A STUDY ON REPLACEMENT OF EXCISE DUTY BY GST ON PETROL PRICES RAKSHITH.A, KIRAN CHOWRAPPA.A, NAVEENa.N Ii m.com Under the guidance of : Supervisior: dr.s.Rosaline jayanthi Date of submission: 10.12.2021 (Students, Department of Master of Commerce, St. Francis De Sales College, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka) OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To Analyze the factors influencing the petrol price. To find the petrol price under GST. To Know why state Govt. opposing. To Know current tax rate on petrol. Abstract Goods and Services Tax is a single indirect tax levied on both goods and servies at national level. GST is formed in India from 1st July 2017,there are some products which are not included in GST such as petrol ,diesel, alcohol. The aim of study is how the pricing of petrol efforts under the GST INTRODUCTION: Under the existing tax system for indirect taxes number of indirect taxes are levied and collected by both central and state governments. The introductions of the Goods and Services tax would be a very significant steps in the field of indirect tax reforms in India GST is a larger concept that has huge tax structure to boost the economic growth OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To Analyze the factors influencing the petrol price. To find the petrol price under GST. To Know why state Govt. opposing. To Know current tax rate on petrol. There are factors influencing the petrol price. COST OF CRUDE OIL DEALER COMMISION CENTRAL EXISE DUTY VALUE ADDED TAX TAX IMPOSED BY STATE GOVERNMENT DEMAND OF FULE CALCULATION OF PETROL PRICE UNDER GST CRUDE OIL TO FINAL FULE PRICE JANUARY 2022 International Price Of Crude Oil 80 £ per Barrel Currency Exchange Rate RS.74.57/USD Crude Oil in Indian Currency RS.5965 1 Barrel of Crude Oil 159 Crude Oil-Cost Per Liter RS.37.51 Petrol price as per January 95.41 PER LITER Petrol Price Under GST Price brake up per liter Amount Oil prices for companies 42.93 Add: Marketing cost 2 Cost price for bunk dealer 44.93 Add: 28% of GST 12.58 Price after GST 57.51 Add: compensation tax on suvs 12.65 Add: Dealers commission 3.62 Retail selling price after GST 73.78