معهد اإلسكندرية العالى للهندسة والتكنولوجيا Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology STATICS ME001 دكتورمهندس استشارى /سامح توفيق عبد الفتاح 1 Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 1 المحاضرة الثانية Lecture (2) Force Vectors (Scalars and Vectors( Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 2 2 Lecture Objectives To show how to add forces and resolve them into components using the Parallelogram Law. ■ ■ To express force and position in Cartesian vector form and explain how to determine the vector’s magnitude and direction. ■ To introduce the dot product in order to determine the angle between two vectors or the projection of one vector onto another. Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 3 3 Scalars and Vectors Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 4 4 Scalars A scalar Is any positive or negative physical quantity that can be completely specified by its magnitude . Examples of scalar quantities: length, mass, and time Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 5 5 Vectors A vector is any physical quantity that requires both a magnitude and a direction for its complete description. Examples of vectors encountered in statics are: position, force, and moment Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 6 6 Vector Graphical Representation - A vector is shown graphically by an arrow. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the vector. The angle between the vector and a fixed axis defines the direction of its line of action . Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 7 7 Scalars &Vector Writing Representation In print , vector quantities are represented by boldface letters such as A , and the magnitude of a vector is italicized, A . A A Vector Quantity Scalar Quantity For handwritten work it is often convenient to denote a vector quantity by simply drawing an arrow on it 𝐴 Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 8 8 Vector Operations 1- Multiplication and Division of a Vector by a Scalar. - If a vector is multiplied by a positive scalar, its magnitude is increased by that amount. - Multiplying by a negative scalar will also change the directional sense of the vector. Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 9 Graphic examples 9 Vector Operations 2-Vector Addition All vector quantities obey the parallelogram law of addition Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 10 10 Vector Operations 2-1 Special case of Vector Addition If the two vectors A and B are collinear Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 11 11 Vector Operations 3-Vector Subtraction Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 12 12 Practical Examples Vector Addition of Forces The parallelogram law must be used to determine the resultant of the two forces acting on the hook. Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 13 13 Using the parallelogram law the supporting force (F) can be resolved into components acting along the (u) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 14 and (v)axes . 14 Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 15 15 - The magnitude of the resultant force can be determined using the law of (cosine) - The direction is determined from the law of (sine). - The magnitudes of two force components are determined from the law of (sine) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 16 16 Solved Example The screw eye in the shown figure is subjected to two forces, (F1) and (F2). Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force (FR). Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 17 17 Given:F1 = 100 N , 15O with (X) axis F2 = 50 N , 10O with (Y) axis Required The magnitude & direction of (FR) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 18 18 Solution The two unknowns are the magnitude of (FR ) and the angle (θ) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 19 19 Then the final required is of (FR ) & (ϕ) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 20 20 Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 21 20 Assignment Dr\ Sameh Tawfik Solve all problems of sheet (2) Dr\ Sameh Tawfik مع أطيب تمنياتي بالتوفيق دكتورمهندس استشارى /سامح توفيق عبد الفتاح 28 Dr\ Sameh Tawfik 24