はじ にほんたいざい 初めての日本滞在 “My First Stay in Japan” アヤラー No matter how much we want to, not all things in life happen just they way we wanted it to. Did you every lose your way, but found somebody to give you directions? Did you ever lose your wallet but it was returned to you safe and sound? These may be simple events in life, but what did you feel afterwards? Life may not always go our way but it is just a matter of perspective. With an open eye to see and an open heart to appreciate what is good in the “bad”, we can always turn these “bad” into good lessons. AWS Confidential 1 Name: Maria Irah Du Nickname: Irah Age: 24 Dev: C Why I study Japanese: I wanted to watch anime without reading the subtitle First Manga Read: 絶対彼氏(ぜったい かれし) “Absolute Boyfriend” AWS Confidential 2