EL 342 ELECTRONICS II INSTRUCTOR: MISS YUM LAB # 2 Statistical Hypothesis Testing to determine the temperature (heat) effect on the Parameter β (hfe) of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To perform experiment to collect IC and IB before and after heat treatment To determine Parameter β (hfe) based on IC and IB before and after heat treatment To apply statistical analysis on “before and after” treatment data pairs samples To draw conclusion about the difference between the two sample means To establish the null and alternate hypotheses To apply hypothesis testing Background: Hypothesis testing is a powerful technique uses by many scientists, researchers and engineers to make a decision concerning the value of a parameter. Hypothesis testing concerns only one set of sample data is very common, however, many statistical application employs paired data samples to draw conclusions about the difference between two population means. Data pairs happen very naturally in “before and after” situations, where the same “object of investigation” is measured both before and after a treatment. I: Definition Paired data sample is obtained when the same “object of investigation” in this case the same NPN BJT has undergone before (room temperature) and after (heat transmitted from body between two fingers) treatment. II: Experimental BJT Test Circuit III: Set up Test Procedures (1) Measure all resistors namely RB1, RB2, RC, and record them in an Excel file. (2) Set VCC to 10V, measure the exact value of VCC and record it in the Excel file. (3) Adjust the 10KΩ potentiometer until VCE is 5V. (4) Measure and record the exact values of VA, VB, and VCE in the Excel file (before: room temp). (5) Hold the BJT between your fingers (Heater) for two minutes without disturbing the rest of the circuit. Heater, you are transmitting your body heat to the BJT under test. (6) Measure and record the exact values of VA, VB, and VCE in the Excel file (after: heat treatment) (7) Remove and replace the tested BJT with another BJT sample that you may obtain from the Sample controller. Sample controller tape the tested BJT on a large sheet of paper and label the sample#. (8) Repeat step (3) to (7) until all the samples are tested. 1 EL 342 ELECTRONICS II INSTRUCTOR: MISS YUM Table 1: Assigned Groups and individual responsibility Description of Responsibility Group#1 Data controller: Create Excel File, record William measurement and enter equations for calculations of β (hfe) based on the experimental data Sample Controller: Control Samples & assist Matt Circuit Setup person (heater) Heater, Circuit Setup & test BJTs: Set up Circuit, Huang perform experiment to obtain IB and IC before and after heat treatment of BJT Group#2 Andrew Group#3 Kenley Group#4 Luke Samantha Chris Luke Todd Joonsoo Brady Miss Yum’s Comments: In order to perform the experiment smoothly as a team each student is assigned to a specific responsibility as depicted in Table 1. Each student is encouraged to work with your team members without reservation. A good team is like a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly and seamlessly. 2