Detailed Lesson Plan
Physical Education
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
A. Describes the meaning and importance of managing lifestyle.
B. Understands risk factors for lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, heart
Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Lifestyle and Managing It.
B. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Visual Aids, Activity Cards, Video
C. References:
 Physical Education Curriculum Guide
 Physical Education and Health 10, pp. 2-12
D. Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Demonstrating, Inferring,
E. Values Integration: Importance of managing lifestyle
Procedure/Strategies of Teaching
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good Morning Class!
2. Prayer
Ms. Garcia kindly led the prayer.
Good morning Sir!
“Classmates are you ready
to pray?”
“Yes, we are”.
In the of the Father, of
the Son, Of the Holy Spirit.
Our Father who art in
Heaven, hallowed be thy
name, thy kingdom come thy
will be done on earth as it is
in Heaven
Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us
our sins as we forgive those
who sins against us. Do not
bring us to the test but deliver
us from evil, Amen. In the
name of the Father of the
Son of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
3. Arranging of Chairs
Everybody kindly arranges your chairs and sit
4. Checking of Attendance
May I know who are absent today?
No one, Sir!
Row 1
No one, Sir!
Row 2
No one, Sir!
Row 3
Very Good! It’s nice to hear that no one is
B. Recapitulation
Yes, Sir.
Mr. Troyo, can you give me some recap on what Last meeting, I learned that
you have learned from our discussion last the different systems of our
body are very important as a
human being and we must
take good care of it.
C. Motivation
Class, I have different pictures. (Post the
 What you observed on the pictures?
What was it all about?
Yes, that’s right!
 What do you understand about
D. Presentation/Discussion
The way in which an individual lives is called
lifestyle. This includes the typical patterns of an
individual’s behavior like everyday routine at home,
in school, or at work; eating, sleeping, and exercise
habits, and many others. These patterns of behavior
are related to elevated or reduced health risk.
Teenagers like you may have practices or habits
at home or in school that either elevate or reduce
Sir, the pictures show
different lifestyle of a person
and how they manage it
Sir, lifestyle for us is the way
an individual life. It includes
the typical patterns of an
individual’s behavior like
everyday routine and all.
health risks. Do you spend a lot of your time at home
just sitting down and doing nothing? Do you move a
lot by helping out at home, cleaning your house for
example? Do you love eating fruits and vegetables?
Or do you prefer junk food or fast food? Teenagers
like you should be more aware on ow your
nutritional practices can affect your health.
Managing your lifestyle entails making
modifications in your routine especially in those
aspects that elevate health risks. Food choice,
physical activity, and eating habits are some of the
aspects of your lifestyle that can be modified to
improve it. These modifications should be done
gradually, like reducing the intake of fatty food,
getting up to reach for something instead of asking
someone to get it for you, or walking faster and more
often. The idea is that for health risks to be reduced,
changes in your lifestyle should be made.
Risk factors are variables in your lifestyle that
may lead to certain diseases. Many aspects of your
lifestyle can be considered risk factors. Aside from
genetics or heredity, age and physical make-up are
some of the factors that cannot be changed;
however, your lifestyle can go around these factors
to gain more benefits. For instance, you cannot stop
the aging process, but you can delay the signs of
aging from showing by being more active and
avoiding vices.
The other variables in your lifestyle, however,
can be modified to achieve a healthier life. Such
variables include nutrition, body weight, physical
activity, and healthy habits. What should be kept in
mind is that these variables bring with them risk
factors that are serious concerns. Some of the risk
factors associated with lifestyle variables include
hypertension/ high blood pressure, overweight and
obesity, excess body fat, high levels of stress, lack
of exercise and sedentary lifestyle, smoking,
An unhealthy lifestyle brings with its certain
diseases that can shorten your lifespan. These
diseases, known as non-communicable diseases
(NCDs), are not transmitted from person to person,
yet kill more than 36 million people each year. Also
called chronic diseases, they are of long duration,
and are generally of slow progression. The four
main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases
(like enlargement of the heart and hypertension),
cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as
chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma),
and diabetes.
All age groups are affected by NCDs, although
they are often associated with older age groups.
Evidence shows that more than nine million of the
deaths attributed to NCDs occur before the age of
60. Children and adults are vulnerable to the risk
factors that lead to non-communicable diseases,
whether from unhealthy diet, physical inactivity,
exposure to tobacco smoke, or the harmful effects
of alcohol.
It is important these factors are addressed even
at your teenage years. You could start by being
more active, adding physical activity sessions to
your daily routine, or by being a healthy eater,
opting for more nutritious food.
Activity 1. Race to Connect
 Manila paper
 Masking tape
 Chairs
 Words and pictures posted on chairs
1. Form a group with 5 to 8 members each.
2. Each group races to stand behind the chair
with the word that they think significantly
connects weight to lifestyle. Only one group
can occupy a chair. Groups could switch
places until the signal to stay is given.
3. Discuss your group’s choice of word or
picture. Categorize your choice: Is it about
nutrition/food, or physical activity/ exercise?
Activity 2. What Is It for You?
 Manila paper
 Masking tape
 Pen
 Activity notebook
1. Form groups of 5 to 8 members each.
2. Using a concepts map, writs words
associated with “lifestyle’ inside the circles.
You may add more if necessary. Do this in
your activity notebook.
3. Focus on the following:
 Describe the words given.
 What were the words commonly
given by the group? Why do you
think these words were given?
 What words were mentioned only
once? Are these words important?
4. Define “lifestyle” based on the words given by
each member.
5. Chooses one representative to do the
presentation for 3 minutes.
Ms. Pardilla, what can you say about the activity that Sir!! The activity was so fun.
you and your classmates have done today?
Not only did we enjoyed it,
we also learned so much
from these.
Very Good! Class, let us give an around of applause
to Ms. Pardilla. Thank you, Ms. Pardilla you may
take your seat.
Mr. Rojas can you please give a summary about our
discussion today?
Managing your lifestyle
entails making modifications
in your routine especially in
those aspects that elevate
health risks. An unhealthy
lifestyle brings with its
certain diseases that can
Good Job! Class let us also give an around of shorten your lifespan.
applause to Mr. Rojas. Thank you, Mr. Rojas.
What is lifestyle? Yes, Ms. Marina?
Lifestyle is how you live your
Very Good! Let us give her an around of applause! life. What you eat and what
you do most of the day.
Thank you!
Do you really understand the topic today?
Is, there any questions regarding our topic for
Ms. Demate, what are the things we should do on
managing our lifestyle?
Yes, Sir!!!
None, Sir!!!
entails making modifications
in your routine especially in
those aspects that elevate
health risks. The things we
can do to manage our
lifestyle properly is that
choosing the right food,
doing physical activity, and
healthier eating habits can
improve our lifestyle. These
modifications should be
done gradually, like reducing
the intake of fatty food,
getting up to reach for
something instead of asking
someone to get it for you, or
walking faster and more
often. The idea is that for
health risks to be reduced,
Class, I want to congratulate you all for a job well changes in your lifestyle
done. To those who volunteered in answering should be made.
questions, you will receive additional points, but for
those who did not, still continue to strive and try
harder next time. I just want you to learn more about
this subject. God Bless Everyone!
Essay type
1.) What should be done to avoid chronic
2.) How can we manage our lifestyle properly?
Assignment no. 1
For your assignment cut out at least 5 pictures of
chronic diseases and explain how you can prevent
this from happening. Write it in short bond paper.
Assignment no. 2
Product-oriented Performance Task
Task: Create a scrapbook about different kinds of
chronic diseases and use an indigenous material for
it. The output will be graded based on the rubrics
attached below.
At least 4 accurate facts of information regarding on
the picture in the scrapbook.
Selection, combination of color, size, design and
arrangement of the picture contribute exactly
information and the overall is very creative and nice.
At least 3 accurate facts of information regarding on
the picture in the scrapbook.
Selection, combination of color, size, design and
arrangement of the picture are eye catching and
contribute exactly information.
At least 2 accurate facts of information regarding on
the picture in the scrapbook.
Selection, combination of color, size, design and
arrangement of the picture are present but do not
contribute information regarding of the picture.
At least 1 accurate facts of information regarding on
the picture in the scrapbook.
Selection, combination of color, size, design and
arrangement on the picture are misleading.