installations. Un like most commonly used piping componeots. a bellows is constmcted of relatively thin gage material in order to provide the flexibility needed to absorb mechanical and thennal movements expected in service. This requires design, manufacturing quality. handling. insta llation and inspection procedures which recogn ize the unique nature of th e product. In general, the most re liabl e and safe bellows Expansion Joint installations have always involved a high degree of understanding between the user and manufacturer. With this basic concept in mind, this sect ion was prepared in order to better inform the user of those factors which man y years of experience have shown to be essential for the successfu l installation and perfonnance of piping systems conta ining bellows Expansion Joints . Add itional detailed information can be found in other sections of these Standards. 3,1 DESIGN SPECIFICATION A. A design specification shall be prepared for each Expansion Joint application. B. In preparing the Expansion Joint design specification it is imperative that the system designer comp letely review the piping system layout. flowing medium , pressure. temperature, and movement s. The standard Expansion Joint Specification Sbeets published in Appendix A can be used as a guide. Particular attention shall be given to the following items: a. The piping system shall be reviewed to detemline the location and type of Expansion Joint most suitable for the application. The EJMA Standards provide numerous examples to assist the user in this effort. The availability ofsupportillg structures for anchoring and guiding of the line. and the direction and magnitude ofthemlal movements to be absorbed will have a definite bearing on the type and location of the Expansion Joint. TORSIONAL ROTATION OFTHE BELLOIVS SHOULD BE AVOIDED, Where torsional rotation cannot be avoided. refer to Section 4.13.4. b.The bellows material shall be specified and must be compatible with the flowin g medium, the external environment and the operating temperature. Particular consideration shall be given to possible corrosion including stress corrosion. The 300 series sta inless steels may be subject to chloride ion stress corrosion. High nickel alloys art: subjt!'1..:1 tu cau~ti(;;t!'d ~lrt!'~~ (;urru~iUll. The presence of sulfur may also be detrimental to such nickel alloys. The material chosen shall also be compatible with any water treatment or pipeline cleaning chemicals. III some cases. leachates from insulating materials can be a sou rce of corrosion. c. Internal sleeves shall be specified in all applications involving flow velocities which could induce resonant vibration in the bellows or cause erosion of the convoluti ons resulting in substantiall y reduced bellows life. See Section 4.9. d. The system design pressure and test pressure shall be specified realistically without adding arbitrary safety factors. Excess bellows material thickness required for overstated w ....,' ( Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 3-1 STANDARDS OF THE EXPA SION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIATION. INC. pressures may produce an adverse effect on the bellows fatigue life. In the case of extreme high temperature operating conditions. i( may not be practi ca l 10 lest the Expansion Joi nt to a pressure of more than 1.5 times the design pressure, see Section 7.2.1 . Th is is due to the variolls mrlferial s em ployed in the Expansion Joint. temperature gradient utilized in design, pressure stabi lity criteria, anchor strength and other considerations. The manufacturer must be consu lled. c. The maximum. minimum and installation temperatures sha ll be accurately stated. Where the ambient temperature can vary significantly during pipe line constructi on. prcpositioning orthe Expansion Joint at insta llation may be requ ired. See Appendix J. f. The Expansion Joint manufacturer sholl be advised if the Expansion Joint will be insulated and the manner by which the Expansion Joint wi ll be insulated in order to properly design the compone nt parts. g. The movements to be absorbed by the Expansion Joint shall include not on ly piping elongation or contraction. but also movement of attached vesse ls. anchors. and the poss ibility of misa li gnment during insta llation. Unless included ill th e design requirements. mi salignment of the Expansion Joint must be avoided. Where movements are cyclic, the number of cycles ex pected shall be spec ified. As in the case of pressure. the movement specified must be realistic. An excessive safety factor can resu lt in an Expansion Joint which is highl y flexible and could have reduced stability under pressure . h. If the flowing medium can pack or soli dify. provisions shall be made to prevent entrapment or so lidifi cation of the material in the convolUlions which could result in damage to the Expansion Joint or pipe line. i.l.ntemal sleeves are usually insta lled in the direction of flow. If the stagnant flow medium trapped behind the sleeve is undesirab le. drai n holes in the s leeve or purge connections sha ll be specified. Where back flow will be encountered. an extra heavy sleeve shall be spec ified 10 prevent buckling of lhe sleeve and possible damage to the bellows. j. The predicted amplitude and frequency of external mechanical vibrations to be imposed on the bellows, such as caused by reciprocating or pulsat ing machinery. sha ll be specified. The Expansion Joint musl be designed to avoid the resonant vibrat ion of the bellows to preclude the poss ibil ity of sudden fatigue fa il ure. Field modifications to the Expansion Joint or other system components may be necessary. C. The pipi ng system drawings shall specify the location of all anchors. gu ides. supports and fixed points. Considerable infonnation to assist the syslem designer in this regard is provided in these Standards. See Section 2.10. Both the anchors and guides must be suitable for the highest pressures.o be applied.o .he sySle m. (NOTE: I MOST CASES THE TEST PRESSURE WILL BE SIGNIFICA TL Y HIGHER THAN THE SYSTEM OPERA TING PRESSURE.) D. The system designer shall specify those spec ial features whi ch best accomplish persOlUlcl protection in his particu lar system. Pi ping systems containing high pressure and/or hazardous materials which are located in close proxim ity to personnel shall be provided with additional safety features which will protect such personnel in the event ofa failure in the system. Expansion Joints c:m be furnished with specia l features including. but not limitcd 10, thc following: a. Extra heavy covers which would serve 10 impede tbe effect of a jel flow produced by a failure: however, such covers will not prevent the escaping medium from expanding and filling the surroundings in which it is locatcd. 3-::! ,,'J bpansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOClATION. INC. b. Limit rods designed for dynamic loading can be emp loyed to restrai n the longitudina l pressure thru st in the event of an anchor failure. Such rods would nomlall y remain completely passive until the anchor restraint is removed. c. A two ply or two concentric bellows design may be emp loyed with each ply or bellows designed to contai n the full line pressure. The annular space between the plies or concentric bellows can be monitored conrinuously for leakage by means of suitable instrumentation. A change in pressure in the annulus cou ld be used to detect be ll ows leakage. (See Section 9. I), £. The system designer shall provide for the accessibiliry of components such as anchors and Expansion Joinls in-lhe piping system for period ic inspection after initial start up. 3.2 EXPANS ION J O I NT DESI GN The Expansion Joint design shall confonn to the requirements of these Standards. the AS MEJANS I Piping Codes and the ASME Boil er and Pressure Vessel Codes as applicable. The design of structu ral attachments shall be in accordance with accepted methods. based on e lastic theory. Circular bellows design sha ll be based on the equations contained in Section 4.13 with substantiating test data as stated in Sec tion 4. I 2. Rectangular be llows design can be eva luated based on the equations conta ined in Section 5. 3.3 EXPANSI ON J O INT MANUFACTURING QUALITY The Expansion Joint manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of Section 6. Each manufacturer shall be required to furnish , on request. a copy of his Quality Assurance Manual. 3A INSTALLATION A. The necessary steps for insta llin g all Expansion Joints sha ll be preplanned. The installers shall be made aware of these steps as well as the special instructions furnished by the manufacturer. Section S.3. as well as the individual instructions tags furnished by the manufacturer with the Expansion Joint. provides infonnation necessary to the proper handling and installation of Expansion 10ints. 8. The most critica l phases of the Expansion Joint installation are as follows: 3. Care shall be exercised to prevent any damage to the thin bellows section. such as dents. scores. arc strikes and weld splatter. b. No movement of the Expansion Joint (compression. extension, lateral offset. rotation) due to piping misalignment, for example. shall be imposed which has not been anticipated and designed into the moycment capability of the Expansion Joint . !f such movements are imposed. this can result in system malfunction. damage to the bellows or other components in the system. Specifically, cyclic life can be substantially reduced , forces imposed on adjacent equipment may exceed their design limits. inrernal sleeve clearance~ may he adver~ely affected. and [he pressure capacity and stabi li ty oflhe bellows may be reduced. c. Any field pre-positioning shall be perfonned in accordance with specific instructions which include both the direction and magnitude of movement. d. Anchors. guides and pipe supports shall be installed in strict accordance with the piping system drawings. Any field variances from planned installation may affect proper functioning of the Expansion Joint and must be brought to the attention of competent design authority for resolution. c. The Expansion Joint. ifprO\-ided with internal sleeves. shal l be installed with the proper oriental ion with respect to flow direction. \\ \\ \\ t Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 3-3 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. f. Once the pipeline anchors or other fixed points are in place, the piping is properl y supported and gu ided and the Expansion Joint installed, the shi pping devices sho uld be removed in order to allow the Expansion Joint to compensate for changes in ambient temperature during the remainder of the construct ion phase. 3.5 POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION PRIOR TO SYSTEM PRESSU RE TEST A. A ca reful inspection of the cmire piping system shall be made with particular emphasis on the fo ll owing: a. Are anchors. guides and su pport's installed in accordance with the sys tem drawings? b. Is the proper Expansion Joint in the proper location'! c. Are the Expansion Joint flow direction and pre-positi oning correct? d. Have all of the Expansion Join t shipping de vices been removed? e. If the system has been designed for a gas, and is to be tested w ith water, has provi sion becn made for proper support of the additiona l dead weight load on the piping and Expansion Joint? Some water may remain in the be ll ows convolutions atter the test. If this is detrimental to the be ll ows or system operat ion, means shall be provided to remove such water. f. Are all g uides, pipe su pports and the Expansion Join ts free to permit pipe movement? g. Has Ex pansion Joint been damaged during handling and installation? h. Is Expansion Joint mi sali gned? This can be detennined by measuring the joint overall length. inspection of the convolution geometry. and checking clearances at critical points on the Expansion Joint and at other points in the system. i. Are the bel lows and other movable portions of the Expans ion Joint free of foreign material? 3.6 INSPECTION DURI NG AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS WARNIN G: Extreme care mu st be exercised while inspecting any pressurized system or component. A. A visua l inspection of the system shall inc lude checking for the following: a. Evidence of leakage or Joss of pressure. b. Distortion or yield ing of anchors. Expansion Joint hardware. the bellows and Dlher piping componen ts. c. Any unanti ci pated movement of the piping due to pressure. d. Evidence of instability (sq uinn) in [he bellows. e. The gu ides. Expansion Joi nts and other movable parts of the system shall be inspected for evidence of binding. f. Any ev idence of abnonnality or damage shall be reviewed and evalua ted by competent design authority. -D E).pansiol1 Join! Manurac!uren. A::.::.ucialiull. luc. www.t:j ma. urg STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 3.7 PERIODIC IN-SE RV ICE INSPECTION WARNING: Extreme care must be exercised while inspecting any pressu ri zed system or com ponent. A.SCO PE This section will serve as a guide for periodic inspec tion and review of metallic bellows expansion joints that are in service. Criteria are presemcd for evaluation of their suitability for continued safe operation. Frequency of service will be al owner's discretion. B. IDENTIFICATION AND RE CORDING An expansion joint record system should be eSlablished to identify and characterize the design and operating conditions for each bellows expansion joint. The record should include tag number. process service, design and operating pressure. temperature. flow direction. fluid velocity, materials of construction. and engineering design data such as pipe size. number of convolLliions. bellows wa ll thickness and number of plys. presence of an iDtemal sleeve. lateral, axial. and angular movements, and design basis cycle life. The record should allow documentation of all design reviews and inspection s. C. DESIGN REVIEW a. Review all bellows expansion joints periodically to confirm that current service conditions are compatible with bellows design capabilities. Changes in pressure, temperature. fluid composition. frequency of lhermal and pressure cycli ng, and possible exposure to vibration from extemal means or pulsating pressure shou ld also be reviewed and compared to the original design basis of the expansion joint. Considerations should also be given to upset or short time conditions not originally anticipated. b. If current process conditions and movements imposed upon the expansion joint are within the bellows expansion joints' ratings. and there has been no corrosion. damage. or permanent distortion of the bellows, no further analysis is needed. If. however pressure, temperature. or movement exceeds the expansion joints' ratings, or if there has been excessive defomlation of the convolutions, an expansion joint manufacturer should be contacted and an engineering analysis should be made to determine whether the expansion joint should be replaced. c. After an initial design review of existing installations. a periodic review program should be established. The frequency of the review will depend service and environmental conditions. the potential for process changes. and the critical or hazardous nature of tbe service. D. INSPECTION AND EVALUATION a. All bellO\\'s expansion joints in service should be inspected periodically for mechanical damage: distortion caused by overpressure. overextension or o\·ercompression. cracking. cracking of the bellows attachment weld. corrosion. restriction of movement from foreign material. and any others signs that might indicate premature failure. b. Two Ply Testable Bellows Expansion Joints - Any bellows expansion joint designed as a two ply testable (redundant ply) and equipped with waming equipment such as a pressure gauges or pop-up detection devices should be inspected on more frequent inter.als. since these expansion joints are normally specified and intended for more critical servi ce. w\\ \ \ l Expansion Joint ~ tanufac ture-rs Association. Inc. 3-5 STANDARDS OF THE EXPA SION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. c. Consider rcpiaccmcm of the bellows expansion joint based upon inspection results. the expected number of cyc les in the plant, the design cycl ic basis of the bellows, and the hazardous naruTe of the service. d. The frequency of the inspection depends on the nature o rthe service and conditions as disclissed in 4.9.I.g. and the potential for mechanical damage. vibration. and con'osion. Bellows handling ex tremel y hazardous or lethal material should be inspected regularly. e. The fo ll owing can be used as a guide in making the inspection : Bel/oil'S thickness. Inspect for pining or thinning. BelloH"s deformation. Inspect the be llows while in service for squinn or excessive movement. Bellows sill/ace. Inspect the bellows surface for the fo ll owing conditions: Wrinkles. Wrink les are an indication that torsion has been applied to the bellows either in operation or installation. If wrinkl es are present, the bellows should be replaced and the new bellows expansion joint should have measures such as hi nges or round gimba ls installed to prevent torsion from be ing induced. DeniS. Dents can reduce the li fe of a be ll ows significantly, depending upon the radius of curvature of the dented surface. Sharp dents with sma ll radius of curvature in the convo lution are more harmful than dents with a large radius of curvature. Weld splatfer. Weld sp latter can be detrimenta l to bell ows perf0n11ance. I f weld sp laner is present, contact manufacturer for recommendations and consider possible replacement. Foreign II/(l/erial. Foreign material. such as scraps of metal. wood. nuts and bolts. etc .. could possibly interfere with the normal movement of the bellows. Remove any such foreign material. Scmlches. Scratches on the surface of the bellows can act as stress risers and can reduce the bellows cycle life. A sc ratch Ihat runs circumferentially is more han11ful than a scratch that runs longitudinally or radially. f. Attac hments to the expansion joint In severe serv ice app li cations. attachment of lugs and rings is also a potential source of cracks and these areas should be chec ked by dye penetrant, magne ti c particle or ultrasonic DE for any incipient cracking. Any insulation should be replaced in accordance with manufacturer's drawings. Inspect lic rods. hinges. lugs. and rings for any di stortion. Tie rods, hinges. and gimba ls should be insulated in accordance with manufacturer' s drawings. E. SYSTEM OPERATION A record shall be maintained of any changes in system operating conditions (such as pressure. temperature. themlal cycli ng. water treatme nt ) and piping modili cat ions. Any such change shall be reviewed by competent design authority to dcten11ine its effect on the perfonnance of the anchors, guide" and Expansion Joints. c· expansion Joint Manufacturer:. A:.:.o..::itiliull . 1m:. WW\\ STAN DARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOI NT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. F. TYP ICAL CAUSES OF EXPANSI ON JOINT FAILURE Bellows expansion joints will give many years of sat isfactory service when they afe properl y designed and manufaclUred for specified piping system conditions. Failures ca n occur for many reasons. but experience has shown that certain causes of failure fall i11l0 fai rly distinct categories. The following are some typica l causes: a. Shipping and handling damage. Examples: Dentin g or gouging of bellows from being struck by hard objects (tools. chain falls. forklifts, adjacent structu re s. etc.) Improper stack ing for shipping or storage. Insufticicm protection frolll weather or other adverse environmenta l condi tion s. b. Improper installation and insufficient protection during and after installation. Examples: Joints wi th internal liners insta lled in reverse direction with respect to flow. In stalling ajoillt in a locati on other than as prescribed by the installation drawings. Premature removal of shipping devices. Springing of bellows to make up for piping mi salignment. In sufficient protection from mechanical damage due to work in the surrounding area. Insufficient protection of bellows during nearby welding operations. Failure to remove shipping devices before system operation. c. Improper anchoring, gUIdi ng, supporting of the piping system. d . Anchor failure in service. e. Bello~vs corrosion. Examples: Improper selection of bellows material for the flowing medium and/or adYerse externa l environment. Specifically. chlorides leachi ng from insulation, have been frequently the cause of stainless steel bellows corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking (consu lt material manufacturer for proper se lection ). f. System over-pressurization (in-service or hydrotest). g. Bellows vibration (mechanical or flow-induced) resulting in fatigue failure. h, Excessive bellows movement (axial. lateral. and angular movement greater than design values). i. Bellows erosion. Example: Oellows w ithout intemalliner installed in a system having a very high vclociry ancL'or erosive n O\\ ing medium. j . Pack ing of particulate matter in bellows convolutions which inhibits proper moyement of the bellows. \\ .... \\ ( Expansion Joint Manufacturers AssociatIOn. Inc. 3-7 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. This page intentionally blank. 3-8 l.- Expansion Joim Manufacturers Assoc ialion. Inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SECTION 4 - C IRCU LAR EXPANS ION JOI NT DESIG N 4.1 MOVEMENT EQ UATIONS Expansion Joints may be subjected to axial movement. angu lar rotation. la teral deflection. or any combination of these. Figu re 4.2 shows a sing le bellows Expansion Joint subjected to axial movement only. Note thar the total applied move ment is absorbed by a unifonn displacemen t of all the convolut ions. Thi s also applies to dua l bellows asse mblies such as universal. swing and universal pressure balanced Expansion Joints. x e, = N (For a single be ll ows Expansion Joint) (4- I) x e, = IN (For a dual bellows Expansion Joint) (4-2) In equation (4-2 ) above. the va lue of.\" should in clude the thennal expansion of the center pipe nipple connecting the two bellows. This may be a signifi cant factor in applications in volving long center pipe nipples. or a large differemial between the minimum and maximum design temperatures. When the cen ter pipe nipple is anchored. as it is in a double Expansion Joinl (see Section 1.2). each end of the assembl y should be treated as a single Expansion l oint. In such a case. eq uation (4- 1) will apply and the va lue ofx sho uld include the thennal expansion oftha r p'ortion of the center pipe nipp le whi ch is located between the anchor base and the bellows in question. Figure 4.3 illustra tes that an Expansion loint bellows absorbs pure angu lar rotation by extend ing uniformly on one side and compress ing unifonnly on the other. The movement of any convolution may be expressed as: aDm e = __ It 2N (For a sing le bellows Expansion Joint) (4-3) e = OD", (For a dual bellows Expansion Joint) (4-4) !I -tN As illustrated in figures 4.4 and 4.5. lateral deflection of an Expansion Joint is, in reality. a special case of angular rotation. The two bellows in a universal type Expansion Joint. or each end of the bellows of a single type Expansion Joint, rotate in opposite directions to produce the total lateral deflection}'. Unlike the case of pure angular rotation, lateral deflection results in unequal movement distribution over the bellows. the amount of displacement increasing with the distance from the center of the Expansion Joint This applies to both single and universal type Expansion Joints. Since we are concerned only with the maximum displacement per convolution wh ich may be imposed upon any convolution in the Expansion Joint. the following equations are arranged to arrive at Ihe maximum displacement figure. For universal Expansion Joints. a factor Ku is introduced which is a function of the ratio of the total distance bern'eell the outennost ends of the elements to the convo luted length of the Expansion Joint. The value of Ku for any given ratio of L~ 2Lp may be found III figure 4 . 1 and the displacement per convolution resulting from applied lateral deflection .\·, is as follows: '" \\ \\ (' Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. tnc. .\-1 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION, INC e, e, 2N(L" -L, +x/ 2) K"Dm.I' 2N (L" -L, -x/2) where axia l movement is extension (4-5) \vhere axial movement is compression (4-6) The growth orlhe center pipe nipple may be significant in certain Expansion Joint applications. consequently, the value ofx given in equations (4-5) and (4-6) s hould be adjusted to include the axial component of thi s growth. in mosl appl.ic3tions. the center pipe nipple will rotate through a very small angle, so the latera l component can usually be neglected. It may be seen by reference to figure 4.1 that the singl e bellows Expans ion Joint represents a special case w here the value of Ku is always 1.50. The maximum di splacement per convo lution due to appl ied lateral deflection in a sing le bellows Expansion Joint may be expressed as: e, 3DmY (4-7) N(L,±x) A one convolution sing le bellows is highly resistant absorb imposed lateral deflection . 4,2 1.0 shear loading and should not be used 10 C OMBI N ING MOVEMENTS The effects o f combined move ment may be calc ulated as follows : +le.l} e = MAX e+e , II ~ { eo/K, +le,1 , (4-8) -le i} /K -IeI e=A4AX e ' +e{I {e " (I B ., (4-9) .' e where x is axial compression and y and occur in the same plane. Where x is extension, reverse the signs for e, in the above equations. When y and e do not occur ill the same plane, they must be added vectorially and combined with es to find the maximum values of e•. and e•. . All bellows arc rated by the manufacturer in terms of maximum allowable axial displacement per convolution, e, and e• . These values are established by the phys icallimit3tion of bellows movement capab ili ty. The design of every Expansion .! oim must be such that the total di splacement per convo lution from all sources does not exceed the rated va lues : ec(calculated) ~ ec(rated) ~ ec (max) (4-10) (4-11 ) When bellows with equa li zing rings are used, an additional calculation must be made to assure that there will be no interference benveen adjacent rings w hen the bellows is in the deflected position. The combined movement. e,. • is to be calculated using the outside diameter of the equalizing rings in the formulas for e,. and e& in place of D,.,. The e, (ca lculated) mu st not exceed the space between adjacent equalizing rings in the cold position. 4-2 © Expansion Joint Manufac turers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. The following limits should be observed to prevent excessive movements which could pennanently damage the bellows: e, (max) = q - 2,;., -Ill or distance between adjacent equalizing rings whichever is less e,. (max) = 6/;., -q Figures 4.3. 4.4. and -1.5 illustrate that as an Expansion Joinl is rotated or deflected laterally. the configuration of the bellows changes appreciably. It should be noted that one side of the bellows attain s a larger projected area than on the opposite side. When pressure is applied. unbalanced forces are set up which tend to distort the Expansion Joint further. To control the effect of this factor, a limit is established by the manufacturer upon the amount of angular rotation and/or lateral deflection which may be imposed upon the Expansion Joint. 4.3 MO VEMENT RANGE The equivalent axial movement range per convolution, (e). results from the movement of an Expansion Joint from its initial position in (he piping system to the operating position under consideration. When an Expansion Joint is in stalled without lateral or angular cold spring. e is the greater of e, or eft as calculated from the initial to the operating position under consideration. When cold springing is involved the e," and e,· due to the co ld spring must be added algebraically to the e,· and e.. due to movement from the neutral to the operating position in order to obtain the maximum movement range. e. See the fo llowing for sam ple calculations. The value of e for each cond ition is used in the calcu lation of bellows deflection stress range in order [0 evaluate bellows fatigue life. See Section 4. 12.1.5. Refer to Appendix J Example 9 for a sample calculation. WW\\ :( E."l:pansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 4-3 t I I I I I 1 1 I PHYSICAL RELATI ONSH IPS FO R EXPANSION JOINTS 1+ Z VALUES OF "K: FOR USE IN EOUATION: 1.5~ , III I I I .~ IA I 1\ ~ ~ 0 ~. ,. ~ 0 ~ 0 0 'l ">" ..., ~ 1.31 1 0 ." is ,; C , ;0 m I '\ I 'I \ IT 1.- 1 \ I 1 1 I 1 "'" I I I II I I I Lb "-... Vl ...,o r111J 1J 11 I Be ...,...., ! r ~I f /1/h~-l-jl "---,1//'" i' I,i -l :I: I I I ) (I m m !~ r--. , 3L,,· -6LbL" +4Lb' = II •• • ..t!. • ;a" » z c..., --11--x » " -l C '" m r- '"» Vl Vl Vl 3 o :;; " -l I 3 4 is z ;:: I 3L,/ - 3Lb LII .:! 2 3L" - 6LbL" -,- 4Lb 2 Vl Z -l 1.0 K » Z ~ " ~ " >< .." o +X '1P{I/II/11 I 'i '- ~(V y!- J-LLJ " 3(L-L)\' B= "b _ e' '"Cl 2N(L.-L,·n I, " 1.1 " - " » Y ttftUj-'" '-. .-. . -'--.. ,- UUU -- " [', Co 0_ Cl "I l~i---' .... " K. L. -...' "n0 S· ~. Ir r\ .1 1.21 • _ y \,:1 "2, ,"C· I Vl ;; is z 5 6 7 8 9 10 LII /2L b 20 30 40 50 100 Z (') STANDA RDS O F T HE EX PANS ION JO INT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOC IATI ON, INC. 4.4 UNIVERSAL CIRC ULAR EXPANSION JOINT MOVEMENTS T he unrestrained non-cycl ic movements of a universal expa nsion joint centerspool due to dead weigh t should be considered in the design. T he movements applied to each be llows may be calc ul ated as fo llows: x W , SinB" N ,. JJ' ,Cos()" N(L, ±x)' (for axial movement) (4-11) (for lateral movement) (4-13) 2fi ,'fi D''" T he above movemen ts should be comb ined with the ot her design move ments to confiml that the tota l movements per convol uti on e(' and e,. do not exceed the max imum value e,. (max) and e,. (max). In addition. the ca lculated tota l stress range (St) based on the above movements at the design pressure must be less than 1.5 CmS"h. The dead we ight of the centerspoo l may be supported by devices such as pa ntograph linkages and slotted hinges. 4.5 C OLD SPRINGIN G OF C IRCU LAR EXPANSION JOINTS The term "Cold Springing." as defined by the Piping Designer, entails pre-straining of the elements of a piping system at the time of installation. so that the thermal stresses in the piping in the operating pos ition are appreciably reduced . As applied to Expansion Joints. the purpose of cold spring ing may be considerably different, although the mechanism is basica ll y the same. "Cold Springing" is defined as the lateral or angular offset of the ends of an Expansion Joint when installed and should not be confused with Ihe tenns "pre-compressing." "pre-extending" or "presetting." These laner lernlS apply 10 the adjustment of an Expansion Joint in an axial direction to allow for specified amounts of axial compression or axial extension within the limits e. and er established by the manufacturer. In some cases it may not be practical to cold spring an Expansion Joint al the factory. The reasons for "Cold Springing" an Expansion Joint are described below. 4.5, I FO RCE R EDUCTION In a wide range of present day applications. the force required to defleci an Expansion Joint is of significant importance. Where the Expansion Joint is used to relieve loading on sensi tive equipment. or anchor struct ures are limited to extremely small loads. cold springing the Expansion Joint at installation will effect a reduction in the maximum deflection force value of as much as 50°0. In other cases. 100°'0 co ld spring may be used 10 provide minimum lateral deflection forces at the operating position. 4,5.2 STA BILITY Figures 4.3. -lA. and 4.5 illustrate the positions assumed by bellows subjected to angular rotation and'or lateral deflection. In all cases, the movement is achieved by rotation of the convolutions. so that one side is extended and the other compressed. It has been noted previously thai a bellows displaced in this manner. when subjected to inlernal pressure. is \\ \\ V. { Expansion Joint Manufacturers Associallon. Inc. 4-5 STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION . INC. acted upon by an unbalanced pressure force or couple which. if su fficient ly large. cou ld result in distortion of rhe bellows. Beca use the magnitude of the unbalanced pressure force or cou ple is proportional to the inlcmai pressure and the displacement orlhe convol utions. a reduct ion in either of these va lues w ill improve the stab ili ty of the Expansion Joi nt. By cold springing the Expansion Joilll 50% al installation. the maximum disp lacement per convolu tion is reduced by half and. consequently, the Expansion Joint becomes far m OTC stable than wou ld be the case if it wcre deflected fully in one direction. For Ihis reason. where Expansion Joints are subject to large amounts of latera l deflection , or where opera ting press ures are relati ve ly high, the Expansion Joint manufacturer may require that the Expansion Joint be installed in a cold sprung condition. 4.5.3 C OMPON ENT C LEARANC ES Where an Expansion Join! is furnished with internal sleeves, external covers. or tie devices spanning the bellows. these components mu st be designed with adequate clearances to 3ccommodate the lateral deflection or angular rotation of the Expansion Joint. The amOllnt of clearance requ ired is directly proportio nal to the di splacement and. if the Expansion Joint is cold sprung 50%, these clearances can be rcduced to a minimum. By co ld springing, internal sleeves of maximum diameter can be furnished. the overall diameter oran Expansion Joint inco rporat ing ex ternal covers or tie devices minimized. and the design of external structures si mplified. 4.6 FORCES AN D MOM EN T S (Sec App endix H) 4.6. 1 FORCE AN D M OMENT CALCU L A T ION In order to eva luate the loads upon piping, supports. or equipmcnt. it is necessary to detemline the forces and moments requi red to move an Expansion Joint. For this reason . the catalogs of most Expansion Joi nt ma nufacturers contain force data for the sta ndard designs offered. T his data is expressed as th e fo rce required to move a convolution 10 the rated axia l move ment estab lished by the manufacturer. For convenience. it is desirab le to divide this force by the rated movement to obtain a be ll ows resi stance factor or worki ng spri ng rate , f .. . in pounds per inch of movement per convolu tion. (Refer to Section 4. 12. 1.7 for further discussion of J:,). Having determined this factor. the moments and forces required (0 move an Expansion Joi nt may be calculated as follows: F" = MI AI, ,., " 4-6 , J" D.e, - (4- 14) 1Me, 4 f .. D",ep 4 f " D",e , 2(L, ±x) f .. Dme, 2(L" ±x) (for lateral movement) (4-15) (for angular rotation) (4- 16) (for lateral movement ofa single bellows) (4-17) (for lateral movement ofa universal bellows) (4-1~) &J Expansion Joint ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Figures 4.2 tluough ·t5 show the forces and moments applied on the expansion joints produce stalic equilibrium for the various types ofmovcment. [0 The preceding relationships are applicable to all Expansion Joints. It shou ld be noted. that every equation is dependent upon data which must be supplied by the Expans ion Joint manufacturer. For standard designs. all necessary data is available in the catalogs of the individual manufacturer. or can be obtained on requesl. IN 0 CASE. S HOULD DATA OF ONE MANUFACTURER BE APPLIED TO T HE PRODUCT OF ANOTHER SINCE. DUE TO FUNDAMENTAL DESIGN DIFFERENCES. THESE FACTORS MAY VARY. NOTE: "x". "y". and "9" are all to be expressed from the initial installed position of the Expansion Joint to the position under consideratioIl. When cold spring is involved or when there are several sets ofthennal conditions to be considered (system at operating temperature and system shutdown in a sub-zero ambient. for example), the x.y, and deflections should be determined for each condition and separate e,. e, . f!. e, ' e,_ . and e e calculations made for each condition as described in Section 5.4. \\w' c Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 4·7 STAN DA RD S OF T HE EX PA NSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. ...I ~ N·CONVOLUTIONS f---Lb----Y 't---n,,-,--.., F.-+--:~-- I t ::1. I Om I -;--!'-T..J Jq AXIAL MOVEMENT (SINGLE EX PANSION JOINT ) FIGURE 4.2 • ANG U LAR ROTAT ION SIN GLE E XPAN S ION JO IN T FIGURE 4.3 S 4-8 POINT OF APPLICATI ON OF EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS <\,; Expansion Join! ManufaclUfcrs Association. Inc. www.t:Jma.urg STANDA RDS OFTHE EXPAN SION JOIN T M AN UFACT URER S A SSOCI A TIO . INC. ' N CONVOLUTlONS\I -_ _ _ L , - --1 b LATERAL DEFLECTION (SINGLE EXPANSION JOINT) FIG URE 4.4 • N· CONVOLUTIONS, ~I-FnL+b~~~-_L,-_r'rnLNbIt:;:=:!t _--i_tOm f y /I_-&-+-F""'i' ~-------L ,' X ----~ -'---1!-~+1 ) M, J-r L ATERAL DEFLECTION ( UNIVERSAL EXPANSION JOI NT) FIG URE 4.5 ("Ij) POINT OF APPLICATION OF EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS ww\,,_eJ i;. Ex pans ion Join! Manufacturen; Association. Inc. -1-9 STAN DARDS OF THE EX PANSION JOINT MA ' UFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC 4.7 MAX IM UM AXIAL COMPRESSION BASED ON INSTA BILITY A long bellows or a seri es of unguided interconnected bellows may somet imes buckle when compressed. Buck ling occurs when the lateral stiffness is insuffi c ient to resist the latera l foces generated by axia l compression of the bellows. The max. axial compression movement per convo lut ion based on instab ili ty is: e,f= L25Dm ' N'q N = Total number of convo lutions in all unguided interconnected bellows. 4.8 EX PANS ION JOINT FLANGE LOADI NG CONS ID E RATIO NS Typ ically a flan ge con nection is requi red to wi thstand the ax ial thrust Ihal is produced during opera tion of a piping system as shown in Figure 4.6. The axial force that results from the press ure being applied agai nst the elbow is restrai ned by the t1ange bolts. thus creating a force and moment on the flange at the flange con nection atte mpting to un seat the gasket. However. when an unrestrained expansion joint is emp loyed as shown in Figure 4.7. the flange loading conditi ons change dramatically. In order to keep the expansion joint from freely extend ing, a main anchor is nonna ll y utili zed to restrain the elbow. Thi s main anchor will also carry the pressure thrust that resu lts from the pressurization of the system rmd releasc th is load from the flan ge bolts. In thi s instance. the load in g on the flange due to pressure is a compressive load that is equa l to the (F~ -Fp ) as shown in Fi gure 4.7. Thi s compressive load is in addition to that nomlall y applied due to gasket seai ing. Refer 10 Appendi x J Examples 1-6 and 8 for sam ple calculations. YESSELWALL Fp FORCE DUE TO AXlAlLDADING THRUST LOADING FIGURE 4.6 '1 ~ I O _'- Expansion Joint rl.'lanufaclurcrs Association. inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA T ION. INC. MAIN ANCHOR DIFFERENTIAl PRESSURE Th'TI.UST FORCE FIGURE 4.7 4.9 VIBRATION Metal bellows can be used in applications where the vibration is of high frequency and low amp litude. They are nOI suitable for vibrations where the frequen cy is low and the amplitude high. such as those resulting from reciprocating machines. Vibrations which arc the result of pressure pul ses can not be removed by the installation of an Expan sion Joint. since the pressure pulses are transmitted beyond the Expansion Joint through the fl ow media. In this case, a pulsation dampener is required . The piping system designer should insure that vibratio n loads in his piping system will nol be detrimental to the function of the be ll ows. In reducing or e liminating vibration effects the designer may wish to consider tbe use of externa l dampening devices or system mass adjustments. Where fl ow velocities are high, turbulent flow generated withi n the bellows secti on or hlrbulence originating upstream of the bellows may induce vibration . To minimize this phenomenon, an internal s leeve must be used. Refer to Section 4.10 for specifi c recommendations. Theoretical nanlral frequencies of single bellows and dual bellows assemblies for axial and lateral \'ibration may be calcu lated using tbe fo llowing equat ions. ~ .9. 1 SINGLE BELLOWS When vibration is present and the frequency is known, the bellows shall be designed so thai its narural frequency if,,) and higher modes do nO! coincide with the system frequency. To avoid a resonant response in the bellows, the bellows natural frequency shall be less than 2,3 of the system frequency or greater than 2 limes the system frequency. Axiall"ihrarioll: (Accordion Mode) {" . ~ C " ' & - " H" (4-19) (hertz) If' = Weight of the bellows including reinforcement (lbs.). For liquid media. include the weight of liquid contained only between the convolutions. c" = A constant used in the calculation of single bellows axial and lateral yibration frequencies. Use C 1 for natural or fundamental frequency. hamlonic. etc. J1 = W\\ C~ for first I. 2, 3. -1, 5 .... ( b:pansion Joint Manufaclurers Association, tnc. 4-11 STANDA RDS O F THE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIAT IO " INC. Va lues of "en" (for fi rst 5 modes) Number of Convo lut ions hi C, £, £;, c, I 8.84 9.51 9.75 9.75 9.81 9.81 9.81 9.8 1 9.81 9.81 17.7 18.8 19.1 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.6 23.1 26.5 27.8 28.4 28.7 28 .9 29.1 29.1 29.2 32.5 35.4 36.8 37.5 38.0 38.2 38.5 38.6 36.2 41.6 44.2 45.6 46.6 47.1 47.5 47.8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 & over Latera! Vibrmiol1: (Beam Mode) );, ~ CD ~, ' ~ /.; (he rtz) (4-20) HI = Weight of the bellows including reinforcemen t (Ibs.). For liqui d media, include the weight of a column of fluid of diameter D", and length Lh . Val ues of "C,/' (for fi rst 5 modes) ~1 C1 0 kJ £5 24.8 68.2 133 121 330 4- 12 Ii:; Expansion Joint ivlanufaclurers Associ;lIion. Inc. STANDARDS OF T H E EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. -'-9.2 DUAL BELLO\\'S (U ni\'ersal Expansion Joint) Resonant vibra tion of dual bellows assemb lies ma y be very se\"ere. panicularly at lower frequencies. resulting in large disp lacemcms of the center spoo l pi pe. In tied assemb lies. unanticipated lateral and axial movements of the center pipe may be controlled wi th hardware to limit vibratory mOl ion. To avoid a resonant response in the bellows. the bellows natural frequency shall be less thal12/3 of the system frequency or greater than 2 times the system frequen cy. Hi gher modes or harmonics do not occur in a spring mass system such as the dual bellows. The individual bellows in a dual assembly should also be checked for vibration response as a single bellows. Natural frequencies for axial. lateral. or "rocking" vibration may be ca lculated using the following equations: Axial ' 'ibra/ion: ' (4-2 I) 4.43 -"- (hertz) W II' = Weight of the spool pipe + one bellows including reinforcement + any attachments to the spool pipe including liners. covers. trunnions. lugs. nozz les. refractory, and insulation (lbs). For liqu id media , include the weight of liquid contain ed only between [he convolutions of one bellows. J" ~ ~ Lateral' 'ibra/ion: Ends of spool pipe in phase. r .In ~ 5.42D", L , JK"IV (hertz) (4-22) IV = Weight of the spool pipe + one bellows including reinforcement + any attachments to the spoo l pipe including liners. covers. trunnions. lugs. nozzles, refractory, and insulation (lbs). For liquid media, include the weight of a column of fluid of diameter Dm and length (L" - Lh). Rocking Vibration: Lateral vibration with ends of spool pipe out of phase: one end up and one end down. r .III ~ 9.38D'" L , ~ _" IV (hertz) (4-23 ) + one bellows including reinforcement + any attachments to the spool pipe including liners. covers. trunnions. lugs. nozzles. refractory. and insulation (lbs). For liquid media, include the weight of a column of fluid of diameter Dm and length (LI/ - Lb). W = Weight of the spool pipe The rocking \ibration natural frequency equation is based on having the center of gravity located (It the center of the spool pipe. Attachments to the spool pipe may shin the center of gravity off center and reduce the nafural frequency below the calculated value. NOTE: A properly designed, close tolerance. pantographic linkage could be used to suppress possib le \'ibratioll tendencies in a universal expansion joint assembly. t E-.:pansion Joint \-Ianufactmers Association. Inc. 4-13 STANDARDS OFT HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATIO , INC 4.10 INTERNAL SLEEVES - C IR CULA R EXPANSION JOI NTS 4.10.1 C RITERIA FOR DETERMI N IN G THE NEE D FOR INTERNAL S LEE VES Lntemal sleeves shall be specified for all Expansion Joints in the fo llow in g cases: a. When it is necessary to hold fric ri on losses desired. b. When fl ow velocities are high and could produce resonant vibration of the be ll ows. Internal sleeves are recommended when flow ve locities exceed the fo ll owi ng values: 10 a minimum and smooth flow is Air, Steal1l (llld OIlier Gases up to 6 in. dia . - 4 ft.lsec.linch of dia meter over 6 in. diameter - 25 fl .lsec. Water and other Liqllicl~' up to 6 in. diameter - 2 ft.lsee.!in. of diameter. over 6 in. diameter - 10 ft./sec. c. When turbulent flow is generated wirhin len pipe diameters of the Expansion Joim by changes in flow direction. valves. tee or elbow sections or cyclonic devices. The actual flow veloc ity should be muhiplicd by 4 prior to utilizing the crite ria of Secti ons 4.1 O.I-b and 4. 10.I-d. d. Specific applications must be eva luated individually. The lowest flow ve locity whi ch might produce an induced resonant vibration in the bellows may be calcu lated using the following equation: .8IaJK,,/W (f\.lsee.) (4-24) C,. cr = Inside convolut ion width (in.). W = Weight of the bellows including reinforcemclll (lbs.). For li quid media, include the we ig ht ofliq uid contai ned only between the convolutions. C,. = Correlat ion facto r used in the calcu lation of minimum flow velocity for the inclusion of intemal liners in an Expansion joi nt assembly. See Figure 4.8. For U shaped convolutions. C · = .22. \1= An imemal sleeve must be used when the fl ow ve locity exceeds 75% of the va lues calculated above. 4-14 t:' Exp:m~joll Juiut ~'lauufaclure r:;: Assuciatiun. I,ne. STANDARDS O F THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. A;--------,--------r---------------~ I~ .3 f------~+_------_+- Co 1r--------t--------t--------t--------4 O~------~ I~ I~ _______ L_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ______ ~ ~ ~ Ratio of Pitch to Convolution Width (ql a) FIGURE 4.8 e. When there is a possibility of erosion. as in lines carrying catalyst or other abras ive media. heavy gauge sleeves must be used. At no time should the relatively thin bellows be directly exposed to erosion. f. When there is reverse flow. heavy gauge sleeves may be required, or the use of telescopic sleeves may be appropriate. g. For high temperature applications to decrease the lcmperarurc of the bellows and enable the bellows metal to retain its higher physical properties. The annular area between the bellows and liner may be packed with a ceramic fiber insulation. or a gas purge may be installed to further reduce the bellows effective temperature. h. W' Internal sleeves sbould not be used where high viscosity fluids such as lars are being transmined. since these fluids may cause "packing up," "coking" and "cakil1g" which. may cause premature Expansion Joint failure. Where the fluid is suc h that purging will effectively prevent the "packing up." internal sleeves may be used in conjullction wilh purge connections. r Expansion Joint Manufacturer.; Association. Inc. 4-15 STA DAR DS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO '. INC. 4.10.2 DESI GN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR I TERNAL SLEEVES 3 . To minimi ze the possibility of fl ow ind uced vibration in th e Expansion Joint. the following sleeve th icknesses that are empiri ca ll y derived based o n air and steam s hall be utili zed. Nominal Ex pansion Jo int Diameter ( Inches) 2-3 4-10 12-24 26-48 50-72 Minimum lntcmal Sleeve Thickness ( Inches) 0.024 0.036 0.048 0.060 0.075 Over 72 0.090 h. Sleeve length, flow veloci ty, and med ia tem perature can increase the minimum internal sleeve thickness requirements listed above. Thickness increase factors shall be calculated in accordance with the following sections and muhipli ed IOgether. The product shall then be multiplied limes the above thickness to obtai n the minimum internal sleeve thickness for the appl ication. c. When the individual internal sleeve length exceeds 18 in., thc thi ckness increase factor shall be eq ual to JLJI8. where L,. is th e interna l sleeve length in in ches. d. When the flow ve loc ity through the liner (V) exceed s 100 ftlscc. the thickness increase faclor s hall be equal 10 Jv I I 00 . V ;s the lesser of th e son ic ve loc ity or the average flow veloc ity through the liner un less there is a signi fi can t fl ow di sruption (i.e .. valve. elbow. tee. etc.) with in 10 pipe diameters upstream of the liner. Ln that case, V is the lesser of the sonic velocilY or the average fl ow veloc it y through the lin er multiplied by a ve locity coefTiciem of 4.0. O ther va lues fo r the ve locity coeffi cient may be used if substantiated by testing and/or computational fluid d ynam ics calcu lations. e. When the media te mpera ture exceeds 3000 F. the th ickness increase faclor s hall be equal to E", I E." /I where E", is th e internal sleeve modulus of elasticity at 300 0 F and E'b is the imema l sleeve modulus o f elast icity at the media temperature. f. Where lateral deflection or rotation is present, the interna l s leeve must bc s ufficicnt ly smaller in diameter to provide clearance between the outside diameter of the slecve and the inside d iameter of the bellows or pipe. If the reduction o f inside diameter is unacceptable. an oversize be llows or alternate ex pansion joint design must be used. Cold spring can so met imes be used [ 0 provide the necessary clearance. (See Sectio n 4. 5.3) g. Drain holes should be provided for verti cal in stallations where liquid could become trapped in side the sleeve. h. Lnternal sleeves designed on ly to minimi ze the possibil ity of now induced vibration s hall not be considered as substitutes for internal guide sleeves described in Section 1.2. L The internal sleeve marerial may be th e same or different from the bellows material. 4- 16 t. Expansion Joim Manufacturers Association. Inc . STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOClATION. INC. 4.11 EXTERNAL COVE RS - C IRCULAR EXPANSION JOI 'T S External covers shall be specified for all expansion joints ba sed on the following criteria. 4. 11.1 FLOW IND UC ED V I BRA nON When the vortex shedding frequency from bellows due to external tlow is close to the natural frequency of vibration of the be ll ows, this can cause damage due to resonant in teraction. The lowest axia l and lateral flow velocities that may induce resonant vibration in the bellow may be calculated using the following equations: a) Lowest freestream ax ial velocity over bellows f'uxial = R: (4-25) ~ .611'V-;t;- ftlsec where Convolution height (in) Ksr = Overa ll bellows axial spring rate (lbsJin) W = Weight of bellows including media fluid (Ibs) lI' = b) Lowest frcestrcam la teral velocih' over bellows "'"um' ~ 20[ D~~' )~~ ft/sec (4-26) where Dm L" Bellows mean diameter (in) Bellows length (in) K.r = Overall bellows axjal spring rate (lbslin) IV = Weight of bellows including media fluid ( Ihs) A cover must be used when the acrual frecstream ve locity over tbe bellows exceeds 75% of the corresponding values from either of the above equations. 4.11.2 DRAG FORCE The non-cyclic movement of the single bellows due to the drag force produced by lateral flow over the outside of the bellows should be considered in the design. TIlis movement should be combined with the other design movements to confirm that the total movements per convolution e, and e,. do not exceed the maximum value e, {max} and e., (max). In addition. the calculated total stress range (St) based on the lateral movement with the design pressure must be less than 1.5 C",s"h. The lateral movement may be calculated as follows: , y ' ( Lh±x) pl'~N 46368t;D. where p V Weight density of the fluid flowing over the bellows (lbs lfe) Flow velocity of the fluid (ftlsee) A cover must be used when the design criteria cannot be met. \\ .... C Expansion Joint r-.lanufacturers Association. Inc. STAN DA RDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOINT M A NUFACTURER S ASSOCIATION. INC 4.12 BELLOWS DESIGN The design ofa be ll ows is compl ex in that it in vo lves an evaluation of pressure capaci ty. stress due In denection , fa ti gue li fe. spring forces and instabi li ty (squirm), Instability is unique in that users do not generall y recogni ze that intemal pressure can ca use a bell ows to buck le in a manner similar to a column subj ected to compress ive loading. The detemlination of an acceptable design is furth er complicated by the numerous variables involved such as diameter. materia l thickness. pilch. height. number of plies. method of reinforcement. manufacturi ng technique. material type. and heat treatment In many cases. th e design for a particular app licati on will involve a com rromi se of confli cting requ irements. For example: high pressure necessi tales a bellows constructed of thi ck material wh il e low forces require a thinner materia l. Several noteworthy theoret ical stress ana lyses of bellows have been deve loped. each of which has inherent limitation s. The analyses arc normall y based on assumptio ns wh ich approximatel y pred ict the true behavior of a be ll ows. The assu mpti ons usua ll y consist of an idea lized bellows configuratio n, a ul1ifoml thi ckness, a homogeneous and isotropic materi al. and elastic behavior. These assumpti ons are not precisely correct for 1110St applications. A bellows usuall y operates in the plastic sLress regio n and co ld work. due 10 fo rmi ng, alrers the mechanical properties of the material. A few in vestigators have employed computerized anal ysis techniques to more accura tely consider the e ffect of thickness and shape variations as well as plast icity. This procedure is obvious ly more complex than a simpl e elasti c analysis and yet does not full y so lve the des ign problem in the absence of expcrimcnta l verification . The major stresses in a be ll ows resul t from the e ffects of pressure and de fl ect ion. ormally the defl ection stresses arc hi gher than the pressure stresses. are generally above the yie ld poim of the bellows material. and are meridional (longitudinal ) in direction. Pressure produces circumferential (hoop) membrane stress in the bellows tangent and convolUlions. Bo th meridional membrane and bending stresses are also produced in the convolution s by pressure. A toroidal cross section is superi or for high pressure capac ity, but is limited to small deflections. Conversely. a U-shaped cross section pennit s greater defl ection but has a lower pressure ca pacity lo r the same materia l thi ckness. One method of providing a combina ti on of hi gh intemal pressure capacity and large deflection is the use of ex ternal reinforcement of the U-shaped bellows. The external re inforcement offers ci rc umferential restraint <1 nd supports the root radius agai nst collapse from internal pressure loading. The pressure capacity of a bellows can also be increased by the usc of mu lti-ply construction o r by increasing the th ickness of the bellows: however. the latter can sign ifican tly reduce the bellows fat igue li fe. Fatigue life ofa be llows is influenced by the combined stress range induced by pressure and de fl ection. T he fa tigue life of the bellows for ~ given configura tion and mnterinl thickness wi ll be a funct ion of the imposed pressure and deflect ion. The spring forces exerted by a deflected bellows Illay be cri tical. A deep convolution with a thin wall will deflect wit h less force than a sha llow convoluti on with a thick wa ll. A bellows design shou ld always be based on the actual bellows metal temperature expected during operation. Thi s temperature may be less than the media temperature. It should be understood that bel10ws geometry as well as forming methods vary widely throughout the industry wilh no one configuratiQn and fomling method necessarily superior for all design conditions. 4-18 c.; Expansion Joint Manufacturers ASSOClaIJOIl. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 4. 12.1 PARAMETERS AND CRlTERLA AFFECTING BELLOWS DESIGN This Standard contains a series of equalions intended ro provide the users and designers of Expansion Joints with a meaningful method for evaluating the various parameters affecting bellows design. The equations in Section 4.13 can be used to design a bellows for spec ific pressure and cyclic movement conditions only if they have been corre lated with actual bellows test data in accordance with Section 4. [2.1.8. Modifying faclOfs may be used by a manufacturer provided that they are in accordance with this test dam, When the available h;:;stl1ata is not suffic ient to verify the equations for a speci fic application. an individual bellows design may be cons idered acceptable for specific pressure temperature and movement conditions when a history of successful operation ofa similar bellows size and configuration for identical or more severe service can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the purchaser. Detennination of the suitabi li ty of the design may include the use of the equations in Section 4.13 on a parametric basis. UN REINFORCED BELLOWS The equations for unreinforced bellows are based on those shown in Atomics Lntemational Report NAA-SR-4527 "Analysis of Stresses in Bellows. Part l. Design Criteria and Test Results," with modifications and additions by the Association to reflect the experience of the members. These equations are based on elastic shell theory and consider the parameters involved for bellows of the "U" shaped configuration. The equations shown in Section ..U 3.1 are taken from the Atomics International report with modifications such that the calculated stresses in equations (4-27), (-1.28), (4-29). (4-30) and (4-31) can be directly compa red to the bellows mmerial allowable stress al design temperature published in the ASME Piping Codes and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. The system designer MUST identify the specific design code to the Expansion Joint manufacturer. Contact the Expansion Joint manufacturer for designs governed by other codes. An unrein forced bellows is shown in Figure 4.13. REINFORCED BELLOWS The equations for reinforced bellows are based on those shown in Atomics International Report NAA .. SR-4527 "Analysis of Stresses in Bellows. Part L Design Criteria and Test Results," with modifications and additions by the Association to reflect the experience of the members. These equations are based on elastic shell theory and consider the parameters involved ror bellows of the "U" shaped configuration. The equations shown in section 4.13.2 are based on the Atomics International Report for unreinforced bellows. Equations (4-+4). (4-45), (4-46). 14-47) and (450) reflect the increased strength and stiffness of the convolution due to the reinforcing member. Equations (4-38). (4-39). (4-41), (4-42). 14-43). (4-+4) and (4-45) as modified may be lIsed to calculate stresses which can be directly compared to Ihe bellows material allowable stress at design temperature published in the ASME Piping Codes and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. The system designer MUST identify the specific design code to the Expansion V. w \\ .c Expansion Joint Manufacturers Associatioll. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MA ' UFACTURERS ASSOCIAT IO N. INC. Jo inlmanu facturer. Contact the Expansion Joint manufacturer fo r designs govemed by other codes. A reinforced bellows is shown in Figure 4.14. An externa ll y reinforced bellows with external pressure shall be treated as an unreinforced be ll ows. Pressure on the convo lution sidewa ll will apply an axial load on the end co llar lending to push the collar away from the convo lUli ons. This force will be equal to the intemal pressure times the area difference between the bellows mean diameter and the bellows inside diameter. Externa l restraints must be provided to resist Ihi s load and hold the collar in position. a. TOROIDAL BELLOWS The equations for toroida l bellows shown in Section 4. 13.3 are taken from Design Clnd AnC/~n' ;s ~fPipil1g. Pressllre Vessels. al1d Components, ASME PVP Vol. 120, 198 7, Pgs. 99-106. A toroidal bellows is shown in Fi gure 4. 15 . Toroidal bellows wi th extel11a l pressure are not cove red by the EJMA Standards. Pressure on the convolution sidewall will apply an axial load on [he end co llar tending to push th e coll ar away from the convolutions. Th is force will be equal to the interna l pressure times the area difference between the be ll ows mean diame ter and the bellows inside di amet er. External restraint s must be provided to resist thi s load and hold the collar in position. INTE R NAL PRESS URE CA PA C ITY Excessive hoop stress in the straight cylindrical end tangents of a bellows will cause ci rcumferential yie lding. Th is stress is calcu lated by a modification of the Barlow equat ion. For unreinfo rced bellows. a factor "k" is included which considers the st iffening effects of the attachment we ld and th e end convolution. When required, the straight tangent of unreinforced bellows can be reinforced by collars. The equat ions apportion the stress in the tangent and collar in relation to their respecti ve cross sect ional areas and material properties. Excessive hoop stress in the convoluted section of the bellows can produce circumferentia l yie lding and poss ible rupture. As in any cylindrica l she ll , thi s stress is inverse ly proportional to the cross sectional area . All eq uations apportion the stress between the bellows and any reinforcing members in relation to their respecti ve cross sectional areas and materi al properties. Fac tors have been included to accoun t for the effect of movement on the hoop stress. Exce5;5;ivc meri di onal pressurc srrC5;S in th e eonvo lm ed section ofa U-shaped bellows will produce bulging of the sidewall. Any gross change in the convolution shape will decrease the space between con volutions. and the ability of the bellows to absorb movement. Such changes in the shape may also affec t the fatigue li fe. Excessive meridional pressure stress in a toroidal bellows will produce meridional yielding and possibl e ruprure. 4. 12.1.4 DE FLECTIO N STRESS The stress in the convoluted section of the bellows due to deflection is given by eq uatio ns (4-3 2). (4-33). (4-46). (4-47). (4-57) and (4-58). Typi cal calculated stress range values are 50,000 to 500.000 psi. These values are not true stresses. 4-20 l Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. WWW.ejma.Olg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. since they exceed the elastic limit of the material. They arc meaningful when correlated with actual test resu lts in eva luating fatigu e lifc. FATIG UE LIFE EXPECTANCY The fa tigue life expectancy of an Expansion Joint is affected by various factors such as: operating pressure, operating temperature. the material from which the bellows is made. the movement per convo lution. the thickness of the bellows. the convoluti on pitch. and the deplh and shape of th e convolution. Any change in these factors will result in a cha nge in the life of the Expansion Joim. The fatigue life expectancy can be defined as the tora1 number of complete cycles whi ch can be expected from the Expansion Joint based on data tabulated from tests perfonned at room temperature under simulated operating conditions. A cycle is defined as one complete movement from the initial position in the piping sys tem to the operating position and back to the initial positi on. Fati gue life is dependent upon the max imum stress range to which the bellows is su bjected. the maximum stress amplitude being a far less signifi cant factor. Expansion Joi nts can be specially designed for very high cyclic life. When thi s is required. the Expans ion Joilll manufacturer must be advised of the estimated number of cyc les req uired. The eq uati ons given for fa ti gue life should onl y be Llsed when the actual bellows metal temperature under operating cond iti ons is below the creep range. Fatigue life calculations for actual bellows metal temperatures in the creep range must be substantiated by high temperature test data or history of successful operation of a simi lar bellows size and configurat ion for iden tical or more seve re serv ice. a. FATIGUE LIFE The fat igue life ofa bellows is a fu nction of the sum of the meridional pressure stress range and the lOtal meridional denectioll stress range. The denection stress range must be based on the 10tal equivalent axial movement range as discussed in Section 4.3. The number of cycles to failure may be evaluated by equations (4-34), (448) and (4-59). The constants are derived from graphs of the lOtal stress range versus number of cycles to failure from actual fat igue tests of a series of bellows of similar materials at room temperature evaluated by a best fit continuous curve. These equations are meant to predict the average fatigue life for the bellows design. Certain codes and standards incorporate design fatigue curves which include factors that account for th e nonnal effects of size. surface finis h and scatter of tbe data. Therefore. the design cycle life should rea li st ically represent the estimated number of opera ti ng cycles. An overly conservative estimate of cycles can result in an increased number of convolutions and an Expansion Joint more prone to instability. h. CUMULATIVE FATIGUE An Expansion Joint may be required to withstand a number of stress cycles such as those produced by the start up and shut down of the sys tem . While these cycles usually control the fatigue life of the bellows. there may be instances where other conditions assume importance III .............. { Expansion Joint Manufacturers AssociatIon. Inc. 4-21 STAN DA RDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANU FA CTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. INC. detenninil1g the overall or cumu lati ve fatigue life of the be llows. As an ex ample . one cond ition may generate 1.000 cycles of stress va riation from zero to 160.000 psi and another condit ion 10.000 cycles of stress variation from zero to 50.000 psi. The procedure descri bed in the fo ll owi ng paragraphs illustrates the method used in eval uat ing the fatigue damage in a bellows when it is subjected 10 a varicty of condit ions du ri ng its lifet ime . This method is based on Minor's HYPOl hesis 1 which is generally accepted as sufficientl y accurate for predic ti ng th e effect o f cumu lati ve fa tigue. T he method assumes thai a stress versus fatig ue life curve has been establ ished fo r the type of bellows under consideration. c. CONCURRENT CON DITIONS Concurrent condition s are thosc that occur at exact ly the same time and frequency produci ng a combined stress rangc. The stress ranges for each condi tion are superimposed to give cases of combi ned stress range for the appli cab le number of cyc les. Trul y concurrent conditions arc rare in practice. If the condit ions described in the above exa mpl e arc concurrent. the cumulati ve effec t can be evaluated using the fo ll ow in g steps: Step I: Superim pose the stress range of each condition for the applicable number of cycles to find eac h casc as follows: Case I : Case 2: "I = 1000 cycles S" = 1160.0001+150.0001 = 2 10,000 psi st ress range 11, = 10,000 - 1000 = 9000cycles S" = 101+150, 0001 = 50, 000 psi stress range Step 2: For each stress range S'I. Sf! ' .... , use the app licable fat igue curve to find the number of cyc les to fai lure N I. N2 •. _. for each case. Step 3: For each case, ca lc ulate th e usage factor U1, U2 •... where UI = I1.tN I , U2 = niN2' etc. Step 4: Calcu late the cumulat ive usage factor where U = U I + U~ + ... Step 5: The cumulative usage fac tor U shall nOt exceed 1.0. d. INDEPE DENT CONDITIONS Independent conditions are those that do not occur at exactly rhe same rime or frequenc y. Independen t condit ions are nOI superimposed. MOSI conditi ons in practice are independent. If the conditions described in the above example are independent, the cumulat ive effect can be evaluated using rhe following steps: I Minor. Milton A.. "CulI1ululivt: Damage in Faligue." Joumul of Applied Mechanics. Sc!p,-. 1945. C Expansion Joint Manufacwrcrs Associalion. Inc. STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Step 1: Summarize the st ress range and cycles for each condition to find the cases as follows: Case I: III ::::: 1000 cycles S'I :::: 160.000 psi stress range Case 2: II! = IO.OOOcyc les S,! = 50.000 psi stress range Step 1: For each stress range S" , S,;!, ... .. use the applicable fatigue curve to find the number of cycles to failure N 1 • N::! .... for each case. Step 3: For each case, calculate the usage factor UI, U::! . .. where UI = 1N 1• U2 = n21N.!. etc. Jl 1 Step 4: Calcu late the cumulative usage factor where U = U I + U l-'- Step 5: The cumulative usage fac tor U shall not exceed 1.0. e. CYCLE LIFE EXPECTANCY AT HIGH TEMPERATURES When the acrual bellows metal temperature is high, cycle life can be affected by factors other than just the deflection stress range. Metallurgical changes can mak e the material more sensitive to the microscopic flaws which lead to fatigue failures. When temperarures are high enough. creep strains and cycl ic deflection strains can interact to further reduce the cycle life. The number of cycles to failure can be evaluated using the method given in Appendix G. ~.12.1.6 BELLOWS STAB ILI TY Excessive internal pressure may cause a multi-convolution bellows to become unstable and squinn. Squirm is derrimental to bellows performance in thaI it can greatly reduce both fatigue life and pressure capacity. The two most common fanns are column squinn and in-p lane squinn. Column squiml is defined as a gross lateral shift of the center section of the bellows. II results in curvature of the bellows centerline as shown in Figure 4.9. WW\\ , c E:>.:panslOn Joint Manuracturers Association, Inc. STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC. COLUMN SQUIRM FIGURE 4.9 Th is condi tion is most associated with bellows which have a relatively large length-la-diameter ratio and is anal ogous to the buckling of a column under compressive load. W 0: :::> '"'" 0: COLUMN INSTABILITY W 0...J « z 0: w tZ BELLOWS LENGTH - TO - DIAMETER RATIO FIGURE 4.10 Figure 4.10 depicts the critical column squ irm pressure for a series ofbcll ows having the same diameter. thickness and convolution profile. See equatio n (4-35), (4-49). or (4-60) for a method of evalualing 11 bellows for co lumn squiml. Factors have been included to account for the effect of movements on the column squiml pressure. 4-24 e E.xpansion Joint ManuladuJ't:rs A)socmllull. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. INC. The equat ions assume thai each end of the expa nsion joint is rigidly supported (fixed). For other end condi tions. the limiting design pressure should be eval uated as follows: Fixed/Pinned - .5Pf>C Pinned/Pinned -.25Psc Fixed/Laterally Guided -.25P>l: Fixed/Free -.06Psc It should be noted that external pressure does not produce column squi ml. When a be llows is subjected to externa l pressure, its pressure capacity can be verified by the method d iscussed in Section 4.13. FIGURE4.11 In-plane squi nll is defined as a shift or rotation of the plane of one or more convolutions such thai the plane of these convolutions is no longer perpendicular to the axis of an unreinforced bellows. II is characterized by tilting or warping of one or more convolutions as shown in Figure 4.11. This condition is predominantly associated with high meridional bending stress and the formation of plastic hinges at the root and crest of the convolutions. II is Illost common in bellows which have a relatively smalllength-to-diameter ratio. See Equation (436) for a method of evaluating an unrein forced bellows for in-plane squirm. To prevent bellows squiml under test conditions. the test pressure should be less than or equal to 1.5 times the limiting design pressure based on column or inplane instability using room temperature material properties. In addition. the test fixture should duplicate the as-installed condition as closely as possible. The equat ions given for squiml should only be used when the actual bellows metal temperature under operating condi tions is below the creep range. Squirm calculations for actual bellows metallemperatures in the creep range must be substantiated by high temperature lest data or history of successful operation of a similar bellows size and configuration for identical or more sc\·erc ser\'ice. .... ww .eJm3_org ,(' E>;pansion Joinl Manufacturer.. Association. Inc . STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. These equations inc lude fac tors such that the ratio between the limiting design pressure and the critical squ irm pressure is approximate ly 2.25 for col umn squirm and 1.75 for inplane squiml. When a universa l rype expansion joint is subjected to lateral offset. the internal pressure produces a force that tends to rotate the ccnterspool. This force is res isted by the stiffn ess of th e bellows. Irthe force is suffi ciently high. instabi li ty can occur. A method for evaluating thi s mode of instability is given in Metallic Bel/oll's and Expansion Joinls· 1989. ASME PVP Vol. 168. Pgs 41-43. 4. 12.1.7 BELLOWS SPRING RATE The force req uired to deflect a bellows axially is a funct ion of the dimen sions of the bellows and the material from which it is made.. The curve of force vs. deflection for most bellows indica tes motio n extending into the plasti c range as shown by the solid line in Fi gure 4.12. The first porti on of the curve is a stra ight line as the be llows is deflected throug h its elastic range. As bellows deflection continues and extends into the plastic range, the force vs . defl ection re lati onsh ip becomes non-linear until the point of maximum deflection is reached. When the restrai ni ng force is released. th e curve aga in becomes linear umil the appl ied force is zero at which point the residua l de fl ectio n of the bellows still has a positive va lue. To return the bellows to its initial position. a restoring force must be appli ed in the oppos ite directi on as shown by the curve below the abscissa. Line A in Fi gure 4. 12 represents the bellows theoretical in itial elastic spring rate . be detennin ed anal yticall y w ith reasonable accuracy from eq uations based on e lastic theory. The bellows theoretical initial elasti c spring rate, Ji is cal culated in accordance with Equations (4-37), (4-50), and (4-61 ). .!:. This value can Lines Band C represent bellows resistance factors or working spring ra tes. for bellows w ith operating deflections in the plasti c range. j~" The use of the initial elastic spring rate in place of the working spring rate for a bellows whose deflection extends into the plastic range predicts forces whi ch can be cons iderably hig her than actua l. This is recogni zed to be a problem and various methods have been used to obtain more accurate results. Lme B, drawn from the orig in to the point of maximum force and deflection, is used as the bellows workin g spring rate..f~. but has the disad vantage of underestimating the actual force over the full range. Line C. drawn from the point of maximum fo rce and deflection to the va lu e of the restoring force required to rerum the bellows to zero deflection, becomes line C' when transferred to the o rigin . A working spring rate based on line C' can be used. Thi s reduces the discrepancy between the indicated and true va lues a lthough the difference can sti ll be sign ificant. For the g reat majori ty of applications. the manufacturers publ ished spring rates have proved sati sfac tory. However. whe n the critical nature ofa partic ular application warrants morc precise knowledge of the bellows working spring rate. the user should require the manufacturer to supply infonnation as to th e mea ns by which his data was deve loped. In special cases. prototype testing [Q determine the precise load vs . deflection characteristics ofa particular bel lows des ign may be necessary. 4-26 V I::xpanslOn JOint Manutacturers ASSOCiation. Inc. STA NDA RDS OF THE EX PAN SION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATI ON. INC. // ///1 / I FOR CE DEFLECTIOH / / GENERAL CURVE OF BE LLOW S FORCE VS DEFLE CTION FIGURE4 .12 CORRELATION TESTING The equations in Sections 4. 13.1. 4.13.1. and 4. 13.3 can be employed to design a bellows if they have been correlated wi th actual test results to demonstrate predictability of nlplurc pressure_ meridional yielding. squinn and cycle life for a consistent series of bellows of the same basic design (unrcinforccd and reinforced bellows arc considered as separate designs). A minimum affive meridional yield-rupture leSIS on bellows of varying sizes. with not less than three convolutions. are required 10 vcrify Equations (4-29), (4-30), ('""-31). (4-28), (4-44), (445). (4-37), and (4-56), A minimum of len squinn tests on bellows of\'arying diameters and number of convolutions are rcquircd to vcrify Equations (4-35). (4-49) and (4-60). A minimum oftwenty-fivc fatigue tests on bellows of varying diameters. thickncsses. convolution profiles arc required to construCt a fatiguc life versus combined stress plol. The eITects of pressure shall be considered in the fatigue tests. The test bellows must be representative of typical bellows design and manufacturing processes. BE L LOWS I-I EAT TR EATMENT Heat trcatmcnt after forming can havc a dctri mental effect on bel lows prcssurc capacity. If is not normally considered beneficial for fatigue life to either stress relieve or anneal after fomling. The necessity for this form of heat treatment is the responsibility of the purchaser and shall be considered individually. \\ w\\ , E:o;p:msion Joml Manufacturers Association. Inc 4--:!7 STAN DARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IA TlON. INC. 4.13 DESIGN EQUATIONS 4.13. 1 DESI GN EQUATIONS FOR UN REINFORCE D BEllOWS Bel lows Tangent Circumferential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure SP(D, +I1I)'L,£, k ,- 2( ntE/r L,( D,, +f1/)+f, kE , L, D. ) (4-27) Co ll ar Circumferential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure PD', L,£ , k S', (4-28) 2 (11I£, L, (D, +111) +I,k£, L, D, ) Be llows Circum ferential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure S~ = PD~t K~ q . (4-29) 2.4, Bellows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Pressure Pit' S,= - - (4-30) -'111 " Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due to Pressure S, = !:...(~)' C 211 Ip (4-31 ) P Note : The above stresses should be eval uated for pressure capacity as fo ll ows: 5, & S! :s: C...f, S,,J, 5', s e. ,s", S.l +S~$CmS<lb (Below the Creep Range) SJ + (S./1.25) ~ S", ( In the Creep Range) Bellows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Defl ection S, (4-32) Be ll ows Meridional Bending Stress Due to Deflection (4-33) S" Note: Modulus of elasticity. E;.. in Equations (4 ·32 ) and (4-33) is at room le mperalUre. 4-28 l' Expansion Joint Manufacturers Assoc iation. Inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Fatigue Life (4-34) where; a, b, and c are material and manufacturing constants. S, = 0.7 (5\ + S~) + (5.. + Sf,) . See Figure -l .2D for fatigue curve for austeniti c stainless steel. Limiting Internal Design Pressure Based on Column Instabili ty for S ingl e Bellows (both ends rigidly supported) . Refer to Section O.34JlC,.r;" P" N'q (4-35) For universa l expansion joints. N = total number of convolutions in both bellows for calculation of P,,- . Limiting Design Press ure Based on Inplane Instability and Local Plasticity at Temperatures Below the Creep Range (4-36) P" Bellows Theoretical Ax ial Elastic Spring Rate per Convol uti on f", '" V. \\ , = I. 7 -''> , ':-'- D",E"t;.1I w-e , ( Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. (4-37) 4-29 ST AN DA RDS OF T HE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA T ION. INC. 4. 13.2 DESIGN EQUATIONS FOR R EIN FO RCED BELLOW S Bell ows Tangent Circum fe rential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure P( D, + "')' L"E, (4-38) Coll ar Circum fere ntial Me mbrane Stress Due to Pressure P( D, )' L"E, S', (4-39) Co ll ar Circumferential Bending Stress Due to Pressure S" = F,:'II1 D, I 4;rC, Z, (4-40) Be llows C ircum fere ntial Membrane Stress Due to Pressure 5 - .!!..... ~ - 2A, (....!!..-.) K R+I (4-4 1) r R = R, for integra l reinforci ng members R = R] for re inforc ing members joined by fasteners Note: In the case of reinforc ing members which are made in sect ions and joined by fasteners in tension, this equHl ioll assumes thal the strucrure used to retain the fastener does not bend so as to penni! the reinforcing member 10 expand diametri cally. In addition. the end rei nforcing members must be restrained agai nst the long itudina l annular pressure load of the be llows. Rein forc ing Member C ircum fere ntial Membrane Stress Due to Pressure H (- - 5 ',- 2Ar Rl I- +I )K (4-42) r Note: III the case of equalizing rings. th is eq uation provides on ly the simpl e membrane stress and does not include the bending stress call sed by the eccentri c fas tener locati on. These stresses can be deteml ined by e lastic ana lysis and/or actua l tests. Fastener Membrane Stress Due to Pressure s:= ~ . 2A( (_I_)K R~ +I (4-43 ) r Bellows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Pressure 53 .85P( "'- 4 C,J~, 1 (4-44) 2nt p Bellows Merid ional Bending Stress Due to Pressure 5 = .S5P( ~ - 11/ "'-4C,J~)' C I , I' (4-45) Note: The above stresses shou ld be evaluated for pressure capacity as fo ll ow:-.: 4-30 C Expansion Joint Manuf3ClUfcrs Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANU FA CTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. s; +5 1" ~K,C",S", 53 + S~ .$ C",5"" (Below the Creep Range) 5, +( 5,/1.25 ) ~ 5", (In the Creep Range) Bellows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Defl ection 5, El> t,~e (4-46) -'(w-4C,. r'" )' C I Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due to Defl ection (4-47) 3( ",-4C, ,~ )' C. Note: Modulus of elasti city. E~ in Equations (4-46) and (-+-47) is at room temperature. Fatigue Life (4-48) where: a. band c are material and manufacturing constants. S, = O. 7 (S.~ + S.~) + (S{ + So). See Figure 4.20 for HlIig ue curve for austenitic stainless steel. Limiting Intemal Design Pressu re Based on Column Instability for Single Bellows with Reinforcing Rings (both ends rigidly supported), Refer to Section 4. 12.1.6. For bellows with equalizi ng rings see Figure 4.14 and consult the manufacturer. p. 0.3"C,J" N'q (4-49) For universal expansion joints. N - tota.l nu mber of convolutions in both bellows for calculation of P" Bellows Theoretical Axial Elastic Spring Rate per Convolution . J" \\ \\ v.. =1.7 D",E/.t;n (\1'-4 C,1';,,).'c f l," Expansion Jomt Manufacturers Association. Lnc. (4-50) 4-31 STANDARDS OFTH E EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOC IAT ION, INC. 4.13.3 DESI GN EQUAT I ONS FOR TO RO IDAL BELLOWS Bellows Tangen! Circumferential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure S, 1'( D, )' LdE, (4-51 ) 2(D, E,A,. ) Co ll ar Circumferentia l Membrane Stress Due to Pressure S', PD, L" 1/1" (4-52) Co llar Circumferent ial Bending Stress Du e to Pressure Fn D S", x Il ' (4-53) 4;rC,Z, Bellows Ci rcumferential Membrane Stress Due to Pressure S. ~ ...!::.... - (4-54) 2111p Reinforcing Member Circumferential Membrane tress Due to Pressure S: = PDrq - (4-55) 2Ar Bellows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Pressure s_ pr ( D",-r ) 3 - " , ,, (4-56) Dm- 2r Note: The above stresses shou ld be eva luated for press ure capaci ty as fo ll ows: 51 & 51 $. C"'hS,,h 5 3 5.S"h S'I + S· I < }( - ·< C S " ~·UC· Be llows Meridional Membrane Stress Due to Denection £,, (~ e "":''-''-'" B, (4-57) Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due to Deflection E,J l'e S, ~ , B, 5.72,.- - (4-58) s, 34.3r Note: Modulus of elasticity £,.. in Equations 4-57 and 4-58 is at room temperature. " Expansion Joint j\.·lanuracturers Associ:nion. Inc. STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Fatigue Life N , =(_C )" S, -b (4-59) where: a, band c are material and manufacruring conslanrs. 5, = 35.1 + 55 + Sr.. See Figure 4.20 for fatigue curve for austenitic stainless steel. Limiting Intemal Design Pressure Based on Column Instability for Single Bellows (both ends rigidly supported). p = O.15Jl"Cnf , • N ' ,. For universal expansion joints. N for calculation of P" = (4-60) total number of convolutions in both bel lows Bellows Theoretical Axial Elastic Spring Rate per ConvolUlion _ DmEf./~ n B (4-61) 1,' -10.921'13 4.13.4 BELLOWS TO RSION - UN R E INFO RCE D/ R E INFO RCED BELLOWS The following equations may be used as a guide in calculating the shear stress and deflection due to torsion about the centerline for one bellows. S. 2A/, nl!rD~ (Limited to 0.25 S"h or other value detemlined by testing) (4-62) 4M,L", N 0, lTCIIID: (4-63 ) Note: Refer to Section 2. 10.2 for design recommendation regarding bellows torsion. S, = Shear Stress (psi.) AI, = Torque (in. Jbs.) L"t= De\·eloped length orone com'olurion (in.) B, \\"" = .571q + 2\\ = Angle of twi st (radians) ( E:\pans ion Join! Manufacturers Assoc iation. Inc. 4-33 STAN DA RDS DF T H E EX PAN SION JOINT MA NUFACTU RERS ASSOCIAT IO '. I C. 4.14 BENCH MARK CALCU L A TIONS The benchmark calculations shown below are based on the design equat ions g iven in Sections 4. 13. 1. 4 . 13. 2. and 4 . 13.3. They shall be used to verify the accuracy of comput er programs used to perform bellows des ign cah.:ulations. Input Variables D, , Ol:llu\\;. Tvpe 3 Sinl.!k Reinforced Sinl.!k· Unrcmforccd Universal Unrcinfurccd I 4 Smdc ToroIdal 24 27 24 27 24 27 24 D," N/A N/A N/A I .03 2 .25 I 12 I .03 2 .25 .03 2 .25 I 8 27.496 .05 3.4625 2 1.25 N/A Db+ 1(W+ N/A nI) 11 1m IQ IN l., ! N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ~ !L L, A, I 36 N/A N/A N/A .375 I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14751 N/A N/A L, N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A . 15 .43 .0877 8 N/A N/A N/A P 40 100 I I .5 .06 5 28.3c6 25.8c6 NIA NIA 59726 .5 2 0 28.31:6 25.8c6 A, Zoo N/A 11_ I~ I D, X (Comp) X ( Ex t) y o (Dcg) E, (RT) E,I DT) E, (DT) ~( DT) S, 4-34 I 4 1.25 ,"5 N/A N/A 27.3c6 59776 I N/A 100 I .5 0 5 28.3e6 25.8e6 26.606 27.3c6 59726 Expansion Joinl Manufacturers Association. Inc. N/A 2.282 1.27 .27 1 12 157 14 I 25. 1 2.106 500 .75 0 0 0 28 .3c6 25 .8c6 26.6c6 27.3c6 59726 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. J , SinQlc Reinforced Sin 'Ie ToroidJI 8992 10407 Bellolls Tv Inpu! Variables 1 2 Sin 'Ie Unreinrorccd Uni\crsal Unrcmrorc~'1i Results 6301 ~367 3194 -17-11 3613 51" N/A N,A S, 26-l5 N/A 674-1 N/A 12 105 3810 S, S, SC' N"A S., S, S, S" S, N, p. P" 495 17972 I; C Cf C, 689 109067 )?J68 I 74317 93 1237 44925 1130 3929 841 24. .BI 2003 "975 5352 9520 11123 N/A '529 87937 178830 112"74 -1349 8213 50710 210 307 1851 128 N/A 12562 24548 0.7342 NIA 1571-1 NIA 253583 273276 123836 128 1256 1 0.7342 1.4 703 0.7342 1.4703 1.-1703 WA 1.5324 1.5324 1.5324 N 'A NIA 3.7463 1.0 146 NIA N/A N/A N/A 1.0625 1.0625 N'A 0.4140 0.3756 0.3750 B', B, B, K, NIA N/A N/A 1.0417 c 0.2525 N/A 2.3731 Notes: l. The Cr. Ct. and CII factors are taken from Appendix I. The interpolation method is in accordance with Section 1.2. 2. The B I _ 8 1, and BJ factors are taken from Appendix I with linear interpolation. 3. The lateral and angular movements are assumed to be concurrent with axial compression only. 4. Fatigue life is based on the equations in figure 4.20. 5. Reinforcing members and collars are integral with no fasteners. 6. The notation 2e6 is equivalent to 2.000.000. 7. RT is room temperature and DT is design temperature. The design lemperarure is below the creep range. \\w\\ c· Expamion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 4-J5 STAN DARDS OFTHE EX PANS IO N JOI NT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO . INC. /' ,,, ". "-'X + + + ,/~--", -" . , ( ,,-¥' , 'm ' ) -- , / UNRE INFORCED BELLOWS Figure 4. 13 ~.""" ....".. A, VI(W,X X /""- .""''''','~ IIINC; [QU""..lZi NC, filIN' ~17----~V , ., " Db ~. REINFORCED BEllOWS Figure 4. 14 '. - -t--- "",,' . - --I TOROIDAL BEllOWS Figure 4. 15 4-36 lJ Expansion Jo int ManufaclUfcrs Assodalion. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCI A TION. INC. o~ ~ · \~ '"t\ • '" o o "'" ~ ~ 1\ I~ o.7 • o. ~, . o "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ... 0 .' 0< 0.' r- 0.' ' .0 u \J-.. ~ ~ t: p " t--- o., '0 ~ -........:: , o JD.t I\. • o. o 1.82,;., o 0' 0' 0' o. 0 .' o. ,• I-- , ,•• r::::::: ~ 07 0.8 0.9 .0 • .0 , 0 1,.m '" C,• for Convo luted Bellows FIGURE 4.16 t Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc 4-37 STAN DA RDS OF THE EX PANS ION JOINT MA NUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. , 0 .2 2 '0 1.5 :;;-- p-: 1.2 1.0 O' --~ t'---~ O~ 0 .7 0 .' ~ 0 .5 Cr " ~ ~ ~ t-.. 0 .' ....... ". ~~~ 0 .' ~ 0' - .............. ~ '\ 0 .15 I~ ~ ~ '\ 1_82 1;, ~D",1" r-....... r-...... "" "" '"~~ " .5 " .0 '\. \. n, '\. ~ '\ '\. "- 0 0 0 .' 0.2 O.J O. 05 0 .' 0 ,7 0.8 O. "0 2rm '" Bellows c, for Convoluted FIGURE4,17 -1-38 'C Expansion Join ! Manuractun:rs Associaiion. inc. STAN DA RDS OF TH E EXPA NSION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIA TI ON. INC. ,• ,• ,. /' ,. ,• , h • . / . / ' /-& ''/ /A ~ / Yff /./"" / 7/ / ••• / / / V / / ./ V " o• ~Dmlp t-- '/ OJ , .0 ~ ~ r--...... '"i'--. O. O' 1 .S I--.. ........ 0' 1 .8 21 ~, / ~ ~ r---. .... O. l.0 / ""~ ~ , v' / I.-- ~~ .J 7 •• / / / / ./ .~ •o o. 0.' ~/ // . /. / /. V~ [7 ., C" o. o. / ' 17,./ . . , V/ V ~ , ~~~ /' ~ ~ ,., ,o ,. / O' O' 0' 01 ,. 1--.. - 01 • ~ ' .0 ',. ~ " Cd for Convoluted Bellows FIGURE4.IS "\\<\\ ... Expansion Joint M,mufal.:lurers Associmion, Inc 4-39 STAN DA RDS OF T HE EX PANS ION JOI NT MANU FACT URERS ASSOCIA TION. INC. 25 81 II 1 20 IL V I 15 B I' B , V & B, / 8~ 10 f-'" V V V / V / V 5 V V 1/ o o ~ V 5 15 10 20 25 6.61r 2 Dm tp 8 I. 8 2 & 8, FOR TOROIDAL BELLOWS FIGURE 4. 19 4-40 D E.'pam.iull Juiul Mam:faclurcn; I\ ssuciation. Inc. Thelic curves arc intended 10 predicl ovcrage faligue life allcmpcralures below 800° F lor auslenitic sl:linless stee l be llow s which have nOI been heallrt'ated and havc not more than 5 plics. They arc considered valid primarily in the range of 10 \ to 10' cycles. due to the liniited data nV:lilable for thc very low and \cry high cyclic ranges. The equati ons arc of the torm provided in Design of Pressure Vessels for Low Fatigue by RF . Langer. ASME paper 61 ·\VA· 18. The const:lIlts were moditjed to reneet the cx pen cm:c o f FJMA members for bellows futlgu e life •• • ~ tl ~ '" Z ~ '"o '"o." -l :I: rn , , 1000000 '" ag ., ~ ~ IS < ;:. , ,r. (. . .- ... ..... .:. c 0 8» ~ .~ .......... .. .:. .:. .... : .. ':' z '"<5 ;EiMA .iRei· ~l;~'rr z ~ ~ '" '" Ci i~ ~ <; •• t ••.• f _. ., .. ." m ",~ ... :. " ~ ~ '1 c a ;:: :-'. '; :l, r"·:·Tr·:· EJ MA 'IUnreinforced IkIlOws) ~ '" ,00000 ..........,....... . .. ..•. ... . ·1,· ... ~ .;; . ... : .... ,.. ..•. j ~ .; i I· !. i· ·t ~ , .~ .. +.. I· ... : .. ,'-.-: ..,..,..................,..........•.......•..... .. : ,. ..;.. .. , ; +...• ,~ i. : ,. i : Nlt~~~L ~;ioJ.; ~ ..+ ... _, .. .;- ..... . ';-11 L " 100 1 1000 . 1 I 0000 N _( • 1.86x 10')" S, - 54000 .' " , I 00000 5, - 0 .7(S , + 5.)+ (S, + S,) _(5.18XIO')" • $,-41800 5, - 0.7(5, + $ .)+ (S, + S,) Z -l 'l'! j·f· .--'---"---'----'--~='d 1000000 » z c." » Cl c ~ '"»'" '"o '" r") REINFORCED N -+ : : : Fatigue Life ( N , ) UNREIN FORCED ..+ • L ............. , o ;;: .. ... Lu. ... . . . . . . . . . . ·illlt ,. '. : ... ... -: . i· ": . ", ,--" 10000 t '"»-l TOROIDAL N _ ( 2.30x I O' )'" • $,-41800 5, -3 5,+5,+5. :; :j o z Z o STAN DARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 4. 15 EFFECT OF EXTERNAL PRESSURE When an Expans ion Joilll is used in a system which is externally pressurized or o perating under vac uum cond itions. the design approach is simi lar to tha t for an imernally pressuri zed system. There are severa l sign ificant facrors which must be understood and properl y evaluated. ~ ~ l r="'- ~ 2 I 2 ) FIGURE 4.21 4.15.1 The cyli ndri ca l pressure-containing portions of the Ex pansion Joint (end connecti ons. center connector between the pair of be ll ows in a uni versal Expansion Joint. for exam pl e). can be evaluated using the methods described in Secti on V III. Division I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vesse l Code. The moment of inert ia ofa single be ll ows element (J I _I in Figure 4.21) is given by equation 4-64. The mo ment of inertia for the section of pipe that the bellow replaces (1 2-: in Figure 4.21) is gi ven by equation (4-65). If 1 1_1 multiplied by the modulus of elasticity ratio is equal to or greater than 12-1. as given by equat ion 4-66, the bellows is considered to be eq ui va lent to the pipe for the clasti c buckling analysis. The pipe including the bellows elements and the center connecto r for a uni versa l expansion joint (if applicable) may be considered a continuous length and the stiffening requirements eva luated on that basis. If 1 1 _ 1 limes the modu lus of elasti city ratio is less than 1 2_2. the bellows is not considered to be equ ivalent to the pipe fo r e lastic buckling analysis. The ends or the pipe on e ither side or the bellows and on both sides of the center connector for a uni versal expansion joint (if applicable) shal l be evaluated as having free ends unless stiffeni ng rings are provided adjacent to the be ll ows. (4-64) (4-65) (4-66) where I P'li" = ominal pipe wall thickness being used less manufacturing tolerances and corrosion allowance or minimum pipe wall thickness from externa l buck ling analysis for the max imum length between stiffening elements that includes the bellows (in.). The proper design of any externally pressurized system req uires evaluation of the system as a whole. Des igning such systems one segmcnt at a timc may lead to e ither mi sa ppli cat ions or uneconomical designs. 4-42 Q Expnnsion Joint ManufaclUrcrs AssociaJion. inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC 4.1 5.2 The externa l pressure circumferential buckling capacity of the bellows convoluted length may be evaluated by methods such as that shown in the ASME Code. as a cyli nder having a length equal to the bellows convoluted length. Lh and a thickness equal to that of an element having a moment of inertia 1 1_J • lflhe beJlows tangent length is unsupported internally it may be evaluated as a short cylinder supported by the connecting pipe on one end and the bellows convolutions on the other end. 4.tS.3 Unreinforced and reinforced bell ows with external pressure sha ll be designed for pressure capacity using equations (4-27), (4-29). (-l-30). and (4-31 ). External bellows reinforcing members and external tangent co ll ars are nO( included in the calculations for external pressure capaciry. The design of toroidal bellows with external pressure is not covered by thi s standard. 4. 15.4 Press ure thrust absorbing members such as tie rods. hinges, gimbals may be evaluated in the sam e manner as for an internall y press uri zed system. The effects of compression loading on long slender members must be taken into account. 4.15.5 For mu lti -p ly unreinforced and reinforced bellows. the val ues of 11 and W lIsed in the equations for determining external pressure capacity shall be based only on the plies that actively resist the external pressure. [n the case of two ply designs. the fo llowi ng method may be used to detemline the active pli es and the external design pressure for the active plies: If Pm ..,;; P then both plies are active and Pt' = P" - P, (zero ifnegative) If Pm> P then only the inner ply is active and P, = Pm - P, where mean pressure (psia) (P,,+ P,)l2 Pressure between the plies (psia) Pressure outside the bellows (psia) Pressure inside the bellows (psia) Extemal Design pressure ( psi) P= Pm= P,,= Pi = p •. = With respect to external buckling, the preceding method may be conservative and may be modified ifsubstantiated by manufacturer's experience. \\ \\ \\ t Expansion Joint Manuracturers Association. Inc. 4-43 STANDA RD S OF T H E EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. Th is page inte ntionally blank. (- E;"P31biul} Juiul i\iallurar.:!un:rs A)osociation . Inc. STAN DA RDS OF T H E EX PANS ION JO INT MANUFACT U RERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SEC TION 5 - RECTANGULAR EXPANS ION JOINT DESIGN The fo llO\ving sections describe the various movements. forces. and moments which occur at the interface of rectangul ar bellows and the assoc iated dueling system. The movements are ident ica l in all respects to those imposed on circu lar expansion joints and are defined in Section 1.2 of these standards. Further. the method of analysis of detemlining forces and moments resu lting fro m these movements is a lso identical to circu lar be llows. Therefore. the sa me nomenclature can be used. with the exception tha t the tenn s LI and L .f (mean length of long o r short sides) is substituted for D m (mean diameter), The summary of equations which follows is the rectangu lar counterpart of the circu lar bellows. Thc c'<pla natiol1 for the li se of these equa tions is found in Section 4.6. 1. 5.1 MOVEMENT EQUATIONS Rectangu lar Expansion Joints may be subjccted to ax ial movement, angu lar movement. la leral defl ection or any comb inati on of these. a. Axial movement for single bcllows Expan sion Joint x N (5-1 ) e~ ­ , b. c. Axial movement for un iversal bellows Expansion Joinls. x e = -, 2N (5-2) Eq ui valent axia l movemcnt per convolution for si ngl e or uni versa l bellows with angular rotali on. L,-_ 8, (5-3) SING LE BELLOWS FIGURE 5.1 r (5-4) UNIVERSAL BELLOWS FIGURE 5.2 ww\\ c:, Expansion Joim Manufacturers Association. lnc. 5-1 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, I C, I (JL e0, -- -2N ' -' (5-5) 8s / SI 'GLE BELLOWS FIGURE 5.3 t ,- (J,L, e - -" - 4N (5-6) UNIVERSAL BELLOWS FIGURE 5.4 d. Equivalent axial movement per convolution for universa l be ll ows with lateral movement For latera l movement in a direction parall el with the long side: r, ":'""'--- LK"L/.)1I ,- 2N(L" -L, ±x/ 2) e. - (5-7) , UN IVERSAL BELLOWS FIGURE 5.5 For lateral movement in a direction parallcl with the short side: e ,.~ K"L,Y, (5-8) 2N(L" -L, ±x/ 2) J', UN IVERSAL BELLOWS FIGURE 5.6 5-2 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. e. Equivalent axial movement per con volution for single bellows with lateral movement. For lateral movement in a direction parallel to the long side: Y, I e _, == _.,.3=L""',,,',-,- , (5 -9 ) r N(L,±x) SINGLE BELLOWS FIGURE 5.7 For lateral movement in a direction parallel to the short side: e. " = 3L ,., \' N(L, ±x) rL - Y, j r (5 -10 ) t SINGLE BELLOWS FIGURE 5.8 wv. \\ f' Expansion Joint r..hnufaclUrer.. Associalion. Lne. 5-3 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. I C. COMB IN ING MOVEMENTS Rectangular bellows differ from round bellows in the manner that total equ ivalent axia l movement per convo luti on is detenllined. Where vector analysis is pennissible for ana lyzing compound lateral and angular movement for round bellows. it is 1101 pemliss iblc for rec tangular bellows. The maximum total equivalent motion occurs at the corners of the bellows element and is equal to the a lgebraic SUIll of the equi valent axial motions for the lateral and angular movements thai are parallel to either the long or the short sides. The equivalent axial movement per con volution for movement parallel to the long side is calculated separatel y from that for the short side. These separale movements are combined to detennine the total equi va lent axial compression or extension as follows: e, = e" + e,~ +eOl + eo., +Ie~ l e,. = e" + e,.. + em + eo, -leAl (5-11 ) (5·12 ) where x is axial compression and the plane of deflection ofJ·/and 8, is perpendicular to the plane ofy'~ and 8 , . Where x is extension , the sig ns of ex should be reversed in the above equations. The design of every expansion joint must be such that the total displacement per convo luti on from all sources does not exceed the rated values. that is: e/ .(ca l cu l ated) ~ er(rated) e •. (calculated) ~ e.. (rated) Rated movements sho uld be obtained from the expansion joint manufacturer. 5.3 MOVEMENT RANGE The total equivalent axia l movement range per con volution (e) is that which results from the movement of an Expans ion Joint from its init ial position in the duct ing system to the operating position. When an Expansion Joint is installed without lateral or angular co ld spring. e is the greater of e(, or e,. as calculated from the initial to the operating position under considera tion. Care must be exercised when eva luatin g rectangular bell ows. Maximum va lues for e( or e,. must be found by calcu lating all movements in their respective planes. Vector addition can only be applied to round bellows. When cold spring in g is invo lved. the e r or e.. due to the cold spring must be added algebraically to the e r or e.. due to mOVCIlll.'!nt from the neutral to the operating position in order to obtain the maximum movement range. e. Refer to Appendix J Example 10 for a sample calculat ion. 5-4 STANDARDS OF T H E EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. SA FORCE AN D MOMENT C AL CU LA TJONS In order to evaluate the loads acting upon dueling. su pports. or equipment, it is frequently necessary (Q deteml ine the forces and moments required to move an Expansion Joint. For thi s reason, the catalogs of mosl Expansion Joint manufacrurers coma in force data for the standard designs offered. Thi s data frequently is expressed as the force required to move a single convolution 10 the rated axial movement es tabli shed by rhe manufacturer. For conven ience, it is desirable [0 divide thi s force by the rated movement to obtain a convo lution resistance factor or working spring rare.f" in pounds per inch of movement per convolution. Having detcnnined this factor. the moments and forces req uired to move a rectangular Expansion l oint may be ca lculated lIsing th e equati ons as follows: (5- 13) F,, :::: f~ e, (For lateral defl ection parallel to the long side ) (5-14) (For lateral deflection paralle l to the short side) (5 -1 5) (For angular rotation of the long side) (5-16) (For angu lar rotation of the short side) (5-17) _." L/Ill e " I ,u- (For latera l deflection parallel to the long side of a single expansion joint) (5-18) V = J~ L""e,., I., L (For lateral deflection parallel to the short side of a single ex pansion joint) (5-19) For lateral deflection parallel to the long side of a universa l expansion joint (5-20) For lateral deflection parallel to the short side of a universal expansion joint (5-21) M ~ f.,L~. e,., Lr 2 / " Lmlem 2 r. L, , '" " =f~L,..,e" L " The preceding relationships are applicable to all rectangular Expansion Joints. Ir should be noted. however. that every equation is dependent upon data which must be su pplied by the EXp311sion Joint m~Ulut:'\cturer . For sland3rd designs. 311 necessary data is aV3ilabie in the cata logs of the individual manufacturers. or is obtainable from them. IN NO CASE SHOULD DATA OF ONE MANUFACTURER BE APPLIED TO T HE PRODUCT OF ANOTHER SINCE. DUE TO FUNDAMENTAL DESIGN DIFFERENCES. T HESE FACTORS MA Y VARY. \\ w\\ l' Expansion Joint Manufacturcrs Association. Inc. :5-5 STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION, INC. 5.5 DESIGN EQUATIONS n - ''\.,, ,'~' \ ( w m +,' 'r ) -- ', I- Q-J ·U· SHA PE ·V·SHAPE TYPI CA L CONVOLUTION SHAPES Other shapes must be individually anal yzed. FIGURE 5.9 The equations show n below pertain only to the sing le pl y convolution shapes shown in Figure 5.9. Bellows Longitudinal Membrane Stress Due To Pressure S = PL.q s 1. (long side) 2A, 7/ = PL,,! 2A, (shon side) (5-22) (5-13) otc : IfN= l. setS7/ andS7x= O. Be ll ows Longirud inal Bending StTess Due To Pressure S - PNqL;w S _ P(Nq+ 2L,)' ~I" - ~II' - ( long side) 141 (5-24) (5-25) 2/: If S81<1 :5 1.3 3K~S(Jh. then 5s1 = S81<1 If 581<1 > 1.33K.S"b. then S,,, = 581b PNqL;U' 241 P(Nq + 2L, )' (shon side) (5-26) (5 -27) 2/: If 5&".,,:5 1.33K,S"h. then S& = S&a If S RlU > 1.33KsSub. then S& = S &h a les: If the tangent is fully supported against the pressure, set L, = O. If N= I. SCI S8/ and S,~. = O. 5-6 ~ expansion Joint Manufacturel!> A~~OI.!iuliu!l. 1m.. www.l!j STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due To Pressure (Sidewall) S, = P 2: (cc)' ( 1.0 _ 1.31~ ) f (5-28) II ' Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due To Pressure (Tangent ) 0.938P(L, )' , S" (5-29) 1- Note: the above stresses should be evaluated for pressure capac ity as follows: S~I and 57,; 5: S"b Below the creep range S~! + S~I ::::: I.3JK,soh when S-, + 58,::::: 1.33KsSuh when 5'%1 ::::: 1.33K,S",. S~,'" ::::: 1.33KSuh S"., : : : CSu" when S~," > 1.33K,sllh 511.., ::::: C.Su;' w hen S/U.u > 1.33KS"b Sf)::::: 1.55"" 511 ::::: 1.5S,,1> In the creep ran!!e S~I 57/+ - - andS~, 1.25 59::::: 1.255"" S~f + - ' - 55"" 1.25 511 ::::: 1.255,,1> Bellows Meridional Bending Stress Due To Deflection 5Eh le 3",' (1.0+31~ ".) (5-30) Note: Modulus of elasticity. En. in equation (5-30) is at room temperature. w\.. \\ r bpansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 5-7 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PA SION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. Bellows Deflect ion Due To Pressure (beam mode) At Center of Span and Midpoint of Bellows Length PNqL/ v . ~ml" (5-31 ) 384£, 1 P(Nq + 2L, )' (5-32) 32£/,1, J If 58lu '::;: 1 .33K~lIh. the n YhmJ= If S 8111:> -"b",llI 1.33K,S"". then Ybmf = Y"mlb PNqL," (5-33) 384£,1 P(Nq + 2L, )' (5-34) 32£/,1,1 If SH,,,,::: 1.33K.,S"h. then Ybms = )""",...1 If 5 /(." > 1.33K,S"", then Y bms = Yl>m~b OICS: Irthe tangent is flill y supported against the pressure, sel Lt = O. If N- I . set ),1>",1 and )'hm.• = O. Fat igue Life (5-35) w here a, b. and (' arc material and manu facturin g constan ts. Fati gue data must be fumi s hed by indi vidual manu fac turers. 5,= C l' S9 ~ S/(J c., 1 Bellows T heoret ica l Axial Elastic Spring Rate E~11I 1 (LI + LJ (5-36) The effect of comer configuration (see Figure 5.10) is not considered equation 5-36. Corn er config uration will not signifi cantly effec t the spri ng rate perfo nnance w hen the length of the shortest side exceeds l Ow: L, / H' > [0 . When this va lue is less than 10. consult the bellows manu facturer for information. longitudinal bending stress and mid-poim deflec lion can be reduced by the addition of intermediate supports along the span . 5·8 .:: E;\.pansiull Juint ManufactuTt!1"S Association. Inc. STAN DARDS OF TH E EXPANS IO N JOINT MANU FA CTURERS ASSOCIATIO . INC. SINGLE MITER CORNER ROUNDED CORNER CAMERA CORNER DOUBLE MITER CORNER TYP ICAL CORNER CONFIGURATIONS FIGU RE 5. 10 ( Expansion loint Manufaclure~ Association. Inc. 5-9 STANDARDS OF T HE EXPA SION JOINT MA UFACTU RERS ASSOCIA TI ON, I C. This page intentionally blank. 5-1 0 1;. E.\pa u~i un Juinl Mallld-.u:lult'r:. A:.:.ocialion. inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SECTION 6 - Q ALITY ASSURANCE AN D BELLOWS FORMING METHODS This section describes the minimum quality control program requirements for a manufacturer of metallic bellows type expansion joints inclusive of the product design and compli ance to customer specifications. These requirements pertain to th e inspections and tests necessary to substantiate product confonnance to drawings. specifications and contrac t requirements. The program shall assure systemat ic and adequate qual ity control throughout all areas of contract perfonnance: for example. product deve lopment. material selection. fabrication. processing. assembly. inspection. testing, delivery preparation and shipment. storage and maintenance. for which comprehensive written procedures shall be used and maintained and made available for customer review ifrequesred. These quality control program requirements shall apply when a customer specification identifies an expansion joint to be "designed and manufactured to The Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association". These section requirements shall be in addition to and shall not conflict with any other contractual agreements. 6.1 GENERAL An effective and economical quality cOnlrol program shall be developed. considering the manufacturer's faci li ties and products. The necessary scope and detail of the program shall depend upon the complexity of the work being perfonned and on the size and capabilities of the manufacturer. All supplies and services under the contract. whether manufactured or performed within the manufacturer's plant or al any other source. shall be controlled at all points necessary to assure conformance to the contractual requirements. The program shall provide for the prevention and prompt detection of non-confonnities and for timely and positi ve corrective action . The following is a guide to the features which sha ll be included in the written description of the manufacturer's quality control program and shall be peninent to both shop and field work. 6.2 AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY Effective management for quality shall be clearly prescribed by the manufacturer. Personnel in charge of th e design, manufacturing. testing. and quality functions shall have sufficient and well defined responsibilities. the authority. and organizational freedom to identify and evaluate quality problems and to initiate. recommend, or provide solutions. Management shall regularly review the status and adequacy of the quality control program. The quality program shall be certified and monitored by an intemationally recognized standards authority. 6.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE ORGANIZATION An organization chan showing the relationship between management. engineering, purchasing. manufacturing. inspection. and quality control is required to reflect the actual organization. The purpose of this chan is to idemify and associate the various organizational groups within the particular function for which they are responsible. 6..1 ORA WINGS, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, AND SPECIFICATION CONTROL The quality control program shall establish comprehensive wrinen procedures which will assure that the latest applicable drawings. design calculations. specifications. and manufacturing processes required by the contract. as well as authorized changes. are in use for manufacture. examination. inspection. and testing. The manufacturer shall assure that requirements for tbe effectivity poiut of changes are mer. and that obsolete drawings and cbange requirements are recalled and replaced from all points of issue and use. The manufacturer shall maintain a record of all customer approved drawings. specifications. and all drawing re\·isions pertinent to the contract provi sions. \\ W\~ l E."(pansion Joint ManufactureI"'; Assoc iation. Inc. 6,] STANDARDS OF THE EXPA SION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO . INC. 6.5 MATERI ALS Al'l D MATERIALS CO NTROL A. Supplier's material s and products shall be subject to receiving inspection to the extent necessary to assure that the malerial is properl y iden tified and has documentation including requ ired certi ficates of compliance or material test' report's showing conformance to the manufacturer 's contractua l specifications. The quality control program shall assure that raw materials to be used in rabricat-ion or processing of produc(s con rom, to the applicable physical. chemi cal, and other tech nical requirements. B. Raw material awaiting testing must be separately identified or segregated fro m already tested and approved material but can be released for initial production providing that identification and control call be mailliaillt:d. C. Material tested and approved must retain its identity until such time as ils identiry is necessarily obliterated by processing. 6.6 M ANU FACT URJ NG PROCESS CONTROL The quaJiry control program must assure that al l basic prod uction operations (i.e. purchasing, handling, machin ing, assemb ling. fabricating. processing. inspection. testing. etc.) of any rype shall be describcd in com prehensive and comp lete written documented instructions. Such instructions shall provide the criteria for perfonning the work functions and Lhey sha ll be compatible with acceptance cri teria for workmanship. The instructions are il1lended to also serve for supervising. inspecting and managing work. The preparation and maintenance of and compliance with work instructions shall be monitored as a function of the qual ity control program. 6.7 I N-PROCESS I NS PECTION AND EXAMINATION PROGRAM A. The qua liry control program shall describe the fabrication operations. including inspections and examinat ions. suffic iently to pennit a customer or designated inspector to de tennine at what stages specific inspections and examinations are to be perfonned. and to positively identify the current inspection status of the product. The manufacturer shall prepare. maintain and use comprehensive written procedures addressing the in.process and final inspection operati ons that are to be perfonned in the course ofmanufacntre and testing. These procedures sha ll specify the dimensiona l checks. visual inspection. nondestructive tests, and other pertinent operations that are to be perfonned to determine that the product meets contractua l specifications. The procedures shall spec ify the app li cable acceptance standards and shall provide for a means to document that key operations have been pClfomled and the results delennined to be satisfactory. B. The qualiry control program shall assure there is a system for final inspec ti on and test of completed produc ts. Such inspection and testing sha ll provide a measure of overall quality of the completed product. When modifications. repairs or rep lacements are required afler final inspection or testing, there shall be re·inspection and test ing of any characteristics affected. C. The inspector represent mg the customer shall have access at all limes. whi le work on the contract is being performed. 10 all parts of the manufacturer's plant that concem the manufacture of the product ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector reasonab le facilities to satisfy the inspector that the product is being fumished in accordance with the contract spec ifications. In ~pection sha ll be made at the place of manufacture prior to shi pment. unless othenvise specified. and sha ll be sc hedul ed not to interfere unnecessarily with the operat ions of the manufacturer. This requirement also applies 10 all subcontractors and vendors. 6-2 l'-. Expansion Joint ManufaclUTcrs Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 6.8 MEASURING AN D TEST EQU IPME NT CONTROL The manufacturer shall have at his di sposal gages and other measuring and testing equipment necessary to assure that material s and supplies COnf0n11 to the technical requirements specified. A system of comprehensive written calibration procedures shall be maintained. In order to assure continuous accuracy. the procedures shall include a schedule for equipmem ca libration against certified measurement standards which have known valid relationships to National Reference Standards. Defect ive equipment must be repaired. replaced. or fe-calibrated as appropriate to the techni cal requirements specified. This requ irement also applies to all subcontractors or vendors. 6.9 MATE RIAL NON-CONFO RMAl\CE CONTROL The manufacturer shall estab li sh and maintain an effective and positi ve system for promptl y detecting and correcting materials or conditions ad verse to quality. in cluding comprehensive written procedures for theiT identifi cation. segregation. and disposition. All non-collfonn ing materials shall be pos itivel y identified and segregated in a unique holding locat ion to prevent unauthorized use, shipment, or the intermingling with acceptable conforming materials. Repair or rework of non-conform ing materials shall be in compliance wi th comprehens ive written procedures. 6.10 CO RRECTIVE ACTION (SUPPLIES AND SERVICES) Des i&'ll. purchasi ng. manufacturing, inspection. testing or other operat ions wh ich cou ld result in. or have resulted in non-con[onning supplies. services, facilities, technical data, standards or other e lemems of comract perfonnance must be identifi ed and changed as a resu lt of the quality control progra m. Corrective action shall extend to the performance of all suppliers and vendors. Corrective action shall include as a minimum: a.) analysis of data and exa mination of product scrapped or reworked to determine extenl or causes. b.) analysis of trends in processes or pcrfonnance of work to prevent recurrence of non-confonnances. c.) introduction of required improvements and corrections. initial review of the adequacy of stich measures and the cont inued monitoring of the corrective action effectiveness. 6.11 WELDING Unless otherwise specified by contractual agreement. the welding personnel and procedures shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable sect ions of Sec lion IX of the ASME Boi ler & Pressure Vessel Code or equivalent for all pressure containing welds. 6.12 HEAT TREATMENT Unless otherwise speci fied by contractual agreement. heat treatment. when required. shall be perfomled in accordance \"ith the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code requirements or equivalent or the recommendations of the material manufacturers. 6.13 PA C KAGING. PRESE RVATION, SHIPPING AND STORAGE The manufacturer shall utilize standard commercial practices in packaging. preservation. shipping and storage to assure protection of the product during shipmen!. unless superseded by contractual agreement. These commercial practices shall bc adequate to prolect the quality of the products fabricated from deterioration to the point of final destination. 'l Expansion Joinl ManulaclUrers I\ssociation. Inc. 6-3 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOClATION. INC. 6.14 CUSTOME R Q UA LITY ASSURANCE AUDITS Documents. procedures. and processes sha ll be comprehensively written and ava ilable for review by the customer specify ing their implementation. or a third party inspection agency authorized to act in the customer's behalf. 6.15 RECO RDS RETE NTION The manufa cturer sha ll use and maintain all adequate records or data essential to the economical and effective operation of this quality con trol progra m. The records shall. as a mini mum, indicate the nature and number of observations made. the number and type of deficiencies found. the quantities approved and rejected and the nature of the corrective actions taken . The quality cont rol program sha ll assure the records are complete and reliable. Also. the records for monitoring work perfonnance and for inspection and testi ng shall indicate the acceptability of work or products and the corrective action taken in connection with defic iencies. The quality con trol program sha ll provide for th e analysi s and use of these records as a basis for managemel1l rcv iew. 6.16 METHODS OF FORM I NG METAL BELLOWS The following are examples of commonly lIsed bellows fomling methods. Only seamless tubes or longitudinall y welded mcta l tubes are all owed tor use w ith fomling methods 6. 16.1 Ihru 6. 16.6. 6. 16. 1 ELASTOMERI C FORMI NG A rube is inserted over a mandrel containing a rubber torus. Axial force on the mandrel expands th e torns, fo mling a bulge in the tube. The torus is then relaxed and the bulge is axiall y compressed into a convolution by external dies. Convolu tions arc formed one at a time. The rube is free to shorten as the convolution is fomlcd. . 1 6-4 2 3 i;. Expansion loint Manufacturers Association. Inc. . STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 6.16.2 EX PANS ION (EXPANDI NG MANDREL) FORM ING Indi vidual convolutions are fomlcd in a nlbe by an expanding intemalmandrel. Flat spots are minimized by ex pand ing the mandrel partiall y. and rotating the rube slightly. This process is repeated until all intennediate cOin-olution height is achieved . Each convo luti on is subsequently sized by means of speciall y contoured inner and Olltcr rollers. • 2 1 3 6.16.3 HYDRAULIC FORMING A rube is placed in a hydrau li c press or bellows fanning mach ine. Circu lar external die rings of sui table contour are placed ou tside the tube at longitudinal intervals approximately equal to the deve loped length of the completed convo lutions. The tube is filled wi th a medium such as waler and pressurized until circumferential yield ing occurs. This forming operati on con tinues with a simultaneous circu mferen tial yield ing and controlled longitudinal shortenin g of the tube until the proper config uration is obtained. Indi vidual or multi ple convo luti ons may be fonned by this method. Depending on the bell ows configu ration, several partial-forming steps with inrennedi atc hear treatment may be required. Reinforced be ll ows may be formed by utilizing external reinforcing rings that act as part of the forming dies. After com pl etion. when the dies are removed. the rings rema in as an integral part of the bellows. P~ESSURE r c' w C 3 Expansion Joint ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. 6-5 STANDARDS OF THE EX PANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 6.1 6.4 PNEUMATIC T BE FORMI NG This method is identical (0 "Elastomeric Forming" excepllhat the initial bulge is fomlcd by pressuriz ing a rubber " inner rube"", .. 2 1 3 . 6. 16.5 ROLL ED CONVOL UTED SH EET A flat sheet is mechanically convoluted by either the press-brake method or the roll forming method modified to produce straight secti ons. ThI s pre-fo nned rail is then rolled imo a tube . The bellows is completed by longitudina ll y welding the convoluted ends of the rail together. 2 1 6-6 ~ 3 Expnnsion Jo int Manll facturers Associu;ion. Inc. www.ej STAN DA RDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. 6.1 6.6 ROLL FORMING A tube is placed in a fenning machine and individual or mu lt iple convol uti ons are fo nned by means of pressure exerted by fonning wheels. Generally. the wheels are on both the in side and outside of the rube . Controlled longitud inal shortening of the bellows rube occurs during the fo nni ng operation. The tube may rotate about fixed-s haft fanning whee ls. or the rube may be fi xed and the wheels rotated about the rube's circumference. The exnmple below shows the fixed-shaft method . 3 2 1 6.16.7 ROLLED RING A fTa! sheet is fomlcd into a single convolution and then ro ll ed into a ring . The ring is completed by a longitudinal weld across the convo lution. If more than one convolution is desired. the bellows is bui lt up by a series of circumferential welds joining the convo luti ons together. 1 wv....\ 3 ( Expan:.ion Join! /l.lanufaclurt=n; Association. Inc, 4 6-7 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION, INC. 6.16.8 PRESS-BRAKE FORMING A flat sheet is convoluted using a press· brake die to form the individual convo lutions. This method is used primarily in the manufacture of be llows for rec lan gular Ex pansion Joints described in Sec tion 5. Many convolution profi les can be ach ieved using this method. The 1110St com mon slyies are the "U" profile and "V" profiles shown in Figure 5.9. Materia l availabi li ty and press-b reak Too li ng lim it the length of lhe rail. Longer lengths can be manufactured by spli cing the rails together with longi tudina l welds. 2 3 6.16.9 C OMB INE D FORM ING Some of the methods described in previous sect ions can be combined. One procedure for fonnin g a toroidal be ll ows (Figure 4. 15) combines two methods. A convo lUlion is expa nsion FOfmed with a convo lution height grealer than the fi nal desired torus height. The convolution is loca ted betwee n Forming rings si milar to hydmulic forming. The rings are thell pushed rogcther and the toroid is hydrau lically formed. 1 G-8 2 • ... J (" Exp:msiull Joint i\:lanutb clurcrs Associ:.IIion. Inc. PRESSURE 4 www.cj STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASS OCI ATION. INC. 6. 17 FABRICATION TOLERANCES This Section covers standard manufa cruri ng tolerances for fabricated assemblies containi ng Expansion Joinls. Ifrequired. closer IOleranees than those indi cated may be ob tai ned but must be subject 10 agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer of the Expansion Joint. Flanges for Round Expansion Join ts (U p to 96 in. Nominal Diameter) Standard Flanges: Flanges 10 standards such as ANSI 816.47. 816.5. MSS S P44. A WW A C207 Dimensions and tolerances confonn to the standard. Non-Stal1dard Machined Flanges: Including plate fl anges wi th standard drilling Flanges to be faced and drilled. Drilling tolerance for bolt, c ircle and hole location same as standard. Min imum thickness to be specified All dimensions arc nomina l. NOI1-Swndard Unmachined Flanges: Rolled angle, roll ed bar. flame cut plate fl anges. etc. LENGTH TOLERANCE (Measured between working points): ± 118 in. up through 3 fl. ± 1/4 in. above 3 ft. through 12 ft. ± 3/8 in. over 12 fL TH IS SYMBOL DESIG NATES WORKING POINT: ~ Flanges must be installed so that bolt boles straddle a common centerline within 1/ 16 in .. NOTE: Good practice suggests that one mating flange in the piping system remain unwelded until the Expansion Joint has been located in position. 1:J. r- - r- ---WI [-~ I _ "- ~-~ I ,. iL ___ JijI ~ be I [ ~ FIGURE 6.1 WW\\ i: Expansion Joint Manufacturers A~sociatlOn. Inc. 6·9 STAN DARD S OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC I ATIO . INC ti----------------~ \ For bevel detail see Figure 6. t2 1 ~---1fl1 =="""I"1~---1 ~ --.J...IM ___ ~ ___ I Penni ssib le varialion of 5pecificd diam eler and ou t of roundness at the weld bevel sha ll be in accordance with the rollowing : 24 in. diameter or less in accordance wi th pipe spec ification. Over 24 in. diameter: Outs ide diameter 0.5% of the specified outside diameter based on circum fere ntial measurement. Out-of-roundness: Difference between major and minor diameters not to exceed I % of nominal d iameter. FIGURE 6.2 For bevel detail sec Figure 6.12 . ___-" f}i-'U] rr ---, - I I I --'-- Permissible variation of specified diameter and o ut of roundness at 7 I .1 u_ _~ .& N CtiOR BASE the weld bevel shall be In accordance with the following: _1 • I I f::t - - -- -l 24 in. diameter or less in accordance with pipe spec ification. Over 24 in. d iameter: Outside diameler 0.5% of the specified outside diameter based on circumferential measurement. Out-of-roundness: Difference between major and minor diameters not to exceed 1% of nomillal diameter. FIGURE 6.3 6- 10 <. ' Expansion Join; ManufaclUrers Associalion.lnc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. IIlIl '11'1 rE..t. . f Van Stlln e diam eter dim ensions lIla~ not br equ al 10 A.'\'SI raised face diaml.'le-r. I~efer to Section 9.3 p a r al; nph :iI. Ma nufa ct ure rs to s peci f~ dia mete r. ! FIGURE 6.4 Flanges must be installed so that bolt holes straddle a common cemcrline within 111 6 in .. NOTE: Good practice suggests that one mating flange in the piping system remain unwelded until the Expansion Joint has been located in position. f4---tJ-- FIG URE 6.5 WW'\ _l' E'pansion Joint Manufacturers As~~ i;lIion . Inc 6- 11 STAN DA RD S OF TH E EXPANSION JOINT M ANU FACT URERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. , Fl anges mllst be installed so that bo lt holes straddle a common centerli ne with in 1/ 16 in .. NOT E: Good practice suggests that one mating fla nge in the pi ping system remain unwe lded until the Expansion l oin t has been located in positi on. FIGURE 6.6 "Cl JIf'-- 'lI; V- I 1/ / /-' "---. ~I Ir-~ - 1[. ~ "'" l \ 1\ ;I;"?-~ + ~"- )~ Flanges must be installed so that bolt holes straddle a common centerline within 1/ 16 in .. NOT E: Good pract ice suggests that one mating fl ange in the piping system remain ul1wc lded until the Expansion Joint has been located in posi tion. fiGURE 6.7 6-1::: lV Expansion Joilll Manufacturers Association , Inc. STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION , INC. t---R"---+------~'------- , Flanges must be installed so that bolt ho les straddle a common centerline within 1/ 16 in .. NOTE: Good practice suggests that one mating flange in the piping system remain unweJded until the Expansion loint has been located in position. FIGURE 6. 8 \\\ ( ExpanSIOn Joint f\ lanufaclUrers Assoc ia tion. Inc. 6-13 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PANS ION JOINT MANU FACTU RERS ASSOCIATI ON. INC. .----++-+-+ -+-++ ~ I I -f.- - hI 'i~ 1"'- Holes to be located with 1/16 in. from true position ~ Fl ange face at turbine connecti on to be fl at wi thin 1/16 in. Flanges must be installed so that bo lt holes straddl e a common centerline withi n 1116 in .. NOTE: Good practice suggests that one mating fl ange in the piping system remain unwelded unt il the Ex pansion Joint has been located in pos iti on. NOTE: Design of the d uct must provide for fie ld fi t-up connection to allow proper alignment of the Ex pansion Jo int and duCI, wi thout producing unantic ipated load ings in the system. Closer tolerances than those indica ted shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and Expansion Joint manufactu rer. FLANGED EX PANS ION JO INT W IT H MACHI NED PLAT E FLANGES For Turbine Type App li cat ion Includ ing Boiler Feed Pump Turbine Exhaust FIGURE 6.9 6- 14 ;t. Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. _0- r~1 - or <I> 1! ~ j j ~ I + ": •.1,. 1<1>/ ~ '!l> f I~ I I I lTYPICAL) (I, 'I I I , I '\ ~ ~ <I> ,,// Maximum camber 11 16 in. P" of length measured al inside edge of nange (Iypical) fOOl .. Maximum camber I 32 in. per fool of length measured al Inside edge of flange along each side ·Holes to be located w lthm 118 m. at rrue positIOn for L up to 12 f1. and wlthll13/ 16 m. of true position for L greater than 12 ft. NOTE: Options for providing true hole locations: I. Purchaser may provide manufacturer with template haying the desired hole size and pattern. 2. Purchaser may request blank flange or flanges with drilling to be made by constructor al installation. 3., Expansion Joint manufacturer may provide loose mating flanges. Closer tolerances than those indicated shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and Expansion Joint manufacturer. RECTANGULAR EXPANSION JOINT With Angle Type Flanges or 12 in. Maximum Thickness Plate Flanges (All flange faces are mill finish) FIGURE 6.10 ( Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association , Inc. 6-15 ST AN DA RDS OF T HE EXPAN SION JOI NT MA NU FA CTURERS ASSO IA T IO . INC. 250 TYP Flange fac e to be fl at wi thin +++ +++ + + + + + + + -$+ .020 in. in any one f OOl length and a maximum 3/ 16 in. T. I.R . overall ~ -$-fo-$- -$--$--$- 1 Holes (0 be located .. w lthm 1/8 in. of true positi on Closer tolerances than those indi cated shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and Ex pans ion Jo int manufacturer. NOTE : Opti ons for providin g true hole loca ti ons: I. Purchaser may prov ide manu facturer wi th templ ate having the desired ho le size and pattern . 2. Purc haser ma y request blank flan ge or fl anges with drilling to be made by constructor at installation. 3. Expansion Joint manufacturer may provide loose mating flan ges. RECTANGULA R EX PANS ION JOINT With ,Pl ate T ype Flanges Hav ing Machined Faces FIGURE 6. 1I 6- 16 c Expansion joint ManlifaCHlrcrs Association. Inc. STAN DA RD S OF T HE EXPA NSION JOINT MANU FACTURE RS ASSOCI A T IO N, INC. End prqtanllion for pipe wall thickness Jfl6 in. to 3/4 in. End prtparalion for pi pe wall lhi<:kness above 3/4 in. :-.Jote: Dimensions o f weld end preparations produced by means other than machining (Wrch CUI. hand ground. etc.) are nominal only . MACH fNE BUTT WE LD LNG END PRE PARAT ION ( Ref. AN SI BI 6. 25) FIGURE 6.12 BELLOWS DIMENSION (in .) Convolution Pitch (q) < _ ttl > V2 1Q I MANUFACTURING TOLERANCE (in.) + 1 16 + 1/8 + 3/ 16 > ltoJ'/~ > ]1 '2 102 >2 C onvolution Heioht (w) <- ' > y~ to I > l to l Yl > 11'1 t02 ± 1/4 + 5/ 16 .. + 1/32 +1 16 + JIJ2 ± ] ,- 8 .' ~ > 2 102 1/ Z ± 532 > 21'1 + J. 16 + 7.32 10 3 > 3 toJl~ > 31/z 104 >4 C om'oluti on In side Dia meter (D b) < 8 58 > 8 5.8 to 24 > 24 to 48 > 48 1060 > 60 + 1'4 ± 932 • • •• .:: .. . • • ••• + I 16 ±IR + 3 16 + 14 ± 5 16 BEL LO WS MANU FACTU RI NG TOL ERANCES FIGURE 6.1 3 C Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 6- 17 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MA UFACTURERS ASSOC IAT IO '. INC. It is imponam that the fit of the bellows tangent be tight to the duct. nUllge. or other method of end attachment being used. Figure 6.14 shows two examples with the bellows tangent attached using a preferred method and a non· prefcrrcd method. Ha mm er in g of th e bell ows l a ngenl 10 ac hieve t h e no n- prefe rred attac hm ent is nol accepta ble. Weld end with preferred tangent attachment. Flanged end with preferred tangent attachment. Weld end with acceptable but not preferred tangent Flange with acceptable but not preferred tangent Tangent is angled and not tight to the duct TANGENT ATTACHMENTS FIGURE 6. 14 G- IS C Expansion Joini j'\'ianufacturers Association. inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. I C. SECTION 7 - EXAM INA TlON AND TESTING To ass ure a purchaser that the product has been properly designed and manufactured requires some method of examinat ion andfor testi ng of the product. It is not the intenti on of these sumdards to give detailed procedures for performing any examinat ion or test. but rather to give a general descripti on of some examinations and tests used to evaluate bellows Expansion Joints. Any of the following examinations/tests may be perfonned on Expansion Joints when specifi ed. It is primarily the responsibil ity of the purchase r to specify which methods wi ll be required and the acceptance cri teria. Unless otherwise spec ified. in spection methods. acceptance criteria and inspector qualification should be in accordance with the la test edition of the ASMEIANS I Piping Codes and the ASM E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. 7. 1 NON-DESTRUCT I VE EXAM.INATION 7.1.1 RADIOGRAPHI C EXAMINATION Radiographi c examination is based on the principle that extremely high freq uency light waves. usually x-ray or from a radioacti ve sou rce such as Cobalt 60. will penetrate so lid material s and. when projected onto a photose nsiti ve film , will reveal vo ids. areas o f discontinuity. and lack of homogeneity . Thi s exami nati on is wide ly used in evaluating the soundness of welds and in ge neral. is limited to eva luating butt welds of parts of substantiall y the sa me thi ckness and material. In the case of beHows. this is nonnally limited to the evalua ti on of longitudinal seam welds before forming. Unless requi red by the purchaser, radiographic examination of the longitudinal seam ofa bellows need not be specified. Examination of the longitudinal seam ca n be accomplished by some other means, such as liquid penetrant examinat ion. Ifa radiographic examinati on is required 011 the longitudinal seam of a bellows then it should be performed before the bellows is convoluted. After the forming operation. it is usua ll y not possible for the source or the film to be placed to yield a meaningfu l radiograph . Radiograpbic examinati on of the bellows artacJunent weld sho uld not be specified. Interpretation of such radiographs is impractical due to the weldment geometry, differences in thickness and penetrability. In view of tile above. and recogniti on of the attachment weld as a sea l weld, non-destmctive examination of th is weld shou ld be accomp lished by some other means such as liquid penetrant exa minatioll. 7.1.2 LIQUID PENETRANT EXAMlNATION Liquid penetrant examination consists of cleaning a surface, coati ng it with a dye. wiping the dye off and coating the surface with a developer which after sufficient time wi ll draw the dye from the cracks. pin holes. and make them apparent to the observer. Liquid penetrant examination is limited in scope to detecting surface indications such as fine hairline cracks. pin holes and we ld roU-over. With the tbin material used in be ll ows. the probability of any defect remaining subsurface is unlikely. This examination is frequently used in evaluating be llows welds. The bellows base mate rial may also be inspected by Lbis method but shall be perfonned prior to convo lution form ing. The developer used in thi s procedure acts as a blotter: therefore. when rechecking a questionable indication it is absolutely essential to reclean tbat area and reapply dye and developer. Unless otherwise specified, examination procedures sha ll coufoml to the requ irements of ASTM-E 165. ""\\ ..... ~ Expansion Joim MnnufaclUrers Association. Inc. 7-1 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MA NU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 7.1.3 FLUORESCE 'T PENETRANT EXAM I NAT ION Fluorescent penetrant examination is similar in purpose to the liquid penetrant examina tion but is accompli shed by the use of a dye which con tains a fluorescent materi al and developer. The parts be ing in spected are examined in subdued light under an ultraviolet light SOUTce. Pans mu st be thoroughl y cleaned prior to lesting. Sca n the parts wi th the ultraviolet light before appl ying the flu orescent material since hydrocarbons. greases and oi ls. and lint may give mi slead ing indicati ons. Depending on the fl uorescent material llsed in the exec ution of Ib is examination, there are varyi ng leve ls of sensiti vity. and the purc haser must state the material to be used. Fluorescent penetrant exami nat ion is lim ited to determining the presence o f surface defects. It wou ld be a dup li cation to require both th e liqui d penetrant and flu orescen t penetrant examination fo r the same components of an Expansion Joint. 7. 1.4 MAGNETIC PARTI CLE EXAMINATION Magnetic particle examinal-ion consists of coating a surface with fi nely powdered iron and establi sh ing a magnet ic fie ld in the materi al being examined. The presence of discontinuities or irregulari ties in the magnetic fi eld, as indicated by the lines of powdered iron. will indicate surface and a lso subsurface defects, cracks, slag inclusions. and lack of we ld pen etration . Thi s examination is limited to magnetic material and wi ll not indicate deep subsurface defects. Although generally used for exa minati on of we lds. it is poss ible to exami ne base material if there is reason to suspect materia l defects such as lam inated plate. 7.1.5 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION Ultrasoni c examination uses high frequenc y sound waves to detect fla ws. and is uscful in determining thi ckness. depth. and exact location of defects. Interpre tation of in di cations in sections of sharply varying thi ckness is difficult. The examination is not limited 10 any group of materia ls. 7.1.6 HALOGEN LEAK EXAMINATION Halogen leak examination utilizes a probe of suitable design which selective ly indi cates the presence of halogen gases. This examination is more sensi ti ve than a hydrostatic test o r air jet leak examination but since it is done at low pressures. it can on ly dcteml ine the presence of a lea k and can not validate the structu ral in tegrity of tht item being exami ned. A halogen leak examinati on must be performed in a suitable area since many gases common to manufacturing plants will give indications. Thi s examination is helpful in not onl y detemlining the presence ofa leak. but a lso in locating that leak. The acceptance criteria is failure to detect lea kage in excess of that specified by tbe purchaser. 7-~ (f) E:-.pansioll Joint ManufactufeL~ A~MJl.:iutiuJ1. 1m.: . www.cjma.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 7.1.7 MASS SPECT ROMETER EXAMINATION Mass spec trometer examination is an extremely sensiti ve means of dClcmlining the presence of a leak. The gas lI sed is he lium. The examination is more sen sitive than would be required for common commercial installations and is normall y specitied where Expansion Joints are for lethal gas service. explosive environment service. or high vacuum serv ice. 10 Mass spectrometer exami na tions are capab le of detecting leakage rates to 10. standard cubic centimeters per second. The Expansion Joint may be examined for the sum total of leakage or with a probe to locate indi vidual leaks. When the probe method is employed. se nsiti vity is limited to between 10-6 and 10' s standard cubic centimeters per second . The acceptance criterion is the absence of leakage rates in excess of that specified by the purchaser. 7. 1.8 A IR J ET LEAK EXAM INAT ION Air jet leak examination utilizes compressed air is directed through a nozz le on lO a small area between 1\1,10 we lded parts. A leak detector solution is app li ed on the opposite side of the welded connection which will bubble up if the compressed air is able to pass through the weld. TIli s examination is useful on low pressure Expansion Joint bell ows end connection welds where other fonlls of exam ination and testing are nO! practical. 7.2 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 7.2. 1 PRESS URE TESTING Hydrostati c and pneumatic are two types of pressure tests that can be perfomlcd on an Expansion Joint. Hydrostatic pressure testing invol\es filling the Expansion Joint with a liquid. usuall y potable water. while pneumatic pressure testi ng involves fillin g Lhe Expansion Joint with air or other gas. After the Expansion Joi nt is filled it can then be pressurized to the required test pressure. Pneumatic pressure testing is hazardous and it is recommended that specia l precautions be taken. Nonnally. the required test pressure is a multiple of the design pressure. Expansion Joints placed in high temperature service may require the pressure test be performed at an adjusted pressure. It is imperative that the test pressure does not produce a membrane stress in excess of yie ld strength or cause permanent defommtion or instability (squi nn) of the bellows at rest temperature. It may be necessary to reduce the test pressu re adjusted for tem perature. to the maximum pressure that will not exceed yield or cause instability: An Expansion Joint shou ld not be subjec ted to a tesl in the field at a higher pressure than was used in the manufacturer's shop without the manufacturer's knowledge. All anchors and guides must be installed (See Seclion 2.10) and shipping devices removed prior 10 such testing. In the case of large Expansion Joints. addit ional su pports may be required to support the we ight of the water used during hydrostatic testing. A pressu re test is not only useful for detecting leaks but is also a way to test for bellows squ iml. meridional yie ld and rupture. (See Sections 7.3.~ and 7.3.3) w\\ ( Expansion Joint ~Ianufaclurers Association. Inc. 7-70 STAN DA RD S OF T HE EXPANS ION JO INT MANU FACTURE RS ASSOCIATIO N. INC. 7.3 DESTR UCT IVE TESTING Destructive tesling wi ll rende r the Expansion Join t or at least the be ll ows unsuitab le fo r insta llati on in an o perati ng syste m. These tests then must be perfonned on a prototype Expansion Join!. A prototype Expansion 10int is deti ned as one having the same pressure and temperatu re rat ing as produ ction models. iden tical diameter. heig ht , pitch, and general shape of the convolution . the thi ckness and rype afbeHews materi als. be ll ows reinforcement. method of man ufa cture, and maxi mum movement per convolution. Si nce it is more pract ical to test an Expansion Join! under axia l movement rather than combined movement it is acceptable to use equivalent max imum ax ial move ment as calcu lated in Section 4. 7.3. 1 FATIGUE LIFE T ESTI NG Fat igue life testin g is a verifica tion of the ability of a be ll ows to wi th stand a gi ven number of tlex ing cycl es. It is reco mmended that the be ll ows subjected to fa ti gue life testing be ident ified by the parameters in Table I. With all olher shape fa ctors remaining constant, cycle li fe wi ll generally increase with di ameter: fo r prototype testing, it may be acceptable to cycle tes t the smallest size Expans ion Joint being fu m ished fo r a given series fo r identical servi ce conditioll . It is also acceptable to cycle test at room temperature any Expansion Joint which will be fu mi shed for opera ti ng temperatures up to the active creep range. For Expansion Joints o perati ng above thi s range. consideration shoul d be gi ven to testing at elevated temperatures. Fat igue testi ng Illay be performed at cons tant pressure or at varying pressure. Thi s latter conditi on more closely approx imates the service to whi ch the Expansion Joint will be subjected. When the system designer spec ifics the mi nim um number of cycles. th is number shoul d be consistent wi th the li fe of the system in which the Ex pansion Join t is to be installed. Excessive cyc le li fe req uirements will LlOt necessa rily cnsure desired results. 7.3.2 SQU IRM TESTING The obj ective ofa squinn test is to determine the intem al pressure whi ch will cause a be ll ows to become unstable. Squi rm is de fin ed on the basis ofa change in pi tch of [he bell ows cOll vo luti ons un der in terna l pressure. Identificat ion of the bellows should be establi shed using the parameters in Table II. The fo ll owing is a recommended test procedure: The Ex pansion Joint should be placed in a suitable fi xture with the bell ows fixed in the stra igh t position wh ich will effectivel y seal the ends duri ng pressuri zati on and mosl importan tly. will prevent any movement of the ends during testi ng . The be llows may be tested with its axis in ei ther the horizontal or vertica l positi on. The testi ng mediu m shall be water for purposes of safery. If the expan sion joint's operating cond itio n is 10 be in the horizontal pos ition and the bell ows e lement is of an extreme ly tlexible nature then a tesl in the horizonta l position may be preferred. The convolutions o f the be llows during testing should nOI be restrain ed by ex temal means. unless such restra ints fo ml an integral part of Ihe fi nal assembly. T he test spec imcn should be in strumented. such that th e resultant latera l deflecti on of lhe center one or two convol utions. and the change in pitch of a ll of the convol Uliol1s. c~m be accurately detennined. The former may be obtained by vectorially adding the deflections measured by two mutuall y perpendicular dia l gauges. Pitch measurements should be made ill the plane of maximu m convolution defl ection. 7-' ..0 Expansion Juin! Man ufd..:imCI:' A:>~m;j<ltiulI, 1m:. WW\\ .~jma.o rg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Pressurize the spec imen in steps without relieving the pressure between steps. Each illlerval should not exceed 10% of the final anticipated instability pressu re. although sma ller intervals are preferred as the pressure increases. Instability of axially aligned be llows is generally characterized by a sudden acceleration of either the change in resultant lateral deflection and/or the change in convolution pilch. However. in the case where bellows are tested in the laterally offset or rotated position. no true stabilit y condition may appear. Instead. movement of the convoluti ons will occur due 10 lateral pressure component being superimposed on the applied deflection. (See Sec,;oll4.12 .1.6) Squinn sha ll bc considered to have occurred ifunder internal pressure an initially symmetrical bellows defomls resu lting in lack ofparatlelism and/or uneven spacing of adjacent cODvol utions at any point on the circumference. This defomlation shall be construed as unacceptable squirm when the convolution pitch under ,mema l pressure to the convolution pitch before application of pressure exceeds 1.15 for unreinforced and 1.20 for reinforced bellows. 7.3.3 ME RIDI ONAL YIEL D- R UPTU R E TESTING The objective of a meridional yie ld-rupture test is to detemline the internal pressure wh ich will cause yielding and rupture ofa bellows. An accurate evaluation of the yie ld pressure is quite important since it is this val ue, rather than nlpnlre. which usually provides the limiting criteria for establish ing suitable opemti ng pressures. The test specimen should have a minimum of three convolutions to minimize tbe effects of the end attachments. Identification of tile bellows should be established using.the parameters in Table I. Place the Expansion Joint in any suitable fixture with the bellows fixed in the straight position which will effectively seal the ends during pressurization. and most importantly. will prevent any movement of the ends during testing. The fixture must also safely restrain the bellows when rupture occurs. The test medium should be limited to water as a safety precaution. Pressurize the specimen in steps, returning to zero pressure after each step, up to at least (\vice the yield pressure. Thereafter. the specimen may be pressurized continuously until rupture occurs. The initial pressure intervals should not exceed 10°10 of the anticipated yield pressure. A constant holding time at pressure should be established for each step throughout rhe yield point determination. As a minimum. the width or space between each convolution at the mean diameter. should be measured and recorded before and after each pressure step. Instrumentation. such as a pressure-time recorder. strain gauges. etc .. can also provide valuable information. Both meridional yielding (bulging of the flat sides of tile convolutions). and circumferential yielding of the bellows root diameter will be experienced in a test of this type. Although a plot of permanent deformation versus pressure will resemble that ofa simple tensile test stress-strain curve. a well defined yield point does not usually appear. Thus. close visual observation of the test and a careful analysis of the data is necessary to accurately detennine the yield pressure. Beyond the yield point gross distortion. root collapse. and ultimate failure will occur. \\ '" \\' c Expansion Joint ManufaClurers Associat ion. Inc. 7-5 STANDARDS OF TflE EXPANS ION JO INT MANUFACT URERS ASSOCIATION, INC. TABLE I RECOMMEN DED IDENTIFICATION DATA REQ UIRED FOR BELLOWS SUBJECTED TO DESTRUCTI VE TESTS Fatigue Life Squiml YieldRupture Inside Diameter R R R Bellows Pitch R R R Convolution H eight R R R Convolution Width '" R R R Bellows Materia l Thickness R R R Number of Plies R R R Material of Ply (Plies) R R R Reinforcing Ring Dimensions D D R Material of Reinforcing Rings NR NR NR Pressure R NR NR Pressure Range R R R Movement R R R N umber of Convo lutions R NR NR Number of Cycles to Failure R R R Post Foml Heat Treat R R R Failure Definirion R R R Test Temperature R R R R ~ REQUIRED, D ~ DESIRABLE, N R ~ NOT REQUIRED '" Distan ce between convolution sidewalls measured on outside for internal press ure tests or inside for external pressure tests. re EXp:lllsion Joint Manufacturers A~5ociilliull. 1m;. WWI\ .t;:jJ!J~.urg STANDA RDS O F T HE EX PANSION JO INT MANUFACTURE RS ASSOC IATI ON. INC. SECT ION 8 - S HIPPI NG AN D INSTA LLATI ON Responsib le manufacturers of Expansion Joints take nery reasonab le precaution. through stringent purchasing specifications. receiving inspection. re liab le design standards. manufacruri ng met hods. qual ity control procedures. and packaging specifica tions. to assure the user of the reliability he requ ires. The installer and the user have a responsibil ity with the manufacturer to ha ndle. store. install. and apply these Expansion Jo ints in a way which will nOI impair the qua li ty bu ilt into them. (See Section 3) Some conditions of outside storage may be detrimental and. where possible. should be avoided. Where lhi s cannO! be accomp lished. the Ex pansion Joint manufacrurer shou ld be so advised either through the specifications or purchase cOnlrac!. Preferably. storage should be in a clean and dry area. Variations in weather condilJons shou ld nor prove detrimcmal 10 be ll ows· lYpe Ex pansion Joims. Care mus[ be exerc ised to preven t mec han ical damage such as that caused by stacking. bumping. or dropping. Certa in industria l and natural atmospheres can be detrim enta l to some be ll ows materia ls. If Expans ion Joints are to be slOred or installed in such atmospheric environmen ts, the sys[em designer should se lect materia ls co mpatible with these environ ments . 8.1 SI·IIPPI NG TAGS Expansion Jo ints are shipped with tags which furni sh the installer with instructions covering the insta ll ation of the part icu lar Expansion Joi nt. These shipping tags should be left on the Expansion Jo int until installation. If the project coordinator wishes dupl icate instructions so he may properly plan his in stallation, these will be furni shed on request. 8.2 S HIPP ING DEV IC ES All manufacturers should provide some means for maintaining the proper face-to-face dimension of an Expansion JoiD! during sbipment and installation. Sometimes these consist of overall bars or angles welded to the flanges or nipples at the extremities o f the Expansion Joint. At other times. they consist of washers bolted bet\veen equalizing rings. or th ey may take the fonn of wooden blocks between equa lizing rings. Although such devices are adequate protection for the Expansion Jo int during shipment. storage. and installation. they will not be sufficiently strong to protect the Expa nsion Joint or piping system if the line is hydrostaticall y tested prior to the installation o f anchors and gu ides. Changes in ambi ent temperature of a newly insta lled pipe line can. in long rLUlS of pipe. result in considerable thennal expansion or contraction. Hydrosta tic testing. particularly in waml wea ther. wi ll ca use an appreciable drop in pipe line temperatures. It is obvious from the foregomg that an Expansion Joint may be subj ect to considerable flexing before the system is placed III operation. Shipping devices must be remo\ed before an Expansion Join t can function properly and must be removed before hydrostatic test lllg of the plpelme. Sh ipping dc\ices which must be removed from Expansion J01l1ts manufactured by members of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers' Association, Inc., are usually painted yellow. or o therwise dlstmct!\ely marked as an addmonal aid [ 0 the mstallers. w\\ \\ (" Expansion Joint Manufaclure~ Associallon. Inc. x·, STANDARDS DF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT IO " INC. 8,3 INSTALLATION It is importanllhat Expansion Joints be in stalled at the proper lengths as recommended by tile manufacturer. They should never be extended or compressed to make up deficiencies in pipe length. or offset 10 accommodate piping which is nOI properly aligned unless suc h insta llation's tolerances have been s pecified by the system designer and anticipated by the Expansion loint manufacturer. Do not neg lect pre-compression or pre-extension of the Expansion loint where it is required or as designated by the manufacturer. Generall y. s uch instructions arc included 011 the shipping tags and additiona l information is avai lable in Section 2. All Expansion Join lS provided with internal sleeves should be provided with fl ow arrows or other s uitable means of assistin g the installcr in properl y o ricnting the Expan sion Joi nt (0 fl ow direction. Correci installation of Expansion Join ts with internal sleeves is most important and should be checked by the installer. (See Section 4. 10) In order to insure the proper fun ct ioning of any Expans ion Jo int. it is hig hl y important that all pipe lines in w hi ch the Ex pan sion Joints are located be s uitably anchored. gu ided, and supported. (See Sections 2.2 through 2. 10) Remember, a bellows is designed to absorb motion by flexing. The bellows is sufficiently thick to with stand the design pressure, but also suffi cientl y thin to withstand its cyclic movement. Opt imum design will always require a bellows o f thinner marerials than virtuall y every other component of the piping system in which it is in stalled. The installer mus t recognize this and take all necessary meas ures to protect the bellows during installation. Avoid denting, weld spaller, a~c strik es. or the poss ibility of allowing foreign matter to int erfere with the proper fl ex ing of the bellows. With reasonabl e care durin g s to rage. handling. and in stallation, the user will be assured o rthe reliabi li ty designed and built into the Expansion Joi nt. 8,4 GASKETS When removable fl anged sleeves are inserted in the Ex pansion Joint. an ex tra gaskel is required between the face of the Expans ion Joint and the back face of the flan ged sleeve. i.c .. two gaskets per Expans ion Joint ordinarily, three gaskets if one flanged sleeve is used per Expansion Joint and four gaskel s if a pair oftclescop in g flan ged sleeves are used. Cautio n should be used wi th graphite impregnat ed gaskets in contact with stainless steel facing s or sleeves at high temperature. (", Exp:msioll Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. www.cjma.VI:1 STAN DA RDS OF THE EX PANS ION JOINT MAN UFACTURERS AS SOCIA T ION. INC. 8. 5 RECOMMEN DED I NSTALLATION INSTR UCTIONS Metal Bell ows Expansion Joints have been designed to absorb a spec ified amount of movement by fl exin g of til e thin-gauge convo lutions. Ifprop er care is not taken durin g in stall ation. it ma y reduce the cyc le life an d the pressure capacity of the expansion joints wh ich could result in an early failure of the bell ows element or damage th e piping sys tem. T he fo llowing recommendations are included to avo id the most common errors tim! occur during installation. \Vhen in doubt abou t an insta llation procedure. contact the ma nufac turer for clarifi cation be fore attempting 10 install the Expansion Joint. DO'S DON'T Inspect fo r damage during shipment. i.l' .. dents. broken hardware. water marks on carlon. etc. Slore in clean dry area where it \\ ill not be exposed to heavy trallic or damaging environment. Do not drop or strike canon. Do not remo,e shipping bars unti l installation is complele. Do not remo ... e any moisture-absorbing dessicant bags or prOlccti\e coatings until ready for installation. Use only designated Ii fling lugs. Make the pipi ng systems fit the expansionjoinl. By stretch ing. compressing. or offsetting the joint to fit the pIping. it may be overstressed \\hen the system ii> in service. Do not use hanger lugs as lifting lugs withoul approval of manufacturer Do nOI use chains or any lifting dc\ icc directly on the bellows or bellows cO\er. It is good pmctice to lea\ e one nange loose until the expansion joint bas been fi tted inlo position. Make necessary adjustment ofloose nange before welding. Do not allow weld splatter to hit unprotected bellows. PrOiect \\ ith weI chlonde-free insulation. Install joint \\ ilh arrow pointing in the direction of no\\- . Do not use cleaning agents that contain chlorides Install single Van Slone liners pointing in Ihe direction of flo ..... Be sure \0 install a gasket between the liner and Van Stone nange as .... ell as belween the mating nange and liner. Do not use steel wool or wire brushes on bellows. With telescoping Van Slone liners. mstall the smallest 1.0. liner pointing in the direclion of now Remove all shipping de, ices after the inslal1;1I10n is complete and before an} pressure lest of the full) IIlstalled system RemO\"e any foreign material that may have become ludged bel\\een the convolutions. Refer 10 EJMA Standard.. for proper guide spacing and anchor recommendations. Do not force·rota te one end of an expansion joint for alignment of bolt holes. Ordinary bellows are not capable of absorbing torquc. Do not hydrostatic pressurt' teSI or e\,acuate the syslem before installation of all guides and anchor:.. Pipe hangers are not adequate g.uides. Do not excecd a pressure test of I 1/2 limes the rated \\orking prt'ssure oftne expan:.ion joint. Do not use shipping ban. 10 retain thrust iftesled prior to instnllation. The manufacturer's warranty may be void if improper installation procedures have been used. WW\\ .eJmaorg {. Expansion Joint r-.lanufacturers Association. Inc. 8-3 STAN DARDS OF T H E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURER S ASSOCIATION, INC. Th is page intentionally blank . 8-4 c expansion Join! t,,1anufactlllef:) A:)~u~i;Jliu!l. til..:. www.tjlll:.t.urg STANDARDS OF T HE EX PANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. SECTION 9 - FEAT URES, ACCESSORIES AND 'IATER IALS 9.1 M ULTI-PLY BELLOWS A multi-pl y bellows can be used in many appli cations. It is imporrant to understand the functional characteristi cs of each type of construction. These Standards appl y to be llows with no more than fi ve pli es. 9.1.1 MULTI-PLY CONSTRUCTION WITH THE SAME TOTAL THICKNESS AS A SINGLE PLY CO NSTR UCTION PRESSURE CAPACITY The circumferential membrane (5,) and meridional membrane (SJ pressure stresses are unaffected since the TOta l bell ows thickness is th e same as a singl e ply construction . The merid ional stress due to pressure (SJwill be higher for the mulri -pl y construction d ue ( 0 the thinner materi al per ply_ FATIGUE LIFE An increase in fatigue li fe over that ofa sin g le pl y con struction will usuall y result since the meridional de fl ection stresses (55) and (S(,) are reduced due to the thinner material per pl y. S PRI 'G FORCES A decrease in the spri ng force will resull since the spring rate wi ll be lower due to the thinner ma teria l per ply. BELLOWS STABILITY Co lumn stabi li ty is reduced due to the thinner materia l per ply. In-p lane stabil ity is also reduced. 9.1.2 MULTI-PLY CONST R UCTION WIT H THE SAME T HI CKNESS FOR EACH PLY AS A SINGLE PLY CONST R UCTION PRESSURE CAPACITY The pressure capacity of the bellows is higher than a single ply construction. The c ircu mfere ntia l membrane (SJ and meridional membrane (SJ pressure stresses are lower since the total bellows thickness is greater. The merid iona l bending stress due to pressure (Sol) will be lower for the multi -p ly consrruction. 9. 1.2.2 FATIGUE LIFE The effect on fatigue life over that ofa single ply construction will be mi ni mal. SPRING FORCES An increase in the spri ng force wi ll resuh since the spring rate will be higher due to the greater total material thickness. 9.I.2A BELLOWS STAB ILITY in-plane and colunm stabi lity are increased due to the greater total material thickness. ........ \~ i Expansion Joint Manuracturers Association. Inc . 9·1 STAN DARDS OF TH E EX PANS ION JO INT MANU FACTURE RS ASSOC IAT IO ' . INC. 9.1.3 M ULTI-PLY CO ' STR UCTION W IT H G R EATE R T HI CKNESS FOR EACH PLY THAN FOR S INGLE PLY CONSTR UC TION 9. 1.3.1 PRESSU R E CA PA C ITY The pressure capac ity of the bell ows is hi gher than a sing le pl y constructi on. The circumferc nli a l membrane (5: ) and merid iona l membrane (5.1 ) pressure stresses are lower since the total bell ows thickness is greater. The merid ional bending stress due to pressure (S.J will be lower for the multi-p ly construc tion. FATIG E LIF E A decrease in fa tigue life over that ofa single pl y construct ion will result since the meri di ona l deflection stresses (S~ ) and (5,,) arc inc reased due to the thicker mat erial per pl y. 9. 1.3.3 SP RI NG FO RC ES An increase in the spring force wi ll resull s ince the spring rate wi ll be higher due to the grea ter total materi al th ickness. BELLOWS STA BILITY In-pl ane and column stab il ity are increased due to the grea ler tota l materi al th ickness BEL LOWS DES IGN C RI TERIA MU LTIPL E PLY CONST RUCTION FUNCT IONAL C HARACT ERI ST ICS rUn - sp ttln > sp tt > sp tt=sp ttln < sp B-2.5.2 B-2.5.3 B-2.5. 1 Circumferential Membrane (S~ ) Same Decreases Decreases Decreases Meridona l Bending (SJ Increases Decreases Decreases Usually Decreases Fat igue Li fe Nomina l Change Increases Decreases Increases Spring Force Usuall y Increases Decreases Increases In-plane Stability Decreases Increases Inc reases Column Stabili ty Decreases Lncreases Increases Usually Increases Usua ll y Increases Usua ll y Increases tt = total thickness sp = sing le pl y construction I n = num be r of pli es FIGURE 9. 1 Multi- Pl y Response when Compared to an Equ iva lent ly Designed Single Ply Bell ows 9. 1.4 M ULTIPLE MATERIAL USAG E Corrosion conSiderations may indicate the desirability of different materials for the inner and outer bdlows plies to suit the internal I external environment. In this manner the primary ply specified to resist corrosion can be supplemented by less costly add itiona l plies. 9-2 C E;\.pan"ivII Juiul MUlIUf.u.;lurt'l!> A:.:.ocialion. Inc. STANDA RDS O F THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATI ON. INC. 9.1.5 RED UN DANT PLY CONSTR UCTION WITH THE SAME T HI CKNESS FOR EAC H PLY AS A S ING LE PLY CONST R UCTION Redundant (\\'0 ply be llows arc used when it is desired to continue Ilomlal system operation ifone ply should fail. until suc h rime as a suitab le replacement can be made. 9. 1.5. 1 PRESSURE CA PA C ITY The pressure capacity of each bellows ply is the same as an equivalent single ply des ign since the redundan t plies have been designed to withstand the system design pressure independently. 9. 1.5.2 FAT IGUE LIF E The effect on fatigue life over that of a single pl y construction will be nominal. S PRI NG FORCES An increase in tbe spring forces will result since the spring rate w ill be higher due to the greater total material th ickness. BELLOWS STA BILIT Y In-plane and column stability are increased due to the greater total material thickness. MONITORED PLY BELLOWS The annular space between plies can be monitored for leakage to detect a ply failure. This will serve as a warning of an impending problem. reducing the chances of a costly unscheduled shutdown. WW\\ ( E.... pansion Joint Manufaclurers Association. Inc. 9-3 STAN DAR DS OF T HE EX PANSION JO INT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIATIO , I C. 9.2 Ti E RO DS, HI NGES AND S IM ILA R ACCESSO RI ES In a piping syste m containing Expansion Joints. it is frequent ly impractica l to use main anchors to absorb the pressure thrust o r to transmit th is force to the connected equipment. In such cases, the proper lise of tied. hinged. or gimbal Expansion Joints can solve the problem. The u::.t: of sut.:h Expansion Joints requires that the tie rods. hinges or gimba ls and their anachment to the piping be properl y designed to absorb the imposed forces. 9.2. 1 FO RCES AN D LOA DS The thrust absorbing members of an Ex pansion Joi nt are nonna ll y designed to restrain on ly the pressure thrust devel oped within the pi ping system and the force requ irerl to compress or extend the be ll ows due to themla l g rowt h. Ifo ther fo rces are to be cons idered in the Expansion Joi nt design, th is fac t, along with infonna tio n regarding the magn itude and direction of these forces, must be prov ided to the Expa nsion Joint des igner. The addit iona l fo rces to be cons ide red may incl ude the fo ll owing: a. Unsupported we ight of connect ing pipe and insu lati on between a pair of be ll ows. b. Weight of contai ned fluid under operation andlor test conditi ons. c. Wind. earthq uake andlor impact loads. d. Torsion abo ut the longitudi nal ax is. Th'e effects of tempera lure and flow conditions (transient and steady state) must be accounted for in conjunction with the above forces and loads. 9.2.2 MET llODS OF ATIAC H 'I E i\'T T ie rods, hinges or gimbals are artached to the pipe in two basic ways: a. By structures whose pri mary functions arc to transmi t the loads 10 the pipe. b. By di rect alla chment to pi pe fl anges in the piping nm . In th is met hod, the load is transmitted from the ti e rods, hinges or gimbals to the connecting pipe throug h [he fl ange bolts and mating flan ge. 9.2.3 DES IGN C O NS ID ERA nONS 9.2.3. 1 TI E RODS, HIi\'GES AN D GIMBA LS T he major design fac to rs to be considered arc: 3. TI E ROD S Tensile andlor compressive forces due to pressure thru st and other longitud inally applied loads: the bending stresses result ing from connecting the tie rod to its attac hment: the stress concen tra ti on effects in threaded areas. For genera l structura l rigidity to withstand ex traneous loads duri ng handling and installation. it is recommended Ihal minimum lie rocl ditlmelers as a func tion of the size of the expansion joint be in accordance with Figure 9.2. b. HIN GES Hinge plate tensile and/or compressive forces due to pressure thrust and other longitudinall y appli ed loads: bending forces such as those resulti ng fro m weight loads or torsion applied about the longitudinal axis of the expansion joint: shear and bearing forces at the hinge pin hole. Evaluation of the shear. bearing and bending forces in the hinge pin i[se lfi s also required. The bending and ~hcar dTects in the hinge pi<ltes and pins are significantly differeD! depending o n whether the hinge design places the pin s in single or double shear. A double shear arrangement is recommended for all but very low loads. 9-1 >I: Expansioll Joinl M :1IIlIrm;!UH:r ~ A~~Ul,;i;!llurr. luI,;. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. c. G IM BALS Bending and torsional effects in the gimbal ring due to pressure thrust and other longitudinally applied loads. Gimba l rings may be circu lar or square and may be evaluated using the concept of a ring under four point loading and torsionally unrestrained. The hinge plate and pin portions of the gi mbal assembly. as well as the shear and bearing effects at the gi mbal ring pin holes. may be evaluated similar to paragraph 9.2.3. I-b. ATTAC HMENTS TO P IP ING A variety of structural attachments may be used [0 connect tie rods and hinge plates 10 the piping portion of an expansion joint. These may be simple lugs. lugs with gussets or solid single or double plates (or rings) extending comp letely around the pipe circumference. See Figures 9.3 and 9.4 for typical examples. In all such arrangements the stress in the pipe must be evaluated as well as the stress in the structura l member. In the case of lugs or lugs with gussets it may be necessary to evaluate local deflection of the pipe which could impose undesirable stresses in the bellows attachrnem weld and cy lindrical tangent. In high temperature applications involving so lid plate or ring structures, the effects due to differen tial thermal expans ion should also be considered. The published literature provides various methods for evaluating the structure and the pipe stresses individually rather than in combination. Also. most published work assumes that the loads on the pipe occur on infinitely long cylinders. This is not true when the structural attachment is located adjacent to the bellows and dose to an open pipe end. It is. therefore. customary to perfonn the necessary evaluation by means of approximations based on published literature su pplemented by empiri cal methods wh ich experience has shown provide sa tisfactory results. COM PONENT DESIGN STRESS LIMITS Expansion joint load bearing component stress limits are required to compl y with pressure vessel. piping. and structural codes and standards. The stress limits in Table II apply for load bearing component design . .: Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc STANDA RDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, I C. TABLE II Componen t Design S tress Limits T vpc of Stress Co n~~o n ent Tie or Lim it Rods ( Pipe or Tension Round Bar) Compression K~ x Max. Membrane plus Bendin!! Max. Shear A verage Shear 0.8 x S 0.6 x S Max. Shear A veraf.!C Shear Max. Membrane plus Bending A verage Bearin g 0.8 x S 0.6 x S K.~ x S 1.5 x S Tension or Compression Tension or Compression plus Max . Bending Avcra!!c Bcaring (hole) S K. x S Gimbal Rings (Square or Round) Ma x. Membrane pJus Bend ing Max. Shear (round on ly) A vera!.!.c Shear Average Bearing (hole) K.<x S 0.8 x S 0.6 x S 1.5 x S Full Encirclement Rings Max . Membmne pl us Bending Max. Shear Averaoe Shear K, x S 0.8 x S 0.6 x S full Encirclement Pl ates (wi th or wi thout Gussets) Max. Membrane plus Bending Max. Shear A verage Shear K, x S Trunnions ( Round or Rectangu lar) Max. Sheaf A verage Shear Max. Membrane Dlus Bending 0.8 x S 0.6 x S Pipe Wall at Trunnions. Lugs, Gussets, Shear Pads, Shear Ri ngs. elc. General Membrane Local Membrane Local Membrane plus Bendin!:!, S 1.5 x S 3.0 x S " Pantograph Linkage Tellsioll Compression Tension or Compression plus Max. Bending AVefat!e Bearin!.!, (h o le) S S' K. x S Lugs (with or wi thout Gussets) Hinge or Pantogra ph Linkage Pin s Hinge and C levis Plates (S ing le or Double Shea r) (Fixed or Floating) 9-6 Stress Lim it S S' ~ e xpansion Join! M anufad ur~r:!o A~:!oocj::Hj un . lite. S 1.5 x S 0.8 x S 0.6, S K,. xS 1.5 x S \1'\1'\\ .rj l1l:t. urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS[ON JO[NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC[AT [ON. [NC. Max. Membrane plus Bcndin!:! Max. Shear A vera!:!c Shear K,xS 0.8 x S 0.6x S Shear Pads or Shear Rings Average Bearing [.5 x S Fillet Welds (Throat) Shear 0.80 x S Groove Welds Tension Shear 0.7~ x S 0.60 x S Butt Welds Tension Shear ExS 0.70 x S Gussets Notes: I. The stress limits are based on ASME Sectioll VIII Di v. I & 1. ASME 831.1 , ASME B31.3, the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. and the ASME Criteria Document. 2. S is the basic allowable stress at the design temperaUire for the component from the applicable Code. If a detailed stress analysis is perfomlcd suc h as Finite Element Analysis. the basic allowable s[ress S may be used in place oflhe design stress intensity Sm. For welds. the basic allowable stress S is based on the weaker of the two materials joined. 3. K., is the shape factor for the cross section (See Table III ). 4. S* is the lesser of S or the allowable stress for compression members from the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. 5. S** is the average of the tabulated values of the basic allowable stress S for the highest and lowest temperatures during the operation cyc le under consideration. 6. E is the weldjoint-efficiency/quality factor from the applicable Code. 7. At design temperatures in the creep range. additional considerations may be required. 8. Excessive dcfonnation or local buckling may limit the loading on components. 9. Membrane stress is unifoml and equal 10 the average stress across the section. Bending stress va ries with location across the section. 10. For cyclic loading, additional fatigue evaluation may be required. II. Bearmg stress limits for holes are based witb smooth machined surfaces. 12. Component stresses during the pressure test shall not exceed 1.5 times the applicable stress limit where the stress limit is based on the test temperature. \\. \\ \\ 'fo: E."pansion Joinl Manufaclurcrs Associalion. Inc. 9-7 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IA TION. INC. TABLE III Shape Factors Solid Rectangk B K., = 1.5 So lid Cyl inder e Hollow Cylinder fII]t Ho llow rectangle. Beam , Chan nel r tf tf I II 'f- I- t. Lw-J d ~ H t.~ Uw K, d ~ '- il-t. , K, Lw-J H - 21, J.5H(d' l. +4WI ,(d+I , )) WH' - d'(W-,. ) H- 21J 1. 51V( 21V 2f l +1,,:d) 2W.1 f f +t"Jd Channel, Tee * - it-~ 9-~ K,. = 1.5 or ca lcu lated va lue 10 expansion Joint Manufacturers Associatioil. Inc. WW\\ .rJlIL~l.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPA 'SiaN JOI T MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO . 1 C. 24 OL----.12-L---2r4L---3T6----'4~8----6TO-----7r2----8T4----~96 NOMINAL EXPANSION JOINT DIAMETER (IN.) RECOMMENDED MINIMUM TIE ROD SIZE FIGURE 9.1 \\"" ( E"panslOn Joint \tanufaclurers A~soclation. Inc 9-9 STAN DA RDS OF T H E EXPANS ION JOINT MANU FACT U RERS ASSOCIA T ION. INC. .n u 1f IAI IBI ICI TYPICAL LUG TYPICAL lUG WITH GUSSETS ON PI PE ON PIPE TYPICAL LUG ARRAN GEMENTS r - - - - TIE RODS OR HINGES (0 ) IE) IF) TIE ROD AND HINGE ATTA CHMENTS FIGURE 9. 3 9· 10 E.\pailsion Joint Man Urd';: I UI <': I~ Al>M.J..:-iatiull. Il le. WWW .I::JIlI:I.I.Hg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MA NU FACTURERS ASSOClATIO . INC. IB) IA) (C) /' .I - == '-... (E I (0) TYPICAL ARRANGEMENTS OF SING LE AND OOU BLE RINGS TIE RODS OR HINGES IF I lEI IH I IG) TIE RODS OR o / #"I=~ HINGES \I+(~ . - -..... 0_ """"~'" III IJ I I KI TIE ROD AND HINGE ATTACHMENTS FIGURE 9.4 "\\\\ .I! ( Expansion JOInl Manufal'luren. A<;~ociallon, Inc. 9-11 STAN DARDS OFTHE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA T ION, INC 9,2,3.4 R EFERENCES The following references arc not all · inc1usive but may provide infonnation useful to the eva luation art ie rods. hinges. g imbal s. and their attachmen t to the piping: 1. 2 Blake. Alexander: Practical Stress An(l~\'sis il/ E"gineering Design. Mcreel Dekker. Inc. Blodgett. D.W .: Design of Welded Structures. James F. Linco ln Arc Welding Foundation. 3 BrownelL L.E. And E. H. Young: Process Equipment Design, John Wi ley and Sons, Inc. 4. Roark. R.J . and W.e. Young: Formulas/or Stress and Slrain. McGrawHill Book Co, 5. Tirnoshenko. S.: Strength 6. Wichman. K.R .. A.G . Hopper. J.L. Mcrschon: Local Stresses in Spherical {lnd Cylindrical Shells. Pressure Vessels olld Piping. rol. 1. American Socie lY of Mechan ic_al Eng ineers. ~r Materials. D. Van Nostrand Co .. Inc. i. Wichman , K. R.. Hopper, A.G., J.L. Mcrschon: Local Stresses in Spherical lind Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings. Bullerin 107. Weld ing Research Counci l 1:' E;"pansion Joinl Manufacturers Association. Inc. I'I'ww.ejmil.OI;'; STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION , INC. 9.3 FLANGES Expansion Joints may be fined with flanges. The choice of flan ges will depend upon the specified service cond itions. the flanges fumished on connec ted piping or equipment and the Expansion Joint manufacturer's standards. Expansion .I oint flang es may conforn) to ASME/ANSI standard dimensions and drilling. but special facings and drilling are available to su it specifi c service conditions and appli cati ons. There are three different types of construction used in the fabrication of Expansion Joints wi th flanged ends. The Expansion Joint manufacrurer may li se anyone or all oflhe following methods. depending upon the parti cu lar application in question: a. Van Stoned Ends· The flanges are slipped over the tangents of the bellows and the bellows material is flared out or "Van Stoned" over the faces of the flanges. The be ll ows material prevents contact between the flanges and the medium flowing through the pipe. During installation. the Expansion Joint flanges can be rotated to match the bolt holes in the mating pipe line flanges. Although flat faced flanges are generally used for this type of constructi on, the Van Stoned portion of the bellows material overlapping the face of the tlanges creates a cond iti on which is. in effect. equivalent to a rai sed face. b. Flanges Welded 10 Pipe Nipples - The manufacturer welds the bellows to short pipe nipples and then welds the flanges to the other end of these pipe nippl es. Since tbe flanges will not be free to rotate. it is sometimes desirable 10 ship the Expansion Joint wi th one flan ge unwelded to faci litate fi eld insta llati on. c. Flanges Welded 10 Bellows - The manufacturer welds the bellows directly to the flanges. This consrruction genera ll y results in the shortest poss ible face-to-face dimension. The c ustomer shou ld give consideration to the type of pipe line fl anges specified when ordering Expansion Joints. since the foregoing differences in Expansion Joint construction may have an effect on the type of mating flanges required. Ifflat faced flanges are specified, it is not advisab le to specify Van Stoned Expansion Joi nts. since the Van Stoned portion of the bellows is actually equi va lenl to a raised face. Consequently. if flat faced flanges must be furnished. the Expansion Joints should be ordered with flanges welded on. I f raised face flanges are speci fied. Van Stoned Expansion Joints are generally considered satisfactory. providing proper gaskets are used. However. the face of the Van Stone is not a machined finish and it may not comply in every respect with the ASME/ANS I dimensions for a raised face. Consequently, jf ASMEIA Sl flanges must be furnished. or if a particularly fine machined surface is required for use with metallic and similar gasket materials, it may be necessary to specify Expansion Joints with flanges welded on. Because of the wide variation in the type of flanges available, it is essential for the customer to specify his flange requirements completely and accuratel y when ordering Expansion Joints. Flange specifications for pipe sizes up to and including 24 in. are clearly defined by the ASMEIANSI standards. In the case of pipe sizes larger than 24 in .. however, the ASME/ANS I standards are incomplete and are su bject to frequent misinterpretation. IN O RD ER TO PREVENT CONFUS ION WHEN SPEC IFYING LARGE DIAMETER FLANGES. IT IS NECESSARY THAT THE CUSTOMER S PECIFY EIT HER A FLANGE MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG AND PAGE NUMBER. OR THE ACTUAL MATERIAL. OUTSIDE DIAMETER, TH ICKNESS. DRILLING AND FACING FINISH REQUIRED . v,\\ (" Expi.lnsion Joint Manuracturers Association. Inc. 9-13 STANDARDS OF THE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 9.4 CORROSI ON Corrosion can significantl y reduce the service li fe of a n Expansion Joint The design and o perating characteristics of Expansion Joints are suc h that they may be subjc.:cted to corrosive attack under conditions which might not affect piping and fi ttings of similar materials. Poss ible types of corros ion that may be experienced in expansion joint ap pl ica tions are as follows: • Stress-corrosion. whic h is evidenced by a cracking of the material as the result of a combina tion of stress and a corrosive environment • Intergranular-corrosion. which is characterized by a preferential attack along the grain boundaries in metal s • Pining. which is a loca li zed attack on mcwls: general corrosion or the g radua l eati ng away of the metals in a system • Lmpi ngcmcnt and corrosion erosion, associated with the impact of a li quid or gas medium on the surface of the material under attack • Elevated temperature oxidation is another fonn of mare ri al degradation most commonly encountered in hot air and exhaust lines. Occurrence of all types of corrosion depends upon the material type and condit ion. as well as its initial surface condi tion. Selection of the material lype should be such that there is no possib ility of corrosi{Hl occurring or that it is not affected by corrosion to an ex tent greater than 0.002 inches penetration per yea r. The corros ion res istance of stainless stee l depends o n the fonnat ioD ora thin. unbroken. chromi c oxide surface. whi ch wi ll fornl slowly in the atmosphere on clean stainless steel. Particles of steel. such as weld ing spatter, will preven t the fonnation of this chromic ox ide surface; therefore. to produce maximum general corrosion resistance. a ll sca le should be removed by pickling. The adherence of weld ing spatter shou ld be prevented bot h in the shop and duri ng installation by covering the bellows or by using an anti-spatter compound . Althoug h it is sometimes desirable to heat treat austenitic sta inless steel piping com ponents in order to improve the ir resistance to corrosion. thi s is not usually the case wi th bellows. Ex pa nsion Joint bellows arc invariably used atlllovements producing high stresses, freque nt ly within the plasti c range; lhu s, any beneficial effect of removing residual stresses would be q uick ly nullified by operating stresses . The poss ible occurrence of stress corros ion in austeni tic stainless steel bellows cannot be eliminated by heat treatment or by reducing the movement. In the desig n of piping systems containing Expa nsion Joim s. attention is given to the internal condi tions and medium: but little if any. to the externa l conditions. This practice can lead to reduced service life. since externa l corrosion can be experienced where fumes or sprays may contact the bellows or ill tunnel and manhole install ati ons where water is all owed to co ll ect. Many corrosion problems encountered in the field can be reduced in magnitude, ifnot completely c1 imillulcd. by careful plan ning and design. The process engineer or designer must anticipate situations where corrosive attack might result from a certai n design configuration or material selection and avoid such conditi ons wherever possib le. Since corrosion problems may be complex. it is often advisable to consult a qualified corrosion engineer. (" Expansion Joint ManufaClUrers Associaliol1. Inc. STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOINT MA NU FACTURER S ASSOCI A T IO . INC. A PPENDIX A STAI'DARD RO U ' D EXPAI'S IOI' JOINT SPE CIFICATION SHEET Customer Dale: ProJect- Prepared By' Paqe: Number Item or T Quantity Size Style or Type (sinQle, universal, hinQed , Qimbal, elc.) Thickness I Flange Rating End ConnectIOns Malerial Design ·Pressure Operating 'Temperature Media Inslallallon Movements and Design Test Design Operating Installation Media Flow Velocity Flow Direction Axial Extension Axial Compression Lateral Angular Number of Cycles Axial Extension Axial Compression lateral AnQular Number of qydes Axial Extension Axial Compression life Cycle Operatmg Materials Dimensions Spring Rates Quality Assurance lateral An ular Number of Cycles Bellows Liner Cover Overall Length Maximum 0.0. Minimum I,D. Maximum Axial Spring Rate Maximum Lateral Spring Rate Maximum Angular Spring Rate Bellows long Seam Weld Bellows Attachment Weld Piping Required Code Applicable Codes and Standards 831.1 . 831.3, Sect 8 Div 1 l Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc A·I STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A PPEND IX A STAN DA RD RE CTANGU L A R EX PANS ION JO I NT SPEC IFI CATION SH EET Customer: Date: Project: Prepared By: I Page : Item Of Tag Number: Quantity Size (long side and short side) Orientation (horizontal I vertical J inclined) Style or Type Corner Type End Connections Pressure Thickness! Flange Size Material Design Operating Design Temperatu re Operating Installation Media Media Flow Velocity Flow Direction Axia! Extension Axial Compression Lateral (parallel to short side) Movements Lateral (parallel to long side) An~~'ar (parallel to short side Angular (parallel to long side) Bellows Materials liner Cover Dimensions Overall Length Axial Lateral (parallel to short side ) Maximum Spring Rates Quality Assurance Lateral (parallel to long side ) An~~lar (parallel to short side Angular (parallel to long side) Bellows Long. Seam Weld Bellows Attachment Weld Required Code Applicable Codes and Standards: 83 1.1. B31.3, Sect B Div 1 or other A -2 © Expansion Joint Manufacturers Assoc iation. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPENDIX B KEY TO SYMBOLS USED ~ SI NGLE EXPANSION JOI NT GIMBAL 'XPANSION JOINT SINGLE EXPANSION JOINT WITH TIE RODS UNIVERSAL PANTOGRAPH EXPANSION JOINT OOUBLE EXPANSI ON JOINT WITH INTER MEDIATE ANCHOR MA~;r: :1======:::::J 1 MAIN ANCHOR :1 I I: II II: UNIVERSAL EXPANSION JOINT WITH OVERALL TIE RODS DIRECTIONAL MAIN ANCHOR UNIVERSAL EXPANSION JO INT WITH SHORT TIE RODS & INTERMEDIATE ANCHOR - PRESSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT I PIPE AUGNMENT GUIDE UNIVERSAL PRESSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT DIA ~ INLINE PRESSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT DIRECTIONAL INTERMEDIATE ANCHOR WITH GUIDE F--:rr-~ SIDE VIEW END VIEW PLANAR PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE HINGED EXPAJI(SION JOINT SPRING SUPPORT ! "" ww ( Expansion Join! ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. , ij·t ,I RECTANGULAR BELLOwS TYPE MOVEMENT AX'AL i' -e <. ,'" ] §f ~ c 2" --- • . ANG ULAR " T" !iT J" 2 ,. • Co / /~ • r--"- H ~n , ".1 I U v . • • \", \;Jd 'v-:::i j t M , =O M u=O M u=O Ma= O Af<1l=O AI B. ~r;; ,ill. €fII v.o ' J.De M~ :~. ill.lbs. e N(L~ ±x) , 11/, 2(L, ±X) M _ f .p .. e" . Ib , - -4 e • ,111. s. ~ ~. ~ l~ / -...,. y' lIII f..----, ... - v. -, = - 'C - ' _J"-+1}'" .±.... ~' I ., "-' ,/ ~I ': 4 3L/.I', _ - N(L. J ' ± x) 2/1" K D y, " .. III 2N(L.- L~tx/2'· f . D.. ey • Ibs. 2(L. t x) V/., -- J.... L"" e,., , lb's, L, I., _ f"L,., , Ib ' !Ll u - 2 ,111. s. , :: - 'e 21/ ' , '1 K [,)', " ,III. 2N(L.- LbtX/2 F" == f" e, .Ibs. V £1 - 'f " Lo _ f •.L<OJcyt . Ib ,III. S . 2 M,I,::O x C , III. M o"' O M fII",O " " _ f.,L,..e .. Ib' 1>' {._ L" 2 ' 211 K.L,y, . , III. 2N(L,- Lb tx/2 . Ib ,III. S. M . ' Ib L. -_ J"L.,jc,. , III. s. 2 M 6, = 0 '"0 -i f:i -i ,.'"X on on Z '" is Z 's:" "'0 < ;;:'Z s:on Z -i s:!s: on ." 0 '" n ,. P' Z Cl s: 0 s:on ,.~ X" n CZ ,. n ." -i c f:i ,.''"" '"'"0 n z :;; on 0 -i F. '" f.e. ,lbs. f.L ..,e,; , Ib S. ' _ f.L..Jc!" Mu .T e ::-; e - Cl ;z: :-' . N (I,. ± x) )f V£/--J.. L../e"- , IbS . _f.. D.. eJ, . I M1 _ ,m. bs. 4 3L,.I', e , III. ." z M J,,= O li-ft1/=O .T F~ '" f •.e. ,1bs. - ' ,'I • J.t e M 8J = .. .,,8, ,ill .lbs. eI Z 0 " ,i/I./bs. 'Cl" ,. J. L e /!fIJI = ... . 01 /OJ ,.~ r F .O • V.O u ,. Z 0 C ~~ ,il1. -i '" ,. F .O • V .O AlLI=O 3D.. y . r e(J. = ,.'"z n c r n ",Q 4 Mil ",, 0 . (.,n ~; ,ill. = 0 Cl F. =/",c.. ,11I V/.t= O .c LATERALANDAXlAL (UNTVERSALBELLOWS) e~ = N , ill. X V,, = O V/ _ ," D.. e, , 1'Wi. r-== .'r(lJ E F" =i.c"ill. M ,= O ',',_,,_ , c C /~l') ~ ,'. 1it L~ .!i(3L,+!.,) 3 L, + L, E 4 LATERAL (S INGLE BELLOWS) ~ ~IIII,IT) I 'V L. · !:L(~l ,, H 3 L, + L, : 't II F. = f. ,e, , ill . Y;=O . _ '-..~ '('</ . ~' WITH SHORT SIDE e. "" N ,in. F .O lPh0, ~", LONG SIDE X e• .:: N ,m. e(J '" ill :J..V/~ rl, ' ",( "cc ~ ", ~ J """-''-'- ;: ' . Tr1'l-<:tL " ...., .. ...... "00 .._ ... X f J '" MOVEMENT PARALLEL . ••-•• ~- 1~"" '. MOVEMENT PARALLEL WITH ~ -' . I -'(({((((t??.) <-_."., '.-----., I, &']: Cm.CULAR BELLOWS -i ,. :z is " 10 C -i Z '" z STAN DA RDS OF THE EX PANS ION JO INT M AN UFACTURER S ASS OCIA TI ON, INC. APP EN DI X D Conversion Facton Accelerat ion By FeetiSecondlSecond To Ohrain 3.048 E - OI Meters/Second/Second A ngle A1l1llip~\" Degrees Tu Obruill B" 1.745 E - 02 Radians A rea MulTiply Sq uare Inches Sq uare Feet Square Feet To Obtain By 6.452 E + 02 9.290 E + 04 9.290 E - 02 Square Millime ters Square Millimeters Sq uare Meiers Density B,' Pounds/Cubic FOOl Pounds/Cubic Inch Pounds/Cubic Inch To Ob/llin 1.602 E + OI 2.768 E + 04 2,768 E + 01 Ki lograms/Cubic Meter Ki lograms/Cubic Meter Grams/Cubic Centimeter Force B,' Pounds Pounds Pounds To Ohtain 4.536 E - 01 4,448 E + 00 4.448 E + 05 Kil ograms Newtons Dynes Length A1l1llip~\" Inches Inches Feel Feet WW\\ B,' 2,540 E + 01 2,540 E -02 3.048 E + 02 3.048E-01 To Ohtain Millimeters Meters Millimeters Meters c Expansion Joil11 ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. D-l ST AN DA RDS OF T H E EX PANSION JOLNT M ANU FACT U RERS ASSOCIAT ION. LNC A PP ENDI X D Press ure. Modulu s. Stress Blo To Obtain Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch PoundS/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch Pounds/Square Inch 6.894 E - 03 7.03 \ E- 04 6.~95 E + 03 6.895 E + 00 6.895 E - 03 6.897 E - 02 Newtons/M il limcter Squa red Ki lograms/Millimeter Sq uared Pasca ls Kilopascals Mcgapasca ls Bar Spring Constant MlIll ip~l' Pounds/ Inch Pounds/Inch Pounds/Inch To Obrail1 81 ' 1. 75 1E - 01 1.75 1 E + 02 1.786 E - 02 Newtons/Mill imctcr Newtons/Meter Ki logramsl M il limeter Temperature Convert Degrees Fahrenhei t To Degrees Ccmi grade Subtract 32 & divide by 1.8 Torque (Moment) MlIJlip~r Inch- Pounds Foot- Pounds Foot- Pounds To Obfllin 8 1' 1.130 E + 02 1.356 E + 03 1.356 E + 00 N ewton- Mil li meters N ewton-M ill i meters New ton- Meters Velocity Mulrip(\' Feet/Second Feet/Second A111It ip~\' Cubic Inches Cubic Inches CubIC Fee l Cubic Fee t Cubic Feet 0 -2 By Tu Obwil1 3.048 E + 02 3.048 E - 01 Vo lum(' 8 1' 1.639 1.639 2.832 2.832 2.832 E + 04 E + 01 E + 07 E + 04 E - 02 Mill imeters! Second Meters/Second To Ohtain Cubic Mil limelt:rs Cubic Centimeters Cubic Millimeters Cubic Centimeters CubIt.: Meters Expansion Joint ManufaclUrcrs Association, Inc . STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION,INC. APPENDIX D Steam Pressure Table Temperature (0C) (OF) 212 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 100 104 116 12 7 138 149 160 171 182 193 204 216 227 Sa turated Stea m (psig) (barg) 0.0 1.5 10.3 20.7 34 .5 0.000 0.172 0.710 1.428 52.3 3.607 5.166 7. 124 9.538 12.476 16.028 74.9 103.3 138.3 180.9 232.4 293.7 366.1 2.379 20.255 25.248 L..O\\-PRESSURE I in . J\lercu~ = 0--'912 psig I in .l\I l'rcu~ = 13.60 ill. Or\\ater I in. l\Iercur) = 0.03386 bar I in. l\Iercur~ = 3.3864 I..Pa wy,\\> Tempera ture (0C) eF) 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 238 249 260 271 282 293 304 316 327 338 349 360 371 Satu rated Stea m (psig) (barg) 451.3 550.3 664.3 795.3 945.3 1115.0 1308.0 1525 .0 1768.0 2041.0 2346.0 2705.0 3080.0 31.124 37.952 45.814 54.848 65. 193 76.897 90.217 105.172 121.931 140.759 161.793 186.552 212.414 CONV[ RSIO~S t kPa = 0.145 psig I kPa = 0.01 bar t bar = 10 Nfsq. mm I psig'" U.06895 bar i. Expansion Joint Manufacturer!> Association. Inc. D-3 STAN DARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC APPENDIX D L, 'I;" l I' ,-.JJ ! f I' .:.------i t ! 'I"'l I' [~i ~ f I '"-+--' ~ , r=~ ~ WELDING NECK SLIP -ON j ~~ : ~----J I LAP J OIN T CLASS 150 FORGED FLANGE DIM EN SIONS (ASM E 165) NOM FLG FLG RF PIPE SIZE 01A. (00) THICK (a ) OIA. WN SO LJ DRILLING NO. OF 01A. HOLES HOLES BOLT CIRC LE 01A. OF Y, 3.500 .438 1.375 1.875 .625 .625 4 .625 2.375 " 3.875 .500 1.688 2.063 .625 .625 4 .625 2.750 1 4.250 .563 2.000 2.188 .688 .668 4 .625 3.125 1Yo 4.625 .625 2.500 2.250 .8 13 .813 4 .625 3.500 1'h 5.000 .688 2.875 2.438 .875 .875 4 .625 3.875 2 6.000 .750 3.625 2500 1.000 1.000 4 .750 4.750 2'h 7.000 .875 4.125 2.750 1.125 1.125 4 .750 5.500 3 7.500 .938 5.000 2.750 1.188 1.188 4 .750 • .000 3Y. 8.500 .938 5.500 2.813 1.250 1.1.25 8 .750 7.000 4 9.000 .938 6.188 3.000 1.313 1.313 8 .750 7.500 5 10.00 .938 7.313 3.500 1.438 1.438 8 .875 8.500 • 11.00 1.000 8.500 3.500 1.503 1.563 8 .875 9.500 8 13.50 1.125 10.625 4.000 1.750 1.750 8 .875 " .750 10 16.00 1.188 12.750 4.000 1.938 1.938 12 1000 14.250 12 19.00 1.250 15.000 4 .500 2.188 2.188 12 1.000 17.000 14 21.00 1.375 16.250 5.000 2.250 3.125 12 1.125 18.750 16 23.50 1.438 18.500 5.000 2.500 3.438 16 1.125 21 .250 18 25.00 1.563 21 .000 5.500 2.688 3.8 13 16 1.250 22.750 20 27.50 1.688 23.000 5.688 2.875 4.063 20 1.250 25.000 24 32 .00 1.875 27.250 6.000 3.250 4 .375 20 1.375 29.500 AU dimensions are In Inches D-4 (Fl HUB LENGTH (Y) Referenc:e Sec:tion 9.3 '1:J E:'I( p.:msion Joint Il.'lnnufnClUrcrs Associmion, inc. www.cjm< STAN DA RDS OF TH E EXPANS ION JOINT MA NU FACTURERS ASSOC IA T ION. INC APPENDI X D L _ __ _ _ _ __ _ l'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, C '_ _ _ __ __ _ _ SLlp·ON WELDING NECK LAP JOINT CLASS 300 FORGED FLANGE DIMENSIONS (ASME 16 5) NOM FlG FlG RF PIPE OIA. (00) THICK olA. lal IFI SIZE ORILLING HUB LENGTH (V) WN SO W NO. OF DlA. HOLES HOLES BOLT CIRCLE olA. .625 2.625 .750 3.250 .750 3.SOD .750 3.875 .875 4 .500 OF y, 3.750 .563 1.375 2 .063 .875 .875 " 4 .625 .625 1.688 2.250 1.000 1.000 1 4 .875 .688 2.000 2A 38 1.063 1063 1'/. 5.250 .750 2.500 2.563 1.063 1.063 ", 6.125 .813 2.875 2.688 1.1 88 1.1 88 , , , , , 2 6.500 .875 3.625 2 .750 1.313 1.313 8 750 5.000 21S 7.500 1.000 4.125 3.000 1.500 1.SOD 8 .875 5.875 3 8.250 1, 125 5.000 3.125 1.688 1.688 8 .875 6.625 3)1" 9.000 1.188 5.SOD 3. 188 1.750 1.750 8 .875 7250 10.000 1.250 6.188 3.375 1.875 1.875 8 .875 7.875 5 11.000 1.375 7.313 3.875 2.000 2.000 8 .875 9250 6 12.500 1.438 8.500 3.875 2.063 2.063 12 .875 10.625 8 15.000 1.625 10.625 4 .375 2. 438 2.438 12 1.000 13.000 10 17.500 1.875 12.750 4.625 2.625 2.625 16 1. 125 15.250 12 20.500 2.000 15.000 5.125 2.875 2.875 16 1.250 17.750 14 23.000 2.125 16.250 5.625 3.000 3.000 20 1.250 20.250 16 25.500 2.250 18.500 5.750 3.250 3.250 2. 1.375 22.500 18 28.000 2.375 21.000 6.250 3.SOD 3.SOD 24 1.375 24 .750 2. 30.500 2.SOD 23000 6.375 3.750 3.750 2' 1.375 27.000 24 36.000 2.750 27.250 6.625 4 188 4.188 24 1.625 32.000 , All d imensions are in inches \~ww.eJma.o rg 'f:: Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. Reference Section 9 .3 0-5 STAN DA RDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. AP PEN DI X D (~ ~"l iil.--,----.l '1 l 11 1/4" ! I ~ ! ,~ L-.+.!r " !hl-.,j , T • 00 WELDING NECK • , I ( i~ ~~~ SLlp·ON LAP JOINT CLASS 600 FORGED FLANGE DIMENSIONS iA SME 16.51 NOM FlG FlG RF PIPE SIZE DIA. (00) THICK OIA. 101 IFI WN SO LJ DRILLING NO. OF DlA. BOLT OF CIRC LE HOLES HOLES OIA. 3.750 .563 1.375 2.06 .875 .875 4 .625 2.625 " 4.625 .625 1.688 2.25 1.000 1.000 4 .750 3.250 1 4.875 .687 2.000 2.438 1.063 1.063 4 .750 3.500 1% 5.250 .813 2.500 2.625 1.125 1.125 4 .750 3.875 t il, 6.125 .875 2.875 2.750 1.250 1.250 4 .875 4.500 2 6.500 1000 3.625 2.875 1.438 1.438 8 750 5.000 2% 7.500 1.125 4.125 3.125 1.625 1.625 8 .875 5.875 3 8.250 1.250 5.000 3.250 1.813 1.813 8 .875 6.625 3'h 9.000 1.375 5.500 3.375 1.938 1.938 8 1.000 7.250 4 10.75 1.500 6 .188 4.000 2.125 2.125 8 1.000 8.500 5 13.00 1.750 7.313 4.500 2.375 2.375 8 1,125 10.500 6 14.00 1.875 8.S00 4.625 2.625 2.625 1.125 11.500 8 16.50 2.188 10.625 5.250 3.000 3.000 " " 1.250 13.750 10 20.00 2.500 12.750 6.000 3.375 4.375 16 1.375 17.000 " 22.00 2.625 15.000 6.125 3.625 4.625 20 1.375 19.250 14 23.75 2.750 16.250 6.500 3 .687 5.000 20 1.500 20.750 16 27.00 3.000 18.500 7.000 4.188 5.500 20 1.625 23.750 18 29.25 3.250 21.000 7.250 4.625 6.000 20 1.750 25.750 20 32.00 3.500 23.000 7.500 5.000 6.500 24 1.750 28.500 37.00 4.000 27.250 2' All DimenSions are In inc hes 8.000 5.500 7.250 24 Y, D·6 HUB LENGTH (Y) i:.' Expansion Joint Manuiacturers Association. Int. 2.000 33.000 Reference Section 9.3 WW\\ STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT M ANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APPEND IX D Nominal Pipe Size Pipe Schedule (00) Y, (0.604) % (1.050) 1 (1.315) lYo (1.660) ", (1.900) 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 40S 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 40S 80 80S '" 2 (2.375) 2Yo (2.875) 3 (3.500) ""\\ XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 160 XXS Wall Thickness Insi de (10.) 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.147 0.147 0.187 0.294 0.065 0.083 0.113 0.113 0.154 0.154 0.218 0.308 0.065 0.109 0.133 0.133 0.179 0.179 0250 0.358 0.065 0.109 0.140 0.140 0.191 0.191 0.250 0.382 0.065 0.109 0.145 0.145 0.200 0.200 0.281 0.400 0.065 0.104 0.154 0.154 0.218 0.218 0343 0.436 0.083 0.120 0.203 0.203 0.276 0.276 0.375 0.552 0.083 0.120 0.216 0.216 0.300 0.300 0.437 0.600 (10.) 0.674 0.622 0.622 0.546 0.546 0.466 0.252 0 .920 0.884 0.824 0.824 0.742 0.742 0.614 0.434 1.185 1.097 1.049 1.049 0.957 0.957 0.815 0.599 1.530 1.442 1.380 1.380 1.278 1.278 1.160 0.896 1.770 1.682 1.610 1.610 1.500 1.500 1.338 1.100 2.245 2.157 2.OS7 2.OS7 1.939 1.939 1.689 1.503 2.709 2.635 2.469 2.469 2.323 2.323 2.125 1.771 3.334 3.260 3.068 3.068 2.900 2.900 2626 2.300 Ola . ..... Inside I (10'2) 0.357 0.304 0.304 0.234 0.234 0.171 0.499 0.665 0.S14 0.533 0.533 0.432 0.432 0.296 0.148 1.103 0.945 0.864 0.864 0.719 0.719 0.522 0.282 1.839 1.633 1.496 1.496 1.283 1.283 1.057 0.631 2.461 2222 2.036 2.036 1.767 1.767 1.406 0.950 3.960 3.650 3.360 3.360 2.953 2.953 2.240 1.774 5.760 5.450 4.790 4.790 4.240 4.240 3.550 2.464 8.730 8.350 7.390 7.390 6.610 6.610 5.420 4.150 PROPERTIES OF PIPE Sq. Ft. Outside Surface (po< ft) 0220 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.275 0.275 0.275 0.275 0275 0275 0.275 0.275 0.344 0.344 0.344 0344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.344 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.434 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.497 0. 497 0.497 0.497 0.497 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.622 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.753 0753 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.916 Weight per ft. (lb.) 0.671 0.851 0.851 1.088 1.088 1.304 1 714 0.684 1.857 1.313 1.313 1.474 1.474 1.937 2.441 0.868 1.404 1.679 1.679 2.172 2.172 2.844 3.659 1.107 1.805 2.273 2.273 2.997 2.997 3.765 5.21 4 1.274 2.085 2.718 2.718 3.631 3.631 4.S59 6.408 1.604 2.638 3.653 3.653 5.022 5.022 7444 9.029 2.475 3.531 5.793 5.793 7.661 7.661 10.010 13.700 3.030 4330 7.580 7580 10.250 10.250 14.320 18.580 Wt. of wate r per ft. ·(lb.) 0. 135 0.132 0.132 0.101 0.101 0.074 0.022 0.288 0.266 0.230 0.230 0.188 0.188 0.128 0.064 0.478 0.409 0.374 0.374 0.311 0.311 0.226 0.122 0.797 0.707 0.648 0.648 0.555 0.555 0.458 0.273 1.067 0.962 0.882 0.882 0.765 0.765 0.60S 0.412 1.716 1.582 1.455 1.455 1.280 1.280 0.971 0.769 2.499 2.361 2.076 2.076 1.837 1.837 1.535 1.067 3.780 3.610 3.200 3.200 2.864 2.864 2.384 1.801 (" Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Lnc Moment of Inertia Section (10' 4) 0.014 (lo'3J 0.034 0.041 0.171 0.171 0.020 0.020 0.022 0.243 0.025 0.030 0.037 0.037 0.045 0.045 0.053 0.058 0.050 0.076 0.087 0.087 0.106 0.106 0.125 0.141 0.104 0.161 0.195 0.195 0.242 0.242 0284 0.341 0.158 0.247 0.310 0.310 0.391 0.391 0.483 0.568 0.315 0.499 0.666 0.666 0.868 0.868 1.163 1.312 0.710 0.988 1.530 1.530 1.925 1.925 2.353 2.872 1.301 1.822 3.020 3.020 3.900 3900 5.030 5.990 Modulus 0.041 0.048 0.048 0.053 0.058 0.0467 0.0566 0.0706 0.Q706 0.0853 0.0853 0.1004 0.1104 0.076 0.1 15 0.133 0.133 0.161 0. 161 0. 190 0.21 4 0.125 0.193 0.235 0.235 0.291 0.291 0.342 0.411 0.166 0.260 0.326 0.326 0.412 0.412 0.508 0.598 0.265 0.420 0.561 0.561 0.731 0.731 0.979 1.104 0.494 0.687 1.064 1.064 1.339 1.339 1.637 1.998 0.744 1.041 1.724 1.724 2.226 2.226 2.876 3430 RadIus of GyralJon In.) 0 .269 0.261 0 .261 0.251 0.251 0.240 0.219 0.349 0.343 0.334 0.334 0.321 0.321 0.30< 0.284 0.443 0.428 0.421 0.421 0.407 0.407 0.387 0.361 0.564 0.550 0.540 0.540 0.524 0.524 0.506 0.472 0.649 0.634 0.623 0.623 0.605 0.605 0.581 0.549 0.817 0.802 0.787 0.787 0.766 0.766 0.729 0.703 0.988 0.975 0.947 0.947 0.924 0.924 0.894 0.844 1.208 1.196 1.164 1.164 1.136 1.136 1094 1.047 D-7 STAN DA RDS OF T HE EX PANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA TION, INC. APPEND IX D PROPERTIES OF PIPE Nominal Pipe Pipe Schedule ~~~I 35 (4.000) 4 (4.500) 5 (5.563) 6 (6.625) 8 (8.625) 55 105 40 405 80 80S 55 105 40 405 80 80S 120 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 120 160 XXS 55 105 40 405 80 80S 120 160 XXS 55 105 20 30 40 405 10 Inside Area 'In._ 0.083 0. 120 0226 'In._ 3.834 3.760 3.548 3.548 In,"21 11.55 11 .10 0.318 0.318 0.083 0.120 3.364 3.364 4.334 8.89 8.89 14.75 4.260 0.237 14 .25 12.73 12.73 11.50 11 .50 10.33 9.28 7.80 22.40 22.02 20.01 20.01 18.19 18.19 16.35 14.61 12.97 32.20 31.70 28.89 28.89 26.07 26.07 23.77 21 .15 18.83 55.SO 54.50 51.80 51.80 51.20 50.00 47.90 45.70 43.50 40.60 38.50 37.10 36.50 86.30 85.30 82.50 80.70 78.90 78.90 74.70 71 .80 74.70 68.10 64.50 60.10 56.70 0.226 80 100 120 140 XXS 160 55 105 20 30 40 405 0.500 60 0.500 0.593 9564 0.500 9.750 9.314 80 80S 100 120 140 160 D-8 Inside Dia. 4.026 4.026 3.826 3.826 3.626 3.438 3.152 5.345 5.295 5.047 5.047 4 .813 4.813 4.563 4.313 4.063 60407 6.357 6.065 6.065 5.671 5.671 5.501 5.189 4.897 8 0407 8.329 8. 125 8.125 8.071 7.981 7.8 13 7.625 7.439 7.189 7.001 6.875 6.813 10.482 10.420 10.250 10.136 10.020 10.020 9. 750 60 (10.75) Wall Thickness 0.237 0.337 0.337 0.437 0.531 0.674 0. 109 0.134 0.258 0.258 0.375 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.109 0.134 0280 0280 0.432 0.432 0.562 0.718 0.864 0.109 0.1 48 0.250 0.277 0.322 0.32 2 0 0406 0.593 0.718 0.8 12 0.875 0.906 0.134 0.165 0.250 0.307 0.365 0.365 0.718 0.843 1.000 1.125 9.096 8. 750 8.500 9.89 9.89 Sq. Ft. Outside ~~~a~~ ,," 1.047 1.047 1.047 1.047 1.047 1.047 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.178 1.456 1.456 1.456 1.456 10456 1.456 1.456 1.456 1.456 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 1.734 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.358 2 .258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.258 2.815 2.815 2.8 15 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 2.815 Weight Wt. of per ft. Water Lb._ ~~r,~' Lb. 3.47 4.97 9.11 9.11 12.51 12.5 1 3.92 5.61 10.79 10.79 14.98 14.98 18.96 22.51 27.54 6.35 7.77 14.62 14.62 20.78 20.78 27.04 32.96 38.55 5.37 9.29 18.97 18.97 28.57 28.57 36.39 45.30 53.16 9.91 13.40 22.36 22.36 24.70 28.55 35.64 43.39 SO.87 60.63 76.76 72.42 74.69 15.15 18.70 28.04 34.24 40.48 40.48 54.74 64.33 54.74 76.93 89.20 104.13 115.65 5.01 4.81 4.28 4 .28 3.85 3.85 Section Modulus I~~rt~~ In" 4 1.960 2.756 4.280 0.980 1.385 1.378 2.394 1.372 1.337 1.337 1.307 1.307 1.562 1.549 1.510 '.510 1.477 1.477 1.445 1 .4 16 1.374 1.929 1.920 1.878 1.878 1.839 1.839 1.799 1.760 1.722 2.304 2.295 2.245 2.245. 2.195 2. 195 2.153 2.104 2.060 3.010 3.000 2.962 2.962 2.953 2.938 2.909 2.878 2.847 2.807 4.280 3.850 3.850 2.811 3.960 7.230 7.230 9.610 9.610 11.650 13.270 15.290 6.95 8.43 15.17 20.68 20.68 25.74 25.74 30.00 33.60 11.85 14.40 28.14 28.14 40.SO 40.SO 49.60 59.00 66.30 6, 40 6.17 5.51 5.51 4.98 4.98 4.48 4.02 3.38 9.73 9.53 8.66 8.66 7.89 7.89 7.09 6.33 5.62 13.98 13.74 12.51 12.51 11.29 11.29 10.30 9.16 8.17 24 .07 23.59 22.48 22.48 22.18 21 .69 20.79 19.80 18.84 17.60 16.69 16.09 15.80 37.40 36.90 35.80 35.00 34.10 34.1 0 32.30 31.10 32.30 29.50 28.00 26.10 24.60 Moment of 26045 35.40 57.70 57.70 63040 72.SO 88.80 105.70 121.40 140.60 153.80 162.00 165.90 63.70 76.90 113.70 137.50 160.80 160.80 212.00 244.90 212.00 286.20 324.00 368.00 399.00 © Expansion Join! Manufaciurers Associalion. Inc. Un'" 2.394 3.1 40 3.140 1.249 1.762 3.210 3.210 4.270 4.270 5. 180 5.900 6.790 2.498 3.030 5.450 5.450 70430 7.430 9.250 10.800 12.100 3.580 4.350 8.500 8.500 12.230 12.230 14.980 17.810 20.030 6.130 8.210 13.390 13.390 14.690 16.810 20.580 24.520 28.1 40 32.600 35.700 37.600 38.500 11 .850 14.300 21 .160 25.570 29.900 29.900 39.400 45.600 39.400 53200 60.300 68.400 74.300 Rad ius of Gyrat ion ~ il" .1 2.n7 2.757 2.748 3.750 3.740 3 .710 3.690 3.670 3.670 3.630 3.600 3.630 3.560 3.520 3.470 3.430 STANDA RD S OF TH E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA TI ON. INC. A PPEND IX D Nominal P' pe P'pe Schedule ~6Z;) 55 105 20 30 405 12 (12.75) SId 40 80S '" 14 (1 4.00) 16 (16.00) 18 (18.00) 80 100 120 140 160 55 105 10 2<1 30 405 40 80S 60 80 100 12<1 140 160 55 105 10 20 30 405 40 80S 60 80 100 120 140 160 55 105 10 20 30 405 40 80S 60 00 100 120 140 "\\ '" .cjrnaorg Wall Thickness Inside Cia. fin.! fin.! 12.420 0.165 0.180 0.250 0.330 0.375 0.375 0.406 0.500 12.390 12.250 12.090 .. Inside "' I fin"" ~:,a~~ 1212 120.6 117.9 114.8 12.000 12.000 1'.938 113.1 113.1 1'1 .9 11.750 108.4 0.562 11.0:.10 0.687 0.843 1.000 1.125 1.312 0.156 0.188 0.2SO 0.312 0.375 0.375 0.437 0.500 0.593 0.750 0.937 1.093 1.250 1406 0.165 0.'88 0.250 0.312 0.375 0.375 0500 0.500 0.656 0.843 1.031 1.218 '.437 1.593 0.165 0.188 0.250 0.312 0.438 0.375 0.562 0.500 0.750 0.938 1.156 1.375 1 781 11.376 tOO.:.! 101 .6 11 .064 10.750 10.500 10.126 13.688 13.624 13.500 13.376 13.2SO 13.250 13.12ti 13.000 12.814 12.500 12.126 1I .814 11.500 11.188 15.670 15.624 15.500 15.376 15.250 15.2SO 15.000 15.000 14.688 14.314 13.938 13.564 13.12ti 12.814 17.670 17.624 17.500 17.376 17.124 17.250 16.876 17.000 16.500 16.124 15.688 15.250 14438 PROPERTJE S OF PIPE Sq. FI. Outside 96.1 90.8 86.6 80.5 147.2 145.8 143.1 140.5 137.9 137.9 135.3 132.7 129.0 122.7 '15.5 109.6 103.9 98.3 192.9 191 .7 188.7 186.7 182.6 182.6 176.7 176.7 169.4 160.9 152.6 144.5 135.3 129.0 245.2 243.9 240.5 237.1 230.3 233.7 223.7 226.9 213.8 204.2 193.3 182.6 1637 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 3.34 334 3.34 ;j,:J4 3.34 3.34 3.34 334 3.34 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 367 419 4.19 419 419 419 4.19 41' 419 4.19 419 4.19 419 4.19 419 471 4.71 471 4.71 4.71 4.71 471 471 4.71 4.71 4.71 471 471 Wei ght per ft. flb.! 19.56 24.20 33.38 43.77 49.56 49.56 53.53 6542 73.16 88.51 107.20 125.49 139.68 160.27 23.10 27.70 36.71 45.68 54.57 54.60 63.37 12.10 8491 106.13 130.73 150.67 170.22 189.12 27.90 31.80 52.05 52.36 62.58 62.58 82.77 82.77 107.SO 136 46 164.83 192.29 223.50 245.11 49.10 55.85 74.02 92.05 128.31 110.24 183.46 145.95 215.80 2156.95 32479 381.29 481.82 Section Modulus WI. of Moment water of ~e~.~. lb. :~e~~ In"4 52.5 52.2 51.' 129.2 140.5 In"J 20.27 22.03 191.9 248.5 30.10 39.00 279.3 43.60 43.80 47.10 49.7 49.0 49.0 48.5 47.0 279.3 3000 362.0 Rad iu s of Gyration ' l'nJ 4.45 4.44 4.42 4.39 4.38 4.38 4.37 56.70 433 40.U 4U1.0 62.60 4.31 44.0 475.0 562.0 642.0 701 .0 781.0 162.6 194.6 255.4 314.0 373.0 373.0 429.0 483.4 562.0 687.0 825.0 930.0 1127.0 1017.0 257 .3 291.9 384.0 473.0 562.0 562.2 732.0 732.0 933.0 1157.0 1365.0 1556.0 1760.0 1894.0 367.7 417.3 549.3 678.4 932.5 8068 1171.8 1053.4 1515.0 183.5 ..5 2180.2 2498.7 3021 7 14.50 4.27 4.22 4.17 41,6 39.3 37.5 34.' 63.8 63.2 62.1 50.' 59.7 59.7 587 57.5 55.' 53.2 500 47.5 45.0 42.6 83.6 831 81.8 80.5 79.' 79.' 76.5 76.5 73.4 69.7 661 62.6 586 55.' 106.3 105.8 1043 102.8 998 101.3 96.' 98.4 92.7 ... 838 79.2 70.9 (, Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. 88.10 100.70 109.90 122.60 23.23 27.80 36.50 4490 53.30 53.30 61.20 69.12 80.30 98.2<1 117.80 132.80 146.80 159.60 32.17 36.49 48.00 59.20 70.30 70.30 91.50 91.50 116.50 144.60 170.60 194.SO 220.00 236.70 40.85 46.37 61.03 n.20 103.60 89.64 130.19 117.05 168.33 203.95 242.25 277.63 335.63 4.13 4.07 4.90 4.88 4.86 4.84 4.82 4.82 4.80 4.78 4.74 4.69 4.63 4.58 4.53 4.48 5.60 5.59 5.57 5.55 5.53 5.53 5.48 5.48 5.43 5.37 5.30 5.24 5.17 5.12 6.31 6.30 6.28 6.25 6.21 6.23 6.17 6.19 6.10 6." 5.97 590 5.77 D-9 STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PANS ION JOIN T MA NU FACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. AP PE ' DIX D PROPERTIES OF PIPE No minal Pipe Pipe Schedule Wan Thickness Inside Cia. (' " .) 0.188 ('".) 19.68 19.56 19.50 19.25 19.00 19.25 18.81 19.00 18.38 17.94 Size (00) 55 105 10 20 (20.00) 20 30 40S 40 80S 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.218 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.375 0.593 0.500 0.812 1.031 1.281 17.44 17.00 16.50 16.13 1.500 1.750 1.968 Inside Area I ('"") Sq. Ft. Outside We ight Wt. of per ft. wate r per ft. 'Lb.' l b .l 131.8 130.3 Surface ,~ ,ft 304.0 300.5 298.6 291.0 283.5 291 .0 277.9 283.5 265.3 252.8 238.9 226.9 213.8 204.3 .4363 .4363 363.0 354.7 346.4 322.0 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .4799 .5236 .5236 .5236 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 .4363 39.78 46.06 52.73 78.60 104.13 78.60 123.11 104.13 129.5 126.2 122.9 126.2 166.40 208.87 256.10 296.37 341 .09 379.17 120.5 122.9 115.0 109.6 103.6 98.4 92.7 88.6 58.07 66.61 114.81 197.41 250.81 302.88 353.61 403.00 451 .06 55.37 63.4 1 63.40 94.62 104 .68 94 .62 171.29 125.50 238.35 296.58 367.39 429.39 483.12 542.13 157.4 153.8 150.1 139.6 132.8 126.2 119.7 113.4 107.3 189.0 188.0 188.0 184.1 178.2 184.1 174.4 180.1 165.7 158.3 149.3 141 .4 134.6 124.6 Momen t of Inertia IIn"4 Section Modulus IIn"31 Radius of Gyration . ' 11n l 49.08 66.88 75.66 0.891 111.38 145.72 111.38 170.94 1.356 2252.4 145.72 225.24 1.561 1.971 2770.0 33 13.8 3755.1 4216.7 4532.3 277.00 331.38 375.51 421.67 453.23 2.210 2.448 490.8 668.8 756.6 1113.8 1457.2 1113.8 1709.4 1457.2 1.043 1.111 1.561 1.356 1.699 2.634 2.836 2.826 2.956 22 (22.00) 10 20 0.250 0.375 30 60 0.500 80 100 120 140 160 SS lOS 10 20 30 24 (24.00) 0 ·10 40S 40 80S 21 .50 21.25 21.00 20.25 19.75 19.25 18.75 18.25 17.75 23.56 23.50 23.50 23.25 22.88 23.25 22.63 23.00 22.06 21 .56 20.94 20.38 19.88 19.13 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 1.875 2.125 0.218 0.250 0.250 0.375 0.562 0.375 0.687 60 0.500 0.968 80 100 120 140 160 1.218 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.343 ~ 306.4 291 .0 276.1 261.6 274.4 435.9 433.7 433.7 424.6 41 1.1 424.6 402_2 415.5 382.2 365.1 344.4 326.2 310.4 287.4 5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 .5236 Expansion Joint Manufaclurcrs Associmion. inc. 1010.5 1490.0 1952.9 3245.7 4031.5 4759.7 5433.4 6055.3 6628.1 11 62.2 1315.7 1315.7 1942.8 2834.5 1942.8 3413.1 2550.0 4662.2 5681.2 6849.8 7819.9 8621 .1 8714.5 91.87 135.46 177.54 295.07 366.50 432.70 493.95 550.48 602.55 96.85 1OS.64 109.64 161.90 236.21 161 .90 264.42 212.50 388.52 473.42 570.82 651.66 780.33 809.54 1.166 1.424 1.639 2.149 2.423 2.663 2.877 3.071 3.249 1.143 1.218 1.218 1.488 1.812 1.488 1.998 1.71 4 2.363 2635 2.932 3.169 3.361 3.623 STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEND~,( D STAN DAR D A \ 'A ILA BL. E SH EET GAUGES G\GE , , , ,," ,,, , , , ,.. , , ,.. , =i - , ,,, , , , ~ (Source: Jos..."h T Rycrwn & Son. Inc.1 EUROPEAN EQUIVALENTS FOR COMMON EXPANSION JOINT MATERIALS UNITED STATES EUROPEA"1 ASTM SId CO~lMlJN IIT S l~d 3i)..l EN SHI Remarks H... 10021t-7 (Flm prodllCl~ r-.lalcrin\ Number A~-IO 'l,lInk~~ "leel,) 1.-nOI X5(r"'iIN-lU ,\~-IO 304 L FN 10021\-7, (1'101 producL_ ~l;lll1k,,-~ qccls) J..l306 X2Cr~119-11 A2·t0316 L:N 10028-7 (Flat produ.:l> sUlmlcss steels) 1.MOI XKrN;MoI7. 12~2 \:!-I03ItoL I.-N 10028·7 (Flu! product'; ~taln 1cSl> ~rccb I l+tW X1CrNiMoI7-11-! \2-W 321 E:-.1 IO()!It· 7 ~tall1kSsMccl~) L-I~I X6Cr"iTi Ill-I () (1'101 product> Name E:>.r 1110211-2 Al05eS Flat proouels made of slcl.'l~ fur r~ssurc P"I"jX>IoI:"' Pun 2: Non..allo\' and 0110\ sleels wnh spcci rkd ck\~!cd tcmpomItun: .\1IQfJfI.l BI 10222-5 (sll."!.:1 forgll1g~ 55 "IC. ) (~!ccl forgiu!;~ SS etc.) ropcmc~ 14301 X5Crr..:il~-IU ,\1821'316 EN lU:::22 -5 lor ck~.ued lemrcrnlU~sl 'I.7ns """" X~Cr~IMoli "Iccl~ (~tcd forgifl~ ~I~cb lor ck:\aI~"<It~mrcr-Jturc, I I "'335 IJCrM04-5 "'1;2 H I l:N 10222-2 {slccll"of);iug:. .:\ lie 1'12 EN 10222-2 :\53-8Isrnb) 110 EN Std. a\'ailable A 106-8 EN 1021('-2 Scamlc..., ,[eel> tuW tor pressure pu~s r3n 2, Noo-alio,' and allo\' ~[~'Cltubc~ wl1h M"lCcificd C1cllll,J tern ~aIUn' 12·': IKr\l~-5 roOl.'n"."", J~ El\ IU2L7-2 (\\~ld~-d ,tceltub.,..,,) I·UOI \5Cr"'118-IO AJ12 Jln Ell, 10217-2 1\\~IJcd ~1~ellUbcsl 1.-1-101 XKr'iMoI7-12-2 \US PI I E!" I021n-2 I~amk-,., sl~cllUbc~1 1,733:- 1Kr\lo-I-:- A.1J5 PI:! FN 10216--2 h":lml~" 173J5 lKr\lo-l_5 .\ 312 \v\n\ .1~""'IIJb<:hl c' bpansion Joinl Manufacturers Associalion. Inc. D-II STAN DA RDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANU FA CTURERS ASSOCIATIO . INC. A PPEN DIX D TA BL E IV Thermal Ex pansi on of I)ipe in Inch es p er 100 Fee t Temp. Il egr-..: F. -J~5 JCr·.\l o Stffls 5(" R-.\ lo throul!h 9("r." . " ,\u sl<'n itKSt3in lrss Stet'" 3 10 SS 25 Cr- AlI o~' S u·.. I. IlIer _S:'" 20." ; -100 -:!.37 -1.21 ·].1(5 -~.6:::: ·3. 15 -1.1 0 -3.63 -2.50 -2.87 -2..-1-1 Carbon C·\ III. ·300 Allu~ l'\: lcL:cl Cu·31l :"i Copp~r '00 Alloy 800.825 600. 625.69 1 Temp ,\luminuru I)cgrf't's F. ----l.68 -325 -4.46 -lllll ':!75 -:1.11 - 1.98 ·].41 -1.38 -1.70 -2 .35 ----l~ 1 -275 -~50 -1.98 -1.86 -3. 19 -1.26 -1 53 -2 .25 -2.30 -J.97 -250 -2~5 - 1.85 -LH -1.96 -:!.I-I -2.36 ·2.13 -1.17 -3.7 1 -225 -200 -1.7 1 -1.62 -1.73 -2.02 ·2. 19 -1.01 ·2.04 -H-I -200 - 175 -UR - 1.50 -1.50 · 1.90 -1. 12 -1.83 -1.87 -3. 16 - 175 - 150 - 1..15 -1.37 -1.27 -1.79 -1.95 -1_65 - 1.70 -2.88 - 150 -125 -1.30 -1.13 -1.0 1 ·1.59 -1.7-1 -1..17 - 1.5-1 -2.57 -1 25 -1 00 - 1.15 - I.OX - 1.15 - 1.38 ·1.53 -1.83 -1.29 -1.37 -2.27 -100 -i5 - 1.00 -0.94 -1.50 oUR -U3 -1.57 ·1.11 - I 11 - 1.97 -75 ·'0 -O.i!~ -0.79 -U.l ~19 H -1.13 -1.31 -0.93 ·0.97 -1.67 -50 -25 -0.68 ·0.63 ·O,9f; -0.77 -O.R9 -1.05 -0.75 -0.76 -U2 -25 o -0.49 -0.-16 -O,n .{I57 -<1.06 ·0.7" -0.56 -056 -0.97 o " 0.32 -0.30 .(l.37 .{IA2 ·0.51 -O.J(, ~l.J6 -0.(,3 50 -0.14 -0.13 ·0.21 .(l.20 -0. 19 ·0.22 -0.16 -0.16 -0.28 " 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70 100 0.23 0.22 O.J.< U.31 0.28 0.) 1 0.3-1 0_25 0.2:>: 0.2f> 046 100 125 0,42 0..10 0.62 0.58 0.52 0.56 0.62 0..17 0.52 0.41! 0.85 125 150 0.61 05~ 0.90 0.8-1 0.75 O.S:! 0.90 0.'" 0.76 0.70 1.23 150 -')4. 50 115 0.80 0.76 1.1 ~ 1.10 0.99 1.07 1.18 0.92 0.99 0.92 1.('2 175 100 0.99 0.94 1.~6 1.37 L22 UJ 1..18 1.15 L23 1.15 2.00 100 225 121 1.13 1.75 1.64 1.-16 159 1.77 1.38 1..19 1.38 1.-11 225 250 l AO 1.33 2.03 1.91 1.7 1 LX6 2.05 1.61 L76 1.6 1 1.83 25 0 275 1.61 1.52 ~.Jl ~ .JJ 2.3-1 1.1\5 2.03 1.85 3.2-1 275 300 1.82 1.71 :::: ,61 2AO 1.62 ::.Ol! ::.30 2.09 3.67 300 32S 2.o.t 1% 1,90 n2 2A-I 2.Mt 2.91 2.J2 2.59 2,32 4 .09 325 350 2.26 1.10 320 ~_99 2.68 2.96 3.19 2.56 2.88 2.56 -152 350 J75 2.411 :Ull J50 3.~6 2.9 1 3.24 JA8 1.W 3.1X 2.1(0 -1.95 J75 400 1.70 2.50 HO 353 3.25 3.52 3,llg 3.05 JAR 3.05 539 400 3.80 -1.07 1.52 4.17 3.30 3.76 3 .29 5.83 3.79 1.17 1.55 1.01 J.5~ 425 1.93 2.72 ~.IO 450 3.16 1.93 ~AI 4 15 3.39 3.14 ~.71 476 3.80 ·.1.31 3.78 6.72 3.62 3.35 5.01 '.J.< -1.6 1 HJ6 500 ·Ul H)t> ~ .05 459 4.02 7.17 5:5 3.S6 3.58 5.3 1 4.88 ~ .6 1 5.35 ~.31 4.87 -1,2 7 7.63 525 "" -1.11 3.80 5.6J '.64 ~_56 5.16 ~,j2 ~.IO 550 575 4 ..'5 4.02 5.93 5.18 4.83 5.44 4,77 8.56 575 600 '60 -1.14 6.1-1 5.69 5..16 '.09 5.n 5.02 9.0J 600 ·U:(, W 6.55 5.35 625 6J!7 b.Oj 5.62 '" 5.27 4.69 '''' 5.75 5. 11 553 650 65' D-12 5.15 6.23 4.90 630 © E.xpansion Join! Manufaclurers Association, Inc. 425 -ISO STAN DARDS OF T HE EX PANSION JOINT MA NUFACTURE RS ASSOC IATI O N. INC. A PPENDI X D TABLE IV (continued) Thermal Expansion of Pipe ill Inch es per 100 Feet r r mp. ~rH'S .-. Cul>on ('"-\ 10. JCr -,\ I " $ I('<;'b (,7~ 700 5.63 7~S 5.90 5C R-\1 0 IhrolJ1!.h 9Cr - \1 " S,,'<'1s ,\UMen iric Stain l.... Sl~b J lO SS 25 Cr . I!lCr-8 ' i 20:-'; .f.92 7. IS 6,50 5.1 4 7.50 6,77 \lI o~ '" Cu·.lO'1 Copper 'kkcl 200 ,\ lIo~' A lloJ' MO. 800.825 625.691 'I e mp I) l'\lr ~ n ,\ Iu min u m ,. 6.34 5.89 6.511 5.79 ('7~ ,.r.; 6.16 ft.K~ 6,05 700 7_17 Ii.] I 715 7047 6.5"7 750 7.76 ".M 775 7.10 800 5.38 7.82 7.0-1 69' 644 ,... (;,71 750 6.16 5.62 8.15 ".31 7.25 775 6Al 5.86 8.47 7.55 800 6.70 6.10 8.80 7.58 7_85 !e; 6.97 6.34 9.13 8.15 H.16 7.54 IUS 7.38 825 gAg 7_82 '66 7.67 '" '.119 IU7 8.95 7.95 R75 9 ,26 lU:3 9011 "" 9,56 8.52 9:!5 8_flO "0 10_11' 9.09 7.85 ~50 7.~5 6 .59 9.-16 8045 ~i5 7.5) 6,~3 9.79 8.75 H.1I0 7.ill 7.(17 10.12 9.05 9.11 S,08 7.31 10.4(> 9_35 9,44 9~5 'OO ." 950 8.)5 7.56 10.80 S,92 '" 7,81 11.14 9.65 9_95 9.77 8.62 10,09 9.20 1(01) 8.119 >'116 11411 10.25 10042 9,-19 IOA9 9.37 '" 1015 9.17 K30 11.82 10.55 10.75 9_77 10.80 9.66 1025 11,09 10.05 1111 9,94 1050 1075 1000 1050 9.-16 8.55 12. If. 10_115 1075 9.75 !tllU 1250 1115 II ~3 1034 1142 10.23 1100 10.04 9.05 12.R4 1145 11,77 10.6J 11,74 1051 1100 1115 10.)1 9.28 13. III 11.78 12, II 10.92 12.05 10_80 11:!5 1150 10.57 13.52 1211 1247 I 1.2 I 12.3M 1109 1150 I liS IO,Kl 9.52 9.7{, 13.Rn 12_44 12.111 II.SO 12.69 IU7 1175 1100 11.10 10.00 14.20 12.77 13_15 tum 13.02 11,66 I:!OO II,)R 10.26 14.5~ IJ.LO 13.50 12,0'/ 13.3(, 11_91\ II.M 1053 !-1.88 1]A3 13.116 12.J9 IVI 12..:'9 1250 1275 1250 L!75 11.94 10.79 13_76 14.22 12,69 IHI4 12_ftl 1300 12.22 11.06 15.56 I~.O'/ 14.58 12,99 I·U9 12,93 130() 13~5 1250 1130 15.90 HJ9 1~.94 13.29 1~_74 13.25 13~5 1350 12.711 11 55 16.24 1~,69 15.30 13.59 13.511 l_UO 1375 I:Ult> 11 XO 16.511 1-1,99 15_66 11.90 15.10 15_44 13.1I~ 1375 1400 13.34 12.05 16.92 15,29 16.02 14.10 IHO 14.20 1400 1-125 Ino 14.51 16_[(. 14_51 1425 I.-50 17.69 1~_82 16.53 14,113 1~50 J·HS 18.0ll 15.IJ 16,~8 15_14 1475 1500 1847 15,44 17.25 15.-15 1500 1525 15.76 17.61 15_r 1525 1550 16,07 17,911 16_08 1550 1575 16.~9 111_35 11>.40 1575 "00 Ib 71 UU) lri_71 1600 l\OIClo 2_ .,_ Table .h(>\\) o;xpansion !'Clouh,"); from "hanS'- In tempo;r.llure !'rom 70" F 10 indiC3l~d Icmrcrmurc Thl~ ut>le I' lor mformatlon onl~ and II i;;; nol 10 be Implied Ihal m:llen31~ arc sullable for .. lithe temp<:I;Itun: ffinl;.'" shown Th~ thermal c'(pansion ,"alu."!> in thi~ ubI<: muy be Interpolated 10 dclcrrrun.: '';Ilu~s for 111Icmlcdiale tcmrcr.ilun:~ w\\\o\ , Expansion Joint Manufaclurers Associalion. Inc. 0-13 . 'i' TABL EV Moduli of Elasticity of Commonl y Used Bellows J\-hth.'rilll - psi (M ultiply tabul:ltl'd value by 101\) ~ :» Z Temp. Degrees F :1 ~ 13 il ,o· ~. §' ,. ;; E 'of" ,." c. "~ c E," lr , -325 ·200 -100 70 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 - -- - --- :: ~ .!!. B ~ Carbon Stetl C S OJ% Carbon Steel C > )Y. Alloy Alloy 800 82l 31.4 30.8 30.3 29.4 28.8 28.3 27.9 27.3 26.5 25.5 24.2 22.5 20.4 18.0 - 31.2 30.6 30.1 29.2 28.6 28.1 27.7 27.1 26.4 25.3 24.0 22.3 20.2 17.9 15.4 - - 30.5 29.9 29.3 28.5 27.9 27.5 27.1 26.7 26.2 25.8 25.4 24.9 24.4 23.8 23.2 22.6 21.9 30.0 29.3 28.8 28.0 27.4 27.0 26.6 26.2 25.8 25.4 24.9 24.4 23.9 23.4 22.8 22.2 21.6 ---- -- - - - Aluminum 11.3 11.1 10.9 10.6 10.4 10.2 9.5 8.5 . - - - - Alloy Aust. Stainless Steel Alloy Alloy Alloy 400 200 600 62l 27.8 27.2 26.8 26.0 25.s 25.1 24.7 24.3 23.9 23.6 23.1 22.7 22.2 21.7 21.2 20.6 20.0 30.3 29.7 29.2 28.3 27.5 27.0 26.4 25.9 25.3 24.8 24.1 23.5 22.8 22.0 21.2 20.3 19.2 32.2 31.4 30.9 30.0 29.4 28.9 28.5 28.1 27.6 27.2 26.7 26.2 25.7 25. 1 24.5 23.8 23.1 33.3 32.5 31.9 31.0 30.3 29.9 29.4 29.0 28.6 28.1 27.6 27.1 26.5 25.9 25.3 24.6 23.9 32.2 31.4 30.9 30.0 29.4 28.9 28.5 28.1 27.6 27.2 26.7 26.2 25.7 25.1 24.5 23.8 23.1 - Notes: Thi s tab le is 1"01' information only. It i ~ nollO be impl ied Iha t materials nrc su itable for alllcmpcrallirc nlllgcs showlI. Data all Al loy 600. 625 ,mel Al loy 800 and 825 arc frolll Special Metals. Inc. Balance of data from AS ME Section VIII - Di y. I, ASME 8 31.1. and ASME OJ 1.3. o > o V> '" o." -I :I: m m X :» " V> is Z > ~ " 0 "Z --I mZ Qs: X> c ." > ~ O Z C '"m '" V> > V> ~ (") ~ -I is Z Z o STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC AP PENDIX E Preparation ofTcchnicallnquirics Introducti on The EJMA Technical Committee wi ll consider written requests for interpretations and revisions of tile EJMA Standards. The Committee's activities in this regard. are limited strictl y to imerprerations of tile Slandards. EJMA does not approve. certify. rate or endorse any item. cons truction. proprietary device or activity. EJMA does not act as a consuhant OLl speci fi c engineering problems or on general application or understanding of the EJMA Standards. Inquiries requiring such considera tion will be retumed . Requirements lnquiries shall be limited strictly to interpretations of the Standards or to the consideration of revisions to the present Standards on the basis of new dam or technology. Inquiries sha ll meet the following requirements: ((I) Scope. Invo lve a single subjec t or closely related subjects in the scope of the Standard. An inquiry letter concerning unrelated subjects will be returned. (b) Background. State the purpose of the inquiry, which may be either to obtain an inrerpretation of the Standard or to propose consideration of a revision to the present Standard. Provide concisely the infomlation needed for the Committee's understanding of the inquiry. being sure to include reference to the applicable Standard Section. Edition. Addenda, paragraphs. figures and tables. If skeCch ed are provided. they shall be limited to the scope of the inqui ry. (c) Inquiry Strucfllre (I) Proposed QlIesfion(s). The inquiry shall be stated in a condensed and precise question fonnat, omitting superfluous background infomlation and where appropriate. com posed in such a way that "yes" and "no" (perhaps with provisos) would be an acceptable reply. The inquiry statement should be technically and editorially correct (2) Proposed Rep(r(ies). Provide a proposed reply stating what it is believed that the Standard requires. If in the inquirer's opinion, a re\'ision to the Standards is needed. recommended wording shall be provided in addition to infonnation justifying the change. Submitlal Inquiries should be submitted in rypewr1uen fonn: however. legible handwritten inquiries will be considered. They shall include the name and return address of the inquirer and be emailed.mailed. or faxed (Q the following address: EJMA Technical Inquiry 25 North Broadway Tanytown. NY 1059 I Fax: 914-332-1541 E-mail: \\ \\ l Expansion Joint ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. E-l STAN DA RDS OF THE EXPANSIO JOI NT MA NU FACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. APPENDIX E This page intentiona lly blank. E-:2 \ Expan!>ion Joinl Manufacturers Associalion. Inc. www.eJma .org STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JO INT MANUF ACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A PPEN DI X F BELLOWS FATIGUE TEST REQU IR EMENTS F-I INTROD UCTION The Expansi on Joint Manufacturers Assoc iation has adopted the following minimum requirements for bellows fatigue testing. It is the intention lilal the test results will accurately represent perfomlance of typical production bellows. The results may be used to prepare fa tig ue curves for use with be ll ows in tended for service below the active creep temperature range. F-2 TEST SPECIMENS F-2.1 MANUFACTU RI NG ~ I ET H ODS The bellows used for fatigu e testing shall be representati ve of the bellows manufactured for nomlal production purposes. The same shearing. rube rolling, welding. planishing, convolution fonning. fe-rolling, final sizing. and thennal treatment methods sha ll be empl oyed for the test speci mens. The detailed steps of manufacruring sha ll be recorded for each test spec imen. The finished test specimens shall have the same typical varia tions in dimensions. surface fi ni sh. and condition of cold work as nonna l production bellows. Multi-ply bellows sha ll have provisions for a leak path throu gh the outer plies. 1'-2.2 DIMENSIONAL ~IEASUREMENTS Test spec imen as-built dimensions shall be measured and recorded. The nomenclature is as follows: r I N 2 i=1 D•. + 1-1-jL, I I ----- + N-' 2 /=1 L, - - - - - - - - - where D Vi = Outside diameter of convolution crest. i (I to N). as detennined by circumferential measurement. D b! = Inside diameter of convo lution roOt. j (I (0 N-I). as determined by circum ferentia l measurement. " I.k = Convolution heigh!. j (I to N-I). al k (1 to 4) locations equally spaced around the circumference I,., Bellows material thickness at the tangent. m (1 to n) Lb = BeI!O\'v's con\'oluted length L, = Bellows tangell! length N = Number of convolutions in the bellows 1/ \\ \\ \\ = Number of bellows material plies i:: Expansion Joinl Manufacturen; Association. Inc. F·l STANDA RDS OF TH E EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. APPENDIX F The tolerances fo r measurement accuracy of each di mens ion are as follows: Do. D b) wi.! 1m L, L, ± 0.005 in. ± 0.005 in. ± O.OOS in . ± 0.00 1 in . ± 0.03 1 in. ± 0.063 in . F-2.3 DIM ENS IONAL R EQU IREM ENTS Test specimens shall meet the following requ irements : a. Min . cOllvo lution inside d iameter (D,,) =6.63 in . ~ 2D, b. Max. bellO\\ls convo luted length (L II) ~L, / N c. Min . convo lution he ight (1\') ~3 d. Min. number of con volutio ns (N) c. Min. bell ows tangent length (L f ) ~ Jr(D=-,""')(I-.c-)/"'2 1'-2.4 BELLOWS MATERIALS Test specimens sha ll be manufaCll lred frolll typi ca l production quality material. Any specia l treatments o r fini shing of the be ll ows material must be recorded . F-2.5 BELLOWS ATTAC HMENT S The bellows sha ll be auached to the test apparatus in a manner that duplicates namml production be llows attachments. 1'-2.6 BELLOWS H EAT T REATMENT Ifheat treatmen t is performed on lest speci men s, the following infomlatioll sha ll be recorded: a. Atmosphere b. Heat ing rate c. Holding temperature d. Holding time c. Coo li ng rale F-: If ' . expansion Jo int ManllflldUlcl!I A~:-.U\:ia ( ivu . Illc. www.c.:j ma.urg STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. AP PEND IX F F-3 TEST APPARATUS F-3.1 GENERAL REQ UI RE ~I ENTS The test apparatus sha ll be construc ted and controlled so (hat the test specimens can be rig idly held in position and cycled repeatedly with the specified movement. Bellows failure shall be defined as a leak through the materia l which causes a reduction of the internal pressure below a se t minimum limit andlor allows for penetrating liquid to bec.omc visible on the outer surface of the bellows. F-3.2 CYCLE COUNTERS The apparatus shall provide for reliable cycle counters which record the total number of cycles to failure for eac h test bellows. F-3.3 TEST MEOlA Testing shall be completed using an internal pressurizing media andlor an internal penetrating liquid. A liquid or gas media may be used to pressurize the test specimens internally during the fat igue test. The test media shall not be detrimental to the bellows ma terial. The pressure may be constant or variable during the test. The apparatus sha ll be constructed so that the loss of media through a leak wi ll result in a rapid reduction in pressure. The reduction in pressure below a set minimum limit may be used to iden ti fy the presence of a leak. Controls shall assure that a reduction in pressure below the set minimum limit results in a recording of the total number of movement cycles shown on the bellows cycle counters. The pressure during the movement cycles sha ll be constant but may differ from as low as possible up to the allowable pressure but. shall in no case cause bellows instability or convolution defbnnation during the test. An internal penetrating liquid in contact wi th the inside surfaces of the test specimens may be used during the fatigue test. The liquid shall nO[ be detrimental to the bellows material. When a leak develops during the test, the penetrating liquid shall rapidly become visible on the outer surface of the bellows and the total number of movement cycles shall be recorded. F-3A TRA YEL SPEED The apparahis shall control the motion to be smooth over the length of trayel. The travel speed shall not exceed 60 in / minute. F-3.S BELLOWS' MOVEMENT The bellows test specimens shall be cycled with a:'{ial movement only. One cycle is defined as movement through the full movement range (amplitude) and return to the starting position. The bellows movements for the test specimens shall be selected to produce cycles to failure that cover the desired range for the fatigue curve. The movements shall not be excessive and shall not cause detrimental convolution defomlation. The bellows movement range shall be measured and recorded at the beginning and end of the test. The tolerance for the measured movement range is +...- 0.5%). \\ \\ t' Expansion Joilll Manufacturers Association. Inc . F-3 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IA TION, INC. AP PENDIX F F-I FA TI GUE CU RVES F-4. 1 CALCULAT IONS Total stress range (S, ) calculations for each bellows shall be in accordance with the EJMA performance equations using the measured movement range and the room temperarure Modulus ofElaslicity for the material. The stresses due to tesl media pressure shall not be included in the calcu lation for total stress range. The variables in the performance equations shall be found using the tesl specimen measurements and the fo llowing equat ions: a. Bellows Ou tside Diameter ( D,, ) I ' D,, = N LD", ,-, b. Bellows Inside Diameter (D/o I "-I (N_ I )~D. D, c. Convolution Height Less Bellows Material Th ickness ( \I' ) I '" '-I .j LL wjk 4(N -I) t ~1 fo r D" < 10.75 in. 1"'1 =(D" -D, ) ! 2 d. Bellows Nominal Thickness orOne Ply (I) fo r D" ~ 10.75 in. 1 ' 1= - n L 1m m= 1 e. Convolut ion Pitch (q ) q = L.! N f. Mean Diameter of the Bellows ( Duo ) D", = D~ + 1I ' +nt F-5 TEST DOCUMENT A TI ON The following documents are required: a. Certified mill test reports for lhe bellows material b. Heat treat charts (where applicab le ) c. Photographs of the test d. Test log sheets and records e. Final report of the results F-4 i.C E .... pansion Joint l'vlanuraclurer.> Association. Inc. www.cjm< STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUF ACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. APPENDIX G BELLOWS HIGH TEMP ERAT URE C YC L E LIF E G-I INTROD UCTION The Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association has adopted the following minimum requirements for the evaluation of bellows cycle life at high temperatures. The cycle life evaluation is based on high temperature test results. The empirical method is taken from Bellows High Temperature Cycle Life -1995. ASME PVP Vol. 301. pages 129 -138. High temperature cycle tests shall include the effects of all conditions necessary to val idate the correlation bt:lwet:n tht: calculatiun.s alUJ tht: fini:sht:d product induding material type. malerial condition (annealed or as- formed). and convolution profile. II is the intention that the required test results accurately represent the perfonnance of typical production bellows. G-2 T EST S P EC I ~ I ENS The test specimens shall meet the requirement of Section F-2 of the Standards. G-3 TEST A PI'ARA TUS The test apparatus shall meet the requirements of Section F-3 of the Standards. G-3. 1 TEM PE RATU RE CONT RO L The test apparatus shall be constructed so that the bellows metal temperature can be maintained within +/- 10 degrees F of the set test temperature. G-3.2 HOLD TI M E CONT ROL The test apparatus shall be constructed so that the time between deflection cycles can be maintained within +/- I percent of the set hold time. G-~ TEST REQU IREMENTS A total offour (4) bellows specimens labeled 1 through 4 are required for each separate test. The specimens shall meet the following requirements: a. No. I and 2 shall have the same design. b. No.3 and 4 shall have the same design. c. No. I and 1 shall differ in calculated total stress range ( 5, ) from No.3 and 4 by a factor of at least 1.0. d. No. I and 3 shall differ in hold time at temperature between cycles ( H , ) from No.2 and 4 by a factor of at least 100. One cycle is defined as movement from the starting position to the final position, holding at the final position, and then returning to the starting position. G-5 CYCLE LIFE CALCULATION PROCEDURE 1. Perfonn the cycle tests and record the results. 1. Calculate the total stress range (S,) for each specimen in accordance with Section F-·U of the Standards. Label the results corresponding to each specimen and tabulate the results using the nomenclature as follows: .... W\" <.. Expan~ion Joint Manufacturers A~sociation. Inc. G-l STAN DA RDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPENDIX G Specimen No. Toral Stress Range (5, ) Hold Time (H, ) Cycles to Failure (N, ) I 5" H" N,I 2 S,~ H ,: N, : ) S,3 H" N,'3 4 S,' H ,: NcJ 3. Cakulate the mean stress ra nges as follows: 5,1: = (S'I +S,2 ) / 2 (G·I) (G·2) S'3-I = (S'3 +S'.1) / 2 4. Find the intermediate values as fo ll ows: log(tV" l tV , ) II (G·) log( H" I H ,, ) log(N'.1t N ,.t) 8 (G-4) log(H," I H , 1) 5. Find the constants as follows: tV H log ,4 I~ [ tV, ., B.,,] a (G·5) log(S,,, I S,,,) (G·6) (G·7) (G·S) 6. Find the average cycles tV = bS-·" " "'H H, 10 fa ilure for any tOlal stress range and hold time as fo llows: (G .9) J This equation is applicable for the tested bell ows material and material condition up to the set tcst temperature. C' E:<pansiun Joinl ~'I:.muf:n:lurf!rs As sociation. inc. STAN DARDS O F T HE EX PANS ION JO IN T MANU FACT URERS ASSOC IATION. INC. APP EN DI X G G-6 BE LLOWS HOL D TI ME The ho ld time 31 1em peratu re between cycles (H,) can be determ ined based on historical records and planned operating schedu les. Ho ld times may vary between cycles. G-7 B ELLOWS CYCLE LI FE R EQ UIREMENTS The calculated cycle life may be evaluated as follows: > TOlal Operaril1g Lffe ar Temperatllre (hollrs) N • H, (G-IO) If the hol d times vary between cycles. the calc ulated cycle li fe may be eva luated using the fo llowing: L,-," N,., H/i ~ Tauil Operating L~fe 01 Temperatllre (hours) (G-IO) where 11 is the total number of different ho ld times and N" is the calculated number of cycles at ho ld ti me H 11 • An overly conservative estimate of the cycle life requirement can result in an increased number of convolut ions and a bellows more prone to instability. \\ w", C Expansion Jomt ManufaclUrers Association. Inc. G-3 STAN DA RDS OF T H E EXPANSION JO INT M A NUFACTU RERS ASSOC IAT ION. I C. A PPENDIX G Th is page intentiona ll y blank. G-4 r Exp:m!>iOlj Joiul MalluCaclun;rs A:,suciation. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC. APPENDIX H ANGULA R ROTA TION ABOUT ONE END H-I INTROD UCTION An expansion joint absorbs pure angu lar rotation by extending unifonnl y on one side and compressing unifomlly on the other (See Figure 4.3). Pure angular rotation occurs when the expansion joint bends with a constant radius about a center point. However. when the expansion joint bends about one end. the radius of curvature is not constant and the convolution movement is not uniform (See Figure HI). For this special case, the expansion joint can be modeled as an elastic beam havi ng one end fixed and the other end si mply supported with a concentrated end mo ment. The bellows can be treated as elastic beams. fl -2 FORCE, MOMENT AND j\ lOVEMENT CALCULA TI ON (S IJ~GLE) f"D~~e (H- I) 2N , " 3.1:. D,,'8 (H-l) 4N(L, ±x) 28D", etJ= - - (H-3) N "N" CONVOLUTIONS --------~#- \ \ VI L \~e ~ i \ Lb \ '\ \1 + FIGURE HI W" \\ .I! ( E..... pansion Joint Mallufacturers Associalion. Inc. H-l STANDARDS OF T H E EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, I C. APPENDIX H H-3 FORCE, MOM£NT , AN D MOVEMENT CALCULATIOi\" (UNIVERSAL) f .D,,;1J 4N Ku(J Mo V, ( H-4) 3f . D.'IJK., (H-5) 8N( L, ±x) ( H-6) COl\VOLJT 0"5 """"\ l \-.-1 f Me \ ______ ../ V, Jl.i1Jl-.--- ._1"'-.1' i...t \ /' ' . _._ .. ~~ I i ----- ----------,-/1.11..;'\ ~,J'"lJU\, li --------- --- - ~S~'SIIIJ'J---------______ , :~ I, --'-I. f""l \. 1\ , .-=---&-- M n r, ,.., " n'" ;- ~JUi.Ju,-,:.;uu \ VI 1 '-'.".--. "" - - - - --------- - - - - - - - t:. _.,---.-:_- KU M , '.A - - Lb - - __ 0 "" Lu FIG URE HZ H·2 l~ Expansion Join; Manufacturers Associalion. Inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPENDIX I TABULATED VALUES FOR I-I C". C, . Cd' H,. H, AND H, INTROD UCTION Tables I I. 11. 13. and 14 conta in tabulated values taken from the figures indi cated for CI" C" e,l' Bp B: . and B, . A metbod fo r interpolating between labulated va lues is also included. 1-2 INTERPOLATION BETWEEN TABULATED VALUES The follow ing equations can be used as a guide for linear interpolation between the tabulated values for C" , C ( and CJ • The boxes below represents below represent the tables in Appendix l. They are used to organize data for two d imensiona l interpolation. M I J. ( TK. 1::1 t I J. - I---'?'--1., Q: 0,. T= - ", (1- I ) (1-2) J , and K , are the values in the table that surround T. J~ andL: are the va lues in the table that su rround M. J,. K , L, and Q._ are the tabular values found at the intersection of the J " K, . J ; and L. val ues. A= ( T-J , ) (K,. -J , )+J, (1-3) K , -J:r ( 1-4) C" C, . Cd=(~f=~:}H-A)+A (1-5) Example: Giwn T = 0.63 and .M = 2.3. find C p : C From Table II. the following chart can be completed: 0.63 I 2.3 W\\ \\ 2.00 2.5G [J 0.60 0.65 0.322 0.272 0.315 0.260 I (- Expans ion Joint Manufacturers Associalion. Inc. I-I STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANSION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APPENDIX I 2,. T = ---"- = 0.63 U" AI = I. 82,~ = 2.3 JD.", A =( 0.6~ -060 ) (0.3 15 -0.322)+0.322 =0.3 I 78 0.6)-0.60 B =( 0.6~- 0.60 ) (0.260- 0.272)+ 0.272 =0.2648 0.6)-0.60 c, =( 2.~0 - 2.00 ) (0.2648_0.3 I 78) +0.3 I78 =0.2860 2.)0 -2.00 Figure 11 presents the method of interpolation in graphil:aJ fo nll. 0.65 K 0.6 (0.6,0.322,2.0) J 2.0 2.0 (0.65,0.3 I 5,2.0) T, ~----11- Solving for Cp Cp L 2.5 (0.6,0.272,2.5) B ,' 0.6 (0.65,0.260,2.5) Q 2.5 0.65 Example laken from tabu lated data for Cp FIG URE II METHOD OF LINEAR I NTER POLATION I-:! tt' Expansion Join; Manufacturers Association. Inc. WW\\ .t'JIlIi1.UI£ ••• '"~ Vl ;! o .r. Z o » o Vl '" 2.- 'g" 11 ;: i3" § l: ,"o ,'~" n >- " g ~ , " ~ p 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.Z 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 -l :I: ~ 1.82r. JD.l o." w 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.000 0.976 0.946 0.912 0.876 0.999 0.962 0.926 0.890 0.854 0.961 0.910 0.870 0.836 0.806 0.949 0.842 0 .770 0.122 0 .691 0.950 0.841 0 ,744 0.651 OJi92 0.950 0.841 0.744 0.657 0.519 0.840 0.803 0.767 0.733 0.702 0 .674 0.649 0.627 0.6 10 0.596 0.585 0.819 0.784 0.751 0.720 0.691 0 .665 0.642 0.622 0.606 0.593 0.583 0.717 0.750 0.722 0.696 0.670 0.646 0.624 0.605 0.590 0.580 0.573 0.669 0.653 0.640 0.627 O.6ts 0.602 0.590 0.579 0.570 0.563 0.559 0.577 0.576 0.569 0.557 0.559 0.536 0.541 0.548 0.551 0.55 1 0 .550 0.547 0.544 0.540 0.536 0.531 0.518 0.501 0.502 0.503 0.50) 0.503 0.502 0.500 0.497 0.494 0.491 0.488 0.57 1 0.566 0.560 0.571 0.566 0.560 0.566 0.563 0.556 0.556 0.554 0.547 0.526 0.521 0.515 1.0 Z Vl 0.540 0.529 0 .510 0.950 0.840 0.7« 0.651 0.564 0.495 0.462 0.460 0.458 0.455 0.4H 0.450 0.447 0.444 0.442 0 .439 0.437 0.435 0.433 0.432 0.431 0.950 0.841 0.731 0.632 0.549 0.481 0.432 0.426 0.420 0.414 0.408 0.403 0.398 0.394 0.391 0.388 0.38S 038< 0.382 0.38 1 0.380 0.950 0.841 0.731 0.632 0.549 0.481 0.421 0.388 0.369 0.354 0.342 0.332 0.323 0.316 0 .309 0 .304 0.299 0 .296 0.294 0.293 0.292 0.950 0.840 0.732 0.6)0 0.550 0.480 0.421 0.367 0.))2 0.)15 0.)00 0 .285 0.272 0.260 0 .2SI 0.242 0.236 0 .230 0.224 0.219 0.215 0,950 0.840 0.732 0.6) 0 0.5S0 0.480 0.421 0.367 0.328 0.299 0.275 0 .2!!8 0.242 0.228 0.215 0 .20) 0.19S 0 .188 0.180 0.175 0.171 0.950 0.840 0.732 0.630 0.550 0.480 0.421 0.367 0.)22 0.287 0.262 0.241 0.950 0.840 0.732 0.630 0.550 0.480 0.421 0.367 0.31 2 0.275 0.248 0.225 0.205 0.190 0 .176 ~16_3_ 0.152 0 .142 0.1)4 0.126 0.11 9 Tnble II Tabulntcd Values for e,l (From Figu re 4. 16) ;;: 0.552 0.550 0.485 0.482 0.479 0.476 0.222 0.208 0. 194 0 .182 0.171 0. 161 rn rn :>< 0. 152 0. 146 0.140 (5 Z » ~ .,,rn Z .,, 0 z-l 0:;: S<_ »Z c :;; n -l C ~ '" » Vl Vl Vl o n ;; -l (5 Z Z (") z: r ..., '"» 2 2, 1.82r. 'J ,'" ] g, c c c ~ §.' :;: c c c "'~ Co , Co > ""c !:: . ;:. c· c JD.I, 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 ~ '"o '"o." ..., -"- :I: m m w 0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 I.JJ6 1.211 1.524 UP? 1.669 1.740 1.812 1.882 1.952 2.020 2.087 2. 153 2.1 17 1.094 1.174 1.241 1.319 1.386 1.452 1.517 1.582 1.646 1.710 1.775 1.841 1.908 1.975 2.045 2.116 1.092 1.163 1.225 1.281 LJ36 1.392 1.449 1.508 1.568 1.630 1.692 1.75) 1.8)) 1.871 1.929 1.987 1.0<6 1.122 1.171 1.217 1.260 1.300 1.340 1.380 1.422 1.465 1.511 1.560 1.611 1.665 1.721 1.779 1.026 1.052 1.077 1.100 1.124 1,147 1.1 71 1.195 1.220 1.246 1.271 1.298 !.l2S 1.353 1.382 1.4 15 1.002 1.000 0.995 0.989 0.983 0.979 0.975 0.975 0.976 0.980 0.987 0.996 1.008 1.022 1.038 1.056 1.297 1.]76 1.451 0.983 0.962 0.938 0.915 0.892 0.870 0.85 1 0,834 0.820 0.809 0.799 0.192 0.787 0.972 0.937 0.899 0.860 0.82 1 0.184 0.750 0.1 19 0.691 0.948 0.892 0.836 0.782 0.930 0.867 0.800 0.130 0.665 0.920 0.850 0.780 0.705 0.900 0.830 0.750 0.680 0.6 10 0.900 0.820 0.735 0.655 0.730 0.667 0.646 0.627 0.611 0.711l 0.780 0.779 0.780 0.78 1 0.785 0.792 ~ ..., 0.598 0.586 0.516 0.569 0.563 0.560 0.561 0:;:: 0.492 0.610 0.560 0.510 0.470 0.392 0.360 0.330 0.300 0.275 0.253 0.640 0.580 0.525 0.470 0.425 0.550 0.495 0.430 0.439 0.416 0.394 0.373 0.380 0.342 0.300 0.271 0.242 0.212 0.188 0.354 0. 167 1.600 1.154 0.336 0.319 0.303 0.230 0.206 0.188 0.252 0.2 13 0.182 0. 152 0.130 0.109 0.170 0. 146 0.130 0. 11 5 0.090 0.074 » 2 '" (5 2.002 0.445 0.395 0.350 0.303 0.270 0.233 0.200 0.174 0.150 0.130 0. 11 2 0.092 0.08 1 0.590 0.525 0.470 0.420 0.370 0.325 0.285 >< ." 2.501 2.430 2.305 0.68 1 0.636 0.595 0.557 0.523 0.464 1.0 2.282 2.349 2.421 2.189 2.265 2.345 2.049 2.1 19 2.20 1 1.838 1.896 1.95 1 1.451 1.492 1.54 1 1.076 1.099 1.1 2.5 0.061 2 /; 0 '"C z ::: 2 ~ » C ." > Clc ~ c o Tabl e 12 Tabulated Valu es for C, ( From Fi gu re 4.1 7) '"'»" '"'" R :;; ..., (5 ~ -h. ~ "" 2 2 o •• • ~ g ~ " .r. Z ~ ~ o 1.82r", 1'g" - o § ::: 1; " ,'" n ~ » " ~ g ~ o JD.,p 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 ":I:..., 2r. ! w 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.128 1.198 1.269 1.340 1.411 1.480 1.547 1.614 1.679 1.743 1.807 1.872 1.000 1.066 1.1l7 ) ,209 1.282 1.354 1.426 1.496 1.565 1.633 1.700 1.766 1.832 1.897 1.000 1.105 I.US 1.277 1.352 1.424 1.492 LSS9 1.626 1.691 1.757 1.822 1.886 1.950 1.000 1.079 1.171 1.271 1.374 1.416 1.575 1.667 1.75) 1.832 1.905 1.973 2.037 2.099 1.000 1.051 1.128 1.208 1.294 1.384 1.476 U7l 1.667 1.766 1.866 1.969 2.075 2.182 1.000 1.031 1.080 I.BO 1.185 1.246 1.311 1.381 1.457 1.539 1.628 1.725 1.830 1.943 1.000 1.016 1.039 1.067 1.099 1.135 t.17S 1.220 1.269 1.324 1.385 1.452 1.529 1.614 1.937 2.003 2.070 2.138 2.206 2.274 2.341 1.96) 2.029 2.096 2,164 2.234 2.305 2.378 2.0 14 2.077 2.141 2.206 2.213 2.344 2.422 2.160 2 .221 2.183 2.345 2.407 2.467 2.521 1.110 1.819 1.94 1 2.080 2.236 2.412 2 .6 11 1.000 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.333 1.402 1.484 U78 1.688 0 .992 0.984 0.974 0.966 0.958 0.952 0 .947 0.945 0.946 0 .950 0.958 0 .970 0.988 1.011 1.042 1.081 1.130 1.191 1.000 1.061 1.006 1.01S 1.025 1.037 1.052 1.070 1.091 1.116 1.145 1.181 1.223 1.273 2.29 1 2.399 2.505 2.603 2.690 2.758 2.800 2.066 2.197 2.336 2.483 2.634 2.189 2.943 1.813 1.957 2.121 1.267 1.359 0 .980 0.960 0 .935 0.915 0.895 0.875 0 .840 0.833 0.825 0 .815 0.800 0.790 0 .785 0.780 0.780 0.785 0.795 0.8lS 0.845 0.890 0 .970 0.945 0 .910 0.885 0.855 0.825 0.800 0.775 0 .750 0 .730 0.710 0 .688 0 .670 0.657 0 .642 0.635 0.628 0.625 0 .965 0.930 0 .890 0.860 0.825 0.790 0 .760 0.730 0 .700 0 .670 0.645 0.538 0.522 0 .5 10 0.502 0.500 0.9 55 0 .910 0 .870 0.830 0 .790 0 .755 0.720 0.685 0 .655 0 .620 0 .597 0.575 0 .555 0.630 0.640 0.625 0.595 0 .567 0.538 0 .510 0 .489 0.470 0,452 0 .438 0,428 0,420 n m m X -; Z <fl o Z » ~ ..,,0 m Z Z"" ..,, - !;23: X» _ Z c ;;; n ..., c f;; '" » <fl <fl Table 13 Tabulated Values for Cd (From Figure 4.18) g ';: ..., is Z Z , ,~ " STAN DARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. AP PENDIX I H, H2 H, 0 1.0 1.1 2 3 4 1.4 2.0 2.8 5 6 3.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 6 .6Ir' D",lp 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 4.6 5.7 6.8 8.0 9.2 10.6 12.0 13.2 14.7 16.0 17.4 18.9 20.3 21.9 23.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 1.1 L3 L5 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.4 4.9 SA 5.9 6.4 6.9 7.4 7.9 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Table 14 Tabu lated Va lues for 8" 8}, BJ (Fro m Figure 4.1 9) 1·6 ( E.\j)i1nsiu Jl Join! Manur:lclu!t:J1) Al>1)u.:iatiull. im:. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APPENDIX J EXAMPLES Examples for calc ulating the forces and moments acting on va rious points of typical piping systems due to the spring and pressure forces ofmeral bellows Expansion Joints are presented below. ASSUMPTIONS : I. The piping system and Expansion Joillls are properly supported and guided. 2. The weight of the piping system and the fluid being conveyed is carried by properly designed supports and hangers and is. therefore. not included. 3. Friction forces caused by guides, supports, and adler hardware extraneous to the piping are zero. 4. The origin of the pipe system is located at the point under consideration. 5. Forces and moments due to pipe flexibility are neglected. GENERAL EQUATIONS : All examples presented depict systems where static equilibrium exists. ~>,." ~ 0 and ~Alu., ~ 0 For the coordinate system shown in Figure J I. the general moment equations. emp loying the "Right Hand Rule." are: M, ~ M, ~FZ-F,X (1-2) AI, ~ (J-3) F,Y -F,Z (J-I) F, X -F'y ... y FIGURE JI "" 'v (. Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Inc. J-l STAN DA RDS OF TH E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. A PPENDIX J Exa mpl e I : Single Ex pa nsio n Joi nt subjected to ax ia l move ment . •y .. M,.- FIGURE J2 A straight run of 24 in. diameter carbon stee l pipe 60 feet long and anchored at each end, (reference Figure 12). is 10 operate at 150 psig at 500°F. A single be llows Expansion Joint is utilized 10 absorb the themlal growth orthe pipe. Themlal growth is calcu lated to be 60/ 100 x 3.62 = 2.17 in. What are the forces acting on the anchors? Data provided by the Expansion Joint manufacturer: II, =5 10.7 in' f .. = 36840 Ibs.lin. per convo lution N= 12 ,~. Expansiun Juint i\-lanuf:u.:lurer:) Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOClATION. INC. A PP END IX J SOLUTION: Forces acting on Mai n Anchor "A" F,= - F,-F" F, =-76605-6668 F, = -83273 Ib,. Where: F, = the static thrust due to intemal pressure to the Expansion Joint (lbs) = A(.Pd Equation (2-2) Section 2. 10. 1.2.1 = = ex = (510.7)(150) 76605 Ibs axial movement per convolution - x. N . Equatton (4-1) Sect ion 4.1 2.17 12 0.181 in. Fa = the force required to deflect the Expansion Joint. =f"e, Equalion (4-14) Section 4.6.1 = (36840)(0.181) = 66681bs. Forces acting OD Main Anchor "8" F.=F, +F" F, = 76605+ 6668 F, = 83273 Ibs. NOTE: Because the pipe system is linear \\"ith no bending. F, ' ~ = O. and AI, AI, and Me =0 at Main Anchors "A" and "8". \\ w\\ ( Expansion Jomt Manufacturers Alosociation. Inc J·3 STANDARDS OF TH E EX PANSION JOINT MA UFACTU RER S ASSOCIAT ION. INC. APPE DI X J Example 2: Si ngle Expan sio n Join. subject ed to axial and la tera l m o\'c lnenl (si milar 10 Fig ure 2.10, Sectio n 2.4). .A. N /A .y l. .x FIGURE J3 A single be ll ows Expansion Joint is pl aced in a 24 in. d iameter carbon steel pipeline that runs between a main anchor and an imcrmediale anchor. and has o ne 90° elbow (refe rence Figure J3). The line is to operate at 125 psig. and 400G F. The thenna! growth that the Expans ion Joint is to absorb is calcul ated to be 0.405 in. ax ially, and 0.216 in. laterally. Pipe lengths are: LI = 8 fl. . L1= 2 ft .. L" = 1 ft. . L) = 12 f1. What are the forces and mo ments acting "e"? al points "A." "8." and Data provi ded by the Expans ion Joint manufacturer: ri, =5 10.7 in.' D. = 25.50 in. f. = 36840 Ibs.lin. per convolution LJ, = 12 Ill. N= 12 If" Expansion Join; Manufacturer:. A:.sodatiuH. 1m:. WW\\ .!!jma.ur£ STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MA NU FA CTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APPEND IX J SOL UTIO i':: Equivalent axialmo\'ement per con\'oIUlion. e x , = -,v OA05 I~ ~ er = 0.034 in. 3D \. m. N(L,-x ) . S . Equallon (4-7) cellon 4 . t (3){ 25.5){ 0.216) 12{12 - 0.405) ~ 0.119 in. Calculation of F, . F. I" ~. I F, P" ~(510.7)(125) ~ 63838 Ibs. ~(f F. )(e.) ~(36840)(.034) ~ I ~53 Ibs. Equation (4- 17) Seclion 4.6. 1 (36840 )(25.5)(.1 19) (2)( 12) ~ 4658 )bs. Forces and moments acting on intermediate anchor. IA. "A" F = o{forces in X direction restrained by directional main anchor. DMA. "B") F ~4658 Ibs. F = 0 (no forces exist in Z direction) Where M~F.Y-FZ ~O Z ~O )" - -L , - -8 ft . ,. - L.+-L, - _.,. > oft A- M ~F,Z-F. .r ~O M ~F X-F,)' ~ (4658)(~.5)-0 ~ 11645 fi.lbs. " Expansion Joint Mnnulacturer.. AssociatIOn. Inc - 2 STAN DARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION, INC. AP PEND IX J Forces and moments acting on directiona l main anchor. OMA, "8" F, =-F, - F" =-63838 - 1253 = -65091 Ibs. F, = 0 (DMA does nOI support in Y direction) ~ = 0 (no forces exist in Z direction) At , =F, Y -F,Z Where =0 Y=Z = O X - L~- +.!:..t. - 2.5ft. 2 M , = FZ .• - FX = =0 M , = F, X - F,Y =0 Forces and momen ts acti ng on main anchor, MA, "e" Fr = F., + Fa = 63838 + 1253 = 65091 Ibs. F, = -4658 Ibs. F: = 0 (no forces ex ist in Z direction) Mr = F: )' - F, Z Where Y =Z= O X =-( L, =0 +; ) =- 12.5fl. =0 M,= F, X - F,. Y = (-4658)( - 12.5)-0 = 58225 ft. lbs. J-6 C [xpans.ion Joim Manufacturers 1m:. WW\\ .<:jllllt.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IA TI ON. INC. AP PENDlX J Example 3: Single Expansion Joint with ti e rods subjected to axhtl and lateral movement (si milar to Figure 2.11, Seer-ion 2.4) .x FIGUREJ4 A tied single Expansion Joint is placed in a carbon steel 24 in. diameter pipe line that runs between two intemlediatc anchors and has a 90° bend. (Refer to Figure J4.) The line is to operate at 135 psig and 5500 F. The pipe lengths of the system are L, = 2 ft .. Lh = 2. ft.. L! = 3 f1.. L.1 = 24 ft. It is assumed that the tie rods are the same temperature and material as the pipe. The calculated themlal growth is .287 in. for the horizontal run and. 984 in. for the vertica l run of pipe. What are the bellows forces and moments on the intennedjale anchors. "A" and "S"? Note: Forces and mOments due to flexure of piping are nOI presented in these calculations. Data provided by Expansion Joint manufacrurer: Dm .t:, = 25.50 in . 36840 Ibs .lin. per cony. N~ 18 L" = 24 in. \.\.\\ \\ .e] = ( E.xpansion Joint ManufaclUrer:. Associalion. Inc. J·7 STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC. A PPENDlX J SOLUT ION: Equivalem ax ial movement per convolution x e = .I" N = 0 (tie rods prevelll axial displacement) 3D",Y N(L,-x) (3)(25 .5)(.984) (18)(24-0) =. 174in. Ca lculation for V/ NOTE: for tied Expansion Join ts I~ = F. and Fa = 0 /.,D,.,e, 2L" (36840)(25.50)(.174 ) (2)(24) 3405 Ibs. J-8 STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC. A PPEND IX J Forces and moments acting on intemlediate anchor. LA. "A" F, = 0 (note assumpt ion 2 and 5) F, = -I ', ~-3 405 Ibs. F= = 0 (no forces exist in Z direction) Y~Z~O Where X ~ L, + L, ~ 3 ft. 2 AI , ~F),-FZ = \ ~O M ,. ~ F,Z-F, X ~O M = ~Fr X - F), f ~(-3405)(3)-0 ~-10215 Ribs. Forces and moments acting on intermediate anchor IA. "8" F, ~ 0 Where Z ~ 0 )' ~ -L, F =1; ~ 3405 Ibs. F ~O AI, ~O X ~ -24ft. ~ -L, _ L, ~ -4ft. - 2 M ,.~ O AI, ~ F,X -FJ ~(3405)(-4)-0 ~ WW\\ -13620 ft.lbs. f.: Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. J-9 STANDARDS OF THE EX PANS ION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOC IATION, INC. AP PE DIX J Example 4 : Tied universal Expansion Joint subjected to lateral move ment in two planes (si milar to Figure 2. 14. Section 2.5). +Y ·My IA .Mx I +X FIGURE J5 A 24 in. diameter carbon steel pipe line runs between two intermedia te anchors A and B. as shown in Figure J5. The line operates at 100 psig. and 3500 F. The pipe lengths are ~ ::::: 35 ft .. L: = 3.5 ft. . L" = 4 ft .• Ll = 3.5 ft. , for each of these lengths is A~ L~ = 65 ft .. and Lit = I ft. The calcu lated thennal growth = .788 in. , ilL! = .079 in. . AL. = .09 in. , M J = .079 in .. M J = 1.463 in. and JlL" = .023 in. What are the forces and moments at the intemlediate anc hors, lA, "A" and "R"? Data provided by Expansion Joint manufacturer: D,., = 25.50 in. f . = 36840 Lf> -I "- Ibs.lin. per convolution 111. N~12 J- !O -Ll e xpansion Joilli Manufa':luto:t ::. A::,::,ul:ialiutl. ilJl.:. STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEND IX J SOLUTION: Equivalent axial movement per convolution. Equation (4-2) and (4-6), Section 4.1. x e =• 2N .248 (2)(12) =.010 in. (e, ), K"D",Y, 2N(L" -L" -x/2) (1.285)(25.5)(.788) NOTE: First subscript applies to direction related to the bellows ax is. second subscript system coordinate axis. Where x = thennal growth occurring between tie rod plates (2)(12)( 48 -12 - .248/2) -illOi~ -~+~+~ - .079 + .090 + .079 =.248 in. K"-1.285at ,LL" -2 -, (e, ) .r , = .788 in. K"D",y~ 2N(L,,-L,-x/2j Y: = 1.463 in. (1.285)(25.50)(1.463) (2)( I e)( 48 -12 - .248/2) = .056 Ill. .... W\' (. Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. lne. HI STANDA RDS OFTHE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APPEND IX J Calculation for V, . Equation (4-18). Section 4 .6. 1. r De 2L, 1'- -'" 1 - WI NOTE: First subscript refers to bellows Intent l I' movement, second subscript to system co-ordinate axis. (3 6840)(25.50)(.030) (2)( 48) = 294 Ib,. (36840)(25.50)( .U56) (2)( 48) = 548 Ibs. Forces and moments acting o n intenncdiate anchor lA, "A" where X = L, + L, / 2 = 5.5 ft. F, = -(V,) , Y = -35 ft . = -294 Ib,. ~ = 0 (Force due to axial be llows Z=0 movements. e, is restrained by tie rods) F, = (V,), = 548 Ib,. M , =F,Y-F,Z = (548)( -35) - 0 =-1 91 80,. M, = f~Z -F,X = 0 -(548)(5.5) = -3014 ft. Ibs. M, = F,.X -F,Y =-294(5.5)-0 =-16 17 ft. lb,. J-12 {' Cxpansion Joint ManUra.. lulcl!l A:'~l)1.:ialiull. 1m:. WW\\ STANDARDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. AP PEND IX J Forces and moments acting on intennediate anchor IA. "8" \\ here X = -( Ll + L" 2) = -5.5 f1. F = 294 Ibs. F, =0 )' =0 F =548 Ibs . Z = -65 fl. .If = F.Y-FZ = 0-294(-65) = 19.110 fI.lbs. M , =F,Z-F,X =0-(548)(-5.5) = 30 14 ft. Ibs. M ,= F,X - F,Y = (294)(-5.5)-0 = -1617 W"\\.l' fl. Ibs. ~. E'pansion JOint ManufaclUrer:-. _-\ssocialion. Inc. J-13 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JO INT MANUFACTU RERS ASSOC IAT ION, INC. A PP END IX J Example 5: Universal press ure balanced Expansion Joint located behl'cen two pi eces of equipment with movement s a l end p Oi nts. FIGURE J6 A 66 in. diameter turbine exhaust duct system. shown in Figure J6. is fabricated of stee l and operates at full vacuum and 2500 F. Movements at the turbine ex hau st out let fl ange and condenser inlet are determined to be (for the direct ion shown): Axis y 0. 11 in. 0.18 in X 0.07 in. 0.26 in . (Directions shown in Figure J6) Thennal growth calcu lations for the 66 in. diameter piping are: Point A Tl JRRI NE Po int B CON Dl:.NSER L, = 10 ft. L l =6 ft. I1L, = .084 in. L. = 5 ft . M . = .070 in. L, 6L~ = = o in. 0.12 in. M e =. 140 in. 28 fl. .392 in. ilLh =.OI4 in. L. =lft . J- 14 z f" Expansion Joint ManufacILlfers A:.:.o.::iulioll. Inc. \\' WW,l:jllla,UIJ:; STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A PPEN DI X J L, ~ 3 L5 = 1 F1. 8.6 in. tt. 6.L_, = .042 in. 6L .~ = .02-t in. Detennine the forces and moments due to the bellows stiffness at the condenser and turbine connections. Data pro\'ided by the Expansion Joint manufacturer: = 68.00 in. I~ = 35425 Ibs ./in. per convolution .0", N, = Nh = 6 (N umber of convol ut ions in balancing bellows) 6 (Number ofconvolulioLlS in one flow bellows) SOLUTION: Ca lcu late the total movement rhe Expansion Joint must absorb. Flow bellows: x=l1L J +Mu +6L-t +&\'j +~rl1 ~ .084+ .070+ .392 + .07 +.26 ~ .876 in. X,· =~ +~y~ +liYB ~ .140+0.12+ 0.18 ~ .440 in. ,", = flZ I +ilZg =0+.12 =.12 in. x ~ (ill, Balancing bellows: -ill, )-ill, +&1' < + fiX, ~ .392 - .024 - .042 + .07 + .260 = .656 in. \\ ~. E'pansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. J-15 STAN DARDS OF T HE EXPA SION JO I T MA ' UFACTURERS ASSOC IATION, I C. AP PE DIX J Calcu late equivalcm movement per convolution. x e .: -- (Flow Bellows) ?_ 1V { , .876 =-(2)(6) = .073 in. x e = , N, = (Balancing Bellows) .656 6 =. 109 in . K D ,(e, ), = P I (L "- "L'- ~ / ?) _ 1\ I " / . .\ I, w here K = 1.22 at _ " = 2.5 " ... -, ?L (1.22)(68)(.44) (2)(6)(60 - 12 - .876 / 2) =. 064 in. KD l' (e ,. ): = " m· = 2N , (L" - L, - x / 2) = :-,(.:,:1.:::22::.)(",6"" 8),,,(..:,:12=,)~ = (2)(6)(60-12-.~76 / 2) = .017 in . Calculation of F, _ (V,) , and ( '~ ) , . Equations (4- 14) and (4-18) Sect ion 4_6.1. F.f =1.(e +eX,",,/._.,"I( ) . . . . II".. = 35423(.073 + .109) = 6447 Ibs. J- 16 C" Expansion Joint Manufaclurers Associallon. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPE DIX J 1L " (3541 5)(68)(.064 ) (2)(60) = 1285 Ibs. ("D.(e ), 2L" (35415)(68)(.017) (2)(60) =341Ibs. Forces and moments acting on turbine flange "An F, = -6447 Ibs. F, =(1;), = 12851bs. F, =-(1';), =-341Ibs. L where: X =1., + ~' =8.5 M=F)"-FZ \ = , =(-341)( - 10)-0 n Y=L,=-lOft. Z=O =3410 ft. Ibs. M, =F,Z-F,X =0-(-341)(8.5) = 1899 ft. Ibs. M =F,X-F,Y = (1285)(8.5) - (-6447)( -10) = 10923-64470 = -53547 ft. Ibs. ww\\ ( Expansion loillll\lanufacturers Association. Inc. J-17 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JO INT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO , INC. APPENDIX J Forces and moments acting on condenser con nection "8" F, - F, F, M ~ 6447 Ibs. ~ - (V,), ~ - 12 S5Ibs. ~( I~ ) , ~34 1Ibs. ~FY-~- Z .' - ~3 41(0) w here: I - (-1285)(0) x=-(~' +L~ ) =-30.5 ft. Y~ Z~ O ~O M, ~ F, Z-F, X ~0-(341)(-30.5) ~ M; J·I S 10400 ft. Ibs. ~FX-Fl' , .. ~ (-1285)(-30.5)-0 ~ 39193 ft. Ibs. ~ E.'pa[):o,ivlI Juiul MaJlufaduIl':rs A!>soci:iiion. inc. www.cjmOl .org STANDARDS OF T HE EX PANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. AP PEN DI X J Example 6: Single Expan sion Joint. attached to vesseillozzle, subj ected to axial and lateral movement. 'c' .- +My FIGURE J7 A large vert ical vesscJ which operates at 150 psig at 500 0 F is equipped with a 24 in. diameter outlet line as shown in Figure J7. The outlet line contains a single bellows Expansion Joint which is designed to absorb the thennal growth ofIhe vessel and pipe line. The lengths and calculated Ihemlai growths for the all-carbon steel system are as follows: L,=15f1. 6.L , = .543 in. L.=6ft. IlL. L,,=lfl. Mn =.036 in. M , -.507 in. LJ ,-14 ft. = .217 in. ( Expansion Joint ManufaclUren; Association. Inc. STANDARDS OFTHE EXPANS ION JOINT MA UFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEND IX J De tennine the forces and moments act ing on the nozzle flange "8" Data provided by the Expansion Join t manufacturer: D. = 25.50 in. .... , - ·111 . D1 -~? - -'--) f~ :::: 36840 lbs./ill . per convolution N= 12 SOLUTION : Calcu late the equi va lent movements per convolution: e. =- x where: N = .2 17 + .036+.507 .760 12 = .063 in. =.760 in. = e, x = t1L~ + M " + L, 3D",.\' y = IlL, = .543 N(L, -x) L,. = 12 in. (3)(25.50)(.543) (12)(12-.76) =.308 in. J-20 f'" Expansion Joini ManUra';luref~ A~~u\':ialiull. lUI':. WW\\ .ejmu.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOC IAT ION. INC. APPEND IX J Calculate F.,. F... Fp and " . F" ~ (/. )(e,) ~ (36840)(.063) :::: 2321 Ibs. F. ~(A, )(~) w here: A, ~;r(D 4 m' ) -- ~ (510.7)(150) ~ 76605 Ibs. =510 . 7in.~ Pol :::: 150 psig A, ~:(D,') F" ~ (A , )(P, ) ~ (424.6)(150) ~ 63690 Ibs. , ~ .:c(23.25)' 4 = 424.6 in.! I' 2L" (36840)( 25.50)( .308) (2)(12) ~ ~(O.. ) . )-)' 4 L" = [2 in. 12056 Ibs. Forces and moments acting on vessel anchor "A" F, ~ F" + F, ~ 2321 + 76605 ~ 78926 Ibs. F ~- I ; ~- 12056Ibs. F: = 0 (no forces exist in Z direction) \\ W\\ .eJma .org t" Expansion Joint Manuracturers Association. Inc. J-21 STAN DARD S OF T HE EX PANSI ON JO INT MANU FACT URER S ASSOCIA TION, INC. APP EN DIX J where: X = ~(L. + L~ 12) = -6.5 ft. M -' = FY-FZ = , =O ,11 , =F,Z - F, X=O Y=L, =15 fl. M , =F,X-FJ Z=O = (- 12056)(- 6.5) - (78926)(15) = -1.1 05. 526 1"1. Ib,. Forces and mom ents acting on noZzle flange face "Btl F, = F" + F, - F" F, _ = 232 1+ 76605 - 63690 = 15236 Ibs. F,. = - 12056 Ibs. F =0 F, F, --- M , = F,Y - F,Z= O -- --Fp Fp - (Fa • F,l FIGU RE J8 where: X = L" 12 = -0.5 ft. y=z=o ,11 ,. = F,Z -F,X =0 M , = F, X - F,Y = (- 12056)(-0.5)- 0 = 6028 rt. Ibs. Forces and m oments acting on ma in an chor "C" F" = -I-~, - r~ = = F, -232 1- 76605 -78926 Ibs. = 12056 Ibs. F =0 Where X = L] + L~ 12 = 14.5 ft. M , =FY-F,Z=O : y=Z=O M , =FZ - FX=O : \ M, = F, X = J_'l " F, Y = (12056)(14.5) - 0 174812 fl. Ibs. ~ Expansion Join. Manufaciurers Associalion. mc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A PPENDIX J Example 7 : Ca lculation of Angular Rotation in a 3 I-linge Piping System A 24" diameter stai nless steel line runs between intemlcdiatc anchors <D and @ as shown in Figure 2.17. Three hinge expansion joints, located at points "A." "B" and "c" are used (0 absorb the themla[ expansion of the piping system . The line operates at 100 psig and 10000 F. Calcu late the angular movements of each hinge expansion joint. The following in fomlati on is known about the system: ~ =53.75 in . 8=45 deg. Lit =42 in. ti = 0.00957 m.lin. L, = 72 in. Un it Expansion Derived I -4'· -'-"S-_II1. L.J = 96 in. L, ~60 in. L, ~ from Tab le IV. 120 in. LJO =60 in. SOLUTIO"': MOVEMENT CALCULATIONS L, ~(L, )(SINO) ~ 38 in. L, ~ (L, )(eDS 0) ~(L , )+(L,)+(L,) L ,, ~(L, )+('-<)-(L,, ) ~ 20in. L" 1." ~0.19 L" ~ (L" )(0) ~(L , ,)(o) \\ \\ \\ in. c ExpanSIon Joint Manufaclurcrs Associalion. Inc. = 38 ~ in. 254 in. ~ 2.43 in. ).2) STAN DARDS OF THE EX PA NS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. APP E DI X J An!!Ies A' AI £ 1= L6 + 1., - L,~ E'C' B' C' = 113.8 1 in. = L, - 1." . = 57.57 in. Ale' =[ <A '£ lf +( E1 CI)~J ~ =: 127.54 in. A' = TAN" [ (E 'C' ) ] 26.83 (A ' t ·' ) 63.17 A' D' = (1., )( 1+ Ii) = 60.57 in. D' B' = (L, )(I + 8) = 42.40 in. AI 8 1 = [ (i llD I )~ + (D l B" T~ A' =TIIN·,[( D' B' ) ] (AI D I) = 73.94 in. = 34.99 55.0 1 B'C' = (L, )(1 + 8) = 72.69 in. 120.87 B' = COS" [ (A ' B' )' (B'C' )' - (II 'C' )']= (2)(A ' B' )(B'C' ) C' =COS ·' [ (A 'C')'( B'C' )' - (A ' B' )']= (2)(A'C')( B'C') 29.84 29.29 91. 11 l: = 175.88 93.0 1 CALCULATED ANGUL AR MOVEMENTS 6. A = IA I-90° = 1.11 deg. J<'!4 dB = 180·- IB' = dC= IC' _ 90· d B =d A +dC (Check) =3.01 deg. = 4.1 2 deg. l 4. 12 deg. Expan.>ion Joint Manutaclurers Association. Inc. WWW.<.:j llll\.Ulg STAN DARD S O F TH E EX PANSION JOINT MANU FACTURE RS ASSOC1ATION. INC. APP ENDIX J Exampl e 8: Three (3) hinge Expansion Joint system L. I 'e' @ IA FIGUREJ9 A 24 in. diameter stainless stee l line runs between intermediate anchors 1 and 2 as shown in Figure J9. Three hinge Expansion Joints. localcd at points "A", "8" and "C" are used to absorb the themlal expansion of the piping. The line operates at 100 psig and 10000 F. Calculate the resultant forces and moments on each anchor. The following infomlalion is knowll about the system: O~45deg. LI = 53.75 in. L. ~38 in. L~ =42 in. L ~ 72 in. 4. =38 in. 4 ~42 L4 =96 in. L., L, =60 in . \\ ~ in. 120 in. LHI = 60 in . , Expansion Join! Manufacturers Association. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO , INC. A PP E DIX J Data provided by the Expans ion Joint manufacturer. D", = /" = 25.50 in. 36840 Ibs./in. per convo lution N= 12 SOL UTION : In Example 7 the angular movement for each Expansion Joint was calculated to be: 6.4 =0, = 1.11 deg.= 0.019 radians M3 = 0B = 4.12 deg. = 0.072 radians 6C = 9c = 3.01 deg. = 0.053 radians .y F.. I ! F"~X) lAG fL. x ~---:M M, F" I IA® M, J L~ CO-+ " ~L,--l FIGURE J 10 Calculate the equ ivalent axial movement per convolution for each hinge Expansion Joint. Equation (4- 3) Section 4.1 . J-26 ~ Expansion Join. Manufacturers Associaiion. Inc, WW\\ .ejma.ul g STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A PPENDIX J eD. e ~ -­ 2N ~I e ~ (0.019)(25.50) " (2)( 12) (0.072)(25.50) (2)(12) e = " e~ ~ (0.053)(25.50) (2)(12) 0.020 in. 00 . 77 . Ill. 0.056 in. Calculate the moments at each hinge Expansion Joint. Equation (4· 16) Sec tion 4.6.1. M ~ f..D"e, " \I J II.~ M 4 ~ (36840)(25.50)(0.020) 4 4697 in. Ibs. ~ (36840)(25.50)(0.077) 18084 in. Ibs. "' 4 '1' . ~ (36840)(25.50)(0.056) 4 131', · " ", )_ In. Ib Calculate the forces F, and F, aCling on IA S. CD and IA (£) (18084)+(13152) (72) ~434 Ibs. F" = --43-1- Ibs. M", + /1.1" + (F" )(L,,) F,t F, L, ~ 683 Ibs. ~ -683 Ibs. (4697) + (18084) + (434)( 42) (60) Calculate the forces acting on IA <D and lA ® Afl = AlO! + F !(LJ + L~)- F\~(L~) M, ~ 4697 + (683)(38 + 96) - (434 )(38) ~ 79727 in. Ibs. ~ F.,(L,,, - £,)+ F,,(L.,)- M~ = (434)(60 - 42) + (683)( 120) -131 52 ~ \\ \\ \\ 76620 in. Ibs. t: Expansion Joinl Manufacturers Associalion. Inc J-27 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC APPE DlX J Example 9: BELLOWS EQUIVALENT MOVEMENT PER CONVOLUTION Case I : Assume a 18 inch diameter uni versal Expansion Joint is to be installed in the neutral position (no cold spring) and is to be subjected to the following two sets of operating detlections: COlldifion I Condition 2 Bellows data: x = I in. compression \'= 1.50 in. 9 = 0 radian s x = 0.5 in. extension y = 0.5 in. on opposite side of neutral centerline from Condition I 0 = 0 rad ians D", = 29.5 in . e, (rated) = .50 in. e" (rated) = .25 in. q = 1 in. SOLUTION: Let N = 5 and LII = 36 in. L, = Nq =(5)(2) = 10 ,L" 12L, = 36 / 20 = 1.80 K" (from Fig. 4.1) = 1.33 t Expansion Joim Manufaclurers Association. Ine. \\ ww.ejllla.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS IO N JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. AP PENDIX J Condition I K ,- D",.I' e = , elJ 1N{L. -L, -x/1) (1.33)(295)(1.5) _ .131 in. (1)(5)(36 -I 0 - .50) =0 x 1 (2)(5) e = - = - - = . 10 m. , 2N compression eo e,,=e, +eti +le.I=.131+0+.100=.331 ;n. <.500 m. (ralcd)=e e~ =e,.+ e,I-le,I=.231+0-.IOO=.131 in. <. 250 in. (rated) Conditio" } e ell KD,..y 2N{L. -L, +x/1) (1.33)(29.5)(.50) (1)(5)(36 -I 0 + .25) .075 in. ee =0 e = x- = -.50 - = .0-0 ) 2N (2)(5) 111. extension c< =e, +etl -le,I=.075+0-.050=.025 in. <.500 m. (rated) ec =e, +€,,+Ie 1=.075+0+.050:::::.1:!5 in.<.250 in. (rated)=e Case 2: Assume the same 28 in. diameter uni\crsal ExpansIon JOIl1I except thalli is 10 be iOstalled with 0.50 in. lalcrnl co ld spring and 0.25 in. a.xial pre-compression and is to be subjected 10 the follOWing operating deflection: \\ l E\pansion Joint Manufacturer.. A~sO\:iallOn. Inc. J-2q STANDA RDS OF T HE EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA TI ON. INC A PPEN DIX J x Coldspring = .25 in . com pression )' = .50 in. 0= 0 radians x = 1 in. compression y = 1.50 in. in direction opposite OperaTing \0 d irect ion o f lateral co ld spring (I in. from the neurral position) 8 = 0 radians SOL UTION: Cold Spring ( 1.33){29.S){.50) e, 2N( L,,- L,- x/2) eo = 0 e = ~ = ~ = .025 , 2N (2)(5) (2)(S)(3 6 -I 0 - . 12S) m. .076 in. compression eo c" = e,- + e/J +le~ 1 = .076 +0 +.025 = .IO! in . < .500 in. (rated) e" = e, + eo - le ,1= .076 + 0 -.025 = .051 in. < .250 in. (rated ) Operllfing e, K "D ",~v (1.33)(29.5)(1) 2N(L,, - L, -x/2) (2){S)(36 - I 0 - .5 0) . 154 in. eo = 0 e , ee \' I 2N (2)( S) = - ~ -- = . IOO Ill. compression e~ =e,, +e/J + le~ I =. 154 +0+. 100=.254 in . < .500 111. (rated) e~ =e,, +eo - l er l =. 154 + 0 -. 100 =.054 il1. <.250 m. (rated) e, (cold spring) + e,.(operaring ) = . 10 I + .054 = . 155 m. e,,(co ld spring)+ e, (operating) = .051 +.254 = .305 in. = e J-30 e Expansion Joinl Manufacturers Associmion. Inc. www.ejIYla.Ufg STANDARDS OF T H E EXPANS ION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. AP PENDlX J Exa mple 10: Rect a ng ular Expan sion Joint ~ l o \' e l11 e nl s Case I: Assume a 108 x 66 in. rectangular universal Expansion Jo int is to be installed in the neutral position (no cold spring) and is to be subjected to the following two (2) sets of operating deflections: Condition 1 x = I in. compression Yf = .25 in. y, = .45 in. e~ 0 Condition] x =.5 in. compression .\', = .38 in . .1', = .25 in. 9, = .0 175 radians (I degree per bellows clement) SOLUTION: Bel/oU's Dafa: Convolution Height = 6 in. L, = 108 in. + 6 in. = 114 in. L< = 66 in. + 6 in. = 72 in. e, (rated) = .75 in. et: (rated) =' .50 in. q= 1.50 ill. Lu= 50 in. L" = N" = 4x 2.50 = 10 in. L,/2L, ~ 5020 ~ 2.5 (from Figure 4.1) l ExpanSIon Joint Manufacturer.. Association. Inc . J-31 STANDA RDS OF T HE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO , INC. AP PENDIX J Condirion I K L t' e ::::: " /. I " 2N(L" - L, -x / 2) K"L,,'", 2N(L" -L" -x / 2) x 2.'1 (' ::::: - , I = (2)(4) (1.23)(11-1)(.25) (2)( 4)( 50 - I0 - .50) .111 in. (123)(72)(.45) . 126 in. (2)( 4)( 50 - 10 -50) . [25 in. compression e~ = e)l+c~, . +e/J + le~. 1 = .111 +.126 +0+ .1 25 =.362 in. < .75 in . (rated) = e ee= e~ l+eY' +eo - le,·I=·III+ . 126+0-.125 = . 112 In. < .50 in. (rated) Condition 2 e ", e " K"L,y , 2N(L,, - L,-x / 2) (1.23)(114)(.38) (2)(4)(50-10-.25) K"L.y, (1.23)(72)(.25) (2)(4)(50- 10- .25) 2N(L,, -L. - x I 2) B,L, (.0175}(1 14) em ~ 4N Co., = e . = (4)(4) c= 1 8. 111. . = .07 Ill . ?. ~ . L) Ill . 0 x 2N .5 (2)(4) Cc = c yl+c ys + c o + = .16 .062 in . ex tens ion Ie. I= .168+ .07 + .1 25 + 0 + .062 .425 in. < .75 in. (rated) =e C)i+C)"S +cO/ -le.1= .168+ .07 + .125+ 0 -.062 = .301 in. < .50 in. (rated) J-32 ,j,) Exp:msion Jo:nt Mnnuf<lctmcrs Association, Inc. www STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEND IXJ Case 2: Assume the same 108 x 66 in. rectangular universal Expansion Joint except that it is 10 be installed with a .25 in. lateral cold spring (long side) and .5 in. axial pre-extension and is to be subjected to the following operating deflection: x = .50 in. extension Co ld Spring .\', = x .25 in. I in. compression from pre-extended position (.50 in. compression from neutral YI = .25 in. from neUiral in direction opposite to lateral cold s pring. Operating = y, = .45 in. L, = 108 in. + 6 in. convolution height = 114 in. SOLUTI01'i: Co ld Spring (1.23)(114)(.25) e,'1 2N(L. -L, +x/2) ° (2)( 4)( 50 -I + .25) e'l =0 e x , =- 2N 5 -;-::e.:;:0,-; = .062 (2)(4) e c = e~l+e,,, +e(! .111. extenSion . +Ie, 1= .109+ 0+0+.062 =.171 in. < .75 in. (rated) ec- = e,l+e" +c/J -le,1 = .109 +0+ 0-.062 =.047 in. < .50 in. (raled) w"" (' Expan~ion Joinl Manufacturers Associatioll. Inc. .109 in. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. AP PEND IX J Operating (1.23)(114)(.25) K " LI.I 'I e - ,/ - 2N( L. - L, -x / 2) (2)( 4)( 50- I0-.25) e. = K " L ,.I ' < (1. 23 )( 72 )(.45) ,. 2N(L. -L.- x / 2) (2)(4)(50- 10 -.25) . 11 0 in. . 125 in eo = 0 e =- x , 2N = .50 (2)(4) Cc =e~l+ey.. +e(J ~ 0 . 62 . In. compression +le,1= . 110+.125 +0+.062 .297 in. < .75 in. (rated) e, =e~1 +e~~ + elJ -Ie. I= . 11 0+ . 125 + 0-.062 :::: .173 in. < .50 in. (rated) e, (coldspring) + e, (operating) ~. J7 I. +. I 73 ~ .344 in. e, (eoldspring)+e, (operating) ~ .047 + .297 ~ .344 in. ~ e J·34 (~ [xpansiun Join; ManUraclUreh A:>:>ocialiUlJ. 1m:. www.rjma.urg STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUF ACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION. INC APPENDIX J Ex ampl e 11: Sa mpl e Calcul a ti on for a Strai ght Run of Pip e Co ntaining (See Tabl e IV) 3n Axi a l Expan sion J oint Gi ven a 150 foot lengLh of carbon stee l pipe operating between 25° F. and 375 0 F. Expansion at 375 0 F = 2.48 in .llOO ft. Expansion at 25° F = -0.32 in.l lOO f1. SOL UTION: The difference = 2.80" in.l lOO ft. The chan ge in length for 150 feet wo uld be (2.80) (150/1 00) = 4.20 in. Although bellows Expansion Joints can be designed to absorb both axial compress ion and ax ial extension. for purposes ofa sample ca lcu lati on. it is assumed that the Expansion Joint can absorb only axial compression. The above sample calcu lati on would be compl ete if the Expansion Joint were being installed at 25° F. Frequent ly, an Expansion Joint is insta lled at a temperature hi gher than the minimum design temperature of the piping system. The piping will contract in such a case and the Expansion Joint will be extended beyond its installed length. It is obvious in the sample calcu lation above that if the J;:xpansion Joint was installed al 70 0 F. the pipeline wou ld contract a total of 0.32 x 150,'100 inches or 0.48 inches and would ex pand 2.48 x 150/100 inches or 3.72 inches from thi s installation temperature. Since the Expansion Joint selected is rated for axial compression only. it must be pre-compressed prior to installation in order to provide for extension when the pipeline contracts from 700 F to the minimum design temperature of25° F. The amount of pre-compression equa ls: (Rated Moremel1f)x(Coef!iciellfat Coe/liciellf af Tm:J\ - 7;",/ - CoeffiCient Of Tmm ) (J-4) Cae/fidem af Tmm Assuming the selected Expansion Joint is rated for 5 Inches axial compression. and substituting numerical values from the above example in this fomlUla. we have: (5)-,[0-(-032)] 0.57 inches of pre-compression [2.48-( -0.32)] Thi s leaves 4,43 inches for compression from the installed position. Thus. the usc of an Expansion Joint rated for 5 inches axial compression. installed pre-compressed 0.57 inches will provide a means for absorbing the contraction of the pipe from the installation temperature to tbe minimum temperature (0.48 in.) as well as the expansion of the pipe from the installation temperature to the maximum lemperanlre (3.72 in.). No allowance bas been made in this sample calculation for conditions a, b. or c in Section 2.1. It may be necessary to field pre-compress Expansion Joints where infomlation 011 themlal expansion coefficients is nO! available. When this occurs pre-compression may be approximated by the following formula: (Rated Movemem .r(T", - \\ '" \\ Tm,n ) c Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. Inc. (J·S) J-35 STANDA RDS OF THE EXPA SION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. INC. AP PENDIX J This page intenti ona lly blank. j·)6 f" [:xpansion Joint r"l anur(u.: lu H:I ~ A:.~ut.: ialiuli. Iw.:. www.t:j nm.urg STAN DA RDS OF T H E EXPANS ION JOINT MANU FACTU RERS ASSOC IAT ION, INC IN DEX AERAT I O~ CONNECTIONS. (See Purge Connections) A'\CHOR. Direction:ll. 1.2: 1.1: Fig. 2.10: Fig. 2.24: Fig. 2.26: 2.10: 3. J.B.a: 3.1.8.g; 3.1.C: lA.B.d: 8.3; App.S. Failure.3. F.u Intermediate. 1.2: 2.1: Fig. 2.2; Fig. 2.3: Fig. 2.6: Fig. 1.7: Fig. 2.8: Fig. 2.9; Fig. 2.10: Fig. 2.11: Fig. 2.12: Fig. 2.13: Fig. 2.1-1: Fig. 2.17: Fig. 2. 18: Fig. 2.19: Fig. 2 .20: Fig. :U.\: Fig. 2.11: Fig. 2.23: Fig. 2.24: Fig. :t25; Fig. 2.26; Fig 2.27: Fig. 2.28: 2.10.1: 3.I.8.a: 3.I.B.£; 3.l.C: 3A.B.d: Fig. 6.3; 8.3: App.C Main. 1.2: 2.1: 2.2: Fig. 2.2: Fig. 2.3: Fig. 2.4: Fig. 2.5 : Fig. 2.6: 2.3: Fig. 2.10; Fig. 2.1 L Fig. 2. J 2: 2.10.1: 3.1.8.a: 3.1.B.g: 3.1.C: 3A.B.d: 8.3: App.S ~Iain. Loads, Sliding. 1.2 ANGULAR ROTAT ION. (See !\ iovement) ANNEAL LNG. (See Bellows. Heal Trealment) ANS I. 3.2: 7: 9.3 APPLICATIONS. EXPA.l\IS IOK JOINT. 2.4: 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 3.I.B.a: Angular Rotation. 2.3 A'I(ial MOHmenl. 2.2. 2.5 Combined MO\emenl. 2 .3 Double. 2.2: Fig. 2.2: Fig. 6.3 Gimbal Assembly. 2.9 Hinge Assembl). 2.7: Fig. 2.12: Fig. 2.23: Fig. 2.24: Fig. 2.25. Fig. 2.26; Fig. 6.5 Lateral Movement. 2.3: Fig. :U I; Fig . 2.12: 2.5: Fig. 2.13 Pressure Balanced. 2.2; Fig. 2.6; Fig. 2.7: Fig. 2.8: 2.6: Fig. 2.17: Fig. 2.18: Fig 2.19: Fig. 2.20: Fig. 2.21: Fig. 6.8: Fig. 6.9 Single Assembly. 2.2: Fig. 2.1: Fig. 2.2; Fig. 2..3: Fig. 2.4: Fig. 2.5: 2..4; Fig 2.9: Fig. 2.10: 2.10.1: 4.1; 4.9.1: Eq. 433: Eq. 4....H Universal Assembly. 2.5; 4.9.1: Eq. 4·31; Eq. 4-45 AREA EFFECTIVE. (See Effective Area) ASME. 3.2; -; -I.15.a: -I.15.b: 6.12; 7: 9.3: App. G ATOMICS I!':TERNATIOI\AL. AXIAL MOVEMENT. (See Mo\emt!nl) BARLOW FORMULA, Eq. 4-17; Eq. 4-29: Eq. 4-38: Eq. 4-41 BARS. ilmgc, 1.2 Shipping (See Shipping De\ ices) S\\ 109, 1.2: 2.5 BELLOWS. 1.2: Fig. 4.13: Fig. 4.14 Am!lysis. 4.12: 4.12.1 Benchmark Calculation:., 4.14 Damage. 3.1.B.1: 3.4.B.a: 3A.B.b: 3.7.F.a; 8.3 Design, 3. L 3.2: . U: -1.12. Diaphragm (Disc) . 6.1""6.7 Effecti\ e Area (See Effecli\e Area) Equations {Unrein forced) .. 4.13.1 (Reinforced). -I. [3.2. (Toroidal). 4.1 ::!.I.::!.a: -1.13.3 Erosion.3.I.B.c Mean (Pilch) Diameter, 1.3 Mo .... ement. 3.I.B.g Mo\emenl Equations. 4.1 AA Multi-ply. 3.1.0.c: 4.12: 9.1 ;-";omencJature. 1.3 Pressure, 2.10. 1.2.1 : 3. 1.B.d; 3.1.0: 4. [2.1.3: ·.\.15 Reinforced. - -1.13_2.: Fig. -1.1-1 Specification. 1.2: 3.1: -I_I: 4_12.1.5: 5A 9.3: App. A-I: App. A-2 Spring Rale. -1.12 1-7: Eq. 4 .. 37: Eq. 4-50: Eq -1-61: Eq 5-36 w .... \\ c Ex.pansion Jomt Manufacturers Association. Inc. Index-I STAN DA RDS OF TH E EX PANS IO JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Stabili ty (Instability ). 3.4.B.b: 4.5.2: 4.12: 4.12. 1.6: Fig. 4.12 : Eq. 4-31: Eq. 4-35: Eq. 4-36: Eq. 4-45: Eq. 4--60: 7.3.2 Tabulated Values for Design Factors. App. J Tangenl. 1.2: 1.3: ..t 12: Eq. 4-27; Eq. 4-38: Eq. -I-51 : -I.15.b: Fig. 6.13 : App. F Tangent Collar. 1.3:; Eq. 4-28: Eq. 4-39: Eq. 4-51: Fig. 4.14: Eg. 4--40: Eq. 4-53 Temperature. 1.3: 2.1: 3. I.B.d: J. t.B.c: App. G Toroidal. 1.3: 4. 12: 4. 12. l.1.a: 4 . 13.3: 4. 14: 4. 15.b: Fig. 4.15: 6.16.9 Unreinforced. 4.13.1: Fig.4. 13 Vibr.lI ion (See Vibration) BELLOWS. FORMING. 6.16 ElaSlomeric.6.16.1 Exp:ms ion.6. 16.2 Hydrau lic. 6.16.3 Pneumalic. 6.16.-1 Press Brake (Rectangular), 6.16.8 Roll. 6.16.5; 6.16.6: 6.16.7 BEL LOWS. HEAT TREATME NT. 1.3: 4.12: 4.16.3: Fig. 4.20: 6.12: 9.4; App. F BELLOWS. MATERIAL. 1.3: 3.I.B.b: 3.1. 0 .d: 3. 7.F.e: -1 .10.2: 4.12: 6.5: 6.9: 7.3: 9.3.a: 9.4: App. F Elastic Range. Plastic Range. 4. 12.1.7: 9.-1 Work Hardening. 4. 12.1.5 Yield Point. 4.12: 7.3.3 BELLOWS. RECTANGULAR. (S~e Rectangular Expansion Joinl) BEN D ING STRESS. (See Stress) ('·FACTORS (See App. I) Cd. 1.3: Fig. 4. 14: FigA.1 7 cr. 1.3: Fig. 4.14: Fig. 4.16 Cpo 1.3: Fig. 4. 14: Fig. -1. 15 CIRCUMFERENTIA L STRESS. (See Stress) Membrane (See Stress) CLEARANCES. COMPO! ENT. Fig. 2. 12: Fig. 1. 13: 2.6: Fig. 2.22: Fig. 2.26: 2.10.2: 3A.B.h: 4.5.3: -I.10.2.r CODES. Piping. Pressure Vessel (See Af'.:SI. ASME) COLD SPRING. (See also Precompression). Fig. 2.12: Fig. 2.22: Fig. 2.23: 4.3; 4.5: 4.6. 1: 4. IO.2.f: 5.3 COLLAR. BELLOWS TANGENT. (See Bellows Tangent Collar) COf\·1B INED MOVEMENT. (See Movement) CONTROL RODS. (See Rods) CONVE RSION FACTORS. App. 0 CONVOLUTION. 1.2: 4.12: Fig. 4 .13: Fig. 4.14: Fig. ·U5 (Toroidal) COPYRI{j HT , (il) CORNERS. BELLOWS. R.:clangular. S.:U.4 CORRELAT IO N TESTING. (See Testing) CORROS ION . 3.I.B.b: 3.7.F.e: 9.4 COVER. (External Shroud). 1.2: 4.5.3: -1.9.2: 4.11: App. A CUMU L \ T IVE FATIG UE. MI NOR'S CR IT ERIA. 4 .12. 1.5.h: 4 . 11 .1.5.c: CYCLE LIFE. (See Fatigue) DAMAGE. BELLOWS. (See Bellows. Damage) DEF INITION OF TERMS. (See also Nomenclature), 1.2 DEFLECT ION STRESS. (See Stress) DESIGN, Bellows (See Bellows. Design) DESIG N. B ELLOWS. RECTANGULAR. (See R~ctangular Bellows) DESTRUCT IVE TESTL~G. (See Testing) DIAPHRAM (DISC) BELLOWS. DIRECT IONAL Al-":CHOR. (See Anchor. Directional) DOUBLE BELLOWS EXPANSIO;-.1 JOINT. (See Expansion Joint) Vibr:lIlon (See VihrallonJ ImJ~.\·:! . E.'tpanslOn Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANS ION JOINT MANU FACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. INDEX EFFECTIVE AREA. Bellows. 1.3: Eq. ~-4: 2.10.1 ELASTICITY. MODULUS OF. Table \' ELASTOl\ IERIC FOR.MI~G. Bellows. 6.16.1: 6.16.4 EQUA LI ZING (COl\'TROL) RI!'\G. 1.2: 4.1: 4.13.2: 8.2 EXPANS ION FORMING. Bello\\s. 6.16.2 EXPANSION JO INT 1.2 Componenb. 1.2 Desif,.'l1. 1.3: -I: 5 Double Bello\\s. 1.2: 2.1: Fig. 2.2: 4.1; Fig.6.1: Fig. 6.2: Fig. 6.3 Failure. 3.7.F: 4.1O.l.h Flange- Loading. -l ~ Gimbal. 1.2: 2.1: 2.9: Fig. :US: Fig. 2.29: 2.10.1. [: 3.7.D.e: 3.7.D.£: 4. 15.1: 9.2: 9.::U.1.C: 9.:U.4: App.A Hinge. 1.2: 2.7: Fig. 2.22: Fig. 2 ..23: Fig. 2.24; Fig. 2.25: Fig. 2.26: Fig. 2.28: 2.8: 9.2: 9.2.3.I. B: inlcmally Guided. 1.2 Pressure Balanced. 1.2: 2.1: 2.2: fig. 2.6: Fig. "'!..7: Fig. 2.8: 2.6: Fig. 2.17: Fig. 2.19: Fig. 2.20: Fig. 2.2 [: Fig. 2.23: 4.1: App. J Rectangu lar (See Rectangular Bello\\s) Selection. 2. [ S ingle Bello\\s. 1.2: 2.2; Fig. 2.1: :UO. I: 4. 1: 4.9. J; EqA-I: Eq. 4-3: Eq. 4-47: 4.9.2: 4.11.2: Eq. 4-35: Eq: 5-3: Eq. 5-5: Eq. 5-9: Eq. 5-10: App. J Storage. 3.7.F.a: 6.13: 6; 8 Swing. 1.2: 2.5: 2.7: 4.1 Symbols. App. B Universal. 1.2: 1.3: 2.5: Fig. 2.13: Fig. 2.14: Fig. 2.15: Fig. 2.21: 2.7; 4.1: 4.4: 4.9.2: -U3: 4.15.3: Eq. 5-20: Eq. 5-21: App. F EXPANSION JOINT APPLICATIOl\S. (See Applications. E-;panslon Joint) EXPANSION . THERJ\.1AL. (See Thennal E-;panslOn) EXTERNAL INSULATION. 3.I.B.f EXTERNAL LOADS. (See Loads) EXTERNAL PRESSURE. Fig. 4.10: 4.15 EXTERl\AL SHROUD. (See Co\er) FABRICATION EXPA'SlOl\ JOINT. Flanges Welded to Bellows. 9.3(c) Flanges \Veldcd \(l Pi pe ;.Iipples. 9.3(b) Plate flanges. 6.17: Fig. 6.9: Fig. 6.10: 9.3 Tolerances. 6.17: Fig. 6.13: 8.3: App. F Van Stone Flanges. Fig. 6.·t 8.5: 9.3(a): 9.3.c Weld Ends. 1.2: Fig. 6.12 fAILURE. Expansion Joint. 3.7.F FATIGUE. CumUlall'ie. Minors Criteria. 4. 12.1.5.b High Temperature. App. G Life. 1.3: 3.1.8.c: 3. I.Rd: 3.I.B.J; 3.4.B.b; 4.3: 4.9: 4.12: - -1.12.1.-1: ·t 12.1.5: 4.13.1: Eq. 4-34: Eq. -1---59: Fig. 4.20 Tesling.; Eq. 4--48 (reinforced betlo\\s]: 6.7: 7:2: 7.3: App. JFLANGES. [.2: 6.17: 9.3 Plate. Fig. 6.9: 6.17: Fig. 6. [0: Fig. 6.11: Van Stonc. Fig. 6.-1: 8.5: 9.3(a): 9.3.c FLUORESCENT PEl'\ETRA 'H EXAMlNATlO!\. 7.1.3 FORCE. Anchor (See Pressure Thrust) AxinI.1.3:4.6.1:5.4 Calculation. ..U: -1.6.1: App. J Lateral. 1.2: 4.6.1: 5.4 L:nbalanced.; FORCE REDUCTIO!\. (See Cold Spnng) FORE\'v"oRD. (ii) FORMll'\G. BELLOWS. (See l:3ellO\\ s. Fonmng) ww\\ (" E.-;pansion Joinl Manufacluren. Association. Inc. Index-3 STANDARDS OF THE EX PANSION JOIN T MANU FACTUR ERS ASSOCIAT IO, . INC. GASKETS. -1..8; 8.4: tU: 9.3 GIMBAL EX PA NS ION JO INT. (See S"pansion Joint) G U IDE. PIPE. (See Pipe Alignment Guide) HALOGE;-.1 LEAK EXAMINATION, 7.1.6 I-IARDW ARE. 9.2 Attachmenl. 3.1: 9.2.2: Fig. 9.3: Fig. 9.-1 HEAT TREA Tl\'IENT, (See Be!lO\I.:.. Heat Treatmenl) HINGE EXPANSION JO Il'\T. (See Expansion Joint) HOOP STRESS. (See Stress) HYDRAULIC FORMING. Bellows. 6.16.3 HYD ROSTATIC TESTING. 3.5.A.e; 3.6: 7.2 .1 INQU IR IES. App. E INS PECT ION. 6.7 Periodic. 3.7 Post lnstalkuion. 3.5 Post Test. 3.6 INSTA BILITY. B ELLOWS. (Sce Bellows. Stabili ty (Instability» INSTALLATION. 3.4: 3.7.F,b; 8; 8.3 Instructions. 3.4.A: 8.5 Temperature. 2.1 : 3. I.B.e: App. J Ex. II INSULATION. EXTERNAL. 3.1.D.f INTERGRANULAR CORROS ION. (See Corrosion) INTE RMEDIATE ANC HOR. (See Anchor. Intermediate) INTERNAL SLEEVE. (See Li ner) INTERNALLY GU IDED EX PANSION JOINT. 1.1 LATERAL MOVH'IENT. (See Movement) LIMIT RODS. (Sec Rods) LINEA R Il\TERPOLATION. App. I LI NER. (Internal Sleeve). 1.2: 3. 1.8.c: 3.1.8. i: 3A. B. b: 3.4. B.c: 4.5 .3: 4. 10: 4.10.2: 8.3 LINER. Thickness (Recommended). 4.10.2 Vibr.llion (Flow) (Sec Vibr.llion) LIQ UID PENETRANT EXA MI NATION. 7. 1.2 LOADS. External. 2.3: 5.4: 9.2.1 Intt!mled iate A nchor. 2.10. 1.1 Main Anchor. Pipe Alignment Guide. 1.10.2 MAGNETIC PARTIC LE EXA MINATION. 7. 1.4 MA IN ANCHOR (See Anchor. Main) MANU FACTU RI NG. 6. 16 MASS S PECTROM ETER EXAMINATION. 7.1 .7 MATERIAL. Bellows (See 8ello",s. Material) h'IEAN ( PITCH) DIAMETER. Angular Rot:1I1on Ratio. 1.3 Bcllo",s Constants. Fig. 4.16 through Fig. -L 19 Effect j\e Area 1.3 Equation for. 1.3 force/Moment Calcu lation. Eq. 4-15 through Eq. 4-18: F!g. 4 .2 through Fig. 4.5: App. C Internal Pressure Fon:e 1.3 Inplanc Instability 1.3 Membrane Stres.<;, 4. 13: Eq. 4·27 through Eq. 4-33 Mo\ emcnt Calcul::ltion. 4.1 through -1.-1: Eq. 4-1 through Eq. 4- 13: Fi g. -1.1 through Fig. 4.5 Spring Rate. -1.9; -1. 10; I:q. -I-19Ihrough Eq . -1-26; FIg. 4.X Thinning. 1.3 Vibration, Eq. 4-20: Eq. -1-21: Eq. 4-22: Eq. 4-23 Index-4 ~ Expansion Joint Manufacturers A~socjallon, Inc. WW\\ STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOI NT MANU FACTURERS ASSOC IATION. INC. INDEX MEDIA. FLOWING. 3.I.B.b: 3.I.B.h: 3.1.0.a: 4.10.1 MEMBERSHIP. Companies. (iii) Technical Conuniuee. (ii i) f>,IEMBRANE STRESS. (See Slress) MERIDIONAL YIELD RUPTURE TESTING. 7.3 .3 MINOR'S C RlTERJ A. CU MULATIVE FATIG UE. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY. Table V MOMENT. App. C Angular. -1.6.1: Eq. 4-16: Fig. 4.3: 5.4; Eq. 5-16: Eq. 5-\7 Lateral. 4.6.1: Eq. 4-15: Fig. 4.4: Fig. 4.5: 5.4: Eq. 5-14: Eq. 5-15 MON ITOR. BELLOWS. Muhi-ply, 3.l.D.c MOVEMENT. Angular Rotation, 1.2: 2.3; 2.7: 2.8: 2. Eq. 4-3: Eq. 4-4: Fig. 4.3: S.l.e: App. II Axial. 1.2: 2.2: 2.4: 2.6: 2.10.2; Eq. 4-1; Eq. 4-2; Fig. 4.2: 5. La: 5.1 b Calcu lation. 4. 1: 4.6.1: App. C Calcu lation (Sample). App. J Ex. 9: App. J Ex. 10 Cold Spring. 4.5 Combined. 2.3; 4.2; Eq. 4-8; Eq. 4-9: App. J Ex. 9 Design.3.I. B.g lndicators. 1.2 Lateral. 1.2: 2.3; 2.4: 2.7:; Eq. 4-5: Eq. 4-6: Eq. 4-7: Fig. 4.4: Fig. 4.5; 5.1.d: 5.I.c: App J Ex. 10 Misalignment . 3.I.B.g; 3.4. B.b: 3.5.A.h; 8.3 Precompression. 3.4.8.c: App. J Ex. II Range. 4.3: Rated. 1.2: 4.2: Eq. 4-10; Eq. 4-11: Eq. J-4: Eq. J-5 Torsional Rotation. 1.2; 2.10.2: 3. I. B.3: 4.13.-\ MULTI-PLY BELLOWS. 3.I.D.c; 9.1 "lOME;\CLATURE. BELLO\\,S. 1.3 Design Equations. 4.13.1; 4.13.2: 4.13.3 Forcl:s & Moments, 1.3: App, C NON-DESTRLCTIVE TEST ll\G. (See Testing) PACKI;\IG. (Packagmg) (Sce Shipping) PAJ\TOGRAPIlIC LINKAGE. 1.2: Fig. 2. 15 PIt\:S. Gimbal. 1.2: 9.1.3.I.c Hmgc. 1.2: 9,2.J.I.b PIPE ALIGNME~T GUlDE, 1.2: 2.2: Fig, 2, I: Fig. 2.2; Fig. 2.3: Fig. 2.4: Fig. 2.5; Fig. 2.6: Fig. 2.7: 2.3: Fig. 2.9: Fig. 2.10: Fig. 2.17: Fig. 2.19: Fig. 2.20: Fig. 2.21: Fig. 2.24: Fig. 2.25: I: 2.10.2: 3.I.B,a; 3.1.C: 3.4.B.d; 8.3 Planar. 1.2: Fig. 2.11; Fig. 2.12: Fig. 2.13: Fig. 2.14: Fig. 2.22: Fig. 2.23: Fig. 2.24; Fig. 2.25: Fig. 2.26; Fig. 2.28: Fig. 2.29: 2.10.2 Spacing. Fig. 2.3: Eq. 2-7: Fig. 2.31 PIPE SECTIOt\. 1.2 PIPE SUPPORTS. 2.1: 2.10.2: 2.10.3: 3. I.B.a: 3.I.C: 3.-\.B.d PIPE. THERMAL EXPANSIQi\. (See Thennal E:\pansion) PLATE FLAt\GES. (See Fabrication. Expansion Joinl) PNEUMATIC. Fanning, BellO\\!>. 6.16,4 Testing. 7.2. 1 PRECOMPRESSION. (See abo Cold Spring), 3.4.8.c: 8.3: App. J E:\ II PRESERVATIO;\ AND PACKAGING. 6.13; 8 PRESS BRAKE FORMI'\C. Rectangular Bellow!>. 6.16,H PRESSURE. Design (See Bellows. Design) EXlemal. 4.15 Testing (See Testing) PRESSuRE BALANCED EXPA!\SIO,\ JOJI\T. (See hpansion Joint) W\\ (" Expansion Joint r..lanufacturers Association. Inc. Index-5 STANDARDS OF TH E EXPANS ION JOI NT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIAT ION, INC PRESSU RE STRESS. (St.-e Stress) PRESSU RE T HR UST. 1.1; 2.2: 2.5: 2.6; 2.7: 2. JO. 1.2. I : J.l. D.b: -U 5.1: 9.2: Apr. J PURGE CONNECT IONS. 1.2 QUAL ITY ASSURANCE, 6. 1 through 6.15 Manufacturi ng. 6.1 through 6.4: 6.6; 6.8: 6. 10: 6.1~ through 6.17: 7 RADIOGRAPHIC EX AM I NAT I O~. 7.1.1 RATED MOVEMENT. (See MO\ement) RECTANGU LAR EX PANSION JO INT. Beam l\'lode Pressure Deflection. Eq. 5-31. Eq. 5-33 Bending. Longitudinll i. Pressure. Eq. 5-22: Eq . 5-23 Bending. Meridional. De fl ection. Eq. 5-30 Bend ing. Meridional. Pressure. Eq. 5-28 Combined Movements. 5.2 Convolution Profiles. Fig. 5.9 Comers. Fig. 5. 10 Design. 5 Fatigue Life, Eq. 5-35 Forces & Moments. 5.4: App. C Fonning.6. 16.8 Longlludi nal. Pressure. Eq. 5-22 M OH~me nt C:l lcubtion. App. J Ex. 10 Movement Equations. 5. 1 Movement R:mgc. 5.3 Nomenclature:. 1.3 Perfonnance Equations. 5.5 Single. 5.I.c: Fig. 5. 1: Fig. 5.3 Spring Rate. Eq. 5-36 Universal. 5.I.b: 5. I.c: 5. I.d REINFORCED BELLOWS. (Sec Bellows. Reinforced) RI NG. Equa lizing (Control), 1..2: 4.1: Fig. 4.14 G imb;l l, 1.2: 9.:!.3.l.c Reinforcing, 1.2: Fig. 4. 14 · RO DS. Control. 1.2: 2.5: Fig. 2. 16A Li mit, 1.2: Fig. 2.16A: 3.I. D.b Tie. 1.2; 2.4: Fig. 2.11 : Fig. 2. 12: 1.5; Fig. 1.13: Fig.2, 16A: 2.6: 2. 10. 1 I: 4.15.1: Fig. 6.7: Fig. 6.8: 9.2: 9.2.3. La: Fig, 9.1: Tie. Minimum Size (Rcconlln t:nded), Fig. 9.2 ROLL FORM ING. Bellows, 6. 16.5; 6. 16.6 ROTATIONAL MOV EMENT, (See Movement, .A..ngular Rotation) (See Torsiona l Mo' ement) SAFETY RECOMMENDATIO NS. 3 SERV ICE COND ITIONS. TypicaL J SHI PP ING, 6. 13: 8 Devices (B3rs), 1..2 : J ..l.8.f: 8.2 Tag...., 3.4.A: 8.1 SHROUD. EXTERNAL. (See Cover) SINGLE BELLOWS. Vibration (See Vibration) SJ!\GLE BELLOWS EXPANSION JOI NT. (See Expansion Joim) SLEEVE, INTERNAL. (See Liner) SLID ING ANCI-IOR. (See Andlllr. Sliding) SPECIFICATION. DES IGN. (Seo:: Bdlo\\:.. De:.ign) SPECIF ICATION SHEET, App. A SPR"C'RATt., (See Be llows. Sprmg Rate) SQU IRM . STA BILITY . BELLOWS. (See Bellows, Stability (Instability)) STORAGE. Expansion Joinl. 6. 13: 8 \:') Expansion Joint Manuf:lclurers Associ.uion. Inc. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC INDEX STRESS. Allowablc.~.I:!. Ana lysis ...U 2: Bending . Merid ional. Deflection. -I.. [2: 4. [2.5<1: Eq. 4-33: Eq. 4-47 Bending.. h1cridionul. Pressure.. 4.12: ..I. 12.1.3: 4.12.5a: Eq. 4-31: Eq. 4--45 C ircumferemial (See Stress. Hoop) Component Design Limits. Corrosion (See Corrosion) Hoop. 4.12: Eq.4-27: Eq. 4<~M; Eq. 4-29: Eq. 4-38: Eq. 4-39: Eq. 4-4 [: Eq. 4--41 LImit. ComponeD!. Table II Membrane. Meridional , Deflection. 4.12: -t.12.' A: Eq 4-31: Eq 4...Ui Membmne. Meridional. Pressure. 4.12: Eq. 4-30: Eq. 4-44 rvlembra ne, Pressure. Fastener. 4.12: Eq. 4-B Range. Rectangu lar Expansion Joinl. (See Rectangular Expansion Joint) Toroidal 8ellO\\5.. Eq. 4-51 through Eq. 4-58 STRESS RELIEF. (See Bellows.lleat Treatment) SU PPORTS. Pipe (See Pipe SupPOr1s) SW ING. Bars. 2.5 SWING EX PA ~SION JOINT. (See Expansion Jom!) SYMB OLS. EXPA "JSION JOII\TS. App_ B SYSTEM O PERAT ro r-.;. 3.7.E TAGS. SHIPPI l\G. (See Shipping) TANGENT: BELLOWS. (Sec Bellows. Tangent) Collar (See Bellows. Tangent collan TEC HNICAL Il\QUIRIES. App. E TEM PERATURE. Design (See BellO\.. s Design) (Sce Installation) TESTI'\G. 4.11.1; 7 Air Jet Le3k Exammat ion. 7.I .R Correlation. 4.12.1 .8 Destructi\e. 7.3: Tuble I Faugue. 7.3.1. App. F; App. G F lu or~sccnt Penetrant Examination. 7. 1.3 I ialogen Leak Exammallon. 7. 1.6 Hydrostatic. 3.5: 3.6: 7.2.1 Liquid Penetrant Exammation. 7.1.2 Magnetic Particle Examination. 7.IA Mass Spcl:trometcr Examination. 7. 1. 7 Meridional Yield Rupture. 7.3.3 \'on Destmcti .. e. 7. 1: 7.2 Pneumatic. 7.2.1 Pressure. 3.I.B.d: 3.1.C; 3.5: 3.6; 7.2.1: 7.3.3 Radiographic Examination. 7. 1 I Squinn.7.3.2 Ultrasonic Exammation. (See Ultrasonic Examination) THERl\-IAL EXPANSIO,. Pipe. "2.1: App. J Ex. II: Table IV TIE RODS. (See Rods) TOLERA'>:CES. FABRICATI'\G. (See FabricatIon. bpansion Joint) TOROIDAL BELLOWS. (See Bello\\s. Toroidal) TORS IO'AL ROTATIO:-..:. 1.2: 2.10.2: 3.I.B.a; 4.13.4 w\\ {' Expansion Joim ManufactureT:l. Association. Inc. lndex-7 STAN DARDS OF T H E EX PANS ION JOINT MA NU FACTU RERS ASSOCIA TION. INC. ULTRASON IC EXAM INATION. 7.1.5 U BALANCED FORCES. (See Force. unbalanced) UNIVERSAL EXPANS ION JOINT. (Sec Expansion Join!. Uni\crsal) Vibration (See Vibration) UNREINFORCED B ELLOWS. (See Bellows. Unreinforced) VAN STONE FLANG ES. (See fab rication. Expansion Joints). (See Flanges. Van Stone) VIBRATION. 2.7: 3.1.B.c: 3.I.B.j: 3.7.C.a: J.7.D.d: 3.7.F.g: 4.9 Dual Bellows. (Universal Expansion Joint), 4.9.1: Eq. -1-2 [: Eq. 4-22: Eq. 4-23 External (Flow Induced). 4. 11 Liner (Flow Induced), "'.IO. I.b; -t IO.I.d: -t. IO.2.a: -l.IO.2.h Single Bellows.4.9.1. Eq. 4-19. Eq. 4-20 WARRANTY. (ii): 8.5 WELD ENDS. (Sec Fabricat ion. Expansion Joints) WELDING, 1.2; 2. 10.2; 3.7.F.h; 6. J I: 6.16.5: 6.17: 8.5; 9.4: App. 0 : App. F-2.1 ~, E;"p:.11Isiun joint ~o\anufucturers Association. inc.