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Cycle 4 Curriculum: English, Humanities, Indonesian

Cycle 4 English is the first stage of High School English that aims to transition students from primary
school and prepare them for the challenges that senior English will throw at them. Students increase
their proficiency with English skills and begin to understand the depth and breadth of information
that texts can contain. Cycle 4 is focused on developing students writing and analysis skills. Students
begin writing increasingly complex responses and developing their ability to apply their knowledge
of texts in their writing.
In Term 1, Students will explore the role of the storyteller and the story in society. Through
responding to a variety of stories from around the world in a range of modes and media students
will develop an appreciation of story and develop an understanding of the features of engaging
stories. They will compose their own imaginative texts and present one of them using a multimodal
presentation. Students will be given the opportunity to seek ways in which they can publish their
work, either locally, or ore broadly.
This unit is a study of the Viking culture during the period of AD 790 – c.1066. Students will explore
the way of life of the Viking societies of this period, focusing on cultural elements such as social and
political structures, the role of religion and the economic foundations of the Viking people. Students
will also look at the reasons for Viking expansion and the impact of the Viking invasions of England
and Northern Europe. The topic will explore written evidence from primary and secondary sources
as well as a range of archaeological evidence of weaponry, shipbuilding and manufacturing
This Term in Indonesian, Cycle 4 will learn to describe their family and home and learn about
Indonesian traditional houses. They will make a family tree, learn to discuss the makeup of their
immediate family, and the different rooms of a house. Students will be invited to play games, carry
out investigations into Indonesian culture, and learn about the dynamics of Indonesian family life.