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Visual Vernacular Assignment

Visual Vernacular Assignment
Fast Facts on Visual Vernacular:
a different kind of storytelling primarily performed by Deaf Artists from all over the
does not use any forms of sign languages
a mixture of poetry, mime, and cinematographic/theatre techniques
strong movement
iconic signs
facial expressions
Go to Google Doc (Links to an external site.). and pick one video from the list
to write a brief reflection (thoughts and reactions) in this discussion.
Students are to observe and make notes of what they have observed.
This is counted as an observation activity.
The paper needs to be a full page
5 points- 1. What is VISUAL VERNACULAR?
5 points- 2. Name of the Visual Vernacular Performer & their TITLE.
5 points- 3. A short summary of the VV video (what is it about?)
5 points- 4. List of two or more things you have learned from observing.